i - r f 'Mi : ! A4 1 Hivf ADVERTISEMENTS. i :;ODO,OlK) ACRES ! Cheap Far ms ! The ctv-apeatUatm MM for as by the UNION PACIFIC RAIL ROAD CO. - la Ibeitrsnt Platte Valley l,,X)0OOO Acres In Ventral Nebrneka Ibr sale ta traets of forty er. find iipa-il on li .c and ten yMn credit at per cent. So advui.ee 1 Mild auil healthful clic-itc, fertile oll, an.ilmi d THU.'6'TrhKET IN THE V! The ti.Mt mlB'tiK reirlon- of Wyoming, Coliira.lo. I tin Vint) Nevaia being supr-Iied by tbii Iumi in tlio OLDlES ENTITLK.Ii TO A 110ME i i STEAD OF 1G0 iACRES.. fllJIB!rL0CAT1'VH goK COLON! r. K"R HOMES FOK ai.I.I MHII.mof nrrr-nf .huieettovemmant lJnd open for entry umlwr the lloni wise l.W. near tM reet bmlrnjid, wit . n.Kl ::lKaeil0.ad th convenience of en old BU'tl d fOllatr. j . . 'h i baser to parchneet ot Kallrnnd Land Mi.-uon:il Mi; showing land, w n liii-m .riT-crltlvB I'ampbiri witu new Maps Miiiiiil Ifrce everywhere. r -0.P.DAV1H, A BREAT OFFER ;. T Uttt Ofl ,481 ' way Y.e will dispose of l PIANOS 4 ORGAN'S of VIKHTCMHit MAKKR.lcludlllg W TERS' at KXTBBMKLV LOW l-BICKS FOR i ash, or fakt oath, and b.alnnoe in mum. mostiii.t prmaots. Nkw7-Octavk fikst 4'l.AIM PIANOS. Al.tj MODKBS IMI'HOVK- mknth, friftllT cash. Organs 76 DOilBliBRKED ORGANS. 1U 4 SiOP, til", 8 MOP. $15, end upwards. v , WATERS' fCOWCERTO PARLOR 0R L .. r : CANS are the MOST RKAUTIFlHi lb HTVI.K unll J'KIl rkCT in TONg KTBB MAllK. 1 lie CON'CEU TO STOP II lb IWHT BVtiH P1.ACKII IN ANY Oiuiam 'It li produced by a thtid set ul , :(iHd rcctxiARi.r totoKii. ih EFFECT ' ',..1 which m AtOUT CllAKMING and iUL I. STIRRING. whi itx IMITATION of the t HLAIaN VOICE Is SUPERB Tbh.ms f ui 1LLUSVHATED CATALOGUES ' MAILED lor one ttmnp A liberal uis count to Ministers. Onnmhee. Snmlay ft .SolonK LodUP", 0 ' AGKNTS WANTED ft $500,000 CASH ! GIFTS TO BE PaID IN FCuL. Tbird Oniiul ' Concert - - IN AID OF THE V;"' IubHc IJbmrj of Ky., JW.II b given t Hi" rat bU of Library H illdlng, it IiOiilvlllp. on Iiespay. Jci.y - 8. 1873, at wbien ilin- TEN .UlOU.SANU IfiVTcyamoiiwiInK to loll ' ,u".- autt, all eaah, Will ba diatriuntrd by lot to HckrUlioI'lVra. No reduellAi In atniinot ol HI tli'ij ditrlUiitioUi bill eaou Kilt. w'U b nild Inluir.T V - f "i (5J rn-'it or FawmkIm' DnovKits Rank. ) Uuihvii.1.11, Ky . April 7. M.i J Thh In lo-ci riily iul llima iin tb' Fi-itM-'ra? nMlrov;a' Bi.nb, n Mi erwlit of i ini i hit'l Grand Gill Cuncfrl for lb h"ni lit ol ihf Public Murary ol K?.. FIp Him- ilr.-il Tliouaanil l.ilat. aliicll haa been vl npati by tin Maiifiieia to pay v.iji ifiin K Is. and Will h k Itf hy (Ph. Iikuk and p-"d K Is. and Will h hie- hy iph Iifciik and A'v-,tirMiIa,b'iiip'n.l till i(rva'e i only, bier line tilv"l ''""h ' ' urn (irait'AUuf'i Girt j lf)nc lifaiid VaH Git I i .,. Grnud CVtab Gilt r.-1 i) m Grand 0V Gifl '1 a ' ' On Crmd Cahiirt ?t Cub Gili off $I,fl0 feh d Cu l GHta of . , . fllin raoh f j .V hfl Oaki G'ftn 01ry () eitok "li'O C-liOIIH"l WlOaach l.-.o Caah Giftvof t V 200 Ml '' 1 ! i.uS Calk Glfu of i IliO ro i '.I.UHU Calk Oiflk ot i v W aacfev n IfKin.Onn uil.lwn ii (mil 2(I.U0U Ift.lliO 5.111)0 24. mill i.l WW -2.llll( so nun SO.OdO 5I.(IHII 911.0110 u , . . , ... , Tcjt.t0-$,6op GHft'v" Cm" 5.o oliiv l.'w'llekau rvmaln unraKl. and lliny ill M fratafcd.la ike Ant applionii ul Km loiiinvltifl pkbj"! Wbolp tickft. lfl - f ....(Jill.! L'l V5anj;;ar4 -Agent fcM Wnwbkfllrlo eanvaM f!ir ' Ibe new, . yaiu.min and fal Milinn book, by , Dr. JOHN COWAN. ii I'ffi f ieiice,.(tf ii :ew IJie. lta'(!on?cniiTfJad krid tpdlirand riy prnmlnenl limn .M'l.i, phyatclnnj, tHligioua and aeoular I 'lpi t i, ' Aa nlhi-r biaik liko it pubtlciil. ,j ID per v. -Hi ir'tarnitwd. , Addri'S. COV A4M jJfclGUH H9 Kl)tlib 81 , Nw T".'K J : g.UM; 'I'l lor ?.rilin 113 lor l.uuu. ana in frf?r,,D!lo. Furilflki'ta nad luirinlofiua Ciii OiTH0T5. DRaSM.RTTK. i" -a . a' .3 X j 3 TELEGRAPHY. A mcf-tiry part of every peroo'a education In Ihir. advanced a(in i the art of Teieiirapb Iiir. Apply to the undersigned lor SmithV Manual ol Telegraphy, th beat work pub liah. d ou thi aut'ject. PrlO, 30 eta Also for every description ol Telenrapbio Innttii inenm and U iilery; Nllro Cbrormo Baiiery for Ei- ctropialiua. I. G T1LL0 ION & LO . l)ey Si . New York. WALI ACK t;0.ril'A"JX (num Table ihocolatf No l oillnu neo Mry. A cop ol dellclona Chocolate mda wlib il ID two uiinulea. No wnme. Packed lu pound j-ira. VanliU or (iluin. One dos, in box Uoeqnaled aa a conlectlim I. r luocti. spread on cracketr, wMti a vl f nilk al hand to drink, tor making Soda WaterSymp nr flavoring Ice Cream H i aiiperlor to any Chocolate made; aod lor C'O'U'iiaie Cake, notning el will b lined nh.'f thli ha been tried, tut sale hy Gl I I1EW3 & REX3AMER, Pbila delphiil, Pa. m I -vt IT r Made- Hnpld'y with Stparfl & jVl OiN IJ I Kejr'kcklutilw. Catalogma ana fun uartloe.laia F.KK. K. -M. .iuancer, 117 llatioTur bt., llotn. a tl, 9k4 P'rdiyl Ann wanted! All ! HI txtl e.lus-u of workinu people or eithnraax. jr aoc or old. make mora money at work for na lu liielrapar : mnaiunta or ad the tuna than at anvunntr i nrii.:innii. H. MTINaiiN A O . Foriland, Maine ETIY8IJBG KATALYSINE WATER la ihe neanvt iipprnacb to a fn'"ir e"n '""over -B f.ir Ovapepaia. NmualK'a, llheiiniatlvn (lout, Urav el, Dfiliei.a, Ktdtiev mid t'rlnerv l)lciw t-etier-ally. It rer.tt.n i nmwullU tiower tn the I'aralvtlc It eurea Liver Complaint, Chronic Diarrlirea, rl'oa, ('oumipntlon, Aaihnia. Untnrrh ami Brntiebill. l.a easenor the rkln, li-n-rm IMIIIty and Nnrvom I'riMtmtlon rrmn M.-mnl and I'li'n nil tatw It l lie (ireain-i Autlfloleever illaaovered far H cihkIvo Kaiitii:or Orlukliif. Itmirreuta the li" mil PiMtni't Dinesiiiin, and Hellene-. I'ic llend .iltno t tinmecliiitely. No h'nunliuld alimild l" witl.out It Fur aide hy all liq.'gi-ta , , Fr a 'datiiry of the Sprlaga, for metlicnl re. porta of ha powurof tha wiitur ovir liiwiia. for mareell n nirea, anil Ut tatennilital from dl Miiunlilu d men. aand fur pamphleta. . WliIlNKV linos, i.eatral Aguuts 7 Soulll Front ftree.1 I'lilliidu'phia, Fa. Gettyabnrc Hprine Co- '' n all Mraiin. whu fittnlPIII p'aio uiaklns! contracts with newpaMira for the In.-ertlon o( Adverltavmanta ahonld aend 10 Geo. P. Rowell & Co-, ! , for a rireiilar, or encW IU cen'a fortkelr fne ll,.nilH fnvM fiimoblel. colitainillL' Lleia of u.UdO Nei-papara and eallrna'ea ahomliii! t e cost of advertliina. alao many U'oful Idntato advnrtiaum, and romi no-oillit of Hie exnerlenena ol men who are known aa Miiiiceaaful Aver. tiaorH. TliMflim niu pronrletors of tho Ameri can flowspapor AuvuruauiK Attenoi, 41 PARK POW, N. Y .POST OKI-ICE NEWSROOM IIOLLIUAY GOODS Just received at NEWSROOM! .1, .1 a'x ' ' - ' ' ; I am now prepared to sell any i thing ' and everything in the f '' I ' ' V Xcwspaijer," iStationcr.v, ,p Illiink ItooK, 'J Fnry (aOiNls, ? , Or I'oiitictlonii y Line At ' GreatJy Reduced i HATES, '": '. 1 Jiopo hy strict attention to the w ants of the ruUic to mer it a share of their patronage,and would invite riiyTriends to pay me a calL ' ' .;; -v 1MR PAKI Olt CO.UPAN1UN. . Kvery I'iidy wanta.onel . Kva.v Man on 'ht to luivr one'' ' " ' katOBrc.iptrtf TeaCooisi. Addnms L. V. nYDB OH-1!5 6aiwat1i A vct. Kw Yi. t .. .. AfKTi everywbe.e oM-itour new nd kl 1 fcinla.' V J 1 left MMU U W , I Fll'""1 tl'U'lra 4 UrenUr tn T , '"''b- ' K-e MaLufac.uiii.j-Cain-.pai.j', m C.osc wa-f. yew Vera G. GORDON HARDWARE OA C3-OI3DOKr, DEALER IN". AtD Main-St., Petroleum Centre, , Kees on hand House Furnishing j Goods, Ecstoii Fat- Coupling Wi, Casicf, Gas Pips aui Fittings, : New Bedford Bolt Rope Cables and Sand Fnmpi lines, RTJUBKR RLTISG, PACKING. AND HOSE, ViORKING . l anterns. I.aiitnn ;iobis, larpeitttr's Tool:,, AIiI KI.VDS OF Extra Winter Strained Lard Oil, Jolinson iVi Barrett's Lulnicatirig Oil,' Ibe Novelty i,d Knreka Clotbca Wriifcra, tha beat In iiae, ' With a full llne.ol Tablend Pocket Cutlery, and Silver Plated .Spoens and;Firks, STOYES, STOYES ! & t? ce "rliaa Myi 'f3?0K.lAli0. HRATWO 8TOVB8 cannot be excelled InheII wginn'-A. 1 booubt tielore the lata adeanee of Sina l,o .n.,n..r... . "." . .... kwll at old price,. There deairin anV-hing'ln ,h w.'y "k Tr He.VlnV ' Stove will do well to call and examine ,ny .lock, ol which tbeTllow,n V. ! partial list; Ameriea Cook Stove! , ... With reservoir and warming clonef, a 1 Hb ltiKlu""ST w-. i Jm " .. .n mum cioae.. or bard oi aoft Coal. Fire OllM-Cook. a cheap lirat claaa Sieve, fur bard or s .ri coal I roil Gill e Conk, a Urge heavy and durable Siove lor soft CiibI ' Wheat RW!ieaf-Cook, for hirj or .oft coal, i, celebrated lor lis quallti.s a. .good Slove and Cheapneav In price. H u rlippnr-Cook, for hard or jort coal, a amell but excellent Stove and very caean. " MilmcsOtU-Couk, a wood Stove with elevaled nreir. q "V ""'"P- !MY LINE OF PARLOR The Diving Fine MSl,t llona , of 18T2-TI.I. Is a beauW..! .e f ftede'r J!1,l,,r.h":."- w"" rt'tfinrinB draft and patent oliuker sra ,1 ,. " T,, Kaf,a,e"h,L,OHS-A BWSUjf PBrU" m-" grit.'. nd illnui KeepSldpiocXr7r!."eff'''dHrrarl0r H88ter WUb ersiVateoliaoil fir; 1:?! :s? ' very beaui,fi" ind b;: llouau liislli- A choai. cylindur Siove with mill grate - ' Honae A ebeel iron cylinder stove, very cheap. ' : i- I.t -. . y A small sell feeder and ()iiile cheep , Black SruH-A parlor cook i-ove with oveo, for coal. , Fame A cheap dinitiL' room Siove. . 1 . . .-! :'.Hi Gum A Cheap bed room Stove. ' r-; Huarl A cheap cylinder Stove, for hard or soil c-al i 5 Volcano A large healing Stove, Giaill Ailante.l fa. 1 i i A . . SALAMANDER A derrivktove. 0111 MANUFACTURER OF TiH, i. SHEET IR0 SMOKE STACKS considered the cbeaoest and safest Jmon r.n ' r liepairin-ot all Kiods done with neatness and dispatch. GILBERT GORDON. AND OIL WELL SURLIE8. I a full Hnefof BARRELS, TUCISGCANP VALVES. XJAfcl.'G VALVE CUPS, :lamps liltASsI GOODS, - ' No, 1 Kefimd Oil, t 1 r i i fiist claM glove for bard coal or wood. I a t Clanttovr HEATERS cannot be excelled i u AKQ COPPEH WARE MADE TO ORDER . in." A.?" VUUPB which . re M""t wu common or patent valve., ?. Hl Cloilis Anions, J v.- AT SAMUELi Ml ix Wliinrton Stru t. lVtroleuni CtntrJ At present the prevailing topic of csnvil . aalinll anMaaaa-d I.. A. 1 1 ' 1 ." Il 1.1. ,u ' oon up) ( - ffnlfiir tn innvA In Kutimfif n m In Inlnrin Alt a. .. f a nillallr At tufiraa tl.u aa... ,. . mnrM rrnm Halrnlunm runi a ...... .. ..... .. .,rine i l,, all mmn., mnit " ' - . , """ teaperjllally . invite all lo come and examine our slock ol iliyi 9nch as Millinery Trimmings.! A . . . 1 1 x . . t ,i , . . . , .IJats and Bonuets, - Also, a Complete Slock of BOOTS SHOES Which will be sold Cheaper than the Cheapest CVGive B a call and aviailn. auu prices. SAMUELS BROS. Pet. Centre. April 19th, 1S73. T r TCKABWEY'8 FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, Is the only Known Remedy Ibr Brfehts Dis aaataBd haa cured ararr ease of Dlabstes tn whicb it haa been atran, IrritaOon of tba Neck of tba Bladder and iaflamaaatidh ot tha Kidneys, UlasnUonof tba Kidneys and Bladder, Reten tion of Urine, Diseases of the Proetate Gland, tons to tha Bladder, Gravel, Brick Dust Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Discharges, snd for Kn Xeeblsd and Delicate Constitutions of both Sexes, attended with the following armptoma: Lees of Vower, Loss of Memory, Difficulty af Breath ing, Weak Mcma, Wakefulness, Pain in that Back, Fluabingof the Body.Braption an the Faoe, raUld Countenance, Laastude of tbeHyitem, etc. .TJead by paisons la the decline or change or US; alter eoaflaeosat or labor pains, hed-wet-tUff in ehlldran, sts. In many attectkms psenHsrto ladles, tha Ex tract Buohn k nnsqnaled by any other remedy Aa in CUorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Fsbv fnlasss or Sqpprceston el Castory Keasuations, Vlssrated or Hchtitns slate ef tba Uterus, Leu- eorrhcta or Whites, Sterility, and for all oom , pbdata incident to the an. It is prescribed. ' extensively by tbs most amissnt Physicians and Mid wires for enfeebled and delicate oonatitw . tloosef both sexes end all ages. , '' - KEARNEY'S EXTBACT - BVCttV, Cm Piteruet Writing from inprwlmc, ' BtMtt DUrinathm, in aUtbr stages. . ' little expenae, littlu or no obaaga in diet, no in asnvsulence, and no exposure. It cauaea a fre quent desire, and airea strength to Urinate, tWebyremoring Obstructions, Preventing- and Curing Btiioturea of tba Urethra, Allaying Pain and Inflammation, so frequent in this olaia of dle sasss, and expel Uiif all Poisonous matter. KEARNEY'S EXTBACT BVCWV, - fl.Wper bottle orsfx bottles for 15.00, delivered, to any address, aecore from obaervatien. Bold by druggiaU everywhere. Pnpared by KB ABNBY at CO., 104 Dnane Bt., N. Y. to whom all letters tor information sboald be addreaeed. Avoid Quacks and lmpor. Ho Charge for Advise and Consultation. ; Tr. J. B. l)yott. Graduate of Jtfwan Mtdicat i CoUtgt, Philadelphia, author of several valuable I works, can be consulted en eil-diasases of the Bexual or Urinary Organs, (which bs bss nude an especial etudy) either in male or female, no matter iron what cense originating or ot bow longstanding. A practise of (0 years enables him to traatjiseasa with suassss. ' Onras guar anteed. CbSfges raaaonabla. Thoea at a die tanesjan forward letter describing symptoms and eneinslng stamp to prepay poatage. . Bend for the (iui.h to Ifrqltk. Price 10 oenU. i. B. DYOTT. M.D.. Phftirian and baggeoty 104 liuane 8t . Mew York. 1 1 V ranMriywMh ' ,Crai W. T. HILMBOIA 4a , S ijM; !jVii aj!6b:-jCfuffi ri Adveitiee iq I he Kkcokii. TUB P Ml FIRST UBLlSl i 1CE-I n u.i.a IF" uth. mi h ,lith, tl netiti ;o, N tug A t'cutr Jn in t ritn e 1-OOE UrUi lo. 1 A- GTII Biuell otcr e lllAI. lio.N B iiii.'lriti illfii 41 1V711I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers