PtskvSit SmUe. EDNESDAY, NOVNIABZR 22, 1865. Cl-44.ittTS 1!EB mo 1 1 0 ParraAn= do. d w ed by ear th en, Y 5 cents Week. ‘ally Evening gm per year. deeo. do. served by enders, in ce o nter' week. rkly, In ° Sias $ 1,5 rear. do., pingpkdoSes...4 ... Pe d Z AATES Of ADV,EAT-1 SIAG einisioaxs—erAmmin xrepraiil pe, T iog„l : - 24 Digy fat a M 171.2% VIVA awl Wkly - c... I 1 5 '.. . .1155 .... '2lO ...^, 275 i i iil 11415 -2251 i 55, 525 5 .601 1200 ' 50:0 1 .52001 1 , 160 25 1 50 1118 lit 551 1170 5250,- P 40 me .. two; 1.1mcw... :bite tlqtei.. our Ave titC476.: 'late 11/n4.; :late Feekg. 'As lacettm. 3rtra tom ctoat iltir, lln itx moths.. 4111, months: Attlertneroseets enema tneeyeertler Tee, 4helievertiser a at a citenwort3 gouts' sex "Aram (or. 211 /-C Want She Illte t lhett eteie.bemlmeto InuielteteinetUeeu , Olt, Advertneametts ecatnirtid, tee .othennte ttion loaf, will be .Illertei 1 - tur-eash4llll as the oqloe i - Irensient e4veliatitig aiga., '.• 1 ._-• 3eattt Notices, eget' Ineeritem..., ........ ~..1} ao aturikroacltioal,;,:—. ... — i - . ' .............. 13 . Ream - boar eArettileeelle4 'At enl%. .: roe tkPletaenter • 1 440 1 4444140:10 PrOtle . eir:::...,;;:l. 03 " , -- , irmaitop.awirs.ursiatormiserss • ono-=rezaohniied --- , ter* • trier, lira arra' to Include solution :arsuittga of tow .Eutuc - watts. kg. • • • .53401- bare a witaa. - :14 okirt9.l 2 • . ire 'went watAk , • . I 11 .13 most 2 ` •:. 1 th , W. ViSek. is Three months ...1 .1111140 e 812:110[4 ' 901- 38.00 -. 3 1 gni0nth5..,:..... 1000•, .; 1600 . - J. 130 PO 60 Nino xnetrt/t5...".1 •41 00:,1.CR, 00 15 00 One *.JI2 Kr—. 2l oo /8,00 4EirTllCli4ftelF. caltdik Taus pbo4o. etas, it Le v-lied to Welk 'or period 20 Ivtat ;1404 istei a msy 0a ignia VrA chtisie tia:coniidaiiallS the oars span.' pied by;elkileihierthe PrnAeil ideeriblee VP* 'of the Inver. : i EDUCATION CONSERV ATIIT, AND I zritriCitiEssivp. --- We ourstuntkihatltheriEbtro. tertaa,'Eholigh ern; itithetle," eapr4VgattiltiOidttinetttlirtaible:::at, , reaskit.IIFOUSIW4If :Wreak° , Iddstaitear." _guff: are det:dieellig"Wiiit4i: ether the tariantylea Of education, but :are see kingttio tro,o_oentre. At. soPii.6 . 4,kftv6ii.liiiso:,:t*oAxila,:4llo ,point urofr 'l4 l ol:.yo'soi7A-kri.OtAo Ui .take aright held titi,die_OOikeitetk4eat.t -•- -t Let iFfornt";_re*seitit!,the`ane lwlnclple, aid rcierenanifor , the pa.4t, ihc:_oilier, and we may , defirte;tbe `pstinttwe'are Int scour& of,„ or rani' we'May tell hoir-iotfiAlt, thus,: That reform -1 • is the itirkk74* rOirrs* ,TiPt. which; ; worita.Atiet:ef-rail institlittenill SO-bring about ; the - brig i lititdkPrivhinlEttanalfieliaist,,. mice Were .t. prophatiew - 'Borectimes..eldf forms, are rif.t6ia and • used, wlille, a new life is breathed Into them; old hisin:and'histietaities ,aurrive tivithoretteetey,l3ed:tirriew Interpretation i and a-new meaning- araput,upOnitthent. "Meat! —we May e'haiitably*ttioniselvei----"Dift Mit' - . t' mean ha spealpsontrrowly_na that 'entioerment.. i or enaeint mit' liky iMnnrat eilatifts"ropld Indicate; .! LoO1;;;At.-. Moir, llses,..interprcl;titeir.lannage by their acts. and ye r shall, omelettla that had • they - tied in our day :inning t,be - necessities -of this era, their deeds and,thelr .words would have corresponded to its wants andcravings, , anersallidcil t lti call for ligtht and love ' and truly ,-. liberal action." - - With respect to education, and progress. In 1 t 4 thatgeneral direction, we may safely regard some things as already settled. The constitn mit facilities of the human mind, Its elementary . • powers and functions, havtabeen analyzed and delineated; the work necessary to be done upon them for their..culture and Invigoration has ".: been carefully Indleated and skilfully Oct forth in manifold trentales and iomes. The tralninz. that prepares given minds for their assigned • and sptclal vocations in life; together with the ' I . 't processes to which all must be of sub " i___. Jectedwhen the full unfolding of the Intellectual . ..t. and moral life and of the wonderful forms .... wrapped up in that. , complex Are, is the high . ~.,. - aim set before the educater,,-tliese have arida r , .., and again berwdesirlbed with it - sidlful hand, t. sad, In thousands of educational lesettuttons, ,it the attempt Is maling every daj to reduce such t l . theories to practice, mato farm the mind after . ~• - the pattern given. • And still new views will spring up and will he nrged respecting the relative importance of different practlealpurands, and the bast - method t t of fitting the Intellect "feithOse pursuits; die coverleiwilliii:mutic-of new. forces In natant! , 4 or of appilcatiOni"ibtli:be Rome: novel t way, inf:naltit l i))ltseitt* and ageneica streitry . Ikoolro;_anC!itte - 401ziiid Tri4arlso.. in some 7 quarter;'roiiiiiiiites:.t n d, rirocmses of edneatlon i altogetlier"...ric. 4.i it' gbe•Otid or 'ma liad i changed, or as Attrieliiltie of the mind'aeultetrc . I depended sreddinti ecitain Inatncdinte and low . These.outeries may roint out the direction In iwhich tree • progress-is to mare; or 1 hey may .$ proceed' from !mistaken views of the whole t subject or edneatiotial reform, — I But panalUghsi herefor the present, hilt not •- i the nulle . 'preSeing,". - Want, let us ash, to give . A t atreateriggierniad eillelericite sr/sling systems of etdthie.l " LS UM)! the great mul urgent need of thetinies to . ice= - thoroughness in_ our ' sdhortial ICM without aeriona reflection on the whole subject, we , incline to, the opinion that while „ . 1 this is onr surd,ltha tendency of things among ~ us hi the opposite4liection. Thisis specially .diS• • cernk,ie in'the higher range of scrence and lit -4 . crattun contemplated in a college course. The inquiry oftMicauseemp befOre the truest friends .of edacetleh,Totight *to be possilde that young • men should leave enitege wails with diplomas in theli':-Parlrita;.and with so little - real ability to reed ebrnmon Greek and Lisiin writers, which they parLa tivaiiedly studied for six or eight years? ShMild not the severe Methane:kat course of the Iliniversity leave more marked • traera of Its penitent on'the mind than hundreds urFanustee evince? And as regards the vast fields 'of Natural Science, 'and, ISiodern Lan guagea,:is not the - demand of tha times for ex abiness nadthoroughnesain these general and vitst pursuiti So far is sec tlar: actual require meets of our age - and-station, wenre to be re garded , -- en7iMetfoited. - tll6 male, with an . amount of , 10411gal:we .anc!. culture Current._ among Ms sufficient to make a most boastful we play; we may bq as a community, and as is na tion, fartherthom- theedneatioti befitting our sphere', thas .. the .I,styago -tribo,litat. does }mss how twentrapr ttto boasts of thofor,cats, and ,to thatch the wigwain that coreeist now little area of clrgiu earth altoest:'eath night. If tre, more than...oanforefathersolni tido Is but • contra tied ,ylew of edneatlor ad Is there more - for 0, (6 aitlYpof: form to do. The,, , do 4. - auougli bore? I's the salad of ttila,itaiitr anaideing*gi:eater breadth. M In procarilon,fislhe fled of trap mnd rayon alble aellanit-ti Oiotl)Y, eVaatiA - wit.h . o . ach t year? Obvionalb-ti4 lino Elmo for lowering our standard:in thittregard.'' If it is felling; if It if Immeaihreibly . below What the bare sofaili of . the nation dertainds . say ncabln,g of her honor and glory,' then let' each. rain seek to know his own share of responallity In the mat ter, and. like Oman. nastline It+ In our rim", o ,pige'prooortion of the 0111118 ;. 4 will be found to eCet eyhtfele eflteadelidehalll. Ton President told litiastsatppl to elect a Gov ernor, andatralsittwaieltatettazaan whose nrs( official recopubeqatlon ititiorOta:f the pcopte, to pay tensions to soldiers ottho Ittbei army, aid' to , ;`- establish fugitive Ono, 1 1‘fer.:14sainVpi,lueder ivbith all colored Mantis who @Unlit leave their iri,Drlt alioakt tte the Pres . l p it 110)?lact, , VIPhq.ttp* GovartOgimOireli;' THE A 41,6 .01110-4)e, naval vetrelil46l:s* emer`l!lf`thelv 7ll4 ll66 . te- - fi gaited t Brooklyn , kaltixrl3:4s7.lttssfis 41,379840 , , 120,ar4 -, Virazhizatita .240,780 .41 6 - 111.200 -Cuarleirktrrry,: .1 ! ' 62.500 31ound,Cliy4B 1 - ;ono, . - WATER nopretasted rittslron /s eisld to have stopped t/te calf _ diseaur In ?olsiadd lEL4RDE STrlre4 >ezunu IlierOUr. .!.21:1111 /Ethel title of d popular treatise on the marine animals of our shores. writtertl, two of Abe members of Prof. Agasals'a family-t-Mrs. E, "C. :dotal; and Mr. Alexander Agusiz. Zu4:deaiiipUdin of the marine in?ectes is sclen titicand thortpih, and atthesairie Clete so clear as to be comprehensible to persons who have !brit a alight' istinaintittmo . ..vilth .the science of `Zoology. The toll. is Illustrated by nearly two btindred One 'env witieb,.as far 43 oar 'knowledge rump,' igen !pry: true ; to 'na ture. With this work tin band. it; any Of the telluride resorts, One hie the Means of Identif I ItIC and investigating the original objects, and of &versifying amnsementbyan instructive and, to 'many, fascinating mule. ' This work Is published biTlcknor & Fields, n a handsome ctavo volume, and is far sale ' lby H. Miner, 71 A: 73, Fifth street, . ' , Our Mutual - Prtend," by Dickens, has at. ready been noticed by us. Dar readers will be pleased to know that TPeterses: Blethers, of Philadelphia, have leaped it - in ' estus , handsome illustrated volimes which =titre hadathllncea, & 78 Filth street. ,- •••• •••• 7 - •f= - ..... .... gVI r ..,:"0 , .. .•••• 17 i i• . ! •••! !I . 1,2 00 -" I 25 :2: - .4 00 2 25 31 - LI 000 - 2 75 7 • { - Ai il 1 :7 ' .1c1.4.11; 12t00 - WWI: 17 or It 00 - 10 - 00 . 47 , • - ,restenalso Counterfeit/un--Seizure of &W.- 000 In Spurious Natal Currency*Ar - rest and Confession of the Counter feiter. A An Important arrest wait' effected in Brooklyn, New York, last Tuesday, the pailiculars of Which have bet n suppressed up to the present time. 'The Treasury DePkilaent W'''ahthg ton have long been aware that the tradatese of counterfeiting pent:meta and postal entreaty has been carried on to an alarmism- extent at different points throughout' the country, but their endeavors to arrest the guilty parties have, With a few exception's, bean eutanded with Mare or only nettle! gitecesa. One exceedingly skillful engraver of bogns prettel currency has been especially marked ea the niSst dangerous operator, Inasmuch as his execution was so per fect as frequently to deceive even the Govern ment ofilmals, and the boldness of the Counter rater was almost asareat as his skill. The man In question Is an English engraver by the name of Charles J. Roberts. The best Gov ernment detectives hero been on 'lns trackfor six monts, without snoneeding In fintlitinChbil, until laijt 4 Tuesday, when Ma ai re d Waseffeetisd In Brno aby Messrs- IL L L 017611614 A. J. Otto, electives In the service of the Treasury Depaitmer.t, with the assistance of Mr. Mc `Waters of the Twenty-sixth Metropolitan Pre cinct.. . The operations of Itiberts have been mainly (inflated to Philadelphia. In the anlntrbe pf which city his , money was altlitifed. The last ronnthrfelt 'platen whlch he made, and which, an indirect manner. led to his errata, were copies of the latest Issue of 50 cent postal cur rency. They are of abed, and the Impression from thens is so beadifill and perfect, as to be entirely undislitmulabable from that, of the gen.. uhre 'Plate*. - Upon Ihitt, etainterfelt, the rrelmi nakelliateited exerted his skill with the most elaborate patience and precision Intending to ' , make it in everyset son peek? resembbsuce, which would even deeps the suspicion of the Government detedlVSS. Butt thOnith an engraver, Roberta Was not a got!Meter- ,r4S,Plata WeySpqfisclion, but c oul d unai, Witted oniy 14 mediocre printers he net PtodUCialtifellnprealiban , Ntiallypeifecti He, therefore, left Philadelphia a short time ago to seek the novice:Pet til3rooklyn printer whom he undererood Ito liave'beste In the counterfeiting , treastall, and who wee well.known to ha a ma , chattle of extranrdillarS orkill. Unluckily' for the English operator, this printer MIS in the caries of the Government detectives, woo were, promptly Wormed of the where abouts of the game for which they had an long been In pursuit. Mears. Lowell and Otto,with other detectives, accordingly snretisednonerts In his Brooklyn residence on Tuesday morning last atobso. The isomitet feller made a desperate resistance, swear ing that be would die sooner than be taken; but the detectives were too many for him. He was knocked down, dlearmed s and 'speedily lodged In the Raymond street:all. The arrest was kept a profound secret, to give the detectives time to effect the Seizure of the plates, tools, and comtlerfelt money, already manufactured et PhiladelPhia, Which they were unab:e to do prior to the amen. They also knew f f 20,000 In the fraudulent currency, which the manufacturer had brought with him to Brooklyn. and which they hoped to procure. Alter lodging their prisoner In confinement, they immediately set out for Philadelphia, totted the mill, anti aeDed its contents, comprising the plates, tools. pre-res, 150,000 worth of the fraudulent cur rency, all In 50cent postage stamina. Bete of it was M an tu3Lnlstital state, bat the detectives declare that the completed Issues would have de caved them instantly, that they would never base doubted their genuinenese. Bat they were outwitted by tare pi ismer, so far as the eanater felts In Brooklyn were concerned. Daring the absence of his captors,Robats managed to have the following letter conveyed to his mistress and confederate 'evil time BROORT.TN.,. NOV. 1%5. Baer Please go at mice wheel you receive Mir, and tell Louisa. to come add see me at once. Tell her to dear 'thine meay. lam at Raymond street Jan, Please go some round about way, and take cart, nobody' follows yon. Tell Lontaa to keep cook: r.l am all right. Da thlki right away, please; lo.aight,, and oblige Sonia,Gtiam-as Rosurims. . LloYd. corner North First street and Third street, Brooklyn; E,13. This note was convoyed 'to the abOve address rp the brother of the Sheriff who had the pris oner in chroge, whence ;it reached "Louisa,. Who, of comae, "cleared things away," mutt to the disappointment of the detectives, when they called (or the purpose of making , the science. The giants , brother of the-StexiS has led, and has than far effected bis escape. The detectives are nowt' permit Of a =fed erate of Roberti, and they are quite confident of soon capturing him. "'Since his In:arum don, Roberts has confessed everything. lie says that the plata w hieh. has been. seized wan intended Josh's final and greatest effort. If the detectives had only held . off for another week he would have made ElOO,OOO, and been In Europe enjoying It. We understand that Robett's new counterfeits, to the extent of $20,- 000, are already afloat. Overton, the counterfeiter of 11.5 cent stamps, who was arrested some time ago, pleaded guil ty on Friday last. Roberta will also probably be speedily convicted, and, as he is not so for. tootle as to have a "wife and nine children," there is no Shithead of his receiving the hasty pardon, which was recently granted Antonio Resit. similar crtmlnal.—X., Y. Tribune. Bowe miners In Nevada county. California, were recently working a Miens vein, when they struck a cave to their ledge. No opening has been friend to the cave save the one made by the tllirierr. Close to the edge of this subterranean vault was found a cannon ball, inclosed in solid quartz, as ti It had grown In the quartz, and burled seventy-five feet beneath the earth's snr. face. The ball was perfect is shape, aid, when the dirt was taken elf was found to Was smooth its if It had Just come from the mould. Lonrszo Mitz.zo, of Put•lu-Say Island, Lake Erie, la raid to have practiced this SCUM!, eight and a quirter tau of grapes from an acre of grenid. lie chipped - five and a half tone and . made two and three-quarters tone Into wine, get thrg EClergaltnni. Other growers in that region of the lake, on Islands and on the main biad. , biTe'done nearly as well. . :100 counterfeit compound Intereet-neta was offered for emehange at a Chicago banking. house last week. Tee only difference between the counterfeit i and gentdaa Is that the die on tholeft-band corner touches the letter 1.; in the .;Unlted Sates,'' and the reaming of the yord :"Stateemle done in a Mulling manner, Even? Trride, formerly of Philadelphia, and recendy pardoned by the Preeldentorasin Wash. leglAde. on: Friday last. file present reddened hvg , fonteamery, raabataacwherd,tm be been pieedchmlary for 'Several mantles past. Oa flattnilay.last he 'lnterned fo ant Paean. COPPEra new wen, "Grant and' bls Carnpatna," boa Pun been revised trirGeneral Grant himself, *lth:trboraltr. Coppee bee been apendlon a week or two. /111141 Are ihnil In Canada, and sell at-ono stellaS and twenty-five cent* Per bamix in guM. -- • 0 , Tap WAR sorwreo CII.MI AND drors.—The Government of Chili display* arleiderabll gamer vigor to realstlo&- the aggthelone of Seal& thou was list year eihtbited Eby Para. They are rushing with the utmost energy tha cositactlon ot telegraph linos ad roads tato tb, Interior, And. to order4o facilitate blockade runnlng. they have declared airily-six takeout tow .." portsofteltardislie -As Moe dye:Math e are holy sercar ream% It is, et coma, Baw l Bible for them to =taro 'ilia blockade efficient, ad -blockade mutat will . ere) .be In a high state Of krosperlty. Bat .the Cblllaae wlll - zot, merely Act an the deterusliv. - They here already hatted letters ot.'Etallinti, , 4o .teeeral persona have Already lentheconattit4leallthemselpee of th a lett.elc .-Tbee Govetanieat > had already - ea% apecjel nttlY,to Ma Gomm:Odd bliVasn.r Mkt.. c if: E, id *ken Lln - Catdral and Beath dip a the . *omen .01:apathy Is It Imitated .for the cal:moot:CAM l ,, : . - - ..... . .., ♦A Novan,Lnfran.rQl37.— t Thet New Sedfont Ban: i•-• t ~4 4 ail 418 rumored ratt toulract. upon Vika adlia H. Roblason Noes her sll4ta kith°. *stet+ left lalerlate visunt, : oe, jk..Ann How /066N Ifiateach pastrami:o=k° a Will as k:11101M fat= of the Oyer. Wholly:4 Mak aoillialet la in Writing. or :nerdy a parole agree mem; has not transpired. :But ilia In the air ' that In =nuance of Its term each party actually made a will. lirbelller Wil,./s„are exhl' knee rilf : deed " noaear Yet. RCM Ware a written contract • for the, making of =null willsiand It be provable that r anch wills were actually made, a new vitestion certainly to pr!- eented WA): courts on this aide , of the water. 7gstils 62,600,4 a, LTTE[.aBF VARIOUS ITE3IB SPECIAL NOTICES. ErPITTSIII7III+II UAW WO-411D. HUBBARD,,.BRO & ItiVIIPLOTM=4 OP PATENT GRpIIND cutauxduls, • , . Vratrunte'd BAST' STEEL SAWS. of scary .ta scripttort. Mat, Molly, Cron Out, Gan& aza 811 other ululates. • • All Iclnds st eep ; and SPREE ,GS madefom ;Sheet Oast Efts.% Reined DEADER AND !zilowmo Krum, I Alt; Warsaw:we and_Works, earner WATER and SHORT STREETS, Plltabtugh._ - _;• Particular &Restful; given to Rao 'fon= Wog and Stra4htentna Cfseniar Saws; ayo. re. :pafra of•allkl. Pandang' and Dolling done 11 , rassonsble Sates. alniSdr rarll,lll. ISARNILILa. et CO.. ;Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers, Nos. to, 2e,' to aid 28,,PENN STKEET. Barna seemed a latm, pm, and torolthed tenth the most Improved we ars= ed to manufaeture every deserlptlon of BO SIS mode Ihe In best the =atm manner, and warr a nted S'UIE BEDS, ER STEAM_ PIPES iT LODOit 80/ r.roS, CONDENS BALT -1: 1; r J, TANKS, OIL . STILLS, _AG ATOYS, n v LING PANS, IL BOLLE Da 423 : SISSAR PANS, and Edens sliest:wets of DARN BELL'S PATENT 50 ' B.Plgthal gir " km the shortest notice. - jarLASE ISUPEILIeis • Coßpm Kill and Smelting Works. s., AM/WI:MGM PARK McCUROV a CO. Manufacturers of SHEATHING. DRAZIERS' & BOLT COPPER, PRESSED UOP,RER REV: TOMS, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS. SPALTE SOLDER— Also Importers and dealerata RCM ALS,' TIN PLAITVItaIXT IRON, WIEE rso. Constaatlyron hand, INNERS' MAORIS= and TOOLS. Warehouse, No. 140 FIRST and =SER. OD STE - WIE, Plttaburgh. Special 01110/11•Of mapperCe cat saw toer arty d011:v.4 pattern. Ror . .2llAnlieltril HDTV LOST.' now RESTORED I—Tuat Pub Willed. in teen). ad EnTotope. Priee Ex vents. A LEVTORE ON THE NATURE, CHEAT/DENT, end Radical Chare Spertnnionbtes. or Seminal Weaknera,Tel- Wanly Rellielons, Sexual Debility end impa meats to Manta' homily ; rherronettree, von. sumphlon, Eptleorr. nod Mr; Mental and Fluor eto loesparder, resulting (root Set Abase. An., by Roar. J. thmireaTrscr., 81.0., anther of the Groat Back, as. BOon TO Tam:slaw OP Suysr.anto.. Sent under coal, In. a plain enTel , opt, any address, lest odd, on- reeol t or sews, or two_postaga Manton, by Dr. J. CEwNE, 127 Bowory. rims. York. Post.M.m bat 4,5035, ,noTrhadawT iffEswevris Surma - ma DR '"BUM SEXII3.-A reverend gentleman fume log been restored to health'lnls taw daya, After tun fog the usual routine end funnier etlpatizbee mode of - treatment Without tumors, comddere tthia soured duty to commmeleate to his doted fellow. creatures themes= of mere. Hence, on the receipt of an addressed envelope, he will tend, free, a copy of the prescription used. DLreet to Dr. JOHN ht. DAGNALLa ISO Patton street. N. Y. nehluiplawT ollo.¢crrsa W. D. uxuaza. aY. LA BELLE STEEL wonas. sH REITER Mannfactuntrs of OAST STEEL; SPRING, - mow and BLISTER STEEL; SPRINGS. Ay. LES,VROWBARS, SAIMEIee, No. 98 Viral LER STREET (up stales) PITTSBURGH. PA. IMA •fk CO„ in ril (sceno 0 .7 81 to Romlttr_arAto Ma ts ar,H4ine.l Was=Atm_ ;FOUNDERS AND DadturastB_3 , Manufacturers of Bow AND sTA " TIMM STEAK ENGINES - BLAST minas, zum numninstEsy,GrAuEsq, EMILVITNGOAST. INGS of ptioas, O. TANKS sums, 3011..ERAND SHEET IRON WORK. Ats for OXITARD'S PATENT IN-TEM. OR, for - •Ing Ixalerr. • itrJOHN OtIeMIRAIN Mau" mammas Sure= 01 _IRON VAULTS AND. VAULT 11 RAILING, •WLIDOPT TEES, MOW CIITAIGIS, he., Nos. 01 SNG• LIND and BITHIRD NMINET, between Wood and Market, have on hand a variety of new patterns, raney,and plaia,zultabla for all purpowa. • • • SirPertleulatattiatiork paid to yank:wing Grave Lot,. Sobbing. done at short notice. • and TUE BIUDAL. VISAIME, AM £B. rgEr SAY OF WABlittiG A ND INSTRUO TXON FOR TOMO MEN. Also, new and relia. bit tondo:wet ef tha Dricuity and Sexual t 3 tams. Address Dr. J. SKILL= HOUGHTON ' Row and Amnia:ton, Philadelphia, Pa. a ptly SENT FREE..—,A PA3LIVILLta' or Immense Importance to the old astetyoung, married waging's or both saxes, will be .ant free by addressing. with stamp enclosed, tho Agents; T. A. 1{.1011134138 & 73, Boston Post °lase. our=tdrdsoF FOUNDRIES FORT PITT FOUIDRY. CHARLES KNAP NEPHEWS, IPAIMPAGTOCILIP OP HEAVY ORDNANCE Alp ALL KISDS or BEAUS sz.a.:erPSZV Car IS- Special attention palll to ROLLING MILL 117 l OK, BLAST ELLURINLII AND ELERURTS. REPAIRP attended to promptly. na beretotote, the belt materials w 1l always be Inca at thin Founary. urrz-lyd PITTSBURGH FOUNDRY. ;oIN X. lilazurrmius A. GARRISON & CO. {Sauter sots to FOUNDERS AND LIACHENIETS, klanufaeturan of Chilled Rollers of all airs, lox Iron, Steel, Bra" ZIiZA CP/Ptia'gthert—Goia Straw Boards, Ram br abbar works Rollir Cartloge of all &unpile'', Bark Mills , P atent Double Grinder with a varie r of other rattans% always oh hand aadAtted ttr rd aon short /110tiCe sad isrorable terms. Mlles ad Warchousa, llf Smithflglld street, Plttsbrush. Re Ur PENN MACHINE WORKS &ND FOUNDRY. WIGHTEIAN, ENGINE DUMBER AND MAOTTINLST, -Lszoow STILELT, between FOnral and Swslug ALLICHIPNT Oirr, P. Zdanufsetawr of WIG Ft TIM - A N'S PATENT PORTABLE OSOILLATINI3 STEA-II EN GIVES, Sludling, Pulleys, A& Itop.string orall lands attended to Jelly JOHN B. HERRON .1 CO., 13tcm-a naziam.u..f.a.ctur . corm AND IRON FOUNDERS, Offfoe and Sala Room, fad No. In I.IIItaTTY STREET STEEL WORKS PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS, ANDERSON, COOK & CO., (SUCCESSORS TO JONES, BOYD y C 0.,) Manufacturers of the best reload Cut Steal, Square, Flat and Octagon, of all glees, MAW Plates, Moe, Fork and Watt taut Steel, Cut Steel (or Heaping and Mowing Machines. Steel Plow WI7L, Springs, Axles. (nrettlars, ice Cast and Common Plough and gpring steel office—Corner of First and Bois streets, tiro blocs above the Mon=Malt boos& se27:ly BLACK DIAMOND *TEM, WORKS PITTSBURUII PA. PARK,. BROTHER & CO. Malmfaattutra . of BEST QUALITY FEFIBED OAST STELL. ..Sguar e,flat 411 d Octagon,* -Al! slum. Warrant, thllequa,/to any Loperted or saanufaattuad in th.l cottutty. Sir OtHee and warehouse, Nos. 10 sod t6l as d 120 and 12:1 Sitcom) STIIIIMS, Pitt burgh FIRST fett-id AUCTION SALES REAT BAILt VALII4BLE BOORS s•- , Putl'oollMM- ALBI7BI.B_, FAeIfE,Y. IILEB. PAPE% Efi.VELOPES,. GOLD, 'PENA • em., ae.--7706,gli:IffING , At 7 o'eloey..ited the , lollowfdk estelnze, et the ume hour. At teat-10W menial Bake Rooms, tea ttreet, °pert. Cite the Poet Office. In the collection Axel such ,worke u Appleton , . Dletteasty of Mechanics, 2 v01e.,14,00e Dres Distleunty Of Arte sod Sett n, a rob , tem plates& Hoterth,3volumeio Usvette; Purrs Japan, vols., quite, baud,. fay Illustretal, (Nebo n'a Some. 7 elflu,-P22 1 1U sea flume , . East And, e vets.; Macaulay , . de, 6 vots4Seott , s 13110,.0 vote{ Bear Watim. - Q vele Addfach's do, I: raw :Elehluttlits Ile 4 4 - •Vb/s4 Lamb's 00,6 To's • Doan, de., nate voleL Ne caw.. ko 1tt017," A. Wet Mandy findusi tuterfean Dirolopedle, 20 vols., the emn• t orksofShitheepute, Byron, 11111 ton, Huai bloere, 1340 U, Monteomery, Dryden, Gwen, Pope Iten t :? Dlek, Rollin. Plutarch,,losephes, Ohm. .0n1; vent hundred volumee;of popular Novels of t 0231 Peep t• Hoehn Prose?. 800 ka lkeo N. EL—Dookfal private sale durtnig s day at to, low wide+ A. iwzgrAmt., E. PRATT' ffeleeelie. A n ~ — PRO.P.E4TY N.423IISTZE-SAL, e;—TasnlarAtternaea, cola by • nib at 2 dmitrmk, °abbe pram:Usu. will be aoni,l4 • 'OrdeeolTrustee,lbrea Orlon, -Iloamw la NN.,.22; • • Sandal, on Om errs alley; be tUrif ft ammo an avant:* strewn The Lots An, 15 fealTendl'earn and eared la depth: Minas , 4 • 7 SOU , ALIdeII.WASIME AttiVe; * 'x; -_,DENTISTRY: jrz:•a.Dams% . ituita r gserned maserapg,air= IFEHA iiousr" Isms t Ilanctrreu, MISS ANNIE EBERLE. . , No extra chsrge for Reserved Rests. f.ibnose of Mogen:sem nishily. Rouses crowded with an entlinsisctic &tner co to witness tae perforce. ata. of Um work-renowned artists NB MD -NEEL W. .T. FLORENCE, w4O vrin es. f eppes • in I Misty o valiant comic .eharseters, flange MU! danc WEDNESDAY' EVENING, Nor: SOLD, will Ds presented John IBroultgam's beautiful drams. entitled the =LIM EMIGIZAST. To eanaln de with Mrs. Flaw:nee' laughable farce entitled ISHIEVIOVIS ANISTE. OA paturdsi afternoon the ETTIZETE OF NEW YOllll .ITTSB Ii R GH THEATER, :Ent four nights of the termite comedian, YANKEE LOCKE. Who will appear In two Moritz that : at:tem WEDNESDAY EVENING, Nor. 47d leaf, will be preletited the impressive drama, of ROSINA SIEIe . DOWS. Jethro Baxter —.--....—Yankee Locke. Gem Overture, composed and arranged by Pro. !mew George Burt. To conclude with the Deptder comedy, entitled the SPLENDID DWELLING FOR SALE, .ltuated ti Ito. 233 Reba= street, Allegheny City. The Lot %.a a wont oa Rebecca street of 20 feet ' and ft...trod, 10J feet to Park's street, On whlshls erected s neatly finished two story' Brielt ;Dwelling with seven comfortable rower,' Ana licit/Men, with range, bath house, gas, hot And cold crater throughout; marble mantles, stone :hearths; grape arbor. TU. property Is offered .21121.11. Apply to . , not i B. Olaf. AIN & OD. PRESTIDIGITEITRI 1:83,600 WI" PURC"S4 SPOTLEST lIOBE. Tosathab Ploughboy Yankee Locke MASONIC HALL. HEIMANN! Mot day, Tuesday and Wednesday, Nocisyliza SO, 21 end ^1 In his celebrated performance. of Eastern Necromantic Delusioas, Exhibiting feats never before performed In Pitts burgh, and of the most eXtraorcitnary character. Tickets, 76 ammo; Reserved Seats 23 cents ex tra. Os= ha secured at GRAS. O. MELLOWS MIISIO STORE, commencing FRIDAY, NOVOI3I. her 17th.-- WEDNESDAY, November 22d, Grand Gabe Matinee. nols.lwt MASONIC HALL. 7.Z%T.4161:7C511-LTELB.TXCAN BATEMAN "JONOERTS Debut of Parepa. AUL H. L. HATEALAN has the honor to an. flounce that tha Artistes composing Ms renowne.l Cocweri Troup' will make their appearance In Pittston:ski on THII7IIINDAY EVENING, NOT. 23d. ISSS, rot, LARGE ornoe. ROOMS, tio. 60 Fourth .Creel, oP,poelte hBL Bum. mutable for • Stole, scrotal... Offices, he., he. Id. A LARGE PEWTOGICAPR GALLERY. ad. A SALOOM, In • rood location for an exten• sliA Restaurant. When the I E. D. GAZZASL rst of a brief and necessarily limited I ~,,03.,ar 0. 60 Fourth awl 89 Penn street. styles of - For Three Days Only, Grand Focal and Instrumental Coneeris Will take plane. The members of the Troupe are MLLE EUPLIROBTNE PAREPA, Tharenowaal Prima Dorms, whose eitraordint rt , voice. brittant exermtion sod reagaillceat style have been thy theme. of euthuslastis lauda tions In the press of New York and Boston. The lady has been incepted with hearty and complete unanimity es the most wonderful vocal artiste heard la America sloes the day. of Jenny Llad. b!. Bateman will also have the pleuura of la. traducing MB. J. LEVY An artist, whose performances on the Cornet a piston are amongst the moat marvellous mashie' feats of the day, The execution of this gentleman, combined with the rich, Melons and commanding tone which he produces, place him to the treat rank of living attests. HERR CARL. ROSH. Erippelnielster of the free town of Hamburg, prize pupil of the Conserretoire of Leimite, end Solo violinist of high European distinction. These al Uwe., Dlr. Bateman feels instilled in saying, ere all of the first-Warn lic LW much plennure in lidding that they will be ender the ex perienced and competent direction of HERR CARL ANSCHUTZ, /Musical Conductor and Directer of the llerado Opera,. The Programmes, Selected from so Inedrhanittble repertoire, xvlll be varied every ereulcue. Adottastoo $l. nezereril seat. 50 Rote extra. Coacert commence, at s o'clock A dlegeomme r f the Hell, for the ssle of re• served sects. Wtl bo °panel on Tumid%) morning, 21st Novenalxtr, et 8 o'clock, et the Kuala Store of IL &LEBER t No. I= Wood Street. MABOXIC HALL Monday, taesday and Wednesday, November =eh. Melo and t9.b, TDB MAMMOTH TAOIST? ODOW OF LUERICI Tocavv• z=.4%.a3t.o.m.'gs COMBINATION TROUPE - - (laments Girth& Reeve. nosegay, N. Y.,) Will have the honed of appearing as above for ' Positively Three Nights Only In their elegant and unequalled VrtglIETY Era .TERTD.INMXPIT, which embraces almost every speciality to the aailender of smusementa. The whole ender thOdirectlen of that Prinee of Comte Vocalist; DILLY PASTer., who will amaranth eventry to a selection of new. Saw, Comic:attics. ASP- Ear lull particulars, see small Mlle. Admin. MOD, S$ ; Seemed seats, enc. Doors open ►t 7 o'clock ; commencing at 8. notaat S. W.ALLINBON, agent. Now BEING RECEIVED THAT ELEGANT STOCK OP CHICHERING PIANOS, selected personally by the rabeeriber, during a Markt visit to tits Fernery. It :4 $1 I ' g:~H~'si,~~`YQ.l an nova open, and ready for examination. II public ere invited to as/1 and see Mem. Warrnnted for Five Years. OFIARLES U. MELLOR I=l •ne Me Agent for the °bickering P plikNOS AND ORGANS. TILE CELEBRATED BRADBURY, NEW YORK, eau Schomacker & Co., Philadelphia PIANOS. THE AfilltraoAlf 011.0Aff, aed ESTES s co.'s aurreor. ORGAN, admitted by deniers, and ell what're. heard them, to he superior to tome to ell other instruments of the IMO menu Lectured to the tinned Staten We are prepared to furotah, at the shotest dot ce. Bram and German Silver Instrument', of every demotion, Par &w arid Cornet Bands, at' reduced prbm, Illustrated Catalogues mad Prise Una ll:wain/ma on application. New and Seaond•Land Pianos for Rent. ALL THE LATE SONGS AND PIECES pcnalsinly on Una. WABIEMIK at BAHR, no. '2 ST. CLAM EITRISZT. K& Co.'s, HIGHEST PR&M.I -••-- Grand, Parlor Grand, Burma and Up. richt Planer, with overitiutle ban, arrSCP Mb* full Iron Improved tram, and all the valuable itn. movements. The tone la pure, brilliant; enttroly molted &antler, of tea balwarentialtunhlPl tone crerlllM and osinrot terse 111:1111111AWM by line. Eooh Plll/10 guaranteed for eight nark. . No. 43 Twin srsy.ur, Second door stews Wood street ROFFMAZI, 4cumr. t pp, as inneTu - suairsv . i LOXirld 703 NZoolaunwes oar. INSURANCE AGENTS OW; ROSS, • Agent of the Equitable In bia . 8 a.a. fa., , 80111 1X 1141,011 ntlanCiaLCSVO, And @Nan Mutual , /mosses flo. cit Vas. del , 1 6 No; 63 Makst stress,llttabansb. TT 9-.."—ARDOERICO Pauadalpy MNi Agimmn thy 'rn r ai fanD•Bl^ Nortlesd'AgAu,WOOL) - • . ----- 40, 'Agent, fol . NOM Amer! wst•a et ennsyltnialiqUi gittaitd la. , *et erritEuc • • RAlParaf Beozetary Mons' hum. reit. azra cescorrin orate =Am WArgie Va i ,,Ta t ;Lif, OLA.Y--80 bbls. is Inc 0. ream NOISY k 000 FOR SALE--FOR RENT. .A:"sREsa"L 'sioN,TIVREiniouTPELODPIEITEPROI;ra• TT, AT iNGODS , FINN STATION; Mean karts L•nd, Slick Itweinng with le rooms and garret; PieniT of eon water and fruit ol all kladatten minutes' tralk , t o m Federal street Depot. Ails. gheny. Enquire of the subatriber, at hla 011111:Eluvrb OIL TOOL WORKS, 92 and 24 Ohio street, Allegheny. oent=cid It. S. LEOICY. F OR BALE—ONE LARGE DOUBLE DOOR Fitz AND B(71/ALMAR PROOF SAFR. Sped with Steel. and fa complete order, lately °Vette by Robe t Ashworth, dammed. Ear par. to Mut, tequila Of aAOZES B. STRUMMER, adz% narar No. 1 Si. Melt Meet. FOR SALE ENGINE, WILDS,. FLY WHEELt tte., complete, reedy tor putting up, meltable tot a law -mall or anyptitpose requhdeg 60 hone woo f. STEA Apply e auMetUTHIRD M rOB-8-s, THAT THREE STORY DWELLING, No. S Hand street, Containing u. rooms. The house has been patutsi and put La OOmplite repair Chit season. - JOHN D. BAILEY, Wilkins Hall no2l A NEAT FRAME HOUSE, SiX ROOMS. and about TWO ACRES OT 'LAND, situated la the village of Mount Wants- Itr,ton. For further particulars onquira of ==== tOMFOBTABLE DWELLING FOR SALE.--I otter for sale that well finished three Story fir toO douse and Ws Lot tadjoining, on th Oornet of Second and Ferry Streets The booze Contains nine rooms betide washroom and bath room, and has eas sod water throughout. Thu property Is convenient to the great business cen tre, and yet from its surromodlngs retired and domParativeiy free nom smoke. full particulars given on applleatioa to S. S. BRYAN, Stook sod Real Eatare Broker, no2I 67 Fourth St- (Burke', Bundles.) 110 AL AND LIME PROPERTY FOR •-, • SALE—On the Steubtortlle Railroad, seven guiles Izont the city,' CONTAINING ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY Steam and Water Floating and Saw NMo and lamer Das Ltaprorameata. For further Information . . WILLIAM ®AUD (OPpositolbo I .lathodrol..) Grant &treat, No. tttl DESIRABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR BEND. VOR BALE, A LOT OF GROUND, con } tabelng about Three Aurae, altuate lu Pitt Sp., Allegbientreounty, between Was of Capt. Brew. ton and Mrs. E. Lenny. This property le delight fully situated, overlooking a portion of both ogles and the Allegheny river. It is a beautiful building lot fora Country Residence, but will be sold altogether or la late. for terms, ,Icoulre of tho undersigned. No. 0 Diamond streetanttsburgh. U. S. ' R i 3 °[ R. l . ecteditf Executors of R. E. RlC:min, deo% ALUABLE COUNTRY ROME EETR BALE, situated on the Fenneylvents Ball. read, one-half mile from Wilkinsburelt, and only three manatee welt from the newly granted Stn. tine on said toad, called EDGE WOOD lITATIUNc LOT of gourd contation& It acres Ise Perches; three mem Oak Forrest; large Trams Building, But new, with to room, and cellar underneath; bearing Malt Trees; Watsr and other waren- lenses. These grounds will dlrlde handsomely For further Informstlrn .11 On JANES S. KINN, n07.11t1 No. 106 Fifth cravat. DWELLING HO U BIS IN ALLSO UNITY NP CO Et Eif ..$l. Zi!.l3 &one and a hair nor, frame Cottage Hople, con• Wang two parlors, dining room. kitchen and tour ehembera, with water end gas, occupying a tot too 2:4, highly scilLlvaled and ornamented with ehrtib bmy and shade tree. The surroundings are pleasant, affording ample space for fresh ale, and the outlook on the three Ayers commanding an exterudva and varied view For loather tolormatiou, applv to S. d. Bli YAM Broker, Fourth 1 treat. Burke's Building,. PIT HOLE CREEK OIL LAND FOR .SALE,—lnterest• In land. 4.4 on rit RON Q.erk, TLLE HOLMEN FAHIt noon a. the ' , Deer Lick," also In the PINE RCN' FAM3I, so:Asinine feta &ores, situate on Pine Run. be. treen Pit Hole and 011 Greeks. These interests ire very deettabie, ss the onus:Was are all hot trim lands. Eannire of W. .I. b. HALL PATTERSON, Attorneys, So. 1.44 Fourth St, Plttsbarsh, Ps FOR SALE, THOSE TWO HANDSOME THREE STORY BRICK HOUSES, Npa. 10 and al. on the east aide of WEST (lONI. 111,01 V, near the corner of Ohio street, built and finished throughout In a sweeter manaer—dandied with every modern convenience and treProvrinetA, and at present to perfect °Merl one of the clean• eel and most desirable situations in Allegheny. ..... ion on the tat of Aprll. 188 e. Enquiry of JA.IIES T. E.A.3IPLE, Real Estate Broker and Insames Agent, ,be 21.41 No. e 5 Federal at., Allegheny p/it I Well Finishoi Frame Two-Story Dwelling, fltArPlaT E Nl, M AlTZ.4 l =onan"dP:lu= the Hotta& tIIE LOT is Forty-flve feet Pont, by One Rua liedfeet deep. FI R E GRAPE A. 1113011, FRUIT TEEM, no. Ponesalcm will be given on the tst Of April next. Aire A CORNER_ QTORE-Room, wire' ONE iDINE.I.L.INO MOUSE. Possesaion will be given on toe lat of April next. The proprietor mUI either sell, or exehartge for Omuitry Property. Terms easy. inquire of t 3. 11. TOWER, No. 1411 Fourth street. J. T. SAMPLE, Neat Estate !ironer and Insurance &seat, matt gnat! OS realeral street, Allegheny. ('OA L, COAL AND LAND FOR SALE. The very valuable F/1111 to EJlzabeth town. ship, Alluherty opunty, contslaing 175 &errs of SURFACE. AND COAL, and fronting on the Monongahela River for more than half a Julie. in Pool No. Z. . {n this tract there are 1= acres of good mer chantable CURL fronting on the steer, with deep water a/1 along the property, The water is never tees than from 71f, to 10 feet deep, when thoriver le et its lowest stage. lite Lend la of the very best quality of river bottom, ell In good order, and nodes good lancing, with • large _yrell flute/led two story BURIAL UWELLINJ ROUSE, large fume Barn, frame Stable 100 feet to thorn Crib, Wagon Iron" and awn Tenant Dwellingt. The (froensburg and Washington Turnpike runs through inn farm; and taking It 7.M0/rather for convenience of location and intrinsis value, is tenably one of the very best Investments now offered is Rite county. Payments will be made to lull the purchasers, For particulars, enquire of _ goal Estate Ageot, No. lb% 7 , ; uTrrehlViat ootialtt FARM FOR BALE, CONTAINING 300 Acura, An of which!. good Firming Land, and 221 scree cleared and under good fences; the remaining 21 acted Mat s -rate Umber. The land ti' at prisent mostly to mese;and t orn goodcondition foe elitist • SHIM" FAUN! fer ACIBIOULTIIIIAL, PURPOS IS. The neighborhood is good, and Cagy of access—within a few Whiz of the O. h. P. 11.1 L, at gictlayle Station s and two steamboat landings on tho Ohio river. It Ls near Manche. Mr, the county town of Hancock county, West Va , Ids miles from Wellsville, and thirteen from Stenbenrille. U. The improvements are, • large F r s.. Home, ,Barn, 'Wagon Shod, Oarn Oribt, Sheep Ildnies, and ell ascites•ry outbuilding*. and • Steam 11111 Clone by. There aro two goon ulnae( COAL, one of which la Oh WEL, oaths farm. Theproperty le well worth the attention &flatlet desiring such property, befog equeily w ada_pted for wool growing, (raging or fuming as 0 Waahlos ton :enmity laid, which county Joins Paneeck. Further particulars on applies. tint to S. S. BRYAR. r(grATII STREET, (Burnet Building.) gingl FOR BALE.- A vas or 197 term withln a ndlet of Lai. 'hurt Station, on the Penna. Railroad. The I. yrovements are a hewed log house and barn. yawn apple orehard; fonalre good; 100 urea Mau. ea; the ballast wen limbered. A t DI A" ' tst a irai s t t el l' a i til d a n: i lf figgig; fa.% tatr.lati...itzarator.!"-A°. _. A 'WI • moan . and gnus farm. eontalota WOO , situate le Chary 11111 Towgelarp, /nal, sea bath Pak near the village -of OreenvWe.' The Ilnyrerementa are a two-ecorp. frame hones, the .. ;eid and , best bail ha the Sourdafi tooling y goodi WO Imes cleated; the sempander ' -- timbered.. The land I. cool , lometztaadowe .Ithlell produce hoe grope el ray. it le say don. eadent to emblem; schools, UM, mons, em ; a o , mproptea will be cold very elemar efi4 or 03/7 s . Yam of Hs /Saes. lu Ifuloa towAll)lp, sounty, Ps. Will as sold chum dbp,t a ben tyros ou thiadol4oMllll4, Eire/ abyss au stet litoTtasspott, .oult Pius santalulni about 10 Scats. Tlliimprcrssmentu sre+ is trams lumse aud barn, 0070 otib aA L inigoa e she, Ira othar outioulldlon. A kr... osobstd ot bet wen 400 and 800 tttal teak 30 Post Udell and m 450 ,01 , 11611 ess. pus allet OSSllsolall. inju4s f Q. • Tt.l l 6r4ft. Meal Fatal* Atop; opt • 114 Fenirla stroth BOOTS AND SHOES LOOK OUT. FOR B&:ine ZF BOOTS AND SBOEs Jut received TREMENDOUS STOOK Olr F.4LL S WIXTER a OODS;. ALT J, A. ROBINSON & CO., 111 MARKET STREET, Mat door to. BAILIODDS Dry ;Goode Store. no 4 BOOTS AND SHOES. JAMES ROBB, No. 69 Itiarttel Street Has Just returned titan the EAST with a very large and soasonable uook of J3CIoCiALV3 43.1•73;0 ELTZECIOEUffh of the VERY - nRs7 co:Warr: t&ens', Boys' sad Youths' BOODI AND SHOES to All their varieties and styles. LADIES WORK-of the th:o est and best that Is matiolsoMired, from the -fine Palish to the plain Calf Boots. Maims' BOOM end Slum to every style and varlets. Our sheet Is to soli sub goods la NM give sat lAtaatlon to the purcluer. IBPPlesse call and examine, end you Will be satisfied with the QUALITY ondSPRIOEof goods. Remember the place. .m.aaEs ROBB, 011 No. 71 Market street. NOTICE. I=l Soots and Shoes 63 MARKET STREET. SOUTH & ROSS. ANOTHER LIMIVA_L.uF Boots, Ehoe", Gaiters, Balmoral', Polish Boots and Gums of all styles and qualities at the lowest cash prices. Also, ft flm more pain of those SOILED SHOES for Ladles. Dann mid Children. Menlo, Bora, Youths' and Onildren'a BOOTS and 81100 AS's. Call early and 'cmae blrgalne, at the well kilo wn Stand of J. 11. BORLAND, 98 Market Street, notS (2nd doer from Fifth.) G REAT EXCITEMENT I SVEILYBODY crozzotarr ED BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS & latrtai, b EL4INU AT RED lIOED. FAXES, MIX Ia rk7 o ' 19 . L FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. - Call at 92 end you will be sgttstltd. Remember the place, 02 Federal street, Alle gheny City. 0013 LADLES', GENTS', MISSES' AND I.:FULD/di EX'S Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, of every Style, Mate end roan, at COTLEPS. rlOoirser Fifth atullNytte streets. Sir Pd. toes loft evereboal. aulS CALL A.NI) BEE THE ' GENT'S KIP BOOTS At Et 3 Market street. nr3 E=:= CALL A.N D SEE THE At J. W. CARNAHAN, 00J R 2 IRJultat street. _ CALL AND SEE THE LADIES AND MISSES , FMB BALMOBA.L. POLIBIA BOOTS at 62 Market med. ; nor J. W. CARNAHAN. MERCHANT TAILORS. HENRY O. HALE, Merchant Tailor, 1103111-IMii ME M . 01? PENN • R. CLUB STS. PITIZBICPROPI„ PA., Takes great pleasure In announdag to Ids framer one <automats* and the male generally, Galt Me pare/dues end arrangernenta for the WALL SEA. SOS are now ormolotal, hasten bees oersonetly selected from the erst.ebus cloth halms la the Eastern eltlcs=rch close of goods es m ear re v./19 be will be o• em. braces the =strut eaa ea ch approved materiel, and styles, the entire stock being very large, varied area West. Dr. Hale has much confidence in In ra ting an early basperttea. BIIYERFINE BLAME. COLORED CLOTHS, AND DOE SULTS, as ward, warranted last IS colors, and nand teltare. MELTON CLOTHS and other new coatings, new style for entire sults. A great variety- of FADE CASS/HERM for P.M. and Vests, for Morning and Evening we.. stall FOR WINTER. 0 rER-CoaTi.rGS Blue Chinchilla, Black Chinchilla, Brown Chinchilla, Daliah Chinchilla, FINE FRENCH BEAVERS, all colors Which we will make up to order In a superior manner and style. GOAT, POMMEL & IZEENE, Successors to S. GRAY O. SON, noli Dazacu.urr Taman., No. 62 Fifth at DRESS AND SCHOOL SUITS, A ntw lot of enrolee rood. F'or 1111 Wear. I JLST RECEIVED BY GRAY & LOGAN, 41 ST. CLAIR STREET FiLBHI.OI:A.BLE AND DESERAB.L.E. GOODS. For Gent's d Youth'. Clothing MADE TO ORDER, IN THE BEST STYLE AND MANNER. B. NORM, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 79 FEDERAL BT., A11e91197A7. noa-lewd FURS! FURS! FORS! -_ LA , MISSES A et® OILLIZIRENS' . .. , The La est F and Most Completrissortment EVER 9 fk" MED .111TECIS MARKET. MoCOßri i & OQ'S.._ 'nol 4 122 ti DRAUGETTNG o, l agua: DReuGirriso oFFicE , 414 D PATENT AGENff 12 S t N ET' Se' El B ig ,1. ST . MAlMalpeaalos ji.INIMMOSIMBRE, gird It. aids ne• Ito. 14 Hat itrest. ARD OIL-10 bblL No. 1 Winter ill lean ►Yd gin sale bl acolf I*/$.18.1i DSOSEY 4 VV. OILS. STaNimdliff - PETROL= REFINERY. CLARK SOME% Works and 05ea, COLLINS TOWNSHIP. OM. to Pittsburgh, 24 WOOD STREET. These work., have the largest eiepadt7 In the "'fluor'''. The brand study the highest In OW e mery and In Europe, tar grainy and Ora WO, s and tbe Is put In well sessoasd Wands, lasParea mlana i t t or export. rpipadMV , l STILLS, TANKS, dandy BORING TOOLS tar WI-Wells. TE.WATh FT ild oth CompANY, -111fice. Corner of Penn and Wayne Streets] and com A r wax m•tson on the 24th hut" ander the recuagylvenla mtnrng kinnntent - int Lak•kaha Tel - LIU:O7 of the Uornpeny te sh amed on Staked!! Oree.J_l, between the tends of the Darkkahs Creek UntOn 0110onmany And the Dank- MI Meek Petattletan Company. Stook .......... 6) Working rUnd•••••••• zArie Par value or each Sbals on 011NSON. ?eden ISAAC SOUK' Seerettry Treuvme,. *. tanzarnu. Itmts Grabem, I 4, Cf. Weir, SteppesLaweon, S.W...llltrtda, Frank Snyder, enrol! DI3NKASIM CREEK PETROLEUM COMPANY. Office Corner of Penn azulWa yne Ste Thir company low organized Oh the 39tti1ast. ender the , Pearoylvanin Mining arid ileaufeeth ring Laws. The territory of the company 041. joint the /ends of the Dunkard ()Tech union 011 Co co. p itxr. 1"thl city. .0=3,000 Worinint Fund 23,000 Par Value of Each 61bare 00 0/1102E3 : President—S. A. JOEINSTUN. Secretary cad Treasurer—lSAAC NOCK S. A. Jorreterorr, • E. 'lt Timm,. Sarnazi, 6l.A.lllLik, F t P. O. W. U. true, je9:l7d H. W. Hrrouns. • SUPERIOR OIL ENGINES. We are eonatrnettne, and Will lieep on hand ■ auperior auto of oxL Err xi Eith4r a Common or Tubalar Boiler Wii Invite parties needing engines for this prit , pose to mill and ace them, corner. of P1K.13 and 'HARA tiTRKM, near OW Water Works. Jell MACKINTOSH. lIKMPHILL It 00. , _ COMMERCALL UIL WO RKS. ___ Pure White Burning Oil, Constantly on hard, and fo'y Baia at TEE LOWEST MARKET RATES, B. C. & 7. IL SAWYER. au.9:11 Mo. <747001) STREET, % TAXES WELBIZIA, EIGOZXII AND DIAL= or GITDB nErtm OILS Mars mock. Duque:use Way. 42M1 attentian Oyez to Lho SAME AND 07 PETROLEUM and Da product*. Cotimttmr i Vragted. m 11.9: I 'SEMI No. ISt.Ldllt ST., Pltteporrb, FORW/RDING 41 , 1) CadLYIS.S7O.S AIERCEL.IS7, AND DAUER.. 171 Otti.. • LIICRICATE9II, CREW pLTßaLcchg *Jag, aa., easettsnelgt an hand slut (or sale at the lowest market prises. Consign, meets and osiers sollettal. Write pATENTM OCTOBER 8, isBl ETEUELDOVE PATENT . Oral Lamp Chimneys, Manufactured of MK Flint Glass. These Chtsoneys are hammer for the tat tams, cleating all parts of the glass equally doe* not es, pose It to cracking. E. D. DWaXIDQD. Port Pitt Mau Works, Washington street, apt, • Pittabursh. Penn,a WM% & KING, COvv TSS/Oli MI.RCRANTS. AND DZON:II2IS ID PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS: And deniers In Rennin IdAtertalt. It IS MARE.ED 6T. Pittaburck, BONDED WAREHOUSE OP Phenix Warehousing Company, Foot of EtILLTICTIk mti,..iusalv Sta., Brooklyn. STORAUS 07 REPINED PETROLBUId. In Tanks and Bantle. Be, Maulers. Omer, No. S BEA= STBEET,Now York. 0614, LUCENT OIL WOIMB. DUNCAN, DMiIUP & CO, Pure White Relined Carbon Oils. No. NI LIBERTY STREET. OIL STOCK B.—The : xmderaigned win glee particular attention to the purchase and ule of Stocks of ALL RIELIABLE Companies I !urn' buyers and gene:lto can. J. K. MEORANGE No. 107 I'OVILTH STREW ! WiivG bIACBINEs. GROVER & BAKER'S SEWING MACHINES Heys bees Awarded the FIRST PREMIUMS the following Fairs for the yew leiai First Premium for best Maitre work at Penns. Stare }kir. Eliot Premium for beat ktiletiloe work at Ne 'York State Fair. First Pramrun for best Family M Seim at Otrlo Stara Fair, First Premium rot best Mariefseturtag ZeLsellae at Ohio State Fair. Vint Premium for best Manufacturing Martine at Michlam State Fait. First Premium for best Maagractaring rdaohine at Wisconsin State Fair. First Premium for be•t Manufacturing Machine at Lawrence Co., Pair, Pa. First Premium for bast !ambles for yellers." pen poem, at rAetelatle Co. Fair, Pa. First Premium for beat Family Machine at Bucks Co. Fair, Pa. Find Premium for best Manufacturing Machin at Backs Co. lair, Pa. First Premix= for beet ilitanatartruing aaaFam ly Muhl= at Sprinatileld Fair, Chia FiM Ptellirall far best Mauttracturing &Jo Fa. IT =MMus at Paimyralkdr,N. Y. First Premium for beat lidatirdisturing and Yam. ly Machine at Suffolk Co. Fair, N. Y. First Freed= for best hlanutaeturiag and Fam ily Machine at Schuyler Co Fair, N. Y. - First Premium for best Plaahinstor all purposes at Allegheny Co. Fair, Pa. First Prevail:miter bat Manufacturing Machine at Allegheny Co. Fair, Pa. First Premium tor best Jaseittne--work at Alla gbeny 00. Fair, Pa. And wherever exhibited. A. F. CHATONE7; GENERAL AGENT, oat:eAdirim NO, 181111 A it, Patiburgh siaew & CLARK'S • $26 and $33 SEWING MACHINES. a• WITH TABLES COZABLETE. t * received another lot; ind T am toady to molly time that hors been Waiting for them. OP a Ititlia.N° "1) ' LLI ' KINDS EVERT DIAMINE WAItRANTED. Bend for a circular, containing full particular& • 8. IL,LON9, ' No 98 Fourth Street • noiedmend PITTFIBERITIE PA. BOOKS. jinn FROM THE PRESS! enT i nnt mErrroN ll waro k ri a tie FlatiM a stt h. .M LEL UDS. ISCHOIIIBE 6 C., +.24, EtaLawY„ EARLY. AWN. ~ , /MAY Or RI. TREMZ&N. - 1,, , aI iNNWAVNIMUI!! TIMI .I IVES MLOBSITELIians also YBOTOGRPIi ,ILLBUOIS. - t W AP MALE en =Au, r ROM J L. MEAD'S, J. No.l9Pourch street. i! I iAGNIFICJENT FAIKELY_BIBLES. T. k aBAD. No. 75 Fian,4 met% lvbs. 'WINTER ABBANGB aIums DAY.NT.—P_ENNSTLYANIA OENTRAI. b IL -TWELVE DAILY TRAINS. , Ca and after hiTINPAY, ,Nov. Seth, lAry, tress will War* the Union Pim/eager Depot, corner's' Waslitzvon and Liberty streets, as Manna: VAlEXPRESSidallypatept-Sanday.aatu m. stopping at Johnstown, Conemaugh, craaw k Galt. teen. Altoona., lielPe rallattaa :Creak. Pete flaws, sod all principal staliatis t androakum direct emanations at Hanliborg for New York, Baltimore had Washington:sad atittlimithgda fbr New York, Boston and interandlatazolatri.•.. ALTOONA • ACCaLMODATlON. 4 4kuiexteall Sunday, v.ty a. m., stopping - at-ail manias stations between. -Plttabarg. b 'and making alone eanneetion with mins . ad dOficlelettan Brarteh,'West Pennsylvania R. R. :YeYessal.. ttirk d Braaten R. R.,and liallidaysbarg , • -CINCINNATI I..TPREtat, - dslly Stair day, -at &SO I. m., stopping oil y 13/alnirill& !ranch, Mao magi. Gailitrea. Altoona. 'wed g i ve principal stations. making &mot ontmeation at • Hardilitlry for New YoNt,Raltimaik, iladinaka, EIAIL COIII.3IUDATION, eneepirSan• dap, nt I taii appgrag 4.11 regular' aka. thins, between Pittsburgh and u>s. • tat conaectlons with tall Maths L=and cram° n Hal iroad and RollidaYshalg PEULADELPkA. , LMBM`Ii owtopping at Latrobe, Bitinvlller mown, Conaniang. Altemeta. Rita oa, Lewistown. In, PieWPrati.XlMP• vithiahiarrtsburg, (Lan Lanolistar, and Downingtown. At Harchiburg direst entreiedlooa are made fer New York,:Baltlntore and-Wm/an ton, and as • Philadelphia, for New York. Btostoa sari Intermedlata Sleeping Can ran • thrateron this Ueda frost Pittsburgh to Ptilladeb. phis iota 'Baltimore, and to New York, ,by tiwr Allentown route. •3011YISTOWN ACCONDIODATION. daily. gx rept^sanday. at 4.10 pr, m., stoppling at-rag:War sta. tiaW betweett Pittaburghand Conasamatm con meeting-at Blairarille Launceston with trains of the Indiana Braneh_and West Pennsylvatila it. R. FAST LINE, daily, timnipt SULOMY. it 10.02 p. stopping only at Consmankti.Gal li tieD.Altoo ta.,,Runtingdon, Lewistown. Idiedin..tterrport DUASZIZOnt rills. Rarrisbturi. -l[ratalturillea Lsocaoter, and DOwningtoorri, making CillineetiOn. atplatilaborg for New ltam, Baltimore sad Wain. liagton. and at Philadelphia. for .New York, Boe• ton. and telermedlate Dolma Fiend= oars mn taxi:nigh on this train to Philadelphia, and to New York by the lillaatowa route. - First Asoomnrcalstion Train for WallliStation leaves daily (Incept Sunday) ULM a. tit; Sawed Amonmaodatioxi Test/afar WAIN Station leaves dilly (except Sunday) at 10.45 a, in. Penn Accommodation No.l, lure JAW. (except Soonayl at Lin p. m. ThltdAtemssiodo. ri Train for WalPit Station IraYintdallY (=apt Sunday) at COS p. in, • No. 2, lest. daily jet. h ce erwee t T dA iNt :A sti t ma p" : ?int- stopping 51.1 4 0 11 e. 1 tl The Chant Train iesres Yfiall`a StatiOa Sunday at ant a sa., and arrive, Pittsburgh 10.05 S. 111. Retornms Maven Pit tsburgh - 1 2 • 55 Y• m. and arrite• at Wall's Statiaa, at 240 p. 131.. . : • Returning Tutu arrive in Pittsbnerh as follow)( Ills a. tn. Feet Cur.. 141 so, PlzatArellhiStation Accommodaticra.., tit- e. EL rein Accommodation 1.55 a. et. Second Wall'. Station Accommodation 0.50 a. 1:11. lohnatownlfsconuescidation loon IL tlincinnall Expect._ 12.a6 p. m. Baltimore .Expccas Thuti Wall alq.ation Accommodation.. I.SO p. Philadelphia E•prest Leap. m. PennAccommodation No. p. An. Agent of the Exeelsfos Umnibustiompany trill pass through each train before resetting the .. Depot, r ays up itealts sad deliver hinge Waif part of the city. Orbs* orde r senn etteetolpea • day andbight, cam all fps thew'smet of passenger, and baggage will reectreTtlat." tuition, . Billie:dr* express vLlf arrive with girl Express at 2.30 e. m. en Mondays: NOTICIF--in cue of lon, the _costipany ern!, hold themaerves responalble for t.4Si.ggla anlY, and for an - amount notemseedloscieser. • • • W.ll...REOlEWMfieigens, the PerOurvanbs Centrel Railroad P at e= Station.** atulWashinaton lane= • 1865. PITT SBURGB,E4MB cia.rmstrs CINCINNta/ itettatomi. hit Stmt Short Lint Bottle Vitt Stithenville, ♦ad all the principal cite. WEST SAE/ SOUTH-WEST MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20th, 1865 Trains leave nod attire at t2l UNION DEPOT as follow.: Darnr.T6. litSnrieS. Tait ge. is ens- rs. tn. 12.500. a. Steltbenville Acconatacnlo . o.4.llo 10.1 ff i. S. F. SCULL, Oen 1 Ticket Anent, Steubenville, O.' nt. 14 151021LF.S.SPAUGH. • Tlettet Arent, Union DePnt, Pitts/WU. ecilyd PP' EGIMIXIM URGEL.A.ND - OONNELLS VILL fiIaLEOAD. - WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, Oct 20th,1845, tbs ttataa mill leer* the Depot, corner of Rose and Wit*, streets, as follows: Lewin --- AnWm II Plttsboxi3. Pittatts. Mall to sad hom tlalealOwn. I:15 a. to. OKI 1 1 / 4 AU 113 Expren c . MOO p. n. a. in First to Reerport Accomcn...ltm a. . Second cc c• 1146 p. ta.'l4sp. Fleet ilniddosktc " ra. B[o Lm Secald " " . , P. r• Sanda3 Cbtmeh Train to call from McKeesport LAO a. as. pala a. ta. For tickets apply to' - • A. 3. tiiHilltatraM. ' • W. B. ST M OUT. SneriaWal. WO a 1 1411 1 ) M.) 11 : g i m:l=ff McP4IIL9....NFD co,.Nrs, nrazurixpoittEssi dre reeeiving by next etestner from lArisiDool, a, chow) lot of ENGLISH CARPETS, :suitable for Parlors, Violas Itooiou, Mou t Eau 07111/Chtl aeleatedexprezdy for Pitts burgh retail truio, Knel oZeted wsoLEILua AND lIETALG, AT THE LOWEST MAR ET PRICES, 14, 4-4 and 64 :LIOCILLSEC TAPE.STICY, VEIL VErand BRUSSELS 0614PETS,rnalnding ninny *Lyles carer before offered La tlab country. 71 and 73 Fifth Street, Next Bolldlem to the Vatted States thixtors Boone Anil Post Office. boll FOURTH STREET CARPETS, &c., RE CEIVED NEW 1 • bi addition to oor preview' sr iceLmer4, we have Jest received ;4 the foiloWlAir. Le helveet ity/so: 14 111° 3 2 111 5 3 ( attIiTG T IL,M T . B4 , USIBROIDERED PIANO 1.70 V• I Ens. -: i 111 1 :5. 1 2:2:g2gu .41.1195.._ I I SIE7:O — tO I OTj, Is OW 4 M4.oxis Y WINDOW SHALES. Stone. Drab, Brown, Loather and Green colon A inrne nr SABOT , vP.V:& - 11..Mc n a. e a x- rfitibe. I. Doti rotrara ST HEEL' CARPET STOSE. DISSOLUTIO NS. D ISSOLUTIONn OF 00-PARTIOIR., -- Yaztattedp - he:stators bowel= she ondershrto2,lbrider the - flrai = .1 2 CRUILIEMOR 00,for the aniustahedoineOd Mine Peal sad other Soaps, bag this ds been dlualrad by mutual ehateaV Yer.Jahte, J ct.ortut Pittaboruh, 5t74 40 . ta" * InL 111:100WZDT Virkt; =MDT it CO, ow:4m lu m CRUBIPTQN kCO ,J, silver Pearl and Snxioriloalit Sti,ap; AM LIBERTY STII ,-PTETBRIIEGIA, 00-PARTNERaIIIP 'rtte ' kidtli s 'll l :.= " sl ir ult r :lgts t u ur Zr eteu. it the suunit:af which eontlaties thli . gtput - as Sumtto• ' The binHeiess. With Increased fa clitais b wlll be , . aosaintildst. Om NEW •S:a.V7.IH.H . .i . L y 0 HNETZ' OF palmy ETA NET. RlVEli . an ~; han Pt.' AND' -4,/.4.,RMEENIC /111,VID AXOS 111 1 0 an 3 R.T.7 Firaunwr.. HUNTER R Ulf . onitrtmd DFtyGl/P3T3 W9ORSIDE ,ITALIacE, .; • wmul+, "1"127.611 I"2 47 4tha Tinnew • 1a1ii . 41 4 :! Vanalibeill,:Di•SW,lll4 ourk,_ "Abo.lse"Perf22ouclll,4lttgiaaUtt ajgagiogmblta teurmistier 'ma th o Pski e =2o,oll'whipotualwici,„°4.B.4ll, o. 37 WOOD ST ELEzt-- •, cor.ivgir,TAz nattizts-.lrE4i , . p,renaniut..l4.Ll, J . 6wiooN ATr PI? TittAturit Mae Lead BLUE Lit:Ei aoirsOth on. rya plata IRO ou.usin;. ae • ' JSQ. B 3 wool) owarxx RAILROADS L01715f/LLE, INDLLSAPOLES, ST. LOUIS. rwszi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers