,STAV!IJBH.Fip., ; :IN 1144.**44 two . „) • crx , teuAlt r or arta BhoeM at 11 400.8took's;112 Federal B4Uoi. 1- siltyeirgte, Pc➢Lnk hiertsioioed.o - arty 'ocher kir*/ otTAmse- 4 3oodz1gcsatIsr rtracieed io Price, at -Ba ker&Oa?a v aa motet - '''"' " ' rirelitirttreit ' get year roots an4Slloes *I 13 Wend steit . -- At **mile Lhein pqn flan iad-fAir* gtm 00012044 ea;neeof Boutt.Vantltte.:eketetseits. :0,71.i. - elerat Lore Beo.' - conntritMerthautoi enatiert ptock.lt printi, the Great esi Of , giultoo; pot se, l 6,,zi nne y, Bilikku.-aiti and the I greatest bailidar In all ktzee 9pdaina Ifottogit, Maier ar. Cow; 6oXii , lort stmt., 3.l4lekingto %The VO/St•--• • 'But, tkuotiolFtest ., DOloins .13 co/aut .- 6r; oioars di. , ,,iCionti.; other Dreip Goodprot irom to 60centi, nearly ose hag fotmer pricer, ; litßar• ket 0.1% • A titer Fide to Afatoteo: If ion haVe the Art, indite* itititroubled wicp 4bitzeigthB3opf:Ailitai4 iogridg On‘your staunch,- ponebotreisare out ut. order, YOU .re Winne, etbstipated andterteritly Indisposed, win OW* Copt:pita Cure. It la the best medicine for stomach and bowel claordera to the world. Sold onty In Pittsburgh at Flenifnes drug and patent midlelne depot,- No, tI Market . • Pientral Sulphite °Clam!, - Forpremes rirß Sider. For male jby Charlet Super; DMPlrglir;.:,*oraer. Yon and: St. (Ili': streatia, lrttbir:, „ t-41 , , sae utNew , teipets„ toiip4iitteri eus., colkplutiday. andnatui ilAriglaiellimuri..Atiotlon room[, 65 ana.l7llfth street. Private macs dstly. Bate of New.captts, ELiiakete, Oovers, Outlery, &a., on Thur. ,Igsr,krointhr Ara, IlTLlMilland4 diction Itobtp. No. 33 itAd b 7 Fifth atteet.' Pstyiste Wes : • ' 113ati'e Exit. To Ist! at SI Federal street. Di. J. Dodge Warteatilinis limn` th e poi*. at Maaaata. pipit aida day Cram e,ttll it A. nelg-t lll *.randl Cram - 11" CULL he : may found it stiesLcuttes.Holiati. Mote_ into. an able - add ail/ddy pdsityllyaeayald: ao loatei t biW with`ttertierb is:OM:am -moll the aoresive abatairleesi ac , 10.41* SouNiont. Ogiiiiketrii relte.,tagtedleatil le preserves the exusitel - Iteetioves all imparieles. strength. •eas:the gnma ;, IC deederizesa Wated breath. IC is Ping* ie. water &Ad relite.veluatile than its • see - • th i . oliekitli.4tAlial3l at ki.ca t gtreet Atk plass Of Prissatwatihetier Utah of chips," Wet and"clotd fief iiroyagate Prreimt thlS.by buflig yew Boots or §toes of SOIIM &Bala 011artet stsettslwhir - hyre ore' or the belt satOrratrats at ma's, Mlles, Wales, boys, youths' linerchildlean'S Beets, Shoe 4 Balmoral" sod iatteis, Sr. lower prises Shea other - hcmsa let the say. $Ol7T¢ & Rose, • w ldsrlzet street, is the place. The Cheapest Slob S . VitailiOtti tiro atria to at 92 Federal ere To- ` the POlnt Aga in Mosll salLori ISV sop odor do., 25e; extri 412111tp asa iitr4l24 . it `3I - o,—Sitne as sold se - short time dace 660.._ : :ec - . J. W. Blares es Co., Don't Buy Till sioxisatitha Panel of Boots and Shoes, at a For` tl6 Arso7,..‘for the Nary, and for • Every One. The ivbrdis 10,1m:unlaced now with medicines of every deseriplion which are warranted cures for ever!, known and taileentinineetenotAiitise, that:tl ol .olo*figiEWiatrilt lliNeteible to die* Unsaid' between goOd and bad. Some of there Wonderful fluids profess to cure every com kccoini tg th 4 31atezt5,..15124,1c?!. In epeak- Leg late stettatosi Batas We refit- ill 'Bin:emus tine which Umits Itself to ono deparment of the body—the.sitonuteh,the_lereggUiettlea -and disor ders of witle4itnotonly'ildiMiliellit; but does. Its reputation has become world-wide, end from the Pacific to the Atlantic, in both hemispheres, and in every latitude and cone, 1c is known and employed as a remedial agent. - • been feP4itedl, deceived, perkimiicrindok be 'numb:iced that Hostetter% Bitten win effect lure, rapid, •and permanent Guns. 'But this saurtion is confirmed by testi monial lettirelhim the most dtattrignlshed item to the sonntiy. All who have once need these Bit ters keep them now b 1 their side as a !safeguard, behavtil fist ..atounce or prevention is worth e' pour.d of erne." The digestive organs which bare been violated and• prostrated , . by. e#isslie .or ;irregular Indy& race of ' apPetite,-fral be mtered to their aormal eandittrin by:lhe rule of this wonderful merit tice..—Berfon Titiveler Call end see the aziotlment, at Betes S ftel.'s, No a Filth street. . Bargains . In Boots and Shoes. at 93 Federal street Fall and Wlnter Goods It Ii with great Pleasure '. 'we call the attention of oar readers to the superb stock of Fall and Winter CoodaJutt retatredb, klr.-John Ureter Merchant Tailor, No. 128 Federal "street, ,AlkualonT. His stock embraoca some 4Mo:rarest and moat beau. Mita Clotha.Caulincres.twarsoatings andgestnnt arch:ought to the western market. Ilia auort• wear ot , Ftwalshint Goods, Marts, Drawers, Collars, Nock-ties, Handkatchti Is, am, comet bean:pawed cast . Or WM.., p terge .tone of re wir•niada, Panto, Costa, Usti old Overcoats willalso be found at his establlstmant. Persona wailtnf enS, 5L011 01 4 41 4 , 4 Ana nidn° tall to glad 'air: weer a • Shaivls, ♦t very lowa iwa+, a$ Bates kffell , s, N. 21 Fifth street. Buy your . Bootvand Shoei At 92 /Want, tt2t.tt.. Party' Ar. Co., - -lerssugal..Statirßactrat,inapealett 7n" Anterleaa Ellata , ol;Vialoo,ll , /olors. - Ottee at reaaa,gas: LIVAIMULVadaest the Water Works, rittsburgh, ikeataeace, „Fie. .za Ptke 'street. -',OitTera .pretaptl,r atter te. • 'll.ll work irereaatiatiiatei roof. dose Ai. the ihorteit `natltld: Wo fae repths, proyhts4 the Leer Is not 101=1 sitar It la* - . - ' And alliteneesig g, it seduced rats', at Bates No. 41 - Fat It street. • Carpenter Jobbing Shop. Elating rettuturd atte Mt Absence or three years In the anat. I have no-opened ma rho far ail soda or fobbing In the earprater lina,.at the Old ;tank Virgin klYir,b4lfeler grAhrtehigreet end Cterry Alley. ' orders Whited and promptly atonal to. ttrtitrAx gonstzwr. CtLetiVatunkStOttr is at 92 EigatgatreeC - • :riGood eaddh AcciAorkot,Zweiton alria cocoa auVtA ,- / I R, cir , Plaeapple, vanilla iddraourdalti tea iarardr alyl!ell. Clow Dr ums, Agt,' 4014 and garisatg at 112 Federal 'Met. A egrlij#.oloo OZ *;-,,::: „ 94111/01Ya., • e. , ..Aust °.7 .cre t • hew Clot' istsiTittt4trett whi t e .we tune; sz 7 - 651 , -404 ?*te#44.ii-at cost, at 0akHau,tr4,1...,....... fo r preservia; 47 , 0hozleattuper, a:l:unfit; comer of fen -O , o4d;SL Moir. ittrons, _Fltubtorth : - . • , , C. silk:Dentlitt, 240-Pearristreet_; — • Attend' promptly to 411' btuWm SO bb Profss• Con - - , _ 1 r. tt 92 Fe4eru atreet THE DAILY 'Pp' the Point. Print' iL ib?.,V—Onreily:tini4o. ati :moo—tae beet end inettim of the ieason. I. W. &taxes 6, Co , 63 Market 'tree Wholesale Dry Goodri yerrrtursad templets stool:, at the way Widget Dotilblitipriees, osihe north-east corner of Fourth anti Market stomas. D. Bain= Lora h. 800. . . To 92Fedgral liletitrat Sulphite of Lime, For preserving cider. For sate by Clarion Super Druggist, conker of Penn and St. Clair streets, Pittabtunb. Prenett Imeitnees., ♦ very large stook, and at very unnanalcy tom Prices. Retacpber put: the Borth-eget earner of Fourth -and Market street,. - ,Q4Laasos Lova a Hato STATE NEWS Tnz Tamaira Saureirif Kays : The woods atir' rounding our town basic been on Ire daring the past week; fn every direction. - At night the seen presented wee nfost beautiful—the chains 'of lire on every bill resembling the camp fires of a mighty army, and reminding u ofpast scenes In old Virginia. We have not heard of ,nny damage to butts or hoaxes. A taryen received from Colonel Rose, com •mesding the Tisk 'Regiment Pennsylvania Vol untnenkarstes that: the' regiment will return' borne about the 15th of next mouth and be die .charged. T.Lte,77,:th„,wheu . the. letter. was writ ten, waa la z Teites: ' A Boatte ov Tama is at last fairly orga nised in Titusville. At a meeting on Friday officers were chosen, and a committee appoint ed to secure a room. Both tett.grophlt„,...,, nays the Herald, have offered to place an instrument in the room, and furnish an operator. ON Tuesday of last week, while engaged in edging boards on the mill of Moore & Dilworth, Mikeonnty, Morgan Lucas came to his death In a 'most shocking meaner. Both_ of his arms be. 11:41 cet off by a circular saw, ho bled to death' . before assistance could be rendered. 'Tin Blair county Whig.% td be revived In De cember, under the management of John Broth and Leander K. Zack,. A rent or yellow ociuo t aeven foot thick. has Dees discovered near Shirleystm-g, Huntingdon county.. Timex kindred buildings Were erected in tire city of Erie during the peat year. VARIOUS ITEMS. / AT a protracted meeting recently !cid out west, an ancient sister in the Chum arose and said "I sec young ladies herowh think more of gewgaws, furbelows', , d laces, thaw they do of their Creator. I I ed them-once, adoaled rair4.-With - R flow-:, ere, kright colored` ribbons a sky blue trim mings'.bt th were Aravy,ing me doirritUfistruerloii, 161 took tk:em off—and lgave t em to my sister' Wrirtris the • past - (- dozen gold and stir • Nevada and r' don by -Arnold there are now r the way to re' purchasing TUB la bat% de one's th • o- Is • /e'er -Months more than a mines in Colorado, Idaho, gh!.haire. becn.,lto . b.l In Len , I.'agents at largeitilees, and urge number of Englishmen on mine other mica, with widely to coin to of l•yons:and Colnunr, France Idea th at Wm Particle 4lepitteed before /ame is not a Sign of nobility, and ths , . m, any one may nee it, whether be noble or trot. Ix appears,fions a: report presented-4o the Aorwetlan storthingi that onelsundred Maul and children rte educated in tbedistriefachoole of that country, at an annual cost of eighty thonisand pounda. . Is nearly all parts of the country the wrene and the binehlrds are said tahayallngered long er than they seer.- berote,.; ;Probably this Indicates either that we'ardtblitia a mlld win ter, or the: the wrens and the bluebirds know very little about tt. - • . A Fite rofflf.PAPer atterapti tee ' frightno the ladles, by sta ting that rascals with sharp knives go about cutting off waterfalls, with all the dux taritk of "ye acelpletg,totwapt,tberpflhas.” S • Poledaittee'lit Pressler, guriPuwder is mann tall ured Yrcen wood, on 6unit:taint; like the linnet-Mtn principle. • WINTER ➢ns COMMIRICed Fn t.. 0 Bshlc war- Inas; the inbabßantrof Revel bavo began to . age 'ledges. Beaver ,county Olt Sirlkea. The Pittsburg:ft . and Little Beaver Oil Corn pany4truck oil on the Duck property last week. bas not teen snaktently tested set, but will prove at least a ten barrel well, The Ohio Oil Company, composed Of D. C. Thompson, John Cat:iglu:l, Eq., and Orates, ,strncka Cwentydlve barrel well teat week. congratulate oar worthy Treaaureri -on" toyoikk — r inck. The Williams!. ,Witt; on the Acme - ion (arca, etruek let weetl 4 ke are informed la new a"w"ing thlAY,..tiiieTs per day. It Is, altogether, the yr i beat n the county, The Glasgow Oil Company struck a now well -!lnst week. (N 0.5); ten bbla. 'Thireko Oil Company stniek en elgld barrel well. , • Clulety Oil Company struck • twelve barrel These azu all )on Little Beaver creek and Island run. Tbed we hear everyday an account of new wells belled 'truck et Smith's Ferry anti Dry run.—Brarts4 Arpia. • Gen. Grant leaves • New York—lspin. wall Medals—Bleed In Nosi York— ppeaker 'Colfax and the Pres&ent. • • . linty Tomer,.Nov. 21.—The unpleasant weather prevents the Seventh Regiment from parading ns a gnarl of honor to Gen. Grant to-day, as proposed. Gen. Grant trill leave the city with out any demonstration, thie evening. • This brat annual presentation of the Aspin wall medal> for military merit will be made this evening, at the 22nd Regiment's armory. Speeches ore expected from Generale Hooker, Dix, Gov. Penton, Col. Aspinwall and others. The wind Ethis morning has occasioned the. high tido overflowing the lower part of the city, and demeging'some merchandise on the docks. Raw ions.: Nov. 21.—The Ilerald a Wash ington special eeys the President's oonser►attve friends declare - that ex Speaker Colfax's Breen is hit opposition to his policy, and - assert that the president favors the admission of Southern Representatives to Congress without a test oath. The Bally receipts of the Internal Revenue beech:lnca off about ball a million of dollars. There are about three thousand ahpllcatt3na Tor vacant Lieutenancies in the R^gislar Army. Fero Vuttrage" in the District of Co. WA:3IIIN6TON, Nov. 21.—The Board of Alder men have passed the resolution from the Coun cil, that in the event of any bill being Intro duced Info Congress for the admission of colered men of the city to the right of suffrage, that the Mayor may be especially authorized to call the Councils togriner i within two days no tice, for the purpose of taking Into conalierntion measures for holding a special election to oh min the sentiments of tlie people on the sub ject. n may be stated In AMA connection that many of the property holders of 'Wallington ate anx• loos that the corporaUms ebartera shall be nor. rendered, and the government of the city placed In the bands of a board - of commissioners ap pointed by the President of the United States. at en early date, their object being to (Inlet the itialitlon of the suffrage question, as well mato Berme economy and the greatest benefits in the expenditnees of the money collected from them $Y the present system or taxation. Case of Gen. Dater. WADI:WIGTON. Nov. 21.—The daily C'hronkk contains an article In defense of Gen. L. C. Chief Detective of the War Department, saying that no t a rtthstandingthe.tdirthle outcry .acalrat him, hettillhas,...thtrcoliffdenise of the .Department to ',tacit", he..isiattachedl%,addlng "General Bakeidoes nor fall, MI laitances, to report his acts to his superior °Dicers. This he la bound to do and we are sure the War Ds• pertinent, which Is better.advlsed of the (acts than:any of 31.1.01 Baker's tradadert can be, has 'not yet found occasion to censure him for any of those things which have been so magnified and distill:rated by a portion of the press." The . Chronicle aLso ss,ye.Gen. , Baker has not nomad, led a single person to the Old Capitol Prison - for - Amore than two ,yeare, aid that he has not been antherized to do so since the hatter part of 1882.; Few York Floodeuby 'High Tides. higw You, NOT. 21.—Very high tides pre Tailed to day and the lower portion of the city Is flooded, overflowlog the pia% on which,large quantities of_ recrr-handlss , "lreistoret li - thereby causing carightiairage..,,Neuiyali the cellars on West, &nth, sod assay on, Washington and /front lama, are overitowedi doing coasidera bielUmno IMXlllglClfp Ant& `Thum were bin tour um 1140.. Tinian 2.14e.t. Ezected,;/nevolormos , Derma CirT, Nov. dO.-Tho ramms,colur 114 but esdklent are , reoedeed to:111'416W the electiob of atiptc. to: Gosanorind.43hlW colt to Congrene, end theAreate. Union Mon ticket. Steankeeleorth Ante:Jen Doe. POILT/4AD, (Nie.,) Nev. 2 1,—There are no signs of the steam &hip North America now due at etas Pon-- I (l l ) l :diter,EarDpeark, news, The wind is Way/A% gag %sad It 'tenoning. 'LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. ABM FOR TR MISICAN RIPUBLIC Speakership of the House NEGOCIATIONB WITH COLUMBIA. Freedmen's Bureau to be Continued. New/kora, Nov . 21.—The foldrawing news by thethlen has been rescued, In addittoo to , thatiereadeeett. • ... • ;e : • e - Atterpidol . , Sefurrhey - Rotning,' XV. 1.1. , --The pirate Sherudideet.hee been litinda over to the /American Ceinsni, ittelA'Orptedecand • crew have' bet n engaged-to Mite her to New York: , It Is reported that Italy was about seduce Its army coosiderably. By Tilepreph to Queendonn —rAllaoll, Noe. 12.—A supplement to the London Gamete. con tains further additional correspondence be tween Minister Adams and Lord Russell, rela tive to the departure of cruisers for the rebels from England, Mr, Russell repeats the argu ment that the British Government acted upon precedent, and supplies a memorandum show ing that steps were taken to prevent and punish the breach of neutrality. Paris, Nor. 11.—Bourne firm. Reales closed ato.9f The London Time, saes that it Pit Impossible for the American ,Government to elyandoli the deltas.' for the depiedations of the diehama," but •it IS onite posalhie for a Government to yield, yet do et thing. • We must prepare to be told that the United Statettwill yield l's demands and will preserve the right of enter:Mg them, atlll. when the temper of the people is cooled, when commerce has lead limo to renew the links which bind the two nations , together, when the merits of the war has faded into the past, the little disposition for aggression on the unfor tunate will be over. The Lend= Lally News confidently dismls- Iles the' suppolition that the Alabama Claims can become a direct cause of war between the two countries, but It trust that something will be &Ma to Min thedispme to an early practl. cal settlement. for It la one which to no other way can be disposed of.. It world be an amid disgrace If both governments should confess themselves unaMe to find any Outer violent reo. lotion of thelf dlffsrenees, but there Is a a state of nominal peace, which has many of the dia. „Advantagissispeste--, too liberation - of the Captain and — crow of the Shenandoah is aid to have bocrevencondl- Bonal. the 'British Government being of the opinion that there are no legal grounds upon which they could beadetalned. Captain Wad in a letter to Earl Russell, which is pub lished, says : In obedience to orders I found myeelf In the Arctic Sea, far removed from the ordinary channel of commerce, and In consequence of this awkward circumstance, I was engaged In acts of war until. the 28th of June. I was Ig norant of the defeat angered by the Confeder ates, and the total destruction of the Govern ment under which I acted. I rim teed the first intelligence of the down hill of the Confederate cause on the 2d of. Au gust from the Biltiett bark Barracoata, and de— slated immediately from 'further acts of war tee' tit t could communicate with an European rot and learn If thermos was trae. I could not have been s disk that the tales told by American I him e true; but merely upon the statement .of a , British captain, I diligently - sought ford precedent In law forgaldance In the future. control, management, and float dl -New Yong, Nov. 21.—The China, hem Lir- posal of the venal, hat found none. erpool on tits F 11th vie. Queenstown on the which he ieding the authorities questionable under seed, he Immediately ceased cruising, 12th, has arrived. and shared her =treater the Atlantic. Redid notice] Jruidfletrin destroying the vassal, but on The pirate Shenandoah has been handed over the contrary, thought the ship shoukkeemoi l s to the American Consul, ante will . New York. lierSeptelf` - `4drattiftave teen Liverpool to learn the news, and If not without unconditionally d imharged. fouedation, to surrender the ship, with herguna .4 ddlt ional correspondence between yt r, and stores complete, to the British Government dis _!dams and Lord Russell is published. Tile lat. for Inch The Shenandoah wa surrenders] to the ter se ys erect- representation of the .k nueri• an A Mericen COUttl on the s 10th, who took formal Minleer wag immediately consi4ered and prop- PL.,,"10n, and Pi need her under Cit'eteit Free.' erlv refbrredite tbe tow cancers. mast mail crew or his own selectiond to convey her to New York. Tom Sayers, the pugilist, la dead Ile died London. 11.—Consols closed at St)(3St. , fur money. Bullion n the Bank of England- of a lung disease. increased , 75,000. Ilichigau Central, 9luiel",; Earl Rama attended the Lord ejayee's ben- Erie, S{ ; United States 5-110%, 'tort on the all. In a si emit he pald a tribnte to the memory of Lord Palmerston. 'Advertin g Lircrpool, Son. 11,—Cotton—Bales of the so the last reconstrto.tion of the t' Linn. week, he 7,We - bales. The market opened dull hat sold be had tie-eared the fullest support from ed firmer with an advance of I.‘d 00 :tenant- his eelleammeearedrenteeked eie its palitey the! , can on thew eet.,tlnjAtal,,,;*Ainlgaait-irehid2' -1 4 , ernifenhe canary wialfhTMINS-thlirteitkidif• eeditetiesler. Proelsicres tie- eider the course they ought to pursue, and he sittled. should abide ty the prlneipies of his life. The Lrvenrooe,Saturday,e. so ,Nov. 11.--Cotton Government deemed It their duty to consult the sake to-day were 8,000 bake, Including 4,000 to wishes of the people, and It would be for Far speenlatore. The market is leas firm bateenota- tiament to consider that these wishes were based tiOne are unchanged. Breadetuffe closed nn- on Justice.. Be thanked God the Americau charged. .Previelowe firmer. Lard vety dull. war was over, and he trusted the Repeblie, now Jordon ifitrkef—Bargns . Bros, report dour freedirom the eon of slavery, would go on and firm wUs on upward tendency at eieliekis. prosper for centuries to come. Wheat Is quiet and steady. Winter lied. 45s The Daily Nenn says Tee reception of Rea per quarter. Sumo la easier. The coffee stock set at the banquet was a pnecteat reply to the Is scarce, and quotations hare advanced Ifin2s. detraction which bad lately panned the Gov. Rice is doll hot firer. Tea Is quiet. Petrele- erameet. Russell's language could only be am Is quint and steady; refined fis Id. Linseed used by men who feel that Importaat meaeurese MI Is nominal at 4s4d. aro expected of three, and are willtag enOottri American Securities--Divings Bros. report . gee the hope. the market for American seen/4nel firmer, and The Star sayi the effect of the speech was quotations as follows: To-day, Nov. 10, United rather an encouragemeat to the cause of reform. States Fire-Twenties were 638 , ;(4.64: Maryland It Is repotted that Milner Gibson bad been Five,. 70; Maryland Sixes, 52; Illinois Central, offered the post of drat Lord of the Admiralty, 51We 811;; Erie Railroad, Siff is and that the Duke of Somerset would be Becre. Lan don, Roe. 11.--Consols closed yesterday bey of at begifilly for money. The weekly retire of It is understood that the Waters Union Tek tite Bank of England shows an Inereasteet 72,- graph Company has contracted with Mr. Ile,. 000 pomade In Built= American stOcks—Te ley, of North Norwich, for the manure. tare of quotatioes closed last evening at 81151 for 11,11- five hundred miles of subruarinc aisle and tire toile Central Railroad, 54 for Fee lisliroad, thousand miles galvanized wire for lied 635, fur Ueltt d States 59ptr. the land line. The subeffie s e] mail steam service between Brest and New York is likely to cause rousLier able acceleration of postal and' , assess,- train', bttween France and America. Steamers which will be sitniier to the &oda, are building, on the. Clyde. The first one was lauachest on me -ith. It Is expected that the French nmerchantrWill be able to mail letters to Saturday night , as the ' British merchants now arc. 'l'be commission for the trial of the Fenian! Opole en the 27th at Dahlia. Tie lent'se had applied to the Cour: 01 the ( s tucco's Bench for a criminal information against the proprietors of Mtn Feted: earl's Jour nal for publishing Arch Bishop Cullea'a pa:to rsi, the publication being likely to prelatic., the Fee lens at the approaching trial. John Donavan, son of the late eminent Irish A utiquarlan, had been committed for trial on a charge of treasen. Ball was refused. Ile had been elvlog lectures to the Ferdaus on the use of the rifle. Feasee.--el. Dupla, Procurer General, died on the WI. The Emperor and the Empress loft Beam on the 11th for Committee. The Park hoarse en the 10th was firm. Route's closed at 081.4,5 e. Irate.—The Italian Parliament had been tine. reigned to the 18th leitL Tbeifflng bed gone to Naples, the cholera thorn having Increased. Leeepe e / Aoa . nth, Moraine.-1 he Bankers' Circular reports that the sales of cotton • for the week. halm been 57,000 bales, Including 12,001 bales to speculators Mid 15,000 bales 10 export ers. The market opened very doll and all qual ities slightly declined, but closed somewhat Ulm er teat an advance per pound oa Amer ican descriptions since last week's market, bat Is lees firm for Egyptian. The authorised quo tattoos are, Orleaph 44 . ,. Old.: middling 214.: Motile and Texaa. Intadiltigllos.o.; 'Uplands, fair, 221,id.• middling 2,014 d. Total stock In port 300,500 bales, Including 61,000 bales of Ault:de:au. Soles on Friday were 15,000 hales, themarket closing firm and with an upward tendency. Advices from Manchester show that the me, ket for geode and yarns opened notnindl but has Since grown firmer: , The Liverpool breadetuffs market Is generally easier and buyers ere demanding a reduction of prices. Ideates.' Richardson, Spence rre Co., Wakefield, Nash .t Co.:arul °there report dour ensier,and quotations barely maintained. Wheat; sales small And quotation nominal', Winter Red 14s I'd, Caro; leas drixt,..,lllretißlg9lo-od. The provision market le generally tresittled and downward. Must e. lllgland, Athayaldr Co e , and others report beef dull and Irregular. Pork quite active, with a ticareity of-Stook. -Bs.' eon dull and declining, Ctrs small sales at a decline. Lard very ,dull and declining. agree— .ncr 'enetatitin. Tallow easier; better qualities have slightly declined. Produce Market Broker's Circular—Ashes quiet. Pearl eee e . g em tee . at a decline of is. Coffee less dm: ni r o .helot,. with a trilling • entice. Saltpettekdinuteed 2a. .Linseed, she scarceeiseed'ealrei Unsettled, Therese et , is bare, and there has been a consldeephla ad. Tames Sperm 01.1 1 Sala artistry' httoted'ittlEl :se. Ccd Oil Ole Linseed OR quiet and indady At davgas. —, Rosh' steady at 1541108. , - typirita of tumentine actlveht-4004(116rFrene h. Petrolournadeienelog. Iliffinttuue42,6l3ll4:.vio, :Ter Eked drat,;'ssltlt tOnd6„114::: VOItT Latter Faturdatorz Aar 211— CalYYTe. :Slated lo.day•wer6LS BMW, lti clud ingdMdimlee taken by , speettlittire and =cotters. -,Breadstnits.'nnettanhrod.,:lo.4nta.' tient!. Proilslans .LardtcrYddil.-I,'p yywieurn grettlrittututissles. ilterinedettotedist St, London, &tunic:lli 'Yon, 11—nining.,,Ton,.. .scds :closed 401198M' for raciney. Attreilean Erie Cetlial Relined, Bi T . ftillroadrie@gis4. U. til, 39,i" 01 New TORS, Nov. 10.—The Herald's :Whitlaldg c .: 'ton special rays: It le reported ihat Gen. Carol- Jal, Col. Larretorga and Robert Duchesnols are hi New York purchasing arms and ammenitben for the Ideean liberal army. A Broadway firm has recelted at Order for: 1,500 nalforniS, tO be/ delivered In the present month. Orders for ;I , amend ammunition have been Bent to New Reg: land to be filled in the ehorteat period 'of i tinee. Geueral.Magrader has takeo the oath ill alle tone:A.:Ate:lmperial Government, and'lS'Mow :a Mexican subject. A portion of the French: equattroneralaing In the Golf of Mexico has gone up the Rio Grande In order to use their marines la Riving the lib erals. An afternoon paper says the‘ 8 shnyier Col fax has received assurances foam Governor Mond and General Banks.thet they will not per- Mat their names to be used for the speaker hhip. *lt Is understood in Wishington that the See retariotile Treasury will recommend Gen p.m sin his forthcoming annual-report, -to sp ort priate a sufficient sum of money to pay oil We na:lo=al debt In about_thirty Gtn. Cart Schstrz wilikoon make a report of his southern tour. .- A joint convention from the. United Stites' and the Coiumblan Government have ngrecd Upon 81 or Bertinatt as umpire, One hen. deed sindVseventy-fisc cases are lobe decided, Principally growing out of the riots on the isth mus It 1850. Secretary Stanton has :telegraphed', Mayor Geuther that the steamer Illinois boplaced ,st the dispense' of thebealth commissioner. The Steerage passengers of the Atlanta veld be pat on board of her as coon as erracticable. It 'ls rumored that the cabin passengers tavecome np this evening. Thelferatd.publishes a list of passengers by the steamer D. IL Mount, from New , York for Jacksonville, Florida. on the 40th of October, and believed to hums been kilt lathe October gale. The ?Man' Washington epeelal sayer General Howardx l fLatiotaudtarepeirfcitfii We - nieri - Of Wax aed that 0,738 pbsitive malt of bin trip ell b e tobtliineneeeif the Prod man's Banal:o'ot an indefinite period. • Brigadier Geninal rlskotendered dor, wbielorze not aceer.edi en the ground: that his eerciees in the Freedman's Darean7ere • tee valuable tO•hedisOessW*hh. •" IytOTHER.i ARRIVAL FROM RUROPH. The I henando.h Handed Over to the American Consul, THE CAPTAII ASO ,CREW DiIa:MORD. ADDITIONAL ADANA-RUSSELL CORIIDSTUNDANCE Latest Foreign Markets. AMES FROM #I.SIIISGTON Resignation of Judgo Adoheate Chipman —fti3 Grande Troops—iienatorEa rner's iMicerasur—lteportoro Prohibiter; from Entering the state Departinont— Colored Woman Boldln hlarylitnt—hiek nero at Corpus (Meilti—ho New Lean. Few Puna, ovembcr gl.—The Tribune' Washington special says: Judg.• Advocate Chipman has resigned his I.3iLioll in the a•my and will practice law In Wa!blogtop. A private letter says that most of th.• rolar,d trcops In Texas are to he marred out. Thla prObably accounts for the regular regiments be ing sent softie Ito Grande. • The successor to Senator Co'hauler will prob ably be Mr. Hibbard of Chelsea. lhe Secretory of State yesterday issued an or der prohibiting any member of the press front neutering that Department. It is reported that the Order was induced by the publication of an inaccurate and blundering statement regard ing that Dspartmente r. lntelltgence 11119 been received at the Freed men's Bureau, that a certain Judge in Anne Arundel county, Maryland, recently sentenced a colored Isomen to be• sold Into 31.alrery for twenty years. The IFor/d's dispatch iaye: Letters received , from Corpus I hristl, of October ...Z;(1, state that lit is very sickly among the troops. General Russell, Commander of tho Post, and more than half of his:officers, arc down wlth:tho break bone fever. The pressure of transportation Is so great that It, is doubtful whether hie brigade will be removed for muster out till the early part of -December. There Ls no foundation for the statement In he Washington papers that the Secretary of he TreaSury.will put forward a clew loan. GEN. GRANT'S RECEPTION IY. NEW YORK. Over Two Thousand Guests Present. THE GENERAL'S REPLY TO A TOAST Nye , YORE', Nor. 21.—The reception to Gen. Grant at the Filth-Avenue Hotel, last night, was most.brilliant. Timid were over 2,600 guests present, Including some of the most prominent men of the United Stales.; Notwithstanding the lmmenea throng gathertat In the vicin ity or the hotel, After the, conclusion.-01, the reception eenstneelts, Glenewil Grant - and Party eat dOwn to • special supper, prepared for oily i aftwdlatiegulsted - phrscuss. In reply to • toast drank to his,health, Gen, Grant said:, "I em greatly Indebted to the cit izens, ladles and - kentlemen, of Now York -atty.. , for the great kindness I have receicift,larlag 'thalweg ten days that I turn beetr,Wll4thabs.., xpr; know it Is not my habit to main opeenhall. )Itlld I hope you will excuse me from Baylor more, rdo amok them frocialte bottom of • L 'l ; ll 4art atiernoon Gen: Cried takeihisuaparture fOT,Washinuton, on lber•four o'clock train. „., Major Getiegal- Palmer . indicted , - - Locirsruaz, Nov. 2L= Mal. Gen.: Palmer bil3 been Indicted by tbo Graudltrry of 'this coaxal for entleamelsypi 40.1oare Kentuellra ~:~ PITTSBURGH FIIBTHIS.NEWS BY THE CHINA. Alabama Indemnitsr Claims. THEI - @FREE kaiTg SIIENANDOAH • Statement of Commander POLICY, --" OF YIEE HEW PRE MISS. N:0.4ana1.. ---- asa. LEMON TO THE COAL REGIONS Speech by Senator Sherman FO'Oeitui.n, PA., Nov. 21.—Senator John Sherman, of O hio, . and Steam. David Wells, of New York, a nd [Stephen Colwell, of Yenneyl inniniirnifed States Revenue Commlntoner, A° ;eft £hlladelphla, Yesterday, morning for the tieritiose of ',lilting the middienoal region of Pennsylvania, under" the ansPicer of the Read lair and WOO Valley Railroad Company. reached MouniCarlton, Tait evening, accompa nied by-a number of dlitingulabcd gentlemen from Philadelphia, New York and Boston. At Readlitts:ctutsorY examination was made of the shops of the, Reading Railroad Company. To day, Ike party have been engaged In visiting the collieries. After visiting the coal mines, the party re turnetl here and were serenaded. Senator Sherman made a brilliant speech, alluding to the great value of Coal. both In peace and In Ivor. Gov. litamsey, General Simon Cameron, Mayor McMichael, of Philadelphia, and Mr. rlerbyof Boston, alto made speeches. II Senator Sherman wan serenaded this evenlaz. poring the course of Ills speech ho laid that during the war the Government was compelled to resort to to the utmost limits of taxation, but lam happy to lay that the Madness of Con• green will be, after eccuriag peaeu upon the ba th of universal liberty, to relieve ouraelvev from taxat.Jrn, The acts of Congrela are necessary. In making Ws reduction we naturally look to those articles tbe'eldef coarof which Is Labor. The faun - datkm of wealth la and should be as free from burdene as the air. The cheerfulness with Whlckall classes have bowie thee tinting the war 'makes It doubly the duty of Congress to !elm and (goatee the taxes now. I confi dently anticipate that In a abort time the Mules On Imparted liciodaa moderate Income tax and taxes on It lurks will 'finable as honorably to per form all cur obligations. D 1110igin AT DIARSEILLE4. New York Collectorship NEW FIFTY CENT COUNTERFEIT NlASttinbron, November 21.-11 e United States Consul at liarleilies reports to the State Department that the Cholera Ins entirely dis appeared from that city. Passengers going east from Marselrss, low bare an unobstructed passne with their baggage to Paris. The bids for furnishing the rtnbalstenee De partment °Tule army with one thousand barrels of Ne. 4' flour, at • $10,60 per barrel, have been accepted, and also one thousand barrels No. 3 tlour,at from $10,19b10,2;',. • Ent few pardons are now granted, and the Al torney General's ottlee has been rellered com paratively of the pressure of applicants. thHumphrey Marshal, of Kentucky, is among e latest arrivals of those who were prourtueat In the rebellion, 'The appointment of a Collector for the port of New York is not likely to Le made before the =cling of Congress. Information was received to-day that DOT. Holden, of North Carolina, is ill at Raleigh. There are nqt more than half a dozen mem bers of Congress In the city. It boa been decided bythe Comptroller of the Treasury that the Pacific Riliroad Bonds issued the United Stales will ho receive! as security kg circulating notes of the National Ranks, and circulation will be issued upon the deposit of each bonds at the rate of SO per cent. of their per value. lAn excellent imitation of the new issue of the fifty cent fractional currency, has been received at the Treasury Department. It Is considered to be the best executed counterfeit yet put into eirculation. It can, however, bo easily dis tinguished from the original by the colorinc, and in the signature of Mr. Spinner, the hat E. having been omitted. • • •• •. Tho Seeretary has decided to alter the genera' appearance of the present Issue 11l fractional entreney, it order to make It uniform, and to better prate; tlt Nun • out; terfeitln, Iu future, ttu nt, iseues rill be of the I;rcent-I;.k core, Legion. • -- • - Fra r• • In Court—Or. Tyng.s: ChUrch —Soutitern Relief Meeting. NE Iv YORK, Nov. 21.—1 n the Supreme Court Chamber,' this morning, Mr, Whittaker, Jr., and John 1). Mrt,r or were op po n ent counsel in a ease. A statement was m usic ' by Mr. Mc- Gregor. The lie was given by ltfr.itlrbittaker. .I.lrt McGregor dragged his opponent from the room and proceeded to administer pugilistic punishment. The Court decided that Mr. Whittaker should make a formal application to pan'sh lie. McGregor for contempt. The pew bolder* of Ur. Tyng's champ met lett algh , , and determined to rebuild the. church on the old alto, with as little e_rpease over 5120,00 Q as possible. The organ and clock will coat idiom 620,fat0. An additional sum of 1152,000 wassubscribcal In about an hour for that purpose, and 3 committee. arm, appointed to 6eenre further crutributions. The work orrebulldhag will begin at mace. A meeting to devise means for the relief of the suffering people of the South wilt be held at - ..girg!.. - .Aeademy of Music, Brooklyn, this evening. .The examination of H. C. lialdney, charged with complicity In the Custom House frauds, has been adj-urned 1:11 Tuesday nvxt, owing to the absence of the counsel, beady and Mrl,4- NV id; . Roupti Carolina Legislature. New Yoeg, Nov, ii. --The Herald's Ctiaries ton correspondent, under date of the 101 h lost-. says as 60011 as the Members of the Logiilature became hilly aware of the ProO.4IcELV6 desires and listen:dons la regard to the Constitutional amendment, they thought best to dispose of the matter at once and adopted it DY en almost unanimous vote in the Senate. and by 74 to 20 la the flange. The Legislature has taken • re cent to reaesemhle in regular session on the 27th inst. IL is aspeeted the proposition to repudiate the rebtl war debt, which was prismd over by the State Convention, will cause a warm debate, Borne members maintain thdt thy Legislature cannot it-ally repudiate the war debt and think • sew Convention necessary. ()time favor prompt legielstloo. The Prnstdent's Instrur. item; to Provisional Governor Perry to coatioue to act as State Executive caused some ember raysteem. It is proposed that Gm Governor elect, James L. Orr shall be inaugurated Immo. diately after the meeting of thn L^gisiatnre to renfilar session. __ _ ig The Davie and Elliott Prize Pht—ltuw d3 Ism at Albauy. A Lna% four o'clock this morn ing a peat crowd of tenets had aseembled at the tiustmehar.ne railroad depot to tithe a special treln for the scone of the Anticipated prize fleht between Darts acd Elliolhtut the police were on bead In large riumbans,•and the Preeklettl oT the Surtinehenne road would not let the Char-. tared train go - ont. The regular 7:30 train was, detained, and no train well 41CDt out till 11 (et IOCk, The principals with some friends reached the pLaco last evenlnz, and IMO believe the tight In now going on, ulthougha cold rain has been falling for seteral hours. ,it is understood lu pollee circles that the fight lure been postponed tILI Thursday, and will übt be fought la this Butte. Several robberies have bean cue:mated by thieves sod the mob, and the people of Albs• Hy are soutewhat alarmed. • Tax Collection In the South ' • • WIenINOTON. Nor. 21„--W. H. prescott i agent for Born Carolina, had an Interview with the Secretary of the Treasury to-day oo the sub ject contained In the following letter addressed to the Tax Commissioners In that State by the Commissioner Of Internal Revenue Wssinwrole i , Horrrxxximi lam Instructed by t o e Snarl- Lary of tho-Terasury to say that his order hided- Windy postponing the saki of lands for direct tax In the Insurrectionary districts and hereto. fore enumerated to you. was Intended to em brienalf lands of whatoyer character or deserlp- Han, Xlticated:ln thosnAlstrichi. Yon will, therefore postpone Indtnaltely you sided of lots, bloom and houses; slink) lolha town of Beau fort, Bonth Carolina, and Advertised to tako place On Use Oth of December nut. Jeff. Oates' Brothier Demands Ms Prop.. rrtt—eloldlers 21ardercd Lt South Caro. bit* Team, 'Nov. 21.—The Tribunes special says,: J. E. Davie, brother of Jeff. Davie, ltv o lettar dated from Tnecaloosa, Alabama, has made application to the President for pardon and , the reitorat!on or h 4 Prolnrti• lie notnOnntut that at the advanced age of over foorlcoreyeafe, he and his family are la a Moultnta condition. A Cblambis, South Oarollno, letter, glom an 'amnia of the murder. of, two gathers of the lib Melee: Voltmteera while hoarding - poverureset property at Brown's Ferry, Anderson district. Abontla dozen citizens of the. die Wel, were con etetiedt la theintader,...ghe /Otter datalla annul outrages. and Llitia apirtt at dhieontent pre ainQaPtPie• • . , ~ 1 -- • - Severe' Gale. . . "• . u r ,,,i yok, Nov. 21.—A' lievere- If &Meat gale eel In anent midnight last night,vontioning Innnabatin ul - ro noon to.day. Rain has fallen :nal/oy. Senator CollanterPs•Stietessor BCRLINOTON, (f 1.,) Nov. 21:-.Go7. Wile Z. be has emulated the Chief Jalithte of the Be rme Ceart, lin. Luke P. Pokelinit, of Bt. Johnsbury. to dll the vacancy In thk:Ualted States Senate occuloned hit the death deans" tor L Canter. Judge Stetland Is 0116 flus ablest lawyers In the State. and his appolatnnati, gives general faUnfactlon. Eon. John PletrPolati of Virginia, first Judge, has been appointed Chief Justice .of the Supremo Court. Jedree Batmen. Sellog ll e. Peck and Wilson, have bean promoted to fi Use vaccies. and Benj. Steele. of Derby . has been an auointed atm As sociate Judge of the Supreme Court- Fran Trostan—Coluderfelts--Itoardlsig norm Keeper Murdered. BOSTON, Nov. 21.—Chas. White and Michael Collins were arrested to-day for attempting to pale spurious $lOO bills on the Globe Bank of Providence. They hall from New Pork. Simon Jackson, bearding house keeper, pro vicinity announced as having had bin skull frac• tend from some unknown assassins, died this morning. Two seamen named Van Burma and nimbly. who bunted with Jackson, and disap peared Immediately after the murder, have been arrested In New York on suspicion. Treasurer of North Carolina Appointed. Nzw Tonic, Nor. '2l.—The Raleigh Standard say. that. Coy. Holden ha* appointed Dr. Win. Sloan. or ...ton county, State Treasurer, and that he will enter open the discharon, of his du ties at once. Dr. Sloan Is au ultra Union man, and a gentleman of fine abilities. lle was de feated for Congress In the Stith Congressional District, the people of that region preferring to rote for a gentleman who hid been in the rebel Congress, and who cannot take the oath. Dr. Sloan, If elected, could have taken the oath. Nomination for Mayor ofNow York Heavy Cale NEW Yogic, Nov. 21.—Timmary hag nomi nated John T. flotfinan for Mayor, and flub bard Q. Gorman (or Corporation Counsel. The gale contianes to-night, with rain. The steamer Baltic, for Aspinwall, Mississippi for New Orleans, and Ann Maria for Ban Juan, are anchored In Quarantine filth. The Gate pilot boat Bernet Is ashore on City Island. full of water. An unknown 'schooner is ashore on Hart's island. No ether damage was heard of to the shipping. • Extensive Cotton Claim Frauds Nipped En Nsw Yens, Nov, .21 Times' !spatlel Matta that extemdve claim frauds, involving half a milllon of dollars, were recently nipped in the bud - by second Auditor French, whose atten• boa was called to them by an honest claim ages i In Philadelphia, to whom they were con- Ided for collemlon. Commercial Banquet In Toronto Touoirro, NoT42I.—A grandconunercial ban quet-!a shortly to be held in this city. A !Arts number of the leading hminesa men of the lit I ted States are expected. The topics to be &s -cum ed are reciprocity, enlargement of the Cu-. ale, and building of the Huron and Ontario ship canal. MARRICD: if ILL—OAST—In Al*chum, on the OfSh by Moo. Oen B Humll, Mr. THOMAS BMW.° DUG =MA 0. GAST, of Alloy:may f...ty. SCHEE/NEB—On 'Dior-day evening, 25th LUC MLA., wile of ➢t. Samuel Hohntner. The funeral will tote place from the residence of Dr.t chrelner, near New Texas, on WIDDLTIV DAT. 2ed last" at 11 o'clock, A. sf. The friends of the (=fly are respectfully locked to attend. gILLDALS CIEMETERY—L rnral and molt picturesque plece ir o t t a glepultu . r% situate on th en hu tizimellete north of Miegheny OS% e C New Brighton ad. Persons wish ing to e litt4eL.VUe wtttdp7l4 at the epos intenlects °Mee, at the ,Utieutlerg- Title Deeds, Permits and all other bnekineagrilLbeettended at the Drug Warehouse of the undennened, corner of lateral and Lescuck streets, Allegheny. GLO. d. KELLY, • Sectistaa7 and Trent;uteq rNs lIRANCE 'NM:RE YOUR LIFE 111 THE CHARTER OAR LIFE CHURASCE CO Or lIILICTFOUD, CONN THE ONLYtrrz trstillANCE 0011PA.Ni AA , * that now makes sod pays an am naal CASH DIViDENta on the that sue each aubstiquent:paystient of premium. It. CA.SII CAPIT,AL and aciumulattoo of filLBol3,ooo is seburely Invested to public stocks and mortgages of REAL ESTATE. tt is nowlath year of rusinen, sad has pad to the WIDOWS san on. 'usenet. Its menraers the sum of ORE Ulf: DOLLARS.. To tido date not a single eats of litigation has occurred, -an evidence that fiber. silty and (air dealing is a speciality with this Company. The policies of Ole Company era not forfeited by ream= of r.ompayment of premium after Os second year. No payments required after is years, but policies continuegood through Life. rumours: J. 0. WALELj, President. N. S. PALMER, Tice President. • S. li. WHITE, Secretary. Branch Offset for Walden Pennaileanta. when Circulars end Blank Appileaation will be Ihrulatk• ed, 58 'Wood Street. Pittsburgh. Agents WALIIIDD throuoosit the State. Apply to ocafityd F. F. GOODELL, State &teat. F' ANDMARINZ Insurance Co. of North America, PMUDELPIIIA. Hartford Fire Insurance Company. Assets... 61,a55,000. airctlon aan be eecued in the above Una and ratable companies. ferNliy W. L. .TO.IMS, A.OITrS, W stet Street. I I DitStrl.l CHARTER 18 29. YE RP BT UAL! 41:134:faile: FIRE INSURANCE COMPARY PHILADELPHIA. ... o.Jaunary I. 1964, 32,457,649 95 Sienna! 0 400.080 Accrusd Premiums 011,000 I n vests d Premiums L 050,259 Unsettled Claims 8,110 Income (or Jerk *Mom Losses Pala dace MI 8,003,000 drms:PerpetUol and Temporary Pardee cur Libel& DIESOTOBA. Charles N. Butcher. lair, Tobias Wagner, Elbatd U. DJs, Samuel Onset, George Fates, luob R. Smith Alfred Fltter, George W. Rie&rds, Eras. W. Leads, X. 1.1 11 OAR N. BARMIER, Pzesitteut. EDWARD C. DALE, Vine bleat. JAR. W. bIoALLISTER, Sea pro. tem. 7. G. corm, Agent, mhdre comer Wood nut Third attests. lAr- tl,l-13U11,A11-PECOIAP-21.ft— v or P/TISHUROII, • R. Hass& Jr., Presider - WM. P. HERBERT, Eecrday. Office, No,ID Water streetotiptutg Ho.'s Ware house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. RIR Wore egeinst 'a kinds 0/ Ara ala Maim Risks. d Bane InstWition suotegat by Directors =ha art yeti knows to Ma Ouanitottlg, end into ors detes vaned b watchy proseptarn ead ft:tram/. to staleteta ear:rade, Coo Rem arm en, be 1.44 eat oteetion to the tato desire to be DIIIICOTOIUI R. Millar, Jr, James McAuley, Math=lel Holmes, Alex. NMI*, George Lamle, Campbell B. Herron, C. W. illaketson myso WM. P, Andrew Ackley, Alexander Speer, David M. Long Baca J. Thomas, Ohaa. J. Oath, Jobe D. HERBERT. Sec efITIZEIVB INSURANCE 003iPANT OF PITTSBLIRGIL—Odice, cornet !BATA'S sad Water streets, second door. WM. A. SIMPABD, WM. BAGALEY, President , Secodary. Worn Steamboats and Cagan. trauma against lou and dantare, in the nudge. on of the Southern and Western alum Lake, and Bayous, and the aulgation of the Sea.. Inures agelnaL lou and damage Di , Are. .„ • • Wm. Bagging, Samuel glen, Sas. Park, jr., W. G. Johnston, H. P, Jones, Hon. T. M. Howe, Barclay Preston, George Hingtukm, S. 3S r Zier John g6l Tann Coopctr 8. liarbabi .T. Oaldwa4JT.,. John S. Thlworso. WM. ft. Bo4rers. art TOEOPLEB' MURANOR COELVAM - !Mee, N. E. corner of Wood andE l l l 4B,4: Eat AHD' Mill= niartilin t maze:nal: ' Wm. Phinips, • tla in -T ' Ai ll r '''"VadiT John Watt, . • ' Samnd P. 31'11.'14 • J oh . E. p ark ,. . Ramon Lore,. Dhaka a allosh. ottArkg ANntekle,' . Wm. Van Kirk, ' IGNop,trAc t k, John JameVe W e Erd. PRlLLlMPreqiefflit. JOHN WA ET. Etei ' ' NIL F. GARDNER Secretary.. ' -2,jumir Mr* BUCKWHEAT PLOUI2,OOO JOI :Ponds Double Extzulfiteribulterliett "nit% dorb'sroUrul, put up fa mill MY • for Gually.use . 14 " recei ved " 4 (o f. 4 ala tt Mt Family Grocery of re fo cornet W JOH eIN A. RE 3NISHaAtrWm, GAZETTE. msr••:.rin- 4:n BANKING H 01783. N. HOLMES & SONS 67 Market Street, Pittsburgh. DEPtaITS REC;ISTED IN PAB FITADS AND Osiaectlansmada6n al Ms prthelpal pals got Mat+A . States and oanadiur. STOOKS, 130ND.11*D anwn szetrimil BOUGHT AND SIIthIi,COMMISSION. Particular attentloa Mid tt , tha.Purthun ar , mato of UNITED STATES SECURITIES, United S Do,tates Mies ol Walt o. 6403 Do. Tire, 10.40 s: Do. Beno-Tblitta Do. Oathleaks ol Inaabletonia. ORDERS AND VOVOILERS BOUGHT OR THE FOURTH NATIONAL BANK. 11. S. Government Depository. 55 M4BELET EIRTEEtT, Capital Paid Isapo,ooo With Privilege of Increase to 300.000 • Having extenalve correspondence with Banks and Enakine throughout doomsuntry, we offer dtlU/11. al facilities to those but with as. - 7 8-1.0 NOTE, And all other Etotemment sestrrittes, furnished in sums to sult purchasers. Depoetts received and Interest allowed by et:seise agreement. THOS. DONNEL DtIIZOTOW D. DL LY, IFL H. SING, ILEY JAB. AL BAILEY, ! JOHNF. HERRON, THOS. SMITH, 13. H. HIESPATE/011 THOS. DOINKLLY, Pttsidant, CUTLER WAS.D, Cashier. aeltlyinu!awl' D OLLAR tukifailla BANK, Zit 9i yoFrrzi Snarl, Open dilly from • WA dakonk, alto on Wedeure day Ind SattIZAIT 01 , 1132b21. emu May Ist to.Ncr camber tat, from '1 to rcvelook, and from NoTembet 1,110 May Id fkom •to oblocli. Depoilta maim:dot all sums atria leather One Dollar, and a dividend of the profits declared twlea year, la Jun* and December. Interest has teen deelltimt.ozatlarurtrally, m June and December, since the Ranh WSJ organized, at the : LIVAI of el; per cent. a year. Interest, If not drawn out, is platted to the meat in or tex.r. the de fr. pogto th r . a i win .a.y. rdp o sha tu t be.: December, mbaaants. r e inz u rze t r o arttati: r a year wither b l i rruhltnat At DAB rate mangy will double In las t=tweln year. B o on, cone ontng the Charter, By. Laws, Ruin and Ren - ulations, turndahed cratts, on application st, On omen • PasEmliri.—i3EoEGE . nizvr *MUD POrtodk, DL Jam G. Baaketen. Robert Robb, 13,4. Fahatstoek, Salm H. Shoe:ibex-ger, Jaars Herdsman, Junes McAuley, .Taniux=zr DL Pennock; Otalitatt 'rowel% CalvinTM:W Calvin Adana; ' Henry U& J Lynch, john C. Studley, • Peter A. Madeira, George Bleak, -. John Mamball, HillkSirgwin, Walter P. Manilall, Alamo A. Carrier, Ja r m a n B.B.Seeds, Chutes A. Col John ton, JoLn B. MeFadden,l Wm. DougMa, Ca. John Evens, Tfcnry L. Slateratt, John J. e''' .orsple, William E. nehrenetz, ".: intern S. Haven ' Alexander ninths, Peter IL Hunker, WSlizzi Venkirk, Itienard Hay*, Wm. li. W, m4l , yarn, James D. Ketty r Isaaa Thnuww . --U.H.A.S. A. COLTON. JAM. B. D. =sus. Amu , . I IA: EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK 0 f Pittsburgh. Chartered by tbv Capital 'Orgetatu+l nada SUM of Pit, 1836. 61,00,000, Natal Law 186 i This Bank Ilas hem destgnaten a DEPOSITARY OF THE United States Treasury, shd ePeotsted Meet for the tide et the 7-80 XI CP 421.117 . tiro Everypurstuu fac las for ility will re-talo be offered to ll:mestere or per. ap2Ortf EL U. 21:111843Y, Cashier. 41,750,000. I Till: PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh. Capital Paid in $1,000.000. with Prvii lege of $2,000,000. STREETS. B.,,tring House CORNER FIRST AND WOOD This Bank, organized under the glathmal Bank tnj System Is now prepared to transact bash:Lea at its Banking Hotivolerner of Wq0,44=41r4". streets. Collection, made on all aseezelbin points on most favorable terms. Elpectel Agents for JAY CpCILE, lot the sale of the U. S. 7 3-10 Treasury Notes. F. M. 0011D017, (Wilder. J. C. 1 1 1cPIELBSON Teller PROPOSALS FOR RATIONS Qvanvineraornato Orsico. • Xmas Oonrs Wasnllsoronalth October, IA& SEA LED itflottositALS the received at Mir ottle• until X o'clock, r. X., of 22d day of No next, for furnishing Rations to the 'Jolted mates Marl:lea at tae following stations for the year 1868, vim Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Charlestown, Stasseenusetts, Breatkign, New York. rilladelpltio. ytenitsyl rants. Worthington City, Dirtrist of rotatable. Gosport, neat Norfolk, Yagisua. Mound City, Moots, Raab rattan eonsist, of three-fourths of a pound 'of porer or bacon. or 001.and.a-fourth pound et Neon or salt beef:eighteen ounce, of bread or flour, or twelve onuses at hard. Mena, onstiwn fourth pound of corn meal; and at the rate to elm hondred rat ions ef of qoarto of bean thereof lien thereoften pounds of ries: or to Ilan twice per week one hundred :and fifty ounces of desslooted potatoes and one hundred ounces of mixed vegetables; ten pounds of coffee, or in lieu libezeofeousanol-a- pow:AVG tosi; Moen pounds of lugs?: four quoits of vistrasz• one pound of sperm csidles, or cnoiond.eini-iosixtli pound of adaman tine candles, or oneeind.a.half pound of tallow; four pounds of Soap, and two quirts of ball. The rations to be delivered upon the order of tbe commanding oiliest oft ash station; the fresh beet, either in bulk ' or be the tingle ration., or good quality, With atilequal portliest crib. fore and hind musters, necks and kidney tallow oxerudeds the Pork. No. 1 prime mess porn; the dour extra ou pallisteGidicoffee, good Rim the sugar, good New Orkin' Or Its equivalmattund ths Doan., vinegar. comiles, Soap, salt, etc., toad of good quails/. • -.IGI subject to inpection, All lugs Most bet -accompanied by the following .. g The nty: undersigrad. la A° State of and the t3tate of he -- w and guarantee that in case the foregoing bld'of for fella lei abovedoscribad. be acs Le or they. will; within leaden alt the recant; ottnagOottactat tbeyait cake named, execute the eontraetror thir,oatiteeltith volarinanNoleat • securities; Mtn le cafe the gala shim feu , enter into eontraet u &foretold, we guargoroo t o ' make good the ditreyence botween the ore: ef the maid W —it-. alid that Which May be eacurptel.- ..A, Ih,Gnorontor. 'E r. WJta is ,tletirscitor;..l; I hereity etrtifithstiheebbre ' .treown tette as nom 04 otproyerty r iegli 1 . gogsme tk - pod thelr guaranty.. - " To th eir 'wpm' by: tho•lYalted• blares Dishiet -flitterti Iftlititsl§tathe,:Ettsttiot:tor Cole-- letter • , • • 2 / a lit - o ust Vrlll'l4 yenlsdby the sbaregustrauty.--. +" ~ . ;Nevispspersagdhorlstet to yinblish,:the...iiibe4l : erltliseed the pew rionteizting .r.liehret.ihterttele: to thisorlee for , - Progasatste•tee scorsed u rierceflitats. - for my? am adeteased te , the uculershined. • " "••• ett2idabittle jerjb,tgirteltifer;::. .Zoos:. , I _ : A great variety - plorus;*iitiz3; puiii au kinds of OitiED nuns, for sale bY JOHN u. SCOTT. pt 4U fieß fait very, 513 . LltieSti 64;14: rett CrOtrOCIIO COLLECITE PLITSBUBUEE, PA: BAIIIIEJL. nzi. Prealient. PROPOSALS, NEW ADvmwris BOOTS , SHOES_ Concert Hail - ghoe 136' LOWER EVER. • SUPERIOR GOODS AND MORE" BTU THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE OITY CLOTHING ROMA trio. a Fir= smosaf." NEW 000D3. NINE CLOTH COATS sacs 00/LTS EITGUS3I WALKING Mat& 09£200ATS or ALL BINDS; FANCY CAP PARTS, FIND BLACK EMITS a.: sll styles pt CLOTHII7. Q, roAnDLii . :ssor mks FOR THE 1111kT IN DATA J. H. SMITH & 00.. CLOTIIIELS, OAX FULL, 13 newt ,Err, Opposite Lee Open Rouse. SUPPLY YOUR WANTS BOOKS AND ALBUMS BOOS rIJBLLSIIBRA' PRESESTATIOI Offal 74 FUT.'S STREET, For the le/lowing rearone Yon haTe the f inest stock in the city to Stied from. Yon only pay the Pablishers price for Nob. Yon also mire attime of purchase a prem. Your meat will he worth from 611 e. tll Yon will be entirely satisfiel with bolls flasX Ind Present. All we ask, Try Us, CALF,. 011 SMPD FORA CATALOGUE. toll • COME ONE, COME ALL i ,GENTLEMETS FlJRNlBliplie 5PC10.1 7 130. . ' Nos. 18 St Clair 'St' ' ' - . , . The attention of the public' hiearles to the tag and entensivaittoelt of GENTLENLIMS kV trlSMlfil3 GOODS,, jut- opened at the Omer nortatmel Plane, wWahl am now offerfage t ag_ bargaina. ALIT ono lo want of the gave wilA tan 1100 their advantage te give ate ges/1. end means wry. Cock before pozetteethg. Wee. • where. They alumni the Largest and toele maga fine VVte Rhin; ettee - alto. 5 11 M Shirta, Woolen. t/otton ova Llele Threed ahlits,atte lirMeete. Sniff. Nec/1154,30ag4118. ntrelett, entterffles,_ seseveretwee pate to " the Gentlemen' In the eltf. Beahnseber the oboe , ft gad 15 St. 0141: M . eet; - Aikrinna LEVIAL N. BA . lartre ataelt of kite, Cape, (ittniN WI • laza tAckviood's . Manna. 0 1 10 01 Enact - gas and i ffiraasoll, mil to sold /Dirac than cut, QLE 3fACII2~, THE ^ C.F.LEBRATFII RocuesTkaz 4111:!i151.LE IfrfACHINE ' - Is now on Exhibition et the GreatVertern ing MiliLlitarbury street Pitt sb ibis ur g t. , Ilarbine will rdannfrettgre zAbo Shi& r. ex anden *gun,. fromkard or soft' w00d.. , _ fa y - haft' tley are supelior to the beet band nude hblngle.ll It,wlll work all lands weod as; • be worked by the hand proem. and ganntrabat•:..._. sannot. ;iris tlmpts In constructing rind not /Ike. ly to get.nat 01 order: wl nude of iron or gteel end we ha about thoo Dr. Ittgglter but one nun to . tend it, end is easily attached to water, r •ntr - •-• boa:Moment With the power of two POMO. Opts lineArtli ninke.2.,ooo . Abingler per hour, - frOar, ' herd or inft wood. . The pipe la Invited to 'Cilr &nd Withers itit operation, ag the .above. ruched place; witerelka , " • Eroprieteels in IttteLdAlleo from 9to .12 and to g s L Milted , to receiver olden for • '-- Illeekbrur and Tef ;Env , for ta e w h ole flakited I 1 , . eUttes. ..All torapilaleatlonkiWimutd tea Tattgbari, Phtabttrgli. fOr th einext weekg, wiu otompt.„, I.l' beta atter Want: date, -addreeiehltent'' Enehentii2l. Box aa; .7 !r "." • 4‘. v4tioxier. Nov. 7i .1. ~X,31141- "V":"1.1. , 0/71411 , 32 tiza.Warratzr Ossity. ots, 094 ;,.:!.., t , • ; Ptrr astrzes, November ti, 18,0.. . OTIOFt—AT-A.-MEETD3r,OF Wit ,. J-N, STOPICROLDEEhisoasener-413. thit -t - ''''' '. o _,„ _go 4 16 , •=1/68 Mrtellust, or. net. Pat stottl•-- g ...... 'haul t.s . letrltd on - Stun cipltar (Put' et:: - I detetaln t - "m M i; Mao/4 1 1W actiotrints hitt nab hat - am : asseattmat itt TWEISVIC:I•ffi ..OENTB PSZsaaRE b• Lev/.Con wad stook r _.„, /eanblet t9tLettai pet stasit once Wino • the Ink"' !" cApof the tiptant,mouttmlivis matt December at, , .. ' . I .M.iteullie cents Jimmy. tit, OSA; ^ Alt "Itra, ,, c , " 4 :: hereby nailed - to par that toptetato ;aims. E. ; f t , meate to At Tressr at a , COVIOAnr.. II t. tals l 2- .- - Can. ta Wllklas awAtte atty.. At th• nitattar - .Vcirotthl..lt 'tat tiroustatoustr-roolvvittut taw .„. - .Betratati: be &mated to tall • ateattaralf.the t ..,_ z „ • StaahlipLaU aline UttitWp Oreekthl Coat oPPro:- ; :: - ;: lit tate otate,"tte ItrZlitt=l2All the Ittti tan... 4, ~ ,,2, .t, 4 otocx IN tt., fat OS. PIIMMII:os reduo4tr - ".-..„, the capital Altotk et ttlOpprim:: • • - -,' "- • •-•' , . , •testeetwe .... "WALL PAL ES, on Eatin and Blank great vanity, lathe /Sn'ea prief 5, et no. £O7 Market Onset. no 4 R/5. 3. nun= a NM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers