• 1.1 - • • , _ ._______ Zll, .Tll iYB;OAZ£ u Login; ABOCLITION in map°. Hen. f. , tooA_7, o:'I linoia, has aPce*Atilla aPpailittot libigtor toltfexico.,- He • h a " tta,bo It understood t " o=llSit ^ n Pumf.iOf l toNka and Ge he h a t t ;vt!.etpeolleeldzioir:tozi 41124 :Neillf Seree.,,L cßity...4eiithht goy:canner/tic 911161444,11:ac4Ohlrftninelltily*t out of I kijkl* * Sk 4 ,, -Lustiest& Ittko..S..i.'SAbat Sitti-FresHert! - '•- • It tiritell'liinlento hrairAfir .la#l7i§'';;; Lookiticifkidenti4d whitthe:lee* eet & 4 ' theroliad:elf thclibarilaki .Hextcoi it'iftd he will - tfable, no doubt; by his presence— with.tha„;Nral „government, to contribute , • . valuable assistance to the Liberal. reams froin.bialeige military experience. In iiiir"...ettion with that a ppointment, it Is is toe b noted 1 hat C-eh" Ha.a.Nr;:ki reply:' tcl,n address of Wel eoutei.ttended to : him lit Nete.i ' ork look occasion toendorse Corilqyan e xpression'StaCd by the speak. thiit IS le ' OI IX dllt7 le a station to prevent -Ike establfilinient ofk hertirehy to nuke , . . :knere donht that Gan. Gassier Is as extreme in hid views on this teat as Gs_ a- I•Oatl; and as 4:stands st the head of thearja- and t o caaadentssi relations With the' Presideat, his opeti declaration agalag the further threlgn occupation of idesleciiii very Big/animus The Lieuten ant General is usually very reticent; but on We subject he has no Concealments, all these indications, the French and other fosejstn covernmentS may see what Asngeig are ahead of:them. IThey dare not provoke us to a war; and the moment they teallze that we am in earnest, they will stele upon the first opportunity of getting out of a bad sernte.' • FLORIDA. . .', / We were a little too fast, it seems, in stating that h`lorlda Was an exception to the Southern rule of yielding as little as t nbee p otaren o o sl ina u ti l udt e ca l_ r i ontnod i r: y othe :g or to ituththt g ,ti e t.anittte b la sc oriiiw k ftoayyr i niwns into the Gniion. Its Convention drd not, as at first reported, declere the ordinance of seces ri ideril'null and vol.: -km adopted a now i dodge, declarmc the ordinance "an- I nulted." There was considerable discus don ever propositions to pronounce It null and Told, and to declare, as did .the North wording. Nov, annulling the ordinance means nothing more than repealing it, but . the contrive?s of this trick Imagine that they can deceive La, by the sound of the I word. In to bellering that it is equivalent to dzelaring the ordinance • null and void. ' Govern-orrecommended ln his message that the words l‘null and void from the begirt:de:" should be used, but . the FlOrldlana retused to. do so, alleging that "to papa it La :hat form would be, In effect,tn,etulttfy themselves and admit that the oceans of blood and treasure expended during these four ycare of horrid war had been without the semblance of reason and justice." . sOUIttlEI:11 EPISCOPAL cuu4lCl3l. The Geheral Convention of the Episco . pal Chtirohai the Confederate States met on the Bth Last , r Augusta. It passed 4/esolutions striking on. the word "Confed eratafitatcs" v.. l .erevz,r they occur in the 1, prayer - book, and inserting the words llnited.6tates, - ;and declaring that al , though thepolitical events which caused themteiaParate from the parent churca -110 longer . -oTiteti, yet it was PerfeCUY ,A.0.74".."7.,, -sight and-piitker iiiiantatn their zateorgithiz.atioz, Ttcresolutionsho wever, • t leave It ir , LetteliGlocc.. ; to decide whether 7. ft will =main or Join the northern branch of thechtirch. RiciatlOZO was chosen as the place of the c st general council, in - • . I Vorember, 18GK. an Virginia and South . . ; Carolina were cr.:nil:Loos in the expression ;. of their determtt:.tion to stand by their present organir:ttion. • • fiaa. ofExpoll.rs,—S•nreral papers are •• urging a tax en exports, as a source of revenue, confttaLut; tne tax for the present to ceVon and go'd. A the COnsMatt •On prohibits a tax on c,,,,:ortsicai amendment of • that instrument will first be necessary; and '!;an effort will be .Ixlde to !wince the next ;,.Congress to inbuilt such an amendment for ratification. It -will always be the policy of this nation . to export &stance of ..mxproclauttras lit can: iend cludAtit and - tftere Is no „. ,; danger, thereore, that Congress will ever, 4 - 1 f It has the power, levy, an. oppressive export tat, or. one that will in any way interfere with, the sale of our products in other countries, There...are- pertain, r. pro •Aut- s--cottonfor instarrcetylliCh Europe Amuse have. Hence a moderate tax on such ..'products cannot hinder expeztations, bat ` - '‘but will Simply increase., tee. price to the • ' •:::Ornigu purc.hatier to the extent of the lax'; ;;and _as w r us a:lamLF/Vatfe, arid " ;reduce our own tatis,-itsope,ratlon cannot ;,be °Merit% than beneticiaL • ` " P-rQ AP I R c ! aTI . 841 .: 11( 'l l, AM the L'atitution was put in when titinetion was and poor and dreaded the effects of Jaurg l• an urport tax upon its titan-41.14Na pro- I'ducts.. The country has now , outgrown tthts dread, and •;the necessity Lir the prold bltion having pissed awayi IlreiXiohatdifeit4 should gaits out of existence wilo inn Raleigh (N. O.) Progress-eae that "the vote on the ratification of the ordl - the Convention, declaring slat..- jay abolished and ,The oidinince of seces. ;von' of 180 null .and void,. was small, • Though a ntimbei of persons voted againk tsoth. how trey reconcile this with the path ittm neseg,privritcfla r iiiii , sipie by ile all the Ifie`clailratfojit of the latavelatingiirtheemin-cipatkin of slaves, , ;le pan't see—it hi only the faCt that we tittriito deal with. It will only prove to . .lrhoselfelto-aduardatertuTti eteatrol the Coy. 1 17uneat what Ivd h a vßono" arid 'again , . - ;named,. thso there - are marry -amongus rho crazy thezanatialtyTtaltlC'aultheli tips 4nd Treason in their hearts: We t2o , not Idiom that It will be-,'long, if - matter& are ;limed to progress as at presept,teibps re shall hear of ier/oqa.pr6psllons tn-re-• avotraers for blackailtax th7 . oaga;f6 psi thai*?' Paziwzri aesurea ilie - frlezi4s_ of eb.,,Loulnienefffeilsger' that timid-111- ilio siler inerc lei of "coßerbeftivil Emitter tfndtiiiiiiiiiiktiklic!!.Ylliikizihltai 'ivrer ziot ttivit*exi} safe ez.e eomerh'fahri4thm/op.:*pperhvtdltiii` Al:Tides "selials' de , 44-a most plainkilie cixarogierof 5,v41- 5 , civil govetniticeipkViieV'existlieglit South. sea . fp tri44rgsd, achez ..11:,1 eve eoletaziliisertitstanft'fall mta, stomelliovezzilriv;lorniry - ; •"-' 1 1:Z=B • • 3 1. 1 3ADA7z, NovEmBER 20, 1802. The French Organ in New York on Mexican Question. the We translate for the Gazette the following ed itorial from the New York a:terrier Da p er , Unto of last Thursday, It usually reflects very closely the sentiments of the French Emperor. As Is usual from this &Duvet', the article la - quatt and Interesting. Says the Courrier: We have received night before last, by Assent- Led Pr, se, news which we have not yet given, beea re e ere thought it could not he Ire Wu waited contradiction until nett rel ry even. leg, but at this writing, at It had cot yet ro ne, It must bean .authenticated fact.. Here It Is, "President Johnson bas appointed Gen. Levan as Minister to the M. glean Ret ebbe, and Mr. Brawn/age his Private Secretary, as Beeva.ery of Legation." We are a. king ourselves, Is this news natty trut f Was the necessity so great to fend a Mk 1-,te r to Juarez, whose functions would expire on the and of this month? The Hailed Sialea had not a Minister In Mca :co for over two, veers. Wan It of sal necessity to seed one now? and tot even to Me x cu where !here areagreat nearer American interests to protect, bat •to El Paso, a village alrr :st lost on the frontier. It is difficult for us, not to perceive in this act of the goy es nment as indication of had will against the Mexican Emperor as well as against h ranee. It is an idle-and improper provocation which will give color to the reports wroth the French Cabinet has always interpreted in the most friendly terms. It Is also a false position. If Mr. Seward de sires the abandonment of Mexico by the French troops, he should smooth the road. - Ile ought to know that any hostile act against the empire even Indirectly, will prolong the stay of the French. If France went re, Mexico, "right or wrong." the is there at present, and has estab ii-hed a toenareby Which she could not abandon without dishonor. Thensands Of . Megleatfoltl dens hare taken port and followed the mote of „thanes, regime, and sits owes them her arms .rts. koor as they need them, because France could notbine- tie ahem° of deliTelles Were . the Tengbanbe O their foes. . Mr. Beward by consigning hiss telt' to a bad process against France, perhaps wanted to sat isfy the fanatical partizans Of the "Monroe doc trine." But. either the satisfaction given is an illurion,for,be has decided to fathom the bottom, and to snstahr with tures the decay of the re public. Is this his intention? We cannot be litre It. Ile .United Elates ought to limier stand that their policy a long time hence mast be entirely peaceful to-Mexico as elsewhere. In this _case even rho parr:mina of the Monroe 1 aline !ill , say that the nomitostion of Gen. Logan aa'a todaisterto a Republic,. without ex ttiteat7ea 1j limply redicolotts. Where Is her cro Jeer Coogressl:- Where snubbe r teprceenUtive fi ftet i ll, , daYn- hence? .lift. , ffoarez wilt kayermigraed.Azepwirs nal under tka„old constitotiOD,z, MotreziyiliAlte Yoke naafi* tiftlieUrdbmi States reside 1 In El Palm on some reecho or Restive ,erutlyf.ffisois amidst • the imndltttholiffog Yet the among the meontanas of Michoacan. wom-reas Wrest will he protect It ponsencedoes ran signify an effective protection, and a cesetatkra of neutrality, it:signifies nothing. Geo. Logan will ',he reduced to play the part of the nfirdatere of EPain and Aosta& towards the Sing Of Naples. .* * * • It the, nomination of a nilakter 4 tO x cm ...main is a mistake in a politicapoin t t Of view. it la still a graver - mistake humane one. The till rending ha Mexico will emtaieta _ •. wertet It as a they ef'help, and will cordmeenvardest 'where they will be with fereeeMenne'sittoat mercy: Double : ,v/ged Will be the hot net of blood in Order l t a o attain 'the field iPesettiet the muffins Is this philanthropy? 'and 'conlek'we with detter he Atrve that the cabinet at Weakt,,,,,, 'the smallest 'sympathy -bald feN ‘,1,0 bare dishonored the assumed 'num cane? Or could we- soppoee that is„. a. In trying to"ittarage Congress; oifitrat, eatistsetion by naming Gen . Logan to y na,,„; anion, and then will he propose to deolonaC: to tubas the Republic Is existing no num? Tr, tolfisalco and not to El that the Minis:. ter should" Do. Sent, We Must wroW, it we ss coot thla hypotheila. that the policy of Mr. Ea ward Is sinettinely .crooked, and. the people of the United States;ate well nit the FrenenfitoPle, would haven/ea at. to '1)6'11401y offandad, 'An then, giving why the choice of Gen.'Legan thus' strx.rthe G great signifince to the epeecheimade. eneral at diffcaerent Meetings.--Snerches _are hostile tct the Meilcan Empire and,rratice, Not hitt the seCrett cif ;he- cabinet, We can: aost hot believe that , the resole of Its (induct will bo to &Weise -the eldnlon and the golrern meet of Franey, and to chill ralatioestivldele :abort Id be extremely cordial . We will untaytd/ theaboetrif stastd tioiitiyeti t t rad he icted. appointtirenv-6fLa filattli n. , Logan , he 'con- Wri-ortmld prefer - to lea the.' brave' ;Gamma stentlgradarmortut 'it - . waslorestizr344 atentidatti itwotad at least, In Petteatfin .eom or his savjearietvatithle lintltion-Moeufelgtifs" lied and more tgireeahle With thaTlectikrud the.' 2 / a ado", than .nainoultier gererainettk Ono to brigandage ilko Juswisi end Mr. saward,:Wfitv bait *ld to' timielefl: . 'selrlitation F-PrlblletteM.4lYOUld- 'not" have comprombWblleby an bliterind' liskulfing turn towards a frieugyadillon:''''We,willevumat: if. lee tepa vet cgs tAat'OellegatTlltt cqqr67. &Cnjated by Itabeiriinjernlamt+~b. r 1 , 213i7R3Oribir AO-.3ttokwawmiztant -49,,PWIted Jest , 84e47,,1i TolebslOWODpoghte,. --- • Tiff JA 3 7Alct (IC flora x. 4 The disturbance in Jamaica, as we Cave before stated, was a mere local outbreak, And was confined to one parish, that of Bt Tho rcsAn-the•east. The Jamaican authorities, Ms true, were terribly alarmed about it, and 'Summoned armed help from altoartens. Within reach, thus betraying a co nsilousneselbat the outbreak was the re. suitor theirmlsgovernment,which theysa,p.' posed would naturally elleta 71=n* 444% ?hfrsoeeimenc ties . tea. • ”Ontity .s t elerices,":lt ie said, "need no anci,gero . , j ' The fiendish scroulty. shov*J4i,iiit - down tffis outbretikwill go far to<jnetlfy , , the ' by suscion that thn,,revoliiiiir provaid the pi WirhednesS_ of the' local officials. men "in `Power tut '4lWays cruel to those ender thOna, who.&cweak and Pow - 1 theipOtOr creatures who have felo n , into their handl have been strong apff the I:dozen—Slaughtered with an eagothat Aicilrilow much delight the bea u s tor wOrk, Mercy 1.9 a.ved itnkinnTh T heir Purpose a lli lonti to establisoi"reignof terror in lajorjeli Modeled t that whieh.Prevail ea during ; lan of sla YetY' • The New Yor Evening Post 15 k tft . in a recent conversatien Gen.t, in his usual homely way, re 'waipd "When you talk of Mexico, count mein;" and eipresses a hope that Look; ~Napoleon understands English sufficiently well to know whit "going" in" means. If he doei not, his friends across the Channel can enlighten him, for the phrase appears to be a favorite one .here. In the instance ber of "Our Mutual Fri end, " Mr. George Sampson and Miss Lavinia .SIMr have a small tiff, and George advises Miss Laviny to "go in." That young lady, of course, becomes indignant and announces that she has no idea of - "going in." Gen. Gran t, however, has; and Dickens can interpret to Louis Nspolet,n, if he desires, the mil im port of the expressive phrase. - -- REV. Dn. BACON has lately been to Rich mond. On his way back, he called 11/;10/1 RJ csident Johnsob, and told gin among other tillage that he found two hundred and fifty white children attending the lobo. retory school at Richmond, as Poor sad ignorant as the blacks, and equally need ing aid from the North. Whereupon the President remarked, "I am very glad to find that any body knows that there are white folka at the South!" Now that the fact is discovered, it may be well to recol lect that the education of the millions of ignorant poor whites in the Smith is just as important as the education of freed no grrea—Sprinfffield Ilepu Wean. So It is; but as the whites have all the power of government in their own hands, and ibe negroea have not, the two do not stand on the same ground. The whites of the South ought to educate both Memoir{ and the blacks; but as they will not edu cate the latter, surely the , harm of the - North is sufficiently taxed, in providing for the education of those who are helpless to aid themselves. TILE Daily Tiara it; the name of a new daily evening paper Just started in Alle— gheny. A daily paper co_ duct3d with en terprise, spirit, and discretion ought to suc ceed in our sister city. Whether the "Tintes" wilt answer these requisites, re mains to be seen. CONch:rttvlM," ".2're methclual etrecis of laziness" is thOiitb pc: of an article in a intamunb, o f the urudina Society. Theaohjaet In • somadde and Oidlesophleal meaner, and act aPPI, was -eta well to tide %pima. to the cos for which it Writte. • Whoever has paned dinatigh a seasorrOf t9 tC ed .Obstinettee trout e=onte."' work, used* aratcrance tte *float'? bt " f " kw 1 4 11 1 - the 'leis few. seemingly ban y an sae that It 1. pawing ha richest tourcgof ..ither.fituuntm,) the 'surest strati :faguaaade itiat in future.. harvests which else could not Ira.° been. it W e i t ook sleet I that ws owe many of our best and • • occessfal deeds to selnalmrealse or ang awst o aten that came tons wben_lntlrdre notsock, 1r pi g for when our minds were rather receptive 'Win active. SOMelhings,givp„to-tis 4141 which we couldic`iter graste,'esictilay our hest; It may be humbitag.That.ll Ls true. One writer would have - 4 cleiz dlstlziction' made between laziness and idleness. '• teThe who Ls Idle and knows that - hits Idle, how ever much he may be tratiLledro his relaxation, still sees within the recesses of his own mind the Mute, half-reproachful phantoms-of' the work he has abandoned. It lifs Idleness be -compulsory Idleness,-of course the care Is attll,. inure. To be truly Lazy tho patient must ban on sense of obligations upon him, either pment or future; he must not only have made up mind to do hotting but must hanlorgottorLior the moment that there ls anything anywhere, to be done. It Is not an.uneoirtmon thing' to hear Men say that they are nevere4olte.lreff,Witen they are Idle; that they feel indigestion, head ache, loss of appetite, languor and what riot, This Is because they are only Idle, not lazy. Their brains and their hands have ceased to work, but no moral ohmage has come over them. The idleness in which most men Indulge Is but a temporary change of habits. The idle ness which Is laziness involves a change of character." The writer tenches the root of the matter when he steaks of the moral quality of lazi ness. To be lazy when ate knows he ought to wer, , is really Isere exhaustion* Omit tO WO4, for feel rest Iles always In the lize - hf duty, j/tit when duty bide to CCU.) from work, to lay aside (or the yearly vacation or the evening hour the anxieties, the 'hopes, the vexations of working, tiros, what. happiness, what future gala might acouteeccoce brine; us. "The dashes of Belt: know. edge which dart across his mind at such moments may ehanze a many career. Ira may sec the folly of his past life, the wisdom of past, resoluticos which he has not had the constancy to keep, or the absurdity of ambitions dreams' which till then had been his master. Or he: may, on the other hand, derive new courage • from the introspect ; may /earn to say to himself with renewed confidence, 'this right hand has done so much hitherto by the sheer force of will, and unswerving self-reliance; why ahooki I faint or look back now ?". Wherefore let . those who arc suffering enforced withdrawal from their chosen activities be comforted, those who are troubled about many things be warned, and those who are indolent by nature or habit be col damned by these few words' on laziness, Tit Charlottesville (Va.,) Chronicle in sists ucott it that the Democratic party fa dead, and does not know where the South is to find another such Wend. Hear It: "Are we at the merry of the Republican party, and are we to continue at their mercy? What shall we do? Row shalltionsthe we oppose them ? Then are the ques to be dispassionately pondered at South. We hear a great deal said about the 'Democratic party.' Where is the Democratic party ? It is precisely where tho old Federal party war at the close of lilr. Jefferson's first term Are we h a live thing with a dead one ? theyo,, is another way, and we must find it ' Sr) of the Virginia Congressmen elect here announced that they will take the test oath, without scruple, If the other two will. We Lave no doubtof It. Those who did not scruple. to rebel will not scruple to commit petusy. • ----- Anornan daily taper b to be pehlished in en.Lcle City. The tr , rprietOrs are Itesere. lianeen Co We understand the rnsterlals Include a steam-power Drubs and other faell'tles appropriate to a that-class office. We are sp. prebetstre that the dell/ paper business Trill be overdone In the oil regions.—Titar,il• Herald. __ • - - - PUBLIC larstaiscitspEosiro sTocR of FAEMEE'..." 4xD zazoßANlcts• - TURNPIKE ROAD COMPANY, Arc he rebstrequoared to call and pay Mr flfta and Lan Instal/as= of MO per share - on said Stock. Subtettbers srlso hors falistlto rens al to form. et cant, Will please A biome that the traulearnoent ratorrtbed la now doe. 8y cram' of tbo 804.4 JOHN FL SEMPLE. Treasurer. Pittsburgh. Nov. W. 1.863. dig POLITICAL. CZTYty . SAIII L'EL ALLIZIDER, Oink in the fr i e nds Treasurer'. CMce, at the elict. Cation et his . vlll offer ?Unmet/ es cello date for the above oftice, scathes to • rote of the Union prty . at their *Deutz/ primary e/ectlon. 11014:to FOR RAZOR 0/,' rzrranenu u salsrurt s. MOORE, Late of the 1.5.1 th Per_taelvanfs Volei:metre: ntlt:dte Ei==l CAPTAIN JAM} MoVIOICEB, Of the 22114 tare,. ALLEGHENY; bo a mt. diCato lor Mayor, eu.inet to a rata of the U Drtnion, ' v ol.". of AntilitnaY City, at Use Othitang. election, n 091.41 FOE ItLATOR. CAPTAIN WM, AILAZS, Of the Seranth Went, Will he acantlidite for bLASOR, atihj , ct to the eomization of the - Culoo party. of the city of tics.Pittaburgh, to beheld prior to the next, city 'lac. • nol.Ate LT-1-T-Z raSIESI:IO/0; CZe Petieth Ward, at the saltelsM3o4 et Lad late Duke ba .ased I: 14"%e"71.43,11; . 6 _4.44,4.waab i eet, wltlrthe tecOittroe,dstlon of th e 'to ""Msn" Uoirreatla e *PUbli°l4 , rMIII/DENV 7 S_ - ( .1) I Vti*s.6. 01Y/PICE O ) T HE .i.ITTSSIVRO if .1.:1711111111AAgII GI , .. NOUrtlall 15C21.1,5f3. .. THE BOABD Or I'LLIZOTOS Of 1131 cOAPANY bare Wads, declared a dividend of - - FP'S DOZ./403 . S fral rireo* one Of the profits of th, Vial throe entesihshihett of tiover amentanilfitate taxa,. 0,2 lzi ems 'add 113 to toe credit of Stock Doe-billii,) payee e 00, demand • _ At aEI eePne Of the Board, 2forember nti,1915, 1 a reaolorlao to riovE Dadee 0 changing the dividend day. ataszt. efiztAmocro lootooo or rebetr rs and Aurust • . ~riaAtes VOLL4IIII3, ao16:10d , ..,-• .-. Samara:3% _____ ______ ________________ TEE 71201700 t c fMar , t!.. fx. .., 1 TIM DIi3ECTOEB OF THP3 BANK -K. b1190../0110fdalefl.battaiM0 o f free of GOTOjLitsifne ca; out to: the prtiersof the /Altf SIX M0 1 0011 ,101700/0 CO LhO 10030 / 1 0 1 4001 Of their legal reprekentattveri to and after Month Inst. notlerd - nil..arvr ateuer. P,X.CILEPOZ NATIONAL BANN OP P. 1778 OtrltOrt. 'TlTTanottalt, Nov. 7. 1865. TDB BOARD OF DIILEOTO/18 HAVE doy deeleted* . elllridand of PEE CENT. Ihe tomb 7t,mUnit elator the lett ale meethe,pgystge toe-4417 win The „ed ,Bahlr. State . lleyeaus Tax ,',4 - --He M, BittERA.V. fleshier._ z ' ' '‘ l ZEl l / 1 7GE1 .°,"" P"7iii"7 l 4 Co.,,re ureuxe leiOeAlOzmnar(renrlitsZivait . etteioigreltrlL;h s toebbi ‘6 ldeer or ' lel/1 be beMtbeoltl e td. kr.._ollload Oompapy • 5a11414, Fourthatree4 Ja the eigrni„.7l.„Q,,_,4eg!, Are ebe beit2dOZTV.AY, (fotuth !". - 21 34:iit 1014 xeclack. , ,A,.. at, .41..14 Attain itreirg Dlniqqatioreefaitth( uee P—' ' 3 ° ' eteleatibuiblet , :lel Eletebtery tee Welke rret-7--itttr -11,0111ura: bk. Ta t 4 a"avEit-gorfoz,vvAittit I'm tWr jeq:Viitt Velibig, Lbe autzt , DAY .0P Iroyfalf ERI Wu* .11rocuzzr Dlrtuarls !oohs preu Ataim, plfr, In4.th other bnalatituts maybe h 1a zinfoagard____; • 011.718. , •.XENTIM.TnigurVr• riii3EAMilr------------_________AlL AIZETN•,-Olf “ “ THE. J. stoalablOsts of ..- s • ~ • - -, “t • . -:2 faß PAZZatt,PSTROZELISS coiwarr - :. .w 1 . 1 1a•-halit at the Whoa of flobitatoa.. hflaaltan Be thiLoli Youith Vent, oar nraiDo. Y. rum ust,iii: a walcialt r: Ala:4Mo el ection:W.o4lo ars to *erre &mat the 111 year ._ L'ltotttwO . ."-• .1.-7,1 ECO4nOlt: Stiretarr. ISIAGNU'ICENT tiOjt tiLeartift2 AMUR V ....110 entenetre works, known aa the s tn Brier-s - FourtreLasTlvottarersi2. Le ' lWi leiiThill Wil::la. with dookentt Tor cbal, asu. :.&e. andall WI ImprO.enettatazi_ta Sot-terry; Input en eV-Gezira bnuneu Fixtures, &,. The winks, now In imeteniatal ars otter / I. t l etz:;. l * 2417 Fro, li 1143.T":14u"1" the cits a Ifremaktrii,r til!:1,1!LYe: V27l° abet* at the Factor v. Aer a• forntatten D t:lin i b . a. had. by Wiles at &DAltts & 00.13, Mau Aileen feettmers, Pittsburgh nothlweod A ;SPLENDID COUNTRY SEAT FOR •LA SALE, Contaialeg do ewes. ten of which are .i.n Timber, the Delarwe In &Ate-hetet& at Ottitive• tion, titur miler a nest tense, The improvemeets area modern bullt C ottage, 'sigma Neuss BIM, Stable and other outbuildings A ne Oschard of -the abet eeteetuta at rnut- Tnie, t o sun tosiorlig. also ks of Small fruit Auld fire never tailing sprthgs. • situated tuteen ' anta*, dAr from so aoscriokley Stiltiois Ttila is °seer the pleauntett 'plates now oFered. Apply to , li ._ritot , AElr A CO. _ 'ALLEGHENY COIO7N—T, you ---'--C . ~.. REIPSAMS COURT—Tint! of Mr. re Gonnigle,Erzentor of bisculy Friend, decease.; No. 11, Ortnber TernlOSed And mow to -wit: Nor. iii, 1863 , on !notion of .f. S. Fergusoo, attorney tor nesountant. the coon aPt alms S. C. Schoysr, Jr.. tiso.,Ltuditor, to make distribution , I the balance Shown said secolult to be remaining in the hand ) or , lid Ez ecntOr. no exceptions haring' been aim to sai d account. HT Tu Atkin W. A. Lisanos, Clots. t COVET. The Auditor will moot oil persona latettite, at Nix cillath No. 129 Fourth • tteet, on FRIDAY, Do. ember 22, at 2 o'clock r. st. 8. 0. SOItOYER, Jr, Auditor, 11e3.3 , dOSV lOn yi 32 . 14r tion of rearlla I atTer of the c estate on the sale made by Wluiam llouse. WllLtam P..liirchner_and Diana Thompson, coos . ittdratonieri, onapplidattOn et .Stally Fiord.. Rule to ehov/ evitse. It being alleged to theemirt le behalf'of Thames Pleat:oil, the purchaser of the Meatless ?Wad la the noose grated ranee, that • report sald sale Wan made to the court at the Term of Se s t d . 1 8 / 1 , rtbd nortnrated by the into court, ands, ordor made to the or nantretonern to execute st Knott sad inilllclent deed to the talti iturehnser and [Ant there belt been no entry anode on the nalnuten of the •atd etnflentatton. it IS ontered that nil 4 who. Interested to .he tt•ht nil estate appear before the a ono at thaSoUrt Douse ILL fill/QtP. 00 the fourth Tuesday Of LOOM• bed next, to show saute why an entry of the Said continua:lon shall not be model., the minutes of the s oldod Court, Ind that a copy of this rule be serve eslly upon all the parties Interested itt sold real estateA or upon their guardian, within thirty days from this orthe news date, or be published In ono PePere publishes In the city of Pitta. broth, IA the Stale of Pennsylvania, toe four weeks, before the next stattd tutu, at least once in each were. Dated eeptember 18, 1843. [A tsuesorsy (LOCI the to:deuces J .i.trEvirl,ir JONA sits 1.. stROWN, Clerk, F,IDOT GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, et J. G. LAUER'S, VARIETY AND TOT STORE, Na Mal Eitiok.iTEC.cot Ettrecre, REAR FIFTH. tbeClT:lZtvbigteekrige,arberge"g7ill: ell!lsvra. 101,18 DESIRABLE .BITILLOTS I am author/red to sell tboge Two LOTS ad joining the madden/5g of Judge Lonnie. in /twine Avenue. Saab lot ban a front of 25 feet on tee West Common, and extending bank 123 feet to a . 20 foot alley. no JOBB D. BAILEY, Wilkins Han, ATALLTABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. . —A Lot situate on the corner of Ballwin arid N o orth w• Meet' an ery alley, having • front on Drr street of berr y eon extending along' North street tee feet to a 3iii foot alley. on welch there L. elected a eubstantlal two story Brick Dwelling of six room.; also. • Frame Dare Lisa of four rooms, all to good order. Will begold to gether, or divided to lull north nude Pot tem., apply at the Real Estate and Insurance °Moe of G. 0 BATES. Butler Krim, Laserenowille. Pa. NEW LEAF LARD. LI TIERCES PILUIE LEA)' LARD FOR SALE By J.lB. IL PAIEHER. 05114 rtd SKATES I Q. 500 PAIR Liedies, Gents and S 'r S IN EVERT VARIETY, FOE SALE LOW ar AI4T2EB BO Rll' noislia4 No. 138 Wood Street. T i r 24 ON -1-----1-rn—fAr--•;c0 GOLD AND SILVER MINING Charter Perpetua CAPI tiL, Par ratue of Shares, $5.00 sriticaLeztu E-NE.d..s9..PaisrarxT, No ;12 5. rO,4J/C/11 ISTRLET. T. S. EAIEHY, No. sr> WlLL?flir 13TItE1:7 E. B. FITTIc, Savairaar. No: 4 / 7 ARCU STREET H. B. LEACH, tanAstmg,, Ito. 4/7 631/7/1. S.7BI:ET. W. J. LI/NADD CANON CITY, Lander Co.. Nevada. GEORGE' P. Pins ; 13072;1 , sm..; OdI(ON•OATT Linder Go., Nor.i.la. , The NoVetty ot thellAlloS &lathe Company le locate:lacer °goo] utur; la Big ureeg Mettle:, talld f r , Oo tot7ifi r evettl, and co ILO nratadlir• Met coati, known sul . ' ..,. - . Chilliest. 80. 1, Leakw,..looo feet, Stereasus- Leargo, 0000 feel. 71 01litatallt1 Gera Learrp.24roo feet. 41sIttpg la an el v'sTacesswo - Strar, oc hearty oaf zug or EUrer Jou: -.- mesa ledges have allikeetr atillciently d wel OP. ed tk 114111 7 Prague - al Wady sod experts that they. rie C 411,/ la eidelleeel to me) ea this hitherto konvitted duttrlct. Tee out en:Tette:te are te to decant sod itull• tete veins or Went to • gilt feet to thiskoest The seteptstree or parchsre Of the twice was mile, sukfcct to the approbation of the superb. let:dein, who, with cos An tke largest stockhold• et', Made Deramial Irwheatics of the Weer, end reponea th eca se beteg very nch sad of eser do. vt,lOpesent. , 'troz-kaly Of . the stock of the Voice 1110104eater/ay is reserved for working capital, ant the ttempsav is carnet so other p ock tarsals. ' TO* bleatola letend to erect • fifty &Luse WIZ eat/yoga/ spring. A mill of Una caysetty will crash fifty ten of ore per der sod at as arc iltre of Onehalf the product at t he mine, la the &s -trite well yield over teem -trauma classes, orer ell expenses la gee worklegyear heinoportuas to 1U esPlist, the Delon Strafing Crompany tutt S' Larger silver property thee any Cornwall yet ; orgarilied la ralletre/phia, The 4 aaht, lah ci gum ot the begot neve bare stLest tea by the 1210 pante titiperlateadeat sad co t tset int l irti t erta illi =er er y l i: ° t i c !, k u e s r a ' Cr h bb esl u u A l t! thesis ores-dhe return to the stockholders Al very buys dividends. lhe developreeste ot Inver aloes hai One c her. actenateo Worth, to he kepi lo name. A Clear Donegan)", ewes posy the ere grows richer, and tcd.he legatee:eases in widtkrtim (Lexie r cle open. he+al'ehfthis WIThBIIO.I . o.Wlrarii only, will be eclolittoed&r os shell Wes, atgd pershete, .611:10,417A4,01.1itreet,a1the Office of • - " 'X ;.UrtOr.L,Trealertr. „ CO IL' BRYAN; Wl' learnt Street,,Plitsetligh, liP111:. Nee ve. eaDaerlptions` until 'Oceemb , .- Ist whet, eh" book. ereil 0 1 0 2 4. —r: ; goulgeditt2 RitELNB.-' ' leo biixis-vehiietit nitunit 25 boza*Sultana do. •• " e t trol Il e r ' ' lnolurtoilludelt *do.. ZOnalto.reqOaltar bburtayer aod . n ," Rastas I all olloicasod fresh flat& ; alOarin Cote an I formal* b "• . Buneh 111 Ell &AMOS. • • Nolo. 1U and lid Wood streakit MW ZIG ch 0 new right° s, on reeelred4so nos. ; , 12G sad 185 Wdoi Stacie FAN ILY BIBLES I• L. RE&D, No. "a! Poona street TIEP.TrR&/IMT -- "M --------ram . ENOE.CE. ..., —.I MIR, for the a ,Itcaldenc In AllaShenr City, Ilittlatrh Oil heC•O4 beak. The lot IS 44 feet Mont on the Seeond Hank, extent:We; back Soo feel to Llberti street, on which te erected a sun. itantral Brick House, Eno.: r a style. oont+ l 4l.g 11 roan.; via and water up nut:, and down; Brick Stable and Cerrlare Howe to roar or lot In the yard trete.la • grape azdar, cherry peedh and .bode no/8 -TWIN D BAILEY. Villktn• Hell. HOLIDAY PIIESENTS 0.6.11 =NTSLADIES'. GEN . TS' AND MISSES' UNDER. WOOLEN ROODS, SONTAGS 8R a v/Ls, (JOU. ism% moor smars, kIegROIDERII:3, A , LACES. 883 % LLEXANDEEN HID cLoVES, IN rA NTEPEINB'D ROSES, =oh RLSON'S sTAIi BRUITS, UREIC'S parENr MOLDED COLLARS. 1565. 111 0 LIDA Y GOODS. 1866, JOHN P. HUNT & CO.. 59 FIFTH STREET, (Uasonic Rare tow ready an lzatutose Cock of holiday Booka. Photograph album!. Portable Writing Dbsks, Port toltos, Pemba Books, Pocket Andel., Gaines of. all kin de, toy Booka, Paper Dolls, tic" gc. ALSO, 309 LI berty Street Dail ;es and Almanac, for 1868. Wht,• 0ff,(.3 at L t) WEtT CIASU PFLI(JES t ',ULF:NALL ANE .SKAITEsi:: JO fl :1 P. II L'l 9 / 7 ' & CO., nol3 59 Flftt b tree t.( Simulate Han. SEUNCILE 11ACIIIXE, THE CELEBRATED ROCHESTER SHINGLE MACHINE la onw onehibltioa at the aleet Western Plata tag EMI, buty street Pittaburrh. w ten ibla b ly u lt . h . Inersaylp Ida pd zuZettire st.oal Go ole. am! finish they are superior :Wm beat hand Shtcgle. IL eat work all kinds of woof that ear, be worked by the howl proms., and much that tannest. It Is aimple lit cow ruellen and not Itke ly to get out of order; a I =Woof Iron or .teat and tend h o about Igiro lbs. .Ye takes but one mesa to Ir, awl la easily attached to water, strata or bona power with the power of two born. tots Machine snit make :AO Shrogles per hour, from Mud or loft wood, The puhlto la Invited to call and sonnet. Its operation, at tba litkave named place, where this Propritter la to attendance trace P to 12 a. u , and I to 4 r. a , ace la prepared to ranges Were for Elact e urwa and Territory for the whoa United Slats. Au commuateattoos ahlrmar.l to R. F. V aurhan, Pittabutgb. for the Icat two weeks, relit ba pro= ot /y• attethladt,-; .fit. !hat date, eldresa him at Rochexter N Y. nu. MI. Childrests Piltsbunth. No♦ $ 3 00,000 GOLD AND Oe7Ptni'"%4"lG(AND JEVEafnVArtilZ 1 , OLRKmLR ever Brno to elto - 00, be wen 0 the T. I-1. ICLAGES. No. ea V t eectexical eat.. whet. w ATLILLES of the best makers JE WEL. Dr or the newest etyles, (MOUES ol a sirery dew " Ail of rest tag t?1.17.%1'4,34Am 5 , hob et Yerks, Spoons and Hollow Ware. Bohemian and Preach Chine and alms VALISES of ehoicest pattern.: sod ail articles belonging to Gayety e of alliances which will be sold et a great HELMU- T/0M ' fine Watch end Jewelry work carefully meCe end repaired. Highest prampeld for Ohl Silver. Dorm forest the place, al Federal street. Atirithene. callityd OPtic a or TO. te nt ervelr Carex On. Co , Prrr ratiston, Soreasber a. 11103. NOTICE.—LT .& DIEETLNG OF THI: i ' NOTICE.—LT ,84).°414i.tu15.i..::::.,.,-,,,,.th4 "4 ... ...utu • be feriad on the capital stocilor said cosventp the following action was had sad determined. That au aareument of TWENI'Y OENT.9 PER elf &HE bo Befell on meld stock pima - latest gents per share on oe before the 16th dAsof the peelent Month; Ovo cents December tst. f as; Ind OTeeitete January Ist, ISM All are hereby. notified to pay their respective nevem et Mt LI to the Trtmeurer of the 0 0satmey, at their office, in Wilktes /151/, said atty. At the meethm eoresaid, tt erne yeeetmoulls revolved that the Scouter! be Matted to calla mettles of the Stockholders or the Whitely (Beek Olt eato Pally, at Quilt ollim. on WEDNESDAY. Umiak Dm., eta to'clome r. vi.. for the purpose Of reducing the capital stock of sari company. THUS entrc, s...c.ry. nnisawd BLICIIKET6, SFLA.W.L,ST DRESS . GOODS, FLANNELS And an immense ■Lock of 1100 TS AND SUOEI ReCLELLAND44 _note GIiOdEdITES: A.ND 57 FIFTH STBEE' agtiogaheada Pair to Prime Cuba Sugar. .ao - tierce. P. 11. I ITlP.rA4liDeeia mid Yourtgliyran Teas ma obolre N.' V, .: U -ZOO uoa " .• . Ar gnaS &Rd Mr 017 .. • , • 41.11XP MOM Rs. & CO. sikaudlga auoarY lama lIL'iIIN 4I ssaitadles [A,T 2orrltta, for briclogarel_r stEl 1 0,1 2 i Now Oltsob,Lemousork • r - **o• •wils *0 F,Atinr 6r°4i F 7 S tere of. JOHN A. nEristrevr,- :oorzser Laden) , and Mad itreoul. R orz /uTTER. -mu 211bla bol:el ,'• . 3 "iv 1 r box d ., dO _ 114 Be a ." MIR ROd rOr 40-bp -.. ttur,, nun o le PA270.7. 1 Ll . , 3 A 114 Second amt. "ith Anthem Pan Ifats, negated thladitv azd fef Ws by 420 , /MUER tBUDS. NEW AD VEIR riSaiTrifIZITS K 0 WrE PATENT STIME p conitmeilint, Will and atlattlf Made. easily kept Da order. and U la all ;meets tellable when a larko amount of vary la required. Quito a number are in operatlon Fare. 'tat:: samples satisfaction. Parties neeellsi a Pomp will do well to eat and lee Ulla one. BAlLRY...F.latiutu co., sole Agents. 161 itelikl/61.1 Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. ENGLISH CEy, For Trace/1,3g and Promiande Dresses and Suits, POE SALE BY 'WHITE', ORB at CO., No. 25 Fifth Street O IL. TAKE ARD O W. R. L FINE SPERM OH„ CARBON OlL .run OIL. NE4TS FOOT OIL CRUDE ozr., gold In quznilliet to mutt eratoreen. Persona wanting any of the &novo named Ulla. Would du Lamina wilt* ,: ce a to tell ll nd examine out aloe as we a?e de- Mete CASH. goat§ VERY LOW FOR CENTRAL DRUG TORE Corner Ohio nod redorni h S treeta, , In the Market Itunao. IlanhoaY 11.720 GEOIMIE EA rcKS. T g AIME NOW READY POl:tray lINION PARK SKATING COMPANY OF ALLEGHENY CITY Lind can he had at the ptlactpal MUSIC, MIMI led SKATE STOHEs of ooth eitlea. .................. . tgul No• 81 Market Streets 1 - cu will find • 0 01 7 000 00000 t 0 lelat 0, W. Tr. aoosWEen•e =?== VAMINAN GOLD! DH Y 0 DODS, most interesting and valuable weekly news• paper published In Western Pennsylvania. Liberal inducements for clubbing are of- Ar PR VATS SALE, AT Marling Edltlon, per year, ........ oo do do o month ........ 90 do do o week, delivered..... ...Eysalog 'do o year, ma1ted......... 0 00, do_ do o vreet. dellrerad ..... • :Wr!EiErar 704.Prine Slagle binges, per Year, by ........ (41 30 Fla . 14 esib: ..... 125 .or ouce eirdae,lobas aldress, aid um free to qub ..... . ... 113 43.41 t aubordptlour tovarlibly Li advance and the papers to best:clip:Ll at the extilrathan Woe to which they WorOPOLL ottiib iirßozolttsocoo by mall oio be Restored tt lona the Pont 0112ce, 114. Publisberi, /10L. ADDIi NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1866. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE! FSTABIIRIED IN THE BEST PAPER Western Pennsylvania TWO DAILY EDITIONS MORNING AND EVENING. TWO WEEKLY EDITIONS WEDNESDAY AND SATURDA THE GAZETTE, For the ensuing year, will be more desery ing. of the liberal patronage bestowed upon It, than ever bek}re. It will contain a larg. er amount and greater ranety of readin, matter than it has ever contained hitherto, embracing the lateat news by telegraph frcm a:lparts of the world. The most Important events of the de• as re , onnted In the Liewfrieperii, will be regularly Oren in a conden.ed, Apil;ted and interesting form. TEE EDITORIAL COLUMN Will contain timely and trlll/111CtIV, articles on a wide rariety of lending lopics, per taining to the greet issuea o the day. The GA ZETTE will con roue to be an Indepen. dent Ilepubllcan journal, governed in its course by no party clique, but by the inter. cat a firm and Just policy teWartlS the Southern Ittatea, and will he ready to a:low tl.tru all the priYileges of , he rest of the States in 'he Cato; as soon as they show themselves worthy 'o be entrus ed with them. It ni..l continue to uphold, as is ,he part, a national policy of protection to Ault./ icau industry CO RRESPONDENCE rom differ cot points, North toad Soul h, Ear aad Wes', as well as from Europe, srlil be found in Its columns. THE LOCAL DEPfieHTHENT Will be found unusually full and accurate containing carefully prepared account orerythiog of public interest going on in ittablargh, Allegheny, and the sunound• Lig borough& TEE gODIDIERCLEU DEPARTZENT Win continue to furnish the most accurate and trustworthy reports of the important and growing business transactions of Lids community. The several Markets will be regularly given, and the quotations of Pro. duco, Cattle, Flour, Groceries, Oils, Ltc, may bo relied upon as the actual price rein day to day, thus furnishing a most in creating and valuable leatnre for all classes of readers. Telegraphic quotatlozus from abroad, In addition to home report& TILE WEEELY GAZETTE a Issued Wednesdays and Saturday& It contains tbo most important reading Met. ter from the Daily, such as the Editorials, General and Local Intelligence, aad fall reports of the Markets, both at home and abroad. It can safely be commendedas the TEFL] : DAILY' PAPER. q4UTTE ABSOCIAT/034 PITTSBURGH, PA. DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, dce BEGINNLItiCi MONDAY, Nov. 30th, Reduced 12riceS0 WE WILL OFFER GREAT BARGAINS IN WE WILL omit GREAT BA MAINE IN WE WILL OFFER GREAT FLIRGARIS WE WILL OFFER GREAT BARGAINS IN WE WILL OFFER GRE/ir BILIMILINS IR, WE WILL OFFER ORE%T BARGA/NS IN WE WILL OFFER GREAT BARGALIRS EMPRL'SS WE WILL OFFER GREAT BARGAINS IN WE WILL OFFER GREAT BARGAINS IN WE A r ita. cyrEn GREAT EAR.3AIN'S iN WE WILL OFFER :GREAT BARGAINS IN WE WILL OFEEE GREAT BARGAINS LN WE WILL OFFER GREAT BARGIIN4, IN FLANNELS WE WILL OFFER GREAT BARGA. S BLANKETS, WILL OFFER GREAT .EULEGAIN.9 IN LINEN GOODS WE WILL OFFER GREAT BARGAINS IN SHAWL'S. WE WILL OrFEE GREAT B6ROAIIPS/1,1 EVERYTHING. J. W. BARKER & CO 59 Aid'MET STIZEBT, MACIRITAL CLYDE & CO Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street. WHOLESALE AM RETAIL DULL FAG LN lIINGS, NOTIONS VARIETI. Respectfully cell the eat - latch of VVIIOLIESALE BUYERS oar LARGE and VARIED STOUR OF ET ER T FII/NG PERTAINING to • REPT TRIALRIGG ROUSE. WELL endin Our g hoe. Atte. RAG all theAN la now Lo the Eeet boring sad N OVELTIES That are to be roucd. Our aim wilt be to SELL GOODS As L. 007 AS ANY OF THE EASTERN JOBBERS. Wo - can and will do this.as see BUY ET THE CASrom E tho rr MAN eoroarsits sad ftra FI m RST HA EDS. Pleats call and EXAIRLNE our GOODS And Compare Prices MACEITM. (CLYDE & CO,. Noe. 78 and 80 Market Stree AT RETAIL. BALMORALS. We oder for tele a Roe of VERY DESIRABLE fe BA/URAL sirlitts, welch are very cheap, •11 llows: One Bundrfil $4 00 Skirts for $3 00 One Hundred and Fifty $3 for $.2 50. MAC/11171d, GLYDE& CA, Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street non_ CLOAgb, 21 FIFTLISTBEEi. 1111 .11PL-8, BATES &B.IIU, rmeni.ros, 21 F/FTH stiLtEr, 81 1118, BATES dz BELL CLO4Es, 21 FIFTH ST/lEES, BATES & BELL J 7 ERIvYOB, szz,Ns, B9T'BS ~ SELL: WHOLESALE, AND, aer.tuir-{ QOB HEI{E E L __ A great rapety , au Asa au kpf, tltQdNgp F$ 4 ' hb 'llew•git'e; 1 7, to Liberty .1 tesllielected itock of [TS, - for iale by elii_.x-wa s 311P.JEt I TN CI POPLINS BARATHEAS ALPACAS REPPS ZIEL.II.I' ES ARMURES COBURGS -Ninuillins PRINTS. Genii( men's Furnishing, Goods, Dress 'Trimmings, 'NEW GOOD 8: llMCfir3l & clamusi.k New Trim:Edna and Ornaments. Bead Gimps and Buttons, ~ filch Bonnet and Scarf Ribbons. Fine Gilt and Pearl Belt Bookies. Rich Silk 13eltino--a new lot. Bargains in Linen Handkerchiefs. Real Lace Collars and Setts Needle Work Edgings and inserting, Cambric and Hamburg Bands, Magic Ruffling and Casks Frillinge l Real Thread and French Veils Anieriaan and Enzlish Hosiery, Gloves and Ganntrets--last styles Zephyr, Wail and Knitting Yarns. Ladies and CUdrens' Mulerwear. Babnoral Skirts—new styles Duplez.Skirts. French Corsets. Gentlemen's Shirts Collars Ties Merino and Silk Underwear Misses Kid Gloves--all sizes. BALMORALS Win god It to that. at:rant:ids to' eyu sad exost • too out gook beard porcautoz. DIACICUBS & ,CARLTEILIC RU, IS bell - FIFTH STREET, Pittsburgh. Pa.. I\ imp 4 [4461:19[314; LN - Beal1) rein- Trim Cl Cloak 'Oinuianats, • eal Dace Moods, New Style 'Mali - suclacts,...seat BSake;l9llk- Sett- , — fags, Head Ornamentitliow.. rieck Efainbtait • • ylmacbiss, Linen ,„: • - -Erazdkatelles o.a.hattrid Bldrts, • ~,,‘4„,V.' („4 , - Ekstakfaist ,RfrC" .',l.a.utoe,Armit.Etooda,utazitc 04. '..Zeit,byt‘ltegepri, rtelv:Estptexte:7„;.;,,,„;,;rct. • ,ekt;ts; Glottair axe tiaautlitk. • • .terttailentregrioi Buil; Ladies • • , Olovet,'Laalei"'Mite thetiaf • sartsr••,:^ - 4 many;'ether Qactd.s: G r ea t- - Vallettic at WH9L.VgAtES • _ 108141081518 sk CD.. - Tr AM 'S ZIMEKET STgu r WHOLESALE EOM sreiss:' j Fait, la-Lef. Lest, Wanted, TOtswat. in.erted ender appear.; fa!! head/art, 'art this. page. erg TEEM CEATS t•L/S 11.1 NC eneh Insertion. . , , WANTS once,-.`our or five goat szleing."jetugl,s,ggrieta itmertr:at WOOD ST/L AT. : : laolathrzir ANTIffik—AGENT:4-;NEADYI T TILE nosy cOll - PLETE in.sTORY OP ?UInHE BEBELMING L.lorit y tItieVarBURN a: CA ITO Portr MINN gems, aid The CBE &PEST AND aits. BEST con- PrzrE kilstory . yintravned rdre cadou foe Agents. The sale la very Wye, and tenni verir IlbereL Jtvi.Tar Circulars. terms, etc.. write to E. 0.-STORME,Atibarn. etwahniet • "W1L213- ZzafiI.==2...NERGETIO - • YEN ma niaketS to fle,a ea selling the cerebrated haprovae PATENT sTANorcActam. VET BURNER for Earnsaaa trll Leave. It eves a splendid llghtortthawrietokeer amelL Every Leanly wastirlkaa ft earrbeaeld for Omens, 01, • • ••Pl• Of Qt-mmers• tharttP/rs polapsaA As etota, Seat for QtrenlakhadHillpaiketla,L Exert.. afro territory given. DA*l3:cd JeIIIES =MX Meafirerturor, Ne. ea Malden Line,' New Irene. UT AN T B . 1: . .... EupL0y-• _,_, K N ENT FOR RETURNED SOLDIERS AD ALL ()TELENS.—Great Sato a Jewelry, SllVar ware, roc.. an The ELasnmsrarlh 00.M..e/EXAV Corr Dm rztiman, Our agents kV raSllltC /roe* Fire to Thirty dollars per 'dan k and we need atILI more. Late invoices trona Edropo hare trwelledi otarateek to over Oat Million • Dolton. A @piens, did amtcrtment of Watche a Rings, Ladies' aunt Gentlemen.a Jewelry of MI kinds, of at et moat Lash lonablO patterns, sei;lAt at s; each Stow Omaha for carttncate, and you will are what yon are no. titled to; or send ti for fire certhlcates, or S 3 for thirty; or seed a three cent stamp for our tams tit genta, which Write Ltte- most liboratlLtild. Nov!, Is Toni um.. plainly j'eu• Name, Old New Count- and State to RAJ/wren & Co., Bon IGM. New York. Alalearoomt MI LibMIF atm% York. FOR SALE 1 , 011. BALE—In the Second Ward, one ... two story Frame House, and Lot fronting 2 fret en Carroll f treet, and running beetle* feet tO Ledlle street. The Howe hae MX good roOttts, a good dry yell", bath, oom ea d othereonvenlia eea. Will be mold asap. Pimentos Zemin:lam. ,:, dlately.. £AMSEI ft ,/fALLL. • Neal Estate Alrenth ceo. at Beaver et.. ABedhs47'. p(Tft , AL.E.,M3ifek Dwenood fag a Bowie, containing aut room:liana anithed gat, retf good, cellar ander all the ..balldingt Banish swage to the kitchen, jturt news gees hot -end ;Water twat bith•rocan; ali newly Paillith. ISO PlPe_ red. .Alas, a meant Lot eejeitilag thenrinee,isti LOA°. ed In, with coal, wood bonze sail 'other ontsbaNds log. ell to ens Otto order, With hilo gleam, snots aLWI un Boyie street, Thad wArd, Alleg, .9.99131 t. EaUSEI as. HALL,kenyis Neal Eget* Agents. . noistwel No. 91 Beer, street, Allegheny. 9 1 ________________ .401 i BALT. -A. NO. 1 STOCK &ND GRAIN FARM, containing about 'MO acres, Situate fa' Tailor:laid township, Washingtos Gourd), Pertarylrania, on the b leuionigalerda tiger One mile above lock No 4; no acras of the logs; Aver bottom. The whole farsula undoes high @tato • of genitival:lm Fine awls orchard, , about n and locatio n beau t i ful.pened; the mating Ss toot and TOWER,Zfti Tr e s r l iltratguVe,...tritnYfr, of 02.4 street, or to•E. T. r aNV(Xlasi, Oa the unclad! DRY GOODS, TlTtirdrilkOS, ATON'I3 TRL3IIIIIIG STORE_ EATC.N'S TRIMMING STORE, EATON'S TRIMMING STORE, EATON'S TRIMMING STORE, EATON'S TRIMMING STORE, EATON'S TRIMMING STORE, EA - TON'S TRIMMING sroBE, EATON'S TRAIMNG E, EATON'S TRIMMING STREW., STREW., EATON'S TRIMMING STOKE, EATON'S TRIMMING STORE, 27 rrrnr sri2 17 FIFTH STREET Eri * 17 FATE trag: 17 Firm sra ' 17 FirTR STREET, R F7l - 111 NTRFET' 17 F/Frif sTaiiEr' 17 FIFTH hTREET' 17 Fl VTR STREET, MIELTIES OF ME SEASON, AS WELL AS VIE andard Goods of the mason,. ate being receired daffy in the shape of EMBROIDERIES. GLOVES. HOSIERY, HOOP SKIRTS, ebo. F. a EATON, Su=elsor to E2CPON. AL6C/1173.1 & 00,1 NO. 17 FIFTH STIMET.. NO. 19 FIFTH STBSET ANI/ DEALER-% "VZ JUST OiT.IYED
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