Warner SECOND-BAND TIB, Alt 8ls Casing, Eatluea, w.'WT'wrvun. (rHtrlnF rereo'ly pnrcnaeed No and Im cnt snd 0 ll slsee of Pipe ana Caelag from u 1Kb tatl-t Inch. OTMhlMClnn-St.. Hnrlf .Bocli. KNOCHMOUOAN'NMONH SAPOXlIO (ia'lmifor Soap ft iriIono bo'd purposes, except w.-hlng clothes. SAPQLIO fnr naaninc vonr ike labor 01 one cleaning. trial. Gin tt foT lYnwais betwrTrMbUe iiiraorWawt. No rcolog eur-. Ulna Md carpe'e. cleiniPa. nt and Wand, la tact lie entile honset better thin Heap. No rl aping. Hevee tabor. YuD ceu't afford tobewlthoejtit, for Scouring Knives Is bettar and c'eaoer than Beth Brick. Will Dot scratch. SAP OLI O la better than Soap and Band for polishing; Tinware. Brightens with out scratching. SAP OLIO Polishes Brunt and copper uteaslle Po batter than Acid or 01! III sod Rotten mono. PA-.? y for Washing Dishes and fllasswars is iavalaable. Cheepe than Hoap. S a r o 1 i o ramnvM Htafena kn lfarhla . Mantes. Tables, end uanarj,-oui Hard-nnlshed Walls, and Ran CM Ha aud Porcelsin. o a p o 1 1 o rcmorea Mains' end' Snaaa from Carpets and other wore sab- ' rice, f ' There Isao on article kaowathat wlllldoau many kind otwerk anal do It aa wall aa aapollo. Try It- HANP SAf Oil 0 a new aod wonderful etTee In Ti 'nil, t Soap, having so equal ' la this .touuiev ur vrcwL HAND & A PfVl.in ; ' tu so attic) for U batti, 'reaches ttw porn and 0 Im a health tlnn mmA Kllll.aft .la. a I .1.1. "w,aeasilSB. taa ay MtJ galQ HAND Si o n 1. 1 n 1 ranees ana naautlnee Ilia Skin, In stenlly removing any aula or bleat imi iruiu uoia nana, eot lace. HAND SAP OLIO ) without a rival In ti world cnnyB or preventing roughness and ni (chapping of either baoae or i " Tvijarm mr HAND SAP 0 t 0 5 re.rw.aTOT, Wish, Iron or i vJT "ir1" w 1 is in- SftftS-ite -?'?'! Hkin 'bK)oiB of beauty il maaaurMas t wi 1 is saw aaaavswn bAWD DAP Oil 0 eorts iff la 15 cents per eakeT and fiORT FAIL Tfl TBV Tur - - w a iitwa UVeUei iAl7JJ.?r romr "erwasfcsrt if iha haa ! f will rooara It far itr"r '" wrlia for oar PaHpkiak m ail to.lar.llo,s and u wfiUiftSi ENOCA MORGAN'S 80N8, IIIHni.rnnai 1 ' 2n BeMriaarkoca ek Taa Ejok U dialai. uataal consent. ,W " ,mlT' J. A. Xiew Ktcs. . 'MUM radwwod to tba abora Irm sanat awaorsei Tn ooiwr IB oomrjlata n, . .A. TmiTei, I'SCream! Soda Water ! Proclamation to t?te Citizens 0' Pet, jentro and Vicinity: R.A.LOZIER, Washington-St, For your pure Ice Cold Soda Water Draw, from Loner's Silver Port able fountain. No acid or gas to deitroy the stomach, and the best and finest of FLIV0RIG SYRUPS. IbaveeloSttednoln decant style fhronchout. a new LADIEV uiulOKNT.S' ICE CREAM PARLOR. ACS Confectionery, Confectionery OF ALL KINDS. THE FINEST ASSORTMENT EVER BROUGHT TO TOWN. Tan Doe re Above Hohcl ic A tier. fcalaa'aDrr Goods Store OIVI MB A CALL. H. A. LOZIEK. FetCentre, May SI, lhW- f. .. DlffSOItVTION. Tie ooDartoerablD berxtorore cxisllne uodir Iba firm name of J. M ileor; fc Co., la iHa da disnolved by mutual coosent. All lersoos knowing IbomsaWes indebted to (be ild firm at requested to call and; settle tba m at oooa. . L. 1'EIIKINS. .1. RlTTER. J. M. IIenht. Dded Petroleum Crnlro, May 21, 1872. fr'OIl SAIiE. A leslrable residence on the Egbert farm. Good water baudy. Every modern conven ience Will be sold clieap Enquire of OWEN GAFNEY. Peroleum Onlre, May 7, 1873. tf DlSsioIiUTIO.V. Tb conartnershln heretofore existloc be- twaen Marshall &, Richards is dissolved by mollis) ooasent. Paries Indebted to the above firm must sail aid settle up and save trouble. II. AlARSUALL. E. C. KlCHAItDS. Dated Petroleum Centre, June 3, 1873. BENZINE. Just received a fresh supply of Benzine, the best ever brought to town, at ' J. 'A. IWIN JACK'S. PetrolenmCcoiri". May. 15, 1873- tf What Nexlt Thek crest .rKonlle .Magazine 8 cant a year, with a Jplend!d l.OOl'hromo, ffaa. (padmsn, Scenis r JUiaaacJuhl Bay where joo saw this- ena I S Aides. rMisber, Chicago. 5 IS I 11 B- d aaaj ajaa m3 La J g S gfj fl r jb i . WlNKa, LIQUORS ETC $4.00 OIL WANTED liie Oldest Established IJ q uor Store on Ull Creek. OWEN GAFFNEY, PRPP'R, REMOVED To the Now Stind In Christie's Old Store, oppoilte the JamestownlClothinglStore, rvtroleum il'antre, 1 a. New G001I3 in Great Variety, l..,t t5 1 r- uuu iiiunLy 01 unuay voin fort left yet. 1 have refitted 0 tir f irmr1y occupied r-y J. II. t hriftln, corner of Wnhinetun and Klret S-tn., and laid In a new Hock of I he purest and bent of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THE MAItKRT AFFOHDS. My stock consists in part 0 BOURBON, AND MOHOGAHE LA RYE WHISKIES, (New England, Medford and Jamaicca Rums, HOLLAND GINS, IIENNKSV, I'INET, CARTTLLKN CO.'S, AND Bl'l I'AIiO, ROCHESTER tV CAA ANDAIGLI ALES Sole Agent for the BROTHERHOOD WINES, ot L'rockton, JN. Y, AUo Acent for the Celebrated fSRKAT it. EEN nUAM) of American Champajriie, made by the 1'li-aiant Valley Wine Co., bleu ben conntv. pagnes, Ac. Wytockpif CIGAUS Is i ncxcllced la this region. C I KELP NONE BUT THE FINEST Cigars and Wines, Branch btore at the old stand, No. IS Wu. hlnnton street. GIVE MK A. CALL At my new stand and see BILLY iron, OWEN GAFFNEV. rt. Cantie.Dac. It TUB OII, IrlAHKETtl. BY W. U. TEL. LINE Orrici op ; PlTBOLBROat CSNTRR DAILY RSOOBO June 1, 1873 The market is quiet and dull tc-4y at 92.1S. 10 cars chan god bands at Rouse villa at that figure. rhlladelpbia, June 19. Crude, 8,i Relinnd 1. Market quiet. filteburK, June 19 Crude spot. 6J.4 B. O. all, year. 12'' B. 0. d ' 115, Rellned Spot, 22? Market Nominal New York, Juoe19. Crude S'.j. Refined, 111 . Market Quiet. UI,DINNU 1IIHK. Nkw Tore, June 19. Gold llo'. P. C. HEINZ, Pioneer, Pa., Mnniifactnrer of OIL WELL Machinery & Supplies Engines and Boilers of every description 'Repaired at Short JNotice. Agent for FOSTER'S GAS PUMP. PATENTEflof III IN 35g WA TER PACKER. FEPAiBlN'Onf all kinds done at short no ice and sll work varrauted. Orders by mat. or tclegraih promptly attended to P. G. HEINZ. Pioneer, Pa., Dec. 21, 1872 tf. New Goods. SAVE YOUR MONEY ! 1 And buy your Boots and;Bfcctf st Mrs. M. Magrane's ONE PRICE BOOT & SHOE STORE ! I keep a Tory larce stock of sll kinds on hand and 'ell as che.p aa any other bouae in the OIL hlCGlON. Connected with my BtorVia a Custom Department ! And I jrnaranteo a perfect lit In all avy work rtcpairlnp neatly done. Next door to Woir. Jewelry Store. Petroleum Centre. Pa. dec If THE NEW ELASTIC TB CM, An Inpor. taut Invention. It retains the Rupture at all umaa. lid under tho hardet exercise or severest strain It is wnrn with comfort, and if kept on nlebt and day, effects a pertnanentcare in a few weeks Bold cheap, and soot by Mai) when requested, drealara Setter; G. F. Koestcr, o - Bawesmr to Miaee A Amutreag. . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FLO U R AMD IVIerchant IitlEHnbacrlberkaTlngbonebt the old stand nf Mease Armstrona, has enlarge tl'n basineM and will keep eiwnya on hand tba beet tb market anurd'. I will do a 1 WHOLESALE & RtTAli. trade in the following product a: Flour. Feed, Hay & Grain OK ALL KINDS. PRICE LIST. XXX WHITE WH'T FLOUR, per bbl, CORN 3c, OATS CHOP, per bund. WHEAT RTtAN . $10 1,60 1,60 CORN MEAL 1,62 3.00 3, SO 07 80 1.60 1,21V 65 75 OIL MEAL SALT, per bbl OAT MEAL, per lb, POTATOES, par bnsb, no, 1, per DUOd. STRAW ' OATS. Mr buah. CORN " tyTbese art Oasb prices. t Invite a .Iimm m,Mu . . , 1 confident I can give aallefactiaa In price aod qnaC ty of goods V. r. KOEHTKR. Patroleant Centre, Fa May 3 1873 tf McKinley & Gross, Machinists. Blacksmiths, AND Egbert Farm, Petroleum Centre, Piu Boiler Rppairingi a Speciality. REFINERY STILLS REPAIRED tW Wa watrsnt all work dona bj us be nearly as good as bow when repaired. Good traterial furnisbed and prices reasa'-. able. Having bad long ezparteaee D tba busi nen we are enabled to olve aetUslaerJoB. JOSBI'II McKINLEY. HKBAbTIAN QROSS Petroleum Centre, Pa Jan. , tf. New Goodo. Emel Zedwich ("LITTLE JOE.") BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Has just retuioet from Suffale with complete stock ot Fall and Winter Goods. Baa been established 'to Pa trnleirn Terlre fr past three years, aod has the nana of Maklns the Beat Fit and Flneit Boot in the OH Uegioaa. Bala constantly receiving eroers frosa ether see' tlons of Ihe CHI Keaoah H. constantly keeps on band Ready-made Boots,!, Shoes LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S ' V SHOES AND GAJTSB&, CAiit. Ana ief mm Jtf EMKI. t PW1CB. . Th Beekwim !IO Portable raaallT sewing machine, oai SO Daya Trial, many advautafea over all. BatiUactloa gwsraatasd or SJ refondid. Sect eomnleta, with foil etree tiros. Iieckwith Hewing Uacblne Co. ,aS Bsaaawa A RT! TV "rywbere sell ear gaw sad am A?&&&Bmbrotderlaf Haebiae. a7h?Ilsl , Aa Uiltrattd Otrraisr, tu the M-Xaa.Ua ox
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers