~~e MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1863 .4 +T`. r GAZETTE . Dally asorraog. ino per Seems ok do. do.. awyekt,y, margess,..ls reareeloreek. DailY Eveeitifp .... . ~, , ,, 5 ‘5i......48,re Mt xsz. sOrred by carriers, lb ceati c eek. Per year. • - I ee. sizes copies _ :' , 4 0 3 do. RATES OF ADVERTISING. 021MSQVA112-87413D1NG SWITZUII 141104..,..,...J. ?Ire Umea.... 230 o 2 a _Sri.; I,i Weeks,. '....t015 1148 • i 2.131 V 4-23 A 12110812033.. 10 428 275 27 7, 7 , :.172131011123—. - 550 400 3 35 21. 130111714. 77.00 800 00- 1781 4 2 17'70.' 'y --MM.; 1 3 40 00 0 7770. 12 00i 8 001 17 00 eo 00 25 .50' 12 C 1). 10 001 30 00 a o at r.nserredne ye ar ay ante Ma advertiser ent it pleasure, a dunms oe en of sus cents d ,er figure, (cw. So, Aenwif patd - t , thillki telt 4 ust_bacouna tO the intatedtatetnalna or the "drartnier. threline.myte contracted for ,othenvtie than ay , select. !ally, cent be Waded ‘4ni Oa dera at Meer/Ice Trannent adrertlstng CASH. ~ teeth Notices, each lasertkol $ ea ........ . 75 Icarnboal, ad mi c er d thtclrettrev.:....4...,.. t ao ..XC L OULOIS. Or zunktuletaere, Notices II ea YEABLY AnVEISTINISO BATES One equare-.contined.tn.the immediate oustnese f the saunters, anctirotle Include diacrit;. - oracat chaageable nee a meek.ion of new Or in manta. te..— tent menet( my eaters to be charged as trait .area Eruxtlo 1 ax Intrathll 30 00 10 oW to oo to to ;be mogtb,..,:, - :12 00 , 28 ON .22 00 15162 to Year-- .... ' 62 CO IS 00 20 00 II 00 ___ . , nair Plrt Wai . cca double the above rate., L bo 7ted ono mouth or more. For lees period 20 .4704 , 4,nich esirMy be +speed A; itseiriire bei smitildered oath rpmee . 15 d by Pace of the oritnery adrenteicie. type rnE b li6OLT LY J HAW Full Itcountor,the dri;in and Pm kr.et4,l•#;the igsurrection, fOIVtiIk.BrVIIOIIIIII3I3LACKS WERE ' - 'IIfAiIetATED TO. RISE. eorge pardon, a White Man, the HaslerSpirt of the Inturreetion. TONPT ZUPPRESSION kV THE REVOLT, MD HU3II•TAHY PLIIIIIIIENVIP THE LEADERS. -A correspondent , the Now York Tunes, ni r g nir !nit* r4o,gclon; Jamaica, , Nev. 6. gives .fell aceottlit of the Origin, -progress and ter ,si*.ten of - ,the th*tirectban Itiliantalca, which, can hateneeding leaf La history, we give tO feu. lire 'quote The Insurreetkin whiclibroke out a few w eekslad In thePrirish of -8t; Thouns-ln•the-E est, as betel - put dithre:' Most of the ringleaders sd chiefs of the move/neat, through whose o llty ageacy the black peasants were inducts/ rlati haVe been' captured, crled .r.d summarlly executed. , Martial law la still e force, -lint all danger Is considered past. The nalageida" have been put down With abort, UM, soil deeltrio blows, and at least fifteen undred of these deluded wretches have suffered be penalty Or Ontrazed law. • It may Interest your readers' to have a brief toennt Of the circanustatices ander which the nsurreetkin began.. The first- distarbance of he peace occurred on the 7th of Oet. lost, in he Parlsti - of St. Thomas In the East, when a Thsoner was reamed from flu district All by a sob. This was followed by itherles of violent and the tie= day `the 'Governor, at waaleh Towo, was called upon by the authori ies to eend troops for their protection, as the novernm.t was likely` to become a formidrble ebellion. These rears were well grounded- • It was well known that ever since the begin -dog of last year a set or men have been at :cork sowing the seeds of disafreotion among Pc-manta?, using their prejudices, and their ~ efecied maven as the'r actual wrongs, to ezcite ;hem against the antharkles. Associations are !neer tho direct:hie or a ,malcontent named grout, a coddler by trade, , a man of ail:elders ;:ile tact and infitteoce as a lust politician: - snaing the'principal leaden seas the pastor of negro chap/Ist StonY Outootniud Peal Bogle, itt whose place of worship the association was ;4i:rano/cud to hold their Mt/satiable 'meeting,. mm every one who beca tag a member of this society, an oath of :secret, was onad, 11-.os.,ad a crim - tillanea with the comuluation, nada lain of Intmedlato death. It It generally sieved that these miagnieed people have been s'swetelistlit" thelt own Cos ear round the othotry tok.siveral months Dant; and secretly _ F, kl g they .of every one whom • they had r..i.the slightest An/spit:lon of .belag taconstank , lten tore ocatfor to eithecultheir :theetinka kESteO;I3I2S; and w er e then and 'there aTquiredltttikethisiiiittelhat had teen prepared, or .• ..hey did n than, ot do so tg told - that - they wonld killed-if at opee. • Aceordittglo the stones of prisoners taken In rtbellidu. Would appear-that the 19th of "Jctober flOd Pica npon by the cosaPUarnes ;by a gezteraVaprieing Of she Masks, and the . ..discriminate elan/atter - of theithite 'population: The rescue.. eta prlsonm e. : already . au l ki e d hastened the• Outbreak; precipitated hostilities lbefore theleadersted completed their-arrange meats for s' sitnoltiosemrs 'The dream. rstsocts of - thlSS'esette muse follows: : , ,At the curiet of Petty-Aleslitinc, held at hforant Bay, iq.ctober mad aimed George. Gordon, was .ardered nutter arrest !iy-this easels/roue for ere :sting a dLthrbadee inthetititait room, The of steers werechowerer, act upon bilittlirve, ,and about's' knidred his' fo Ogara armed 4 wlttaticki.. - end G'Ordkin was coon PhUed beyond gel - lunch. The - polite Were sere; beaten,aad. ;were not strong euoug.h to enforce the orders of the Court:- A day cit. two afterward, Bogle and Gordon gain appdand In-the court room, and attempt to browbeat the .magistratm, who forthwith :ordered tiler arrest.- , : A force of Bevan pollee pan and three constsbics were sant to make the 'coptuic. Go-reaching -Stancy.Gut, the -negro 701liement,where _Bogies.chapel stands, they Arldbited there warmest' to Bogle, and- teld - him he must gdhlonk with them. Instead of cow - • Bode mar ashell,.which was answered ,4. - .,;from three hr four directions. and In a few mo. ..ntents the policemen - were surrounded by a mob . 'of two or throe hundred yelling, frantlenegroes, *by Triune three - of theta were taken Prisoner. and put in lrone. The negroes hold their pHs ers 'until they seven fort of parole, when they .were liberated . personal Injury 'was In , fin leted. - • During' the neat three days the excitement at Stoney Gut-Continued to Increase. Lou,, uam rhea of negroes chant:toed to flock there- A %mixture of Irani en& ,Sun-powder was' handed about among them, and of fhb they drank-an tit mednui.trverearne every feeling of human!. - ' ty and prudtinee. On the lith, a fume of about ' M . '? BYO hundrodrebels,.armed with rides; cutlasses. -;1 and clubs, tinder command of Paul Bogle, nude a furious e ttack •tbe.- government Ormiles" cat Morant _Bay. A -detachment. of volunteers b4stily gathenct tlefend the race, were; coot Paired. aftertriag once or twice: to seek ter la the court house. where 'they barricaded themselves-against the rebel*. - Flndint them selves unable to dislodge. the -military, .the'lu4. surueuts began to- plunder the' private 113185tT) and - rmacked eterl[eitlien r Who reutereci. ; chow himself la the streenf. I Cannot ap tater . ; than Co cop - ylacrothe snuthle neconnt , ot this affair given by the Reetorrot Manua Day,who at t the time of the attack was In the' eourt-horme $ consulting 0.. b with the •YPatfras :1 4eetuminst .. • '`Buisiness fres prc ',a:Ceded with as usual untll about four ceekele, when 'the - meeting vas' ?Acad. 31r.lbairea r raeationed thetas ho aide down from OdliO,lritad Met turtles ef twenty •or thirty men,who stated that they-were recruit • Ins. 1 thoo,blid theßaratt. that there. were. Mte , r, armed men.auumlded'at the Baptist Crisper on the Blue Mountain 'rpad, where 'Buie ottletated, - , k and that MO. haddrstrereed for rearehr, beaus • t they had hrtud'tkO;thei Bath '..l'niunteers lute been sent tore- ; The Itantattld me se= to Milk that there was any dam. ta be apprehended, but I urged hirn togst over the bust:lmes quick. eras poteltde. Shortly aller thta we beard the coated of a ata:antrAitß Itiftlab and.' rose. up an d fed, "New Baron,they are coming!" Bey eral manta:rated et:11'10W fled tho Baron Closed' the becks at the:yestr,vl and so col:winded the , meeting of the Vestry. • By . blattiteathl rebels litad'eatereel thereasteotbent ilea volanteershad., onned a !bee_ tTady.rtitestrered saran 500nr door ' • veopte, armed:CM gunkapikerisworkeedias,, sea sticks abditionesi — On"their :leaf - 10 the: Court4oure,:th ketentid gaze Ildrone'entse, otters from the•iforaiitßayDlatrietpriatali tack the pollee-dadosneand salted the - Anna that were, there, aed anted thenaseftt: Yeah liottel:front. the -prisorf had teen eagriad,-,71n, hrealdng -there. . — They: 'advaniedAmst. , s:theL .volunteers; si Zan ,fxrliont near, mush to recoLu re) p.lng In front, dancing's° e Mclean' I ward . and lionrfahinza suet. Baron; by. Olen:read the-Biot Act!.: but- While t as Mohican the toniregatt - LOPepper T IeTITI with stones!. cud - bottled and brick batT: It wan not until then that the order was ' git4l .o tile , " the -Bac.4;a.*falecti.thdixtfist.- artkowlinpry folheirance 'toward - to tumult._ Theyoluntempillrede wumbeut of the •zaoksrare. aounded add carried off hi the rebels, while only three or four dead bodies were all that were left upon therTround ,when the rebels had 'Ltetir c ated. {Then the drat yolieyhad been area, =ME =EMI we oi , r ' nted . wk. N. you : hi:c•e, .ra,te ;, a gym Wtea: '.' e'e ti ""."':' ''''' ' tot y,O harteadCd enreelves aweth t',..... We. we-, in :reeks. Ic e:U. 7l3 C ee' 12, 7 'batteries t' '." Mart mailer /by htrndrrds of rich -, ano t,- , tr. I was to tare foliowel a gearta: +massacre 'a t e r; h at! that name iticowd'ilng from ties wind,,,.. ' etrv e t from to each , every :rants tieing ectter,l The val entimmthen picked off from the win. and . -tar,,, ,, ,J. • dowiti;urtetrwho appeared at intervals to i'.-i-v,... T all M.:, rOa A r.t.: i '';. in inalkylef stOnesorid bi fi da way they awn- FY.om all that can be ba thered, it appears that i t t a, tOn /SeeP--the febels . at a distance. the outbreak at listed Bay was premature. ft .__Fmtlinglitair men picked " o .. ltifY the ' , roe' ' was to bare be n ea on Chris 6 tams 'mind =TOM theldiadows of the house, and was to have been geueralthroughori t the Island. I g ta tiPPMteil httne frOnt:th me, - In support of this it Is st e , that a verinca word e ' br itillretdiThiluier'n store feye tills of this Information should have boon aid. ttort; Atthisjuneture stew of the volunteers 4,1 trop, “ pd,,,„ h, the General I,,,ailw,alary. whothad - heen lammed ;claw made their way tO A man named Antony, who was one of the five the kap - doer for adralssicer,: end :hiding the pri.4, b r ,,,h t , from 31, kbaada, and mi . I 4 qm:in 'Cleated: Wile 2„, as, ././ . lo sPir 4lo ".- Irl - tended to seven pant in the General Penltrat mindtivrAr 'Pat:Wed:to. War, committing = Pell tlary, being overheard fain taugn.age, . ' . was sent to camp along with a prisoner belongs to 1 /4 0 :eaTO Of anoverrolinProvldence. Plaitl raft; the court house alone,' :and proceeded l ug t,,,, the city, sensed p1 0 b,i,.11,,, 10y, ~,..bc , mr .. and Iritliour 'MY ' l Ot e tinPlion• dtlwn ricd on a sedhloas coirtenation.- with Aar Malra and 499r11 the hill, uriUl 'got about half . A 'part of the conversation of Antony was to wily. to the - rood. Here i i .was muerrupted by the ,reneing effect : - nuire black ; peole never fourPtlive Polder who ade a MI , to att&e& Mke anythinggo straight. We break out toe ma. , I immediate/9 folded PIY arnts!., l3 M+lts /PDX,. • send; ire were to-have coma to Lbws sometime trig then Itillin'Oe; r o e; 041 d: ' .!froW;dare you about races or Christmaa-" strikb :Un -. ord. noon like Mo--rt Minister of the. 8,0 was the comproi t itAit." v itt ',a:Licit had. Gospel,'..whist has-labored azziongyon for so long ,bsen matured 10f 0 new revolution and a new a timo—erholbaaalwaye been sour friend - sad' 4116810 f of Sta,whitte. But it Is Instructive to lott#done' evetything .. for you?" They seemed due= noto . that the pia originated la the resentment at tha t m exPeeted fiddruct and Pauied of a white man, who was not only a respected for a nil:anent: One man, bolder than the rest, citizen-, but a prominent member Of the Assam made 4 rush it - ine; heenade a blow at me with ba y. Ile - there been no such tampering with Jibs stick, whlchl warded Oil with my stick, and . their loyalty, the black population of the Wand isitecotd Mow knoeked OW hat. A man and wank! probably bare remained contented and and a Woman them sprang upon ine, crying, quiet. They arc, for the most part, a hiYalt "Too shall :not strike him; no, you shall not industrious, elm ole•hearted race, who only re. strike kiln," mid covered me so completely In quire Jostm, treatsumot, wiac and moderate e eace that no blows could reach me trot, and proper encouragement, to make them can which did not' fail upon them. . t a meet meted class of citizens. Once mused by 1 Walt then lifted Into the buggy standing at the ant ed of de-igning men, and the old hail en hastefoot of the kw, and was driven off in great tiny utsbed flies of barbarism once More en haste to the emery. - ki• milled tato MP 0 axe in their hearts. they ho my lon Arthur was following me, and was come savages, domotol ; but even then are they just guttiog into the buggy with me, when he not era much sinned Against as Slatting ? was .begun and left for-dead on the ground, The Islet dla now comparatively tranquil Millie Frazer, hearing that be hod been killed, again ;but we cannot hat terl that we are Sleep went- lhatureb of the body; *finding that lie was ing . Open a volcano, which at any moment may still breathing, begged the man who war stand- .break forth, and overveheim us with' fearful leg over him not to Inas him agatru • but even ruin. GLOVER. this entreaty was disregarded, for he gave an other blow across the face, which drove my son's! eye from Its socket, and left. hum ! lie Was now dead, and this faithful womao Milled SOME bushes and covered his face, to conceal the horrible disfigurement and to keep away the flies. Alter dusk. Millie Frater, Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Darby assisted in bringing the body to the Mission boast: at Lila tibury, where 1 and my famhy had taken refuge. On the morning of the outbreak, some of the rebels told my coachman that they would have my, head cat ctt before night ; but the poor lei • low, with an amount of 'forethought hardly to - he trpinted; Mild :' "Zi , , , t not you mdst not do ' thit i Mesta Owe die a lot Of money, and if yon kill himPitnaget a quattle; you must not de that." "Orr, will," replied the midis, "It that's 60, - We won't touch him.. This boy knew what ,Was Ingle for the negrota, and although / did not one him a shilling, I hare no doubt Out that Inte.rposition of his dtd me a service. On the Wednesday evenlue, while we were at the Wesley-ao Mission House, two men %mike.' In at the Recur; gale, where they were met by an old women eh° was ataatilag at the gate. She asked them what they were going to do ; to which they replied ; "to barn the !Luise, ut b e isure.7 'Nu, lon don't," she replied, stoppins the way. ‘'.tr:a de Parson bottle; yen sbau:t do It ; it it were not for do Parson, me would bee been i beggar to-day." /cannot, in a stogie letter, trace Lho insur rection through the different towns and settle- Mem ot the Island. A perfect reign of terror prevailed everywhere. The most dreadful ma- Mors were cveryWbare prevalent. .Tae work of • plunder and murder wanton for days, most Without hindrance, for them was no concert of actin n among the whites, and It waa Impossible for the Inhabitants of one villae communi cate with those of another, the m roads being everywhere held and guarded by the insurgents, But oa the 12th, the troops sent for by the Ba ron arrived from Spanish Town at >l...want Bar. Immediate measures were taken to pat dawn the Insurgents. From Morcat Boy the troops wore marched toward the Interior. where the rebel forces were mumbled. Of course they - had no regular or ganlzaton, nothing that could be called an ertny ; but throughout the parish they had established camps, where they gathered stares of provisions I,ltindered from the whites. Their war-cry was death to the white man, nod lie atrocities they practiced upon the defenceless citizens were beyond all d&..cription. 'The presence of the military. pot an and to these outrages and seemed to quell the spirit of the mho's. The first insurgents taken prison ers we re tried and Immediately' hung. These summary meastues had the effect to Induce great numbers to throw au - ay their arms and surrender themselves, at the same time asking for protection akainst the military and them own friends. Most of them were at once band tai over to the magistrates. Wherever the troops marched the rebels dispersed at once, nod arresting and pm:Ll:along, rather than in" enure the duty of the militar tight y. It was well known non: the Prat that the master spirit of the insurrielon was a white matt named George Gordon, who, for the sake of revenging a private wrong, bad for mouths been fomenting a spies of discontent among the peasants. This man, Reding himself la danger of arrest, gave himself up bathe military anthorities. He was Immediately placed in elute Conitnementan whleb his only solace Was singing _psalms and praying. On the Witt, he . was taken to Morant Say, and On the fallowing.' day was oliced on Mal. Its looknd Pale and anaciated;hat was not wanting.% madness a d deliberation. tic took nines daring his trim. * The ciuit was dissolved at 5130 o'clock- and 'separated without 'passing seletencs. Gra his rennovalhnio - the coon the prisoner war taken to the pollee Mallon • where he remained. Until justice claimed him as her own. The folihrwitnt .ailyileing Sunday he passed the entire Babbitt( .readhig from the Bible. Late in the day DM. -- Median his execution, I caw him Pale and thin; =dna ft dreaming; althongh awake. A Sold, - eantest„-actiled stare was 02 his mantenance, a stare , evidently: bespeaking mental torture, and a heart torn with remorse the most acute, MS LAST 21.CLVEST5. - Monday, the •=d, the day of the execution dawned dark and gloomy. Toe prlsooer rose early, and asked for a basin of water to bath .his faceted lauds, whlth was given to him by order of the Provost Marshal, Wailat bathing .hlmself, hea , l4,'Shmald my Ms be spared. I shall nerefaearn meddle with contim." & cop .tee Irks then Oren to him which he Brunk. .It was evident, up to that time, that the wretched man hod no idea of his earthly career coming to Co near a close filarrn after his tea, his doom was anyone, ed to him, the eclat of - which was fore:lily apparent on his pals and emaciated counterman ze. He then asked for half an hour, which wee granted to him, and which he employed In reading a coupleof chap tem In the Bible and writing a short note to We wife. After doing so he was marched under a strong guard of the latfatit Maya! Regiment to Lite place of execution. With a flrin'step Le mounted the ladderplaced beneath the centre arch of the burnt court-house; the rope hanging from the same, and stood on the barrel prepared as a trap board. Standing, there on, be gazed beneath him on the loyal hearts assembled, as well as the nrisonem paraded to wittiest; the doom he so Justly merited, and on eighteen of his britthvirs In crime, who were hanging below. On his rims and legs bein.„ ,, held lobe pinioned, he handed his. spectacles t o a sanor of the "Wolverine." The Provost Mat that then uttered the worth, "sentenced to be Imaged;" the order was given, 'Van away," and the traitor was launched into eter nity. He struggled lolly fifteen minutes, .. ; rALL. hoGLC. This notorion3 rebel was brought Into Iforant Bay about eleven o'tkirk on the Tuesday fol. lowing Gordon', execution. Its came In es- - carted by, x_ a large bodof Maroons, and hie ay - elnal Willi annottneed by the blowing of shells, ;The (greatest excitement prevailed In Mutant Hay,when It was positively ascertained that the -Monster bad really fallen into our hands, and . was neon to meet the punishment he so justiy =Merited. In appearance he was a man about for4;ilte allay years old. black, with thick, heavy, reddish lips, bleared eycs, fad very much pitied with Marks of .small-pax. /Es sullen - eoteteleatice and dogged -manner bespikti him a. Maly capable of committing all the atrocities with Which be was charged- , ~. del mlt one o'cleckOr the same day he was - placed: oti hia Mial,azd entered Into no defence whatever, except a fair questions in the form of ettss4xaminatioa. I yam : peek. is 1405 p BOGLE. reurs brother was placed along with him for trial and portrayed the same Bolen and dog.ed appearance. /To was severely wounded cy a brown tun named Baths:mil, who eapttrrolhito th, nnd who also received a severe wound on e ' right arm. .3loses Bogle was what is generally termed a yellow negro, inner and stouttr than Pan!, whaler& heavy whiskers. The "Captali-Generar , of the rebel forces, trail tried and condemned on the same day. He .was a,-man wo shotild suppose bordering on sixty-five years of egm short,thin and renlark alde—ln his nocartmee'frui the gray beard iwore. *-On the same day these:three rebels, the prin -cipal-tingleaders of the massacre, were executed 'otrs sr, Co the rains of the old court house hanging In the cantle, noses on the left "rind.llide On the right, all hanging:au the centre arch. of the burnt building. 'Beneath , these .were fourteen othenillanaldeg. Neither. of 'the 'Mile %tend one ward After.coOpinstloiy . but :met their doom Witifal indifference painful to behold. fA PLOT 20;211311%! amasses.' - _ .„. 'Amon; ale treasonable domimenta.sccently ptnred by. the annuli - Idea, theirsearch since the outbreak in St.-Thomas In the &di, la 'Van of Kingston, said to have been prepared. .ander the direction °Men. LaMothe, the any.-- Its plan pretaila the point at which the AIM. was robe flrcdtbefolittil la which it liras ex.' 'paid the authtnitics would repair—illie Vaal! at which theinastamui was to ..eatimenor from, , end theeelntssit which poste were to be sta tioned, so as to cutoff the flight of those who camped to the math leading out of the city. The tiobsldratars Were i 0 ;malt the snivel of the ' troops at the Scene of conflagration, and then V.ARIOUS No use than four persona wore 1.1110.1 in Chi cago and tie nitr on Wed,oiday, by belac ran of •r t, rail, 1,a,.... was an elder ly man al the earner of lioutla Clark aud 81z trentb streets. by the filinoLs Central engine. The next was at Bernadotte, on the camp road, Joseph Cross being the victim. The third one, on the Chicago and Milwaukee Road, at Evans ton, by which Frank B. Dennison, a eon of the conductor of the train, wa+ run over, having boths and one arm cut off. lie expired In a few n ' eura. IT,, was' twelve years old. The fourth victim was Adam Mnrsettec, run over by a locomotive on the Galena Railroad, where the Jefferson and Kinale illations Intersect. Both of his I. ga Nom sneered above tho knees, end he expired In a abort time. fforEnnon MORTON'S health Is worse. Re will tarn over the Executive Department to Lieutenant Governor Baker and will leave In dismal:ohs on Monday next for Washington, where be will remain ashen time. His physician prescribe a eve voyage as absolutely necessary for hie Itstoratloa to health, and it la probable tl at he will sall for Europe at co distant day. A aim. has bean introduced in the Missouri State /aerate, Providing for the ante of teasel:de arest branch of the Idiesouti Paclllc Railroad, It declared the road forfeited to I.l:** State, with Its personal and real estate, The Gove.g^r is directed to take ooasesslou of the road and turn It over to a board of commissioners. Nitcnant. CRAM, the man who hilltd Ifrt. Welch and deaperately wounded Bwlft, hi the Avondale affray, aear Cincinnati, was arrested on Thursday. Craig is a laboring man. Re dces mint deny the deed, and states that he had tntended.te Eire himself tip. _______.,....... ETTERS REMA INI NG - --., Ell in the Poet ()Mee at Allegheny City, Pa, To obtain any of these letters, the applleuit must call Inc od.rfLerd fellers,. laving the date of this list, and p ay two cents for advertising. Iloot sailed for within one month, they will be sent to the Dead Letter °Mee. Ficaa Dazyrchr letters by carriers, at the real. dea f rs ollowing of owner* may be accalmo by abseryta,y the netts • I. Itintx;r letters plainly to the street and num• ber, as well as the Post Olddco and State. 2. Heap letters with the writer, Port Office and State, street and number, alga them plainly with full ian.. anti request that answers be directed accord- S./Y., uettere to atrangere or tranelent visitors In s town or city, whoa special address may be un known, should be marked on the lower left band corner, with the word “Tranelent." 4. Place the postage gnaw.. the upper H.9'‘,-4.4,1 corner, and trace spare between the stamp and di rection riting. forposi-norking witleut haterfertng with the w N. /.I.—A geores.r tot the arreen of a letter to the writer, if unclaimed within rotors Dora or leas. Of or Printed with the writer's none, Pen [ Vice and &ere, screw. Metal..hand cod of tree enrelope, on the face aide, will be erwopited wlth at the uroal prepaid rate of postage, pay when the letter is dell vexed to the writer. (Sec.able M. L4lO of MCA 'SATURDAY. NOVEMBER !STU. ISRS, A •Grubbs Mollie 31oGeop JA. Adalr.k S pencer Guthrie Willie Adair, Eh. iGrohh Wm Nelson Jno Allcatt E !Garrison Q 'Norris J N Arlhige Lire° Gray I/ fl Newman Juo Adam.. 7 2 t H 'Nelson . Mary Beale J G 'Hoover 0 Norris Nancy Bellany Res A . 1 11iderbrand 0 • 0 Barbet Albert 'Hater Chas °lnaba. A Black Andy ;Hazlett Dpi !Ontoer AI E Beckert C ;Hathaway E.O H C Louts ,Ilayard D E ;Ifaselton Geo ! P B own Darla Harrison /I ;Phillips 0 T ,Buck Ell. ,Holly Fleury 1P23101.1. Hattie Blake Rey E S Holloway 1.. Patten S P Baird S Hamlin Jas Patterson S Bates Barak , Ilosklns J R iPlarity. Jennie Bennett S P ;Hall Jana Patteraon Al BOyd Jane .Hank ltoo .7 0 tPhilllns Was Breton John ley Tho. •Price Wm Bell J. ;Hadley Lane :Park W J I' Brlnalton Bathotir John Jane :11igglis. 1. ,Plielps Rohl ,lay Wa . Q Brershor.D J 1 Mutchln lcom san Al 'lions Jane D Byrne John ,Ilowells Wm 11 guLaLan Ei lea Strdiey .1 0 Ilighist. W It Brown John Harman 03V0/1 ' hogers Clia. Bruce 3 T Hunter Wm Motley 1) A Beek Eerie Horton n 'lleymololds D K Boner Lorene. Hopkins itobt ition•ey II II Brennan 3! . J Reed Sao V Bork H say Jackman Ann .Ralya Juo J 2 Butler Wm 'Jon. John ,Rurnaey J S Barr Wm Jackson John Rues Robe (1 Boardman Wm 'Rankin Boat Ili nk:ey o KFt B ;Keller C 2 , s .10ser Cassel iSerrlce A I Carol Amato Flop John ,Stakely C Cullen g lie.L.ok I .21 iShannon Eliza ‘ Cubes Ilanor jKlear Rebec. ,Sziad Emma J Cam- E :Knot Peter.. .Smith Elizabeth Chadwick .7- Kelley V , Secerns II Campbell Jos L Shall Honer Claney John , Eopol Rate iSarner liaunah Cole Jaz Lake Hannah Smith II A Crawford Ca pt LAW Howarth :it Shrirer H Campbell rohn Lon Isaac ;Shelator Hugh Caskey M A , Lau r ie Thom IStritt II Cargo Mollie E teeth Mary A .Semple .1 B Colwell Maria ;Eynon Wm;Snail Jno T Chance Al ary , 91 ,Smith Lout. Commis,. Wm Mrt a.P.eld Ann , Stnith 31 Carmichael Wm 31oloder Daniel .Sseary Nary Cousins WIMI : 11 10343811 David :Sterinson N D. ,3lonli Ed , serools Wm Duke Kitty ;Monroe G W I Dickson (' :31arallal II !Townsend U Devine Dean la Moore S C •Tod Gen W I Dart. Lirrle Mo lotil Jennie Towerrrow Samuel Thompson .1 I 133 . 1.011 FITILIe3• Mas 'cool Dunbar J if 'Hi tler John Tall.n. 3 .. Dory Matilda .m. 1,61 3 S t• Dough,. 11 0 Mowery 3 1 / a s l' aka N J Drum John „Moon NE D V Pan - geld AA 2 311ler N Vicerron Elle Falconer Rey C Miller Wm 2, W Error Nancy 31 c Wilde A S Foley Mary ,3lcOrew Alex Willard C 3 lergison J. .2100111 Ellen : Williams D J il MoCaLly Pi'l.kJ. E J Gordon E IV esT•sters NI A Wolhert Geo Green S 'slcHrlor W.l 17/gria Jos Gros., J A ,21cGeal James Wilton May Graf7.l A ; McGowan Jos Whited 51 A Geier Johni McDo .0,11 Jaz . Wright Wm Gardiner Join !IRO - lung Jno ,K 11 Oreer Alnthetelfds(falo Sas i arke hours from 7 a. R. W.O r. at. SAMUEL" RIDDLE. P. M. AUCTION SALES. GREAT SALE Or VALUA.BLE BOORS PHOTO ;RAPE &Lanus, FILEILY LG. BLEs, PAPER, ENVELOPES, 00.1.J.1,. PENS, &a, he —Tilly EVENING at 7 oarlock and the foHowtog cve 0717 611, at the same hour at the Com menial sales Rooms, 100 Sucitheviestreet, oppo. alto the Past OMee. in the aollecti.k; ate' such -works .. Appleton''' . Dictionary 01 2 Ln:thanks. 0 vols., 4,004 pumas; Ure's Didloaary of Alta and Sciences, vole , 107 0 plates; Ilocarth, 2 volumes, 148 platea; Perry's Japan. a vols., qiarto, boacit.;• fully illustrated; Whim d i Rome, 7 1,01.1., English ed.; licne's England, 6 vols.; Llammiler. do, volt.;.cott's Bib 0,4 Vol.; grimy (Day , . work.. 6 valj Addlson's do, a vols.; Goldsmith's do 4 vols.; Lamb's do, 6 vo's Hoods do., vole; ander'. Etioreb lmory, 6 vol e Waverly Navels, 12 vela.; daeriaimi Cyclopedia, 1 0 volal the eon plate works of Shalumproro, Byron, 3111 ton, Burns Alcore, Scott, Stootromery, Urvdmi, Gosepor, Pope Romer, Dick, Rollin, Plutarch.. Joreptins, (thaw. bare; savored hundred volumeslar popui.r Nova. of ;he day{ P sake t Book., Prayer 7 i 70170 ; 170 ” Re. N. B.—Rooks at privates sale during the day at vary low pricer. A. IiIeiLWAINE, Auat'r. PnATT. Salesman. ne7:4 " I n LARGE BUILDING SOTS IN THE BUSINESS PART OP BRALiDOOIII3.—On 2 IIEiDAV 4.II'7EIIEOON. Nov. Mat, at 2 o'clock, on the promises, adjoicing the Ilannelis. Ville Railroad Depot. sud hinVay, Walker Go'. Oar Factory. roundly end Slachfne Shops, will 111 cold, $0 Largo BuildWg Late, mob 23 feat by GO feet, Gopting On tbe Plank NO id, Ecankuto. gtoA and - Alllgulppa &beet!, .. Thie well known /MEW, uasgaaued ldventacee,latapidl strleMg tO b 02001.1 thereat thriving manniattUring point in the Monongahela Tenni, anothted cash. balance In en* and two years, with . 11iterest.„1210 to be .pald on Saab tot When nOin, at past of nub payment. A FREE EXCIITBS/UN Timm -will leave the. DepOk i e•Oenee of Baia and Water it/cats, at halt.put ..o'Cloakrlc; take bony and gentleman to'nedfrpen the axle. - • . . •noI9 . 6,.171 .r.1LWA/N.A.ttat7r. . PANIC;AND,INSIIRANCL".I3TOC K sotIIESDAY,ZVENING. November 2lst, 734 &clock, sill). sOld,, on aooool floor of the Oom maretalfialmXoom, 106 Smith Maki 'Wei, opposite tie Post tho following stooks: " aloova Bank of Llttabnzalt, ' 10 do r Allethear Nsilo!ukl Bank. -- i 0 do , Foroak-, do. •.CO . - o~dd aIIeoLOOT Iffourans*Conl2lo7. Lou'.. I T - C 127 3 . 7tit ttikrol urzkr, wriea.r4 by . 02 ea eny Wier; between Snood mi./Third otrosto. The Loftus 16 tae{ ltottipehaad m feet to lei U. . Tents at sale. aOlO A. afcIELWAIITE loot'(. ECI NOTICES. tar. pirrsacaii m eisL w HUBBARD, BRO k OCk run:w en :rims cp PATENT cRouND CIRCITLAEN; Warranted DASD. STELE SAWS. of err to. reflatiova rieties.il n. M, Malay, Cedes Out, Gang, and or, an other All kin& of KNnlis and SPRINGS, made front Sheet Oast Steel Extra .dined REAPER AND NOW/NG kr..ravDs, an. air Warehouse and Worire, earner WATER and SHORT STREETS, g i ven Lo attentibn given to RetoothdaOttei tolue mud al Strorehtonlng elrouleu Sawa) & 01 pars of Wn6 - Punching and Dri/ling dorie- at reasonable ratm. _ • , • Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers, Noe. 20, 22, el end et PENN STREET. , Having comarect .tarye nut, and furniatted ,WLth the mon Improved *re Ara i = ed to manufacture every de,wription of BO In the best rustauct, And warranted *gout to an made In the country. (SRLIINEYS. BEI ?LETRE BEDS, STANI PIPEtir,LOOE MERE, 0 0 NDENSER BALT RV3, ES, OIL BOILER ,S AG ATORS, SETI TUNG PANS, BOLLER LEON, BRIDGES_ , StRIAR PANS. nod sole na ufacturers of BARN BELL'S .PATENT BO Repag dont On the &hottest notice. de18:11 ULRIC SUPERIOR Copper Mill and Smelting Works. PrITSBTrRGEL PARK, McCURDY &CO. IClAnofactarers of SHEATHENO, RR AZTERS , & BOLT COPPER, PahriSED COPPER ELT TOMS RAISED STILL BOTTOMS. SPALTER SOLDEII. Ahio, importer" nod dealers In MET. ALS, T N PLATE, SWEET IRON, WI, Chuistantly on hand, MINERS' 31.ACRIN cR RR S and TOOLS. Warehouse, No. I d °FIRST and Wo SW, OND STREETS, Pittsburgh. Special ordain of Copper cut to any desired pattern. inyinlyelidaT IQA uoq HEST( ft ED. ./ ont Po en... In a eeal. . Enrnlope. Price .1x flouts. A LEGTULLEIM THE NATURE, THE Radical CIALA of Sperrontootbma, or Seminal wealeneSs Ineol. watery Eallasiona, Sexual Debility and lnpedi. meats to Marriage generally tiSaryouaness, Con. snm_ption, Epilepsy and Fltt.. - n.lentel and Phyil• n in x. " S.lTA= I t gt.,e2 alt or o l f c "t tirt Green Book, iko. Boos ..ro. ZIL0173.&2108 or tor= Seat under seal, la A Mein alma. op., any address, pool paid, on receipt of silt centAosetrzod:...w.tor2..pmtb&M.Yl;,(l.lf, LINE, no•madan-T ire arr.uViiiu s ROTH SIMMS reverend gentlenum ha us ve ting been maimed to health In a rent days, aiter un roftthos= frelto'ul"sudeclesaire,gculo:lregrhiles seae! duty to communicate to his aftlicted creeklbt: " rs Means :f Hence, on the receipt of en addiVuod envelope, he wtlleend, free, a copy of the prescription used. Dtreet to Dr. JOHN M. DAGISALL, LSO Pukes' street. N. T. mbalttydat•T aro. ai Tas W 116 nr-LA DELLi . f4Tka Wt; ""'"8 REITREC & CO., P MlTl4(as STEEL; pINO:tMi siEzi.,sps.A. LF-S, CROWBARS, tre. Ars- OEoe, No. irs WAVER STREET (up stairs) PITTSHTIACI H. PL. IYIs RODIAINON,, (nimisasOril to Bornanos, Munn re Mrt.zzaw shlneton Works FOUNDERS Wa AND naciirsisTsj. blanufacturers of BO AN! ) 'STAMMit STEAMLIkTOINES BLAST ENGINES, MILL MACHINERY, aziatnsk, SHAFTING CAST. nals of all descriptions, OIL TANKS & STILLS, BOILER AND SLIEET IRON WORK. etiP Agents for GEFFARD'S OI PATENT !MEM. OIL for leeding boilers. gar _____ .iiiiix.VlCnt.2--a-7-a-i:------mo ,uanclll.o tams of LRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, IRON HAILING, WINDOW SHUT. rEits, WINDOW GUARDS, h.." Ma. In SEO. ON li and S 3 THIRD STREET, betwoeux Wood and Market, have nu hand a 'variety of new pat fancy and plain, ealtable for al] purposes. terns, Sir Particular attention paid to enclosing Grave Lots. Jobbing done at chart notice, tun / -, ...T11F. DISMAL cuAn emu, ALM E. ONSAY OF WARN/NG AND /NS - MR.I. FOR YOUNG MEN. Also, new and mho. tie treatment of the Urinary and Sexual Byname, Address Dr. J. SHILLEN HOUGHTON, Row fled Association, Philadelphia, Pa. Liddy a- BENT PIILZ.—A reasPuLzr OF immense importance to the old and Yount. married find single of both sexes, will be tent free by addresetne, with stamp etialoaed, the &vats: J. A. KENDRICK a (la. Boa 73, Radon Pod tlitlce. mirnlardaser . _ PIANOS, MUSIC, &0 NOW. BELNO RECEIVED. THAT ELEGANT STOCK OP CIIICKERLNG PIANOS, Selected per•outly by the übt•rtber, Mamas a recent clan to the Factory. SEVENTEEN INSTRUI, :NTS Sr. nom! open. and ready for eaurdnatlon. e public are Welted to call and lee them. Warrniated for Five Years. OHARLFZ 0. KE-1.1.08., ►aS Sole Asenc Wr Lb. P So pfisaiseaso (mons& TEM OELEBBAT TEL BRADBURY, NEW YORE, Sehomacker da Co., Philadelphia PIANOS. THE AbfEattOAN ORGAN, and ESTES k CO.'S COTTAOF: ORGAN, adeettted by dealer+, and all artto have heard them, to be etipertor Woe to all other trurrumeats of the Clad re a rx Gicelarr.+l to the Crated State/. We are prepared to ftralah, at the ahoteat motle Brass and German Silver Instruments of army dowlntton, for lhain and lionaat liana I, aL reducod rt a . Illnuftrated Catalog - urn and Prim Llata furnlahod oo spoliation. New and Secoad.:l Plazwo tor Rent. ILL THE LATE SONGS AND PIECES llowlantly on Lurid. WAXELINg 4 8A1t.13., ffa 12 ST. CLAIR Frimer. • K NABE CO.'s HIULIGS PILE.3II— Grata, Fazio} Grand, Sq.4r. aal UP" right Plant - a with oven In bate, Agra!, treble, full Iron improved frame, and all the valuable im• prorelpenta. The tone la pare, brilliant, entirely tunnel/ character, of the beat worbananahip; touch evenness and quality of tone unaurpatiscd by any. Each Plano evanesced for cleat years. CHARICAYTTH @LUSTS, No U FIFTH STILEF.T. Second door above Wood *treat 11 0 FAtii0EllE ot CO., 53 713133 STURM 110 La 4.1 7 / 1 3111 POI SSoola.ccroisr 2P4xsa:Lara. • : • 8. OIL CLOTHS, dr.° cFARLAND & COLLINS, nntsta IMPOR 'MRS, Are reccirthe by ne c r oi g . t e at o niiej f from Lirerpool, ENGLISH CAELPETN, d unable for Parlors, T rating n001:111, Clll.Bll Haut tat arches !a , ABlegit,/ exprealD for Pieta burgh retail trado, and Otflirral VZHOLEBALE AND RETAIL, LOWEST MARKET PRIOES. 4-4, 4-4 sad 6-4 !ENGLISH TAPESTRY, PEG VETpuld e6vsszwitattPEl73,ll/8/U4Pi MSD4 at; lea never berate adored la this country, 71 and 73 Filth Street, u t o ieit o / 3 d ap o lltub il t4 a vhis rlaltal !agate. Ittvo t kpottara srßs STA, CARPETS, &c., BE,ottrED NEW. In addltlon to our preptotte O' mimeo,, we note Jot reaelved Erbnowar. in newest o l a vas Umilatt&EGTAlTivap, Eloactuuntza PIANO GOV. W. HOB,BlO • - - SHEET • 01 14.7/.021T, 18 a:4llft. teiniCtr eirMg, t rt ; tents; : illt; . ; Akown. Leather. sad • Green oohs's. • • Rp ; • 1:4 4 , ire* FA W.D. & r40,044171* r; 8011 87 rotreigtu.sritsar CIiaIPR I P Mg& COTTC*-3 bales to ache for aa'o by /SALM Dif:tBL7 4 w. • 0 71 5; 11A ft* 6, 11°11815w,- 1 KISS ANNTEEDEBLE First vied of Gm ;17°nd-renowned /Ash tilos mot • Tookee Gin, lo Env years, MIL AND 111101. W. J. 1 1011ENCE, Wow will lIDDea• in into:Lot, of versatile oomio raereetere, whirl eneArtneee. MONDAY EVENING, Mr. tth will be pre aerated Tyrono rowers' greet drama of ROLM _TO GOOD LOOTC, readmit O'Refferty. with great Errnlan Song, Wearl—g of the Gleee....fEr. W.. 1. Moreno. After which the Protean rem, or the TO EN G ACTRESS. To echelons with the ATIASONiCIIALIZ TIJDRSDAY, FRIDAY et SATURD November 234. ;4th and 25th, TDB 6 A 6 IYOtj TAINS!! &RUN 07 AMERICA, TCOrel — Tr COMBINATION TROUPE (POOll are OPIHA Hanby, Pnwent - , N. Y.,! WHI have Lb. honor of aPPcsmill C. above for reettivoly Tomo° Nitta. Only ! In their t en] unequalled VARIETY EN TENTA INAIENT. Itheish embraces almoSt every speeliatevlb. the caißnular nl amttlamants. The Yo whole unGer the alrees a that Princp onlomto lIILLY-Pa TOR, 'Who wti/ appeateach lo.ingfiz ageetlon a new Sough CoMicaltieg. lo arP•Por tun Pat/CU/AM MO mall bills. Adult &lon, 35 cents ; Reserved scats, 61)c. Doors open at 7 ottlqek ; COLLIMOIIeItSaI 8. no2o-et . BALL. Agent. M ON/ ASC ALL. rST.aahONG, Crii.AL • rifrZPINT Or THE • BATEMAN OONCERTS. Debut of Mlle Parepa. DR. B. L. BATEMAN has the honer t> an. 110.1 C. that the Artistes composing nls renowned Pittsbur Concei I gh, o Troupe will make Weir" appearance in n THERM:IA Y EVENING, NOV. 2.1 d. Gaili When the But of • bile! and neotragartly flatted Iselin of Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concerts BEI=f2!EM !ROLLE EUPHROSYNE PAREPA, The rowed Prima Donna, whose alarm/altar re voice, ati hard caw -tlon and magnificent style have been the theme. of enthulluti. laud. Ulna in the mass of New Tork.and Boston. Tie lerlyhas hots acoopted with hearty sod omelet* unnalmlty as the most wonderful vocal artiste beard In Almeriaa sines the days of Imlay Ltal. trodu Mr. /3 rtniatsuaan will aLso have the pleasure of la. An artist. whose performances oz the Cornet .- Piston are amongst the most marmiteas musical brats of the day. The ezeoutton of this gentleman, combined with the rich. lucious an/ commanding tone which he Pendants, place him to tae treat rank of lining artists. HERR CARL ROAR, - . Kappelturister of the free town of Hamburg, prize pupil of the Conservatoire of helps's, and solo rtohnlat of high pea t ncti Thtse a/ tiaras, .11r. man feels prattled le saying, ate all of the drat-ola rm. Ile tau la toll pleasure In adding tbat they trill be miler the ex perienced and competent direction or HERR CARL ARCH fITZ Alusical Uomluetor end Director of the , icrecins ()per. The Programmes, Selected from as Locartanat.ble repel roue, eUj b vanes every cretins. Adce Winn ft R..e .. seats SI sent. Salta. Colleen C o ololttaCcil at dlagrarinne r the lied. for the aisle of re aereed seat.. Writ be open° I on rued., morales Met Nove=bu, at s o'ciest, at the 'dude Stan o ._ IL. SLEBEN It 11(10.. not& fl-ostftva :Co. VS'. Wood Street. MA.110.11/C HERMANN! PRESTIDIGITEUR Mouldy, Tuesday and Wednesday Florzanix 'X, 21 azd 211 his celebrated performances at Ear.tern Necromantic Delusions BI Weed t 1.(11 Eat!biting teats novae Were performed la Meta buret, sing! the most euraortloary rharseret. Tlcaeta, T 5 a...1a; Reserved Soars 23 crate co• tra. Eaa be ...voted al OWLS. O. 3 /ELLGS'S MUSIC STORE, roarmeaeles RjIDAY , Norm. bar 17th. av EDNESDAT, November Mt, Graze Gala Matthee. sola3 w SEWING Intl Hew & CLARE'S $26 and $33 SEWING ENACHINE 3 WITH TABLES OORIPLBTL. Jct.! rtcetrad 'moiler lot, sod I am rotor to surPli Mo. Oat h• - •• beet tralttno for thee. Thai will do Td LOISCZN(O ABB ALL KINDS OF FAMILY wL a e• EVERT MACHINA W titRANTED. fiend lot • Circular, containing full partiatilarc 8.. H. LONG, No 98 Fcurth Street, no:0 snood THE WHEELER Lt, WILSON BEWINC MACHINE, At the ALIA:OHE corgry FAIR, Just gel, It w e awarded the RIMIEST and ()Nur PRE. Ell UM stenli, as the most simple and thoronti ID construction. and as the HES! MAW/IKE far Family and [Renal Porpoiee. Tha following yell known gentlemen went membsr. of the Co.s mitten, Ylel EMIR M. RULE, JARED 7 11 , , LIRDSR RICILI &RD murrA.L.L. J AS, REES an C a ll w. rusrea...T. and examine the Simplest and Bent Sewing Ysehlas In the world, at the ofllse of N 0.27 ITEMS ST., PITTSLISUGH 606 ovEi tt BAKEH•B SEWING lIIIACHINES Han been awarded- the PM? PREMIIIIVIS tho following Felts for Iha you /Sl: First Premium for best Machine work at PCIIIIIII. State Fele. Pint Premium for best Magnine work at Raw York Ste rirst Premise're for Ant Family M State Pair, adan. at Onto neat Premium for best Manufacturing Maehlzta at Onto State Fair. Pint Premium for best Manutsetating Maeltine at Michigan Stet, Fair. First Premium for best Manufaaturing Matthias at Wisconsin State Fair. Fires Premium for beat mantas° torts% itaolitai at Lawmen Co.. Fair, Pa. First. Premium for best Machine foe gsaaralpur. poses, at Lawrence Co. init. PA. I First PHIMIUDI for beat Family Mathias at Baas Co. Fair, Pa. First Premium for best Pdastutasturtu AI A I ir At 1!I at Bucks 00. rair,Fx First Premium tor beet btanafaatattag cairn* a l Mashfne at Sprtuallle4 Yale, Oblo.- • Fizet !Presidium forkaet Matinfaeturlag atria Hy Machine at Falsonarate, N. T. ~ • .. ilottPnbiliot Cot kit ttaautaa Mani and Paw , artist/14mM , - First remit= for best Mao litattotbsi end Ur M nt Sehuytarr. Co Fate, N, , Plitolota tor. bait Maeda, tor all pettOies• Si Allitlabaf Up Fisk, Fa._ • Firetertentltunfor beet niatunfac tiring Mackie. at rUltinsoy Co . Fair, Pa. Strstirrtmlmo tor bait ileac:tans Werli,at Atte , : ibeay On. Path Pa. . • ALI Wbgtret oatadtpd— . • . , . . ocimemariat -,.lio;.ll3APUthit.rnilsAttre TrInvERBAL EITIOTHESIVALNOM Abio, cbe s a w .- PaitAVP/opt . tHair. They Inairze, a v er y boutithald. nisi&4ve time, sh et money. Calf led examine them at the labnettabber Depot of PHILLIPS, pas te anit CleIX stren. A.IVTILSw.aI;IN • . • 1 , 41,-.v. 4:4 ge4,7 , - • V: HE IN DtII.SULY- Lut ill alghlaAfthe tncorlts onMedina YANKEE LOCKE. • W crams of 0o wlll s Pixsr la the vest , (ow Act gemulatloa Hour, mcnre, whia 'Mb be gtere With the etreagtb of the es. eeflent stoekeqmpesty. MONDAY AND TUESDAT-EITENINGB, tha • [bribing febeetioa drab* entitied DlXGri.tr-s JP ITC I3 EICIEIri. THE rown:ths TITLLER OF • LYNN. Jetbamßeeek......4"--....--Yeakee Look& Act lit-,The Attempted Unreel? tot Ste Who Hu Dona Thie l . A ett-Oliailenoire Bride- The Timely iteieue. Aot ill-Deetb of s VU Abu. UETUB.B.ED VOLVATEER. For Throe Days Only II E. .7. LEVI P ITTS BL'R H. rw. LOCR - STTICEI E. P. CARPENrEII, A FARM of lel eons srltaln I mlles of Lail. merit Station, ex tee Penna. Railroad. The 1,.. locorencents are a hewed los house and barn, Purr elfte orchard, fuming good; lee &crueller. *di the oa nee well timbered. Also, a Imall treat of Lane adjoining the Born' [ s e allitabeth. containing la earekwell, of tor etatT i Thosoll is the verg hest of Heir bot. tom. and la a high state of oultleatlos. Also. A NO.l stock and &minium. contents 100 acres, eltnate la Charm MU Tournahse, Rug one eouov a a. near the clillas of fireenstlla Tha.iiip eats ore a two-story frame heel*, the ... es and Deft bete In the went ...m ot ranging , c 2 ,77, - .= The land le Ar o - eWiwil which produces las moo 'of nee. is se Tery eon. , Larnedect to churches, abode, nubti atom ha.e. al IhnrePtrilt Ina be solayory ekes,' ea osi ea" , , Apo, a Foes of 1;e Aaes.ti tato teneaship; .it's4leitoo 0291 t Do 4% s Ps. no th Wlittsssold eau. , ' "pis, Me beslit , yer 'about toe mile from MIL e atC Ta y ocutabang &bottle' actes.-Theltootorenknge ars ',poor house and barn, eon nu and cragen shtLeidth other outtualdlap. A him cap :ere of betroto 400 :WI eartzets• Sek .4 ' 4 Vh " i li ar erVist a l it a) Plaal tie in t ": ' T; ' 4x,(hiLTOtrartotZtearthAM.: ', Ohl ' cm ISt t. VII °ICE AV gal - thil day, two ears of 3 .&3llsollialurs sare hilly put Op*.a.ka Shore Arollw, Um um of Wit broad for tido season. Far ask. by eat load atiaap by haol4) U. voila? 001 _ _ • VO-11 MILE, WITH 1 11 31 1 1111,trE p u g . Z'S', 111 OIINT Ll.fPr. "PRO PER. , AT IVTODS' RUN 6 7 ATIONa ' Lutu,Thiskliventzur orrthis ioacnessi rarntii Neaty or suit rimer aruifrawal mlnutts,,nak tram rainstorm . *pot., Au.. Uwsr— Zwo of the as t , Atl.l ti/ Atib cm, 011.2,001. WORKE‘laintd al 0,6 3 rtrtet, Anegheay. Data= E. UR RALE. ENGINE, 80/ LER. FLY wIrFEL, ha., coniilitr; ready Mr patting Op, suitable for a gsin 311, any parpon requiring 00 toes!, power. Apply at;' _ atriniml 113 THIRD STRT. RPIIENTMD DWELLING FOR RALF.. e, situated ht No. Pobeces street, All.itheni atty. The riot has I front on b 2n feet, and extends la. reet to Part 's recayd strerest of et on mlidah.t. craned a neatly finished taro story Brien Dwelling wltth gegen ecreirertabla rooms. One kitchen. with. rane, bath house. gas. hot and told Water throughouti marble mantles, stone Xearths; grape arbor. This p_roperty La offered cheap. Apply to. tuna IhteL TN' Sc 00. 8 3,50 6 WILL, F'UROEUSE A NEAT FLAME ROUSE, with SIX nOONS, end about TWO [LORE; OT 14011), saluted' In the vfliege of Blount Wash. ingtAXL for further particulars enQUITS et F OR SALE,-DWELLLNG HOUSE. The Wick Vwelllng, No. SOO W le street. WIC H. St PUSHY, N. H. PU S itY, Executor. of the estate of W. Ptuien Also, FLOS SALL. a Seek house sod three sores t ground witl. One orchard. on Francis street. For terms, apply to , OAL AND L 441 X PROPERTY FOR Sa_LE—On tho Stenbestrilla Railroad, man mile' Alum itmaiir, CONTAINING ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY SIX ACRES, Steam and Water Flowing find Saw MUI, and other line thaproverneatat-Por farther Information &PM to WILL.LAILI WARD. Fria (Opposite the Oathedrat ) grant street, No. 110. VALUABLE COUNTRY RCN& FOR road. SALE, situated on the Pennsylvania Soli. one-half mile from Wilkitisbnrith. sad only three minutes walk from the newly granted Sta tion on gold reed, eal.ed EDGE WOOD BTA.Titiffl a LOT avow d contain on tt Len. leg pereheei jUitthree mares Ott Forte"; large grams Building, now. With le room. d cellar uthlerne hearing Fruit Tree.;W a te r and other corm.- laneee. Them, ground. will divide handeontely. Per farther rotor m.t.L.r. ea/1 00 JAMES 8. }LING, No. we Fifth street. DEBIRABLY, CITY PROPERTY FOR nzar r Liutat orruid nowt's. No. so Pouttl atm% ••smite AL &XL ....RAW.. for • Stmt. uroker'i Oftres, 46. .Id. A LAIII:E PROTOLIZAPLI GALLERY_ sire A SALOON, in • 4004 tooatttin for an extort sire Itastrauant o. CO FOUrtti a r" odE‘ P°l " "re lZZAlr. ct" imsn...—...—___e &NM B A L OT OF Cott Iv talsdng about Three Urea, situate to Pitt Tp., te eny All county, between /soda of (Jaya Bran. ton hi E. Lanny. Tide property is deilght fully. situated, cove:fool:tag e. po of both althw and the Allegheny flyer. .I; to rti •on beautiful building lot fora Conntry Residence,. but will be gether or Ln lots. Diatnond O Far terms, lequlre of t undersigned, No. 91 mit, FU MY:mgt.he rsign _ 0. W. HOB oelo4ll Eueuto_rs of a. F.3.°4:GLlA,Balir"deoSa. AN ELEGANT A.Ni CObi 7t3 DWELLING FOR SALE A modem three story brick bonze handsomely located on a epode= lot fronting thirtylour feet on Stockton avenue, Allegheny pity. The house anntalns sixteen minim ii admirably artmaged for comfort, having hoc and eold water on erery door, and for elegasit and eubstantlal lln- Mb IA unsurpassed by anything to tide tic/silty. Apply for portico/ars, to S. S. BRYAN BT FoCIRTEI STREET, (Ilurke'g note DWELLING LIOUILENY IP 0 .IEI. EN JeL Xs El IL one and a half story trams °attest Rouse, eon taining r*, two p with wa s , dining room, krtchen and tow slumbeer andgas, occupying a lot eMr. Rs., highly cultivated and ornamented with shrub bery and shads. Irma The surroundings are pleasant, affording ample spue for fresh air, and the outlook on the tare. riven commaudio. •ri natenslre and ruled view gor !littler inlormauon,a{ply to a. S. ISKYLLIT 'Broker, _ Fourth 'treat, Burke's Building. ..... PIT HOLE CREEK OIL LLND FOR Crerk .A LE.,—lnterest• to land. /yin/ on Fit Hole ADJOINING THE 1101.3/DEN ream InOWII as the "Deer Lick;" alzo to to. PINE BUN FAIIM., sontlinbax fr yr urea, althea* on Pine Run, bry tax. Pit Bole and OU Creeks. Thera tutereats ars very dralrabie, as the aUtualeav are all bot tom lands. Enqcdre of W. J. ti WILL PATTERSON, Attorna3rs, Ho. 141 Fourth. St... Pitteuth. BFOUR T bWELLITIGS. on Rosa street. eteel Worienmewite the ta, haring all the conveniefteee of gas, water and drained ettike. A TWO TITOR DW6Z.I.IIIff) oa itoblicron near Federal .tract, Alleg hec hood.y City . well halshed in a good nalgti birEarly .posimalens [free. A lot of ground on Rebecca erste. extending to Task street, Allegheny, haring • eomfortable dwelling cuelleberea and • •maller one 0. P•r• street. OYFROES —three canventent double offl•ea, near the Court Ronan oa Diamond stmt. erected on • int ®rte feet, haring Ore prootx gas, water, Re 10. 8. 9. BRYAN, Stock Lod Seel Emote Broker 69 Fourth St.. (Burke'. Building. BALE, THOSE Two ELANDSO3III THRRB STORY BRICK HOUSES Nos. 10 and 31. on the east side of WEST COM MON, near the corner of Ohio street., bUllt and diabed throughout In • superior manner—ltulahml With ermy modern emNrenlence and Impingement, and at present to perfect Drier; one of the clean est and most desirable situations in Allegheny. Possession on the Ist of April. Ifin/ Enquire of .L&MPS T. .5. AMPLE., Real Estate !Ironer and Insurance Agent, oc2Saf rim ga Federal et., Allegheny. _ FUR BALE. I Well F 1 alined Frame TwaStory Dwelling, flaying SIX ROOM*, newly Papered and Painted. VINE PORTICO, HYDRANT Inside sad outside e Ho THE LOT L Fort t ra h n. f w eet fro nt; by One Him Ind ten deep. PINE GRAPE enacm, Faun' MEER, he. Possession will be given cm the let of April next. Also, A CORNER Mag-ROOM,WITWONE 1DWm.4.040 HOUzE. Pmwesalat will be Oren on the Ist♦ of Ayrll next. The proprietor VIII Ether or exemts for Country Property. Terms eery. /reVe of ER, No. Mt Fourth street. J. T. SAIIPZ.F.,. Real Estate Broker and Insurance Agent, sexennial 81 Federal street, AlleghenY. COAL, COAL AND LAND FOR SALE. The eery valuable PARE Li Elizabeth town. ship, Allegheny county, Pa., containing 175 acres of SURFACE ANDCGALe, and Ertmttne on the Monongahela River for more than kill a rolle..ln Pool No. S. In Ms tract there are 153 sires or good mer chantable COLL fronting on the tiger, wittedeep water all along the property Thewater te Mirror less than tromili to td fact deep, when theilear la at Re lowest stags. 7ha Land L of the very but guilty or pririe bottom, .111 n good order, and under good fencing. with a lame well dabbed two story BATOR DWELLIN - 4 EL DOSE, large Dame Bern: Rams two Thant Stable 100 feat long; Own Wagua lionsasnd El treillage The Greensburg and WashingtCm MD/ throngb the firm; and tallier lt !altogether for convenience of loction and Intrlrula value, offered to this county. Ls certainly one of the very best Logestments now Payment. will be made to suit the purchesers. For particulars, enquire of B. Real Estate Agent, No. I t. mTOW ER ush strase notatdtt It SM. F-. GOVERNVIEN TEAL ES EXTENNY2 5. , 11.1: OF floggriggmengßafiroo4 Properly. , Illtrrits litrueuos or rite Lan tf ruin, UntatiaraAricaxasitha's Orrice, •U. tii.„Mimarang Raftatoems, -. • li Tens Oct. Sisk iS4S. ..„.,... W il_tet wad nt. nbGericialoa;eo November. iiz, •0 9%,..at tha footinf l'ajplAr street, St. Lnule. I_ : g: T3TFQ _FLAT o.}ls, 5}5,F7. Er." -01;ACI' • Carla.% . t. bee fah 48 41.. at Abe yea of rlil the e. Set. • Ballroad ,Gunnery Jetrautoa in. _ • , lifirE FLAT CIALfg, 01 AGE, 4 FT. 834 INCE ~,gmi November .rtn, pla. at Lthrt,, Rya • • ofgm Om Whea ls. ; ea Pnk Whethl & Astra Away - 1 T.... 4.,, ' ' .. t kespicks 1 pp.. 1. 0 „„ 1 ,, '1 P 1 - .. M., • ;', •.i 4m i i _ 4 Etannllere' - ' ft Mak tlida--"' t met= of Strap Iron: Oa meg= mg,. 2883; it AteunOld‘ Tenn the, entire stoe ,k Mi=hillitaty MailroattSiu fz plies remaining • nt that Dhoti. leonaleting , in part as ftilloMS r ..... ,-- , (so) Eighty tonsibitotted Tian. ' •• ' (fico) Elea tinedredleasEeraDlfon• , (8) Eight tons assortallStet. ! - i _ 0 ) Imo teal Pit 1ug...;, .... ~ . And it genera auortznent ersonall Store,, gait able for tenoned& ' •••'''' entire On December Md. 11165, at Maintilie, Deno-. th e stock of new ancl serviceable Storm, of the U. S. Military Railroad remaining OtC tAnd at tho General supply Store, coati/ding in pan- itelOA lowa ; 33,0‘.0 Twenty thousand Axes, :. , i.:,... :. 1,030 Cosa wird bar 800, rti. sq. bird. &tele ' , ..', 0 eh:Way tons Railer and Tank Iron, .I',:. c tartlets-tire tone escorted Steel, . 300 There hundred tons Senp Iron; wrough t .. and cut. 25,000 Twe Coatings. nty-IWe Montane pomade Engine Brass Gas Pipe, (Renting Stores,. bruit Pipe, Gas Fixtures ofall triode Spring !Miasma, lOU Cope, Shovels, 41rius Cocks of *very de- Hatchets, 'Globe',tin, Buts airs., all eras. teneftere, wrought and, Claw, Lining & Tamphog cast, Nall/ nod Spikes, 11.ron B , Yu% Copper Rivets Mallets, and Rum, Sash. Glass and Perot, Seem copper and Brass. of all kfr.ds, it 15.23122 and Rope, or an Railroad Lampe, sue s - ‘ l ookitig Stoves sod Lis-i Blank. , Tackle &Snatch. tyres. i Sally's lien,, Litt.. Ftli) Setts of Carpenters, Blacksmiths and Sad. Men , Tools, Rubber Car Sprhors, Bening Gum and Leather, Files, Butts and'Swewa, Tinware or ail kinds; and almost every artitne kasha, for Railroad operetiona, all of the very best qual. fry, Alto, 3) Three large Lathes, Stevens & Bro. Man res. 2) Tiro Planers, Sellere & Co. .. 1) One Bolt Cotter eon 1 Gear Cotter, Gonad it Bro Manufacture. (I I Oqe Atle cut oil' Lathe. Warner & Whltney. 2) Fan Blower.,(meOlurn.). AS Ii) One 17 _prIght Eagioe. b borne power. 1) One Trip /iammer nod 1:001ne liewelP• P•t. ,q) 00e BroOMfteltl time. kl•mmer. 1L Out Sellers' Steam hammer. , Will 5.1,0 be Gold' et the same time, a large Tool,Serviceable -and second-hand RalirOad 4 I all kinds, ausizting . . - Carpenter , . Tools, Of Wheelwright's Leeks,' .. Blacksmith's Toals. • •Pdatblalatir. Teal,. Stove. and Six , . L' . .T., awn , , lie, ate,'. Tgisrus caf--- TN GOVERNMENT FOAMS. Cataloxnes of the mat. nat....".b.. told In Ruh. 2111. can be obtained by appllcetion to (J.1va.:E...? gamin, A. to Q. M., and of that at Itleeeptda, on lip. Plication lJaPt. John Parka, The attention of dealers and Railroad COMPa• airs fa partletdarly Invited to this sale. • Sales will commence at 9 olaltrk a. a., 01l each day, mid continue daily malt all the property is disposed of. F. S. ORILLY, anise Capt. and n. Q. ka. C. S.'A. aC I VER/AMBrur sAi. - ;t( --- n ---. STORES, G. H. TOWEX, OW ?mirthEstreet. W LLLIS BOOTIE. No. ter Liberty Street. Ors/On op MiuralT Snore Ka crin3o Pimrenvaa, PA, Nov. 41 1865. • Will 40/4 at Public Sale, to the illd r neel bid der, at the FaltOtOunda. on Fetuletreet. EMS. DAY, November . ..Id, 1665 , Sale co amending at 10 Wolof*, A. ex., the following oonas mne.l Clot 2. log and Camp and Garrison Equipage . net Cap letters. 169 Fora cap., a.Cross Cannon, II Vitiform privates Coat., 2 Worsted oashes, 31 Trowsera, infantry, 5 Trot...era Caysll-9. 13 Flannel Sack Coat., 22 Flannel Shirt., pain Drawers, 21 pairs Stockings, • 54 Great Cuta, AU Water-proof Pouches, 670 Geese Coat Straps, 4'M United Rates Blankets, Emmy...locket., Zcusive CODS, 1 Zonaaa I= Bed Sack., magi.. as Spades, Knaprack. .2.4 d haver/tick:4 .2.75 Canteens, 4.2 Axes, 44 Axe /Selves, I Celan nettle . clamp Hatchets. 23 Hatchet Handlen, 2 Eeeralttris. Flags, I Camp slo Colors, do Halliards. 7 Fifes, I Hospital Flag, 13 Drums, I Drum Bead Batter. ao ' do llDram SWIM. Snare., • psalm Dram Stick., 2 Urn= alma to Wail Tea-U. 41 Wall Tent Flies, 41 met Wall Teat Poles, 833 Common Tents, elm sat Common Tent Po Lra 16174 ShaLia. do ole; 70 Plek Axe.. 46 do do Hatull 44 Hospital Tent es, a, an do do Flies, 73 do do Poles, H.M 1166 do do do Pins. Large do : 13 Wall rent Pins, do small large I Color Belt ants Socket, Marque Tent Poles, 1.13.4 Sento, "D” Abel. A. F. U. Slings. eras cash, In °twat mama fonds. Roe did Al. E. LUCAS, , 111111tary Stars Keeper - - 1" -, EBALER or GOVERNMENT HORSES AND MULES. Waal/m . 01.0z D. C... Oct. 24th 1663. Will be sold at public auction during the month of November, to the higbest bidder, at the time and places named below, 01.2 New York Otty NEW YORE. —TUESDAY or each week, too MULES each Oar PfirNSYLVANIA. Philadelirbia, Pa.—THURSDA Y, November 2, 9, 16, and =,toollol2SM each day. a P. •untr,,132,21:2 v... 102 MULES caili dy. ' Ilanisburrib, Pa.— THIT I ISDAY,November 2,9, le, and 92, NO HORSES each day. Blechani Mug, P.--17JESDA Y, NOrelllber 101 HORSE ' S. Allentown, Pa.—WEDNESDAY, November to, too rtor.s. Pottsville, Pa.—FRIDA Y, November 12, 100 HORSES. Chester, Dela w aro county, Pa.—YEDNESDA Y s November M. too HORSES.. Titusville, Pa—THURSDAY, November 10, 103 HORSES. Titusville, Pa. — THURSDAY, November 10, 100 HORSES. Tituarille, Pa.—THURSDAY and FRIDAY November 24 and 24 100 MULES each day. E DLA WARE. 100 HORS toot EN W l i meDel.—TtlEDAY of each week cork day._ Wilmington, DeI.—FRIDAY of each; week, 100 I.!Lb each day. . . A Baltimore, ltd. M RYLAND. tou HORSY—N. — WLDNESDAY, September 15, Baltimore, Md.—WEDNESDAY, September 29, 00 HORSES. GEESIIOIIO, D. C. TIIaSDA YS and THURSDAYS of each week, 100 NO HORSES each day , nALLS OF WILL TAKE PLAC.F. AT WASHINGTON. O. At Ude Neeles of stales all tho Government ard mal• will be diapoised.of. Buyer. alimild therefor... chail theamelvoa of, thla last, opyortruilly to poe. ase. For males Of public animals to the Wait, see of. Lela] Western nowepapers. *annals will lari 0010 sroStl.• Sales to etdrunenen at la a. M. Minn day. Tertia-.GASH, In Halted State. Ourranay. •JAUF-i ZELL% Ftta 01?.. t4..4 C CATTLE! . "TIT I . OPIUM DTPOT Comm:axe ilyin SNIBISTSNCI, i Wja NOTOX. D.. 0.. Xor. A tette. Sealed proposal% IN DIIPLTOA.7I wilt be tete v• ~N ed bytbe 4411orthrtibtl, In Dll.l city, Until 12 o'clock about ea- T 3 £4l. , AYoe.ni 12C3, for Um purcheat of Five Btmdred Head Of Beef Cattle. The Cattle may O. MN at any time bears th day of n , at the Camel:nerd. -Cattle Yard, le Alexsa a. 'Va. Ebb w be malted fortloi Cettle to low , of ova •sehi, tat bidder hating the ertrihes Of °b - Wane eli CAN) Dom cash clam Co ha . num' wish to anrchaetl-but ao proposals for Alen number Clan tire trill be considered. The causes will be numbered fro= emt lo / 0174 1 and where bids are meat for a eye* "iansaber of eech Blau, the Cattle will be designated by the calm la chew, . .. . Fl4l "' t ° w"ni I."4ll.:ittelahtioltitr:' l i g . 4 l 4l% ` &7 l =fr:A l rid . Blank propos/Ms will be oreltheo by the Lodes.' alined. No Mae will be received from puttee Who bar o heretofore felled, to eolaP4 Witte their eon. 'Otero 'with the Government. - .• i .... All of the Cattle not dbp mod OM obiom4nur will be sold stauctlenom the aboremiamed plus at It o'clock,a is.. 00 lementedlyr the f. 2.1 fey of November, leek. - G. BEM, eolitittor"dt3". S .. tr. S.A. GOVE.MiIa - . te EtnsiTe ; tiah'ilf 1 liiikiiti. -- , .Wllk be told at au etton, lathe itikilkili"nriii.. °ea Wantheus% Re. le matt meat. Sulnlin4 Tenn.. - ta ,TUIS/DAY," bforctaber .21C MSS, at a. ~, - 'ma&Eaturcati..=: - , ~: . t - ~., •, s. b: .--. . ,es ems. ken Belnicadst*. .7, •,.- -. .. .:-.., :•.. LOOO Wm* bLatcresins. •. - - ••• -•, --,..•1130rtie Annalecs are aeon all le astamti,, aLtaa... oil l -, ca4l ea atay !NI had en inotte M atten. '''7- :- . : . L-.. ~• . . Mnitier MUS% , Fuitat!iteral Bonet 110103 0 , ,11.13.Te1.i.'f '- eoflaltd i : „SdedlnalPapreno e1.A.,... ti .„ Guii. .. •sateI..TAIILES.—Ws war in rscelpt of a lug pof tae tasAtaall arArreati readttr, 2 2X, la and the aril' Mt liseteir by'. tha CAN 7 OI. ammo, at :tha Braun . taartet , ollses t 4bo, rush Strawbaes, Plus Apple, Green Ocon lad Peas, Succotash, Lima Beansand AMMON. for axle by AM. A. arresw, AOIS Sena &limey AA/ tiAA4 ur IX% __,......... -____- R 55 - 1 v / A T. ' E It ..... , - Z . 17 - . 7 ,,,„....__" , - - 7 .. - =•=i,il ,•-• • ft frfei en.l lIIENT.—P Ez i: c Ly.AN/Ar.ft,ft . -4,„.., __ —IPE TRAINN,. Da aml" idle: AIONDAY, Nr ry , WlN Were the Tptinpamsennee:eW c om.. ,naablvos and"LWrcicomeme. I( - - - • AY EX PLEAN,..dally except Sunday, V. AM i. - at.ittcpplety at lohnctownk, Clonammoin, Cretan. ~...... Gall tun, Altobni. liell'a 21111 e, bijoux* Pratt, 0.: resell!) urn', ftft,lftlr prifteigil ofttofts, and quiciat •,;..--: Alreer.etomecttona at Ylanlehruic.fon Nets TWA. ),-.1.; yattlr..blistr" witlimAte.: A O4 • at Philmulz.. ear fiCIYTOrk Nosionand interonallate Phil „polftt.,•• A.,: ALTwrift 'ft.WOI4.IIIpDAT/UNc4LUYexcePE ro‘ 'Statio Nardiery. at".7:10 a ab:Astopplng- it- AN. relynlAtiv -o tic ns beterilen Ptsb ncgto ocul 4thiio Wel :- analtillt Moat conotect lt len with imast,ors 1111, Indian* bt 'smelt, West PArnayltards.ebnmasc e r,, 'Orman r... - " B.,:tad Heirildeyab ~.(ClNC.lN.NATA'raPtirc(as7;7 lr 4 2P ts.(sll*,..(l- -- day; at. SAM - s-i.ro"...iMOP g only at Nlxtrtvilles,. 0;.; Breself,'Cone:lnhugh, • Ga. itzed. Altoona, sandnasso Z 4 prlacipet itatlor...,,,tkkin d.rect ,conacctlon .14:V., Rantoul'. for ' , NM TOM Natlindre; al 4. l n!at. - - o. itm‘,.(. u. ftecorszyrDftnottr, tatty., tfteerrrscat. _ . . m4o .clopplftt at' IN regular stn. ' -'. . ow, coetweaa-Potewsmvtr and -Harrilbnllncntk"'-'1';.."1 int Mmnections atm. warms en the Ehettehtteir Wit '' Truism Railroad. and litedtvuse RallrOadd (' - ' 4 ...P.EULA6.I).EA.PNIA. daily, at Ann p.. - '''l ftft., stortpftzg at , Leftrobg Ifts a;itie lataraeattee. lohnctowo, CnonftMngh., Gallttren, &haws, atm- „Mic.a..„, Leftifteoft4„..aSirfta. •Nuppon, ft5...r.,, ~„ a ft 4 7 24 fturg,:idinftlerrIlla, Lourommar, and ( -^('W wa 414 llecoriabomdirect(sommetloas ' are fez New Tory, Nalidectoro and Vf ( • ton.reed at Phltadalloluce for. New.yor - .s: cad' to =aut. „0-44.4 sumpx,.. .. .L .,. . ‘ lAtouell oftthr. irate trim Ph:Ousel to , rya. and Baltimore, and to New Ifttrlic. by Qs .-s • ~ ...Allentown Wens. . . s JaIINSTOWN ftcerMer•ftOti&TlGlNt. ft-WT.OA . (' reppesntiap:ant."?abp.aL, atelve,g at requiar A , . ritiberatetclP.dttu.n=d t t iezczna. , sed ens- the Indiana -Burma and Watt Paiumiran7alt. If FAST SANE. dant'. except altettn, et 11).0011. ex., atemptairo n ly at (Amanustn,Mcattsen, Alto*. ( na, .linetblq, Levrtscown. hltenan. Newnozir '" • Nuneaton, ablUe..,,Flarrbiburt. iwadwruta,, Leketaster, anit anottonsowo. maktny co.:Lemma sst:ltarric mare fer . New Yorb, Ltattneoraand Weatii. ft , rtee. and at. Philadelphia. for Now York. Boa— . ton. cad tatermedlates pints. Sleeping can ray... ( tcrocigh an We t raltrto - Paltadetpcdrti and to New York by the Allenteltill Mate. ' Flat As mommonatron - Prame - for Wall's Station ..: [ cave , daily feXadpt Sunday) at A.Xla. M. • Swami Acco mmodwamaTrablfew Wx l / 1 St itt= Mum daily (except Sunday) at i 0.4.5 rs. m. ( - Penn Aecommodstloa No. t. Lewes daily ( except • ' ' Sunday) at ft.co D. la: - . - Tftkd ftecftftuftodfttioft Train for Wally Station . s learn daily (m_seept Sunday) at 6 4.4 P. m. Porm'Aneemzenamaact Ito. n. leaves Mulls (Mr,. Sept Sunasy)at to sa p: mt., stopplogstrall nations' s between Pittner-1p and Pena St ',Amts. The Church Ttlim leaver Wenss suction ere* Suaday at nal a is. and arrive, la Pottabarga at 10 03 0. co. tieturams Mares Ptttaoureh at 1263 R. e/ cad arrives at Wail'. Station at 2.03 p. za. Realul.-•trning haute earl ve in Plttstorgn ma 101/OVI: M 6] .L. Bli nut Line... :to LL a. Fun AV ell'. Station Accemantodathon..• • 11.15 a.m. I.cni Accommodation - ' 7.841 - Second Wall's Swam, Accomnoi latioll dao A eli•^ ma - Johnstown Aceommodatltin .:.. : ....... !POP a. na. 41lociplasti Express-. ....... , ........... ilea p. na. pfßaltimore Expreas. ... i.. a. .... ........ 1.23 p. AL dAu s Station Accattunodation.. 1.60 p, au phia Expren .. . .... ... ........ ...-.. Ileirp. Eh Peet Accommodation If*. 1L:......:—..;; ASS p- M.. An Agent of the ExceLalor Omnibus ConzialaT Will peas through oath train liefott teaching the iz•ot, take up rhealia inept/elle - sr tcaglpige to any part-os t?'! , otty. Office Zfo. 410 Penn street, open day and night, nter6 - 611 ontea - Yor the Movement' or ,waint,e,, and Amato trill ti t ectropratalPi An trotion. .. . Bath:core express Wlll orris. Pith Phitattelpitdi Express at .I.XOp. co. on hiondepi, • , - • • - - NOTICE—In case of lose, the 111 P will bold theinsehrah responsible: foe pereoael betapanaggage: Only, and for an Aziou.nt tioXexceeding OLD. , W. H. .13.1)31C-W1T11,21.m4 At the leenis Cionirat Eel:bead ratinag... ei Station. on v end Washipston areal. pITTSBURB FT. _M - Immgaia WAYNE CHICAGOWES.7-m-!-M.O RAILWAY _ AND CLEVELAND it MTS. HUMID RAILROAD. ises ._ . 1411,%, WINTER ARRABGEBLENT. On and &r.m November:lPA U 3 0 . 5. OM= win run Si toLlow& via LeavePs Far Far - Fat a:snare:OM:damp. Oloveland. 1 Whcmilrg. ftprena ..... a. m. 2.50 a. m.. ; p. m. Rio p.m. 2.0 o Mesa-- ..... p. m. , c 5 p. 17.00 1/01 ■ to.; 11.00 b. m. For Nam Castle and Eris. ....... —0.41 a. m.., NiNu G . NITIV. at Plttabmgh—Plurnl. Fl.. W. & O. Ball wan L - a. m., 3 .15_17. m., amp. mI 9.04177 C. & P. E. B —71.15 4. aL, LlO p. m. 01.35 p. 154 AOCONNODATION Munn. Leans Alleateny for p., ant NEW BETll;Tort—s.to m., 11.5 a & p. p. ROmfiESTER-.4.05 p.m. NEW CASTLE -5.55 p m. E170517715T-10 30 p. m. WELLSVILLE-3 60 p. m Arrive at Allegheny — P. F. W. kO. Baus,' 1..t0 5-17 a. m. Mk.. a. ID.. 2.40 F. e 2.01.80 p. m. sad 1°.49 a. an O. 6. P. 11 o al a. nt. A. GEORGE PARKIN Tiniest Agent, OW= P r Station, Pittekwygn, Pa. Q,„ If. Ticket Amu., Al* Than our. P. la- ALTERS. Weekend Tiska Art. 865. PITTSBURGH, COLUMBUS AND CINCINNATI wratoAD. ¶he Gnat Shari Line saute via StabenTille, TO COLLOILOLTS, CINCINNATI, LoutsvtLLZ, ENDIAN&POLIN, T. LOOS, an the principal Cite% WEST AIM SOI7TH-WEST. ON .LND APTLE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20th, 1885, Maine leave sad arrive at tee Amos Dream as ._ . 1117,1.t.Te ILA '''' a. " LIS • D Exp .--- '' .-2Aiaz R. Steubenville LonannoilVis.4.(4l 10.1114„ S. F. SCrITLIA; 0. 0.3111 TfeketAkes.t Stettbenwsta„o. Mkt; PdIIO st .snDel,c9lyd ito, :zuppPUOthpril pry - resuaGa Am;m Emmin CONNELLSV/LL wrxrElt ARRAkcestpxr. vo-ero wte eetONDAY,Oetee PM. the tralAs mill leave tlle Depot, corner And Witte.. mteeeta, tolletut Pith.Pi Asztratssi ttibtts. -... BUB to and frob 'Unionlawn. 7:15 i.,0. UP Nigh, Espreas pi . a:00 In. Mod a. el. &XV lint MO: Coupon ho coren...lll:o a. to. Sae LIR. II)! . . .. (Ida Elm Bp. raddock's . ... lab a. nu B.lto a: m. Second . Sunday 0 ... 4:10 p. in. cts p. se. 11W921 Tra.l2l to and - from Ws Keral:at... ........ 11:0 p. - at. 10= a.)Xt. For tickets apply to St. 3. SELViN, Agent. • • W. Et. STUITZ. Superiateu.t. A DIIEGREITY VAL, irtagtms 4 , m ZEST RAILROAD.— MANCE OP TLII.E.—On and atter MOND.II4. Nor. l'oth, Passenger trains will ba• p arranged to at n : • • MAlLfoliol TRAlN.—Zelvei Pittabargti Mn IL 11. arriving at Militating at 9.45 a. sn. Rs KM g at 610 RID., mists at tittabUrgh all !IP.l.i.clliml TRAIN—LeaVes • Kittanntag at 744 11 .... 1 a., _arriving atriltabargh at ti.o)4. ra. Lem, rittsawiri 113 a.lO p. et, eagivingat Kittatuung it BlttijireMDATlOri TRAM.—Leaver Stele • IDWarta at 6.1 M a. na, arriving atPittgbargbat 1 1 .00 So Leaves Pittsburgh a; 1.40 1,. in ! , arristrg alt HMI ettdpialut at 1.612,131. • , . 'nein 5, ....1GT1T. gavitifirilladaPlL E:i fi t} x:7:3 ~:i:~e~-~~:~ ~ V Y 9} •i-~ ~7~8 A . Dpi . SWEINB. PaAGTICAL-P~ll~sg, G&s and Steam, sitters fioi-165 , WOOD. STREET, • coProszTE ran carinti Pazaps, Hydrants; sheet-Load. 7 ' , . LEAD PIPE, & PIG RAR, LEAD. Plumberal , idaterials in Genera; otr. neiwrE.l4/64 ,Fitted kiln the Host Apprivitt Styli, • llpSilks iiied Irlib lead or topper.- -Sodom Moot rth - enact as gas 13 ,4 4,11"ierit mint:" atteitclaiio. EIS • (:)M WINZBIEs, 47! or P C 0 irita 1 iyll.: watOi'as AiriB twara. • - :;1 - ;. Am/ keekes cnr persona SUPanikioN, eikkaitta, 4 0 ? 2. _ „ -1 •;, AND MIL-111 bbls. No, 1 Winter #. so n ston tzd to: tale by MAIM D/OKET, Cgi EMIR =Mil BEMEIMM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers