FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1865. TRELVEMEREp GUIDE. Arrival aid Departure of Trains. . ' • reniksTlVsnia Central Railroad. ..,.PWO6. Arrives. -. 11 3 , rawness.... xdua raidlaiL_ ...... ..... roam /1401111vAeare 1 0 I:ris a m rest Ltne...,.... r..A./ a sa rlitsk.Erls .57A1.1 Sze a m ut•lVall Aumom. MS a su g a g -It a m Ist Penn Azedit. V:1511 • 113 PcgtgrA. aln re f, : 1 4 I rca:vet4 1 . : i Dlr.,' 2,...;:r0 ::, &Atom Exp , s 2 l=o 3: •,. .. . teA5 a m'Sd Wall itesam. LEO p a ii, •" . beep gl Mils. Etpress.. toy p al tot ken ieeo'n. MOO p lst re= Acco'n Ilas pm . 2 4 It . ertte p miAltootta /100121. llt Emlgt Traiales3 p. m The dumb trait; leavers Walls. Station es' Sunday at 946 a. m 4 tetanstag, leaves PittaburO at MP p. In. • Pittsburgh, Columbus and Cincinnati. INiacri. Amt. FastLine...: .s '24, a m F '..Ut Line-- Mso • m gati... sae am NMI...- -- Sat pm Exprese.----.. pap m Express..- ---... "- 12:66 p m PAUbeavllle ea. - SteuberivUlear• etiMatodatioti. 4.10 pm oommodatloa. ithlo a m Plitabuitti, Fort Wrine. and Ctheago. Amens. • Arrives Emess...... asSO ain Expreu ...... ... Inc a m zgaran..-. - ..-. 1:45 p es Express.-...... sus p m Eapress........- Us) a . 245 p Mall - Earra55......... asr 940 s p m ref N.:Csalte & Me ano s in N. Castle & Ede 840 p m m New Brighten deermustodatlon leaves Allestumy dispot ss II; a. to., tits a. m., 4.m p. m.,mut 6: 10 p. m. Bothexter, 245 p. m.: Na. thstle, 1137 IP. m.;Evouo=7. 1 . 0330 P. ; Wellsville, Ate pm. Pittsburgh, Clevela d and Wheeling. Drparts. Anita. Express ...... ... 210 aml rea5......... 2:10 • m Express VIA pm ‘ 1r......... irild p m' MaU . i:10 ain stapes Steubenville Aimmustuogi Mon leases Allerbmkr at SAO p in. Pittsburgh and Connelinille. • Awn*. Anises mini Taa a in Mai 1............ azo pm . Memper• a l: P a : s iP s - sWtee4; l om eto : m 20 . R ide p mm 9.1 v .. mee m let !haddoc k's.: IMP am me 81udd14 .4 . 82' a m Id .... CIO p la ml '- •••• 801 . 3 P ts Allegheny V , Depons. .. Min C 43 a Elpreu 6: io p In assommodation lAD pm DIMON DEDIRUS AND LITER! STABLE, ado Wicosars. E 3 It rcoft t JANES DATA & SON, Proprietors. aauczeussEs AND CIADDYADDS furnished Mail trains. "Alm trarrlages for Vane:vs, Wed. Slap and Parties, at short netts* and reasonable Wait. STAT 4 T.I" or= DAY AND NIGHT. nOrdyti - "CITY AND SUBURBAN. TOMER ROXIBIDE. Thal at Maluta Snaiden et aL for the Murder of Cernelitu Bresstlin CONCLUSION. OF THE EVIDENCE. .6."-smaxamematiss at CICIPAZZLING/ Coon? or OYES iND Tentercreit.—Before Judges Sterrett. Stowe ant Brown . TIII/B3DLT. NOY. 94.—The Versailles Town.- ship homicide case was proceeded with. Richard dualden, Br., orcailed--Qctettion by Mx. Howare—On the next morning after the dlflimilty were there say malts of violence upon your ton? Answer—There were. ~f Qn r. wen Om? • Kirkpatrick—We object. The testimony is irrelevant. •'.llte objeetiOn was not premed. Nattiess iald that his eon bad no markt of 'Warne upon -him on the evening before tbi difilculty. - -Bsw him about eleven o'clock next day, and discovered a mark above the eye, where helia been streak. being very much discolored. That ins all the mark of violence he noticed. Samuel Dias corroborated his brother as to what occurred at the hotel in Coulterevtlie prior to defendants starting down to the dance as Early's: He said that Inlay convematkin had talon place abon. arms, or weapons, or of go ing prepared for a disturbance, he thought he would bare heard of It.. When the crowd start ed down to Earlfs, witness went in an oppo site direction: Robert 'Morrie, of Elizabeth township, testi fied tint he knew ail of the defendants well, ;except Herrington, whom he know by eight. On the evening of the di/Realty he was with thee,, beforo they went to the hotel in Coulters fle, and with them there until they left. Ryan, who tame from McKeesport, on the evening train, told witness of the dance at E:riy's, and asked him If he would go down, Centrohnrilie4 'ether witnesses as to the conversation which took place, as going to show that there was 110 concerted action, or preparation for a fight. Witness thought if there had been any 'thing ofltiat kind he woddhavo heard it, as he was with the party from the time they loft the hotel until they went into. E.rly'a, b_tween eight and nine o'clock.. At the time of the fast, en whichl3rlsatllo was tilled, he was in the .j bed'-room adfoinhigthat In which the dandy g was, but saw nothing whatever of ,the actual tkthting, 'being asleep In oar or eller:wiz Early In the evening, &ferrate first difficulty , Snalden came in and asked him to take a drink, and some maw ten a weapon of some sort from tender the tick of the tad. exinid, not tell vrhat it was, or Whatll looked Me, the pinion %Who took ,It concealing or placing it behind his back. The Wide or-wesman -was from Allem to eighteen Inches long. The man who had it was not ono of, titedefaadants, but witness believed he had teed Wigan court this morning, and to leave the court tole moment; Ma Caine vas Daniel Mr. filtifdin EP kpatrlck called Monday, who appeared, Ageing lett the room fors moment. Mr. Kirkpatrick, (pointing to Muudali—le that the man? Wltnam—Tiejalr; It is. Creeseexamined. Q. by Mr. Miller—What time did you go to bed that night? A. Can't tell just whet time. It was raining and I erect In to see the dancing. Seats were scaree, and 1 set down on the bal. Q. Were you not drunk that night? A. 40, dr. lam not in the habit of drink ing? Q. Did you tell Felix ld'Keuria that you were no drunk that night that you did not know what you were abOntl A. No. sir. know Felix .11'Kenus. Q.—What time did you get up that night t A.—l was wakened by bearing a women screaming. Sawa man ititillng on the floor with notnipgoo bat his pants; he had mien cut. 1 Rein went homy going along the railroad, to E was got the crowd pretty much mattered, hag along the ties 1 A.—Yee, we were. ' Q,=-How many walked abreast ? A.—l suppose about two, or three. James O'Rourke testified that be Sept s'Arlnk ing4loure. on Grant street. Constable Edmond con-and Norman Herrington were coming from the Oontelasine Lomond depot, and I bid them good morranZ. Bald to Herrington, this is a. nice scrape you barn got Into. He said, "Yes. it fa." I said, that is what comes of getting In to tad cony any. lie add, "I ought to have my, need blared eatitears came into his epee. I think Ilerrington got a glass Of ale; can't recollect that I shomithebottle of whisky to Edmondson. George R. Kuntz testified that, as far as he Mid bear i. the character of Saab:len and Dias for piece wag goes!. ' belonged to the 4th Pennsylvania Cavalry and finalden to the nth PitinilVallltt HWY ArtfilelYi - P.Thnmes Conta;tesgse i IM R.Tall'a character orar Pen 4 ' I U 3- :' WWI t..q belonged to Company Itescy Attelltry. John M'Oleary had known Rpm for seven years; he Is a coal miner; his character as no orderly; quiet yoting man is good. Etagfi idglerSeetlited the good character of Ryan; 'he bad- tontrd of &Oleo getting into s fuse Ina tavern. teen Iritab:had known Simiden for (oar . teem years; hisraPutation 118 a quiet, clan, Young man IS good. as also was Ryan's. Jaeott..Lubwk, storekeeper near Coulters- VEk : ‘renientbercd trio fact •of the defendants coming to his place of business, while Jackson was them, on the evening of the dance at Ear ly's. Jackson was on the counter, and not In a c sltion that another man could sit upon hi Wm. Duncan, called to contradict Catharine Fxly testldedthat on one occasion she said, under oath, thetsshe told William Jackson that ho wen as welcome to the party as If he had been barked. Fell, McKenna also atatol, at the preliminary anneulttation,that the man with the club came frtto the dancing room, before the cutting, with the club: which be picked up near the door ruirt .plegNit Mtn known Dial "Moho was a boy; his character for peace Is Croes-examined—Since I came hame from abaartarl have. heard Of. a, • ffiftletat c y , that lib gm David R. Rhino tietleg that he had been mnainted he the adichbirlioal wtfere Bealdea des Ail.' about" Anal 'yews Ilook Sadden Into ray &Met tiPookflat); his diameter tor yews la goOtt. • • Cross-examhzed—Toot him my chnrCh . 4 l ll. d og ibeihret year of :m3, o lnclatlon. Ce a fait member; after seretng :the :mug , cobelon . Can't say that Ibis yet a member of *bed :iam b. havbin-been rewired tOnaather Pratorite. Flee Yore taro towed since I have been located In t- the In whlelitkultdem ream. - iter. Robert H. Bram ,testiacd that' he had ehirge of the Coolteraville coo reietton for two years. Was eequelntedwithparAdsitt'a avec , . for for peace; it is good. Chlui-eziudood. Took chute of the Cron. gregatlon after Rev, 'Rhine retired, ___ two other pastors barite interv, nett. My charge ceased Last cep:ember, Be siden wan 4 41 , m her of off congregation, and daring the last year of my pastoral charge he was in the army. Knorr • him since his return ;• he Is yet a member of the church. William J. Kranth was a member and very cell acquainted In the congregatien spoken of, Snalden was a member, was very intimate with bin family, his character is good. Crom-examined —Rave bean residing in the '.city constantly fee eighteen menthe. Einsiden went Into the army after I lett Conitersville ; have seen him since; .viaited his family. Heard of a difficulty he had, prior to one 'ln question, on the railroad. • . Robert Cornell, eight years a resident of Coal tersOine, bad known Sudden for fourteen years knew his reputation for peace; it was good. Cross examined—Don't know what other peo. p'e thlnkofhlm, I always Considered It good; he bas worked for Me ever since be was old enough. Captain F. C. Finnegan sod George Giles also testified to Snaiden's good nameter. Dr. l'enny testified that between one and two o'clock In the morning after the row at FAt it's. Herrington, accompanied by Snahlen. Dias and Ryan, called upon him. Mr. Reward offered:te Prove the condition of the defendants by witness ~,, so sobriety at that time. . . Mr, Kirkpatrj e k_moofect on the ground that It Is Irrelev an t. ObJectkin Mr. Howard renewed the offer of the tegtittlO• - ny of the witness OD MO stand to be followed by that of matter who was situ delbridauta all ttm wn7 f ro m the seine of the difazut.y to the t pLy t e t ic h l o s y ni d o id edi Lo re t i d a b n y k w = h yt ota bio h g e o w n on th lt prove or s top at ooy place where they could got drink. cmjected to by Mr. Kirkpatrick, on thegrotthd at ureievancY. Objection overruled, although the court thought It wan goleg tot be very out• ide limit. Mr. Elwartzwelder--81mply, your Manor. that Is a redurflo ad obatinbon. Mr. Kirkpatrick—l agree with the learned counsel that the , ter, If proven, would certain ly be a reduetio ad ribiiiralee. Mr. lioword (Irritated)—lfit Is not ev:dence, I do got want It. . . Mr. Howard, to witness—You have told as tie defendants came to your office, nose tell as their condition. q Railroad. Anion. area lilt m $4l pla tasconunodatLon Plus m Witness--They were ail under the influence of liquor when they were at my borne. There wan a scalp wound on Renineton's head about two inches In length, to whit: 11 I applied adtte siee piaster. I noticed a slicat abrasion of the skin on the back of Ryan's head, about a half an loch in length, which did not require nay attention. Herrington had a cumin:R.l, with considerable extravasated blood, made with a blunt it strument. Jrseph Dick testified Ilia; at the time of the last difficulty he saw a man with a club; it was about the time the fuss began, and before he knew any cutting was done. I saw the map pick up the club from About the foot - of the bed and go towards the dancing-room with It. I waa In the bedroom part of the time, and part oi. the time up stairs. Daniel ktanaay came in the bed roam and said he waa cat; this wen the first I knew of the tattled, it was not a gnat while before thin that I van the man Pick up the club; it might have been live min utes or ten. Cecse-etamined.-1 had a watrh, did not look at it; don't know anything about the time; there was a good deal of fess in the dancing room, and 1 was outside; it is mere speculation. Robert Morris was recalled and testified that he caught up with defendants at Coaltersvillo, after they left Early's, and went with theta to Dr. Penny'a. They drank nothing on Um road that I know of; there were no public houses. Cross-examtned.—They had gone up the rail. road about half a mile before I caught up; left them and went to the river; could not get across, then followed and canglt up with them again at Coultersvllle. Felix 'McKenna, re-called—Saw the tritons, Robert Morrow, at the house that night. He appeared to be sober. Dld he not tell yen that be knocked down three sr tour Objected to by the dateline, on tie ground that the witness' (hlorriV) attention had not been called to the matter. Objection sustained, The evidence in the case having closed, the counsel arranged for addressing the jury. There will be eaten speeches, four on behalf of the defense, by Messrs.-Marahatl , Sw /travel der, Howard and Evans, and three for the Commonwealth. by Meters. Moreland, Miller and Kirkpatrick. The Court desired that the. argument should close this evening, Court took a teems till two o'clock. The Court re assembled at two o'clock, when conned] becan'their 'moment to the Jury. Jacob H. Miller,Esq of counsel for the ui prosecution, inbt:ad the following propoel gone, citing a number of authorities: 1. That a common purple° nistad among the defendants, or some Of them, to commit a trespass, likely to involve a acetone breach of the peace. 2. That In pursuance of this unlawful com mon purpose, one of the pritenere killed }RUM- • • • If the Jury are sallseeci that the Party killing entertained &specific Intent to take life, the homicide will be murder In the Drat degree In the party perpetrating the offense, and kis &Amore. 4, If there was no specific Intent take life, but to dourest bodily harm, then the grade of the crime would be reduced to murder In the second degree. 5. IC thi Jury beltevelhat the prisoners, or any of them, entered Into contest dangerously armed, and fought under in unfair advantage, though attune blows hail passed,. the klllingUi not manslaughter, bat murder In the second de gree, at hint. 6. 'Mat Mere u CO sect evidence in this ewe of passion stmerindneed by adequate pro voetitloo„ es will reduce. the grade of the bond .cide to mar slaughter. Berartzwelder, Esq.. of counsel for de, submitted the following isolate, which be read to the court: 1. 11 the jury belle re, under the evidence, that II ere was no premeditated .amteert between the prisonms, then the offense Is not what la termed a lo•ons homicide, and the law .applicable to homicide of that characki cannot be applied in that care. 2. If the Jury ballets that the prisoners had Gels the common purpose at forcing their way It to the bows, should they, be refused admit tance. then, under the evidence, the killing of Bilestlin was not In pursuance norther common design, and therefore the act of one Is not the actof alt. ( Ehaffy's cane, 1 Lew. 104.) 3. If the Jury lielleve that:BA/stile was killed in a sudden Affray, the killing by one is not the act of all. 4. If the jury believe that the act was done with malicious intent by the person killing, aid. era end abettors are not rbsponsible therefor, unless the jury are satisfied that they were cog nizant of the malicloas intent of the slayer. 5. There being no direct evidence as to how and by whom the fa,al blow was inflicted, the jury must be satisfied beyond a doubt, that there Is no other mode, Ender the evidence, of satis factorily accounting for the. death than that of the guilt of the'prisoners. 6. There being but Otte CAAI blow elves, the jury meet oe aarisfied, beyond a resat Roble doubt, by whom It waif given. Mr. Miller proceeded to , address the jury. After explaining the Pennsylvania law of hom icide, he argued from the evidence that deka- dant went to Earley's with a purpose 11 kely to create a breach of the peace. He referred to the corivereation at Ludwig's Cora, le Coule.s. line, when Jackaon refasedi as rape sled by Snaiden, to go to Earley's fos the reason that he had not beta "lashed," &Alden then saying, "lie =odds for that, If old Earley says any thing, well put hint out." .The atatemeet of Re Heaton to constable Edraundsora ;Ss to the object of Seaside:4 and DIU belr,tt "to cut the hearts out of two d— 6 of h—," and thelater rogatory pat to Idognet,: whether be would not ' , fight the Irish," was farther proof of the "par. pose." After reciting the evidence as to what transpired during the fight, the tatting of Men day and death ofOriattlin, he referred to the re mark of antigen;eniiiertnently, when outside the house, and going away, that he- had "cut ens or two of them, and doubled his knit, In eh °." Dr. 'Woods, who made the post martens examination sald.tha the wound (of Brisstlia) "in the lute tissue was target than theexternal wopnd wonll Indicate, as If the knife had been 'After this, it Obeid fairly be argued t....heiden was the man who gave the . fatal blow. and bra associates were alders and abetters. Ills (titieldries) conduct was tern'. tie. Of his having pleti;;;0„a knife three times into Monday several shamus had testified. After going one at the lusus‘,.. and when Driest. ths was dead, or dylrg, he and hiss forced their way back, breaking In the doer, and both brea dished knives.- Snelden noshed into eke room and milling his knife aloft, :Won by h i . God that irouki sixes neither man 166 r woman t Ho e • rhigton add It might be knOwn what tried of a man he was '.-'by OS cutler his 44. ,fr ". - A n d that (putting h i s hand upon his poc ket) % If anythlngwas to happen, be had the documents or was in foilt.'t Jackson had made a ereai mistake. Ile shonki not have been persuaded to go to Early's, end was very foolish in no do. Mg. Thu question of character had been en tered Into as to all the defendants, but this was only of service 116 doubtful cases. A tilngttLar feature _ln title - respect, as regarded Snaldeni was-presented.. tdr.lfoward,tone of hie •eonn eel, callodtiro ministers of the Oospel to ea. tabilin the faetthat Enaiden viasiiCartstian a . number of church , and having Alone Im mediately thereafter__calla; r a Witness to prove that he was drunk on that fatal night A member of the and a drunkard at the . sinie time 1 It'erttaalf rig* newish', for the purpearri ilia case,' to prove that Snsiden was Intoxicated, and; no fault could on found with him. 'Mr. killer elaborated on the propoaltlons which he bad submitted, and ar gned that from the evidence the Jury could not welt find the defendants gu il ty of a letter crime than murder in the second degree. James Evans Esq, connect for Ifemlngten, next addressed the jury. Ifs &indeed hhataelf, ' S pecially to the evidence asalnat hisi client, and made a very creditable croft. I DI, IttirshaniEeq., far the defense, nest IMBETTT [NG TISSTIMONT A.71211N00N p9810:4 adders: ad the Jury, first, however, directm; t in re marks to the Conk on the • question ns to common purpose lie Contended that the Com mon wealth must show affirmatively. clearlV, and beyond a doubt, that IV was the inten clan of the deb-am:as to commit a mender. (and read from Whar on en Homicide, page ai.i before tbay could txtrivict any of the defendants of such crime. Rio argument. pethoPs, from the na turn of the case, era not as clear and well di gested as It is his wont to make In the many cares Of importance in which be has been con ce rtfid during, our erperience es a reporter. Ad verting to tide evidence, the conclusions he drew i b trefmro „„ r s plausible and presented with hla usual eloquence and force. The burden of his spe , r e, was as to the common purpose of the de fendants to commit a trespass, or do the deed f or which they' Were upon trial. He spore about no hour and a-hall. W. C. Moreland, Esq„ for the Common wealth, followed. le Ma opening to the 'Rey, st the beginning of the trial, he Said he had fun shadowed what the Commonwealth tepee:oil to prove. and he would call the Jury to Wit. 13085. after the lame otnearly four days to too even:U nction of witnesses, that every promise he had made bad been fulfilled. He disclaimed any Persona/ feeling, or any personal pride, and would only ask such verdict as the law and the temimerny would require. The Commonwealth did not seek for'blood. the Urea or lguty of the prisoners, unless they had forDlt , e'suclit by an undisguised violation of the law. Throwing aside all sympathy for the dead, and calmly, temperately and dhotis-Monate', considering alt the testimony,-the Jury In their action would. make true deliverance between the Common. wealth and the defendauta, It moat be agreed on an hands that a great pubil, wrong had been ccmtnitted, a Molt neprovoked murder—Con. Briashin sent before his Maker without a mo ment's warning. The questlod as to who did It—who raised the bowie-knife that canoed the lift-blood to llowwas a Melded in doubt, The Com mot wealth could not say, behold the man Is Spada), or behold the man In Dina. All the Commonwealth Weld do was to adduce the plain unvarnished facia. He had never In bra li fe, or In his experience at the bar, Amy so an satisfactory or inconsistent a defame as had been made in the case. The dchndsztta had of fered evidence or good character against the damning proof that aborriole murder had been commilltd by them. A 1 he had stated in his first opening. the conviction of Jackson and Smith was not asked tor. unless the jay be lieved iht y wilfully Joined In the design of the other defendanta in emit g to the house of John Early, sod participated In what followed. Mr. Moreland then called the attettion of the Jury to the evidence upon com bination what the defendants avowed, what they said, and what they did at Early% to per- EllanCe of their common purpose. First there wail a light with Gilkey, and next the murder at thisatlla and the stabbing of Monday. The defendants came to the house, said they would have whatever (boy wanted, flak possession of the dancing floor. Hiss and Sudden had knives, the blade of the Termer four and that of the lat teratx Inches long, and Flemington had a `quit dy billy." Snaiden, besides his knife, had knuckle's, with which he struck Dtas. At a quarter tee sixt'cloct, Mr. Moreland was interrupted in hie 'perch, and Court adjourned WI nine o'clock; this morning, when be will re- Come. Fire In English and Co.'.. Publishing Uouse—Glrl Seventy Burned. The alarm of fire last night was occasioned by the partial burning of the Odeon building, on Poorth street near Wood, occupied by A. H. English and Co., as a book bindery and pub lishing house, and R. H. LOU ' S sewing machine ware room. On the Seth day of July last, Just four months ago, the same firm were horned out, the main building now occupied by them being the ono In which the Are originated. The 'damage was soon repaired, however, mad the trim seas agaln to active operation. The In crease -of their business required that they should occupy more room, and • few weeks since they rented a portion of the Odeon build leg. Joining the two holism by cnttlng • door ways from one to the other. The front part of the first door In the Odeon building was partl tiontd off, and was used by Mr. R. H. Long as • sewing machine ware room. Immediately back of this room was the drying roam of the biadery and It was here the fire originated. A younggirl named Maggie Bilis, daughter of Robert Me, • printer employed at W. B. Haven's, while In the act of lighting the gas In the beck part of the MOM, accidentally set Ire to the paper which Was hanging suspended on strings for the purpose of drying Terror at what eh* had done elated her to faint, and she was only restored by the Intense palm occasion ed by her binning clothing. In her Disney she dashed through a back window, narrowly w eeping falling Into the cellar, and by some means sealed the brick wall In toe rear of the building, and made her way Into — Prank Ard ray's stable, where she was attended to by Dr. Murdock, end after her. Ininries were dressed she was [moved to her father's residence on the 0111. She was terribly burned about the fete breast sad arm!, but the Doctor does not cor r . i alder ' dangerous. in the meantime tta dames Mere .pre,dlag with terrible rapidity, and in a few momenta the first and 111 cond stories of the Odeon were a WWI of tire. The prompt antral on the ground of the fire department ;pre -tented the flames trout spreading, but owing to the cOtabustlbla Mate rial In the building, the distraction of the two dories and there eoutente was nearly emenlste. Mr. Long saved • number or sewing natetileee le a damaged condition. They was taken to the Mayor'• Mike, where they remain at pres ent it was Impossible last night for say of the parties interested to make an estimate of Um!, tees. The male balltlituf of Muesli it Co received ail Its damage from water. Al though the flames felled to cOtecnualeate with It, it was moat thoroughly drenched. Mr. Long is not insure so far at we Could aseertala. The other insurances are an fol lows: A.U.Rogllah t Co aro Inured lo the dEtna I. Co. of Ilaritart, Ci 2.5.000 Putnam 66 .6 .... . 2.500 Cbarkr Oat •• •• " 5 . 000 Ttumes •6 Norwith.. 2,500 Harraorly " New York 3,000 Henze. thalth BEd Jenkins am Insured cm eiemotYlie Plates for 113,000. by the :E ma In surance Company of Hanford. Messrs. A. A. Canter Bro are the agents for all of Ike above Insurance companies. The Ire department are certainty entitled to great credit for the promptness with which they were Oa the around and in operation. Bath buildings were tilled with combustible material, and had they been a few minutes later, there is no telling to what extent the devouring element would hate 'pined. Thanks to their energy, the destruCtion was Stayed with comparatively a small ices. Decision In the Cam!, otCopeland v■. *tur tle and Morey. Judge M'Caadlesa, of the United States Cit cnikeCourt, yesterday rendered 'decision in the cud of Ferro& T. Copeland vs. Daniel H. Bar tle and A:bert G. Morey, in which some 11250,- , :00 were )evolved. The allegation eat to, th In ccmplehaant's bill was, that he had been in duced, by fraud and misrepreseitatioc, to part with Lis farm an ?Mrk., wader certain stipala tione, to Morey, at a price greatly below its val- Le, end he asked the Court In equity, to annul I e deed. Judge McCandless, In his dec:sion, r•ated-thatD he deed had been obtained by gross freed, and. ought to be set aside and annulled— and Vast thn - complainant is entitled to a decree according to the prayer of the bill. The facts In this case were fully reported In our paper at the time of the argument, 4100111 two weeks •ednec, and we need not repeat them now. 8. A. Purriaacc and 13. F. Lucas, Esq.., appeared for the complainant, and IL D. Foster and W. J. Corbett, Esqs., for respondents, Freedmen's Meeting Oa flattudayevening, - at Lafayette Hall, our citizens will bare the opportunity of hearing come of tha,vaterans in the cause of Freedom, at the annituraary of the Freedmen's AM Com•, minion. Judge Bond has taken a very active part In the mearures which led to emancipation in Maryland. Mr. Shepherd la Secretary of the new National oryanization, which is aniline the aorta of all the Freedmen's Aid Autoclettona tp the country. Mr. Garrison slid Mr. Thomp• eon, are known everywhere: We hope oar chi_ zens will give three gentlemen a ;hearty we come. Becalms Driving.—A young man who - gatre his name fie Jones, was arrested for driving through the streets la a furious moniker. He was very abtedve to the officer, and a com plaint for disorderly conduct was ;two lodged against him. Upon hetes taken to the Mayor's office, he was recognized as an old offender by the name of Wells. - lb) stowly dealed this be ing Ms name at Mut, but finding ho was too _ l . ll l known, he admitted his name to be Wells. 4 1°.wslincd two dollars and costs, - end was committed to the Watch bonne to multi there oath tble morning, at which time, if the fins IS not Paid. he will be committed to All for twenty-fone EtaJa.—Tha barometer time no false Indica tions this tlma• It demoted rateyesterday even. thg, and a short time attar dark the rata comp sieneettalLtar• . It bats at stalest as insulin we lbOttid bays 012011 101 b cams the river to tFllthj Clo l3ll ll. — Tb euestion of the street commiuloner . ..-13 called t..• the state ay (le miring at the inter- Initainn of Omit, Liberty and 'Washington streets. It Is In aternm e eon _ dition. Passengers bound for the depot sr . the . . principal sofferets. . The Family Letter Scale; for ascertainin g the 'mount or bobber of poster, stamps to be affixed to a letter, is the simplest and toast do. rabic Instrument of the laid yet introduced. For tale Li W. A. 011denicany;15.FIfttrelroet• Book Notteei. -- ; HISTONIT ow To. Malt sate rwienrsares cm TRU irrelt Z 9F.r°rnatTo'Vroil ugZ7 r N l :w ß l r o:' , D. &ppteem. a Co. Pitteburgh: Dav e ., Clarke & Co., 93 Wood street. Evangebaru, Ritualism and Rationalism have long been e mtendmg for the superiority. Their success has been various. Sometimee one bee avert the field and gained the prepon derance, and sometimes anpliter. During the apostolic period the contest erns Scree between the respective abettor, of Evangelism and Rit ualism. In a abort time, bowers'', the former triumphed and Judaism declined, The newt contest was between ritualism and rationalism. At length the former carried the day and zoos deism inlaid In the Reformation of the 16th century Evangelism triumphed once more, and for a long time Dept In the eacendent. After wards rationalism been me rampant on the con tinent of Europe, and rituallem enjoyed a re vival in England under Land. The idiom of II ealey, Whitlield, and others completely sap ped the feundations of the rationalistic form of ;•hrlstimalty which commenced Its carter In Englsai on the restoration of Charles 11 . At this distant dny no denn • tiori of Rational ism Is required. It subordinates everything to the test of human reason, which la held to be of supreme authority In deciding matters of faith ai d morality. It ignore] entirely the supernat oral and miraculous In worldly affairs. When Merle D'Aubigue made his lest seat to Germany In Isl 7, shortly aft, his consecra tion to the ministry of the gosr, he •• was strained —mmost overwhelmed, b the tempest of rationalism nod tundelity wh h was then ragtag." Every periodical, he read, and almost every man—lay or clerical—whom he ro-t ges more or less or der she Influence of Mto poison of rationalism aed inllddity. But the nationalism of the pr, sent day la very different from the ea eionalumna vulgar', ankh D'Auhigne found in Germany to 1817. Skepticism and !midday se• kto lure the multitude now by the merecri. cloys adornmenta of a classical enci dignified alyle, and a graceful and polished rhetoric . The object of one euthor, as Mated by him self, Is to "trace the history of the spirit of Rs tionelism," by which he understand!' ( *a ternffri vat of thought or bias of reasonieg," which' "loads men on all occasions to eutmedleate deg. mm,, the01, , ,,v to the dictates of rinser, and con.clen, a ' Ihe tier trine is btololy :ail d narn anal mote tauLtd abet when.:ver a change of op aloe tabs 1 , , is MlOl In is Isregard I, any slated, a Is rite, t d through the "Inielim tad condi tion" of the people , and is doe resull_of 'gen eral causes ," Or, n other words, tarn Range not their opinions le consequence orAny pro cc. of argumeoteolon that may . been brought to hear upon them, bet not e'en ac count of a predisposition to receive" he °plu tons that prevail. Thus, the revival or Grecian , f r literature, the Improvements In the MIS, aml-the opposition given to the scholastic dons* of the Middle ages manifested "the tendon*, Of the reformation" lone before its sdeent. •• It would be impossible, however,thin one narrow limits , to examine such a tile rt thor oughly. The style of , al nth far from being faultless, is nevertheless VW. ha historical meats, ere think, may be relied upon. But from the sentences quoted above, It will be seen that the reasoning is very Illogical and sophistical. Besides, this book amends with sly flings at the Christian system, and al though valuable for reference, It will lave to be read by the orthodox with great caution- Ma. licanasaan Atneratsereartew °term awn or TIM thsanudow. Written by hamittif. Saw work: D. Appleton & 00. Putestught forma by Delis, (Dark & tie., es Wood stresto - The author of the "Attie Nlghte* limited that his might live no longer than be was atilt: exercise the faculty of writing, Some • one said, Penlight, In all decency, hart/ado:red, "&nd End readers." if this Is to be the memettee Or James Buchanan's life we think bill days oft earth are very Pauly at an art. Ali/meta there la muck =Malty manifested tu certain quelnee to eee how the politically ddanct "old Mao- Mowery" vindleateS himself from the Off re" prated charge of hawing betrayed the came at the Utdon, we do not think that “Rechanan'e Administration" will be very genendly or ft•y, long reed. So far front vindicating him, We weak MA, Involves him In greater guilt, as It is a mere repetition of ulpaln.r. cal heresies to which he gave miter since while he disgraced the l' ential chair, When Sir Morton Pets,, the gront En glish railway king, was ha New York, •ho de clared in one of his speeches that Mr. Ildshanert was to blame for much, If not all of the opposi tion given in England to the Federal cones dur ing the progress of the rebellion, Ismailia he do dared when Et caldent of the United dates, that the government renowned no power to 'coerce" a State to remain in the Coln,. its tide decla ration be ne mate, the English people, relyirg upon the soundness; ofMr. Daehanan'sintetpre tation of the fundamental law of the United States. looked upon the war as neuaderourt and uneoratitutionel on the part of the North. This doctrine Mr. Bnahenan reiterates In hie 'Admlnistrsi 4 OP, u and pot only contends for Sta; es' rights, hut for States' sovereignty, witiob Is only another nano for Stiles' Inman cy. There neieer nal a 6as - ter pOritlaiii absurd. ity. Its absordity was eufflciently demonstrated under the "Confederation," Whlch.gs3 Ono of the most loctßelent and powerless governments that ever was monaGLlshoth Under throAsttelet of POntederiltin the Colon was among the seat% igsrf etenerding to Ito second itetiltli of that, "each retained its soreeelpery, &redact and Independence." It was soon found that • government hes: d upon such prinelples could new Ca anything else than loopmatlve, and a eeemenUwo was accordingly called 3017'31 to amend the /trades ore:confederation. Instesd of carrying out la original Latention, Lim ason• ventlon hauled the present lionstkutloi. the war power of which has been demonstrated by the beet jurists 12 the land, but we t=tr more efficiently ty Grant, Sheridan an . man and thaw lame lagkam. tint the Itearig hie old deepsgtgne is neither convinced nor ding yet. Ile very mode:slily States In L is preface that although bin book was writtsa immediately alter the outbreak of the rebellion, Its "publication. was aelayed to avow the possible Imputation, Tiniest es this 'would have been, that any portion of it was branded to embarrass Mr. Lincoln's administration In the vlg.r.eas prosecution of pending hostilities." Bat be has no conscentlems sernplom skeins& publleting it now, caeca)] it seeks to rekindle the natlon•destrolleg heresy of States' sover eignly, and thereby to throw obstacles In the way of reconetmetion. It lea glorious conso- lation that Isle pen le Impotent to accomplish evil, se be Is derblred both by political friends and foes, No rth and South_ Its was very trader of Mr. I ineoln'S Ald ministration. lie slyly Inslnure as that It ores Mr. Lincoln's wee, waged to utter defiance of Constitutional warrant; and therefore, we sup pose, has not one wolf of:Commendation for the soldiers who bravely defended the oatton'A gag We have examine' the book with esnadararde e re, and have failed to find one expression of atltude towards the soldiers of the ffnles. In very troth, the DWI( Is rather a finds dust " aholitlor lets," the press, the pulpit, and the church, than • defense of Mr. Beaten an's administration. In the secand paragraph he denounces, the preachers bccanae they pro claimed ••• the higher law." thereby leaving no to Infer that the report wee false, that be ho came penitent after he left the presidential chair and went home and joined the eharch. In almost every page be defends the south sad denounce, the north, averring frequently, that the former "was more sinned against than sinning," Mr. Buchanan esi a that the people of Moaaa chusetts had no more right to discuss the aboli tion of slavery In South Carolina than they had to discuss Its abolition In Brunt]. And yet he maintains that wt/ have a right In say who shall rule over hiceleo t Pe; haps we hove pall too much of a compli ment to an author, Who, although tottering on the Wink of the grave, le evidently no friend to his country, that has honored him so highly and eo tong; but an hottest Indignation pre vented to from saying leis. 61/1131/Alll B.TAAULI TRIOOOII Toe loan,. 'Weber end Incidents of rho tAnsipsorn. By Cant. D. P. Corryorykam. New York : Hbaldon co, Pittsburgh, for solo by Darts, Clarke yr. On. Every hook written about Sherman's am pulla most prove Interco Ing. This one le pre eminently intorestleg. The author served , In a twofold capacity *nag the march. Ho was a correspondent of a New York paper, and a vol. tartar old-ele amp. He was an anwitnees of the battles fontht, end of most of the incidents described. On this account the boot possesses a panned freshnets. SOSIETIIIWO Nov Pea or LlTll.llFamtlfull. OH gID.I stones In verse. Published by J. B. Ltp pincon & Co.. Philadelphia, and for enle by Da rla, Clarke & Co., PitteLurgh. Thor Is a book of versified etorlea forchlldren, by Fanny Fern, who very modestly only gives her initials, F. F. It is well gotten op, and will be appreciated 'ay the Juveniles. Tint Fay. By Theodore Tilton. I t ill Is beautiful nursery rhyme richly ll lust stud. Published , by Sheldon and Co., New Yor , and for sole by Davis, Clarks .t. Co., 93 W... titre. t, Pittaburrih. 14 , e Gearing -itteillogar Case.--Thie case Is a 11 on trial in the Dourict Court, before Ju e Hampton . The plaintiff's case *unload on oixteeday, whom the counsel for Manta? moved to. Di:intuit the plaintiff. The 140ii011 waelarame4 at sonic teazel and overruled by Judke Hanipton. The etaininateen of witnesses OA the other side IS now progreutag. and • verdict will perhaps 1101 be arrived at before - t3at•'• • . Church DedlcaUou.—The hew Cellolle church, 111 the Flith Ward, will be dedicated on the I.7th of December. young Hun's .Friand.—Viramintdri to card DiSMICS. For sale by druggists. Arid ter the Young Man% Friend. A. pamphlet giving the symptoms and treatment of private disease' accompanies each Box.' or can be bad by Addressing Young Man% Friend, Boz 99, Cinpinnstti. with s three cent stamp unbind. to Joseph Fleming, Cronies Paper,J• 11. ?MUM, W. Fox Co.. Albs:hens. From Yesterday's vetaug Gazette. " k ending November:,, nod ace the , eziaril of bLe year Reward for EemlpiDd erLsonera 19,d 11634. 1965, lot the weeds_ 13,251,01 V.1,5,0,2M Ile four prisoners schr 4ettkly ereeped from ,t- Porteti 163 .6-U4 - 55 106,613.57 a 14,6 AA% the Lawrence County Ja at Nei.reastie are n, h J0n.1... $13f.66.9,25a 191,643 99 Still at large, and rewards lu sle been offered for The exports of domestic produce fur the work 911, Ito ef,1.21.31. tt,sit bbla wheat sour, their wrest and delivery ay (he JCL The tel 11'. rye flour, 1 2 / 6 bbl corn meal, ~vvo bunk lowum are the descriptions of the raga vas, wheat, too bush pens, 54,0411 bush corn, 11l Pkb'S candies 9 .0 hot coal. 7219 tales cotton,lsl9 bales milk the reward' offered for each h•y, galls petroleum, tin littuts and 1,347 Thomas Lykean, of Marlon county, Ohio, other pkg. crude tobacco. 29,123 lbs manufactured committed for an mama! and battery and tar-I do, 2.211 bbls rice 753,cas lb. tallow cent'; be is about are feet tea Inches high, glen- der built, dark complexion, black hair, moue- , PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARK ED toche; went without a hat, and had on a blue blouse—may be wounded with a pistol shot ; about 95 years old. 9150 reward. Albert 'Curtis, about five feet eight Inches i high, heavy built, dark complexion, probably 25 yearn old, some negro blood In him, pimples on his thee, his residence was in Shanan,go township, Mercer county; was In prison on the cduirge of horse stealing—had on a frock or half sack coat. $l5O reward. Peter Miller, was charpd with lareeiy; tire feet nine or ten !ache, In height, heavy built, an Irishman by birth, dark complexion, dark hair—bad on a short sack brown coat, slouch hat 9100 reward. L'mpihry Conkly, goes by the name of Jim charged with larceny; about fire feet eight in ches high, slender built, light halt and coal. plexion, bas a scar on his lett arm, caused prob ably by a burn, had on when lie left a long dark frock mat; of Irish descant; 25 or wyeara 9100 reward, Payment of Commutation Does not Flit- empt from Homily Tao An important case, and one In which the pub lic lu general are Interested to a-entisiderable extent, was disposeitof In the District COroi on Saturday last. It was presented in tire form of stated case In which the Scheel Din-ctors of 6um Township were plaintiffs, and John Ewer 1/118 defendant. The facts of the case are as follows John Ewer, a citizen of said town ship, was drafted in July, 1963, under the act of Congress, paid the Mt commutation and was discharged from further liability. In 1.564, T,tcratity tax, under the prorialona of the bean y act of Pcnnailcatda, was assessed and levied OM him, amounting to $55, by the School Directors Of said township, which ho rensei to pay, claiming that ho was exempt under the creep th.n. in sale Bounty net, and hence this stated ease. The point of hive euhroltted to the Court for ita deetaent whe.her he, having paha the rommutation -n yea* ti !nada to pay bounty tax ed, r the pro,,, nna ,:.idnen. Meillel. Moffitt and C.•hr to appeared for the Belem)! Directors, and B. 1, Childs, Eaq., forth, defendant. After hearfig tee arguments of the Counsel, the Court derided that the payment of commutation die not hying the defoadont with in the exceptions contained la the 4th section of said art, therefore ho was Hattie to pay said tax, and ordered Judgment to be entered In favor of the plaintiffs for 114, the amount of tax so as k/teed and levied . on him, do a citizen of sold township. ...Beggar" Sent Vp.—A. man named Aires Jackson, Wang from Maryland. was &messed this morning by officer Hess, of the Allegheny Tice. for drrekenntra, It appears that for some time put Jackson ban been going from konaa to house begging for money with which be pre tended he procured the neceestrles of llfa, hat milts to the contrary, ha has spent It for "old Rye," and has once before been locked ap for ILnnkennn►. He was sent to Jell for twenty four hams. The Chattier, Valley Railroad.—The ash, of the Chortler* 'Valley Railroad, wtuch wee to here taken place to-day, (Dith Inat.,) by orderof the &prone Court, to satisfy the holders of the mortgage, bonds, has bee, postponed on &pen cation Of itheoontraetonr, who hare a flee pp the mad, atd who protest against the sale dir - tattler Interests are ,secared. The sale has been postponed llapappilcation of the coo. 'tractors has been disposed. of. Mill DeatreTed—The steam mill at Indus try, Boater county, owned by W. 8. P. Briggs, yrsa totally destroyed by fire on Wednesday 'erinkg of Lat. neut. The fire resulted from - friction of the fault machine, and the build tolrether slth thicty dye hundred bustebi of pen was destroyed. The lops Is estimated st ant, $15,000. The amount of Insurance waa,55,000." ROBINSON. McCLRAN & CO Bankers and Brokers, No. 78 Fourth, Ntreet Pittsburgh. Pasto solv er sJI kinds of Gonna:lent Fetednes Gold, , Unsorroot Book Rotas, sad llosseattc Ragbagle, ste., &e. udotadta sissalvadAti Pll,ll rtrrrns sod CUR BERCI. - lateral allowed oo Woe deposit'. Collect:on" made to all part" of the Bolted State' op non tin orable terns. Owen or:waded with gtspotle! ter e'r_rything In tb ‘ = eel • 1- th° ale' York, Patio. bursa Wooers' Boards strictly wolorenektstop. I'm DO A. fir.EWS anr. , ?Pm Tort. )ay & 1ta•.0.17: D READ T. 11. PERkINS. floatra. FINANCE AND IsPOECERS AND BANKERS BOAR (coassCrrzo at gamma. & co.) Il 011101 ei rzc Privistraorto As Z 7 1 .74 I ?strainer. Liar. It, pia P. S. 4 • ISU U. S. 646.4, U. 93.7.61 . 4....—. U. U. H. CertlSeri;es t e grrA C A . AllekTeny Cent:ells-01in R. R. Roads.— .... 79 CO Kat/dank . Not. ,S) Fourth Nat. Rank • ... IDi 40 ld. 6 rd. Na ti nal ns! Batik --- 64 PI - Peoples Natio __— Drinkard Creek Ralston Pboents 0.1. ICO 00 -- r oo so es 60 ..... a 40 -- 103 40 •-•- 2 20 --•- 1-5 10 National fiedaing Is Slliring I 'a. 6 00 Gold opened at a alight decline. New York rates GS. Pittsburgh Ifni/ buying—selling •t Ila. Governments reported Itrmer in the New York marked, but without nay advance in doota ttolla s Buying, Pittsburgh market-6's 11391, 106 lire Twenties, latd at part 'Ol and '63 at 09 Te• Fortlea, no; Certificate., liti'voo963 Seven Thirty . note., Ist Isacte, 96!.1;11,14 and 3d,9G` , doptai —selltng half per cent higher on each Nu operation. Itt Bank shores to-day, Sava ft few lamina 01 Peoples National al EN. hgAge National Bank oderml at 1136-1 V bidt 3f. & 31. 36 bid. -Nctluns/ of Interest to rspott In oil .Lorca. I 'O unitita sootintie• to dseline. We •re told the Lock wag mired on the street •t 20,-15 w•. Gtd at morning board for a linaltuil amount. Lancaster ts Ilierry Hun changed hands to M=MMI with n tlowntratil Ic 0t11,141 nt 11,00-90< —The bank movement in New York, as Indica ted by the return of weekly svaragea of the lead ing items, indicates an easier Money market. The deposit ti ne and the amount ut legal Wader. held by the banks are up about two millions since Monday hf last week. And the currency and gold balances In the Trea•ury Vibes are up about eight millions. These are signs of a favorable domestic exchange in the direction of New York, and as the market of that city, ton considerable extent, controls here, the favorable influence may be expected le extend to this city. The le gal tender notes held to bank alone are close on to fifty million.. The other departments of the hank returns also favor a steady, ifinot an easier money market. The leading National Dank• there are gradually availing of the proiltx of a asst circulation Which the system afford. to the associations of large capital. As coot nor e.l with this time last yeat, the banking capital of New York city has Ineren•ed about eleven and n 1.4 It millions, the lonn• shunt thltly-two nud a half muttons, and the deposits about fourteen millions. The Increase In the Sub-treasury there Ise .'ew hundreds less than thirty millions. The lose of specie In the same time In some eight millions. These are very simple facts, but they point pimp ly to the cause of high pile... and mark to the Minder every observing man the great dlincully In the disparity of the upward movement of Po per, and downward course of c .10 to be overcome In vertchlea an early resumption of 4/MC imp. ments.—Patle. Ledger. —ln order to keep up a supply of currency, generally scarce In tin! Interior, some of the banks are remitting securities in liquidation of their balances; which accounts for the steady indult of Governments and their weakness la the Lastern cities. With such a condition of exchanges, how- ever, although we may not be sure of any Imp., tent surplue or currency, yet we are clearly safe against any drain. and an easy condition of the money market may be reasonably calculated upon The prersuse for currency to the West will tend to draw out the annilued portion of the Nations bank circulpUon to Witch that section is eat tied, a process which will soon enable the banks to ro. wit teat in currency instead of Securitick 'cad et the National bank to strengthen governments and to augment our surplus of mangy. . —A Wilhlngton dispatch soya 1 • • To net- at rest nil the rumors with reference to capital;rhi c o eb f ; s lt l°° l; °°° repolted ln , Will be recointruaided by the Secretary of the Treasury. we can state upon the very best authority that no such in crease of thatiank capital will be "recommended, either by the Secretary of the Treasury or the Controller of the Currency. except epee theea press condition that the increase In 14$ bonds par chased With 11100,000,000 of impil tender., to be withdraorn from the currency and replaced by soooca,ooo of National blink Cotes. .Yids will re sult in an actual. reduction of 1110,0 t I,OIXI In the currents. —The export* from New York frotainue large. The following shows the export' (exclusive of n ec k) from rigiv Toth to foreign ports for the Ornoe or ram Pprvastrr.oo riAnTT; Tnemkoar, November 30, 1065. CIII:DE—Tbe Crude market was again attire . . and him to-day,, and as compared with yesterday, prices have still further advanced. Quotations may be fairly given at 27V.423, bits returned, atd v bbls included—it to said that 34 was Mitred for loon bids this afternoon, delivered free on board cars. Sale of 300bblo at 23, bbis returned; ISO at 174; 200 at 2.71 i; 300 at 29; ten at 142 at :it 1000 et 33 f. o. b.; 2xo, pert to arrive, at 2S: end 0400 In bulk, on Wednesday, at 27. The market closed dim and some it hat excited, and some holders are asking 00. lIEFLYED—There sra• mere activity to the market for bonded oil to-day, and tee can report several large trormortions, both for present and fu ture delivery. In prices there is nd remarkable change, though the tendency is upward tal4l oar refiners, generally, anticipate a still farther ad vance. Sate nt 1000 hbl. “Ardeeco" and 1000oKe) stone- for nil December, sellers option, at 67; also too “Eag'e,"' nod 600 “Petroitte” same de livery and option, at 7,7 q, the former net at works; ia, for larstary, at 67; 500 for early in February, at fa, also. looo—on Wednesday—lst to 16th December, eeller• option, and not tato 3.oth of DefetylbPr, Pettert Option, at 6,5, delverod la Philadelphia. Free Ott Is firm and advancing; .ale of 'OO bbls at 77. NAPTIIA AND RKSlDT.Ttiill.—There is a fair demand for Residuum but as yet. tbore Is no change In the price. gales of Sep bbl. at Shal. Nepths, In the absence of 1131 CO, may be rooted at :nail In bond. and MiUgg free, nceording to packages and gravity. RECEIPrh—The receipts of 011 by the All, gheny River singe our last report were as follow.: P. Logan.. ..... 151 i IL Wray ..... Fisher 5. 2115 Duncan& Dunlap._. H. Zioaenbach-. . e 1 J... Wilkins...—. Cook Si Horner..... 135 J. Gllleapia...._. 11 H. Collin. W. B. Darner...._. VatJas. Iscatier—. J. T. Stosksialc_... 2001 CENTRAL LIVE STOCK MARKET Reported Entrees/7 far the Pittatuligh Gazette. Or nog or WM' PR - M1 . 11 , 110n GAELTTe, Tni ::a. , November al. Said. t'ATTLE—There wive n bmtet feeling, appar- ently, manifested to the t'attle t rade this week than last week, owing ntalnly to more favorable advice. from New Tort, but the supply nevem he lm., was fully equal to the demand, and while the market ruled steady, there is no decided advance to note la prices. The qualit rof the cattle on sate was better than usual thin week, and with a very fair shipping demand, good fat cattle sold without ninth dielculty at the rates current Last week, nay 7 to It, and one bunch of extra Ohio Steen. •veraeln,r nearly fourteen hundred pounds brought For stock cattle the demand *amino.; ee is ry light, and for this grade of rattle the market dull and depressed, and quotetions may be fairly given at 6to IN, according [equality. There Was a fair number of Eastern bayere In attendando tbia Week. and a moderate number of cattle were bought for Philadelphia, yes York and Baltimore. tiOGS—The transactions le Hoge have the lastmoderate during the past *week, sad for the last two or three days, there was next to nothing done, buyers and sellers being apart In their views and feelings', the former asking for material con. emulous, to which latter geeerallyieppeared Un willing to submit, preferring rather to ship fur ther East on their own account. .The arrivals continue fair, including quite a number from Chl elk/MU and Oldies°, and with a limited demand. prices have steadily declined each during the week and even with the concessions, buyers operate very eauttondy, owi to the irrelar and =- settled condition of the Eakt,era markets. MN , log the early pan of the week, lodes weremade at lgyiell Pent. grows here- but since then the ten tcrey hae been steadily ownward, and today two bunches changed hood, et and some buy ears refused toga above 0 mental SHEEP—The arrivals have tieen rather larger this week than lest, but with rather better den mate, pliers have been eristethed, ranging from ON tot muds, for common to extra fat mutton Sheep. No tothaactions In stock Sheep or Lambs SBA eOrireqUee UT. we have noatalm to mooed Or quotations to make, antrlinalqi sTofir InOlt WON - :la, TO NOT. :Tit. Hoge. Cattle Sheep. Phliattelphia...-.....-- Lae • 1::ta - ••.• 1800 145 New York way Points 44 55 Total 16470 1464 ILSS Sate, Bum. Me/inlttlw to Oorttrao. Lollar.; dr Co. to Prat_ .. (hark r Rahon to Cou6rao Cooltu to HMO.. l'lark to /leaser Reeler to Pratt Kahn to Rawl— St or:alatker to Iltate4..—. LOY" pt.* to_bos le 1t u,t Flvfo'tu H llokot, to H t r i , T to !Irmo, Trotter to Iles.. r fitigal . 4. R ..., Starry to Rawl Taylor! to &eller. Buyer. .!,-.. Au, ?Sc,. Gardiner to Orr 60 303 PIO Si 11011nerlk - Vo. to tdeArdie 90 2.50 10 Gi 2113330nutam to 01t.... —... 111 150 10 73 Warner to 011ehrelat. . 00 MS 10 711 Inger tot: tehrent... —_ M 220 10 25 Adkun to 011ebrent . 64 715 10 75 Itelidmonn to Chletarlet..• La—. 60 277 ID 73 Clask to Stlon.r.. 49 2.9) 10 00 Bundy to liolcus /14 C 0.....— ..... M 220 10 70 Ward to Oedema.— 13 =3 II 00 ' Cranford to Yealel __ 66 =7 11 00 Cook loirstson—:.... - ..—........,,,,,40.--en .3000 Hurst to Gtlehrelet 103 207 11 ICI 111111er to Meaner M. 275 10 90 Smith to 1311ebrent.....—..... 113 PM 11 CO Funk to Hedges —_--- 91 077 It 03 McKee to Sledges V 7,5 I 1 00 ItoseaLsek to On. ...... _......... 39 070) II 00 302100 ta Yeanl _ Bs Mt II 00 Robertaeo to 011chnslat -- 274 MI 11 00 Oamobell to 011ehrelat ...... —. 1M 230 lo 75 Collto to Otlchrefitt 64 IM3 II 03 51111er to Intlgre ...... —... 190 70 10 00 51aple to Orr 45 271 11 00 Studebaker to (Matelot 4 49 300 10 90 Penal) ta GOehrelat......_ ....... 31 270 10 0) Chwes• to Alio tort--.--...-- 354 303 II 76 Thlnoraon to Orr 33 M 3 966 Steel to Orr—. 54 076 - a3O I=MCMI I=l lioltae• & Pl:Letter to Uloain 35 head of oxen, cow. and littera. averaging 10215, at 0. I lark & atau to XlcConrlke SS head of good soul ha/ n 0010 oxen, averaging 1416, at T. Peter Klenaen tot 'lark & ?data o 10 head of good .fork ere., averaging 1000, at Stern & OoLlanuth to Frank b. to head of good Oho) and Kentucky cow. end steers, aver fl o fug 1000, a utr soldf t or.,3:Leid. to Plnsan St Co. Itti head of good Isdiana steers, averaging 11(10,at I. Shigler to Frank CO head of fairish cattle, aver agingltoo, et 0.86. Miller to Putty ft, g g gel bin 75 ,175, at tit . „ Kosendall fo IL, ha. ny 101 extra cattle, weigh log 128.100, at Humes to Maker 10, averaging 1000, at flumes to Stolth 41, weighing n 07.:,, at Zr. fly tve. to Milott 40 good stock cattle, et, eraging It IX), al 5,00. li lenten to Montague & 57 head of good Pr non steers, 1,1 , 1-aging 1171, at ,ti . ,„ delivered to Wotan to McCort, We In head of extra Ohio eteere, the beet to market thin week, averaging nearly 1400, at 8,Z.). Caaaady to McConville at tend of extra prime cattle, weigLing f 9,74.0. at Mooney to liurat S Co. 10 head, weighing 19,250, at El,. time to Todd CI head common/all atonic, aver aging 600, at Midge. to Montague ft Co. 64 head of good fat cows and helfera, weighing 60,425, at 7. Tri)....r to 30 head of good stock cattle la 0.4. Crum to Birch 35 good @lechers, weighing U,300, at 5,05. et:wig to Flank 4 l'e. 29 fairish cattle,aelghlng 22,1.41, At 9,99, IMPORTS BY RAILROAD PITTIDOLOII. roar W•TEEIE IaeIO R. R., Nov R-84 bids apples, H W Burium; 100 hides, 08 N Hoirstott; 200 bags potatoes, E M Bond; 101 bbl. do, E Ileasieton; lsr bags do, 66 bbl. do, Volgt S co; 20 bbl. do, 31 Toole; 807 half blooms, !Littman, Bahu a. co; - M4 do do Palk, Bro co; _l2ll barrels praetor., Jas Hutchins; Soars wheat, D Wallace; 1 , ar lumber, 3tetinewan S Douglass; 1 do do. B •zelimtdt; bid, tobacco, It Dalzell; 25 bbla lime, King & co; 1 ear wheat, Hitchcock, McCreery co; 107 eke potatoes, E Cottrell; 1 car wheat, J S Liggett & cc; 2 ears lumber, Geo Rule; 40 boxes cßeese, Shomaker S Lang; 30 dos brooms, It Rot. Ism; & co; 8 do do, John Poi tertleld, 10 do do, lobo foolery; 2 kegs bra ler, Geo B Jones; 1 car corn, Simpson Et Knox; 100 Ws gout, Simpson b. Knox; 10 bales cotton, Rohn., Dell b. co; I plc. tobacco, P 11 McKenna. 01.kva1.san •ND 1 . 17 . 1,11011111 RAIL ROAD.— NoV. 30.-200 bblo flour. T O Jenklna; B 9 aka rags, Godfrey la Clark; 2 bbl. udoor, Traurntan & Ap plebeum;l car wbent, Liggett &co; 10 do: brooms, S Linduty Jr S on; 9 nes lard, Geo 0 Jones; 3 do do. Meek S Armstrong; 10 bbl. dour 141 Cgs feed, Vco Word; I eat apples, 1. 11 Volgl S co; 7 cars metal, Jno Moorhead;2 rats lumber, Couch; to bbla aced, Plunkett S co; 1 car hay, D tiourt I ey; 205 aka barley, Adam lawerline• 1 car wheat D Wallace; 1 caddy tobacco, J S Dilworth & co; 110 aka barley Eleek & Armstrong; kgs lard 3 bbl. apples, II Bea jr; 40 doz brooms, IV Mc. Cutcheon; 100 do 4 , 0, - McElroy & co_ ;11C7 bare iron, Eerie Or&tr Doti) 1 cat Wheat } t enon S co; &I bbl, hickory nuts, pert & Emery; 2 Obis elder, SU Bufrum; 2 can stave, J J Ralya. New Vern Iron Market. New Yuan, Nor. Z.—Pig for Immediate de• livery br scarce and wanted at full twines for ship. meet to the Interior before the closing of the river navigation for the season. To arrive, or for re. mote delivery, there Is but little inquiry, and lower priers rule; we notice about 1000 tona Glen. orat sock ecoteh L to arrive and ex ship, at titiedd, and from yen', Twos; best American, from yard, has also brought the higher rate; 900 toy_ sold at 1190G61, delivered at Ellzabethport, cart In Jan uary next. The price of Swedes Bar from store, has been advanced from PCB to Midler assorted sires—this Is the only change—the demand con tinue, good, am:lT:ices generally, are firm. Amen Iran Wells are held at 990 at the works. We hear of no sales of Invoice. of Bar. American Bat Is scarce and firm at prey Will rates.— Com. LTii. 61Wing Stocks. Now 'Vona, Nov. to.—The followinglore the pier. of Alinloy atochs bid to Boston Centtsl ; 46; Chpyl4r /rat:Milo. 19 . ; H"COCkI 1 6. - q; lola Ropel, (4,14; Qoto:4, : itacicOne, VI; Yuperlar, I. 210 3,0 121 140 or •urrr. WS. d i - 9e PH.' . 141 ,1 00 - • • . 01. wa ~.{"z) • ... 113 101 '7 00 • 170 Y. B ss 7 . 3 312 6.1 6 2,6 2 5 0 12 2r 2: 2 601 9' 6 50 11l Uri 6 75 2.5 I. 6 60 1.60 19 109 - 11:0 u 0 11.54 10.1 144 0) 00 !1 • 50 9.5 600 •ALCM OF 0002. NEW YORK PETROLEUM MARKET Special Dispatch to Western Prom Yorre:Noo..3o, 1953. • • . Petroleum remains steady at yesterday's rates; aalas to-day of 1,500 bbla nt:red.:lm bond, at Tie; %COO bbl. for December at 715, and 2,500 (or De cember and January. at IMalle.; i,003 bols crude as etc; and 1,300 for December, at 41c. New 'loan, Nov. XL—Sailway Bpm:tastiee was st. oog throoahout the morning, tad prices were generally a fraction higher Than-the shooing rate. last evening. Fort Wayne semi the most setts,. et, ck. eased upon the belief that the Directors will make a stock dividend. There le to general dL poettion to operate either way pending the Mt sung of Consre.s and the report of the Sec retary of Treasury. The market was One at the Second Hoard, but loaminess was light at the lam ores boned. Then was an 112.0.04 dlopeettion to buy, nod the market wail higher Oroughout call, with some excitement in Pittsburgh. Ihe followlr g were the closing prices at I= r. New 'York Central, 07%. Ede, MI. Hudson River, tee; Pending, ifilatugan Anthem. 16'i; Cleveland and Pttisbtlh, Itttfc bock Island, 1 1, !it North Weak rn, MU; N. W. preferred, 6;4; Fort Wayne, lefi4; Ohio and ilituuslopt, Int. Gold closed at 14.631. state Banda were d.ll at .bout yeaterders prices. Miscellaneous and Coal Shun are quiet and steady. The Cominerciar says: Stocks are Antler In anti elpatlon of • rise to pekes after the meeting of Congress; The payment of abotttl2ooooby the Tummy, on account of interest„.aod the redimp. Lion of the Ave per cent notes, may be expected to produce more cue in the money market 13-01 , Moment Stocks are ratter ermet; and toms I. • growing elkposition to boy Bata and Seven 'Mae tint for Investment, watch,. however, is heid is abeyance by the feeling of uneertaluty as to whe tho et , . he declining tendency has toothed the bottom. Many Intending Moyers an deterring pentium. until the policy of Mr. McCulloch Is revealed In hie urinal report. In the meantime, however, II good many securt.. ties are apes the market, Welch nisi Posaible Om' duce a blither alight decline. Money to without any materiel change. There is a fairly active de, mash from ehmig• broken, which le readily re, spocded to at 7 per cent., headers atpresent pm. foram, that mode of employing their funds do any ether. There Is a steady now of currency NOM the weetern tearer especially from 011iesge; whits the unmet going south Is nearly nominal, The mole premium Is rather weaker. The miens beetles.' of diplomatic. 41111ecities de net appear to hare proved decided enough to develop say spec, elation, and the resent rise of per cent is to be taken al respecting simply the prevailing nem saneness upon Ns. matter of our foreign relations. The purchases far CUZ7IIOIII are light. The demand for export is strictly nominal. Foreign Exchange to dna but pot active. Now You, ?for. *0 —Correa coarsely sr Ann, with ems doing, at Mc for /diddling. Fiona—Du/1 and IllaMo lower: 895,0_98.45 Jot Extra State, etkiledAMl for Extra B. U and Vitt it for Trade Moods, the market elosinx dull and Leavy. -Wulawr—Qulll; 3 27estero $2,11i. 7 :llaanc—Wtiest Etas) and lower for con. mom acid inferior grades, and without decided change for choke; $1,0301,8 2 for Chlstgo Sprlng, III.VCSBOO toe adilwankee Club, omeasuis for Amber Nilwaukeei.(the latter prise for Choice, ) ma tor New Amber State, and 114,•1ef32,03 for eholc• Whits Canada. Bye titbit. Baler and Barley Walt duU and Berninal. Corn ornad ready lad closed heavy, at 90 , 294 s for Uss mot and 11641430 for blotuid Mood. Oata to lower. at WOW for, Onsound, tMeeto for Clouds., ood We for State. PsornOtAnx—Steady; Crude, 410; E oaae4 101 Bold, My Co, fat December and January, ayroo l do, for December, sine. ' OOl 7. 8 . 37 PRovissous—Pork [Omer en d • 10,78f0r memo death/ at =oath and posge mi a! Primo mu; also 'note bins mcsaat sidars-1,4 buy an oDtlon, all the year, et 0 03 CSS,08, and 113,250 bills new mess for January, at sellers option at Std. Feel less soUre at 11014 for plain men, and dt4(o7 for extra mess. Beef hams quiet. aseoa MOTO active at Mlle for Cumberland cut, to arrive, and for forward delivery, and .1114 for long ribbed. Cut meats level sales of NO paokagea at, ltalfie nor shoulders, and latACtile for hams. Lard steady at 00N710. Butter dull at 235a420 for Ohio, and 3004010 for State. Cheese steady. PIT TS 11 it 11/A TLKE.T!* C . OT TUC P , rintURUFl ()ALCMS, Turnso•r, November SO, tsp. The produce markets continue eaccarovelv dull, the demand for all the leading arttclea oft Sads he leg very much restricted, am! n genvord thing. prices are tending toward lower mow_ ASHES—Market more nett,, and stocks -ono parativety light. Sale of 25 tons .:oatracin Coda Aih at SL; lo tons Relined do at ,tt„,, Jand'in to, Peat! Ash at IS. Potarh Is cooled at to ' • DRAIN—No demand for IV heat very low retell, end we hire no lairs to retort IWe dull and heavy but unchanged; rile fo r am 4tone. of 1.00 bush No 2 Chicagetjit 48; 200 bush. frog Aire, prtme, at 46; and 2te. do do •1 47. Corn Is idling In Small lots at To to TS. Sale of 400 bush common Sprint Barley at to, and 1 ear prime Rye at po. GROCERIES—Market only materatelvietive, and prices are tending downward. kilo LYWee is Cuoted at 2/@33 for fair to prime, and Java at A. übs Sugar to selling at 141461616; Porto Rico, 16.3.101654; Coached do, 2110213 g; "A" Porto, '.A@ . 2141, and "B" do lOW-V. Porto Rico motes w4llo4l4:l; New Orleans; 111,30. Caroling Rice, PS and Rangoon 1154. FLOUR—There is no War raven:ult . to note in the demand for Flour, and the market continues very dull, and prices are ateadily. declining. Sprillg - Wheat Family Is selling from store at 10373460,26; Winter Wheat at 610,2 4 4110,M and 4110,6210,75 for choice brands. Rye Flour and Buckwheat anti and unchanged. SOAP AND CANDLE , —The only chaiige We have to note Is in Rosin Soap, which has decilned from 10 to ttt,6. Muses. Salem., quote a follower German and Palm, 14c per lb; Opodildock, Id; Var. legated Detersive, 14 per bar; Yellow ditto, 14; Chemical, ta per box• ' Rost,,, 8.4; Castile, 1.3,• Var iegated Toilet, IT; Barber's 11 per dozen .Mould and Di Aped Candies., :toot; t ry -aniline, 00; Star, St. PRO{ ISIONS--Market 10 very dull and heavy, and in sympathy with alt the leading markets prices, must of necessity, give tray. Hogs may be tairly quoted at 636810, gross. POTATOI..--Stuall sales reported from afore at 61,1501.20 per bnah. and 8.1,6053a,76 per bbl. The demand Is falling oil and the market is teas se. tire, APPLEh—litendy, with oto local demand but unchanged; regular .21. from Corr at 24 to $5,60 per Dbl, for good to prime, and •5 for choice. MILL FEEI/—ttale of 100 bags Middlings, oa track, at •I.hb; tki bag. do at •1,6 n; 4 tons from store at 8165. 11,116-IWless active but unchanged; selling fon= zealea at fle to $OO per ton; also, i car prime baled at •Yh. BUTTER—Is quiet and dull but nuchanged. We have sales of Itollseported at SueSS. LUGS—DuII, in consequence of increased or• rivals. and tee eases reportAl to-day at :A. CIIEESE—Ie still quoted steady at c 1. 3 ,22 (or Hamburg. and 2:1V3 for Goshen. • L4All—Sale of 300 pies at Inc =:== .. . The. Cincinnati; Conde, of Wednesday. ups; The feature of ihD-Cedersi inartiet was a mantill-, once of the Dania iar Proetainns.• The price for. mess Dock declined to the morning to $23, h, ad vanced to 11...c2,i. • biltrkubsequently it broke' d 0..., to C.M.,..o,asore'lmirn from private dispatches rree ittie evening. If the market has opt in that st O rd upua, it la a u t (root malung mold .trade. cictlo n. Or pro•tsion market Is Un settled., and there teems to be no disposition to buy at,tileptlee. Hogs mirer in proportion, mad, ezupttiOran'tmrchrises to ti.l contracts, therets no thiliptlitiOn to buy. Prices are now lower than packers,a few weeks ago, had any reason to ix peat, hut the sudden fall has so far unsettled their' cafedlittlons, as to muse them to keep out of the market. But a point moat coon be reached that . wlll induce the regular trade to take hold. The • L roy 404' of comae, regard then/Belemrt founnte to dux mainly frre trom contracts. Very few hop • ehdught In any of the maYkets for forward de- • , and the great hurthen of Um decline falls qrdkovers. The aggregate receipts of hop at the . Astern packing points fall largely abort as com pared with /ut year. Thiel, especlailyltrue pf 'Chicago; but It is argued that the bop tare In the country and will come forward rapidly after the rat of December. If there should be &au/point merit in this respect It will tell promptly on prices. . . Flier, and Grain In Store In Mileage. ; The following la the amount of grain in etore Saturday, Noreinber :n, 1865, compared with the correstiondlagdee het year, as reported by the different arareholasee to John F. Beaty, Secretary Board of Trade: F10ur...—... Wheat- Rye.... . . 31.48/ n,ols 24.5,441 1N.T.607 126,n: 2.47,61 f .2VAIZZ 87 AM • 44,943 214,64.1 Philadelphia Iron Market. Prorsustruto. Nov. 28—Iran is less active, but there la very little ply metal odering. hail further Wes are reported at full prices; Incluitusg SOO tons No. l at laSte sad SW torts No. tat Ns, for Jan; uary delivery. No. S is held at $4B per ton ; Scotch Pig-isoulet, and quoted at pYsilifd per ton; no to iota. Nothing .delng In Blooms and-Boller Plates worthy. of motet. For miwwfactured therell leas 'lnquiry, and prices, If anything. fa. vor the buyers. SAIMETB WI TELEGRAPH CIEICAGO MARKET hpecial dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette Omuta°, November 30, ISM Fr...min—Dull; Unlit .23es et 011,30 for White Winter, and $1,7501,13 Spring Extra. Garry—Spring Wheel quiet and NV 44 at 81,aiet,d4;,' for No. I, and 6Valle for No. 2; Red Winter drellued at 111,69(11,60. Coro dull and daft lower, at 4084.51,44 for No I, and tSytpe fat . No, 2. Oata dull, at! ltatie (Or No. sad 2 ler•C' for N 0.2. Barlay dull, at Brifj/%c for Old No. 2: ear—Quiet sad end a shade firmer, at $2.21. ram - I!3nNS —More aritec, with better reeling; Btu Porte held at 11111,c0, with a limited demand at 17 7 .t0; Old Prime Mm held at trif:24,CO. Englirit Heat. In Limited request; tales of SOO bonne Gum. berlaqd 7 for December OGlvery, at I3Se. Green Bow In good demand; salts of 4,t03 pieces it t1).4 {,2 is gut], fcr December. Extra Meta Beef, ,l 6„ 14. Lard a shade higher; light salts -of Nettle 31e. and Steam at Z 3 No. t Lard, tic. Brew Caro-a—ln light auppl nod better dik, mend; sites at oa,soctev.s. Hooa—More active and 16e250 lower; sales at P.501511.C4 ffioxar N.rraas—Dnchsa=e . d. Gold, PETROLEUM STOIC."' CS IR NEW YORK DlipatartAi"estern Press. Nine Tank, Nov. to, 1565. The Petrol. u a Stock Market was a little Irreg. tar to-day, bat lower for most part. Tha only Sc. uvity was in rithole, Oil Creek and Oceania. The following en re the rata, or.. sale Bushanan Farm. 65; Bradley, 024Thapire City, 57; Fee Sim ple, 21; Brnnebof! Rna, 11,(2); Egehlrlor, 91; rice; National. 42; Bergen, 43; Kn'ekerboaker, 20; Pal• mar, 2,75; Eitertaards, 53; Oceania, 50; 31.55540.5, 42; Unite.] States, 25 00; Olt r2ret, 2,70; Plitetle Ottek. 1;,62; Shade given, 274 Tack, 2S: Bead rum, Z. Ulnanee and Trade In . New York New York Market. New 'fork Ury cowl: .Trarktt. Nsw Yoe, HON. —The follow - Inc are I cutastl, so groin t.t., Dry (V.M• E.eb.rtre Broaa Stmetinp—Stalt4l.l4B, ON.; F.I NIPPPre+I. E. via thesefied B.l2.trtiagi Willismertite, 40o; Hope, 3V41; Loudate 4 Hart* 4.4. ise. lAttauue—Pritar, .111, 24c; Arliateel. ste. Etmva Drlll.--standeurd. C•rs44 Jeans—Nannakelut, 1r ; tlata., s.:- Kentualrs JelLoill—Union, 00c. 70d074.n, es.. Prix —171e4717:7 7 1m, W, 274; bpriggilo Araerics ‘,?; Freemsn, Tickik-1114071:17047, 62% ; E LL, Sllll4l,—New York, tile; Hayruato 40e; Eanon, 404. Dealme-,44477.44g 627;e; 424 Oltster, VA& Colored Canibries— Washingt.4. m. ; V! rtory, 1100 p • Skirts—U.7pm, pi am row tape; to 40 CoOPIR 4.0014:00; wide 410 d 44704710, The following divnatobse hive berm received the Exchange today ST. Loma, Nov. ZO.—Trade re.-y quiet; no ele fldenee In prices. Qtactira.,,, Nov. ati.—The =settled °audit& of the New York market has Oven .decided she to owe; buttons to eoneeduently Oat Petf.anexruta. Nov. aO.-4.lotton Goods sr dull Imo thooplog; buyers tio , dtsg. MI for low prior.. Woolens, • very little .hale, end tra mend. BosTorr, Nov. e 0 — Bortneta fair for the cold weather sttssuisses tssrls. No 'bane priers. , Not. ]d—These Is lime Inspror mod Abe tale of the make; bat the Impre ton le- gaining ground WI soots are about low as they Will Co. ' New York Stock ank Ittoner Martel. Now TOOL, Now. 110.—Money steady at 7 p. meat. Sterling Fad:lave Mita at WOG scarcaly so arm, openitg at 118 , 4. deallnina to It ig and aloala at 1t5%. Cloremment Stocks cutlet sad ataady, arm. Freights to Llatrpo. quiet .aoaoar:alp • Stocks steady : kilebtgan Sootbern, *,‘S; travels:tali k burgh, 023 i; Chfcige k. Poitblrestern.l4 krteld Ordna. l .llol4l (Jumbo:land, 4111 Canton, 4Z Üblo and Idnislaslppl CertillsatakidN; 64s Pens of 412, 101; 1040 Coukans, Soyg; Timm' Philadelphia Market. rIIII.IIALLTLILA. Nov. 1 0.—Pristionrox—Irrena lu. erode, g 90460; Refined to Bccd,loo47e; RO fined Free, lenfillan nova—Vary dull; Mrs, 13.6001.03. Gnats—Noy Ran Wheat, In,r11; Ora 2,70. Corn doll; sale. of 0.4 Yellow at. 44400 e New Yellow, 144e5..50. Ows dull; New, erett3Xis Ehrorrnoloss—Dull; Neu Park W braver, La" so per In layer. Wl.ll4lLT—Dull; Wes at tr,ri, RIVER NEWS, Julia No 2.. .M.oore-;......Peutersburg. :.Gonloa.-.....011 City. Ssint at City. Bayard .. —Upon Parrersbtulla Learrence.—.. Louis. Oily. arrsa, arsimaza; =v. ==2=El ten inches "rater to the chazurcL The beret:Mee chanted ruddertly yesterdiy' gien.44 gel "Ltittch rain," and if the mercury hal: nrit. &Had La tht caleuletiouu we shall hare more teeter Shortly. The Weather yeatarday was dark sod iovrerlsit, with beery clouds floating overhead. Boa Lusa at the Wharf was tolerable belch. • The Lawrence, Capt. C'rane, lift last evening for St. Lou.,i loaded to CI the Water there waste the chaanel. • The Nom, Capt. Devinneyi I lvul leave this morning at 10 o'clock for Louie Me. tike had a very pretty load for the stage of venter. The Leoxidia No. 2, Capt. DiLis, Ls receiving freight, and will leave for CMS...ulna on Saturday evening. • 'The Yorktown. Capt. Wash. Ebbert, la receiving. freight la turn for St. Lout, awl will grout o(. Saturday eyentug. The Nevada, Captain Event, will leave on the first water for Louisville. She la aUll receiving freight. The Leonidas; Capt. lit. A. Cox, is [outlying feeight fog St./4%14,4nd will, lemma as coon anthe rivet rises sufficiently. • The Pennell., Capt. Slonell, la dna at the All e. shear landing this morning truth Oil (Sty. 5707 d The oni came in y T.Trildh, Capt:e as-Ma Saint. and' the y from Oil Echo, Captain There Nem twentrefght inches in the ehlan . eL• al Oil City yetterday, and the river war at 'a' stand. .00t. Asa Shepard and Air. Andrew Ackley, are now ln the east - to teelf - there- it anything. new' thereat pluchade there to BMW in making up. the [mantel their new Farkerabtirg packet. The staunch and reliable 'Ontario. Capt. Chat. Rested, is anocrunced to learn for.. St. Lout& on Friday, and passengers and chippers ahould hear ia th fact in mind. • The following new boats can be found at the Illenongahela wharf : The Messenger, Capt. Wm. Dean., built for the Pittaborgh and St. Louie trade.. The Emma No. 3. buff by Capt. Jamei ratta, tier any trade that win Pay. The JossSaa Boman, built by Capt. Kennedy, for the Rio Grande. - . A nets side wheeler, built by Capt. Wm. aid Cleo. Haslet, to run In the hllitiourt ever. She has not yet been named. Wm. Porterfield, well-knosest. tp Allsslastypt steamboftmen, died In Vicksbiutrb, on tan ilst lost.. tram the effects Of a fall. Arlf.anau river Is falltn&ssith on lied Blue. Bar DSEDIQAI'.;- Hugel:we 4 v 3lllloPATltte SPIUHFICI3 Rare pr ed;from the melt astidtraisterlenits, an entire sneeeae, ample, ellirlent and tellable. They are the only medicines perfectly adapted to popu lar ore-so simple you mistimed ,eannot be route 10 ...ilk them: 10 bun:dear as tAbaTtioarout den. or, and to eMelent tut to be altrayauutabLe. ltura No. I cures SEVERS, Congertarthe ti ... 25 2 0 ttoa WO/MS, Worm Ferrer*, s CRYING VULIC, OS lambus or . 25 4 0 DIAN IRCEA.olaldru or Unita 26 6 ^ DYCo I SENTERY 4 , flrip3l.ll,, 5111,00 1e.25 0 OROLEIi. MORIMS, Nausea.- 25 r - OrGILS, Colds. Ltottrltltis 8 " NEU U RALGUA, Teetharke, Fece s 25 HEADACHE, Stch Reailastis77:- 25 ' 19 DY PEPECA.llll.ltotuiBt3mach... 25 II- ••• SUPPRESSED; leanly awl psln ' fat prziorbt...4. ... .. .... Si SY- ° Whites Si 13.tra.l.11ROUP. hogras cote ' SS 14 SALYBILEUZA, Erytliter",Emp. Muse - 55 II RBEIJKLILTISIII. all Ithstimatie . 26 16 " FEVER AND ACME. OWL- and I ever - 62 11 " is OPH PlM SL :Sauterne! or eSterne ed l so KY, scre,leflam eyee 60 12 CATARRH, acute or thrum, la linens*. . .. 60 10 " waoopirfei bTßZLiCsplazitiatcalli cough ou It ^ ASTHMA, oppressed.... .. 50 . A.E. I.43OI4ARGES; Impaired 23 " 5 050F 2 . 12,21 .,i 2 r11ReZ210.:171; 34 " GENERAL DEBILITY, phyrlear treatise's......_ 60 25 " DROPSY and runty ercretlons to - " SEA SItIESESS, or Meknes, from riding .* art " KIDNEY DISEASE, - 60 " NERVOUS DERILIVY , seminal emertissions, larobintary dL charea ... _ 60 " SORE ,or Cer—._ 60 so " UItiNARY BIuIITR /RO UNS/N ank UANCE. 50 at " PAINFUL PERIODS, eves runt BU ERINGS at Change of Life. ISO EPILEPSY, Spasms, St. Virus' 1 suer 103 14 0 DIPTHERIA, Ulcerated Sore TM, at.----- 1 ILO In 0.221:2. Cane of 30 vials, In marccao cue and book complete 00 Cue of 33 large vials In morocco stud boot. 11 eta Cu. 0120 large vials, plain sue arctboot.- 6 00 Cs, of 10 boxes ( Nos. 1 to 15) and beak a Co S. WI% S e ll=lMa e l v iClSZSP, It r eelerala Agent, Pittsburgh, Pa For sale b_yE Iin:NBR, 22 stolthlield of lOs. FLEBUNG, No. 84 Market Strut. renter of the Diamond, Pittsburgh. and J. J. EAST, 154 Vereral street. Allegheny. '-1710docal pB. STRICKLAND:B MELLIFII3OI7.S t 0 U COUGH BALSAM " Is warranted to toe the only 7-t. NO pleparatlon known to awe oughs. Colds; Hoarseness, troVi=t42: sb A Croup. Beteg prepared from uncepsadtherna, it la tenling. 'of& Mug, an espentorating, awl gar. Ocularly' suitable for oi l affections or tke Throat and Lungs. For sala by Dpitggleta ererywnere. B. G SELLERS a CO., WHotzsivs do n YBPEPBIA. tt o i . DR. STIIIOELANIPS TONIC!, • mmostarated preparation of Roots and Hart's, with anti-acids and c." I cenaloattre to strengthen the vtomach and nerretm f 'Weal. It Is v. cattalo remedy for Dyipepola or ‘NJ moiseason, hetvournear, 141, ' . Lou of Appetite Acidity of the Stomach, Flail:dra in and Debility. It la Net alchdholic, thinejora particularly suited for Weat, Nervous and On. peptic persona. For sale by all Drugging every where, et flyer bottle. H. E. SELLEES & 00., Wirocstato floorrs. nit BT.RICELAND'S • -- [ PILE REMEDY ... ,66141h 't Alit cured thousands of the alc:::F cyk•-' want caws of /Mod and 7 , 1' .. ."! ~ • . 7 .... ¢ l = lU tte lVr ielV . 21 V a d i f; RILES ; pentiotteat rum 'ff7 it dl. •-• ,-, , . really. It it war:sited to cure. FOP tale by a n m ulata et to Mita ter bottle. t B. E. szuzas a co .osivrd WaOrralt,ltriorrri. FORrzeals YRAOTIOL . IX 111EXPAL MANI= 0 Ives InslifkOoVialgo Wawa asquind by rust. mita. Ply kap mom* la MU erity„ and Pa ilinOtlai 01 patrols treated oaaaatty, Dr ma, ut saMaleat proof clam mom. SPEMPLA. or SEXI7AL WILUERi3 An+l all Conies itthing thentrece, ara rued IS I math abater Ulu than htteteart b 7 raY maw VEGETABLE REMEDIES. Modhaam MAIM Pay pan, Mika Dolma ALL Risen ma *oasis_ Rano talayretstru s baC nere4. USCd , 6alHFlßLDdr+elrnearjtkat Clefilt Marius J.VWI.ERAMSTSEP. ionav Hoz pa, cErEzsz I CFLEESS I! • . tO.boes Irsotory Gimlet . . Ito do W. B. "do Tor sate 07 SOMONAKES, it LIM), oollf 112 and lit WOW moot
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers