0.EL Warner I'SCream! WINE8. LIQUORS, RTO OILIKAKKBTB. G. F. rioester, $4.00 OIL BY W. U. TEL. LINE OfFlCK OP . Jnn 14, 1873 IT. DRALEHJIrt SEC OND-U AND TUBING. ill CIDf , Engines, Rollers, and AIL WELIj SUPPLIES. HIGHEST CASH rKlUE r All) Wn ULD EW&WoTa .. .it .i.Mnf mi. r.i.. u (Mb to 1-4 Inch. w5iiV1!SS.V.Vr,0,W I Ws hiker Port u":p.tcc fWe Fomtain. No acid or gas nHniUCtfil unwniw uojrray me stomacb. and Marshall & Richards Would rwiwetrally announce to the citizen, of I rnroieaa t wre ana vicinity that U..V bave aor- I chased the HAHNB4S SHOP of A.Xogtt, ON MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE THE RECORD OFKICE, wtA. w ready to hralih ail if. now ready to hralih H A El BIB QS, Blankets, And everything Beat kept la VFIRST-CIiASS SHOP. RIPAIHINO of ell Modi neatly end expedition Petreleeja Centre, Dee. 6, 1(71. tf PET. EXCHANGE" RESTAURANT, Pot Pontra Pi W. PUG1I, PROPRIETOR. Warm Meali at all Honrs. WILD GAME IN ITS BASON. OYSTERS! I rOMMMtnill InvlU mi otd frloruia BkiMl.. W. POQH. , Pet. Centre, Pa., Key 14 1878.-tf. - vh.. i- iowh, Go to H. A. LOZIEIll 4th Street,near R. 1L track. tor your DEXZINE, dcllvJ i ered at the welh for I25 per Barrel. Petroleum Centre, Fab, Itb-tf. BWIIVEM CHANGE. W. A. Loaer. who has h.vm trade for the past year, has this day disposed of bis entire in. tetindbMine8stotheflrm " t" 7"w wop will vuuuuuv uio Dosiness at tne old I stand. Mr. Lozier denrM nil w iBium nis sincere tnanks to his many patrons for the lib- wai patronage extended to him. during the vu year. F. A rnuiiDS will act m T,, PrpPierori nd keeps a full supply of that fine itjoffalo wtcoui Aio on nana. , ;,. j Mr. Lozier desires all tes indebted to him to' settle uuce as ne wisacs to m books balanced. t4 April 24, 1673. have I Soda Water ! Proclamation to tU Citizms o jfet, centre and Vicinity: R. A LOZIER, Washington-St, i'or your pure Cold Soda. Water I - the best and finest of FLAVORING SYRUPS. I hive al tied bp In elegant etyle throughout, . w LADIES' ud OBNTS' ICECREAM I PARLOR. . Confectionery OF ALL KINDS. TBS FINEST ASSORTMENT EVER BROUGHT TO TOWN. Two Boora Above Hnkel Aaer hiwi wry uooae tore. GIVE HI A CALL. R. A. LOZIER. Pet. Cake, Hay SI, It-TJ it OQi S2a 2 1 a tI: S si a i- 3 s 2 4 6 M H a raj a - g a s a H O a 4 -J 8 Szcolsior Tlu rhaa luiet anil Tine tAu for Well Use. kbyerfail to give batisfac TI0N. n . Wear Well: Try Them t lteferaee.CoUmb(a oil Co. OPPICC Wtth C.H. Wllllime, at end of Boyd nim neioge, ri aujumuM vjui in., ra. rjrivr Belt by 0. GORDON. mjfiM n. Johnson. retrolMtaOeitre, AertlMn, 1778.- tt For Sale IK MA tAM.finA feat nl KKnnND.BANn TUBING, at rom 15 to 36 eta. per loot too tuoib if ib oral ciaaa oraer ana ail Nady lilted April ZS. tt. a. U. WABNLu. WANTED Tiic Oidost Established Li quor Store on (HI Creek. OWEN GAFFNEY, PROP'R, REMOVED To the New Stand In Chriatle'a Old Ston, opposite ue 4ameBtownaotniii(8lon, rutroleom lentn, Fa. New Goods in Great Variety, lort lelt yet 1 bar. refitted et-r. firm.rly occuuled t-r J. H. I brtetle, corner of Wavhlncton and Flratbt... and Uid In a new Mock of the purest and bent of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TDK MARKET AFFORDS. My stock consists Impart o BOURBON, AND MONOGAHE LARYE WHISKIES, New England, Medford and Jamaicca Kums, HOLLAND GIKTS, HBNNK3T, PTNET. CARTTLLKN rt CO.'S, AND BUFFAIiO, ROCHESTER 4i JAitAftUAlUUl Ali8. Sole Agent for the BROTHERHOOD WINES. ol ifrockton, JN. Y, Also Aernit fnr th. Ol.hratad finrnT wnn. EEN BHAftD nf American Champaeiie, made by ths Plcaunt Valley Wine Co., Steuben count, new ion. constantly on nana tn. imnnrtMt pagnee, Ac. Mritocklof CIQAHS la tnexellMxl t thi. C I KEfcP NONE BUT THE FINEST Cigars and Wines, Branch More at the old stand. No. 2S Wuhlnrtnn atreet. " OIVK MJK -A. CALL, At my new stand and sue BILLY VlQJl, OWE2VOAFFME1. Tit. tenrro; Dtc. 17 The market la quirt and dull today at .i.iO(z,au. iuit barrel! cbaogml bands ai f s,za. Pbiladelpbla, June 14 Crude, 8. Refined 19J. Market quiet. Pitteburst, June 14 Crude spot, 6W. B. O. all year, lit,' B. O.d 117t Refined Spot, 22 Market Nominal New York, Jan 14. Crude 8?. ReBnea, 19g'. Market-Quiet G0LOMNEH VOHK. Nw Tori, June i. Gold 117 . p. c. :heiwz( Pioneer, Pa., Slannfactnrer of OIL WELL Machinery & Supplies Engines and Boilers of every description 'Repaired at Short Notice. Agent for FOSTER'S GAS rUMP. PATEWTFaS of HI IIVZ'gWA' TER PACKER. PRPAIFINOof .11 kinds don. at abort no ice and ell work warranted. Orders by mai. or telegraph promptly attended to P. C. HEIN2. Pioneer, Pa., Deo. 21, 1872 tf. New Goods. SAVE YOUR JH0iEY ! 'EL And bny yonrj Boat andbcts at Mrs. M. Magrane's ONE PRICE BOOT & SHOE STORE ! I keep a very large stock of alt kinda on band and .ell aa chop as any other bonee In the OIL KGQ10M. Connected with my Wore Is a Custom Department ! And I Rnarantee a perfect lit In all my work R.painiifr nomtly done. Next door to Wolf. Jewelry Store. ' Petroleum Centre. Pa. deot-U THEN EW ELASTIC TH DM An Impor tant Isv ntlon. It retain, the Rnptnr. at all times, and under the bardivt exercise or eevcrext strln It is wrn with comfort, and if kept on night and day, eneet. a permanent cure in a few weeks Bnld cheap, and. ont by Hail when requested, circulars free, when ordered by Inter scot to Tho Kl'ttlc Trus.ro., No 638 Broadway, N. T. City. Nobod us Metal Spring l-ru-.cs; toe .painful; th.y id lb off too frequently. ' Sneeee to Mi.ee A Aimetreeg. WI10LBSAI.K AXU RETAIL FLOUR AMD Merchant THE 8obKribvh.vlag bought the old (tud (if Mrnse A Arm.trona, haa enlarged the ba.ln.ee T . ; " w ea i -n aa VLrvOAjUMI flay AKTAIL trad, in the following producta: Plour. Feed, Hay & Grain OF ALL RINDS. PRICE LIST. XXX WHITE Wn'T Vt.f.rTO i-L. a.. uukxn A OATS CHOP, per buud. 10 .1 ------ - - . . w v uwf WUI. Bill i u n i oiVAfl It CORN MEAL OIL MEAL 4. S ALT, per hbl OAT MKAL, pi-r lb. l.fiO 1,62 300 3,60 07 60 1.50 1,?5 66 16 rj i ai uts, per butb. H AY. nr hnnrt STRAW " ' OATS, per buab. CORN tyTbeie are Caab price. .ii:r?"1i or W1 patronage, feeling r ii. . i ty It good. " " u,ucu,tt P,to qoal- F. P. KOBSTBR. Petrnleum Centre, Pa May S leRS tf McKinley & Gross, Machinists, Blacksmiths, AND Egbert Farm, Petroleum Centre, Pa. Boiler Repairing a Speciality. REFINERY STILLS REPAIRED W W) warnt all work done by ui be nearly aa good new when repaired Good rraterial furoisbed and prieeg reaM" Having bad long experience In tbe bugi new we are enahlcd to sly. satisfaction joskph Mckinley. sebaStian orobs Petrolenm Centre, Pa., Jan. tf EJew Goods. Emel Zedwich ("LITTLE JOE.") BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Haajuat retntned from Buffalo with complete ateck ol ,,IM Fall and Winter Goods. Baa been established taPe troietim r,Tt,e r, , part three years, and haa the nune oi Making the Best Fit and Flnet t Boot In the Oil Bellow. HaU constantly receiving order, from ether ae tlona of ibe Oil BegloniT H eonatantly keep, on band x Ready-made Boots4& Shoes LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS. CAUiNOIPHIM, J0" KMKLZ nwtrM. Sewing Machine, on 30 Day Trlklt NewYort? W"'1 8eWlng Macl"D C i"o2SSit A fJP VTC everywhere to sell nnr new ai llf S MTPTtm',roW,,ln . nd for Ilel JH liU ililltratcd Otrrular, t( the McRet Mean faotunog dTinpauy, 809 Broaiway, New York!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers