Ultrti.l OaZeUr. rxiDev; DECEMBER 29. 186 GAZETTE TERMS Alornine sled Evening Edition, per jeer, Sti i. Morning and Mailed Eveuirig EAU!.Ion, Der month.. 16 do do per week, Dellvermt. At tie counter or boys on the street, single polio ......... Weekly, to clubs, per year 160 do. single aspics do. .. 2 DO RATES OF 01Tit .QUAILA - 137,1 , 1311110 Mania lif tat tt 3n.1 L • trtVitly Two ti xea Theo times Four times 1. 1 e ttm se. (me woe 4 .... 976 2 1 75! b 125 76: 75 1 Two weeks... 1 70 276 2OD 1 261 126 Three .54kt . 640 4 26' 275 9 00, 113 11110 attl.:s .., 0 25, 660 400 2 261 110 Two mouth... 12 00] 8 001 6 00 i 76! 426 Throe moony 10 00 10 50 700 . 0.- bi 625 612 m0nt.62.... 20 60: 11 76, 460 6.60: 12 Ou Nine mouth. ] 14 00, I 7 7111 13 00 8.00 . 17 or., :Joe Year..... 1 to 00; 26 50 , 16 00; 10 Oet 20 00 Advertisements weaned one year may ne cum, at the advertiser • pleaeure, at a charge of 26 or • per Square (or 20 cents if paid at the time ..mt moot be ea:Maned to the immediate bueineat , the advartleer. Advertisements roontsa. - 7,1 for °Hwang., than dally, ill. be inserted on auto J.. 11 as tho °Mice may se est. / eat advertising CASH. Heath °tines, esob insertion 3 au M Gannon., 06 Steam at advertisements. per trip 300 keenre or Adndnistrator' Haines 3 00 Y ILLY AbVIKILTYSIBId ILATEN ttare—conl6ned to tne tateardtate 01.11110031 verttser, and not to Include dissolutions, n of now firma, wants. Se.—changeable eels. Any exce3l to be charged as ire, teal Clams s timea I time i Daily. ,a week.; a weak. a week Throe month..... $lB 113 60, OtO 00 $ 9 001 •B oo CIO .ot9• 30 00' 19 00i 16 00, 13 60 Mee months—. 62 0o 76 0:1 22 001 16 00 One Year 62 OU 33 00' 26 801 14 00 far Flat Notices double the shelve rate, If In, sorted one month or more. hoe ales. period ill o Lose/ uotlees at such rates so may be speed epee. Air A square to be considered as the specs Doou , pied by ten Lines of the ordinary advertising type •f the Paper. CHRISTMAS CHIMES BY Sr./MED TENNYSON Iting «u:, wild bells, to the w Id sky The flying cloud, the frosty ugta ; The year is dying 1 , 1 the night; Ring out, wild hells, and let Lana die. lung out tLe I Id, ring In the new, /Ling, happy belle, *cre the snow Tilt. 3 eor IA going, ler hnrogo ; Hans 04 the false, ring In the true. Rine nut the grief that saps the mind, muse that here we see no more ; Ring nut the feud of rich and poor, Ring to redress to all mankind. Rion out • Itioivir dying rause, •ud ancient lorme 01 d•rci strlie Ring in the nobler moues . With sweeter manners, purer laws. Rine nut Ult. Want, the eat, the et- The NB blest; enideees of the times; Runt out, lA, out my teenentui rhyme., But mg the fut.ter ',metre! to. Rine out Wee pude. to ploco and Mood The rd..: .let dor and tile oldie: Rum the love onrush nod right, di dig lu the comfit -o !wee of good. F tog not otd el,•pea f Inn! &seq.., Hang out the ueuruwlng lust nf gold King ..ut the tn. uentrni wt.,of rud. Ring In the iLona.lan.l yen,. or {mace. Rirg In the enlthtat oven free, T ila4 ihrgh, I.errt. the kiodlter hetet • hlr.rg Cu the tletizto es of the tshtl, Ring to the t :hetet that la to be. AFFAIR', IN THE Tue Lot r,iesa Cone.—Tll, adop; e I by 1 the Liortela: we of Loui regui.tro. of irt, labor On the int.t...i•Lf3„,, ; :nan and 11.di.gr11, w 1.114 . rat„ ‘ll.O .`Lat . ted it. It corupdl all frccdru, u to make mutt - art,. 7,411,1,.. thetea (le, 5 I. Ilonit g Le fist of Jar nary, one art.„l, a t nit at 4, Mt,: tot, Math; for the whole tear. Tau brov , ool,f.r.r the frecoortn art coo- Corned, are , pr•reteive! It if tar, corn pletely the fr,,:,1 ,- ,rn "(the clack mar, t:rm . him la wait floe, nod pc1.t..7t1 n ..nigh, LaaCted eICIMIT.:y at Cue Judgment and ur..-re employee, %•11: tat up the s,.tve en. uiruza of th, lab,rer.—Ciaieatro Rca. Tun BLACE Cola.—Tug follow: lag extract trope a letter by Judge Ford, of Me' Minn, Miss., will show what a loyal man thinks. of the new code of laws for freedmen, recent: enacted to that State: This committee mast have a most singular idea of what the convention meant, when alert declared that the negro shall no longer be anise, but a freed man. In their narrow- minded zeal to persecute and further degrade the poor. help less, and already degraded negro, they have no heartated to anemia to override the plainest pro visions of the constitution, and outrage reaeo and humanity ty proposing a code ot laws welch, if enacted by the Legislature ua they have re . ported them, will reflect to credit upon the State, at home or abroal—and wi.l have a strong tendency to perpetuate the reign of bayonets In the State, and give the Abolitionism of the North the very best of arguments to urge in favor of tarrying out their most ultra policy; and If the committee bad b view the keeping of bayonets among us, and the keeping of our delegates out of Congress, they have so far dose well—very well. Oa roe THE Dana OF BROG 7 / 6 !—The Newbern (N. C.) Penes chafes et the delay in the admis sion of the Souti,ern members', and elspiays one of its reasons for having them In their sesta, as ' follows: "When we witness the action of such men as Sumter—at a time when nil the energies of a g•eat government have been used to re-eatabllsh • a broken Union—when we see men like the . great hi .3i:chi:wets Senator fighting with all the zeal which a madman can summon ag ainst the policy of the Adminattr. tiOD—tile wicked part of the Adsmic race cannot be kept down. The mind involuntarily reverts to the time when }kooks' cane was freely used, sad the heart can not stifle a sigh of regret that the dletloguish,d New Englander did not 'hand in Ms checks,' like . t an honest man, who was tired of life." Tao chairman of the South Carolina delega tion to the. President declares his belief taut emancipation has already Increased the self-re spect of the neuritis; and nanny very prominent planters, hitherto anccesslul an their hush:ear+, are of opinion that the negrods, if properly paid and well treated, will work under the neve sys tem. These opinior a, honestly held hy Latices of the South, afford good ground work for patri otism and a friendly feeling toward the North. A IiAVINOS hank for colored people establish ed only three months ago iu lenth.ville Ken tucky, has received in deposit!, over 130,000, About $7,000 haee been received from Colored soldiers, originally from Kentucky, but now on I duty lu Tex.. This bank 1, a branch of a nor Ilonal company co:led the "F:eredmeni, Savings and Trust Company," chartered by Cengr re i and approved by President Lincoln, March Bd, , 1885. The New Locomotive Nathaniel McKay. • Messrs. McKay A. Aldus wkri• the Brat who built a alder-wheel steamer In this vicinity, and sow they have the hon• r of hiving produced the first locomotive es. r hull , . in East Boston. .It is design d for the Coneurd, Manchester • Lawrence ltdilirciad,toiverrior Whither, the auperintitalviii of tie' road, was so pleased with , it. that he deterininte; it should tie named alter 'the prucipal at the Orin, who built it. It wen hullo 1113 , , the sumr) ...endence of Mr. B. W. illeAley, for many y eare 101 etnlatl of Mason's' worka at 'lauato I, aid is considered by cormet.•nt judges s.c near ly perfect us any is 'atiroo , ion la t! :• er'inntrv. It to 2.2 Pio, has es I- Indies 14 rushes eimbeter, with 22 facto, innate; tut ha.ler 1. 42 none, in UP:twain', with 11 feel floc, Is cased la the •.ety hest of sheet hen, 11:11i d wah hraii, the wheels arc iftet to ^rem La, urn e In, with the truck, linen oval spokes cast hollow, and it hos a lire po4 al 41 iodic,. the (reek-wheels erne!' Lob el's paiett; the afrdee, trunk •, Ins, puton•rods Pod other running part" ale mai e :n duplicate, I to that Le ey he crcole •••0 , m4,1; OW tyres are ' kr tactics thlea hers' •,esl eteam dome • • dhor, air-chambers, feed-pumps. valves sinner, are of brass, the wholi• surinsuntell by a handsome bell, anti the 34. c, f the lan•e - n. as maul, is before the is oh r. The cab is compact and very' deal, With plate-glass windows, nod is painted dettP green, rnamental flowering and gilt work. Tee work tal•nall pls not only stry•ng and 'neat, but Beau:lfni, cud reflects the highest 'credit upon those who produced it. The tender iln also hashed in suntan' style, with all the Modern Improvemt•ui. Title enterprising Item lin,• tinw on bends or- d er . ir hnioatutiven at fro, lir in 20 tort 4, desigut r non ice in he Ledo Villicrar rebuilding four others for the rbansiiita iten e ,. road, and anticipate heavy nrcers soon hematite West for more, They are also making the en. gine and building the hull of a steamer of 1,100 tons for service on the river Platte, and have Much other work on hand, keeping LinOtit 800 Men employed.— Boston Traveller, Dee. 1501. .2 . 835wt.m7 °Seers who have served on she irestkri Aids: Wake urglag the President to, ma, ploy the army sollag Um Maws& UN Lilac let wet , Mr. Zwich 1111,, a i31,,1,Der r 1... At at Allisl.l PILLS. AHE Or Company h. 123 Yaw York !clan t:,. aLile ,„.. Ittiritti.g . to Granville, N I . bad her aft, 01..ju,• :• /•itcetc boaL re Abel.- raetto Loa verisio rare ny Ire dee. au writ I sr« Fin, rOX oi3hlu, be 'IP , . the; end of 2., J, tin, end tH, eine pls.; et.- Lured the rave dad Dri.,:cded about Set ~.ty Wiles br saw .he e)•••• r "a varmint: . 1, • t cuived at oncu was U , / f. s crouched upon a kind lint Ir, and 1.1. li .;:. daring or wistuou 14 , back t.e,. Died 1,1, kip. at the Creature, caber. Ihe lat,-r ,tuufedlately Caught the tdavrie in tl • 111.. Ul3l. Mr Ili.ll reefed it:lerLs'ir,u!. it I agulD red affnm lra , /ftf , t, Mr. 1 - I,:t harlzed toll, heue..y • • . none fn.) nle bud; shoi, into ere /41,0'n moil, LI • be:. 4 ;•1.::••) - evie4ble. nre I: through the ' , ark 1/: I . 'rite tun botriaded forward. be!, 4 , 1113 a Latenet and inn aid of his dog. Mr, 11..1 deriimentd ni One, to be be s 4 e...sitei..“l in eminent without Met!, In, any ifjEtry. It vas a .anther clereyme,. on, Intl 03/ .r unmee Measuring five lee; el./lit inch., In iengln, ' I LI . , •,I weight!, Ote hundred nod ,everfieutl EdWARD OF EOM:OM/CAL INDUnTST.—The las I:, in the , rl Cl oltour aunt, Aloans (Ni.) Dal y ilegamper atty.. that a p ilaus. 'art 10,w lln county boy, engaged by touralt ir a re° AC-:0 '7'; large shipping house In Boston, pr..tit;t, b) tut maxim, "A penny toe ludoirme eonlpiolose eareftilly ei.traeled tbe 7 Oils from the old Octet: venees. 4uti•l4lLle. liLeurcatietu widen had "served t t. me." In four b . f.. he lireray. Heartburn, liet.toct.e sriste Item foul he had collected in tee oars, of his t114.31[1t.5 '"C'1"""' g two or Hirt e Sego of good aalls. II:a employer ". " ^".."" u"."•ru '• uiceey, Lona of Ai/petite Diaeuree o bre noticing the accumulation, afu•r eioribtllting the reneu•nt medicine. They alro, acalte handed the young man $l6 SS LIM itdrAe- I tying silo blood aml aticaletating the cyst/v e•ire diato proceeds of bin within), and he, LOn red WI ', 'ling out De •aPtiesed this inveduabl,.. busineus trait, In con rhos '"", ".""••• B•lnd mesa, IN 'antis la and reer..ou4 ,Deraiire• WILD ,sterling Character in other rue, the D eaner . , „}„,,,, and other an offer of partnership. Laver sun ed complaints arising Irtnn ti low state ottli/ Crlag, ~ o t i:ti u ticist o h o( fu t , uctlocc. r. Dicsasis thus explains the origin of the say- H. " • May your shadow never he le-, :" - IVaai do you mean," said Ito an embus:adds, set° had Av ua ow, cannot Lou. eo panned a long time la Europe, ''by the salute. : sewn: the ueta aid there le for thew nod ILL, tlon, 'May your shadow airier tic leas ?'" O.' r live," answered the It.hatl, plenialttly, "tinder u H. very hot sun in Persia, and we retire to the I L 4 to; 41101,0:1st, uoir,/toeet.../do. sha.dow for rvpone and peace. 'rile power of a great Man given rest and tranquility to a veal....—}roLAELE 4it.PEEE/OR • many, for no one dares to Injure or molest , whom he protects. So we tail that his ..L..dow, and hope. for our two sakes as wet as Lis. It may never diminish.- ADVERTISING Inn taanitar a. to L. 5. 1a.,1351. w.,- PARK, MOCURDY CC. Nag 4. tau etasLkintriutent from Manchester aosnre, Slit:ATI-14 Nil, Si A Z./ Eh , . a under date of Dec.l,ll, 1865, says: "Since Lie 51anu' HuL.T OCT„ data of my last despate on the aubject of tie lb iTTii.NIS. SPA LTUI Cattle plague, the dzaths have rapidly increastd. ate,., is.; ris, ilesiers to LT• The whole number of cases reported to tbe an • • .I,S, TIN PLATE, `ill r WIRE, he thmities up to the elm, of toot week 119,00 C, L iu nand, Ac IN EN so,. of these 19,9,50 died, tied it),600 nen. /la sfui slut, N•• I roil kt.ST and 'Oil , STRIIL ii . ittsburg b. ' , pedal sides: al while suffering with the theeat.e. Ina bum' .Pony gaol of cases reported last iaeck was Ovally 4 orki. vas., • The exact. figure,. are, for the week ernling N v. lb, 2,639, for toe week endinz N•,v. 2b, NA W WOKS/Lb. fur ths week ending Dee. 2, 3,,25. PROPosED BATDotrio or TAB Easy Ilivan 1e again prow—sett to buhd a bridge Over the L. River, between New York and lfrtolkiy, . bridg.• contemplated is to span We court tone., between Chateau, tiquare in Now 1 ork the intlelauCtial: it I tutu. and Ut Lti ou stunts •• the other sine. The elevation at,,ve :L.; nut, ' proposal to be our boast rod !rel. liol, on, pi Sill be needed to the and that - eaten' Scar tin, liauoittsc, orre. o , .5 nOntidured f,asil.le by cornie.:nt etti, Tile wits of Prins have tie - led the ;• paragraph, which going ill' O , OOC- o• , Freubb Jour ...an.: Ar, hirobei a. tl,saunt. t at, 4U111,01.1, Lt.tu 1.1 sort:, Ca). An ..a.. 0....11ren r, reiurnmic from Egvp., 11, oath the statute of IlLo irss a isirsueage• :Lai. I option's Wire. Au inherits,. on tie tiase Irat eo doubt as to Its OUP, r.t`city. TLe It o.nt Ore call to to unect d•11.40' As Bohol, 1t0...cc, 500, It, Ohio. Wt. abproa, Lug nstlatnt (w the It Is neat Ciseinunilay use lag last, be was stopis •7 by two Ittrr t..• a; an. for his tui.kl.3. Its EItU.U.SpL , was stun by out in the itg. I tu , LAI lIIS ttlltitittC, and Its WI.SI 1,5 a UrsUlld TIIE 10 Itk:Elef of 1110 &attn. acc. uz 1, :6. rtri 110 t:f LIIA o unuE. ••.•••• u• w two:, of dol., (I'll, titi4. , te/ Mar .1.... ttalf f tt, r ;•, - 1,741131.),1 w ilic of lv:1“..• .3t.ottryg ILe yttl.- tt:iL. nta. Sett 1 TILE 11(106, I. v./ st /llw.fl 1... i. tllat /11., /EC ph!..l. • tt,Jrdli/c oh . ,t Lab II itlic: / ~•• :I 111,1,, C. t` 'ENA r. R. —H tax I.•P I . Gaud if Ttingx Unc.orLd ,•, nUciet:e• f • : 275 ; 160:2 SW; 3"."9; !NW.. :kV • IT is fttimated tbat the statemee: Of Lt. ;u - sic debt [,or the month of Deeerob,r. wt./ •tu it a redinUo- is the eel4t am:Am:leg to rut .y twenty MU:lO[3. !SOUTHERN IIATRE.1)01 , THE NORTH Otu. Schurz In Lie late moo r% opeak3 ;?,:a I !,arc road it tte tt.oulbero pipe; a of li t cony artdat. the culneu:ty 'Tint t td2 t.y c . t tut:. ) LIAVU,.I wilt atiu.ux.tort. vic trou, vita Ntrauun. but as tar as my she onfrieodly spirit c.thibited m tud Nt•rn. xa roildurse odd al:recto.. ddrop.,- • w,.:1 po;,ular Lca Wil.Cti 11l the 6,1i1 , eLlz a %oriel.) %eye eca en all la/a., ei,1311. Na observlng northern man eza into OntitaCt with the 1.1t111.1,41. clee.ce rt•ln, :nig Southern society without notlctng it. /I. may be received is eoeia.: circles with kr,a pu llumess, even with apparent e.,rdianry, bu. eo I he will necome aware that, a.tballt.tta tee rues esteemed as a man, he is dcaste.l as a Yank.., and, as the conversation becomes a ll.lks Cal:nth:Datil and throws otr Lrdloary rteLraok ls hot norrequentry toad wt. The word key still signifies to them those Lairs of cor. • actor which the Southern press has been be _ in the habit Of altranattnit to the Nort•le: n p. ple, sad whenever they look around then, the traces or the war, they see to them rut t . Consequences or Itch owe foils, but the res of "Yankee wie'.edn,bi." In mak.,,,.; t.., general statement I to, In: Unel:l . A..\ .. ways excluding indiv.duai I,A:en:lot/A. Arlington Heights sa 11 remairs the aCe,ton of the Gorernmect • but it o said lit wife of General Robert E. 1.., Las leo written to a friend chat elm m.-tide to rem-, there, even a the ''l% üblig , d d, lire in the ih v quarters." Th.e to 111diCatl,-0; sLti. a LU,L her determination to re...ecrt what ,he cohnider, the rights of herrn; f and husband W thte hi- t etc property; but outing the ,ItIA• r obstavh will probably encunuthr is the (met that tw, thooaand Union toidter, have bran ',ura.,l up its Noll. Sixty brave Ci.lon officers rieet , 1b.,. but *Rep in the to - ,ends which eurronni family manalon; cud the I-nd.st.ohta mark the hail resti , g place ol six thousand ,• our sold', re are but a slierr, the remaining 6tY tbol3••ltd t•Jr • AO.dienkeeilleteer alrou, ODe ha I la 6 of course Inlp,sible that the 11,1i.a. ret.d• r the t rave, an many of ites d. lam:rr .he leader of its armies tbr.y rolun to( ed ,11 .; Prep, Tan aru'm' Wet , of thi. :t ptctirr ht.u,..t, .4 Ihi v. mat. ufact ut..• ..r t,,•• ,tw lA,,e Julia renal uti . ReAulvcd by Ms &nap.. (the 11,,,," 4 , •ralalinre elmoirring ) In• Oa, it: • Man [INC' arts of the reopentl ve 1,11.. e‘ twin Ir. if the tax fi,,m ihe I , ti rcni II 71, 1,1 n n the in . ..tout, of dim, etie 111/111111nr(Urt rn..11 . than the du f, premium on gelid u. . I eXCh.ll.g", and Cralii,r,llol/ 0.11,,Yr pr duets Importkd, acid if thereby tl.f. r,...11 di/et LB CIJ Gercd t u,n Ptu , n rist, — oft Y./Able terms time the 00111t5.1. PM?. 11 . 1 n. dy by r!li (lit, r*, - .'; Up t. 13 any Wile, in 4,g dee dacti •Pr f ru; (Prutt p I piPt . : . I•l‘.‘p,r Ptitribp:( I:aairman j. f iNPLOILLTIC —Tun 4.:010),L, riaut. gtvri w• I arcoaha' a Oat...hint li.eith.ht which ,tly n given Jreu L,Jp ' tvtiatwn the D , ate and Pre,tan ne r VD CCILID. O , ityiandt. wtfe •,t t . ..• hew lint h minister at holm, wet L L., lilt bin Dllnrl.t dela +ma , . the Prus,ah f , o , t t.th acting and, Lae rm,ILDLI , Ine• taAdt , Cl, in tx•rtation of the Cattle ni+es.e, ut.derim.ng aut.... aid the count.. pro at that tt,nh hr r fr. rn came !mat Ilotiattd, wt, ;Le dreaded ,naca, penciled, It had never kW( hear env Mfeei rd cattle; the ,Illeere pereisted in rensalag, and ut nor animal wea left hi undergo ;it, A dip emetic cr.rrespohdence was the Ma.: gannet:, aft, r which the deg was released trout ynarartinn and restored to Its mistress. A NAlLEtetal/ IN Jonur..—Two French vngl /exit, pupils of the Ect,le Centrale, have just sta,ted for/A:idea In order to survey tte Ilse of inlhoml In course of construction, and part a ( willaoan be throgn open to the nubile. We , .1.11 .00n.12W (ear an English journal) /f little toys shouting on the platform of the ItlAli- Isloon iltation, La Palria, loam,/ du sew, L Moailastr, lilorobsg Etta.; while at the Capcmatun legalese :Guinness's atom and Yenashire ham' w illatiptrata Issweilas on thalr way 1,0 Jere -DP. •sAI. EVES r.. 4 f ! 14111% r. 1.141% Ili 1 r. 11! . CL I ERN PEOP Lk Arlington Heights SPECIAL NOTICES • •I•,. t orrrltru r • :iper Mill and Smeir:. t ; Worza HLIBBARD. BRO& CO XTIPAt'il: 66. 0/ 1;?%11 (:111/1! 0 et. Cro.l (tang, sae. al, Sailer trot, Worker. 11.1iN • . • u nt• 4. 0.0...1 to ‘r • F.'s N. ./ vAr: r .• 1., r , • t.h,, ,AI•T PAN.. • • A• .••• • • ,t iJ 411 i Ili•JIS •- •••• •.—.I 11 11 34 , ,1.,ti1trt .1 11A1. 1 . .1... P.; tO, 14; . z , tl: r ) , N: ,rnce F 041'S ) . 1 /- Kir ItS t I. •.e. ge tln.• 41,4 c1t171 1. :•31, Y v•lt BEL t;.'" REITRII dz Cu .• I ELL, n! sTF.EL , , Y1(111 , i111, Al 4.1- , I •a. £h'TliLFi7 t oldma PI 1 - 1": , ft 1:1:(11.1, I' A. • 1 (fa, (111:11141) HEA a t'.. (eaueocewo L 3 1 • ,• 11 ante lino 11 torte., ,('Ne.ekel AND . 1 1.A(1!il.NIS1s, flat. dieecturcr• lillell ,111 1.1 a 1 rerf Ire • re.. 111 i IN 1,, L.Ne el.'. Ls. All. LI. , LA ILINtI, Ski 11N(i, 11AsT. iS•e nil descriptions t(1/.. TANKS a STILL.S •.• 'ILES .1N I 1 1111 ii`f Wtifik. • 4, ,sgei,a ei I YA if Irs PAT ENT J i(ji• teed. - • (eo.iers. -.I.4y•JOLIN lelellef..lllfee de letau., manful. ...zees or lite (N \ . LT, AND VALLI . .(1i IV eN A Ile/N(1 W 1 NI ee eV; Skit 1- ( ta: • W IN Le( AV (/ At., Nos. VI • N I e and w Irctnern 1 rctnern woo 4 an ark.. net ve on hand v•riety of new patter - at, .Levy soli pleila, suitable for nil porinwes. SW- ?kr' tout w attentelon ;4.W to ene/wilzez Citst. Lot. neeletha el•ine at 10011 401110. au9 I OA t , ll .11k.7. <Mao, nese and rot,. treatment f the T dietary and Sexu• olyotem. Address Dr... 7. ,KILLEN he, ..r•1 wasnotation, Ptaladelphla, t'as YAt il - . 4 1 - 1.'1 1 ..! . 1t% ' ;1:t;',. ril a st E ' r I/• a,rrpc.: and s..Ko. of horn • will sent t a re. +Jiro stslrol, tows • end: osoo , the sgrota, A [i P t P1..1 fen,. ciii-,aids ATTORNEY S Ile First or Sewnd Three Yea is Sen. nu t ter, e teeuutt-13 tbe ' SIII.DE It : I) bad served the full terta of ea/Art.o.ra by oath', VrLTE.I. DAT. bulled," fur iill4lll.lt. Pr eland. and Pe I, bu.l u.l FIFTH S rick:Et boo: Ceded. t fur atbeutal. II II . 4 1. I t .¢ U. , ()FFE 1 - 1 a L4)CIIHAN, y rsr ..r_a A N 217 MEI= timIONS .. LITA 1.1 .., ••i • toc •1b w. d,;•• et A .to . - ,cc .11 •••• • .•,•21.LIttc• I.ltcurt -.•• • r.l Lnd, II tr..• a.c, • et - '••rg.h: lOU given 4 rut;.. I . 'alit:Ll. fl EV-A T-L M:tC=ITIIII 1111111111M11111 , H hI: I , ,r:,. I i✓nrtE YS.A 1.111,41 Ltuiti ol 11441 taa L;lS~vi UTiUi'J /UN “I . " NEM - 111P. I L , c;Ofore hattce 11 II /IA . 4 t/I,N rn n: I $.4.1 es,.. ahn.er the oh .1 .4 11 II /.1 A. 7: 6 I '. hse 4•1,11 71.511 . 11 161 .• • ell eehtle nt earl/ at •• :• '•; settled a.p at I ht.,. . I, I. . :.) .41te..t I.y the enrylvl. 1 h AI I:. NAYS : bee. 10, de.l tut! CU.I•AHTNio;, hif ll' —The eart.ncreAep It",etne ore au at.. tLe Lrta,e rr. h. (3 int me .n.tiulact ore of ~I 1 a , tlber Cm. LIAM tiny Leon • 'n••11t. K I Lit, j“. 11 CKI:h11'1. WE. KENNEDY iSitrnomser* c141,111.714. , 4 4r 170..1 1141XL,•,1,11Z1le UI Sliver Pearl and Superior Rosin 8048 LIBICATY STRICI4,7, PITTsNIYME. 44r.44.47d /11151;Liiih 1,/Ed '.l “.11. Lu h‘i bete.. I ....... .•e •;/‘; Cc,. ”. I .Why r EN 11 . 0 mill As I.resebte.. he 11., e n. re, tele 4rtrun etl t j by he, q . 1,11.5 oft eatiLle,: the CIA I LD flflr THE }it 6. \( antic!. • d \ Us:erre l-•..e.Le • • • the cou-ro of tar Almtame Cpies, xr cr• n p•lnuJolm• descrlpti - in Tn. Storm, T W:ect. Th e Beach_ in. lira,. iron...rr ...... .... rt, cot,. led. the B 1 led. hllitAN 0 CII ,klame o,este le four uheineten •—• Aialiaverr.v2i AN:Tito:EBERLE linnea , the rnltuted you.Lo Let, hitt IIE.Le LL. 0.13 3 .11 . 01 LT FRIDAI L 1 ENINO, ILee. - • l, ae wt.... au L. hr•nil fu, 3 eel Houlnalt,e 'ran. of A 1.0132, tUE PRIDE or 13111 .LA11.3111Y. Y . levonie Deuce. Little Lime. ro •onelude tvl Li the merle, fares of BAilliElrerTOOLE. lane, the PE!. .1 Eliferoey, ead (.3 !Jaren pen, Salanlay ettlera.3l3. u nit plefforatasee Mow Y•er's alle:no.n and eveelas. pITTSEGIiGIi MUSEUM AND ZOO Lti(4IUAL ARD EN3, nt T/Ith Suet, Yoli A PER DAYS ONLY, TOE LIVIIG ESQUEL bit) 14 fears Old and ;Mai bit 7 round', Efile AGE t, AT A.N I ItULNAE ZIPENSPI. 1, I,i V IN , I W ILI, ANIMA LA awl le 00il for sue etf ndrwo•ln., 1,';.1; Iha 11T ANNEAL EXLL/RATIory of the Yatahttrch School of platifin far Women. trill he hell I ctho School Itantua, Na, ,a rift , Street from 10 to 4 Wolof., on tto 's7th, 'bah and hof De , combo 0c25.1t. t Tltt Ogg., .V TOO WoOLDUI Pug OiL ) 00110.1.), itUqueane Way, Pin - Alien., r Till. A N 1 .2 A L jlh. El hnnterz • f 1 ompah, e held at tn.- ntlke nt t 1 e Cuwp•r y. tn.. 1 , s u.ll Janu, y eta DIA, at relL, 10. :Le purpose ol I.llre. Lore L.., act" rlug tgle euetpag Pt 1 :II I. l, Ntt. feall,l Scoreuary ; JAW V:. THE SToCii fIuLDER,y or THE Jane. & Nlrulek alanufacturlug Cam pony will taae entire that lb. Annual k.IeCtIOL. Jru .1 true . 11 .1f d aotiazIng limapatly w,llbe nehl at the office of Cumin.; , on Inaarnn, •I r f:D , the dad, day . oilee. st u clock a /II W W. f'.lTitflli Treasurer , .11", APl.ls, , utg.,, I ~e e lA, =OEM =RIESIM *1 -,1, t, AN-NLAI, ELY, I 4e1.. , Lt.r Llttltal It • l• It lArmxr) t•et wet :It io.t . J. N. 11A111,, I NATIO,O, t• Ilii,, NANh t, k••:, I! • ••• r6I• - r; Ir.. . urccz, te 4 e b.rt.,•,of J. n *La 1 : H Fla IVArJr• 1.1-r-rrrru..• Drcor. , r, Sitj., ;Ma V 111 ,- . A LAL EI.F.L At 0.. N ~ t t lie,a • ..• pr :..1.1 41 71 Y. ii11.116I) 'AL. :, A • •ItY. • AL.A• r. liver ` A t LR.41..•1", 11 tu,IPAY •• • .1.,./uNrA ,insur•orcuuu.- :tr - 1,1,1 tilt, In . t ea. :\l\L Ai. 1 - ' ,, !1 II I•• it ' , lt :Hitt 13 IL vE II !tt - rr • • %N EL. ai . 1 A ut o• t tl ' :1 ,t ' , IT t t t • BESSE lug hakon 1 ITT I IT1 ISA011( OF 111 10.11, •tu: Kt_ iNaA I , *(q( h E ..1•, !<•1- ., 1111, lIANK ne hrl , • 1 I DA 1 ~ ,,ary .11.. tafto, t.roaera tr, all ,r Fat 1., har.Ll”, Is.urr k sa,r A1.1.1t4111.,1" NAT ',AI I . rcemtm , t A r+ ,. }:;l: t t.Cll , ,,:x F.)lt 1 / 1 1;cl: f ntt .•&e the 8e.01i,0 H. ur, I t t , .la, ..; wet Et (...11(B I/ • IA / _ - 1- ;..t/aiaaroxAllonAL Hann, Y. - hUnO.l. I.e<ea3t.er , th THE ANNUAL ELL L:CTI' , N tnr Din nraof rile If., wild be Geld Ni lna Heo L... ll' a / i. f/SDAY,Jaaa.tar) tior ol II a a to.lar H I'll Ivitl 'MIL. I AUCTION SALES ( sLOsING our SALE OF BOOK MS, Jr_, ae., er Al (Jr , tiv wo) er rrot.g his week, and at ;inv.. .1 sale every .3 at re. 3 rat uce.l once, at o. log Ste 1711611.1.1Ntreet, • l op(11.11, the poat,lnee, pill be ote.aeJ arge and ainable ontleertlon of alaud.4l doe thustratod Lullaby hooka, family binlea,wore . Lunt. Sc 1.. the col/cotton ta Wars'. Uunewen t•ry on Lhe comp, , e, I voln S. fir it .4h Eater r at, 8 rum e, r•rtou'a Jackson, oo LI GI . l'errb Japan, J ales, 11 .1ac•uley'• kno 1, 6 , o.u.J.es, Hume'. England, 15 et I u toes—% p patuh's of Aleaftantea, olethea, olatueut cm. .ictumAry illeeLanlce, t et, utr.e, floe edt•ton of 6 haaapearo. 4 returnee, oar per's Hi 614 .1,000 pletea, In 1 utiLey euo,ren, the Utoper i allery, In Turkey Alorotoo; World Nu6e.. Wo.en, In Turkey moroo o; Wreath of Brants In Tut any Moroceo, the o ork• ul Byron, lelluw, Tenct3 r. , seott, Moore, EloOJ,l:ha,n et. Joaephus. Letr.er paper, Aoki 0.... 6 ortf , t ciused out. ac. Hargett:la may be expected, ad the et,.ok note A. 51ell.WAINE, Auetloane - - - - ,11,)ICE BUILL)tNC, LWr3 IN AL. J at o clock, Will be sold on the (loot of tar , orna.r..elal N‘ll.• tona., Inti arnl• h del,l et/ eat, 1011 , wine handsomely Lute for llut•ldnere Allegheny Oh, You, 1.01.• at r.. oCr al lildtre *AA Fremont ate . Art. Qualms' in toed OJ [Mtge. intent and ex trrlii lug b‘alc lit teat to nn elle,. Sit I.ota eaun neer al feet trout ou rrecuout aud 120 feet lu depth true Lut Cl cornet uf ALlegbenv ot,eutie Iliggn *cruet, la Ice' ft,,nt uE the AI en ue and 1:0 feet In ,ten tn. eta Leta, each 10 feet front on A.llrghruy my, o nut 12U I. et In depth. Ib. la a pall of A liegheny t try t•tir ruee...llneee ohd Irne.uu n. •\e end eurtoniulto by he., ii..o,‘ re Inn %Ira . le ..e one tis rre denel Mel/. le AI N t1.101,e,1 I AIWN: kslaoket a, pr ends, Sheets o fon Luz Furs, Shawls, Horne Cov ers Pact tuft& &e ,at uotioli. FR/HAY All 1 , , a. .Sitt., ai to 0 . .reemely, will be •r. id at I'd.”. 11.1 Hall A ortir, wet .1 FxIEII .trees. n l.tg, , j 1 411 ley ill . t•••• • 1,1.161.1,.g con,. r woo 111( Blaukols. 14 pain. )1 I 211 ,st. ,/ 111.4 du , le fat:, Prem,..,. 11-4 is 1' Ird 1.3:0Wa Army filaokr t• assortml ' a, Illue and Cfroy ~. •1 : lre, :needs,'.' Conn.°. ta,150 Sheet., I. I.num a Al 811Ltare a: ! r'slatior of • 0111 of Gull,' Pure. 1.1,2, T. A. /11c,LLI.LAND. 1 01.;:-.N.11()LD F'URNIT'URE, Er.bT Au. !BERT} . La FRI UA y Ng, Pca. 29t1., et It!! el!! k. will ho 191,1, the reat!itto, at Alla. I teak }Meer, Last I.lbgrir, es I atm, svonul• lAn wee. r hear nn.l ! Ike e! epinuo, cut!or mru LIB. ilollllChOld and L hen forhit!lre, inlad!us Nobel!, h.! , seat et,Alte, !Ireseice burr ..!•trA !se dL ee,r,!ets, lupe trror, etc,. Alen. oar netee! ego , cow teirtle,ag ! alinement.; ke. del,7 6. Mc, I...WAINY:, A ucL,,,a, CIT Y IMPROVED PROPERTY dT 'RUSTLE'S SALE . On4 . ftlllA 1 A FTEN NIIILN, anutry lith at [rupee, ,1a the „ren,teee. tettll he eo 1 , , o ey ;e u 1 t'11.1:6.1. /tit I , tl , sEs, No, and 04, 00 Itarrry all, lota Weep Second nod rt. ; ,1 strette. to. Lot, re 16 tett front each and CO leer in depth. 'tering, one-third cash, balance In one and two yes,. del6:aattl HOLIDAY —.PRAT 'S UREA"! ANNI'A L SALE of line Nooks, splerolltl Pnotogrnpu An,o,n s and Voaket Haunt and Prop, Boons, Juserole Books, Letter Yros, sorknieneo this evening, at lLe llogialetclal Sales Rooms, opposite the Pr. Office, an.' continue every evening during LLB week, and at Prlyste isle every day at Suction prii.. A. Aka.% AINE A.tioneer. Parse Base, Salesmen. dell ( I , A LI, A. 14 D SEE THE LfENT'lti FINE CALF BOUTS AIYIUS'EDINNTE Be.cf oe.t LLratej 6,1181.4 MA JAME f;ELENTL. ELECTION 11111111 i V A 1:_1iII.E 1 . 1 - 10VE,14 / . 1 FUN SA i / , t outoeria: of i nari.• ot 1,14 1.. - .-1, to elect,. 1 1a.,. .0..1 oury titahling 341 i by 01 lent, 1 atone, hie.. .• idaoe ol !!‘..tg convected tato a (1, - let .11'1 . ri) vi.l. E.EiFiNEaB !...., 01 n••K pt.... • , • , ..lI.TIns lla. b ',l.'" AND ar. , nor , k oi it , awn. einveyea Dv pipia to AI .1. . no, .. loch , a &Mee il. L. work itii ',SU 1,, . PLO • ..r1 Ore,: per .lal - . q .on litrailian 'lrekaol 01, " A e areal. to eel I . ou r attention io the ler', an roat..l IA Oil, I, the 1 , 021 grata ertr4 , l43 Mill 011 J , o , q ,,,,, , y „, B i ~, L e s,, ~ or . .... ...0,1t. 0 ... tae ate., . For partioulerta one one liegratar. ,„„ z ,„,,,,„..,„, ,„, v ,,,,,. ~„ I t ~ ~,,,, g round, &IT. , ! • ,en E. 51cLAIN a Ci! . siCal, Ulllei WI/ nail niii:Tt and ir —L" - •al sea, a, In color. 1.13 e some uniform hod I_,'l) 1 . , I . • ALE- 1 am au. tkorizad to nail of y. a,. tam IH ri torn trod foe ...". b y A. tv!. nures ill la n.l, 4.1, 011.1101ecl 10 Ci+Srt-18. v.11,,v T EL NEVI N dc CO., on li 11, a a on,l 0 anti relit, Iron the city, arca . at ai c ,, 0. ..,,,,, ~......„.", reijci•tct,-1,,,,,, thrtatfourike ot a nine from the Pittentagli & Sten. ! ..- AO, 26 air HOD NTII./FIRT. Doh vilie Militia, ! Thal Wa. tj le ..elt euitel 1 4 gon.leirarg put. ! ...7, mead, li nose., betat; ll all I/Atom lanJ, and protected on tLe A , Eum EN y L ITS COM l'lto2llB E It 1., a WI/ null harlng a aou , horn txpoaurr. ~,... ,_ , ;•;•,, 1, It well adapt"! foe a country e“leleueo. hartag I k -ii.... ,, ' 1 '- -. _ . i_ II i tie A Li.t.c....rr Po, A :l •11l to [war r UN. toads. T“,“...Vltilfetb , /VIM., 110 e. Ath, lig& i Ji MN D. 11.&11,11Y, I , v, ,, ,,,,,, R . ll. ; j...u,., r,e.nine Ototriationlee Itotals of the lilt j ! ono ! of env.i . r• , are Itereny tiottfieil 0051 t: e - - - - mug rural iar 1 5 / 1 5 will too nvested In that ‘, - ALL; A. t, I, 1. KAN I/ EA. l'T Oii.lllo 1 ' .." ..1 ,t ' d0 at toe lowest rates fferor. T PROPERTY Ft)II SALE IN EIRIE/NO ; peopeolete 0111 ne roceire.l tip the noderelkir HA 7 1.-SIt,LIAI on Cal:al-entrant, rtonlaigtl:llo.l., roll Or , IN DA 1 , Into! Joy lot, InGil. to Franklin, nitylnic a Iron, 04 Copt:" anent of / lan (nett lop li 130 trot; upon lahinb la ...noted U, OIAtIFERION • ri a l• TWO 'l lilt 311111111 0.111.1., Engin* and nolli, ~,,,,, 11. 1 •,0.1 •• A tlaa he, . I nil cool late nod to 300,1 Order. Alen,indO, Iwo D.elltag klOuree. /ankle* on tit° plead... daii /DUN W. AU KEE A HMI A A , ' liW AIN t„ Auctioneer J. W.-4JAZNAktA ft, az Market lanai. FOR SALE-FOR 2i ENT. DRY GOODS, TRUMONGS, &, F 0 AL r in a, ro•a 1 ltur! a us lan )• aru F. /i o . o'll/e sr EISEN • e na/.1 Ors,. 14 v."%d till mere&:l,. , ,• /1.6 11,1 ,a !rm., talc, .4.4,10, • lcl. Ilee crops 01 env. /1 ig vet) cm. • nazi:Li: Lc, ct,•liCtien, ectto.,l., teflia, nom, Sc., &0.. I. will he •01, clieny c.• ens; j •• •• os. Horne &Go s. •le 3 I 3:111 pr aho• t 20. acres. sactat,l A La: Townstap, ILdisu. Co., Penns. 1... ..-tuents me n 6,,W COMinrl•Lir IWO t, „ „„... with b f r „, e We call tie attention of the public to out al hs-u, cat, te.e, hottse, clot corn crap, 0.. 2.r1,11Y1:1: beta <MA • twostory no atm.., house, rk a.ll,raek, eau la "toothy nutviol et, orchard of apple. ;h act.. ear a‘kd ti -Ince t•• ta Ihe Searra Boot Iha it. IA is f Plimpton, ant: a.% C.,31. Thu. pr,,,arl I he 1..0..1 s cry . ~. ..'t tt, about said notes soli olnUti, the ut , ve. be idiptosements e.re rk larEe two otot) 1,-4 Hi•usr non a logs tram° Darn t 75 acres meat ..it aml nods, ago .d.t . • ..,.i - stuon, a stoat' appleitni.narO, . alt, • ••• •t ''- ~. Ult hops( It toe t a•+ (sites uilitsd. w0ut0......0, a oust-rate ht. elt V A l a , or will•be soot aebarately. , 317...a,cca) ,-.,..._. c, cis.. , a l•flt, Of I'M acres, situated ID East 0. neattleid to onshtp, Indians county, Pa. The hik. ktiVFST POINTS, VALLIICIA.S, PUlhtT '"".'"'• "" '"g " F"' Howes w" " 10 T ' Ala til - F. 1., hide. 1 , b eintAillrf , l, 001, rooms !tenementa good shed all around; SO i LA ts, nEI :6, Holikik..b, 1 3AJFFILIPLES. .orss leared, Lou log theellingst apple ; ob hard, Ivry E.Ra 11110 IDERIES. conVenlent to church schools, .tares, ac A portion of the purch•re money ssull • bs tvlteti in wen locals d land 1.12 /owe. Also, a Far.., of inel acres In hillenceth townsti 1.. Collars, Bets and Collarettes. Allegheny county. 'I he land la of the best quality ?' ", "."`...""" OS U. Ira r "'''' el ""- I atlrrAr ON TALENCIFINS, 1 - 111/IFS ern, ibis tarn wilt he cold at it yes, reduced price. 1 , coLE,AI N . LI N , N ~,,LL AR., ~eepf e s , r0.......0 elven on th^ Sil in) i 0, Abf , f , USX 1 6F,lys, 1...11',/g Sfl A NYS, NElng T r/ES /N ta.. .t.e or.) I •,[l2 in I. an tienl tobleardp, : NEW LIE.Sit /NS. /NS ANT'S IfilfrY"..3. W. stmoiciai d c rural, Pa . comalaing U 0 acres; ; 4,.1.1.a n.+,.•. sout h 01 the I.a. Hallroad. Thal.. , W M.Srb a 1/AY's, /L1...f . 5.10N ~ • z' ~•..ts ate ,WO largo hatred toy, 1.Vt../(AI . AA I) P.I,FPLEL' HT"... k'A BBC/MERU.) house; ripe of . ~ , slices& no. best fraMri barna In Use , owaship. ,h6. 0i1.1.A HS a VE1L:.11,1,. MALTESE ~.,, •14.1. orchards. The whole [arm Is under a r Ugh state of cultivation. •he fencing ts ail No I. The land Is of the very hest litneatot e; about SS I.A /SUE AND Stitt acres cleared, Lae balance In good Utah,. For VAULTED session on the prat day of April lvdti. This prop• trty will be sold at a great DargnUtt. The owner: ii-; HANDkERCHIEFB. nuance to engage 111 other business n lao. several other Farms ranging from $.:O to ' Plato rises t” shed, I 'olored hottleted, Embrolil rAsit per acre. I err I, S.tillolsl and Bear Lawn, our line A •04.3 Farm of Lou acres, shunts In Slettandless ' Is full and comidetc CI o _stop, Allegheny coutilir, 80.. about 6 macs ' L" 'l I. ll' ''''''"'"" ." ' ' - g FANCY GOODS Ili.ase. good brir 1, a luung orchard of app., and , ear. 1 wlil self 141.1 I /Unable property soy cheap and on easy terms. In i tom!, IS•usi.s., P,rses, i I InCe Boxes. Work !or rurrner perflculars, Usti etre of stores ha./ •••ir I ,ompaniona, Watch Stands, U. id.. leoWkskl, Hun/ Estate At,..i.. tt..,11 noi fi• , ..,. l'ina Neck:aces, Sleeve - P., lea Fourts, sues- 11,, , n a ' r ~,. 11 no :a. rhos:lee At .oaa, /...,.., - .1. •• • •iiti,in c. ter., 6itp r, V •.e. o a p. or liave • tinier isortment , oAl„ COAL AND LAND Fux t•AI. E me very enlnable VAR u In E.I 1 4 . •,/ Allegheny tera uunl., eunnl 0 o:. r 1) • 5 SI_tIEACE rtn,All 1 t 3 A L Fri RA L S KlRTStalouougunels v ‘l.l ikaLli LJlbi 1 • ,), Au Z. 143 We Int g.“—rtur Pt...Cl:neat. NEW AND .• . Able 'AI. , ruutiug ou tne.,,. river. z.n Nee l ; BEA re Ti A . rEliNs Soinee 4 Met 46 /Jong the pn, r.rt f ...•ter Lion et leg.l 1.1 1, IA , gou., 1,5 wt.. Clad I/1, IN I I . .14 .v•VVIL II •./ HMI NEI, '111! 1 , L11.13Y HAT,' TURBAN! I I. L.r L .t • t r _tl - L, /rad ILwellun not., 1..t111.c. t; 11.11 / enquire ( .i. r • • ANI. •1.• Ulf Aga., No. 1011 tout, s.r ‘til f.nisifed ilo-Slur) .1 tog , ;{ Yn Y. Hilt I 1.111.1. . 1.11, iiOB..NE tit GO., Vie litr.isa to ort,live. Ir-cs FIAAI.oIII and 79 will L. g., . 1 11arket Street . I - Lex:. Ate:. -,OFINER STORE-ROOM, Wll 1-1 Ci.Lr SDWLL.L.ING • lat. ail . {',..,erty ICA MN C.) . . 7 1 k . •NA t• Iw tto / 1 4 1,1 Leta •. EArr'.. ON'S • if' 1. r• - • T.—Y. C. 4 'l' .1D • .a.e.:lnga .1 or LN:.IM.,. 7,, c, . : ar • H .a • • • ;ar-e and licA!r- hie stock o • attria thew Ct.elcoal. •• • tett t.r,l h.htp out leo t•one of N, k I.ton t.ren :••• Lavacit, I •rrt to- tt, JI Ar t, ...ahlt /the. oret t,,not't's r.thtterPet,rtt urtab• , t_lforPresentS sALE:— ft eIN E: —T:i r •H. % , •tili,t, 11 , Y. T •Ii . tt'e .erter e Wenzel to: <qt. At r t, Itst,J,Lc ;orpose ,et ethee tr,r thv t t . 5 he,.. a - ayes - Sty. I out ter fel l et tt, treckty 5..4 he, hatte, s tt. t•• rotu 51, eat, .te • o-s he IhouttiAr, .5 heni • 04. h. It . 'tr.. to e.ertoet ttrtler. neve lentil •,.1 tterte, t s • tel, end wet-c001...10.. tt..l • t, , strehe tt.nat., Oil to Darrel., • e ,tVen thec lett, or JaztkAry lee. es, Iy, tor loaner let... Lowers to 111. k. . n0.1,, 1t0 heeth ;octa ht ne Wey, Cosner Of Hancock Caen. ,t _ Ylitn 4 l. Tint 11.1.1% DSO.% Y. I.I4IAIRE STORY BRICH ELOUSz.b V , . en slol al. on the curt elOe of vel.sr t , h;, neer It, corner of /kW nth et, blißl In tine,: throne knot to • Superior mane:—no • ewer y modern eir , venleirce IMO Iroproren.et: yregeort UI period artier; one of the efts t. •at au! lost ht.ur•lne .tuntltl. In A.Begnen ; 'oeevarion on the it of A l'rtt. Lrkit,B. 4.11.8. h T. Y ,co. F./Italy Broker en.l tileur.oo agent. l/ N..- BB Federal et., Mlegnerty Ft/ R SALE, VALI'ABLL DIAL LAND. ,1•• rt.t.DAY at relUcet.l prleea This tra tt d.ltl/6. le Wratutorelattu'eounty, Penn, the L North-Western Yentutylvahln ItaLeoad, about aufea east u( dpoLo, sod rootatua Coma ye, sLe veins of flue !., LLILL.ST OIL ale, tt •L 1 Y d vet I complete WATEII 1 . 0 WLIx Yu/ f .7t4ar partaoulara, Li:Nolte at tb• Law Giant tulaca of c. W. J. a HALL Par:l.W. dul.l Nu. 144 Yourt.N . c_Pn. . :\II. r ORH z AD'S. .tUSO Dv% ELLINU. .slarket Street. 01, :1 : :W. maaortmeut. of FANCY r ti.. chic ~ 1.1 n rythillg tt6o TRIMMING end .1 ten r o...rnd. tnn NO! 11/N 1,1.\ t., of 12!M£1/11 oarr is ! . .4.,14g an altenlk.Aante , /t.. (Burke'a V ALI-113LE CI.)I.f . ITRY 1i( jou \. 11H11,,11 On the Pennsylentsla 11, ea.' .t.e.n (10(12 11 / 1 114111 fa , 4/140.1•1111 , -.rev noente• ',all/ (ruin Late newly grant.. ZKA • 610.1 tn/ .011 road, cal/eil Failik/W IJIJD nT th,v. 1. 1 /I of /,/t0.,1,1 coma. RI: II acres 131 iscrelica caret mete., with ir.treat; lard e Frau., /. 1 . 1 //, with 111 mums. and coOns 1 1/.101,0C41t. ueanu a Frlllt rreol; Watt/ . an , Lh./ 0 .0•0 , • bean arotanda wall dial laanoaumely. 1,1, lurtate, 10011.11,Li. 0 tail 00 AM ES S. EINU, Nu. On Filth iinact. L xi. Le"( aLL Itilmus execute tr...eld) nut; u .•. ..drpmcd elthhtmen /MAI :Lei I. uu enameled t ..s tt er nt, ',lora, till, NS ON GL/Ishb nmle .0 .10 A, sent to D/I IiDILD of the country MCI% tit.: AI. DII:S/0 NS eate:led In nighty sr kl)1{ ALE. —A BA.AuTtrut couN "".rsL 'eg'M 1(1,11./EN.,h,elcunteh thaltue room. of 6'l". tt• 'tot. , Mt; OD Ine tt.ttledust t'amexestr hen toml • mhelelc t - D*l hive'. ItArILLI II 13RO W tech acres ot W.ILI fine ' rill, /00 U., a.-vth eleven sed/1 tlnnthe.t dooms, n loft et 4:vri Lnije als) u.hm. ... v;vj vtr sty th troll trees. Tt. pr0,..1.) nil, be Cold Very lemon nsl.- term, I . .tests•lnn given Oral day of ..., I. I -on l'or further Intormschnteuv . r e de. Estxte AIME 111 11 rt A MARRY CLIRI,T3f AS AND RAP PY ivc.w y,Au. 1101.116 Y GIFTS GOODS SUITALLE FOR PRESENTS Novelty. r ar 'heapneas, IB UNEQUA i=D IMMEEZI • :•• : 4' 4,1•'-,t,"74, • • I , 4 - 111,ht., Oen. let. Trarellinfg sc.•.ck. Wr h•ve Ennhy .00 numeroqs to IL P 1- PILL le".•at-!••• IMMIII COMING HOLIDAYS LAt L tit/INI/et_ll,/IiILYN VAI. / ACI. k: /: A NI h Eta:kJ/EFS, THuE.a u. CALL AN i• MALTE-L of.LARS. A fui. r.r I. , ft I N HAN DE, /, In rrrbroldered i.c 1 r,.urued, 00l o. , Bordered end lielcustrlonv: Fume "zee of FAN(' y crr . n krIS of every deeerly (1011. H05E (41,4 rVE 14 . 0 X YA NO] If 0..1r.,.. • OAnl, neo,is Ers, =EiltlE=l BALMORAL HONE. Flll line I . ed lre . At and Obtldren'• Ip Lot, Gent:, Furili,:limg Goods. Se‘rl., 11e., N.. titre ',HMI Underclothing or , v , y. , ...rotptiod, Moves, 11,i Hove, Plain, 001. tlrt4.l t4.rde, Itemetaened and 0114. ZEPLilli o,li SHAWL, AND t oYE..N, ARP', 111011, drlNti CAPS, trill assortment ell cze.fiAITERS for Lodi. and Mts.,. LKI RA L. Lzew lity/es, plot reeelv thia nay. F. H. EATON, S.‘“ceolaor to LA. 1I IN, Ste JR I'sl 8. 01 %11. 17 rimePiTELEET. N tiouDS I.oit TILE 1 ICLa.rket Street. ,ok ‘24111H EA U•M . PAINTERS 1 , ( 1 :,‘A, LA N SI AIt.T.LTIS HOUSE PA No. 60 brultinield BL, Plttabtar f 'ult.. . ttsow. aw..c.ow.) e.IN bIGN F.AINTEII3 111=! LEA, CIORO HUM —lO bole. Sorgeam—is choice artJele. /Ant oreolvell and for aolo byy dolt J. B. OWLELB 0 DRY GOODS, TRITIMINGS, :rou IHP - 1/1 /Nil di ;At . l , s ntll9 , Aani•kii.lNTN a* Auld form tlAlift IA A LA ....A, 59 .114,9eft AL lOU !wit( rind At 12*. at T , NLINg. I crmerly Vbc.. .12t1 St for-many krt4 at EA, tame se .41 formerly at bk.at B kRILEK k ItlArket tr l'ou Ft"ill Find In abundanee, DE MAINE 5 a, nee, fornealy 1 , 34 c., sr - - BILREE6 , IaUTA b . N Market .t rots WNW rind AL Made of DR ESSS GUI/Lb cheap In portlon, at BARKER El lIJU.'B, ea Itarket a... rou RNLI FLANNFLANNEL, and good Twtlled d EL.- Flyca.; Etarrod ultin at 64 at E kie-NA a 140.. Market rou Win Find LIA.LIIIOItAL SKIRTS for Ladles an/ Mla ea, so about . , as to limn:wise you, at BARKEIt k kg Market at. rou frill fltact BLANKETS et sl,3d per par, 'forth glo,N, end et $lO,OO, the largest alze , ehmpst 112,00, end M $l2, .0, the lambs; end best, ea good es ass be Wash* et $14,09, at BAKKEU & CO.'S, 50 liarket AL rou {VW Find SHtue Fifty Thouseipl DolLtt WOrtik bLLJI s, of ell kinds, `teen j reduced, et BAILHEII b. CO.lB, 63 alwrket •t. You fl'ili Find CASHMERE LONG SHAWLS, at nearly oneAtall former trrtrea. WOOL LONO Slid W LS reduced Irdtu SOX to ie,6o, at SAAR Kli s UU.'S, N Martel You il ill Find 01,(. 1 / 1 K S of ell kinds. Very Gump, soa cost you can have them made to order at anti, reduced prices, at HARKER IL bt.g.'S,s.i Alsravt ei. rou IWN.O /Ind _II.OAKIN(IS to grtat vanr•y very 0 heap, et EldHJitiß a .t. rou , NMI Find OLIJTHS, U&SSIOIEEEs, SATINETS , TWEED,, 111ELTUNO, JEANS, and . It Kind. or hien'a and May.' wear much teat than formerly. at 13Alt:IfJi8 a CU.'S, 61 atarket COUNTA V 44 ERCHANTb ILL FIND BARGAIN:, ri.E.A - Tr R rwp ixe .11201=L - `l 7 " GOODS W. BARKER & CO,'S 59 MA/MAE T 8 E ataal G MILT HOLIDAY SALE ioa. 78 and 80 lilarkat btreet BRIMS GIM POR h3V13111 80. Embroideries of AU Kinds Fine Slipper and Otuanan Patterns. LINEN AND SILK NDKI93FOR LADIES GENTS AND CHILDREN. Woolen Goods of ad Deserlplions Hosiery and Glove; in Ess Weis runlets/. GENT'S FIMMIHING GOODS-A Full ARFA, ACAIIP PIM AND AL I , EVR BOTTONA FANCY GOODS. We have made We deem:tweet a SPEUIALI TY. We win be reeelvh2B: NEW GOODS 'very Do During the llitliday Season vtif be found • compleet Artutraent o/ Fine U ork Boxes, Bealculcs, Per fume Boxes, Ladies' Companions, Satchels, Cigar Stands, Cigar Ca ses, Watch Stands;' Albums, Jewel Cases, Faney Combs, etc., etc., etc- Clata.r.er. vl ti tl uur prlce.D LONVEII PH AN ANY UTtiEH 11013 SE IN TR UITY. GIVE Ers A idA.LL AT Nos. 78 and 80 market Street MACRUM, GLYDS(z CO. LI °LIDA k SALES. CEIMMIII !I 8 ILV: paliMl CLOAKS, I DRESS GOODS. SATES & BETIX, dell: 21 FIFTH ■ISBBT 1 . a ADS. 1865.7 IN T 41 r`• S.t:SEI—.I7S.N.W.ri. FL. i. *la 3Z.AI .• f kiN us sm. , ,r4igrA .F.4.4 s.v.xl :Nov /551.4•113: will /sass asig - ljaa.ir. ps - pot, curtisi alisatus i g'sr. ewer., se LAY a stuippasubs. 1 - ii_acioss. Anises P Ataosss• .11 a. m_ A • .1 oae 8,23 an.. I boils. roncs 111,12 aver ls.lV p. ca..] Bac r.asiSt 111., 1: usup. us, N. , vla le-8.5 V, in. I.l.lDulairam 6.43 avel7,7.llew oil, via Yta/adellab • OLNUINP.A.t.I tar at b.a47 a. m.., st-frpmze .t ':early 5ta,;10... 11 1.1.1 U It LA p. c., Atltr. 1114( PalLeme4.7.7 al az .11411 L —4,, LAI PA: trobalh at 11.4•• ea.. stopping a .G,77m7.71) . 54, Jl..ttatits. ,O p. m., att7717.4.at i.s. rmbar, 1.7 tl.. s 121., ttlt PulLmloaprdia at;.;toa P 1111.4 7 F.i.,^ 4 ll.t_a t't ice...:—Le.Yn PULP bunch at 11 as 5,1., tat , LLty al prltte‘pat t , A Star.. Ntrfves.,,6l ;. c.., A.Ltoo. 9.12 p. . .1c• , , 1, 171; 7 ... A I , e 1.1,1,11,. rb ~,P 77, 7 • • . 'risk 1 balralta pma It. et 7 l:nrs trua.r, eA.V.10.0.111 IR Fklisdripia", .14 Al7battown. FAST LUs b: 7 2:1.. ea at 14..3 p. .0;70 ac nal .1,1141.4 St a. I, e.rnal.erg• -tab A. 1:1-, /fa t 7.7.5 * ;e7 , , ....rat Via Allan:own 4.4 p. ‘13., f•r1II .t • ea., YOri la Pb Ittstetpl..l4 St -.-. p. • Erna feat 5, - I.l,uner. 'Dolly MI cqter. r ro.v sumtaysexcepatd. JOEINSTO w is" Ae....A.llAlollarioN. sect Sun day, at ; 1415 p. cu. •.oppin,y aL regLILS, ttons between Pktabargn and totnentagn, 41:14 •01 1.10C.L104 at tontra,tAlle &AM trains Ilta Luau.. bra.ln•ne West ft.'s:Avant& it. ALTOONA A.3.1:01 9 .41.4110DAT1UN, /tally aanp Sunday, at 1 wr,, , &. 11. stopptuo at 511 trfUli rtaLlons bettreeP,', ylltaburga and Altoona, ats , making don wills Lent.. oa Waugh, Wert P*,thylyazus IL IL, Ebensburg at C leasson K. K., liollanayabarg Bruin& Fleet APC.II.-;: , ..laraus: roam tor Walls eStattle, learn daily (a.sept Sur—kl . y) at ills a, au • Second AceoturnOdatlon Tranajor Wall's Statlei learos da..y (endit. Su:4day) at itton a- P.m Avec:alma:VALl,. No. I, leaves daily (exec( rbtru Loc. 6[ColairriaAlstion Train for h'all's Stailet !roves daily f Soo. p: Sunday) nt ten p. es. Penn No. 2. leaves daily (51 Sunday.yr pt at Qin p stopprog at all trtatt.. between P'llson and Peon St stlona. The Cu... rqd_. leaves W.V. station .sar Sunday at and arrlvre in Pittsbunti 1. 10.06 a. W. leaves PlLabtllgh at 114 P.O.and arnreriAt Wall'a Marton at 0.01 p. Ptetunang TraintenlPktve PlttatoutAlt lonollli San. . 1.80 a. A Fut Lune 2.40 S. A. next Well's Slat X- Penn Aecomtuo.latslon. 1.56 a.. Second Wall`a Ifin A c.v..: aio.lsalo/1 460 S. I oasts:own Seco drUjnoCattor. ....... SACO a. /3alt.lnlore. ExpreaT 1.20 p. Altoona ace...l:au on a 10S10 p. Third W ntl s I.h9p. g. Phtladelph la P.d.e.--ora - I.olp. P•en Aceommo.lne , ic NI. Plttabtugh and E/Nmau Flak p. a Agent of tth Excelsior UM/11.. CumpaAl 1:111 pan. I..Grot46.each :Mtn ..,Fun .erscalr; Depot, take up out.dta I .1.4 - ..vr nag. - ;ago Co an Fart of the evuo carat, Optii -e prompt Ili r1W,0.4111 Lai.rea• Loki only, sad jar Gt the eennsv.v....: P." 2, ,, SLanoa. on 1-tocir • 4 865. L no ;0L.U.1.1 87: 4 :/ RAII.RO4O rur tirun Mort i:4llf FAtlit riu NitlbCßVin TO COLUOBC? c[n~[h~xai : 2 ' I N 111.2. NA /.01.1.1% 1.111.1 al/ cue priluelp4 WEST. A4l, aul:T11-'4 EST ukd MOYL)A.Y. ,d rit, 20th, 1866, :Mi. leer!, sad artlVel, I L 4... DE:PO L f011oas: ont-n - . . F.. , Line.. „,1,,_.. are. nr.traVl - -t_tt, n, ru. 11-io a.! , . •. 2.16 D.I Esprenn.. 'a . ::. 3.• n.... Iv—so. s. ! Stelabectinlle. . Accnt4' mt.., _AA.. , 16.10-n, I ...,.. --CU LL, .ter. i l'24cl{ _.....,,,, , wut..,,,, la., “, -1.1. , I/. 51 , tliilt.LlSeAtflill. I Icknt Gnett.V.l'-alen De; ot., entaburgti, nein rd P . - - -sBuWI El ji .B.lv D 1J .444-- w ifia .. UE NLLI. , •I7 . I.LLE ataLß.o4 D. , • WI NT EE E.,1.1 ENT. On sad anor Id( Lco 1101 oral , care tho Depo , 4 :aro, of Hoag end Ws! Stidna. as (Glow,: .4., ..,-a - tes Arra&lX i . eutaburglL 111....0 sa/ .aw 1,-. I .41.1,w n 7:15 t al. =I. Express xx ... e:. 1090 a.l First AlsEeespors x.cw ._, al'e .. 117 . . , : , - t =,. r. 4 . 1 b e t 1 1 ! „. .' Sastrad " Fuss iirsaLloax s ~.,. '1,?11 . as. 8.30 .61 Sazoad " 1 ,, , . . 4Ju p. Tzt. 6:46 p. , . Sunday eturr.t. 1 rh.li I- a._,l frt. ideßeesporl...l For tlakats s -ply t 4 Act.C. ,T 4 dc'f..sagr.riiten'ti BOOTS LND SHOES. LOONOUT -10VBAFiGiaili--- BOC➢ d r i j SHOE! Jwi:eaured TREMENDbUS STOO FALL 6 lii^L,*'TEß 470008 i J. A. 11101140:il dr. CC tll ZdAitg . ET STILEIZ .• Next moor to Bo..U.X.E.tiS Loy (footle Stan. not BOOTS AND SiibES. JAMES ItOBB•; a..,:rket Strsea Me• just returnea fro: tae EAST with • Cl lvga and wa.aonabio et . * of .Eicsciesas .aatzr.caxalt Unit NIET t'r I I ir ,-1 .(V. ,,, ./.... 11 Ale.ce, Sol .. . , Aini, '11...-.: is ~ ti Aim ~.. 1,4. - i , , q- o: the e • , ~ . : i : ,i. , . t- ,i1.1re,,.2..0 tO.EI- CI - , 1,/ ~ 3 . Ek.l •4`...7.1,1 elt Yo WI to 1/ .0 In^r lo lalectlfm(lux oj c t. Eff - Ple est' fl, t liegas . .1 ar..l 70. veu.t z .4e t. II; 4/4:1 ... 4 ,eR/1.4101 VG , ce AZICS ROB/Si I No lt InArxetitreet OTI i_ S. e L.. sr~? ' L£.' ux Hootsi aL d s hoe 03 MAI, liEt iz:pv.{ ROM - . FEDERAL tiTili;El All /143' -uirY Grenc Sale of n . i •• I es sock at grej /) reducco prices.. (11,c n ozazilue g oo,le 553 3 . via • -% W. K. VcCL.IIIOOB., 97 Feder.lAltegbenYi warraairA CUM El COME ! ! BORELAID'S, 98 iarket aree t , 01" tlaoaa PINE P01.1:,13 Boorz,, BALM 0“ Lv it rr , ..s, or WhICII WC are se/134,K ve.tl.ricite4P .______________.• HOLIDAY UIFTS. ..,. THEMOST Usk:YE-L. • 7,u,sT DUI:AV/Lk-, klutiE y..../D u R/b THAN t ERE? YOUR i'EL:1111-i..5"' ' . 1.-ti fi L git,. • Go To;" li C.I MN A StArt * 4:0.'! la • &kW tr. Stl-f-I,E drORE. lt,mter of Market Street ei4 tag, Ittemo ru i de sekrrs trawl. ism". - . MEILD IMMIZEI g/vesi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers