Re I Ill; 011E112 'PnLisitße issocuTuil ...,,,,,01,2 laythh..._ , it. Wifitt t.. Sr mays the cause or occasion of .It,_ the filtlduee.s of our streets is a disgrace to us. Oar city heanothing i tOlooast of lathe way of good look" at the best; but the fact that the constant s istmospherscof coal smoke gives to everylUiitt germ,. look is no rea son why we should grow untidy, slovenly andgcareless as to l hhe condition of our streets and by- ways. fear, however, that faMillarity with the, dirt begotten of the smoky atrabliffit*liiithead has led us to regard filth reader our feet as its necessa ry accempaisiment. There Is no good reSion, that we can see, for this state of things- Our paved streets, at :east, are capable of thorough and con itsimt claudpg;lisict ieganWt-foir'hhirbnalik oftlgiitß - !riot' tor ittritni.F eic 1 it ' o ii I a promptue to see, now espe tally that we are in clanger of a visit fro the cholera, lr that oar streets and 'alieye are not convert ed into breeders of disease and pestilence. . In New York they complain that, la ne they are taxelf-half a million Yee d Y for street cleaning, their streets ars nerer clean- I ad; and'the people have the excuse that I they pay, at least, fOrha Sus the work done Here we have no such excuse. Our muni cipal taxes are, heavy, and burdensome eilough,"every onerkriows; yet but a very anal proportion of them is levied or air 13/ #s,ttli t v e „ C!P.4 11 44•P l'ilotO ia a small , appreprthuon, yearly, In both cities, for gh a t purpose, but it Is shamefully small and • so utterly : lnadeqmstethat if.lz were not for the heavy, rains with which we are some times blessed, we should often find the thor- On g bl sroili.Vq.e*Aci The statement of the physician of the Board of Health, that the mortuary stoat'. tics - of the two cidee d atid vicinity show • this to be, at present, one of the unhealthi ; eat cities in the 112stors,, abould rouse our -• people toe sense onhehl duty to look into thltroratter: — Why brit MT 4 D37i annual ' i ligo we were able to show, by 'our annual , tablesOf mortality, that U was tho healthi est city ID the afnion ; now it is Just the I reverse: and why? The question presses Lupon usior untuuneer c and all, the search. ing that can be given it will reveal but the i one replynielesalimme. n ,f3o long as our ,i . highways. and byviays 6sidadboth eye and i nostrliwith their accumulated filth, so long 1 will disease and; death increase, and the graveyards pilerup condemnatory tigures against us. How much longer shall this ' i Oatinue? We cannot speak for Allegheny and the other mmilidPilitiett; but we learn that In the city proper the annual apropriations are exhimited,and canept be renewed until after the new Councils copra In. The ores. eat Councils having laid sit_ the (axes al lowed by law,'`and being prohibited from spending more than they can raise within the legal limititheyilnd themselves, at the close of another year,- without power to raise or appropriate thes.limdanecessary for a thorough cleaniing of the city. We pre sume, without being so informed, that sim ilar causes have oaratetitio produce. simi lar results In the adjoining municipalities. If so, it is high time that the people should take the matter in hand and either pro vide the means, or deviii a way for help ing the Corporations cut of their present strait. Money was rafted here by the hundred thousand ,to pay local bounties, and If our citizens could tins volun arily ttir‘theasselves to keep their bodies off the battle:sol4ln they_elot muiertaka,; alio, the much less burdensome task of protect ing the stine„i'n . dles from th e unhealthines s that epilogs f r om municipal uncleanliness? The streets of the 'city of Paris are cleansed-every morning by compelling the occWaiiiiireacti boaseM tsweepiciMuch cf the streeteas fronts their dwellings, the city simply furnishing the carts to carry awey the dirt daily gathered into pile& Why Is not th le practicable:here, also? . f t maYnt.l.lsP... .lotion traltlie;.andieiridt In operation; but is I t not worthy of atten- Morrell the meat effective plan for the fu tore? In the meantime, until the needed legis latios aiitsitikiomethinitintistfbe'done topurify the city and deliver us from the domination of filth.' Soniethileg 'has al .t, ready been done by the Board of Health and some of our physicians; - In urging this ?, matter ,upon public, a„ttention,.• but the • Itropeibiteicet in the - matte.r has riot yet , been excited; 11,1341$ it is the province of the pli'ffe2t'a,iik4;4 , out fieeiy on such 010 LISAiffififil*".01fr readers that if the - present,disrepneable state of -things la al : iOwenci'edatiniM, we shall 'be preparing --the way'for the pestilence, and inviting it . to our very doers. And when It comes, jc:, ;who- shall be throw. the? Wrist stone and say, it was your fault, and not mina, that thiamilamtly was not guarded against t and preTented? THE, SIIENANDO4I3. Niithinth 'seems niere appropriate than that this pirate, 4Ved ont during the war by English rebel sympathisers Ito destroy ~t.unifcommerso,-phoold return to!Liverpool, now that the War is over, to he a plague cad a WAS**, Ovum:meat, Which permit ted her:to he L fiti; OM Oille4oo 404 on reaOing of the Begtieh pima, tluit'thei,arOpxciseivelytannoyed at • her unispeetudireturn, and wi h that She. had soight'l other harbor than an Eu. gllsh one . But what wee her piretical 'COminander to do! Rhen ho sailed from Literpool ho had the good: wishee end finflilessing of almostih& - :e4tirn'g , lgui ) ;- nagohf, bud the quiet approval of the Etiglieti go' .ernment; and wheulorleirrtedcasually,Brat 'the war was over, to whom absurd he go but to thorn Thoppot t him-01AV - rile,fiTty natb rally reflected that ha crietcl nowhere 6e so weicinflA .414, 0:-Eaffx Asia tie midst of . . . those Whom he ha3't(tisottitilittAi rezard as bis ft'ituts; and Ecv doubt the cold 04', averte4,l4kettitii which he was received & his tetitiMinithilied him as ittich as the unweietar ? ? ; •nette.. (to htm)' thitt the .ssas • . . Wett;'lfe Ittatt theta hutch- joy at , tlietr gra ,711qy. fitted hlwout and , they hue got him, back. What wilt thay 4 2.01 th.. Wm? .17.Aftia'a4a;tiao., They: xlo!;' know !Tait to do with' . ' Fla rsit'pligaa lst] botherltad whivlrsishien;bed fie to.- cOme a i oiapUcate attain jtittia ohn • Atullvraa, mon_g*ulaAin xar maidniiii 0 1 , iialliaaotlt.ttlitt'aio * r . Tan Tae gain. at.iterattif:-.hat Mew_ g°44 l, 7';th. o .l'*Ofs:l s 6 l l:o ( .Priaii;thei the ett of *Kirgitaa hahiro the war Iratlatroda,am : u hu l'tome t h, ilial 004 48.a_ta4 mat. f.imo - w tacit af.lhat.-Auto., alto - de1:T.4441K , thatreatittont . kl = t ll l' oily onottaltkar eight! atalro.4 tart, aadaremildtlar eft; .*lth, Wang,. wilt he promitty pahlttelinutrai Prorp '-f.: • • Taa.onine retie:Nit of Ban Frantko. tans , rat- Imultu 1 3W0,000, pounds or loaf 7 , 60 ,0 0 q:PR1P41( refined , yelloir-livirs. ,l "rho crude zugais aly,proptcedlt , ilifilMa and Iron. i)lnlz- . ' " A , t it iI ; • ',: • LETTER FROM OW EN LOVEJOY; Ono of the host 'lettere written 1 3 9 o Yren po , ye:jok, dateditlNlsoligton, fn Maieb, I 8114,: has been comntiiiimsted to the Wash. ingtca. Recistarga n toklex-Otivernof of Louisiana, to whom It was addressed. The followtnrare extracts "We caul yitfgo to the bottom where the grenttels, order to build, without giving the elective ftenchite to the 'negro awr tualletWlLlattat ereTstop - aihrtbriliatabivill be- lam& that our hour la both upoh the sand, and that When•the-IlDlailiretnte," the winds bloW t and therainsslesmnad, wtutall laid groat willbaLthetfariAlterecii. The tense of Justice which has been awak ened in the nation „by thor ebelllon- will- not real e arned - tia - havelithrgittenrebels, who have fought tooverthrow the government. drivenwarleAllalarftturafts who AO' fought to sustain it. It is not necesl7 . atfitatvtkaVall •Yon letvthele who can read and v ote; to vote. or you can allow black siddi.' s the hater, The privilege .ef voting' g i —m vw fl commend class, to wit: the soldiers,- , - ' ,to r Yon think, to .the b ug s, to my over. may thialhat'ffili i xibtactrs, .hut it is weaning art. f %iefly - I ant satisfied not that alone, 4 1111 not let us settle this that Provident ; l e tett ', i t on tee f eeeria. question mat tion of ev oand exact justice to all, Inle e- with th, ierle principals of the deela noni.andetdenceand of the t'masti• trait," which know nothing of black or w oo, rich or poor, but regard the rights , dmen, as such, as sacred: "I was much gratified the other day, in a conversation with thOPrelthieta t to find that las views on-this s ubject accord with my orn. lie doeaoaot feel that he can require this, as a de egsUon requested him to. Still, he desires it to be done by the action of the people themselves. "If Louisiana label the lead, I think all the oilier ;States willfglloyv , and then, we shelf liifeiettred this question on deep and breed foundations, against which the gates of doll cannot prevail. The number of Mete who are at first admitted to the, privilege of the elective franchise does not to me seem essential, far if you let any portion of the colored people vote the rest ;will fellow in time. AY had it conversation with -Governor Johnsen. of Tennessee, on this subject. He ftels right personally. I. do ,hope you will tee your way , elcar to take the lead this Eisner. . Yowwill thus not only do- a fpod thing . for your country, but Jmmortal your n ame, tail 4tM saqffettthe nation will grow to this, if a has not already reachedlt." The Richmond Times refers approvingly to the fiat that the secessionists of Balti more affoWled =lnch timely aid to the rebels during the war, and adds: "The Southern people should not soon forget these kind, nenereus deeds - of practi cal sympathy by the people of Baltimore, to width many a Man among us who once wore "the grey" will tangy. ,'Ve certainly neversan forget there; and hope that' With those generous and bospifithieltaltimoreatts the ties ofthe citizens of Manion& may be drawn closer and closer each succeeding The National intaisrancer has along !kr._ liclextc; prove - that the effort to force ibeti.l-: &barna ,Eplscopidimts ha pray for the Preal derit,illaili itru4because they could not pray for Altbetd te'their Maker It them these Alabama Episcopalians ean• not,pray for the Preeldent without false lips, shall not we of the North be excusable for doubting their loyalty? Dr. Manna; a rebel of Alezandria, Va., who recently shot tu4 killed a United States officer in that city hits been acquitted by a jury of his rebel frieidi, the judicial pow er of now in the hands of men who were rebels during the war. They have been "reconstructed," to be sure; but they do hot think it: any harm -to shoot down in cold blood an officer in the Nation al unilarm. tsrattgglingon the Canadian vtoraer—From Five Thea_and to Ten Thousand natant .worth 01 Goods Smuggled Daily. 'The Detroit Free Press of Saturday has the following statements : "An adjourned meeting of the merchants and business men of this city most inter ested in the breaking up of the immense traffic in smuggled goods across the Cana dian bordei. at this place, was hold last eveaing. "Revelations were mad e which go to ahow an alarming state of 'Millis: While every ether bu.siness in the city iallunrish 'ng, that of the - dry goods merchants is ex tremely low—in many cases falling far be low the standard of the poorest times. Iderceantattaving awakeamito this Stale of affairs and tatide investigations, have found that from $5,000 to $lO,OOO worth - of goods are brought daily freak Canada, .witbout paying duty, Mr. - Prlebie'ettinilithig hat the former, and Mr. Burns expressing the opinion teal the latter figures are not too high. t - "in some remarks by Mr. Browb, Assts. tint United States District Attorney de fending the custom Imam and law offi cers of the government from the charge of laxity and catelessness . th the enforce ment of the laws ogrdast - smuggling, some astounding OOures were made. The mel thaws of this city lose their bade because dry goods, lams, ribbons, smuggled across the _river, are worn by the highest circles, and appear upon the most fashionable streets and avenues of the city. Complaints are made, said the speaker, that the penalties of the law are not inflicted with 'due severity. Be then eitcd - the case of a person convicted of smuggling, who was sentenced to pay a fine of five hundredtdollars and to im pritonment thirteen months, ands who was 'pardoned before two months had expired, upon the petition of some of the winclpal merchants and business men of the city. "Mr... Brown fttrther feta ted that a per son had been this day convicted and sec teneed to a tine . of four hundred sad twenty dollars, for suntiggliii,g'ut Port San• , Use, and that the - grandjury_, which is still in session in this city htts folmd above six ty indictments for smuggling, and that Lee number will pfobably reach eighty or one heated by the close Of the season." The 13cTty - And the; Amendment. hit; mininiton (N. o.)•Datly Dispatch of liove,mber 17 Etay:* "We see from our exchanges received yesterday morning, that ;tho legislature of South Carolina has adopted the anti-stavery, amendment to the United States Conetitu • tioL, with but little opposition. We as p:erica the opinion, In our lame of voter day,Attt otir own legataintte would Scarce: 1 9 h,O , Alite:t6 Adopt it; and Abe course , of the Sous Cangitra logislature but stresgth ens Sluii iteps l i tidon, "I:loiterer' Valium : 4 the people of the South may be”to„...sktept the situation as it Is; tile/ are a" aware that the Institu tion of • ceased to or tit We staked humeri' 'lathe result of the war- - Everyone will API). When. we went Into the conies wo felt the with success, the Institution wati,ll3.o r' mina' Oil; but that with failure, It * ol di e Aumbered with-the things that. Were, Ihi. we believe, is the general sentiment or A G people; and we. presume that ther ik soli he., but 'Mee opposition to th e ; , ;rd on of 'the" 'proposed ' Ernakient Johnsen Intimates , very atmegry, that this coarse, if,pursned by the State teglelattuiss, will tendgreitly to. _Wards - the restoration of the obill.power and the' admission of thoptitliiirn!:delega. , VMS In Pcnigress... 39e hope thit eon:mot Action will be adopted that will promote' the best 'interests of our lititte:' •We are :thrithers.,.bad;L'fix;',,."and...itlaitoteasy to di:tenable Ille.bestmeami or getting out of, it. All ttrettatesmanshiO, moderation and judgment 011 the ,"sonthern people must: be -exercised- In-the-crisis thiongti.-wltleVisto patalbg; and. lie' tan,otay'llepo Id:a -future thaztpteseat Indication* promite.r•atte , shitY Is' agtotnieVbut'lltd ei** oet.upt,s/eACA tier ittfiesPatt.J! J ItteaUrrlibin . 2tzompp tike.f , w 4Nyildlo soectebody.leed Phial. y.itet,i,ggezteaersinf: ;be:ll4ot tbe eppwii-veoli MO; :gfot• 'tbst teouket :Vlaty are clieetwudirtihtee, lemma to to ilia they teem be bronebt, here, ana . sold sock ego 'ktadr allow 'poor folkd to bile e feir orqtret - The Telegraph Uhl* be rery wide of the mark, anletui it tobeld:' Op' bushel ekeep 1 4414:!4 7 , Tas„Bangor Mfg remtstlatmermi beenltzeN 503 d4 • Ida; and the K a t: ilfrge4 . rlep mad v 114146 to Re moult. ~:~ Kcal SOUTHERN LOYALTY ;EnYittlip Pldur wbeatt ,f do. t t ,.51 2 ,1 1, bu4lb n iu n ilVd cwa herrthitjtti: „ .: • - do fintaiiiii;: :•• ear !mid am r In-st9re tr,Azzarorter. ,15M-89:20,1171k,and PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. , Trtaicas J. CanVial;Speelal Bonded Agent of 'the Titan ' , DePartMent, for or county, Alabama. tried St klOhdla before 0 military atm tHelithaniht thebbrog e o r m o d in cotton trade= actions, has been convicted and sentenced Id pay a fine of 190„000, And to, to l'arrlaMe4 at /tad' Tahetribreinf year aid midi the "o L° p aid- Roe. D. TTNO - so disheartened by the destr of his „N„.._,... by flee on tuesdriv; uctitm tb ja...t ... th , u „,..forear of one of the darnel, who endeavo7 ....,re procure 621110 ittlattilatiOn usene t the Labor of my life In thus ended/ - Team kft° .. ' i ll ast church will never be rebuilt , and I ;003f ou would let me alone." _ ieowitrir sire , tlte Congressman elected . 2 _ a‘lt j oraier Pint - thatricti C. C. LabgdOtl;' l.„" District. *huge C., Freeman ; 'Third = ri at, Cann A. Bartler-hourth Dtattlet, J0,7p1l ,7pIl W. Taylor; Filth- Distrlet, Col,' Shield.— in she Bizth phuittAtia-rouni aro Incouiplete.' • Una ( Richmond - PrOrrirer. 4,ya, :JIM the 'lllatitliernNongreentive - "yrllllstond'aMollf the . Hensel 'ls Organized *Rhein' them: 'And If the dehatethreatemitijbe:protntedeni Ad bielted; they will leave-Ibn' Minitel,: end 'twig at their . homes the Cougrms to send ' g for them before the trouble thtzungella.": - —''' • r.. . Bniagprlrcies!citas ilia ii new o reialatlon " Hereatit' It Is. the will of Med that the sisters should make their Min borinete and hats for themselves, and families, - float straw aad,other materialratted to the litah - taortntains. J — , , im= Strutter Mite. Will be, in all probability, appOlitcd - to aticcebil Icird - galmerston as rector of th e University of Glasgow, though it hi. /Reeky that the state of Ms Denim and his ribilosoptileel labors niay not permit:him to attend to the du ties of the rßlcc. Tim Chicago Times,-the leading Democratic organ Of thu Nortbkvest, takes 'open gronni In denial of the validity of any constitatlondi amendment atonal:Ling slavery, unless every State in the Union contents to it. Iv is said that Francis If, late of Naples., Ii Preparing to leave Rome to tlrle la Auscrii or Bavaria, to consequence of the departure of the French; This elealtioa was coma to In a family council held at the Farnese Palace. AT one polling precinct iu Lotivinuo, abutit Ifr,etlo Colored men toted for a delegate to Congress. No officltt notice it as taken of the Totes cast. , 11 is meted that full twenty of Ow 1,1,i , , n tore elected to Lite Massachusetts Leg/illture, etc in favor of tit - nix:ranee legislation. The House stands in about the same proportion. LIE Long-Corry Simon-pure Copperheail tielsOt revived joairone ir,tv in - hfontgrootery county, Ohio. Ter Indianapolis Ammar ctates that a peti tion for the pardomor Jed: Dayle It being sign. the copperheads of 'that city.' Jonx Eavane leda. and Lord Derby are both talked of for the Rectorship of Glasgow Dal veralty,taado vacant by thodeath of Lord Pal• mambo; lIBLIC.NOTICES. SCIKIBiIIS TO STOCK OE FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' `TURNPIKE ROAD COMPANY, Are heretly requested to 4•11 nod . pa p the Of th nod lest lottSlMPrictif 110 per shore on sold Stock. &na' bers who Env° WWI to respond-to form. cr culls, wayless° obserrethanthatrhole antotuM• subscribed c how due. ..try - ordinal this Board. `JOUI7.II..I3=PLE., Treasurer. Pittibiugh. irct. 2 1 / 2 - tso: ' dl w MEETINGS - - Pirrencuou a. thoitartLamik 11.13.0*, Perednerroorr, SOY. lath. ISO. NOTICE TO STOGIMOLDERI3,—TH 9 rtNII6I,I:SEELING or th*Stackholders of All Pith theonnellastikilaithisltpaay Will be heldt office of. the, thunpauy. Jolter' Sanding, Fourth *sett, la the city of Pittaburzb, on the heat MONDAY, (fourth , day,) of December next,. et DU o'clock, , fur , the purpose of te salthy twelve Directors for /ha actattini year. _ _ 41to. PAG,L. c u r er. Secretary and Treamorer. ==r2il 11in-ANNITAL MUTING OP THE SrOCKHOLVERS of the FENNST (NAM& SALT -MANUFACTORING CONFANT, wilt be held at their efttee, Na. MR. 'Front street, Phila. delphln, on the 31kru DAY OF NOVESIBER; at 19 etioett, ~ ter the need= of Dtreatore Raj ha ensuing'ear, end - ruth other. bugaius as ms be brougbt before theta.' , nourawa 08/S. LEIRIi . Tresettrit, POLITICAL izr. FOR 111.A-YOB 04. t. D. W. AIECIRA Late of the Ileth P. V. will be a cankildate for Mayor of Allegheny Oily. subject to the Union nomination. no21:1e ar CITY fiIinTROLLEIL SAMUEL ALLIEDER, Clerk lo the City Treaarner le Oates; at the gelled tattoo of his friends. will offer himself as s candi date for the above °Mee, to soot, of the Colon parts at their eneutor ljn."7Nmtinn. on MAYOR Of orrron-inu S &AILTEL Late of the Lint/ Pennsylvania Volunteers nt.lodte E^1353 CAPTAIN JAMES McVIOKER, Of the Third Ward, ALI.FA RENY. will be • mi. dulato [Or Mayor, autieet te V. 1.6 of the Caton voter. of tilletrbein City, at the Coming primary election . ur FOR !MAYOR. oArreurr WEI. MATS, of tag . Sereota Ward, will be &candidate for MAYOR. sat,.teet to the commotion or the Polon party Of the tit,' of Pittsburgh, to be held prior to Use next city elec tion 1103liate far -TIRE iILATUIIALTIG—Jesies not. at the aolielfsgron of fiends, rman o i f ois con eo rt ted b to al. low ate name to be used , ist conisectfin vat the Jinni BllaYolualY. and will - be As - ealmllictauf s.ojea to the direct vote of the people, la Accordance with the recommendation of the tut Republican Municipal Col:mention. ocnarto DIVIDE - DS nIVIDEND NOTICE.—The Board of -. ,, ..Direotire of tbs RITCHIE OIL COMPANY have this day declared • dividend of TWO 4) PER CENT. to the Capital Stock, poyable at the office of the Seretary, No. 55 Market street, on sod after Are. mbersth Transfer Books alone os tne 25th of November. ric4lll ROST. D. TROAS.psoN, DIVIDEND. Go 07.11C8 Or TEM 'PlTlTnetwft /N - Brit A NUB Go Noretnixo 16th, ISO. TEE BOARD Or DIRECTORS r T l v COMPANY have this day deoLsroa a ao.tonti of FIVE DOLLARS PER SHARE, out of the progra of the pin fltfee Mont". free of Government awl &tate it ate., (fdt In as, atm $1 to tce c, edit of Stock Doc-b 111.,) payable 0.1 demand. At a coeetthg of the Hoard, November 714,1331, a resol (It 100 passed chef:Ting the dividend gas. to NIIVESIIIEN 'AN]) Malt,o atead of Yebrua J. and Ansust BIEN () OL aolette d Secretary. Inn N.:most Tri - reouccon. Nov.ll, 1865. i THE DIRECTORS OF THIS RAMC have this day deetared dlrldeod of . EIGLIT PER CENT., free of Government Tax, out Of the prolts of the It at six month., parable to the stockholders or their legal representatives, on and after thetath Inst. no7:2tvd J. E. BRADY. IL. Clgetior NATIONALBANX Or PITTSBIIIIOI4 - PLI - raaraaa. Nov. 7, 1845. BOIlliD OIISSCTONS FAhVE J. dal declared a dividend Of ' • .TEN LIMB OENT. from the eartones of the teld.ittatenthrt, payable fotthwttg. .:The United I? . tatee Iletenue Tax will be paid br thellszth. nos:2wPm* Of. BIORRAT, Caahler. . Aorormr-;;;;3,‘ pt. • t ; B ala atinice new e. • • eachisjust received and ft r sale by th a Ih. at ha 7,"/.(1","17 and Hand ' ESSnAw; Eon Warr V.4hertV treetop. Luan riBIIDDAR CILEEEE--Veiy fine f. '- smell losses; alie, choice F-14211 Ample, Isilte 41ou Etgllsh eedSep BeF omen Put received end for sale et ate ,Feroi Grocery Store or . J DeV seiner Liberly sol i nand street& • . vEve caor IeRtTLT.,-Jtt reciked a large supply of.altatta ear Fruit,' froltvitat Extra Loartari Layers, MR. Lay. r RUPIIIIO4I2 'whole andauarter tlcxest prime Saadlass and Sal. *La Habitat, mow aro, llgs;,BprdaauX anxt Tax- Fnutts, - _Zaitta 2:/urtaatai foeitatrat rant' `r 4 4l, itta ,terala and ratan, atr • ea 41 SOBR 4 EFINERIAW, canal , Wapiti aaa goad streata, _ i>9 1,;!!1- 11 TI: 11 1217412141.i111 ',140 boxes xt"e,,,..' v /WA =gir l dozen fee b - r..._ -4,122 ling 0 011716 Cheese; 'D00: lbs. Bud ictuiri t 100; btu, fresh rixon. n o4ei ItOibbls, choke:F*lc 1,7.9"11; SAO-bushels owrittbil zzLake Apples. .-Sat bushel/ entw toned irr4L • • So:banels S Trete Cidsii , 10, barrels Utdefirinegaii' -20 fbusbell:Ohesoutsi • • Visablebj • • and 0 Inch Lumber} - • • `rats eby...„,0• tt0r0....—. .tr o ;tl1 M e • m inDtat stye& " jI. L. Lit Vviln te. j t St " l " d i tenei. for tier N .) "0 ADVERTI $3,6UO` PURCHASE A i =Cm- Dvaztasci OF SIX 12.00h1s Lot IN feet deep, fronting on Smallnun erect. iwiiit—Eittnbargh.-near Morton s •pplicd for soon. erect, if For tame, len. apply at the Real Elate &al /K -ewanee oeneerof G S. BATE% Stater street, LawrenceMe, Ps. VIEDICAIGER, 31. D. PIS YBICIAa _ASO ISIIIHOZON, Late Surgeon of the Olth Angiment Ohio Veteran Volunteer IntantlT. :(nuermiys Army.) omen hL professional services to Me eardrum of LAWRENCEVILLE AND VICINITY. PECITAX.-4.10N PAID Ta Surgery and lelliseaseratllte Eye and Ear. N. B.—The Doctor will keep on band and fur nish, at Masanable charges ail medicines to MI PI PTVICIE rim= srutra, between Drain and Zellefontsine streets. RESIDENOB Off eq/LEA.TPULTT STREET, ninth houre'aboye Butler treet notti wd PPLIS, POTA.EtTC • SOO bbls.,,primo Lake Mosso Winter Apples; 160 bbl,. Itlarletta R matte; 2 ear load. PosehblorePosatoes, in leaks; 2 eat /Dada ..Peactlblow Potatoes, to. burs* ra arrleei bbla- , Blew Temp Stecet Potatoes, pot up for winter use; btoti: - Ontniaa; 1,4, doz. 2}f pone& canned Peaches; 401, 1 pounds as.nned Peaehea; AO bualice F'saoutsi NO bushels 'Flax Seed, stout and for sale by FLEMING & STEELE, No. Its Third street, N' TOl9, FADDY GOODS WTIOLESALE MWimrt..l4, it G.A.Autivs, VARIETY AND rOY STORE: No. 101. 31./Irt.r.lce.t !Street EMEIZI Who}tole Soren n e tut lied their ono ad rAntage, before buylulecheoeUwchoelL note }JUWi F/TZP4TRICR, ;FIRST P ?RAI lUM GOLD PEN DIANUFAVPURER, 1 hilq Hall, tar. Third and Market sts., Screed Story, entrance on Third meet. Gold Pens and 0014 and Silver Penotl Ganes, wholesale and retail. Pena rryalred. Persons harlot Pena to repair call send them by . mall, hot they 11 , 111 be promptly returned. • oe7dyd • N - rw DA TIRETS, WEITZ AND GREY BL.VNILETS, ROBSE.COVEMS, BED E HEADS. O U TLESY, tc. , .ka., at a+loHon On TUBB:SLAT HORNING next,23xl Bat.. at to o'clock, at Idasonle Hall Atetton Boozes, 63 and 07 Filth street, will be sold. In dented quanti ties. to pieces new Ingrain, limp 111:1d Venalan Carpets; en pair Urge dee - White Bed Blankets; Brown. Grey and Blue Blankets; tlorse.Oorers; Marseille. Bed Spreads: }naves ;ad Forks. Oar, ere, Barer-plated ;Spoons add Forkl, to. Also. a lot of Pant Stutts nedt • T. A. dIc O TiELLAND. Aunt!: BLANKETS, SHAWLS, DLESS GOODS, FLANNELS, DRY GPOLLS And an Immense .took of BOOTH AND SD OES AT PRIVATE SALE, AT IIeCLELLAN ottroturvn, oots FOR RENT. 33 AND 67 FIFTH STREET. TUE TWO LARGE Front• Rooms or Offices, NO. 60 FOURTH Bracy?. ALSO A Photograph Gallery LARGE FURNISHED CELLAR Lamedlate poaaea.lon given. Eoqutre of McMABTER GAZZ&M & CO.. col 6 ATTORKB,I t:01.11 rr a PUS _ . C. OLD ! GOLD AND T S h I e L c VER st W t A o T i o a l, MOCKS ADD JEWELRY, ever brought to Alle gheny OW, can now ba seen at toe OTORE of T. H. KL.A.GES.. Mich 98 off ra. Where WATURIZ of the best m o skers JEW EL. ILTpI or the newest styles, MAJORS or avesider cn _itm or ILVER AH D beat Ameri and French makers rums SD PLATED GOODS, mach 1141 Forks, Spoons and Hollow Ware. bohemian and French Chins and tibia . VASES of Oulucal , patterns: actual articles belonging to my !style of ftsinese, which will ha told at egreat BEDEW. .7/30Ni VW* Watch and Jewelry work carefully mace luta rahateed. Highest prlcepahl for Old Sliver. Don% fond the Dieu, II /clan/ ltr.", Alleabere. a:nava tT MOE MINING COMPANY. GOLD AND SILVER MINING. Charter Perpetual.. CAPITA'. Par ratite ea Shares, lih.oo STRICKLAIiD KNFASS. Per,lonorr, No 212 S. FOURTII STRLET T N:. E.311.1L1, Vi“-Prt.lOrriT No. 337 WALNUT STREET Flrrs, savarr.tar o. 417 AttUll STREET IL H. LEACH, ?imam:num No. 4117 ARO}I S7.III:ET w. 2. intrreaD, CANON CITY, Lauder Co. Nevala GEORGE P. FITM, tior'r, cAtioN CITY, Lander 00., Nevads The property of the Colon Mahar Company located near Carton City, In Shy Creek Mane% Lander county, Nevada, and comprises rune dis tinct talon, Samara aa Chfilsoa. Xo. 1. Ledge. 1006 lost.. Eleventte Lewes,. 2000 feet. ' RlOnnlaindiem Ledige. Making In illavan Tatman° Yin 2000, o Ent. r nark/ Mai mac or 611verteete. These ledges An.. all been sufficiently treetop. ed to satisfy prastical miner. red expert, that they areequ-Iln Richness so any In this hitherto unrivaled district. Tte out eropplng• are erectly defined and 1011. cue reins of from five toe ght feet in thickness. The aceeptacee or mantes of the ledge was made, subject to the approbation oft he Soper'''. temlenf, who. with one of the hugest Inconel& en, maddpersOnal InaPealt la of cher miser, and roportod theta as being rear ileb and of eau 'a torment. , 0.2-ILity of the stock of the troloti Mains Company is reserved for working capital, and the trompany is altering no other rook forhale, /Yreetmelntend to erect • My atamp.mlll only nen spring. A mfltof this capacity will' • crash fifty ten of ors per day. sad et ad average of one-hall the product of the mine( in thud's.' trice, wlll7lell orar eon MILLion looLLetra, orer • oil 'sponsor, in one working Year lo proportion to its - capital, the 'Union Mining • Company has a largel illVer property' then ' COmpany ,yet ,Orgaraziolln PMfadelphla. The "toquality hod "ritual of the /NEM have been lama -'eo by the share Superinteodent. and one of largestholders, and there. can be but one molt whenme... meekinery is be Ought to boar non them" Or" ig,;Frit to the otoolthohlers of very li n e &Alta . .1: • . - 3ho developtient of silver ranee &worm cur- acterlsten worthy to be kept In mind. A sliver' 'mine rarely elves out; the ore grown slaw, and the ledge increeses in width rho deeper it is open. !„ fetal the wonrci*O'currrai. , only, OD be continued f.. &short time, at $5 perehare, at No 4 41741208 titteet, at the oak, of De,A, 1 1 / 1 0}1:Trealiuter.;eentriti"SiCiot, will subteriptions until oember Tit, .When the banks 1U elem. .n 0162141142 catrazoßo . 174 . 65 ittspbarausstr tGPLimis uo th!g! /40:Ciittee.„ °V , l9!,tar o no w , ancli TOW to barrel Oyler P. " " tr • I ' • • ' " 0114 Arthleat ' a'Id dMIC A PATItte -tit aid tti Liberty mut .rp Y OGOOD .ON oifo V E STRXET. bear Stet62-Itmet t each . =lnt Croat by it doily to so alloy. Will, bik, ;obi •ottiap it the Mal Ettate Odin of t6 ' 6U) • °U N°, 61 aloatit-ntitit.. pREMI MIS THAT ARE PREMIUMS, Read the Liiet: The records of the various IMportaat eal and ladustnal suoalations throughout the country ara_ algtuflesat of U npopularity of the varyn.Eß & WILSON MACHINE, They hare stamped upon it NE PLIIB trLTR.I. The American Lathan, New York, report.. Plachine makes the - LOON STIVCR, and ranks highest on account of the elasticity, permanence, beauty, and -general dealreablenees of the stitching when done, and the wide gangs cf Its application:" - The report was In aceordance with the preview repeated...are. at the Pali of the Vatted States Agricultural Soeletg. at the Fain of the Ameitcan 'lnstitute, N. T. II heales. Ameoelattoca, Heston. loresiklia Isettlteie, Phila. Hentactry Leen/111e, Inuinta.e, Itattletore. neeklannt.' 4 6, /ltettellon, eittenut an. Mechanics" Astleettelfbe, St. Louis. llectsantes• Inentette, Nen FrSIIOISCO. Ztetrypenton Itechanter' Institute, Llituetnertze, MAINE r)H 10 , % Eli MONT, IND.AN CONNECTICUT, lOWA, NEW YORK. TENNESSEE, rvE%V JE/ :ILE, 11, LIME:, PENN SYI. VAN! I, IC ENTU(III y, 111R0 INI %. m1(31111; IN, MIIsISSIEPI, W I SCONSIN, MISSOURI, CALIFORNIA, HOLIDAY PRESENTS !And at Hundreds of 0( unty Fairs The tattle-fields of Napoleon I, were etnroely more c °mere,. than the fo r eign contests Of tte Wheeler es Wilson Sewing ittachtees. Parts In 1061, Londoa , b4J. Lint and Kocnersbun te6ll Dentate, Agtam, and Keene*, icSt. onl Stettin, ()clogs, and Wiesner. tads , bear testi mony to-the superiority of this 3lachine and it. aporeciatico abroad. At all chew International EsOlOitiees, the treat fruits of foreifilr fr•niU• Wero at rAT 01 Si T elnat It ; bid there,.. hare, the afar of tre erSliny e`. :rays in lh, .rcencfa,,,t, indeed, no human testnovny could he stronger than that whlca has been accorded this Machine for aliperiOray over all other, for fn mify w. and for genera! „,,,,ufacrrtr ang purl..., A cp.hlati whose merit nap astdaven such a world wen:tem clown and purees., WAIMtiTITDD TEIRDE YMARS, by a reeyedidble company, brought to the hour° of the prniebaser, irutructione Oven In It* vu, without extra charge, and estlafactiOn startle. teed, IL Is no experiment to buy, and there lens Investment width pays a kW., Interest or brine. more comfort, health, /lapping ea and [el of to the houletiold. ilarPtlalland me them to operation, or send for Circulars and sample of sewing. F 0.7: FIFTH ST., PITTSBURGH zke”...:lwd4orF pRIZE I PRIZE!! PRIZE!!! who WILLIIIIECEIVE IT? rr xi E.' JP 11 I Z IP. WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINE WILL BE GIVEN TO THE LARGEST CLUB GITHERERIFOR WEEKLY GAZETTE PRIZE TO BE DRAWN $300,000 ON THE FIRST OF Ann NEXT ,END IN YOUR LYRES LSD Wl9 THE PRIZ no2l:dtamtfT NiiO=ESSI Is •Implo la construction, well and durably mule .lly kept Io order. sad to la all reepeets relloble when a large amount of work Is requires! (Mite • number are in operation hem tiring complete eaLtstactloo. Parties natant a Pump will do well to call and see tbli ons. BAILEY, FARRELL CO., Sole Agents, 167 SmMlllOl6l Street, TICE tilt AT PURIFIER! HEMAPANAKA (EXAIOD CURE.) A MOST REMARKABLE ARTICLE AND POS IT/YE CURE FOR - Scrofula, Rheumatism, Rearslea. itch, Dyspepsia and Pimples, tub EASES OF VIE SKIM As • Teruo, it mire* todsapy•rite, Pineat Si gettion sad wholly restores tM Oyes* /strings tad it needs buts trial to lam its Yirta ' For sale by MEM JIILMMS, Draggisi dca , suer arrabAttd end ham stroatt. THE PITTSBURGH PAPER 21.ANU mYTIIIWICI VOBIPANT &frier eale )17500 belle. Craw= Wrapptag Paper. ~000 bdla. illodlans 1,000 Nils. /tedltrto .1.0/4 C, and D. /L do. m l i ttayo alio band ..l eu.aztd wr , D. on auan azocurair % nq mi i v r tflir ° ER' ELAED WARP. PAPER au ta d eglzek PRINTS, DRY Sod' 11* Tnuo. 41) . ROOPING, &JOWL • - ILRALuitotithot Rod 'keg at PAPER .111A.DE TO .q.lalm! 4 !AU* OhcltokC PAW; to au.% oastozotrir. MIXED R OS. 00 ° °F °°°,,Tiumn sfraer. • I • • 917,5E7 1-4 Prr2 I SBURCUF 4 PA. D11113,111"otter tessie n it M3N iteeldeace °S,n ta'Attee R 8" hin ElL y My. Mailed the meat beat. , : Th 0,10144 44. tett frent gptko Seungliihtjlit altudthe hack-SOO Abet to - .X4hent itteddi eg , Wh i ch Meted a sub- Use WI tat* unfit Ithdern It)* Saatelltine minutiae and wator OP dales and Sth down; !Mak fi bil.tuld cioniftp c govoi nu coot. to the Ta ap ir e tt Ind etude nett Wilkie! NAL A: the State Faits of E. P. CARPENTER, qlv es:Lorna .A.serat. OF 8 7C.IECXEI STEAM PUMP PITTSBURGH, PA. qlh do limn , iditlid - 17 111711Oubg Soon; 25; de Mtn Ilion - do or NAL gardeetudued - do 26 Ido &Clone • - do SO d tk ; 10 D Bedard, dor. - IC* do choke P. R. ?Solutes; 160,d0 do duetted brands Etgrups; En bud MO. Ooffeel 60 hetdo dhasts.Y. B. and ImPitidl Tdsli diddles Oolong bozo aroortodbrondoToblooo; ' , Id do do do In Ong au for sale . brßio o•r , . &TRICE, Hue'. a vv asNO lad W HTTE, ORR CCU., SS Firth Eitreet Fara on hand • ts - q assortment of DRESS S3ILIk S Which they will ea et hew prices. CLOAK AND FUR EMPORIUM CLOAKS AND FURS THE LARGEST CHEAPEST STOCK Cloaks and _Furs U 1 THE -CITY. H. GUYEENHAUSER do CO Mc+ricotfaltroot. N EW GOODS. ITIACRUM s CLRLISLE NO. 19 FIFTH STREET. New Trimmings and Ornaments, Bed Gimps and Buttons, Rich Bonnet and Scarf Ribbons Fine Gilt and Pearl Balt.Buokles. Rich Silk Beltinc , --a new lot. Bargains in Linen Handkerchiefs. Real Lace Collars and Setts Needle Work Edgings and Inserting Cambria and Hamburg Bands, Magic Ruffling and Oaths Frilling Real Thread and French Veils American and Enzlish Hosiery, Gloves and Gauntlets—last styles Zephyr, Wool and Knitting Yarn& Ldies and Children' Underwear Balmoral Skirts--new styles Duplex- Skirts, French Corsets, Gentlemen's Shirts Collars Ties Merino and Silk Underwear Misses Kid Gloves—all sizes, MERCHANTS AND DEALERS tla/ it to thelr adraotago to call and .x 1 the our stook beans purchanal. MAMMA a CARLISLE. FM '9 MUTH STREET, Pittsburgrk, Pc am SKATER I SKATES!! 6 00 PAIR Ladies, Gents and S MC A rr _1 E. S 11+7 EVERT VARIETY, FOB SALE LOW BT J4.IZIEB DO fr.r, No. 136 Wood Street. noigzad 1865. 110 LIDA Y dOODtt. 1866, JOHN P. HUNT tk• CO.. 59 Flint STEM ET, (Masonic Hall,) Hare now ready an Immense et ock of Holiday Books. Photograph Albums. Portable 'Writing Obsks, Portfolios. Pocket nooks, Pocket bEntpes, Games of all kinds. Toy Books, Paper Bolls, bc., CCc sa-su r Dairies and AlixJsacs for 1866. Which are offered M LOWEST CASE PELIOES W , SOLIZA.LE ANE JOHN P. IiONT it CO 11015 CUI'Y LNG 59 Fifth Street. (Mallonlc 11111.1 BOOR'S AND PRESSES Blau': Books ZS T. X G:0 IV .10:1 .IFL . MYERS, SCHOYER & CO., ADJOITftK Administrator's Eale. Fatalism! to an order of the °pima , . court of Allegheny County, the undersigned, exiministra. tor denenis non of ELIJAH 16111tril. dried- will yeivl - orn'ittgay,sktfz.. - #1,?,.., k 0gaz 0. all the right , title, interest or Claim w WU 01 *aid EnJith Smith, in and to the TWO SPOILT FRAME HOUSE of Ire loam, and LOT OF GROOPIR, situated oetha south earner of Fulton Sheet and Charles Alley, Pittsburg's, fronting 89 feet 1116 inches on Fulton strew; and Le feet two Mabel on Chants alley, and extending heck by a .11miparilliel wit b Colwell air/age feet Inches. and by &Ms at right angles to Colwell street 67 real inch,. Terms, CASH. • JOHN O. BRYANT, Administrator, near:ord 168 Fourth atralt. SS FIFTH STREET. BIiEUrE3 BARGAINS IN HOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS and BALMORAL% at 314 a 1 NT 0 0 103, - 9 2'8easiiillItieet. • tam* PATE wiTta6 4iax and ate (keened& Reinenabar, Fedual street: AtlattlenT, matt BEGJ:i NINO WITEI Reduced Prices, WE WILL OFFER GREAT BUSGAINS IC W E WILL GETER. GREAT BARGAINS IN WE WILL OFFER GREAT RAROAIYSIA WE WILL OFFER GREAT BARGAINS IN WE WILL OFFER GREAT BA-RUSI ITS //i WE WILL oFvEn GRE.A.I - RAWLINS /N WE WILL. OFFER GREAT BLitt:MINS IN WE WILL OFFER GREAT BARGAINS IN WE WILE OFFER GREAT BARGAINS ER WE WILL L+FIER °BEAT HAILGAINN IN WE WILL OFFER :GREAT BARGAINS IN WE WILL OFFER OR!,T 82//113A//IS IN WE WILL °ITER GREAT BABOAiN• IN WE WILL OFFER GREAT BARGAINS IN WE WILL, OFF= GREAT BARGAINS IN WE WILL OFFER GREAT ELROAISS IN SHAWLS WE WILL OFFER GREAT BARGAINS IN W, BARKER & CO 59 X4IIKET STREE'7', SKATES 17 FIFTH STREET 17 FIFTH STREEt Ch ildre rsa EDIELIZOIDERIES COLLARS AND SETS LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS AT EATON'S THREAD AND FREN AT EATON'S,CH VELLS AT EATON'S. GLOVES AND HOSIERY LOOP SKIRTS (Dim LEX) AT EATON'S BALMORAL SiaRTS MERINO UNDERSHIRTS AT EATON'S Darss TRDiatiwas EATON'S CLOAK TRIMAIINGS AND BUT COI S FEILLINGS AND ROFFLINGS AT EATON'S. T GENTLEMENS , SHIRT COLLAARS EATON'S. AT EATON'S. I=l ALEXANDRE KID GL,,VES AT EATON'S lOUVLItt'S KIDS ZEP LITE YARNS £ H EN( 'H CIOBSETS BON ritr SCARF RIBBONS DEAD GIBLPs SILK 11E14 /NGS EMPRESS sloars FANCY NECK STEN A LPACCA. BRAIDS WATER FALL NETS The above li only a eery em ..11 part of the stook (feted st the OLD STAND. An snorter/nit can now be °lazed, not only to •omnmera, but to the Trade, that will challenge •ompetlttoa with any stock ever brought to this •tty. They were bought upon a hales market, 04 will be sold at close figures. V. H. .IE2C-1-14:0N, Successor to EATON, MACAO. h 00.,) BATES & BELL HAVE IN STOCK FULL LINE O► BLANKETS. ALL THE BEST LiSESIVIBBISTED l At the Lowest Cash. Priem DesoktNs la 211, Firth Street/ 11'020 N • 81 Ma3rk - et eto. You.ill find• Milne aildrtnsent. of • ; 'abuts . W , _oEwrs. MISSES , 17 , 3Dzz, woliea. soliwastiiiewis. emu ' l argteCr MUM, 211 / 0 /1 ) = 1 1.0* ALLEmtatta*a zrb GLOVES, /111VIXT413 , =STROH MOREISOZPS STAR 811118, 60 OBEYS PATENT MOLDED LLASS. • =IIEI s. In 11 0ORBLEAD'a n Ml , Errt sTinszr. MONDAY, Nov. 30th ESIMa3K.II3. m , nzrq , cios POPLINS. BARATHEAS ALPACAS REPPS, Sk'fi*;4.2+; - 1-,1 ~E1.31.~'E8. AR MURES COBURGS. IN. E s ins. PRINTS. FLANNELS. BLANKETS, LINEN GOODS EVERYTHING. er EATON'S. AT EATON'S. AT Lizoms AT EATON'S AT EATON'S AT EATON'S AT EATON'S AT EATON'S AT EATOMS AT EATON AT EA.TO/T'S AT EAT ON's. AT ELION'S AT EATON'S AT EATON'S. 80. T 7 Firm STE raleFor Male. To-Let. LOU. Wasted, Hound. Hoarding, oe„ inserted s pi er ai propriate headings, oa this psis. at TEN CENTS PER WE.eisen insertion. L'Lt-AkXl WANTED—A, ' TO DO WORK . OR A FARM, both Suroitar and Wlatar. Aa 7 rishmta of esPericee:V•srenc4, /Eddrear , A. EL, o.sara pima. WAWANTED—A ROGGE, cOntabiz' g Cram to stx rooms, althea* Psttelrertrtt or &Inhale v. Bent no sousiderstlon. ))ireet note Box 4.1".. I : l *zerreOrmos. • km= WANTE II -7GIRL.-8.•GOOD GIRL wanted, ea the first . Deeezober, to do Emerai housework, a abort dicta**, from the city. Blehest wanes *ad =exp . e. Maks *PPllas. at thou the Gus= itodktt UTAITTBD—At once, :our or flye good BLAWLSIIIITIL% — to we on Minn Snit Bridle BILL Omuta= gemplevaint. it.wai r . al GS WOOD STEEST. , • - : • Vird.liTED..4.4llllTa—.-ENEROSTIO V T NES can nuke alb 13 S TAB, Wilms SU celebrated, tenanted PATENT NO.OEM VET BURNES for Kerman CU Lamps. it Rise, a splendid ltatt,"orithont smoke or, scaalL Every family wants lt„ &slime be soil tor the pet of a couple of Indranoys, Sempie, - post-paA 25 ems. Send for Oirentar:and tall partial:diva - Ewan. a IveftmOUONTIL JAXES'till A Lats. New YorV.eliraiintioturor. N 0.114 Malden k. 1019" T T T 111ESSI' FOB IlrftMmil SOLDIERS-61W' • wainOTNElo3.Grear Sale of Jewstry, Sllesta•i• , be., lto Tea ILlattiscui a Co.'s GZTJVC IGII7 Durrrumrrrow. Oar areas sot making from Fire to Thirty dollars pey etas, and we stead sun more. Late invoices trout Europa - hays metaled 'mammies ore? One lITLIIImI Dollars:' /Lipton= din assortment of Watches, =m •Lsdlee Ana • Gentlemen's Jewelry of-all kinde,of th e moot Cub- , lonstle petit:DS, WM( at ;Leach ....:Slosst.Weenta for eertlileate, and Vow ills see'what you lobos. titled to; or send i for Ore eerldllcates, - orkafor Mil ty; or send a threotent stamp for our terms to Agents., Decd am or go moat Moral ktetd. Now le your Deco. _Writs plainly your Nun*, My, COunty_ and State to Ilamyrow &CO., Box ferr3, O. New 'York. salesroom; si Liberty -strut New York. uob . W AIiTED.—AUENTS FOR • T.H.3 sEcm, SEEWIDE, THE FD, ?az • DETTOECirt THE ESCAPE.w- EV lEL Azzawr 'D. Dienatneme, Nap Yozir.Tritmes-Altoraqinea .ent. The most /Weeding and antatinig beak/met ptaillthed, emb rac ing Nr.'filchanisdea , unpaid; I idea expatiate Dufour gears, traveling through the Bondi in the secret Advice at the Tribtoot et the outbioak of the war, with one armlet lad ' eats; both Emit' ana - Rest, during , the gget`twei ,yeerr of thcfiebelliont hit tarillingeaptaret kibi gozablement for Mutant/min um altratent rebel p, risons; hls'esespe iltuf ennott Maranilotutjairney y night of wary CO milt% /t will abound in Wining events, and contain more of the fact, inci dent witl romance of thalweg itanatTLl WOW work int potalahol. Teachers, ladies, energetic yotuhrtnen, met iirpai many returned and disabled officer* ang aohilare ; In want of profitable employment, will and it p.. enhaily acapt to them condition. We have agents clearingWO per anetah, whish we will prime to any doubting applicant. Send tor elrallp IMIL address, JON i.=.; DEM:* Ott; S. corner Sixth and Atineestreete • Je . MAmdelei , . s.. REWARD. - - 03WA131 ) .-3traled from the' mi deuce, WS of theanbaeriber. Waablite.on itreet, &linty, 006 large CALF C with • sr face Also, a CALF, evarly all white, about &sr "teaks ma. A liberal reward will be wild for their return, or for infonnatltsr that lead to their tYCOVery, ' B. B. rsarrovi. City Hall, Allegheny. FOR S.U&. V I OR BALE.L6 LASS' PACT.PlM—___The irsteuslre works, known an use' iftirrkZ STATE FLINT GLASY WORKS. neteti.Zal ranger, Tblll t. 00 ., 'rah d oaken :fel 00a/a3alse,. &coed all the Improvements requisite for cartlN tug en an enteesive bnainesa Teel& Pletteres, Az. The worka, now taimeonsslel operndelt, are onr ed ler &le at bssallgard.• Thal , are *neatest at tito corner or ;wt pro.nne.,end Tarer Streetr" the city of Broo*/Jl3. 1 : 1 1 Y. A./n/7 " aboin at the retort,. Asir strerauttide coo ba bed hy cailbrg RA DA . tic CO.'9, , ilbsis Mane fasters:a, Pittsbargh. ritateltreed., FON BALE. —A ' NO. 1 STOCK MID .GRAIN TAM!, .coatatideff about - ±' 4 serer, ideate In Fallosetteld tewoehlp, Washington counts., Penesylreola, on the Elossongabets river, ore tulle above lock Ea 4; tio acres of the best nfer bottom. fbe whole hsrm U under& kiets state or f cultivates's. - Fine apple otehard,- flour is scree of coal Is ith pit opened; -the fencing to good and location bencilifaL POr furth patio - taut enqatre ,of G. N. TOWER., Re al Estate Agen t , rie. tee Fourth Went. or to E. T. VANVOOSID, on the premises. norlell FOR BALE—A good .Ewelling Bo tut, containing au 1170 Elillitanialattld gat. estigood cellar ander all the banning{ •Begton, range In the kitchen, jut 11111(4114; hot and cold water; batb•room;n4 newly Painted andraPeeed. Also, • recant Leg Vielaing the home, Ad teen , • ed In, with coal, wand /louse and Miter Inge all to complete arder, with fins garden: situ. sted on Boyle street, Third ward, Alligteuy. APP/P to RAMSEY h HALL, Real EatateAgenta, noialwd N 0.9! Bearer street, Allegheny. UII BALE—In the aecond Ward, one ftio story Frame Howe, and Lot fronting p:o fr et no Carroll street end running boa UV feet it, Ledlle etreet. The Biome ham ale good room., • g ood,lry cellar, bacb-rooot and other etorirenles. era n7lll be sold cheap. Ponesalon elven Inune• aately. BAJIISEi h HATA, Beal xstate Agents,rualea we No. 91 Beaver IL, Allegheny. DRY GOODS TRIMMINGS, &c REACEUX, GLYDE po„ Nos. 78 and 80 Idarket WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS LA 1 3111INGS, NOTIOAS & VARIEIT GOODS, Beepeetfully Gall the ett2atlon al WHOLESALE BUYER% To our LARGE awl TAR/ED STOOK OF EV ERY lIIING PERTAINING to a vulg. KEPT TRIMMING ROUSE. Our Mr. LAC/AN Is now to the East baying and ndlhe home all the NOVELTIES That are to be touod. Our aim will be to SELL GOODS AS LOW AS ANT OF tug E&STEItN,.IDBREES. We elm end 1.111 do Van, as ire RUT Bi THE CASE trem the AIANUFACITORERS tad Ii om FIRST HANDS. Please cell and ETA MT NE our GOODS And Compare Prices. MA.CEIIM. CLYDE & CO.. Nos. '7B and 80 Iltarketl3treet! AT RETAIL.. BALMORAL& BALIvIORALS We ant for isle* line at wax nr.sruastm fasu ellssoaAL kururrs, vela areseqeMepoes erwe: One Ilimdred $lOO Skirls for 000. One &mired and, Fifty- $3 for $2 50. NACIWIII, GLIDE& GO.; Non. '7B and 80 Market Street. nOl6 pampa HOarg & CO.. _ HAVE JUST OPENED NEW Cit.ol.-_,EM,, Dress Trimmings. Cloak lattuutlenta Heal Lace Goods, New Style Belt Buckles, Best Wake 811 k Belt. Lugo, Head 9inastatentakiteie - beck &arid, liatabarg • • Flottackqssr, Idnea t ' l4 gabs - 6ml .- Sreaktaxt Steiwia; la itarZatt.nooda,.ralataw: &hulk: zeP ll 3 7 Leastas, Nem* Ea*tem 0104es cad latatauete PelawiaTlireat fat. 'Win-.Zdcr•LadhaaadOdl drezes,,Tatarfa and Alexandra ' Olovea, Cathay- Whit; CUtOT Gialrelk The •gt-boeit- and tteray , other Voade In Great Variety; at ' • • _ WHOLESALE Etreriku, 708 HOBRItar, TT and Is ntsititZT sTßisirr . WROLViALE 8061213 VP sreaas.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers