,KW AKVl'.UriB.i-.Mt.N la Cheap Farms' Tbc cheapest Land in market for sale by tho UNION PACIFIC RAIL ROAD CO. !u die Orn.t PI .tie Valley 8,00,OOAcr!lii Central Nebraska Now for sale In trn-f of forty acres nnd upwards on flvc nd u.tiy.-.r'crlit at. per cunt, ,o advance '"jlilld UXaHhful ctteste, fortllc .oil, enabeua- gT MKeTT IN THBT. The crmt miolnp reaions 01 " juuijk, ; r - , -Snd Ncva.laVing supplied by the fanner, in the SOLD1EHS UNTITLED TO A HOME. STEAD OF 160 ACRES. THE BEST LOCATIONS JOK COLONH S. RBF. HOMES FOllALLl Millions of sxresof ,.l,o ESi Ur.l-.ov for ent:y under the vZcX-A U, near this rea J''. T ft good m.-.r:ets sua an vne uuwk.- scttl.d country. , . . ,'ri-e basses 10 nurrnusvre . Sectional Mips showing th. band, aji sdltl.m of Descriptive Pamphlet with now 3laps Addre" O.F.DAVIS, ........ .m,YT!in TT U if It LAND COJimiiwx. oM All , NEB. A GREAT OFFERNBf N. "V.. will dispose of lull PIANOS & i .un i vV: nf virut pi.ss iiAK(ni3.inolunjn(j WATEHK' KXTltRMELY LOW PB.CSS FOR cash, or part ousb, and balance in small ,.'v.i, v n.ivmonte. NKW7-0CTATE FIRST LL. PIlNTflS. AM. M01.KBN MI'BOVK- witvr. fotfi'2T cash. 0rran (855, 4 STOP, $1101 8 STOP, and upwards. : WATERS' .CONCERTO PARLOR OR GANS are the most iikautifi'L iu bttlk "nJ p"- F1W In TONK EVER UA1IR, TIlB COM-tK nt C'efit b ,1,. nvnr KVV.B. PLAI7KI) IK ANY i. !.,.. .J l.o a Ih til Set of roeds PEci-LlAlil.T Torctsn. !. 1Vf,i'"V' of which MOST CIlAHMlSOBn.T.-OUL STIKIUNG, while lis inn A nun " itiu .v l'a..ct. Ci:!'!.'!?!! TC1IV4 I. til at. ILLUSTRATED CATALOdVES MAILED tor one stamp a uoem - lintBi l?hurphpa. S.mdaV Sihools, Loiijie., &a AGENTS WANTfc.1) A necefSary pari of cvf person's education in fliiu u.l naiiiHSil and ! Iha art nt I'a'.wh ru tih liifl. Apply lo the undoreieord for Smith's .Uaoiial ol Telegraphy, the bt'K Worn pun. lisbfd on' tills mi.ject. Frloe, 30 cts AIo IVir nv.iv nVaprlntinn ftt 'I'ali.nrii nh in In Sir 11- uinnls un'l Battery; Nitro Chrotnio fianery IUI Jli-ui I III1I1UU. U VT 1 JI.UU I. V.l IV CO. i 8 Dey St . New York. Si! $500,000 CASH! GIFTS TO EE PaID IN FULL. Third Oruinl Gift Concert IN AID OF TIJE Public Library of Ky., Will be given at the preal tm'l of Liliraty HiiinlinL', at Louisville.-oo 'IubsdaT. July 8. 1H73, ar which lime TKN 'THOUSAND GIFT.-, Hinountii.K lo urund tola ol $500. UOO, all csh,-wilj hu diflrihiUed by lot lo tickot-tiolders. Notteduciton In amoiiiit ol Kilts at ililejili-trtbiirrorr, bnVeaob gl:t will be paid In full. 0kii;b ok I ahmibs' DROYERa1 Bank i m. Kr..Aunl7. 187 Tbif is to cerilfy ihal tboie is Id Ibe Fai merc' and Drama' Bink, lo Hie credit of Hie Third (Jr.iid Gilt Concert for Ibo h"De lit ol the Public l.ihrary.ol Ky.. Fife Hun dred Thonsviml Dnllais, which h8 been set i.pnrt by lb liimt.frs to p iy ihe jtlfit in lull, nnij i)l babul J by luBiinli ud paid on' lor this purpow, and Hiih purpose only. (Signed.) U. ri VEXCll, Cashier list oV oin'S- . " One GraniJ Cash Gill - $1000,no Ono Uratid Cach Gilt r ., : 6U.nil(l ln Cr.mrl I li fjilt 25.(M'0 One Grand Cash Gilt (20,000 One Grand Cash Gift ",u.o One Grand Cash Gift .' a-,l," 24 Cash C.lfU of $1,0P0 each" 24,0(10 fiO Cash Gilta of 600 each 25.000 SO C".ih G.fti of 4U0 each i . . 32.000 1110 Cash (Jilis ol .'WOexeh IIO.OIJO 150 Cash Glfiaof 200 eauh aO.ObO 5!)ll Cash Gifts of KlOeaOi - 6U.0WI !,000 CashGifiiof lOeacb au.000 T. t il, 10,000 Gifts, all Cash $500,000 On'y a lew tickets remain unsold, and they will'ha furnished to the first applies nis ill the. fnll.mititf prices: Whole tickets, $10 Valves, quarters, f2 50: 11 wholes for ft On ; 5(i tor 5(I0; 113 lor 1,000. and 575 ).." $3,(Ki0-- For tickets and full Jnlormay tioti, uprly to , . . . TH03. B. BUAMLETTE. " ' Louisville, Ky. or Tlio". IT. IIys ft Co . lil'O Broadway. New York. UAMiAUU ii tO.UF. V'-5 Creain Table Chocolate No. boiling ned asary. A cup of duliciona Chocolale made with It la two minutes. No waste. Pack' .l Id pound jars. Vanilla or plain. One d. z. id box. Unequaled as a cnnlectloo fur lunch, spread on crackets, with a glass of milk at band to drink. For making Soda Water Syrup or flavoring Ico Cream it is superior toany Chocolate made; and for Chocolate. Cake, nothing 'else will be used wbere this has been tried. For tale by GITIIEN3 4 KEX3AMER, Phila delphia, Pa. 1 1 - VT 1? V 'lo Hapidiy Willi 8tenll J1 1 Bylliw:l.iiutlits. Cnialoguts and full particulars F.UK. CM. iiiirer, 117 llanoor St., ueo. CSt i. tt?la pwday I Agents wanted! All 5'P HI ?W clasos of workinu pooiile ol either sax. y mna: or old. make mora money at work for us lu vh-ir spare moments or a.l the t(m i than at anyihtn'.' lu. 1'ariiciilnrs frea. Address O. BTINsuN A On., Portland, Maine GET l YSBUIIG KATALYSINE WATER Is ihe nearest iipproach to a specific ever discovered for Dynpepsia, Neutalpis, Klieiiiijflli-.il Gout, Hrav el, llinhei.s, Klduev aud t'tinerv Dleas.-s esner ally. It m.torea muscular power to the l'aralytic It cures Liver t'omplolnl, Chronic Diarrhten, l'iiej, Comlipatlon, Asthma, iMarrh and Bronchitis, li s eases of the fkiu. Uvneral IHi.lllly and Nervou i'roitrali.m from Menial and l'hi.'oal Kxcessos. It Is ll. (Jreatest Antidiueever' dlscrrvered far Ex c.wsive Katinuor Ilrliikini:. It;c.ffreel. Ihe st.i'i nih pr.mi t.i Digesiiiin, an I Itclieucst'ie ilimd aimo-t lin.i.i'dlately. No household should bn 'will-out it For sain by all l)iui:?i rs ' - I r For a nlsto.y of ilic Springs, for awilrjil re ports of he power ol the wator over drfc'OV, for marvell us cures, and Ctr- testemonlals ferni dls tlunnishid men se'id f r panipnlets. WnTlNKY HuOS, .entrnl Asouta, Srt South Front Street Philadelphia, l'a. ' 1 Gettysburfr Spring; Co To Adverlixerai. All personsVho contem plaio makint: coiitmcts with newipupera for llio in'srliou of AUve-llo.meuU should atqd to Geo. P. ilowell.& Co-, for a Clrnnlar, or enclose Sri Wnti fiirilelr sne Hundred I'liRo famplilet, ountaininc Lists ol S.lklO Nes-spapers and eslinmles sho. inu' t e cost of advortlsiuL'. also ninny useful hints to advertisers, and some account of ihe experiences of men who nre knowu as simeeMf ill AdTer llsiera. 1lils8. ni are proprietors of tba Ameri- cau Newspaper AdTortlsing Agency, '41 PARK ROW. N, Y ..,..,.. S-li.'.-D- ' ol I Lis ."I'l'i lAl-.S. Of. O-OJDCT, ' X533-rft.3L.I23?. I3ST. I 'Vsrf jajf. maxWt mj iff 1 H'l '..! aT?B P05T OFFICE NEWSROOM. IIOLLIDAY GOODS Just received at rm mm r.lan-St.7 Petroleum Centre Kocp3 cu hand a full lh.cj T Hons Fisrni3li2-s , . Goods, Boston Fat. Cosft IhSil Caife Pips ani FiltiiiES, . New Bedford Bolt Bopo Cables ami Sand Pump Lines, RUBBER PELTING, ii CEKING BAi.;:ELS, TUBING AND . i PACKING, VALVKs; CASING ' AND HOSE, VALVE CLTS, CLAMPS Lanterns. Lantern l;Jjrs, ( i nter's Tools Extra Winter Strained l ard Gil, . v. Johnson tk Barrett's Lubricating Oil, No. 1 Refined Oil, 1 lieJsovelty and Eureka Ciothcs Wr ryor. tl.c lest In n. With a full Ilne.of T-iblptu Torkt-t r,itl ry. ni SiU-rr PUted tSpoons and;Fotk8. STOYES, STOYES ! o Want1 an. Agent In this township to canvass for trie new, valuable und lis. eellln ( hook by Dr. - JOHN COWAN. 'SI.:1. Si'lenir uf m A'pw Life. 17 'C immended and endsiwed by rrominent iiiniis'ers. physici ins, religious and seculai impels. No Oilier hook like it pllllliseeil. t-' Id pi f week auiir inieed. ! Addrets. CO V' A,V -t CO, i:W EiuhihSi. New Yok. s ish - s 3 es "o ' sT eo w a S to 2 CI 52 U a t rrj o X- no M ' s,f a O a j W 5 ' ? S n o ei W C .' a- . - . 3 m a. m - SJ J o f til - 6'-i -a a dm t: - 1 NEWSROOM I am now prepared to sell any thing and everything in the Xewsnancr,. Stationery. ; ISlatilt 'Book, r Fiiney (soods Or Confectionery Line ! At Greatly Reduced I hope by strict attention to the wants of the j ublic to mer it a share of their patronage,and would invite my friends to pay me a call. - Lvcry t Uy wai'- unI Kv'v Mitiivu i-r o iirtvf mul'. ' : ent un rpfeiirf f.f n cni. tltlriss U P. llTDli A; co.iir iSivuiitii avmi ui (iv Vu k M2 l'V..-yvll,M'.. O tMU O fWNJ.V ,,, a. I M'ml.11f,l..r,n,T Meh n, i our ' w Hv-d . -'uu- s -K;.- Mauuf;cluriui Com- My stock of COOK AND HEATIVG STOVES cannot he ec. Jled in the oil region. As I bought belore I lie late advance ol Stoves l.s muntif iclureis, lam eDubled to still sell at old prices. Those des. rice anything in the way ol a Cook or Heating Stove will do well to call and examine my stoclj, ol wiiicb ihe lollowinc if a piini .1 list; aesdk,a (Cook tvel . With.resorvoir and warming clnsel, a Cist class Sieve for hard coal or wood J r :MTsC.'-,ok "V. n.7 JVl r,r:Vrv,,ir m--nl ccl, tor Bard roul. 1 UK lll.l-,lT;:t lllldGUEAV lI'MfMIit O.mk. a chenp first class Stovi witn or without teservoir und wrr:i.,; cl, s-t. r ,m,,j ot pnH r iro f.llct'll Cook, a cheap first clusx Smve, i'.,r tmr.l or a .ft coal. Iron (iilln ink, a l.irgo lienvy anil durable Strre lor soft coal WlECiil SliPHf-Cool;. f,.r li.d or sof. coal, is c -lehMted lor Ita qna'itles as a 2ood clove and cneaime.; in pr.ee. ('lippcr Cook, for har.l or soli coal, n nnsll but excellent Stove and very cacao: Minnesota Cook, a oo-l Stove, with .1. vuli.J even. ' p :-MY OF PAHLOR niCATESS cannot be excelled; The Diving F.noI.Wit Cciim.. ,t I WTi2-Thl. is a bea-,t!fi self feede. I,V-"0r.& ." ,V"" "'''' " patent ennker iirule. ino'e" h "0" '"'''K'r 1'"'l0r H"a,,,r Wit" m'U P'Rlf and 1,lunj Kep SIlxr::f fwa,,r rar,oc ui witb lllillsiu l.i.'IH A choao cylinder tfun-e v.i'l. mill crate. IIOIINO A eheet i.-,-jn cylinder st'.ve, y.-tv cl.c.ii,. A sum 1 1 s.-lt feed-T and qi ci.-.p" ISI.K'k ivn A nn'.ir ci,u i-ov.. v.iig oven, for coal. r Ullli! A chesp diniiii! room Sioi e. J;ili A cheap lied room N. ve. I'ourl A cheap cilin.ler Stove, fr b.ir-1 or s (t coal MANi-F.'.c-!Ti:r:n of S.MOKS sta-xs i:aik to ohdeu. considered iha cheapest tlll'a,, .;.. .". -V" -?,V'V PIS. PS which ar t I " ' aiei ("....p.... . n i' r, i ah couimcn or pateut vaive.j llepairing;of all kinds u ,ne t!i'iie:iti;a and dispatch. Grand Opening ! JBfR Jl M r n mr? fpx (F jCAEPETS, OH Cloths Motions, &c., 4T.c --' -. . SAIVIUELS BROS . Washington Strrrt,' Petroleum Centre. At present the prevailing toplo of conver salloo appears to ''Ilnw soon are you going to move to Dulles ?" We desire lo iolorm our patrons and the public at large tl.at we do not Intend to move from Pelroleum Centre, but propose to "fight it out on Ibis line if it takes II summer," and would respectluliy . . invite all to come and examine 1 our mock of , , Spring ;,Gc!s!' Puch as , Millinery, Trimmings, LACE GOODS, And a complete stock of ladies , Hats and Bonnets, , , . (- I s S - i Also, a Complete Slock of ,e.ri2i . : '. BOOTS & SHOES i '. ...-. s i Which will be sold - tie Chsapest CGivei:sa call and examine good and pricea. ' ; RUltfELS BB0S.. Pet. Centre. April l'Pth, lS7o.' w ' Voiriwllk II. T. HELMBOU). TRADE fr"g IfABE. r I KEARNEY'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU,' Is tlio only Known Bemady for Bright Dis ease and has cured (very case of Diabetes in which it bus been Riven, Irritation of the Neck of th ttlwlder and Inflammation of th Kidneys. Ulceration of the Kidney and Bladder, Beten tion of Urine, Disease of th Prostata Gland, -Btona in the Bladder, Gravel, Brick Dust Deposit, nuu auuiusiir juiuty XJie-CDargea, tinu lur au leeblad and Delieure Constitutions of both rjexes, attended with the following symptoms: Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breath ing, Weak Nerves, Wakefulness, Fain in th Back, Fiushingof the Borly.Kruption on the Face, fallid OountenajQce, Lassitude of the System, eto. Used by pen-ons in th decline or chanxe of life; aitr confinement or labor pains, bed-wet-tinn in children, eta. In many affections peculiar' to ladies, the Ex tract Bnchu is unequiled by any other remedy As in Cloroaia or KeUntion, Irreirularity, Fain fnlness or Suppression of Customary Kvaor ations, ' TJlceratcd or Nchirrus state of the Uterus, Leu corrhoea or niites, Sterility, and for all com plaints incident to the sex. It is prescribed extensively by the most eminent Physicians and Midwives for enfeebled and delicate oanstito tion of both sexos and all ages. KEAXEY'S EXTRACT BUCHtJ, Crts Distant Arising from Impndnua, UMIt of UuHtiaaon, Etc., in all their statres, at little expense, lit tie or no change iu diet, do in convenience, and l.o exposure. It causes a fre onent desire, and elves etrenplh to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions, 1'reTenting ana Cnrinir Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and Inflammation, so frequent in this class of dis eases, aud expelling all Foiaonous matter, KEARNEY'S EXTRACT BtCnT, 11.00 per bottle or six bottles for $5.00, delivered to any address, secure from observation, bold by druggists everywhere. Prepared by KK AktJE Y ft CO., 104 Dusne St., N. T. to whom all letters tor information aboald b addrcBod. . Avoid Quaoks and Impostors. Ko Charge for Advioe and Consultation. Dr. J. B. Dyott, Graduate atjefftnm Medieai Coikin, Philadelphia, author of several valuable works, can bo consulted on all disease of the bexual or Urinary Orssns, (which be has mada an especial study) either in male or female, no matter irons what cause originating or of bow long standing. A practice of 80 year enables him to treat disease with success. Cure guars anteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a dis tance can forward letter describing aymptoma and enclosing stamp to prepay poMtiure. Send fdf the 6uM to Health. Price 10 cents. J. B. DYOXT, M.I)., Physician and eiwgaoa, VH Duane Ml . Now York.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers