t l 4 tliA ESTABLISHED IN 178 t itch vittsbur g h 051stitt. la toe two attics and vicinity, a numbet 01 out *Wm:einem may fait to teccivi the pave:. it eiy .t.n sill leaVe ttla mhireas at thts ollice. payee my served thresh ter. ci rir II EWES r;I:T.E'N./S CD CZIPL.L.33GVEI NO. 31 FIFTH STREET PITTSBURGH. i To the Voters of the First Ward. A 111.- - i gtteng. We would calf the attentive of the friend , of rITTEIDUROP, December TT, 1805. To ii,, m‘rri.nrs .., M0 n 0 f. , ,.,r. e j, tee,,,,,d OoL D. W. Megraw, to the fact. that certain ear• Slates . the having had the ward tickets pnutmLihare. for Aa many of you have friends and relatives who the purpose of dee/LT. I .X Cot. Menotw, hinted r.:s denten a practical business educetlon, We desire to ' name Ai IL 0. :Iterate, which of course wotud direct your •ttenlion to our burinesseard in net be counted but be thrown out at the clueing el other column of this owe - . Our est , bilahmenat hay. the poll.. The Intention in to J•lraud Lim and by leg bete foanded by our senior principal upwards this means defeat him. We would advise his twenty-gee ,aar. ago, with the accumulator (treads to be careful that the name be 1. - talt experience of about twenty twarv . previous am. I correctly upon the ticket they vote. h:nio. It ployment in extensive domestic and foreignl eth will he had at the " h. ' Steen, and having had his undivided attention blat, Ornextee. ever since in perfecting all the details of his lan• of inetrustion and practice, we kale not now to None Eattn off by Cancer earn n reputation for efficiency in any oi the de- I partment• of the Wine. About twelve thousand I have published, several time., some of the students throughout the clay and country limit I mat wonderful cures of LIU.: deceitful Massie, se ample testimony to the perfection of their train. welt ulcerated sore most troublesome skin di"'"' ' "'t d sore legs of long standing. Thos , Ito log for buelness. mar be eutrerlng in that way may rest assure t I that most of such rases are curable, If f roper' • treated end taken In time bly remedies can be 51141 at my Drug Store, 140 WrAd street, or I emu he consu,tril every day, oat!' It o'clock, a , fit my 1 1 private office, 120 Penn street. I 0rtr1510,1•5 —••l,r Keyser I take pleasure to making this voluntary titer...at in rii t your treatment and reetiltine I suffered fo, cider years with Pourer, which ate]ke out ou ml I I tried several sLt Put i•li3 t,tt they Aid or uo goo.. 1 'ens In Ito', 1 s not as locu able lit ti.er 1.4 eat. m I, Ir 4 ft my fa., three parcel, 51 bOne Cantu nut of ay forehead. It had also eaten the flesh off my ekees and neck 1 had given up all hopes of ever getting cured. Illy daruhter lent me a few basil , . of year medicine. I was very weak when I corn minced taking your Medial., but I gained I strength dal y I continued to take It. I I 3i t ales in all twenty-five bottles fir tourer'd and l am happy to tap I am ner'eetly cure, Is a year ainee lam cured, ve I. to Neu re let sane than I nos Ire the k es , pleasure 10 rroolmmending yo trea.tur t t • , those who May be altlmted as I lance ts,t • • • I !eel it my deli to recommend It to oil wt,‘ O.{ STSTBIIII OF BWB•[fIPING 'pen Merchants' and Steamer.' accounts, were • obligated about eighteen years ago, and r.s a 11l be ten by reference to our card. are both sanctioned •) the highest continental authorities both East ad West. In both these works we presented, for •e East time la the history of commerce, new and portent :mar reements in the eclair:ore which later 'tars Lave appropria:ed without the allahtest as , •owledgwent- For Met Ante, our pl.. of chaug. I g e Single Entry Ledger Into a Double Entry one . S neva , before published, either In this country or In Europe, mall It oopearet in burrs Hook keeping. Now we hove it In ...venni nw puls/ww Doc. as n near feat ure It Will it. lu o nnd on co. •Inlnetit u thN• our system of Mercantile Hook heepirg SILL =wine the only one In use that la. eludes spetilleattr and egemises in fOreign corn - merce—without snitch no course of Instruction can be considered perfect. era era A OP rgiernerine, A comprehensivei outline of which will be found in the Col l ege Ciro,lar of 75 page.. Our patrons will fled Gov.-teener. • 'here but whoa are setualls eartied out in uur clne•s.. Not only She record. or butineen, but all the form. of aceounte, note., AO ceptwacts, dreite, bill. of exchnoge. shed., he, treated by the huaine-g, are mettle out by the .lu cent. We a4rerti•e Isahiar hot what w• teach. and pro:lime oar patrons nothing bet whet we per form lot them. rod. r thelmmedists•uperustend,es of GUI junto, Prloslpst, issistett by Mr. c:nllien, of Ohio, biro our students marque:ea advsateges (or be ton:llas tl.orough ousters usooten. Under the aupertntewlenrt Of our senior Plipcl; al, with the sale astistsnee of our Superintendent, Mr. L N. Earner, with seven assistants, here Dever been enoancted with greater e Maloney. Wl.ll be found, upon exeminetion, .0 be lower than those of any other respectable Creamer:lsl College Ln the ...untry. Those who the ge n few &Mors less tuition fee, charge fin or $l5 extra for penmansbrp t whien Is it eluded in our commorrlet end flu so $lO f.t text books sail blacks, ankh our pupils i.rocts-e at booksellers' prices, costing truly Ifs. In coach:talon, we desire to nay to •thangsys, es collsges, like theist...se, ars best known at bomeouquire the reputation of our earth- ItaLme at of uur banks, book-stores, end other b U.% men. As our penmen are not men Of ioi•Urt , we can proml.e samples of their busineth and •r -uarnthtel writ!. g. with our °treater. to those only who 'Melose us twenty . ..the cents. P. Ourr h Soar, Principal. Tile ?Loot Cutup!etc Stack of ruedtalnal liquors in t.e .Ity, at Fiem- Ines Drug sod Patent MedlrOne Depot, No 84 Mat ket street, atd all stock of Patent Medic: cannot he surpassed for variety sod cheapens Remember Ike place, No. 84 Market street, lea there, Brothers and SOUR Si.,ld get a (Boyer & Raker. I=l Col. .1. H. (Mark, of Allegheny Oily, will df /I Per lecture in the Union Bapt:et Church. G. Ant treet, on Yridav evening, liec,mber WU,. flub. sot, Re.astrustfon, Proceeds of lecture lox the benefit . cf South PitisburSh Eantlet Church. Tickets, 60 cent& each Lecture to commence at half pest 7 o'Clock. A Grorer & Baker ‘elli make home cheerful and happ) None but the Grover di Bober Ann Answer for All famslsDessw• Hitter Fruits and bad Bittern. „Invalid rosier, do you know what nine-tentla of the bitter cdikpounds you are solicited by the piaprietora to accept as universal panacea. are composed of I (live need for • moment. Tbay are manufactured from unpurified al rebel, cos.tal c tog a considerable portion of Nati oil, e poison f...mort an deadly as pros.. acid. The basis of the regu lar tinctures of the Mated. Medic. is the same. No amount of "herb ti extract." can overcome the bad tendency of this perrilciotis element. The e.- oenese of Sound rye thoroughly rectified is the only stimulant which can be safel y used as a contra kfmt of a Tonle. Alterative end anti-billions teed leine. and liontettr r's Stomach Bitters Is the only medimoal pieparsilon in the world in which ills artteh is used as an inkredmot. Hence the extra' ordinary effcts of this great specific. It gives strength without producing excitement- No ..the: torte d 0... trio. All the rcinary Bitten lic.c the lace an. '.".cat the brain. linatet ter's Billet's infuse an ewes W.l 0.10 through the nanous scstem prom. tr .flkestion and pioduce alter. No thee tonic so quiekty review the exhausted energies, lest ores the appetlte,sod 'emote gloom and depresslot which always seam ner.lek weakneas of tha bodily powers. No Scia - ilug Machine Will embroider but the Grocer h Baker I=2 a *al. gre, ineseete we call the sti.cetien o f Si, the .apart, .toot of Fail and IC wit, r r.e......;:istiezeired hi Mr. Joan Weict Ilere le an , No. lte Federal street, kneel... 3, .out embraces so= of the earns and mese. bean Wu I Uluthsellaseinstres. irrereL stints end ever browent to Me western market. Hl. au a o,t meat of Furniabing 400de, comprising re.wts. ilrswera, Cellars, Nest-ties, liscekeislair fa. it. want De surpassed east of west. A large stock peady•trvisi Pants, Coats, Vests sad Anent., . AFILISISO be found st Ala establistuneiat. Fervor. want of so g In the clothing line should net a to 510 e .1. rreiel a ChM The Grovel - as Baker We Bleaplest,eheni." "'and best la Is. er.settosi Slate Rooters, and Dealer. In Aterneas. 61.t0 of various oolora. @Jake at Aleasndel Latufhltb's nerd the Water Works. 1 Mahwah. Pa. Ceeldenee. 111 , .. 19 Mr* street Cfrder. promptly attended to. All won arrantod vat" proof. Repatrlns done at the .bonsai 1,50 C, 2, .barge (Or rcpalra, nrostded the rot. , Is bet bused after It la put on. (:eta Grover di Baker I=l= Carpenter Jobblug Shop Lta9lnt returned alter an absence of three year. to the army, f Rave to- ^ned m 9 atop for all sort, at jobbing In Lb< e•rr•.. er Ilea, at the 0141 Vlnrln AiloS, nete.,,rl etrect end Cbmrl o n i." , •d end promptly attended lo Witra•re V Sane,. Neutral Sulphite of Lime sor Praaer stag eider. 101 usla by Charles Sal IP • Druggist, earner or Penn and St.. Olair Wee" Pituburgh. Homo bold VVordit Dthstous , tetreshtee. puefylog, presnoetive, todispeoalble, e xqui•tte, , aro the term, applied to t he famous Soeodoot, to thousands of houtatholda e v e , :a i rt . d7 , 3:, :ne tn i d o. t/b y y: rue,e,,a,u:re neottlrl• en, acttiativ exist In this erendes.... 8213E1M Extracts teeth without path, end exehangee uc W orse. , for tea dollars 14:, 466. 0611 at 246 fenc In= Wtfe of Thomas org alanavan, Dlocknaou.h are, t.. 1 tee- 03 be, bth, Ti etre Is nothing more nultrJ•le fora New 1 c•• Rif', • l• her for n lad. wire or rAtld, than ..c. fur cape, t. vterrnln. nr mutt; IL • r! bet been It costa too 13,1,1 to Lte. P .• PC men her, It is the cno•pest present you eta end to eon. It.ec yourself of the tict, cell o_o lap, Luker h 136 Federal etreot, not s A•6l Int/ their muck awl prises, for they nre selltae at extremely low pewee to close out the entlre flout forget the place, 136 rederst treet, ;le- Well ;metre that dry girth!. are aavanelni st after the dist of the new tear 'hey tv , ll .1.1,i higher, so tl at I.rie Is a 'very gnat tune to make all your frememl.er, yew buy nap article to the dry good. item cheap lb. week. at .Stir 1:51.! A Itaretay'a, toei wir aril To buy dry Root!) cht at', at Sheilah) a Mt. t t l Reed their a ivettimemeot rlerwLe•e. I= Deembir r,. httst hue Montag Li licai.y Saturday tiicemlur ti.ttarL!ay Slated I.,er Moruanot Saturtn3, Deccral.,e,u =E! All the t r .npular make., at Factory lertce., 0.. Dail h earl corner of Fourth an.l Ma' rt itree- I=l EMI= lVh:te Ind Colored. all ores mad pricer o north east corner of Fr unit nad .M•rlrrt ttre A Phil Liat, at reelue.d prices. on t n. h antt corner or Fourth .d Market streets, O. Bassos LOVS. k Coburgo, At roots per yard, athl upwards, on the , :oh cast corner of Fourth and lttlartl&tatrect U. litahrtola Loy New Year.' Gilt!. Maetom te. °allele, No. 19 FULL Wee:. i..e mute a Great Redactwn la the price at Road.; Goode. See A drertisemer.t. Seduced! Reduced All tioltday Goads at Mao- & (i.rlll/e, their advertisemor.T, in to-day. paper. Xnanionnble =ll Lrtior s From The PI "pt.. Ste Saturday bleettlity Leader 1111.1 nUUTB eins. 8111194bitnin ON I.;ontrieLninetr I.•epa. A rent story In tea rif Genea man, t.nn . to :wand of the Depaitmect 4 Cier,.. i A railroad contractor a-ia,w LI ILLI en, e.it• asked fore military force I'. e tit gro to work in repairing the line (tutu saavaul.an to A capita. "They .Won'l work," he t:•.1 mock do yon'ylir them?" asi , ,.l h r•i. el, who had been a reil:nrial contractor bon, boyhood tip. "Ten dollar," 'lk, itruee . eJd - therdmani "yen goalie glee rfl It all . , and ore whether they'll work then. •I utter gale .t man It nn then B:7S cents a day in my litr. I i,it k I could get,a-tnigaide at that price Lye. Toe 1.0 and try it. He went' Tau Corinth (311.4‘) Enquirer, apcal..ng of the late rebels, rry. ••Intothe hands.of these wee the tovernment asi the ,f the South must pass. It in inevitable, an the sooner tha GOSeIIIMC t on derstar.de tble, and it time them fully, the n ~.n-er er will public affaire take deSn.tt ar.d proper ehere. It us nit usce.ary for inch net to racrlflee one lot or tittle of tb• ir prlde or actor; or• recent one word of old pliticol creed..." Ammo the conclusive proofs of loyalty to the United States Jest given by the Legislature of Mississippi, we have the fact that It changed to Davis the name of one of urfo COMILiC6 LI the of the 'State; that it fixed the Coe fed erate gray aft the uniform of the miatia ; that it exempted dliabled Confederate soldiers from taxation ; that It directed a census to be token of “State and Confederate soldiers maimed "while in actual service of the State or Con recess. e States finny," In order that they ma he ;tr.; . et the expense of the State, with artill r-ro Southern learufactoz les ; and that it appointed a committee. with Wu Governor and the Judges of the High Court of Error and Appeals at its head, to procure con. trite:glom for a monument '.'at the capital of the "State in honor of the gallant dead who fell in "the late InaMorable struggle." If these acts do not demonstrate thy.fitnise or the people of that Stitt tO take par ffn the government of the Union, It mould De hard to say what evidence would be atiffielent to establish it.— Chicago Re publican. Hot,ntrro Bade Tim Snout.oarof.—Far a great number Of years, It be, b.. a the canoe, to Franca to glee to young remelts of the earl.•est age the habit of bolding back the shoulders, and thus impacding the cheat. From the oesteva. the of anatomists, lately made, it appenra that tt c.f./tele, or collar *me, la actually eager to fanatics of the Preach nation than those r f Engile).. AB the two nations are of the Cauca • slant race, an there 16 no ether rernatkable differ ence in their bones,,and this is peculiar to the sex, It may be attributed to the habit abate men Livered" whlch.by the extension of the arum, him gradosSi produced a national elongation of this bone. 'Thus we see that habit may be employed to alter and improve the solid Mmes. The Breach bite amseedod in the development of a part ukaaaadkatobealth and beauty. DMLY The Boston ConyregationaUst of lent week punissees the contributions in two handred and thirty 01 the Congregational churchee, toward hr (200,000 church building- fund. They foot sul.t.l.l.llng over 00,538. There ere about 3.00 e ehurehse of that denomination In the , doff), and If - the rest : have done as well as those heard frem, the dealred mai le ;donntlest mace op. The Congregationalist rays! sis to but fa, Leal other cienoininatlons, in Adding of he liberality of this eidlectlinc,'Shotddreember, that the National Alourictl tp called not Only (Cr this E 200,000 for clairch.ballditle, bu also fee , €550.000 hJr home.allsaiark and Arsarin among the freedmen, making 4100,1:100lsi AIM? ' Tue Rochester Di:l64=W of the 2lst, soya the failure o • Marshall. Or ,NOW Mirk. nlw. through hie agouti, purchaaek rt - yrrry large amonot of I,pr:es In that region -of COhntry t has berm an• flounced. Some of hirraganta in that land ad- Joiinit conuttes aro ruined - by ,the operation. One of them before taking_ the' for. Ma rshall. war worth at least tiV,^ooo. Rafael ovcrp do:nu if hit property, and will thou be largely lavoired. Many fanners Who trusted the scoots lot e the price of their entire, crop. Some of the country banks, It 14tuiderstood,haro en =pleas ant amount of this apple papar,which Wll lock a portion of their capital for a time. tho' 25th, ti party of forty or fifty aoldiertAbloptuf ,tcrthe 5d..13,41- me it of U. ti. olintcefs, tieing In- Pam: d with 1,1;117t tho enlafxmaa, and relearn.; or!' . of t 'eit"ecnikbadeis bad been confined therein. enbaccnontlittity created a row with e tinene, In I.hlctt3irlenhata were tu•ov.i. in proturnon, and abofit forty Ailing were fir, J. he ringleadcr-of thordirildieni, named t'l,2'e, I erklea, on- killed, and . ..as - era) persons •nore or 0,0, injury: After tr.o death .. rilaWacti. •:' Tun total come vote at . the recta; r l election heal .ts ,1`.001140 for Member of Congeals. Nana 5,907. 0: these, 1,00.> R. Aably, Republican, !decreer, s.ac.l cater; R. K.. Mitchell, Democrat, 7,215, nun r firma A. trucnner, Itcpnolizan, 1; Anti' •3'e majority, 1,475. bahley bud a tuajor• $ 5 cell • uscupt Churchill. The letter Cf ,. ...2ty cave, Item ref', a arajonty for the Union rt or orbt 1e 1-cajahature, which, therelore, le .011d:y IiKURITT 6111 Th ban finally commenced his libel not afiron•t the Chicago Tribune, tying Ills claorn.; .a at :1.50,000. "Flo' suit to outernd iu the Uird.ed State. Cirealt I.ourt. to fore J 13,100 DrUalUtiOn.l. -51 r. Snuian w. writing /0 forego tee judicial i.r.rceedlngn if the 7'riblene would ptd.lich a retraction Ciciated by himself. This the Trubltne t,, do, preferring ho fight it OM Pia tt.t cur, la. Wit_.oN, the murderer, eboae brultd and im penitent conduct at I, IS recent execntiot at Gen ette. New York. hae deseribal in our Ole prat he., acknowledzed en the e , :affel..l that Lc klited Lewit. to Lapere.ter, Ohio, abotlit a a year .ince, and eantenzed to other tritnca of the kind conimated ;a New York Stale: Is 1 , 64 19,147 eruigranis arrivod ht Can i rida Iron: Fittrupti. In 11,565, up .0 Wedii 01 IWO ago, 21,3:15 hail ensue in- a•. ILA:reuse of 2,30 S Or, Litu lorruer star. The 1 "row, itouttr is raioirvil at tibia increase, but he wells the feet that nearly al.-1 , 573—havo left the .Province for the Uutital mnu n. THE aII,iOALo, Anye that 011 has beet “/Ueli on Duck Run, is Snot° county, et the depth of L,ne husid.ed end eixty !let, end the wt ii to )icitlio{.7 11. no hat r , •te per day. 'there ne,cen to te a ~ ,Idernble in-vital of later. et fu the o I ru.ln 1001 portion of the 6 nte 1 in gr. at tclot e.l Iturnintatna 1910 lowa dln It tie 10,1 'a, mouth., ban CanSed an ad vat,ce oi 02.11.1 thni , ar oh tla.net land, In Mint... r—uuty. t,anc late,. states that roCOLo, at HO to 450 per area. Ina 1 1 . rhos, (Unto). 'soon sash Joseph a, 4o 4 elalltapainn (00;.1,. Oalo. tlo, on the ntstant, at the age of nee '.[la.ll - tO and don, Nina. ELIZAIinTIi IIATE, d e.d n't ht. Lonts on the 17th egad 100 y,art. 2 taohtint, and 20 date. Tan mayor or It churned, Vs., tins lesnoi an order CIOn IL all ha'-room• is / St ci , .ro 0 I it a at tWait. Ileigaam wEld FT2IICP 8 nee tt e demo of Ku c L , npold tonal:lt:rat!, •,71.rrhette! ,, rilintzlnra COOreTtlai the nes,us of Frarce toward that country. The Idea of RI:Inv .. .IA ion bee= to have Doh mooted 03 certain ectn, .)216.1.1 pot nr In Frshee. •ho pre leas to I. at I ,ngriiiteU hood ground., it eertair rather VItIYI2I,,S ter :coed:to:J. In the Bel, Unanit. , h r urging to Fran. , the ' , litvatioe of eot te.i • ' Belgium, A rorre ,, inudruit or thy I. n Herold, after Makin;; eillat,MCULtgeljai la DO nat. 1,411,. flush ,te•t , c er !11, • rni or am. , o fa la •op v thl. Nob o at.? in loan, mane peo ple agree' a lg. NI. Dt•rl ern . .., the, I, e l t , on :hat England bunt Clarciadol at the; For emu r tEer we aid met a net [Ong hot 'to • teat were the Ernpuro., I, order to earn tae glut, I r ID •'lt annex them, and tba.. soaent Her, Pon Biemank to: ahnb a pliihk brand elorehend, Other. 10ge... the Kaapi ri r a hot Phil) to venture on any putt I.et; -u work; but Lie groneda for U....tr . belief la 1.0. t. 1.11.1 Eulrcror haa grows It.. foe d 01 care oil run the risk of Mink:lug a hortn'a tie-t s'o•ut 6u tar.. Ail thole etcctllatto, mpg !•, but me bow Karin and Bewail. are ;net tAtiglng of nothing Ladles' %kstong Co,tsors A C‘Clapct.t ntablority.%oultzg of t I. ions Cl I.ket,ng iay• N., decisive Clidl.lQC el tinpottat..•, - in Litt; tatW na elf toOtdiKot . -hate t t : Lent • at, present season, and It to pr.,bab.e that the •tt i ee }last year 111.111/Kfiol.l per. re.l. The dr , es will ..1 :at: Turkah or ilioonattr Cr'iliat little K Jacket, logt 'eb o rte, ae,l high team ',tatted sap The res., ;at fret sr' boots aid tranuod with !hr. rat,- 'i'4 nrefirred. A e - r) t,. - r..; - roe., and ,me which prohat.ly welt ut ..t t rtl 11topOtti, Is formed by the hew .cartel, ban:Dora shirt, tight•tittltig lois t rive. Ponce ts - ots end Deny hat. The ut.oal cx10.1.5 of non--conformity to I;tre grt.:• d rtylcs may, hew. ver, be expected. Few -*diet. ~eet.. a c.o stderahle degree pinactent lb the net of ekettog, mire to reader thane sea rhnsplcnous ty dressing it, costal:4e; sod ae there I, still a numb, •of the.n who have not attained I bat arcomplishment, street toilets at the skating part. will hot prove inticomint,h. tioirethinir has been desh nen in the nature of a hag In which to carry the -hates, MIL the uselmts arlair Froltaloy will net, be generally adopted, Aa ENAIdII.K en M man -Queen Victoria, when at home, regular) , teaches p Sunday Httitt tel .d &hie elate for the benefit of those residing in the palace lord Its vicinity. How at tentive she her ewe ttitititi Leap he in lined from a late pleasing circumstance. The Archdeacon of London on WIC occasion was eatechieing the young Princes, and, being nue• a • the .I — ,:artv •If their en,wera, Said tit the youngest Prince, ' "Your Governess , descries great credit for instructing von so thoroughly In the catechism." Upon which the royal hoy re sponded, "Oh. but It to momma who teaches. es the catechism." Anny American mothers may rake a profitable hint from this queenly practice. A New Fasittortnit Soon.— A new gtylp of *bee is v•ortl in New York city. The Invention to simple. The upper part ol the boot or oho to cat nut In almuAt ordlaary fmblon by e reg ular ahoemake. The axle and heel are made of hard end are Joined by a oblak of s. le. teethe, w hlch eit et all needed elks ' Unity. The upper. use fanteneJ to the sole by thee band of Iron, which encircles the tint of the attic. and fastens tune. and upper together In B manner tar more effectual than any sowing - can do. When put together, the shoe makes n hardsorne appearance. and la LA light as a leather shoe of corresponding slots. The heels arc cOmfottalAy hollowed out on the upper side, end the soles have the proper curse to inward easy walking. Mat ■t Clarkvllle, Tema. Cksnawsuw, Tenn., Dec. Dn.—A row occurred n Ch r btmac nwy nt ri name drunken negro sal diem end citizens. The policorselt interfered and ttrock a near., soldier with a Club. The ne gro restated, using his bayonet. A crowd gath ered and Mlck Cal My, formerlya notorious gue. r drew a 'evolver and urea Iwo Shots et the eoldlere, who thou fired into the crowd. Two whit, men were *rounded and one soldier Major Bond, agent of the Freedmen's Bu rean promptly gnelled the disturbance, sending the eoldiers to the fort, bet they soon returned in large force, and It threatened to tree sermons affair, but as Carnly Lad eteerisnd nit of town, It noon quietest down. All han been quiet since. No fears are entertained of another difficulty. Failure of W. ii. Crosny CHICAGO. Dec. W. 11. Crosby made all assignment yesterday. Liabilities between 400,000 and rbo,ooo dollars. Crosby's Opera House Is advartmed to be sold under ■ trust deed, on the oth of Mareb. PITTSBURGH PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, -1865. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH Our Special Dispatches. FROM WASHINGTON REBEL OUTRAGIit , IN ALERNDEIN Report on the Freedmen of Virginia JUDGE SIIISH AID THE JEFF. DAVIS CAISF. - Prevention of the Cattle Plague. TRI el. OF A MEL PRISON NIIRPRR 1=M=2!!=:::! Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette W•IMINOTON, 1:44,0.1ber 58, 1936 r=l Th.. Ita] peopto of Alexandria are petitionirg Deuced' Augur, commanding the Department, for an additional' military force In that city, to protect them against the outrages of returnsd rebel soldiers. They represent that It 1% dor - gerous for Union men to pass air re the street at night. psTxmcmwmir7smwe•P=sm=n Many of the most prominent eitis.,ins of the place are active advocates of the scheme of !r -enaming Alexandria to t. District or Col umbia. They seem to tear the result of Beer n stinction in Virginia, and ore delerminell not to sutimi a sin to rebel rule. They think, too, I et the prosperity of thiiir city will be greatly enchanted, if It and one or two sif the adjacent counties are made a part of ttgeanin;Dietrict, na the security it would give would be the menae of bringing Northern capital among them. REPORT ON Tlll5 FREEDMEN RN VIRGINIA, Colonel Brown, the Assistant Commissioner of the Freedmen's linetan, forth() State of Yr gluts, lass just rendered to Gereval Howard, rennet of his opersuans since 1110 AppOiUtPlf it on the tifteenth et June last, In winch Le a'n es that, Of severity thousand freedmen collected during the war, extra Norfolk, F.ortreas roe and Yorktown, from eight to ten thousand enlisted In the Union army. The Asairtant Commissioner else says the the extraordinary eagerness of the freedmen , or ,the advantages of schools hes been met, as far as the Damn and the charitable 'seal of as friends abroad would allow, and that at present there are talent eleven thousand five handr. d colored children receiving the neueflts of odors The Irritation extaticr between the ertnuaril freedmen Immediately rifler the ceasationot hoe tdittcr, has greedy abated, And 1611411.-2:11 E r pen sons! efotenee are beeoattre aanro rare. Brown elates that it lalmfateitibic for rtn ployere to site all the laborers ennielettt teagta for their support, and thinks the eeil cantrit tw remedied without the t migration from the btate of at least fifty thousand freest:n.o. During the month of October last seism the nand six hundred and nix tallow per day we, tutted to destitute freedmen, thin number hd•r. reduced thrrotty thirty per cent. from the p.e viola month. The number of freedmen at t ns out under medical treatment Is seven handr.d. Or the praterty Lehi hr the Bureau *moo as , tsblithment fifty six thousand scree ofoltlll m Us possession. Thu Commissioner states that the crops have not as yes been fully harvested, but are bet i .1 to he satisfactory throughout the Stoma. HoWard Lla nx - cipt'of a.letter from ti 1. Geo. H. Thomas. highly wmplimentleg the (- beers of Lis I.lrlgtrtmrot for the hnpartiol ty with which they hare discharged [belr duty to both crl.itea and freedmen. urarr.t. lITAT2S COMITIDI Chief .1125de*, Chita, In conversation yen. r day, is reported to have said that If, when hot 1- tog a Circuit Coact. ho should dad the east of the Coped biLaILS VI. JC1113809, Darla, 00 tie docket, he would proceed with the gonl the came as any other, but that he thotild certainly bold no Choral, Court to ifirglota no long Ball at Stain was under military rule. rasTENT/ON OT TUN CAMS PLAorli accordauce with the set of Conger:is, pox soil with s vied to the pro tion of foreign thee-sees anion the Cattle In the 'Slatted ,tats, the Seeraary of the Treaanry 4.a 1513110 d a circu lar lo customs officers sod agents of the goy• insolent in foreign co ittries, calling their atten tion to the fact that the law is etrd to eldllfll,, and that the Importation of beef cattle, ehoeb, Goat., horses, coulee and swine le ectirely pro hibited. Celli:Mee and customs officers sill therefore give no permits to load these emir:rah under any pretext whatever; and are .requmted to explain (ha objects of this act and iegulailOn to all concerned, In thelr vicinity. =33 Secretary Stanton and General Grant, were closeted for several t ones to-day with the Pinsident. General L. Getz, recently of ricks staff, has been appohausd Collector of the Sewed Collection District cg Ncrillt Carolina, sod General W. P. Benton, Of Indiana, Collec tor of the First Revenue District, Louisiana. KWEIPTIS TEOI.I INTERNAL RIMENUR T,day w about eight hundred thousand dui TIII LL OP L RIMEL PILISOI! KEITZIR. A. B. Richardson, Junius 'H. Browne and Wm. E. Davis, the newspaper COrree , pouderan who were prisoners at Saulsbury so many months, are among the summoned wit. seams for the Government In the co C! r the late rebel commandant of that nelson wit? Is now being tried at Raleigh, North Care,lena, by a military COIIIIIIIIIIIOII on charges of crude's , to prisoners. - CLAIM LOAINET Tryl WA.II nerAirmort It hieing been generally publlabed that the unpaid elem . , epithet the Wu Department mount to four hundred millions oedollara, It le well to State that IL hem been aseerialnoi that thcee claims do not amount to half that. ens mewl= sr Tlll mum amen From the Interior Department to the War De. parttoont le being urged bg =Mary mew Gems. desist and Butler—Silnistee Adams to Fteturn—ftetretary Stanton Spoken of as ills Succussor. 'Yaw Urea, Dee. 88.—The Post's Wastangton special civil i< Ie reported • dug Gm. Butler will mate hilt reply ter' Gen. Grant's "crated bottle" critlaUm la a Wed to be dellecrol at Lowell before New Year's day. Gen. Anwar to maldaa, a cilllgent Investigation concerning the Alexandria riot. Another diapatch from Washington lays: It la poaltivtly arseded that Mr. Adams will ra tan home be the spring, -and tha friends of Secretary Stanton are proredeZ that be he be sent to MI the vacancy . %IS also moored that Mr. Welles may be tendered the Demean Ws elan. The Report Concerning a New GOIVIII meat Loan. WASEmsciTak. Dec. 29.—The dogma lita gwer says, upon authority , muipetent to con cindo such a question, we-announce that the publlabed statements to the died that a loan of 1100,000,000 wee, Upon the occasion of kla ra• cent VIA to New York, tendered - to teermary NeCulloch. by the National *Banks, are sheer fabrications, The Secretary hoe not at present nay need of a loan, and shonld such become nsecsaary, It would 1101 be accepted framtbe banks, not would be solicited, aid doubtless without trouble. Immediately obtained from the people. INTEESTING FROM W allies at diciandr L.TORTF7 V LOAN DENIED. Vessels Sailing for Mexico Watched. RIVAL PACIFIC RAILROAD BRANCHES New Regulation. FP'"'''.ve to Shipments to Britian trovinces. DEPLORABLE CONOITiuti t.F AFFAIRS IN TEXAS The Death or t? Kcal Johnsoo'e Brother Nast - Yoax., Dec. 28.—A Wifshlugton dispatch stairs that the casualties : In Alexandria, on Christmas, were over eatlmatet,l„ only oho white watt and two colored men were eetioatly Ic- Jared. The Tirnee Washington special, says that Sec retary MeC ul Men der les that he !flutes or needs a loan of $100,000,u00 aside from regularaeven- 1 nen of the UoverrIMCDC, al bee •betaa currently reported. t An order Ansa Issued yesterday, tratsferring tiro liendquatters of the Departnient of Tenn..- see from Nashville to Memphis, Tulin. The Secretary of War has Ironed an order for bidding the examination of any non -corrirmnb sloped' officer of the regular army, for ntpsiut.- meet to Brevet Lieutenant, 'hobos not sermal at least Lao years In the regular army. The Morld's Washington special Imp; The Secretary of State has directed the United States • tatoritles to keep &vigilant watch on all vessels trailing (sr Mexican porta, and to seize all con traband artlelt.. The parties In New York en gaged In this business, allege that they have a canter's route enittledMaxlmilian Express Com pany. Some facts a ill shortly be made public showing up the matter more definitely. Some days ago the necessary papers were tiled In toe Treasury Department, aboralug that forty miles of the second division of the Kansas road had loon compa,ted, and application war ac cordingly made for me handrbd and forty thous nod dollars. Since the atom, the represent.- tiTc4 o f another interest have presented them selves at tho Treasury and notified the Secreta ry that the bonds called for are is theft posses sion. and that the bonds he lashed to them and not to the lian•as and Leavenworth patty. l'he Secretary has all Ina documents anal pepere re lating to the subject and will render his deel. mon in a raw days. The Times' Washington special sayer The Secretary of the Treiwinrir and the Commissioner of Internal Revenue hare adopted new regula tions relativo to drawbacks open shlpietati British provinces. In C.O . goods an to be shipped tram a pal nr transpeativ.l through a frontlet port to any of the British proylucisi. where the drawback claimed oe on y One ship meat does not exceed the sum of fifty dollars, the exporter will lII] lila entry in triplicate at the Custom House at the port of .tx! ortation in the same form tad manner as 'prescribe. for shipments made to ether foreign ports in she amendedcircolar dated May 140, I.6fitil one of which entries will be transmuted to toe Collec tor or cater officer of toe castoms et the fron tier port thiow - ilii which the goods are to pis!, and he will examine the pat loges to ascertain If they agree In sit rce poets with those described in the entry. If the packages are found to agree, the officer of the customs will permit them to Entreat for ward w tibia dtiention to their Waiter desti nation. and will execute on the hack cf said en try a certificate that the packages of merchan , dice described In the entry for exportation to Canada or other Bnttsh porgiessicite have been duly Inspected at that port cog deflected for ex portation eta afortnald, The exporter will thee proceed in preparing the balance of his pap -43, In accordance with the above-mentioned elren tar, instructions changing each of said lortn, to suit the altered circle:instances of the cave, the bond will be cancelled if the exporter shalt pro duce within iXidays:from the data thereof a cer tificate under the hand acid etal of rho collector or other chief revenue otll.-er of the ,titer pro, eelal pte I that .11 inerrliandisc province thereto mentiotiodi, ami duty eni.,nit aline custom house, and tioo. the duller int. weed by the Inlay in force in the prurient have born void or secured iderehaudites intended lot exportation, with the 4,011 of a drawback Order the Internal Revenue Law, may be forworeleX thrsiage tiroor fruntlet pelts through tallith intheced iner chandlze may fa exported conabiti oily with the lawful regulations ' end no ether. If the mer elimualle shippe d facet by arm from a part of exportation. er If shipp,l direct b-om a !ruttier port to a poi t in the its provinces, the reg. tdsUens preacribed In the amended circular in structions dated May tat, IMoir, will teritiscrrid where the drawback eittler.d on any one ship ment mew!, the sum of fifty dollars. A Con tor, certificate with he required in ddithion to the certificate cf the shin revenue Officer s fat the cancellation of the rondo le all cram. 'nerd regulations will ho enforced on and after the lit ofJannary. 19:18. The Harold's Washington despatch states that Gen. Wm. J. Strng, !nevelt, General nu hen. lloward's Staff, rcturnmi to Washington )o,c, day from •threem inta's tear in the South wx-t. fie reports affairs In the interior of Tclf.l, deplorable eituilltioni Attica di solatlon trivia:a amotigahe blanks and abatis. The blacks are willing to work, but thatildies are cot In con dition to employ them. 71tti latter al., nalver• salty complaluell of the bad treatment and vio lative of inch cuter:wt., as ls-d hi co entered into. Bitter hostility to the Goveromert general lawleinicesa prevailed. do emit wits too ignorance that the whites is !wady knew the war was ended, and the blacks thought ti.cm snivels }lt "dares. When Presideot Jowl. is 'is brother was accidentally wounded by the dis charge of Wet gun, a number of Surgeons were applied to for profrislocal treatment. Each re fused his services upon toe ground that be. was the brotherof the President, and he wee t hpgcd to send nearly one hundriat tellea for a federal Scirgikin, and he died solely, for the want of Protalit surgical aid. Tho ds iWoPa Washington dispatch says: The presage of Clarence A. Seward In the city re elves the rumor in circulation some time trinee, that a Congroaelonni itquiry will probably be made, concerning the alleged fact of lute being Interested In Mexican Speettlationa under Maxi milian, while actme Secretary of State, tad sup posed to be privy err the intentions Of our (int ernment towards the Empire. The Tribune's Washlrgton dispatch •a)A, General Augur has directet a thorough lavtau gatton of the Christmas riot:, at Alczatdria, and has ordered the Commanding otticei at that piste not to surrender any of the °trending par lies to the demand of the coal authorities, hat to refer all such demand,► to the Commanding officer of the Department. A ber cro m ble Hubrue Corpus lesise VIIILADIZLIMIA, (ht' :18.-2. 51 .13:-disptith Iron Baltimore to the Eprning 72itgraoh says Judge Gilts, In the 'into...ll tklaUs District Court this morning, nad up the Important habeas COT , pm ewe of Ralph Abercrombie, who le held by Gnu. Wool en charged yeah being a spy, and With dissection to the enemy ; also with giving testimony hisiore a rebel court martial in Itich l mond, on which testimony Captain DUIOh. of the United States Army, was wrongfully con victed end executed. Judge Giles thellod In favor of the military authority, remanding him hack to austodsy 107 military trial. As hu beweged to the Uolied Mates SetViDe, be could not act made tire habeas corpus. , • Abercrombie will cams be tried by court mar tial. Ho was not biS tic old United States Army, The court martial 4121 which nen. Yeseenden la President and Col. Bingham Judge Advocate adjourned clue the, having dkoosea or the im portant trial of Pritiate Thomas Murphy. new court martial will pi ,bably soon be former . to try Abercrombie. Oracr for Arrest of the Alexandria Rioters. . Army Payments . . . , Wasnraovor, Dec. 28.—General Angrier, WAS/111,070N, Dec. 28.—D. wee recently d e Co orders the Department - of Washington; aided by the Payeangitor General's Deleirtment bra ordered Lttnt Colonel Eyre, In • command, that rovost Marshall' and Other members or the at Alexandria to ~,ti. XI parties ,coneerrel it Boor.! of Enrollment am not entitled wbee ~ ~, the rlota In that city on Christmas day, and not charged to the three months' extra pay proper to release nay persona litreated 012 the demands! under the net of March Bd. 1E45, tor to travel' ut. the civil ~u 0 „0 „ ti„.. hut, no ra d ar an each ca. Ing allowances to their homes, 5e3 to the Depart neat Read.Qtuoters. Papers are being prepared at thel'aymast4r ' . General's Department. for the payment of the Gov. Holden' RelleVed, troops in cacti military departments.: Ab ut i $20,000.000 will be required for payment In dila Raimum, N. C.. Dec. 28.-Jonathart Worth. city. QIIIte a iatgO.BUMbei of welltoriOng vat- Governor elect, took charge of the Exteutive scan reserve officers havohtion abrottmi by the Mike to-day, relieving Provisional Governor Freedmen's Bureau, std , Tit watt:Ll() reticle Holden- Governor Worth luta telegraphed civilian men , i. ~ S e c retary ~B ewani that he has assumed the duties Breret-hialorßiley of the Fourth Dulled atatra ,P i ''' ..!"'l".!?.v e * - .. .. Artillery. one of the participants 'ln the Rash i _ • Barracks visitslest 6 9 / 1 111181, hag been cashiered: t - Captain sesames to be Tried. .. Wsatiracrron, Dec. 22.Pha Navy Depart ,lnent expects Captain I - icemen, of Alabama no toriety. to arrive here to-night. krepftrail)llll, ?Ave beermada rev his s!sted.l' at the 11 !‘v7 03 0 Pending tak tr.isl- . , Fite at Kansas CIO, K.Ainus Cm, Mo., Dec..2B:—;T9reosterms ittn Item etreet were burned I.44nlglit. L 0114; 000. Partially Insured. SHINGTOS LATEST .‘IIIICIII FROM MEXICO hisehtimaltd PoMica! Changes in Jektitatec CHOI,Ek A IN THE WEST INDIEO French Reinforcements for' Mexias New lons, Dec. 28.—Adricea tram Ve'n Crtut to the 16th, by way of Ravens are rece.r. d. It an- ' that the Imperial trocr od corn,. , of Clsibninra, and hey were also to possession Pledraa number of account., of attgitional 'defeat., GI ht Reputtheane in the lawtor are Oyez, the robst Important one annormeing, thisi - tie army Of General Encobedo he been attacked Borne distance from Monterey, and utterly Tome; and that Eseebedo himself, had escaped with WI escort of twe..t.y men. • • From Republican Pourcpuoire have General E•cob..do's report at the recent engagements ho. t wren his own and the [Ripe:gal troops at Mon terey, presenting a strong sontrast to the Impe rialist account, heretefore received. General Emote :le 'claims that he drove hfaximillan's men oat of the city, and that he sunsequently had it against a strong night attack, itgliagg severe loss cn the enemy in killed and Rounded and prisoners, while his *own =nudges were very light. Emprees Charlotte was to return to the Cal I. tal, from Yucatan, in the course of the ptesmt mouth. • News to the 15th of December, from Jamaica, has been received. On the 11th Governor Eyre transmitted to the Colonial Assembly his tots. saute, is which it telo 'skated that the Home an thorities had Intimated that If necessary to pro. servo rat quility in the .laNi - o,•they• would • dis. solve the Color. lel and Gourglattlenuel Govern ment mid inaugurate a stronger an; The Cienrrsom recornmendea that thri ducm bl v so far rescind end modify the late decrees as to trace the house government perftetty free, and deel - 'n upon the character of ths peepOeed administrati_n euachinery by whichlo conduct the business or the conotry t. The recommenda tion met with en Indfnuant reeerdlon, and wag ordered to he on the tattle.. - News from 8. Thomas,to the gist says , be ex-Emperor, Bouluoque, of Hayti, has obtained permission to reside tg,the,lsleao of Curacao, sod Is aborts to leave St. Thdiriss. The 'cholera was rt'fl inglrig In the itlsxv! of Gmidiatoupt with considrratde severity. ,By sernsal &Trona( Spain the ports of the Island of Form ktico have been cloned to all im portation*, though open talmpertatlon. The Fltr.cb vehraels passing St. Tntomas for Vera Chin carry large nnmbers of French Inept, who ere sent to reinforce the Imperalima to Mexico. Conuneretal Relations With Chill—Cotton —Secretary Harlan and - Senator Doolittle —stiffering to Arkansas. New Yens,. Dec. .-Br..4errel merchants In this ci.y, largely daierested In the trade between the Ottltrd ffietert and Chill, recently addressed a letter. in Secretory Seward, eolicilleir the friendly Intervention of the government of be United. Staten, with the view of mitigating the heavy lances to the commerce of the citizens of this country, likely to prim from the Spanish- Chilleu difficulties. The Secrraar; replied that this offices of the Goveramcntof the liolkd States have already beau tendered tOjtilat effect, and are being cora- Unocal with deep, Irtertst and 110: without' the Lope eventually of r. couriug a.satlsfactory result 10 their iatereate acd to those of the United Stale. Nearly thug thormand tales Of Government actual were sold co-day at anctiOn.ixi Memphis. Middling fail brought 573; str/dly middling 52%; low middling 50y,;; ordinary 44M. A correspondent whom the editor of the Lam ing Peg aims la ra , sponalble, writel to that paper that Mr. Harlan has no laiention of resigning. and Mr. amlntla -.rid not, under any eireum etatee.n, leave hi. piano in the Senate. The... American Union Commission Lo this chy has received a letter from Its agent at Utile Itnek, Arkansas. *hick says - at least' ten thou sst it 'rsons art to Icomedlate and, pressing need of 'owl, chaffer, eh r'iing, and ntfeessarles :MO it is feared many will *ill, during tun vic.t.c. Censteeronie 'min - radon Is andirei I • Tray to Arkansas,. resta on Chrlsune.--111ver Nems—Cotton Market. NASIIVILLE, Dec. 28.—Rellable information from an oprrator at Pulaski says that a tornado clotted that town,. blowing loam a number of Douses. Killing a Aurnbcr of pereons, and bury- Irg them in the mina. On• lady was killed, whose body was not recovered. The telegraph is down between Terre and Pulaski. No (Miner particulate,. Very few negrom , were arrested on Christmas day, though L.ro were hundreds perambulating the rtrve,s all day. Transferring the prrisclie ttol3 of the punishment of offeaders from the military to the civil law canto fewer arrests than formerly. A ri eero w . as killed by a soldier of the 16113 is Ike 0 reel lost night. The river is tail dill:1g wLL thirty feet of water on the shoals, and the back water Is visi ble. The Indications me that the river will overflow Its banks. beteg shipped to New Orleans acEirrly by eat rune,. at Ow rate of four dollars per J ce, end trout this port to Cincinnati atone dollar te.ciwie. -The price of C 03012 tadids Is froin Joel , to.forsy two coatis. iloldenar are IlrnSitt that prict. The receipts to-day. were . 32l and ahliinuintis 2110 babe. from Wltnalagtott—float [motet Sear--Riot Between itatiors - aud Pegroes—Sulelde.! WadelaoTOnN. t., Dee. n-00 Bata,Eay Ism a I, mall boat. Contalcing three white meu and ta, negrota, pat flat from Middle 90nn.7 on the coast opposite sore, tor a pleasure exclu sion. and went to ace.. Later In the day the boat drifted ashore empty. It Ls supposed It WOO caught In a egnull and all bawds lost. One of the white mum woe humid Guasell. The other acmes werd not mei:stained. There was • oistrirtiance • last right, between the police scd some colored seamen, of the gun boat Timmy. The seamen came ashore on lib erty, and got drunk and disorderly. The pollee attempted to arrest the seamen. when the latter drew plriols and bred a dozen or fifteen shots. Their ammunition being exhattsted, they fled to their twat and put off to the vessel. Captain Hannover, of the police, recrivrel affeah wound. No others were hurt. Commander Temple, of the rayon,. has taken measures to Identify and punish Use mu.. A. Roteoberrechitbing merchant, o the A= of Ad: on di Rcemnberg, committed soh:Ad.:Ala afteruoon;by - taking laudanum. No canseele arelaned. Ma) or of;:Neiv York Inaugurated—Prize New Yonx, Dcc. Mi—Yeatexcley Etna. Jobe HoMame. Mayoreleet, leek the oath of dna. To.4:ley.Rictittrd O'Gorman, CorpotaUon Con.ael, did the B/11110. This morning IL large gang of, raillans left toe city to finish a ..nrize light rear the,Faabint Course, between two • pugills:s. I in n Seger and Jeff. The; police, 1LLn:14,4 of the enceeded ib arrtating . Koelee, andbronght him to the thy, where Le is held tot examina tion. His . . arrest rntimldated Jeff cad-, the masks, who aucceeded In making Utile escape. Mayor of Louisville Elected—Preisluau's Meeting. Lou - orals, December W.—Jamas . B. Lith gow, ono or our wealthiest and most nspectablo merchants, was elected Mayor, vice Tompperti deposed by the Bo ,rd of Aldermen and Common Council by a ananihaons vote. Be' was (oatgt• rated, and enthusiastically received on Ltiag the chair.. A im u e meeting at the Altican di:trait this evening, io aid at the freedmen, was &dammed General. Palmer and Fisk. Contributions were taker] tiP.. GAZETTE. ANOTHER ATLANTIC CABLE. Proposed Partition of Belgium NEW Yam ; Dec. 20. —ln the loringn dies by the CitYotilincheater, the, London rillitl 114110 a letter from the Superintendent of the Allantlejilegraph Company, anew:aloha: that ttie. Cireatlatatern will positively iqui in Jut; 1866, to laji a new cable end takeep the old one, which is aiCerifined to ho in the moat pnriect of ` bey daily teatitaten from the Umeit hroke, and 11W—..aulttned.dally. The London Tama conunema on s e h o . field's speech at .the Thankegivinc dinner of Americanaitt Paris, and conclude. that the de signs of the Americans are ',entirely peaceful toward thet'wbolo World. Many of the foretell Papers arolalled with Immolation') concerning °amoral Be m tollehl'a mission. but none of them appear to now anythlpa about It. The polliiical effect. of the death of the Kin of Beitilnm;nre being dlsmiaaed. Some authori ties think it map lead to a change of territorial hounddrieeE .To'e Perin 6sta palalishea the folio w g: It is said that iro virtue of an arrangement already oneluded, dad with the consent ot En &and , Antwerp and the sea coast are to bill given to Holland, Vanden!. and Brabant to Fames, and Luxemburg; with a part of Limburg, to.Prn , s.A. We have natteen the treaty, add we are not re aponslble Meths, mirraires of the propagate a of these reports. Prettdent :ICOMilitotratti - dFess to Ma F ntsas:—Felllait Caillnet Connell: New Yong, Dec. 2.8.-Presldent- O'Ydanony Issued a brier addreas to the Fenian Brother hood. statiog that some evil-disposed pereonf desiring to pert ettutte Wu - Conlon - in our ranks seek to prevent the healing effects of the-Con gress of.tb42d proximo, by Inditelag delegates to remain stay from It and In Ignorance of its deitberatioag. It jests with you. Decays, to re-torm ours cot. umns, to recover our endangered Rood -name and tidnendhone and cheerio our brothers in by.A. fell remeseutatfon. Do this and your Executive abides .be result with eerie, coutdatce Mthe 'brotherbood and the canst. Advice! from tl» Ddirekturre 'been received here, stating that the Perasklat. that clay to tend sending a full reprrsentgilon to the Con gress on Tetrads) , next. A Cabitet conceit was -held yesterday, a neadipiarderis, [intim 13ipaare... Two general oi timra, met:eters of the Military Connell, of the Irish Reptiblir, who arrived daring the weekaou a special tzliesion, participated In- the delibd-a Clone, whicteare said to beefs very important character. Consesratlon of Bleu* Randall 'BOSTON, Dtc. 38.—Thu coniseeration of Bev. George 11faxarell Handal, Hector of the Church of the Messiah, In this city, the newly elected Wmalneary SLthop of Colorado and the parts adjacent, took place In Trinity Church, Co Sumner street to-day. Ht. Be,. John Heart' Hopkins, Bishop of the Meese of Vermont, Presiding Bishop of the rrotestant Epis copal-Church in the United States acted as con secrator. The consecrattqaviryice was exceed ingly interacting and Ippreesty . e , aad' was et. • tended by a great congregialeni the aisles an galleries In the church beWgt enrowded. , rival viet?tuieliiit Affairs. Nave Semi Dec. 28,—The I`rfewre's Wash Moan dinpatch EATS: She Treasurer of the, schools anti Seances of the Freedmen's. Burneu has just rem: rned fr:ra a four through tho Southern States, having establlshed freedmen's savings ban k s at Richmond, Wllitingtoe, Charleston. Reenter; flavar.nib, Mobile, New Orleans, ViCksburg, Hantairble NaehTille,d Memphis and Lou stifle. elkes that *III classes In the States lately in ibbellion arc fast'. becoming reconciled to Limb new relations, out ' that lt, FLU be necessary for the - Government to keep estrus. fares In thee State for some time longer, to secure Justice to all. Busineas Matters tp Texa n Nair Yon*, Dee. 28.— TIM Tribuna's le-ter from tialveston says large gliantitles of goods are being sold at auctim w lerYknv rates. The market is lagcly overstocircd„ -At most points In the Merit* specie is almost - the only kind of currency In nee. In Galveston aid other cities, Irk is demanded for rem, Iteltht and cotton The 2,1 and 1017 i Illinois Cavalry, have taken atcamere for Orleans, on'their way North. Ft 11 esteru Mexico SAS Faisrdraco, Dec. 17.—Advises from Ara pule° state that Alvarez and hit farces were at Providantia, Awenty.eiglat milts east of that plaCe on Eno 30th lIIL. Alvare z , wee congdeut of th e SUCerei of the Liberals, Whether , misted by the Antericich Cr not. Re harrasses the Frenth at Acapulco terribly. They get no provisions DO= the back eonutry,. which is to he posaosaloa of the Liberals. - • Steamer Due. PoweLino' Dec. 98, 11 P. m.—There ere no *lgo's of the Belgian. W ILBI NS9N—puns l ER—On - Thursday, Dee Abb. by theAber. Mr. blaatery, at. bt. JILID.II ehtuch., bly, PETER W1.1.. , 15UN of Flub burgh, end Misa JENLITE E. MUSTER, of Re re.ocevllle,;:, _WatTE — Cin Thmrsi l1 7. 13666mber ISt h,. Mr KOBFAIZ.W#LTE, tote 76 Tear of kL awe. The ituierai will take plaselltuo his lwe real deuce, No. 12k Webster sheet, kat Satutday at 2 o'clock. Tali tilerels of the fatally art respect fully Invited Eo attend. MlTtalklir ILLE—On Tbilintlay morning. De cember Stath. ism, Wm. at I.II.77IELTREE, In (be 26th year of Eils age. Funeral frsah the residenee of lame! Patton,jr,, No. m Welt comnon, Allegheny dui; Oo tuber %fall, at ig o'clock, P. 111..•Sca,lee• at • A.llnuat--Thstrr4ay looming, Mbhut., at et: o'clock. al A. 11.1", daughterof AO= mammy to the lath It :sr of 4er sae. Funeral on r traDar. 29th, ace 0 1 / 4 1de.k..e. from the residence of 'her .rent, onir of tee ntrises Chuieh, Sixth Ward. The Weida are re arettfully intited to attend. CEMETERY-A turhl cud most wq.nresque place of Bepulturr, situate ou the uplands, immediatelyy earth of Allegheny City, on the New Brighton Bond. Prunens wish• ing to select „Burial I.ota will apply at the Super. lutendenta When, at the Cemetery Titl e Deeds, YC.rultilkr.l All other bunions will-be att .orled at the Drug IVA:enown. if L.OO underautned, eornerV Pe•la+M 111.114 Lean< It Street., Allegheny, DLO.' A. A ELL', : ,, ,netriT Jed Tzr..urer. Novert—The Subscribers to the capt.- is' +tea of the CE , D.OLEDY .SAFIN BANK are notified to attend s Mental RCN,. 2 Mtown, win on renuests 204 b, Mt at 1 o'clock, for:urgacilzattoa and eleinion el . firer. J. F. STuOKDAEIL denit. Pfealdent, poi tem. Nl= r): - . 1 R.'S um . • .rE IN TELE FINE TO 21/11{E A PHESIEIST OF 6 • SEIAAV r lailiHrSz • . Sewing Machine' $26 and $33 isEviiirl 1-4ACHI4EB. :. WITH TABLES U(AtIPLETE. Quilt. They Hem) Fell, Stitch, hid, Embroider and _.- They do :VEST. Pertio.t.ootr AND COAT Wain Nil ;AND ALL snips OF ZANILY SEW/N . ON THE SAME MACHINE, krill • THE SEMEN WILL LAST I.UNCIER THAN THE OARMEKT. EVERY 42,2011.LNE IS WARKANTED FIFE-YEAS& All 11061074nd.17 Sewing pro' mptly done. IL H LONG, tit Oran* etrver. near Ptah, norhineea PITTSSURON, PA. A YAUTJABLS HOUSE AND LOT ka - ron max.-44,000 win purnheets that very neat two Karr Briok House, with 8 rooms and 'MIL neatly-Vs yeren and painted, emceed on a let Of gretund, hiving a front 0.. the Allegheny - river 22 feet. and extends bac& .80 teem to an alley; aunt distrait) from the B. B.T MeLAßieed Bride, k Apply tst ' I VOLUME LXVIII--NO. 323 RIFUED AND REPAIRED FREE Th.*4tra some of the prittalpal llama width haw' o Polm . .o74sed the I • t 2 • „,. E6l .OPIUM OF THE WEST! Try „Ile ,Rubber Sole Boots. WCYrI73tL '648.30f dos That *JANUARY laCh Y w. ,. 'we AO IioVE STL I ma, 'q cs tk.l Cm en from tar 31 ADP; CLUTIIING at I .• EvEnt GA.KzetrA I was fOAREXIII2,y las 44 y Eq . :ELVES In Baltimore. • if yott: ereier your OLOTBING nadir gratg XilttiS..SalliE, ma b•Ve • full Line of Ann ourth'TTEß Is MASTER. of Uts Trades. Forelig . rotent, .a . lll make to oraer.E424 giErj E T AJ T 1 ON, at. 1711sej ww TW.I not favor LI = a.. H. SMITHS • Onto AND NEW YI&R'S • Gilt BOOlill, Gold Pans. itnnosid , Gold Pencils Bibla Gala Tooth Plaks, Praye: Books, Portfolios, i lest/in:tents, Writing Desks, :Ladrs ...:ompaolon, Gent's Companion, ~ WC4k Bases, Games, Jifyeniles. Photo?, aph dibunts.ii - , /.°)- Gooks, Pocket Books, Qiares for 1666. PUTS., i 4..4., Satchels., Pictures, ' B.S.' Gooks, '' Gift Books. 1 '4. Now Books, New Books, BIARR ED, DIED. . New Books. PITIA)K. receives ell the New Boots anti ea/licit Epolisbers at the eariteet daze. ds i: TEES • ' SALA .1.711711.111 G COMPLIII 4T 4,1 GOOD PRI.O. *Peluiranla Alantifecturblig Co's =I Cornaißitc Stre:et ana Thatineene—Ws! clewzrd..: - EitiMA &CHI NE WOIUEB. jiMOVED 13011.1ffe,TOOLS, &NO , ES USED 1 rt — StNICPO AND &O. ELLS. ,•• - • Parttel tent' on Melted to Ma Patented ;dote,. JAM , azteSJOlNTSotadhorj3. SLAT;.- 1.. S., and Lt.PP - MOOR SLAM I . L SIZES, sad NUMISE.7I,Epog 'Oa; Ito. UaDEß.E.tflir24ll Octet ; grop t. t a maul a PEhrE,ITP Maya V, • ..PM tarnish Itopes „ Ste Ito U. .1, - 9oto may adatt.tt i ; L iWar-tutd Jrd aOn tvdrr,,..taie to order,- t Matta prompt ortondotr!to. am pfrpal , •••,..! Lleansaa • other *l. - or facture. lf...r.Ahetentoproyemeolst LtDerat tame. 130117 AllastOMpP., 0. • delMaStime 7L. to. LEOILYi L hoiLls, SAVE YOUR 3g0.1(EY,. , - ,z). w ayt t. an AtEerLATED W 1 R SILVER. o mitr.4, TEA SETS, WAITERS, BURR 1011EITtalElto, 111t1V.15. SPOONa, f v CAKE BARRIOS, as., Con ail `De roplated m d autdo to LOOK AN WEAR EttIJAL TO NEW AT A SMALL COST. pLUIIBiIiG AMD ST/Mid. : The stalertber respectfully atuitratioes that. nos cpetled en ootsollehrocnt in the Borough' AlAnektiter for PLUMS/SG, GAS ASD STEA VITTIBq,_ and fetters Lamed to give semi sallafactou. it will be ItUf draire to austS 'prompt* to calls and do ids worificatly. OAR tdelholttnext door to tie Post Office. dethiSSkti X. BARTLEY RXlkolllollB' lidrlCE,—Leuers tew +L....122W7:zry Late been granted this day to t andsitleded, on the wade et- John Mir* dent. lbst ol Tarentm terough,allesheny co/ ty, 1'54,111 persons Indebted to sal& Wate r , basal revlested to make tmrsestiatopayesoat t those,hteang claims or detaands tqatent the oat: at utkl eitsedent will present then to the tindi stated" Ching In *aid Botottr.h,) properly sumo ; tteatd roe settloaent. 4.. SAILEs - AIIeGALL, Sa. T. B. FULTON. "WK. V. ZVE.I43. 'rm./me-44 Dee. sui,ls6s.—deSSwilie .121/-1000 Pig Soft Galeat Loa& • . .7.,.8 . U*2403/1.4 .11 BI:LSCEOtriI FLESH, NEW AND PERFECT. MIRY PAIR WARRANEDI Codaert Hall Shoe:Storep, And Welt! It at.. .throughout the ;Stet* nett, ei Aodel Boot and Shoe M ter G-c)odot - ,7„ . IN ABUNDANOE. .i)NLY $4,50 A 'PAIR, EINE9 C4ITHING ESIABLIBEIRST. .1 Xi). 63 FV/Vb Strut. Wati!eSito to Inform aUlpenons who went ,3 13 ARGAIXES. .~,~tual ~c»tt~ We have •omeN•armanti. \ S L t; II T 1 r 80 1 LIIKI); Withl A• 6.11 forathe ip INT OFFER.; CLOTHS AND VESTENS, GIFTS, Endless Variety, T Jt•W. PiTTOCK,S OpposnA the Post-00.s. CLEM ri,lzi3rielltells; *la Sulphate of Iron. - Vii. S. a...VICMCIE; Ni; 32 Ohio Eitredi, Allegheny, Illenufncluier of: *1 haying . Your 014 JOHN E. CORNWIILL: No. 7 N1,47/8101 treet..
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