Petro.euro Cerre Daily Record. Pel. Centre, Pa., Wedueaday. Jnne 11 IMv'be service. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Service every Saobath at 1 1 A. M. and i P. M. Sabbath 3cbojl at 1 P. M. eats free. A oordiat Invitation extend ed to all. Bit. O. Moorb, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7 'clock P. M., by the Pastor, W. C. Burch ard. Sabbath School at 12, directly after lorenoon service . Prayer Meeting and Sabbath School Teacher's Meeting Tuesday evening! of acb week. J Petroleum Centro Lodge, No. 1 TJS, I.O. otO. F. R8wla-aeeting nights Friday, at 7 'clock. .Signed. W. B. MONTGOMERY, N. 6. C. H. Bailrt, A Sec'y. 8-PlHce of meeting, Main St., opposite UcCllntock House. A. O. of V. W. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W., meeta every Monday evening at 1 o'clock, ia OJd Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Centre, Fenn'a. A. Glenn, M. W. A. M. Kleckvkb, R. I. O. Of R. M. Mlonekanonn Tribe No. 183, 1. O. R. M of Petroleum Centre, meals every Thursday eveniue, ta Good Templar's Hall. jy Council ires lighted at 7 o'clock. H. HOWE, Sucbem. C. L JUKES. Chief ol Records. Gold at 1 p. m. 117 Pomci. There was a queer old family broil case, before Justice Reynolds, this forenoon. Joslsh Stanford, a gay and fes tive resident of Pllnole, was arrested by Constable, Burns, oa affidavit of defendant'! wife, onarged with) adultery and desertion of hie'f.hilly. The examination brought oat facts that exhibit eocatttofeble rotton nets In the social system of Pllnole. Stan ford Is a man abont six feet Ibree or four inches high; a sleek, smooth faced rasoal of the Pecksniff oast or men. It appeared In evldeooe be bad been living In Plumer with worn in who pined as Mrs. Stanford, but vbo In reality wis his brother's wife, who- resides at Bbamburg. From Plumer he res moved to Pithole, and loeated on the Rook r farm, near I je Mnlbodlet Churob Dur lag the revival meetings at Plumer last winter, Stanford professed to have experi enced religion and a thorough change ol beart; confessed to his pastor that be bad been llvjug la adultery, and sent for bis le gitimate wife who bad been residing In Mew oounty. On her arrival In Piutner, the found be bad removed to Pitbole.wbltb. er she wended her way only to Hod Mrs. S. No 1, occupying the bd and board which rightfully bel oged lo her. Wlu a meek und pious look, mixed In with liberal doses f Scripture, he excuied himself, and wife No 1 accepts Mg explanation and went to living with blm again, Tbey lived happily together for about two weeks, when It ap ' pears be forgot bit religions training, and marie up his mind be would "live with Mary - wife 2 if he had to live with her lo b I." Whereupon he commenced a system of petty persecution, snob as slapping herjln the face with a piece of beefsteak, spitting breadorumba out of his mouth at ber, slap ping her face, o. - This falling be proceed ed to throw Mrs. S. No 1 out of doors, fol lowed by a general smashing of the furni ture, and the reinstatement of wife No. 2, hence bis legitimate wife brought suit gainst him as above. Mrs. 8. No 1 baa a daughter some 11 or 15 years ol age. Mrs S No 2 has one child. It Is generally un derstood Stanford has been married four or five times. In the case of rdultery be was held to ball In Ibe sum of $500 to appear t Franklin, and In thai of wife desertion In Ibe sum of $100. Falling to procure bat be was removed to that exoelleut rural re treat presided over by Sheriff Marks, where be will be beyond 'beguiling Innocent fez males for the summer season at least. John W Ray, failed la prooure the re quisite security in the wile beating caae, and wua taken to Franklin, this afternoon . Road Commissioner McHugh Is engaged Id repairing the roads at Kane City and Columbia. Pio ole reports will be found elsewhere. ' One of the stills at Fairfield, Preston & Co'a refinery, 1 1 ught fire about one o'clock this morning. Through the exertion of the workmen It was extinguished before any miierial damage was done. A Loudon paper, in recounting a death says "The deceased lady died suddenly. without miical assistance, which oametoo lata." To die without medical assistance l surd' j complimentary. fcOVMBSlCATID. A nnlwaruary of Pet Centre Lodge, No. Tiff, 1. U. O. F. The third anniversary of this Lodge was celebrated by a plo nlo a' Oil Creek Lake, on Tuesday, June 10, 1873. A real old fashioned basket pic nlo. Oil Creek Lake is a romaotio spot, just tbejplace lor a pio nlo, altbonfh the accom modations at present are not the beet, and the proprietors are disposed to take at', vantage of parties coming there. Oa tbis occasion, however, the party overlooked many things, and as far as known all seem ed well pleased with the excursion. On arriving at the Lake, the company, numbering some two hundred, accompanied by the Columbia Bsnd, took possession o1 the grounds and prooeeded to enjoy them elves In a decidedly practical manner Boating, danoing, croqueting, and strolllog seemed to be the order of the day, uoti at noon the well-tiled baskets were forth com log, and io couples and groupes and all justice was done to their contents. One nocjseable feature of the occasion was the fact that for the three preceediog years the 10th of June has been visited by a rain storm, and to avoid deviation from the programme of the past the rain came on tbis occasion, but not until alternoon when tbe oompany finding that rain was the next thing in order, all adjourned. tb tbe cars. A lew Incidents worthy of note are those ol tbe able and courteous maoner in which Conductor Rawley performadjbls duty; o' tbe Assistant Cooduotor who started tbe train at tbe Centre,'' and then apparently forgettlog tbe pio nlo started for his place of business; of the ex. Com. who did all io their power to make Ibe occasion a success; of the two band boys who took their ladies down tbe lake In sail boat, and bad to row baok oa account of their lack of knowl edge In nautical affairs; of tbe scamps who went through the baskets la tbe baggage car coming borne; of tbe different parties who went fishing and caught a duck; of th excellent must furnished by tbe Columbia band; of the general good nature ol every body, that served to make tbe occasion bappy one, and not soon to oe forgotten. Look out lor a tumbling over. A lectur er In New York last week told bia bearers that Lake Superior was formerly ibe north pole, aod afterwards the Salt Lake region became the pole; that It takes about thirty thousand years for the loe to so accumulate at pole aa to make II top heavy, when It gives such a lureh, perhaps In a moment, as to send the tropical seas rnsbtng over tbe poles. Tbe ice and snow are Iben swept down Into tropics on tbe other side, and in Ibis way be accounted for tbe Noaobio Da luge and tbe droves of elephants, Ac, found lo nave been suddenly frozen at Ibe present pole, which - was a, tropioal region when Utah was the polo. Toat would account loathe small logs chopped by somebody s little batcbst which tbe "Polaris" people found among tbe ice iu the very far nor'tt. They were left over from tbe time when tbe North Pole was a tropical regioi a trlfid of a score-or inore thousand years ago. Tbe earth bas shown signs of great disturbance lately, whether by internal --convulsions, by Ibe disturbing Influnnoe of tbe plauet Mer cury, by runulog Into tbe debris of smash ed comets, or by some other causebaa not been satisfactorily delei mined. Possibly tbe ice pile bas grown so big that tbe earth is on tbe eve of flopping over, fcud that makes tbe trouble. We must consult the Oldest Inhabitant as to tbe date of tbe last capsize and whether tbe thirty thousand year period Is about expired'. The Petrolla, Canada, OH Market. This has been a busy week In tbe daliy ery of crude, from appearaoces tbe month" sales will not fall short ol 65,000 to 60,000 barrels. Tbe prioe paid shows a slight de Ollne from last week, tbe bonus- being rev d'lOfd so that $1 15 per barrel is about tbe best figure realized. Tbe desire to hy in a good stock of orude while It may be bad at a low figure, bas Indeed considerable com petition ameug buyers, aod also to tana advantage of the dividends accruing at 1st of June bas also stimulated business to the present extent. The Indications of tbe speedy reorganization of tbe Lambton Crude Oil Partnership are favorable, and tout C , meets next Tuesday evening to eleot tbolr managing partners. Tbe pros pects art that arrangements will be again entered into with tbe Petroleum Redoing Co., whereby the profits on home trade oil will be realized and shared with tbelr part oersblp. Tbe early dosing nt the partner ship's books, tbe paying or Una! dividend and the winding up of tbe business for tbe year is looked tor soon. Kelloed in York rising, quoted at 20l4 cts. per gallon. The temperance sooieiies are disgusted wlh August Plckard, of Rochester, who is ftlC years old, uos tobacco to excess, and bas a weakness for inlxl drinks Refreshing showers tn is,, afternoon tbe alt delightfully cool. make fooxMrateATCD. Petroleum Centre Lodge No. 715, 1 O of O F, of Ibia place, celebrated tbeir third anniversary, yesterday, by a pla-oio at Oil Creek Lake. On starting at 7:30 a m, the train three coaohes and a baggage car prqved insufficient lo seat all. At Miller Faro, however , tbe obliging cobductor, Mr. Rawley, procured another coach. "Skinniog lemons" was 'nsiituted on starl ing under tbe direotion of that Odd Fellow, Lou. Voucher, aod the job was well done, aa Indeed everything else wblr.h fell In bis line of duty. Tbe party of picknlckers reached tbe Lake at 10 o'clock, and lei I to enjoying themselves at once, some boating, others dancing ta tbe entrancing xtrains of the excellent Columbia Siring Band, or preparing lunch spots f r spreadiug tbe bountiful supply of edibles which tbe bag gage car disgorged. "All went mury as a marriage bell" till noon, when the cruel rain descended, and tbe pret'.y dickies,clotb lined, and tbe dainty summer bats, muslin dresses and imaculate skirts united in droop, log and were soon innocent of starch. A lair sprinkling ol umbrellas was along, but entirely insufficient, due mainly to tbe re pealed assurance Ibat tbe barometor stood high and tbe Instrument oould not lie. Tbe fickle ralo soon ceased, and all things look ed favorable for a pleasant termination to tbe affair. But in every case, no sooner bad tbe fun been resumed In earnest than the weather clerk sent another small re micd t to cool the party down. Those inveterate disoipies of old Isaac Walton, Brothers Kooker and Wyman, em barked, Intent on the destruction of tbe whole Bony tribe. That large fish ''so long "was book ed, but freed himself just at the edge of the boat, so Brother Kookers' skillet returned la untarnished purity. Tbe anglers, bow- ever csught tbeir fair shore of water, if not fish. It is proper to remember here tba1 flab which Uncle John Huibert oangb' in tbe eye In Ibis Lake just twenty-five years ago. Tbe nsb la nqw dead, bnt Ibe tbe string with which be was measured is still preserved Jor tbe inspection of tbe curious. An Ishmaellle op the ground, bad a sup ply of that "Niab But-fal-o pop," at ten cents per glass. Though we bad never be fore drank Fox and Williams from one half pint packages, it was good, nod helped shed tbe rain. The supply b1 lemonade and lee cream was more than ample, a notable ex ception In the rule in such nutters. Most of tbe excursiouists enjoyed tbeir dinner previous to tbe shower. A Tew unhappy oues enjoyed their's during tbe down puur with tbe diversion thrown in of trying to dodge the falling drops. By two o'clock all united in abandoning ibo lie nl to ib e.oiin spirits, and assembled in and around tbe little station. The last boat sped over tbe lake to tbe lauding plsee. Commodore Waddell sprung ashore, aud breaking biB waud of office turned over the miulilure oavy of rotten, crazy tubs to the waiting buckwheats, and started fur tbe station. He was tbe last man to depart. Was tbe fun ever washed out of a party of pleasure seekers? Anyone of Ibe assemblage at the station will deny It. Tbe laugh and merry joke passed just as though, being soaked to the skin was the best fun imaginable. Tbe train received its load aod started bom-ward. On tbe way a dance at Sobel's Opera House to All out tbe day, was origin ated, discussed, and died a natural death, due probably to tbe faot Ibat one is not nua-ln an u. h.I.ah . h . a I I f II: some three bours afterwards. Alter more than the usual delays tbe parly reaobed tbe Centre at 6 p. m. Tbe management of this affair was excellent throughout, aud no one to blame but tbe weather oleilt. Tbe full Co'nmbta Cornet Band furnished delignllul musto through tbe day. ''Ali a well tbat ends well." Hope no one bas a worse cold tbis morning lhan your humble X 1. S. We have beard that two doctors spent Ibe whole nigbt with that naughty boy who ate tbe hundred bard boiled egge, a little cake, cheese, pickles, Ac, on tbe homeward trip. He is now out of danger. "atolnQ fruit will rvit lie on tbe stomach Mr. Washington (George) Ufed to say. A Hurou Indian ia reported to bave found on we snore or bake superior a curious gem. It Is a oompouod of four classes of stones agglomerated together so as to con atilute a perfect gem of rare beauty Tbe stones comprised are agate, porlte and crystal. Among tbe otber remarkable features of tbis gem are the appearance on each side, as if from tbe baod of an ecgrav er, of a resemblance ol a miniature crown, tbe clearly deQned forms of a olackand tan dog, tbe bead of an owl, tbe tracings of t shores of little lakes and other lemmka le phenomena. The famous London auctioneer, whose advertisement Btated that the only draw bads on a certain country place which he bad for Bile were tbe '-noise of tbo nigbti gile aod tbe litter of tbe rose leaves," was tbe right sou 'of man for hie profession MOTE OF THE DAY South Carolina has 101 colored leglsts- lors. A tew Jewish brsptlal bas been opened In Vienna. Tbe Bank of Eogland is now one hundred and seventy years old. A man in Pennsylvania cut his threat be cause be had $24 stolea from him. livron Scott, of St. Louts is oot a poet butbe Is quite a successful thief. London proposes to accommodate itself to late dinner hours by giving theatrical per formances in tbe afternoon. . A Texan benefactor of bis kind wbo stole three acordeous bas been sent to jail instead of receiving a vote of thanks. A temperance organ declarns that the de vils kingdom Is rum. It is generally ad mitted lo be Ibe place of bad spirits. Dry goods men paradoxically remark that Manchester calicoes bave deoreased In value because of tbeir increase in "size." Nutficdingjndiana parisblcntts amenable lo reason, a c ergyman there bas been try ing tbe effect of a seimon in rhyme. A citizen of Lowell, Mass, and his wife were both born on Ibe same day, and bave just ceWbrated the fiftieth anniversary. Oue of tbe Wheeling hotel-keepers relusrl to entertain members of Ibe West Virginia Legislature under any circumstances. Two people in walking together will al ways avoid the path. One will walk on each side. It shows how unselfish we are i a people. A West Virginia pensioner reoelved a check duly signed but with the amount left blank. Tbe houeit old soldier returned it lor oorrectioo. A home for aged and indigent dogs where tbe oyster-can eball cease from troub ling, and tbe weary canine shall be at rest is Bergh's last. A Peonsylvaoia Congressman is crodi ted with saying that be will pay all bis debts wilb bis back pay, tbusplaolng it where it ill do tbe most good. Considering bow particular Franoe Ir about tbe etiquette or the table, It seems ourioiis ibat she should lay herGrery on tbe shell and put ber Beffet in tbe chair. A burgurlar who was sentenced the otber day at Ibe Maidstone England Assizes to seven years servitude, offered to toss tbe Bench whether it should be fourteen years or nothing A pet parrot was so disgusted with tbe tumult of moving day in Harrisburg, Iba t be signalized bis passage through tbe streets oo tbe top or tbe fiirniiure-w agon by tbe most shocking profanity. An editor wbo is somewhat of an empl. rlcal philosopher, siys that one of tbe most unsatisfactory efforts be ever msde in bis life was lo perch upon a threelegged stool and try to imagine biinself Horace Gree ley. Nashville's oldest Inhabitant is much Id, terested in Bryant's ''Homer," because as he says, although be dldo't know Ajax person nally, be was very well acquainted with A Jackson, and voted for blm for President. Tue Derby, Conn., Transcript says Mrs. Sherman, the 'poisoner, tells tbe Matron 0 he State Prison every nlgbt before going to her cell: "Good nigbt, madam; I trust In God I shall not see you in tbe morning. Tbe Toronto Leader, in a sarcastic editor ialon the Canadian railways, says ibat "tbe Great Western Rtilway is steadily aod sure. iy maintaining its reputation as one of ttbe most dangerous roads upon wblcb to travel on tbis continent. At a Parisian theatre, noted for tbe pai simony of its management; a curious loci dent lately took place. One of tbe soenes of an old drama represented a garret, with an indigent family dying through want of fond The stage decorations were lo vloli nt contrast with tbe dialogue as the "flat" at tne nick represented a richly decorated sa loon with maotelpleces'and upon it. cor spicuously -painted was a gorgeous clock. After a long tirade with tbe nnbappy fath er In vain looking about to flod some object upon which lo raise money to nourish bis children crying for bread, an Irrtttatd.spe lalor rose up io the pit and loudly exolaiui ed, "Why don't you pawn tbe clock! " A careless barber trimming Sboridan'i ears, put him lo great pain and uneaslners "Are you trimming my left ear now ?" ask ed the wit, "No, sir; not till I've done Ibe right." "Ob! only I thought by what felt tbat you were passing through to tbe left ear without going round." Tbe farmer gone lo see a show, His daughter at the p laoo: Madame gaily dressed In satin All the hoys are learning Latin, Wilb a mortgage nn tbe farm I At Des Moines, the other day, lour oe groea got oa a spree; one took out bis little jack-knife, and now there ain't but three. OW LY A BAD MBTAXiT Only a blunder, a ssd mistakes All my fault, and mine alon.. The saddest error a heart can maka- iouhg. or l would have kMw,, Only his rare, sweet, winning lmii. Only a lingering touch ol bis band: thiik I woe dreaming all tbo whihjl. Tbe reason I did not understand. Yet somewhere I've read men woo thlsw... inai eyes speak sometimes before th loogue: And I was sure be would speak some di. Pardon the folly, 1 was so vounnr. Was, I say, for now I am old: So old, It seems like a hundred ..... c-1 ..... . . - oiuuo iu my neari growing bard sod 0010, With a pain too bitter and deep for t saw blm lean over Ibe stranger, coar With a warm new light in his besutifui eyes. And I awoke Irom my dreaming then iDj mere, Aod went out of my sell-made Paradise; He never loved me, I know, I see! ouiiu u, Bin oiunaers as hearts make I yooog: She did not win blm away from me, j! or ne was not mine, it war my take. mli A woman should wait for a man to speak Before she dreams, of bis love, I own;. But I was a girl; girl's hearts are weak'; aoq me paio, lite tbe fault, is mice alone. Jonathan Watson, of Tilusvllle, Intern' soon to oommence the work or drilling tbree new wells on different parts of bis Ctisrrj. iree property. A Isdy advertises for "a really plain bi v experienced and efficient governess for lbrr irls, eldest (sixteen. Music, French aod German required; brilliancy of conversation, fascination fof manoer and symmetry of form otjesled to, as the fattae Is much .at borne and there are grown-up sons." Local Notlcet. FOB 8 Alt IS. A desirable residence on tt Elbert farm. Good water bandy. Every modern cornea--ience. Will be sold cbesn. Enquire of OWEN GA.PNET. Petroleum Centre, It' :.y 7, 1873. tf DISSOLUTION. Tbe copartnership heretofore existing' ander tbe firm name of J. M Henry k Co.,- Is tb's day dissolved by mutual consent. All persona knowing themselves indebted to' the old linn are requested te call and set lie the same at once.- L. Perkins. J. Kittkr. J. M. Hrxi t Dated Petroleum Centre, May 21, 1b72.- If you Want a Salesman, Want a Servant Girl, ' Want to Sell a Horse, Want to Sell a Pateut, Want to Lend Money, Want to Buy a House, Want to Sell a Carriage, Want to Borrow Money, Want to Sell an Oil Well, Want to Buy an Engine or Boiler,- Want to Sell a House and Lot, , Waol to find a Strayed Animal, Want to Pu'cbase an Oil Interest, Want to Sell a Piece of Furniture, Want to Buy a Second-band Carriage Want to Sell Tubing, Casing, Gas Pipe, Want to Find aa owuer for anything' found, advertise In tbe Record, as no Inn' t'.an ten thousand people read it weekly. BENZINE Just received a fresh supply' of Benzine, the best ever' brought to town, at J. A. l EN- JfiYCKiS. Petroleum Centre, May, 15, 1873- If DISSOLUTION. The copartnership heretofore existing be tween t-cbermerborn Ten Eyck is dtesolv-' ed by mutual consent. S. f, Parties Indebted to tbe above 8rm molt oall and settle up and save trouble. J A. XmBtck. Dated Petroleum Centre, April S, 18i3. FOlt SALE, , , One 15-bon.e Tift boiler in complete or der, una 8-borea Wood A Mntf engine sod bo.'er in oomnleia order. 276 fret Sincn tubing, extra heavy, 600 feet large sucker rods, 1 Snows Piuop. J. A. Tev Etcx What Naxtl The. til Thegre wl ha' ,8 cents r llai ..tin n Air great Juvenile Magazine ail cents a year, w free. Specimen. I) lendia .ou nn"" isoacliihl ear!" you saw una. Joun u a C(jO. Alden, Publlsbar, vm- DISSOLUTION. Tba copartnership heretofore existing be tween Marshall 4 Richards is dusolved iy mutual consent. ' Partiea indebted to the above firm mult call sod tattle up aod save trouble. S H. Marshall. E. C. Kichabds. Dated Petroleum Centra, June 3. 1873. iMM"6??iflaM jii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers