loiltsburgh Oroptitt. LEITER FR " ITALY r ---- `'?It1 1 / 1 11", DECEIIIIXII 1; - 1866. * GAZETTE TERrets: m,...ung. SID per MM= . —., served by eareiers, 45 eallta II Wielt. EveWng SIM pew year. • do. , sawed by enders, In cents a week. aly. In clubs 111J50 per year. . stroele endo sato do. ATES OF, ADVERTISING 0111. aguno—~:mama stalTlas team termer— t Men.. Weeke l ae weeks.. month... months. months months..l e Months Year • 9 751 1/561 • 110 • 272 $ 1 73 $ 1 ' 25 .1 75 sals 200 CO 426 975 05 1 • :660 400 12 001 800 660 HI 001 10 61 700 23 60 11 75 660 04 00 ~ 17 70 1400 15 40 11 215111:1 18 OD AtertlitEMlLlLMtenest one year MY Doi/414PM a• advertiser s pleasames • awry of TA Ctemta ice_ (or go meta_ yaid MAIN, tiate,) but fined to tiurhamedisto businan of Ms dvertieements contrasted for otirarwtae than 1 , , Wilt to Inserted- on snail days as the anal Y West; • • ranaent advertising CASH- IhNotiatasch inurtion - I 60 aloha.% " UT trip. 73 a OS ,itors• or rds finixdstre Notices.. al YEAST. ADVERTIIIING inATZEI us square-.oenlined to the voriedtate minces Mt, advertiser, and =tad 0 dissolutions, elation of .new Ilnitsta. estie Je. a walk. ' Any axons to be e as tran. at matters • • D*ily tee months -1 1221 115 55.00 15 me month:.... 45 00 20 • Year 53 03 . Fist Nairn§ double' the 1, tO4 one month et - more. ' • ate a line. Leta! nottees at such rates yA. square tote eoeltdetet ti r p laptes of the enthate BE FOREIGN comues 'The letters betyaten Earl ft..— ell and Mr, ,dares, lately published in England, and feoght over by the last arrival, contain little of iterest. . hide letter of October 14, Earl Russell ex lains that his oldcr to refer all claims that TOl4 between the two. nations during the late ar So a joint cometlssiots, wan not Intended to nelide the dells - *riling out of the captures ned, by the Alahania end Shenandoah. Mr. Adept replies, October 17, and asks what Wass Earl Russell did Intend to refer to the imposed compilation; and Earl Roswell re: donde, Oct. 19, asking farther time to prepare t fall sewer oh this point. 04 the 3d of November Earl Rana under- Pace a faller reply to a previotis letter of Mr. Marna of September 18, in which he tries to jtustify his Government for lts early and hasty recognition of the rebels. es belligerents, and to show that the English Governmeit has faith, 'hilly:enforced Its neutrality lams, to which Is appended a memorandum, allowing, In detail, :how .each supposed 4nfraction of the Foreign • Enlistment act was dealt-with by ter Majesty's , Gave4nment. The mermen with which the Earl returns to this point in the diecusalon, • :attowe that there is a very weak place, Just there, and that he is very anxious to build up a public crphslOn at home to mutate hire in what he must feel IS an Indefenelble position. The last pot, Hailii7lll Or the correspondence In England, too, betrays a restivelese and tales/Incas which Is quite unusual,' and which would not exist If the . Earl did not feel that Mr. Mates seems, at • least, to have the beet ofthe ammo:lent on that branch of the subject. - COLORED STATE coNvEmrtoNs. As the least ardmiting among the signs of , 4 the times is the fact that the colored men of the .." South are beginning to hold State Confeitions, - i and are not only permitted to hold thani, but - " .;e, are conducted In such an excellent manner as. 4 to extort prates even tom their enemies. . .j . The first Convention was held in North Caro i7 line. It was large and respectable, and won . . I ducted Its deliberations Knit) much prudence. ~- • - ..,. Jadgment and ability as to surprise the negro „ *-! i, haters very much. A second has jut been held ' '1 .ir South Carolina; and the reporter for the ~,,,,.L....-1 N. T-Tribune says of It : " --,,, J3 A State Contenders/ of the colored people of r i l - South Carolina met In Charleston Monday of A last week. Delegates were in attendance from -SI all parts _of the - Stale- Itepresenestlve men t' were present—tnen whose. sentiments would -.-", have commanded respect even In the North. ' 4Their deliberations have been marked by a de ., gree of 'sagacity, calmness and earnest sincerity , - which has surprised their friends. and corn -9 mantled the respect of eventhe moss skeptical. .. • The Dady Borth Carolinian, , published at Charleston, a journal of adanowle.dged ability, -, - and far. from being .inspected of possessing overreach faith lln the capabilities of the Ne ,-,, -groes-for wit - government, declared it to be a '..{- very respectable! assemblage, and its delibera tions entitled to - high consideration. A candid .t.,,,,1 world Is bound CO 'acTalowtedge its proceedings -,..,. as thegravest critibition of progressive Ideas IT the State has ever known. ~N The Convention adopted an "Address to the ~3...1 `White Intiabitailts of the State of South Caro the lins." the "Yetltion to the State Legislature," -4 "Declaration of Rights and - Wrongs." and ii last, but Oct least, the 'Wes:aortal to Congresa," which it was the last tare of the Business Com mittee - nmenta will commend themselves to Phis...heart and Intellect of liberty.lornag men and women , . ~, ov ttuotorhout the world when the fact is mentioned ' that they were all framed by and Came warm : 3 - from the blood and brain of despised blacks, no ,::-' ' aided by even a word or line from the pen of a , - white man. For the Pittsburgh Gazette. tonsollCatloa. EDITORS Garezzet—ln the report of Mr. Bigbate's speech' at the Consolidation Coiven- Clan he Is put doWn as flaying that resistance to that scheme was useless, because the thinking men of the community has determined It should be accomplished, l and therefore it would be. Now. I. prottat against the bellying style of this argument, As MOH as against the attempt to make ouCtisitt there's a ',thinking', comicality, as cootradlalizigusMed from an ' , anti/Inkier ore. The Idea of Mr. Bigham seems to be that there area (WmParaliveil) few men who do all the thinking and the rest have nothing to do out to follow items they lead: Thinking, I am proud to believe, Is no spe ciality In this community. Our people all think, and as a general rule think clearly and reason well. There to no thinking cLiss to whom the rest bow down and any one who sots himself gp, here, as s thtnhe. for the rest, will assuredly tome to mid.' 'if consolidation ever succeeds It will be by the effect of tultunent on the Vetere ofthe city, and not by the farce a threats from the chum of which Mr.-Bighorn claims to be one, and who, If he dpeaka for them, (arrogate to them selves a monopoly of intellect sad ability. A fair evidence of the fact that no one man, not :even Mr. Bighorn, la capable of Judging fully as to the feelings of the community In which they live, is afforded In the proceedings of this eery consolidation meeting. Kr. J. E. Foster, living In Allegheny, avers that Moe tenths of the people of that city are In Myer of consolidation, while Mr. Atwell, also living there" add a member of Councils, alleges that there isalargamajcaltyagainst it. Both of these gemlemen think themseives right; but each of theta happens to run In different crowds, and each of them take! the sentiments of those he meets as the, sentiments of the commonly at large. tte, Bigham, COII/lIIID4' his associations mainly to those who argeo with him. concludes ' that the thing most come to pass betamb he and they are to strongly in fayor of IS. He reminds me of, the old story of the man who gat up In the night to fled out the state of the weather. =lngroplug around for the window he COMO CO the gime door of the cupboard., and sticking his head in there, instead (font of dews, exclaim. nd, "Phew Itis as debit as Egypt and -smalls -of cheese:, Firmitioccoro WARD. Tu Ceaufm Conourss.—None of the eon , aff fedolial deleititions finna rebel States have yet arrived. All tho Northern" delegating will • be fell, except that of Petuasylvarde, lams In the eLttreethi (or Gettytbarg) :district. owing to a tonteat, CO ceztilleate wan given td either of the caadidates. 8.11. COffertb (DeMOVID4 I.elected on thehoratalrOlt. and W. pr. Km; liehebllean. elated .by the isoldiers' Tote.) Neither will be altered on the: roll, and the •questlon will go to the' now, Committee on Ejections, ~Tteraire alc other cases of =tea. :lett &dins. but In all Of the others one of the parties has a certificate front the . Governor of State. But few imenibareartived tads,. Lamy Pitman and Castle Thunder, so. well known bathe history of the war, will seou be 9iinsformed Into' storehouses again. Vastbs 'Thunder will bneyneneted next week, and what few prlsonets there ere within Its walls wilt be - transferred to Libby Prison., which now ocett pies about one-foirrllt of the building known by 'that name. The other three-fourths are already converted - tato storehouses, and are ailed with :produce of all descriptions, 03rresponcence of the Ilttabergh Gazette. riOn.X 4 ror., Noe. 11, 1965. The annOnneenumt has just been made to as that the meeting of Parliament is postponed from the 15th to the 18th Inst. I regret this de lay on my own account, because I am anxious to return to my own ground In Parts, where •YMptoms of the renewal of social and pa/Weal life and activity; are becoming dally more visible. As, however, a day or two of prolonged absence frommiusual post will give cm the opportunity of la y be fore your read ers the &tails of the first firtg Of an Italian Pailiament In the new Capital, I am Induced to welt a little longer for the event In ques tion. The reason of the postponement is to give Victor Emanuel time to make a hasty Journey to Naples, In order by his potence to reassure the population of ' that city and neigh borhood, upon whom the cholera seems at last to have - fastened seriously, after long dickering round them with' Its wonted capricious. Deis. I should have thought that the presence m of. an excemmunicetted King 'would hardly hada suited the tasted of so superstit t ious • people the Neepolltani, and that hey would have preferred trusting themselves to the Protection of St. Januaries. But Regaiant no.' me has been well, and even. enthusiastically re- Weed, and the eight of his soldier-like and honest, If not tau:derma phyelognomy, elicited loud Omuta when he appeared on the balcony of his hotel, in obtdietten to the popular sommons. Itemitizne while awaiting the opening of Par !lament a nd the Mlle's speech, public opinion brides Itself with estimates cliche present, and conjectures 'as to the future condition of the country. By gener.d went:the financial ques tion le all-Important, and must take precedence both of that of Rome and Venice. The latter will both wait, but the creditor et the door of the National Exchequer will not be put off. I WS glad, however, to find from conversation with some of the most iniluentlal financial men in this city, both native and foreign,, that they are ar from. being serhieely alarmed, much less f front deffialrin g; I that the credit of the country will be sustained. It is pence,' out to me with great justice, I think, how many and severe calla Italy has had made all at once open her undeveloped resour ce'. Raving been long kept 'ln the rear of cle ilization by the policy of her petty and selfish ' rulers, when she "came of age" she found the estate utterly deficient In everything (except perhaps the fine arts!) and . consequently she bad everything to do at once. There were rail roads to make, ehipe to build, an army to create, docks, porte, harbors to plat or improve, a vast educational machinery to construct and set In motion, and all this to be dense, when not a dol. lar was left behind to the State . exchequers, pil laged by the petty tyrants in their retrain; when not even the eystem of taxation was es tablished which Was to provide funds for each a sudden andtsemendoes outlay! MC got all or nearly all of this vas: amount of bushiebs'and expeediture has been got through if not Intim iery best manner possible, Olean Creditable and sat isfactorily considering the circumstances and the Inexperience of the parties. Be. can It be won dered at, I am asked, that such things have ecrely tried the strength of the new kingdom, and hare left debts and difficulties behind The wonder only is, I em told, that the things have been accomplished at all, or that the debt in curred ii not greater. Mee us but time, I hear it said, and our deficit of three hundred millions will soon be turned into a surplus by the deed: opmaat of the resources of the country. " per resources," said a high anthority to me. " are not as yet developed to the extent of per cent. of what they are capable of being." "New taxes," said another, "must and Will be laid Os, Sti. our people will and can pay them, because every year Increases their means of doing so." ehcrt, I hear only a tone of confidence all amend me, save and except from the party, which, thoroughly beaten at the elections, c sue soles itself by vilifying, when It has utterly fail. ed tp command. $ 1 25 .. 175 •••. 25 1 75 7 i 1.. a 100 17$ 2 25 210 75i 45 i 4 6, 423 awl 12 IX 8 001 17 CO 10 001 '2200 Items' t time. I I wreak. ;a week. !- - - : • le 00 /0 8 ISOOO `4ll Id CO 20 On 18 CO ova rates If la. a lan pe riod 21; may te agreed ONDENCE The Florence season Is opening under ans plciont influences, and with , the city fall of stranger!, drawn hither, rather than elsewhere, by the Imptinlti as yet, seenred to at from cholera, Patti. as pastrions American child of cone. tunes er sweet throat for the first time to /Whin ears, to-night at the Teatro Pairt Han°. and all Florence Is 61241 p-too to hear the far-famed trans-Atlantic warbler. The. - Pirate Stionandoatt•-.Bngland's ale Itelathe to _Woddell'e Position. • (From the London Tint., Nov. le, ;be formal transfer of the Shenandoah to Federal government and the release of her ofri the ems and crew have been followed by the publi cation of Captain Waddell's letter to Lord Rus sell. The consummate assurance displayed In this document Is, to say the least, quite as un prececitnted MI the position in which Captain Wadden. by his own second. finds himself placed. If - lpixacy" though specified In the treaty, does not Includ e acts like those attributed to Captain Wadaell, It Is only because those acts, if proved, would constitute him a pirate in a worse sense—a hares 44ntnni genera. Supposing our government to have been satisfied that he was wilifelly guilty of them. and not (as we must assume) that he was the victim of ignorance, they were clearly bound to bring him to justice, or, at least to Mae the American Ithels.ter an opportunity of tatting proceedings against bias. On the other hand; Ills not consistent with the spirit of our law to detain any one ea mustody on mere suspicion, and It may be that uo prima jade evidoace could In this came have been procured within many months. Under these eireuMstimees it to (LIM, -cult to See tent else our government could haie done. If Mr. Adams was really consulted, but wee not prepared to lodge lamination for plra ef until be could obtain witnesses from Califor nia. and if, as Is probable; no legal breach of the Foreign Enlistment set could be alleged,on what ground could we all to land these persons at Liverpool I They stare net prisoners of twee, for no am. existed; note, if it did, salad we as new nAhe prisoners? They were not within the reach of the criminal law until some defin ite charge was preferred against them, and this does not appear to have heed done. They may still, of course, be kept under the surreillanee of the police, but we cannot further restrain their-personal liberty. In the the meantime II is used to be reryteda that anti/feu like demons:re:lions of empathy shoutd be made in their fever. Sailors are naturally hospitable, and It was perhaps natural that Capt. Waddell and his associates should be "treated with the utmost kindness by the offi cers and men of the Donegal." But why steps should be taken to provide for the craw until they can obtain employment, of why any su per/BMW courtesy should be shown to the oft errs, we do sot profess to understand. Ted following front the Nashville Press and Times of Monday, la a photograph of the beatific society of Nashville "A wedding took place on last Thursday night near St Ce celia Academy, one mile from the city, at the residence of Mr. Grlzze, at which Governor Brownlow officiated as chaplain. The bride was Miss Sue Grizzle, and the bridegroom Cap tain Goddard, United States Army. As the road to the scene of the nuptials runs through dangerous territory and after dark is abodt as perilous as that which runs through Grotto del Cave, or the Valley of the Shadow of Death, the Governor and his compatdozes rode out In a carriage with their revolvers In their laps, and thus accoutered, arrived safely at the spot, with no byes lost, which maybe regarded as quite a feat In these ti ales. The carriage In which were Captain Goddard and his friends went out by way of College street, no other carriages being in company. When It reached the vicinity of the Sulphur Springs, three radians rnehed out and seized the horses by the bridle. The Cap tain and hie three friends Instantly drew their pistols, whereupon the highwaymen took to precipitate flight. The driver wail exceedingly ' frightened, as hie horses were restive and wild, Ind begged his party not to tire, ulna could not bold'ius team. So the gentlemen were con strained, much to their chagrin, to put up their pistols. The warlike appearance of the Gov ernor and his party as they dismounted, acme to the ttetbi's regular matrimonial. Iron-clad band, caused no little laughter from the se gam bled guests. .But hymen locked arms with the grim -visaged Mars, the ceremony was perform. ed plearestly, and all ended safely. Sputa-Threatened with a Negro Revolt la ' Cuba. • In a letter Inserted last week from an Eng - lish merchant It was mentioned that the United States Government were understood to . be prepared. for Intervention, and to have des patched a squadron cools - ring of thirty ships of-war, many of them very heavy frigates, to the coast of the South Pacific. tjnder these circumstances It is impossible not to dpprehend that Spain may Sadie:self Involved In dlffical lire and dangers which would be of the most costly and strimis character even to a prosper -003 nation, and which to one without money or credit can scarcely end In any bat the most ha millatlng or disastrotte consequences. Accord ing to reports reed - vett - by leading London (!ruts, the orders to the Spanish Admiral are that he is to keep up the blockade for a mouth, when, aboull he have failed to receive Batlefaction, he Is to commence a bombardment of `Valparaiso. Happily for Spain, the squadrons of England, France and America are ilkelyto protest against any,luch ogeration, and to be snMelently power. Ad to prevent It ; but the high-handed folly that has brought herinto her. present, position at es', moment when she may - have to strennthen Cuba - Axoinst the calamities Just witnessed la Jamal ea may perhepe prove ad stubborn as to render it impossible to turn her. wade by any appeal to common reason.—.Zoadon Ttmas. brat , . 14.415. ENGLAND 4WD Audnuca,-131r Morton Peto delivered a speech in Bristol, England, o n the 'lath, which teas bronght to us by the ,Enropean E: 1335 . - Tt is hlitelY devoted to a narration of oleareations and experiences In. the United States and 18 - ae once very able, very friendly, bbrial end ;enthusiastic. Be told Lb auditors that "to understand 'America they must go there," and "no man Of business entering ilitr,n said be, ! • eboubi Winkler bleed• neaten complete, until he bad paid Ia telt to the United States." Ile expressed himself as astounded beyohd measure et our greatness, growth sod power ' as they bad dlepleyol them • telres In war and in peace. SPECIAL NOTICES -- - - nrriTT Bl3 l7Bteil - 8 -- AW - W - OEHR I HUBBARD, BRO & CO ILLACLWnri, Mu 01 PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS, Warranted OAST STEEL SAWS. of every da• leriptlon. MU Molar, OrOss Out, Gan;, and all other varieties. All kinds of KNIVES and SPRING made from Sheet Oast Steel; Extra Relined AND MOWING KNIVIdS, &a. Air Warehouse and Works, corner WATER and SHORT STREETS, PlGA...ugh. Particular attentibn given o , Ginn ming and Shinitateg Olrenlar Sawa; , co, piths of all isin Ptuatatir and Drilling dons al taaronable rates. nanny far WAG BAIIMMILL. et Mo.. Boiler Makera & Sheet Iron Workers Roc NI, 22, 21 and 28 PENN STREET. /Living reemnad lane art, aitd a r e with the mest Improved , WO ete_premer, ed to manufacture every description of BMW' a-st la the best manna; and warranted equal to any made ha the oountry. OHlLEEpimild, FIRE BEDS, STEAM PIPES., LOOS BOILERS, CONDENSERS, SALT Fag; TANKS, OIL STILLS _AGITATE:on:4LT: TUNG PANS, sommaa IRON, BB wi g SUGAR PANS_ _ end sole manufacturars of BMWS PATENT BOILERS. Repairing dons am the shortest n • /Mit IIigrAMILKE s non Copper Mill and Smelting Works, PITTSBURGH. PARK, McCURDY & CO Itanufaeturers of BEERTNINEt. BRAZIERS' Is BOLT COPPEIL MESHED COPPER BOP TOMSitemma STILL BOTtOMS. sper..rmi importers and dealers he MET. TIN PLA SILSET he. Oons tly oa hared, BL sod TOOLS. - Warehouse. No. 140 FIRST sad LSO SER). OND ST HF.Ers, Pittsbrugh. Special =WS of aepper est styw2ydawT to say desired patters. • Nr ItIA2IIIOOD I HOW LOST. HOW RESTORED I—Just Published. le • eeal. en Envelope. Price alx cents. A LECTURE OR THE NATURE, TREATMENT, and Radio&Mare et Spermatorrhom, or Seminal W tintiu7 Emissions, Sexual Debility and Merits to Marriage generally ; Nervommeas, cal Ineaimeiptlon, Epilepsy - and Pita; Mental and Physt paalty, resulting from Sal! Abuse, tr.a. by Boar. J. thmvsalvtud., M.D. author of the Green Rook, ao. "A Boon to THOUSAND. OV Sent under seal, to • plain envel ope, to any sadness, pod paid, on receipt or ale nears, or Coro postage atamps, by Dr. J. O. KLINE, Ll 7 Bowery, New York. Post OMee box 4,633,: boilsmdsw? : • ! lea • ). DOTI SESEEIea manna ath:anon have big been teatood to !Lentil' In a taw Clam attar on dersolng the usual main. Ineenle.r expensive anode off treatment without. stweets, aorwidere It hie awed duty to COMIDCLanie to his &Meted fallow. creatural the means of cure. Dente, en the receipt of an addrecied eny=s, he will sand.freo, • copy of the prescription • Meet to Dr. JOSH N. DAGNALL, lee Fulton street. N. Y. inhllnplarwT 020. 1.111 . 111 W. D. F. HOLLII4.II ograLA BELLE STEEL It111:7201 & CO., Phumaietwert of OAST STEEL; SPRING, PLOW Auld BLISTER STEEL% SPRINGS, LES, %T CROWBARS, Pm *W. Office, No. 9(1 ema STREET (up stain° P/TTs.RUSGR. PA. arBOEIIISON, BSA ek 01). (11 , 1013kkal to Boancsoar, k MILLAkj • Wafth4ogton Works, FOOD , E1 th. g .... 3 AND 6 ELORlNlErwirressam TEAM ENG al 12213 T ENGINRIIII.I. ItIAOHINEJ3Y,G MOS of all BOILER 4-A=4w GEFFARDI PAT 3ENT /11.77411. OR, for boiler. JOH* COCILILLIN BRAN, VAULT Wa x of !-J/Opf VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, IRON NAIL ING WINDOW SHUT TERS, WINDOW GIMIAI. ae., Nail Id SEO. tIND and 88 THIRD between Wood and Marim, bare on hand a variety of new pattern; fancy and plain, ratable far ail ourpoten Particrolar attention pald to attaloctris Oran Lota. Joann= done at anon notice. nun SENT PBEE.—A PARIPELET OP immense Impartanco to the old and young , married and aingle of bosh sexes, will be seat Cres addreating with stamp enslosed,the Ames; J. A.. KENDRICK & CO, Box 71 , B oston Post Often. 43320dirdawr itarTRE BRIDAL CHAMBER. All SA Y OF WARN/NO AND INSTRUG. TION FOR YOUNG MEN. Also, new and rellse tele treatment a the Uri w 7 and Sexual Systeass. Address Dr..T. SKILLEN HOUGHTON, How aril Association. Philadelphia, Fe. splay FOUNDRIES THE FORT PITT FOUNDRY. • CHARLES %NAP NEPHEWS, 111,7 171.4.020013.1 01 HEAVY ORDNANCE ARID ALL KINDS Or wrizmvv•ir cs.aerrxztcwea. Special ettention peld to ROLLING MILL WORK. B LAS T NIA.URINET.I AND RETORTS. REPAIRS attendee to promptly. Al heretotot e, the best materials wsll always be used at this Foucault- n02..1re PITTSBURGH FOUNDRY. a. annelatio. MSS 11. MY=noel A. GARRISON Ar. 00. (StManion to BoUman, Clatrlloo, C 0.,) FOUNDERS M MACKENETEI Mantis:aura, ef Utdßed &alert of -a/1 alzalb tot Dot, Stoat, Etrus, =tar . Dgers. Straw BoardFaper and asubber works alio, MAHAN =lll Casting. a irier, destripbloas,, Bark BIRD, Patent Donlan Gr with • mite y of other patterns, alway• on band and Oiled to rd er on short mite and favorable tams. Odlca ad Waraluinse, lit Stalthnold ssms..Ptetaburgh. Italy P ENN MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY. H. IVIGHTILISB, ENGINE BUILDER AND MACHINIST, Lacuna mum% bartween Federal and Sandoz, Azzioururr Cur, Pa. Manufaetarer of WIGHT AI A N S PATENT PORTABLE OSGELLATENG STEADS EN GIVES, Shafting, Pulley", am Repelling of all Muds attended to let-ly RIRSECR 4t BRO., Thiene Bull.dati and Machfaints, Eanufasturers of Riese:kis Patent Balaton 'Valves loamm .Engines, Oa Engines, Brower' , Xs y, Stuill.leg, Ranger; ?id4d9ll. Corner Rarrison and Pike Weds, Pntsbarah, Pai Repairing and putting up Id s-misi”.ry ponniptly attended to. Kuala _ JOHN B. HERRON & CO., Htosra ritTsizusaicicsturox-As AND IRON FOUNDERS, Office mad Sales Rooms, lea NO. 1711 I. EltratTlr STREET g SEVERANCE, £4O. ea Water. et. Pittiburgh mantltaettums of ROLLER HIV ETS, WROUGHT MBES, trimmen and railroad "p=ore=rui,ed SPIXISSamIgRinErS large or null, made to ardor at non aotloa A good aseorteame nastardkr muud. arms STEM WORKS. pITTSBURGHTSTEELWORILS, ANDERSON, COOK & CO., (SUCCESSORS TO JONES, BOYD .5- C 0.,) hlannfuturere of the best refined Out Steel, Square, Flat and Octagon, of all sleek New Plate', Hoe, Fork and Sheet east Steel, Out Steel for Reaping and Mowing Machines, Steal Plow Will, SPrlogy, Axle., Camlara, &o Cast and Common Plough and Spring Steel Ofilst—Oorner of First and Ross streets, two Mocha &boss the Monongahela House. send* LACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS PITTSBURGH PA PARK, BROTHER & CO. Manufactures of BEST QUALITY FEFINED CIAS7 STEEL, Squara,ltet aad Octagon, o an Area Warrant, ed aqua goring baporkW or manufaatured In Ihl 1101111t17. ONlse WI warehouse, Nos. 1 and 151 sod NO and 149 SsDolma:sins, Plltburgh roars FrEttil 717E81 PLIMI Len/ Es, rassEs AND ORILDRENB' FUR The Largest and !dog Complete Assortment EVER OFFERED IR TILTS lIIARKE7, McOORD & 00'S. not P/ Wood street, Piltiobtuirb, ~~IIFL~} oFERA 110138 E. FAREWELL BEREprf and positliodY the Gat dmpeare... 113 Pittsburgh for some years, of the renowned artists. EA. AND MIS. W. J. FLORENCE, FRIDAY EVENING Der bri, will he presented John Brougham's homatifoi - Dmens. aaflWd ins HUSK EMIGRANT. Alter widen LESSON' FOll HIINIIIINDS To condole with Itorwoorr irDeolallty of LORD rmsnieN. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, DOT: or, The Cricket on am ReArthi. SATURDAY EVENING, the cow utosatbm of rUE ROYER'S BRIDE: or, a:PIRATE'S WEDDASO. MONDAY, BLANCHE DE BAR. DITTBBUHOII THILATER. A- Lessee ereed Ransger ..... W. HENDERSON PAK= or Aamrsaroa—Dress Meals, SO eta; Fain By I nrole,lls eta; Third Tlar, 23 eta; Private Box e l 15,00; Single Seata,St,DL. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Cattalo rises at 7X. THIS (TBIDAT) E11E311711. will be presented UNCLE TOWS CABIN; With entire • NEW SCENERY AND DEOHANIOAL EITEUTS. T HE _ MUSEUM AHD I DENAGERIE S NOW OPEN AT NO. 64 FIFTU STREET NDER THE OPRICA HOUSE. 0245.tf • MASONIC HALL. Thnraday and Friday Eveninna NOV. 30 and SEC. Ist. TWO NIGHTS ONLY. itiemus Wattl'i farewell Nights is America ARTIORIS VJALID'S HUMOR .More humorous than any other humor. The grin to broader, under the maak of which Ilea, If not the_oeepest wisdom, moot eterltes common teem Heiden most ►no the book for them. aelves.—®amber', Jeered, •Landon A. WARD AMONG TEES ITORDIOES. The public am reeptetrnily informed that these will mom poeltively be AR EMUS WARDS twit dighio In Pittsburgh, prior to hie departure for England, where arrangements are Lready beteg per for his estly appearance at Egyptian Hall„ London. braces The piotorial part of his entrutainmetits EICITITEEN OOLOSSAI. PALI:TINGS Faithfully photographing, en aMantle scale, the S CHEEPS OF SALT L&K E Cll PT, aod the singe. tart: beautiful Valley at Utah. The accompany.. ins descriptive Lecture, by !memos Ward will be cheerful. The success of this eatertaleimeat has teen he r e. Mot it Is particle proper to refer to It Commend:sr the Olty of Sew York, it vas Om at Uodworth Hall for one hundred consecutive nights to densely crowde4 boons. Its success subsequently fa Boston, Pl:Wade/plait, Baltimore, Wastungton, Chicago, avid St. Louts was no less widths and brilliant. Admission boo Beearved seats, 753. Keisorved seats for sale at 0. 0. Mellor's Music Store, Wood street, whore a plan of the hall can tro mut Sole of Beeerved seat. will commence on Tuesday meriting, Nov. nth. The Piano used Is one of Chit:tiering'. make, and kindly funilimed by Mr. Mellor. Door. open at 7. Commence at 8 °lattice.. gPatoncrtas Nortcv —A rtemns Ward will ap pear at New Onslle, Pa., on WZOSISO•T N - rn. urn, Nov. 79th. aver.td JOHN P. SMITH, Director. A l p SON/ C HAIL FARE FELL BENEFIT OF C)IEC4IMTC3I- AfLM,X3=I BIAIrCir the OrtgLaal an 9 Far• Famed Siamese Twins, and their Children ALSO, THE WONDERFUL Wild Australian Children PONTITELI itIIIII DAIS Cali. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Intarda December ettk, 7th, Etch sad Mb TV7O GRAND LEVEES EACH DAV—Arler noonand EveniAlf• Door. open from 2 to 6 and from 7 to v. I Admix]lton 84 venue; children 25 000241. HADHSCHTLRO. DAY, THREE EILILIErI• HITIONS. Doers open from to to LA 2to 3 and 1 to wx-ftiOtd BOOTS AND SHOES LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS LI% BOOTS AND SHOES. Just readvad • TREMENDOUS STOCK OP 1"41.L F IMITTER GOODS, AT J, A. ROBINSON it: CO., GI NAM= STREET, Next door to BARKER'S Dry Goode Stem. Lust BOOTS AND BRUEtI. JAMES ROBB. No. Se Star Set Street Hu Just returned from the EAST with •ery mrge and seasonable esock of .EI , I:3KZIPPIS .fth.mrla esgel3. of the VERY BFST QUALITY. Mans', Boy.. *ad Youttut BOOM AND SHOES to all their varieties • styles. LADIES WORK of the fin. cat and bee that Is manufactured, from the doe Poilah to t plain Oalf Boots. Cledidratui , Boots and Shoes to every style and variety. Our ohject le to sell each goods as will glee eat- Wadi= to theprotheses. KlPPlease call and examine, end you will be Remember the place. JA ME satiaflod with the QUALITY asolli'RlOß of goods. S ROBB, No.ll Market street. NOTICE. ALL STYLES OF Boots and Shoe 63 MARKET STREET. SOUTH & 8088, BOOTS AIM 8110E8 CLEM 92 Federal Street, Allegheny, ity, BOOTS AND SHOES. I em salting better Goods and for less money hen any other house In the two slues. W. K. MoOLINTOOK, 112 Federal street, Allegheny ally ALL 000(9 WARRANTED. no ANOTHER ARRIVAL Ok Ladies' Misses' and Ohl'drat's Boots, Balmerals, Gaiters, Polish Boots and Gums of all styles and qualit ie Which will be fold at the s lowest Woes. • few more' pain ot those SOILED MOM ofi hand at tenh low prizes that wool be incited. OW early and .ataa at the known stand of J. H. BORLISD, 98 Market Street, soID Mad door from Fifth.) . AMES. GENTS', MIMS , MID osumizwa Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, 01 eves 7 Mklb, Make an 4 form, at CoTzars, ' ole Corner PIM arul.Wills stre s ets. /kr Pols toes sun evergbody. . ALL MID BEE TILE OEST'S FUTE CLL,LF BOOTS J. W. CIANNAZAR, 81 XlBollllllllt. FOR SALE---FOR 'RENT --- A 0001) 8.A1t02 4 imitable for carrying Aq. cuffs Goal or sattro.4 Iron, Ls Wars/ Zar tab triIEAP FOR (mat E. ' Alto, THREE tiE 'AIND-HAND Borr.tas, is fret iong, 40 inches dlameter. EA4 Ciro at the adularia] Worts. 1.0.4311 SZ BGLE A 00., Corner of Point Alley and Lague.' Way, u 301: near th e Pain . pOR SALE, WITH IMMEDIATE POS .& SIiSSION. The inourrr HAIM MOPES. TY, AT WCOOS' EDE STATION; Irlftee owes Land, Brick Dwelllns with to rooms sod carrel; plenty of soft water and fruit of all kinds; ten manatee , walk from Tedeeel street Depot, Ante bony. Enquire of the eubseriber, at 011 DLL. aIIIDE AND OIL TOOL WO/MS, 13 sod 04 Ohl, feet. AllefArner: ocetirwl R. EL LEOKT. 'SECOND STREET PROPERTY FOR BALK—d- comfortable three story Brisk Bonilla/Booze of hall, two parlor., dining/4MM, kitchen, cellar, bath-roam and Mx chambers, to good rogation near Market street. For piles and terms, apply to 8. OtITILBtRT & SONS. at Marlrit &Vett. FOR BALE--ONE LARGE DOUBLE DOOR FOULARD BITROLAR PROOF SAFE, lined with Steel. and In complete order, lately owned by Robert Ashworth, deceased. For par k la We, enquire of /Arius B. STRICKLFIR, No. St. Obar meet. FOR BALE ENGINE, ROLLER FLY *HEEL, &a, 'ample'', ready for putting up, Imitable for • saw -mill or any purpose requiring no home ower. Apply at auaratt us THIRD STREET. nom, AND LIME PROPERTY FOR SALE—On the Steutcuft We Railroad, seven miles from the city, CONTAINING ONE H • RED AND EIGHTY SIX AC Steam and Water Flouring and Saw 211111, sad Miter line Improvements. Pbr !unbar Information apply to WILLIAM WARD, (Up• • to tha Liathatra4) /YID r • t straet, No. 110. MOUNT WABHIBUTON PROPERTY FOB HALF—A cleat flottage House and Lot of 0 round, Fruit and Shade Tree., Shrubbery, etc, fronting on Bleb street. also, • large House, nearly new; I!,‘ safe. of ground i corner of Bertha and 111,a0 gar. ' U. also, a double Frame Rouse of si x rooms and large lot on Svearnore Price, g 1,260, Also, a COttate House of tbree goo= and lot on Union street. PrII_f_ILECICI. For gala by B. Ou'imßEßT & SONS, n 057 51 Kukla ;trait. DENBABLII CITY PROPERTY FOR RENY. Ist, LARGE °MOS Rooms. so. E Fourth snook e, opposite AL a AL Banc suitable for 2d. Stor Broker's 001ses. kr So. A L ARuE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Id. A SALOON, to • good loastlork for so extols • .he Restaurant. X. D. GAZZ A.lll. ogtOsttf o. (Drown sod No P a street. grq snn WILL PURCHASE vo.,,,•••••-•!, A PEAT FRAME HOUSE, Pith SIX Rooms, and about TWO LODES OT LAND, Masted to the village of Mount Weeh. Lagoa. Tor tonna, partionlArt =Sam of G. H. TOWEL 184 Yourthaltree VALUABLE COUNTRY R' FOR SALE, Masted on the Pennsylvania Sall , Mad. one-half nine from WlllOnsburch s and only three mlattes mark from the nearly granted Ste. Una on said road, called SDOZ WOOD OTLT/Off i • LOT of gamed eantalning amp 1111_persitest three ears Oak Formal; lame Trams B I=lskwlth le rooms. and cellar undo= ,PralS Trani Maw and ether convert teams. Then grounds will diet* handsomely. For farther Informstlon sell on JAMES S. SING, ?So. 106 Fifth West. PLENDID DWELLER() FOR &LLB Ult~altastad at No. aS3 Rabscen stand, Allegheny Tha Lot has a front on Rebecca street of to Bet, and extiinds tea feat to Park'. street, on arliteh to erected a neatly Slabbed two story Brien Dwelling watt seven aoaitartable rooms. dm kitchen, with range, bath bolas, gas, hot and ebartpsj ahrougb r outhlLarbis mantles, pose l ebeap. .11frpry e to, Solt 31:°& 1 2 7 .14°& FOR RENT. TEE TWO LARGE Front Rooms or Offices, N0..60 FOVIIITEI ante= A Photograph Gallery LARGE FURNISHED CELLAR. hozoodisto poamenton given. Enquire of MairABTER GIAZZAZ & CO, arrelasrs, 99 Grant Strest, FOR BdiE Well Finished Frame Two-Story Dwellin PIM StIT I LO : ,I S I MA Y A" TIT/ ' •:ti Ft o the Rouse. atelde /71E LOT ta Portrays feet fro_acti try Oa* Has ere* loot deep. ;PIPE GRAPE ARBOR, FRUIT THEM. at. POMOIRSI mill be liven ea lee let ot Aprrt AIM. A COaNfiar/GRE - ROGNIt WITH ONE AW() HOWIE. Posseaskei te given on tali tab of= mt. Ths weepeuear will sneer sell, or • La fat Gault/ Property. Terms eery Lapides et . IL TOWER, We. Frauth Meet. .7. T. fiILUPLE. Ewe Estate Bretre and Lairosaare Agnt, ausitaisatf is lalarsl street, *Meehan/. CIOAL, COAL AND LAND FOR BALE • -• 0 The en valuable PARR la Elizabeth lowa. AVE WU e CPOrf:=4fl=27ooa the alaziontalleis River for wore than half mile. In Pool Re J. - - . In this tract there are (ZS awes of good mar clantabletkral fronting on the river with deep water along the property, The wades la never less than Qom 73.4 to 10 hest deep, when the river la at Its lowest nage. he Land is of the vary best quality of river bottom, elllarg In good wear, and Under good teasing lS, , w a e well habitue' two sto HILL DW ith ALLIN 4 6.01.15 E, large frame Barn ry , hams Stahl* 100 fret long; Corn Gelb, Wagon Hone and two Tenent Dwalluma. The Greenebare and Wubbogton Turnpike rune ituengh the farm, and taking it 'altogether for convenience of ietaLloll and intrinele value, is certainly one of the, very best Investment. now °eared la this county, Permeate will be made to the purchasers. For particulars, &ILIUM& of Bea/ EatateAgent, No. POUrrc°bWeEttßaet.. la.dtt THOSE TWO HANDSOME THREE STORY BRICK HOUSES, Not. 10 and It, on the east ride of WEST OOM. MON, near the eonam of Ohio street, built and Enithed throughout In ►tropettor manna—Bat/beg with every 0:10441. COOTGOienoe end LmproVement, and at present la perfect order, one of the clean. est sad most deldrable situations la Allegheny. Posseesion on the Ist of April. NM EOQOIZI of rAIkLES T. B„Alltpi„E. Reel Elalai Broker AM Rotuma. Agent, oe-ant No. 65 Fenaral Allegben FARE FOR BLLB, CONTAINING 3.00 ACRES, All of which to good Farming Land. and 225 acres cleared and undet good fenamu the remaining 73 sera neat-rate timber. The land In st present moat) y In graas:and le In good eooditlon for althea • SHEEP FAROS or for ILGRIOULTURAL PURPOSES. The neighborhood Isgood, and easy of access—within • few miles Of the U. k P. l L an d ß h . i , g a s t o M h o O ' h . i M r a velro.n , I a nd two Ma m nc b h o e at tar, the county town of Hancock soutity, Went Vent l mtlbn from Wellsville, And Uarteen from Steetetlivlile. O. The improvements WV, lede• Frame /loose Dern, Wagon Shed, Out Oribs Shen Houser and ail mem ay ourbulkltnell'. zed • Steep filth close by. There aro two good vales of COAL, ono of which II CANNEL, on the farm. The property In well worth the attention ofl amiss desiring sorb property, beim' squatty well adapted for wool 'rowing, midair or fanumg an the Weahlniteek :county land, which county Joins ilsaseck, FtUlher particulars on applies. tion to tan ..i. 51 S. FOURTH Starqrf CIP 1311YAN Ute's Mumni.) FOR OAM3, ARSENAL GLASS WORKS. MODES, RIRIE & CO.; Pdanumatusers of Black and Amen Glisadware, Ihmigughgte Ware, Bottles. nesalohtut. Ilsirtwat ao• fr ardloon: No. 144 WAT E R STREET BE TWEEN SMITHFIELD AND GRANT STREETS, PITTSBURGH• PA. We warrant on, Wares to be t enauler to any manufactured West of the fdouaalna. /alys an hand, Glaasware of the abora desarlptlon. wa RA order*rompUy attended to. Partleular Olsen. Lion pa id to private moulds. toddy 1 So. 144 Fourth Pt., Pittsburgh, Pa, ra v. oommrs---....--o3tin moose COLLINS a WRIGHT. two 4.01/ES or' O'AL LaND. Situate In Westmoreland county. Penna., on the North. Western Pennsylvania Railroad, contninilli two veins of Coal. Lltoestone awl Fire The COAL, LIMESTONE and FIRE CLAY privileges of the above tract of land will be sold on or before - RATVEDAT, DECEMBER wrII, I 8 E'er further particulars, inquire at the Law and Claim 010oe of W. J. &FULL PaTTERSON, FOR MLLE.- A FARM Of 127 acres within I miles of Lath glees Station, OA tee Penna. Railroad. The Im peciuments are a hewed log howls and barn, roues apple orchard; fencing good; too acres clear. 'di the valence well thablued. Also, s smell treat of Lend adjoining the Bozo. Elimmetkoontaining acres wall adaptee tot Su: ng Ussoil le the. earl but of firer bob. awl l i t n a high ststo ef ultleation. A No.l stoat sad glue farm. eontebiln WO saes, situate In Chewy 11111 Township, trull -0,4 eatint7“l4 emu the village areenvills. Reprovemantr re • Rome hoose„ g ri mi Zt y l o ald t Itst e bernAnardftwo4tory me, hostel wall timbered. The lend la gooet, largsamsdowe Which producer' fins crope ofnee. it very cow vadat to churches, saltoola r mMe, Tide property will be gold very allay and on 1111/7 Also, • Farm of 11l Ames. In rates township, W n eocuity, Fa. t he be sold chew. Atte, • text Cann on the Zonommhato Riser about one cella from fdelLseeport ‘ A. Roghoo7 00., Pa n 002asiotorshatULDeree. Tlilliaapenements an • frame house ampere, ems alb and wagon abed, with other outbuildings. A large aDpie erebaid of between lW end 600 trees; So gulags rete, ed Peer tram, and 4e4 peach amok TOO farther particulars, In sin of 0,11. TOWER, Real Eittate Agent, VO. /0t rdRIVi dtregh FOR SALE-FOR REiNT FARM FOR &Ala— The sUbdcfilyer Will offer an private sale, the FARM ON WA-I= HE NOW RESIDES, Situated In Cecil Township, Wa s hin g t on c oun ty . on the State Road leading Oven Pittsburgh - to West Middletown, tEI tulles from the former, and miles Dom the latter Olsen.°dotal...La IRO ACRES. The, land he . .von . , well watered, lies with about Ito &ORES OF CIL OD TIMBER. The leutitovemeata are • good two story Frame Dwelling Houle, with kitchen; s Frame Flank lat u a g n g ear s ly new, and other necessary Farm coo Orchards, of about saes. of chokeTheis selected are fruit The location mit I. vlthia of a mite of Venice. and semie•of Donald'iStatine. on the Ptitaburgh and Steuben vtlle nu, Farm is to • g_ ood =drib°, load and cOnVurrent to Schools, iJhUrCheei_ and Stores awe wd JAMES REED. DWELLING HOC BE IN ALLEEOHNY B`OR EN EL, /AM • one and a half dor . / frame Oottap House, col. tensing two phriors, antes room, It.Mhan .n 4 lour ~w vi lt[u, ittmenbers, with water and gite, talcuPill4 • lot 13 / gee, lushly cultivated and ornamented with stands M ry and shade trees. The surrounding. are [dement, affording ample spare for fresh air, an/ the outlook on the three Hvan aotaamaing SA extensive and varied view for further information, apply to eS. el. BRYAN. Broker Fourth trees. Burke , . Bulidnig. COBLFORTABLE DWELLING FOR SALE.—/ offer for We that well finished three .tor) Brick How and elde Lot adjoining, on till corner of Second and ferry etreeta The house contain, nine rooms beside arash.room and bath room, and has gas and water throughout. This property la convenient to the great Inuiness cen tre, and yet from its surrounding, mitred and comparatively free Irmo smoke. full particulars given on application to S. S. BRYAN, Stock and Real Bette Broker, 0021 62 Fourth St.. (Burke'. Building.) STANDARD PEMOLEITIK REFINERY. CLARK & SUMNER. Work. and °Mee, COLLINS TOWNSHIP Ocoee Is Pittsburgh, 1114 WOOD STREET These works have the largest the eealty Le country. The hresul stead the hi ap Oest We ealiatry arid la Europe, far s quality arrl fire La and the oil to put to well seasoned barrels, prepared esposially for export Maaufseturera of ROLLEIR3,4*: STILLS, 'Limo, and IMPROVED ROBING TOOLS far Oil wells. gelid / TRNANT FARM OIL COMPANY. Office Corner of Pena and Warne Streets Ms Company was ized on the 28th hut, Under U.• Pennsylvania Mums and Mannfactu, lag lA:A The Territory of the Company Ls nit ru,ked.int lg ,t ka i rft ru l= I c s : s o t m ls p eLn y t.h an a I d a t ri h d e sat ac hs . ani Creek Petroleum Company. Capital Stosk $150,070 CO Vi'crking Ptuul WOO 00 Par vain. of each Stars l 00 LSAAC NOOK, S. A. Josersort, President. Secretary and Tremwer. m Jump Graham, plu ose. • J. G. Weir, Prank Snyder, Staptisa Lawson, • IL w.ltchla sußo3l DIIPOCARD CREEK PETROLEUM OODEPAITY. Office Corner of Penn and Wayne ate Thia company maa organized on the zath Inst. Under the Pennsylvania Mining and 2danufaatit ring Law.. The territory of the ocm_poo7 ad ins the langa of the Dunkard Creek Union till Company, of thin MY. Capital Saoeh. 8225.000 Working rand 23,000 nut Sabre et Each Share. IS 00 OIITICHISS President—S. A.JOHNSTON. Secretary and T4amittru—LSAAo Nom: S. A. 'mammas, L. S. Mamas, Pa. Ass lissom; /Axis (humus, 41 L ;1 11 alift. 21. w. (.1 . . Hiss, SUPERIOR Our E,NOINP.S. We ere eeneiructlng,olol will keep on ka 44 a superior sills 01 C/3CL. lETZQC3r.TIVIiI Either a Commoa or Ta!polar Boiler We lent* pasties needing estrum for this put pose to call and ueo them. Donne of PUSS and LPH2.114 IMPEETS, eau City W star Works. Je2l Td.dalriNPOSH. HEMP anal. Pc 00. Pure White Burning 01 Constantly on hand, and for sale at TBll LOWEST MARKET ELATES B. C. & I. H. sewirm !Co. VFOOD STR a JAMES WILKIN =OM AND V 1114131 IN CRUDE AND EEFHtED OrL tlitl's Meek. Darin VIA*. PllttatVgb . sa tr i Mi T ilatiation Ten t EUI 7 , the SALE lad AND °° 4l POST 8 0.MVEIStir d. tetek• 7 80. 1 at. 01413 ST.. Plttabargli. FORWARDING AND COXIIIRSION MCACELL.V7 ADD DEALER IN OILS 17.1.0111ak NUM LITORIOLTING, 01/171)2 PLTROLEMIL ULU, coastaatt/ aa Maid sad far sala st the I = mt atatirat wise& Corutips. mats aad orders atet-att PATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1881 DITHIUDGEtS PATENT Oral Emma Mitmancs. Manufaottu•ed of MK Flint Glass. Thous ehitafioro aro totems= for the flat halo; atathig all parts of too glum eqeughdcoa oot pow It to cracking. E. D. DiraELDGE, . Fort Pitt Ohm Works, Waahlcatcla Wean Patatargh. Peon's EROBANTS, W/1113 iL 6 mmis & tNG, eN--14 ♦// /MOLEX! II PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS Lad dealers la fiellathi MannaLk. No. JO MARKET ST. PittoburtA. B oNDZD W A.R.BEW Ina. or Phenix Warehousing Company, root of BALTIC, & ILLhEISON Sto" Ilzookltou atonal 0/ REFINED PETROLEUM. In Tanks and Barrel& Saa Clraulass. Ocoee, No. 86 BEAM ErrEZET New York. oc3-ly LUCENT OIL WOliN.5. DUNCAN, DUNLAP & CO.. MAXIM 41.01171ta1S Of Pare White Relined Carbon OIL% cci ~/ SO. 291 LIBERTY STREET _ OIL BTOCKS.—The underalgriedwill ula of partioular attention to the pontos. ono Stooks of ALL BRUM= Companies. I Invite buyers Lad rollers Co call. J. H. JIOIL&NGE No. 107 FOURTH STREET MANUFACTURERS B R A SAMENTKIM:iihkEII3, UABBOIT B A I N I LTEMIEVIRRI '3, lind all =mat atyles of Brittanta used by Wan Arm. Eidusars. Omen proraytilniled• N 0.139 SlOoio fernier, PrinUtrialt.P.A. I Se yd wz. haulm JAMES LEWES & 00., "glainn ItAXI27/10176168 OP Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia. °mem No. 15 MARMOT St, PTITISAWEGH. PA. D& W. Bra fts PiEDr mennimturen o. 12 andtpt otviE•oonsl N oND ST I,„botwass Wood awl Math Meet% Plitoloosh..a. DENTISTRY, Tosidot .I ATel, Dealt& Oonnell aw amuse pi DI. 1 102112 t : it na r VI taEmits LPolt.. NO BANKS AND BANKERS BLNKING HOUSE. N. HOLMES & SONSI Ho. 57 Market Street Pittsbargh. DEPOSITS RECEIVED IN PAR PONDS MW Clonactionsatade on an the prinalpal points - jot United States and Canada& STOOKS, BONDS AND OTC SEOUBI7II BOUCIT AND MD ON CEMSSION, Particular atteattou paid to the purchase sa Ws at cum snits SEMMES, rand Mates Ms of MI; Do. do. 0-30+1 ; Do. PIM 5040 5; '• D o . CortiDodo . Seres-Thlitiol of Di i te• ORDERS AND VODOLIZES 801312fH2 0.11 DOLL - Az bAIILINUS BANK, NU. 9 3 Fora?'" Seeger. 02 1 11ARTEDZED Elf M eaidi Open daily Dom to I o'clock, °On Wednes day and linterdity evening, from alny Le to Not umber Let, from I to I o'clock, Led from liorembet Int to rday le from el to B o'clock. Deporlta received of all ikums of not leant= One Donee end *dividend of the profits declared twice a year, In June and Dezember. Interest lea bean! declared since the secniemitially, in June arid Dezember, per Dent. a year. Bank woo organised, at to. rata et Interest, If not drawn out, I. pined to the reedit of the deponent u prenolpat, are pears the Interest from the first Up of June and Decem unsa ber, compounding Mai a year without troubling the depodlor to eat, etwo to Pre toe. tiook- Ai We rate money will double un easel Bookn, containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rule. and Regulationn, furnlahed grate, on application at the °Moe. Prsamzers—GEOßGE ALBREZ. MI PENIED1:1111. Willi= J. Asklesson, M_ Pollock, John O. BaaketelL Robert A. Robb, IL 11., Beal L. Fatorketock, , Jahn IL Shoturbetier, Jams Rerdman, Jamul Shldle, James McAuley, • Alexander Speer, lame DL Pennock, Christian Yeager. TZIIIMUIS. Calvin Adams, Henry J. Lynch, John C. Illndley, Peter A. Msdedrs, Olio= Jahn Marshall, Mil Walter P. Marshall Ahrnzo A. Charter, James B. D , . Charles A. Colton, John H. Mar= Wm. Ev Douglas, John Orr John John J. Maple, Boon L. Ditsty am .P.. William B. Haven, W Ale illi xander Tindle, PetelL Hunker, William Vanish*, " Rionard H.T. Wm. P. W Jame, D. Isaac Whine r, A. COLTON. Clizivlz/P-4ARLES B. D. MIEDS. litlAmir I HZ MEMO NATIONAL BANK O f Pittsburgh. Chiirtertd by . the Capital ;Organized ander MU al Pa., 1836.1 11,000,000., ?fatal Lag ‘l5ll This Bank has bean dans:naiad a DEPOSITARY OP THE United States Treasury, and appointed agent for the sale of the 7-80 Ma C:h .A. DT . Every fading 'MI be offered to Inverters or pan tire purchasing for resaala EL M. MURRAY, Cashier aP 2 nf PEOPLES' NATIONAL` BANK Of Pittsburgh Capital Paid in $1,000,000, with Prvii lege of $2,000,000. 8 . :.2 1, 6 ED Cie coaNzas FIRST AND WOOD Thugs", orsardned =dee the National Bank Ins System. ts nos prepared to transact business at Its Banlas Roue, corner of Wood and /trig !Warta. Collections made on al aceeselblis points on most favorable Lerma. Special . Agehts for JAY 9007 LE, for the sale of the O. 8. 7 340 Treasury Notes. P. M. GORDON, Oehler. J. C. IiaIIERSOR TEz FOURTH NATIONAL BANK. 11. S. Government Depository 55 JIGWHET 811TEET, Capital Pahl t 5.300,000 with privilege of Increase to 500,000 Hiving extensive correspondence with Ranks and Bankers throughout the country, tee offer unosto el (sanitise to those doing Imathers with to. 8.3.40 ro74l=Przum. Led all other Govarrarent seettretles, hunlahed In sume to bit pidedresers. Deposit. revered and Lateran allowed by pecial agreement. VIIMITORS THOS. DONAELLT, H H. KING, D. H. smnu_ , N . J. HIGLEY, JAS. H . BAILEY, ;JOHN F. HERRON, !MOS, SMITH, ~J. H. HIHECPATHICH ASSIZIr +n.a.■ THOS. DOEICELLY, President, BUTLER WARD, Cashier. selin nsawP BORING TOOLS inaitisThOWiT MANUFACTURES or IMPROVED BORER TOOLS, Sinking Oil, Salt .and Other Wells No. 136 WOOD STREET PITTSBURGH PA. Toole warranted made of the very tent SLIGO AND LOW MOOR IRON. WELL BORERS Bowe=s C7cuSits. Pr-loess 'pith nosh articles as ate necessary to conduct op erations, via: ANVILS DELLO lies, SLEMMERS23, HAR, SHOVELS, PIOHII, /LEES, Rope, Leather t fAll of whiah I hare oattimd DRUGGISTS ____ OODBIDIS at WALL/L(3B 17171 :Lcacoosalo rtrugia.eirta AND DFA TAV • IN White Lead, Red Lead, Lltharalee, Plants. 0/ Vanden, 01-e Shun, Window Obai and Put 6 a k ea , Paramary,_l3•".."4,olutela 0 /4 " sMin%ta ktrWtaterhaietattla /brown Palm ta Lad, Muter Oak White Lentil lb aid Mimi Wtdtan'a Celebrated Patent Dim ala aadftwo dancid Gana. No. 37 WOOD BTRKEEr. OPPOSITE THE SE OILLILLES ROTEL,' J. 130.11.00101ASEIL Pittsburgh White Lead Works. runs MUTE LEAD. ELM LE GEOCIRD OIL FOR PAM' TED E&ZULELS. MA ea livOint arm= IJNDER -ABUN eafisai 13Z713xtrimilhariaszvo No. of 1601 K : a tm/6 Pittata GLO And =lt ot. al annuitant a. Good, I R~a mapyas day aad aOhl. lisiftwaalt liaatasaafter. Gana ) I:l ra l ZV am V.ZA u*Lis Dar% DIU Ewlalt Eaa• Jacob H. ar q. CURRENCY OOLLEOTE eLAJIIUIII. SEA. President. &VISA. le PITTSBUBGH. PA; Burnished at HATCHET., giNHES, • 0 WEL., WRENCHES, PLANES, ADDY it EVYXED3, nd Gam Belting, casurtantly la ston. (OPPOSITE FIRST 0111711, Pumps, Hydrants, Sheet Lead, LEAD EVE, PIG * BAR LEAD. Plumbers' Materials .in Genial! PITTS3I7I2OH. P. • , 1. Fitted Up in the Host Approved Style; Tanks ands irttk lead Cr toppel, goludoutedi ap with wszator Da 11:Et...611 clan =V* littaded ca ';'• 61. DELAINATIIIIG WTI= AND PATENT AGENCY. re HST. OTAIZ , STAZErt u w Saperibmg -445. . u.zoittfocumtr., atilt it *atm gildeinv ffo. H Eisy_catr - RAILROADS. • 18155.•, - ;f, RANUGWENN* mENT.—pErTrisyLvarat LTErfruAL —TWELVE MILT MUM Op and altar MONDAY, Ron will leave the Malea t'avienget Depot, corner ol Wes:ling:on and klberty r almets, folluu-.: . - . 4.1L-P2,=5-•Learcs Ptitaburg,tk at .2.20 9. stopping at principal Station. A. flints at Altoota• at 7 20 a. ra.. Tvroop n aOllO - 10,32 a. m., Lock Haven 1..19 p. riniburs Liu p. to. 11• 1 1 1 tinitel. 7 -aii P. New I' cog, via Allentown te-ga..p. A. Ottlsdolf/91111 8 .0 p. .4 and New Torg, via Philadelphia at 10.21 D. DS. CINCUSRATI ESPILES%- , Learel Pittsburgh it 0105 nearly Mta I Sttoas. Li toar.al at 1.90 to-, Harrisburg! dab p. ta., into ing at Phliadelphla at 1.01 4 m., NAIL TRAI —Learn Planing at llalf m- stopping at agar/Tsai Station, Alt maul 1105 r m., arflvlzig at Ilatnisburg at 12.0$ e. M.,J1,0 Pllla at 7.10 a.m. PBILADELPBL& EXPRESht —Leans Pitts. burghai Lad p. m. stopping only at principal Sta tions. Arrives at Latrobel 0.. . 10 y,. )12.. .19/10 0091 9.10 p.m., Ilarrlsburgh 3-35 a- in., Haltimore • 7.00 a. New York, via .A.llantoWn 10.00 a. in.. Plata. delphla • 7.10 a. m., ,6911 New Fork, via PhiLudel phis at 12 06 p. In Sleeping Can rum Mania en all train from Pittsburg/1 to Beltimore and ' Philadelphts, =4 to New York, via Allentown.. FASTLIPSE—Leaves Pituburgh qt mod p. m. Stopping only at principal StOttOni. Arrives at Altoona at 3.1 e a ni..llassisburg• a. 15 a. m., Hal. ' amoral 12:30 p. m., New loth! via Anent Own L4O p. m., Philadelphia! MO p. nt., and New Ting via Philadelphia at &C. pm. - •Rreah fox/ intones: 150pper. all 00.7 magas Sunda:4lttfiga. JOHIeSTOWN ACCON.II.ODATION. dalfr.let• cept 6avday. et, 4.1 e p. m., stowing at reanimate , - [lona bet Ween Pittsannim and Conemain. and non- Deena( et BialtntlU Intersection with trains of the Indian► Breath and West Pennuleanta Al TOONA AtICO,IIIIIODATION, daily except Sunday, at 1.10 a. ah, Copping at all tarifa' stations between Pittaburo. and Ationswe aaS making gloss connection with trains art Bedlam Branch, West Pennsylvania .10..hapsbatg sad Cresson It. P.., and Kollidaylbarig Pliat Accommodarson Train tar Wall'. Staten learn daily (except Sundam at LSO 4 m. Second Accommodation Drain for WWII StatiOn leans daily (except Sunday) at 10.16 a. in., Penn Accommalatlon No. 1, leans daily (except Sunder') a LGO P. in. Third Aceommodathen Train far Wall's Matt= leaves daily (except Sunday) at 1.06 p. m. Penn'Aeseitimmtainn Plo. 2. leaves daily (ex Sept Sunday) at 1043 p. m.. atopping at all stations between Pittsburgh and Penn Stations. The Church Train leans Wall'. Station every Sunday at 9.06 a. in.. and arrives in Pittsburgh at 10.05 a. EU. Retuning leans Pittsburgh at 10.01 P. in. and arrives at Ware Station at 2.0) p. ta. Returning Tref= arrive In PlttsbUrras se fa/201M Rea 143 a. Fest Line.... La au ilk, au Ilret Well , . Statlon Accosunodaetan-.. OM a. Os Penn Accommodation 7..55 S. is. Second WalPs Station Aseoscasodatias ebb a. sa. Johnstown Aveanuacklation 10.06 S. se. BahLmose ftpress 1.201 a. Altoona katammOdxtkra k Emigtikt. • lOACVP• p. s. Third Walla StatlOn Accocunosletlnn.. c 1,60 Pooh P2Oladetphla Express _ 11117.1 a. Peso Aceocassodatlon No. 2 ...... GM p. L. .Plltsbuzgh sad Eris krsll. 22.26_9. ab An Agertt of the Excelsior Omulturs wownpenv will peas themes each Limbs before reeralak the Depot, take up cheeks and deliver baggage So any pail or the clay. Ocoee No, ISO Pest sties; Om say and night, where all orders for Ihs roalremsall of passeng ntion.ers nod haskeio will receive presept at. te Baltimore express will antra -Ith Philadelphia Express at a-so p. in. on Mondays. NOTIGE.—In ease of loss, the Omura", win now themselves responetbie for personal baggage may, end for on amount ante= I. gana, Little ' .Pmnervards Ventral Rafirtied Station. on Idftti. and WiteMates. Admen 18 65. PITT BB URGE, COLUMBUS AND OINOINNAM RAILROAD. The Grit Short Line Soule via Stec:Loins, TO COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI, LOVES VILILA INDIANAPOLIS, Lad al taa principal °Ulm WEST •ND SOIITII-WESr MONDAY, NOVEMBER - 20114 1861. Trains leave sad arrive at Me MEW DEPOT as follosm Dam&Awl. Alta mm 6.:2. 84 ma. 110. •-• rut Line-- E O M ' aMit s ir• mu Steubenville lierommode.n.4Ao ' iLL La. 8. v..ecnns, Gen lTleket Meat, Steubenville, 0. M. D. DILOTILEBSP.A.IIGIC, Ticket Agent, Vales Depot, Pittabiarst. ee9:l yd piTTBBURGH ARD ..."O RA. NNELLS V /LL U.LEOa.D. WINTER ARRANGEMENT Oa and after MONDAY, Oct 30th 16611, Mte tratus will Jestve the Depot, corner of Rase and Watt, streets, as tollowe: 'Learn An tvYN Pitt:Matab.stu Mallto tad frola pnionlown. 7:15 a. m. th. as PIrM Mourn . Mon m........1"416AL siert ItteiCampalt Aceomkr...tilla a. at. MID MR abroad itta MOS Fllst RratMoak's 720 a. p. p. &mad . ~ p. 6.4.5 p. re. m. Sunday (Murat Troia to and t= IlloKomport t9O p. ca. 1 0 .79//.;11. Par Mallet. apply to tIEULPIR, Ayer& W. B. tITUOT. Saparlataa.l. MERCHANT TAILORS'. RN= G. HALE, Merchant Tailor, if ortn-lfda COHIII9I OP MU i emu...um ism I'M'aißwEL. PA., Takes great pleasure In announcing to his Amax otm customers and the male gtocerall,v that Ids purchases and ents for the FAIsTs SON are now comp having been Psrsoneal selected from the clock houses In the Eastern tali a, OulY snob a alas of WOW' a• ems reallylse recommended, will be oMwW, whlek em• braces the newest mid most appraised mateetes and styles, the entire Mock balms very latge, Tat ems g mt. Hale has mash coaldens• in Inst. Do an earlm s omes DUPERY B L A CK, COLORED CLOTH% AND DOE SHINS, la naval, warranted tut Pet calmly one mond texture. MELTON CLOTHS and other new wattage, new style for entire snits. A = great variety of FIRE CASSIATERES for Pante and Vesta, for feloratos and Evening wear. au FOE WINTER. 0 I En-00.11 63 Blue Chinchilla, Black Chinchilla, Brown Chinchilla, Daliah Chinchi la, FINE F BENCH BEAVERS, all ealors Wlttela we will make up to order In a rapartOr manner and stela. GRAY, POSISLEL & EXCESS.. Suceenon to S. GRAY & BOA, molt Mrsortorr TAito., No. 69 Fifth at DRESS AND SCHOOL SUITS. A new lot of eil flee goods For Fall Wear. /UST RIXMMExI By ;GRAY & LOGAN, NO. 47 ST. CLAIR STREET PLITBIBKRB,GiI,finT7TRs PRACTICAL PLUMBERS. as and Steam Fitters, No. 165 WOOD STREET, DRAtrGHT/NG MM. LOVIS,
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