Petro'eum Centre Daily Record. fPekCentre, Fn., fThureday. Jimc 10 ttlvlne Hervlce. MFTHOniST EPISCOPAL CHURCH .service every 8bbath at 11 A. 11. and i4 P. M. Sabbath School at 2 P.M. Hts fro. A Cordial Invitation xtMid d to all. Ket. 6. MnottB, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CnURCTL Prci-hinn l U o'clock A. M.. nndJ7 o'clock I'. M , by the Pastor, W. C. Brum- AKD. Sbbtn School ut directly Bl'irr lori n.iim service. Prayer Meeting ami Sabbath School Toacher'a Meeting Tuesday evenings ol each week. Petroleum Centre Jbodee, JYo. imt i. o. of o. r. R;iilnr meeting nights, Friday, at 7 'clock. Sitroeri. W. 11. MONTGOMERVr. N. G. C; 11. Bailey, A Suc'y. G9rinca of meeting, Main St., opposite Mc(;iintock House. A. O. ol V. W. Liberty Loo-go No. 7, A. 0. of U. W., nippta every Monday evening at 1Y1 o'clock, ui Odd Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Centre, l'enn'u. A., M. W. A. 11. Klkckner. It. I. O. ol It. ,11. Mlnnr-kaone Tribe No. 183, I. O. R. M ol Petroleum Centra, tnepte every Thursday evening in Good Templar's Ball. . Council Urea lighted at 7 o'clock. 1L HOWE, Sacbein. C. Ij JUJaES, Chief si Records. Gold at 1 p. in. 115 Rob Magee visited too rural districts bout Cooperatowo. yesterday, la quest ol' nor -explosive keroeeoe not tip to the re quired fltaudard. He examined every bar ' rel and ean betwaeo Oil City and tne peace til hamlet In Jackson, lownablp, Including some package oonderuoed aa unsafe by one borsa tnspeotora of only few years exper ience, and did not discover a single drop ot the article but what was as harmless as a potted mule. It 1 gratifying to be assured that frightful accidents from dangerous kerosene are likely to disappear from this section of country forever, or at least to loug as Governor Hurtranll'a illustrious ap pointment coo tl oues to gather fresh laurels as the "boss" tester of the gen lie fluid. Bob la a big success. Derrick. Wonder if be lasted any pork or swill rat.v.v Bill. I'lVBUUUUCV IUCII liUUIcUIB till' I G5 gravity. ' One of our refiners was bard- Lear ltd enough to say tbe mighty only test ed one barrel of oil while here pronouncing M65 grav., bat that be tested at least 25 'd'uVrent bnrrels-of whl-key and pronounced therm nerfaotlv lira nroof at 901). ml thla j - v r , f ... .- whiskey was all found in tbe lava beds among tbe MiMoc squaws. Tb, Hack-mailing project against J. S McOray don't sem to progress very la Torabty.' A hundred thousaud barrels of oil for a hundred thousand dollars is a good joke.' Why don't noma oue start something rational lr they want to bleed IfcCrayT . , Derrick. McCray dotv't( stand black maftlug lor a ent. And as, for bis unloadiog a hundred thousand barrels of oil at $1 per barrel it is simply ridi.'culous. ' Oil is at too ruinously low a figure at present to admit of an oper ator culling his throat by selling oil at that Sgure. -' - We noticed ton' man last nlgbt who 'doesn't belle that lager will Intoxicate. He slopped us near tbe post office to say "Mos' bartn'ss bev'ag in er'orld. Man o'n drink fif'y glaaaes'n never feel it more'n (hie) I'd this min't. Lager beer has no more 'fact on me'n so much wa'er, . Bet ye ; two dollar'o naif (loan. " We agreed with him and passed on. ; , 'Fourteen of the boilers on the Columbia Farm are supplied with gas from tbe big gw well on tholr property on Wyckle Run, tributary o( Oil Creek... A pips line nearly two miles In length conveys tbe gas to the boilers on tbe farm. This is a sav ing to tbe company of nearly $75,000 per yoar. -' J?. TV BarBum's mammoth show Is to ex bibit at Tltnsfllle on July 5tb. He claim' to have tbo biggest show on earth, and of course everybody will attend and find out fur tbemsolvesas to whether be is a humbug or not. How .1 the urn) lo eat loe cream, and Joe Lifer's loe Cream Saloon on Washing ton street, is the placo to get It nioo, cool and highly flavored. Try a dish. The old cry "tat Venice and die" Is 'now ohanged into "visit Vienna and gp luto in solvency" t. i V , ; .I i . ' ' A wie to Slgooraey, lovva, wbo wan sold tor an old gun and a amall suo lc cash, Is tteltiog for a divorce. ' '.' i . We understand the great Tllusville "Dear," Mr J V Butters, expresses himself 10 terms mora forcible than elegant against the Record, on account of the part taken by him in the alleged sale of 100,000 barrels of 011 by J. S. McCray, and reported In thin paper. Butlers Bays it wan all a jike, but Isn't It a strange joke,. Butters, that oil dropped down '15 oenls per barrel directly afier you telegraphed the silo all over to e region. Rotters allows he la mad' enough' to clean out both thn Record and Derrick. Don't do it, Butters, the weather is quite too warm, anu we have known of Butler melting in warm weather. We liu J tbe loliowiog.acooiint ol tbe nr row escape from being killed olonr town man, Air. Herman, at Oil City, yesterday, in the Titus vi lie Herald of this morning: Mr. Herman uf lh firm of Herman, Cor nell &, Co., rellnoie, of Petroleum Centre, yesterday tnaue a hairbreadth escape from being shockingly mangled by the cars. While attempting to cross the Atlantic & Great Western track opposito tbo pawner depot at Oil City, within a short distance of a traiu which was backing downbls foot became wedged under the rail in such a manner that it could not be extricate it. A gentleman seeing the danger endeavored to pull him off by main force, but abandon ed him lobis late just as tbe train was with in a fw leet of bitn. At this junction iMr Herman, with the agony ot derperatioo made a final effort and wrenched bis foot away, leaving too boot fast lo tbe rail. He roiled over barely in time to clear the track aa tbe wheel grazed' bia person. Tbe box of the car struck blm on the side, but not with sufficient lorco to do much Injury. Tbe accident was witnessed by hundreds ot his friends and acquaintances, wbo wera powerless to render any assistance, but wbo Were overwhelming in the coogratulatious nd attentions alter bis providential escape It will be a lesson to all wbo were present never to attempt to cross a track in front of an approaching train, and to tbe authorities of Oil City to enforce tbe ordinance compel ling engineers to ring tbe bell while their trains are passing through tbat dangerous depot A strong "local optlooist" living at Gir ard Station, on tbe Lake Sbore road, was robbed a few days ago ol a barrel of whu ky. ' Josh '-never koewan auctioneer tulle, unless it was absolutely convenient. Tbe man most likely to make bis mark in the world one who cannot write bis own name. A fillj-loot petrified ' monster has been discovered near Fort Dodge, Iowa, with ribe six feet long; and a local scientist con cludes it is tbe fossil of tbe dragon spoken of in Scripture. Tbe jails are eu epidemic in this Stale. Jamestown, N. Y., cone uded tbat tbe man wbo nearly' starved to death lu tbe lock up, was responsible for it, as he crawl' ed in through the key-bolu. A Norwich girl reuirned a lost pocket book, containing considerable money lo its owoer and received a one cent postage stamp In raturn, which had been used. Tbe Globe says tbat "Mr. Clay is sharp politician." No ooubt of it, but tbe editor ot tbe Globe Is a sharper. We measure everything by comparison. No wonder the dwellers io the region ol tbe Sierra Nevada are not "carried away by their first view of the Alps. And tbis is tbe comment a correspondent ol tbe Sacra mento Uojo made upon his (Irss view 'or tbe famous. Dover Cliffs of England . "The famous chalk cliffs were not as white as a Nevada alkali flat and as lor beigbl why compared with tbe Sierras or the Coast Range, or even Telegraph Hill, tbe cUHs of Dover are mere boles iu tbe beach."" One of the most experienced undorwrit era now in Boston expresses the belief that oiled rags oooasion more fires In this coun try than any other single cause a fact not duly, appreciated by those wbo dally use tbetn, end suffer them to lie around loose and ignite, or throw tbern l'jto a heap nod thus, inorease tbe danger. A Pittsburgh coroner makes oo charge where bo sits on a young man wbo parted his hair In the middle, no says that bis personal satisfaction is enough without tbe lee. An engineer has invented a machine which will cut off tbe general reporter from many an Item. It Is a hot-water pump with wbicb to squirt hot water on deaf per sons wbo walk on the track. A Charleston father gave a young man wbo bad saved his daughter from drowning a two year old steer and a sbot-gun. To take down tbe gridiron from tbe nail where It is banging with tbe left band lis a slim that there will be a broil iu the kitch en, . There is n youth in Philadelphia, wbo does the obituary business f r the Philadel phia Ledger. The following ore the latest effusions. Then put away the little dreesses, , ( Tbat our Lotira used to wear; , j For she will need them on earth never,.'. She has climbed the golden stair. s. , And tbis: '. She struggled hard to get her breath, l But she was soon released by death, i'' And. now, In beaveor she is at rest. So rapid Is tbe destruction ot lobsters that it is predioted tbat tbe present generation ol humane Is the last tbat is to enjoy the luxury of this valuable sheil-fisli. Despite the statement that the supply is inexhaus tible, any one who looks into a lish market finds demonstration tbat tbe reverse is tbe lacl; that tbe rapidly diminishing sizrj o those oatiifbt pointB to their Bpeeily extinc tion, unless the merciless slaiigbtet is arrest ed. 'Lame!" sighted Mrs. Partington. "Here I have been suQ'erin' tbe hlgaraies of death for three" ;mortal week. First I was seized with a bledlin' phrenology in the hamshire of the brain, which was exceeded by tbe stoppage of the left ventilator of the heart. This gave me iullaraalioa of tbe left borax, and I am sick with the chloro form morbus. Tbeto is no blessio' like of health, particularly when you're ill. How Is tnis lor high iu the "cool North? ' The Houghton (Lake Superior) Mining Gazette says tbat on the 8th Inst., tbe mere cuiy there reached uinety in the shade, and the mosquitoes were lively, full voiced, and more Iban numerous. On the same day there was ice enough in Marquttte bay to interfere with tbe progresajor a steamer. The Uoughtuu (Lake Superior) Gazette laughs al tbe ado made by the Pacific coast press over tbo gold yield ot tbe Gwiu and Idaho mines, get down at $1,600 to $2,000 per day, wbl 1st tbe Calumet and Hecla copper mines in tbe neighborhood of Hough ton last month produced $20,000 worth o1 copper per day, and still keeps up that rate. A borrilile story of crime cornea in a (lis patch from Decatur, Illinois. ' A, woman accidentally poisoned beaselt, and on her supposud deatb-bed confessed to having al different times murdered ber husband, danghter, son-in-law, two Jgrand children, aud olber counecliuo of the lamily, and 10 have been poisoned with a mixture prepare ed tor her son. Grading out iu California, iu tbo San Diego country must be exoltl.ig business. Tbe World of San Diego, mentions an - In stance whero ibe workmen grading 'for a railway near that city, came upon a colony of iaroantulas. These venomous spiders attacked tbe Irisbmea and acially drove the men into tbe water, too only sate retreat against those animals. Pickpockets do not eojoy life in California Aa old bull whacker" felt a strango oaod iu bis pocket there recently and pulling out bis penknife, with a blade that weighed a pound, cut off ibe man's hand at tbe wrist and tbrew it after blm with the advice to 'yut it in whiskey where it would keep." ' Hillings gives us two items oo "gain": Tbe partridgo gouse and phesant are cous ins, an either one ov them straddle a grid Iron nalural enuf tew have been born there It Is reported that an American, named Hueva aow commands tho Cuban patriots. In Franco they Unv formed new political club, n which both men and woman are admitted . Tbe editor of the Gallatin Union calls onr journal "wrapping paper." He himself knows, from tbe sores on his bend, that it is tbe best rapping paper In tbe country. Rather suggestive Water rnnni ng out of the milk car on a railroad lo keep tbe lacteal fluid cool, of course. Cbicopee, Mass., has a Fountain Kxtinl gnltber Company. Wby fountains should be extinguished it would be bard to say. E'ghiy-lwo varieties uf laruiiog Imple ments are made at one establishment in Chicago. Tbe State of Ohio consumes more iron in tbe manufacture of farming Imple ments than any otber State. A Frcnob surgeon Inserts watch crystals in the skullj ot dogs In order tbat be may observe tbeir brain-works. If be thinks be can make good watch dogs in that woj.tbeu tbat l reuobman is mistaken. i A youog man in New York is becoming independently rich by breaking off mar riage engagements objeolioual to bis father at $100 a time. A I h. I f - ,......: ..I. . u-..t . produce an original play induce an English writer to ask "Whose is it!" I 'Do vou know sir. Ibal 1 am worth a hnn dred thousand pounds?" "Yes I do; and' I kuow tbat it is all you ere worth: ' Faro Dank Pulled. lhssday alter- f . - . 1 1. - II. I f noon Inst au omcer mauo ""ura m rolia faro bank, surprising th,' proprietors and what customers there hapMwd to be in the room, and claiming the ojtire estab lishment, together with the ioies, aebis meat, la fje confusion tbat lV Bwed some 'of the sporle succeeded In hidiaje checks and other "furniture" peculiar ,. the busi ness. Four youog gentlemen were just sealing themselves to eojuy a gie of poi er, atwl had bought tbeir checks )( tbe pur pose, and thvso with tne stakes fere bus Ihfd down into pockets. There Ian air or mystery hanging about tbe that we cauool oliaeo away. "We have rf account ot any trial nor fines nor aoythltilike that which usually follows under sues circum stances. ' Tbe world goes on as it id before and so dees tbe faro bank. Petolla Re porter. Pctrolcnin in CiWltonia. Rumors have been current tor eoie time past of discoveries of petroleum on he Pa cific slope. Tbeir truth Is at lefijli con tinued by the Los Angelos Express, wbicb gives the following particulars of th region in wbicb tbe petroleum has been Mmd. ItsayB: "The oil region la situate' thirty five miles northwest from tbe cilyit Los Angeloj on the road to Fort Tejoj, and fourteen miles from tbe Mission o i'tt, Fer nando. Three tunnels have been en' from 70 lo 100 feet io depth, and from t two wells the 11 iw of oil is continuum The petroleum is led through iron pipss large tanks, and is dipped with bucket from springs. Tho' cost of transportation o Los Angelos Is about two cents per gallot. We have seen the reperl of Louis Falk" now Slate Assayer, who' estimates tbe vuue ol tho crude petroleum submitted to bin "lor analysis to be much greater than list of Pennsylvania or elsewhere States. " '-' in tbe tnited BtAVlt fALLS liXClXt D. How tbe Chinamen IWnat Tbeir Little Vice- Have .The Chinese at Beaver Falls do not cor djatly respond to die llizing efforts. Al at tempt was made last week to cut off tbeir opium, nd ajrow was tbe Immediate con sequence. A small but select band toder the leadership of Cbo lluog visited Ah ?cj th treasurer ol the celestials, aud in aiut the usual tjn adopted . at the time of strike, demanded their money. Tbis Ah Poy refused togive, and wordy flgbtfcl lowed.' Ah Poy,' In the language tbat yon see upon he very best lea chests, reasatd and pleaded with orowd, but Cho Hitg flung bis obolees hieroglyphics back, ujIII uuany mey came to oiows. An 1 oy goi Ibe worst of it all and withdrew, while Cbo Hnaii tn.unred bis, forces. Nothwitbstaid iog life rumor tbat floated about the eiy, to the efffCt that tbe whole force bad ie tu mded Ijie'r money, and were intend! n; to slrike out bravely for borne, it appeira, from the best Intelligence, tbat Cho Hmg could uote but thirty-Ove wbo would eoisl under bis standard. They, however, ire steadiest, 'and will probably leave in a buiy lor ban Franoiscn. The managers clam tuey are well rid of a troublesoms faouio, una their places will be Oiled by a paly wuo are are aireaoy oa tne way. Tall men like abort woman: short unit, if they like tall woman, are rate red to a plre-lik dnioso n Burlington.' Iowa. 3be is sis feet seven nod a half inches in sut ure, and is still growing. 8 lie I flutter described as good looking, and: what la ot'.ll better,. as rich. Yet the twain of lot look but shyly at this towering vlrglo,forif any one of tbcm could Uitiste courage 10 propose lo her, bow could hev if accepfsfl, obastly salute her without setting opoa Cbalr or calling for a ladder T NOTICE: Parties knowing themselves indebted to us will do well to settle before Julv lair nextthere . by savins: unnecessary trouile and expense, as all accounts not settled by that date wul be col -a Vm 1 lected by law, - j fc AUErUilAM. Pet, Ccntre.Pa., June 16tb. - A countryman ot Dyersburg, Teoo., w noticed the otber day gravely ?tting b watcb by a painted sign in Iron! ol a jewel er's. . A sense ef humor serves many people; la lieu of wisdom and keeps tbm fromtnakiog themselves ridiculous through print. Albany I a good phvos to start a temp ranee' paper,' tut alter one' is itarted it don't take long (or it to starve. Brookly Eagle. " ' Stokes, among other things, 1 something of a wag. . Somebody asked blm, tbe otber day, what b thought of ttfe Tombs, and be Local Notice. For Sale Cheap One 40-Horse Boiler. Gibr fc Kussell make, One 12-Hor-e Lnginem good condition, 800 feet Casing. 1,000 feet tu bine, :)?0 feet Sucker Kods, Valves, Working Barrels, fcc. Ibo, one Derrick and Rig complete.. Tbe above property will be sold cheap for cash. Forpartieular enquire of A. G. HARPER, Kane City, Yenaogo County, Pa A. & HARPER. Kane City, June 17 1873 tt BUSINESS CHANGE . W. A. Lozier, who has been engaged m the Wholesale Ah trade for the past year, has this- day disposed of his entire in terest in said business to the firm of Fox fe Williams, who' will continue the business at the old stand Mr. Lozier desires lis- to return his sincere thanks to hia msny patrons for the lib eral patronage extended to him. din-ins: the past year. F. A hillips will act as as;ent for the new proprietors, and keeps a full supply of that fine Buffalo Cream Ale on hand. Mr Lozier desires all par ties indebted, to hira to nettle at once as he wishes to have- his books balanced. Dated Apr.l 24, 1873. NOTTHCIE t Go to W. A. LOZIEK, 4th Street,near It. It track. or your BEMINE, deliv ered at the uelh for 92,0a pec Barrelr Potroieurs Centre, Fob. 6th tf. THE TOBPEDO PATfflT SUITS.. itoberK vs. Mcliolas Geyer. The followinc to tho decision Irenderedtbjr Judge McKcnnan, at May Term or tho Circuit Court id the--abov. case: In the Circuit Court of lb. United States, In and for the Western District of Pennsylvania. K. A. Koberts vs. Nicholas Geyer. Xo. 1 May Ter m IS!!). In Equity-... NovemUr 91. UTQ. BUI died and suuporna is. sued . (Subpoena a&d notice of application tor prelimln. arjr Injunction surred. December 18. 1872. Motion Ifor preliminary in junction heard, aud tbe Court being duly advised In tbe premlsM) tb Injunction awarded as prayed for, and. dacre Ilea ' January 14, 1873. Ininoetion iasiud, and on the 29tb day of Jaauary indictment served personally and by copy. May , 1878. Itats Issued lor d.lend.nt to show cause why attachment should not for contempt in violating Injunction and duly asivcd Jirne2d,.197S. Rale for attachment In this caio came on to .bo hoard, and after aryunwnr of counsel pro and con, th Court being full advised In tho premises, the ltule is made absolute, and tbe sen. tence of th. Com t is, that the .aid defendan, Nich olas Geyer, be impiiosened in the common jail of A llfcoenyCoontyfue and during tbe tana or ten day., and tbat b. pay the costs of tnis proceed ing. June 2d, ls73. (Jommltrnt issued. The iirjnuctloa iu tbis cue was fcr Infringement oftMaRoberU' patent of No. sailed th. Bur !' enl), for Increasing the prodnctivanoss oPoil wells . The act of lntringemeot for which tb dofendeat wa. committwi for contomptt consisted in aicing Alexandra Uaisar In expMiug torpedoes in ol1 wells btlog; Uewm. act of infringement for which Hamar was also committed in th case No. ir oo. vember Term, 18SS,aa before stated. , The ConrtMcKeanan, X, alter datlvering nia opinion In the Ilamar caae, proceeded to aaatence Nicholas Qeyer for coatunptt aoddllvera tne fcl-- lowing oral opinion : In thoe! of NlcneU. Geyer chareed1 with the same ofens, I am arUrely aatlsfled that there was fluid preheat, In tho Boats well at least At Ihav intimatti to the emmiH in (htamru tf the argu merit, ttpreiencsJlut i nMht if liretVtr not, it owtripl of ti paint, anas (treacft of iht injunction oifc. Court. Mr ltoberts, by-ki patent uaesnui . of tawpnn olpal alcmeau of bia iaveatlon in 14 Uaping,.nd wberevw there 1 Siild in a wan, at to' ttmapf tho exploalen of a' torpedo, to-oparat aa tamping, whet IMr it gets there naturally er is pot' there artificially, his patant is tnfring.d- This waa clearly the caae In regard to tbe Boats well. skBai Mr. Geytr Mom to have bora mleltd' by Hamar, who told him .that be merely wanted to- i i . .... . i-: i. . V, i k. ing the flrst time, tbat Im ought ta b very stvtrelr punished. U. alM Is adjndged gnllty of Mn tempt and order ed te pay the ccota of tbis procMltns and nncUrgo an imprisoamsat in the county Jail lor tea day. I hope tbla will be tbe Lrt of IbrM eaeeei tcoe , u ins matter comes to oar nonce ague, to impow .ocb punishment a wttl tond io maa iaa aecsa. or wo voun. at.i- .. Jan n-lm. said it was a horrible cell ' . t r tt r " ' '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers