I.rgarAl3l.B.ll.ED IN 1786: ttelfttokaßh-ilhzMe. CITY.; ITEMS. Fluanes and Blattketa. wi t ua sow 64, 4 loci itet.oiy pfeei, on then owner' ofTenthat Land Matka itratti• Tr ; - notrawr Lova fr. lisa. L - 4 'MUM ibltellts, ;-,2 l ,eatral OCIAme, For plthattlagoder. - Per sale by Charles Super, On=ins cognet,pf Penn sad SL. Utak streets, rillebirit " Bates A - . Bell's, ritth street. Cob=pg. At leas than you will hare to pay for good riots elsewhere. .11entereber we are new on the north east corder of Fourth* streete. C. Ranson Love & Bno. Mates A; BelP6, b1iwide...4111141)_44e4., :Valuable Lota ft Braddock's. Bemembee the sale at Briddeekia - Plaid on Tussitty.aszt. Tiro trains _take ladle. sad gen tlententristo the sale. Ono train leaves the Von netirrtilirLeriot 4t 1714 o'clock, and another leaves the noir depot of the ..Penneylvanla Ccntral at 2 O'dl/ok. Bates BelPs, Muth* 21fIltti str The 'Lowest .rro,e,httnnoto how -low yon see Goode quoted, We Will either till tho.ls6te quality for lest, or sell you • lAttet article for the some price. Re. member, we are now on rho north.eoot corner of FoortlOunthrixkot erect,. C. 11..i.smox LoVr k Belo u.ews. Westi,TibseniDelatzcs, 'A Filth strczt. • .. . ETankl.4l. "an d the South Carolina • ; Planter IA friend:l - Oa:ea to Ala that the summer before the War eta,bockttable South Caro. Una pltinter;hoWas up one morning with the sue sad iota . about,to venture forth on a morning walk, when he was checked by the planter at the ..You t eatial.paae, Gtr. Too early." ..Dixquzly 1 : Why. my *Sear Ocgottei, whit liars Dr. Fraultlla . " t0,t44,an0 early tq rise will hmke Man heilttry, and Wealthy and WISC.' " "Very dais airi_ict alts fallacy. Early rising and thelzhielatioX Mier , a 4 emOff r otoolooll of the MornbeCtealarle Of Ws eountry, North aml South, have bean the death of thousands, sir, from the time of Captain John Smith to this day. Wait till lifter breakfast, fortify your stomach with a .up of hot coffee.; an,! then, the Regimes irOas of the night 6cl:4e:dialed by the min, We will take morning ride,":,, "But, my deny 'camel, I am 'always• fortified with a wine gleie Dili of ,Ileatettetla Celebrated rstommh Blttera." "lib, then, sir, yorCmay stick to Dr. Franklin. Bode - Merle agent at Charlutort enpples me, and I am expecting a box today with my wagon. Thole Bitters, I iLnd, are a sure protective against all the fevers eauttlui , from malaria. Dr. Frank lin holds good, sir, even In the swamps el South Carolina, if Collided with Rostetter's Bitten:, Bates 8; Amerksn Coburg - e, in:Fifth itreet. Frenii Meriaoes Meaner than any other house in the city. Re member me are now on the notth•eaat corner of Fourth abil 'Market atfeetc. 0. StAls.scw Lorr k Bno Bates 8 - Betts 'Dir. , Csacoes, 21 Frfth street_ Bleached Faustian djheaji, C %Shales:ale anti 'retail. at birker & Ca.'s Planate. street. . Bates a I;cil•, Otesp Blzmkets, Fifth 4Lreet. , ~. Wholesale Buyers . qr fry Goads ulll.ltad our now stock the cheap •est sod tiLOnost,desUable In the atty. Bertamker :yet ita,,ft - r - ein'tkeLioilt , eist corlicz of FoUrda anddllsiket attests. O. flessou Lori; Cs Duo Bates Za. Bell's Cheap F . 1.44 ttre'ct. Fall and Winter Goods. It $a with great pleasure we call the attentioz of oar readers to the superketnek of Fall and Winter it oodsjustnasetysidbY Mr..John - Y.7eler Merchant 14O.: .Fed e ral Street, Allegheny. His Cock mahrseessome of the rarest and most beau. dint Cloths,llamdmerea treenioatlngs attlYelting oregillnught W-the. westeia market. Rio "essoit. - meat of needs/king Gends, comprising Shirts, toraWers, Collars, Keck.tles, liandkerchlia, he., cannot be summed east or west. A large stock at ready.madi...P . mds,-Cloafa, Tells and Oveztosta will alio liethtund" at bla establlitsment. Fermis In want of anYthlngln the clothing line should not Call to give Aar. reeler a call, • Batts A: New s!sles, 91 Fifth street. Colton Goods Of every description . purchased tee the late de clineln prices,. and alit be cold lower than you eau huy than elsentere. Remember, we are on north-cant calmerof • Fourth And Market 'Beets. ' Hawse's Love 8 lino. • ."7 1.— "" ^ Famous. The Boa and Shoe house of South fc. Rots, ea "dlaticet street, is becoming an especial favorite ar.lfhaur citizens. Tht&tr no matter of surprise to oil, when tyre annstdor that they eon procure anything they want In the line of boots and illicit of the best quality, at prices far below any • Otherplace in the city. The stools located in a place easy of access, beteg 63 Carnet ,treat, 3d door from Fourth street. nolnatd ,Ttioniai W. Parry & Co., 1.:40.1011.515ta Itoottre, sad Melts ha Ameeissa Sesta or various CORM Oflleo at Air/andel .tositaltr's, taut the Water Works, Fittabutgh, Pa.: ILeslCqica, . Ro. le Pike street Orden prolVyatteuiLed to: work. , tiaistatesi Vista proaf:-.T.e'palriut deals' at peshoriElb Otlat4 do huge tor melts, provided the loos Ls cot abuSed after It la put cut. ISchtralL tirdplitte of Lime, Yor prciexiiag cblett 'roc We by Chatlci Suptr, atm/gist, comity tsl - Tein arid St. 0111 t street% Pittabtugb4" Capentep'JobhLogr Shop. Saute; rsuszed a:alp& Mance of Moo can ta° ma. I tali. MoPOned zralhOP rat oil tato of JObbing to tae eirrenter line, at the old.. ataat, I Villa 45.11etr,betereeaNtet 2, ffeldstreetaad Cherry Orden solteitai end trtotaptly attaattal Q. VelEtztre 'rename. No Medici - fie' Gfceu t Lt. J. Dodge Warta still tonttnnow heatto the spoof. at Masonla .E . 401, each., day . Irma 9 WW it A. I..bee al oharge,ttat item ie .ittla he , ase be, round at the St. Charleitiotel by. 'those who are able sad ellltog to pay, -.WIII positively:meta .ito longer than Dee. 2. ti 01541 'Just the Thing od coup crawly, Dotter, @coral+ or Eterton 'WI*, cocoa tint candy, tote, lepton, pineapple, anlua anitinountain tea canny and taffies. Goon ,plunee, tilt. risfithii `data _arid euriaats, at ita 6. ,Federal street... A ealllll aolielted. Groaoz Ban Tan. and Opined, .ourprir Clothing HOMO, at G 3 SIRA attest, wheta 3 ° o 9aer 112),600 worth or :ctothing reordieu of .40t at Oak IfalL nofttm 't SYn; 6 ,I!,e4n Street, I. PANiitly to blisinegi In hii - proies. 11 Neele* -Valve.lie er „Lime, Ver erne nlee-ei*:,,Eakvile ert Oemlerlepeee eint,ireist, Come l eiyeeirokad . st, inte triiilar 2 4o 2 - • ' • , . A , Torso nun named.. ._"hfelittlre: pasiei, the . •emly part of last Wedeet4sy. evening festlng ~'' the whiskey In the saloons - of Mb bith.dalitig itt4elt testtag operation btassit-Tretplent _meas . 10a to ma his wallet 'watch colltalsici a lauldiett ..77.7:.0.4 tiny dollars. lln Allan, pmelead.4lz," g o ,Z , " , ...d..._ . .,..., , otore?'end_eptebui., is lack swami. by also :- ' •-•ar{ W ,v " t,rtnrblyt. ClTtanr.llsmbi . '•-• - : It, w ith Wow: The hack ,t, , malt &Wenn 'el city cut: hat Vet. 1 ti , flalltt i ; 144 , ..; 40 . - Elcre cyri." Yam-saw; stu7leiono. _ -ssossalausin. the, pal ot the; company, was te e% allafertheSil the stwpp4ttof lhO Lifan. 1 :aatt ` t "here: was the' piste. I SW the' seat end liti across this -' 4.60454 AVer'Alteum. th e t h ree , g m '...i 4 f 42bagaifsronetr. ;Mei With s` 4 ' - 41 kleteetw h west lett tO ittaanitie On F 11;1 8131 4*m °' ° Of Oinking' too much liquor . ~,,.... , _ too, melt . techeit(J'Hefilatened 1 ..' " l ir, snit came lnto the ay oily In qttll MOTO it 42042:. told hlustory. The When ' . l'Yete +lnge& Ma are ln JCL. ~ ~~ ~~ "'. LETTER FRONTITHOLE. Stage Trairel—Ralkoade In •Pregmal -Health and Sterala—Basting of To olio —Boiler E • ;tie., etc- [Correspondence of the Pittsburgh 6asette.l Crrt, PA., Nov. 12, 1805. . After much delay, I find myself iraliting a few thoughts to you about oildom. I can do nothing Like Justice to a driscriptioo of the Jomrney to this place, but If jolting - is good for dyspeptics, tend thein ill ' hietiff,,"taiirl I will guarantee them o care by the line of the/ Stage from 011 City tip Cherry Rem to Pltholc. Yon will scarcely credit what I soy, but I asinire :rem of the fact, that on the oeMasion of an up 'set last week, two mules were actttelly drowned ita,a mud hole, and a mile farther on a horse wits ' aufiricatel. All this will now soon be over. for two lines of railroad, are pushing ou 'with all the epeed that great - wealth and genius can command, to connect Pittsburgh and Pallet, directly. Ceti: Burnside has a force of some two thousand men, pushmg from Reno up Cn..r ry liun. Another company has•cdready edva,- ced from the non it o 1 rltuole, and ' w tli be open for travel in ten days. Well may they speed. You nave exaOcrated notions of the rowdy- • Lem In this neighborhood; it seems to coo that whatever has been the Latent of this in timed past, it is now at least. as quiet end orde.ly any scetion of ilinyet•tatJle old Alleo.mily yowl ; ty, The tx.sltit of Pitbol. in by no menus bad. 11: a Pitt, , ..w4her COMPS up berg and exprohes himself in his prospecting for the licit regions, 110 'has to run the e. else:leen:vs, which as t turko It are no WO' 613 than if be were at home. I meet daily many of me old town:- men, will. their big boots. 110•.111.1. rolg u _ r the rand. as bluff, 13.-arty and go, e- olutor.,l e'er nwt :In in at 11,11, of 111, m I,av made a e... d ii. I i•, Nt• Rolm ter a Desk' nactlvitf, has hunt vut 001 V :1 . 1,111y, rages Into the huge tanks pre,. i5...1 for it, and it some el our friends do not reap a rich harvest my calculations are at fault. A couple of them had a narrow a cape this moroleg at nines ckick. The great 54 , burs a twelve . hurdred banal tank, with a report alto t cannon. They had not passed the spot lee see bradstwhen the lingo staves crocked and caa, driven with immense velocity against o 11,^ tanks, and the golden shower ru lied like , !•.1. rent lota the flat, lilting up the. creek net rat feet. On i.e.l line of the creek for a mite tltwn the men upon the wells, threw out boo no to catch the all and in scores and hundreds, !.u..y 'bands wet e at tr,,li; w aAt !.wk, buckets, b rein, Ely tiling that any one eou.d at hands on in tin. hurry we bri.bgbt ac e . It was, 11.0.,,d a ~_rest.S. , be rt ••llb • II g th ercra. If you btok a ramble among the darrieko and tanks, Son would sec many m ore., 11,4!,!): stig. b eslivc of tic same catastropne. Last neck thr holler of the well No. 4, Fei..k lease, of the Bola:dm tarn, harm Irma the grossest. caralessuc.ss, and a scene of a drc .dial character was the conseemace. The driller at the well was killed iu an instant, the boiler thrown some fifty feet, and. the Sampson post, an Immense beam, was throws fifty yards or more. Th.,. wreck was complete The United States well stopped on" Thursday, at tweiv,. o'clock, tapped it is supp,sed by an adjoining well. But the prospecrs,are staid tole; fair for - musette lug It. They are • reeling :n engine and intend trying to 100 p up the water Veins, and It may yet be as good as ever. One of the l'iindoirgii Urals, the hod her , Dithridge. Leehhe we! others, the , i , 11.3 Inc% of Pintimonli cud iron 11,11 , nNew Cie.tio, hue erecleef a WalLot,42 11,r,1111;t cat proportion , looking ilowu the i un. on an admirable Maine, site. 1 have teen nothing la I'itho.e tha: bears any er•rnpari•ton with It; the sqn, t t s ee e and ro. 'Moneta of a first class 1 1 littlur.t.h store appears to be the ititeutionvar the proprietors, and ladg ing by the ti ode th.t.t ie ili)Wit.l,; 1:1. their e ker prise will not be unpaid. On the brew of the 10 , 1 Urn the ri n d:: Pros, 'Which I mention because it has got Into the hands of Pittiburghers, who,-In honor Of their city hive nottlic-d It Fort Pitt. It In admira:.ly located for dwellings. and I learn that the firm hats - told it off lilt° hll !tPrig lots, Ulut are in prospect of being take) nit. 1.... Ur we:n 3 C lining CIOND On u, which give excellent Ormnifie ark, severol t ot hen have bean commoner. 1 sod the territory ha• nrown lute t.rreat r a. The Ponta De,' Leto'., with ah the to II rt. n 4113 COLCCIACTIC,S is intro COMJ•kr 03. al, teleg, othee. or -of - stages, 4t0., are al: in 1.1 000.5 emzvirt....m. Added to Talsifill the several line , of ralir,td, zfi.!vfllest-eninlytqg eouneet Plasbargh *WI PI:. 'hole; wilt readier this locality quite a desirable place for speculators,. =2l FATAL ACCIDI:NT.—A young man named 3u- Phan Wand alw killed near Mercer. on M. mday eveninu, by_the aec.dautal discharge at a gun. Hq in company with two others, had been out Marling. On teturning, the guns w.we placed beneath the ecat, and the party was about swat- Ina, when a large flock of ducks at= dtscov ered noon the pond. Strung Wood reached f one of fhegunt.end in drawing it oat stzack the hammer, which caused a discharge, the cu.:tuts pnesMg through the kit breast, and causing his doath In about half an hour. Ho had been In the army for three years, and had been a: borne but a shall titre. Be wee a worthy yoling min and highly esteemed by all who knew him. He leaves a 3 onng, wife to manna hia untimely end. Mas. Bremen. of Erie city, was o, severely burned last Thursday evening that she filed the next morning; Bhef hid been engaged In re moving some articles from a trunk. kneeling upon the floor, when the lamp, whic's wan standing upon the table, was overturned by one of her children, catching .tier clothes. As soon as she was aware other danger she rushed out of doors and itto the street, seemingly losing all p - eeerce of nand. Before the fire could be extinguish• d she was terribly burned, hir flesh. In some pleura. being reduced to a crisp. disc lived In grunt agony until tea o'clock Friday morning, when death rellesrel her Irma the anti , ring. EINGUIAR ACCIDE , T.—About seven O'clock, Thursday tveumg, at Corry, the way freight train going west, on the P. and E. Rosa, cams In contact with a loose box car loaded with oil, crashing It is. bursting tee barrels, and netting the oil on fire from the engine. Herculean ef forts were made to disengage the engine, but without avail. The engineer. William Shaer, at the ries of hie life, rushed Into the car sad raised the kEfet7 valve, thus preventing as ex plosion of the boiler. The Leader was us. shackled, and that and the cars were pushed out of danger. TEE ASILNIEN INSTITUTE for the elneation of colored men, !tented at Oxford, Chister Co., is belni. enlarged for the accomodation of the large numbers who are applying for admission, mostly as candidates for the ministry or for . African mioclrnatica. A mdetieg is behalf of 'the Institute, was held In New Tuck on Tees day.erening last, in which the want of adeTiate means was set forth wed the claims of the in stitution, es a means of educating the black race In this ronntay as well as Africa. ;rem arced upon the public TIII3 English Catholic congregation of Johns ettritS:Pa., bAslincebelted the Fester House and the lota inintealately adjoining for the intil of SMOG... The building le three stories high, bulltof bileis t , and the ground floor ID 115 feet on Clinton by 150 feet on Locuat Street. A . actattaxy for young ladles and n parochial Ilekool, - to be under the care of the Sisters of Meter, will Jie established on the premloea In the gPang. . . A rxrrzebOy about six years of age, son of Captain Lczttr, of the canal boat, John R. Packard, and residing ,3near lithermansvilin, Crawford county, was drowned near the Lnat zenheiser icek, , cill :Waite morning. Re was playing about the boot while coming down the aLack-water. and is suoposed slipped into .the cast Alter about two hove dragging the hod; was found. 'firs Tinge Agitator rape As Royal Rose. Esq., a prominent c'tizen of Rutland township, waa proceeding homeward from Mansfield one :day last Week, his horse task fright and rag away. tlingieg Mr. Roeo to thegroned. Rearai discovered In an turenalble condirlazi, and death ensued in a few Lome.' Amyrurn lIAILVPAIL—We are reliably in: formed that the gentsylvatia Central Rsilrasd tempapy are about commencing the construe lion of a railroad from Irwin, in Warren county to Fmaklin. I& fa , the 3 13staail In of the com pany toonasa-the filer at Lsytsnut. and pro ceed dotes the east tide to Franklin.— rcaanyo -4irinri ;nature deliberation of twentpo'ght ;dais. the eillor oLt,te Meadville Daffy Beputa• ran considers tbstiosting) editor'sasno• turn, alibi:Mtn-It may se= to be a good thing to soma talkh is not . just th e bat thing ' be the world for the editor, aspen:ay whan he bee to prepare "copy!' fore morniag paper. DlPTMaibt, or soutajdodmd &sena, has eir 'fled off s large numbesJoUcldldrAt - in Cerro I • wawa. Cambria county, and lie ImmeAlate lielkaborhood. Benjargia , ,Wetriere los& thrust of -tittelarldrea, iota aurnerimi 'Other feli!Vißtall to tnifscourge. ravages have abated. 3 ,3 4Osin of tba•osiglansta or Ede are comtem itAatirg the establishment of-e - line of nasals between trait Fort. and Europe for the tranapor-. Dillon of oil. , V. If, TheroPeon, Of oil noted , ety, heads lbe movement, and the plata le tO 40.120 - 0 0 4 10 YIPMA . 64 44 of $549090, •,• • Tun_ A. d•., G. W. Xtellroad COMIIPA4 : Intends building a pew and substantial atraann at Greta= villa during tbeccorm gear f - • r A Lutz of railroad cam mpngn es g et Carbtaidale and extending Iturough i brirn, 'WM 'be ?egukneXt sPO3X. „ f LA TEAT NEWS tiY TEL=-RAP'Et BUDIOBED MEXICAN INTERVESTION. Funding of Ccanpoitna 'lnterest Notes. ENGLISH OFFICIALS COUNTENANCING PIRACY Pardons to be Less Freely Granted. Yo;ix, Nov. IS—The New Orleans Tinta of the sth says: In relation to rumors of naval and military preparations, we have intormation that we are not at liberty to disclose, giving positiie corroboration to these rumors: e hesitate not to say unless the French troops arc removed from Met Ice before CL:lstmas there will be ac live intervention on behalf of Inc Liberals, cod the trulitienal policy of the United States v. ill be vindicated. The r'orriniirrinr4 Washington special says: Secretary Nliq'ullir , ll will soon again exereisc the power conferred upon him by the act of arch last, and offer to fund all the compound intereiet bearing legal tender notce at par, with tit CI inter.t into Sti's at a tired pri T ce. ri re will be tio:litnit as to the time for sub.:rip- I, 11. .=pcaker C“ifix zirrirrd ,r1:::14. mil. be ,treett .tt tt.- lit. n ....timed to.. . CI, S 1 CAI a I r • L: r:.no 1'.. , m. i , to hare he 0 roceirrni clearly bring ., Lome es British otileials the charge of know n tjr cud willingly countenancing the doper tore of the Alabama on her piratical career. It in Shown tent S. Price Edwards, Collector at Lin-rprol, permitted her to start, a. ter orztem :rr to - the Foreign ot➢re to detain he., and that h. porn iced a portion of her crew to join her of✓r their contossidn to the Surveyor of .214 that they %1 r tming to Joie the gunboat • Tor Poses cp.etnl ear.:lt .c trot rUtniOn C dertri le the Ca' I. et. Ter Pre:lsent ie I' lied Cl , O tie of tee lealka -1•' the South, many at whom he has par don. d. t he t,ey of n o ai was found In the Hudson Ofit..Plo td at 10 tt , Mr. hi ;.:e.. 1•,, r,v,d to b • :eat ,•t a f;• ro an. The ex prr-el e gait e pr.. tied that the body w.ll not be Pa:Tarawa; Pr the n•cep'ion of G: n Grant r. the Fifth /intim; Hotel, i.e Monday, are tw ine radr, r: perdiree of coat. lir Tribune's Vit.blll.lgloll special soya: The Pre,idt, t 11159 pial!ly letimatod That he will berealter show greater discrimmation to grea ten pa doss. Among the visitors at t.e White blouse yes terday was a notorious ox rebel General, who tor isted on rending up his card, with the ragout teat :he President went.' immediately grant him p Irate interview- Tternealdent returned the cat it, with a verbal careaage that he considered t. rttorent Inepatlnent, end could not accede to it Anneng the applicants for pardon is Martin J. Clresvt4.id, Joimii:ly a prgininent member of Corinne.. from (iiiorgia. and a prominent rebel d::: ¢g ti e '1 he Wel ,pedal says there were large i anti els ci pa; nee reekera and other visitors at the White florae tre-dar. Prrsideat Johnron hid preen urdere not to allow them In the lob ta.3 s is Le was vio much engaged to see any body. They contented themselves by Inspect tot the Fset-Haom. 71, guard of FoldiPrs w)..0 hare been.stallo arourd the While for the :ant two Sears, gctluday, Ly older of Presidvt Jo4nsou rerr, Erra !p. Cal rays ; “Tnlezrarns wrre d lash hh;Lt by the Pr mfdeut. (;Quasi Fi.he and the 1 - r,r , !Ten's Bureau, 61:13,2,1 by sr, n or tight h:adlne Influential men of 2:,(1- I_ , 'Err crthcb re rnnhi:re..a against the a4ticl• r a toj ,riLuvai of tut s.ururvlsing ca - rznr of itto amyl. Barren COW Lh City In that.St, aid thttattataflahcr.t or. a cic.lLan of the litre In• t• ad. CEOLERA f.,TEAL:ER ATLANTA, Pinto Isteuneo3ll Cdr.; to South Affyrien PRESIDENT FIEECK DiNGEHOCELY ILL, Pears in X6xico of Amercan Intervention ADrEEBS BY WADE HAMPTON •tw Toni, Nor. 19.-11 Is leered In tom quartera that the long confinement of the pas sengers on tho Atlanta, may cause the ship fever to break oat among theta. No sya, , tom4 of this disease have yet appeared. The Tinto hays It is rumored that the pirate Shenandoah is en route for Peru or Chill, where her commander would sell her for a war ressal, and that one of her ellicem was Seat on the minion tome ttmc since. The arrangements for the reception of Gen. Grant to-morrow everting arc nearly completcJ. Fins CD hundred or two thousand delete of in vitation have been Issued, and the assemblage will comprise the most distinguished officers of the army and navy. . _ A letter from Concord, New Hampshire, says: Ex-Prcsideut Fierce L dangerously i.l, from the effects of a disease contracted durahf, the den. loan War. Later accounts from Florida, eay (herd have btu' animated discussions on carious meuurtia prepoeed for the repudiation of the rebel debt, d the proposition to grant the freedmen the privilege to Lenity In nuttrt. l3,th encountered lunch onposnlon. and It wat thought that the latter, at Iraat, would not be acceded tO by the ce)ority. Gem. Howard, Ia be erovett to the members of the cos celltion, informed teem that the rveldent coneidered It a right wtuch meat be conferred. Foreign papers bay General McClellan will spar d the otnter at Dresden. Letters from the City of Mexico bay that lu • tense Interest Is felt In Mexico concerning the pro; al Intl of the United State' aiding the It:, publicans. The WWI, general that there will he ❑o Interference In Mexican affairs. In some let: loos of Melina the French and b I iltg are dylny rapidly from Intetmittept Ict r. A great many robberies have bean commit rermily between Mexico and Vera Grit Tb. F.mprees was to leave on the vat lag . OD a pleasnre trap to Yucatan. Wade Hampton, of South Carolina, being, as be moo, street to leave the Stale for an uncer tain period, has Wetted an addrebs to HS fellow citizens thanking them, though he was not elected, for the vote they gave him, and present ing his Ideas et their Lucy tinder the present circumstances. Although he does not rally eon. cur In all the measures of the State Conventloo, be thinks it tin duty of the South Carolinians. to abide by them, an they are part or Urn tains agreed upon with the President, whole course towards the people of the South Is commended an wise and generous. to two coma'. tiled as sensible men, to endeavor to construct at least a nit from tine wreck of the Southern confederacy. “.Ibove all," DO says, •• let us stand by our State. Hero is our country." A Washlopan special says: The President has directed that two thousand dollars in silver coin he given to Short One and his brother, of the iilaekfeet tribe of Indians, In consideration of their having ransomed two white women found by them in captivity among hostile In- Indiana. The prime a the ransom was horses. Gen. Terry, Commanding:the Department of Virginia, has leaned an order suspending the issuing of Governmrnt rations to' the destitute people In his Department, except In the Dis trict of Henrieo. • Mrs. Clement Clay and the rebel Oen. Eettols arrived here to-day, to urge the President to re lease Ex-Senator Clay, of Alabama, from Post Warren. They desire that he he:given a parole, the same as extended to Stephens and Reagan. The applications for pardon received daring the week reach six hundred.'; About four Inui ,nrc4-prxr week are acted' upon, and requaltlons 'Sent . to the State Dcpartmept. Ono ; , hen dred memorials for pardon were yesterday -xi:delved fnent,Texas.The- diminution of the number of andleatlon4 la believed to be owing to an impression prevailing In the South that _CQngrres and; - the President r ut iwn, proclaim a general erbnesty.' lffitte Mexico—Emigration, from, the Put' ten ffiateas—Puebia l'iteptintry Capitar'of the Empire.. New YOnn,_ NOT.. 113.--Tbt Mexican nonce ',hat,/ 57th says the emigration from the Uni ted Stara 'ha increasing. Two larg,e,estatra. situated near' Rio Verde, In the bepartment of Ban Lois Potosi, hare been rented for six years by lir. Ilreiode-tor the cultivation of autos; for which they aye,axecileetly -adapted. Thia gen eyegoig hoopoe to th a Vetted States to procure ttie-DtatiarY 00'10 turd implements and mat aninctry to carry hid object into effect. , • It la Bald that derttag the ablates of the Du rant' in YuCatan. the Empress will rondo in Puebla and ita vicinity. Tee stories got up by' malignazin that ifia,a-plaallor ' the country of the intgafardigeityare most-idle L . • • ."7" . . " - •Lt. poomc k iNF o ri6m„. N P pl_vg , T 1 ,a,u4 PITTSBURGH, MONDAY,: . NOVEMBER 20. 18u5._ INTERESTING FROM WASBINGTON Internal Revenue D.xLdan-•Illegal lise or - Nunda c..e—interior Assistant Secreta ry Candidates for Sergeant at - Arum —Pardon • Rey oled Indian Annuities Paid Off—Trial of Capt. Pettit Progress ing—Men Higher to Rank Implicated— Sale. of Government Stores--Chlefens tire Chase and Jeff. Dsvla , Trial—The Mexican Mission—Restoration of Prop erty Sought—Women Appointee In South- • ern Postoillees—Thotligliah-Rebel britt —Cost of the Overland Mall Route— Claim. of John Minor Rotts—Elfeti Germany of the Reported Grant.:Catos Conversation Condemned Cannon for Sale. • NEw YORK, Nov. IS.—The 21ohts' spacial says : The Commissioner of Internal Revenue to-ilay decided that a deed or conveyance from a State Bank Association to a National Bank is subjert to stamp duty, os in cases of convey ance of real state from one owner to another. The Commissioner decided that such a transfer is a chance of ownership. Tbr LI maitre Wa:hlngton dispatch says: Col. Ames Blaney, charged with On:Illegal use of funds entrusted bim as paymaster, chooses to stand trial rother than refund the money. It is rumored on the street that Judge Otto, As sistant Secretary of the Interior will, vacate his position and be succeeded by Jesse O. Norton, of Illinois. The Tin.' Washington special Faro: Among the candidate, for Sergeant-at-Arms fe - :he Meuse of Repreeent auras, Ia rot. I ngra 1... tn. n( New lied ford, NI .tos. Mr. Ordway In also n•: vt,ttou. 111 c Washtug,ton spacial karat,. The I'rrstdent televaptmd to Got. Brawl:trot*. •of TellUtt,GC, yesterday, that the pardon of John overran, a vrealthy man of that, State, 1T43 revoked. Nearly all the atinuitties to the, ,Indlah tribes, including the Chippewa agency hare been paid off. It will be concluded this week. He-raid's spetial says the trial of Captain P,t! II is brogrr trine before the Orson Court, Martial at Alexandria. Captain Pettit was an of fora long ticooln charge of the pill and aturost ruard house at Alexandria. and is charged a ith ernelffte and extortions practiced 0 inmates of the prison during the latter part of the oar, The evidence no far fines a great de el of abure of power on the nestled. Be is alleged to hare been so active in the arrest and lino lace meat of deserters that he ad not can e ne himself to !eel ti mate cases, but seized gill erns of Alexandria and stray soldiers without 1...e0n5, foreleg them by systeMatic cruelty to eau fete that they were dmertals from some ire err or remote regiment, when he would pocket the customary thirty dollars for their arrest. Men considerably higher in rank are said to be implicated, and efforts will be made to keep the testimony from the, public. The sales of meelleal stores and hospital fur niture continues. Six mouths will be required to clear out the stock. Only moderate prices are demanded by the Government for 'the an ar ticles. ihr Quartermaster's Department has realized 120,000 iiithln a fortnight from the sales orgov eruincut buildings la the for and batteries ar iiund Wnahlngton. Tbo rid'. Washington special says: ChSef Juitict, Chase will he hero to-morrow. to pre eide In the Stipmme Court at the December Term. It is out improbable that his presence may lc , m:t in some developmems relative to the Vol! of Jeff. Dario. Genera; Logan has not signified his &exp . :ante of 0.. c Nlesican mi,slon. He hue beau I,le graphed to r, vrt at Washington. No reply has teen received. io the trent of his flec.lining, another t.nreon will be flesignited, who will ina• nacOtaf.ely ba &patched to the ben4q marten of Juan e, alit) tristructiond to continua to follow the foratua of the Liberal governmaat, thereby lesdlsg all mfn al aid posehlo to atrongthen and .'f.kl/111.1 the liberal canoe. the ll",ria's Washlncten =pedal slug Et- Str roc? .h.,h,s,n. of A, hew. t;. Is is tbrs city seelt,ag the rertoralloll Of LO4i Vs-mations, now to th, hales of the fressiteest!s itereaa. lit is thcuitht I:rot:6We that VA , : p:operqtsiii tat Care eil ott r u, him. Grz. Sku o bee been oodeiTillrict en foment i t, •u ~r the co, ,4,1,1 uctojte.lll Locastints. Thy Trit,,,ra 2.1 , 1:110 !AM., Igu-ze num. er iv, no.o host be,eo tiptnint-,.1 in thy ,111,x1 , of toe 8. - .txth, oy rice:Atilt at the Illabl:tty ~ 1 coca to take 1.1,0 oat.t. Thy ttattlanr.l thßt the Kngli9b qrs`t. Lich was caplarc.l duritv 1.:14 War has oaa.2 ra ni:ldea Iho'frcai4l-y Della/sown, Is Untrue. The Overiezd Stall Ratite to Salt L , AI City crate ibe Government t5335„000 annultly; the p:atel receipts, are ecuoo. J.ht Minor Betts is la the city urOtts a clalrobt tea thaasand dollars for wood token from bla estate near Brardy Station, Va., by eft troops. Br has already rtcelved tt.ur thou sabd. Tee Qtar;cramster 3. tiaral coatilers the &mead somewhat extortlosistli. The Tim& Washington apeclal says: Con aul Gcnaral Murphy, at Frankfort-on-Moldsla, writra etczetary McCulloch; that when the re ported conTersailon Cetween General Grant and, Jrad,ce Can:in, on th e question, was punk:heel In Germany, it produce] is dueller to American eternities, but reeovered on contra ditaion. The Nayy Department has 111 the yards at WashirKtort, Portsmouth. Boston, lie. York and Pho. , Oslobla, over • thousand eoadenned cantor. *Bleb .111 be offered by the Ordnance D. pennant, tor ea'e eborily. PRIZE FIGHT POSTPONED Hebei Attorney Chneral Davis in Prison MERCER'S FEMALE EMIGRANTS. line Tone, November IS .—The great prize light for the r Itsmplonship of Altlellea between James Elliott, of this city, and Bill Gaits, of Call'orula, (or 14,000 a side, which wm to come oil on Thesdav lath near Perladelphia, hca bean ltdefleitely postponed, on ae count of a misunderstanding between the partite. Both men are tr Am - condition, and are generally understood to tight well. Betel Attorney General Davis, who arrived here on Wednesday, from Kay West, where he me' sr. eted, sras sent to Port LAO:Lyme yes terday, (,eneral Joseph E. Johosoe, of the late rebel army, is to New York, to arrange the organiza tion of hie new mynas compete,. The Fenian brotherhood have exited an office In a hirer, building in Union square. The steams tap load of female emigrants, ore s-orely announced to leave for Washington Ter ritory, Is expected to start Mt week. Tte lierahra Ilavana correspondent of the 12:tt says ; The Government has di9tudebed tbrre war !drama's to look for wrecks between the Cuba and Mild& coaati. The U.lted States gnaboat Hornet, to onaling at Key Wvt, and en her return to Rhode Island will no there for the same tnirpoee. She was to leave to-day with the Stonewall; for Washing. The flaytien troubles are announeedto be eat- Ord. by the Un!fed States and British callelals. ?be declaration ot war between SpaLtt and Chill causes to earltement. It IS not thought a allot will en aro& ' FROM NEW ()ELMS Stemets hunk—Matters la. Legtslaturc Proceetlinga—Negro Testi mouy Bill Defeated—Prt:iiilmea's Al fah I. NEW Oin.r.ss , ,, Nov. 17.—Thn steamer Capi tols, from Shreveport to New Orleans, sunk with one hundred and eighty bales of cotton. The carte may he saved, There to a demand for vessels w4t, Anteslean bottoms for the Gulf coast trade.. General Wheeler is here. Judge Swan. at Jackson, declared the ac tion of the Legislature abolishing 2ottatt courts aa unconstitutional. Gov. Einutpbrafa vetoed it, but the Legislature pasta the bill over:Us veto. The ISlsalaalppt delegation adopted a EpOttlet rial playing the Pres:dent to reMove the Milted Btates troops from hilastssippl, The noose of Reprgsentauref rejected. b/ decided vote, the prOPOdaril Co admit liddro testimony tildnat whltea, General G. H. Thomas and Gereral Thomas J. Woodlatrlged Vleloburg. The latter " Bunted cot:emend la Stlsslastypll T he Viebburd ThrwhiltaYa General Howard' stated thatate had not dtscovered thenendltlon or sllalra PDflldently promising In Hialknithero "tekl toil:Leary biro In recommeadlrig_thewlth drawal Ofthe lrreedirmed Eturdalt, Ho iittaril-• ed tbem`ad noprototaing Ig-Georgia and 41w. Highway mobbers santeneed. , . . . 805f0rt,1N0v.,.113.-,Pljah ATohroteo. James Brown and. John Dinls, consisted of Islawny rtathery hp the starrotiog proems. wer4 untested to flfteart years Imprisonment eaett,in thrtBtaleTilson. viminmxhmor. . , . Itocnirs•fpx. Nov. 03. , —.4.11releestmyed thoex teuelve edge fOol_ factory of Dr. Barton Mb morning. Lou MOOO. Ismared foribizirsls,- 000. FROHIE*II2WEST AND MEXICO.. Defeat - of .- ' the Liberals. NEGRO TEBTLIEONZ IN HISSIBSEPPI Setae of JT/otansoras Raised. New OinnAns, Nev.lB.—A late Statements Romano believes that the Liberals have been [idly oat npnad - says Generals rinse and Ga Linda wereand Cortinas and' Hinanjosa and Col. Stereo won:aided. The Beacharo de sties that'the Ll:limier sailboat Porsano drat on the perinenn the American side, complaining of the moral support which the Liberals derive from Brawallirille, and also alleges that a eon epiracy theta-encouraged has been hatched to murder Melts end surrender the city. The same' pep.m. announces the arrrival of tramloorts from Vera CriZ with French troops, at LIMA poit, Which wilt be Immealately to hist elltotaB. . In the sippi Legislature-the House' has partly revise Ito refute] to allow negro testa. MT Lamy agslos ;white, It has now passed, by • vote of forty even to forty•threo, the fallowing law, In addihion to tae eases to which freedmen, free negrotai and mulattoes are now by law compelled topowe as witnesses : In all cunt In which they who oger them selves as wittesses shall ben par, to a record, and in which they shall be parties , both plain tiff, and defendants, and in all criminal Case! to v, inch tha offense charged was committed agaillbt the person or property of a freedman, a tree negro oz mulatto, may he .na a witness. Provided no fttedmon, fmemegroca - or ' Mint tore shall be,exanilned ' es a- wildessitt any case ,whatever, except only,Upon . the, .5044: in open pout, :.„. . . •., , ':. 1 nt. BeaatalsUiPoubtleas adopt !Masi:mien. The islatamt Congressmen e!sta are Is; diarist, C C. Langdon,Ad district, George C. Freemen; MI, d district; Cullen 'A. Battle; - fourth, Joseph W. Taylor, fffilL, Colonel 'Bidden; sixth, re turns incomplete. Governor etunilton, of Texas, has ordered as election tOr delegates to the State Convention on the 9th ofJanuary. The Convention to to he held on the:tat of February. Ex-Governtr John S. Clark, of Iltssourl, who was arrested Tense while returning from Idezieo and• litturisoned In Fort Jac.)mon, ban been released and is en route for home. NEW Onutess, Nov. ' Meta mores correspondent says The Liberals raised the siege at Matamoros on the night of the Bth, sad departed to unknown regtions..! It is gener ally thought only a Met to surprise and capture the city. No French troops have yet orthed- The Matamorso Raneicrosayi The Liberals left a numberof blankets', nraticete,,luta &oat ft* were caught napping. It alsoetatmt.that the Libman; principal force bas gonal'in' the direction of Camorye, but are dispersing In dif ferent bands. The Impenal - Cavalry morseled for five solllea, .. , Bbeateello , a command Mk tip the river sonteand arrived at the French squadron at the month of the Rio Grande. It is reported that one Garcia was arrested at Matamoros charged with treachery to the ;)oboe conspiracy. and instrumental In the shooting of Cabos, then Governor of Tamaulipas. It is undeyttood that General Thomas visite hileshaippi by order of the President to settle the cOnflict mf authority between Governors 8 , ark cy and Ilerapbn ye, both claiming the Gcruncrehipt . 4 that State. BILNICES li4ATIOSS 0 MI FRANCE Tunis of Rarlton's Assistance to Maximilian, Vest; tiroliniii, Nov. 19.—As much Importance is attached trilby statement o - the Ade - len/en( Bar, that itin evacuation of Slink° by the rri nen mar he looked upon as a thing decided on In piinciple, it will not tie uninteresting to recur :to the fart :hilt about two years ago 31 . Droriro tla L'iltlys mid to Ilini.tte liaytumthat the dangers of the government of 11Ln - imp:an wunid prinelpi!ly from the United. Staten, and tLe sooner na sh..r tut t.tretives aitt.slted, and msnifested a ',WM:guess to ewer into pcacr.:lll with trot Ooreeiiment, 'snorter would tie ready;it exko ant the new l.o..erntoont t 0 take. t 4 - 1:1. 1 roues wea,l 4 Ll l , any ,rut du re 600/1 tvl with pro. irarthas ttotsmralitteit leave or tempt the Arch-DtMe into a diffleulty and Glen desert him before his Government was net tled. Ile added brat France euold not du [to, Mr. Seward,.tri reply to this narration of Mr. Dayton,. Instracted him to inform the French Goverr.nnext that In the opinion of the Iloite I States thepertnaneut edatillsholent Of a toreign and mollarehical government in Mexico would be found neither easy or destrahle. The United Star", crAkti:tently wLlt their principles, est do no Otherwise than leave the des tones of Mexico in the keepint; of het own pcopic and recognize ttoir sovereignty and Independence In whitener form they themselves shalt CLI•Ja3g, that thin sovereignty and ludtp.dctoe shall be Manifested. It wall previostaly decided by M. Dronyn de Llinyre, that as to Mexico. the parpose of the French gi,vernmtzt was to give order to the cotdition of things there, to repay thernaeres for delta, exposer, &c., and then Ical'e the country. lie states the condition concluded be. tween France and Melia,, to regulate the con &Jon of the stay of the French troupe In Mexi co, for the purpose of establishing the enter and complication of the new empire. It provides that the French troops at. present In Mexico shah no reduced an 1.021 114 paaslble, to a corps of 23.CC0 men, Including the Foreign Legion.. This corps In Order to safely guard the inters-eta Irb,ca led to their introduction, shell remain temporarily to Mexico on certain cenditions, among them Mae the French trootra shall evacuate Mexico Ir. proportion as tee E n peter of Mexico shall be able to organias his troops necessary to replace them, The Foreign Legion In the nestles of France composed of `O.OOO men chat!, never thelern remain In Mexico Mx years attar el the other Franco troops shall have been recalled.— From that moment the lesion shall pass Into the-sere ice and pay of the Mexican Government which reserves to heel( the right of aheideing the donation and the employment of the for eign les Mr. in Mehl.% It was further stipulated that the expenses of the French expedition to Mexico was to be paid by the Mexican Government at the sum of two hiehdred and seventy millions for the whole of the expedition down to the drat of July, tole, the sum to beat awes% at tilt rate of three per cent. per autos ;roue the Lirstof July. all the tartlets of the Neilson army Mean be at the charge of Mexico. The above is mrrely co show what wee the originally declared porposc of Napoleon in ce tabliehing a mor u-eLy In Mexico, and Llic la pan, upon which he fieralahrid UM talel 'acilstance- Illrhway Robberies and Mardera at St 1.0141 , 4, Br. Urns, Nov. 18.-111gbway robberhop end beneath' Levu become en Iraqi:mat and earhaz here lately u to create general alarm, and the citizens are scrim:lly contemplating the forma tion of a vigilance chmatittee. two men being killed in encounters with highway robbers sad people nightly robbed on the street and house, brokat into by burglars. about noon yesterday the collecting messenger of the 'United States Bar bers Stesoclatlen with thirty.five thonsand dollars Ms pocket was knocked down on one of the most frequented streets. and Ma money seized. The collector however tired a revelver at the robber, who dropped the money bat escaped; Beroist Co'a. Dank was also robbed yesterday of seven thousand dollars. No clue to the rob ber has been obtained. Gov. atorton Golan , to Europe—Gen. Lo- Ton and the Mhsidon to Moslca—Twenty hommhd Mcu Wanted to accompany CtsciNstsvi, Nov. I.B.—Gov. Morton, of Indi ana, has turned the duties of his °Bice ova: to the Licut, Governor, and will 80017 leave far Europe. The Commercial's Chicago dispatch 'says : Gen. Logan to-day, in conversation with some hiands, remarked that he would accept ate at. pointment of Minister to Mexico,- provided the Government would order twenty thousand arm ed men to accompany him lo the capital of gig, country. Wow York Census Noe , YOUlt, Nov. 18,-At • s owls' meeting of the Board of Supervisors.. yeaterdaj; it ap.. port from the minority retied-of toe volunteer ccontaltteeint the subject of pitying State cen sus enumerators, that the committee hero had three districts of the -First Ward enumerated and :found a deficiency In' , the Btate castle of '26,000. 'no, state that If they Were allowed co:on with the work, they Would. fled. en topniation of the city - cons idnahlt.*Ottr toll. ttonc The;Board .adJouraed to Tuesday with,' out taking any action on the report. ..2. ,• _ 'Cinitzel In t ha Naty Ohmura. Nov. 14.—Tha (Iniair4oll Budida of the lttrh says : The 'steamer Alatuthth a trot:n.1111=8, reports that aa she was loading,- Gee. Welt Eel sent dispatches by eight °Mart beloaglog to the Federal sorrice, to I French imp or war, the purport of whlchis unknown. It also reports that the I,lberate ared :tato a Fresch ship. wbleh raturted 'the dre, , hilllug one Mgr.). The steamar Fotal Met &talkie the barber .tat the lath test, `The 'crew were saved.' ..A- -- le - kr - 1 , 11 Fie 2 74 k.k-e i vlal 4 - 41_4_44 ADDRESS Br SPEAK , MAX. . The Terms - ' of Reoorisimotion inmiratex OF ROUIHRI CONGICPi Freedmen's Rights to be Secured FUTURE PROSPECTS OF THE SOUTH Wassallovos, f:ov. la.—This evening a large crowd of the friesda of bpsaker co wax repaired to his quarters and complinented him with a serenade. In response to earnest calls he ap peared and addressed them as fellows: My friends, I thank yon for this pleasant wel come on my return to this Sphere of public du ty. Since r left hern, I , have traveled, you are all aware. many thousands Of mires , .' My thoughts nun this eve:duet° the ample! ern s eon dittos of our 4xttmtry now, as convened wits that at the rinsing of the last Congress. Then an alien and hostile Ba¢ waveri over cities end forte, and camps and le g merits; and we went home in March to aubst la raising more troops, called for by the President. Now there is peace over all the land, end the flag of the republic waves tmquestioned over every acre of oar national domain. [Cheers.] We never knew the value Of our Inuit scions until the hour of theli peril. If we had failed, there would 'have teen no reserrectloa from the. tomb of melons, but thanks' to our heroic defenders, no Gibbon will write the history of Ohl dedincandlaa. [Cheers.] I shall hall the day when all the States re volve In their appropriate orbits round the cen tral Government, and when wean behold them, - not dlatinct eg billows, bat one u the sea. But we COMO; forget that history teaches as that It wag eight years after the surrender of Yuri,. town, In the. Revolutionary war, though oar fathers were of one mind as talcs necessity, before the Constitution was adopted and the Union thus established. The ablest Congress that over eat, according to my knowlege of public affairs, meets next month to face and settle the momentous ques tions which will be brought berme it. it ts .ti not be governed by any spirit of revol alio t, but sOlely by duty to the country. I have no tight' o - anticipate Its action, • nor to confine myself to, any inflexible unalterable. policy, but. theft Idea's exam' to me, and I speak of them with that frankneas, with which-we should at ays express our 'slows. Last. March, when Congress adjourned, the Statc4 lately In rebellion were repreeenteal In a hostile Congress and Cabinet, devising ways and means for thb destruction of the country. It may not be gcoefrallytnown, bat it has been repeated to me in the teatimony of members of the so-called ,Confedcrate Congress that Gen. Leei the taillfary head of the rebellion, de clared last February;• !did. edictal character, that the:contest was utterly htipeless. bat that their Congress .and Cabinet determined to con tlnue the struggle; and twenty thousand fell atter that time on both sides area Id Petersburg and Richmond, since the adjotirnmant of the United States Congress. Not a single rebellious state voluntarily surrendered; not an army laid down its weapons; not a regiment abandoned their falling cause, but the Colon armies Con quered a 13C.Ser, not by compr mils, or voluntary submtsaton, but by the force of arms. Some of those acme-ere of the ao-called Can. federate Congrere, who at our at:Joan:anent last March, were stracgMag to:blot this nathoh from the map of the world, propose, I Understand. to enter Congress on the opening day - tt its ace filen, next month, and re ume their former bueltistdOf governing the country they syrup lle ti earnestly CO rule. . They ha) they have ost no thats. IL ceeme as tr too truraieg of tie ships of our commerce in the tsetse, starangour prisoners nod raising armlet 10 de stroy the nation, 'would Impair Some of these rights. [chutes.] The COziC4tGiat, -Wh.ch metes framed for cycty entergency, giied to each Hone the ended-lie :TIM to Judge of the qualification of the thectiptrretnres of its !DlM bers;atd I apprehend they will , =erelse that tight. Congress haling par=ed no lemon regastroe. Con. an-stoma Johnson prezeribed Pertain tic lion for th,ti States, whirl. be teamed ladle ) e t . i c•rti to their reetti,tiiiii lei their former re :43l.•zei 1,1 the g i riveru:ileiii. which 1 thi.iit new 1i1145 and tourer: st, that the r COCI nu 1.1.1 3,13, r i triiiv i i ordinances Luck void, utit.il3lo4 done, repeolitt,•• them, but abseil:Lß:ly without any footsa..-utl—cfLut.,bond, Ow, thelr Legislature should ratify thecoosthutioual amendment ANAL-lithe slavery that this cause of die, esaihn and rebtllion might. be entirely • 'throated. 'I lrd, that they shall formally re pudiate the rebel debt, though by Its aerate It w.II be a tong time before It falls due, u it was payable six months after the recognition of the co vhderacy by the United States. fCcedra.l This reminds ma of nu old friend In Indiana, who said he liked to give his notes payable Len days rater coueeutentec. [Laughter and cries of good ) But there are other terms on which t thief: there is no division among the loyal men of the Fag, that the diroterntion of Indepen dence most be recogravol U %helm- of the land, alien and native, plate and ;black protec ted in the lnallenable and God-given rights of "life, liberty and the pursuit of bajwineas." Mr. Lincoln In that endanelpatlarproclarnation, whirl, is the promle-t veremialn his chapter 01 fame, (cheer.,) not only gave freedom to the slave, hut declared that tiro government would maintain that freedom, (Applause.) We cannot abandon theca aid leave our d feeders to the mercy of Seel: former °weans. They mutt be prattled in thwir rights of person and property, and these freemen Must have the right co coo In courts of Justice for all Jo t claims , . and to testify alata. an so to have secu rity egalest outrage and wrong. I call theca freemen, net fret dein. The last phrase might have answered before their freedom was fully seemed, but they should be regarded as free men of the R.epoblic. (Laud and enthuslastic ebeero.) Berchd, the amer.dmen , s of their Brats Con. Ithiltlollo witch have been adopted by many of their State cventioes so reluctantly under the preeetire of dispatches from the l'resldent sad Secretary of Slate, should be retitled by a ma. jorlty of their people. We all know that but a rely email portloit of their voters participated In the election of delegates to these Cameo flocs and nearly if not all the Conventions have deciart-d them in force without any ratification by tee people. When this crisla Is passed, can they not tore around and say that these were adopted eider duress, by delegates elected by a omens thee under the roivislonal Governors awl military authorities, and never retitled by a popular vote. and could they not torn over the Anti Lecompton argument against aa, and insist as we did that a Constitution not ratified by the people m 7 take encl., but yet have moral ei effect ty etetcr. Third, The Pre 'dent can on all occasions, insist that they should elect Congressmen who could take the oath prescribed by the eat of 1h63, teat In defiance of this and insulting the President, they base ' la a large casfarity of in stances, voted down the U don men who conid have taken the oath, and elected those who boasted that they emPld not. and would feel dis graced If they could. Without, mentioning names, one gentleman, elected le Alabama by a large majority. declared In ills address to the people betore the elect , lon, that the iron pen of Winery would record the emancipation act as the most monetroms deed of enmity that eves darkened the annals of any nation, and another who avowed that he gave all possible aid and can:deft - to the rebellion; denounced the Cot- grecs of 1862 as guilty In enacting such an oath. [A voice: Tat them on a platform.") Thelhouth le filled with men whe cannot take the oath whlch declare., have not na tality taken part In the rebellion." Every con script In the Bonthern army amid., take that oath. because he was forced into :the ranks by t`seir conscription act, and every man who etald at home and refusal to accept a dell Or military office. could take that oath. Bat these were not the choice of Ile Btatea lately in rebellion. Fourth, While It most be etpected that a minority of these Mama will cherish, far years perhane; their feclinga of disloyalty, the coon try has a tight to aspect that bnfore their mem, bete are admitted to a share In the government of their country, a clear majority of the pimple of each of the States should give elidence of their wheat and chant diloy4ty, not bb sub speethes as are en common, that they submitted the ten, to the artitemnent of wart-tnte - thatilleyhre Milling to steno by and fight for,tho ;two - rite emmtry against Its enemies at' Maim aswell as abroad. The danger , now le In too; "Inlet prcelp- Batton. Let an rather make:Marto slowly- and. then we can hope that thelindationi our government when thtutrecon tmetcd gnithe basis of undisputed loynitywill ha u eternal as -the eters. [Applause.). • • IreErceldentiohntowl" have mistaken - con fidence. I cannotlorget that inthe Senate at.' theopactittg °Me rebellion. ho over the only southern memberlwho denounced it - and its 'originutcat IMMO,. he Was faithful =mg the • faithbas, fatirplausel ' ' from the Capital to kW tome, _ A m il tuoky °r l! ll ne inw rcr ii4ne f in al t:i t a e " rea ul iit °. wwu ta s : a. nor.'can I forget 'de T ut l im i t' a h;: jul° ll . ltery L Goyeraor et Xs" `peach , tab coloredmen Tennessee: to 11. 1 , : ie b De d that all' men at • Nanlivlll°. 4 A ir . spirt deleteda equal chance In' should hare a _ the ornal , torarcsi ny et: and let iiiro SUeneed whtiltaS Ton an rentmnber his speech , to toe cote 51 -agtalent ache District of Goludataa, where ha ;eradiated the stereotyped declaration that this is a white country alone, and insisted lio'arkE:t . LXVlT - V470; 0.d:!.:-.' was their's, slam You -remember -a;to • hie remarks to the South Carolina delegation • t hat the orb right *Waters, was to motet; all I,moo. bath white and -black,' mid that•ltthey Got C 'ant Ortpetples driells Ind &Alai. crate would follow. We all remember *ieltlitr . . tamest d r ep.eiches to these Southern Conventions, sue that be lam signed the - death warrant of every one ~Who tea been convicted of conspiracy. The great . ;unionorganastlon of the eonntry has varied ' 1 -it slat - centrally, aided by our heroic defenders, - 0441, the PMflous crisis of the past foor *yeater".ollr beloved martyr President leaned upon ILi,ln.,,thedarkest konn3 tarred by; the • national:rinse unfalteringly... It voted down the Chlcagigplatform. which declared the. war ' to be a fain:ln:ond which delhandedi cessairen of hostlllties, ,, Aite.,people have placed the whole power of the , ,government In its hatida u. emeentice,legbilatiVelata judicial, and reassuz. ed It by thebrilliant itletrirles ofthis - • Let no emulate the mann* of Its friends In all these Stares. Let no-study unity In the, light of dory. and I believe the Executive and Lislati, Departments of the Government, when they cornpa.e views uagether,Will cordi- • ally co-operatnin thissrcat work before US all, and so act the( the foundations of our. Union,. w 'self - aid patriotically reenlist:tinted, shall he a, eternal a. the ages, with a hearty aeeeptineil by the South 01 the new sltua lon, , I rejoice to believe that under a systeM of ; aid tree labor, and respecting the debts or freemen, it will go forward In la - career of bros. -perity, wealth and progress nopsralieled la Its prvaloas history. It has a more genial clime than we Lase in the colder North, a wide t range of productions for It than cotton, tobacco, rico and sugar. which command seen high p.ices now In the markets of we world, and has b fund- Pssa water power aimoct entirely unimproved. RIO now of the shiftless system or slave labor, it will. se.th its Inlns:girCedanew, rival us la the re' '• ^,- InnfritrlY. In conelualcn, I can.-bat echo the words of our depot- cd President, In Ids last Inaugural on the stepenof the Capitol : "With malice cowards none, with charity for all. but with flroueess to do tbh Fle 4 t as find glens as to see the right, and all will be well' The addreas was cive-ed thronghottt. and at Its conclusion many In the crowd rushed for to congratulate the sp al: while the band played patriotic airs. Krum PoulL Amory Ica—The Wnr hs Chllt 3trr'uluttou Progres.i.lng In Prsu, Now Taus, Nov. 10. -Toe aeamship Cbauucy, from Aspinwall, arilved on the 1.3i.n. 'frith seven thousand alz hundred dollars to specie. She brings the following news , The steamer Pacific, .from Smith Coast, F ilved ta ,Aeptngallon the Ito. But littleehinge bas taken place In Chill. The blockade of the rte still continnee, but come few Teasels have been pertuitted to enter and clear at Valparaiso. No further action has been taken by the foreign diplomatic carps. Parrja, with only seven-yes sets; ceelarft all parts, over forty In number dome, Great preparations are makiny, In Chill for war. Letters-nfouarque hare been issued In large numbers, blockade running encouraged and military roads and telegraphs constructed. The celebrated author, Don Andras Bello, died at Santiago on the,lsth of October. The news from Peru to of much interest, and leads to be • belief that the next steamer w::: bring decided news of the success or failure of the revolution. .The Revolutionists had arrived near Lima, 'and' the government t oopi had marched out to give them battle. There is nothing from Centre! America. In Panama matters are quiet. Some ael ere ngbting had taken place in the State of C =ea, in which the goretromeld forces were suttee .5. ful. The le Fees on Beth sides were three hun dred. TLe revolution is settled for the present. A revolution has broken out in Cundimcrca. N. I adieu:ars were received, On the night of the nOtte o f October J. B Rit• tip baste, United States Beet paymaster at Paname,, wad robbed of fifteen thousand dol ls,* in gt.3a. A lame and anthnslastie meeting was hell in P 1113111 1 ,111 In Lid of Gala. MOW, wan raised and tEllt to that enuctry to encourage Vie war. Vertltet ott the New Jersey Rai1,123 Ac— cident—Episcopal Church la Atabacat —Gen, Grate's Moremetts, NEW Sr= , 'Nov. li.—The coroner' Inve-tl gator] rf the dhaster is conlicilel. The rt Is - sta.cy or rasastsr.ghtitr, and the fits - if I.:l,ll.tnpis T.is.l let the noted of rail mr.d,trairs throughout. the Oe ate aa net:ceerc.,:el. of Ise so.Clc: wept like a Dr. al atlas McCune ecaltb. a well•reoso col cr.dp:tyslelp,this morning in Willines burg. The Mobile Timm pays: The tuterdleti7ureld apon rbe Epl.cepal Church of Manama ha. been removed by • apecial order from the Yral• dew. This mantles , General Grant vlsited ton Heights; this a ft ernoon he drove [WO lel Centre; Park; this evening he dines. with a se lect patty at the rooms of the Uqlon Club. The Commissioner of Health Ls.,uts a c.rcular from Dr. Boyre, enjoining es a preventive of the cholera cleandintsa, temperance, and regularity in diet and exercise. General Grant is still at the Metropolitan Ho tel, where be will remain until Tuesday or Wed nesday. His rooms are thronged with callers. Ha ILsits Central Park this afternoon. Freya • California and Western alexien— litavy Robbery—Lltmrals Retaliating Bat, Fuascisco, Nov. IG.—About three o'clock yesterday morning• two disguered men entered the office of the "What Cheer Haase," where only ore Melt was in charne. They knocked him senseless by a blew on the head, took a key from his pocket, Opened the safe and robbed It of $20,000 in gold. The robbers then mesped unmolested, and no trace of them has yet been discovered. Letters from Acapulco, to the Si last., state that the French garrison there had been sirecgtbened by the arrival of 500 hundred man from Stasetion. Leto paws from Michoacan metes that the French collected a mataiderable farce, send scattered the Jharest forces, captur ing the Liberal Generals Ortega, Paripatos„ Dice, Selsar end Troutlsel, who were subse quently shot. This angered Grneral Alsorez, who proriatmed the life of exery French or im perial General forfeited. The War In Paraguay—Emigratlon to Brain, .nc. New Torus, Nov. 19.—A Rio Janeiro COlTOS poodes t nays that the Emperor of Brazil Is urg ing a Vt.°, OEI3 presecutl ni of the war. All are vary sanguine. Lopez, President of Paraguay. must even succeed. In such event it le their Intention to compel arrangements for a liberal novtgation of the interior waters, which WIN eats a • heavy demand for American steamers. A ectsiderable number of Southerners in 'Rio Janeiro are acting as agents for Southern fami lies who desire to emigrate to Brazil. It Is thought little success' will attend the move ment; as the desire M to perpetuate Shively, Which to rapidly growing,. into dlsflayor in Brazil. The United Stairs squadron, Admiral Ger dr., bound for the East Indite, to at Rio tJa con+, and attracts ranch attention. It willpro caul to Batavia, touching at Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope. Mexican Minister to England—Execution of Liberal Generale—Da - cat olGtn. Flg— %taro - Contradicted NEw Yoicr, Nov.l9.—The Remain< Mexican correspondent says: The selection of Senor Durand as the Mexican Minister to England wIR only reflect ridicule upon Staxinalllan. The execution of Generals (Man, ,11:31aaar and other °diem ls In accordance erftle Maxi millan's decree of October 3d, and Is condrmed: It is stated that Generals Elea, Palaces and Alvarez ordered all the. French,. Belgian Austrian prisiinera, held by them; to be shot In retaliation. Tbe rebel Gen. Sterling Price ' s ealenYia bro ken up, the Preddent's polka Lodneing - I=l.l southerners to return to the Lathed State•. The reported defeat of Gen. Flgnerro by the 'ropertali IS declared Wee. From Texas NEW rola . , Nov. 12.—Governor Hamilton haa displaced the city officers In nen Antonio, fan's, and appointed' °thus. , The old Council pne• tette - because they ecembilt • violation of the manic law of the city and la derozsUon of the llghtirOf the .cltlzens who ought. to be their own f aunielperulers; and who are alone to be consulted ha .tho atlection of their (beers. Geri. B. P. Bee le In Itexteo, My, The Galveaton Raticti4 says that the old reg. nlar line of meat between that mke and Bre men hottbeen re-eatahllahod. IR helleina them eria be atinat'lbod or Gerriuma Sato that. Bute daring the eornimg pee. _ , tn CaUferign and the 10.—The weather is Irshly.%Ttedettiquiet. Boots end sheet advanced lilftecerlier eclat., Bala 'of 10,000 of Cal, ifornii trowltleKtobseco; akelesta tentai per lianaulo data tho . 2iti< of October; hate beefCregel'Od.•_ - , - * It. C. - Wylie aunistei• Yoriegit Affairs, died , ' eu the - 10th nit. .Cs' the tad a coolie ' vessel 210 coolies arrived. Serena others, had. 'mired bringing such reports pa-Alleged: apprehension ..fer the safety oftle arctic ;feet. Bai a ezi ttioy•AOlon Raw Yam Nreh.lB.,—ln the meta-hasten Mr; A. Diulligan'e bay geldlemylititl_er.:Yr.. and Mr. Myths' black geutivr,--capt - mbonetcfbr , two Omuta 'dollars, • cartegrAnnesiii tisrualc on reetami Course, leeterilatt s eipt.ltenitedy won the rut. Time, one tine And thirteen - minutes. .717-ri-21 • 77. =SE Customs Beinatte Frauds. _ • - germ, . i • /Caw Noe. 18 11. W. C. Barn% charged with he.ing Ids Inv' firand'Art- , - Withdraw ihfee c hnndredtarrels of alto:WA fri:Wir 2 the Unitedltateii bifaidaithre boase by teteettit of neartiotte bonds, ptiellalies a lengthy' letters* the Evpress., lie states that the charge is pale' every partlettlar.. Re says the aletshol:Wagq tet taken boat' the tatted States t6nrfed wan.; bouts, not seised on boards tighter, lent Ines' - taken from • bonded. warehouse in Broo • 'that the seleureveistlegaLand the United .es have not bentittfranded, not' could tteirr I been unless by the Revysne ofanret l thigh ewes s statement of the.-tateguards Pieced around goods fietcardttnio says the "Mks& at:: - temps to oetrana the Government Is &beard.. His explawon of the-00as sad mode Of Tema* / leg make them' seem rithermnree a &enmity. The clerk who takes natunnsto toads rise po male of knowing that they are genuine, but the party signing the 'mama aceridited by oath before the Deputy Collector. 11,12 net the pear-ice to regoixo-or:.- Ile says that ltis - well"kitown that tens Of ttocarands of bands, amounting to hundredv - of millions of doilars arernevi. shafile•littitas CUP tom /lease having the nainertof peril= Lulu- r .; edly kroWn settle time they signed the bond& - not to be north adollar:. Le to the particular . bands for alcohol alleged fictitious, he. says Ma' geraba_ceilinghlmselt.lttebard Clanity signed three millets and iiworti to them. If geStieng In the tiondrthey must also be nettle:is In :thin entries. Ind the deputy collector who adminte tered the 'oath to him' alloa L ed the hethlottil name nrebove his sanction to the signature. - The preecenlef, who Identifies 'ltch and Clatthg as the party who signed the beads, as witness . says be prepared the entries .for Clanity and saw him sign the same and knew of freed. Mt. Barney concludes by . aping the abenrdity• of .• prosecution le apparent and sage he can at the proper time make perfectly satisfactory expla nattons. DEED:' SNT fIER—At the battle of Fools ylSan IS Cs, C AN'S Ue.e, of Company 101 St Zee. meat. Y.. Veit., (Ole T htstsesith) egad 3 yelUs. • The fn• erel will take place Issm the rentneucti of lb brother, Jobe . F:Styiler, No. tErliiirt , itit street, on TUN (limila r).l Fr LII.CON, 2 O'clock. instead of Sunday +(festoon, as t 2vvioUlt7 conr.see. The frauds of Oa family and his 1a2 , 16 comrade, In arms arc respect 1 la , . lied SO lais Sld f`p on. sleep on, ecar brother, no earthly cares thy slumbers brehx, Stec th. the by zoo qt thy mother, . . Tilt the trump thy slumbers Woke. Thoukti-Lifit-distant leicilt be, - Where Tram lea thy grave no prayer Ia born! to heered for Vita, By angels through the au. '• Wrapt to row./ of virgin -white, L't thy body snit, While theeoul village Ito fligt.t, To be forever blest. • Oa thy Creator'. breast. In bliss which none can tell. Lot thy pure soul rest Wheresalnts and angels 'dwell. From that gentle ropoae, Mayeat thou with rimy tire, To cltverl to that shade Far beyond the Akins. I arty 00i12. CLYDE—At about 5 o'clock', on Friday evening, in Tlncennea,lnel., of Typhoid Ever. Mr. 1011 N ri1..11)5, ton GI the late iteularnin Glydet let the 4th year of bre aee. The funeral will take It one 'from the residents or tie brother-in-law, Dlr. 0. Wells, Duquesne Way, afar lianeoeu street, St .DAT IiOUNING, at It o'elack. The frierrie of the family are respect fully invited to attend. LlNG—November 18th, et Plttlburgh, ELIZA MARY ZINO, virile of John Trainor !Clog, MA eldest 'daughter of our lava fellow. citizen, eiptiln James May. Mrs Riog was born Lp tit. city on she 19th day of September, 1925. She was an exemplary Muds. (lan, ',aimed by all who knew her. She leaver• two children, to whom bet loss will be beyond repair. !". luau RI tO6l rltee et 0'004( Stilldfil sltertlf,c , e, I ho 19th ltkitiszt, from St. Pagn! ()attn. drat. lIILLDALE nEMETER 1 7 —A rural and most plc:l:n:2l.x, Waal o. Sepulture, situate on the uplands, lmhe.llstely notonrt Allegheny on th e New Brighton Ft.r1104.1 •clect Burial Luta will apple oh the Super. lelerulents t /Mlle, at the CehOtery. Title Dead/. Permits eel all other bnttnese will be attended et the Drug Warehouse it the undereagned„ earner at ectleral and Leacock ...rents, Allegheny. (ILO. A. KELLY. Secretary andpessurer. IT R. REEVES, rrESTX".I2:i%W.M.S.E.I7B., - - S 8 Brzithfleld Street, near Fifth Street Sal-COFFINS FUEL evety desertpdon. CRAP& GLOVES and USSING Fr3ll. FQ ALS s_terally. air FLNE FLEABSE and OAS illattsitid I:mashed I Int NEW ADVERTIS BOOTS sHots Concert Hall Shoe Store, LOWER EVER SUPERIOR GOODS IND lIIRIEST. TH,LN -26,NY OTHER HOUSE CITY- VvINTBR. , „ , .• • DRY GOODS WILLIAM ''SEDIIPLE% - iin4 132 Rederai ALLEGHENY CITY: , : ~‘ 1 • • . • SIitAVLS, COBING-9; ; ' .ILLPIS) . I I;_ - , DI".-5-Msk4A— FL 6.I3NELS, - • - BALDit uu olll . l, o - 11 sra. 111_17, , • • 91 1Elltiti; A full 41 oak at as low p tlech~hokMlalAiß,~ `> ike{aLl. U can:be roma 'anywkare: • . ,„. 7.. t. • +-• - - Federal Street , the ~ atm . - ALLE4sErrri:7;:- ,0 . PZLCAFEETi t - 140; • rAwro mums 13MM' orrrttnas K Ha re ZVIt rizw pnizatzoorat • agusuu
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers