rttsuirani sr TU e nUM Palatine 1130CIATIOB FRIDAY, DECEMBER I, 1885 --- - artfor Amite. Ta . . : lfiet. .ors. Wanted ~. ::. round, linardsat. dia.,' Initialed under . i., appropriate headings, on this page, as i rgar cEETE PER WE. each insertion. .i. A:FREE TRADE ARGINII ENT . In the New York &ening Post of Tues day we find en editorial article on the opiestintri" Piitirtidnikwe pay our NittiOrke Itklf ilb"rAfferit6l/1141jill!Ciplitarjr4t/Ilarks 'l4 itlitorafiies'hisperettion dine t Two•general methods presentthemselyes atone, One le, by delving and saying ; by a process of laborious industry, unin telligent and unenterprising , accompanied bY thetrioarigid , paralmeury; - Mud a gen eral privation of all but the moat common and necessary comforts °litre. The other is that ot a large minded energy, multiply ing the - methods of industry, extending the bglixtdattnf itade,.stimulatlng entorprLse in eller, - peactleable direction ' employing all the forces of nature In aid of productive label*, and prosecuting a profitable trade with every nation and community in the world..! ,'his . latter lathe method of freedom; and freiniti matured borreepondence with the genius of our institutions, it ought to be called the American method. Ibis the method of free trade. It lec, et ?,. -which Would devetop Reel( epootaneou 1 andAtitehttibly, if trade were only : Thereiti tietbing• tLetsiblein this: , direct! n which ; American- energy end . invention would tot compass it it wore permitted a free Scope. There are only two sources Mai Which we ire to pay the debt—what ' 'We prodece by labor and what we make by - trade. flits letter. source, If trade were freiteleldenoit"exhatuitlete.'. Bo' long as trade!isinsuladd • and:clogged by' customs dutteserarijObstructiohe of 'unwille legis lation, tlib`potaittets ol'trade willhe small, unceitain,nisd , of little attslitairce, • and the debt triltlitaw to be ' elowlj and .painfully worked out at trrdleadtentage-by delving _ and main*. Tepidly pretluxi, the debt , will be paid replay PM -,or-thet-coustently inereasing richee of the people, in the atomeatltaxes intelligently, apportioned and cheerfully paid, Weenie nothing is More agreeable than paying an honest debt out of growing riches. By the other method it will be paid slowly, out of hard tolling penury, by tax es wrung , from every available resource, grinding the body of the people to the earth; and transmitting the burden to pos- terity, We have espied the gist of the argument of our respected cotemporary that our rex -) dere may see how much can be said in fa ' tor of the policy of free trade by one of its ablest advocates. Our Impression was that prosperity and wealth.,.and consequently the ability to pay debte; resulted from well directed and well remtuieratedincinstryl, but It seems that our notions were all wrong. Trade is the eouree of wealth, "almost exhaustless," as the Post expresses it. This reminds ns of the two lads who each gained five dollars In a afore afternoon by trading jackets, Which• was . much morn than thev _could have earned by cutting nails or spin ' sting cotton, and their gains were about as substantial as the country, is likely to reap from the volley so strongly ag ed by the Evening Post. Our people airErading very way ly just now—exchanging gold and govenamentlecurittes for the fabrics of foreigri .workshops, most of .which could and would be made on this side of the At- 'antic, provided they had proper protec tion, or provided workmen here were forced to accept the miserable pittance for their labor that the tolling millions over there ate obliged to accept, and provided, moreover, that the tntereat upon capital were as low here es it is there. But, say the advocates of free trade, if men cannot get elnployment as tnannfac• toren and 'artisans, they can resort to agti , L.cultnre. d pretty condition of things that 'Would brine about. Even with our pres ent egricultnrai force we produce twenty ousbets,of grain for one that we get rid , of by means of "trade" with the outside world, leering ninety-flue per cent, to be. consumedsat home. 'But suppose we con sert one million consumersof Mod foto pro d:legal:l4°4v would be theo? Whit itlialtir a: return sttuld tha armer get for his toil? But perhaps they could ult thebusinecs andloto :rattily, which payee° irefl, - according to the logic of •the -Pail; !nit has not -told us in / What they iludrtrade: TWO° in articles i bf food and - raw materials would in quickly overdone; and, from the enormous glut the the markets of foreign countries would / rule so low as to jaraire little or no profit either to traders or pm:beers. itiold and 5,20'8 would soon be zhattated; and then the whole machine onld'atop; and, so fir from paying the rinicipaibf the natipbal debt, the Interest aid nbt by any . aalbility be met. A ;National prosperity !estate from fr. diver le43, apt uniform , industry . It grilles m free tradeto be sure, not trade with people four thousand miles off—but In the nearekt Market town or at our doom It springs from &prop& dleitton of the popu latiOtanto mutual consumers and produ- cers—one marpioducing the barrel or meal another the implementerwherewlth ho was enabled to produce It, and another the clothing tut wears white doing go, and to on through the en ire round of reciprocal au vices inseparable from civilized life, mak lag men in COntiguant habitations not rivals in business; but, tetanal patrons. ; irk the ; priserti state of our coudtry, which no created power „can ,u4danly, chsege, and which no true friend of hu matiitg &fro to eitrieg e , ko thi cg Wt vtoNie.foircy of ',prvea ri „ elosie Ist" sintain such a systest•o{ - bainietra4on to the common good oi,uie -st-aisiSSOlSlUomPact which we delight to cal attt cartntryai la concritlitl to its social p:osperlly dad its nab:nisi solte!icy. .p.VCBEA:SING THE nEirrUtatt 1-1 One, of the projects likely to count be- Tore rengresit is a scheme to add a large trumber qt regifaents to che 'regular army. len..t3nertT - is quoted as favoring it ; but we fancy it will ire found that be is simply in - ftkror cif-increasing the number of men ,pkthe regular army, Bo as to put It on an 'efteillret foottag. Filling regiments, how eret, is a different thing to simply author izing them to be tilled. e hare now some thirty regiments in the 'regular army, not one of which is full, antrrecrulting Is going one slowly hat the new enlistments do hut Milt, more than itTPlir Ticint places made by the ex _- Wariest m Of the old es. ,Let these reel merits be drat filled hp before new ones are isked long ',is the'ptesent slow . ,rate_of rectutiing, luta, the formation' of, Orr; jeZimitate, will ltd¢ dicers to the army, r wittiairt increaslng the number of then. 47 1. riwiniti ; iti'lnei; lie CrOtit'thet44 6 othenttiiinia - tip to: heit , 3 61,14 /4 1 ‘.44 ' . 6441461i:it new, feglMehtd ap4 it ihonidboirpOn the sole Conj okfortitautlimie)inti Or the goreprment todepend, hereafter; (Silt's regrilar lathy for ltamilitarrforce; and to dispense with irluirteent; but the regular arinyis nothing if its rooks are not filled up promptly. The first duty, then, Is to .promote recruiting; and it will be time enough when that task is accomplished,. end the recruits obtained, to prinide new organizations for them. wife. NEW YORK CITY ELECTION New York is going through the tur— moil of another election. This time, the struggle lafor Mayor and city officers; and the different factions have stirred up as big a fight as is usually made at a State elec tion. Fora wonder, the candidates for Mayor _are all reprereitted as, and admitted to be, oneat and worthy men; but as the stand ard of honesty and worth In that., city la notoriously a low one, we are petaled to determine how much nine to attach 'this admiatlon. There are nominallyfour candidates for Mayor. The first of these Is 0. GODPILET GrsTarn,the present Mayor, bat a's he has shown himself a bitisr aecessionist tbongb out his term of office, his chances of re election are of the slimmest. Ito. IS the nominee of the WICEohr organirAttcm• The candidate of the Te.lol. 4 :Nr wing of the Democrats is J. T. HOFF- Me is the Present City Recorder, and is COZLCCded to be the ablest of all the cand i dates in point of talent. He is supported by the World and tferaid and the "Ring" g e nerally- • The Republican candidate is .31easeaLL 0. Rptikars. Ile seems to have been nom. melted by the Thurlow Weed influence, end is supported by the Times only, among c f. 4 Republican papers of the city. Re is a wealthy merchant, and very highly spoken l t he Citizens' Association—an organiza tion of prominent and influential men de signed to save the city from the control of the harpies who are now gorging them selves at the city treasary—has nominated Jonas HECKEIT, a prominent and wealthy miller and baker. He has also been nomi nated by the 31.7.awr wing of the demo crate, and by another Independent Demo cratic Association; and he is supported al so by the Tribune and the Ecening loot, whocontnnd that politics have nothine to do with municipal Clain., and they there fore support him as the friend of He- TIIENCLISILICT and REFOIIII. The election takes place next week. Row it will result Is uncertain. HoriuAN has very solid backing in TARRANT; but the Citizens Association has detached con 1-Iderable of its streng ; and this, togeth er with )i oEART, and such liyubllcans 53 will follow the Tribune and I yelling :Post will put HEcxxn In a front position. A/- together, it seems a very even race between ROFFMAN, RECKER and ROBERTS ; and there is no telling who will be Mayor antil after election. VERY OBLIGING In the least letter of Earl Rosszt.L to Mr. ADAMS, in dismissing the question whether the Neutrality Laws of Great Britain have bean properly , enforced, the Earl says:. Yet it appease to me, I confess_ that" as neither the law of the Baited Btatea, nor our own Foreign Enlistment Act have proved upon trial completely. efficacious, it is worth consideration whether impreive meats may not be made in the statutes of both nations, so that, for the fatare each Government may have Ln Its own territory as much security at our free institutions will permit against those who Bch In datl ance of the intention of flue Sovereign and evade the letter of its lawa. le a great pity that thte discoiery of the lack of efficacy In the nrittsh IVleutridity I.aws bad not been made before. Why did not Earl Rtsszt.F. make the proposition in lE6I, instead of ,postponing It until now, when the mischief la done ? And thin is where, as the ; 'London Times admits, Mr. ADA Dl* Las the decided advantage ; for if it Is desire:le, now, to revise the Neutral- ity Laws It was much more so in 1801 ; and'lle,lsiluie to suggest this revision at that Brae is proof conclusive that the British goverpnuent did not wish to Effect that re• Vhlan, ties, because to do so would be' to aLiat out all opportunity of allowing assist. ance - to t Soh Me Rebels and to plead that toe Ministry wore unable, under the laws, ( to prevent it. The spggestlon that the neutrality laws should now be made more,enicacious Is a good one; but the 'tact thus confessed that they were not einmcions during the war,le a strong endorsement of the tightfuLansi of our claim for damages; because it was tne fault of the British government that it had not bettirlaws, and it is Just as respond* for not having the proper enactments as for the wilfully lax enforcement of even what poor laws It bad. - • Pro.Slavary and AnU7Slavery Movement; to riaaraL It lan - ported Lri , Madtid that the sum of ode hundred and 'lenity:dm thousand dollars has bees wet there from Paris, to be employed In inch a meaner es to obtain that the projected Co at ethation measures In relative to Cubs stall not pr.judica the slave owners of that based. It le edded--and this has excited much ludignit. Lion—that this sato Is to be devoted aspect/Illy to rain over the public Journals, either to de fend slavery, sir to observe silence on the sub ject of Its abolition. La Cosempondenelo of the ennent, repudiates the transaction in Its own tame, and that of Its colleagues, and state's that Um coarse It, and they, hay° already taken In favor of emanelpation, Will suffice to absolve them from any suspleloa as to the motives which it thence their coarse. The credit for the above amount has been opened on a wall known firm In Madrid, and In favor of as equally well .known reprisentatlve of the Cuban alavelloidere now la that city. Great efforts are using made by the pro•slavery party to induce the govern ment to mewl General Duke, the present Cap tale General of Cute, tint It la awaited that thi detr 1 - saltation 01 the government is to keep h'ul there. • ENSWILLT/ON.—TheeTtligratiala LO ullr country ILISIIIIICS the moat gigantic proportions. le Switzerland the papers advocate special organ- Intim)* to assist lathe forva•dingof ctuigrauta; as the only means of avoiding the calamities of panperism. In Germany every county wilt tarnish an unusually large quota. In Sleekleo+ Im -&bw m cri a r i t i w over t) ont. T . htehmouposand from m letl i loft i j ai,. remen state that all steamers during the li ttrwinter will be crowded with pasaem gers; and news reaching no from England as. sett In the most positive terms, that large numbers of sturdy Elglish workmen are pre. paring themselves for emigration . next spring to America. Ageata and shipping houses aver that In the year Isl3o the number of emigrants arriving on our shores will axonal that of half a althea of sound, healthy and Industrious G A leAtrrnt ier trgouTger .le ne alti VirwrE gton. g est A Y T Wla:ThsgentTaNre6will.be— actod deal of ent e.tatetagthls winter, -after the holidays espeeially,l* some of the heads of De , Yertmente. 11r. Beware; who bears himself like. a prisoner et i nlehtere -1 0tll'a la Ma State De partment, le very witllog to catenate, efilelaily De par otherwise, at his home:. Iltr. Welles ta not. much given to partite—nor The Pn l / 2 ildent Is !mown 11 ban. a Met to the. pomp and show of dinners and mutate recep tions, end will be glad no get oft, Itut, jut. as' little of tale as Is possible. Bat those aressinsm, and more of the lobhy end era-on who mean Montertain abundantly. RiitZoAl,3 ty GMBILST.--/11 Wallalabarg . tickets pan passenaers only for the day on wkielh n they are purchased. Stepping over is toles lPt if notice la given to a station agent, and ho stamps the ticket as teatime:lpin point. They have a Rule, by which, on pubs fora dot. class ticket and traveiring In a second class car. one may go and. return to the"desired plsce.l Arch return tickets, era much need, and pass fon two dos: .Thefaxeln tbe /second classlaaboati MVO Rate a collo for passengers baying! . baggage to pay 'for. fur those travailing with a: kaaryidleeor esitighttegit firtxrech lent. ago and class cars uninvlood ta thoUlticare America, and are far time comfortable. a 3 one', Is never annoyed by disagreeable pmergera. Govinwoii l'Axtszczt, of Alahama, recomi meads thergemferring of legal rights ,orr the eel grrh the time as ere enjoyed by the now-toting whites. But this-same fhwanor wiatod special Code for thO blacks which would keep , them ins sort or vassalagc. , U he L. 0 1,1, 10 1 0, come to the conch:gen - that the colored race. anti the poor whites ere entitled to precisely the same legal rights as the "more favored classes," would =bible some degree of hearilaess In securing it. arid in doing eo would receive the support of a majority ct the citizens of Alabama) 'the question as to the reorganizaUon of that State would not go long ansolved.-40(my Evening /cone. VARIOUS IrEsts ITIM ]Audis Moraine rim., gays. r , Ny r . Hem atchee, the Freed' translator, has Alter to the Pails Board of index, so the otart3l can • ors are c abed . , for the stamp to authorize the ajOe el a translation.liato Preach of Theekeray's 'hi .rar,ire of ate Begiteh Valet' ( Vesmos's Diary) 'The stamp has been refused for the following most ludicions reason: 'Became the book contains strictures on the British aristoc racy of such intense acerbity that remonetran eta from her Majesty's government might be the consequence of to authorized circulation."' A 7 ,,,,,,, aryA explosion took place in London, England, on sherrist. nit. ' ll %mo:turas of the hoodoo Gas ComPanY, fully charged with gas, suddenly . ..Vim/ode tearing In atoms several lirae balding" so completely that not one brick wa s left scanning upon another. People nearly a wile off were violently thrown dowel, en te rue woe the shock. Tairty men weer taken from the Tian!), aloe of Whom were dead, and the remainder to a precarious eondltion. THOMAS Centrra and Benjamin Disraeli are ceedldates for the Lord Rectorship of Elia- ' burgh; end'the English public is much amused with the abuse heaped on each by the friends I of the other. Mr. Carlyle's supporters charge I Mr. Disraeli with hiving written novels; the friends of the latter retort that Mr. Carlyle Is a theist Bade common small, Thereupon Din reelDs friends say that his novels are Interesting. and Mr. Carlyle friends try to prove him a Chi istlan, and at last dates the contest was still going on. Aserruna horrible tragedy occurred recently in the eonthern portion of Kates& A man by the name of Clark took up sr , me stray hogs be- IMO Oft to a colored man. The wife of the col ored men. while letting the hogs out of the en closure. was shot and mortally wounded by Clark. A son of the colored woman then shot sad killed Clark and tied to the woods. Toe colored boy has not yet been captured. ribottld the Infuriated men catch him there will prob ably be soother murder. Toe Vicksburg/74,11d, or the '2ler says: "The ravages at the worm which Ott wpm] the leaves off mu , n plants in Arlatt-as, has tarried out a blessing Instead or a curse, as it. Semis to have resist ci a mom mature yield to the bolls, and the cotton can bo gathered In a ( - leaner condi tion than If the dead leaves were present, to mix with it. The same is reported of the eat. ton mop in Sonttern Hlitiol•. The prmltmt from the quantity planted will be unprece dented." • A liokurnt• (Mass.) ism Is now erecting the brg,est organ ever brat on this side of the cross. It is Intended for the church of Henry Ward Itemiser, in 1:m041y:1;1;0w York, and will probably be finished and in use by the close of January. Thili splendid Instrument to CO cost -12-5,000. IT is computed that the commerce of the lakes ameunti, at present, to at least Laciest, hut dred millions of dollars annually, and that two thousand vessels and tweety thousand sail era are employed In It, It sends to the sot. ,said ono hundred mlilloas of bush, In of grata, two millions of hogs and half a million of cat tle annually- Tyre admirers of the better class of, modern atilt n will hist with regret of the death of bits Groull. the English novelhst and btogre phrr. On the 13th Instant she was readied to her daughtets In her own home, at Alt - n, Bug. land, when she suddenly fell dead. ehe was about Bay years of age. Tux Best name on the list of Vice Presidents at a Democratic meeting In New Orleans, the night before the election, was that of General Beanrellard; and when his name was called, the walla of the Lauding, the Papers say, never rang with such.chetzlng before. Geo. W. Sines, who was tarred and feather• ed -and otherwise roughly handled at Swamp scott, Maas., last spring, for haying expressed Joy at Prmident Lincoln's assassination, has re. covered $BOO damages. Tug announcement In an English paper that Judah P. Benjamin, of rebel notoriety, has "commenced the practice of hie profession' to London, leads the cartons to Inquire whether that rr. egos that Lo has opened a law °nice or a faro bank. TEE railroads centering at Boston hare agr ed to give free passes error their respectire roans to those soldiery who are in search of o , k. and for whom situations hare been f 3 cored by the employment bureau at the State House. Tui British Minister at Washington has been instructed by the home Government to urge upon our Government the formation of a new reciprocity treaty with Canada. It Is said that negotiations will soon be entered into to that effect. JUST as 13(atop Hip was leasing latelyi for San Francisco, be was telegram:lld from there to bring out Ere of eta young clergymen without families, a salary of $l l OO I. gulls being pledged to each. . OMINOUS temetiswlts, averts and battle axes are worn on ladies' bats now-a-days and appro. prberly named Elarriaettm, after ?am HarrLe; :Ile murderess. WAN ts In geneeal, Letter pleased when he has a good dinner upon hie table than when his Wife 'peaks Greek."—Sum .70/ause. s'interesting collection of corioldtim la na tural history is being prepared for Um IMMO= of the Interior Department. THE Inrobtr received at Chicano so fat this season amounts to 557,675.000 feet, over 100,- 000,C00 more than der ag the prtynas year. Mire EDGIWOUTII recommends that BO book should be pet into the hands of a child Stun has not by= drat read by ha father or mother. Eli the fall ate scaffold of Fait Wheeling, on Wedeeaday, • laborer earned Melia/um was killed and two others Injured. Ton ettlebl vote for•Goveraor In Alabama 1t ?anon, 21422; ffitager, 15,234; hatlth. 5 , 104 ; Leopold. 20. en Illinois-titer lately betted 111,000,000 from • dead oarfall England. Smraraow eleared $1 .700 try two private read ings at a gripes ii ticket. GAIIEOr7:II9 and robbers are plying their trade with great Industry Iu Boston. The Traveller gives a late Yankee Invention to protect against the former. It says : " While cresting tee coalman about eleven o'clock on Thursday aight. Mr. W. H. Lee, of thls city, was attacked by two men. Suspecting their Inteetions, he had previously placed a knife under his throat, with the Llede pointing outwards, and one of the garroters upon attempting to seize him by the throat, evidently eat hie hand severely. The other could not fled Mr. Lee's watch, and they thee knocked him down, and after a few kirks left him." POLITICAL pir FOR UAYO-11.- On. D. W. MZGR& W. Late of the Iteth P. V., will be a candidate for Mayor of Allegheny Q tly, auldest to the 'flown nomination. ooll:te ar..4111T7 COM . TROLLER. SA SI OEL A LLINDEII, Clerk In the City Treisarees Office, et the solici tation of bia friends. mill offer himself as ► eandl date for the above oillso, aubjrct to a vote of the Union party at their wreak:ix primary norCic I'OR MAYOR Of PiTTRIDUISUM SaMVEL ICLUK)EtE, Late 01 the 135th Penasslaanla Volunteer. noDulte ictrou. 06PTAll'i JilbitS MaTIOICER, Of the Thi May od, ALLEGHENY, the a eau. Mosta for subject to a irate of Eaton °tars or Allegheny Gity, st the erunting primary ection • ' ,:01114 or YOB ILLT9/1.-- CAPTAIN WM. MATS, of the Seventh Ward will be a cantildate for IfIALTOS., gabled to the nomination of the unlock party el the city of Pittsburgh, te be held prior to the next city elec tion. octane THE BLS.YOUALTY,••JAJTLIM DUN. fiLlYSOWAldereisa of the Fourth Ward, at the solicitation of friends, has consented to al. low hie ewe to ho need to connection with the neat bia,lnt . ;alty, and will he a.easildate siiideet t;illllllimrelo'gree.ocititihOt peo ple Wilib d tc a iw a Municipal vonvention. . oc2s:te MEETINGS A ItIEETING OF THE BTOOgHOLD tI OF THE DIIREARD CBE= PE TROLECT3I COMPANY will be told at TEMP LA.RS, HALL, No. 61, Fourth atteLt. Plttoblash, on FRIDAY , bee. let, at 2 Welmk, Pune. tong sttendebte L requested as badness of tratortanee to the eteekhOlderi will be brought lawn tholneettut. ny order of the Boector,. temitd FL W. HITCHE,,See. mut MILL r Ince Ilrls amour* Claitorm.urf mut ILltt.b.,l PlTtinsolVED VIM lethmq. l i cw ETo 8T00KR0LD125.441-1—! ANlttr_. 41. MEETING Of the Sto4tholeen oil thoP "";._"°, , ulth,„ b. UoenelietlUellattfaatiparep•the 0911 '" ""n r .,___,..t. the WEL et the Uomosey. JPner Beildielc.... ~.11, ,,,,,,.1 . 'inst a nt the Letty Of Pftlabunh, ba the lir " --- "...r. Myna ilaya Of Ilauntber, ri l e 10% 0%1004. A... tr., for the Oman of, deg i tWO/fe Utetters for the ensuing year. . ._. MO, IL a i r . JD, • nOleatliptoe4• ottetery Treasure. DIVm DIVIDEND. Otreom of blotfOaosarimA Dievitai,,,, 0 0 • Nose:mbar mu,. no Board of Directors of TB Hafteompoi, ive Mislay declared oillOblesid on me Capitol .* of the llompsay of .• roue, DOLLARS PER SHARE, Out of the profits of tile past stx mootae, Parobis In trash ea and after December Ist. IMM, freo of Gerveroment tam. norta TORRaf. CUINVI. Seal, ttE111"13 WWI N CR&CELY3BB, put tip .P.P. up In tin eentiters for family ure,itis% and for tele at the Family otheery Stare Of JOI-IN RENSII&W. ao:o corner Liberty and MUM street& W A tiTED.—A Purchaser for ov er 10 t 711 111 , NDRED AO ePi or LAND In It wit, or on extbAnoalor city property. Th e L„, t. ma HA tallton COCLaty, tajolular Watower city, lowa. no owner con be wen ot tit, Gat E ells office, overy di.O o nom 10 A. N. mall 4 v. w." Gel V 19V ANT HVADT.—THE GREAT CAMPAIGNS QF GRANT AND SHP BRAN, by VA, lion. J. T. Bast:mar, in one yoluttle, tram o ffldlil/ •dartlea, &eluding popular biographies of proinhtent Gen. era's in the Union army, with crumwone Wee portraits, battle Owns, nod maps; in both English and German. Sold only by Ay. nts. A. rare (Maus L offered to make money. Send stamp for terms ae to E. B. TREAT a CO., Publishers, No. Up Ere nd street, N. T. deld.wdstan WAP T E D )N OF CATHARINE BURNS or QUINN, forme,. ly of County Alto, Town of Cronincour.induri, who came to this country chant Atteen year. sigo, and who hes tot been turd of for Myra years, at which time she rosined In New Orleans, Any in formation concerning her will be thankfuily re. solved by her mother, Pug A BURNS, in ear, of Joseph Berne, ' Clinton Iron Warta," Pittsimr Pe. deinta ANT.E.. had tw yorrio MAN in some good house Has o years' experleoce In the Retail Dry Goods trade. Can giro tirstclass references. Address N. E. w ILLTASIS. P. U. 0693.214 RAt wanted, on the first of December, to do ger era. housework, stunt distance, frost the city, Highest wages and a good home. Make applies,. men at the Germs Omen n 022 Lf ariTED—A GENT& — ENERGETIO NEN can Make is to $lO • cal, selUnS th• er lebrated, Immo ea PATENT STA N 0 .0/4/51- It ET ntnanua for liwomne 411 Lamps. elves splendid light, without rank. or snail. very family ...trill', es:lean be sold for the mice of a couplo of Calmnsys. Sample, post-yaid, 28 0. nn. Send for Cirertlar and full particular s. Eagan. Eva territory given. JAIIIE3 EDGAR, Manufacturer, I No. RS Maiden Lane. New Y. rk. A/47.6 D—AGE.NI b.—EMPLOY BENT FOR RETURNED SOLDIERS AND ALL VlTlEltS.—(;teat Silo of Jewelry, silver ware, Sc Se. The RANIZTO:3I a CO.'S laiiitAit DisTRIBUTIoN. One estate are ettalatilf from Fl re to Tt iny dollar, per des, and we need More. Lite loVoicsal Irom•Europe have swelled r.terb to Over nee Million Dollars. A splen did agleam's,. of %ratchet Elan.., Ladies , and lientleciorrs Jewelry of all kinds, of the most Usti. lotiable seat. at VI each Set, cestra for eel tifica sen dd wld see west you are etc n titled tot or II for fic• carillons. •or re , for tin if ; ,trod (liter cent stamp for out teem. to aseits, wl,lr h ate of the Most lit.eral Alfa. Now Is lour lime. Write 1.1 aloly your Name, lit y. (rutty and Stare to HA 'MILTON ft Co.,Row Leis, Y. 11.. New York. Salesroom; ad Liberty ...rest Now York. tioniam WAPTED.—AGENTS FOR " Tilii f SECRET SERVICE, THE FIELD, TILE oUNGEON AND THE ESCAPE.. By Armies D hicas..ansoe, Now York Triburis tlorrupond eat The moat intetestioft and exciting book ever "nbliebee, embracing Mr. Richardson'. overall tried experience for four years, traveling through 'he South the secret ounce of the Tribune at e the outbreak of the war, Witt, Our armies mid let lm, both East end Wen, during the tint two ream of the Rebellion; blatbeilling easore; Ms confinement for Pi months In seven different rebel orlsour Msesups and almost miraculous journey reLnight of neuly it will abound, In tiring event., and contain more of the fact, on. & end romance of the war than any other work yet plallatield. Teachers, Dulles energetic; young man, and esp.. daily returned and disabled officers and soLllers, tn_wentof profitable employment, will find it pe. enlierly United to their condition. We have agents clearing IGO per mesh, which we will prove to any doubting applieant. Send for climb lan. Address, JONn,. BROS. & 00, N. E. earner Sixth and Minor streets, jentfintdider Ililladelphis Pa. FOR SALE poR EiLLELA GOOD ROUTE ON 2 . TUE Dr3FATO/i. Apply •11 HIS OFFICE Qom 2to a o'clock, m. Do29:ti OR B.ALB--PONY —A BEAUTIFUL meemeNaw Pornr, ilatt•O MOle for toldreo. Eaqutro at ALITOM EL a, RE- L&B D'S Livery Stool; Liberty street. n020,t1 L'Oft &U.S.—OHBA.? HOUSES.I r ITet tor gel° SEVEN SMALL Mott hwt.u.t.ntos (to 0 each cont.:leg three wane and cellas, situate, 0$ the besd et ettett, A•legheny City, bit to each house (3 feet do ep. Price este for the outside house and glee for cash of the Meld, boom. Thu Intleputeble. For Luther particulate. AFFIX to S MOM DYER, deliwdeudi et Federal Rt., Allegheny Otte. UDR ahLS—Ono three a ory Brick DWEIXING 130CSE, No. 1011 Bearer etreet, Allegkeny. winterising eight mores, with • good collar under the whole house; all in good order, with • vacant Lot eagolnleg, 110 by lAD feet. AR will be sold together. For further itartteulars, enquire of .RAIIISET et HALL. Estate Ageo Ut, negdd ord DI Rearmßeal atmet, Allegheny. FOR SALE.—riense call at NO. 1 99 Re• hence street, ,tilegheny City, es you are put ter, mid entanine a two nary Brick Dwelling of NM mows, abod cellar , and basement; Pleauntl, situated on the N. tO. , Old. of sale street. Price 10600; one-half down, bal.ce in twor three tranif deetred. Apply at the Reel Es tate and 'neut.°, Office of G. S Barn,. =soßutler street, Leoreenewills. Pa. VOI/ S — ALE —A NO 1 STOCK AND A GRAIN relax.containing oboe, 010 agree, situate In Feiloweeld township, Woehingtou county, Panueylvseda, on the Olonoogahms one mile above lock Ito 4; 110 acres of tke beet neer bottom. (be Choir fain Is Soder s Mob state of etalttvatfon Ftoe apple orehard. whoa; Si &MOS Of tccal with pis opened; the fencing LS good sad locaUton beautiful For further particular, enrolee of G. H. TOWER, Real Estate Agent, No. 1114. Feu. street, or to E. T. YANYOUIIIe, oa the premiss. toeing( ~~f~:I:b 'I) illt#:} joie ii44=! pI ICHIS oIL COMPANY.—AT THE annual a siting of the ncockhold.las of the RITCHI MPANY . lota on the isia ta m am M toll CO afriag p ...on. were inertad Memo" for Um mains von R. T. LI , EOII, J. W. ILERNEIDT, W. II STEMPLE, J. at. eIHOW DEN, J. C. P/NOll. J. IL ILOHNEII, 0. W. 11.101LETSON. catal B. D. THOMPSON, Secretary. NEW Sugar Cured Maws, • Bacon Shoulders. Bacon Sides, For tale by 12013 T. b. TOWNIIEND. B comtsd Putt 1E PACKER, 12 Fourth at. 3,600 W ILL PURCLIASE SH/OE DWELLING OF SIX ROOMS; Lot If feet deep, fronting on Sthallman street, Ninth ward, Pittsburgh, near Morton street, U tor wan. EMI= (1 S. BATES, Butler street. Lawrenceville, P► B' °"E Lc ng Shawls, MST RECEIVED AND FOR BALD BY WHITE. OHE & CO., 25 FIFTH NTHEET, TOIS AND 1101.1 DAY PRESENTS OF EVERY DESOB/PTION, WROLEHALE AMR RETAIL, At realm:Leta prices, at J. G. LAUER'S, No. 102. Datirlcot I®trool, XE AB. FIFTH. NEW CONSIGNILE.NTB. 600 sacks Potatoes; WO) Obte. prime Winter Apple.; 000 blasts Onlmts; XOO bldg. prime Whit* Navy Beaus; 110 , do - Corn Meal; ID Om Natal:4 4 Pearl Raney; 100 beau Goshen Obeeee; 40 bOXIIII liambm Chew; 70 bbl'. Batt Plits; 20 bble.olllllbonisel 4 4 0 bbo bo la xes Gelaituambalt..atut Layers; . Preah Es • 100 bap Oats, pv. In 'tore and tor sate by e GRAFF I =FM, ne 2o No. 216 Liberty street. . . SUNDRIES. so Obis. York State Appl B. Flint. Rom Any. 241 n Sweet Vidor. tO Pickle. to Vinegar. 40 Pickles In Salt. Orions. 400 Flasks P. B. Pot/anew. 000 Cs (Jeddah. 000 Packages Mackerel, Pio's .I, I sod B. In sit rt) an/ for Bala by an% 201 Ldoo,ty all A SPLENDID CO NTRY SEAT FOR - 11, - SALE, (lontsiateg 80 awls, ten or which are In Timber, be balance In a Ugh state of Onitiva.l rice and under a. nest fence. Tne improvements are &modern built Cottage, Tenant Hone,. ilarn, Stable and other outbuildings. A lune Orchard of: the bat saltation of Troll Trees la mu beariatt,. also all kind, of small fruit and five never tailicc Springs, Situated fifteen :Waage drive from SS. wickleyStiltion. rids Is Fans Of the pleaunteat4 placesaaw - 41trel 314 1 7110 • nono , 11.12OULIff . • 00, TTP.t ILETAL FOR' BAWL 890 TO 700 POUToI, AT THE "FREIHEITB FRIEND" OFFICS. 'Digreros BUILDING, fIITH ST. 029 ltd LAWBBNCETILLKBANINGB BLNK, Of ffu, —Penalt“earo9l-01110111Clibing to th. .tO4 "LAWRENCEVILLE SAV.INGS 1310i/C; • w1(111ral the books at Dr. Hanna's n•'l se, On Hut, ler Street. 001ce hour. from tl e. w. tot O. too and Dom Stoo p, THEW ADVERTISEMENTS PITTSBURCH GA.. m irr p .133 ! GRIATLY ENLARGED OTHERWISE IMPROVED TWELVE COLUMNS 4 . 11 1 1 D1T10.c.1L BP4CE No Increase in Price From and rifler Monday, Dec 4th, Afternoon Edition Of the O AZEITE will be ENLARGED to Lan ratent of rWELYE UOLUMNS, umfortn wan Le,ablorning Edttlon, w,ttlout any Inerense in Subaerip. than Prim The Morning Edition WUI be furaialled to Carriers at Greatly Iteduaed Balm and delivered to Subserteera at Fitiet.ri rents per Week. Liberal nil engem/. al •Al e seea alaue lot FULL SPECIAL. DISPATCHL2 from Leading News Centres. RELIABLE MARKET REPORTS prepared eapreafly for the Od ZETTE. LOCAL NEWS, with Foreign sad Ownedle Coireepondeace and EDITORIALS, disowning lin (ruling topic. of the d•y; printed on clear paper. with New and Elegant Type. The GAZETTE now claims to be THE CHEAPEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER IH WENTElilli PLXXIFITLtANIA Advertising. with the advantage of all our Editions, at Reasonable Prices. del Std gitCAY-NLLE LIBRARY LECTURES GEORGE THOMPSON WILL LEVII/FIS IN L AFAYETTE HALL, Tuesday Evening, Dec. 516. "•X0 arirD THEJr. Ste;le Delete 30 Seats; Reserved Seats 45 cent. aura. seat. may be secured a. the Idtrrary UM.. oh XmateY, Des. 4h, at 10 o'clock, k. a. TROMA,S. QA.R.EWELL, W. a 'EDWARDS, O. 111cOLTerfte!E JAS. J. DONNELL, ( 3 . L CALDW.ELL, C. ALBRE.T.„ net:4l4l Lecture Committee. KNOWLF.I3 PATENT SISAJI PIMP sitniii• in construction, Well am] durably made, easily kept In °tiles. In .;I rut/vets reliable when a large unotins of work is require& Quite a number are la optration here, (fate( 4omple te liatialsellon. Parties ateass • rump wt❑ do well to eat FARRELL. L CO., Mots Agents, 167 16m1Ililleld 111reat, PITTSBURGH. ArimvE MARY FItENDIEDI AID COMMISSION. The Freedmen's Aid Commission of Wahern P. 11•7111•1111 HALLII Dahl Its Annlneraary, la LAFAYETTE on SATUEDAY EVEN L•se. 2d, at 7 0'01.14 no public are tn ♦lted. 11P , AZZILS: WM. LLOD OARKISON, Esq.: HON, JUIP / Y E BOND, of Baltimorei Hop. E omi-wig ; Ear 3. B. SUIPHErID. of Weattington, D. C. no'..u:4 d C. fl. HUSSEY, Presi dent. PONDS AND STOCKS FOR BALE. SO shares Peoples , National Bank; ' 00 o Columt is Oil Company; MOo Basin do de 200 •' AlltgbanY and Pittsburgh Oil Un; too ° Phila., Lancaster tr. Cherry !tondo; $2,000 Allegheny Cliy fdonlcipal Bonds; 2,000 Allegheny Walley it. lot Mortgage la; O,COo Butler County 6's; United State. Bonds of all kinds. ICO anaren AL it N. National Bank; 20 ):change do do aco Fleming and Blood Oil Stoolu; ace •• Eldorado do Am) Paxton y. do $2,c00 (Wa of Warren Count OOLD. ild SILVER AND COUPONS bought highest minket rates. ROBINSON. AIoCI.JfAN A 00., no2isord No. a Fourth otoßot. , THE ORBAT PURIFIER, HEMAPANAKA (BLOOD CLIVE.) A MUST REMARKABLE ARTMLE AND pos ITiVE CURE FUR dcrofula, Eiti yspepsiaenmatisra, Nexuslea, ItchD and Pimples, MID LrInEASEI4 OF 'TUE SIRS. As a Tonto, It rovt.os sas a paten ad sestina and w but holl Wel co y restores ph se Tim betrangt end IS seeds Rove Lta For Bale by MUM .715aldgyoN, Drennbrl, of earner fiteltdflaba and Yourtb streets. rONSIONMENTS. •••••, 166 barrel' Winter Wheat Fatally Flour; CO do XXX Ocuattnental UWE; OX/ bushels Oats; 460 do Ear Ooto; 160 Whitt, 0111 . 01111, tO6 do do Boss. • 1 ur White Lisle; 1106 barrow extra Era. 1 Salll do reerfiattm t pyrup; 109 r i rg n iteked 81it441/7 , 10 boxes Weltero Raserve Cheese; Per tale by WOO. P. BEOIIOO., sou 196 Liberty sterol O . PAILQUZST, raoaZZ, asASIMINI, .No. 21 WYLIE STREET. MARES TO ORDER GEAR atrrnrio AND MODELS FOR NEW INVENTIONS. Mallow SPENCER & WRAY PALE, CREAM AND AMBER ALE Phtrnix Steam Brewery, ,NEW ARTlCLE—Condowsed Cotro, pat up at:Wu Borden's Patentor, pound uu 'taw, toady for Immediate use. thlolo a, prepare, Non of pure Clorto,l with lan eland mayor, nod will keep Realtor any length of reaolr. sad for ago by JRO. A.ftl.Nalid.w. no= topper Malta lud stand &intik .102 .1tua EALL a lre n T es itt. , t.. -P v a i r i lie w e n d n e i thi t 41 . 1,0 4. West munotang as gamete, I mfter j , before g elseigura, Among , tae namber will ft braid 41tgant XaMegoss to tag ally, gWegtums Ony'amt on Ms prthelpai twenties togas fame.' JO tIN D. ains Hal 13 11.LEY, 11024 Ml. 011010 E WINTER now reedy:mg I tot of oar loads Ado. WLo, to i r 4i W i a m o: i put og e z t t,l4= t 3te l i e ri i p r ia n la tou to san d urotteuutts, hoot fluty =III -oar load,Boo otuurdell at 067 Llbortyitroot, Gout L li. YOICIT a 00. . Lash OHo bbli. No. t Lard alb 55 No. 5 do In store and for gal* by j/151ES DALZEI. k SON, N 0 . SI 404 70 Water street. NEW ADVERTISEMIINTS ins GREAT PURIFIER. HEMAF'ANAKA L the only intalllble cure for Ef 4 ROFT:LA. the only infallible cure for EH 13IPELAS L the only infallible cure for uesur:R. I. the only infallible cure for PIMPLES Is the only tuts Wile ours Islr MnffEel'rNl Ii the only Infallible area for sx the only infallible onre for BALT I. the only Infallible ewe for FlCtifiLE CODIPLAINTS In the only lafollltHe cue for SLRE EYES. Is the only tnhlltble entre ter DYS PEPSI A. Is the only Infallible cure tot L/ Is the only infallible Cure V fo EN r (/03IPLAINT. GENERAL Is the only infallible num tor DEBILITY • Fiver JJ11510C,1713.1.0c1. AS A TONIC IT IS .UNEQUALLED lIERBEiII SIMON JOHNSTON, Comer Smithfield and Fourth S nOl4 THE TRIBUTE 800 ii A 11.00111:1 0/ TD! alualfirente, Self-Sarrifire and Pnlriolum AMERICAN PEOPLE, L Defence of their in.eeritv o a Nation, aortas the War for Oro 1.7r,10n. BY FIORE a GOODRICH, • A ot hor alpha Court of Napoleon," h 11. I. t' , 7 Ft Al ETARETI , j i , s lll ,, Cl WY OUR This .•gskiheelal work w s• Wd wall . by • tioh. JOHN P. HUNT et CO AS FIFTH ST.. ➢IASUNIU HALL 00.2 SOLE LOCAL. AGENT FOLEY B CELEBRATED Gold Lens, FUR iI A.LE fl y MUSS, SCHOYER & CO.. Stationers •nd glass' Boob Matter. del SKATES I so FIFTH STREST SKATES! ! SKATES !!! 2.500 PAIR Ladies, Ge.W.,!.amd S ATE S IN EVERT VAIIII-77 FOR SALE LOW BT Ja./VEB BO cr.r, No. 186 wood Street nolalad • AN ORD 1.14 ACI C I!: A pixtrtme Ile the Member. of t Itommon t . bbncil cd the tit y of rlttab arab for the yeSts lane. VIC= sod 1.1.1%. In accordance with the rovlnlons of the Act of Auembly. roamed the I ith p any of March, lin. SEC. I. Be r ordatned and Med& bytae :tiara, At. trey-men cad ctitacn. of PAlrsburgls, sr. Setera and Cons. von Councils sr-suntan. f, and LL is bereby ordained and mailed tu The rant, That at the Olty Election to be [mid In the City at Pittsburgh en the FIRST TUE:DAY IN .1 - A.NUAIIY. In the yews eighteen hundred and sligretz.eightosa htuidreigemi BLily. save.. and christen° hundred end aixty-elght, the several Ward. of the mile ult. Mail be .entitled respectively to to the renewing number of inem• hen in the Common Clounitil, v./ The First WAN shall have two members; The Second Ward shell have three members; The Third Word nail hare two members; The Fourth Ward Mall have three members; The Filth W•id stall hare nye member.; The SUM Ward shah hare lire members; The. Seventh W rod ahall have two members;_ The Eighth Ward *bell have three members. The Ninth Ward shell have three members; The Tenth Ward shall have two members. Ordained and co a sted into a Law this Tith, day of November, A. D Ited. JAMES fat - ACTLET N Auest; S. moaa. r . r , egiglent of Seleat ounnctl Work of Select Connell. THOMAS STF_EL. Presklent of Common Council Attest Huiin Clerk of Common Conftcll. n01f9:24. 4G C3.1L.10 ! The aboiceat stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, ()LUCKS AND JEWELRY, ever brought to ADe glkelay CUT, can now be aeon at tan bTORI of T. H. KLAGNIS. Me - co. Be N.c.a.e...ra.1 Wbere WATCHES of UM bat makers JEWEL II V of trai newest stylea, GLOVES of every des. crildlon of best American seal French makers. pußr, SLLVER AND PLATED GOODS, sueb as Forks, Spoons and Hollow Ware. Bohemian and Freak Chins and Glean VASES of ebbleesi patterns: and al artielea belonging to my style of baleen, which will be sold at a great RE DOl.l TION I Fine Watch and Jewelry work earaally Mare and repaired. 114 host mute poll for Old Silver. Don't kart tke pia., sr Federal street, Allegheny. oat Xlyd pRODUCE NOW RECEIVING AND In store: 3000 lb.. strictly fresh Roll Butter; IWO lbs. flab now Lard, in keg.; 1000 Donee e airs Cream and Gallen [Mane 600 dean fresh Egg.; .3000 lbs. Buckwheat Flour: 100 bus. fresh growia Cornmeal; We Dalt, tholes Fall and Winter tipples, WO babel, new Dried Apples; ItO babas new Dried Yeachea. To barrels Sweet eider; 20 barrels Older Vinegar; 20 Oahe!' Chesnut.; 10 busbels Sballbeirks; 4 ears 13. and 9 Inch Lumber I sera at. ogles; I ears Sark, For ale by 000:00 G.RGCERLER. H. RIDDLE, N. 183- L lbert 7 etrezt 156 dogebeada Fair to Prime Cuba Sugar. " " P. R. " 16 tierce..l 41 14 I/O bus 1110 Coffee. 100 hall cheats Imperial and Young Etymon Dos 114 " Oolong Tess. 160 barrel" obolce P. R. Nolan.. U " R.O. " 200 Mr t• Cuba " " Airlring and for Syr Isle up. _ yb KIRKPATRICK, SRO. k 00., .e:9191 and Liberty meat TARE NOTICE.—Pure lio. 1 W. E. LARD OIL. FINE SPERM OIL. °ARBON OIL, FISH OIL, NEARS FOOT OIL, CRUDE OIL, aw. Sold In quantities to stut anatomist. Persons wanting Sty of the ILDS . VG Slimed Oil. , would do well to oat! and eisaintna our nook, a. we are do. terroln'ed to tell these goods i EBY LO N FOR CASH. VENTRAL DRUG STORE, Censer Ohio and Federal Streets, in the Harker House, AlMalheur Clty, no2o GE0111,116 A. KELLY. COOKthO EiTOVES, PARIAH AND HEATING BTOVAR, DRAT R, FRONTS, at FENDERS, &a Alio, all kinds of HOLLOW WAREOSSTLII 110. 801 Lthert, Mo IKE Street. 004:13n1 ILLOII. E & 06 LOOK HERE. A great varlet, and well aalactad 'took at PrOBLES, PE.AO/11:9, And all kLudo of CANED FRUITS, for sale by JOUST H. SCOTT. his New NrGert7,l l B Liberty et. Gomez Terry !• 11,1, V-Ilitioilsl744v;i:l GENT'S ZIP BOOTS At Al Market street DC3 J. W. OARNAtiAII DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, &O ANOTELER OPELNIDI:i W. BARKER & CO.'S 39 JUJIRKET STREET BJULKB Plain, Figured and .2trl- Moire Antique— pod, RILES, I=lls JOER i.ro 8, All color. at $l.OO and up MI colon and style Words. t very Oen). POPLIXS, 'CLOAKS dfXD Plain and plaid—all col- CLOaKIA G. PRLVTB, At 191 e., formerly Me =ld at 26c., formerly 311...;r., yard tatt , e ditto Per, cheep—ell kinelJ ale.. formerly tee. 011£1,41.4"E At 25e., formerly At 21c., Cla 8 Ili lir I. 8, FLA...Y:4'EL 8 Cashmere Long at redo. %willed, at .113(e, ed prices, 'Wool Long, Plato. Si a. reduced greatly. Heavy Belied, et 62X. DERITHING CHEAP IN rItUraRTR COUNTRY lIIIERCRAINTS Will Save Money by Examining OUR STOCK BEFORE BUYNO MACEITM, GLYDE & CO Nos, 78 and 80 Market Street. WBOJ.RcA LE AND BEFALL RIBINGS,NOITONS &. VARIETY GOODS Childretas liespretttaly call the attentioa of IVISOLESALE BUYERS To oar LARGE and VARIED STOUR . OF EP ERT f 11/NG PERTAINING co a WELL REPT TRIIIIM/NG ROOoE• Onr Me. LUCIAN Is now in the Fall buying hal nutng home .II Use NOVELTIES that •re to be Muni. Our elm will de to SELL IiOUDS AS LOW AS ANY OF Tliti EASTERN JOBSERS. W s can and will do Ulla RI TT BY TUZ CASE teem tan L al&riureornmEtts sad from FIRST EARLS. Please call and 11.1AILLNE Our GICH3DS And Compare Prices. MACITIUM. GLYDE & CO.. Nos. '7B and BO Market Street AT RETAIL BALMORAL& BALMORA.LS, We °fru. foe Ws • line of PREY 1:11ill.BLE. EAL,PeIIL ssums, which ere veil elloolh so follows: One Hundred $1 00 Skirts for S 3 00, One Hundred and Fifty $3 for S 2 SO,. MAGRUM, GLYDE& ca, Nos: 'lB and 80 'Market Stree tol6 BATES Zt BELL COTTON GOODS 1100 WN. NE W sryes OF PRINTS. VERY lIINDSOMB PATTEBIS Lowest Prices. X 2l FIFTH STREET. NEW GOODS. IIACRU & CARLISLE, NO. 19 FIFTH STREET. New Trimmings and Ornaments, Bead Gimps and Buttons, Rich Bonnet and Scarf Ribbons Fine Gilt and Pearl Belt Buckles, Rich Silk Beltiv - -a new lot. Bargains in Linen Handkerchiefs, Real Lace Collars and Setts Needle Work Edgings ald Inserting, Cambric and Hamburg Binds, Magic Ruffling and Gulls Frilling., Real Thread and French Veils American and Patligh Hosiery, Gloves and Ganntlett -last styles giephirr, Wool and Knitting Yarns, Ladies and Children' Underwear Balmoral Skirts--new styles Duplex Skirts, French Corset!. Gentlemen's Shirts Collars Ties Misses Kid Silk Underwearmises aloves—all RIM krzectuerrs AND DEALERS Will and It to their advantage to san and assn Lae oar stook before maiming. MACRUM & CARLIEILB, NO. Is aliTli STREET, Pittsburgh, PLS oat SILKS VIEL VETS REPPS ut all kinds and stylev— redured. LUSTRES Jl7 UB L IXB A t 13%r. formerly S , 41 DEAL ELLS II Onto. or it156131.441-f QUalrelitlifltaraf, Wasurawrow. D. 0., ()Maher.. MS& Wlll be sold at Public Auction, at Alexandria, Va., op ~MUNDAIf, the 4th day of December. Wait 2,86.606 lest assorted I.,conber, 2o new Platform . Oars, 4 feet 8% Loch. goat, ' 20 bos. Freight Cars, 4 feet 956 inotmeguam 4 Passenger Cass, 650 Car Wheels, (rood), / 1. pairs Car W bee., on ail., 400 now Car Axles, bons porroda Gabber Springs, 64 Elliptic Uar Springs, 100 Darn' patertt , Oar Spring. , 6EO tons good moond hand T 11.11, 400 tots old T Rail, 010 tons old Stray Hall. 60 tons Axles Iron. old, 7 toms Tire .I.ron, 8 tons Scrap Steel, old, 2/5 toes Cu Wheels, old 133 ton. Wrou skt Scrap Iron, larb um. Cast Scrap /con, a tons Lead Pipe, old. 10 tons Scrap Brass, '1 I% Inches diameter, V 71114431015, • 11 Vise., 230 tons assorted Bar Iron. 14 tons usorted Shea; Don, it ton. assorted Steel, 250 tors iron Castings, • 6 tons Brass °nattily., la inn. Sheet Copper, I tea Sheet Bran, 70,600 peunds Boat Spikes, 210,003 pounds Railroad Spikes, 140,600 toned. cut Spikes and Niels, 25,600 pounds Roos, 11,at0 feet assorted Glass. GAO feet Leather Beltic 1,500 rounds Butoler and S etup Packing, 10 Ilettetraotl Pumps, 2,600 feet assorted Gas Plpo, 60 Gtlnd-Stonea, 20,0t0 pounds Track Ram, 7,630 pound. spike Mauls, Cold Sadao* he, ;coo Peck. and Shovels, eel L materna. 4400 Axes. Hatchets ald Adzes, I,oeo Handles, 60 steel.plated Frog., 00 steel Frog Plata., tO set Switch Fixtures, 3 portable Forges, 5 I'OrLIPLaa Engines, • Woor.-saning Engine., 2 portable Sass-mtßs. 2 steam Pile Drivers, complete, - Caloric Engines. 90 sea. Flues, too Hand, Cross cut and Circular Saws, 60 steel Squares, 60 Screw Jack., sce feat Spark Netting• Lig* pound. assorted w Ise. Me pout/. Block Tin. 5,666 northers SheejLead. 76 box. assorted 71n. 10,000 pounda Chains. 4.020 Files. 9 coo pounds Bailer and Tank Bleats god Prate Washera. Si Globe 1150 Monkey Wrenches, 11. Emery Wheels. 40 reams Emery Cloth and Paper. Ox Yokes 25 Water Tanks and Hoops. 1,000 Sask.. Contents of Job Printing Office, consisting of • Frees., Type Oases, am. A number f romnd and Truck Oars. Content. o Supply Store, Width contains very largo assortment of reliable liallgoad nate. slat, new and of She best quality. Contents of kfuhine and Blacksmith)" Shops, coneieting of Planets, Lathes, Mimi Prune., Forge., S tationary Engine., Shafting, Belting, tra., At . Also, a largo lot of second.hand Stores, Tools, Machinery, and other material. dales to commence et lo o'clock, to be adigcuned Dorn day to day mall al/ la mold. 'I emu—Cash, In Governmeht funds. TB E SALE OF THE ABOVE IS POSTPON ED UNTIL TUESDAY, DECEMBER Men. H. L. ROBINSON, Ikeyet Colonel, A. Q. M. LARGE BALE OF GOVERMIZAT BUILDINGS. Dargrrit QIIAZTXMAOTIrIt 4 31229.at..6 091TC"6t Prrreandnoti. bat the%6. • Will be sold at Public Auction.lon llth of BARS FACBER A 6 T 6 6, 0A2 dP RBUNLDLIDNSG,SAND dock. Field.,) as follows, (Brad. 9 Suildlegr, UNlcera Quarter: 6 do Barthckat 2 do Quartermaster's Storehouse; 2 do Commissary do do Prison; do Guard Gouee; do Out Entiding So sl do Stable; Forage and Store Souse; do Carpenter and Smith Shop; do Quart.. rot bleohanks. ad..l do Rake Hone.; do Coon .0111Lli do laundry. Also, the Board Feoce enclostry the Camp• will be required to remove the hard L e ss 1,1111. v ten day. after the sale. United State. Currency. • Site to eon:onsets at 12 N. Tratts leave Pllts. burgh for Gamy iteyttolds, on Peana..R. R. at SAO an t 0.6.1 A. tad Plttabarga an d .oausliee atI:CO dll ehl a. X. 0. CROSS, H. del: d Lt. Col. and'Deputy Q. 11. Qum/ ARTHUR MERTON, HELEN McOREGOR. einsais ON PABABLES, WANDERLNOS OVER .43L3LE peins. BIBLE BLESSINGS; SCHONBERG corns. FAMILY, EA ALT- DAWN.. DIARY OP Krrry TBETTLYAN: HAZY THE lIANDDIAIII4 OF Tar,.toaD, voidra op Tim sum, LIVES ZADE BEELIKE; also PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. • %HOLES ALE AND RETAIL, STATIONERY. ' DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, & N EW GOODS EATON'S, 17 FrX•TESE Just Received: FULL ASSORTMENT POINT VENISE COLLARS, POINT LAVE ()ULLA Rs, PU/NT 'APPLIQUE cox -Less POINT A ND THREAD LACE HAR.SEs, - PO/NT LACE HANDKERCHIEFS, POINT APPLIQUE HANLE ERCEITEFS, VAL LAOS TRIHDD HANDKELCONEFs. Real Point and Point Applique Lace FINE ASSORTMENi OF TINSEL NECK RIBBONS MID TIES, Full Line of Atlases' nod Obi Wren's TARTAN AND FACT BRIM HOSE F. H. EATON, _- NO, ET FIFTH STREET. Joeafa HAVE JEST OPENED r4i.E w 4GFc•qt_PIDS, D ream Trimmings. Cloak Oroanitmti Heal Lace Good; New Style Belt Buckles, Beat Wake - Bilk Belt lugs, Head Ornaments, New Heck Scarf; Hamburg • Flormcings, Linen Handkerchiefs, Balmoral Skirts, Breakfast Shawls, In fants' Knit Hoods, Infants' Zephyr Leggin; New licoprelie Skirts. Glows and Gauntlets, Win. • ter Underwear for Men, Ladins and Chß &ten. Jouvin and Alexandre Kid Glove; Ladies' White Castor Gloves. The above and many other Goode to Great Variety, at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 108 HORNS & CO, n aad II 21141 MOST FIZZ WHOLESALE ROOTS lIP SEAIEIB: sell ESP GOvDS YOH THE HOLIDAYS FANCY WORK ROSES. • LADIES' CODTPAINIONS,' EMBROIDERIES; MERINO SCARPS, wot,LEN ROODS, SHAWLS, NUBLAS, SONTAG% As. HOOP SKIR , S. LX)RSETS MEWS wintßoAßagaiTs /N EVERY VARTErV, • MORRLSON'S STAR SRIETS BOYS , PATENT MOULDED • COLLARS, at W. t 9. SOORELEJI.II7, $1 mum= stßzErr MO. WI 1.605 r.BBl W. Celia.. DAVID YVAN? 7ILSO2T, CAII.R& C 0.,: (LATIR Irmaccr, *Las* a*.,) Virttolesal• dealer. la FOREIGN AND DOMES TIC I DRY GOODS, No. 94 Wood atm; Mkt La. ...awn Trismond eLey. PlOrburgb. AWE GOVERNMENT SALE& TAIFORTANT TO RAILROAD CUM • PAILIES. BOOKS bT MOH THE PRESS! J. L REASYS, 80. 78 Fourai Butiz.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers