I. I r , ERSZINT4t NOVinnan 22, taw TRAILMiaI}3I7 - GUIDE. 'and .peparture of Trains Peruurylranla Central Railroad. _ , _Arrives. par Aocaaa.7 .—• tteMa int atan*•.•••••••• b 504 a w e e ." ,te c gien ran a me Fug L1ae......... LW am me...sadist,* ISt a Mita Walt Afton. oda a as min...„...........11:43 A In 4 Ist Pena Angola. T 435 a as 2.ba - ,aarjaw.. zap:. mad Wan A 40044.. 140 14 IM moutaSTSo4, 4.l4pmliolmarPa Asen..l4maam turt Line.,........ , .1040 pea itteado Blau.ldadpas -Mina IyMtta• 1.10 A la Etaltiplore Exra lo)p as 414 . a...;_, .. „1043 ata i llWall Ammo. Canino PI ~,', 1 1 cl : Cipminilaalcpcmcs.. tat pin og gean Aug .11,, .U 0 p ea,po, Teen &ova 41Ap al na. 7 lt:top an - .iat,4aamii Mitt laavak Male Ensikes" .oem amiassyistasz" a:. IC; catcalling, leaves rittab. i ai IftloP..W.- ~ -. 4 —• . - eViiiiglargils ti,‘.. Colltintma and Cincinnati.- rod Liaa.....4.at0 a atrirest L1at........, &t011;111. ' Kali .:.,,..,,-. WV aco HMI ' ' 'gag pla Eapraiu.........:. altopar Exprem_......d.easSp inl m -poterres. 4to ~lanlintoaatlos.lo:lo aDI t ' :renti =r l6o / 1 ,1 1 414(43 aid Chi arrtxacago. ii=1,...,...... 20 a talExrem.....—.. 1414 ala ~...,,...,,,I>gp am Ennrea5,......,.. can p Ea , 12 1 #:;4...,.. MU p alE:prem...... ex* pmk. 7.1 M aza Alan. gap Pm tnetuatakEtla tID 4 m 2 , 1.0441 e It Lae gap g pi lterTMightooAiscoMmodatlOa MaYMP spot at=a t igel.,..a. la, 4,M1 p. at., mu 6: 1 rm. 2 - 4 Q P., m. 4 New Castle, ISO -,la 42:ciantnag, IMit.p. sa4 Wen/mato:SO p sa. ~.._ „ -I, plixentorgni, Cleveland and Wheeling ...., v.d/epallai ,, .- •i -•'. • ethilact. . . Eltpleta..*„..;:4. Staa 10 Miltrocal. ...... ...' atop : ta r i Eijpin4.l:43... c•is m Express . . .....• axe, Pa , maam.44....... 4:10 eta DWI " • 1140E2 ,fiatiaanarills ilammninottatlon lean! 6 / 1 40"... P 144 0 0 104 COILUEILMiIIa. - ilieParft; ._,.... %ea aiaiDlidi ••• g ' 2° 9° EVleiiii MP M iti5pret•......... 1400 a 42 gar 1104 a to V4l - .01 1 6° 6 61 ea tn _ .. .. ~ Map m ad- -,...--- ......-- " 5 P m . V.,Naßfaja.. tip oink? ........,.'a. 8M) a m " .... 440 p to " ....6:0 pm i'•4 L ' • Allegheny Vogel Railroad. ____.- Deppu. Anises. 0un,r.1.c. , ..... ouereZras mod a a. eau ;err, Il ie r li esi acteediateaVagtheeomasodiselou awe al .... gundiAptinifin AND lam stiBLE, • ~..;,,ousikx7, o 2p Z 2.. Net:root, Jr/bilk-4' Proprietor., AlvD QAIIRaGES famished tot II Wan, Also, Carrlades for rune:sax, wed. _.Putles, at sbort.notleo eurd reasonable Mee% 6741.4416 OREN. DAY MID WORT. • ~ , . NiA SIIMMAN. Jtgaitt Ellschareed. - va ‘ nft '• l o. ll A - agi;* ; noticed the arrest Budget Fltalmaioes, by,- Alderman' • - -Rep'', eo "common afee;har discharge by tlinConrt, the Fointnltmeat being considered defective. We. idsret'kneted - the Viet, -ytisterday, that Biltipt had desetV. reeommittpd by the same Alderizo; thiqieSlsitaid milatalninv: a common. nods enengi,lsiltti,2drsottery ; b awdy hectic. We noet'r464.6tittediherahe WaS discharged by th. 6 :qcttl;:t i nite ,44*: hers " 11 rectiZ,;. entoni 'Mg, for her appearance forenal. The follOwlng Is the endorsement writteliettt:lte committitent by Judge Stowe: Ufa coramhment Is Informal and itusattlelent for Areiireasons.' Itldoea not state In what the ,ntdeaacd, consisted. 2d. It does not state that it was in Alleghe ny county. &I. ft does not; commit t 0 e ntody "for want of Ittnntinss"er, 'ln default of bait.' N. B: 4o The last Metter Would hot be held In sufficient itione, but it is the proper form In 4 /Kigali btrenses, (id-est) eases where - the com muting nOir boa a rfgitt to take hail. , Let the tirlsorier bodiseruirged upon entering Into her own recogniaanee In the sum of $203, to appear at. the next term to at veer, ke. P.En Craws. -The' Blot-Case. • • - The trialofJamm Pint er, dal , for creating and math:loom in a not at the tavern-house of Mrsllfthlion,Chtsturit Street, Allegheny Ctty, on tieitlght, of thefith of September last, was brought Mo close yesterday apernoon, by the jury renderings rennet of not gailty, ttat de feadattle to pay ote-half and tin prosecutor, JohOl,..;Nalsa i ls. the other- , , half of the coats. Theed *alit greatdMikof evidence offded, the testimony of the pn senator flatly contradicted in went! partici:ll , lra, and,lndeed, the witnesses for the defentedetalled a state of facts going to show that the, police officers were mainly re ap/Risible for the riot *Wet occurred. by dts• Playing a degree of officiousness eot Justifiable under the ciretmetences, Tha case , or the de fence was aunt ably conducted by W. C. Upra ised end ,C Al, Brown, Ems. The Common wealth was reyese .1 QbyH. C. Macbeth E-o , • ark o laboied under 4061 C disadvantage from ilsy itie :been called Into the case without haviog oprortunlty forpreparation. ' 4 lrLat for Nidaance •• August Matte and _Stephen M. Oa were Piacesa.Lit,;(oFlA;fik.-the.-CAMlnal,Conrt. yea terda4. for larthitaintag - -: nut.. aance pier stark Avenue, in Reserve town ship. It was alleged that the defendants have been and are now la the habit of col lecting tonal, parts of dead. animals :and va rietnearticies In end around their premises, for the phrpote of belling, and whirs are permitted to lie abordina state of - deco palmetto's and de ce9rodueing unbearable, noxious sad ea-- healt Wen and Injurious effects. James Mc. Cala is the Prosecutor. Daring the trial it ap peared Viet Mr. 0:t was In no way.concerned the establiattment e and the - jury rendered a ver dict of not guilty, the case proceeding as against Mr. Monte. 'The Jury were KM out at the adJonrnment- l ot the corm, and will likely re- - tarn a sealedverdict this morning. . , Peques; Peeled. Yestaday the request was made to Judge Stone. sitting. In the Criminal Court, that Peter McFailand, In prison under sentence, he per ' mittedtb sluit (tinder the charge of offfters,) his residence, aid look upon the dead body of . his wife, prior, to Its Interment. Ells Elmer stated that aftdr sentence the tet had-no con trol overprlsoners. McFarland was In the ens - tody of the Warden, who might If he -chose grant the rcqueet; but in case the, prisoner got away, ha (the Warden) . would be liable to In dictment for escape. 31r. Whitey the Warden, was applied to o 'but he declined to consent to McFarland being taken oat of jail far the pur pose stated; billevfmr-ho would•not be justified m so doing..,,Mrs, „McFarland's funeral took place during the afternoon, add it seemed hard, indevi, that her hushand shoud, tie denied his wish to look bpbri her corpse ere it was con- S ack This not the, lan, BotoW Alderman strain. - Tiomas - Cribten.aPPOted,betere thla rase.. trate, yesfirday;.and k reireteettd. that a ITODISII named Mari O'Hara, went tolda berate s pn Gib_ eon street, Ely,tittr want and 'tried the most 11, malt tog , end atmunve ningnage ,vrife /1114 , famll3%;Vialloihreetated ,ylNence, . Warrant hsatted.to atuiwarloisure c ti of the peace. John JOrdettetteiplained anehist - htieriiptoyer. John flip: qrSeti*et:retter,".ipr,itzetat.A44. batted. Jordan—a!) valetas that on yesterday be went be . Flntei - and.nshed.bloafor 41 , 401; dra on the /Sub ,thelenPol4 be (the "boss") seised him by the throatiiind' besides choking, other -wits merely abused him. warrant was Is fined for the arrest of the accused. Flre;"ntaßgetl,34 was held ti;kis;P' the peace, on oailt'of -raw White. Tbisper ties are naighborte, end 4ave-topee on mot very amiable terms ;OF eons , t eiE past; Attempted Ithirder Timpereacerille. . - Peter. hiettlenberger went betero Aidermaa Strain: yesterday,: tad brought a,charge of es. aaNt amt' tistrear4. With, intent to krd against Frederick, liari attVehn Preeweit. Thapros-, ardor ;.is a bateher ea eleo is Preewalr. and they jOhltii Oatiplit eliskihter47tft la or near; ' > the torough of Tempera:me-1 , 11re; Yesterdept disturbeaeeemilit' the alsechwUmiwat Meadeahergaralieges-that" : the Inetteit. faxnaft......AitttdePted 42:elanghter him ed inaus-lefortasttom t.has-tho elder r 0 410 tdRESNICOnII6 breistt with a keith, that me wilhatruck him term times astthe.hce ME that deba;thearcV hit !ilia a severe Idercoa the ,har4. %lilts club. .The mused were arrested and held In the rem Oti4oooAth 4 2 .14 01 V e.Pparsnce " atr- Ilarat il / 4 1 .4natiffe—?Ittock „tin pofolifrXkulia6'ior,Dgitepaxit.,%4 a:m iens Mb taa4tAteona V 437 losensgag reading atetterNaMustntlons. - • Comialtted.Z4fenw,. ono al ( be parties charged Winezeniaanitin, and .beafing colored men, in Eaet Blrminghane, was conimlteed, Mitealti'dOlOiltl.ot_r4Q-bidl for his appoora ror triaL . Cokialidatioi ciripaltteear4Ths tom.; mitted3 appointed `to #wesent anVeral'inn! Itelpalitles on Um, Anestion, p2m6:111.011012, will meet on Tuadar nuirnizig,7 the . 05itt at 10 o'eleek'ltr the Coteaten Coetleil geztual attendant) is deilltitv • • 7 i._is . i .. ~ atm II ItZeift. IfrO." ins" ..-The MnSenm opens timliv Rif the Qrr date. We hare not yet had art opportunity ;ea It,Rn account of other enggeents, ;eat are assnred that It Is the Intention of the 'proprietor, Mr. Gardner, to mike It a place rrortby a That from alt. In addition to the. curioaples which will be gathered as rapidly as 'poesible from all qllartellltli the globe, there will be an interretteg exhibition of wila antirials. Rememberthe place, under the Opera Gem. • FotcThle Eatiy and Detainer James 3l'Vay, Thoinas • Connor, and lobis 'Barry were tried In the Qasrter Sessions, yn4- lerday afternoon, upon an Indictment for forci ble entry and detainer; found axon the oath or John Renville, who alleged that the defendants, on the 25th of August last, with three and arms Violently and forcibly entered into and to3k 'possession of hlspremdSes, an Chatham street, in the Sixth ward, removing the goods and chattels therefrom, and retaining possession of the pram/sea so taken. It appears that the de fendants-acted under competent authority, the prosecutor being L, arreara for rent, and no more force lased In dispenseseltig him than Iris necessary. Thejary found a verdict of no ' An'Oppinittmity of obtaining stock In a Gold told Silver Mining Company, orcanized under the Presidency of Kirleklard Kansas, Esq., now Chief Engineervf the Department' of enr ma, Philadelphia, is now presented; by calling at the ofnce of 8. 8. Bryan, No. 57 Fonrth street. See advertisement of the Union Mining Company In another column. Mr..Kocass was . tbrmerly prominent In 'the Engineer DePlit ment of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and is widely known as o scientific and rellabie tentleman and the "Union" bids fair to be a comma utidg.tilli management. P min; Machlistm.—We have on former occasions referred to the Wheeler A'. Wilson fritieff machine as being tine of the creates* household *deniers that we enjoy- Bat now that the holtidays are app; arching. we feel that we eamitt do lets than to call Mtn Von once More to to tte xi. For a Christmas present, a neater. or name *pp opriatermnicle Medd' wrt, be selettA. Oa* ot the great odnotakcat of tbk Toadoinlas lat it makes the "lock BUMP." Itinuktaken the hfghest!pretehims to t , cresh. number Of Faire. and le warranted for twee /tart. A fair trial of them Is all that ts 'sakes. tom Yesterday - Evening Gazette. A Hackman Checkmated. 'ew evenings since. a young lady arrival in this city from one of the adjoining conattm on a visit to some friends la an upper ward. de she was without a compasion, and It wait after nightfall when the train/trilled, she did not with tit Walk from the depot to the house or her friend, and,engaged attsck driver to convey kirtikinte'etrect and number aesig, noted. For tills serVicetheiaeltaban asked one dollar and &bait, whicn the lads agreed to pay. On reaching the house of_ 'her rtlettd, the lady alighted, baying the man the amount agreed neon; /le at drat appeared pert xtly entlag.d, but after the lady heat emceed the door he da rn:larded soother dollar. Just then her friends bad come forward tore:mire her, aid the , littete: with the ha •kman became known to them. She explained that she had paid el that he hal at am demanded, but now be Malstud on bat h g another dollar. A young tuna, a Lou of the lady of the house.made his a ppearan re,and know ing donletbing about the estr , rtionate charge. of ',nehmen, ached bow the case ago ',I, nod on learning that the Indy had paid a dollar act! a half for a dr,re of a few f,uare, declared that she had paid too much already. The driver etlil demanded ant ther dollar, and the lady, rather than have any difficulty, was about to pay It, but the y,ong man becomint inaigsant at the greed and indolence of The hackman, called for a light In order to obtain the aumber of ,the bark. The.light was brought, bat tee hackman threatened to prevent an examination of his number, throwing up his at 111., 113 a del .ar4 mut tide. The you-c man here made a re mark alont a pistol which he had in Ins pocket, when the haekreen dropped, hts arras and as sumed a more peaceful position. Seeing a de,- terfnination to resist has extortioaatc demandi, be "caved in," said he not Insist on the other dollar, got upon his back and drove otT, no doubt well sea:died that he had escaped from the chatchesof one who knew how to "put Lim through a course of .grouts." Charge Agaln■t Police Officers. A morning cotemporary, a fete days ago, is referring to the outrageous conduct of some rocmg men and boys with a lewd woman In an open lot In the Third ward, near Webster street, reflected severely upon the officers who were called upon to Interfere, charging them with gross neglect of duty. Oneof these otii . . 'eero, Mr. Henry Thomas , has made a repre.sen ration of the matter to we, going to show that our eotemparara's reporter was misinformed as to the facts. lie says that Immediately upon bearing of the circumstances, In company with °Meese White and Glenn, be proceeded. to the locality Indicated, muter the guidance of 'the citizen who called them. It was after night, and with all possible haste they passed through alleys and by-ways, but after a search of half an hour fallout to discover e nenien or those with her, their guide Ireuicg conducted them in the wrong di rection. Tr e otllcers thus grave up the search, but very tiOnn after another citizen called upon tin nr, and led them to the place where - rho outs. goons per ect d Inge were got ug on. Upon their ap p....ace the young men and were hotly pur sued by White and Glenu, Thomas remaining tehrr.d - to look after the woman, whets he found in an apparently insensible condition. The of. feeders having the start, succeeded in getting away, and In the darkness could not led Teen sized. Mr. Thomas protests that ho and Ida brother officers did all in - their power, and ailed with all the promptitude possible, under the cir cumstances. They are anxious for an tonsil gationisrhich. we .understand, the Mayor has under conaidarathni: —lt tha, represeatationit, made titatir neighbor betrue, theolneers should , be distniviedomd. II untrue, the tact shoald be made to appear. .4 Patel Accident at the Stock Yards. On Honday night, at eleven o'elock. a: drover . , nannedlyem Kena; hailing from lianduskY, Ohio, wastun over by erglne, NO, 9l) on 'the Pennsylvania Railroad, at the .gast :Liberty stock yards, ens so badly Injured that he died rood atter- "The etettne wieln charm Of. Henry Balder, and attacheAto's monk train conducted by Walter. Batter. Coma,. 'Clawson held an itquesS, to day, and the Ivry ;found that the Accident ow tUlaraidubie. Mut Mat the conduc tor snd engineer were ezonmst e d f rom i n blame. Kenan was a young men, about twenty yearn of age;' arid was, ..eugagel etc , ck dealing. From a &nee at trio ja`ra on the north slu e of our county piton', Wrtllstln tho Sheriff's of ..lee this monolog, we do nothesitate to accuse the inspectors tir noti:OhrfornianCO o_f -duty in the way of sanitary , moustres. ahod whSie - since, the sewer leading 'from the 'anClosure, which had became stops, ,OP, was cleansed, and the filth remoter from It placed In the • yardi whoreitlot, vznuctna--e tangiblit protor of negligence on the pait of the{ prison atithorities. .Ter it .Is, wAero we would expect to °burro eleanneeitiFtimohmlegtwthereleteels the" ;11,11tui rite Queeetferdict - al4 Jury la the Allegheny City ibelease mop I intb Court at a quarter put twelve, to-dm and ,returptd a verdict to tho,etTaat Th at theidettital;: ;attic *ere not gullti the 0%40 :to ray ans. heir ard theprdseetatir the O tter _Audi . ot the costa; The Venn teltLthet thta verdict nue: Improper. the row 44, drop:s.4o4 prove.; tats that the e - division of eostelhonld ti a between defendant and , proseentor:/ The , inri turned to their room Co tam* 'their tlellberaS iioaei ' ' • Attegheey,Rtot - Cism,--The trial of . Porter ;/tai. for being concerned In the riot ottcheetnnt, street on the night of the Eth offieptemberlast; occupied the whole oflestcalay.atad. Ode .. 4 utern- Ingj o udge Stowe ..delaired hte.chargao The )tut tired* about, ten o'clock, and had not ret ed a verdict &noon. Amiuemeztte TII.ELITE. . —Yank ee Locke had another good home Met eigki to tritnem his performance in the celebrated play of Moll Pitcher. To-night he appaux aleJethio Baxter in the Impressive drama of amine 3feadowa, and alao ea Jona than Plongldiar in the Forest Rose. Daring the interim between the pieces the "Gem" overture et:imposed and arranged by Gco. Burt will be wear:tea.'" ' Omsk HousE.—Mr. and lan. Florence 0111 Cantinne.to An the Opera Rouse to oYerflowing, and by their pleasing , acting to add to their hers of To-Eight they appearls John Broughams:Vs, cantlful drama, entitled the Irish &Edam:, and the laughable farce of DfLichel- TOr a Annie. ficannu M. — garrmannhiprtatlge In thin city Is settled beyond all peradventure. is car. minty the IhOSS ^kolderti3ll/o:3l.(dinadtear:.'"' hate ever seeti, Notwithstanding the eat weatherAllasonloilidi wan liect-nlght" T 44. with , thaheauty Mut lkshiott,Of „ • lieglvet areintlnee Alt afternoon, pdaPS.iut tO.nlkhk. ftSt theliat time. w ceasing Terel3wrritin Tnorne.—Soortminr.• our citizens. aril have an.oppor to seeity goo" the famed Parana, .. and Sti G. Cd since the advent crown as ha& not bees eg.- - of inn), .and. It I _waned. for j hErePO that In Beata things ahe' A l s t i leg in re en uld n y ng Li t L d. There Ls no 'ape." "1 ../Ch ere birdlike In sireetnese 111gbest neacayr Leto cornet playing is also and melody. 4grsaland takeit w hol e „ aid ~„ . as we, "' ;Onion that our music-music ern cf tzo, enjoy a rich tecaL F4lt . liyyriada Yard ,wa:lolllengbe:ftecobee bmillp)iidsejedendblniat' . An Alleged Case of Rape. We noticed i day ob two since the fact that Sashes Ammon , Emit Birmingham . had com mitted Michael . Birelsepnetkr to Jail to answer charges of rape and affiliation, brought against him by Mary Moschell. Another charge, that of adultery, has been brought, arid a commit thloadtgledu October, all"s! ih m ni.m e ia n . t : t o o hno n wp.y s i :e . r atitre. it xt 1864, whilst e a .e at the house of her brother. came t parpo a rb re y'flo i t t ee lled . she b be er in a g nd unable to realist him. She dltrrot tell her relatives what had hap p.ed. I n d confided the circumstance to a Woman , Lb. gelghborbood. Some time after, being f r egant. she ent, red suit before Aldermen i r ,iler spinet •detendant, bat the matter was paled — tipbu r- a bond to pay her sixty dollars within a given time being executed. Her child waaborn Jane 19th, 1805, at which lime the bond, then over due, had not been paid. _The defendant induced her to go to thenountrk,!representlng that. unless she die 80' els would have to go to Jail for costs. Upon these representations being made to him, Justice Ammon took ter Litoituttotis against 'Wel schoefer for rape and affiliation, and 11 hiving been ascertained that he Is Married, a chine of aoultery has been brought. The proseentetx Ps deformed and crippled to souk au extol; as to be tumble to reslet such violence as she alleges was offered her. Mangum. should- it evergo to trial, will detelope some singalir features. . . • Colored Alen Auafled. Seine ten days ago two colored citizens of. Binabigham, Charles and Emanuel /Terris, ap peared'. bo - fore Justice Ammon, of Exit Blr mingham. and made complaint amdruit William Meltzer, John lrwin and. John Qtr.°, charging these defendanta with assault and battery. lt appears that the complainants want quietly working, on the road above Enatllirttllngtiam. when Menzel' • andylrnin canto tip to and at satilled and hest them. A large' crowd noon gathered, and the prosecutors, fearing their lives were In danger, ran away tied were fol lowed by a considerable number of the persona assembled. The defendants ware arrested and held for a hearing this morning. After 'Tall" - Investigation of the Cade by thedestlce, bfenaet was required to find bill in the arm of $BOO br his appearance to answer at tiotut. The other defendants were held In 4300 for their presence. . , lienrlnePostponed.—Sliehael 'irate, arrest ed for an camp' to pass a spurious fifty dollar greenback at a clothing etore on Liberty street, was liken before Commissioner Sproul, this morning, at ten o'clock, for a hearing, but ow ing to the absencebt Disaxict Attorney Carna+ ban, the hear tag was postponed until Wednes day morning. The note was rained from a 'lwo. to a . flity by the ' pasting process, end has been very poorly euecuted. Escaped from .1611:—On Stanley eeentng,, bat inst., four prisoners. named Thomas LY• keno, Albert Curi IF, P, ter Miller and Humphrey Conklin. con - deed In the Lawrence county Jail. at New - Castle, wade their ,escape hyknocking down the sheriff, M. ArcConnell. A reward of MO has been offered for their opprebension. - . AhquAtted.—Mouripo Wallace, Fifth ward taTeralceper, was tried this forenoon upon an indictment for selling liquor withont license. It appearing that he had license, the JurY: ae quittel him, and required the county to pay ttoi C 051.3. The Voting Man,* Friend. - -" Warranted to cure Private Diseases. For sale by druggists. Ask for the Young /fan's Friend. A pamphlet giving the !symptoms and treatment of private dtseases setenymnies each Box, or can be had by addressing Younglfan's Friend; .Box PS, Cindnnatti. with a three cent stamp =closed, to Joseph Yestaing. entries 13uper,j. H. F atton, nr 6 4WeA rOi CO.. Ableleily. . MEDICAL _ _ • litatimitEr HO, DFEOPATBIC SPECIFICS Here mired, from liMpie experience, as =the sumo, atropin, o:Lica cad reliable * TO* lab the only medicines perfectly adapted to popu lar use•rmo) ample that - mixture cannot be Elsa@ in using them; ao harmless as to be free from dan ger, and ao efficient se to be always unlabla, 3 MS. No. I clues FEVEn Cr s. Congestion., Inflarand• tion. 25 2 " WORMS, Worm Fevers, Cu11a..." 23 3 `. CRYING COLIC, Sr Teething of Infants- .. 25 6 4 " DIAN IHCEA of Children of adult. 25 " DYSENTERY, Griping, allied a• o OROLELA MORBUS, 'Ns -uses. IM T (TOUGHS, Colds, 8r0nch1U5......._. 8 " NEUR a ALGIA, • Toothache, 'Esca nab 9 " HEADAIHIE, Siek Ilendactis_.• 23 I " DY PEYSIA, damsel,- 2.1 ;I " SUPPRESSED, .tasty add MN , prriods-4- . LIICOOREMEA. or Whites LI la " (IROTIP, hoarse duet- 25 la " SALT RHEUM, Erysipele", 10 16 " RH paI EUMATISM, all Rheumatic FEVER R A - N - D AG U 25 F., Calits I ever 50 PILES, Internal .or eaten:L.l 60 OPEITALHY, sore, inflamed eyek 50 CATARRH, dote es Medd. in -5 ...erds _ ..... 50 WERJUPUSO •Pd 61041. ..... 50 RI 1:.„.TEZN116,--i-.l;.;ir-;1 60 bearir g-- ........ ... 60 SCROFULA, enlarged gland 50 GENERAL DEBILII Y, Phralo armload, s .... 60 DROPSY and reanly secretinos.. 5o SEA FLU ES ES'S, Or slokpris fr om 60 KIDNEY DISEASE. dravel .. ao NERVOUS SPERM' 17. seminal ann•ea emtainions, involuntary dts.. 60 20 o SORE fatfUTHror Canker._... ' ... 60 so URINARY IS(AJNTINUA into 60 PAINS PERIODS, even inth AUnriTii'r3 - 1 -- Vbs EPILEPSY, Sp a sams,Tr f, inst 1 OD I den:" LIPTRERIA,, Ulcerated Sore tiq Tbs. YaMILYOASES. mm Cud of SO to.viols, in morceao Esse and bOok Hg Cad of M large vials, in morocco and boor Ea Oil e° Cars of N lard vials, plain ease and b00k... 602 ids of 10 boxes Mos. I to ID and bank a 00 ar" TP.IO whaltiala Agent, Plusbnikti, VP. For mile by E MIND R, Smithfield dreeti IDS. FLEMING, No. 84 Market street. eonier-of the Diamond, rittshumin, and J. 3. EAST, 191 Pet.eral street. AlleghenD DlNLyeral ATTORNEYS M. r.w.ur • 81,1:..". WHITE & SLAGLE, • ATTORAayS AT LAW No. .1.06 Elltx,c.ot PITTSETZGH, PA_, Wlll attend to all business In the hoe of their Profession. looltullog THE CULLEUITLIO4 UP CLAIMS LOA INST THE 001112tIVAIENT, Alt. Sharma...laving been mustered out, the United States Service, will hereafter ins attn. Lien to the business of the firm. itrrtl wouNDED SOLDIERS IN EITHER The First or Second Threw Yews Service as receive the full houAtg L•te same re ry had set red the fall rem of enlistment by called upoll T. WALTERr, Solicitor for 800 nt lea, Pensions end Pny. No. lei FIFTH STRE:Er, CAW door below the Cathedral. WE. Y. IOI9YM. - ono. R. M OFFECT CoCrißel.N. .a.ttormecrysai wt X-.calace Offiee—No. ()Egg STREET, _PlttiblUgh• SHAFER; Ot "."- 8 "8 BAY. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW vo. Si DiA-vos9 Smarr, Pittsburgh, P.. Cowl Bustling Examining Titles. Uonveyano. in& ttollectinne, and all kinds of Legal Buaineen proinpUy attended to. eel 3LEILITARYCLAIMS. .PSLIBION, BOUNTIES, BACK PAY and MILITARY CLAIMS of every draoriptlon, eollceteat by the aubserlber, at the follorviar rates, via : Pensions, $lO i all other claim, $.140. C.O. TAYLOR, Attorney at LVII, Dlamoad street opposlto the Court Rouse. B.—/vo duress ere mode II the essim does not succeed, and LIT infOrristlott strop fret's. .1111“.....a., AT,TOBNEY-AT,-LAW, . 0. S. LICENSED SOLDIERS' (NADI ACENI Bounties for Wounded SoWere collected In from unto twenty days. Br°ace No. 81113}04rri nun . , Pittsburgh. Call with diza n ui re and two vitae:ekes so2itto lINDF~STAEING: COFFINS 'COFFINS BIZI`A.LI4.O I ITATALLIO nialsocteznr , . 10.4#LOGANY• ' frEßTAlLiNet aND k irr ZWI°I2 " 4 i fal • • U/SD TAILUIVI -• ' ROBWr* ,l 4 lB, ,Dgctrtakar. _UndertuakLt ,Anaeg Crab- -fte tail:when - Ditiirtecinn, re e erarytbliqf necattaaylat latemas, plasopti attended o. wirm imiuftable mug -- • = " Ayz A 1 . 1 .1€.. kJ. T: , lr: 3 `l - 2 iCTATXlMElVitrgilaiiczara f ..:... • tc FounlviDeet.Pitiibtuala. (3001D3 ' all, CRAP= OLD stuf ovary der soffPifoo of rune:al ForolsZunc GOWN f0ni114.4 • Dooms moo day and Wafts.' -Deana and gurla r s., voimiaviaa. DaVravalioni—Der. David Ken, Rev. BLWaissoksix,D.L. Wham s Elvis& Ess • WOOL =sr Esq. • .Irard ROBINBOI Bankers and Brokers. No. 75 Fourth, Street Plttsbnrith. Dealers In all kinds of Ctuvrremsent ge,,,,,rittes Dome Goid, Sstiilc Exver, enange illneurr, &nte., Bank Notes, See and &c. RENCTY.tremens reretvad in Pall FUNDS and cUN Interest allowed on time deposit., trollectious made in all parts of the United States on mos: favorable terms. Orders executed with dispatch for everychlaZ In the to/shiest at the Donee, New York, Phila delphia and Pittsburgh brokers ' Boards strictly on commission ors w on A.. CLEWS & 00 , New York. JAY c a N . K l y et .. . 9.43 Ri d.nite . teat . , brL, Messrs. C. D. REAR _. _ r' FINANCIAL lIIROILERS AND DANILEAS. HOARD ( SOSSLSTI2I2 ST aoatnraorr, Wor.kan & 00.) Orri,z op THE PITTSI2I7IIOrI G 2.7t-rTS. ) T012.21:22.T. Nor. 41 , 1305. US. 6'2 1&41....... . . .... . ..••.•....10 1 U.5. 45". . S. ....................... 10 50 ................. 97 On U. S. liertloco tea ........... 97 00 91 00 Gold .. Allegheny 3 alley H.. ~. ..• • tea 50.. Itaatamena /mount.. ........ 00 , Faust& Nat. Bank. 30 00 M. & LI. National Bank- lab 00 .---.... oa 10 Peoples --- National --- Third 124 00 IDS 25 Columbia 011 .. 0,1 .I.Ulorado . ....... .5 Paxton 0 ....... -- Phila. 1.2.21.c.,fr. Cherry nun •••• .Teirr,rStory a Cherry Itun Warren a. I'enongti Tri Ralston .... Phoenix VII Cool Mull) :Vining Co— Fort 04.L03. 20 :Columbia—..— ld la dull at 14 .6AtiNt&yi in the New V ern Market. rnited Strati securities, which two days ago were in batter demand and had improved from !,,`to f - ' 3; per cent, arc heavier again andliare Met the advance made. To days quotations lu New Torn are as follow": sixes ISSt, tally; rive Tryertilso, rirt3g, Ten Forties, 0 0.1,7, Seven Thirties, no!‘ for 3d issue; Certificates, oni. The home stock market openea very quiet this morning. The only sale reported ryas 30 shares of Columbia titled per "hire. There woe some en quiry fur Bank ahem"; but without any improve- Tent In price. Qtl stocks are without special animation. There Wei renewed tawdry for Philadelphia, Lanoaater S Cherry Run at advanced roles. 904 was birtio the morning—later In the clay 111 per chars was bid, without bringing out any of the stock. We hare no further information on hand from the well. Parties who profess to have seen the weep report It to be • good 100 barrel well. Others inky it Is oluctrlarger. alteblerbes at length goads the lorg promlied alviitoria tiro er gent payable De cember 5. The stock we. on4red at 45e, dividend Included. Tarr, Story /11 Cherry Linn 100 bid, IS, asked. Paxton offered at 15c. The stockholders ofthe Paxton Petroleum tio. held their annual meeting TuesdAY aternoon. at "the banking house of Robinson, Alceleart & Co. , at orbk-kt he following gersoru were etre ted directors for the ensuing year: John D. Met•ord, J. son Paxton, Chas. Rays, 6.210:1ean. fir., anlJ. T Robinson. —All mulllated note. of National Bank. anust,lf redeemed titan. be drat paid for by the bank through which they have been pot in circulation ;but they must be sent for final redemption to the Treasury Department at Weartington. These trgulatiom are very like the rules width governed the Old State banks in the matter of redemption of their need-up circulating notes. Fragments of bits may be pain for to full when accompanied a astlslartory afllibtrlt stating the cause and mari ner °Pi:mutilation, sod that the missing pert of thd note la wholly destroyed. There are, of course, excertlonable cases( In which 'no sftlilarit can lrf procutyd, but where no 'nowt:Labia doubt can exist In regant to the entire destruction of the misalue poi tions of ties notes. In Duels cum, under certain biteuntatantell, the rrea.m7Depertinent wltl give full credit for the notee. Retiring State tlaulis formed) wonted largely by the destruction °f etich.' notes by fire, ac. , at. We have seen 'says the Boaton Bulletin) statistk. which have at tempted to establtsh the per ventage of revenue heel, ed in thistray by the old eircutating banks but It has always tiro subject dliticult to investi gate. !luring the war a large bundle of the bill. a New Ebgiand bank, which hail been taken by a apecn/atue to the South for the pis retinae of rot. ton, were captured by the rebels. The captors trete grent , y exasperated when they found that the money captured was not greenback paper, and at core made vod re of the entire lot, greatly to tbeastisfactiou 4,1 the bank isl ich issued the bilis_ This bank was obi.., on giving up Its charter a Pew mouths after, to credit punch and lot, wills the entire amount port. or t wrholr ;soh, ra f ; . par, to t t p , p•• ;•;;; !Jun, tucl .1 Ira. ,tle a:c n at their loreign the expo is their hunr, t t in cistren; balance Of ;rade rculd he at met on the L.., At the 1 , 0. tof Ire, York the rh.sl.4 es tat., =chalet of specie, Are ns hallow. Imports elnee Jan. i, Export, since lan. 1, In currency... 1.11: If both were riven st their csirrency valor, toe Imports ;401114 be neatly double. the etnouLt of the exports. rho total imports of the country moil exceed the total value of the exports if lo th are e , ekoned in the saw. sortencr —bit: New York Ur; fad of Monds7 eontslos tl.e following in retcronee to Petroleum stocks in tilt: City. - Petroleum. stocks were- MOderntefy settee 111114 firm till near the dose of the week, when the re port of the seizure of thresaof the Larqest wail. on the Bounden hirm . tat Plthole, watch the Chided States Company la Interested, for fraud. Upoli the revenue, caused the Martet to become heavy, and United States atonic decilln t heestrday afternoon to The real facts of case are Stated by an officer of the company, who was at the wells at the time of t! e seizure, to be at Ml fossil :—The wells were seized by the intend, in be half's/ the Internal Revenue sews., It the hut,. gatlon of the Frilled States Pomp., and no Chaim Is made upon tho latter for non-payment of l-n,el. The seizure smamade on aczoiint !iamb by other vs riles interested In the wells, and the tkanunation nt the elrcurniitalires thus tar has it. rclopvcl ft - stole ne4lant the squaw., 111 well as t eel An official statement to this eleet will tx lit.Oilshed by the company is a glop .r two. ALLECEIINT CATTLE MARKET, t:rs.or!,l for the Pittsburgh gazette. Orli Wit or Tun PlTTllinatill ia.trrra, t Plat, BURGS Ntilf .21, WSJ. ATTLE-The supply on sale this wee], al t Lough somewhat below the usual atan•latti, was nes art hetes, manstderably In niter. of the demand ard qulte a number were left es et. unsold. The it hole number was various/y es:mat-est et from Inio to Mai head, and with but ..totorat Is ely fen but Ent., and the dentand InStricteil almost entirely to supt•tylug the ritall trade, the market ruled dull and heavy, and prices hone still further de :nth!. It was remarked Una Wean that the beet is t cattle, whteh all along hare ruled steady at (1.1 pricer, sold at n deellne, although not to the snmn rat., t as the poorer grades, and the general re +stun among de were, bath buyers onl sel hotr, . that the value of cattle of MI slide la Lou tan' undated, and, sooner or later, must give tea, We quote prime to vans fat cattle at 749,1 i• fair to si goe at ft3l4; andlinferlor to common at HOGS—The maiket for Hags Is quiet, but t I tiady. and - while the demand le iltnltett, tho sup ply I, light. and littera have undergone no 06.40- t change. quotations may be [tint given at tl,rfllt4 ernes, wholesale, for fair te guns! aver. set..., and IS to 13 for esme qualitieS, In a retell wily. We can report the following sales: NO. anti. P Nixon to Emerlch. Ca 29S 11,60rce shores to Emerick CO 231 11,1 d Paxton to Ebnerick tr 221' 1/4 Hell to Emerlek too lit LI,CO rickland to Emeriek._ -- • 11,25 It. Hart sold- 11,25 Glass te7.ntfbrty retailed 63 head 10,41013 X I- Etch retailed Pr head at 1 2 ,25413,00. SHEEP—lstsritet seer quiet, but few otrerea, not many Wanted, apparently, and hardly anoalb tone to establish quotations. We quota good to prime mutton slice!" et A 2 par pound, glans. • John Kerwin gold at hand for Itv Int t 4 1..6.4%, also, 7 head for IN `attn. a vernaltis I 100, at Otert..,. Delaney retailed ih head of Ohio coves and hell. eta at frotrt43atpl. Beek retailed la head ofa anlman cows and hell or., averaging DO, 44,4 5. 4 . Ilaticwood a. Co. retaitr 61 bead of 00111111 OP mixed stock at tram 441:4104. Cara fa fdcAllialar retailed In different lotsoind for different parties, 03 bead at primes raniali from C.m149 - 011 retailed 45 head, nveraglitr frOntS.4oo 9 7ft, 4yma , ;:. A. Porter retailed p 2 head nt from 5 to head left over. _ . . • lie's &Co. retailed 44 at 5 1 ;17. Chris: Marks 21 nt 15!,9711. Glass & Lafferty SO at 43Mv, Einerlek Co.a OM 43 . hcal to I.andcra, avgrag• log 1100, at 63 34 head trKli.eariee, averaging//-03, at V; ararretnfital 15 head.' _Hedges to Myers & Bro. IS hemd of gaol tittle, averaglex 1100, at 6%. Hoes to Merrick a. Dead 10 bead of good cattle, averaging 1103:at en, • Cameros to 'Kahn a. Greenwald 2.! heed, averag• leg 1021, at GM. Hoffman to - 31'yera et 'Bro. 3.1 head, a venially; 400, et retailed 3n head. Ovtatt, .to jiarney -Wag 13 head, everaglog about 1000, in OM retailed 20 head. Bunter to Eckert 13 heed of extra fat. cattle. • averaging 1100, at 7,70 Merrick a DoUd' 10 Logan 13 bead, areriAing two, at ey,i; totalled 70head at 0.3.7:4.. Rahn a Greenwald to Barney Groult head &screen lloe, at 74re tatiat 43 head at AKlji.sw Crokso & flees to Alien, &. Box 4.4 hoed ot-johne„ : 4 R teejt 07.3330367103, at ,7,°a;. retailed U head at , ^ /SI head at y l ' retalled.l3l,oo6GB... itlyernlia, Bro. wholesaled, 81. bud to Lads Myers; - 4;llead,;_tOle9orWck, sad totalio 33 rabii/AGtetntrald V. head At t. 'Verner, reßprtp, 41/.44 totalled:an bead At 514;3‘.... Markei Ploitr.Auler ileirraityl-trot .{!&e ~dcgqtlaitdli itaht.l lEtalartrlo,tortio,r2 for totrotry XX;rittr V D" 0Q11,13 for'do^4X to • . stiogfto for pity, SX - reti; izotS,l3o for;:g„whise:•,-;. wheat—;Dutip.mrhoty.Drut.enVurcu. oing 10 ; establlatr•qttotatiohm; Votitrrtrro frood, dema4dtrectipta UahtiVre oarred fold :tetaied Or - N 0.2 attn.:Fr/mil store., MU-IPM ./.22.. - berry. , . j salaa tura choice No Ohio at - tt.v,art extrotao. ChteltSck. Prerr 2 : at 400. itre—Quirt;a22' Dulet—Duit - heavy eizi4 PITTSEII7IIGII MARK Oruro Or rat larmsotniCart GAZoTTe, Tr.DAV, November Ittat, toot. The general produce market continues quiet and rather dull, while prices hare undergone ao quot a ble change. GRAIN—I he r n'y transaction In 'Wheat we hire to report Is a sale of 1 car 3111 Wattkie Club at 01,30. Oats dull and drooping.; sales 2 can at 45; GCO bush from store at 45; and small sales at 43,3.50. Barley . Is quiet and petrel are Very Irregular; note of 125 bush Patton Penns Spring at 01,M, nod 150 nosh ptlme Penner Pall et 31,15. Corn Is aellin; 10 small lot a fr m store at 704076. eittOVEILLEZS--ialarlzet continuer, rather some articles are quoted a shade lower. Cubs Sugar. are selling at 1614413; Porto Rolo 16417141 Clubbed 21 1 ,,f.e..; "El" lotte7 19, "A ' do, 3.1. Rio Coffee may boquoted at 32 1 34333 i and Java at SO. Afelasses dull at $l,OO to $l, 0 for Porto Rico, and 3scaly 1,80 for New Orleans. at 11.50. Letscring's Syrup la held FLOUR--Continnes eery dull and neglect.ed, and. sme dea lers We are maicing . cacorui lions in order to etre o et sales. COattrine to te luta !sem store at 3 0 ,008 , 3,5., for qun Spri for maltng Wh t 4 , 10„5:410,75 for Winter Xl'heat, and 5t1511,03 e r , rcacT brands.. Stunt' sales of Rye Flour at 47 1 '7,215 per , bb', and BuCkwheat at $5,50 per earl PRO IMSIONg—ThereIe next to nothing In Bacon, and there are no established pric dol Prime kettle rendered Lard la selling at 23§21 , and klea. Pork at CO. POTATOES—Steady with regular sales prima Peach Blows from store at $1,13.411,8 p bush. APPLlS—Continue eery dll but unchan sales from store at $465,he peru g bbl—choice at Sale on track of I car at 34.25 Per bbl. BUTTER—Ia dull, with a ,supply, considerati In P 0XCA30436. S of the demand, we Continue to quote ot BEA NS—Are .11134 at LIX3I $1,50 to $ 2 Pee boa itecorti log to cluallt y. DRIED yvt•rr—Demand 'continues light. b I prices are tending upward. Sales of Peaches I 21r2) for quartet', and 280311 for halve, .ippie. i 4 15. ,t;t is—ffinot ell at One. SF:1'1)1 , -6We of 25 bualiels Flaxseed at 30,73, Clot eared may be quoted at ta , 23131,60. No de and for Timothy. ClDER—Banges nll the way from 112 to 516 pe bbl. according to quality. PRA N 111..11121 LS —ti rim out unchanged; sales u prime East ern at 115 to $l6 per WI, HOB INT—Regular sales at 6 cis ,ber Ih. selling at from etc to te.:. t i Poo ton n o cording to quality. SALT—Ia quoted Steady at 31 by the car load, and $ 3 .1 1 0ea.25 for small lots from store. --- 340 00 -- am gay P ITTSBURGII P ETROLEUII MARKET OtFICE Or TRU Pvt.-13130.M0 Gaze77ol TUESDAY, November 21, la:s. t'Ti UllE—The t 'rude market was unusually me lten to-dny. the reported sates amounting In the regrew c to over live thousand birds, but while prices Are slim, there is no quot,ble change -22 in bulk, and barrels returned, and he bbis Includ ed. sale of zoo bids at 25, blots returned or 30t,i, bble included, tor Cr. OptiOni 04 at 23, bb's retired; non at .r„ , 7 at 2 t!,4; 160 at 532 1800 In bulk, to arrive on first water, , I 0 to 43 graVlty, at 25; 5033 at 30, fiee on board enrs;and Imo bbla to same buyer. In lots, at 30. Pilvate telegrams from CRI City report Crude at 480 perbbls, telth•h Is a slight decline. Tl.e Eastern markets arc reported steady but. un changed. REFINED—The Refined marke Is quiet but ilrrn, and while there tsCOnSldensbl t e inquiry for booded.the fact that but few of star reflc-rs are in condition to contract, has .4 tendency to retard opera lent. On the spot prime city brands may be fairly quoted at 52433; delivered In Phlladch villa, sad we begun( to ren G t l s being offered for Inn. UDry olelirery there, whichlmprovement. We hays but one sale. to report, 200 bbla t 'llope'. brand, to be delivered between the tot and 15th of December, at 52 cents, free un boardcars here. Flee 011 Is selling In small lots at 7.1./f74 cents. NAPTRA AND .1[1.74. IDUUsl—Thrre was mot etnr of in ettber of these commallties to-day, that we could hear of. and In the absence of ea we curls quotations. RECEIPTS—Th, receipts of oil by the Ali, Shen) . river absceour last report, were an follows ASlller a. Ed verde... Sr.') Fisher a tiro ....... J. It HUtiteY 312 Levi Wade —.... 174 John Eton. Al 4 Duncan, Dunlap a e. 3 130 porter, Miller a Co. 506 Jas. liTawhinney. ..... Jas. Wi1kin5......_..160. Brewer h. Rorke.... 276 31. hicßeley 344, Rag a.ey Venney .. 476' Total ........ tar A. L. Linton -.- IDS PETROLEUM STOCKS IN NEM YORK sperl,l Moo:. h to Wcztrrn Pres.. New Yocig, Nov. 21, 198. on !reenact a Um severity of the storm [D-day, Petroleum Stooks were quiet, except on rithole Crecy. Sa/ee were made at the following rotes litydrlek. 75; Ileanotoft run. MIS; Bu th/9/1/2 Farm, it; Chi Creek, l. 50; P.thote ()reek. Wig; United States, - NI at, Lseelsior, el; Gera:n.3.4, 33; Cheri, Bun, 19. pip.‘v YORK PETROLEU 31 112.4.11 KEY. Special Dispatch to Western Pte.. Nov Yoas, Nov. 21, IBIS. In Petro!rum a heam btalnets bay been done to-der. IL C.%1:121g 6,6 Crude at 33!..40, prime Ilgta straw to artato at ease, cot* lade do. a; Gt 1,,0) co. tor December. buyer.' °MO., at c - 3.0- - ; Or. 1,830 do. for Daces:Am% at 62;ic: atrea do titandaral White at CM. The market eloited 311.113187.13 BY TELECLaini. I • inance and Trade In New York. Mr •v Yawn. Now. Cl --The storm to-lay inter. rr.o mai•rtalic with hoeineee ocyraiAou• n• •to 1.1 Son commercial clre't-a te: it, were i,1t.1 11•..,E...ra try Ital.wat sok,: .14tion was du !Ibis moraine teitti .11eht ea/earit a concre tion from ti.e clot/ nir talcs last evening. Deane actions et the rim 'caul, .rsainn Were smaller than they bane been tar bewared days oast; at the aecond bound Northwestern was satire, and the baimace of the flat strong. At thetas; dosed the :carnet was ceri steady., and Mu* was coo , erab!e aniniatien on Northwestern. The cats. 'et lianceas list has been done alltlyetwa Mariposa c.,tay, coll:ran shares are lower, while prefeared atheit fa Piglet. The following Were the eosins prieei at Ile New York Central, Nigel:Mt ; Erie, Hudson /liver, 109" glgtll3.!..i'; Headln2. 1114,114,41 •rsmalgan Southern, 7 5i4 4 7/ 78 `,i; 11110014 Uctifrai Scrip, 1 , 2f2114; Clevi bur} R Pittsburg • as - net Sti.;;; Hock Warw. 10lig4a1111;; - Hank eirestera. 3 7 %639; forth Western, prebend, CM:Msa , .O Vett Wayne, icilfhigllB4%; Ohio& ilifkalestppr Ocr -71fleatel.ftS/Yr/2.; I. l aratoei4s , ,, Men; Cumberland foal, 44M(44.8; le-scions& !naiad S.:ensile:ilea LI% Quicksilver, (VAULT:- eGorernarcet Seceirllite hear, and lower. Ths r c ilc• lo . 6- afterithaotherskle, the comprttratlon of the Drexler, rpnteflcaknd the elate of out rela tions with Eoglasd lavabo' • depremlng In. kire-Ireentlea of 1867 de:lined ' 10403, 1.. 7.30 v, 74 eerier, 1..; 74041. Money coup, use ewty at 7 per rent. Wen Yong. Nev. -The following are the quotations at the Dry (goods Exchange: Drown Pheettnge-Sterk, A, lie; Paclnc r. , rre; 4?epp, re E., :an. it I e.chr,l eh...lnge-11mo 44 Orli,c; Lengthen 4, 37len; 1.14 U 44. 3ile. Prin vi t. .i-Spresuer•So. o , :cheem ion; Antnattass. =7. De. lalnes-liarallton, 31c; Pacific, Ile CFlnghaers- Glasgow. 77r; Harr (cr.!, i.c. Carnet Jear.r e -- /Tarlecksag, 42 :or; Bates, Ho.Diu Drili- Cjleyk 11„,mt, ;linty 71c' , Stripes- Haymaker, aymaker, Kr; Lett. see. Canton Iltrneor-Hamilton, 47 J. Kent kicky leene-Hichnolnds. 61e; alone. 7Sc. Balmoral Skirrc-r7,4bert 1,2 Per Bruner, SA per dor. Hoop Skirts -Headley,, Olt, Elliptic or Double- +Sprier., 70 to Whoop., bYl.,ri7 t 1,03, Env sea 'X' trait. y 1,7:., • he following diapeteller hire been renal red t ;7141' Loi tn. Nov, 2L—flualtina quiet, pith no change in price.. CINCINNATI, Nov. •,!I —Divide. la decidedly dull. there Is a taw Slyer. in the co trirecaod they me purchasing very 11gb•. Lerultng dunes. tic. are ortyreel talow Naar York quutattnna. rotta net i• 1114, Nor. .I.—Trade is very &ill Woelen arni cotton guaus arc without particular change. V, moue., For 21 —The market II the same AB yes, relay. Cotton more buoyaat. By es ion Nov. 2l.—The market is crner Loui,.. ILI., Nov al.—The ua•riket IN neater, an I tiOltera ern titent. The trade will shat the atocita ort hand. New York 31arket. /Caw Torn. Nry 21 —tier r , in—Leta ow vr at prints MIMI, without decided stump +mete ear fur winding. • Fl.rn o—Dull and About ne lower al 5e99,21 f ir owe Mate. 10, ttn.on for extra round loon 01/In aril 05 1111,75 for trade brands, the to truot W alts r—Dull and heavy; western at at to baste—Wheat "'err dull and la lower; ;1 13 for allele° Amber al ilwaukee. Rye Quist. Barley heavy; sale. of 173,G00 State at 6/,12!401.13. - Batiks Malt dull. (torn lo lower and flimsies t the decline. The ilotaand la large. Oste a shade Grater; sales al 17413 6 tot unsound and 620tk for *stud. Or:cc/mins—Coffee quiet. Suproulet; itCSII `fc for•funa Muscovado and 1.5010i0 for YOrla Mon. Mal quiet. 1 . 4.1 nnt telly, and eve; s; He- Mice In Bona ate, a, d 2.6e10 0011 d 0 for Lle.iemtier at buyers' option at 621;0113c. Poo tat ono—Pork hoary nod /Chtei at # 31 , 97 101§ 3246 tar moss, aletelog at s3t Cot ragout rid 21,60 for prime meat-also too bele mss at hailers' optlon, all the year round, at s3l.ci, and 1,700 bble rev mess for January and k'abtuary at calkoa' Option at 510,60031. Beef • quiet at dttßit for plaid men andSittell tot extra mesa. Meet hams steady at 1L8,L01144.11. .Out notate quiet at. 1541140 for hams. Bacon dun and cuuntnal. Lott rear at :1132.).ia. Butter q Oct at 100124 for onto and IVA , for Stake, Cheese steady at isydsde NOW York Stock and Money Market, • New Tose, Nov. el.-Mousy Cl., et 7 per cent, Sterling caching.. quiet et 1,13./.0,4093,, (iota is without de Med change, opening st /44;;=i and eloslug at HS% Stec - glare a ensile easter. Frihts to Llreipool Gore/Gamut quiet and steady. 'Stocks st r ong. tont Island, 1051111'm Wayne. MN; &Sort mut Terre tionte z praerred, 77; NorthWastere• 174/ MaripMariposa, 13 4 ; to preferred, 191NeW York I. trot osa, 813,4; Beading, 11 4 II; Might/ran /Southern 77,14; !tort/it/este= preferred, o'4; Ctiott•erin . rd. tell; Ohio artibt• ratite/ 29; !Imlay 74Cee, 97%. . • New York : tattle • Market. Nrir Ftina, Nor. foilawatt are the etilifebt price. for the week, et all the markets: Be.. Cerrne-Firstquallty,..lMM head, filed° 12 ) . f41144ta1, Il3,6ool7;con±atotele:alti Cows Aro Ontvas-Extras, per hii;d• Igiatittoi 16666 1k a 0rt1ina17.44601a1t ontemda, pses.vlatest. - Oezreii-Pirat-Igetaltti, opi:pialtid. 12;02 .14. 11: 4 onittuu7, sateei eottiti9n s 1.340' ilyar!or, Ottau.nrut lotreas-Entraiperlosed, 51.13 y 1 ordinary,.. tlelhdo 1 tectototle - PANWI .mterlon ts. " Swum-Nu _Comfed per lb, lenelleireght and Metitate. 123iG1234eiltill - • BettrAlattle were dnll gad heagythie week. into thertutratOrableertather'and tinentee're taints,' There' %nu' ettnie-eattltr left y .. Oiep hit weeki and u the weither wen .werataisny or • the cattl e . bought a' witch ago. have cot bawl ganthtateiln .viol, 'or which, the gamut tble - week Owattensnally lightandtelth largattealpte, ;Wire wet, stud, without nntateorthy change IA Teal were In ai r derlitiriegnellliiind Ask weak't Paws waif icartmataaleteuted-at, WAWA.- • Wane ghtivei - ghtep and' albs were dui!. tteavy 'and Itmer-the market' better torenneetted. Toe 'pride, tram, su pto - 03 Clove. /LOP We're secentre euppig and plats were lower, h tot,d, rectlgta of cli 01,30 c 0411 the rub En, this WICK sad Is•C week, 6 , ..reW I,lm w.: Reeves. Ibis week. 6 011. t ktwk "1: Vsal en: vcs, I 31, ;steep 1612.2 Lambs, .16.:57; Las; e,k, 6194 Beeves; RI Cowl; to Veal Omses; Swint. iChlcagOlarket • • Nqv 1 —tiouu—Dull. G beat Urro and ae lower at IA for No.l Lod it 0301,rd Dar D7O. 2, cora •toady ar Edc for ND. i and 64e for No. Y. Oat! qui. , E. 27Ztur.ic for No. rsovdatoua.—Dull. ma is—Dull Fr:moors—Firm. Darr Daoro--40,0,0 bbLa Flour 2.3,030 bo Wheat, MAO bu Oorn, 17,r00 Du Ova. 'n,,Duirrr,—GO,Dou bbl, FlOUr, 69,000 bu Wheat, 0,100 Du Corn, 19,000 bu Oat.. Oswego Market • I Oaeooo, Nor. 21.— notra—Steady, at 110.00 for No. 1, and t 11.50 for White. 141. or.—Wbeat in good demand, principally to fro.at root.; Mao for kldvraerket club, sA=Pler. d 12,4043 2 an for good to choice .hate muds.— Corn, salve, /Ulnas, EtICS:3I4. Batley Altai. Buffalo Market. Err r to. November 21:—Ptorn—Stead sry, White eeat, 1111 and SIC; amber Winter. 110a10,60; Ex tra Spring, 1 , 9@5.5 0 Glials -- -Ortear, No 1 Pallarankee, elosad gold, held at $1,66. Coen,-noarce and rim Se. 1 Mlooi s achted..la held at 786. Oars, no. Bads, at lu,tt. Bye, mound, 80 mat,. Wilma,. —Fire at 12 35. Poor moss—Pork, 144.5 n. Baltimore Market. BAL•rciroar, Nor, IZ;.—FLotra.—Dull; sale. of rr Ifoard Superdoe at teal". GRAlN—Wheat dull. Corn quiet. Oslo dull at 46,147 e. Seed. steady. I. .. , Troors—Quiet; roes. pork, $35,500r {Valli/re—DEW al $2,1042,0. Mining Stocks. let,eve your, Nov. 21.—The f 'flowing ere the price, of minion nooks bid ht4ln Boston Soda 'entre', 30; f , oppet Fella. DAneoek, vzi;, Isle Royal, It; qutneY • 50. 1 IMPOBTII BY HAIM:WAD. Pirrerstman, FORT Wall-mg.& 0111 04110 IL D., N0v.21--.7,2 tea Ita ma, F Se lien h 00; 6 car. rie,i S ; Finch; 100 bbl. flour, 18 bag. oata, Srghror rr k I D ou r , p; I car rye, Dorrlneton & co; 100 barrels Shomaker & Lang; 28 hbds clay, H H Col lins; 22 bids apple., .1 Patterson; 3 Obis cider. T C Jenaloa. 190 bags barley, John Garsgwich; 10 bbl. flour, John R Largo ; 26 tea lad, Jas li Parker; 200 bbls sand, Bryce, Walker & co; 1 car oil bbls Is. 1VIlklos; I pkg tobacco, Shrive, & Lascar; I car barley, II l'amcctt & co; I do rye, J S Liggett & co; Id o Oats... Kennedy /e Bra; 10 to barley, W P Beck area; 1 cAratarca AlcCrelght,Cusliroan & co; 1 da p do, Hemp= & co; 64 bills apple", Culp & Sheard; 160 do do, liltchcoclr, -McCreary &c0;60 bbls nod, Plunkett & & co;60 do de, Atterberry le. co; I car oft bbl ., J K . Barbour & Co; H bbla AP. plea, .1. Guthrie; 1 car wheat, 27 O. n3lll feed. D Wallace; 200 bagekbarley, I Rhode. Clurratalro AND TNTTANDADD nA.., 5.60 N,,,. 11-100 bbla potatoca, l A Itingulre; 17 ;rock. .10, Pat DicJilroy; •.-.2 pkg. choir frame., 11 Free- , born; 10 bx cheew, AJ S ch m idt; r 25 auctra ralli feed, J ' Dower:, 2 c ore lumber, li ldo do, &Man. ger k Bidwell; 2 coca wheat, 11 Wallace; Lea elates copper k. , 0 6 Hump; 40 Loaf nieta l , Nloslck & co; 23 a onions. 21 bbli apples" Wni Chamber.; 2 cart botatog, Mee:dog & Steel) 120 ads onions, I. Ii yohrt & co; 19 bbl" apples. hell A RltclurdE Do aka potatoes, I. If Volt & co; I car wheat, Ken nedy & Bro. prrranroolr, Coif . wor3 3NO tiEnctolta, H.R.. Nov. 21-6 pkg., 11 A Fahrteatock & co r a ears staves, Smith, Hemphill & co; 4 01l bbl., I C Kirk patrick it co. .11.t.r.OttrIrr STarlon. Norember 21.--ss hides, t' ,I roe; tenger & Son • 1 .r Shingle.. J. 3lc Briar. ado do, t' (.1 Doyle; 2 L O. butter, Tas 011 solos 2; i do butter sod , u., II 1,0021 1 en? ahlogies, 31c- Quewan & Douglas; 226 bbl. ;rotator. Shulr son & l'er; 114 sks 40, .1 Kohen; 116 bbla do. Dram:tan & /lane; t cask ware, .7 H baltoopt. dor brooms; illc. Vsy & Bro; 17 bbl. lima, v Borrfr‘ger ; no bbl. ~ plea tO roll. leather. P Markey; a b. cornmeal I,F Seeder,. RIVER NEWS, itIVCII, WIATIIIIII, ETC , . The river was rising slowly /ant evening, with three feel, lane. by the Monongahela pier mark.. The weather was cloudy ail day, and eller dark It commented to rain, which continue.] op to the the of polo' to press. Business at the wharf was rather dull. The Leaf Ids*, Caps. IL A. Cox, Is still receiv ing freight for St. Loots, sad from present appear &aces, will be able to leare sometime towards the 'sites:44n of the wee h. The Nevada. Capt. Evan., will be the next DOM out for Louisville. bbn is reeelvirie freight and & ill leave on the Oral winter. Tr o Ontario woo advertised to /earn CineLssistl (u Lila part, yesterday, There I. IS inches of water nu Heinen Shoals, In Cumberland river, and the river L. stationary. The Fort Pitt has reactrecl Comment Lame, 0r,e,e1.1,, or d gine on ruund In abuldance. A r erg y of gentlermen lent the city by roll yesterday morning. dad &nether will leave this morning to loin her. We erlib them abundant nuts... Capt. W. P. Dugan, a well known steamboat- m ma, Oaa gone entirely. STEAMBOATS FOIL CA.IIIO AND ST. LOU-- new wenaser LEONIDAS. ' l'elbL At. A. 02,4. U 1 leave as above. THIS D.S.I Zit 1 p M. Yor rze/61.L1.(7.81,1111..N100,1 A 3 , =1 . .1 or to .11 Jt,FIN Ae't. WEL/LILIND. MARLET 'I A, PAILSVPSEUNG.atni all In ter mediat e lona. The .4'lll.lde-wheel psalenzer steamer. Geot e I). Moore, Master. Leavea PITTS/lI:RCM FOR PARR ERSIIIIRO every Mondayand T:dttotAy, at o'olook A. a. Ira: ca FOR • PARILEIL itt ttCl every Monday aad I burrday at 9 o'clock r. a. naTrutrrso. 'teasel PAREIIRsOURO FOR PITTSBURG IL e - cry 'Meads? and Friday, at . / Leave. MARIETTA POR rITT3BUR6R errty Tuesday and Friday., a t 3 1, 0 , a1ma Leaves WIIELLINO FOI:0 PirTsHuati R teeny 7 Atadnesday and Saturday at 7 A. a. I!? fteigtd:oilmatez)eztlT eonrd or to 11L UMBERS,GASPITTERS,ao ADDY a EWEBBT PRACTICAL PLUMBS. Gas and Steam Fitters, No. 165 WOOD sum, (OPPOSITE MST OIIUSIIIi Pumps, Hydrants, Sheet Lead, LEAD - PIPE, PIG & BAR LEAD. Plumbers' Materials in General OIL BE ri.rEn LE S Fitted Lip in the Ble„st approTed Style Tanks lined with lead or topper. House. ULU op ',elle water OX r.. F. IL—A.II orders prc mptiy at tendodto. to I)LTMBING, CaAccejsill STEAM IT.F In stilts t.rst carelnl!, attended tinet. expa itsoccd nag prattles! tvotkaten. Juana went of Oils ?LITMUS, SINE_ BATH TUBS, ttROWEIt HATERS. VATII2 OLOSETs, ItYURAPir, Co=n , ottiort bawl a.l rands to Order. :T6IEII SEVIIII, 14-. 63 FE1;E413.1. STIIEET, 4113636a3 Inht lut And 221 LIBERTY s "'BEET, Pittsburgh, attor,ts. MANUFACTURERS. A fibENAL 4 3.1.L4iWORti8 -- MODES, RYRIE & CO., Manufacturers of Bloch end Green Wassinsre, Drann-lono Wane. Bonk% Dinalfehout, Carboy.. eke. WereAoust: No. 144 WATER STREET, BETWEEN AAIITHFIELD AND GiLiNT STREETS, PITTSBURGH PA. We warrant ow Wares to be superior co any InatalfaotUred West of the Mountains. Ai ways en hand, Glassware of the above dessrlp.lon. Ail order! promptly attended to. Particular sate*. tloo paid to private moulds. nobly -•-- • TN P. W71109t COLLINS WRIGHT. 1=4.17.1"*.ELD.T3C • .13R4.29 AND titimvr 11181`,9.. TKEItS, B R LARD CASTOR. CARBON AND 01r. Dumf.: 9, aml all different styles of Britt:tubs used by 11 11M1 Blum. faetu•en. Omen promptly fltlert. No. 189 Sztlmmo STESST, PITTAIIIMIII. PA. ocr'LlYel . J . 49-11E13 IRWIN 'CO., , ■UfII/AQ?OUfI Of Oil of Vitriol at! Aqua Ammoula. opium No. is nab at, PrEnnwEGR, BECK 41 i r . , linalna:Elnildeta and Paolilnlata DSaatihctztgs of atesours Patent gout Vilna - for Stead' 43118argiu orcuslASlA, &Warp. sbaffin. Hums, Yu iz jui v il 24 arrlsoa am rite men MMus% fti /44. putting • up IQAeQiaer T promotly augSza _ MERANO:7k 'AO. 63 IN= ER . pummel. auundmeturar °MOLLER 1119 ITS, WROUGHT SPIDEA COMO= and railroad Aitads„ . de =tovavipalf3PMEß NUZIWnzEII b i t t %le l % a ra sa a gig e s p• Mantacturem• • ?itutiomtersaruNtoaftzWanz. Dr.wcutit szBEET Ltetwaga Aug,. Alla =dot W IMPORTANT TO RAILROAD- Cull PA rim. Cisme or Aosisehirr, Qt.iirraratelinert, WesalxoTost, D. Au c tion 31, tan. Will be sold at Public , at flicirondris, Va., on MONDAY, the BA day o f Decemaber,lo66: 11,000,000 feet assorted Lumber, so new Platform Oars, 4 feet 034 Indio, !Pager 20 boa Freight Cars, l (tot 9 1‘lacliesgusge, 4 Passenger Gars, 6.50 Car Wheel.. (good), 121 pars Car WbsCS, on ogles. 400 new Our Ails, 5,000 pounds !tubber Springs, 64 Elliptic car Spring's, 100 Davio' patent Car Springs, 600 tons good second hand T Roll, 400 too, old 'T Roll, 600 tons old Stray Rnll4 60 tofu Azlei Iron. old, T tons The Iron. Old, ' B tons Scrap Steel, old, 2:3 toms Car Wheels, old . , 2.50 ton, Wrout kt &MP 1r 03, . o 5 tors Cast Scrap Iraq, 3 tons Lead Pipe, old, io [ono garap Brass, 7 coils, 1!,,i mopes diameter, Wire Cable, RI Vilest 290 tons snorted Bar Iron. 34 tons mooted Sheet lron, Is tons issorted Steel, 260 tons Iron Outings, 6 too. Brass I ...tlorgs, t. tons Skeet Copper, 1 ton Sheet Braes, 70,000 pounds Boat Spikes, 250,000 pounds R•Ilrood Spikes. 140,000 you sot Spike. and Noll., 25410 pope Is Roos, • 11,610 loot nem tee Glus,• 6,600 feet tallier Belting, 3,500 po urs s Rubber and Romp Pocking. 10 Head non Pumps, 7,500 feet a 'sorted Gas Me, 50 Orin . cones, 240 0 poun 1 Trook Ram 7 41 0 0 Po 1 dipilra blauls, Cold Onl.alo, he ji 2,000 Pack, and nhowels, 600 /..telxu. 4,500 Axes. Satchetl and Attie,. TAO liasuUoS, 50 'tee/plate,' Frogs, 90 steel Frog Plates, CO set Switch Fixture,. 3 portable Forges, 8 Pimples Engines, 11 Wcoe-eawleg Engines, 2 portable Saw-inills. 2 steam ?lie Drivers, cOMPicte, 2 Caloric Engines, 1311 sets Planes, 400 Hanikeross cut and Circular Saws, 60 steel Squares, co Screw JA,I9, 9CO feet Spa k Netti 3,0r0 pounds Assorted Wire, 760 pounds Bknk Tln, 3,0161 remade .Thee 0 Lead, n bates a Blotted Tin. 1 0 ,000 pounds Chains, 4,000 f Iles, e,con pcurtils Boiler end T ink 'Rivets and Piste Washer,, 60 Globe Va.ves, 100 Monkey Wreathes , it Emery Wheel., to reams Emery Cloth and Paper 03 tlx Yokes, 24 Water Tank, and Hoops, • SAO Sashes, Contents of Job Printing Office, coasts Bag of Presses, Type, Cases, se. A number of Hand and Truck Oars. •., Content, of the Supply Store, which eotitilno s very Luke impartment of valuable Railroad Meta. rial, new and of the best quality. • Contents of Machine and illsokuniths' Shape, conalsting of r anus Lathes, Wheel Priam, Forges, Stationary Eiogines, Shafting, Reality, Tohop he. AlsO, • Urge lot of second•tuand Stores, ols, Machinery, and other material.ed from toy to m. , bales to com delay u e ntil all .to be adiO'clockfourk is sof& Tonna—Cash, in COVern/33SUL hinds.' 4 H. L. ROBINSON'. nil:Ward:deo ErevesColonel, A. Q. 44. _ GOVERNMENr SALE OF STORES. •. Oen. or/ 151n.rrs IT 5T0231 X 6168361) Privermaaa, Pa Nov. 11, U. • Will be mild et Public Sete , to the highest bid der, el the Fair Grotmds. On Penn eMsat, - nva& DAY, November =4, 18£3,. Bile 60 02311111eilig at 10 &cloak, A. 0., the following condi/Jutted Cloths leg and Camp and Clan bon Equipage yin _ la Cap Letters. 11 Fong+ cape, in Numbers, 46 Cron Cannon, 11 UnPorta pdvate.filotta, 2 Worsted Sashes, Tivosners, Infantry, 6 Troween, Cavalry to Pl. nnel Sack Coate, vi Flannel Shine, II pare Drawers, ut pain Stockinga, 61 Groat Cati, Obl W etcr-proof Poaches, 4u1 9 Great Cost Straps 4, Untied States Thankets, 3 Zounvo Jae kets. 3 ZOnsve Coo.. 1 Zottave 010414 123 Bed Seeks, Cagle. id 236 Knapsack., 668 liaetraacks. .176 Caßt46ll4. 42 A. 864. 44 Axe Helen!. Came Kettle. 23 Camp Hatchets, Hatchet Handles, 2 Recruiting Fla.. 2 co 1 Camp Color.,do Halliards 3 F•fe, 1 ltollutal Fir;, • 1 3 Brume. 1 Drum }lead Better. a do do Baste., Drum Slings. 9 pal:. uruna Stic64, Drum Lase.. 61 W6ll Teat. 41 Well Tear File., II .et Weil Tent Poles. 616 Comm. Tents. 9211 set Cocoa= Teat role., IfiT7l4 Shatter Ts: L ei... , 19 Pick Axes. 46 do do Handles, et Hospital Tents. 66 do do Flies, 16 do do • p oles, 1368 40 86s do do ULL large, o 12 Wall rent do Pl d at, largemall,, Color Belt sae Socket, hiarque Tent Poles, 16114, Tent II Abri, a .F. U. Slinga emus t oGovernment funds. 31. E. LIMAS, eo6:dtd 311111 err Store Keeper. pLNAL SALES OF GOVERMIENT HOEsES AND MELEE. QC,ITLIZILASTILIt 0/11 04, l i'.i.itllllVOTo2l D. C.Oet. 21th 1365. ( Will be sold at public auction during the month 4 November to the highest bidder, at 'the ttose nd pieces Mimed below. via: New York NEW YORK. MULES each eIty—TUENDAY of cub week, 100 dy. rEvIcsyLvANTA. Phlindelybits, Pa.—THURSDAY, November 2, 9, 10, and 23;100 HORSES mveh day. Harrisburg, MULES each day Pa.— TUESDAY of even week, 100 Harrinburglr Pa.—THURSDAY, November:, 9, 10, and 23, toD HORSES engh day, Mechanicsburg, P.—TUESDAY, November t, 100 HORSES. A Ilentowm Pa. — WEDNESDAY, November 10, 1 PotSS.tsville Pa.—FRIDAY, November 1.2, 100 HORSES. r.'hcster. Delaware county, Pa —WEDNESDAY, November '22. Ho HORSES. Titusville, Pa.—THURSDAY, November 10, 100 110115 ES. PA.—TIITMSDAT, November 10, 100 Tit lowlife. Pa.—THURSDAY and FRIDAY tfol ember 2.3 end 24. leu AIUf. &leach day. DELAWARE: WIII:Morton. Del.-11../.y of each week 100 11.01.fs ES cart,day. Wlltainkton, Del.—V/2111A Y of eaeli week, 100 Llj each day. MARY LA YD. IMlttmorr tIOPSK" . 21.d.—WEDNE.SLUY, September U. yin , limit Morn, M4.--NVEDYESDAY, .September Co ii 0.116111,. ESBOKO, D. c. TrENDAYSGI sndrIIIIIISIJAY,i of each week, tee lIORSE-s each tier.. ND :SALES Or /WEAN WILL TAKE PLACE AT WASEIINGTON,LL A L this series saies All the Government snl.- mails will be disposed of. Buyers should therefore .11them•G/Tell of this last opportunity to pur chase. For tales of vublle animals in the West, see Of. trial A - cetera newapapers. Animals will 00 aced aragly. Sales to .mmeoce at 10 a. m. each flay. Tema-OEIW, Mt /Jolted States earraney. JAMES A. EERY, Deny. Rag. Ovi. to Marge First Dlv. ocRF t n 07.0 SPLENDID COUNTRY SEAT FOIL A SALE, (lontatalng 00 acres, ten of which are In Timber, the Mumma no a high etnte ot Unitive. glee, and under* neat fence. The Improved:tents area modern ballt Cottage, Tenant Roues, Bern, stable and other outbuibline. Arlaigs Orehard or the bent selection or fruit frees In full Inu/riag, AU. all W.I. of man fruit and kro,novir rglling Spring-a. Satiated artful minutes drive from Se , 'Ackley Station. Tulal. one of the pleasantest places 005 offered. Apply to nor . = B. Met 1,1 P EAbil I3LJW POTATOIKIIECEIYI ED this day, 2/0 hernia of Lake Shore Pasch Blair Potatoes. Also one car load In bulk. For sale by L. IL V9IGHT & 111 Pittsburgh, Nov L MO. - P lORR 60 bble. primelifeiert-GiVicii—r .nu and for sale by EIRRPATHICIK, BRO. L 004 co2l 'Plea 191 and 193 Lanny street. pATEST FLOUR BIFTER. every . 1 - 'family should hays ono. Call and see them at Noa. 53 and 21 St. Otair atrest. ; not , J. h 11. PHILLIPS. &NE far s, ••• Vestibules and Ceilings, in wow, meson Sm Rations, nt:Ne. AM Market' street. cotl• JVS. 11_305011ES St BRO. ARD OIL-10 bbls:',No.. mow inactx Ito= &tanner Nati; for Isle by non • JECIIIVID/Oltrf. OCI. ALWW , 'OIC-40_.-bblz.Ao arttre cm ObiztaLla,tor obbi by non DICHEX,k 00. (IYSTEREI.an caw, buckets,-tabs and kev; also Ia atoll. For sale et no Liberty St. —Veil POTTER. 6 & fiIIEPARD. pRIMERVEB-25 - -dozen assorted ',pre' QOM s tut. recaLred azd for 'ale by . ELEMILICS•42B,OI. • BOPS -3 tales to store end for sale - by FLTZIER4k anatsraorfe. . canter Mast ask 4 1st ste VIDER--30 bble. pdma_Blreec Cilerittat fccttvM IM &3d for Obv mama, Aloasnoso, • tomer _Market att4 First sta, ALL PAPZEIT-in eVelr PriceS loader the seazon. Pit ra • bS/ • not . W. p. trA.R.SWA.LL VILiEGAR--40 MA _pure 2 0 -rstore and for ails by :ATAIi SUCCESSFUL TREA.fiLENT Chronic Diseases, ConsumptiodeScrof Ws, syphilis. Seminal Del4l,lly, and all Female Complaints, ORS. AMOS & JOHNSON, 14.53 MNDua-tb. Streit:r. IPITTSBURGA Testimonials from the Medical Proles. eon and Man Mr. Edify.: It is with pleutuel tate lbsown the following farts to the Dahlia, my tee untany ma be of terrine to some invalid hitherto &died to obtain ' alleveata Ism doing no more than justice to tiro mod dal gentle. men of go)on aim in conflate, that. I hare sns cashing Myna several very teed auto of senUnal ream and feeaCe complaints, h actotaz the mode of treatmeht now bY Loa Amos & Johnso • • • • For female wealaina I do notittiow of angtat. that:can opal these remedies. / tom p theta iota great many Ladles who have been Imo. hied Oa swam Math Wellotait. and an may sus P•neat ewe has space et boon entomb. soma wail had the abort mate have yield& two weeks to Mb mode of treatment Yews, reepontally. (Signed) W. F. n , testa. 11. Olevelami, Ohto, reeember an, testa. ERTIFICATE FROM THE RET. DR. ILIZZLYON c. rae.scEr CT MONTREAL. I eertuy that Dry haw a. Jaansorte othdlainee have clued my_ wile. wbo =Watt tO &Wit/ many yew The .feedlelnee were. heed way two toontha • 0. - rarsua. L. D. 11 M4rtiltit to. Ladies. Oar 2. 2.1210D10AL D 112.3 trill bring an e monthly ttekom in wee of obatmetloo /foment, 'awe. Pries $l. N. B.—Lactlta who are prep cant should net use them, Tonle fir rentals Weskneaa a .attain came, $2 loft:Woo for the Whites sr Lensorrenes, se. DIEOWES OF ME ote. Dg elan CJoenens—Deer ISIN 2 aunt math tate that pour remedies for letrefnla and !goon dl cease, we really litellant. For SMODIIicESTIM. hp or Impart:do ot the bloat, - I - find - th ey never fall to cure wheat used aa directed. I Mire ene. melted In Goring the wont_ hues elladittl ow La Our r/DaPitaik In an sheet neer or twootonthh F. W. E. LEDUC, .D. Olnauanath DecemberlBl4l36; sepriAL w Dr:. Amor rr ". Yen 1 hen four ce/ea, and remedies, several, PU*44 th at d a t a mate■ of the Lunette Aaylum Dom the evil erects of amulet wealtneas or tedantry habits. Is all =luta 1 consider notni.etirmore win Albany N. Y., Ottobes thth, - Take Particular NOtice,ihs, Athos era gotinson address all those whebans Wends hero wires by improper Lodulgan angoolltery Male its, width run both body and s mind. vintner theat for either htudneu, wanly, soeiety.tir InartlT: There am sena of time sad Mad Malan* y ef frets prodneed by early habits of youth, gnat I. Weakness of the bark and limb*, pains to the bead, dimness of gat, loaf .of mazonlu power, almon of the heat, dyypd=r- wrens de , derangement et the Mt limetiona, general debility, symptoms of eonematitien. ha. Dre. ll izunik , Johnscre bare formic/ Tula ex clusively deroted their ottani= tomb treatemot , of the disorders referral to to these tenimontaLi. Address, Daa. AMOS k JOUSISOM aned 210. iii Fourth stout, indalimeodlouvr — Plan ELM. P'.. C thiell ' NC)Ir°R IM WET STEICIMILII/111 KELIIFLUOUS COUGH RATA/ 11i STElCrladams ITELLygy,I7OI:I3: BALSAM la warranted te .1111111 Gough% Owns lloa oat ranneva, Asttna, Who Clough, San Throat and Lungs. Thr, OnnaumpZon, and all a.Teatlnzur td , thiP For Ws by 4 V i Tnlir . tm.a, General t, Youth street , 3ZSZ • 8. AD the Illtidkod Mad Irani the ress tesonuacati STRIGICLANDS GLIM!. MU TITHE &a the only certain moray for Cbrrnorantti Dysentery. It I. a combination of Astrlionits. Absorbants, tai maxi earminat its and at w a rra nt e d to Crest • rare after all bane Med. For rate by Drongtrts. Gantt u NA, Mu/ Fourth street, Oinotanatt, V. STRIDE:EMUS PILE REMEDY, Da. STRICILLYLND'S PZLI3 EIGISEby hais cored thousands or the wont easel of. IRMO and Bleedbag Piles. Li ever immediate relief. and 11 Ma • permanent cure. 117 ft duality. Ices MIT ranted to more. Tor gals by all Druggists. General Thipoc,4 Bas Fotuldi Mont, Ciartsuutt. C. Dyspepsia, Bervawatess, Debility ' DR. s-rsloawizos Toract po nin riannutioni4 Lianas arse nribli. loss VO I TP A rirat t : l 4., ° 4 DtiTas=l ll.47 s ° r " It is a vegetsble tree trona slabbolle liquors; it strengthen.. s the whole nervous aystcose lt great. • rood appetite, and la svaerant&l to 1,9 Dyspepsia sod. NerrOill Debilitsr. For sale by GEORGE R. KEYSER- Pittsburgh. R. E. SELLERS in CO SOS. PLUMS° S. ARL IN SIIP ./m ER, ath it ca. " ()H J. FPLION, A. TUR.R LEDA Menet street, eor.st oetrtaini GEO. A. KELLY, Allegheny City. _.auar DR sTitIcKL.D2 3 przz.tap ixous • COUGH BALSAM . Is werrented lobe the only :W. 0 preparation known to•cure Contra., Colds, lioaraeneas, /lethal+, Whooping Cough, Wow& Court's.. Co ivimii.ou• 'Vona Ca and Croup. Being prepared hero Honey andelt la telling. sour nista, and expectorating, la d p a r. IC ticularly aultabra tor all atteotions 's r &benie" and Lunge For tale by Druggist. everyvticre. R. E. SELLERS & CO., itoLESALII ASIDITS. TITSPEPSIN: -a-, IJR.S7RICILLAND'S TONIC is a concentrated p_reparall, a of Roots and Unity with to and carminative to strengthen the stomach and nerve= •ystszO. It le a cmtaln' lumen for Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Iservoultees, Loss of Appetite, Acidity of the Stomach, Flatulen -111-1-1-11 ev and liebillty. isjont aleho oe, erelore patticubtrly suited for Weak, Nervous and Drs. peptiere, averen d o per bottle. a For elle by all Drupbtts every 2whet E. SELLERS k Wyrontaara Acianvs. -4. ,c%Gif t ...0 -4 cc ‹, ... . 4 V -00- colatlyd • •_ DR. ETEICKLAIT PILE REMEDY Rae awed thonaands of the rl worst daces of Band and /Reedier Plies. It glee. tm mediate relict .4 effects* permanent sum Tty dl- Natty. It tolrrartta to CUle: Ptunlate at Cantata per bottle. R. E. stltaxas & Wtrontalt.t doners. ' Farm YEADhYrs RACTIOD. Gives me a Imewleen enivAz nizmoors e Ageldors acquired by Phyla. mum bly lone residence In this dry. erKI amount of yatimmta treated annually by Ma, air VERlEHci"Vrorliiiif tge,orsEXUAL WEAItfiES !lad all enestaes a:lring therefrom, ars emed , th • morn shorter time than heretofore b7rojr - 2i)3l;e VEGETABLE REMEDIES: medicines sent to any parr, of the Caton, All Utters MIA man n" Asa• flare* toyey returkpga. egoriceixarlegeolusitt .cmce, D street, nearlDtei rueful. MamaW. BEARSTRITP, 2CL;r4 rural, meson Pittsbursh.l% ' PRIVATE DISEASES. (Moo 2.511 i P.E331 STREET. war MU. For the me of all Mouses of a private num*, from two to four days, by au -entirely now oral Oat* treatment. Alio, Seminal Weakness, sad allot:hat &mama ofthe genttalotaana and Melt prevaol4oW. a aura warraubeti or trite' Moe Isours-7 to L s o y %to sada co op. Aaron utters W.. 111234-Paaa atria. sof rsy TO LOVE; or, Dr. S. M. LANDIS CELEBRATED''INPALLIBLE PRIVATE LEOTORE ON esycitormeltlar. irAsonta.- TIONS, 11ch ailtionJnat oat. .11 teachaa ion 44, charm those you Co k. 0 1 .0; how - to redaentstrayla g companions, &o. It cantatas Many sestets worth keeplrig.. Price cents. Also, GREAT PRI VATE BOOK for MARRIED orbROWN PER SONS. Every lady mould have one. Price VAC Send ' , Mee of either or both to V. A. STEINER, -k CO., Solo Agent', No. 1312 Chestnut street. rldlodelPhla, and receive by return mall. In O 1 envelopee. & "linear attoorsa ll wl.ll also at .catarialay ealth book. =Wm „UGARS--8Y111413-310IASSES. -, 75 bbla Crashed. Pcradcred sod °mutilated 90 !, A Codes Sugar; .. . so '4. Bde do; • ' ' ' ''' 30 I , CI Extra Carte Sngsr; • 22.1' - o Primo and Choice Boca do; tto ..t. P. R. do; 33 hbda P. B. and Cuba do; ~:. to RAI Booth & Edgar Syrup; 95 .4 chores P. 11 ...roladr , es; - - B ... do II: O. ~ d - de; In *tore and arrltlag. For sale-b 77 . • IoCRO/I.I.IIERVLAI34I,'--' 173 oxid IN Wood serous, REMOVAL. . - ",'Vnt49,B7Dralri.oo.,. w AM.4/ ralpirW their.oximalTii.iViii Zion aai Y 1414 getory so No; Ni WOOD' , - cameo Altreortalv..krams amt tog& . '. • - coda IN s tar Ini, W aniTall DminDetv at Mg lova loves*oolo ,,, ' . oli ''- " 1111 E_. 011 a ,CTLft ------------ ---------LIBI OiL CLOTHE —Or, 41, - Natalia islgrlstbs.-faratta.'. -tam • Ittglas, Ao. ir alsw - Nivekror. _ cil. AU: , slits and "styli g. Trgaiptuegt Grata 011 Oat • Bar Itallsods, 'Yamada', &a. A lugs stock g - - load lid :for- We. Wbo ,WW•te Oraetail 14 . . Ostattptlcabot Nog. it gag Sit St. Mate/treat, by'. 'to . - IL 11.11. PHILLIIM. IpEctAN. NUTB urr..1.1 Southern ex- - Paean yeti, received tide day Led tar eatetrei REIZIES tr. I\Trii.Eintchoice niirias. Just recelyedeuid ferule by , , BROS,RETIItan.t. BRO r as lg lie and tat ooStreist. ALLA" 0114—gt, bbls to ArriveL Fo by iSt. I4I3 .DIU.S.EY 140 U. "1": 43 -Tt
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