I I." I ft i; KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1000,0!M ACRES ! " Cheap Farms ! The cheapest Lund in market for (ale by the UNION PACIFIC RAIL ROAD CO. In tho Great Pintle Valley 3,000,000 Acroa In tentral Nebraska Now for sale Id tract- of forty cr a Rod npwnrdu on Ave and ten years' credit at par cent. lo advutioe iiitere-t ri Mrd HI Id at healt'ifnl clirati', fertile soil, aimbnud 't'ri ' MKT H nKi r l TUB r,-l The vrv it mining region of Wyoming, Colorado, t'tah nml Nev:4u being supplied by tint farmers Ut tbe l'LA?tB VAI4K.T. i , (; ,i SOLD1KRS fcNTlTLHD TO A IIOMlJ- STEAD0F 100 ACRES. . THE BUST l-OCATI'iNS FOR COLONI S. KKKH U.IMES FOH ALLI Millions, of new of Vc Uovevmnesit l.ami open for entry under the ll.imwieiut Lw, near this. Oiaat Hailroid, with go.! markka and all the convenienc B of an old Hiiitl d country. , . free baa"s to purchasers of Hnilrond Ijind. K.ctional Mips showing tho Laud, a so new edition or D-er!ntlviv'tVnphlel With new Maps Mailed Free Kt!rjrr 4 . .' ' A GREAT OFFER !:acV?"v ATl At SOS, 481 ll'wny, W. A'., will dispose nf 100 PIANOS ifc ORGAN'S of FtllST CLASS MAKKRS.lllOllKlillg WATERS' at KXTItEMEI.V LOW PRICK! FOR cash, or I'Aitr cash, and balance la PMAI.L MONTHLY pavments. Nnw7-0CTAVK FIRST CLASS MA NOB, ALL M0DF.US IMl'ltOVK MKNTH, I'oijJcJTS cash. " Orgme $55, rllTS DOIWI.K RKEI)0RGAN.fclOO 4 SlOP, $UO 8 WOP, nit upwards, 1 , , ft , ' WATERS' CONCERTO PARLOR OR GANS -... are tho most iibaittifc L-ln styi.h and ikii PKtrp in toxb KVKii maiik. The CONCER TO STOP IS the HK8T KVKB PLACK1I IV ANY (iHiiAD I; lii proouoed thy a third set ol loeds PECILIAIILT VOICWl. the EFFECT .r which is MO.-iT CH AH MING and SOUL STIRRING. whil us I.MII'Al'IOS of "be HUMAN VOICE la SUPERB Tbrmh I.iii titii, ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES MAILED lor oue Btump - A liberal dlf rount to MiniatHM, O'mroiie". Sunday KcUooli, Lodged, .o AGENTS WANTKI) $500,000, CASH ! GIFTS TO BE PaII) IN FULL. Third ' rnnl Gift ' Concert a US AID OF THE Tublic Library of -Ky., "Will bo given nl Ilia great hail of Library building, It Lonlfvllle, 0.1 TLKSDAY. JULY 8. 187a, at whicttme TEN'i.THolMAND GIFTs, ainnuniing to erauil total ol ;V)(H).- 01)0, all eaf.li, will hi' d.s'ill'ineti, hy lot lo ticket-iitilHere, iNu retllictloii in amonatoi irilm atthi "f'trlittitlon, hilt eucu gi t- will be paid in full. OtFicti of IjakUhRs' a- DuovKUs' Rank i LoPrnviLi.,' Ky . Apwf 7. 187.1 J This la lo ceriil'y mat there is in tbe Fur mere' and Drovers' limk, to the credit of the Third Grand Gilt Concert for lb hoe tit ot Hi" Public Library ol Ivy.. Five Hun dred Ttioiismd jit)Ji, hlch has been el upirl Ity'lha iddiiteili to pay ll giftt In full. &aiv'jll biTld py.,.lbI!nik and pvil out forttiia purpose, and fliia purtiose.oniy (Signed.) R. S V(3KCU. Cehier 1 IUST.OI tllFTtf Ono ftiind Cash-Gii. ' 1 $imm.0nn One Grand Canh (iift f Oue Grand ' ash Gilt'' . Ml floe , t j i . nun 1 2i 1, 000 IO.DiiO One Grand Csh Gift One flrand Csh Gift One Grand Ottidi Gift P . , , 21 Oaeli Gida of $l,fl00 ech fill Cah Gills of 6mi eHuh Hit Ctslj Gifll Of, i : 4il eol Mil Cash Glfia of HMO ench ' ,fi.imu 24,onn 25.1)00 : ai.iioo :io (ion H(),0(10 J.)l (Jaatt Gifig of it -.200 e cb GifH.of , ,(( JOO MM i , 09,00(1 'I.UUO Cah ttifia of l.o V) each t ,! I VO.000 Totil, 10,000, Gift, all Canh . ! f500,0U0 Only a few tickotn rerrialn 'unfold, and they will be I'urniiihed lo ilia fital appll.oanie lit tit following prices; Whole ttoketa. $10 halve" , $.)).(jn.,rleia, fi 00: 1 1 wholes lor S'OO: ISOff $n(10j'll3 for 1.000. '-and 676 fo' $n.()0(T!"-"Fiir tickels an'J ful Inforraa tlou, iiju'ly to , BR"ILETTE,' J ... , , Ij,ou'v)tl, Ky. or Thn. II. riava A'Co . i nun uMvoHiup to canviisa tor lb . new, Valuable and faat gelllnt book by Dr. . j;T,.;,.'jM)US COWAN, .,,j t f ha Ncieuce f Any ."Iflfe." Kecom mended and ndoraed. by . proinitteul ninistern. physicians, religious and secular )iaperg. N.r other booK like It piihfldeed. S40 per we iufHntei1 ''Adilress.'COW AN A. C.U-. Jj3a, Elgli .St.,: . ew, Yi.ifc. ' n 1 it' r .i n i . a o ' . g s .-,. Vf. rn . t- e. J' ai?f -! ' b . ' I" 5 t u 5't c !r 3. ? .2 e- c o t W .T3 2 O - IS. 6 f'5 ' ai ft. . J J" i. o o3 nil r a .1 f e ft?!" C , .. i y c TELEGRAPHY. A ni'cffflary pnrl of every pereon't education in tii la advanced aco if the art of Telegraph inc. Apply to the underaiiind for Smith'? Manual of Telefrraphy, the tCnt. work piih Halted on thin euhjfet. Price, 30 eta Alro for evry description ol Telegraphic Inatrn uienta un I U ittery; Nilro Chrninio Ua'iery lor ElecirnpiatioL'. 1 J T1LL0TS0N & VO , 8 Dey ,St . New York. WALLACii A: VOJt l'A.M 'i Crcar.i Tiiblt; (liorolutc No hollyii! nee eary. A onp of deliciom Chueolale iti vde wim it ill two minute. No wnt. Packed in pound j.irn. Vanlllj or olain. e dnz. in liox Uoeqnaled aa eooiectlon li r luncn, npreud on crackei', wth it el ft milk al tiaod to drink. For makinp Soda Water Syrup of Uiforing Ice (Jream ii is mipeilor to any Chocolate made; aod fur C'ocoiata Cake, nothing elae will be used wlier this Iih been Iried. For ale by GITIIENS & REX3AMER, Pbila delpbia, Pa. ;f XTI? V 'do Rapidly with Steaell M ViN Hi I Key rliookidutfits. Calaloguw auu full particulai-a FiKR. f. M. Sienct'r, v a 117 ilanovor bi., UoeeoB. . f& 141' Pfdiyl AKente wanted I AH tJJ' HI clasauaof working people of either "ex. ;mii or old make more money nt work for tin hi their epar; momenta or a:l the rim than at anything else. Particular five. AddresB O. 8'1'INsON (!'., Portland, Maine if (iETlYSUVBU KATALYS1NE WATER I ilitf iipnrcHt approach tit ft ppocillc ever dUcown d for lynpeisi, Ntuiiulin, KlH-iimati"m Gout. Ilrnv v., DUtwii-fl, Kidnv ami Urinw Di.'eunti pennr ally. It rer.t.orr imi!ru:ar iuwir to tn Painlytiti It cura Avvx ComiiUiit, rhionic Diwlwi, l'i'tw. ((uirttijmlion, AHtlimn. Cutnrrh tin I Broiwliitl!, I.s tiisosof the ekin, (ifnerm P.-Ulffy nnd Nifrvoiw lJroitrtitiin from MfiitnJ and Ihftl Excess. It the (irt'ntp-i Antidote ever Vilfcovtirt'd fr cwivt'Uiidinror Itrinkiru. ltjoofrvft thedto'i arh iir"iitit'R Diyeftfim, anil Uolime- fie llundix nio t ni)iii'tii:iri'ly. No h-'n-cliuld sttould Jjii without it Korwil-hv all ltrii'-ri i 'r For a 'ilftn-y ofibeHprlnfCfl, tnedicnt rn (Virtu of ho jowurot ttw wnti ovir dfiew, (or iniirvell a ciiro, and far tetemonlals from di ttiL'ii'itud m'n. Hitnd f r pamphlet. W1JITNKY II .OS, 4 .1'ntnd A'viut, 5WI Month Frtit btreet Phllndo pbia, l'a. ' O'ettysburR Spring Co 'To AilverMaerii. All perwoe who contcm plnio iiiakitiL' eontiaeie with tiowspanera for the iwertiou of Aclvmlrvmi-nu ahouldtbiod to , Goo. P.RoweU&'Co-, for n (imiiUr, nr onolowOT rfbr.tlietr ne Huiulred I'airo fumpblt. -: containiiu Lint of tf 0x Nn-pipor and fttithnnrpB Hho.injr r d cestui rtovorilrtiou', nino many iieitii iiini 10 idvorttficrf. mid pome ticnmtut of xhfi I'XnerienccH ol nun who am ktr-wu aa Mice Hnfii I Advur-tlHei-N, l iiifl m me prourlftiirn of the Amuri ouu Nowtfpapw Auvurtlbiug Ageuoy, - 41 PARK ROW. N. Y POST OFUCE NEWSROOM. IIOLLIDAY GOODS I just received at y mm I am now prepared to sell any thing and everything in the Xcwspajnr, , ... Stationery.. VO ' Fancy lioiM.C ": ' f '!r tOiJfpctlonery Line! At GreatJy- Reduced ;!j MATES, , i 1 hojie by strict attention to the wants of the 'r ublic to mer a share of their patronage,anc1 would invite myriends to - pay me a call. . s- , , . , ' I lli: PtHI Oil COUFAMON. Kverv lady wanviiH! Kve-v Mhijoii lt 10 Imvf one!! , ' " Henton r.rt or Ten Cents. Address t F.'TIVUB & Ctt, 110 KfMutU Avia.ua, New Yt, I Ast ''v"r-lie-e ntMlour n. and ., . t ..V."'VJI J?n'bfld-rina Maeli n, tt A I S.ll""d ' ,r "l"''r.i ed I'm-iiiar lo w r . a 'ii VeKr-e vi1;n i ir vr't- tv p"i; :.. titawi . .Sew i-t!. SlSlfll! G. GtrUDON HARDWARE Or. G-OTlJDOlsr, 1 Maiii-St.- Petroleum- Ctsntre. ...... ' Keeps on hand a full linojof , Coipliii Tuliiii, New Bedford Bolt Rope Cables and Sand Pump Lines, RUBBER BELTING, FORKING i-ACIU,SG. VALVES. , .. CASING . ' , 'AND HOSE,- . VALVE CUTS,-. -' i i .CLAMPS - v . ..Lanterns. La..t?i-.i (r!ou;-s, ('ariJfirtfifs Tools, 1 ALIiHIVDSOF BliASa GOODSf; f Extra Winter Strained Lard Oil, ' Johnson As Barrett's Lnliricating Oil, v.,!...,., , No. 1 .Refined Oil, 1 lie Novelty nml Eureka C'otlics V.'r'i-.gers, the l ent ill use, , , . With a full line ol Tableid Pocket Cutlery, ami S Iver Plated .Spoons and;Forki, ' STORES, My stock of COOK AN0 II R A TI Mfj' 8TO V I btlUB It Me ore 1 1 in l.t,. u,ln,. nt c,,. eoll at old pricii.. Those dIelng nnvitin t'Z'Ta CTlU l""1 ' - Stove will do well to ,41 aud eX81uine ufv ..oek, ol lu 'cU tho toltol?.'.1 i ' , plll'liul list; . ; it Ajspeitica, . ok to ve ! i WHh rewrT0ir ni1 warming closet', a met cltus Stove for tfard oor't" A !VI Rla.CW Cook, with low w.iter reservoir and wnrmin . -i.. . j THE UKhfHtt and CURAT I ML l I.' 1 "! 0lT'' fn! bard ,cohI' . with or without ,e,.rvoir and wanning ,&lZ''g"l'm Tiro ll.ee,,-Cook, a chenp nt cla .Slove. f,. bar, or grftcoat . i f 1 V 1 l l-mi Gih-0ooIi, a arp. heavy aa durable Sivs r Vori .r i I ) U J I J 1 V Heal Slwaf-uk. lor bnrd or soft coal, is celebr .led , fm. Slove and chetipnes; In price. a ,ur qualities at a good rlippr Cook, (or b ud or soli coal, a smell but excellent Hin.'.." WillOMtU.-Cook. . woo.lStt.ve with eleva.td orto" ?,f a , ; ! ;:1:,r.,:TINB'OTARLORHEATriR3 cauno't'b, exoelled' "' If y&i i, re!s hiiixr -!ed" Kep Siil IHn-UPr Self feeder- Parlor heater with' .i.' i . " . ' ' ' dumping c ner gr 10. Aiatr nitU shatlog flre patent and V y J.ill-A neai and cheap JJase B,,,, ' b8UtIfUl and powerful heater- I In iino ,i(;(it A choap cylinder S'ove win, mill t ti !.. Iloiise-A sliet iron cj-lintler stove, very cliear, J4v A small sell feeder and quite cheap IllHrft !vaH A pirlor cook s'ove vvith oven fcn.'r - I'8I310-A cheap flinl,,,, room Siove, ., . " ' ' ,orooU Oertl A cheap bed room I Sieve.. I ' ' I.V.- learl-A cheap cylinder jitoye. for h,',rd or -1 t"r iiiiiii or OUNltKt A lure healing Sl.ive, f ; in mt SALAMANDER A derrick stove. GLOB K J MANlTACTUREiJ OF m, SHEET ' l?m " ' AfJD COPPER-'WARE: . : .. SMOKE STACKS MADE TO ORDER. 'V" "."'? , COhsited the eneapes, and lZ Bepa,nnof all kinds done with neatness and dispatch AND OIL. W.ELL t-CPPLIESyj 4 Mi Gas PijB BARRELS. TUBING AND ' ' ' I STOVES! K.S eunnnt be excelled In tbe oil rmio. L i .. , . Met! IB (Be Oil region. A- and coal. Still eonl ... "- 1,1 ., , ,, iTl' AT F l7 7 "T'01"1 "T' hnt,8',H. lu'AJf-" vorgloresand ouTcaa. rl', i. , t?I ' e.'trl ' " Grand Opening ! CP mum Oil i Ctdtlis, Motions, &c.; AT BROS: Wasliinjrtoti stri ft, rl Petroleum Centre." At present the prevailing topic or conver satlon appears to "How soon are you going tor ,ovo to Butler?" We desire ' to Inform our patrons and the public) at large that we do not Intend to move from Petroleum Centre, but prorora , to "light it out on tbis line If it ukj., " - ' all sumnier," and would respeelluliy invito all to enme and examine , our slock of fruch as Millinery Trimmings,' LACE G00BS, And a complete stock of ladies '" c Hats and Bonnets, I r Also; Complete Slock of BOOTS $ SHOES i ;'-.;-.: ... I ' . 7. Whlcbk will be sold ' I Cheaper, ten te tepl Give ui a call, and examine goods aud prioes. ... , 1 -v ' P'SU'ELS BROS. Pet, Centre, April th, lf7.'J. ' Fermsrif with Femtriy with ,' T. IlELUBOLn. I KEARNEY'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU,' li the only Known Remedy for Bright! Dis ease and has cured every ease of Diabetes Id whiob it ha bean given. Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder and inflammation of the Kidneys- TJloentionof the Kidneys and Bladder, Eeten- . tton of Urine, Diseases of the Prostate Gland, 8toneintheBladder,0rMl,BriokDustDepoit, . and Uuoouser liilky Diavbargea, and for Kn , faebled and Delicate Constitutions of both Sexes, attended with the following? symptoms : I" of I'oWer, IxiofMtroont,DrHicaltyof Breatli- fing, ITsak Nerves, Wakefulness; rain in th Back, Flushing of the Boriy.Bruption on the Face, . : I'sUid Countenance, Lassitude of tbe Byatem, etc. . Used by persons in the decline or ohsngs of life 1 alter conflnemest or labor pains, bod-wet- . ting in children, ato, 1 . 1 In many affections peculiar to ladles, the Ex tract nucha, ia unequaled by any other remedy Aa in Chlorosis or BhUntlAn, Irregularity, Fain- .. tulaesa or Suppression ol Customary Kvacuaticns, Cloerated or Bchirms state of the Uterus, Leu corrhosa or Whites, Bterility and for all 00 ro plainU incident to tbe sex. It ia prescribed extensively by tbe nost eminent Physicians ana . Midwives for enfeebled and delicate constitu tions of both sexes and all sgea. KEABNEY'S EXTBACT BTTCBT, " Crtt Distrust Arising Jrcm Imprudmctt, 7(0itirfoaiot,i., in all tlitur stages, st , little expenae, little or no ehange in diet, no in convenience, uid no exposure. It causes a fre . qnent desire, and ttvee strength to Urinata, . .thereby removing Obstraotlons, l'reventing snd Onring Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Fain and Inflammation, ao frequent in this class of die- , eases, and expelling all foisonous matter, KEAIINETS 1 EXTRACT BUCHT. 1.00rTbottleorsix hottlcsfor $5.00, delivered to any addrMa.eecar from observation. Bold by druggists everywhere. Prepared by KIAKNEVCO.,10DuanBt.,N.T. ' te whom ail letters tor information should be ; addressed. i. ' - Avoid Quaoks and Impostera. ' I Mo Charge for Advloe and Consultation. Dr. J. B. Dijoti, Oradtwte of Jtfeno Jfsdtofl. ' College, Philaaeipbia, author of aeveral valuable ' works, can be consulted en all diaeasee of Hexual or Urinary Organs, (which he baa mads , an especial study) either in male or female, no matter from wbM eaase1 originating or of now 4. longstanding. A practice of 80 ysare enablss ' him to treat disease with, suooeas. Otusa guar. t an teed. Charges reasonable. Thoee at a diss Uncecan forward letter describing symptoms f and enclosing stamp to prepay postage. ' Bend for the Onite lo llmilk. Price 10 cent. -, J. B. DYOTT, M.D., Physittlan and Bargee nt Ilnane "St . New York. t 1 i t...:. - t SAM UK L SI to 1 11- In 1 i-'ii i r Tsips-,'jija Kswect.i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers