EL EL trafner UKALKKJ1K SECOND-HAND TUBING) All Sizes Casing, Engines, Boilers, and Dili WEl SUPPLIES. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR OLD ROPE, IRON and BRASS. 9rfav1nj: recently pnrcnaacd a New and Tm irored PIPE OUTTfNG MACIIINK. I am Dmar- ed ta cnt ind At all slsea of Pipe and Caelng from U inch to 8 1-4 Inch. waeblnartort-Mt., Nearly Opr. Roela eater noma, Pet. ceinire, Pa. aprttf. H. H WARNaR. HARNESS SHOP. Marshall & Richards Woald reapectfully announce to the citizen" of Petroleum (Wro and vicinity that toy ban nor 'cbaMd Uie UAKNKSS SHOP of A. Lefgett, Km MAIN STREET. OPPOSITE THE RECORD OFFICE, VV ra now ready to furnish CXSaies.Wiiiiis.Eote, HARNESS, Blankets. And everything netoaiktpt fa fe9"FtR8T-CIiA88 SHOP. . RSPAIKINGOf.il kind. neUj and etpedlttou rrdona. SHveaseeall. . . MARSHALL RICHARDS. PET. EXCHANGE RESTAURANT, Pet tatn, h V. PCGH.Q PROPRIETOR. Warm Meali at all Honrs. Wild Qahb In its seasc. ar o YSTERB ! Keeelved IJv and eervoc on In any style desired. . i rcapeciiuny ipviio my oia inenu at Petroleum Ventre and elsewhera to pay me a call iroarantealiie to trart. lham mil " ' Pet. Centra. Pa.. ttay M 18TO.-tf. "TGH- NTnDIE3 I Go to w7a. lozier, 4th Strm,near It. It. track, for your BENZINE, deliv ered at the welh for $2,33 per Barrel. Petroleum Centre, Feb, fit!) tl. ' BUSINESS CHANGE. W. A.4 Lozier5, who has been (engaged m the Wholesale Ale trade for the past year, has this day disposed of his entire in terest in said busiuess to the firm of Fox & Willhtm, who will continue the business at the old stand. Mr. lazier desires us to return his sincere thanks to his many patrons for the lib eral patronage extended to him. during the past year. F. A Phillips will act as agent for the new proprietors, and keeps a full supply of that fine Buffalo Cream Ale on hand. Mr. Lozier desires all par ties indebted to hira to settle at once as he wishes to have is books balanced. ' JBsled April 24, 1873. 5? oSis iwii -iiarrramsa I'SCneam ! Soda Water ! Prodarrmtlm to the Citisans o Pet, Centre ami Vicinity: R. A. LOZIER, Washington-St, For your pure l Ice Cold Soda Water Drawn from Lonrs WIvrp Pmt able Fonntaih. No acid or gas to uesrroy trie stomach, aud the best and finest of FUV0H1XG SYRUPS. I have lit) fitted up In elegant atylo throughout, a ICE CREAM i PARLOR. Confectionery, Confectionery OF ALL KINDS. THE FINEST ASSORTMENT EVER BROUGHT TO TOWN. Two Doors Above Sobel Se Anor balnea Dry Clooda Store. G1VB 518 A CALL. It. A. LOZIER. Pat. Centre, May SI, lhWtf. m t ,PhS Pi s ss 1 E o a. i. a a 53 U 1 65 i H S a. c e .2 . 3 O 3 a Si e Li a 3 U Q Si -1 8 Excelsior 1 The Cheapest and Best Oils for Well Esc. v NEVER FAIL TO GIVE SATISFAC TION. Do Not Glim t Wear Well t Try Them I llcferoueeColumbla nil Co. OFPIOB With C n. WUIInma. nt end of fcoyd OTFor Sale hy Ci. GOHDON. HllliH M. JOHNSON. Petrolanm Caolre, Apr 1 5th, 171a.- If. IS nftl t.i 2.miil f-,-1 SEfOVD- AVD TUBING. t lr. in 25 l- 35 cis r I mi Tbc Tu'jia Id iu first cIubk orj-r anil all ready fitted April 23. tf. H. a WARNER. WINES, LIQUORS, ETC $4.00 OIL "WANTED The Oldest Established El- qaorStorc on Oil Creek. OWEN GAFFNEY, PROP'R. REMOVED To tlio Now Bland In Christie's Old Store, oppoalte the JamestowDlClothlng.Store, I'utroleum , (.'autre, ID. New Goods in Great Variety, ijuu nciiu vi 3uuuuy vom . fort left yet. I have refitted ofltors firmarlr occnuiedW J. IT. t hrlstla, corner of WahlnL'ton and f lrais-u. and kid in a new itock of the purest and best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TIIK MARKET AFFORDS. My stock consists In part o BOURBON, AND MOEOGAHE LARYE WHISKIES, New' England, Medford and Jamaicca Rums, HOLLAND GINS, nENNESY, PIXET, CARTILTKN ft CO.'S, AND BlFFAIiO, ROCHESTER &, Bole Agent for the BROTHERHOOD WlNES, oi ifrockton, N. Y, AIo Agont for lha Celahrated OR'AT WEST ERN" 11UAM) of American ChamnnCTo, made by the lhant Valley Wine Co., Stculwn coniitv. lew lura, constantly on Hand Uia Imported chara tininii.. &t 1 Myrtockor CIGAKS Is tnracllcc,d In thU I ltEbP NONE BUT THE FINEST Cigars and Wines, Branch More at the old Hand, No. S3 Wasbingtor OIVE MIC A. CALL At my new aland and aee BILLY PUon, OWEN GAFFftEl. Fit. Cojn.XK. n THE OIL) RARKET8. BT W. V. TEL. LINE Opficb op J FKTROLSROM CkNTRH Datl.T RSOORB V Jim U, I87S The market la quiet and dull today a' f 2,45 $2,60. Noft.lea. rbllaaelphta, iunt 11. Crude, 8j. Kellned lajjj. Market ((iiiet. Crude spot, 6. ; B. U all year. 12 B. O. d 11J, Relined-Spot, 22$. Market Nominal New York, June 11. CiikIe S. Reflnmi, 1!IJ. Market Quiet. Nbw York, Jans 1L Gold U7. f P. C. HEIN, Pioneer, Pa., Mannfactnrer of OIL WELL Machinery & Supplies Engines and Boilers of everv description 'Repaired at Short JNotice. Agent for FOSTER'S GAS PUMP. PATENTEE of III INZ'SWA inn rAtnuu, WEPATF1N0 of all kinds done at Bhort notice and all work warrantpd. Orders by mat. or telegraph promptly attended to P. G. HEIN2. Plonw, Pa., Deo. 21, 1872 tf. New Goods. SAVE 101 It MONEY ! 1 And buy your; Boots nnd.iftcet at Mrs. M. Magrane's ONE PRICE BOOT & SHOE STORE ! T kfn St vorv arm atnrlr rwf atll bljl j j ii - , ...... ... HIS muua vii IIUHU and fHl m clio.paMiniy oihor house In the OIL uuav4i. vuiitiuuiwi nun my Dioro ltt a Custom Department ! And I irnaratiteo a perfect fit In all my work rttialriii(! neatly dime. Next door to Voir, Petroleum Centre. Pa. deel tf 'I IIK M:w FI.AHTIOTHI SN. An Impor. tint Inv ntlon Ii remii.a th" Utr tniH nt all ti.i e ' and n-idrr n e hard' -t i xt'ina'- it .evciet a'n In. i. - in nun iinori , una l K..m on I iL'lit Hllll day. iir -ma a permanent u in a f.-v wiwka K d clli ap. and aunt hy Malxhn reqnited. circu'ara Iriw. whuo O'den-rt by li tiar aunt to The Rl atlc 'IVaa. i Co.. No BrS Broadway, N. V. f'lly. Nobody ueIuUl Spring 'ii uaos; too painful; tbry slip d too fteijuuntly. ' ' G. P. Iloester, Bcefor toIHn: Artnatr6ng. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FL 0 1 R AMD Merchant TIIB Snbacriher hang hotight the old atnnd of .n ill?!" A"n""' Ji enlnnted the batiiem and will kcen alway. on hnnd the bert the market Flour, Peed, Hay & Grain OP ALL KINDS. PlalCE LIST. XXX WttlTR WTt'T TTt.f iTTO i.l. CORN & OATS CHOP par bund. UU" fig l IJ ci aUKbAi.1 S CORN ME AO ii OIL HEAL ii SALT, per bbl 1,60 M S Pit ,3,5(1 ' 07 60 1.50 1,25 63 73 ot MEAL, p-r lb, POTATOES, per buib, HAY. per bund. STRAW " OATB, per busb, CORN " ' CTTbess srs Cash price. . P. K0E8TEH. P.rrolenm Centre, Fa May 23 lb"iS-tf McKinley & Grossj Machinists, Blacksmiths, AND Egbert Farm, Petroleum Centre Pa Boiler Repairing & Specialty. REFINERY 8TILL8 REPAIRED W We watrsnt all work done b ug --v (v, ucw wnn . repaired Good material furoiebed and price roasa Having bad looa experience In ?he K, i l'etrolenm Centre, l'a., Jan. w tf """SS Mew Goods. Emel Zedwich. f "LITTLE JOE.") BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, conKeltoTor' Buff" Fall and Winter Goods. na8 ,S,"',''lrl'erpifr.ni r.rtrelcr past three jcora,aud baa the name of Maklns the !!. pit and Finest Hool in the Oil Regions" D.U constantlT Wng .ortw. from otberace tloiu of ihe OH Region.. He constantly keeps on hand Heady-made Boots, Shoes LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOkS AND GAITERS. ,,, CALIjAKDSEP HIM. Th llorkulih ?ao Portable rnmilr ewlgMi,cUlii,oii . Daya '. rlaM 111'lnV Rfllilili.U4 ull fr ii rprtiTul'tl. Hnitoupp tl-m-. i(. k witti enfiiai V c.i ilV.'IUiil LMinrnnrnoil with Ml dirtv- W IMS J IlJJtmt, ,1 dri tilnr. to the MrKon Mu& fiictiinog i Quipony, 3Wi bioadway, New Voris,- . 'I i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers