T X li n t . ll 44Y.licrirMalEtEß 16,1863 . ,:,1 ;,' ':GAS.Z.ETTE : '• - - vanslitamr • • WO per inn= eta. ,T elm aervattby carriers, 25 teal week. Valli grely' CIAO per par. ....40. , '• go, - served by clinic:x.o teat a week. warm?, in alai'. • •••.... letka•.per year. 0.1, aLagla %plea. . .AATES ,1:111 . - A DV ERT,I SIN°. lo in 1413_ 1ixD1:11t0 ILILITztt: Period. • f nally :3 t a lar 'l2 t a pat a tri your a I Una C1me..... I 7 3, ....I .... Two.stlnws—. 145 .... ' .•.: , Tlute Mmes.. 175 .... .... Fotaldnxes... -2 10 ...• ..i. Flan tiara.... '2 50 .. Ons week .'... 2 - 75 1 I sii. 4t V 8 1 Two reekt.... 473 .2 76: .S 00 Maui weeks.. ... 600 425 .: 2 75 Ono month...: .13 = 560 . 600 Two months. 12 co BCa 6 07 Three nwattlut rSe tor .1a 60 ... 760 211.; siOnt/12.. - .22 /2:0:..-23 IS 560 Him manta 24 aol .:11.70 12 001 One Yeas 40 CO, 55 0o .Is.oo ' - 'lltWerttsenten_. tsuworien ono year =yea =used ..___ o4 ‘ lo}l oSettiter spies/are, et a - charge of SO cents _. - Dreelquers,lor tro cents if paid at the time,) but iletaned tape - fnuneillste Wiliam of the 'Adrerturinmtr 6nel:ratted for otherwise then daily, will be inserted an sash dot as the utiles. may select. t Transient 'Avenida! CASH. - IlesthNotide; eachlatattion .. ..... 60 Dissrlsgs notices, ' • - ' , Stetontoitt tarertisements,vertrlp -0 Oa Eseentorstor Administrators. Notices. S 00 " • TYARLY - 41LOVENT/ISItN6I HATES' 'One quare— conned to the tonnedidte oatmeal of the advertiser, andnot to Include dissalations, forniation 'of new Arms, wants, ae. , -ehanrcable 9tientw 010:6 atter4 week. Any excess to be charged waren- a time. 3 time. UM! I M I ai!. s week. la week-ia week Three maattd...l 110 aOl 412 Dal ME Moans' - 29 CO I 19 00, 15 001 Nine m0n199."..; ..49 t 25 MI 001 Oaa Year f ':00.00 i sa ot),' 2a col • IV. Fut Notices dquble the above retam 3t In. Mined ens-month 'or more. Far a lan period M oentealinm . . ;. , . Land 119Sioca , such:sate; as.say be agreed sir A..qtuve to be Considered ea the space °eve of t Pied he by fen flees of the ordinary advertising type pewit, THE ANTIPODES WI; arc not about to launch Into the depths of geograpkid . learning. Wo speak of the antlpo des, but it lA only In the way of metaphor that we, are Introducing here that class of our fellow men, who, if therethappenitjnit now to be a ship around there, stangibotto foot with us— the great: globe with all Its mysteries andL mites and rocks and fossliir and then between them. Kay...asunder as k c aro, they and we may be filirds. The time may come when antipodes shall bid each other good morning nod good night, eachtokingeare, out of consideration for the I:Wile-down condition of the other* ideas, to say good morning just as he pats hts night capon—mach as Palmerston might have done, ,and via versa. We aro-not sure but Antlpons I, -may yet act his watch by that of AutipanslT, Mad exactly ilght, though 'geom.°, twelve hours too fast. or, too'alow—accoraing.es the telegraph -sires ran. There no 4 therefore be no nntag nism. at all - between 'theactgentleman, if they will ugly agree to differ en the lasignift cant distinction between down and up: ' But not's* with the. fig - aratato antipodes we have In mind. They are every way opposed, up and down, cast and west, nottb and south, day and night, right and wrong, and . so on un til antitheses aro exhausted. We menu the spirit of education, and that of materialism. And now for a few practical hints. Let the manufacturing New Englander visit, for example; a Tyrolese waterfall and he will be impressed with a amnia of wasted pow-or. It In a pity such a mill privilege can . not be turned to account. Let the man who has gone oil mad, and the most promising symptoms of greasy treasures underneath, on some piece of land tied up in chancery or in totally Incompe tent hands, and his soul chafes under the faille- Again—" Shat a pay!" or, to coma nearer home, let tho man of technological science enter oar iron works, analyze the waste from the furnaces that.becomes an incumbrance and a nuisance, let him discover in it a lager 'per centage of the coveted metal titan resides in the very ore they cast In, and his scientific spirit is stirred within him at tile sight. Sault .a pity It Is ! Do we feel anything kindred to this in scciug a non-ileyclopment, a waste of mindi Acre is the point. The atMlogy'is a fair one, let us push it to some practical conclusion. • It is hardly worth whlin to discuss the ques tion. It has but ono slde—a melancholy step tire. In'other wards the aplriC of Education, that which represents the interest of lord, has to yield to the spirit of materialism, that which represents the interests, if a brute, impersonal thing can be Said to hare any interests, of stu pid atoms! Yet, to take a national view of the case, what is there that can distinguish us from any other nation of as etuntymilliona and controlling as many acres? ;it:unbars, material advantages, with the enterprising spirittbat eau anhebase thenito its ivies, may do great think for us. It can Mike us an immense herd of materialists, Without one sakmard against all that Is selfish, degrading and dialategrating, in principles, or the - utter went of prinelple, of each. against these tendencies the. spirit of education arrays Melt It takes many ferias. Sometimes it uses the preacher'sllfei sometimes It animates the soul of thelaborer among the degraded and ig rinamnt children •he has gathered into a Mission Sabbath School; often It con descends . to - fi nd a home in the , soul of an humble, unambitious teacher of a district school, who teaches because he laves innitriadms; and loves to impart It, hates ignorance and Amnia ha consequences, and asks no costlier material for a monument whereon to. write his name 'for the "great futtur, than the heart mud mind of an Inatdsitive child. Bat everywhere it Is sublimer fa auwest. , -making log the mos of the splendid endowments of our mortal manhood, retrieving the ravages of sin by introducing Into tie tinier nature the recuperative principles of truth and virtue, This is the spirit to be Psi ed up inthesa. times and among in. From what vasty deep, and by what spell, are questions wo must ad journ. THE NEW BeITISII CABINET. The New rqk Timm eaye : From the . tone of the Kati-official London press, it would ap• pear thatlordEtinet.'s task of reorgsatfing thiCabliet has been a Much more difficult one than was anticipated. 'Tim dlatrut of thopr okra Becretary'e ability to bring together !coin' pact body of folimiers, or to hold theentogether In stwilow of u adoilnistrrtlu, does not seem to belongelontrio the Drew or the party, which has always opposed his policy.. l i t t B toper lade the . higher political circiU *front which Whig ex Liberal Ministries are pposed to be auto; and the probability is the strong est Pl 4 ifiered he Messrs. Giini - bin: GIESON t and Curler:tn., to serve under th new . ' render was one Evaded upon the tem or proldo• tonal character of Ms administra ou. There ts an bainiemelleable differone a' Dry' Ung, if not of sentiment, hetWeen thepure Wffig of the frtts -1 env-Our school, and the yoger clan of golitica, that famed the fort Ile' of rotic. 'wh Anden we odd to this differ= the decided atpabularity of ford Russel; lb the .treat body of , Eactiebbioa,tt is easy • reckon upon Ott' tionbitl hi 'store 'for him even hothre ililloosoot suseiables. A " Wash Ington comesrondeztt , ot's the Philadelphia .4164,tvi dined - flosein* 12,:480, says "the President's faith in the South =is being shaken; aid the 2,41 41- hieitlineti F'6lgeq friendly-solution of this intractable Insoloncent znany tlat Smithdrii leaders, that g lerliad4 groe of igtresfitat" and manly pride tin. attic idelding rtnht;lo a•erna — tit f a '-* 1464461 ` tWu r ",k t/ .. * P. 8 . 1 "4qt Collaretnestie in onettense,iiray beaampared to a or • Mmanbadon, of gentlenaem 'to: whom • , ecase,ip nlttrgketiFtentiissereirea 7 bo44 ; ;' r:Ortionof the militia sentiment oti.thneenntry.” • • , . _ . fins Ni# TorkDatttrarr tus3 ; the following' from 3 / 1 1444W 0 far)* P 0 4.40- a . 61 4ter -Vt. c' While fkrze.4beiYobaSiatirvisa In Baltaill;ii : Teccatlf; ifilentit gentleman of 141, city yrko bid *OO .IP onere bistors the Var; rgiewai hi, _ cit-04:theiitrset_intb th i t,renisirk, 24 air. -1--- Otick.."="'''sbus.i.47%) ar.. otalift gm en *CUTS . tr eghthavLbertere If !-inquket deit thlrOcardw- AND. Bit.!. ,4 llDholii , elyetuo; a rrical t rejoicedP the tet7a . lii - ‘ lot!trp: pat ' 14 0. 6 .5. 6 V51A ' , PIM • . ~z It Matte. -111111$ ROM ITALY. SPECIAL NOTICES. •-moo rnTssusitin SAW 111011110, neittr. tire Llbtrals In the Vote Election. i imp HU amw, BRO & bo. ILll297.llllTlrtutl Of Catusoondence of the Pittsblmb aszette. FLOnmern. Oct. 25th; 1565. the pollllesi elictione for this city and the restof the Italian Kingdom, toes place asap pointed, on Sunday last, the Mit laat., and al though, on the Whole:4/.44,cent doebtless peeve to be incurable to the liberal cause, yet the re , cult bee not been trite what one might have anticipated, cot quite What one had a right, per haps. to expect from the Italian people. Both Europe and America, tae Old World and the New, have manifested their earnest sympathy far the canes of Italy, for Its liberation and re. generation, and for Its establishment upon a new course of enlightenment and progress. Is return for the material and moral support afford ed them in their struggles and the prompt re cognition of their rights, it was anly fair co ex pect that the Italians would prove true to them. selves,-and at least that they would show that they knew how to valet* the political privileges which ail are so glad to ace them possess, .and which sums hare aided them so effectually to ob tain. I regret to report that thin can scarcely to said to have the case, and that in this most important Crisis of their national history, the Ital ian population, and especialy that of the Capital, has displayed a inkewarmuess which is neither creditable to itself, nor encouraging to Its , I friends. For instance, the constitnency of Florence has been lately raised, as I before noted, by the aetioo of the new tax on person .allty, from 5,000 to something like 10,000 elec• tots, Before these electors 'were placed three distlect list of candidates, fully representing the three great distinctions of politteal and relig ions opinions throughout the country, viz; The Moderate Liberals, the Ultras, and theCie ;iced or Reactioning party. No one could, therefore pretend that he had not full oppor tunity green him of supporting bin own princi ples by his vote, or find a legitimate excu'e for neglecting the exercise of his rights. And yet what does the result of last Sunday's polling show so - far, as any result at all has vet been attained t Only that oat of 10,000 el ae• tors there were out 0,500 who took the trouble to record their votes, and that In consequence rot a single electoral college of Foresee was able to arrive at a dedultive result; In all of them the elections will bare to be reported next Sunday. And this in the Capitol, and that too a Capitol just in the full enjoyment of Its pres tige! I think you will agree with me in feeling that encl.& fact is creditable to Florentine patriotism. And If such was the ease let the Capitol. of course a similar lassitude and indif ference has been largely manifested throughout the country, The number of elections to be re peated te so great that I almost fear at present to say what It amounts to; to about one half, I should think, of the entire representation. The clrenmstance forms, indeed, the most striking feature of the whole transaction. In other re spects this final result will not perhaps be far removed Bons what was anticipated; although It must be allowed that the re-actlonbas, from being united and stirred up by the priesthood, • hays mustered In greater strength than was ex pected, and the advanced liberals have, se far, been a shade more successful than they proba bly hoped 'for. Generally a liberal of some shade of other is at the head of the poll, though the numbers have not Baked to validate his 'election. TerFlortince things have, gone Wale. 'What differently from what I supposed. Bacon pit atel - Feruzzl are considered lath with 57t and 480 votes (out of colleges of-2,500 and 2,900 electors!) their nearest: opponents,. Bnel and &Oxides Reggio, (two clericals, remark,) hay ing only 254 and 158. But in the two other reliegea, Boncompeyni and Marl, the candidates of the moderates have as good as feed, having only polled 2e, and 176 votes, out of colleges of 2,700 and 2.= electors respectively. Two ultra lßatumi and Cipriani. stand first, Inottnb with only 505 and 250 votes each. Tee latter Is ran very-near by anotherelerical. Albert, who has polled 205 votes, The electoral committee of the ultras has, with great tact and judgment, rot forth a circular 'netting Its friends always to support a liberal of any "shade" of color, where the final contest lies betweee such an one and a clerical. This declaration has been well received, and will serve to unite the liberal party In general for the Sinai polling oflundey next, There can ha no doubt of their success If they will 'but come forward. But the Italians, It seems, hare yet to learn the value of the maxim Aide Lai Ole cid ealderci. .... 17. ~... 91, .I. %26 , 15 Ti 13 I 2 200 1.7 2 05 217 2TO; 42 4 61 021 1 601 12 00 800' 1700 10.00 f 29 00 The New Orleans Picayune says that. .latialt P. Benjamin has written: to his friends In that city that he has been received and treated with great kindness and eenercesity by many of the prominent statesmen of England; that he is awaiting tha legal term of residence to qualify him for admission to the English bar, in order to rceame the practice of his profession In Lon don or Liverpool, and that. he manages to sup• port himself [err comfortably by giving coun sel and legal Ma to blafrlaads and others In ro• card to legal matters In thlicountry. A BAD case of destitution was brought to light last Monday at. Williamsburgh,N. Y. A Get zhan family, consisting of a man named his wife and four children, found shelter in the basement of a house in flichardson street.. Without friends,.the poos..creaturca.-fell vtc- Mini to their poverty. The woman died on Sunday night of nervation, and her husband is reduced to a mere skeleton. The condition of the four children—the eldest of whom Is but five year; of age—vps scarcely better than that of• their surviving parent. `'Sus must be blistered, or she will die," said the doctor of the Duchess of Marlborough, when far gone. "1". Won't be bllstered„ , and I won't die," she screamed our; and the was as good as her word. The Democratic party, In the same condition, has told the people the same thing, lath as much spirit as the other old sinner, but less truly; it has been blistered, and It Is going to die. 4• Tun Mama. (Gm) Journal, earn - that the taro WM° of slavery , has removed one embarrass ment to Fontbern'progrms which - formerly ex.- tsted--the averilon of white laborers to come In compentlon with slaves, and the conseaprent dillculty In procuring Imaugratkm of foreign white labor. • A nrav - r robbery of 416,0001 n cash was corn. emitted near Tiffin. Ohio, a day or two since. The house of two bachelor brothers named Hem was metered. and after haying eblorsform ad ministered to them, they were roMed of the above amount. A. NEW FORII oz TELESCOPT-...A citizen of Philadelphia has produced and has in operation a new arrangement of lenses and mirrors, Borne what in the form of a telescope.; which he calls an !Valour:lre."' Its use is to enable the obser eerw Ileatandlegon.the surface level to am overthe tape of intervening obstacles. such as uses, walls, rises in the ground, &a. It accom plishes the object perfectly. - The field of vision is many times roaster than that embraced. in an ordinary tol , r , vnxt, and Its magnifying power Is about equal to the "Ship.glass" in common use at sea. One of these Instruments erected la a house in the country. would enable persona sizikarin the parlor to enjoy a fail view of the sturoundiag coimtry, the sama as of upon an observatory on the top of the house. And ao of a stip at sea, the Mazer In charge, while Mantling Da deck or even sitting In his cabin, could take aewide a sweep of the sea, far be low the natural horizon, as a look-out at the royal-caaalbtasi. Irry't_tiziralisAkj Key v:!..zjEl E ARE DAILY RECEIVING' plat NEW STOOK OP CARPE T 8 , OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SLUMS, WOOLEN, COTTON AND LLNEN DRUG GETS and ORM CLOTAS, • DAMASK, REPS AND LACE WINDOW CURTAINS, Competing ever)thing now and deidrable, wmbn we one- at PGPVTAIR PRICES'. WEARLAND& COLLINS, 71 and 73 Fifth Street, Next Building to the traltata Statcs Uustom lignee and Poet Office. oc9 OUR%R STREET D.RPETS, etc., RECEIVED NEW. In addition to our previous as. coctment, we have Just received; the reUhtethlt, in newest awes: BIGELOVi• CARPETS, EXTRA 3 FLYS end IROEMNS. I raintointatED PIANO COV ERS. 114 motmicriztras 3EMET IiaLOLOTH, 18 wide. extra.autilitz, - WINIDOWBUW/EB,6toistakab #4115t *dam •-* Q.vlttinr.zszasrtsent" or FAIIII i ,131MEENSICISEXA.TS: 391DWEVSIMILTILIM . 10: - mil ___XLMIIETEt STREET, CARPET EMORE.' stt..m MW bum: bb!LVP:2II ,,I enr. Wg i totterik:. LW: Vos ! : • . aartind2riinzar ANA ttiotikkor ettritiVailV i tiiirtortrud taimosj_ oct: " - 1108, 890131 Th Pls* Itle~G VARIOUS IT M 9 PATENT GROUND MRCITEARD, Warnatal OAST Sanaa. SAWS, of mai de. script:lms. EU, Noisy, Cross Oat, Gang, and all other varieties. • . - - - All kinds of EITI_MB and SPRINGS ac ,tulefrom Meat Oast Steel • 'Enna Relined REAPER AND WOWING- kuxi es. Aar Warehouse and Works, earner WATER and SHORT STREW'S, Pittsburgh. Particular attentfon given to Iletootblog.Ola ri n !. min; and Straightening Oircular Saws; also, pairs ef all kinds. Poaching and Drilling done at ntasonablerstea. • asand7 BAllPailla.. a Co.. Boiler Makers dr, Sheet Iron Workers Foy 2 0. 2 2, 24 and 20 PENN snarr. MmHg secured a large yard and Iltua.lzhed with the moat improved machhary, we arapolpaz, ed to manufacture every description of BOU•'"' s i la the beet manne and warranted ftual to any made in the countr r, y. (HILNINEYS, FLRE__ISEDS, STMLH PIPES , LOOCIrd BO"._" 0 9 , 0 N.l) ENS ER S SALT PANS, TANRS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORW m iET 3 , TLING PANS, 80/LER, IRON BR SUGAR PANS, and sole roanufactivera of /URN ' HILL'S PAMPIT BOILERS. Sepal:lnt do? on the ahortest notice. ler LAME 1117PEBIOIS Capper Mill and Smelting Works. PITTSBURGH. PARK, McOURDY & CO. Manufactarers of SHEATHING, BRAZIERS' fa BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER MT_ ; TOMS, RAISET) STILL BOTTOMS. SPALTDER SOLDER.. AlscAportera and dealers to MET 01.S, .TIN PLA SILEET IRON, WIRE, AA Constantly on hand, INNERS' DIACIUNES and TOOLS. -Warehouse, No. 140 FIRST and 110 SEC OND STREETS, Pittsburgh. Special orders 01 Cop y2Snyda per cut to any desired pattern. inraT MANIIIMID I ILIOW LOST, ICOR RESTORED I—Surt Published, in a seal. ea Envelope. Price six cent.. A LECTURE ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT, and Radical Clare of Spermatorrbcoa, or Seminal Wealweas, level untery Emissions, Sexual Debility end meets to Marriage generally ; Nervotutness, Von suw_ption, Epilepsy and Fits; Mental and Pali& eel Incapacity, resulting from Self Abuse, leo., by BOOT. J. eutvertareu., M.D., author of the Green Book, an. "A 800.1 TO ruoues.Nus os SUPPEUZLIS. Sent under seal, la a plain eniel ope, to any address, poll paid, on receipt of Di cents, cents, or two postage stamps, by Dr. J. O. KLINE, 121 Bowery, New TONI._ Pon °Moe box 1,181, no72sedever TO mnsvoun lIIIFFEREIthi on rie r. .)3QTEI SEXES .-A reverend gentleman have log been tenoned to health M a few days, after un ..eoing the usual routine and irregular expensive mods of treatment without success, considers it his sacred duty to communicate to his afflicted fellow. creatures the mesas of cure. acme, on the receipt of an addressed envelope, he will send, rce, a copy of the prescription used. Meat to Dr. JOHN H. DAGNALL, MS Fulton street, N.Y.. snhtlrlydavrT DEO. IRSITIM W. D. DZIILZII I 11. TIOLLMAN LL nELLE STEEL WORKS. REITER & CO, Mannfieturers of OAST STEEL; SPRING PLOW• and BLISTER STEEL; SPRINGS, Al LES, CROWBARS; &a. tor OfPcs,. No. PP WATER STREET Cup stall's) PITTSBUGH. PA. ROBINSON, BSA tk W., ituottison 0.27 :to Roarmsoa, Man It BIT - tram* WiuddA__gton Works, FOUNDERS AND neonturisrst_Prmrstram •Manoteettirers of N STATIONART STEAM ENGINM BLAST ENGINES, MILL MACHINERY, O.RUICI, SHAFTING, OAST, ENOS of all descriptions, OIL TANKS It SMELLS, BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORK. air Agents for GIFFARD'S PATENT /NJEOT. OR, tot 'feeding Dollar& orJOIENCOMIELk2I Betlam minutes lurers of IRON VAULTS ND VAULT DOORII, , IRON RAILING WINDOW SIMI. TERS, WDIDOW GIIAJIMS, fee., Noa el BRO. UND and Sa THIRD STREET. between Wood and Market, have on hand a variety of new patterns, tansy and plain, suitable purposes. Sir Particular &Monti= paid to each:sting Grave Lots.. Jobbing don. station notbse. and OIIABITILII, AN P.N. I BAY OF V7AIINING AND INSTILUO. TION FOB YOUNG MEN. Ake, new and Della. bi 7l.7=7:g.eitae 1 K 2 1 T AMSS 3 ggir,How atd Annerlai,lon, Philadelphia, Pa. aphly BENT FREE.—A PAMPHLET OF immense Importanee Um old and young, married and single of both sexes, Grill be sent free by addresatoss, with stamp enclosed, the agents; J. A. ICEPIDEIOII. & CO., Box IX, Boston Post Offs& tarndirdstrit lz,3iva.at.oo.i.):ol,jakj THE WHEELER WILSON LOCK-ST/TCH • • SEWING MACHINE, • At the ALLEORE'CT COUNTY FAttOast hale, It was awarded the ILIGIIES I' and 0N.,.,T PRE. IDIOM alma, u the most simple.and thoroog. h th coristruetlon. and as the HE 1174.0111 NE for Family and General Purposes- The following well known gentlemen were members of the Com mittee,Vtr HUGH K. BOLE, SABA!) H. BRUSH. RICO AILD NtiTTALL. JAS. BEES and R. W. FoSTER., Jrt. Call and examine the Simplest and Best Sewing Mothbale the world, at the olilee of • E. P. CARPENTER, •• N 0.27 FIFTH Sr., PITTSBI7BOII. Ewe `DISSOLUTIONS r)D3SOLUTION OF et). -1%142 , 7211. ,SHlP.—Tfie Partnership heretofore. betn•sen the anderslyned, under es -dsr= OREMPTON 00., - Cor the moo tare of Silva Fowl sad olberHospa, his this dsy been dissolved by slettullsonsass. SAMUEL id. ..E4l!g.H, JOHN O. OR E ntriv. _ JOHN FOSTER. Ill.tsburlia, Sept. ath, VAL. WK. IrOJAZDT S. L Elsa W3LBESSEDY & CO, (4consoratoCßUJlP2ON t C 0.,) . . Silver Pearl and Superior Rosin Snaps, iffy Lurrarr snu. Pri7SSUBR. deltflyd TIISSOLUTION.—The CO-PARTNER -- SIIIP heretofore existing between BAILEY scribers under the Arm of 4STESL , Is this tintrflasolved by mutual consent. JOHN BAILEY, whogantinues the butineet, Is duly authorised to settle the awn= of taf4 Arm. THOMAS STEEL Id EEL a retiring from the Arm of STEEL a BAL LET, I cordially recommend my late partner to thepstransge of our former friends and euttnmors. TIIO32AS STEEL. JOHN D. BAILEY, (Successor so STEEL h. BALLET,) Stock Broker and Beal Estate Agent • airetocis bong ht and sold on Commtalon. Oelice, WILEISS.IIALL, Pittsburgh. 0x23 A. AMES BOWII, BIANIIPAOTOBEE Or IMPROVED BORING TOOLS, Sinking Oil, Salt and Other Wells, No. 1.36 WOOD STREET . ,PA A k i c;lut x r, , r l .atied i rr t r i g i. the vet ybest SLIGO WELL BORERS FtulWitted AL liamvost aeash r.rlocrie withal:Leh articles as an amatory to conduct oy eratlony Viii ANVILS BELL') WS, VIBES ' stzmirs, BADIELEMS, SLIOVXLS, PIOES, AXES, bA.I9BfIATOREIB, SQNAILES, CHISELS urnerrudEs, PLANES, I I,EVEGS, - /SAILS, 11c. Rope, Leather and Gam Belting, • fAll of which I have aotistantAt In sink,. oettamd ItLEBBOK st BRO., Engine Baden and Mao Ileaufacturers of EleseolVaPatelit Beloitei WIMP for Steam Essintoo,Vll.EntneV atem howers , adman ktteaGaa Inner noninalirirearnbtraltMit Bevalzu nV a4 . Pu , tl —"PAW RENO & HOPKINS, col.r. ANTI cox,.E.-D74.413t5, • • AND SIIIPYERSO • MANCHESTER, - tar tie Pausagatiarstsites. sumacs tar ed at tea ahmaat settee. , otd:dtt G IATOIIAROE•FOR IGENTS. - '“ , WHAT THE PEOPLE VA.trri - • • ' • . 1%1 wrArtuenn - aufrosir lairrat vrAR..• tompletalpf oge jugs voituxte of OM two pasta Swags, - aptead.DUT Dhistrataa WM' oat! tar Sapiralta. of Oaaaralai Battle Sgs, Maya and D mall .1. Thhi work has nif alraVaa ‘'avahlha, bud cola. Web authaalla•ana.ratabha unary of the war., t etottaltut teal 'AtAt t tir= o tt tr i tf i, ;4 l , . rah' . tuin oeter tr ia :m ,i.,, e , 1e:. .4 1 . num. t. 004 ont 1 0t 1 5114112 . 1 1 4• 1 3 ,1 ditt Pad ” ' - • - • --------- p — lTT — i3l3l7lll3ll TEMATE.R. 1. Stun cut 3Grattgrr WtiL HENDERSON Treimendons Emcees of the yrrat YANKEE LOOICE. Ho will appear In two or his eetsbrated charac ters. THIS ThemdtlY) ETHRING, the performance willcommence with the favorite play, fh lets, entitled YANSEE I 8 01171LI$ or Tanen.' .11nstfla• Seth Swap, a Mexican thlicer-.....-Yamkee Lock. Orchestra To be follontd by PETE LiIIIITINS Pete-- , To conclude with HOLE IN THE HALL. 'BRA HOUSE, L+4 . Somme; s, MISS ANNIE EBERLE. Last night but two of the emleent rotas ante, ILIRTO.T HILL, Who will appear to Ide celebrated character of Badger. Alias ANNIE LBERLE Y Allds Bloodgeol. TEURSDAY EVENING, Nov. lath, wIR be pre. tea, by reunert of the 111.11IIer01111 patrons of t e hltra ith louse, the great National Drama, tIMEZTO OF NZW TOWN. Rafter Mr. Barton HIII ABONIC HALL. HERMANN! PRE sTiDIGrrEuR ! Nadal, Tuesday and Wednesday, NOvicinas 20, 21 and 22 In his telebratml performances of Eastern Necromantic Delusions, Exhibiting feats never before performed La Pitts burgh, and of the most extraordinary character. 'tierces., 75 eentx; Reserved Seats 25 cents ex. tra. Ca STORE,cured at CHAS. C. MELLOR'S MUSIC co,mmenclr4 FRED4II. Novem ber 17tit. WEDNESDAY, November Grand Gala Matinee. nolal w t 3,/eusali IC HALL. FIVE NIGHTS ONLY. Commencing Tuesday, Moe. 11, TILE FAMOUS NUMB & ARLINGTON MINSTRELS, Hooded by the two Greatest Comedians of a Cen tury, the by of aluntrelsy. This mammoth organization comprises 2t first clue artistes, who trill fturdsh an °Mire new repertoire of the min. strelay not vet •Mirated" by the migratory mush- rooms of the profession. Door, coon at 7; perfornuince at 8, Admission 50 cents; Children wider IA 26 cents. ColOAt4 u~al; N= 1 • ; HERBY O. HALE, -- Merchant Tailor, 1101112-9[ST COMM OP riall & ISt CUM 1113. PITIEUMEGII, Takes greet pleasure to annonnatog to hie eau= ors austomen and the puolie generally, Cud Me purebases and arrangemerda for the FALL SEA. SOH an now complated,,havlng bees personally selected from the Stench= Math houses In the Eastern Sties. Only .. such • chard goods as owl really be reeOlalti• will be o=te4, am. braces the newest ana moot approved cristeriala and Myles, the entlrertook balms very— large, varied cad &Mat. Mr. Hale bat mush confidence in tart. Cog an early trupoettao. tiIIPEHME BLADE, COLORED CLOTHS, AHD DOE SKIM, as usual, warranted Gut to coManasociad texture. TOR CLOTHS and other new eoatings, new style for entire sults. A great euiety c f FINE CASStMERCS for Psnta and Vests, for blaming and Evening wear. WINTER 000Dp. CRAY & LOCAN. 4'7 St• Clair Street, Wire now In nom a complete WIISTEE aeon men; of BOIS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS Garabaldi and Metropolitan Snits, D. B. Sack Overcoats, Cape do S. B• sack do BEAVER, CHINCHIUN' MELTON AND WHITNEY ALL SIZES AND STYLES AT NO. 47 ST. CLAIR STREET. GRAY & LOGAN no9:ll.rd COKE ONE, COME ALL? - GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. Nos.lB St. Olair St. The attention of the publls la called to the lerga and intensive stook of aRNTLEMER*9 PO2. baSHING 00009, Rat opened et Dm above mentioned place, which I am now offering at great bargain& Any oas want of the above Clouds, will end to advantage to glre me a eall, and examine my stook Wore prircbuulay Maio whets. They can Gad the tergutawi but selected neck of Rhos White Mint % extra close, flegfteo Shirts, Wooten, Cotton and Lials Thread trader. 'Wets and Drawers, &mho. Reek Ties, Socks, Stir enders, Butterflies, and eserag pertaining to the Gentlemen '. Yaraishing .od.a, In the city. Remember the elan ,13 and lb fit. Ulatr street, SAMITEL LEVIN. N. D. A large stock of Etats, Caps, Dray , . Vol lace_ _Lookenceoe. Vhtnrsal, Byron'. Enkindle. and Massesoll, will he sold lower than COIL trAdystaris FOR W L'A'TER. 0 PER- COif TLTG S;; Blue Chinchilla, Black Chinchilla, Brown Chinchilla, Daliah Chinchilla, FINE FRENCH BEAVERS, all colors Which ere %11l make up to order In • tOperlor manner eau style. POSISTEL R 11116 ESE, Successors to S. GRAY h SSG, !POI! Daimon &NT TA rt.oßs, No. 02 Fifth it ifffiitiicAEL E DESIRABL.O GOODS. For GenVa I rough's Clothing MADE To. ORDMS, IN THE BEST STYLE AND MANNER. B. B. NORRIS. MrSOILINT TAILOR, no2.l.lawdNo. 79 FEDEBAI ST., ANNINON7 COMMEROLLL OIL WORKS Pure White Burning Oil, Constantly on hand, and for sale it TED LOWEST STAMM RATES, In B. 0. & J. 11. BAWLER. maim No. 47W OOD _ LACE DLMORD jinn WORKS P.ITTSBEIHIM PA. • , PARgi BROTHER' 11 CO. • zimotikii 7 4. of Biz? turazary rznetro OAST STEEL. _ . , , EMU 0M0ti,, , 0 etzet. Wartanti ea= Aoany bap* fir abutuatAuxed 112 thl 0120 e'klAvirehttse, 1 1'41. 1410 161 seat Ed Isa Unzip easuzs,Plttbiush Man , taint MARL" TOUR OWN 50A.P, but re itrErart emus, *toed &Orlon( SODA • iniiiitez — maw WSere, loMitll girth' Aut 4 unto aperclagnitz. ra•artnktzar Air D TOILET AATIOLES RO . Trurth.,Bruahes BOW, Ara Blusteo Olyeartur Boris, M Ellyralw am; Orrim. mor.,-_for-rakord , • ' bee Aura Try • Cotner Ohio soft Streets:to tho . arhalcuee - House. marshes, OUT. rue OZORUE as =LIM FOR SALE--FOR RENT FOB eAL E. ENGINE, BOELEE,_ FLY WHFEL. eoophate. reauly for pursing up, antral:do or • astell or any purpose requiring CO bona power. Apply at atntortl EY TRIED STREET. I :112 BAI,E, TVITH 11111[EDIATE POS- J- ssaatim ti lllot NT HOPS P.D.OPDIT, TT, AT WC ODS , EVN STATION; 7llteen lens Lisa, Dila Dwelling with to rooms and 'garret; plenty of sett water and el kinds, ten minutes' walk trom !federal fruit street all Depot, All.. shear. 'Enquire of the auhaeriber. et his MA OVINE AND pi 4 TOOL WOZOLS, 22 and se Ohio street, Allegheny. oemanui R. EL LEVET. - $3,500 WILL PUROELASS A NEAT FRAME HOME, with SEC ROOMS, ma about TWO ACRES or LAND, situated to tho village of Mount Waah ingtotk. Ear further partlataars eaqulza of a. H. TOWER, 1G FOurthmuv,eg FORBOLE.-DWELLING . hack dwelling, No. O Wgie street. WM. H. AL PUSSY, N. IL FUSES", Executor' of the Mete of N. Yung, deed. Aiso, FOR SALE. a brick hone and three sores of ground with fine orchard, on Frarutls street. For tents, apply to WILLIS BOOTHE, No. it Liberty Street. SPLENDID DWELLING FOR ELLE, nat No. 203 Rebecca street, Allegheny City. UN Lot has a I , ont on. Rebecca atrelit of 20 feet, and extends 10J feet to Park.. street. on whin; Is erected • neatly flashed two rooms,,rian Dwelling with ear= comfortable flne kitchen. with range, bath Donee, gas, hot and cold water throughout; marble mantles, atone hearths; grape arbor. This property is oered cheap. Apply fo, neatcheap. B. Ida IN k ffCO. DESIRABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR HEN r Ist. LARGE OFFICIII ROOM'S, No. 60 Fourth street, oppostto 111. a ?L Bum. sultaole for • Stott., Litoker'e 0220e5, &a 2d. A LARtiE PUUTOGItkpIi GALLERY. ad. A 8/1140 Of, In•• good location for an extort. stye Restaurant. D. GAZZAM, el. CO Fourth nod 83 Penn street. LION DALE, A LOT OF GROUND, ccm tainlng about Three Acres, situate In Pitt Tp., 'Allegheny county, between lands of ()apt, Eters. ton and Mrs. E. Lanny. Thie property Is delight. fully ituated, overlooking • portion of both citiesand the &Bethany river. It Is • beautiful building lot for a Country Residence, but will be sold altogether or in iota. For terms, I - quire of the Undersigned, No. 9i Diamond street, Pittsburgh. B, . W. ROB 703. O'BRIEN, rwUAtf Executors of R. E. ADOoarba, deo'd. POAL AND LIME PROPERTY FOR •-•" SALE—Ox the Steubenville Eallro.ut, seven miles from the city, CONTAINING ONE HUNDRED ANDEIGHTT SIX ACRE, Steam and Water Flowlag and Saw Mlll, and other tine troprovementa. For farther Information APPLY to WILLIAM WARD. (Opposite the llathairal4 Isla Graaf street, tlo. 110. VALUABLE COUNTRY EIPME FOR SALE, eltuated on the Peoneylvenle Sall reed, one-belt mile from . Wllkinebrirah, and only three minute, walk from the newly created Sta tion on told road, called EDGE WOOD STS.TION; a LOT of eroard eontstrt , ng it wee the petting; three awn Oak Fermi) large; Frame Bulhllse, new.just ne. with 10 rooms, and cellar underneath; beeline„Fruit Trees; Water and o th er colleen tenths. These ground, wit/ ellehte handsonely. For further thformetion ,all on JANES S. SING, noisla No. the Fifth Wan. prr HOLE CREEK OIL LAND FOR b&LE,--Interesta in tondo Was on Pit Holo ()leek, ADJOINING THE HOLAMEN /ARAI PINS MT N TAJIM, sontainlng ur sores. innate on Pine Run. be. Morn Pit Bole end Oil Oreelo Thus interests Ire eery deutrabto u tem sitristtons ate all bat. tom Lands Enquire of W. J. ts BALL rerrEssoN, Attorneys, Ho. lit Fourth Sr— Pittsburgh. Ps. DWELLING HOUSE IN ALM:3EIO7 E . CP XV. aA.Xi El one and a half 'toll frame Qottoute House eon . lathing taro parlor', room, kftehon "WI Nuz "lumbers, "ran ~, I n k . ._ 21,4, bilk ) " 3oltlrated and ornamented with arta. and shade trees. The mirroandtess are pleasant, &Cording ample space for fresh air, and the outlook on the time Sears comn,andln., an extensive and ,arled For fw Liam information apply to B.S. BRYAN Broker, Fourth treat Burke's Bottling. L'OR BALI.—FOUR TWV eTOItI uvrELLiNqs, on Roe. street, aPPoslts the Steel Works, Ravine ail the •onvenianees of water and dralnal sinks. A TWO STORY DWaLLUCI. on nobleman near Federal street, Alleglwny My, o ril nolabed and In alma .11040 beamed. Early possession glven. A lot of pound on Rebecca strut. extending to Park street, Allegheny, having • somlesrtabledsrelUng on neterea, and • smaller ono on P mu, street. Or —hires convenient double allies, near the Doom Douse on Diamond street, emoted oc a lot anti feet, having lire proofs, gas, water, &e., 00. f 3. S. BRYAN Stock amt Real Estate Broker, 69 Fourth St- (Burke'. EIuIMIA FUR SALE. Well Malted Prams Two-Story Dwelling, Raving SIX BOORS_ , newly Papered and Painted, VRTE PORTICO, HYDRANT !aside and outside the Doors. TUE LOT Ls Fortp GRAP E ; by f One Rua toed est deep. TRUE AROR, PRUZT raraz,l“. Posseselon will be glean en the in et Apse' next. Also. A CORNEyTORE O -ROOM L WITH ONE .IN OUsE. Posies&lon gut be elven on toe tat of April next. The proprietor will either nett, or exchange for thaw:dry Property. Terms emu. Ine of G. fro. lI I 4 F o urthostreet. 3. T. SASIPLE, Aral Estate Broker and fordrance Agent, aurxxastf 8S Federal - street, Allegheny. COAL, COAL AND LAN FOR SALE. The very valuable FAIL In.,Elltabeth town. 6 1 1 P. lillgthany county, Pa., tontalnlag 173 acres otST.IIIPACE: LNDCOAL, and fronting on the hloaoagahela Myer for ware than half a mil. In Pool tto. a. -•• • • . In this tract there are 1= agree of good Inez , chewable QUAL fronting on the river, with deep ..d OO en 11100 g tae property, Thetrate, is never teas than from 7;4 to 10 feet deep, when the river is at its lowest stage. The Land is of the very hest quality of river bottom, all In good order, and wider good fending. with a large well finished two 'tor, anus DWELLIN4 GOOSE, large frame Barn, tram* Stable 1001cet long; Corn Crib, Wagon ifousa anti two Teneot Dwellings. The Greensburg and Washington Turnpike vans through toe farm; and taking it :altogether for convenience of location and intrinsic; value, la certainly One Of the very bat ltlVCßLirielltl now otered in thin county. Payments will be made to suit the purchasers. For particulars, enquire of _ _ G. H. TOWER, Real Eatate Agent, No. 161 Fourth .traeL oot3alte FOR SALE, THOSE TWO HANDSOME THREE STORY BRICK HOUSES, Nos. so end 11. on the east side at WEST COS. MON, near the corner of Ohio street, built and Lashed throughout in a superlortimuncr—aniatred with every modern coonaft°, and Imptuvement, and at present ln perfect order; one of the Mann. est and most desirable eltustions In Allegheny. Possession on the let of ARIL 1813. Enquire of SAXES T. SAMPLE. Beal Estate Broker and Insureoce Agent, oe"Mal No. BS Federal et., Allegany. pblt BALM— A FARM of 141 acres within S miles of Lam. merle Statism, eon tne Satm. Railroad. The Im provements are a hawed log home and town, 'Only apple orchard; famdeg good; ice acres clear ed; the mune, well timbered. Also, a email tract of Land adjoining the BOW tri Ellzabeth,eontrog acres, well adap too for s Auv, Alum Hank bl e t Fitii 7i v e il li ns tblea tTl: tti tst trW .:L b° h: . er u l t r e d i I at IT Vit o nj t (max . , and bounded on tbe month by Sionsananga River. Upon Ude Mot there are three strata* of iron are. According to Profeaor Green's report the second and wellopenad. strata of ore I. oLte2e: ,highly zugnette,and will yield titre. tY bj .reent. or Iron. He says in ritagZ7:47 Quantity Me strata 'will yield 10,000 tons to the acre et native ore, and redbolagthl, made nun to en Item of dollen anti oat% reckoning the value of ore at SS cents per tom Utta strata would then produce one iinn thousand dollen . WAS ton to thle Iwo have Wrens -ave wres of coal—pits opened sad in vs operation at . be pros ent Ume. This property Is worthy the as cation or eapitallsta. The be mute and safe, OPUIVI as Or Cult layettmeat would nee be OM my office. at al" A NO.I gat and grata rerm, containho 500 aeres,lttaistela Chew Hlll Top, /ma, I arm wintry, Pa.; near the village Grp:no/lie. The Improveziente era a two-s toryhouse, the e n:td , beat barn In the noway; fencing goo4;150 . Wei o=o4 tb• resukuu3ne well - Um Trai land le good, biro meadow* whlch predates tine crops of nay.; very con. emboli to *hutches, whoa% =tall. stem. AlLt &Is This PrOpeaq wl1), be cold *MY cheer MO an way SWIZZ ill= of HS Awes. In Tinton teedUffiltt, Weouttbf. Pa. Will be sold these. best term an the lammagehela Blew .i . betit one =ltem Iffießeespote, AROgiteny e.ieeszalbsi abet:tiled mere: The taprovements agteel a ;root . m s o A U CU r XC and 4 hare , Onszn l s e all 11 P, e4abrd4innt "tree. ct = Also..MUbro " Yancit riasoai Township Allegiteny Co. PA. containlog ,ebout-Lie. ger vitiated abotic three miles gest of the borough of Tad Improvenmasi are a large with. nine we al:Wa ft 1002112411, iratrice "IhtTrgliantter V r et ts ir g=t e llo th ==irll . Led la MI underlaid with I h . , CkB.447WEE Tofffirtheparttaulare. VEt.O4 OhWs Agee ern 13.4u,z- -- rOTt. RENT. roil blELE.—CFlits.•4 ta ' --- i -.- i---.---_- A: noun 'min AIM ark,„_POUBLS • SAFE, steed Intl steel ao4 to "r a ,PLOOF latt/ canto by 11.4Latieforta• atottaed '"""• Beall rs ta.latre of • 1 - 01. par. MALES 8: , STRECKI• ED, azta f norl Lit • • fro. Alia. aats at.,,, Pt • L r i , BALI:' ,L.- ._ .. . n VIE DWELLIN4 .11013, AND Orritla, At tie junstlon'of raltrtli and itils:zegta• Alialtd-' TAXIS IRWIN, at Noss Diatltt atres F AOR SALE TWO' EMORY 'BRICK A. DWELLING HOUSE, on Beaver street.' of six roams, only one Senate from the- Diatstatd Market. ebont one hundred muddily Net from Putnam Railway. A good aubetantlel b house, and a good looation. /ego, one newtnewt Lot, to feet front by 107 feet deep to an alley, on Be treat, above the Nortiaoortmon. RAMSEY* a BALL. Real Estate Agents, 91 Beaver street, A/Unbent. von BALE. —A. O. 1 STOCK AND GRAIN FARDL.coatabilag about tEO acres, 'dilate to Fallowneld townehip, Washington MEWL Pennsylvania , on the blonoagabela nese, onemile above lock Na 4; 110 acres of the beat Meer bottom. rne whole (vials tinder aWO state of genitival= Floe apple orchard;about - 33 acres of coal RIM pit opened; the tensing b good and locatlon beautiful. For !bather partleulars enotolivi of G. 11. TOWER, Reel Utate &tent, No. 104 Fourth street, or to E. T. ITANYOOIII6, on the premises. neylsl.l. . AN ELEOLNT AND COMMODIOUS DWELLING FOE SALE A modern three story brick house handsomely lOcated on. specious lot Creating thlrtydouX rest on Stockton avenue, Allegheny Ctty. The holm contains elxteen roman, to admirably arranged for comfort, having hot sad cold water on every Door, and torelegant and anbatantialdoa ish a nnsurpassird by anything In this 'vicinity. Apply for piirtitalals, to 13. 9.BRYAN, 51 FOURTH STREET, (Barke's EtaUnr.) nol4 DESIRLBLE BUILDING LOTS lam authorized to ea those TWO LOTS ad- joining the residuum) of Judgo Low te. to Irw lne Avenue. Each lot hie a front of 23 feet on tho West Common, and extending back 193 fees to a 20 feat alley. JOHN D. BAILEY, Wilkins Hall. *Ol4 AUCTION SALES. CITY IMPROVED PROPERTY .61 ; 1 UUSTEE MAL e.—Tuesday Afternoon, Dee. 6th. at s &stook., on the premises. will be sold, by order of Trustee, three Melt /lenses, Noe. SO 22 and t, on Cs err,' alley, between Second antlTlilrd streets. The Lots ars Intim. Mat seam:sleeken In depth. Terms at sale. col{ A. hicILWAINE Auath. RECOND WARD CITY LOTS—On Bat xrday Afternoon, Nov. lath, at 3 olalcek. will be sold Ja the prnitllea, by order or the marviries partner of the late Arm of Jones et tiol.u, that valuable tract of droned In the Second ward, city of Pftlabulltb, situate between Bum and Try its, and roman tbroatta b ye Pita to Secoad street; takingg feet izt Ri t e feed in dryth; con- Ms luta ad feet feet each. Terms made known stasis. noll A. bIeILWAT3E, Auctioneer. aRRAT SALE 03/VALUABLE BOORS ••-• PIIGTOBBLPH ALLMAN P6.611LY EtLES, PAPER, ENVELOPES, GOLD, PENS, As., Art—THIS EVENING at 7 o'clock and the followln4 evenings, at the same hour, at the Com mercial Salmi Rooms, 100 Smith/1M street, oppo. Ste the Post Ofilas. In the collection ated such works as Appleton's Incsionaryol hleekanles, vols., 4,4120 ptstes; Urea Dlttionsry of Arts and Sidences,S vol. , 11248 plates; nogartb. 2 volumes, lta plates; Perry's /sprat, 3 vols., quarto, besull• folly illnstrated; Gibbon's [tome. 7 vols., Enyllsh ed.; Flumes England, 6 vole ; Wassuley's do, 6 rola; Scott's Bib e,6 rots] Wary Clay's Works, volai Addison's do, 6 'colas Goldverith's do ♦ rob.; Lamb's do, 6 TP . Boars do., 4 trots; Ne entices Church Elistory, 6 Volt; Waverly Novels, vela.; Amencsa oydapedie, 2o vols.; the com plete works of Shakespeare, Byron, Milton, Burn Moore, Bsott,blontzemery, Dryden, Cowper, Pope !lamer, DIAL_ Pluttrch, Josaphus, Cham bers; several hundred volnmesiot popular Novels of day; Packet Books, Prayer Books, to., te. N. /L—Books at private tile during t ea day at very low prim. A. IklelLW AME, AusSr. J. R. Pawn . . Salesman- 00780 BOOTS AND SHOES LOOS OUT FOR BARGAINS BOOTS AND SgOES Jam recelve.l • TREIIENDOUS STOCK 11ILL If IT'Llf TER BOODB, J, A. ROBINSON & CO FM door to BAILIZZA'S Dry ;goods SW& o°4 ONE WEEK LONGER. Still sifting out those SOILED BOOTS, SLIOES AND GAITERS art still GhEATER REDUC TION, se they mat be sold at the priers. Ken's Boob only SO wont di 00 Women's Boots only.-- ..... 1 00 worth 000 Chtldrene lo do ...... OS worth 6:1 Boy.' do do Ido worth 3WI hal i hirsa took of Plll 113 E GOODS at th 0.1,0173- 1T PRIoDS. Cell before Ourshealeg elsewhere. et .7. H. BORLIND'S, Okillraket Street, aim (Ind door (torn Mb.) BOOTS AND 5110E8.. JAMES ROBB. So. his Market ,Stress HAS just returned from the EAST with* . very terse and seasonable moult of .1314:2431TE) AST= E3E3033.1519. co the VERY REST QUALITY. Mena', Boys' !tad Youth*. Boors AND SHOES In all their no and that LADIES WORE of the en. eat and beet that t e a manufectured, from the fine Polish to the plain Galli:loot*. Children* , Hoots end Shoes la every Mile and variety. Our abject Is to sell each goods as will give sat isfaction to the pumbmer. 80y•Please call and examine, andyou will be Letts &A with the ctu &WTI" andit'lllOE of Roods. lien:umber the place. JAMES ROBB, 0 07 N 0.7 1 Market Mrset. NOTICE. • ALL STYLES QC Boots and shoes 03 MARKET STREET. SOUTH & ROSS, GREAT EXCITEICENT I EVERYBODY CONCERNED ==rl BOOTH, MOBS, GAITIII3I3 & GUM, erimmu AT REDUCED mom. 161 - o sa ri k lr co , 1:7 El. RI FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. Call at 92 and yob will be satlefled. Remember the piece; 92 kederel street, dile. ghee, Olt). . mole LADIES' , GENTS', ArLBSEEP AND CEULDBEN'S Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, Of even , Style. Mite and Zam b ia a SCataer Fifth stet Wylie strode. Jar Prie toes suit everybody. cull CALL AND SEE THE CiEll7l EIP BOOZE, At &f . llfazket street. nos CiABSATIArt CALL AND sEr. Taß GENT'S SINE max sours VT. CUMNSEAN, 87 narks& rtroat. CALL. AND BEE THE TAD'S& AND inassEs. PINE NALEENdIi , "plant It al as. tlarketsNeet: IL . • • •,•-• • • sio3 , CABRANAN., • - . APPLES, PoilitosEt see uasCriethittaie lE7;64 WintliAppl66i Unit 1c Barletta Etuissttat • - • ' 2 022 10642 road:42w POstaai;l.2 • 2 ea/ loaaddas Pasokblaw Potatoes, In bands, 18 bbla.liew Terser ffivier,„ . .Pot. ~, for elate 13201: , _ _ , _ Co b1da.".0022614•L,r, ,„ • • - 110 402,,234-piniroft iturtelPeaattet 11 4 bnige cletiattrzz" Ppspnt - - lb Hole tea foraate 6~ ' FL, INN a STEELE, ialswctui LiVa 111 Pad ISM% F 7 7 , ..i.:4-7-1 , ...A:13 - ;'• 0 ;4-11 jparICIRG HOtttn. N. 110 T M . PIS' SONS) No. VT Marta Street, Pittiburen DEPOSITS. amcrIIVED IR PLO yIY2CD9.AND . _ lATIMIirIAr..', • Collaatwunude an all the prliatpal POW*/ ° I tramea Masao eat Oadasa. Maui. tOnDs. AZTD crnriza - • 13Dtieff AND MI Paalladia attaatlon paid t* las inmema aa Sale 01,;; !MS SEMMES, aura Batas eta or mai Do. do. alas; DDo.o. PIM: , 10471 I Detts4ktettext Do. aroma:ails; MUDD:Lieu. ORDERS ADD VOI7OHER9C, BOUGHT OS crorzEcrrE EIMUMI DOLLAR bAVI.11(18 BA111C; -NO OS roosts Snorer. 91.111AMBED IN IBM. Open daily from 9to 9 o'clock, also on W • ednes day and Saturday evenlog,from *day tat to No. amber tit, from 7 to I o'clock, said from Novembni Ixt to May id from to 8 o'clock. Depoilla received of all sums of not len then One Dollar, and a divide/id of the molts declared twin ayes; Lo - . Tone end December. Interest has been declared semtennually, in June and December, since the Banky ear. was norantzed, at the rate of per cent. I Interest, 11 not drawn out, le placed to the wed° Interest the de po sitor coincipal, and bears the same Interest ftm the ern days of Joon sod December. compounding Onto a yell without troubling the depontor to call, or even to present his pan book. At this reMt1110110: Win double In Ins than twelve years. Books,. containing the Charter, , s Rules and Benda ins, Innandted on application at the onke. EOEGE ALBRFX. William J. Anderson, A. M. Pollock, M. D., John G. Etsekefen. Robert Robb, JamesEkmj. L. Falinestock, John IL Shocaberger, lierilman, James hidle, Josses McAuley, Aksan S der, Speer, hats DI. Pennock, Christian Yeager. ---- - .. ... Calvin Adana, Henry .7. - Lpieh, John O. Hindley, Peter A. Madeira, George Black., John &Utah&ll, Hill Harortn, Walter P. Manful', Alonzo A. 'hurter, Janus B. D. Mesta, Charles A. Colton: John Ft Maraddenj Wm. Douglas, John Om John ETADX, William=, Jtadt J. °Wm% H. William H. Raven, Alexancler Stadia, Pates H. Hunker, William Vanktrk, Rianard Hays, Wm. P. Warman, Janice D. Wally, Isaac Whittles, Proson , ....CHAS. A. COLTON. Serretarg-3,120014 B. D. NEEDS. altstarr Ta `FOURTH NATIONAL. BANK. 186 5. PIT T B ROB; coLtrimors AND CINCINNATI RAIISOAD, the Great Short Lice:Route via attrenalii; TO COLt Bt Wrtinkrwllligiollleerease . to 300= CINCINNATI; . 11. S. Government Depository. 55 ALABILL'T SIZTEET,' TITTSBOIICHr, PA Baring extensive correspondence with Banks and Bankers staeusticnat the country, we offer outlaw al facilities to arose doing bran:leas with cu. 7 8-10 INXCITIZIEII. „tad all otter Govern : WM :reenrales, furnished In sums to cult owehasers. Deposita received mad Lama% allowed by special agreement. - THOS. DONTDELLY, R. H. EMI, D. M. SMITH, IN. J. HIGLEY, JAS. SL RAMAT, ;lOUS T. HERRON. THOS, SMITH, ;j. M. KIRIERATRION THOS, :CONNELLY. President, MITLEER W.A.FM. Cashier aettaprz&vr? ENCRANCP e1...314 74A L is I RK _ _ _ at A D O f Pittsburgh. Chartered by thel Capital 'Organised ander Matz of Pa., 1816.' $1,000,800.)7Iayel Law 186 G This Bank nu bees itallillMSd • DEPOSITARY ET THE United States Treasury, appointed agent for the sale of the 7..80 Xa . Every facility will proffered to Inverters or par ties purchasing for teaele. H. M. MIIBBAYi Cashier. ap.muf T" PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh. Capital Paid in e1;000.000. with Prvii lege of 0,000,000. I s !tank LE AHonae OOBBfEB FIRST AND WOOD Sofa Bank, organized kinder the National Bank tag System, la now prepared to transit btlthitit Ito Banking Flamm, earner of Wood and Tiro street. Ca'Mations. made cm all acpeittble Points on most nwarable tenni. 'Spada Aseutts for J 4. COOKE, for the gals of the U. S. 7 . 3-10 Treasury Notes. ddIttEEL SEA. Presldeal F. H. GORDON, Mailer J. C. MenIERSCIN SD23.lhad FUR.% FURSI FDRSI DIIS, SILSSES. AND CUILDREIPS. F YT R S The Largest and Most Complete Assortment ETER OFFEEEDtA THIS SILLREET, AT McOORD & CO'S. not 131 Wood Street, Pittsburgh 'V , LItirENTHLISI' or APPLICATIONS faX aelli.gc liquor, tiled In the Clerk's {Mae, un to November 'lth, 1130: Zitoze. Sind near. &deltas Flettlielsen, Tavern, At ward, Pittabunr. Peter Gossett do do do Raymond Schitrbaner.do do do Joh George W. Other, do Xing,- do do o do 11.113 a Smith, d doo do John Tang, do do Patrick Kenn, Eating Nouse, do do Garapeeti, do do do V.Behtld, other goeds, do • do James o , Rourlm Tavern, 2.4 ward, de Henry Sbaler, F.ating H o use. do de Crisis. Waring, Tavern, 2.1 ward, do. Ann Glynn, L - nting. Hiram do do 1111.1.1ar & Menet/on, *Ma goods, eta dread* SOLID Weambildga, Tavern_ Cth ward, do Stephen Enelsad, = do do do Wm. Mowers do do ' • do ' Dead Iferwlg; do do do Albert Vitamin, Tavern eth ward. do Julius &blued, (do do do Sao P.'BoTder, Eating House, do do /oho Fletcher, do etb-word, do Predlrßaladr, othassodsi •do- do Francis L.Johnsten, Tarern,eth ward. do Thos. Stevens, do loth do ,Ohrbr. Ballatetter . do . - loth ward, do J. - M. Rl:titter, Elting "loom, do do B " ' do d° Bodoteh Bechtold. do do do Robb, Lyons, o ther node, ddo H o e, codrid.o. 'Tavern,•tit s w Allegany mum. 7. tilpiretta -do do do Wm. Harter. do 24 ward, do • a, do • do do. , 3 1:1,71= s t abs [ !forge, - do . :do &dawn Wessel, do 4th Tut,' B. a d , dthdr [odds, : do Co Peter Auto , Tapers, •Noro, Rtroaragnam: T.. Hd RarPer, %Ito; Hata!, do W. Elitabstru.. - Jaeolr-Waddler. Tavern: do .Lawreaseville Thoo.ll4l,tutdii,Tottar Iron's, do- lir.troottraela- ifteo. W..Poloter do. -do ~ T aren_ Chile Tromm . . do, . Saldwinuttosalp.. John Casson; ' do Eittobeth do- . Beelgtt Poeta, - !mere, Gawp Striatott, do - - ' Pitt :•! " 'ad Tim. &Idamai ' do ' • Elton. • • act , Thadolytt wut a t u r mai; L. St, molt. do' •-• Chan; .do ..,.,.,_do , • David Bevrie‘ Bdoee,lforeatllee, - Path ottallaytutr; otter goodk do • Peter Myna , - ' • ;` 0. - _Sa vorst the Omit, will sit on WEDNESDAY tho day d! rfotembee mod, it tea Wololdt-o.Asiolor - hooliligr i boteopoilestioat:, • , ottl di* their toe& Aiiatioßlebei . ,,i foie day ot ttatrtar. - :Essestaa land bar Mad otiot , "batorettrii: 4f.iiiimoUnte&fi'l -! doe and mated, ne Lbw 11/Ibil revolted deviates totter. . EAD-30Q2 riga eon Galena Lead,tor ua PS JI e, WhIGILI.I).: axErt /S Bs . „ 4 . m m ir-- a lril a - Neryt att " a cr__L i zuti. ...TIMTVR DAILoc. 05t5 aaa-alta=ar, l Rare 'the Union T veneer Depot coma al Washiton end. ts;:ea DAT lerpluzs, except natal at stlypplag at Johnstown,peoeleigurti. Winona. and sgt - Prin4p.• AtUdass- #itd leaking direct eonneetPrne Bkratz:z_llDrAZ e l i Ze Batimor• ant Washington.: ano nt ter New Yort.'lloston and intermediate pedi;dai ALTOONA ACCI=IOI3ATIOit so N_ aalill re =ll • Sunday, at • 040 -' ,- atoning "st a etatkuur betireen:Vittabingli and AltoOnsig- ant tasking ciao emit:Ban with shins ear Indiana - Branch. West Pennsylvania R. fliEberudircrg and Creston R. R., and Hollidaysintur Branch. • masma.a w a . amts dartrr-sz• apt sualmianaa .ottyaS !iota. - snub, Eitalitzenliltoana, an principal sta. then ._. making direct contend.= al Mitt; New Turk. Baltimore. and Waahlagton. MAIL ACCO2LRODATION, ULM esseptiStills 4433,0 11.4 a. atoppdng at all regolart Ronk' en 'Plitsburan and iiimitharg, mak. ins connections With trains on the Et= . anit Cammack Barton'.l mut nom issysb PitILADEEPTBAXIPS., — ;at 421 yi Oa mcida, At ta l n U fa t brug ur tr i T, New Tory, -Utt suds for at Phila.:a/018,Ln New , Tett. Bae and "gt=e tad gatar. mediate points. Steeling Sam rua through vein's • train from Pittsburgh to. Philadelphia end Bala more: and to New 1Y ork, by the Allentown roans JOHNSTOWN ACtIuMMODATION. daft= "'Pt Sunday, at 4.03 psnt.. stopping at reram um= Dame= epees tolosonago. WOAD tee theo at Disitmitersection wltit trains of uns FAST LEM, MIRY. except _Strodity: at Laii 0 Irtal , Pina only at Conamatteh. Chitin:en ; Altai H ll p on. Unmanly.. Mutts. ma% martialmes urg. Middletown. LAOS= 1 I and voinansourN awns co n . =emo Hants -,.burg for new 'York, Daittmore and Waablogron and at - Philadr Iphia. for New York, Boston.: and magnegdute pctinta. Sleeping :cars rant In this train to Philadelphia, and to New. Tot oy the Allentown route. First .e0 ,,,,, n , ae10n Train for WalPs Station leaves daily (except Sunda) at em Second Acsondocidedion Train for Wall's SMARM leaves daBT (excel* Sanday) 411.40 a. tn. • Third Atom:modeler' mom for Wall's Siattab hisses daily (except Sunday) at talk In. Fourto Accommodation Train fee Ways watram team daily (except Stuiday) at ald p. Accommonanon far. Penn Stamen. eon:dill= all stations between Pittsburigir tad ram.: at IoAO p. ID.S tation - The Church Train leaves Wall% an" Sunday at Loa a, ta...aud arrives , In Pittsburgh aC 20.03 ea Ficturntai leaves Pittalnitab at 11.0 p. m. and arrives at Wall , s Station at ZOO p. ca. Returning Train! write in Pittsbniglika ODOM,: .......• ; • ss 'LW*. fen Fast Line.... 1••••••••-• SOO a. W. First Wers.StationAcconunwittAl' Penn Accommodation. 7. 3 0.35. Second Wall , . /Ration Accommodation WO a. as. Johnstown Acc0mm0dati0n............10.05a. in. Pittsburgh & Erie Mall 12.0 r. Baltimore Exprosit. 1.10 M. Third Will a BStat ion tzen 233 Accommodation.. 3.05 p p. . Fhilatieldda au Fourth Wail% Station Accommodation 4.00 p p. . Altoona AccommodatiOn and Emlgrans 10.35 p. im, An Agent of the Zixceldin Omnibus Company will can through ;each train before neaning Depo take up sneaks and deliver baggage to any min the city. - Ogles No. CO Penn ignite. opea day and night, where all =tan for the moirwalledi of passengers and baggage Will melee PreitaKiiih uni: Baltimo " re exPre Will anima wma =wawa Wrict 2 111 E P 'etli a tlf la g u ai via bold themselves responsible tor mom Only, and for an anunititnot exceeshoglinot• , • - ASlm ts At the Pnnsi train Ventral Railroad Station, on L.Matirand Waselnetoa Mane, Lotrzavriam, zsnists-Apowsii And ail the painelpal Otte,. mzr .0,iti.6017T13471:=1 lIONDAY. POTOBER IBM Train. leave and stivtst tto ONION DEMO on follow.: DIMAIITS. ARXMIIis a. m. 72516 NO a 10 6 • Erpre22 2.15 P ——'P . 2 " . ... .25 Steubenville MeonuAtAiew .. 0 • „ to. , ... a. — S. F. SCRILIy, Gen ITIOIcet Meat, Steuteaville v 0, Al. L. AIOTILERSPAUGH, Titket Agent, Union Depot, 111.tiberatu ereAlyd) plTTssvmttk zi.ro It CONIV adD ELLSV/LL RAJL. WINTER ARRAIIREEENT. Oa sad L' tat DIONRAT, Oot iOth 3 leas, Ile bolos will hare the Deptit, tomer of Ron ink Watt: streets, as follows: /Awes Arrtilli St • Pittsburgh. EltbdOrts. Mall to and from Uniontown. MO a. m. MD. la. x" " ~ . 1:03 p. m. 10.10 a.l.a. Vint :Zee/port A0c0mM...17 MO a, at. fan a. M. Veto ... dab p. m. 0908 Mat Etralioara " •.. 703 ii. ox. 090 a. za. Sao" .. ... 1.10 p. at. 61.1111.11. srmday Marla Trots to and from titdrato apply 1120/Ceesport ra 10t0 p. m. 0090 . * L. Fox A. J. SHA.NIE, Agent. W. B. STMT. Sporlotaa'L PIANOS, NEUSIO, NO W, BEING GEIITED esamiaatlon. .41 an, Lbaaa. PhiladeiplLLi PIANOS. 'THE ALBSZEICIARI ORGAR, sal ESTTS. a Co.'s carreez QEDAN,edutttott - by -- Annan who have h* then, to be : b y tcne to ell other for 111 Irothents of thaktadaantt tacture4 to the United. Hiatt& eri , We are prepared to t ' Art the ahottaraetlemi Brass and a S uer izthiriiminitgi of wary depr, . Masi and Minna BanA; . . p ai re . dma =wawa ori tal ti lgti . owe Timm and &gond d Pion to; Edna, - .- ALL TUE LATE BOGS AND_ PIEXES‘ coast ty oa turd. - . - so , - arm Or. crAztesritzar. .; KNABE ..• InGELEBT ertht Wazt? , t l2 ksrif i r:Et r gia*ass,. Slingt. em a rgr tom iron unproved 4=A and tE th e valuable/tn.:7 ptortzsenta. Tb* tont ;hi Punk btalltat, eatitalr statleal tharattar,ol Mg ben trortatatutdp; evenness tad grain: 04 VA* usizarpatted b 3, &tin Each Mao guarantftj for-tight years. ciputzpivir. • No, U FTETE arms-I. v - cols • • Settond door glom Wood anti ROT?* AtME": f =S & C0., 9 M 1 as smms ssealmenr. itnaue,as. M Zi eeos ; 2;11w-sigw.artit tra22 0 3. 4 4. s' • AND D-. 'IN • milts Lead, Bad /Awl Vandals, Dia SCOW, !Wow ;usual_ 04te, Pert . 9 r iejth easa ßan :liVarbast42l , tiam Ai tlitlrrtu; r:. - and KaF47ll , tea Patrat - Mstr .1 0/10tr050144. ," VI ; (OPPOSITE TSB crEcazs4org.v Firm J SOHOON, PittSkritk " KIM* I BLUE LEAD OEOUI SnalaUe. Sea Leid_Wieks: BEM ,ou:ieu rtnir um) *Tact?. - ( 7 )Y8TER9.4.1 -C • kePi Mabel. 49/1 Anus, buck° ta. tr.bs sadtat VatOo nrtvlikta,, ' aUlat sr. LOBEL OCK OP 'IiNOS, eribeivdmelaz tory. EINEM e Years: =MEI =EMI D TOM,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers