9:ttsbargil rItIUAY, DECEMBER 294 . 1885 IRAVP .ERSP GUIDE. and i.Nd Dep.aturo of Trains. • ••••• Pr 2 / 1 471111111 C, u , lal Rath - Gad. . Orperts. dm.a a f BSI 1ea1t.`.... 2:2 , ..z. m:N.,$ .... ..... 1 ., . m .I: .4.1:1 •411.0301.1 . :t0 • VI , Yurt. L.1.;e........ v. 4. s ~ tcasstli:N;••• :',50 a. tat kali Almon/. IS,: II ill M I I t.. ~ .........11,40 a :: La. karka Aux.n. "Li,a a: :ti• ....x.nrega.. 556 p:. ~. N all deccrm« e 1.1,0 acu , c4”1141111 4.iLe/1 4.15 p" • host'n.AWD..iot .. a ru ra It .L.U. ....-.1001, , '. . at. Erie al./.11.:, p u., Cl Wm/lA.Om. 4 . 91 A 4, • ,lAI.IILAUje Lap's I r_. p r. Id " • " /o:es a ni,l4i Wan Aocom.. 1:e,: pr„ 1,1 .. . 6:135 g, 0111111. Yap..: a.. 2.,:: p/a tat Fenn Aaeo'n.lo2o p 11112.1 rean Aaao.n. cez i,1,3 ta r t .. " Z.00.p r.,.A1t....0r.a ACCOM. ;.T. Lotto TratoJe.to p. %Ps shunt, irstit .Icsv et CV silt' B:Atha. avtry al.in s. m.; retail,, g, losvesklttatmtgb tt tat cs. F Ittabiargti, Columbus Una Cilltirtltati. Dtpdel. , i Amara. 6n. I Ina._ I-... a m Fast Law --.....644.73. o.a , 11.11. s•ta au Ma/1 ...... ........ a. 1p L. ha, re... .... ..... a: p 0 axpre. —..leaa. aa. St ^.. :nettle Ar. - ..i...e: , ..Lv1i1e a.o ,. • 4 ]JaM.IOII. 4:1 p 1..1 .0..104....a.i0n . Una: aln F itL1D:,....,.. 1, "•• VI ailie .aull IL:111c140. ...am...5. ArrTirel. 114 rest 3.436 a a. I,..s.preas ...... ... 'Express .. : ... ... Lam . 1,4 s e ..111.1 lc 1a e liar Lap's. 6:0 031 tim Brighton Ao6 odation Ir_avel. Fal< l 4 oo 9 &pot a, ti e. in II 1 0. ca., .....2o p. 1.... .., ~.. r. .. R. meter, 1016 p. Nar eS•tl.. A.:, P. 51 . 1 .L. 44 ...7. 1 0 . 4 . P. 3.t W.411191ne, .3,5, . la. I actaaatar,in , Cleveland at. " 1,, -- , ."4 . • gq , ... .1,73., a si... ...... ... 1. a al Exmvae.. ...... Sa'r, 1) La H. %ie.,' ..... ... ~..6.; , a. Exptee• ........ 5.141 pal Cali ar...1 • 44: 11. . , Fr 1 •• . 1_... a la S.. ulhonrilic A,C0111.:431.10u C.I. CA A...C.10M5) 4117. aa. Pittaturgn .cu C nucLectllc ikparts. —...• latl Mi 6 a alai ‘...• • "1•6 p , Exprtne s m lava • Alerinc , ocat Ca.. " 645 a raj,/ " Mao p / Itagliclaj V..lley Railroad. . errs es. - • . . . . Mall' E.,..1.1, a zu .k.xl.les.: kJ .ki a 1.9 Es, rat y.. 10 , 1. 1-... Niza':l..l a a. 11.1 , ...ca...1ati0a t:', p . 9 1.17.c.1ina.m:5t.q.. 9. • A G, f' ittobu.gh mid Erie Ita!lruad, to 011 Ott and Frault.to. Arno.. heports. No. Al Ex,..ro.* 1:18 Exprvaa l'ortno. no A OhiCag r stA 11/ covvi.:evllle BOat—Grant am , tcr Departs. leg) is. .13. IMI &vu p. Ilanuony stage--Iteu Lion liotel, (.lair street.. Arrives. Drparts. GIS D• m. GA. a. m. htaler Stage—lir). 6 L. CIAr t treet ArnvaL. !Departs. 6 % D. ~. 6,5..... m. Washlagtoia Stage—Hare's liotri. Arrives. beparls . 2 .3 i I+. A. A. a. m. iN4 AM E, OA/ a, OMNI tIII6o• 111, AN o CAR o LAS it 6.5 1n.,. loot lol :. all trot... Arro , , 341,44, , e. for V' ouera.., oc. top wad Par.i., attort pu6 at.... .OTAHL,F, .oPEN A r. oc7:1 Ca CITY AND b iTBURBAIN- PALL OF iBE rtdithial BUY,' EU GREAT DEBThUCTION OF PROPMiTY LOSS FIFTY TkIOIUSAND DOLLAR[:. Between half past two and thrte o'clo.t yrs ter:dy 111401 - tlOO3, a portion of the P.ttsuargh brewery fell in with att auk udous eta! L. the brewe7 'a attuned on Duquesne Way, having liarkes'etalley 04 tee west sio, and bic,tt' alley on tie Eaa.. Thr front of ten 1,1 tins :e doe stones high, and the rear, nix storied. ihe e, tire otilidlne. contained a',,at one r.nrdr thou - Eznd bast-els el •!, twcnny bushels of wh,,,ti nver - , ry the tor:., buildit.{ that irl . TC, ••- ~a deLiA :ye?, is ton roar r t it. on Bart, al, ,v.entiiLt; of aben: st,L fait. ouLward 4er,n Barker , . alter . . . the gst—e or.rl ~ 7 t ta• n . ! • 1,1• - olz,u 7 Lyon Ho.i. 1 1.1 a ..t,y 7,1 at the Urn,. their •• • barley cud malt felt :lowa into grain wl4/ ali nr erred, and can be ue •, •1 • tillers, as as Is new until for br,',Nit..; Wrlttl the doors fell, they er,ateu a • u - r••nt ,at '.he cdLtea, the Mu aln+olut••.y and canoed cuts sio)llnr In ar,t , a•a r Ger utplf.inon. Twu •-•-••. toe !• tt.. Closed the orebed door wars o'" the :oral . not only blown that, but we: • •,.....••• , clear tbroneh roe dre-ir frame,. arta pt. bell in ;be eel:ar oebe. The hie.; a [II nielne rosat wee II a viol, t mat , C: pz,rtl., three :e even , Lautlla, 1.,, , ,121 it . ',awn, .I.t 3 v,.re. manner. A poriitia of the a: Da'. Six I Cl too , -Ive lent .0 - i anit ,thc warde split up lib,. Icier a Tee dolt . Unlike and atone albs in tat (runt of Ltd brillditrz were split and ahlgured c frith a tool. Al. mo ments belore the (all, •oter,l p-tsaza hat iataaed idol% the allay, alit had b•na eneezed in the ceLlal.D.oa:•a.racn low. A< en aOa, r urt. lbne tlme tan , ninwar, neavy iron c .lumps heal oei:in placed in Ulu rani, t.. ; sire .• I , Le im manse 'andel 0. and It Le to ton r n _tris abet% In.O. ably, that an) tea_ tinr.Lita! wee flayed. The h•iew•ry bate t ill a , . it Dine ytirs, and is :Lc of in, and hat always been CO/16:Ccr,C1 -CPU cf tte meet sotsisctia! btilldinfre in the c!iy. Veri..llB Litts.rsar..l afltarst In raged IO the Inimcdtate can- , the disaster, the one oi,ai.ing the zniist being V. at the r:41: 1n ihat elver het Fprlnt , which filled son cellar with water, bail ,he fona• dations, w 6 oh gave way under IL; !amens., weight el vain inreil in the bolding. As yet, however, no satiafactory coacinflon has been crelved - Withla ea tic,or of the OIL, of the , lerecer, Ce arm hail a lame :roue of reer, ere p, 'rexl le removlue• II • debris, .nd thn work of Will commend.. I, i It troposs'Ye io estl¢at th I.ae, tint it is eup pose,i that fifty • h.eritand ' ,ver IL Tte Weer:ae, nr,l. cover Inc by an: litaut. of this kind, ea r narilni ruy. the 11145 laws at oa the prop, letbrs. We Shall obiain morn Intl pert. , N, re to-day. Central Skating Park - - We yesterday tale.. visit to Cris d. llghtful place of winter astneemeeL, to see what 1: look• ed like in daylight. The build.ng le at it wars, zw.r. irref c... BO far a .udo Lilo 1i114t.,,, coat of ylaster, the pl titer s having dieappololed the mete . MI, w, 01, but shone: the -- vent weather count at for any Otatetit'e; at, 1.5J.,!_, A tith e , o r even Itor a it, dap, metier, tats will iie rent.. tiled. In the lames' . - ceptwa ream ii, an e i e e gent piano for the ehterta, went o' the gum e A large, comfortable Bt. , et Las been erected about the cell- re of the l.ark lor if, me„i t i.. , so Mat the 1, - ..• .e lestrumehte will not laterA, wit lithe music of tire nano. 1.-_,ohiog cal upoit the park, we found the immense Lis., t of lee yet IL:tact, but yhry roues. The warm weather and r—ln here melted at/ the inequalities canoed by helm: ti.. 5 r., by the ska ters. IMO theithect Is perkerly fl,o th, sec: only awaits ore Elg^t's nv•siog to lark,: r or, solid as a rock, e•4l as &mouth ea Clara ~. Comber of lima. '. -..15, woh eeelre upon 'b' a_ for tilt siccommadaticn of ladies woo canto. abate, have been poet-yea, and toll form Tote a ses• twit In the atrao....aenit of the Park la.- Park is well prov: od with Ism;is, en.: a ....rye Jumbo, of Chinese iehterm. arc oti baud to erliyen the s scene. One ..cord before we per., to the patrons of tae Pork. There are anent p.rak,n. who I makribe - plate, they p•); pr adm , stion to a — plate. that they hnve,a perfret nght '•do aa ,thinth dot-agues they vre•h. •tateed whe: - 0 Coma piteetia, alter bath, pot op their skated to Ihoteeept'on rooms, had a:we pee the heels, Of their agrees into the tour, n ore mG ani de raclog It. Person , ~t 0 Late Lto More retard for the pro arty of of - lisatt LtISL ebo,:d be out o: the i -, ooat. No reeloci it Pelb.):l W 1:• ho &oilty Gf Lath au rot. New Oil Sttke.— 9 n-tv oil w.ll, cailad Fesuvi- - trere,frielghng IW, ty-n vc barre!e oar day, W. .:ruck oa 1: lur,..taca or. Little Beaver, ../r u ;.at is txtte r ..e..k an Bralth's Fes ry. The .al Is of the very ehert quai 1, y, and wad struck at a depth LILLWitII &VC and elz btuldred taut. Tee company who aru 'the foal:mate own. re of Ills well are Altura. Fl'Langttlin tete:fey. Pulpy* and .t..urs, of thee City. Mr. litree-t ...es the management of ble company's mt.e.411.5. Chun: schoo for J.mary, hu been ree,lv,d, 1 hie t< 5 e r 1 , • 41.,e bet, monthly, and in always we.c by the ch '- dns. ILe JAGUES), 13 umber berme vol ume. Price only seventy-live cenui per ..nnam. rhatichtd tr J. W. Daughaday, Pktiladelyiva. City Connell in Common Donnell, Present Messrs. Anther ny, Haas. Davie, Deckers, Harris, Hun. nient, Meg, Leonard, Maw!linnet., McClelland A. B. MeQuotran, O'Neil, Reese, Reiman Snive'y, Tomlintson and Steele President. The minutes of the two ioeceerlintr meetings werethen read and approved. The President then rrad a communication 'from Ed'..ard Allen, asking that speedy action may be taken by tne riewera in regard to th. Cars •ri m.reet sew, m Clerks of Councils wern rece..me I to COSH . ] the viewms to art no areedi• F as pOMlble in too i eermat S. The zrport of the City Solicitor, J. W. F. White, Esq.. MU rend—the same having been "read. iuceptedind ordered to hr died with the Controller" In the Select Connell. a‘ d the action of the 8. C. was concurred in. The. reports of the Water Committee and Strtet Ctimrtattee were reed. and the action of Select Connell coneurrtal Mr. O'Neill mated that the reports of the 'termini; main:jure, for the past p•ar I>e put, tiAlh.ci once In fall. /LOU .1 nee! d. r C. coneurrea In the acklon n S C. r gs w the ionowing met• • rft 0. ~,ie'n,•e ' ~ n nvuolust lone !ram the Col.:. inc .vp; Itcatione from F,.ud v r. Janloa of brtatorte tax, wh,vh rn d the Cummittee with power to ac,-•• 1..0 .1 11t. ntatfon antlioriztoß the trnuetrr of (rem N,,. 10, lfouotigehtla Wharf P. N.., 7, ttreel, kt.e, VA) from No. 10 Alleghehy Whart to No. 7 street. , Prrusident Steele made a few remarks Lrghly comultr"utary to the members of councils with whom he had been associated during the pas. four re:ra, and particularly to the present mem Mr. 0 Neil responded to he Preebrit._,'i re inc - rs,-paying n high cvmpliturla. t.. :hr or the Premden*, thanking him !or his ctmr , rsi amine heated debate, and apologizing to ?reel . and Ckatriclls, If durirg the debate a, had I.a.d au,,thltig that could be construed as Mr. Davis offered a vo . e of thanks to the I're:silent for the mann-r In 'mien hr: has pre uter.the mr etroKe of COUCCIig. Aeopted !u‘e,t nnunt.r.ons Mr If uttnieut °fraud re...w.ution of thAake to the i eportert. C C. aoncurred In :he action of S. C, in tb• Cr action in regard to report ofih••rater Corn .r,:t cep Cnnrnittee, report of Commit:co% n F re E.ogine. and Uuee, and rrig.rt of Com mit...it: ou - tilty Pro.strty. A. B. idcQuewatt rose to his fee.: and In a few apprvriate remarks, prestmeat Lap:. l' - •t: with a • of greenbacks, • gift of the . 11. e ronedl, The vane-able Cap.a•ri n akin •iad • poverty ~ languag, It i. conks for the atuOneas thus a: o 111:c. •n the langinage of Generals Gra..t and Garet not.ll, be would thank them from the bottom of L e heart, and hoped that might have ens .trengtli to Eerie them, ml infinittem. Th. President again that k_u [Le tnclln t emit of C .ncen for bin:melt, and also for Cs friend Captain Pratt-. Atter an interchange of goury use among the members in view of LIM% being the !net night of tee present organisation, the Conned adjourned. adiou"ned megrim- ..f tLe i Inc Council, a a- I .at crek.• COVI , II. preter. , t , .• Brow.,ott: took, NieLaugLlin, Qarne. Reed, 1 temp foo. n. Wut.e and Presid..“ Ma Ame IMiESEIII=I NS.. Brava, from the Committee on Water, pree.er.......1 a 7 . 1,D , ^1 - 1 !'' , •Oe rl tn the ex_haege of a portion of the ut, ~.4m.11 int with N'-sae-. mrr .t Rated, so as to mate the 'nue, netwtea the parure torus right aa,:et‘, 0. Lear:y u ith Ridge . rid Bedrord etc e T: mu.tee retorted adverAe to th- v ort,baae 01 tat. k 'l. ~ arrompaap i utt the ' yr.., a COM M catlcfi I.nrd the City t, :al. - ig that he hod 2.nrcevar!. in making ',L.:6 art ,ry c.rien.e Cnea er:th Krach,r R.hm. Tie ror not as C)1701111121CHLi011 Pas rye reed aafi oreerro Lo be filed. Mr. Reed (rem the ..oinmltue I,n r , tre,t‘, ye tented a report Whir:. W 66 read and Ordered to be fLe ?maiden: orezeuted a ozordtann.,stme. t-wo Mr. Edward Al:ed, t th Incur, 6•• the Carnou w ti NrA word. The Couarrahica:iuu teas acetpt at,.; r•-",rred to the 80.,rd ut Vt,r to L tot ~.:Rrge. J. W F. Whtte, L.,ty b, unto,, read he poet tear, whk.l. we, rec..tr:.l ordercd to tie 1. eo the oiler's office. e...! I T: 7e;...rt of the Commit Cit) t • • by the Mr Y. 1, , ,14 Th.. :cp,rt Ptatt, I.t.at the 0.1..111r e- LA , .be bid ut Xt. John eievag••, t., the oic engine hone and lot of r t, .n I. lot F,r, Company, poes.,.Ma ..• r January, 1646. The report cep;- , 1 a - • ...dom.: to be dire. M T ~rupEou prese3,,ed en ornnan,, clrau .•c t.onodsry hoe tictwoerk 1,, F. el?. xtb wisr.ig. The ord'rence ..I , ic; ab•e length , after cc hteh n wa: M ij,Chley pre3entAel lce rtv.r% of tt• Cow Engines and ..130:.e, weiel. 1 81,1 or' .rt-d to be tiled. T_,• fr , ed are- .it 11.10.1 71d.hz the a; a :c lamp at:r t.'anat street Audi:3l , l . l,g . Tn. . 4 :40- .1:•,: Fan adapted. offered an ard:r..i e pr.,vidb „.: tb..n It • I - r the duty o. the C61:02 - It. O II :5, , tea 4,1 or eiett one (.0 , two they map deem ht.:, •r Inmis. tu.ner or Commikalonera to in '..ct 1,/ r a: I.tIC pleaaare of tall a h: CA. a Lava were ealltd on a second I . I•AdIN , I when the ordinance wee lest by a vale of seven 10Iir. UII Cotmell adjoarr. ed. ALoilatmeutx. TRA.—Driring ber ..t.ay In 31alame CLlethe has non ht - eta of a , ratct.t: triode by bittit chaste and c.treact renal - loa of role of charaelers she has asenmed. As an ae - rw, ate has probably become more celebra ted than Lny who have gone before bar in her line. Whirever the avant eve La :he name 01 Ce . Ver , ..e ; 0 kr.tover., Ettropt. and Amitrica have wpret,e. her triumphs, and she steeds to-day elna tit the only living represeutsiive of a class Jactrenses who have ciecoOed. atd tit ocen• py a high position In tbtatccat try. To-Lti,ibt ahs takes a bent Lt. •_d pieces e . 1 'or the OCCaliicol are at:,., an will bring ant the strangest points In CelLwte'e The ttrilitne, or - ins writtin expreptv f her by J. It Planebe, keg , entitled the Child of the Wnek, in OLU of them. to r•on Manlike a dumb boy, In at, ~ur,• .1b the el . . es a deaiription, In partutm,nt. i11 , ,tt,„ 5:0710, the wreck, the net and tee grave. The t.onetuding picce 4 eolel.d Ole Mystertou• ELrfituV. r, in which she 151 1 e1010. four 31.3 rut • ere. We have ale doubt bat a furl tweet will tempi) meet Madame Celeste this even log. Orasts, Morita.—Thare vraa a very floe how., mescal, kat night to wanes.° Mr. G ,tiv ports rcodttlor, of the character of Boast; to the Wicklow P - 610111). Mr. Davenport, although Voting ILI jeans, and consequently not very old !o the profession, appears to have a correct opti c .ptiou of the Inc'i eliaracier. To nigh: !s art apart 'Or tits benefit, upon which n, esti, will be OreseateA the beautiful ploy of Alcor. ho oi &t Jame the ptifortuanc ex,r e'ndinir w' he r.;, nn taree Barney irTi • lICIVEMISON Fa—M.T.—Ov t Livet yeara Y,P. , we ban ee,Le pleitearn or 'late! Inv tar native airs of the Hutchinson YeimieY• There are many In our community woo bate Wso !termed to them with delight, rod It le, therefore, with feelings of so ordinary pleas tire, that we anrounca that oh Tuesday et en int near we shall again be &tithed with their •onga. Tlyi will pyobabty be hue but one nl; t t, on tic • crtYnt of the eteieraty cif pm-Iring A suitable nail. Mar concert for '1 cueday meta will - Come .1 . at Lafayette BC I ores/Mu—l a the list of a.traetions at the Miisetim Ir antis elite dgnre in rre.l of ?resident I.4,cola,an,tile. of ate infamous assa.slr. Bootu, and one of Idre.ttriuder. in tb. rea• of the cow le a small en6rte, oil der.ie4, tools, and all the membinerY n.rb•sztry for tai lug c wells complete, bud net up in Nrorkieg order. ZANFILL"I , /..—WC Can. be.en Liu n to the fast that to night and to-nr.oiTd% Light CA.oe toe forr - Aocc: of the Zeiefrettb They Lase surmised during their stay t,,re In fora, le, one of tee chef attram.ions to the ws of ernius,roeet, and should they melt our city will undoubtedly receive a lib eral paixoN, Meilen fora }kw Trtul.—The motion for a ocw it. thu co,. 'of Samuel A. Logan. c,,u% C Ltd of 5I ceding a , 30( te and b . Z. bl rem Mr. ' . . , .lnan, WPM CAI ,„acd esp-rdel in Lue a rt Clar.er Sessions by Messrs. bwartew•.lder nod A for gee gletenL.Alat, and Loy] B. Drat E.g., for the Coniraonwaalth. A decision will be ren oared in a few deli. Li,ty Laird was yesterday arrest,. by officer Meow., charged with tom - cat!. n and bastardy on oath of Mary E. Rea/. The inf trmaLion was made be el Justice of the l'eace tir.tau of bate Harbor, Lantaster county Pa., and the warrant sent to Mayor Lowry for execution. Wage was , ent to Sale harbor yes ierdaY evening by °Weer Burglary.—Oa Wednesday night the cloth lug nom of Henry Dighy, under the Girard lba.e woe entered by some p rcon p..r,ons tuahho wn, and a Large amount of rlothmg, cloths, camslmerett, etc., w,ro taken from the yreenlecs. An entrance was obtained by means of a Window in the mar of the mom. . Third Annual Report of the Pittsburgh Ladies' Association iorpie Rellel ca the The Board of 11a , . , .4 , rf. of the Pittaburgh Led lee' iteiocietion :nr toe lit:lef of the Poor. reepectfally nitonit to the pubic their third an nual retort. During the past year th.. main gen h.•e tuith'ully eldearored to entry , at the otiLet for whioh toe Association was formedoily.. •tlrrd rt lief to the desutute and sudertt g La ~:•• ,ncourag. , habits of Industry, eeen J uly ch aulineta, trmp,•rence and .elf-dependence. inveatigate prraot;xl , y, Like con and character of every applicant, and Judie.ously dla tribute the alma of tia benevolent to the nceJy acd dracrving, regardless of scetarlan or party object., differences of creed, aloe, er coni,try. aiming not only at the alleviation of wretched ne*is, but the reformation of character. Through every steer , , lane and alley, In t garet and t ellAr, they hare minont•red pl thr watt, of OW poor amt to•eity. . the:, are eon:Let:lmm deceived in their closent fnee t tign. Ude., they admit, hui, 0:. le the r sympfuLY kiodue, are ..nct.mee Lo,placed. '.are lbc natiSfortr•ll I ll', l.Utolfr,,, of ul I, North), hut u •/1 la Aft, ff. or, Pulufl, WOUlll they often meet n true nobilty of cUaract r .ler, col “ ta Alttough many of oar etuzins ri Wooded gen erously to ihe calla of the Assoe.at...on !e lands to conic It to prosecute his work, it was, never theless, compelled to over Iraw Its treasury, or endure the misery of seeing hiCalleba and triv ty among the really ut.q.,d• go Csreiluved• Had the appeals of the Ass, tat , ..n horn more urgent, pel haps this tlellelenCy would not [Moe t . erred. The tact, hewer, r, that ihr ou.lays have exceeded the r. . doer nto. di, ow,- txe Aseociatiou—ii, s.tu rap, ear. of the geuvrosin of oar voisses, It fear th. fireuest confidence In their hi:relay, anti ha, fa.th to bell. ve that the Is neroisni and hewer., sr..) not only supply the 1. Grim y , bio pace a the disposal of the Aae,clat.on th. Walla LeCeet tau 10 enable it to carry tn. It, work the pn seat winter. put tug tb 44 plot Wilier tarmac.. t boura tau huaoto.llllo ele.r.tr t..rtc 14u4.14elac.fa. wore distributed by the marrac, rr, nbour 1.1114.4• Uric/bear dof wbw-h wao wilted by oar Coal Merchants. To e..,Ofe 01 the traolim or to leer: wro k, It no. ,1 or ly to• oci.tcal ccrit.g toe winter try,• di teen 1,n4 414 eAI Were mace try (brat tabot-g the der itutc and biatiortng, and relief cal.ohde.l in caw Mao • derd ace ninoty-bro easer. D.d ou: our ',psi, (robs Lill ,br relate mat.) tart..: i•e6 el I:. , rtzt :.hre cvn, “r.der =!MMME pi oettlolt, mew and etromd naafi .1 •.. es wt II at time abet j.ereonul effurt. it d , bear—Seuwing that Ut coltsc.man.ex, of La, ing done a good eel Ls • wffle.tra reward ru.y 11,1. Int nw• peer so], 01, 1 Moplug pecUt e to he el:el./aimed In Rani, the Att.,. bteerli.,:est ni/beal t o Lb 40 tarn (4 L. ,4 by ;, , lea,iire eed aftinenet, for truly I..rrore gay. ti and • thoee re/ropane In ram/ and WU, bwr.r brea,t marry; ttrurcr aLU C•arl, =1=11!INS=iff11111 gArn:ts. ma, r Cor, • c. 1.1 str.wy. V. tele the a•ntry a,ana ...brief: at, Loa. aafelithgly 1 1 11.1.t.cflf merry. as they an alo• 1., tee COOSeft:llseeNs .hat ey have hear. err.•••• 1 no. tire. Thiht of r. 3e u - to tax ,n v. rl,lld a• - t , ale ULLIp., for tha r ugrc. a.. 1 - 01tta Fle3e of Grapery with a tlf., orate the forme last Inuit .0 :ha ...e Aura 1. es , ' • at. • f • :eaf l . fusla. IP/aft...hey d.f• tad I tt-rlf f f t !La., • . Iliad frcn.l w to uur•Ue.r puro If. Ift • 11l t Ite.Ll.) orEer.. , tLrH.•nr , !. Mr, Len a ADS, D Pcip, r Tlid•nt t h •C rt , euure, s. .t,ll Patsaur,ll Ilet 1.4 H., li 1.. L .wr•voa SO a T. 1 t and V Warr, He. to .lo 6:4 tx) it: . )11 - . A-. V ode. ct 0, .1 , Fm.nostme, 4111 • . L 9 ,1 ut McC:ovl3. le{ ni..14,4 440 ..4 !So .44 WIESEEMEI wt. . ~. /:, r , •ol' • • h 1,0.... saa.a ,a,., y t jr... put. , f I; •,. tl•0. a•Lau. 3,3 t 1., , re• r VPAIT ~5 . 03 7 , w haw n ••• to f.aA... I - Tc td n and • $.1.125 4. r e 1 tr . 0.10 or h ), Illo 'ack•. ordrr ar.o . • to ,ur ,313, Lor War. 7, f Altid dm. trt d , rt y P.u.dc to way of ‘slaa,l,3l, rig, for a laiwti t.y Grocer,. ar..l GOA; .71i e W L.. • h... Al sucr .nK, c• J mint, Mu•r.ty. _um., blll4l, rr10.1., ^o ' l l) .1 Ames 11 oo . o.Aßor merles. Tnum. grocer... Astu'l Barc,•,. groccrieg II 1.A!: r. groceries J. Hut ler I .1.. co.! .. 1. W 1 rnl.. grocer. . Alr g. Liston. • toucure, groceries W lia•ke . groceries... . James AI rrni ...rocer ,es., Dickson. 4 114,re 071071. groceries A. Ahurns,, gro., ries ... J Bari ar Co.. gr.., to • E. A, 11,k0.1., 0en V. Arlin.... [molter( cost . scut, Ay. g , o,rses In.. AI. groceries Howley ag Hen.. grocerle•. J.l' Li vp ccott. groceries.. Alex. Hues. roods Pl. W. Karr gin, gr. eeri ca.. J nut00..4, xr oce r leg .... W E Seto:Jeri. oho. J. NI Hooter to , rE rh drum, groceries... W. ~,,, e, coal .7. Frey 'roof, gro,kules Vi W. Moors. .1(1,A II I.ll.l.lcce.L.groccric, icktou S S 1.0.. COM . %F. Moore, c April • Ii y to , June ca.affc 41 l/re ar, lia.anee le ta•or of llrrasur) I/a .o Th.. annual ropetice, of he L'ittethm,2ll etotl n r the rt c tt../ I.a . r sr, Inod In FI • Drmn. er 234, r•i•orts .1 the 7. rretny Tr.. t.avinf.: been read ut.d aloha,/ it o A..r.oe,at • n promo:dmt to elect the to I .w.nz adlr and managers for int', coming ear Proqdret—Mrs. E. I.),ney. Vico Preside...l.—Mrs. Ddherldge. B,R:tart—Mrs. /Ali /// ad , • Treasurer—Florence Kramer, Earl 11. 1 ,W1C101. Mrs. Caroline Hay, NI 1/ J. 11-Imes, Mrs. Annie Cbilds, Mien M. Denny, Mrs. B erase... /as Italatoc, Mr-. Gllbt.rt Vallanaln, Mite Mrs. Barone, Mcx a, ks•s e , es-l'orr rs. he. McClrmoek, Miss ck - s. Mann. ‘f Mrs. Wm. MMI if el . ), Mire 4,01 ca,.. "•-• Hurry. Al hr. Ar . ...101c11, b. S. Miss Hu/ ',Lt Oro, Mrs. MeMlnen, Fahtteatoca, Dickene, Mots Patrick, Mrs. F. VrAz Oise A. Dalzell, Mrs. (islOranh, Mrs. I,gan. Mrs. Johnson Mrs. Davie. Eiglit'i %Vara Lleriloll At the triniary election held In the Ki„' th ward of the city of Pittehortill yinturday, the to:it:wing was the vote polled . TWO FCHOOL DIRECT , . TOR 3 TEA.. in( . L. Hamthoo ........ ......01M01. Even B. Thomas ONE 500001. 111IthCTOR PYR 0,45 Br.rclay Pre.g.ton 34 Joselo.l E. Job, eon 3 Moe/ dw.ctler ........ ............. ...... 130 W. H. Wegetaff 33 Samuel Morrow ........ ...... TARES COMMON CO1,1(11124 . Roland D. Jun, ......... ...... .. 44 Jam, M :arbinney 166 Jolau M. K.llen 148 r-aw.rni B. K' I g ht.. . 102 Rte.° J. Lr.nard.... ICIO AndreW J.7eoo n ...... ............ U08121[00126, OR JUDO! OP euv-rion. Joo. R. T. Noble James Carey.... J.,oepO Snowden John J. Btor.s.. Peter Lickert John Cox Henry Robiarer Ricbard W. Roberto ORE RETURN INIFIPISOTOII... John Scherlela lirrnarcl Farrel Beth Wilmot., Prepare for Skating. Judging from the feci . ngs of the almosnhere lent night, the skating carnival is again near at hand, and we should tot bz at all 'surprised if by iii-morrow, both parks were In good skating order. In till, of mace, prepare (or war, is an saw, but a very wise 31i e, eat we adopt the some adage slightly modified in regard to aka clog. in Lime of warm weather prepare for cold weather, and :its i.,raratili concomitant, ska ting. The mart necessary thing in Fasting Is a good pair of skatin in. aid In iiri'er to have a gn.od pair von should Lo..w Jeri %here to go and gel them. R, uniut.l ri , ,104/eiiil nor readers to Call 09111 cor I, icril Juan s hews cl the old. bonne of Flown k Lii y. on. Wood Street, near Virgin alley. and make a selection true his large stock, lie has them of all sines, palter., material at d styles ; iion, Steel and Ellyenpla. ted; Sat, .hell and guttered 'unbars. and of a I prices, trim the Innfa:piebeiso to the mosilsristo. crack. rho to Mr. B.s We and purchase a pair of stinti,, and u.,it tore Upon the park, and yon will attain than o niell In tar relerniVe to wealth, healtn and a ri , u.ol ennsti , otinn, .Don't be slrattl or ibe elm, bra W-S1 }unrs'lr 09 sivolla, Tnt•ru i, 14, ulilg 11 ttic w alo UM' i eta VAI i.kattli.g CT( WA'a• i• ni the "to, 8 'me I , looc id: ',AI write a leek •'Courting w Bkalcs.l o 100 volillaltS, LoUlad In calf." We were much pleast d to note the It tetcs that area macifeeted yesterday in the School of Deslgn for Women. The another of Visitor , Was much larger, and a glees deal of "LI - prase was xpresatd at th, opld progress of come of the ru pie r here are stool ~.,Noes who Wool pay a leave ad tire.i.,l! to, liter an Art Gallery, hut who L.°. at • ...I ;t: preeeut ex hltntlon En Mir We .hfilhi 4 C, , a :a •?lii . they have aulmp..anioa &70 , 41 COO tat, the taut dayof the ex hytttitot, bud we tope that all wtto rai , eps titat i ,fiAy a Vi6ll. 1,, ;hi. *t hta.l r•eon• to•day It t•ett trey I • It • tr la regard the itistilu Jud i and cdiii fall to :Las e. in,rot J.—Tl.. -;:nitarat l_ajnaalta tana,el wt, 41-6•111.1. and hoLltry It. Int• Lt la rountua atal , to, aw•• ba al.ra ta.ata. Jur . , a, aMenanneaa asa. tl,r lata,ant term .1 Lt. ',aurt I.,lunr.vr rum Yesterday', ,azette third V .114 klieg lac ny , ‘•41, TL.. I ..:oaring tr.nary t/tkc has ' ward ik. 1 h N Ard, LOUTWiI - : - /at/.1/ , kour year). A. Li. i /1/./.1./.11. ...in., 5 ..aura-IV,,ur Eras c ln.l •h 4 .ru, 111.11, ;I. t. 11,5-km-5 A;a.rn,au—Le ,ts R. Li ndenv. Wm. Rowit Nichas E trn - ,f \••-•-•• —li,Jttrt K.,. L Nun r, L • .• • • l',Lor te.ter The •Igula ( Fraterh ltd fra, , nl:l 14,...,1 LA In , tul , c, I tit o.;‘ , yren .11 1.1.. Cta nv,r4.1.4, :•,. Ono purl..., t 121. 11.• • f ft.:1,,w11.g a tleticia • Starr_, pertral ctin; tcr. r.”t .en I'. NI. A. I aylo, 1, A liao •• Ki.k.-41. 1 . 1 )4 , 1 11 .1. IL 1 /ongl6nd. Vluc,gt. No. w, tAtano:l4, , Li. b.ivlsy utnes em; 111 ni• nut on w•: \ler.aeillT Lk- b , II t...%Ler liu,w alt Icse (3 d h. be, ti the 1,, of e:er lha I.arre 13 01 • Virtot 11r Han AL t , , L A r p,LI, Star. 1...• a • ) 1. • A a raarce .a .4 w. rayaualaal Mr, Tau a cl.uarl, a.Aglr.o thvt at, Lad vullen (mat La a \Aft, is la nue valued dV. .)ly dollars. Si's. Wrigut AC - V 3 .1 tele seenaa.e.o, vrtAle Mrs. DatigeveltAG IU tlsted th, she must have stolen the article he •ttee no onc aloe cautd have done .0, under the . r,uutsuinem• A •eareL s straut teas teauctl, •tke. I.llilc, Messner, alt r eve •Itu Din, every tLit,' In the house, war shunt to wee a, , the ttes, e • o t,rti r•Xii.SCAL4i.O tll, 0/.121.54c. stetorle. was tonne between hne tueb rt.et• Si a the and ,:ords. Mrs. IVtltzht war e.z • ,:•• nd held lot a forttur hoer log on Wellnesda) next. I tt 61 I II le ill 31 ID OU -4 I Gl ..4 11 T)pbOill i t e,Or In Mr x.ll 3 50 15 , 1 i 0* /4 * 104 V 6. lP 11, M 1 14 6 n . 7., 0 A few data ago we noticed the removal of Small vote the costly fall k. 01.5 ul toe to totale, the havtoc tern attacked with IV yio•id fever. We learn that the has loot, died. 6:14., had U-co acute., .1 (or blo.phitio, had hot a abort ttutr r..ce. lc ~hr Sawn cell was vono¢rlrl nanird Mary Mi.:rict.y,whe hens committed •ri complaint of ner rattier, for surely tr prate. Pb. LOW +Jae IL with the came and no older /1 1 / 4 1 been I: rooted by the I'ooll li..r Lo inainual, leniperauce l'icbet In Allogitnii3.—The Cy ague lir,- 1. ti cot leguplallou to .opror. no our for nab, a' the r .l / 6 .11Lf.; munlryiul aleCtloll. woo or 1,. a nvoatil Ir.end ut the lewoorance ca tee, St alit; Infa .6f1;0, of the Le.azue, a corruct , re war %lab amliorit) to Sch el Irish .Le Carl -000111-1•IA, Inc city olllcte , rasa., 14%00- bin to toe 0. I autc, eau: (“ran a T• 10 0.1,6146 . • LlCktf. II • t1a.1.0% amber of 604 li could Lot be I a - d, -ht cnengolltec Oat Ilutruct cal to 1./rut au ludept ode i LICtiLl and pure It to the field.. VI lie BC at, At, rated. —lhh.rionte,.. fla h. t., hde Nl%yor .111 r. •ob, ever:log. Dy t, who 1,, busbaLOrll.ll teasing her , 44,11 acu L , k•el.l ter, and, to site boo own laoeu.ge uz aa.lf.sbe we., a dog." Ofiker limn art crated Ito otfender, and he was hold to bad by }lap, AI L , rtson for a further hinting. A Neat Addresa.—)ll. carrier .r the Gazarrn fu Ram. Ihruongt.ara, boo J net is hi/ed a very neat Agleam., with r , lemmr lur IMAI Mr. L., In an eat, rprialog gentleman, and d, firrVce , SU:Ceeds. Ha bah a first race tans de pot iu &bet fOrminxham, those In lila vi eicay who eyed bouka, ata,mer;, purindlealft, papers, as., ran hare their wants supplied at eatabliehmem. find a Kull laupply.—ltobert Williams aim arrented at the Frdernl street demi of •lie Pitt, Fort Wayne and Chicago Raliroad, I ant night, while lying beastly drank, Ho had, amongstioth, mama, tia - o bottlui of whisky, which wdre destroy..,ll,v the police. lb reuniins In the tombs, awaiting a nearing. How in Allegheny.—On Wedneaday night at a :ate hr ar a ,ovr recurred& Cm!elt tov ern on the smut. wt at en. ner ‘,l tee Allegheny Diamond. The p 1.1 , e nupnrewed the row and arroat4 d the pat two , . who were held to answer a a turtm r hearing (Me Afternoon. DR. STRICKLANDIi PILE REMEDY ir m. woes t c 1 1. 2 2 : 1 . 2 1 2 . 2 2 't r", Bleeding Pi... lar 44. tuallate relief tad c rota .1 permanent 'ore. Try It nl redly It IC onarranted to ;cure. Yore P Druccrirts at CO cents per Willa E. E. SELLERS & Otlilyd WooLca•LIC AGlePris, PRIVATE opus 23% PENN STELEET. nes, Hima, UnlitllU:lot. For the our, or an diseases of • private i %tuts. fru.. to tour d eye, by an entirely sew and matt treatment. Alen, Kern:owl Weakener:, one all (Abel liscesesortl,.,reoa my organs, and the!, per Venelnel Owe warranW or moy refud. °thee hours— F t to 10 t n ot, de motel (to Op.m Andral. letters W.. 2.11115{ Peon stryst . School of Deolgo --r -k. a 1 r.r. , j4ro \ IlArtha J. t:. il•ttrurtt. R. F Fott Nlea Nut tag, t.tt. tt J. F Isom Ltr. the CIIZEIS r,./tuuw.. Pour Wass 11 a Qrlit.•.4 If. it. D“. t&-0 skis rags, P Markle tr. co, so dotty r.conse. Bond ♦ Alettgsr; a !Aim cloverstod,„ ISk weal, Kirkpainck, Itru 00;2 kegs Had, It , !,, oil, J IC Harbour k co, cc 1871 rrste rags, Stel'ullocgh, el co; 2 bits hat durste, Hs) k 1143tich; Trak, tow, AII tlhlcis h. cc; 1.1 Idols dour, SO elks toe., cio co; 1 lx hardware, Whitmore, Wolf butter, W I' !lock St cc; itht ski barley, H hoc Jr, 11l do rio, Il W casco; 1 onr meal, .1 Alotchend.'r4o sirs barley, kgencer b. McKay; ISO Kill tolcsi,hrrr St Emery; V dressed hots, 1, Ilyers• c d,. do, T Jenkins;, i• 0 hots flour. Jr. Chtlidintl; boil.',. town.. 13 Alethe AND PITTEOnO»u Halt Doan.— Des. 28.-310 bush corn, 31leek & Aratetrorg; 10 pkg. Ito ;Moro, .1 Wright; 1 our !Una.% Kali', 4 (Jlessi I do do, Lennon & Plunketi 216 eke nall; feed, A .1 lingni.; 0 ;Peeled bogs, .1 P Hold.; a bay /tidos A bloc , eke wheat, lilteueoak, rilcUreory a Vo; 1 but . tee ; , Park, tiro & co; 30 has °hence, 1.. II ulgt & co; 100 obis flour, (+ream & Thoolne• ' luo do do, II It ea Jr; 23 lute J McDevitt; bas otoneware 13 oil jr; odo do, P H Luuttmau. Prr7.lluAtiu UoLostlitia & CIaCINNATT. U. Dee. 28-1.0 tibia flour, KlrkpaLrle4 & %erre., 7 flarles butter, 3 Md. do, •tep ladder., J CIFetOO,TI—PCit WwOITTA-21 bble 011,10 Reg i s . lard, 10 bores candles, E. Beasleton; 6 bp,. of 11”lah Mackey; 6 bbis all, 8/diver and Lagew; 10 boxes soap, A. EArk ta Co.; 3 bbla oil , IL It. Schwartz; 11 litsds hams, (,lark & co ; 34 lard. F. cellar. 6 Co.;:70 green Stiles, Pittsburgh b. Connelsville Railroad; 600 oil bbls 1. It censer; 113 10 de bacon, Shomaker 6. Lang; 70 bale cotton, S.rs, Bell 6 C0.; 100 tierces lard, Jos. Doles!! 6. b. s t 1.3 tstols hams. 11 Peas hulls shedders, J. P. 14 cone 6 Co.; 20 Wm bungs, Brooks, 1 3 allualue Co 1 coos tobacco, Stele. 6. Kennedy; al ...k. feathers, R. H. King a. Co.; 21E1 oil bbls, owner, tone lien, Sam Stumm:dd. ROBINSON, StoCLEAN & CO Bankers and Brokers, No. 1 Fourth. Street Pitt:abort°, Dca In all Y.L., of 1,0.. • •fc.jj , :" Quid, Sliver, l'oautrapt hook Forii.: a, Domestic Ixeirnt.ge, he.. Or LiCYl:i. ;I 1 I - air. l'H I.o.emat aliowet.l on tune ,lepoalts. t.o.lee . ors mule In all .rte of the sekzee ou fes . otaL•tenet torotraitlispktc, ILr evr;yl,,,,, In v.:, , a: the Buet.,L, New. York, 1 - ,,1n• depltle, eel ti:Paere' Itoette at..ctly Des, on a. , _;LLWS h ay, P•vat. York, E h (Ad , L.. ,, 1e/plna; .:least a. t fa T. 11. PEEL. IN,. Boa, rt. FINANCE AND TRADE {SOM.I.:US A NI/ 11.4 N hEICS 11l Or rum PloT.Cll.l,lli4z.vry, V, Si.l mz al L ... .-- L . , NT :Lb , 2.5 L. 1....10 a. .. C. t ........... 97 " 7..• e1..!...u) 4 Its F. 4. I ' It. ft. stuck . 111,014,3 \ 4/1.1 Ik. H. 71 butler tve trl ..... . , uuutup.:.../.• tale - 25 , llegtieu) I n1it.3. 1,0 l,.1.1:1,;•V /i. li. ,tucg. a. u -- Cllllll. linnk F...nthnurr Net. firtuk. ...... Fourth Nil ...... p • M. a Nnt.luh.tl Tl.llO ror Golumbin !Poi ..... ....... ultrertistru . •till/1 . ........ sqcll ................ ~ ................. . e. II:. 11. R. mom. , ~.goof but ttL r , hAuge 0. way u.tr duairr• t, uteutu, suwr.t t aso.. O t It orn to tut. tru: iw - c 4 , 4 f lie, wt.. e. m. 1t.t,0.t3 : u I.n . •I. =EMI 11111!1 1.. • A ttarsr y l/ I. . A at. n. I^.,ttr.• io• t MIME ‘40.. i« or Lt.. Ibe utfotu.nt,ob . r .! 1. • L. • 1.1,4 •• .411. c I.l' =BM tn. nnt.n. £44 010 1,101 1 40 b..Ad • 10110/ •••••t• • •• •i••••-•[ ••4 {.14•• V 6.14.1 [l.) • • • • iNe ,iLt It ptl,e• lue utr ".•,. e 1... t..".• :4 a• • . 14. r, ..1.1./.4, %LI) 4' C.l, %a .•a.S . 41 icJ • . c.catin,. lit. • w EHEI ...c anal 'be I.atantra _ 11, .sLudit, A 11 o tut • elllela wen s I i•:, to ctt) and hot .1. t..rMatme ul •wi• with Lo/ lea .tug and Lave :lune me a n to •Irengt.l.et. ea, ..AUI-11< c.n4L.lcl.c. ILe patiley nod mu, me at. ill tut- I rea.ux D.part mem. uril, a l. tem: low .ro i:l.• pi ustog the m .1/het ill lee• of go, In ,tfe• with t.• tacit:tat:pm Or ca misole t0n,11.4 operatlut.• to witMleew tht to. per :cut com eruuneut. In ostler t p...mud luteiemt noses on tent. s I t. to I lot o caret L. Is It Lb 4[Cr.llll) . I“ place the maritem uf the lust 1..0e ul ouLd• permaneatly I,Ulr ~l am: al eab,ut till-Isarprtee dam! Inc them 1,; Alt. last 1/. 1 9,U00,0110 etohnni.. tu• uwuot Le clone wtthout easy on.deV 010(15) (tots! April 00.! Alai, when the pie: hoz, of mu ord.ina4lly La Lb. city At t ha' se,.aon, may Mor the Lier,l.Lallon al% loaom Ly unit. Lam: g.,ernu of ral eau do ISOLLIL, In the luau way with am rahlage to Its 0111111 Mr . by glrm ye . ) dtscJot ,1.11.1/ s u .lo ,rnt,ug rltiteh• 10 , lay 51 lb. -mow: rot le CIU, Loon, than .1.1: exp. Ck/ Wheal Wm isopu.t w: Written,that th. :cockpit e ILLeq excee..l the expomllt ores tel some rith•." /,c NedOreaky p05.114.,..e/ u,sit,ra ie ta.st itny As : • ' . !'Lee le quite s Lteoinue •nnu 1:••.• packer., na 4Unineas ru•11.4.11y ties at 15551 roman 0C. , 1 1•••• raUly nee., enale in do aomethlsit, k row caber I vie 1.1, 11..tlity la Out an, y UV, Owl la. nen cbani, igneteral the el. a." lI.NIELII.3u.ng ice U“..raa uf Ltatle. Ibe .a, Leen 1/.4 ernelsiona • has 014.Aled inure Lnateru ange ••,./ the aIIPPI3 wan alum. to the dettinne—,i iten ennee lee (Ina day ol October it ip ulateg, Gate) panic., that lilt Bur bn e: thin at ) scat in New Yu. k scie r PI U eaten elueo,the ot oett•bes, muse .11Intl,vnv,. V 0 x/ CUrrebey lu make up use Inc bap. ply LaaLetn Liebani;•. rflta BULI .11,11, Mtlattallue of ananunt I twee. Use 1.551 •o. ti ,et. I Ile Sal.. La chnuge nee ble ,ey at pet ktene Ott : • .1., nald ‘.5 ge l o.te yet cern. Illemlut. sel.ung." ( rattle Nlarket l • III L.dI , I.PI,Id,IN•C. t , „—'l h(' ! celi'L• ~I true( c C have Inlien nlt 11,,. a eck, mai) about Inu, , innrket In Ivo nnu, but l' I .tnnin rl/.. onn , nan last ni,. VeLon. and II florallaPern at, nt n t , role lot choler .(n.. L.. AI 14-a Inc; or . “ 1 conatmou nt ab to, qUAllay. Cows -- Uoullnue.ltt:l. 175 bend sold It .37, lor a/i springer., end 71 , 04t0u lo( ntlkh 1 0n..... qut). Abel a ' r i ' s e t :sm recei the pt. are t t ve. h., tem um a. head; tharne Iti thus.- queue,: Is Blurt active. and priors lathe, Lester, common toe& . tra tat Sheep selllog at .fire Pt, ln gross; stock nee!, at aM3,40, and Limb. at 1 , 345 per head, as to condition. lions—Mhoes hat r Is.lett Ills, nod the market is very dolt; 000 brad arrived and sold at rho thltercal yards, at from 1d4vt,14,00 rho Itn) sett. IMPORTIS BY RAILICOA D IMPORTS BY RIVER PITT.IIITSII7I3 MARK gTp, 1 i/C pr• matkets rontlpyc quiet and rather du I, WI, !11, ot0.11 , : , • of the retail is:01/16 When. bland/. •tre .10. J at r all t;tain, peo. port4r.,, 4Lzit.ußcal t;it A —We rln repot: sales of I cnt :111cb,gnu NV belt nt .11u.p.•. I >I 9.i. and I ear lt'l.ilr.it al front wagon •tt..r 7 -; 6: 1, F ill. Oats slut) I ut Litgt••!,ll,le. on trrtek at Wt., and. from ntpro, tt .ett, \' SiShelledurn irr.u. of", a' 75 kyr .1111: t quoted 01 11.1)1:1i—Tt . it...rkrt In Cruse., owing In the re• In the Weer, Ind Sprin{ he., t roust. null sl.A.Ie t,rlic• nnw lo on to t“. 75 7 . .),1ng. tti 4:11,0 Is, .u.or na%) . he not, al $3 t.s.ltt;.{ , trt cwt. au.; Ft) e F lour at 1L6.!.j E.) \ioioled steady ,4 15 •.. ;.1 r li,t a .1i I .1 - Sugltr 11rtrua Lard triny tr i:1.1 1,1,1 Berl n , 24 , 1.,r 1/ , flf ut It 9:_t • gr ..as Noth,g lolng In Men fork or Husk Nicht!. ? ,, FAr Pl,-- r.,01,.n. st,re, ( bu-t.rt. r., I - .•. g.,• .110 pmke. n III 1 F.l( —ln la .It.olooll. And Cool to ; , rune fre•n (1,41. y 01 3.54Z-9—eni• or 5 uoxre yrint nt .0 if ,I.Joted at cts pc.r dozen in inckle, and 140;.‘a ft, fresh ~ . eked. 1 - IKI-1.F,—15.,i.i.el Out steady, With sales (.1 Hamburg at .I,ana ti 1 , ./4•11 at r.z. ot lc.. Pear, at 1: 011.,--No. I Lat , . le telllng mi. 51,16. /I , OIIS bt....4ug it out,ug wn) 4•, mu.l r I II Al —ld st I r /4.117 t., ral uuctimagetl. unnli Raw, ul ne I I-:,-- Pl'll'sll4llliGH 11AtthE.T !mica ow TH . r111:1,-1,0,, Dec. 'l5, I bOO. rt~F.-- 10 0 4 rue war/Let CUlalLyea quiet s .• r , unisl 1...,/* IPA 4 1:2.--,11,1 - Wt.'stl", rn • !•t”..1, ==IME ”Itr , (~ n ... ,Itvru..on =MEE =MEI I=l 3t sAlri cuu,il it ~, • ret:uccton. el..auag quot . attous In I.too Arr.. r 3• .1 ver I,er tou for I 'nide I=l I=l Plt: n e • rvek, but the a+ . a_r "I Pet r0,e,., tier Bernet,. If 10.00. tira+ll.,y, 66 Gear,... ri.r . F.rst Itiaaouni too, Mount t ern a 25. r/ek 1 , 71 , Ylthule Ll.eek, II So; I .7.30 PETROLEUM ;MARKET VV. tern Inman. Ng , . Vona., her. :a, 1 , - , •Pei•nie ant: ncellnlogi enn t•-• nre ot ur.l.le. 'old at 41 ceute, and 1.. u• r•ni. h.:l .n.. 110 clots. Rl(' M 411KET I'llll A.., Drcr.ber 215, IRee I •c,7 Sri. at f•I2Sy4I,TJ tat ,Pn.a Extra ,ptirg. '4 Lest opcn...ldull and easier, but ca..sed :lasu yest, day. ••.as at 21,29.... ( t1,111t4. .4 In dcznaod find le titter at .ttoat. , l •t al ,Hr. ••• at ...Lt.-4 t.r I tm 11.)u in Inter dr tnand, sad lc bctterr. al 54's a'at• o P., 2. lls ley du., flee Dad, st $2 1.5. ILL.; buoynnt. Mess Porn r en ,Pc t•ttici Pat. Of 9,.1,46 nt 557 75 On J.. • 1., na ...1..n0, month. / I n me Mean 5 .- • Ls, rt Plaided /isms, In deo. n:,.1, nlll Mgt,. St I. ,11j 0!...e. Laid 4.4:V5/Iced nrlth nnlne I ten tl,i,e n. int' •••-• " o 4— Pll4l tArttcr, ita .J 7 4 ' CI"‘“ " . 4.01 n , %E.; sa 91$ ,h LIN [i,•,•_ it .rii rd, 1513. %tttp,,cd, 619 1., V.. *a.. 11),V.5a 1 / I the, •nlc• al k• ..seg 11,1 , —Very dull at the most aamla•: rates Mart zus—linetsangetl. l o i n, t INCINNATI 3IARKET Simtz.sl UtrthwC to the Pistabluitti o.elte Ctsclattiagt, Ilea IS, tees ?nor intim.— Ar . Ice and higter; mess Pork sold it 31 1 9 Eni, rot was held at 330 oft the spo , sags Of 4110 hots at rmir3 23,30, and Mll tails at $3O, at nuyeir, all Januar: I i tern meats as e advanced, shoulders, NW ,•hler I.•.us, ISA, Baron Is 'osier; stono,dern are herd at 1410; rib at lea Ini e, Audis• nulu went. ,011, nominal, herd , iith! ,c ~.seer, Inurat cured II .11111 7 7 (517,4 ( c. Lard dull end h,g4l at 1, 1 x,c 101111 small sales, closing weak for Prime ell); keg 10,12. 1 -re klooir—r ipched lirceluts 7.00 U head; sales n 1 $1 laud' ,73 Ira, and fur next week at $l2, 00/511.5 weak 0...1 1.• I Flunnce kind Irani In New York, NLY ,. Decemb r 20.—There awe • la., ton to re11..4 nro.n...tt n thi• mornong, an, yru.• aty.r..l.ta... • I Hr.,. Theft wt. t..• nbcf far stock, *ad catawerntae excite= ent New lark ...at n.. Y... • ••• n)ne ant PittobarglJ nun .t rue toe notrt,t Wm. nrn., With hen . rah•. of Near , enz rat At tail atonal Item i• It • e.' bt • lv , anal nay effort to the p,t of ~ .1.11,.e heat, iroto.l pro-rill, r/:C I/ llowtcg were Lle closinri ritec M. 4:3J , tlc , 4 p M OW°...lme lt s re, VC,. 101 k Ceulrc, itradltg. `..•1:/.eta, 1., •”e Pi , urge tulauu an.: 113; Lock la cod 1 6',. N. INt.ithwtattera pro ler , .1.61; I, t ay a ...iaal, 1.. olnlal that Itanng litothe, have taken o 111.ohr sold ta si ,ng ands of idasanch..l at PI per cal.!. a lt. Is nct:lve, wltti WOG, feeling. and 51,,/ t auclualiana 10, A rise, at eurldr oa ea, Is apuar farun,l. till , he I. Mau I ..lair. Pt .ce• 04. , /.1.0 an., let/1111,En ca.: l.tlar or, yrs have t'ttl recelved Imam !he 011. ry IC Plc il••( LP, days. Ne,‘ to k Dr) Goods Market New Vous 11. e . 3....—Tne following st Ife.ol the sre I.c. Lois Goods Exanang.• I Nl.re.sa h e oppletun 3.21,.. 1 . 8,11e.•' 0, itiC4thed Sheettoge—B.stes 80. X:, Lo.unsbis r.,, Iteynolrx AA. 3:!...„ •Prints— , :Werrssurts W, .8; Op ogssee.36;i; Ansertoot., 25 33 gge. 34; Frei .0. 231, Iseisinee-51xnedsre ter, 23. Pm Inc. 00 Brow.. IN . illa—Pes.perel., 33: W txrop, ao C . 0. - set Jen: s A notekesm. Ms New 3.lerttet, 325. Conlon . Flaxnels—Leconlo, li•miltor, DO, Keptuoiy -Irous—hlehe Sr* ltruseltreeres—New I 'ok 3181.. 82. Hoopesterts— v. Dol. lei 1.81.... 28 • e eo Soup, gt . t. Empress 11,8•41,25 - . Illeyese X. 1.., snels 20 to 40 so 81.10. he Exchange Isnow publishing a fluliy mice S. of Ma varieties u.f Dry donde In the New Fork nrhe . The follow hag tit ye been received to day •TI lice. U. • Buelnce• le quite bang. a tirler•. NT L-1,4, D., —Trade Is very quiet cauted the ITE puss:bility 0. nblt•ptng gouda. Nu e the rate of I.: teem 28 t he u.arket la firm but gu:o nut particular change ill (be Puny/nu:we, Dec. in —Thr intrket Is quiet and ;ill.. are 4rm Inc print g. c Den 24—the market le rather in •tier. but goods are Inns. New York Stork and Monty Market. Now YO Motley easy at b per cent. Strtnogyolil at. 109'.-ieloN s . tiold &shade nutter; ore° IcHe at 14/I!,ian.i clemoa at 1034 Government S took a steady. Freight. to Liverpool dullund drooping. iL L ue—Steady; s. 66/. 04 1 0 floutrns, / 0 .3%; 0. '65. 101'•; S Pt, 10-40 Coupons, Wm 4/1 merle. 911 L„; de, ad ...lei, BEST; Onto and Mlatlastrue tlertincate.,293,; North Wetic, tat, 824; quickati‘er, 44 1 . i: Nov York ecuntel, 96%; kt e , e ,nier., 1t esti/ tig,l 66%; ellehigan Seuthern. It 14; Marietta •nd Clnmumtl let , preferred, 65; altneete Central 131%; North art/item , .t?.(. do, preferred, Rhode Island, 107; Fort Wayne, 1067,L, Battam.•re Cattle Marktt riaLersiona, Deo. 28.—A few extra l'attls brut:fibs se advance oo Ines week'. ates, but the general none of toe market showed very little or llnprOt etneut. luferio• Zee .es were almost ur ardest.,:e at Mu close: lest quallty,gfilo,eo gross; first quality, gll.OO to .8210 second qualit ST6B,feh Mock battle, Fla os—USertnos incderate Duo prime unchanged, at Q12)1460 fist :mamma to prism LI re Hop. SHHAM—RoOolota and demand light; common to Ramo, ia0. 0 0 7 ,1 4 , room New Tart Market. Misr Year. l'tt rue-3101e attire, and fully le better; ii2d4ac tee hildtiun, ant by auction to•day, tor thbehenment &cermet, 7.13 balsa hueuipt.,l3 Ootton was Wldat 4.3yeld7sie lee Lou Ordinary to Middling Fair. 11.0ra—five cents bettor on good found lower igrades while all other kinds Sr. dull. lint Esti% Stile Y5,135:29,15; eeelettin to sea] sh,pl,l^r, rats Extra it, li. u., 49,20, and Sit ler trade brands, ket closing quiet. Wee. —lies.rp and Ilsellam‘, at e 4002,23. Whfat, ven.flrm and quiet, at 11,2,00 1.56 fur common to lair old hilly suate. to lower, with a moderate decent, pan for ex port, at tinia9Oc lof damaged ; • 90696 e for unsound; liticreal, t e for suund mixed Wenetni 5 1 X 2 for ' some new White Southern. Oat., quiet or taY644 13 for union or. and dO6lO for sound. Psi: entre—Dud; Crada do sales 4,000 Echoed :a bum!. at 63e.., . a . I , .. , enabcr 28, 1865.LiszarTr, i . uM• . Sugar. quint at Ir • -00,,Nt. Orleans. Vivell.l6 r , tose—Pu. op. 0, .1“.111..t.1v Mane. null mere se ire e.t.a., dull toil 'recruit., at #23,3114, Itfoa°. 3l l foi .I , s—relining at edl/,e2ty septet, S2t,. Ith. stir Neu! .lair, aid 6.14,t0t1.1.5,US cur Prime .7..ess, also I.otto tans New Mess, ,J•pu•ty, Fat>- , oars and Marc!, .rises' option, at 1:9W.4030.Z. cad air , bt..s ' I.elore January, buyers' option, et STI,OO. Beef quiet, at arialso,on ( o r New Italu Mess, 1511014,0 fur Oaf du. sztazi,w for Nets Ex tra Mess, .1.1 fltel7,oO for Out du. Hama for Sal,oos.lS (tot Meats quiet. at Ile:Ile for Shoulder e. arta 1:1441.as I.r Hems. Bacon r•rher more settee. at lac fur °timberland Cut, lac fur alto..ratt.ed, an. 161-ia fur Shot Clear Dressed Hogs neuter, solst,. , .taic fur Pity, Lard et r) - tn. at is , ~tetl 9 t,c, atu our for lanaazy aa 1 eh, uart toll u 110, U: But ," dull, at tneaSs far t.I . ! • - .1 .19t2s for Jtate, Cheese quiet, at Market ste ad) !! 11,20 per CENTRA I. 1.1 t L 1 ()C6 MARKET •V VI, or Tn. Pirrvnv¢rn fliJagrwro, PlTTlinr :tow, Doe. 2t, Itike. i'iSTrLE—There 'ls o slight Improvement to n io the market (or cattle this week, not that [here was soy improvement la the demand, lint the orris ws were remarkably light, sad there I=l e but arty few good cattle on asle. do cots omed wan Inv week, ',twee traction heybe.r, and raster, buyers bought all they could ilk sal' table for the pastern, arket at an advance, Fatrtsh cattle, wLich lest Week dotnot comtuand more than:, to St, sold ruts week at e, ;mule to eau, ethers God betters may be lately quoted at ll.ieja mute. tkough there were nu Wet reported at .1 cents, yet, extra rattle would hake .thout mueb dietteulty at that figure. For I ,n•ritt.l. • tl.e for 11/ttl ' I tw. soon e. 1400, 4tcr• era le tin !Ge 11,,rnv hold out as the laidag otr to the nrr no. ova the holiday., wait thr i , alj ca.a.r for the elti.ttzt a..1V11.12Le eat-al - dialled, 4z.... way tO cote iu inu Count, lon ilia, tm-re w me 4. en .rd ami,rovtuneot to the i1e03.1 -hem was more activlty In the ,heep uteuket cnlL 1/.1 week, there ',lug [mireot era Inni,u...ner, hut prices u n •t,e ~r nu change, and ate gf r e 0,4.„ to 6 1 , 6.onn , a. CA Lrellar• Of the market lor common to good 1.1 on f..heep. H IT b••• 41 100 Lead averaging ti , II L.t,,hbu tee: a' ftlah.s., Ai • (m tog los, to ', • enact to 1 vt./ head +I ertzthg tax,: I, r: art a. Ptlcarr to all 'o. 17 , sverak /ng and t If. Wolfe solo IGh he., of good P , Oll, Nheep to aunchberger, a‘er , .t a • ,fly.*"'..~• flu .y.. ~1 I~y 1,...1c lul II tril:nln,tl.ol, ID Hogs /111Vit Ilettl urge Luring it.e week venial an. just ,otes • ot. ns , oatonred 114 tie oitose of lint week. prices • - e rt .t.w. 1 . 1,1.. fair to good nv rakes t.00.t.y nt er cent. grout, walk to-oal e tans,t, Irtok A . !.,,—emotzte extra t - losing Ike advance In lanctnna • l and t 1,1,,att0 1.4.15• d nil perceptible effect here, as lie Lastero tont kt . t• at - adult and heavy. auo, tb, va.,•l II out all the flop toought to tilts work. LI, stop ped either to S. ) ork, Pbtlattelpton r 13t,_,- 190 re. to II :rbl.lll or 10TOCII FROM D. -Orli TO D. ,7 Cattl•. kiogs 2.5.3 I!NCM=',I! lor to I ..... ou,,:roll to r ittchreast . oter to leuchrolot I taro to Cillehrelst Kilgore to Otiebrolat Browning to tifichrel•l ...... r.ourl to Or r...• torrßner to Orr oy to Yerorle Yroz.le .. sintrt to 1 e.ozie ..... to Yeozie..., stroller to r eazle ...... 4(4 tar kowl I. oho-triter to Toner . 'tonbre to Taber_....... .. it% en to Tatter Cretrtr to Tober--___ liendrlckoon to Totrer.._ Start et to Toler o, to I Pootlewoott to oroorro__. I ,Ile.. to Singer srorrir to siogr, 1.1-.3 sold 61 bead of good, Winote steels, nrcrag tnß to Frank IL Co., at 7.40; 34 bead to Mon ta,gue aI. C. good steers, areragmg 1270, at 7:',;34 bead to Frank 44 Co. at 60,4—averaging 1100122 head sleet, and belt-era, to tame buyer, at 6; at to buoy a t b., same kind at 6, to head very coo lant, cue. -an aetters to burns nth. Hay. to ilica.orroll 32 head commoinan atonic. weighing 40,635, at b 3. Williams to :McConville t good fat Cattle, weighing 4,550, is Tl y . :stump to Mooney a Co. 35 vary common nook 106 common light cattle, weigh ing ar.44,5, at al.. iithrte &Co. to lilemen very good esti le eig hoax 6.5,100, at n,70. Crow to SI, wit]. el pretty good fat cattle, weigh log 01,426, *1 7. 1/4.keon to tt roll 20. teeuthlng 17,400, at tet/lp to ro-k •• btag 17,760, al 4. 1 eager to Mont.; ue Co. 20 fatthill cattle eletetung 21,TTS, nt 6,00. EMSM=I Wteketallate to prank tt. Co. 11 head, trellthing 15,32.6, at 0; .I.l,ollletet to Scully It bead, tretel.lng 21,016, at 6. Klomen to Newirraff U iturian Pena cattle, averaging 1100, Cl 6,66. Now Icon. tic.: .7 - notice a steady firm market fur Rio. with further speculadve inquiry, without change in prices. The good and better grades eapEcially are scarce and 'rutted, and for these full prices are realized. The sales are 4 2 63 bags Rio, per Nora on speculation, ICCo per Lord Baitlmore, and Phi do per Edith d oß,,ou terms not made public. For tither descriptions, also, there is a fair demand, but no 'particular change in priers. The sales are Se.l4 bags Sayan ilia at nit, cents goid; nod Me do St. Domingo. on terms not cede public. The stock of Rio in the contry is bags here, 500 in Baltimore, and 6,200 in New Orleans—total 71,603 bag. Philadelphia Iron Market. Pa I LADIMPIi la, Dec. 26.—1r0n as gron, 07th very. little et; metal earring or selling, for tht leant of stock. ti c quote Forge st 644449, and Foundry at Wight per ion, with ..hemall business doing In both at the highest figures. Scotch Pig to In blnnufactured Iron there is rather more doing In Bars and Rails, without change in pricer. The firer had commenced rising neon 3 esterdity timing, the rise this time, coming out of the Al- leglumy, and at darts, last night. them were thir teen feet of water In the channel. A dinette?. from Oil City, yeeterdny evening, gave the wa..er at. 0.1 (tity, at seven leet, and tieing. The weathet, As. though considerably cooler, was Mill quite mild and drizzling rain fell •t times during the day, the whole appear ande of the .seothtr being morn rain. Butane. at tha wharf sr. tolerable bet tk, CLc Allegheny tiger yeaterday evening wag with rt. „ showing that a eery heavy gorge hall broken Loge somewhere ue river. Tim iklle, Lee!etre gad Ida Rte. N ao.2, went out last evening. bound kr Ott , tlty . The Barnett, Capt. /taram, for Apl:nehlesla, left last evening. p EGULAP. PACKET FOR MA tilt AND ZAN ENVILLE.—The Ilea now •tereteetai ORATIA.II, ~ ept.:(l. R. Srou., leaVafor the above and all Intermediate porta EVERY YVES !JAI, et 4 IL to. Returning, leave. Zxnce vllty EVElit ttl , llAY, 0070. In. POE MEMPHIS AND NEW I , t , 2I.I..EANS.—The [lna passenger . 3 steamer ..11&"4SEPillEh Capt. William Dean, will care as at. de, TILLS DA Y. We 2.14 lost, at 4 o'clock, p, a, For Iroight or passage apply on !ward or to J. D. COLLLMIWOOD, dela JOHN FLU:K. Agent/. VON NISW. OILLEANb. —The•• light draught, comtualiou• gar packet, IJITIZEN CIA PT. A.11.1115T140.1, a.ll/ kora lot theabove and all lage.h2edlate l'"'"•""*".7.; DAY, tho 26th 1-±t., at 4 r. a. For frelytt or passag e,LL/NO- apply or board or to de23 JOHN FLACK.WOOD, • SUN DRLEI3. • ice ..er.A runut" 40 • do Fo.gbas Apple{ do Feetbert; I cone BINIMIW&I. • CM narrow Leal Leoll is rviure. For role by ami/0 DILULEY & 410 1/11n.lel phia I.ltlmore Way Patnta. 130 11,123 ••1,410F OPM FENIZZZZA 05 3.52 41 00 . ":11 2 1 15 - 15 . 9 332 1 00 1 1 4 220 12 . 60 300 SO 39 3.1./0 24S 1.200 40 64 231 5...90 • co 126 SS:, 20 2.67 ltS/ 1 250 14/ 153 43 1,5 9 0 0.5 1 .6 93 95u Ll 5 53 4 0 200 LL•S ,0 1.1 Ss 650 9-h0 2. 9 0 9 06 s CATTI-6. New York Colter Market. RIVER NEWS Leonora No. I ratnita . D.v ts ..... 111nr1r. netl Sherman ...Cu1t...15A1. Leclaltc UL city 11..1:lett ...... Btruettlsoh.cole.. Bayard Yarkerntourg. Ids Nees No 2 e. /10.• TR 1.6-1, .1,1. De Y. ',merles .11.1 An Sao -Rlo Grr.nde. A ruteula... L 01.1.. R.tte t'utnntA......l%lAratts Ile. Hover . Penn Arm strong— .New Orleans. STEAMBOATS 11511110=1 ~lDtc,~r.. HIIMPHRE 1 14,, „ HOMEOPATIFIc ApEO.IFICEI Hare peeved. from 62.0 experlert os, 5t cattle mecca, utople.. are (be Defy :.-C.)-_.s.)1)":-.1apterito peen- Lot . 640-410 21141p1e that letOlVea 2 ..de unnsi them; ro be rmlem*,,,te be 36 m elan leer, .1:0 efficient Al to Ar ra,. . °tate No. I ewes FE VC t tallatiame- Mon. ........ Woßtats, It - etelt:les era, C01ic.... 2 .• URYIND Vol.e . T.To th r Teeing et infant. • •• MAR lIICEA - 7 . ..l)dren or adult. V, ENTEN Milano Celle; ?ranee,— M 7 •• M •• NEURALGIA.-?,l , ...othaette, Face ...he— . ........ o •• 11EALIAUlibi, to •• PEPsIA, Fro.k.ous. St,maett... SUPPRESSED,I73...-tanty and pale lul Ll_ /R Et Ft GE:Tkpr Whltea. a uit')UP. otrersetfe4gt. 14 SA 1. r Hite; L 441 4- E 10414. .6 • RIiEU RAILS aII Rneumatle is /EVER AND ULM. .ad i 7 tate. eel h external .....60 •-• 00V e 6 , aoleil.tonamed eyes.. 60 to CATARRH, aeitte:er throb/et/1 , - oer LIZA ...... . ... • • •-tiU 20 • • WlitJul'lNti (.I.llpoll:apastnedie &ugh__ ...... 21 • AsTII6IA, •- • 5 Edit I , LUhAW LS, Impaired .... ... _ 60 23 " 50/103 ULA.,•ki,ALted glands......_ 50 . 04 GENERAL 11das..11Y, PhTumal areAtenesa...-.1.L.......,_ 60 2b 11 Dlllll- 3 T Kid tritnl3l). aeeletlons., 60 :6 • SEA s.,l(leLNES:roretokneas from Udine - • 30 V • • 611)0EI Iti.Sg.A;dMiolaravet.........so '. Eli Vt.f ..s - I.E#l.4.irry. seminal ' 01612 11411.11.. a, i• tiv otun t • . 60 to .• SORE M. g r riti , Kgesak.—,.... w 6 50 31 o po .Ur, ..._ .r 600 . 111 mth 6 1 3 22Ft:1111,1S - 2.,t..""ttoroge of Llfe. , loo 33 " E.. IL LPS Y. Siv.ton,. St. Vans , I 60105 ...... . . s . tao " DiPT 3II .} 4 .IA. ',..VZcers[elr . tan Three:. . 100 CA eatt.oZ Cases +.l se ,s, mort ceVett• se and took 6,10: 10 . • tr.. .tale in ItarMeo ant. cooli • eel • • "O . • :al,, 1.1%,1ib5V sad two ... 5 COI . f ittitat,l n..ok 3 0.3 a.. ma. octiolesa , P:tiaburell, Pa. For •a.r. Or 0 6 tie atreett T. ti. r 1.07111.5 14. N , .. 64 r•reet. cortex of :he binte.....l, 14 V.,„4 J. J. .AST, 164 let.erat ate,r4- Aliegbee.r. jytollyeac Eliii FORT [-NE'S 3 I'4 usical4Host 4 - - The oaly eueeehe'n:leee:allshed publientlon of the kin.] In the l/ultee. . "I greet You an a kst— Uatold the I , ageo cZiny heart. And read therein totir weroonte. - 13” JORPhOig , A X usical reiledleel. if...laced to circulate A 0001( the flames of the ilople, Is Lo new idea,- fot the want of It ho. been * it'll long felt. that there sre but few pc sons, a...frilly ton toed, to wonm the thought has rot oatoraiy suggested Itself, la yurope, a dozen pork. of 'Ellis e'sos inst. whfah circulate honored. of Cl...ands or r.,ies. Tar, are looked ior wltL the *sloe expeit ' nne, me the meekly Papers, or the Monthly Ifseszfe-s Their I popularity arise., not so can,p-. Iro .4 tee not that iney arc eheap, es Ir , a tort (set_ that , .L•s• Alb A eolfectiod affording ii early of style,' °l el /111 d Inatrumental. es . culated .e suit eveir taste. Their etiespuess 1., of coot a recommit:44oolS or to all of thew at In 10 'UNE'S .17 Ur: 'C. to at IST, the Maim Veen for:4111y aeon, would. la separate plead st the ..lityile stores, eon over lbn e dollars. A saving, Viking Into considera tion the stiourah,e tnetineltf their prodnetlo.3, that ap O'e, la Stare tam.. anti eflofdto devises • This Mohtla . .y 1 uto:^atiou pima intl. comminute neat of Its tt.ard year. in, net with a BIICMUI Sit together unprecr ..... e . ...i ',..ll.siory of MUllea r experiment,, efts.. le As,lffea or In Loe we . Cheap Maden , f• .. ....4.s nave hitherto (off ' ea, been.° they fr. e I ... ,-, lb ~61/ la Caen style cf production, as .s. .i7.tx. in their scale of harge. The publisher of tic Al r.540A.t. /JUST la deter. mired. to make this work il model of beauty in fai l stole, and artist to in every MI t,'lltrat to the at. pcnor excellence 01 lls 11.5.0, °morning Ortgs• .1341 Occorontion• by poptil w •ers of Europe sod America, together w.f... coo ce nicettons of ststisn Argo. oerroso, aff...4llsls, and Amer.can Sot., Doers and if usttettnn. retail de Salon foe Piano, Volts,, nLassire.sa,illa;nottlalleii, QUadrlllea nod other Piano Music, outline both for. amuse meat and inetruction. ~ 6011i'13 ibow Miltuisicsaft , Tarc:ciat • Printed to the bast 11111Orl, Opal: One and eofftlf olver. tttie Paxe end Illustrations are best, meni to aoatgn. ocel mg.a.v6 h!F,Seet style of Art. EMI] Mouthly Part:rentalaa from four to Mx Weer. of hltlete. 7. • • Tne work la etlted with view to Butt every bas7e, and its nontrota am bk. copal, nut ciente, 1 writ: uoodneted on this principle. the [Hie r ' Man at et wit. the rthstlttat. • te r r ' lng "Pi atthea th s e . -wn°l.lll.tteritur subseribers front .every State In the Itnlon. • • The MUSICAL El OSl' hatibeen establiehed in a geld of Ishor wt crern all othlrasplrants tuf fujedre :to secure s footing Ws are{ therefor, cd to fez that we here allot tell ttiftight course whereby to meet the requirements cfl the discerning ahl progr elusive :Unties' world eY the United Sretes, Our lone experlrono in the Publishing busineas esoreones ue to promieing tia.the expectations of bur subscribers, in regard • lel the cOarsater, the growth, and the su,xess 01 t/a-MLiSitIAL HUT], mot oe thoroughly satisfler. For upward/ of a quarter 01 s century we havVireen associated with ecru...rent pubitetzere, and eve. 4 literary ettterprise irrth u - triab the maize of lottritze has I,,en comae., Ni, on* teen succutsfur to theluirest Bens. of he word. Never having knower :failure, we co rat propose to make Its acquainfance now. FORT tktiV2.4 3Mr-1.11..V.1C3i%*, gpst W 11: hrroafter contain, each ktnoath, beside. the 11.1.1 •t, Loot page 01 nt s'tal carefully selected Music,t.get cc 1 .1. 5, 013 pag“fiZ Literary matter of cor.el .Utractm; sad lull aiictereat to wheel. aa w•,•ll as to mualcaiierulera. In thia de partmeat toa6.lt tmoittiO: Stott., roL., e-oj4rot pet - moue, Ms ileal limos and Cr alasal, 134Kkle Noumea , and Llt arary iinseollaoy; awl 1: will 14: our llut to make the Lverary Depart meet of fil,ifli...l , lCAL HOST Compiete, booty and popu•ar' , • We have alrealy commaricelthe pubLicatiou of THE LADY'S OILE. • new n,vel Cl much lneeresthy Miss X. E. Bred . den. Th.. Went will be eont?Caued from month 7..ra month, not., completed. • manyrentable alltmerlliwes , Asuo, to (Imo peat, later sated theruseivoe In mrerninung and promo tLc• .hr atm.:it, or the fdli: , ./idAL HOST. We to e . that .4 4421 oughtdcd t.. apunzescarst sal by at leacesome token Ociiur crateful appre ciation at their iervicee..Fo4hbareason we nave made artengemetta. et great,l.tust, to Dres.o to every person se. ding us eighteen dollars, anctul irebseription, ter a Club of Piper Sunseribers for 0166. a copy or the great Work of Art., "OUR GREAT A y L , F. Tr AT Tae ;fox. or W.,4foroNlaoLso. 'This suic.rh Nature, which .11.1 fora on. nU unsolenco• ApprSit , Atlor, both on the ground of 10. grant Artist. 14.,:mtty .• a•, the Wonderful correetnec. and s pi - ength cf its pot , - potha, iv endorsed by toerreas cf the country: fTbe aeeoe represented Is thaorcLe of W a , u:4 o 4'- WD Irvine, who L. aurronad b 1 the followlib art.logunaked America.. Authit., 'W. H Prrecots, George Bandroft, firrant Oliver WenceH Homes It. Eyre-son N. Wilde. !Sayan, Toylot, Xorria, FenClmora Hooter. H. W. Lougtelloor orichantel He tht.rne..T. LE Whittler, Fitz kiltene Halleek, J. Lw c Molloy, J. R. Lowell; Jubn Prirrozerly, noreqr.7. W.zahr, p. - . The ele.;ant work has peen - qecuted to tint. mire 2.0 by 'a i..ehes, or, heavy paperi4o by 3. luctea, al a east of eight thoueend dollar:a; and t.s. - cos oho of the most beautiful, costly , , aa,l4bitcrestl pletaies ever l resented to tot s ubtcrtlK.l, of a. y pericuilv tOL TU. ii i 2 SVO 1866. I Copy of ,bc 11t1Slud.L IftsT for ISSO, $ 6 .00 0 ()opt," of Ma H :Tr for 1601, 5 M 3 11.14 et of a • 31USItiAt/. lot I. 11;50 Will eutlLle. Otte rev, up of ran-club to Of Vittni lalestmca .L. Tnr,l7oll..rn. en , opaes of :he ~1 L Hfi! , ...l' for 1866, Ingo% d a coo, ; .1. we Will DOM BUST and I Ft.«, .e.sca...lhe, year. 1 13,60. HOST and I 14r ~-.Jot4r year, barSa. HO r sod a War°, y $5 03. aosr and 1 llor.e jourLaL.r7• year 17,e0, sosT nod I Lady's Hook, , HOST aura I Lady's BUST and a f ir atlortaihlagar.Ht - e, tear, man. Jrfor lateen detailawe will serail To umes I. mu 042, ',sr., or 100 bIUOICALrii.I.)bT, bour.4 aAmdLl Hlurtrated tdoth, acs th e 001001e1 for 1366, as pabilshod oGatbly, hod a =FE of oar . Great Anthers,. [o=lll4 splen , lld Mtn& s.l Library of elegant preaentatada for the Wawa. rhc trod o, lcones. 1 ands, an' be turd, Elegant. ly b rood, Pact SIX Dollar. Mailed free any aduress. Oo receipt of the-per. Singh: anavaers and syrohnear sent, post. •stregtaw, on receipt of Illty eental JAMES W. - 09E.TUTTE. N. 1.4.wv...85, n '• -r d ttm MST 241.11 p • VIM U It.. TIM 711-2 S • D'IE& FRUIT—That ret'.ilced a lota !rims Dried Mee kberries, "Ettietbriries Dared end trapared Pasened • mid IlrldSdlppl es. for We wholesale •ral retied a JOHNrz ;7.1_1 MOM ef . 47 ."M1111", tenoollW aldaa.l34
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers