is l V A! : t 1 - ii ! Petroleum Centre Daily Record. ret. Centre, I-, Thareday, Jan re Iilvime aore-le. METiTODIST PPIHCOFAIi. CBCRCH Bervloesevery Sabbath at 11 A. at. and s. Pi . lb Sabbath School at 1IJ, P. M. ate freer. At. cardial lavltatlo extend ed alii K. G.Jaoona, Paitor. PBMBTTEMuiir CHURCH. Preaching at It o'clock A. M.. aod;? 'clook P. M., by tba Paitor, f. C. Bones iiik Sabbato School at directly flat tereaoon amlo. Preytf Meeting and 8abbatk School Teaettefi Mailing Tuesday evraiogi cl Mb week. relveleeiaCeatfe'CMge. Km. l.f I. ,.. F. W. B. MOOTGOMERY, N. G. C. R. Bailey, A See'y. - ,lu A. O. of U. W. Liberty Irfdge Mo. T, A. O. of TJ. W., ""'"7 Meaday ereolM! IJtf o'clock, I Odd Fellew'o MaU,t Pettwieuu? Centre Pano'a. - - . A. OitNX, H. W. At M. Klmkkib, R. t 1 Ok Of R. M. MlnoekaooM Tribe No. 183, L O. B. H of PetroMam Centre, nnli every Thurtday evening Id GoihI Tempter' Hall. tW CounoH Uret Htbled at? o'clock. . H. HOWE, Sicbem. 0. L JUKES, Cblel ol Record!. (MM at 1 p. m. 116 'The Poit Office Newsroom SorV. Fountain It aow mooing In full bint. Call and try a glass or loe cool toda water. Tk BcagMaallvllitw ol laaaae Crlkaiaal. Trll for murder hare In a Urge pro- aertioa or oases been eooverted lolo faroec aloes lb plea of tonally bat beeoae tact atasd aa ex one for aria. The cim;.Io wMcb juries eoatlct where the tllgbtett prawn or latently It tat op an ? ery few, mwlA MlMtU.t. a .1.1. . . .iu .uvir owdhi are weii awlweMblt(afad'4alk toltk dvin. tgflt. Tbagreater tbecHmc tad the tame direct the proof .lb greater lb baoot orsncotsrorapleaor Intanlly. To offer mcb a plea lo a cue of a simple tlreet knockdown would provoke derlsloo, bat let the adulter km Ihetvlctltawftb kalf or pltlnl aod tbe plea or Insanity will b Hi. rad to with at lent Ion ; II the murderer It "feme lonely brutal ar without the exeuta- ol ' tale proVocetioa the obaaoet era all ' la favor ot iba etcape of lb perpetrator on the around af lotantty. Juriesand la same ease Courts llsoprooeed on Ibe theory intra partoa In sooad mlad cannot oonnilt Barter though capable- of every ataertpeoleeeferlme und though Ibe to bwrratleaof intellect may be but asomsov Ury, eaatnitatiag aad ending with the blow of Ibe kolft octhepaMlog or lb trigger, It I aufholeal lo rallev th amrderer front re penslbftlty fat the deed. TD remit of Ihltltlha Increase of lb MgbMl elan ot crime tod the lodlffereooe of tb perpetrator. Tby know Ibera It but little fear of puoltbment to long aa lb Oflme leaufltcleotty atroolout. So far bat tblt gone thai the Mondesi tblnkert are turning tbelrattaatloa-lo tba belt meant o remedying frlghtfut'and rapidly growing evil. Dr. William A. Haamaod, tba wall Known medical expert In otei of Intently, bu pabtiibed a monograph oa Orlmlml In tanlly la wblob ba take tba ground that tn Inteoo ptrtoa la lo torn extent tetpootlble r bit atla aad thoald ba made eocoonta ble. Furthermore he aitnmea that tba true object of lb penal law It 'to protect teriety rather than lo panda Ibe orlmla aad that MM lunaile who It dingerout lo th a peace and welfare of eoelety ihould be pleoed be yead tbt ablUty or doing mltchlef. The law maket no allowtaea for Ignonno In dealing wllh, lb victim ordefeo tie ot vlciout training bring dealt with at hardly a the pereoo who offended with tba Ml kaowledg of tba nnlawrntnen and Im morality of th aol and tba extent of the penel'y. Dr. Haormood boldltthaVthe lun atic ibonld be placid In Ibe am category ai t'i vloiim of olroumttanoet who wat brrd in poverty and vice. Ia wpport of thU amertloa that Iba la tane tre morally ecoonotebl la om di- ree for tbelr aota be elie Initancet where tindonbtrd lunitlo have dleaoiied' aelt of murder by maillot and biv had tbelr own mMrtrou propultlM e hooked or given iriier ria lo by tba manner la which the p irpttrtori of too murderou aeti were tri4i T- ie lunatio-hu tba power of eon woilintf. 'i ictloot lo a great dagree, and Dr. Ui.wiUMOd doubt Ifaay luealio bat aa -trrtiithii impulu," although many bar IpipiUwt tit k "'almort Irrailitibl."' Tbete vtewt, coming from a man of inch wide experience among the loeane, and e peclally among Ibe criminal Inaane, will attract atieattowaad will probably provoke noeh dleeomiofl.' Tee new lime table ol the Oil Creek A Allegheny River Railway, aad Buffalo, Cbrry A Plttiborgb Rilrraid, tikea f fleet on Soediy, Juo 29th. Below wa give a ivoopilt of th arrival and departure ol porteoger tralnt at tbli point: Going North Train 1 arrive! at 5,43 and depirt at 4.45; Train 3 da. 7.0 ; Tram 6 do 8,47; Traia 11 do 5,06; Train It do 10,40. Goiag South Traia t arrive at Petro leum Centre at 1,00 p m and depart at 1,03; Train 4 ar at 7.69 and da at 8,01 pm Traia 8 ar at 8.36 aad d at 8,37 a m; Traia 12 arrlvej 13,27 and depirt at 13,29 p m; Train 14 arrive at 3,64 and depart at 3,66 p m. Traint now run from Oil City to Broclon wi thout change of cart. That portion of the Una from Oil City to Irvineton will ba known hereafter at tb River Dlvltloo. Altogether tb change It aa Important one. Tba lima tabl la lull will appear to morrow; Prevalence of Crlaae. Crime etemi la be fearfully on tb in- cnu. Tb telegram from all over tn country, to tay notblog at what bit hap pened ia our own vloiaity. teem with bori ribl ttbrlea ol murdert ot parent by rtll drea and children by pirenta; of wivei by boibandi and buibandt bv wive; nf dtup pointed loveri killlogf or attempting to kill tbelr Inamoraiat with tbelr famlllc, and than putting aa end to tbelr owo wielcbed hvei; of rofflmly morden, Inspired by lntt for gain, by revenge, or oy e wnniy mod. It almoil teemt a If. lb time were ap proichlng wblob tba monominlae in Maud raved out: Wfeo Iba vitriol madnet; fluibet np tb th rufflin'a head, I Till the Bltby by.tana ring to tba jtll of Iba trsmpelled wife, Wbll obalk and atom and pluter are tot to lb poor lor bread, Aad Ibe tptrll ef murder workt ia Iba vary meant of lit. ' When. Keep muit II down armed, for tb vlllalnoui centre-bit Grind on tba wakeful ear la tba butb ol the tllint night. Th Columbia Cornet Band bav procur ed entirely new uniform through)! whleb when completed will make them the Snei appearing band lo Weitero Pennsylvania, to iy notblog ol Ibelr mutio wbleb every na wba bat ever beard them cannot help but pronounce Brat elan In every reipecl. Tba bat ar of the pattern known tb Prumlan helmet, and are limply elegant. Prof. Smith, leader of Ibe band, ioformi ut Ibat tba band at toon tbey receive Ibelr new uniform!, purpota paying our olllxea a vlalt and giving oi a few tuoe In a few day. Tbey oaa alwayt reit enured f a ertj welcome. Mr. II. Morrte, lata of Rouievllte, ba - tabl lined a merchant tailorlog eitablib- ment ia Haet' old stand, oa Washington ttreet, and It now prepared to do all kind of merchant tailorlog to order. Give blm a call. Policb. On Tppao, a re.identol Boyd Farm, wa arretted on oath of John Jobu on, charged with perjury. On appearing before Juitlc Reyootdi, the defendant waived aa examination aad entered ball in tb turn ot $500 for an appaarano at Franklin to aoiwi?ib charge. John Danleli married the daughter or Mri Sarah K Bravard afterward, B. 8 Danleli the fetber John,mrried th old lady; and till lalr,Jmet W. Daniel, Ibe nepbew o John, married a titter to John' wife. It Ii very eeay to Ibat John I ion and ton-Id law ot B. 8. DDlli and Ibat Jm W. ' griod-toa and tonrinlaw of tba old man and broibr-lo-Uw and nepbew of Jobn,to nd now John deilre to know, through the oolnmot of the Bracken County Cbronlcle( what relation tbe children of tbeaa Ibree Mta of perenti ar to acb other. Aad now it I Du Cballlu wbo I lb mit ring mn. Early ImI winter be weut to Sweden and Nor way with a purpose of ex ploring nod dtecrlbed lb extreme North la lb depth of wietoft He w to return to London In lb mootb ol May but has not returned or been beard ot for raoothi. Where 1 bet From '-lurfiee IndteatUo there are grave apprebaniloot thai tb New York Herald meditate tending a 'Con minloner' alter blm. Then a much rndu' ring pobllo will with Do Cbillu bad never beta born. Punohe notion or nobility Ii that a man oi birth it aommonly on who remote an cettori did something and his immediate predecessors for many, centuries nothing, at JI., At a Methodist preacber't meeting lately In New York, tbe anbjeot wii ibe relation of Methodism la other denominations In Brooklyn. New Tork and ttitlttlcs were produced by Dr Hoot wblob showed a Urn eoleble decline in Methodism a compared with Presbyterlaai, Beptlsti, Episoopaliani and Congregatloalltll. Between 1870 aad 1873 tbe membership bid fallen off 607 and proballooin declined 462, while tba popu lation bad Increased flfty thousand. In New Tork eMy tbe ssae stele of faote exInedJ One great eiuie ol tblt decline wai laid lo ba th ftllure to loterett young people. Formalism wa given u another cause of decline. Another was tbt lack oi virieiy la Methodist preaching. There It a great tlmilarltyio Methodist preaching, it be come mooetonoui. W see it Hated that Senator Mitchell, ot Oreeon.tbould baexoluded frnm bit seat on account of development regarding bit flrtj wlf in Panniylvanla. Why should Mitchell be expelled! Becsusebewei guilty ol yontbiul Indlsorellon and repented, end mad what restitution be could, ana com menced new ill and retrieved his charac ter? Tbal't Iba whole or Ibe story to far a wa know. Lit tbe Seoator wbo Ii n without tin cait tb Brit Hone. Mitchell bu owned up everything, and Instead af making him a mere lioket-oMeava man liable to - be tenl back to dlignco give blm tb lull benefit of tba pardon bis good resolution and bit good conduct, bit perseversoo and bli moral courage entitle him to. It It taid that the oew style ot ladle balr dressing require but little talse balr, but th natural hair it frizzed all over, while th froot balr standi out lo crumpled con fusion and on lha top or tba beid a bow o' ribbon is worn tlmilar to a gentleman'i neck tie It ii to be hoped this new style will re lieve our womeo at tbe load of ttuff tbey car ry down tbelr bick bead, but particularly do we hope the new ityUwIII do wy with tb Digger Iodlao style adopted by some ladies in weiring their front balr low down on tbelt foreheads, giving them Ibat vil alaout appearance that so dltfigurei other wise handsome women . Why women should imitate tbe filthiest of tbelr race tb souiw or whv Ibev should cover tip tbelr forebeadi In Imitation of nature's bread up oo lelons, noon can Imagine, lava ba wbo can fathom tha follies of fashion. A Pltlsfleld (Mass.) dog and a Borksbir woodchuck recently met In a clover fie Id, and, as Ii usual lo inch meetings of ants gooiitie principles, a battle followed. Tbey were equally matched lo ilzs nd grit, and tb fight wai long and lurlous, aod It re came evident that whichever won must play strategy. Tbe dog wsi first to discov er and employ It. By tuprr-canin efforts be dragged bit adversary to a small brook near tbe battle Bold and plunged blm In, holding bim there until tbe woodchuck was obliged to succumb, leaving tbe dog master or tbe situation. There ar olna wlfe-whlppere in the Iodi anapolli county jail at present, and tbe otb' ar morning tb other pettoners bold a dress panda of tb dais. Whin standing all In a row, a whitewash brush w applied to the person of each as a distinguishing mark aveo tba moil hardeoed of tbe orlmioali'de siting to be let apart from so degraded a brute a wtte-wnipper. The Utah Deseret Newt lookt upon 'tbe Irequent fires la the Gentile portion of tbe TJslted State as punishment lor stat Tblt piper says "it tne people wtsn to escape Ibe Bery tormeote tbey must believe in lb Lord Jesui Christ, repent aod be bap tised" and thay ned nee flr In this world or in tb next A Hampden oounty, (Va.)man wbo bad been cutting some grass for bu cow, missed bis pookal-book containing torn f0n, and and concluded th cow bid eeton It, took bit way la tbe butchen' to see about hav ing her trinilormed Into beef.wltb tbe hope of getting bsck bis greenbacks; but just In time to sav lb aolmafs lite, a hired man appeared with tbe missing pane. In one of tbe latest divorce suits lo New Tork tbe wife askt lbs a seperatlon on tbe ground of bsrsh treatment, ber husband bav log come in late when ibe wt unwell, rung the bell more violently 'baa wa necessary denied ber money wblob the wanted and on on occasion shut to lid of tb piano en ber bansreod hurt it. Th husband denlea tb bsrsh treatment and the refueal of money for any necessary expense, aod aomplaloi that hi wife wa extravagant in ber lev o. music, and' in her expenditure gratifying' Ibat love.. Tie cue uersm says it I some oonso latioo lo tea a bald-beaded Insorano man. You don't know Ibat juitioe bu been dealt out to him, out yon think perhaps It bu Tb lecture announced to name off In tbe Catholic Church, on tba evening of thi 24tb J was poitpooed Indeflitely. A Race with a Locomotive. The Srlngflsld Republican ha tkb: In dealing with1 a railroad train mthlog Ii mote desirable than promptness, spec ially Kyour aualaest consists lo gettbg oo alter lha oar bav atartad, Taaaawa re fleotloB nam to aa at tha aapat yeobMay, anlt seamed so rreeh aad import that wa assayed lo tuo np to a mlddle-agH mao a taodlng mar aad Ml him Of It. Doibtlei we might bav bav done to, only Jnet tieo an eogioe, with a preoccupied air, r np to us,- and ia avoldlog that we got lo Iron of aw express freight traio, and then wder a baggage trook, so beooming tuny tocu pled witbi our own affair until tb modi gedl stranger bad disappesred. B u a merebMrtm'oneof Iba vlllag aelweeo here and Worcester; yesterday morning, ha whipped one ef bit boys aod tl dowi to breakfast with a fecial raprauraa that must bav terrified tb potatoes. Wba ii th matter t" isked bit wife, balding a cup of hot waier bandy. "Homing," candidly replied; "you're alweyt ootherlag me with your foolish question! wnen t?t got to like the first train to Springfield.' -la due time be arrived lo tbia city, ant trusted for sundry groceries, nd ttnrted lo take tbe 11:30 train bom. Ha bad. Br pacbagBi, iba way wu long, lb llm short, and beads of perspiration presently glim, d oo bis nose Ilk pearls on a oonsamptir beet. Jkistai he reached tb Maerassl House tbe tpal started ; oa ha rusbed an! set a paper of butter ao- Iba toony Hep oi tbe smoking car, ind two mora pMkge-oi tbe rear pisiform,' but dropped) boodle aad missed the next car altogether. Hit- lips moved rapidly, aod It It conjectured tbil he iore while setting oo tba-teurth bundle, and bopping wildly alone tba-lrack oo. one foot, with tbe other knee resting precarious- ly oa tb lower itep oa tbe can Tbao be let go sod knelt down beside tb track wbil th Vast car oassed bim. Railing W4tba4 look pever to be forgotten by Ibat- rear brakeman, Ibe unbapyy mercbaat raised a pouod of hominy, the remaining peonage, high In the air, and threw It u if ha meiol it to so tbrouitb that train aod off into space oo the esit side of Ibe carta, not that, too, was a failure). Tba falU broke tbe paper sod Ibe bomioy strolled abont tbe little hollow in tbe railroad, wbil, with dreadful and untamable upeet, lb dissatisfied mao retired to swear privet lo tb dim recess or tbe depot, pawing oaiy to bestow morgaotio blessing oa a clergy man wbo expressed pity on bim. Smell boys enjoy swimming ia Oil Creek these warm days. And wbil it pleiianier tbao to see tbe little boys disporting tbenv selves in tbe greeny waters of lb Creek, and coming out all covered with B. S. and oil, and then lo Imagine tbe warming tbey will gel when Ibe good mother comet to 'put them In their little beds," and flodel their Utile bodies all covered with oil. We were pleased to nolle ourotd friend; Tom. McDonald, in town yesterday. Ha ia looking extremely well considering lb feat ha hsi been suffering from a complice lion ol disease lor Ibe put four or llv weeks. His many friends beraaboutt will be pleased to learn of his recovery. A writer In tbe CiDolnaatl Gaxett heads bis effusions "chats over our chocolate." I Now it Is Impossible to chat over cboeolale balfaobour without going to sleep. 1 Chocolate ii tb sleepleet ituff imaginable except liquid opium. Drum over choco late wnuld do, for it i ai heavy i lead and a cup of chocolate tbe real thick, rloh kind will make one dream of all bii grand' person sod ball of hi second cousins. Two cops ol obocolata and you will think yourself a Sampson In show aod an snvli oo your breast, wiib whole company ol red shlrted firemen beating tbe anvil cborui. Cbatt over chocolate 1 you might wall y chat over a pipe ot opium. Tbe subjoined epitaph on tha English Cbanoalior of tbe Exchequer wu lately clrAj oulated, we read, in the House: Heja lie alone tbe bones of Robeit Low, Where be bai gone lo I don't know. If to the-reelms of pekoe and love, "J Farewell' to happiness above; It imply to soma lower level, I cau't congratulate the devil. A German jouroal urioueiy declare-Ibat1 ail th greet lortuoe la tbli coustry bovrl been mads either by petroleum wall or by no ut oi patent medicine) The Prussian veteran, Gen. Von kTollle, wbo It almost i bald as Aescbyluror Jtaliui Csnesr, la much annoyed by application from Teuton ladies, for loeks of his hair, xiisntrarN. H , having gooe lo tha ai penes of two steam fire engines now ditoov en tblt Ibe whole water supply or lb ol'jr! win ooiy keep one of tbem going tea. mia nte. a wicaco man in Davenport, being oa bl death bed, wished to consult some prop r person regardlog his futur itate, and hi friends sent fire Insurance geo to tela "I'm not IB nnnnla. ir .... ladr. franklv. to a ..... ,", ' ' ' ' -..B lfHtiriHL "bnft an. the widowa .re geiiing . ,B, Ab MA IMilt -!! k . -i r-- utv so retort' to Bo.'' srtl- Illberai' A Philadelphia paper It wlii loytbal nalara ihairtilri ItrotTrs. A Vrlck street s.looo h.eper ., by elga tward. "trlsh Lager Bier.e lmimI Notice. lrUNrAIi NUTKE, Having aencliided to close out mv bmi out lo Pet oleum Cantre, I detlta tb infm my old patrons and r, nd that' heiwtlter ball he located lo Sebooblom'i i-i. flXt OllClty. Pa., and woaid reipectfei t Inv.l tbem to par met call, i I tblt place for Iwo weekt aad tbos iHr t Jig my profemtonal servloei would da we ill to colli Pet Centre. Jtaney, 38-2 HElvtT FOKMLE. itdeelrabla bouse oo lb Egbert Farmi For particular enqplre at tb Post Offlee. ' For Sale Cheap One 40-Horee Boiler, GibbV dlr KoaeeM meke, One 12-Horfe Engine m good eondition, 800' feet Casing; 1,000 feet tnbine,. 96 ftet&xker Bods, V.Jves,. WorkoiEf; Barrels- &o. AW. oat Deririck and R ccmplete Tike above property will be sold' cheap fov cnB. For particnlars enqplre of AV G. HARPBR, Kan City, Veaaag Cbonty, Pa a. u; UABPKB. Bsaoa nty June T 1873 tf BYttlNEflS CHANOB. W. A Loner; who ha been: engftged' in tfce Wholesale Ale- trade for the past year, has this- day disposed of his entire in terest in said business to the firm of Fox & WHliniuB) who will' eonfc' antj tha- business-at the old stand. Mr. Lazier desires ns to return- his sincere tH&nks- to Is many patrons- for the lib eral patronage extended to him. daring tne pam year. t.'A Fhillips will act as- agent for' the new proprietors and Keeps a full supply of that fins- Buffalo Cream. Ale on hand. Mr Lozier desires- all pan ties indebted; to Him to nettle at onoe as he wishes to have his books-balanced.. Dated April U, 1873; Co U VI A, kOZIEltV 4ti Strect,eeai llr K. track, tor your DEHZINEr deliv mi at th wtUh for 11,75 per Emit. IHrolerrm Cenlr,!Keb. Mb 14. KOTiGJE. Parties knowinc tHemnelVerr indebted to as wilfi db well to settle before July list nexi,there bv ssmae unnecessary tt'puDie' and expense, as all; aooonnts nob settled by that date will be col- lieeted by law.. Pal, Centre.P., Jqn 16th. B'yeo. Watt'SalemB, Wait 8rvant Girl, Watto Sell a Hon; WirtoSellaPtea4- Wait to Lead Money, Wei to Buy oa;. Wait to Sell a Carriages Wait to- Borrow Mane jr Wast to 3il an Oil wU, Wait to-Buyea. Engine or Beiler?- Wart ta-Sell a Hone aad lot, Wait to Bod a Strayed-Animal, Wee to Putobee a Oil Interest,. Waul to Sell a Piece of Furniture, Want to Buy a Second-hood Carriage War to Sell Tubing, Casing. Gst Pipe,- Want to Find n owuer for aoylbior found.idrertlM In tbe Rsooim e no lesr than uo lboussnd people read It weeKiy. For Salt ., 15.010 to W.OOO feet ot SECOND-HAKD TOBI!G. at from tog ot. pl too' TbeTubia utlo flmclajl .order aad al9 "Htm. KUWAWTEaV
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers