NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 12,000,000 AGUES ! Cheap Farms J Tli cheapest Land In market for Ml by the UNION PACIFIC RAIL ROAD CO In ilia Ureal Platte Valley 8000,000 Acres In Central Nebraska Ntw for sale In tract of forty r And upward an five and tea credit act) percent- Mo advance iut.Tewt rerpured U itd end ncaUhlal elir ate, fertile soli, anabund anceofrosMl water. Til BRST MAHKET IM TUB WEST! The pre-it mlam;- rasrioas or U yomiti.?, Colorado, lit in Aud Nevada beini; supplied by lb farmere in the SOLDIKHf? ENTHLKD TO A IIOME STEAD OF 160 AGUES. tHEBRST LOCATIONS tOK COIaONIH. FKRBU'lMESFOIt ALU lltlllone of new of ehoioa Unvernmeut Mods open for entry imler the llomerail Uaw. near una bnai tiaiiroud, win iptod marketa and all the conveniencee of ,an old setttid country. Free basses lo purchasers of Itailrond tsavl. Sectional Mips showing the Isind, ami new ediUoa of Descriptive l-amphiet With new Hap jiuiiesi free B.veiywnre AddriM O. K. DAVIS, LANDCOMMISSIONKa U., OMAll K, NEB. A GREAT OFFER!"4 IIOU- ACH V ATl-ilt V. HON. 4W1 B'wnv, JV. Y.. will dispone of IU0 PIANOS Jt ORGANS of FIRST CLASH MiiKltS.lnOllldillg WATERS' at kxtiibuelt t.uw miens Kim cash, or part Cash, utid balance la bmam. MONTHLY payments'. NEW 7-OcTAVK FIRST t'l.AHK PIANOS. AM. MO J) KILN IMHROVK utiNTW, ritrJII!2T eb. Organs jliSff, $76 noilhl.K RKEDaMOANR.glOtl 4 sioi', $1.10; s stop, i3i-2., ami upwardt. WATERS tCONCERTO PARLOR OR GANS are the most RKAUTirui. m styi.k and i-kr-KUCT in TONK KVKll Mi UK. Tim CONCEIi TO STOP la thtt iikht kvkh plac-hii l axv Oriian I: is produced iiy a ihir.l set ol loeds PEuci.tAiti.Y oicuii. the EFFECT" of which la .YiOaT CllAhMlXG and .-(JlT., STIRRING, while n IMIIAIION of the HUMaN YMICK la SUPKRI! Term I.iii KKAf. 1LLUSTUATEU CATALOGUES MAILED lor one stamp' A liber! di cimiit to Ministers. Cnuro'iea, Sunday Schools. Lodu-n", -to AGnNTS WANTED $500,000 CASH! GIFTS TO BE Pall) IN FULL. Third Grmi'l Oift Concert IN 'AID OP TUB 1'ubHc Library of Ky., AY it I be given at tlin ureal hall of, Liliriuy Jtulldtng, at LotiifVHIe. on 'IttDAV, JtLY 8. 1873,' at whicfl titim TEN 'I HVUSAND GIFTS, amountini: lo tr.itx total ol $500. 000, all Cu6l,, will lie (iialrtt.llLed by lot to ticket-holder. N" rerltif lion id atnuuot el gilta it thfa dtatriniitioti, but each glit w'll be p.iid in full. . OhricK of Kadjikiiii' Ditovrits' Ban-it.. ) l.oiimvnn, Kr . Apul 7: IST.t J Thie la to certily iul tbeie in in the Pai tnera' and Droveis' Bank, to I lm credit, ol the Third Grand Gilt Concert for th hne t ol the Publio, I.liuaiy ol.Kv.. Five Jlnu drerl ThouS'itid D.illjtB, wbicn Ima been t-ri apart hy IM Maiuiteia lo pay th gtfta lia full, and Will b bvtd' by the Bank aui paid out lor litis purpose, ami thin purpose only. (Signed.) It. S VEI-XH. Ctabier lust or gih3. OneGrand CD Gilt 'SUoon.ono , fill. (MM! ' 25 (Hill 1 21 1. (1(10 i'l.lliO . ' O.lilltl ; ' -.'l.CDft 25 (MID 32,(MHJ ::u in ii i i),(ino fj'.i.iiiiii . KU.UUI) One Grand Cach Gilt ,. . One Grand aeh'Oilt ' ' One Grand Cah Gilt One Grand ('ash Gift " , One lirand Caali Gilt. . . ' 2i Oanh Giha of $1.(1110 eich fid Caab Gllti of .Mill eacli 80 Caab Gift of JIKI Caeh Giha ot 5l) Caah Gifts of , 590 Caab GiHa of . 9,000 Cub Giha of 4Ht) each Hull eattli 2CI 6J0U , 100 eo I 10 eacb Total, 10,000 Gifts, all Caab . - $5(10,000 Only a tew tieknta remain unsold, and they will be furnisher! to the flrst applicmiiii it His following price': Wbolo ticket, f-10 tales, $j; qii irlvra, $J 50: 11 whnlea ..r SlOil; Mi for ifSOO; 113 lor l.OUO,' and ' 574 lor $5,000. For tickets auil lull ;inlornW lioo, auply lo , ' . , TUOS.: K. BRaMLETTR ( 1 Louisville, ity. or Thna. II. Hay ft Co . CO!) Uroadway, New York. W:nCari 'Agent n this township tooanvasa for the. -new, valuable and fiat sellimr book by Dr. John co;an, j; ffhe Nclence ot'ti.lVew fiifc. Recommended and endorsed by rrominent luluiaiera, physicians, reiioua and secular panirs. No other book lllio It pnliliaoed. IflO per week iruarantoed. ' Ad dress. COW AN.Jfc CO, U9 EtiilnhSt. New Ymk. , 5aS fl (li u h t-O IWih - I'"-" (Mt ' s ;2 -s e 7j K ' 3 -o S a : 'Mix e J - o -i 2 S fc" J ' TELECRA PHY. A necep-ury part of every person's Hncatioo in Una advanced age is the art nf Telegraph Inc. Apply to tbe undersigned lor Smith's Manual ol Telr--raptiy( the best work pul IlKlied on this mlj.-ct. Prlc, 30 eta A! for evt'ry dacrlplioa of Tel-iraplnc Instiii-im-ciia anl Bllnry; Nitm ClMmin ISttrv for i5l-cropiline. I, ( T1LLO TSON A (.'() , 8 ly St . New York. UAI.LACt; A; CO.ilI'AKI V'.S Crcitm Table tiiocoiate No hoilinjt nrc wary. A cop of delicious Ctiocolute uvidrt with il to two minute. No wapte. Packed in pound j irp. Vunill i or u'aia. One duit. in box Uueqiialxd aa a conttclion for luncu, apread on crackeip, with a tl i'a of milk at band lo drink. For minu Scda Water Syrup or flavoring id Cream li in auperinr to any Chocolate tuad aod lor Oncolata Dike, DolhiuK elflfl mil be ud where Iriia I'.aa heen tried. For ! br'CarUEWS & REX3ASIER, Pbila. dulpliiH, Pa. 1 1 AvXT I J r Made Kanidiy wh sn-!il iVJ Uil li I KeyruiicKjomrita. Catalogues ooi lull pirticulms jr.P.K. r. 'iienenr, ? 111 Hanoror 81., Hown. tz K a,Wti a t div I Acinta wanted! All HP imif claoa of wurkiuc neofil' of eitner ax. y mnic or old. tnako nioro nKtm-y at work for u; in tlioir spur mi.netita or ad ine limi than atanytlorn; Particular; froe. Addrea 0. STINaUN On., Portland, Jlalno GET'f YSBDKG '. -KATALYSIKE WATER In ilte tieiirt'Ht approach to n spociflf- cvr iH'covercU for lvnm-t)dit. Neuialtfiri, lihouiiiiitt-ru iioul, Hrnv u!, DitlmtiB, Kidnnv nnd t'rinor )i?tpflpfvi p-m r ally. It rectitrt' nin. uiar twwer tu the Pnm.yHc It curest l.ivor Conipinmt, Chninic Pmrrlirefi, l iici, ( oiiniipniion, AnU:ma, Ctnrrli iinl HfoiirhitU, l s c.ipwiol" the fkirj. 4nrml Iehlty nnd Nfrvou l'roflti-Hiinn fioin'M'-iitnl mid Jiys';il Kxcoi-s. Il U Hit- (iriaiie-t Autido't; over ttincoven-d lr Fx ctwivt' E itinunr Drh kiiu. 'Irjcorrttct the mo. n h 1r m.'t lifccftioii, hu 1 Kolrue tno Ilond f mo-t iptniMi;tf:ly. No him-ehold should bo without it rorpaif ny an imiLri-m i'r For a uUt'i v of ilie Snrlno's. fitr mofitrnl rn- port of lie jiowor of the watur otr dlse'fi, f'r fn:irvll u cure-, UTirt fr ttcmonti' frcm ''A tiiiLnislud m.n. fond f r pmphlpti. WHIi NKY B s , t'Oticrul Agents. S7 bomb Front atrjci Piilindeliihiit, IM. lieityflourg spring jo- 'I'o Advrrttrti'ra. All uerenna who c.M,ti'iii p'atc niakiiiir conrnicia wirh newepttpeM fjr lite J j.,. i mil ui Auvuiiiwiuruie iuuuv Daeu aeo. P. Rowell & Co-, 'nr ft rfr-?iilar, or enclose 95 emits forthrfr One LUi at H 000 Ne-irtponi and iMtimftn sh- iiiir t'itcotof advoriiiiii;. nlo ni-my i:!Hi"iil hii'tti idverlief, ud som ncfount of ih xpfruM "f mm who tire- known us Mici'eitKf u I Advor- CiNvrH. I hiKfirm are )irnir1ft'r of Uii Aiucri ouu Newspaper Atfoatlatng AgMfy, 41 PARK ROY, N, Y TIIK TChPEBO Itobi'i'ts vs. Nirhnhts Gcjer. The I'ollowins In thtt dfci-l.-n iMrlercl.liy JuCo Mi lCnunn, nt M.iy Term of tho Cin uit Court in il.c almvo easy: (n tlio (,'itcuit Court nftlio T nllcd State, In frd f r the Western lll'trict of I'lTn'ylvinia R. A. '1., Huberts va. Kicholi'.a Geyer .No. 1. M:iy Term t87-!.-In K'ltilty Koveniber 21. 1872. Bill tiled and u'tpa:na' la liteil. Sul.povitt ail notice of aiipllcaikn tor pieiimlii aryii.J nn-M.-n s. rvul. Iirccmhi r 13, JKTJ. M'tlon for preMxIna-v In Junction hiarJ. ai.d the fqurt. being duty n.!v-ud in the premises; tha liijtmciiou awarded a. prayed I'd, and ilncrie flieu . Jai.u.iry 11, IST'l. Iteunctltm lusuod, and on the S9.U diyof Jmiiiry inJk'.unj..t survod poia nally and by copy. Niiy 23, 1I3. llulo lajued lor uelondont to sliov cituauwhyHt ai'liineiitriliuuIrl not Nue far ci.nleuii t la violating lnut,c'lm Sud duly ared June 21, ll.T'l. , Unlit fiir'attacllmeut In this eve caiae on to bo hetrd, and nfier r;iinicnt nf c,ihih.j1 pro and con, the Ci urt beini! full advised In the pretid-ca, the lbile iimiauo alwolute. and the aeii tenceiif tha f?onit is', that the aald d'tfjni in, Nlcu oln, (leyer, bn impiioaoned in the uoiaraun Jttil of Alleg rary OAnnty for arid dnrtiiii -ho t jrm of ten duye, aiullliatbo coau of tnlj piuoccd b"g. ' June 2d, 18T3. Coiniiiitciit lasuwl. T'te itijiinctlon in tills cu was f T Infrln-'emunt oftlie lloliuria patent of ( tho Dn l-nt- en ), fur lne.raiui; tiw produciivencas of oil wulla Hi act of Infringement fur which tha difcudent was coimuilied for couteuipt, eonsistod in aitin Aiuxuidiu llarr..,r in txulndiuK tnrpidoos in ol wells beliia; iba same art of Imriimcutunt for whicli Uiimar wna n!o enuiniitted hi the c.aoNo. 3, Jo. retnbjr Term, 1W, as before atniii. Tlio Court McKeaimn, J , it.tiT deliveiliii: ht opinion in tlio llainar ciho, pr,u'ee.l td to N'la'-o ns tSeyer fur coutoniit, anddtliverLiI die ft I tovviuit eitl opinion In the ca-e of Mli-tolas Gejin- cli-irscd ' wltli t.1 e same offenss, I atn erilroly siitlftl d linn there wm- n Id praeeuMu the Iienit w.ill at least, .u 1 him intiaatttl loll,i iutuclut tl,c nurse of tlu: ui jiu nt'ni, the ireMitae a fluid int.'tr aril, whether tin Html or lint, it an Infringement of '.lie ju!e, umla brearh of tlir. injimctiu of lit Court. All- Koti.-i'X, by his p itout usia us una of the prii. clnil oIun,ents of Invention Ilu d tumping. Hand ulimevor llurj la liaid Mifild"iit In :i well, at Ihe liii'.eofn,aeiploiauofa turpeuiH ta.uptmio lis tnnidnK whetb r it us there miinlly ir is put llura aitiaoiully, bia piltut is I il'iioed. This WB. eleailv Hie eieo ia hirail to the fiotlwoll. i : llui .ir (li yov soeius to h.u m n misled liv lla.uar. wlio tuid him Hist ho uuuvlv w,,,,;,,,! ,;, iiin -e un ep, i-'i,k, .i ; ntll noi liiis iM. imoi'lML 1 "'" UM - Vor-' -evereiy He ulsu Is adj: d.'il aniliy f routempt mi l nd. r f ,"-i"i"c.imtvjii, .u li . 11. . wi.l h.t tin-la,, or,,,,,,.,.,.. f i lit- tin ie-cooes t.M.ur not;.... ;;., u e u I , . c itisir .if.. ,1 to iuipo... puio-h.-ii, ni , ,.i :,,", .'.vi-c- -i .' u'.'i'i o'i ol lui Uuiui ii'-o,!, ' v 111:0 I . itu. G. qoRDONltUliDWAUK O-. GOBDOIT, Ket-p? on I..icd Ecrasc ItliL Xew Bedford Bolt Hope Cables and Sand Blimp bnes, RUBBER nELTIXG, PACKING, AND HOSE, Lanterns. Lantern Ciub. ar.K-rjft-r's T!s- Extra Winter Strained I ai-d Oil, T.. I, ,.., i. I UUUll-jUll CVj lAli l tlliS . N"' elty aid t"u ikn Clntli.-s Wr iiReia. the Uktin use, With full line ol Taliie.'and Pocket Cutlery, und S Iver Plan d .Spoons nn(VForl;s, STOVES,- Mra r ,; K sell at old price,. Those .ieXiVa-iM Stove will do well ,o call and examine Ji il lloi With reservoir anil wnrmin-r closet. , a w ild nw w'i'i .;ar..y UKhfilit .-on ii).v wnii or without leseivo'r ui ,,l ,v r MB "lUt'en-CooU. n.dheap first class euiss r -(...ok, a latpe heavy and durable Slove r, fl,r, CJ! vi 'rV'"- '"rh,'! nr"i iscelel.ran-d I. I, ve iiml i heup ties, in price. . , '. V Ileal l SI '!ictt'r Ci Viol-. Inr h-il-'l nr ,ntl I - Uiuuawta-Cml:; a wo,l M,)Vi' wi'th I MY USE OK PAUL OR .HEATERS cannot be eddied .... Paii.irSlovr. who self reeu.oitmr iiie i.,..i;(ui KtU'tO inate l Ioihh ikl'ITf ?I(1i.m I'lii'ime Uir r.....i ii . J ;i'He'tnk-.rllr:ir. , ' UuuU'' '"liioR fin.,, patent .n " liiSlMlAnV:, "ery bea.uif.Vl and powWilhritrr. liuttM- laslil- A chonu cylinder S.vr with will '.. ' .!. Moi.M,-Aeo.ilro,, cylinder at. ,ve. veiy c lea 8rA'6V a, . . . . t oy-.x small sell feeder and f,ilr cii.-Kp 1 - ' 2'. liLh;;?.f:'rlor wltl, oven. ,r Dn;1, ' ion-Hi. lonijj H:ovr, .- a cheajiled r n Si..v. -;-!U--.V elo sp cylinder Stove. Tor herd or Oil I M t ' IM'n . . . " -i ueri-it-li stove. GLOJJK MANUFAC tioii-r.. on ... I...V..V.-. si.v.hd .H:tU(( nrlr OA I A a ViKt.-- CUUSIdrivd iIim oh... , 1 ... i... . ..' ' ' .... . r . v 1 ""' "ow iuT:urii!gofal kinds'done AND OIL WKLh Sf rPMBK"'"" ' r ' ' a full linoJ-f Goods. Casino, Go5 Pips locking nrriKLS, tubixg asd' . Valves. valve cup5, clavps Lubricatinc: Oii, No. 1 liefined Oil, STOVES m t IS ' fi o,,,. a ni,,"' tyT'a VVTll" ,v elocs, o J bl'.M.ow, ag list ; " T-l CNi KdGaOye Cist class Slove for bard roal orVoer, rv,,ir a.l .,,, Ini, c!nsf ,.nf !,,,; '- '-'"'a cne.Mi,r,t class Stove Slov . - "T t atn ni soft Coal.' - inve. I..e hnr.t . ii. ..i, S"""i'en oa a frooi.' ..-.m t ... Z , .' ",,nt v and very carat). ,,, ,..! '" '-ltlf ill keif eiiniMio,,,,,!, ml paiento.inker lr, ? f -sen ,ee,ler Parlor lle,,-r wit,;, -;,,.-, feedci iliUD, . sn pi r,,r rterrieVs and l ole'a HliATlIR-Jj. ur storea aud olllces. - I UBER OK WARE -a MADK TO oi;i.i.i. -iO SlYh "i ufe, ' -'u.ait.ii or p.mnt yaly,.., , tth nea i:ess and dispatch. Gtand Opening ! OF CARPETS, " : $AMUEL& BROS., Ur.ts.iinrtoji Stru t, " itrok'iim Centrp.' Vt present Ihr prevailing topic of conver je.non appears lo "uow- soon are jou djioj- to itiitvt to Butler!" . W desira l In litl'orM, ttit , .... . . ...,v., ,aiiuueanu lite il.lic at (ai -se that wr do not Intend to Are from Petroleum Centre, hit propone In .fi, .1,1.! It mil n Oil. I,.. Ir i. '. . -i , .".ni'iiD it it taaes all summer," and would respectluliy invite all to coma and examine our stock of i Snoh as Jlillinery Trimmings, SXiAGE dOODS, And a complete stock of ladies Hats and Bonuets, . . , Also, a Complete Stock of BDOTS&SHOES Which will be sold Cheaper M tte Cleanest "TGive us call and examine goods ar,d?riccs. SKMUKLS EROS. T. Centre. April ltth, 1S7.I. iran a tnm-va v FLIID EXTRACT BtlCHU,' Iit only Known Remedy tor Bri-rhui Dia eaae aid baa cured averr ease of 1)1 abates in which t baa been given. Irritation of tha Neck of thellladder and inflammation ottha Kldneya, Vloeriionof the Kidneys and Madder, Hctn tlon ol Urine, Diaeasea of tha Proatate Gland, Stone It the Bladder, Orarel, Brick Dust Deposi t, and Muona or Milky Disobargea, and tor Kn feebled and Delicate Oonatitutiona of both Seles, attendtd with tbe foliowlnc eymptoma : lxa ot i'uia, Loaa of Memory, Difficulty of Breath ing, Ksak Nerves, Wakefurneea, Fain in the ' Back, Fiuahingof the Body.Eruption on the Face, Pallid Countenance, Lasaitude of tbe Byitcm, etc. ' UeeJby peraons in tha deollue or ohamre a Ufa; ooalloement or labor pains, bad-wetting in children, eta. . t in ruuiT adautiona peenltar to ladles, the Ex tract llueliu ia uncqualed by any other remedy Aa in Csloroais or Betantion, Irregularity, Pain- , f nlnens or 8nppraaaioa ot Customary Evaat -ationa, Ulctratad or Holdrruaatate of tbe Uterus, Leu eorrha or Whltes,8Urility, and for all com plaints, incident to tba sex. It is prescribed -eilensmly by the moat eminent Phyaiciana and kidwiv-a for enfeebled and delicate cunautus tionaofboth sexes and all agae. : ,' ; KEAB'ET'S EXTBACT BUCMUt r -t nbumtm Aritinn trim Imortulttuet, ' RuhuTifBltiipatUm, Etc., in all tbeir st-gea at no In- canveninice, and no exposore. It eauaes a rre eaent desire, and glvea strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstruct ions, Preventing and Cminir Itticturea of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and Inflammation, so frequent in this cfasa of dbv tuaeuudexpelJiijgaaPoiaonouii-iiatlcr, KEABXEY'S EXTRACT Bl'CMlT. I.WprBoHle or six bottles for WOO, delivered to any iraa,aonifromobaervatioik Hold by GxugKisti everywhere. Prepared by KKAUNTCO.,10ADuaneBtMN.Y. to whom idl lattara tor iaformatioa aboiua ne eddrewsel Avoldlouacks and Impostors. N o clirgo for Advloe and Oonanltatloa. Sr. J. I . Dvott. Graduate of Jrffermn iteileat Cotitge, lailadelpbia, author of aaveral """s' aorka, cli be couaulted on aU diaeaaee of tno fctxuai ol Urinary Organs, (wbiob be has made an espeAl atudy) either in male or iemi, matter tlm what oanse origmuting or ol now loniratJUiiiur. A nractiaa of 84 ream enables turn to ll.t oiaeaaa nilb snooeas. Curaa guar anteed. 11 barges reasonable. Tnesa at a ais tanoscsfl orward letter deseribing symptoms and enol Bgatamp to pratiay postage. Bend I I ,o (,it.f to UeitltK. rrlee lu oenw. . VenMriywIfli ' i f5bk BELMBOIJX Sv jQtjy TRADE I I J. L.I 1 iTT, M.U., Phyaieiaa ana oarb'o-( lot i.uaiie . ro w. . Aivt '4U tU I'KfOhO. r " r-SMTSB" eie .Ml" Si
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers