9itthogh tgazettt. F. 8. RuNSELJ. ERUETT, 5 -D MOM TU. COSTA:I.LAGN AL. 8 , suety MA.NAGE. GAZRITE ASSOCIATION 1 .1. 121311.40.1::uor mg. NO, MI FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH I .kAVIVIGIS/tLirkiNS IN": I.Ni 1, For. Th 1 F.Dlr(ft.`l, SErittLD lIE iDniir_s,,ED ri s• I,OITO 41AZJE1 - 1 - r.. • • r /..1 t NOE lit LAT/NU T , HU, 1Ni..... S. Sii , IT L . Ilk ILDIIt t.:B,,ED, &Vele.— • ti.. zr-l'i E,• i/I Te. 1317 Is, PA. FRLDAY, DECEMBER ltd, 1888 ELEPUBLICAN CITY TICKET rors y WILLIAM C. MrCAICIPIVC, 7tti ii ra FOR U 0 ,THoLLER, JOHN 4 iceNlO;',o, 9th Ward FUR 1 Hi. A , zt.F.Eri, WILLIAM 121(1111,1U 51, 6th Ward Notice to AO Vertl ftera.—Notlar u berth Oars that hereafter raortOol at Chu olHa. meet be pelo Zr ‘ , /l'>• ed le, elcopt In too cake of pearlY . "" th "' 'throe bale kcal be febdored goolol/V. Adtettlean ertil pits., facile 4 core of toll, n . "'" °f . .h Pllimta for rave/lac:lieu,. o Glta eltes:lir noted all, from :ay lorweol lr tnlexlbly eafureot . . Tno orlee 0, flif . Ilerum nee Eve tint &Inn ir lELUELE CF:!, ES et We et eater or 1_10(0 tIC ..y3. Served ev earner+ e, /3 cents per week ItI.4.IIICALIAM To apply offensive epthri.s to any in.te or class of men to brim. reproach ur shame On them, it easy. Tide's the resort, UBnal. Iv, of those who are deM:te, t in selsctuarol. intelligence, or argvuent. When reason fails, turn comes ;Le .:Isp,laging word, so Ii has ever been le history. Of the Saviour of men It was said, ''Be Lath a Jevii-." Paul waos called r " babbler," cr "bud ;el- KNOx and WIIIT.EPI.E.LD fanatics, and F , LTOO crazy, So the I.e publican partyaras stigmatized by its 12ne l:tali as the "144C.11 liepalOoLaU ' •'~tt ger Party." lad even now, Staid of us frienda, torgetui of tne ieda , /tia 01 the pas: and of the nen Who most unflinchingly, in the day of onall things, when true and fearless met were few, blood by tee right and the opiressett and sounded the alarm to a nee= glamouring is site tutu was threatenhg it, are ever speaking of certain melt 'am measures as "radicai," "radical-- lam," ' vagaries of radicalism." It they mean ,hat these men and these measures almal the "root" of the evils of our land whteh they would pluck up an ,I cast away, it is well and true. But to the masses, ti.ey mean to convey the idea of Unpractical dangerous tutu and measure.. hhey forget that what Is cous..ry-o: hal a ,w. was the height of fanaticism but it few years ago—that the advocacy of the right of petition even coiled down on one of oar potent and mos• learned - states - men—an ex President—abuse and ma holty of the foulest kind. Compared with those timea (hens very enemies of radical lam are ultra - radical. The inteliigence, elo quence,.arguments, pereevering eillo 6 arid the ,ogle of events 11,Ve lorked these er..o • mien u. radii anaut 4,) 'Li -r ;I ~• al point.- 'I hate , ' , OOll, they now &tit:, Were Men loreaeeing and lea:lees; bill •e Was not their tarot. T., p,. au, be ter 10 understand eaves sad con.tequelaCtS. does to speak of them boldl y, Is certainiy no crime. But every tote who is a true, re former in any respect., woo a little helms hie fellows, must ranee: to be dehoun.-ed Jam" her go di tic arca. - is the rewatii ur the mat. ,s • 'and decideu in favor or the good fitaii posed to cruelty, :zjl.l.E.Liee and wrung. Vi fleas the abase tit ah nonest and console, Ilona martyred Presment. To be a .onset vauve requires no sewn-ace. ' And by sou. men Sue world does Oct advance• We can not afford to "lead putitic opinion ," "w t must follow it," said a journal:l,: a ahoy, tilde since. We believe it lei be the dais of those who write or speak to.fcrin putni , sentiment, to con - tct it where fift and advance it while it lingers. L.:hi, ee understand to be the very object of speak tog and writing. at least • hey stmaid seek to diminish the intim:net of those w_ii . . 'are so philauttrp.pic Ley can "e f. and are cvinpstent to lead upinicn bskillul phystatac does not ;:;Ind nis eyi to the true suite tit tits patient tar tire sate of present puint:arity, but wilt seek to ze move ins very "fool,' or rattle of the die ease, that there may not be a relapse. So a true statesman will be unwilling to Co;, over or venter great and giartug aril am: such a maul beau w e wltl tot:ow, awl euri a man, good name we wi.l Lherish and de• fend, especially if hie pact has been uui. formiy consistent and praiseworthy, la, more willingly than we will One who in the Senate chamber of our nation has impious IV declared the negro our true hotline - Li friend during the rebellion, an animal, "half way between a man and a monkey.' WAR SPOLIATIONS publie meeting of the eltaea_ of amtm burg woe held in that tot-Ooh 'Fburad, eveall4, of tart 'week, xt a Clut3 11 was rpsih, to tnt:Erw.riu;i2. Lae Le; irlature m ? , eualf of tb, I deemlied inhabitants. A trAninl,l'ee of Li c: rLt Late Woo ai.p.inted to go to LEw - nbharg t Urge It upon any cr , namitteo of the to whom It may he rLfei red. At a former cadet u d,re.t claim was math For indemnity. The potiti.m uras distinctly on Snated that the Commonwealth was anstarrt‘lo, dainarrea, beeaute It owed the duty or prOteetlOm and U:d not (.101 it. Neither the people nor the Li:xis:store eal the ma..tt r in the, Itnnundlatttly after the t,urnlu, - ; of In , taws the two fiancee made a g - ,ant, a: d e N.. 17 proper one, of $lOO,OOO, I,t on the score of In diManity, but In toe way of km porn: y and here the meth'} allowed t^ cost Fer the ante to C., r fieqt kls answerable for the rpiliatlon pro;.erli by the rebels, along the sontilo o lord. r, be wrong In principle, and %sub, tin a llt,O of ciatme mach more formidable nod &Moult properly to sift than at first thought would 1, at:mooted. But the people of Cbamberabsof have dtmo donad the idea of having a Maim or ttemano itgairTt to commonwealth. Th-y oo to.k, a Niberal" gratuity. in eaa 1, Ito ir e accae to recover frum.tttc • c: =MEI No sum 6 mnom.r.: VDU. ity of the ilutv , 6. Val.,. L/,‘ attleittitucltt of the iNlittot we .0 o cc. tu tut; that .t 1 the ram ObjCelleur are lheret4 ottltz. "Occaaloaar' 51.0 a that cur to ;wee the South perlurak ite whole duty we mar :he over exactits;. Lis quotes $.l, of tried:lh - ' Wry as aging to him olland rem It we ti ovr a reluctance, usd we diepiewer y o u it we Whom a - Arzi.Altude fe acceptia‘ your Ilona." There is no darq,, ifie North, et any prosiptundcihe cr.ay iltaiday In doing what Is win. liuut.. prompil tukle hes Lever y e t ic. nt,own. tub fieen done in the right, dl:ectiou: ban b,ru aryl uncivilly sad with r.servais r t.hat counteract all ging.: Lbw. tuaggt NOLUI111; boo be, u dory bpnestly or iu the neht Bpirl.; uud Ul.Lpi the prnper spirit u shown, the North will coratlL,o dbseleseed. TAXATION AND IiEPRE%ENTATION. The Louisville Journal calls atten , ion to the ;act that the feleral government is es. tantialsing the Internal Revenue System ihroughout 'he ex-rebel States, and then is:ses .he point that, according to all Just pion. pies of popular government the mem bers elect to the two Houses of Congress from those States must at once be admitted 10 Feats. It puts the case in this way: • • Wr shall soon learn whether the Legis ' ditit e Department of the Government is 4 ,, ing to do violence to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the I.::.itied States as well as the traditional pot. irk of this Government from the period of :ts foundation, by insisting upon taxation we'liout repreAentation in respect to half the Linton. people will soon learn whether at this late day their public servals'.. tri Con ...rea are goi n g to traverse , he maxim of theirhero t at that taxation and represents. tion are inseparable ; whether those ser vtini , are gang to return to the maxims of ;e s p r ,rt..in and stultify all that the founders dre R. pubic have ever said a. to the , !andditat principals of representative ,ernments: There is another side to this matter. A gOOri ma❑y colored people own property in iie Southern States. In Louisiana they le. spas memy millions In all those States the property of black people is taxed—yet 'hey are allowed no representation In the Legislatures. Is not their exclusion from represebtation as clear a violation of the rule insisted on as can be presented? There is a Nei, lesome rule oa the chancery aide of courts that "they who demand equity mast de equity." tie. biack e of the South have not by crime.] incurred a forfeiture of their rights. The only offence that even demo crat, lay to their charge is that they wear the Skins the Creator gave them. White (Wk., down South, have involved them selves in forfeitures by treason. There is no denying that. Some persons, indeed, maintain that a State, as such, cannot commit a • crime; but we have never heard any ore go eo tar as to say that an individual man or woman could not commit a crime. We have heard dem o,rats not 3 few talk as if they believed the ;ate and existing treasons against the governu.ent were not crimes, but but even they were ready to admit that ac tual el - tines did work a forfeiture of If the blacks, therefore, who have for (toted nu rights, are subjected to taxation without representation, by the whites, who have forteited their rights by treason, with what lorce can the latter set up a chitin to that whi , lt they persistently deny to others: Tile CONSTITUTION requires that the peratn elected to the Presidency &hall be '•a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the I. olted States at the tune of the adoption of ;Le Constitution, and who shall have at. Ln.oed the aye of thirty live years and been fourteen years a resident of the rotted Stays•" A mildew of the District of Co lutubia or of one or the territories Is as mini citizen of the Coiled States" as ta resident of one of the So:ties; and tit gement dint President Juan - soars eleetton i presuppeae.i Tennessee to be a State in the Caton therefore fella ie ground. IttE. .; the ucw IZULIO on U 111" nnUonai c.,111.4. God we trust," as an Invasion of Southern • r.ghts. "Who," It indignantly asks, "who _gave Secre ary McCulloch the right thus to , utrude lile theological creed upon his fel low iii)zene? Who gave him the right TO - 711 - ci for hts reit, the sanction 01 caner nation?" Sure enough. As the " ' South does nos trust in God, the Secretary of the 1 reacury must he careful not to of fend t e sensitiveness and debase :be coin by making it sectarian with this new "'creed." lieu. Hanlon., oi Year., has tattled an aol• tins.; to L—e freedmen, in iklaien he says: Freedom LLe44/.8 1„r you that yon have the ~/“ 1. , ;_her for an honest iivine, right , tie) tee great command of taut: to all met, a., ear, , to the fneahof their tact, their daily brio,;, rigut to Wore for yourselvi. and receive the r,ward of your labo;. Tine ft all that lite means for any people," that ml, Ceoverm,.l We had fancied that- Kr.irduin meant something more than Inst., ace that ft included other rights beeido the r.gra to ...bid. I: Lae privilege of latair is all that Free ;:iver, the slaves have had that, to pericc- ion. (or over two hundred years, and the white, it the South have been totally nenitx•tteil of their right" for lu ! tutee raspy years. Tux legislature of Alabama, now in eeb ElOll took no notice of Gen. 1 LIOILAS, 3ell. WOODS and Gen. SwAysz, all Union offi title they .Were prew:nt at the Beat of g. :Lment; but the moment. WADE Hemp. DUAL, a Rebel General, appeared there, a 'ciAtiottee Wail appointed to conduct him to the legislative hall, and a general rejoic• fla• was manifest. And yet we are asked o behave that this legislature is loyal, and he State ready for re-admission into the 'lllOl3. Cant. Scut:Hz may not be a great general, but ae is a - great man. If he One, intell.ctually, a tuperier am Lg the public men of the Gaited tr - s'ea, we do not know who the favored LI nal i6.—Pat.thurgh We think tn. lion. WilManirtgmf Al leghery county, very much the superior of Intellectually. Does our cotemporary hodticake to say that WII/lams Is not a "puhlie ?" or will he give us credit for having a r. rented his error i — P/li/adsip/tfia News. We are g!ed that our contemporary has so high an opinion of Mr. Winmams' abilities. We arc not lobbed him In that matter. The only oifference between us is that we pet a lilt i,tr ettituate on Vic talents of Gen. JR:Ist:ILL than it dots. A GIMENC COCNTT democrat writes 10 a Cal ,r,ll mad of that bailiwick, protesting against he colored man engaging in the worship of God c with whites, and wide: 1 at,d many others would think quite as well ol ytu, you w.,uld teed church amongst your Ave kind, sod alter we 'cove this world, if 11. is Lc wid ut God last all races should unite and /6W +naiad to rebuilt." This willingness to submit to the will of God, u u s rues. Is very kind, on the part of our deto ,cr..tic friend. It IC a eoriee.,iou to ,g o AI eighty which will no doubt be properly appre fated. - 7 if I: bOUTILE/ill ULD SCHOOLYREBBYTE, ILIA.Nh have deteraZne,f lc adhere to their b,parute or.canizatt'm end have chrimeneti it '. The t'..neral Assembly of 1110 Preshyt e tr.o Coureh in the United States." Hav ing thus stolen the name of tne loyal church, it would be gratifying If it could obtain some of its loyalty as well. JUDGE J. 4. Bt ca has given a legal opinion that Gen. W. U. Bookyz. the Re pubiican candidate, was legaily elected to Coagres: from the Bedford district. As the Judge belongs to the democratic party this opinion may be regarded as COlCiUtliTO of the whole case. TUE GODCEEIte Fanner, with whose cheery littie face we have been so long familiar, is ft ' i tt icontinned. Its subscribers haVO I/LeLl trans L- r -red a tie Americus Agricul. tetra!, published by URAP. GE Jrnn, it Co., .11 Park Place, New York. Trrr. Post publishes Senator COWAli . b speech on reconstruct _rd endorses it. The Commercial a-so endorses and ap proves IL Thas these two papers occupy the same ground and are, practical!v, la boring to toe same end—the restoration of the ettl•e 2tmocracy to power. Senator COWAN waa elected &a a Repub• beau, but has uniform:y acted with the democrats since his election, and is looking to that party for whatever chances he may have of re - election, and they are, In soots, slim enough. Politically, he is the most odious man in Pennsylvania. The demo crats accept his aid, but do not trust him, and the true Republicans everywhere des pise him. Nevertheless he is a fitting leader In such a cause, and if these papers are satis fied with him we have no light to object. They have been at enmity hitherto; but if Liberty is to be crucified it is went that the Lierods anti Pilate' of to day ahouid become reconciled as of old. FS cutaliTa Discounausn,--A Virginia paper states that many of the Swedes and Germans who recemly arrived there from the Nortb, for the purpose of engaging In tilling the soil, are about "pulling up stakes" with the intention of "pitching their tents" in the tar NV..,' Intelligent white laborers will not star In the South until their employers learn to treat them as men and not as eerie. The contempt for laborer) prevalent In the South Is applied to white as well as black, and hence the failure of that section to get or retain white sublituteri for the black lahor• ere it has in abundance. JOHN FORSYTH, in the Mobile Runner, nominates Gen GRA-NT for the Presidency, as not ohly the beat friend of the South,lMl also as the strongest candidate who could be rresented in the -North. At the .141:13e thlle, a statesman of Arkansas warns Pres ident JOlllimoN, through the Mempilli. .I; poll., that his ptpulanty to In great danger. TUB srlsiil w.la FATHER TO THE Tticit bc & , n hem court Hato, tor itrcall) Oisal— oleted that :here vas to I troll among the Ile trust on Christmas. They did their beet ring about that rest It oy provoking th, ne. graze to all peasible waje ; but the nailer loss] tense a the latter plevailtd, and the conspiracy I the whata has been defeated. in their pr., lore aLd expectan IC L•E ,1! r that the with was fort•( tLe LLOll4b Tun Read•ns Comosny, it •tht oit:It,11;olatto pierlng Itur track, On Chia mat:- twofur pas...users and too fur tehst.t. nave now Um,: IraCA6 Over a ao,•d portion of tt road. The Company have recently made va uable purchase, of property el iirttigtrport,. pp. eye Norriateire, at CuabbutiOcken, l'ulttnottop and ether Way tha.loca, watt Ike lute...wen erecting large pa-:cuter and trught d, to”, these youth, \ cry besot purCh.cr re.3l te• tate have boon made In. Headins, and the roe. tlon n! very shops is vw .n and, iu pa , Cot/Wirt, d. altthe .thn;as , eoe.plot.ed thty wlll ex,end a tu., mole in 1tn.;.1. LeanestC :earn that a nsti culty oveurred, on CLEolettmai, between twu duns, at Carnet., wben nue 01 than drew a Solver and need three tlllits al he . I.er Cl the • th . st • tbetee,th hie heart. I, huts inetart!y. Wni, • by war tee pettlelpat •t: 111. t tl.7' y. aft,: LI, to:a:er n.:ere.3-• ii,„ lt,e d -.vcr t • Fira, NaL.,,na; bank. Vb.:- ic veto th. ti • ru str, c for and renwval to, a I.vra.. veto+ 6 , ,lnet acted for Mr. S. TL.th iudoldaai POI found. The matter It iu tho haute. ath lice, regard TUE Uniontown nhandard saps tbal. at iLe /at term tal,norL that noanly. both e . t.a , . aver ,akLo ul. yi:L 4,111111,.. bt.,11..r5•-• •r.l Loth a 1.141.bel .•( loft of for law. of Utha ante; PUBLIC \ OTICES I I ITN RI /I kIAZETTL 4%1,0- C1AT10..%.-- I HEW., Attie L .IIPtT INI/ofNttrelchelttere tett/ Leld on the e'llt,T Tkif'klAlJA 1 o.ftu) .1,12,(1'.1111'.et . vcloce, Al at the r.t Z k.rT 1r1.tur11,66,I r l.turl 1,66, f.S S. St./11.,1 E.A. .1 a., 'ierk. PEOPLES CAAD;DAIL FOR MAYOR, ames ilackmore CITY OV A I.l.ltri H ENT CON V E Y. TlON.—the Union Republican i otem of the City of Allegheny, .re requested to assemble at their usual Wanes of bolding CIPOtioll• In their Warns sad Precincts rooectiv -Iy, SATt'll- DA Y, December lOth, 1866. het wren the hours of THRaC and SET rsli o'clock, P and vote 0 , beLot, to nominate a MA Ti iR , DILLECTuIL t. THE POEM ohl WARD nice" hololog sal/ meads; ere Instruct. „ confine the voting to the L'ulon RepubJies - otern Toe following re•OlUtion wee also pewee. itesorced. That each candidate for Mor sod Ail (Arleen nittly the t harrnan 01 the ay Execulce Uommittee on or (attire the itid Mat of tneir •tillogness to abide by the nomination, and chore ailing to comply with this resolution, their votes Lusa not be counted. MAU, ChM..., ecrensty. dell td CITY OF ALLEGHENY UNION ILEPUBILIIJAN rtlThIA/tY ELECTION. —The following ennilidsto having compiled with the resolution LOU order of the Exciutive (tom. trate, .1 therefore notify the facer. holding said electlqh, to be held on Decemi,r OM, lost., to criunt the votes polled for guild candidates respect ively, and to exclude all others, Ott For Mayor— IdailEi 111 c VHJICk.:R, JOHN rdultILLnUN, D. W. dILHHAW. Hy order of JuSIAII Es.. Ohair'n Unic, ExecutiveKlNG. Committee SAX. HAXTIIIIOII, Secretary. deXElXtarae YOU ALDERMAN. FIRST MAUD !M . Th. UP C. C. SEELY A veteran of the war of 1812, WU/ be • Candlate for the Aldermanahlp of the Fleet weld, etty of Ylrtaburgh, at the aomlog eleetlon. sodrespect fully 'elicit. the votes of the etclseos us the ward. decAll.Strsr FIRST w eltD. IW.L' FOIL MAYOR. JU/1N MORRISON 1 a candidate for 1,..4 to the di ayor- A neaheny 7, oubfect the vo.e of the ct adnatlng kleloc, to be held le the cover•l Pratte of t7e ctty, nu r.ATUMMY NEXT. the adth Inst., beturecu the hour. of 1 a,.d 7 o'clnck. dads:tante -FUR ffiA V oi3 D. W. :YLEURA W Lase of the . lieth P. V.. will he e °,en //11.0 lot MAI,/ of Allegheuy Ulty . eite,cat to the poi,oh nom/attic,. n 0.11.1. fiiis ateros. °AMAIN JAJA.,,, zncvluitzit or 'no Third WAN, A. Y, a.n o nat~roe zfivor, to a ',to of the Union ter. or Alleip..rUD 0, 4, at the en•ulny primary teflon petite NzcoND WARD lilOMlNATllulliilL— ihs Union voters thr secant! Ward avid meet at the PU81.11.1 SUiat,, rt. Jattittit, on UN DAY, the 30th inatarat, b,.tvieLtt the flown of raven and eight o'clock r f the putoo.e of ruminating candlit•ter for 4Jounell. an Ward °Moen. By order of [be C:oinualttoo. . _ File /ell WARD IN4I. t'an.ll ctineon of the Ninth Word wt/1 bold r I'ricrry aleettng to NIi5I1• NAIL w AHD t Eli nt Lbe tiCaOGL 11(,17 YILIDAY. Mi. met, between Y end o'e. OW, r. zt. ify order of iLdedgeatte POLITICAL. actors, I. fe.trall•en. of tb• analtioJ lest of said court te .e directed •L .le ,„ her e by pve pub, bait.* to ell per CiaitY./21( La. . er tate:, hp foroltor• arid the e iirticie. er...qierti hire lee In said libel of i• &lancer li.t• c e so t o . eta that they le• Ane novae; bee the a 'rata court, to he ha d et the. PlTrei ltlilf oo the IN I fm7ll Me+ DAT etf.i BY. A. , teen at II c'e+, to me fore , . our+ of Lid day, thee and thee° to loterpidie their ole/haa td to make tb•lr effete hone In ..hat behalf. A. Awn d S. M/tisk/Al. 17. S.'• Orefoa Porratocaost,"l+•o•mser t 4, 1436 . dr28114 N Ew YEARS' OUTS. HOLIDA l GOODS tnACKE7I 3c CALBLISLE'ki GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE THOSE WHO FAILED TO DI Alit '4.41111.1* DI ts PkEnENTs, , CAN FIND A SUPPLY OF lY®w Veltrt.4 - (4i1114 That wi.ll by lISEVUL /tad occoptable to o/1 MACRUM & CARLISLE SUNDRIES ON CONSIGNMENT. .40 Barrels • 7 '• mil t Butter. td 0 dry Pesetie•. 0 o Apples. 3 Dozen boy s. 10 Barrels Sur‘hum qyrup. 060 d Fatuity Flour. 3 Saddles Venison. 110 Barrels extra Nu. I Malt, For sale at 11113 Liberty street. b a y drt. WOI. F. IiFOK X CO. NALB, WITH IMMEDIATE Po.- . SESSION, TEL, PdOUNt PROP/ I. rY, AT WCOON' BIN STATIoNi 01r80, sate 1 .U...1. Mick Dtrelllnr with le rooms and vat.. Plenty of volt water 4,1 0 1 all abet ,11, 14,11 . ,A13 troLa ‘.1.10i/ 1141,1. Depot, A . 3.3ni utre of the sdh.eoldr, a. 1.1. N. 4 Iti ANIJ 0/ 1. Tool. h al nu.: 34 U.... street, Aliezheny. oallazon UvMALLITLE. WANTS WANTED—BALLET IRLB--Svveral Ballet I.llOs wnted .tk tratel.v.itt. tl.e ZANFIIETTA a ELqulre.st k ! . . I El ILI.. dcl7: Ittr • ANTED — THREE OS FOUR GOOD • C:1/(111E10( To CA BHTTHY . NINO ( LIZETTE. Apply at IRIS OFFICE Imatodt ate/y W .NT Tvi' lr D I .Y A C IFPH U I I D . .s. B I;k: A P L E(I.I 6 4VI JO 1:; 4, H HoVj of ge oxen business. Tn on• of nisi-rate ehurioter and estahlished lahuesee with linun,y Trade. Wien. terms I.cult Tall. n dies., with reference, Box UNE Hi'..hill Eli Ais 11 Philadelphia P. U. derti 1 wass A.NTED. A Purchaser for over FOUR lit * Piliti LI/ Alin 1., AYD ,u lowa, or an exchange for city property. The hscsi is in Hamilton euuner, adjoining ebiner lowa. Iti• crwnet Cat be seen .t t he lI AZEITE. °Mee, every day, from IC a. a Until 4 r 4.. de1:11 FOR SALE SALB—DRUG SPORE LIN SALEM, .Itt et...sequence of cur, :hued 11l hea.th rtnet , ol close apt, Ca Llon to busts...• tot Cie ,toner thlrty )eara, no% er 1.,t se,e tne • fOt'D WILL, 1, I't , CIL AND l'l.lt Un.L., 0/ mu Int t'ti the town umbinua , sntoty, Mao. I ',,rupetent Itrogsisti are lo atteuelatme, whose servlc.estaal, •eule,. Phis !koala.. has Poem tonstantl) on the fnete•fe tor opwatds [wont, ears—grow wo.h tho grow IL to Lae plane, has pro ttse.t reasonably prolltaNe, slid plane, e•t .1,.t to Is cer tainly a desaanto uppurtualLy tor a , ny pel.ol shing ettga,c huslacss. tlV43,lwakts ALlti ED With ill VOli SALE—A MPLENDID HOTEL AIA ',HAY STA 11 , IV. The Hotel Stand sit. hated 48 mite. Eats rig talaurgli, on l'eansyl, tifillroal. Alt frets/at train awn east aJ, Went stop for meal.. he bottle has large •t,onase Hbaltr, of the proprietor will not pct.', • ttco.l at Or 1,1 business. Apply or address out. Lay, Ya. P. tl., esti:norms..l WU It SALE —One lA,' Fenn, rm.! BrlCk Hour, on Jac't.or street. ‘, Lis z non, neon -hous e awl warer ru htre yrkra, rand kltgh• No. 'API, ral in good oruer awl Will he eold cheap 1,3 fLAAISLiH r.tt r..etn,c .m.SPnre. Ni. el Iseavcr bt . - VOlt 5 d 1 . 17 .-I,ICIIIL,IVA IC , 1) 311 N NE.,t,r A FAltal.. Vow tr....t.* , CU' ur4t uurittel, u.rent per nut, It aali I..st n" tuerketh nut LOWUS 00.. uulc+. ever: rv.rutte ularrure. u cap p.. • tie ttme the prise. a dOtell • r. J.," Net.una. Ger, Wentillairtott, L. O. trastOr..us . - . NEW Al) VEhTISEMEN TS A GENTLEMAN AND Yr CAN he accomtnoant..l WILII board In Allegtel.y watt tamber •ingle loom or lull 01 rooms lle I. , lnce. elm eace• exam/aged A.4l,ltea•, R , - ' na- STEAM ICI ENUINE WA.NTEI) —Wan VII F. • 'll , l. "IND t.om lour t gta bur.. 1 , t. nl as Ac to go “t‘irt pppl i to UNE , LI... k A\l,&.HJ4,\' TTR , le•ty LA. (,01 1:04 I,lret, ELEC"Flol'i rinnuruleN errs ANTIC IhSOC/A sc tlou for ott , c,te to &rive year, utl‘l he Lett al. the • tte u battitilay eveutug I•ct,e.her Cut:, kY .1.9:e N f 1 LIE LARGLzT VARIETY Nets 'Year 'w Pi.oseu,e; W,•111i. • • HAS. NA 1 C EL:, WATCH s t AN Utr, CHAN A IIBNI.IIE.', J L LA r *carpi =IEEE x • I • •11•11 a••n, Dr, rest., tht. ce! • r) .3th. ISna, 11.1•11.111• nth til•••1 f , . 1.11 Loa 1....•••• ww.,n nue tt. t to 1. nide tr m •t • cc 1 Ito., the. • • 14, • it .111 r...j111,.. ii i r c Pre. -.,• ILJIw REDI;I WHITE, ()RR 44 CO :31.1/111 U J.-• 4CI 'JP MC /41 A2k. CD 4:411:7 Faith i U I_, A It 2.5 AT (OAT xtd UNITE.. LI Art!, •Ifr. , • aa,trtte rase . I‘ ' IIEHEA: - ., A Libel Lae I..eu the PlatrAt 4 Art ta• ni,ed .acs. 144. Ina 'A est.. I • eannylv•a a 4 0 tat 2 0. 2. ..ay of Decont•••••, I ft . . by bi •rannan IF.ty art": i' i ttleslii• , 4,1 et. 2 ,• ••11 / 4 44 riot, atieglatt tad •al4.riztAg. aubatanca, La, Ott th. bth dr) of het A it tt.• F . . 1) of Zile, toe Nronno•r Fi 0. • tqaw•4•l4. art ranao, tanale,•sl.arel 004 Irstotture. woe artset. by toe t r ettect tt of toe pont.. Az 4 l., a. lerfettro to t he roiled ta• tact Thornton traa mt., at tiottrae r•tdeetzttr• and It tti• time .Are the e•u•••of fottettora wet.. colue.tttc., ha1...1 schooner Is • •••••. orbit.. by It 110..1 tae 01:11te4 Stale., and Mat no th• -d.) ,•• , Lotto, loft. eogye.l to eontmeren on Lake f r .,' e and utnet faints. and on the ricer% a rd ri 1 / 1 .1 . 1 ett chone. ennnecttag eau, tale . , Ct.: of. the , aohnooer• wit on the - day of, 'nen v... contr. .• to 1 ...1 port Or k.Srt• -- car. article. ant prot..lll .e sand hoer furry , acnbeel. end toot on the andel,/ Cl beloi4 •CLOOE at 1 ,- le. hr 1.14 Nattn.trl 'rote. fnlre/ to r.t. .dtt Bald ar - tleleta and ['rotten) &apart of 150 earn, If raid reseal to lite Ouilettot of tb• port of Sat. rid praying to: the roa.rone and causes eat lot tl t tenon tn aard oundent•allou of ea , . ehooner het tackle, apparel lutotturc •n.l rt.< as ocruttlooed therein, and due peolorre of th, Old court Soto, titer under the. ilve,ed I d GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF NO. 19 flrrß STREET close out .II our FANCY ART NLW MARS' DAY, w, IV P/FTLI NTIMET, K. LI. I.i.UK Y NEW ADVERTISEMENTS you CAN DEPIEI ,, I)ISi'6N G ETTIN BARGAINS TO-DA & T4l-40R 1110 WV Shellaby Barclay'l REMEMBER They are taking their ,Innua Inventory of block and wiU Clone Out their Sfock of WINTER GOODS GREAT SACRIYICE 1 1 #114.11>.i!.: (,1 ltk )•1111tuti H t , BALMORALS HOLIDAY RPESENTS CLOSING OUT AT GB.EAT BARGAINS SHRLLABY & BARCLAY'S IA and 76 Market Stret 3E1,014 COST. HOLIDAY BOOKS AND ALB" CLOSING OUT ALE At Prices Below Cos LOMAIENCING THIS ➢AY JoRIS Y ;ITN': et et, liwols, a. s .op,l an: \;v• SAFI h 13 I ..,- ..: IG- _INT O 0 071 ct 0"7 JP 11" a la IS troo• THE BIG WINDOW, aiS asacil 07 MMITIIa sEliri-crot THE ,()M 1343 nad 07 /PIS* vx-e, ..r 1”ano, ,11/. • au.: ever . dr•c:lpl IVO. ca. ala a 3 t r o A c ;•arsaon of quality aCA 1• reaPa.t.n.V (411 and arc Mc 4CIeaIIEVICLCVJEO dell. RE.DucTioN 1 PRICE (T Cary)ems. 11 to taLo DO, 4tttill•• tOTOOt ,1 itoklllti, pUtettAttelt for Sp! . IOC tre Cc.. lot iIVE,NTI Liberal Concessious in Prices on our Choice and Extensive Stock of CARPETS. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, VIVIA DOW PifilA DE 4 6, Damask, Rep and Lace curtains , U/It NIUE, TOSS t LS. L a. BANDS, EU/011111K nastom•r• LO evoke H. Lll/A.l PEE:4;IO, of perulauent value at a very mullet to expense. 111LPA1{LA NI, a t/OLLINS. 71 sag Ti rum tom, Neil boa. to the Pa "UK &HMI bIENS HAND uah TAt.NED BOOTS, or.LY THEE,. Di/Li-ARS AND A HAL .11 1. ...4 I jti , Cost $5, to Make. For asie UN LY ec Met L EL LAND'S I.IDPUItIVit NU4. 55 a 51 1 , 111 , TH STR Lk. r PITS 12(1 II , 1 A Gum Shoes at New York Prices. r ) tiON.R - AL6.-7 hone who may he tits posed to (tut:Wl Hickory awl Oak Wood, Coa or :Strew, for the use of the troops at th Dotted Stew. Arsenal, are Invited to lonve,sale. Prrivdrals at the ttuarterro.ter.a WU*, cur ar In. fore the 00th DAY OF DECEMBER.. Nab, 1•r upwal. ot.o swim.° am one or all of the above at Dole. (or out, year, cometeoclue ea the Is day of January noxt. h. tome fit Oak Hmkory Wood to be separate by the curd, to to tlo del,vatentractor. N d and corded at the ‘ ,7 "'iv") by . coo Mtgety tt w tae r...teed t.. 1 by the bushel aito Saw by aLinodreg pounds, •houla be Matt/miry stated. Security will be riqulrril for k prelorman, or contract., nod the L, of accurtu ahould he mentioned lu the prommals. ISAAO A RN(ILD. A. A. q. 112 quarterinsatrrla Utllc•, Allegheny Arsenal, It e camber Idth, dei7 • 01/ ICIEVUOC, WEBTIIIIN I'l., PI, 67 Fourth St.. Plitaburah. lit cumber:l2d, 1065 THE ANNUAL hIEETIN(i OF AFtLE Clootr.butore to the Hesse of Refuge will be held et the 08. 01 the Institution, N 0.62 Fourth ilLt. , L.!Pictaurgh, On MONDAY, the let day r Cl January, 1.1360 between the hour. of P nod 12 &Meek, to hear the Report of the Floprd of Rau, gem and to elect Mickn for the enstflaL yaw. By order or del2:l yd./ J. H. D. SI REDS, Sec retary. 11..ZUBINE88 NIGHT SCHOOL—Ziecuod Term mid commence JANUARY 34. 1 / 4 66. ltdoma, VENTRAL WW SellOOL !WILL/tr. SIP, Poet. Liftice. Terms, for three months, SIP, In Ad caeca Book-Keeping, Peconanehlp, Arithmetic, ho., tamelit by p sawed account...M. Apply early, cm rely a limited comber actli to, re. ea; wed. Addrea• U U (T,JOI:IRAN, late opt. Duff's Oclleite, and now Book-keeper at In. A. Fahneetock, Son it Oo'a. de2B.IWA $9, 00. $9,00. Look out! .1.0 oat bent Inr ton aa,a gOOll French Calf Skla mall touf nine oen. r .. DANIELRHEA. - No. as Stalk circa •-- • - . . ur ult . & _ 150 Barrels fresh pack etl white lime lot Isle a, 186 L.ht 1.:3. street, W/1L Y. & NEW a 1%" 7 ?" : ' - 4;14,FNTS. NEW ADVERTIi,'FIIIENTS LLOH .5 • FIFTH STE.SKT PITT-M1 . 144;H, l's OCALPOCiTY.D BY LOWNLAiIIE (TARTU Of W. kin 4, I! , TUE I Mutt, ram T.. 1 I, • pra,l . I 1.,U, h.., MA :a Awl , and N "En,. vl Book W~WM, compr,Lhesll.4 •f r•I tbst. th. nett., at Se,L. tt. Kt.+. in Ina of,- tgbi conalats of own• Irma • trxer• ar r : r ww • • ,alla wzMI.II b 7 fhww• dfdarwmt lAA., .1 old I, e Dedlt• teed t y ten. , i,der•r i t riery.iele, exhibit it, the trerteror iir old pew pear.. Its with the iqtr , eleco.. ono portlier , ar.. le , I IlutrstiL, Llee Ply n.. .1 TELL, th• r..... t. TI M. ITtlulno.. kr. ; t of tn• p.T•ers.l bokrit., f r IL. ti.~ fM. purtner• nal y, thr. T.Trtlmaent of Part”oembip Book. by With rl a practlued , 11,11.11.bg U. nt,sl.l by Ly,ry. A rortifying Deranged Double-Entry Books, : . ..... b hel x, e nvai •pecta y , ... 4 ca r t o lens.Tlle In or Ines konml.and . Theo learner /a also exer• e•-.$ 11.041 t % as , , d 4 l , 7ultu 9...aticat,.. The I.ra.r al ii.r.t.• of WA. W. 6 , 1.1.—as nra all Prectue.....t.u.l bia .f Mlwt. R rrtaklug . . , of ,ular ~P urse l.tar./1.-.• 1•:, • of ay. Lectures upon Rook-Keeping r rt.1,a1.,...,4 .11 tall- bu ws 1/1 trr.l,. Leo - lures on 'latrines* Subjects I um/ler/tit /lank ..rolee Our Ito Oroa4i Book-Keeping' I=l I . l'st - cite Ittssak Books, le nvn suur tioOk-keepitair • •A . ti... 1. I I ..k 1.4,1,11 p.r .r. R . 1 , 61.1. L ILL-L t•. l'ea.g. I,L.Altz, I Ina' EL..* LALLLt • ;•ar•L •..', rvArorLl lan at alx huttelr..l tout • u.{ r• LA, • Atr;gtual AnA;tt.A.ll., hAn..ll t.• DUFF'S BOOK-KEEPING, }.„, Yuma,. Eta ...I leykmilem gm A lIPCP rtiC Lc !I ELL! La. ,Ivlrtng Lmrtgawril.J. tb• chatmr.tes r 1-4 arplaln. Luau, olrup EL)II,,ND.II, licity " Ya.m.a Pant '6.11 rtr.rt, Y Y rmn4_ " t'- fIAIOTEAL, rpm ;dee( 11.3Wattaa rN• .umor Ea vrur It of We ktbd I have eve I•l4pd m 1 , 10" fn halt (Ito (Imp I , tt ILttrutr Otte ay.t..a In. tudtvt •u(, . t maw. • ..4.11 tug 1411, vott..tt tto J It. ( OMPTOI , I, ash., itagva Batik. I...,kport t Jo. : ~ t n1, n .L, . r..i.. that I hay, tn. JoIIN .sNY C•abint Dank a littatnErgL. ••I..ta wu Iwagaajwnwuna as • castabant work As an extensils• Own. Nmenran •nd Enrolees klesenant, lista , has burins thstepe• &stun 01 the business taleut. - JOU N II lIN 11.1 M, li seen., t, Nu. h South street, N. Y. • 51 r DOI i• • ntat of rah, onalsdrall••• far JOUN TA 11.4)Ll, Ilerrimt, wo• .tenet, torle•ms. tl 1 - .1,1,1 I. a ?nen haat ta. firat J LA NI IS. Gaut, Naar Orlon. ...r,. ta..or,ell. ppd.., air •vaty t•sprtmat•• , l by trmtio• ,f r • -tttut authority art. tioattneat, axml tat, 111 A ELEK M. LEUPP, E ,, P01.1, ill EHMIIITII, IWHERT KELLY, np.cleJ Commit., of th. ('lsountv, of CorLuveron. j Er trnet rt.ta, a.. )1111311ra I P Kuhl' EK 11. W ETMI'RIf, Bncr.tory. l%krututtt.. tu.naltuutudy nbotor lb Proton 1.1. utility of Ole truprs.feal moth..) of in Mr,. Dot" QUILL/ON J LKKLX,, E..rordin ol Ma A tuorlt.ao LKMtut. o.NI I. II II LLATIi ♦ /lout. y 111Jrk pub! 30 1 .( •ny r •Ine n• ths Ntesit J r J ALLI:On. 1/.41r, t• nv stracarr Vortune. p I, 143.1t0 of Z:tra 's Accounts C 111:11311/1, Tu. rorrl cupt.J : actuner Nashrllln. F., A:. I:DIT.UN I.Vrr Steamboat Ilook- Keeping", .d IP slty gutli r • 1.744. • ~I t'LIICLALS e ttt, r ILtt.l. ria I-Iv .. . Olth tvoi :Le Lt Let. In. tLI ete.tzt.t Si. ant t matt the 10g, :arta ttlra..ll,l Pratt, Dr rt • At cs ity a the PENMANSHIF 1,111.5 T ,1314 n, 1, •1 1 111, wt I • /'.., . Info Int) , • f 1 4 ,•i11a • I 1,4 port.rlosa,vo ,an f•acvllbil by nhean ilNnr Poi obbrbb fnaffms... All Ills of bubo:. tal ilbeagus nn, orb wad tease j. Alerfbrrnaboni .. The i•tr We•c.rn P.faue , l•Able Fe,r nvudei blai St. Assmr Panasnun In all brinab.• of the art.—oh. bbab/ 44ufernal V VII. TERMS s La Graduating t..onn, tfinn onllmetad....6llo M 4 4 , 1 numonory, (cating r V 60 erged rdttkon of I , ntf. Book • k00t0ng....... I 75 ta lauk• so. naula,,f no. ot gra also paper, oTleruled. with talbeta of assalliartoa an , ior. eau, rho gNol-n1 vt ki tho ng rhireiturA NT' AI)VA NTAGEM : RD .ftl , tent et V . Weal— • par D aps ehe Ow i t n aA. DoT. Of/ran Oratt-Ita ts , 4,(pelallraantli tb. yo, y.rt n.,ber .t 0,a...-.46190t by tit+ tathat atta ,t atrit, r a4bil wank mawf 4.113 alb A rt.tag • annat to ci yetis loara. tab. a sant% ..(0j flf h toot, ovO `N. A dlrlattxt /1104 air wit and to taronatd, itO , as an aucantont, Kr Fur OS •rsat 0..• Vetrt Permian allatoun and .tjaV i rt r l b lnirCoak, 2.5 cox. fnr postecs, P. DUFF it SON, Principals, 11=21 FOUNDED IN 1840 THE: 0:111.1i RtiSTITI."PION Slocik nook, Partnership Hooks Pr*aal c Ltd Ktr Sln4-Ie Ent ry 4; Plonk ■ (losing Books IltexinrAn Form k Brcsiness Leiters Il•.i grl L Litr, falinrvlt •,..4 • 4... r 4 ".1.-6,1,7 fornm ernes I /A/ tr r.tm th•L pea.l tbo ,•t.l wr. t.t n t tsgyal. 4 6 Lb, N .MITI: na t.. Assul..r Nerd Bank, N T JAB B kRIBRAY, Prost.l,:ti L. haLd-n Baol, Pittfilurgh IN, Morchaot ' No, 0.. Yrout scrawl, 11. y Th na charming Instr.:dents are fast attalnioC the moat tattering popularity In our Intv and Vt• r .. l 4,:o ro d o s . r..g . viir t f e a . p: i sa . ve.in th tcd ...r.roribozdatd, over the country-. :. Hand the • w Ivlloartos partial Wt of those of oar own citisso oo aro toting the MASON ta /AAA LIB tIABINET OfttiAN. =ay. W. D. onward, John D. blellord, Z. lianas, Capt. T. J. Brannon, C. N. M. It until, T. Balm wall. It. 1-. Norio. Wm. A. Horton. T.A. Raba, F. Rohm, R. Id. Coat. Abditn McClure, has. J. S. Travaill, R. C. L0° 1 . 1 . , Woe. 00111 ngwood, Rev. 1.. R. Ma Ahoy, Ciao. B. Anderson, I. R. hennoca, James U. Loan, Wm. N. t dplan, I E. A estervatt, JAI. Relswy, J. R. Montag; W. B. Hays, M. In. Brown, Rau y Richardson, .1. IL lohnstr a, FL J. Lynch, Re.. Jr. Rom, rnls Sheppard, Wm. ,i. Mel)/ tug, N.B. Nakao, W. a. 8102mo/on, Geo. F.. ILewer, Alt.. 01 Metcalf, Mts. r. Breading, .lapt., J. N. Arentlius, ; A. H. Brocourt, 'I ao. McFadden, Thos Ewing. Rye. r. McGowan. John Lloyd, Rcv. W. A. Pasaay.t., 11. F. Brown, A. B. Itut/eds., J. dl. Pope, a c., es., A. &a. • • la made With train ore a trkYlve stops, with fr , ”44 one to lit net• of are at pnee• rangiai Irvin SILO to 111.000. Thar aM. mule lo greet varie t y of :trotter*, to •ust sor room. FOR YOUR FAMILY, OR A CHURCH NO MORE APPROPRIATE PREtEAT a.ELI3XIV-MIT COMI.Ci-Ak.24lr. New Stock Jugo , Received Charles C. Mellor, l'lrrtittl;WiLl, IA ritE 8 01.35 AAPEZirr Fuit WEST Mt I'&NIN A &Willa &war HOLIDAY CCILIJIIIN, A CHICKERING CHRISTMAS GIFT the (ore Bray •UO T l l , lllE4l' ere ICfi Eli iebrots. TII AL.I-irati3 etym. '•I conaider idiletterind te. Sens' Plinos beyond inipatteen to the best I hive eves seta In deter lea, 13 firriCHAI.X. n/ consider ()bickering • Sind', Flan. impostor o way In the world." 047E13 L.l says: "1 t...;lere 11., :0 every 1,n,, or your rum.. Ott tnperior to any 1 here ever teentil an sent try or Europe " tay•: • "For YO/11/a0 sod nns quality of •tnne, With nimsty of artlenletion, the t.hiekerlng-Plauos are Unequaled " iiIUZZ/0 eayx: ./ consider your Pianos the finest / have aver played soon." IttMEOCK says: • • ter are the •ser both (or instnitnenl al, per. ,u.: far s,o,te.paorale the voice " DE LIAM ••y• No p•rlormar Oen (or Otter ln•intmeat to Interpret /slit Muslaal feeling. " . 'FE/EDDY/1 says . 'lke Cklekertne Plano in not only' Lle most pert, et for instrumental per/urn - fasces, but ithso the beet a./apted to rno•I execution.•nds•rest for the cultivelion hod preservation of the voice." • Splendid nftw lot dust received for the Huntley trade, sod for sale ►t reatory Prices. Every Piano Warranted for Five Years. CHARLES C. MELLOR li 1 Food Street Musica! Preseritt, Childrens' Melodeons, Violins, Violincellos Fr. 610.00 1.0 SW. Guitars, From 71. caata "Mole Front 76 vast. CO 01,1,3 Aecordeons, torn 113,00 Ittusio Folios, For holding SLaal. Muria , in iaxlona styles of binding from 16 matsto 116,C0. Home Oirole. A cplesilld collection of Piano DI worth 1118,09 for ini,TS. Silver Chord A allot. o ollution of Popular goal., worth &lAA for 1111,1%. Shower of Pearls, A floe eollooi lon o! Dootra, Worth $15.00 for tile. Operatic Pearls, Coatelning seine from the most falrorl Over., worth ire" for UM. Gems of German Song. • • Conisdning the choicest •n.iu.n Soo., rub English words, mortal 816,60 in, The atrov• honk. can *leo be turatahe4 In b&nd sell. cloth gilt binding at p,50 FOLt SALT BY CHARId C, RELLOD, Wood Street, 9 Present Worth Giving; is A MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGAN. 7' IRE C4lll .Ir.Z 2' OttG er.r A MUMIICAL . FRIEND A SABBATH SCHOOL. C . ould ba found than a . 4 7 , 480.11' S 11.9.ZILLX" D.ALL AND SEE THE .ro. Si Wood Street - - I NEW vgwrzstmErrr NEW YEARS MtRNF To Make YoOr Wif A PRESENT Wheeler & Wilso SEWING MACHINE Orders left With is dull!! this wc•"ti will ue primptly at tendfd to, and the ihtehin. • will be heat home eir/y Ne Years Morning. From s3,ou j,, w,ov. From ki os La 00,0 t, E. P. CARPEVFER, FrOIP 6, 0 0 to •60 27 FIF H *TV. tET, Fran $l,lO LID imiu,o. Ma , 1t t la deertJaal SA WI Eli' Pure Ambrosial Vegetable Compound, RH SHAVING AND THE AIM' A (rest American Diicbvery ..':, No other Soap, foreign or domestl4 - 7, has ever been altered, whuh!rueet• the public wants as com pletely as this excellent Compound. 7..ltui far Its screen Is unparalleled, and n new hide ter to take precedenoe at all others in the megket Sold by the Druggists, Confectroncti and Gro cers generally. A directory le given, below at eome of those who are engaged in selligg this *o pener Soap, which:will • .rear partlesithroati and at borne, who desire to order : ..• ' B. A. Fahnestockte blan & Clo, Drugdogistb,Dittabli. B. L Fahnestoce A Co., -- do B. E. Sellers A Co. do -.. d o Pk °Weide a Wase4, doY do Macketowa & Btu., George Bassett, do, S tlo o Miller &Atieketson Grocers, Watt A Wileori, do Edward lieaselton. do J 0 h n,, L 1CT??....., ',L.° . ~ do Long A Duff. do '-';' do ateymer & Bros., Conlectionere & Frulteepre,no George A. Kelly, Druggist, Alieghany til.,:. - "--- ---- .. ay (..... Tlerlinn & Getty, Grocers, do John A. Scott, do do .: Schultz., Son & Co., do do H. aA. Onraon, do do ; Lewis, Bailey, baba!! a Co., arocere. StC&rP.burit. lioppook, Glenn Zs (Jo., Grocers, New l'grk. Win. Curtis, Odd Fellows' Thall, PhiladeVna. Hinman, Rose & (Jo., Commission Merchants, Oht. cago, ill. - John Ilompson & (Jo., Druggiat•, Bl ot/Ada gton, 111. D. Ttdball & Co., Druggists, New Csatta, Pa. Wilcox & McKinley, do do .. T. A. lionaphreSs do do ; J. M. keno & (Jo., Grocer; Toungatown.,Ghlo, Kidwell & Son, Druggiats, Washington Cldkp, A. c. 3, (J. Acheson, Merchant, Waahington, Pk. D. Dibert, Merchant, Johnstown, Pa. 1. A.S, S. Small, Merchants. York, Pa. I.' Shinier & Frarer, Dlerchnnta. Rai risit es urgiiPii. Nbit. h Lewis, Druggist ., Indiana, Pc . a!: de= ...-- . (.BT THE. BEST ! t.. BRADBURY. NEW YORKZ. bCOLIACKER CO„ PELI4A., TARIsIBEtsONd BeiARDEdaH, GRAY, and -- cuinanws JURY'S, ,Y . THE • &ley & co.'s tottage (him. AIVI.E.RI(_.I4N ORGAN. Pronouneal by the be,l judges to be the mast per tent Instrument of this kind to the woekt, Our Plano. hoer uo sups nor as to poses pu rity and equally dl tone, through work,esiiiiktip, .and durability. The "American Organ" Is fully equal to tie beat rranufactured In the eouatry. The •' Cstey Co.'s Cottage Organ" is a dour era In the I:to:age or Parlor Organ.. By patoqt ar rsagement of the reeds, the addition of:Zs pat ent ...nal sub-bass, a tarn two stop iernel has as tuuea p.or cr as biao l'hurah Urgaa. mwt Hie laze frizizao • -it He red r z tt was assanlid the first premium dver a riveire-stop Organ, stifil all oumpez Huts, r 3,1:. •at tl l / 1 0. .truss (I. r lestrumeota, of Ozrery asaeriptiob, for Hrs.. and Cornet Band( 'At re dared pneea. -zatisfactlnsi guarrozHeed. Musical Good.. of every variety, eotutant.l,Y an beau, at the boatel Vasil peters. lista/Logi:Ma and circulars tarnished or, apyljtea- Ulna. WiME.LINK et HAAR, No. 12 St. Clair Street, PlttsbarglL:Pa Cer:4l TIOLIIJAY airre, Year Meade will appreciate al CARPET STORE, IPourth Street, Mosaic and Abnivui t . ter Rn4s ELVIE'r &BUGS Embroidered MIL o Coven, iblb.c.ibsZamlaiarx Ibiza to VELVET HAiSOCKS eLha ovary daaerll..l A ofAE Pk: I IS THE Tr,nE
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