; H f It Petroleum Centre Daily Record. ret. Centre, Pa., alalia relay. Jaso 14 . LtlvlB Oervlee. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Servicer every Sabbath at U A. M. and P. M. Sabbath School at 2 P. M. at ft. A eurdlal Invitation extend t to ail. Rnv. O. afooaa, Pallor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at It o'clock A. M.. and;? o'clock P. H.t by tbe Fattor, W. O. Braes Ann. Sehbetn 8ehoet at HJ, directly after lorenooa aarvloa. Prayer Meeting Mil Sabbath Bthoot Teaeuur'a Meeting Tuesday evening ol each week. Patrmleam Centre Lodge, Km. T16, I. O. ofO. F. R(iilar meeting olghta Friday, at 7 'look. Signed. W. B. MONTGOMERY, N. 6. C. R. Bailct, A See'y. tVPleo of meetiog, Mala SL, opposite McCllotock Home. A. O. V. VV. Liberty Lodge No. 1, A. O. of 0. Tf., meet every Mooday evening at T o'clock, in Odd Fellow' Hall. Petroleum "Centre, Pena'a. A. Glenn, M. V. A. U. Kunsit, R. ?:I. O. ! R. M. Mfnoekauuee Tribe No. 183, L O. R. M of Petroleum Ceotre, meets every Thursday evening lo Oood Tamplar'a He'l. OT Council Bra Minted at 7 o'clock. H. HOWB. 8ebem. C. L JOKES, Cblef ol Record. i Gold at 1 p. m. 117 low Price Oil. A report wa current this morning tbat Jam 8. MoCray bad aold oo hundred tboutaad barreli of oil on boar it ear at 91 per barrel. Al nailer of court eonilder abla excltemeol was oeoasiooed among oar oil men lo consequence. Alter ao Inquiry Into I be fact it seems tbat Hr. MeCray and J W. Buttere, an oil buyer or Tltue Tllle. on the can day before yesterday got Into a dteeoMlon of tbe oil market past and present, wbicb ended In banter, jeoote or otherwise, evidently tbe latter, on tbe part f McCray, offering 100,000 barreli tpet ler $1 per barrel, which wai promptly ooept ed by Button. Tbe whole matter wa re garded at a jeat probably by tbe moit ol I bote who beard II. But it aeemi Butter demand tbe matter differently, a be tal morning on tbe arrival of tbe down train, nollfled Mr. Merchant, agent lor Mr. IfcCray, that ba wet ready with oar aod money aad soldi blm to the eoolracU Tori affair will probably lead to litigation. Publlo opinion appeart to be somewhat divided at lo the validity of such a bargain. A good many appear to think lb bole af fair a "put up job" to Meek mH MoCray Into paying a lew thoniaod doer 'differ ence" contract. At all vente i MoOrey exhibited a lack of judgoeot lo making euoh a proposition, so uetter whether In jest or olbarwlae, al K wet evidently died m a mean of "beaang" tbt market, tU prloe having fall that aod tbe day aflat from fl,0 to tjUoo tba upper Creek. Tbe public"'! eepeolally thou lotereit ad lo the t batineat will await with loter eit furtb developmanta in tbl matter. It I uodeitoed, however, In tba event ot pro ceeouga being oommenoed by Buttera that kbPrev will coateat It to tbe bitter end. Mr. Tbomai Boaob, agent for the Bob aria Torpedo Company, met with narrow eaoape keen being blown to atom by tbat dread mlaalve altro glycerine, yeiterday afternoon. He wai retiming Cherrylrm Ran, whltber be had been to pat In n lor pedo. While going up Ryod larm bill be teaad the road bloeked by two team, one Oder ebarga of man named Murphy and the other drove by ilranger. Tbe men wore engaged la no Hercallon ai to wbo had the right of way. Mr. Roach Informod tbem that be waa conveying nllro glycerine aod requested tbe privilege ot pamlog. With that Marpby commenced backing down hill wbleb frightened Mr. Koaob'a bane Into balking of the road down n iteep bank. Tbe bona eel wagon tolled over twlee, and can containing tbiee quart of nitre gly. eerloe, roiled over the ataoea end toga to tba foot of the bill n tflttenoa of twenty or thirty yarda. It aaami attaoit providentla I an explaelon did not oosur, a wban picked p the caa wai lannw to have leveral heavy deam ea Ita aurfaoe where It bad itruek agiliH tba rock on the way down. Had tbe can exploded It Would have aenltba whole party to kingdom com without a monent'i warning. A It waa tbe wages wi badly auiMbed up and the borac rl' ouely bruia-d. II may well ba inppored thai Mr. Boaob la thankful no exploeloo dlt net aeowr. The farmer, jut now, bave gone Into fbc nioit harrow -log detail. Tbe Rev. Mr. Kendrtck, of Grand attest Methudiat church', Mew York City, preaeb- d a aermen laat Sunday upon daoolog. Hie text waa ''Praia the Lord la tbe tUnce," 4c. The preacher said tbe relief iwu world out take a more comprehensive view of tbe Question of amusements. He tald tbat aouaemeDt are pert of ot ni lure, aad the matter to be Inquired into I bow to eo joy amusements and not ebuie (bum, or pervert tbem to bad ua. H coo damned ball room promiteuou danolog, lata baura In dancing, and he denounced oerteio klodi of daociog. Bat ba bold that if It wai right lemaroa le the -aouod or music, it wm not wroog to iklp to lb aound or muiio. The preacher laid the Church naa touohed tbe eabjeai of daoelng wttb n ean torlou iplrik There wai no batm in a quadrille and it add grace to tboee wb otbarwiae would remain elumiy aad awk ward. Tbe preacher remarked tbat rupee Ubl families, bonoraolo In Cburob, have introduced reipectabie danoing Into thair home aod families, and tbua have provid ed at borne healthy exercise, and a rational amusemeot. He aaierted tbat while the Cburob denoonee danoing It li powerless to regulate It, lor people will judge for themselves, and tbe denunelattoo of danoing by the Chureb bai driven away from tbe Cbrlitlao lold tneoy who other wiaa would bave been honorable member ol It. Tbe Cbrlitlao father wbo provide! dano log at borne does good, for be furnlsbe a healthy exerciie, and givn young people a favorable Idea of Cbrtitiaaity. Let tbe young meet their friend In their home, with bandtome parlora and reipectabie oompany, and there let tbem enjoy the daaoelo proper form. By tbeae mu prnt will keep their aooi and daughter! at borne, for they will not tbeo bave the Indueameul to leek tbat pteaaure ou tilde wblob they ean eaiily obtain at borne, without the peril of tbe ball room or drink lagaaloon. The preacher canoluded by laying that dancing at wedding, birthday parties, annual excunioua, Ac, bad no more evil tendeney than many of tbe emuwutenii tbat are Indulged in by Cbrli tlao familial on inch oooeaioaa. The Foreit Fran parpeiirate tbe follow log wedding notice. Peter we are atraid you mean bad: May they reach the land ol Bulah,and on ita Indian luomer abore a tbay gse through the aid on that peaceful land to to which taey'll loon pal o'er rail back upon a flowery path, a day of rammer weatb r,odwben tbeydoie take off their olotbei and go to bed together. Ot nil the muerable Indiana ever known Captain Jack can lake the breeob-cloul. He either lie Ilk the devil, or he I an arrant coward, What kind of romance can bo made out of Captain Jack'c character! It would putslo Cooper In bli palmieai dayi of Indian admiration to bave found a clean pot on Captain Jack' ore. But Cap tall Jack I the average Indian .be i not lb traditionary Bed man for the tradition ary Red man wbo wonbippad the Great Spirit and wbo talked oot with n forked tongue, ba long looo departed for tbe bap py biioliog ground. A Cooper bi;im mortallaed In proa nod Loogfellow em balmed in poetry tbe Indian ot romance, we uggeit tbattEgglMtoo diab op In pre tbe real Iiako. and Brat Harte put in poetry tbe SbackNeity Jim or to-day. On Tueeday algbtlett about 12 o'clock, tbe ga bouae al FairSeld, Preaton A Co.' refloery, caught Bra and but for the exer tiona of th workmen at tbe reflntry and one or two paaaan by, diaaatroua ooofla gratlop would bave euued. -The Are wai oooaaiooed by the ga letting back through tbe pipe on aocountof a eurreat ot cold air Irikiog them. Mr. R. Kella, on of the Arm, we oo duty at lha time, aod wa blown about 35 feet away by tbe foroe CI the exploaioo, forluaately eaoaplog without iajury. The low waa about $200. YeaMrday alleroooo, ona of tbe crude oil illllc al tbe aame reOoery, exploded. Tbe ocoMloaof tbii explmion waa by lighting tb Br nndar the itlll. Th material ud I tar and benalne. Kella did not com out o fortunate tble lime, ai wbN Hgbtlog tie Bre, the benalne and ga luddanly exploded. The fltmv from tb gai (truck hi right band and arm burning than frightfully, ao mnch to tbat tba fleah nearly dropped off the Soger. HI arm waa oot ao badly burned but la bad enough to lay blm up for come time HI eaoape from being burned to death wain narrow ooe,a bad be itood directly In frool ol th fuvoaoa Inetead or one aide be would bave been killed ,at one by tba Ire. The Ion to Ibo Arm ia eatima td at $300. Agamlt waa (7 yean laat week, and ba hai discovered mora flab and thing with ua pronouoeblename2of aaven syllable, than aoma men wbe are twlee that old. Strawberry it tittle Indicate tbat tbe yield will be very large. HUMAN L1FK. After a while a bmy brain rVlll real from all It care and pain. Altar a while Eartb'a ruth wdl eeaae, And a weerleA heart Due iweet fetaaa. After a while- a vaniabed face An amply aeat a vaoanl place. Alter a while a man forget A crumbled headitooe unknown apet. Wban It cornea to "obeek" a Piltiborgh reporter will win the champion cue every time. Tbe ether day o lady living near thai city waeatrueh by lightning and bad the fao ilmlle ol a tree Mending In tba yard prioted upon bet leg. Before the bad rally recovered from tbe effcete of the (hock, an Interviewing Modoc reporter oallad upon bar and aiked tc be ibown "the photograph ol that tree ba would write it up." Tbat reporter could make meoey by having bit face worked np into brae door kooba. Juat received at Sobonblom' lower itore the Boeit new Put a toe of the , teaeon. T.o enjoy tbem one ba to try tbem, and our word far It they are nice. Tbl we kaew by experleooe. If you don't like tbem try a quart of thoa nice froth Strawberries Ambrose Weaver will explain tbe merit of both at greater leogtb tbao we can, a be knowl all about tbem. Call and tee bim. A "bottomleee pit" baa beao discovered In Kooxvllle which will be apt to damage the graveyard bull net in Jbal city. Here tofore fbe Kooxvilllanl bave gone their via tba cemetery. A boy named Tbeapocritu ttumbergar- danbuglo, aged 14 year, has been sick ever tiooe be waa four yean old alck ol bit oeme. Frank H. Walworth, a partrlcide was ar raigned, lo tba Oyer and Terminer al New York yeiterday, and through bla counsel, Judge Garvin, pleaded net guilty. HI trial Is expaeted lo take place lo about two weeks. 3$Alderman Nlcbol, of Philadelphia, re cently convicted of extortion, baa been granted a new trial. Ola Bull and Dan Rice bave been called tba champion fanwellista. But Dan pro poaea to leave Mr. Bull In tbe rear by giv iog two annual larewell tour a year, hare attar. The Girl Who Never 8av a Young Man. An old man who live near St. Helena, Cel., la a wl d lotituda has a very pretty daughter, aged 19, wbo bad probably oever ean a young man till her father look bar to San Francisco th other day to e the town Sbe was dressed up 'prettily, for the fir time In her lire, and bar ailka end ribbor and tbe gay sights almost turoed her bead. But wbat most Interested her was tbat b'tb erto unknown being tbe young man. Every time she saw one aha would tlx ber aye earnestly oo bim aod sbe actually made several at temps to get away from the old man, tbat sbe might cultivate tbe aci qneioteaee of these young gentlemen, so be finally oangbt ber aad led ber by the hand. After he got ber on tbe boat for Vellejo, on the homeward trip, be felt prel ty sate aoa ooneiuaea to take a drtok. He took several and In his abaenoe tbe daugh ter made the acquaintance ot two sprightly yonng men on the boat, and iba wa to tar. oloaled with male aoolaty that sbe made ar rangement to forsake ber old father and go with tbem. She succestlully gave her lath er tbe slip when tbey left tb boat for the care, and the Infatuated girl was stowed be tween tbem in a smoking car. But her fath ar found ber and whirled ber out or tbe car in the liveliest manner, and kept bla Land on ber till they reached home. He will oot dare expo bar tosuob peril agalo. and the poor girl ia destined to olote oonSoe- moot out of tbe world of young men aleaa she runs away. Daring one of tbe aeeoee at Ibo circui tut night while several performances were la progress, a yonng lady was looking at two down wbWIlog a hat lo tbe air, with ttlok and observed to her young mao thai aha "used to do tbat" That yooog mao happened to be looking at a lontortlooitt, In another part of tb arena with hla lag lied arouod bit neck. An explanation wi mad necessary. Meadvllr Repobll can. A colored voter lo tbe South bae written tbeSaonlary of tbe Treasury requesting tbat "blank'' United State bond be sent blm to Bll out be offering to divide the profit with lb Secretary and ataliog that "no ona need knew their business." Aod yet some persons tell us that the lata obat- tli are not capable of n higher elvillza lloa. A grand tobacco lair u lo ba held in St. Lonis on June 3d. Everyone wbo cbtwt caa attend. PAKMER OIL FIELD. Tbe Cost farm, containing fifty acres, ad joining tbe Southeast boundary of tba bor. ougb nf Butler, waa recently purchased bv Chatlee DudVv and Dr. A. B. Newman, at two hundred dollar per acre. VIOtHITT OP MILLXIWTOWM. The well on tbe Johnston form baa at tained a depth or 1.400 teat nod work pro. great ilowly. It i asserted by some that the workmen 'mike baste slowly" in order to aaable certain parlies lo setute a much territory as possible before tba anxiously looked for big strike takes place. Michael BtoGioley, Esq., owns 189 acres not far distant from the Jeboaton tract, which ha proposes to sell at $360 CP per acre. Here is a cnance tor eomaeavaoiur' cut (peculator lo invett. Considerable ell ba shown Itself In tbe well on the Gillespie larm. Iotertoted par ties look for a good atrik when lb well I drilled through to the third ceo. It la aid that tbe tool have been lluok In tbla well for some time past which baa delayed the completion ol tba work. ' Tba well on tbe Stewart farm, ud the one the Barnhart farm, owned by Dr. Jamn aod other, keep up their production ad mirably; ibne conviocing oil operator and othera tbat Millentown territory I uosur passed by aoy other In th extooare oil field between Parker and Butler. The Wyett well, on the J. J. Birnbart farm, Is good for 160 barrels per day, vicikitt or riTBOLU. A well owned by the Eurieco Oil Com paoy, of Klttanoing, oo tbe McGarvry farm ooe mile Southeast of Petrolia, hal beei drilled some depth ioto tbe third laot, has filled up lo aoma extent with oil aod iprom ite lo prove good, and open up new lerrl tory. Old Misery, owned by Metslmer & Back us, on tbe J. li. uampoeii larm, wait of Karni City, wai drilled some depth into tbe third nod on Saturday laat, abswlng considerable oil and presenting other favor able indications of a good strike. VICIXITT Or OMKCE CITT. Tbe Humes well on tbe Boyd farm, leven mile East of Butler, h a been drilled 1,600 feat and tubed. It is now pumping, yield log a small amount of oil but not a sufficient quantity to pay. Tb well owned by Georg fGivea and others, (truck aoma weeka ago eontinuts to yield about 200 barrels per day. A well struck on tbe M Clelland, fara, on tha 1st day ot Juoe, which be up to lei time averaged, dally yield ef over 100 bar rel. Two other wells on this farm ar expect ed to strike next wevk. one of wbleb Is owned by McClelland & Qnlno, tbe other by Beonvdlct & Stall. Oilmen's Jouraa. Betting on the GlrNCard. Tbe Denver New lays: Tba three tare! moote swindler are awarmlng along Iba Union Pacific. ,Tbey bave inleated tb train between Omaba and Cbeyenne. Tbe other day a party ol Eogliib tourida high- toned, bigbpriced follow paated over tba road from Cbeyenne outward. Shortly al ter leaving tha latter place a follow uolol- ded bla coat aero; bis knee aod opened out a blooming monte game oo bia Impromptu) table. At flrat aa uiual in cucb affaire, no body but tbe owner of tb game took mnob lotereit, but in a little while ooe of the Eogllibmeo and lien another, and still an other, steppsd up lo the stranger, 4'ooly juit te look oo, you now. The trick wa of course, to guess wbicb ona of the cards was qoeeo, and when, the "dealer" on aoma heieiiedup excuas turned bit back for moment tbe everpresent espper "Mowed" on bis partner aa It were, and told the Eag ilsbmaa that tbe girlcard wa marked. Tbe Eogllabmaa, drawing wallet cot of bis pocket planked down n round ' thousand aod laid: "There I'll bet you I can ga lb queen." At leal account Ibo nglitb man wai bewailing the loot ol bla .tbonaand and roundly abusing tba ooootry whoa on ly queen waa paateboard ooe. II will be well for Odd Fellewa throng fa- out the State lo beware. A fallow calling bimeeli Che Williams, latnveltig aeeand trying to impose oo tba fraternity. Be tars he is a member ef Fequoooook Lodge, No. 2, of Bridgeport, Conn. ' ' i i To Rend-a Nitro-Gltcsmm ax Ora Explosive Sira ro Hani CoVe' Roberts has just obtained letter patent for rendering gunpowder Ditre-glyeerla and other fulminate marc safe lo handle Ibaa Is their ordinary ooodilioo. He mixes gwater or other fluids with tbem, aod In that state It la found very dlBVsult to explode IbeoKex eept through the medium or some of lb dry material. An Irreverent Butler county operetrfj after boring Ibraa dry boles, expressed him self of lb ooovieiioo that if Solomon; had ventured Into tbe oil buaineis to that local ity) the Timpla would bave beea sold out at Sheriff' laJa before i t wti half eomplol-cd. Iioral Notices,. A ilealrabl residence oo the S.hM . Good water bandy. RnmXi, lane Will be -Id bV.p,J' tS- Petre-let, Centre, The eartaerhlp heretofore u.ti uoderthegrmoameorj. M H.a,, ia this day diasolvrd by mutual cn',, ' P.7?M kB0W'n nemeelve. Indbirt tbe old firm are rrq,leie4 lo Cl ,d "J lb lame at once. L. Pemixs, J. RiTTitn. Dated Petroleum Centr. MayH' lni II yon Want a Salesman, Want a Servant Girl1, Want to Sell a Horse. Want tSH a Patent, Want tieo4 Money, Want to Buy a House, Want la-Sell a Carriage, Want to Borrow Money, Want te Sell an Oil Well, Want to Bay an Engine or Boiler, Waot to Sell a House aod Lot, Want to bad a 8trayed Animal, Want to Purchase an Oil Interest, Waal to Sell a Piece of Furniture, Waot to Buy a Second-hand Carrltr Wool to Sell Twbng, Caiing, Ga Pip. Want to Find an owuer for n. found. advertise in tba Rkcord. a an u.. tbao ten tbonaand people read It weekly. BENZINE Just received a fresh sbddIv of Benzine, the best evpr brought to town, at J. A. 'I'm 2CYCKB. Petroleum Ceotre. May, IS, 1873- tf DISSOLUTION. Tbe copartnership heretofore eslillne he. tween Sobermerhorn A Ten Evck is dleanlr. ed by mutual coosenl. o. i". femuKRaonir. J. A. Tim Etce. Partlea indebted to tbe above Jrm must all and aelti np and aave t.ouble. J. A. TCK ETCX. Dated Petroleum Centre, April , 1873. FOR SALE Ooe 15-bone Tift boiler in cemnlele are der, uo a-bora Wood k Mann engine aad boiler in complete order, 27fi feat 3 inch tnbing, extra heavy, 600 feel large seeker rodi, 1 Snow Pump. A. TIH ETCE. What NrxtT Tiieaveraat Jnmmll Mmmw 10 cuDta a year, wl aJ.plendld I i.OOl bromo, tree, epeamsn, a cents r luise a cmnl Hey where von saw tbia. John a L AlOea, Pabllahw, CM eago. UISSUlsCTlON. Tba eopartoershlp heretofore existing be tween Marshall ds Riabarda ia dissolved by mutual consent. Parlies Indebted to tbe above firm mutt call sad settle ap and aave trouble. E. C. BlCBAKDS. Dbted PetreWam Centre, June 3, 1873; SiMt ANNUAL D ISTRIBUTION 75,730 Premiums RANGING IN VALUE FROM lO IO fl)5, OOO g-ivjsjst' TO TB H RlTliSCitiislI&t, CJR FlhESiDE FRIEND Kverr Bwbaeriber laaaro of one pre mium aur war, mu kaa an epual ebanee of receiving: a CASH rri'nian, vn a eAnw. vnwA WAS OH. SEWINO RIAeaiN fc. ore . etc. PIBST bRAUD CASH PRZBUUK $5,000 OUR riBEBIDE FKIENO.-XIgbt Pages BaieesiH. ninttra'ea, tne rantiy " !u THIhd VULUMX aad has attelnad tbe LAKO X8T CIltCULATlON of any naper pafllthud la the West It mooes enable the proprietors t ferottb the best auxt desirable ana aiot aseln. ortglnrl readinr aucr 1l greet varlaty, th monef wit bay, and to make M a Bnme weekly mw m wauieoi every nuniiy. naosenpua pn -par year of W aombera. lai asreiran vmt "OI7TE." tat 1C a 10 roeh, M colors. Ackno led by ol to betbebanawiaestaad most valaabl preminai Bleialetai Amatiea. hn aahrihar la Deeaeniea wfth thleChromoal i..iUm of aacbenbiaf, (ao waillrifc laaaale recelvoa a nomaersd eerilfnte enlRlinrthe bolder to a share la tba dlatri satfon ot ais.ouutn eaah aad other areminaia . . The dietribatioa takes place on tie eesead Taes day ta Jane nest. Tbe Cbramo and c tan on receipt of price Bpeolnie- eopir"?' Ust, ete., giving full mrttcuUn seat free ay UJlMTm aa a irii . OCK lWXiVK PHUNB, CJdeago, 111 "WANTED, 10,000- FARMERS Jo tp l.tOOiO acres a R Luxta, free J Bortsag and located n the middle rtcioB rn fowa-tb beet eorn, wbaat aad etlleP!d"2; belt ia tbe West, 1 boar aisUnt Irera CWcg CllmaM and soil unnrpaaMd Meadow Mid P land with pore ranaing water erenly dlsinbniM No fever end sgat Avasage credit price, JJi acra. send fsra gold. iTeoaM nothing, and glJ dewrlstlona, prices, terms. apa aod torn to ncn UelHnda AS.eSjollP B. CALHOUN, CnmmissloBer Iowa Mall Ho Ua Co., Ctf Haptda, Iowa. Chicago Pace, at g. Qp1 tt. The"Gherga"la a aaw and popolar brand of California wine. It will Gberb." off bi leet at qui, a lorn af lb M-enda. V 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers