Sitisiturgit Gan*. I'ELIMISDATMOVEVizat 1885. . , .• -, Li' ,. .2 - - 1 4 1 11.41, etrZot.° , 1 , ,,. a;irrival , t: - anti 'lmpala. iirlrains. , ~ ,renzwirha nu t cogrii nanroa • , f . - '" fteivezo_ ..:-.iiniiskjda..,; ......104 to 1 - ' aammara &ADAM Panama.... 2616 a U 1 ' 'um tEmarausga am nit Wan A15aa,a25. 2 ,.. 1' - ; 111tlar.,, -• • ....... 110 6 AM Pala dasaamou 2W to 1 „ ,413414:114qprear-w i catlltiol l 4 Wall/Loam:L. 11441 a ID - • ...gawp it0%..t.1011 m JohaaVnAcen.„lo=iam .-- ..... R • •.• ~..:., .., op pi...... 1....... , ....... -- .0. II ID litaltitoornMw ma a- ix a, I i - ;ai.., , 5'..._5' ittc;a4t•iSlV.,_49.datom, Amp at - , or - , u< -, -'a . 7. ta..Zsplerk...n . LPtila. =Op la 4 =„_ - ,',.___l'i ...-_ . t..- 1 -- I %OOIIMACtt Ireas.!9 l lloM -Cf.lp o 1 — o sl.ln.avanaamnatnap ettnans'isam , a.- • ~; ~,a aa Banat Tea.tass in I„_lchir atutatitrati Imes :Vane' Stigton aver, i ay* MS lasnl; =1 nmang, ltarorlttaborgo i. .t L '.' 1 Elf1 11 6111 . 101,1C1441;11mx sad ClnclnnatL, tat.. .. :-. .. 210 ktai • Euress....,—, 7:45p: at ,- ___ ~.- . ...i.... TAO • r01Ma11...... i .,..,.....„ . annp ix, , • '-'"'PAW ( C" ,. .^.—..-AVPMIE/Prem...........-..11.15p ta r . 10ttlbansillsda, - iStanbentrznado.__, maaa:6o6UMoa. Mpla - oomMolatloa 10= am ..,, ,, ..Fttbstnirgb. Fart •Willi.and tide-ago. 7 -2 x.' ' ',EXP1ea11..,..«,, . t=ii niiESPZMi...•••••• 266 am . ,„ 6E 613 6:1- .14.-.l llo6 PaajEurram. ..... ... 820pM " 1 • . a 2116 a*" .. 26 XP.miExPrem.•••••••. 666 1 P m . „......... 140 amilnan ./160Pra g 2iMUISHOP.EIIO 6.10 a mi N. Caatlo ectrin 620 p m ' . - 'Haw Thightea Anoommodatlao leaves4l.llethany *Mat , 11/. a,'10411360 a. aL., 4.46 p. ak., asaalUOT. ' POU- r alMllll6ar. 266 P, ra.t- Now. Oatti,e, . 6A r - ,1 4 : 21 4X 6 0Przch 1 / 4 * C' P. Ca ' ' • ~. I , - FittstrazatVCleverand and Mediae. ', ,-• 4 - 0 PeOltru: .- ' -'' • - Arrtve.. - ~ = :t . .. ..... I:to a int Expire' :. .. . .. 240 am ..i. litS mi ' :1-1 '-alairi ' r : . ..,...: . .... , an0 r,.... men-- -••• • • : P-fd :. . ' 11ita.4 " 11666 9 16 1 11 061a10a Luna Alle rck zagu , ' it.• . ~_ ~ Plttabnistt and ColUtellavllle. i . 1011.: .a. 6:66 aat Mail ......... . no p m . 'ftpres's . ....10VJAA1 4 nN4EftippiaZil:lFTlLliiioo36:WS M • 1 .3 ...." !.... CM p ni,fll ~,,, t - ,i''''' .P iombuir.kla.. 702.. ~ ge 8A.0f..... ,A) A 111 V .... tao p m 12.1 " -- s ' ts P a ' - - ^- 5 . goes'Allefid — icy Railroad. • dnices. 'Mkregg * ' ,o° a om m • Ailmorm o d s n o p pra.Accommodailoa 843 a m , E!BEISIBR 01151 BES AND LIVERS STABLE, 410 PIS%) Ot. . akllrartl.4lo‘...i: SON, Proprietors, iO2WORISSES AND ()AIifILIGES ftr.alebel nalitraies. • Alto, Catilagns for f Wed• .dlaglaad ire:l.l4'l4*e abort notice tai returnable stmt<AITABLL OPEN VAN AND maxi% 9.FnT -3-1-81ThM3AN . quaker Sessions. sussva..v. • -.Wscongsnax,..Not. M.—Before dadges Btowe : The nit of the Commonwealth vs: Patrick 'perjury, was proceeded "Orith , s-t. • , • . -- HVir'oi:;ursvy leis re-called and cmas-exam .. ii!ed intxr.l3rartzexldeA" . . , The Inquest on r ienWhodh" waxheld on the'dAy following his 14.0afVONteltitelintM; Williams was examined iiiii-iittnisebit wean to and eleven 'o'clock. arit34:.l9l?g.ChlidOl Police, testified that ilkwan present at the inquest held upon the itidj kit Hellen and to Willow's ' having - -star.e.l index:oath th at he had not ac en. en ,Hughes Mace the evening before. . • Wtlliatp Eatoro testlacd-that. Oallen sras killed at the railroad den 4 about tenor fifteen athletes betcoi two o'clock In lu the morning. William Gree,n.testified tLat on the morning after the killing' of Galha, he saw Thomas Huglitaand Patrick Wtlllams together, on the corner of Ohio and Chestnut streets, Allegheny; It was about half past two o'clock; spoke to Hughes; Mr. McChesney and Mr, dandera were with Iflintof at the time Williams and Hughes Pima Meer Pillow of Allegheny, testified that he Saw gettlek Williams and Thomas fa aghes, be breed two and three o'clock on the morning of ...Ittlyist, on Ohio street, Allegheny, lia4s Mason testified that he Law Williams incenlng after the killing at the depot, laid,WeLt with him to Ids (Williams') father's .:homeland there ant "Thomas Hughes; at the dooro• Whim • gding in, Williams said that :neighborhood, and that-he wi:Led show him to ..witees.s. Cosi-examined—lt was a few minutes before - or after twelve o'clock In the day wren witness :went t0...414,..t0n50 of defendant's father, and "went there , Oorn live to seven minutes htfon. Heights came in. Met defendant Wort htlf• rant eleveno'cloek. The Commonwealth hero closed their can,, Hanks recallo.i, for dofccse: - 114148#eSili - stok, the nlght before. and helped. to take hlch home; bad beet drmktog (or flee ' ' jOrti7C6l/EVEV:I . t•sti fled thal he saw Wil •'flatnering to the Inquest; hls app,sranee wee tilari; a insipid drana• n man. John Claimer, bar-keeper for Fehr Lafferty, .ICalithal thatWdllam• was very drnek on the -Slitht!the tick pla n .; the aex. morrizg - pa felt ver,y bad and sot a drink of brandy. Crois-cianJoed—Wd not see Williams- any latter than Wag or led o'clock on the night o: the 4t , 444 ' was very dratik On Old /ilia the many= hillediaaw hi m -between nine and len o'clock. Mary Dante, Sworn—Williams was very drunk on the night stated—so mach so that be amid uotlldd the room Ms wife was tn. Thotale 4 Slattliall. E-q.; set ore—R eeollect seeing 'Williams on the day he was arrested; ay imprepelenit that It Was no the day of the to quoit htiobtaltion as That of , a man tecarer itkfrffin a debauch. The defense offered no further evidence. Pommel Loss, Cote of Pollee, recalled for prostmition, testified ;hat Villilams was not drunk at the inquest; he answered question% cooly. deliberately. and poSitlvciy. Uts-kWatttwelticraddrcsaml the -coact upon tbedliitirodcrtsbang to the - case lee very Clear Ea Watt learned manner, and also made a few . remarks to the jury. He was followed by M r. Kirkpatriek who commented upon the facts cud alto Milner to his anal impressive style. When he had concluded. the Court adjourned till clue cenkick,this morning, when Judge Stowo wilt dome thejary: Amusements. Idiasyntan.—There never wee an sec in which Atinttrelsy was not appreciated and ap ind the present age is not behind any , er in Its appfceiation of the harmony Of sounds. The Italian Opera crowded the house with yotatles; other masical entertainments 1. have keels cats' thet gay,...the old and the young, but It as reserved for the minstrel Were of Newcomb ram 'Arlington to produce ' emeritus tritunph and be, compelled to Para komatte: doortno'' matter' how relnefantlY- 1 hundreds who were unable to find even asunl f` lug made—both instrumental - and vocal—la superb, their jokes endplays Otis- Ital.- their daurine elegant fed tneembodblezt ---- -of-Tees, - -anti thttr general appeamneaancl everyttl that could be asked tor. As t elaYlellurite , our, eltirati: bava but e abort time tetest the troth of our assertions. .„ ZntErMiorotyanos.—liermarat,the great pres ,7 digitator, whose name la on every tip, sad • Itheadifara - b the themeed - every tentr t o, t o the - • east, is coming. Ha be here next meek.. niamarm laSald itibe'turrivalled In his m a r e ,„ Con.' - 3fany,Pittsburghers who haver seen him : Kay that never ;have they beheld sueh startup g feats is ha performs, viVathigt "even the great sthe_genti spoken of the-Arabian viglitiz m 'otertainetient. We shall see him, every body win and every body will be aston. Tentaann.=Yanked Loeke - di erf a fay find - house lest might to witness Ws rendition of fa- Homebred:" &genuine Green Mountain I : o l.thatha play ':of that names sod: "Jonathan Thyogliboy,mtrutho.pley or the: ! , Toreit P..130„11 'neturats,repreaentatleo or thaTenitmlfautnieter, iendezi.hini one. of • the, Ake l cfd:44o actors in his 11Cla of Inulness on • ilagei•Mr..:dmeke looks theeberaeter,Uffeaks ' • .the characterzelrtesesund, acts alre character, to We, as any .f,oce: who baa - e set seen a sharp, ahrtwkinutddeidedepectnien of thalgenas honto P zust l r d lol-1-4 4Flit•-.44- ble Wry aPPaertama beflitt;'ibaaMhenee. lb; 1 5rizi of -Isaighter; Bolas may object that it is a burlesque. • Admitting the tact for the sate of argnment,are not the optainParta of all Plays ocerdrawal To • be travestied le annual- bons onandod the stage , end when'a MAO bra genius peCullar to himsel f t the•weery Tanta thre4 - oft the Cares oatthe bus Is a y day, andlejoy a 'litany guffaw, we st be greeter poblle:benefactor, than the doctor who :dues the patted-who - - after all," may be suffering from an overtaxedboiy -and . =lnd: , laugh; be merry - god grow fit; and do not let the eternal carte of , ...bitalneat worry the EL out of you. • • Tornlght he will appeal in the julleis of , the.: "Yankee to calla; ',or, Tadonliduetlee;” and . two ,outeelleatl4Me.e. ontiu. =Tflo beatalfer- deniestic play; Of "Dotfor, Cricket on the - dearth " , : ' bas:',Ocen withdrawn from the Operations*, and' to-night - Mr.BartonAlill -apper.ln therplay the • !Streets of Ile* York , 'll.r. Big le an actor Maj.-3 - 13 4dffiletlgais Wit I , ll:part, .Cannot' to to please all who are fond or real toodiotinvf .. Youngln years, he Is old labia ' poofesalon; and no_ mattet, what: .part:uf, the • - Mates he- bas been, he hini earned for hbus e m the title af!‘genflernim.";;f4. Ilflastei r lat Calf.-,4tltuvlate muting of the Presbytery. of Cleveladd. - a Intabirnotm cad from Me congregation.of Cleveland forltev. D..' - TeLeae. of Allegheny CIO; Wal re, ct,ed, Sestained end otectrect to be transmit,-, fed to attitifyretibytery tor in:o=44oz •'^' , • 1;;;;:.", ;'!:_%, 4 Frightful Pall—Prtbsbl7 Fatal Accident Between twelve sultana tycloca this moreng • maaaras brought to titatotablje twaninsettal• bie conditton;VY pollee. found on Tannehtlinbiet, (recently Vaned and -- oP a l e ' 4) -4rPCI IO the Itgatklif - , 1 7 31 .41 fitteefairr fleet it ppealreectaiietr'etertbe high etabanic. meat at that point. There was a frightful gash In his foreittlit glet matiew:texople, and his left hand was leeerated, the little finger braked. H-fte.fal werfialto4Mtaneftand and the face bruised. Attention wan /int egnieted to tateneelakl i t colored faintly, who !summoned the pollee. We Was circled to the Good-Intent Eogine name, ecnita of Leganand strephvaad a moo. areirerfen for a Pilyskollt Wbfr refased to go arm lee the man nekas his pay ,wa.s Drat Be rued.' Another illgalidais• (arboie - name irto did not b ern, was obtained, who, after a hue' Exarahlationnaaldtlutt the-lima was fHt.' tared. Procnriag aetfee;the In man conveyed he the police to the tombs. thiliannOgerit Called tet attend Um. 'ppear. the droll was fractured, and from o n sties of the fracture expreased the ma Lid " rack bIS/te " ti nftabe, =melted Capt. Reed, In charge au' a few dollars,,ln the man 'a clothing and tonr:f luult. icate money, but no pain.. or *hen we Tell the his name or maiden% Insensibl state, and tombs, he was 1111,,,1m done for e is comort. ercUthlug Pu , s , "'" over theman Is 4qs. The cmhanicrus° 11 os ed t o baronsome treaty morn ~ - rem In helni2r n ti theanota, we learn tho name —Since rr• , of No. red man Is John Little, residing at. ti "'"l. ansylvania arcane and that In. is ~4,y,t1 at Pennsylvania Railroad ael.t. , 'Literary.— ,' "Oar Mutual ?fiend," (by-Dickene, as every +body knows,) Icon our table. Dickens hat his "ter" on ale ride of the chaotic; aud a very large and respectable one It In. It 'heti needy "corporate merahers'' In Piitsburrh, who are, only wahine to know where "Oar Mutual Frletd".can be found, to seek the honor of his Mr. H. 'Miner, on Fifth otrect, -atllttake pleasnre In tOtrOducing them. '' The bark has a decidedly friendly look. We „con.;esa to a liking for Ihckeas' etyie, sad there is no mistaking it in the present volume. Riga . life and low life are brought law artistic coot tract, as neon] with our author; the dtaloote in lively, the characters are vividly drawn, and the eters —n e venture this upon the faith of the fat met t. reductions of his pen, tor we hare not had limo to test it yet—carries tie is Wren through to the last one. t tar copy I> litNrally Illustrated. T. Petttreen a.. Brothers, Pabllsh els, Philadelphia. , ‘The llambn,me of the World.” P. T. Bar- COW. nd where is the man that can dispute 11. a tlgtl to OftenParltner.t of ea:acne/ Panatokk of the lato Mulenal of New York City, the oriigia/ P. T., the visitable P. T., ho has g.v.ti to the world of the molt re markable atetoblogrefloe. of the...lmm is o tt 1. C men to handle thle skbje.t, 174 Shan'd ad. n tee tie !mold, ace of the Mill who would at lia p' it. So comb for the men for whom we cut no: h.lp votertalklrg n sort of admiration, for the he ore; bonhomie of his 'eery ILOIX)SiL10113. For the book tie wlii gay that to ulio take. it up will be likely to read through; no' lttdeel, at a sitting, for it is of an anecdo al trainer, but at odd times. We are surprised to dad how lame koutlect itumbnimerk It Laren* ca pable of scientific treatment, and ?dr. It has approached it In a true scientific spirit. It is certainly a curiosity In Its way, and Seth, In our 0 1 11 4 0 a, "take well. rnbliaber: Carleton, New,York. s Otorgy Bandon," or "Is Last Lore," is the title of wait teet•s to tie a ocry' interesting ata• ry by Itehford Oren. The style is • Pleasiag one, and we thick lavers of light reading of a stelpd,.t.eallby character, will went to acquaint thernseltres with Miss &IMO'S _whit:U-321d learn what became of that "Lost Leve.'• Loring, rati liaber, Boston "Tim Rebellion Record," Part 41. This num ber contains the official documents relating to the movemouta,oLour . 4. riot untie} in th e plug of 1864, previona td the 'contmuneetuen of Grant's campaign against ettchtnond. Rlbel .CCOUtItB and narratives by epeeist corresko td e= arc also even. The whale seeks of the "Rebellion Record" affords the most tbomugb and authentic history of the war yet published. These works bare Just been rxeired, and are for sale by II ; Miner, No's 71 and 73 ;Vat street, Panda:atm. Common nuisance , " Illseharr,cd from • In the Court of Quarier SessiOnit, yesterday forenoon; Win. Owens, Jr., Esa., melted for t ho discharge from prison of Bridget committed to jail for trial ns a "common Dolt anec" by Alderman Kelly. In default of sips hundred dollars bait. Mr. °arena not attended by two children of the stionan, one of them a girl aged about six years, tarrying the other, about six months old : In her arms. These be said were his clients. lie re L tarde I the bail as CXCCF6IVC, and cog .o tel that If Bridget ems a "common nuisance," the °minty Jail was no place (or her. Tho Court promptly omiered her discharge. A uotenurorary, iu rezie.eirez epee the olDeial action of Alderman ri.::ers to the fact of his haring been iudieted for miw.le. mcnnor In attire, nad c-tpreasea ignorance of the fact whetirer he was tried or not. lie was tried and convicted, bat sentence suspended upon his promiang to resign and go into the army. He did enttr the army, and span his return du ring lest summer, rtummed the duties of his office. Lt Ball Ag.ath. John Turner, alias Jones, who appeared as his own counsel upon ills trial, in the Criminal Coon, a few days since, for the lan.cny of a trrinitlat the Fannylvrgala Railroad dopoti and anteceded in havlitt hfruself acquitted, La• been again lodged in dull upon the, chart , ,v of having stolen a quantity of veni,on front a stand in the DiamoncLilarket. We fear that tee frnpress'on Tarsier created in the naiads of the Court and Jury, that he wits not given no alb,- lug propensities , were false cue, and predict ln - 11 In next trial, his plea of drunkeuess will he ret aired with bat little consideration- .Ide was seen taking the venison, and arrested with It Is his possession. IHomecipiiblsta and the Cholera,—Among ihoee we hear of preparing for the approach of cholera, are the Homeopathic physicians in thla vicinity. At the lasi. monthly meeting of the Allegheny County homeopathic %red'cal Stelets, a committee was annotated to confer with the Board of Health upon sanitary keg - Mations re lating to cholera. As the Board of Health Is consulting with severs] other public bodes, we presume that this committee will Jabs their la bors with them and all Welt together fbr the common good, From Ye•Aerday's Evening Gazette tmpartazt Oil Case Argued•-$250,000 This morn i ng. in •:11:•.1 ••••‘1,1t , ., (..",• • ni Court. 3-ridges Grier and At. /'.tail,- •ost,a.; Su Equity, the case of Parcus T. C p:,3n I vs. //sc. let Iturtla and Albert C. Storer, cat.. siss f argnmcnt. This ;nit originated its 31C of the Copeland farm, on !Thole crock, In %%rt.. , go county, and She amount involved It about , $260,000. The 618torI of the case, as embodied In comrainant's paper book, set. forth that Copeland owned a farm of one hundred acres, adjoining the celebrated Elalinden farm, on which the United litates well is located. Prior to the striking of oil in the latter well, Copeland had given a lease of his land, rcservlim a royal. tJ of one-fourth of the oil, which lease becuitte the, i'Operty of J. si. g .tigg. Daniel H. Bards, oils Of the defendants, commenced negotlai.lons f or ' 46 . Purchase of tile farm, and eireml C°Pelead 1800,000 for it., prorided ho (Coed :4') would lift the lease which Nogg held upoil in view of the rapid appre ciation in value of land, oh Ezhole after' the atrike of the flatted BMus well , li s ic l who previous to that UPI , ' h ad„nrelly and putlanY agreed'to take 66.000 for mu claim, advanced it to (140,000, which sum Mr. Comiud tweed tO pay, as per ddyiee of friends, In Orte r t o soma , the cosaract with Bartle, of three hundred eh:manta Bards entered ink, a eon . - tract 21st January I.BOi. f arm:tetra, hnndra.lttrusand dollars, psystne f'Po 11n hand, 0.50 EMI January, 180. 630,000 :AZ March. 1865. 860,000 tot 8100.000 Ist July, 1665. and $10,0,000 on let 'OctJber, 1865, of which kopald 1tia,040.:-.Copelsad paid 110,000 to Rug eed gave his. judgment bond for $50,000. payable In three monthly lustalr matte of COMO Barite visited Naw, Tech, as ho said, to sell the farilt4 and while there conceived &hoiden Of releaslnschitaselt from his contract with Cope; land and seeming one of a very difereat actor, - .12a 'announced the program:o . frierld,;*lll the request Mat he. efteuld keep 11, qnl4, Mit Dri. Mason,: of New York,. himself IPA if a frleiid bathe want would:take %Shia they would-spread. before Mr. Copeland $ 7 5,010.. a sam venter than be had ever before aeon ,ssud. that be would be tempted to takelt. that Shot would' go u high 15 $lOO.OOO but , no hither, and as he had Copeland's ceafldenee•he eoeld get him: to sign any paper he 'wanted returned to Veniingo.cOmity; add derieg , the monde of March, .Matton telegraphed So Hartle that the lende-wzro , no dePreelated they milt Ea be said. - Thentielegeams and fatten:came one after the other in.. clue. Succession towerthe lame, part of Staid, and 'were =misty abewn try Copelabd. Morey, a couln-of.Bustis, cute 'freed Chloe , go, early la march, to Titusville. whepilhcrtle badliki office.; I'lleartlele ,Ntweirißeriltied P*4o Wiire - Y r eloriLv • altar-he tagether conferred (lariat Om . '1 1=:. , :!—• ,L 3 .7 Montt of Marc 1. to reference to the farm.. 02 the Ist of April, they fide , %tuba famolttetuel al* - butt* IIi:UM-Weeds, walked over thlfaem and th eft went"tta thehotela ittlf di'led with Mr. Mad, it tiltipelgad.- _saw on wog. Copeland to atd teldttiroTisalne theW* plowing; star.tril telet ° amuld gWe lileadliicenj gedgito . 6olassraletimettat Which *mild Irdiatistectory. I.ocmelami A:4 e ip,,me leo Tillueviile cm Moti 111ay, U s 4 qu n t e d..vd after dinner Treat Into the Mee of tart% ' Where th o fmnd sleet/ written oat. Morey and mortgage =il.4 500 Mut laid • It-uttan lift imseght 'nukes t w... r .dfinierea It to .be ccitulted Infer* anything by r beat meld bildr:Or Ifre.Cinclend about WO - Ant/ bad rewired to gtreesloll. oco far os. progeny Sad no more.: V.0;000 Ip moaex nrctect eyelet:ol"mm the 13atsm m ell taad roorigge, payable InA. ; re yearn ~.itraho f recloenres,in cum of:mon-pay. locos Glistens's:ad without prOtonid . 411tMrity. represeotettone enteo es; r .tbid: Rot bad on Batnrday be ; fore hien seen;atid'wae going to 'pith • hie .jedgirteate, that; ;they van patting 11309,90 L in the - deedia se to eecare that amount to there; that the laterenton the mortgage could ha'mineeted annostig If hot toad, that the deed was token, subject to the Engg Ithignerntta; and ;the leasee r end by itmeamtnr Importunities and Atylattereate appeale to hopes BM Scant, prodno - log et' times, se the evidtace . thews, alarm and Table, theegnatares of. Parma T. Copelited. who PrCred to be - a , weak4nlntled man,' and Lib wife were obtained to , the deed. The article of agreement between Bartle and Copeland was afielgned by Dural on that came ellting to llorey, as Morey says, to extinguish arid the contract, bat as Bartle saga, to secure to the lessees In the stride their tespee -I.lre rights. On the Bth at Apra, Ore days af ter the deed to made to Morey, the Waiter eels to Bartle the het of ,the tract by veroal agreemeat for $lO.OOO, and to Jane following. boys back from Boras One-eighth at..SW,IHM, eo that by theihnt meot kneed sale Bartle became the owner of t.hree•chehtba of the tract for :nothing .. Bar th! & Morey sholtly ; afterwardg, upon learning that Mr. Cerrit:id tat under the adriceof coun sel refused to surrender possmaion, a etembled a force of armed men end forcibly obtained the possession, for which they steed Indicted by tea grand jury of .. Vanes go county. Since obtaintrez (O,lWe p0e5,.....i0n ;rat according' to. the testimony of htorev, resell i in the shape of boon , cs. for iet,i 5. 131.1 the property oft into lots one huadrwl sod ten in at ether or from hat to three.quortes, of an acre caelt,ntol as per Oilier ee nt-n' • r r In•W in receipt of seven t. itioireti barrels o , oh pee der ms their slime from the few wells already b ninetieth:kg In relle.l.o crmnt 0,000 per - dry, tx clulit a of the Gircnnneut tea. The evidence in the cue farther shows that the properly for all pera . on the Ist of April laat was worth f net S1b&00D th. $.1.A010, and at the pre -cot thee from Ssoo,ooOto 1.,000.000. Ther nearest neighbors and'mast Intimate friewb, Cl Parcus.T. copeltuhlteStlfy to the fart that from veldt, dean to the present time be WAS raterZiad as weak 'minded, of extremely deft perception and incapable of transtieting, under ateddingty coy hnstness which required the exercise of Judgment and caletlation, whilst Borth .1, llorey are conceded to lie ~breed and bileAne, nice. The °video.° further diseloscs the fart that Borth 4. Morey declared that Copeland WEL% so deBelent In rapacity that he could be Induced to sign any papers, and that ho could he easily . defrauded. A reference to the whole evidence will disclose a combination not merely to de fraud, lilta of his contract of January, 1863, of :1,000 and substitute nominally one of $lOO- 000, but to inaugurate proceedings on Rugg Judgment to attach some VO,OOO, to sail out the mortgage and buy It in for a nominal sum restating in Mr, Copeltold's total low of his farm and ten thousand dollars hula?. The answer of Denis and Morey Is, many fro per ant particulars materially LEM?, and are, as compared with their testimony before tho Mas ter, in direct and positive, conflict.. It their an swers they swear that the deed and mortgage bad been written after tho terms of the 411 r. artd form and substanee• or - the writing been agreed upon. They both testify before the M.- 11.. r that the deed and mortgage had been writ ten out except blank Cordatee and oonsideration 'before Mr. and Mrs. Copeland came to In the answer, Iturtl4 swears that the coueldcration of nOO,OOO was. put In at tin In stance or Pardus T. Copeland, whilst in hie tes tlmony'hefere the •Master be swears it was pat lo at his suggmtloti, for pea pnrpOSes; one to chable Parcae Copeland to induce his ne,,loithor to bbliere that he had sold f0r.8300,000, and the other to matte Morey to sell tho farm at a higher figure. In his answer Bartisscrears the article of agreement of let Jann ey. lSt.5 woe assigned to Macey to extinguish his Barth' equitable estate, whilst labia testimony before the Mast= he serrate It was for th, fume eof ssenriag the rights or the lessee ander Copeland. Both &lorry and Bartle la their answers swear that no part of the :late between one and ale o'clock. whilst Copeland and wife were In the ofb,e of Burtis on the (lay thatial was alined, wno In inducing them to stzn the deal, whihki the testimony of both of them irefmn the .11a, ter diodesee thelnat that they importuned. advised and fi nally prerailei nn Copeland and 'Pitt to alga, and that the deed and tomtleage havintgbeen drawn la the fore part of the day, the whole of Ihe time between one and alt o'chrtelt was oe.mpled in prereitleg upon them to elan the drrd. The shove to the history of the case. a, circa In coMplalnart's papa hook; and to orayar is, that ((lorry be romp tied to cu - rentler up the deed of 3J Aptll, PtilJ, to be cancelled, upon Coplnland curt. aderiny mftttitaze„ and that DuriLS and 31orry be compelled, by decree of the COra t, to coy , the reeidne of the caret:teat, flan - Cy stipulated to N. pal.] by article o' 21st Jatitary. 1%5, or in default. that eopalsad hold the said tract of land freer (tort and discharged (tom sty cud all stipulations In said article of agreement. ihouhl the Court grant the first part of the pra?.cr,C.opeland %vitt rralizt P. 3 .11.4000; while if he should again 1.45111 C Into 1 , 0.9f.1100 or hoc land he will be benetltt.d to much tent, as the property Is estimated to he worth ovotil,oo9,ooQ. Thonasa was ably untied by Finn. S. A. Puts vianco and B. F. Loons, F.S. 1 . for complaints: andiron. lI.D. Foster of WeatmoroLlnd, cud Mr. COtheit ci '.7c.Tonson wants, for Yo.apon dents. Court of quarter rie.lona. WrDIMSDAT, Nov. VS.—Before Judges Stowe I=E! Tkeittry in thesaanpf 44 boys Jackson and Armstrong, tried fbrthelareenv of two palm of boats from Cain's store, rendered a verdict of rot guilty. James Quinton, Indicted for stealinz SIAO from Joan Tagg,,of Diamond alley, wan coo %load and sanlencedto the Wastera ary for nee year and ten months, EM=l Patrick tell Micas, saloon keeper of fit. Clair street, wen placed on trial upon en indictment for perjury, under the 14th sti.t,,,a of the, renal Cedr„. Tice. poJery wee alitved to hate been committee-11pin a hearing before a Coroner's cry, cc th'=. I Ft ,r July, 18f4, in the ease of the lii].'.ez.ef .1 sua-s Thomas Gellen, at the ere carres3 d , pat, Williams basing been easetrilneal as a +squats, and lestlfyleg that he had rot seen or been la company with orie Thou is Huzbe.s, (the alb-efe , l - • tutraquezt to :he al, that be bad rut hand or It eel d the day follosalnit. The tiler der for k fiace on the night of the :ICU af Jane, and U. was alb Ted that William. wee with Hughes after Its occurrence, eararealed him at his fatbet's house In the fifth ward, and BOlS ted lush In Eett;ngswag. M. 8 evart z welder and Brown, Hwy, , appeared for the deleaee, aed John 11. Ktrkpetrick, Emi., for the prom, cation.. lifayor Lowry was called, and testified that b e was preacet et Lire inquest held, it his private office, on the tato! July. IMit , noon Ike body of .latnea. Thomas Galles, by Coroner Mc- Clung. Patrick IVallaw-a. the defendant, was present, a v. irdeas by the Coroner. Mr. Itiddell, Deputy Dlst let Attorney, was present, and inteirogated him its to Who) he first heard of the killing of Gallen. Ele said he did not know. Ile was asked if he hod seen Thomas snypectcd.of at any tittasubsequesat to the killing, trid he said that he had not, but had eceu him thq even ing before quite late. took a drink with him, and bade ,him good-bye at the cam was exiiirdned beTbre the Inquest, abonttcu or eleyen o'clock„ on the day afterthe killing of - Chalice. John W. Riddell, Esq., also present m Hie In quest rererreir to testified that he mthly con ductal the examination of witnesses. the defendant, was regularly sworn by the pot , . user, and card be knew nothing " ebony tho kit-. ling user, a n d and that he bed not sea Hughes,' the suspected homicide. and know tlefthins of -his ivhereaboutatrubeeonent to the' klllttig; the qt.:cations were .pot / 1 10 - •io a Yartaq 'ol shapes: Williams was AL!? asked before the inquest when be bad list Sec;.. 11 , °Pea, but Mr. Riddell said ho *mild not Ltd. ` TerW ke lo soy what reply drip matte to The qiies. lion, more. than a year baring elapsed since the bxamtnation took place.' Ilyierreras-examlna lion he stated that ho was not -certait wbqther delreeiti,a 4 , l as before the Inquest on the - sett day aftex the ho micide, or _iflipthar the ha; quest wen continued far several days. Court reeef's.tUi o T edOnlir• -m• • .littentra TO or Education. • • , The eattra /IC" C't Y EaU C 4 UOII m md Taay gvGolnL 41b )11. —)4 grusb ---m. Loft' o: Nobt ., bpi Tho minute:o4 thk i tini! ,•fl,le!UPg !nail "Th apPsved. Oa bud rpozoi 7 reports o tho filgh e ethhol,tho 'Principal of the Colored Behead and of the fiecretarp mac read audloplpred to be recefteLand ' ,- • A bill of E . Ecker &Bon, STAID, Prlnlek -11 7 - ieColored SchoorrOoenaileal Prelatod and o warriad'authorized In psymentikeroOC; ' Mr. Lowe. :from th 6 • Couragttee ea' Oilfired School, reported-that '•they had,onliagefl Airtis Daily an an assistant teacher. Ltt'eald ochool. • - On motion, adjourned. • - Another Wife 1./exertion. rut, - Th aiighte e late . r . far o! t Assemb hei op l .t y. ornocatilg wives anti , , , children, has proven' ltself ajtuakand salutary law, Under Ita operations, not • few heartless t Bandit:Ss _lea heath compelled tottun their - Loma homeward, Ma cp their ratztbilnt cottons, land labor for the Maintenance of their emu and little onmt • and laanyathers, Taring the .restraints of thtiltsizad daadistipthe aware - tionertittent srAnahri inertial:tot tßere remotes., - ,:lkave ' ' 4 'kept Its Ili,. ti.4.,,,, , w Sind., .o . tapelled to -, earn the* bread and • tatter. -•Beesk.:: - few - diva, , bd... • , ever, some msrppyl'arlfa and motherthas to ' irrvidieiho aldnt an hsw to cOmpellser 'unbend tis peke provision for her. Vile last cue is that of ]its. Lynch, • very worthy woman re siding in Tecdpianteevilley *hose. haihead, knry Lynch, had abandoned.her and her child, tome time ego, and tiken up biz abide In Apol lo, in Ann alnsff•naltald'., when:teas eke sane- 1 .quentlyiearned r ha. pnwed• noder_ttio D=44 of ueorpe Smith, and represenunt himself as un married._ He bad tlte audacity to write her w sort of i'livelvelf letter, informing her that his , anal:, residing In Germany, had insisted upon hie retnalog IA that country and • leaning her! Being without 'the - means or appolt, she engaged as a servant, ha finding it a dim - rail matter to earn a Hying for borsch and .child, she concluded to bare him az:whirl Au informstlonwasaceordingly wade before Mayor Lowry, and he was brought from . Apollo In charge of an Meer. no had a hearing this mornhtt and expressnd a trtllingne,- to sup port lierl a f she would withdraw the sot. Fear ing he would deceive her, she declined to cam promise,tholess he would give :All, which he said he was unable to do. Thy Mayor Informed him that he Wonld hove to find good hail in $f,500, or go to jail. Ile wan docked UP until melt time as he eirald ascertain whether he had a rriend willing' to give bands for him. Lynch Is &voting, rigoirous, able-tit:died mat, et.d ought ;:t. bat Ashamed of him sat. It in said that he had aireedy begun to , `gallon the kola" at „Wit". and if= loft alone he won! I no dotlit coon have found a "victim." The law ' tree mad,tonstraln the all Inclinations of jest each me* as Lynch. end • the , best thug be ; r.., co is to return at once- to the a.teherge of h, marital obligations. :Mr k plbeopa I C0.'1.111.10:: Tit Convention corannsed of iniciaterial and lap i:cir;.ai,s from the Iteerat Dariuhaa em_ enured m thc new,y created Slices , , of Peensv'er-tois, assembled in TrLilt" church, Sixth slit tit, thlr Morning at ten o'clook. The reeniar morning church servieen seem held, af ter wolatt Dishop Stevens' deltvered a sermon Ire w ?NAM!, 20:5— .- In the Caine Of , our find we -"Meet be Our Ithunerii." The sermon was alto ana , el!coninst, and was nicety uppropmaie La the PIVIIIMOU. After the sermon, the eat:o utvotes tags admlcittered to these preset &- when the Cocvet tiutt adj mined ko. meet on Thad doe merittrg =3 LCD o 'clock. The nesidloone,. was atttherised by.the trice nird convention lately held in Philadelphia, and embraces that part of the,State west, of the Al legheny manota:us. The convention Is composed Si Situ are and three defecates from each paritth, of which there are aboul thirty in lie new diocese. The convention, If full, will num ber about one hundred and twenty members. The priacipai kern of Oiliness before the eon vention Is the election of g Bishop. Dr, /Line and' Dr. Kork.rit arc the principal candidates for the offece.nnd as their chalices are under stood to ba nearly equelly.bslanced, a very esti mated and exciting contest Is antitipatett, The result will he looked for With conaidarable In terest, nob Only by the Membera (Alto Ease). pal Chu:Mt:but by the pollic generally. The ntinstreta.—Sonoomb and Arlirt.tion', rnierstrdsopenett to a eplandi.t aullonoa eVealtl44, at Mat. Hal" arta their perform oneitdrl the Warmest alyttrt,,.. Theyalr low again ttil, 01:11r1g, and too aLa irert of att "cork opera" should not fail to attend. The Young ]tan's Friona.—Warraotod to cure Private.Disosiet. Far Bala by dr2.7zkts. A al: for the Young Man', rric;d. A pl. pttki &jilt; the apaptcaus and treat neat of Ad: at thsewea amozupaalea each Box. cr can be had by addrestlaq Young %Imes Fraea.i, floe Sib, Cfaelcarold.;reith a three ,ecof stamp nr.cloAttl. to Joseph Viecithiz, Graderthper,J. fi. Fultsa. ,r S. W. Fa* & Co. Alleatextr. ROBINSON, IdeCUMN ez co Bankers and Brokers. No. 73' Fourth, Street Pittsburgh. Des Jan In .1) Kind. of 6or•eopeat Sae WU". Diak ?Utz., Koretpl ' Luinfalic Ei:changt, he.. h 9. UPUMtt• murrect 1, YAW FUNDS and REPHJIt Ltrellt KIWI:Noe tim.e,depoalt.. 111E46 In all pstt• n. t - e st r.11,d1 favorable tame. orders ft.:Wanted mitlt dislat4h for oriqythlog In t6sb tNaln okt thr 11.t0.. Nam York, P. , Ltb• 4114111 a and FRU burn Ittok,.. Vosrds et rictly on co=mle.lo.. Draw oo A. , ILEWS & IXL , New York..TAS Cfa.HE P. Mes,Prs. C. II 1,1L1i) ♦ T. 11. PEU11: 4 1: , ,. Liar. a FINANCE AND TRADE 4ILOKEIIB Alit) BANKERS ROAM) (conTICTI'D DT R.ILLTSOX. a 00.) 04 of rxe PIT - , 1T Uar, Not. IS, 140. I Orme& Ast , d. •—•— IN 1.3 -• • •• ITO 111 41 •—• 141 (1) T 2 ro R. Sc'.. ISSI U. S. 5-2.:Pay i:. S. ..... U. S. 10.40. a. U. S. eertalcal ea Mleghtany (b. yea, PittaSurgh tlonaellertils R. in V. P 3 Boacanaans lasuranre 27 03 -- Comnellartile It. It. fotrreet 53 Oonnensaille R. rt, n rout& Nat. Rank _ N. & Rational hank ..." iron •Ity. Colombia Oil .. sels:m '5 00 -L -t ittJ -1 33 errhan Milo Talley ... nu City & W surf, & Vertatato.. Fo.t Plc ftt,t , rill. Oil l'ult , frtiterreti Elm ==l7J2= l .l rich! routlnues arm in Now York at 1174147 Pltiahurgh rob-a:l4 :: per tett! lower. There are indication. tooth in our orrit and the eastern MU kit. era rental ;of the a'prentatli a movement. The room talie. CM cotri, couple.) with returning raspo the money market aitirtg apecolotton. 1001 withstanding the Goreintnent lips been tot °sat, a steady sailer Hof goid o the premium Coen rut give Way. This alirountchi for by on• of our Luclosnare which is always on the National usdi, and against the gold hull; by the fact that hearr shipmeutnuf Speeie•nre being iiilletty ulnae tin; tee youth and forriya counirice. The gold i•;•i • Ig is Prohnote, Wien. Puttiug •isiny role in the Clay, Rank on epeeist deposit o r°, the purpose of creattni , a sears-11y .1 gold rot de o et y. • he gt rat stock market Its, Inlttrovntl ertv,rtd n are urgently prerkti for eate r .4 tw.u:4ll Int saltrilll DOI koprored I. an) ex tent. rtv e Twenty DondS were se:iin3 In our sna,kr t to.dny at Serf. Thirtiei were opt nbuutlant at the ruling quotations, as represented by the bids at moralise bnatti. Bank stock' scarcely co Om, though by no means pressed for sale. The Idle ruiner, afloat a few 1.1 . 4 c slate, are already forgotton, and out Banta arc pursuing the even tenor of their way, discounting prnd±ntly, and adding dotty to their business and Morita. The stock market bitetet most of the day Towards nalrf there was eo rdereble earpifry fOr r hllseelpeis, fat ncest er nod Cherry Run oil steek:, but nit orders were suppiltd, et ftem Su to On cents' BOBS WAS less in demand, bOyers ready to take up sail twn0,51., et SoOtG7 , holders milting 16 to 69. Colon/bin heavy at bill. Pantile slow rat tr. The thrtert roller of the currency hes recently ad rented the rate curet ? reul o r ' D U ri t :: 1,11,r, to National Banks on dolt. to . th, Bonds, a per coot currency 0 grin ' c,) lona, Central Pacific tsilroad, /cr i b/ per Cent lnele,lll or 70:is heretofore. Tills cheap readers larestmeat in these &mkt for beaktagltorposei more dldtn- taken. In connection with the length of pine ; they tare to run.. corkmends then, to the' attention of National'(tanks! The baniti stele/nen only in Hinged amounts asl the work prattessca About millions of the:6 per cent legal tell': den which mei ore let December, lowa been Wild olrbythy !pine of the fl epee per' cent tall torus reAtilentea. The remeininglh mllltons wtu ellnee be paid Grin the etinm 04l oe by the !true 4 compteied Interest note,. ,--The New York. Tril;noe, pr. Wednesday, Imre, ."` , 4 disposition to_l l ldl glirellereent 'torte coo. Piro. Twenties al • low el Yr;li 3085 erupted, had 03 r m . the Steven Thirtieth inane of Fire Twenty stock. am: of .Soren Thirty' Treasury notes li Isrizely kbld, its s. 'eMPOM'Y upon satire 019087 30111 Oiiithitie to be forced to anti by , parties detr . • lna snide to 414, mode ~ to. IltiOncit the Secretary of:. thn.Treaaary.toabatahladestre tcrentura /deplete ; permeate. stillthoretort47 dliaPplalet rent People l(be ; 4loes)lee_Spite.lll4 roe, w a i r i e . opeech;and steadily tbree &gecko:4loW Of- thtieliiii renal. pol;c* wlll:eerWe Oi/13,470#;pir*,, . uonaigA •,.. • . topplicOt(r pui;atme, paper fbrtuitirr lief;the. - limier they 0 4 , th abetter: , 84.0" tn el . s i ti • n 4l e ete I rez00.... : e 6 • ' { About $23,000,Cce qf Are _rtoFpon tender notes berocert due orareeristikeel:, . lie* been eirCulti t tMr,thit the llfettet IY:latendk to 144° a " P l °eTibbeh.. ,WiltitAito good &tabor. - ltrlfor stating thee foe a tro' I bite4pt the merket Untileiter payment, of the4s49ooPOCi tent le gel. tender notes dna on"benembeellTby6l.pto,:b#: mode by the new mane ot'ailtiltei,c.F. ro:'4"4l4P°4ail /Menet, //etch- which ten be'depe toc9rdcage With the ACt. 4.1 coagreso, or by paylyth he -tereat oe , Y, learinz the notes with rrrr. hold ers—elderly banks—taxi ataMeny, tbes, tJ t.., t e in terest eerat-annually ton . December 1. Tae movements ba'-' Met Treamiri - Department tintll atter Conpvaa meet wilt ail teMY to'''63., the money market luta keep hoanntalaraire as smooth se possible.; —The (alio-flan comparative statement, shows the evereie censilltion of the leading Items of the Fhiledelpha H rioinks 'for the put and previous week : Last week. This week. Cap1taL.:.4.414,/42,Kgr.aI '44.42,2) 45A49„.*0 i5,C43,199 Dec..14c4,071 Specle . — I 0 , 50A`l it'! Dec.. @ 1,3: r vuelroto bro. 3:43.m.) 5.557M7-Dec..s Due other blcs 6.1)1341,Z30 L,771,147 Ilea_ tr... ' ,V.A Deposits . 34,641;421 34.4711Z1 Dec .. 169.463 Clsculat 10n... 7,OrpLE76 7,061,1Vil Dee.. Pa , Legal Tender axle 'nd notes 15,71.4,473 15;401,891 'Etc— ilig,teC: —The subject 'of geitoring Liis , atireacy is tL us dlssuseed to the last number or tba,VgsTacrcial an:wide : ' , Contraction le inevitable, because ;Troyer) - . from depreciation of the currency Is to be rentlrod only by eOlgeetterg the redandLaner flrblelt cnuaed It. Of our ler,al tenders a auttlelent quantify mart be wltletraSen end canceled to maltelhla aggregate of the currency what It would be on a cola fuels. Thla amOrmt Cartes at rllfferentpletkof the year, but It varies within limit. which are =mow and easily ascertained- how much the can only he learned by experience,let England - the average amount of current wooer b under t250,000,C0N therat.ce under 1.100,1.40,0744 and In tills countryat:Taunt' required bite been esti. meted at ft.:o,ooo,mM, nod could probably never smelly warred without deprvlation. Any attempt to resume cola payments until the runount of our nontiog Cu renry npprosrlieu the normal Ihntle, will pro, a ..d.rttre and eau •••,:rea ly full et predocingirreparable mischief. el'he second pen:Opal to inns the nethLul con traction el the currency In eat be gradual, rr it tri:l lull. Fur Instance. it in No kauaaa that I er, the menthe ol tleeber rust :stover:l Ca- Ar no, to• eurrrn. yln t h.• in torte- if Ilse a t :it:7 is larger than In .luar and July. canines ;KA,. cy dictate. that 011,111 v.rtritton • In the dentand for currency s ball be met by n rreponsl r rlaste-it) the supply. linear It happen:. Stint lo au tuner lat.° rot:tactic., of the care nu rht bc 01%1C Without deraiod hg wt.: le ha lft he am :oat of ront rtetion three months later night p: ucc vent It II 0.,n com.mpleter of Ilr. th,ny in I• 111 t lug the Into contr.:Arun lona nu the na;Yet that It v. AA ohJected to la m try quartPra. If hr had offered It In nr I. It ntl.;ht hare been elated up before the a0.a.r.1.1 for currency at the Wort. fild the recent f 51,011 ., ROO loan obrotbed actlre are - cubed. Instead of In ert compound notes, It could mattrely here foiled. leenure trouble. Indeed it hod been conjectured. on we know net what e;ro.,nds, that .une of the ',haw:: tea n: t' oh pain: :•: h them of et rts to- di•lny the loan :ill Cr. In .5 h en! !150 I:^qt: -Icy of s Ira lion.' o.„e, auks II ofeneov Log nut/ eitople nulp iu rezlrd to our rAtioeul Unwnces. lie guy, I parer I would Conzrec, mt the connenucenteol u 1 Its next seseton, tat, subetontially at to , laws burros. the !cog Aril rear in ir.od. the coun try has teen endrgeti has produced nu expansion of the currency And a seopensiou of specie pay nortitc- nod whom. It deatenhir to return to nocric pnymen . .. anon as practical 'without do rag violenee In the present prod.-Aire industry of ix count: y; .sod v.-hertz..Al' Is..pplicXedt4ot- th e repid growth and Improve-in-10ot thocountrs aril In a %bort period of thus render nreenanryin Influg merlin,, equal burn[which non exists, and. If no further Incr.', of the eurrenc: lowed, the rase ul et2ecie payments (rill soon take place; therefore. he It enneted I. That the national eurrcncy shall not Iy any way.or meaner, directly of ladlektly, be Increased Lei ond the total axonat which ao re exist, 4. She:Alit . ..leavens lierealtor Lat.,/ the creole cf banking capital and th e farther. Laaue of not,. trnatlotia4 Mal:kW erery dollar-en Lathed the are anion= of national legal.tentinra shall ne cal ail in and cancelled, so a. to prevent an In. crease et the currency. a The outalasullith Interest Goma ay Dates of the gooncr anent shall paid at Wain, icy. Hie following are loran of the b. - Audits that would flow from such a law : I. 1r rostrann chats., *ad 1 1.** ,1 111 change Ale Ally nye mom or leas Imonlo1:1* V ot.d. 'I. IL 1. *horde, practleid, had ossify qadar- 9. It rntrrmes, and Is n Istr COO*l . olo.lte between rotstractionlits end eTp1 . 11131.012111. 1. . It will not me ourne sreeu.ntlon hoe eruen the productive laduetry of tiqe country, too Ilitpse net effineefittly In r or'nrOirlerl. 6. I hder this policy the iiir,ti-Litty trill dad It t'fl"Y to lans when nestled. C. It w0.1' , 1 preteat a ‘41,4 net settled u atter Which !,11.1.1l• n 60,1 4 ent cu d. lurlT• ut..Wr It the mist, pinay if the nstiu“ nail niece ttlosisual. MAtt ICE:TA z nr TN:: W La. G•u•T. Norctuner 13CA. untrkrt , ontto,n. rather •lun lad I Ingtud trough them IA • inoderaLe, •19,11" IN Wheat ~. It ta Ibrit:a but ;Ate e 4et.• et,' rt. tlft,te.t 11:4042 , 210 CDT ‘Vlistor nernrir log le t,..airrs I.l,Larliczdi re.rula, .Ilea at tirrEs fa en tract, And 501". r . ..rr. t 'ore f:ree .a , 14.1 S -- .1104 or to heap eat mat, N. mere-Nara. le no Her or tiy . o rO ,, I.llbi at .4,1, et I 1 ~ dell rttl. ealritaued Cuba ~ ager• aro srlling t:O., Ir. Vertu .. Rea, rt. , I , rertar‘! tea I,e.c. °tab be ~-,te.rea al I as • ter enr to 001 e la the demon. , fur non?, and Wolfe the marks, it dull, frce:. r:arsia na:nnagenl - :'a..^^ 3.r tor Sirrrug 11' Lent rarnllroplo,6o,joll for W..: Wheat do, nod . fur (holy Ornadr, Eye ('roar andorattongert pROVP , :fO;rS.--1: are. continues sad ueo le, red, rtnile pr woo me too rre,,, 0 , to ~,nro rem', .tin. ,I nn-e• of Lord mi. ...tan), inn latter for nen Lett r reaOrrol Steal , !Mtn In gaoled at 141.1e7 : 011.5—Thaea It n very bitali deMtncrfor Peach Lf ooh , and rat u itristandlo I IS. nro rale Minor tar—e priers. If noithiaz, a.e n shade higher. nnlelf erO- e, 01 11;0q1 per bush, nu.: ,•,:opr W.I. A 11 - 1.1->. —Contort.- t rro dull , ttrotroh porton qualities air nut onototriy totter. Sties front to.. us '41,6 per Llu , no to gratin o. 1311 - r}:n—Therr re no improvement to note to Ina demand, and as the atoet Is conatantly awn,- malatinz, the supply al pennant It fa ernes. of the demand. Wren fermi:sale. of nein. to Choke Roil at al..fcfrs. quoted at 44412. V1iEt...1...:-1a quiet and atendy; oak., at men for Hamtmrt, and 211i2 foe Goshen. 5111,1, 811/I)—Na.e on track or 1 ear prime white Stidrillags at .t.topuo tort And d tone Sher!' from titvre at I I TN/ .0 - ) 4). In:Glil:31-451tk very good 4stutnil nt Sale slit Inas •t int. CTf3—Unit at Tr,to per , I•P• HAY—Sales at city scales to-day at sln to f_ro per ton llCATlNY—Proatrir Bales at & per Ili aelifog by t hoLear loaG $3 per barrri, ssd r:1,2.nfi3,1:. la [mall lota f oza atoro. SPl:llS—Salra of Mayor Seca' at ti per buthel, sad Fla erred 1, , 02.75. ITTsIICRGII PETauLEI7SI MAILKEr ( , smelt or TUC PITTSPCMEL GAZ. - We,,, r‘nA e, November I.llh, 13r3. •N. C Ul.—Tae crude market was less o.dit • to toy than yesterday, the (11 toi: ,s so quotable change Pti , t of UM bbta "Itghl," bbl, to ' :wII 25; I•si at 23; t . O•J y•" ot 2,; ond :eon% 24. bble Inelnded, free;otr board cars The demand, al aerdia to be re, illetod mainly to supplying the wants Of strippers, thourit some of our reline,, are In want of the article, but they are holding off for a decline. Private telegratualrquu Oil t.'tt to-day report Urude at ...Mug at $7,50H1,7S at the worts. The eastern n.aracts ere reported tittle. but steady. ItHIINED—There Is a continued fair demand for bonded oil on eastern accede, but there is little or none to offer, and those of our refiners, who are In to sell fos . ironatullaje ship ment have got their las.-"`"°2'er br o od, rd teri ' in by buyers. On the spot E..L"' !!"u. may be (ably quoted at 224.12,;pp..'' W ve mind Philadelphia thottipi be Cornsln that Ybdse etrald . ll.4 - obtained for future delivery. Sale of 210 bbls, on the Tit, at ti2l4. Free Oil As oplu4g 1 ..121. 11 104. xt "—since writing the above see hove n sale of 1009 barrels bonded oil reported tat December de livery In Philadelphia, buyer* option at so. It Dire° la little or on demand tor Naptha, and Iry the abednee of So P., we quote at 21 “2, th bond, and 406'42, free. Heald 0 quoted St $41.5.55,80 per bbl. lILLTEIPTS—The . receipts of oil by the Alle gheny river since our last report, were as follows : ins 2SI I }labor & T • 7go Porter & t.!, • , ire Hoek ht Horner. . 49 Geo f.lhtlely '1 01,1 P4Titolt.6UU eirt)eiG3 TeP VV NOR 1E: Hpeolni Dispnton to Weston Free). Mow, Your. N0v..16,.1963. hers Is loim aeiLeit yln petroleum stozko to• day. ,The,s,lesvrene At,Chi! tqlloyft rates; _1:1 11 . olannon rarm, 6 91 Les Simple, 33; pit Oreok, 1,2 0; /Colima, German! a, 86; First Notions', 00; Cherry lion, 23, New York Petroleum Sleek Board-1U board, /tactually linthirisi, 141iltua, Ito; Palmer, 7,03, 41,014 tit ,V,ero 68{0easolo, 47; Oil Ortek, I,7olnfiteetildr Sue, 16,701 141.FilltA 11,01; Tick, . , Wcbstir, IP; libiole Vretek. 1040 traltid 5iate1,77,75. , REM TRIIK...PPIROLEVIkt! KET. Dispatch, to Wester; Pm% 'Lrsw Yoidt, Nor. IS, VMS. Partatau,:: is mottk6allita, - 4 Saiii-tb 4 4 l lY, S= ibbl. MOS at : 12 t;i4 0 / 39 %ii 3 . 075 - 00, Pi gad I 0 6,4 3 .200 jaasSli settaabar, at tali; also ; 2,50 Lizht Straw, tree, aril. Patrol am 0 Waa,qtiOtra 4etAireniX Cl .llto 14h, gm went ud,:ard at Damon at mont lei- Bard. ties. • . ectrzt..s.tro, Nov. ti—Stekii4and .1100611olf soles 400 bush . .llltheatieCli kr at ~ 1 t.70t2 ears OM No 2 at 21,00; 2 cary new No ~..(Sheibp at 411.701 I eatqloss No ellieltryY vao, ctot4,z,.. v a p , Indicate-a -attade bane' state'. the *tricot, but lar/14 lots.could hararbs drspose,4 or rante_po: preztoustr sqortett!estes.- -Sales.l2oo at' oared. bush No 2)101;01 [lmo at. 010; 2 Ofiffi-40 at Co. Oats—Steel - and acohingedi s oars frowstpga sl, , 4,50. -7 42•••Qttlet. tutd uschanged Intel ea4 , froat Stott. at 020. llatitrp—D2ll..hootry end 0,941,tier.. 1 IMPORT& BY RAILROAD. s -... ITr.SIICa.H. 1 , 95.1. 'MASS, S caws..., It rt.,, ' N.... 11-1101111 s apple,,, W B Melva; 230 meta i barley, Kell& Itttchards I Ca/ barley..l RhodeS; ; ear apples,MoDatelddlEArbsatles; IS bbla older, 1 J C Budum; too lads floor, Patterson & Ammon; 12 A. raga, PlJukla & cat 111:01.1 Ctder, S Cooper; 4 cars app:es, ( cap &Shepard; 1 do do, 1. LI Volgt h co; 2 cars at/ bles,Barbour & to; 3 cars staves, J ; J El4reki . l Cat balky. D Fawcett & 00;En pko gra r p i pTe V a , 'I S lure: 1 oar & 1...: 1 1r; 6 i t : , ) a l s 7 oil, fit 1 Nevin; co b. cheese, A &J Karr: 21 do do, allisy & 810 21 do do, Wm Mutate; ed bbls oil, Star. korrn S Itro*l car lumber. JC Bidwell. I car coal, Pitta Cost ecV, , car metal, Jecs Woo'd & /j/kri; 73 c i: 1 . g e t. 3 1 . 1:041.1 . Ce4 ; tr.lcolLAr. inrocßAls::treilattour, 7 plesaßighsauder &Martha; 1 do do, li Wh11117, 8 4 - ! We ffour, Shot:dike: & Lang; 220 do do, W I.ln tuts ti lto do do, Culp &Shepard. • . , Cikvisr,a3rr , /OM Prevarn&COr Rom •Itetall— pi,. 15-2 caries tObacem lleGiants & (+0; 7 25 ouch, ; Cots; j lienkle; lit; aka cata, A .rileostr; „tack, i roo, W P Beck 3, roltr, do barley, Spence, 6. I , lc. I Kay:2 bbla eos,...Totin Herbe sks Planised, Z 1 it c. ydam; I bide r.pplea, m ak e,Sh tc La MD bbla u potatOes, E RearielOnl.lD aka ao, I. '&01v k co; I cars metal, Elmtek & co; 65 htea apples, k: I I.CeltiOri no, do potstoen r 3 13 Cantleld; 1.2 a aka do, Potter, Alken & Shepard; 1D do do (70 B da le ,y• laS sk, do. I. 3 Blagelaxrd; 103 MA. d am , The, Bell & co. -,- - PITTatrZn.II. Col VIITICS 171D,C114CITNATI Nov. tobacco. John Grazier; Hu hernia flour, Shoinater & Loam I car wheat, Kennedy & Urng tc lard, F Sellers , teco; I bbl bait% WY' Beelek oo;10-aka nate, T C Teal:Wei rr oil bb10..1 C Kirkpatrick k co; 3 ascii iron, superior Iron Cir r I car lumber, h I Dun'. • her:Tommy STATION, ICOl•o3l.ber 14.-14 hills beelike, Yoke :%Iceuteheonre *army*, , T I'ihcy ter mate, aylor et Al.;Kutner,'_'ol - begs barley,] clipperlek; 4 barrel* apple., F A till:tern; 2. bales oul, Semple h entids; I car trlirr.t. Kennedy & the; 4 elde apples, S Dyer. 173 hare naageed, ii ..ordam; ICObble hour, 31-'bags barley. Simpson & hoax: 0 doz broorr} r; i)yer; 1 ',olg; 6J 011.0 h' 11:-Wealp:0• ; 40% Lulls lilt. oi tao tat pOo., KtioN; I.•:.‘rrric IMPORTS BY RIVEL P., el...Pr:to—Pi= rOccAs . CIT r Ptrritis 011te, lobs iletheti; lo ekt Inobte. &Aso a n no; i sheep s7!n. n 1114 es, ISM - ruts; 01 111110.. 20 sheep aka., John Turd. r; 151 aka 1.11.1L0,-16 kb:* o, ( /Inner; 211 do do, :Vora:too Zt Jiro; handles 1.1.n1, Pitts Psis, Co; 11. /.I,lls coperts,B 1. L'Aboe. uted,, 3 bole:: traddlug, MacTmo, Glyde lk CO; )11 ,It. mngs, :- . .10121. Et co; nu Lons-s .111 feet!, A J lingran;iXi oil ont o , 'lsek & Sinner; 1 , 0 dry do, .1 ,11 (Ite2eld; lo • 1 , 01,5 onion.. 3; bno", etzer & Armet.rox4; JCPC.score,., J VC mule ntch, 2 kb! recnial;, No do otl,thkek et co; lo oil bterelt, Wooldridge 11c1.011 Co; 1 1,33,110,p poles, t ~rioor bblr, Fred Gabbard; 1113. Coal 'oil /me - relit, Brewer Burke & co; .1 Istlescollok, lanisk Dic kcy 000; 1.2 tubs obeetc,2 blot do, 2 Isbot beans, 1 task smack, &dal'l :la li3o reed, IV P Rena; II oats, Pend : . Iclr-„vtri oil ballet itcesc,CSlclt, & P:l2, L.' 1.73 BY TIMMY:LAPEL IV en Y0u..1 Alarlr.t.t am , Y,,az Nov.. —,ten.; ) ILL :..0 0 .1C lei roisAliteg. Fi.utm—O,,rced Grq. and Onsed pull vs Itheat Any decided chute.chte. S-V,V6 , ,13,fer extra State, 0, 9.1e68,10 for est.'s. rounkl,boop bolo and 59,16EN;10 for traits brenda. inFiLy•-•Stcaily titutßnA4l7. for western. CLltarx—WArot opt 014 s shade firmer but aloof.] quint at ILISOI,SB (or (Mem, aprine, 101,13a1,68 for BR twanSfea clan, 41,63,a43a for new .Amber Dllh~oul e., e.1,41ft.a44 for mar Amber State end unto fon now krtate Genf/awe. Rye steady and nged. Barley heavy,. CA fur 0.n.0.. [shut maul P 1.% fortßinada West. fumy Malt quiet. .lord la better; tne'agen rot =towns azia wifia-tor untl aived rr^stern Irani heavy a. 1,1 st ffdr2f,,,, for unsound , andeniptC4ss lore oind. ()not ea: .0.--1711r1. 41 OrID but quirt. fir.; Cubs 111lieors.ito,.14c; gavana, 14•:;e, ftfoLoamea quiet. Pilsoft:cm—Active at 33'.k 394 for Crule, Cr/ 13 t for Reflood In Bond and:Be do Free. Pfloblenows—Perk heavy and lover at t 1,3714 ¢32.nS for mesa, chain at 633 ash and 51231:000t9 for prima mesa; also En b . u.s • new men fOr Jams. ary at otoloa at $34 Beef gate: at 3112514 for plain rocas and a 11.6001, for extra me.. Bret INZIS-quIA tat sipAcialt. Oat meats quiet at 134 14(o Torahs:4loer* rind 11141' B 1 for Dam. Storm Soloed. easier, Lard steady andrinlet at.241/353 , ,,.. Blister Perla:nand 11.1 30(142s for Mao amd 430.0. for iite:e. Cbeeee Him at ISCone. ur 3 r Goods Markets Nett. Vontr, Nov IS—The following are the ountortnos at the Dry Go.os Fcrhnoge: brewer Sheetinet—Standards, 23.11 iledfents, 3i; ?Merril. R. 304; do R, e9xe Bleached Shy., IDl.—That'Sj 410; LOntdale. 111;4 Jonitte hillls, 44 Inch. 46e. Prints—Creams. vniqn; Allan's 2.114.; cakolg. Us. th . lensee—hismtton Ste. Ttekt !ache., AA, One; Everett, tee; ritrloe.—ftay maker. tie- ' .Winthrop, Ulna. Denial. lb Roma. ker, t9i.ce; Roar on blaisrlastririne Co, sae. Jenne—Pepperell. idol Plausokeas 111 . 1% Brown llrins—ntandards. tie; Wynt,.ro r ion, Ca-ton 13 . 4 . 134,-- Ovet'arrtl. 3 7 ,!'n: Sunni_ ,k Ord bricks —Weshltizton. tia Spool Oottors, 111.49;IY111Imantre, 90e. Italmorol Sklrst—Ortimer, fii"3 per do: Ileop tilarts—Dradley'a Iluples. E.- Ilpite. tr9n<Qsl,C.Sper dO2 hoops; rho deauad u good fur Siryer's IYL skirtal Priers. 000 ,c,t ebanmed with moderato demand. he following dispatehes hove boon rooeL•c.l: Cuir.ano. Soy. I.l4—Peinta end aheettriss ere quiet; sod all other good. active.' ST. Loots Nov. LS—Trade moderate. No enrage In pr iors, and buyers are holding hook, even at a ram mi ssion. •• •. _ 130.,AN, Nov. 1/I.The t• firm to-day, Co y c•ferci•r• prtees. The 13fttlret for cotton • 'ethnics onrettled and du!-. There la.• coal de mand f a r other goods. sad • fair busloesa !Wag. Pllll corn PI?, Nov. 15.—The dry good) mfr. ken; Puy era hoIdIOLT off for lower prizes. ,11.-aleen generally very dull. Nov.llaz ., v en•rket is q °let, and pnals u.hanged. Jobbers axe dvitg v. rue twal- One, lor:t.'t, Nov. 15—There la 2 , n5 • dem515.1 fe , e.t.ton sod good,. re. Itoorelalon ore la, 4115 E tbe toromg porrit lolebed. rai ON .16.—TrolO more aces 6 1.N.1 prin. a. So. obteling, Ui S 3. Fro/loco and Trade In New York New 'Vona. NOvimber lb —The early dealing. In railway enatei at nps a board were at steady price; on Western nude, while New ]ors eharu showed llght Iwritot . ement. Al the Stock Na ttier the market 'Wu dull throughout the ea. roc, with some pressure t sellaash stooks: The market Contlnnial neiltatlag end' or/caporal/Yell girt. The ball titres entry their load patient• ly, cod ire hopent the shwa Interval wit' soon be large eo"ugh to enable them to roe tee a round pieta. At tea hoard there was a Omer feeling throuehont call. with a general Improvement In Fprime eepeoLilly_on Pittabargh, Rork Island and ola Warne.- &fief son Me Market was non. on the street. and'floca "Island wane blither. he following were the oloslng p tree at tan r. New T4r) , Pentr.l• 0! { '',%33 ) - Eels, 72)1 . 4'92%; toteenlittrer ices Xylibr,t: 1147,53 ititz Mid:dyne southern, 73-,',;trlf , ;; ots Central /telly. /110137 i Cleveland a., Psttaburgh. fkr , ,; Nock [stud, 't Nerthweitern 33 (WV Northweszeurpreterfedi Gold Is Is moderate demand, fur customs, sad closed at llt' - • Tte Pante ruing. Wald to enema. The eLeam er Java takes about IPPO,PPO gold bte. Gortrrument Meeks are dull cod weak. thug mmeartaibetter thltt postal - day. &Vs hu ltd. proved la eopeequeete of the advance to Loudon. blazer Is without Change . Tim demand oh call 1 . mamma. hhdltadlly met at 3 per cent Cincinnati Market INNATI, NOl, 111.—Procx—yalet and prteaq are without material change: sui , ordcm is 1.14 at $111 , 07,15; extra atst 3,73.1er. new mad itaira,Bo for cod, and familyaad rano, • at-ea,W un AI —Wheal dull at Tor old" red and roe new. ucen wawlvat 614Sie for old ear and alselloit: Oats la goad demand at 40tiSto to the elevator. fife dreg at 3.53 e for prictei Barley =changed nod plea rhibilaxl. Cinawsaixs—aiulet. 1V war xx—ls 'good demander Vial for new and la a 3 for old. aoyistoirahetoliai been ao material ChakTe to the market fOr provltionr, citp Sagas Pork is herd at IMP; hew 'ls offered at pi without end. ourena biotaing dolma , in trete moats, Owine tollie warm weather. Balk meats are hold at $lO GiS for ahouldeta eau eider. Bann at iTKVItaII (09 and 2102i30 fo- ahouldere, ablet at ate., Wes. Lard dull at lire for prime. Weather clear. Thermometer,Bd deg. PICIV York Stock and Money Market, Naw Yong. Nov. 13...—M-sney active and stesiy M 7 per sout. Eterll24 arm, at tOPAi fp to). o aid wtthoUt Ti•terlal chs 'ph openide at tJtta, ad rant•log to 117 , g, and ciosLog at The total export ef spade to•Jav Amount to *WM. Oar ernment stocks are wahoni eleeld-rd ch.inge. Fes Letts to Livorno-11 doll, bat without 11ia:41.12d chug, stocks stomp: F. S. r's, .70rs eotioens, 904;740 , 11 2d se.riis., "GM; Mariposa. 'I.7X; N. Y Central, 07; Erie, treadlog, 11414,, ariebizact Southern, tia (Jolo*go and Northwaigern, Pittsburgh, 1117,',1 Northwestern preferred, 6si Quincy, Ila i; Fort Wayne, 10.1.%'. _ Chicago Market. - • Cmg.t,c,o, tigsemba 16,,..PL0Ca7P,211. - 0 ttsazi , -. Wheal 110c1;1 ,- ;No.,' I g1.A.M121,47, t.Oor. II no, &tut eilvanctil 2c.: mei it rsocipsa for No. I, and 621465310 (Wl°. 2. Oats qu/ct at 290 "Sfs - 2-st ' for No 2, PoorlStoa. k lei Ii tux won es • • s 4 • Ustsco-27.4.6011 DSOS.. 34,00 hush. of Wheat, 37,C00 bash: Cc. , 1444 . 41 t , t5• sill I' 111 :7T8 — i5.000 WA./ klour; 6; 4 : 4 Wheat 77,0C0 Lush. Mt& - Plalactelphla Blarket. r,.,LA 0 • r 111 A. NO14" root, or 4-71 rm: ()rude, 163.:a; Reflood la Bond, Weald. rree, 7j fleet—Dull; iuperene at 5945 50; extra, n 9,75 42 .5 . GRAlN—Wheat quiet and generally not , aged. Corn am:ye/low, No:flcw do 8111350. • - yonx--Dull at Pt for meu. Lard WA J. —, —Steady ;Pconaytranna at 111,45; Onto sEil Mprdival Market MONTREAL, Nov 13.—Tha market tr 4111 and ' , rely little doting Lona—SUper ezni $7.1008; extra : Cs 7 Sol do cr $llOl,lO. eanal, ne 2criNt,nsl o,tesda wheat, n 0,25.30,90; wentern. ne,n78645. nnas—Nnest.. Usunds ad wertern.N,24lX. 0M5320.13:1. Bliley dull. /11 "9" •, 7 4 ..rgF: "'"' Ba s il° - • ItureAuS. Nou.l4,—er.onn q aI:MAU uniathged. Cu.rlW—Wbeerdull and held Ntilwatikentipfilng at $1,70; No. 21 $1.661 Chicago Sprtn: , *1.33; No. 1 $1,63; 'White Canada. C. 44301,31... Ontrt.. drittrr, ,eloring at Ile for No. I mixed ! Onts "inlet. Dar :ltieutuads, SI 01, NTC 2 .7:14 . ":".; ". :5, -- • - osltzu 0, N0v..2.1 , -routpottathaagestit .Str for 18pl1ag, 1111460_Wtttio s¢4 $0,63., for XX. • I alaut,Whist Milt quiet. Barter dta. but inas oga4; 0410101414.... axe *Coln . AC Farloars —Caul frelette rteady. J Milwaukee ittarker ' ' nutm.onxit- Nstrnotfer 14 , 41.0 rm s'lltar t deal -Pr etalten at gmagi,e. Hl:crams-45w gis foam; ef,003 ba wheat. flatalLtailtn4 / BCO bala Zotutl7,ooobn artatac, TOlO4O Martat." Tatra% ttrflab .4 3 inntat Seennene; / ifit Ataaarltattttagn: Sloe; / K, - Vant atellaykluptal" at As. .oata ItuLt:"M " tilit;a:aa 4a 0 4 Wheat to o Bt.NI Us 'Owego. .4 Toronto Marke inetsslAsSa, toiimia, tare. so ti spoon Irnef. • Ali..xpoosso • • tba atat eta, pologia:ad Ch'raga Live Ntock 1:Zor.11—TIle rtbeipia. of cattle yes terday: were 1141 shit a11rA4,184. The receipts this morning are light. Swie• ere mode ta scorningoi w at prices rangtog feh E.p,..k atarn td t 0 for second-class steers:: inferior gredes are neglected, while there la a good itemant for good fat cattle. The reselpte of hogs' yes:646ly sere 1.02 Z; ship. meats, .St. Trwmactione have been light, but frilly tonal the offerings. ttSles were m sile this morning at prices rsogihg from 3t0,71 for light hogs to $11, , 5 for a good lot of slisittly uneven hogs. Prices are steady. sates.orsbeerrwern made this morning at priers ranging from 66,40 to $6,,5010t felt to raeivv. Then is acute ineitdry today (errand sheep. RIVER NEWS Motrre. . .. Yarkerabcr.s.., thylnl-- - Louis. __..Than Forest City—flordorig..—:Parlde raburn rOaTe T. • /11 1,8 / 2 ..WCZT11144 The ricer Tres still drying up slowly yesterday, The Forest City come up, drawing three and * half feet, and reported three:feet ten inthes oil Glass House. Business at tlj arbor( MIS rather dull. The weather alttoonrgh , 6ll,7 woe dnrir and the smoke being to henry manes - over the city. The Forest City eater ut . e,:yesterillny morning from Parkersburg, n'nd left yesterday oa her return trip to the soma 141rrt. The America left for St. t.. 41; ye,trrd,,,y mom_ log am loon en the feg tele, hart yang out a splen did lohd. and also, haring a ere , l bairn barge to ton. The America and fltatrio ;we_ adverllaed to trove St. I.oula on Tuesday, the t ith inst. the Rover hasbig trip Of iron engaged up TentlClrfee Ire, If she cantlpt *et up Cumber. land river, oho rent ptOcco: ',llltmcliet.l7 up the Tennessee. antre-c.lilp her piesent trip by rail, from Johnsonville to Nrishrille. 1t e ltays.rd.Capi. Geo. 11. :Moor e , with m oo j o i Moore, Lan., • leek. will by fopncl et the lan'ag. •Ibis morning, If the fog permit, St - trill Leave on her rotor.. trip to Parkciqhurr, ter-day at II &cloth a. In. The Revenue. I . apt. Rutiell, trill Irate this inorning at It o'elort: for I.ou.liville ant? CincLM 24r. It n.. 1 ,1. List is bee nierk. The l.t nett. is recei v : , :ear Orleans freight, and will irave ns soot.. her 1011.1 is completed The Leonidas, Capt. M. A. .0.. Is Odin.- up with freicht, and will leave on Priilay or Satufday for St. Louie. She to a large, and rooray.boatt, and lam moat excellent tketoolUtOttatiOttt tor pa. stingers. Capt, COX Is one of Our oldest andmost experienced steitrabostrcen. and with 'Kr. Fatter her accomplished clerk, eimeotltelp to make the trip agreeable,. The Fort Pitt .11,1 net go to Oireola its stated in yesi eribly is riper, but wept Cipitotihg up Dearer et, or. and will probably solit the oil reg,lons be fore her ref urn. The Ca melts, Cup:., Jeoor 50.r0 Is re , riving, freight ter St. Louis and leave at an early day. She has splendid necommOdntleha for Pas sengers, and every thing that coat be done for the comfort of p..sengess, will be done. The river is fatitttq at St. Louie at the to of about throe !Inches per day. Cumberland ricer . was Improving sitiaily. The tipper Mississippi. IllhisoUtl. Illinois, and In fact m.ll of the upper rivers on. falling' There are aiiven feet in the elm noel tram:llt. Louie to Cairn, xndalx feet from St. Loolato Keokuk- In the Tennessee them are four feet to aohn...nslile, and thirty Inches at Eastport.. ST.E.A.VIEO4.IS GOB ST. L43.llB.—The light r 41rangb t pawl= ateames 0101 - ••••'.• LIA, J CIA lizus,tisateras now receipt:is h . auct t lor t Loafs, low *lll !care 04 SATURDAY 01111 MG, at 10 o'clock. - Sat tralgtit or pawing: apply cm board. FOR ALIPAt put. AtE3IPHIS AND ,NEW ORLRLINS.—Tba Ina pa - mom Reamer MARIETTA, Capt. A. Hons. sou, Cert. mall Rave Am above ow , SATITISDAY, tB.k tort., at 4 p.m. For tretztt or ormairo. opt on board, or to M JOHN AC • toll J. D. cni.LEN *opt', 1 Agent 4. LOU 'CAU3O AND ST. . ...4 LOG- L..-1 new act:net LEONIDAS. Cart M. A. Cox w111.4t ale as aboVe. ' at 4 p. to; .. For tretgld or passe_kge apply ntt board or to J. D. COLLIS. GWOOD. t 3.14 JOHN FLICK..-. Agents. .-.-- RUH WILIABLINU. Melilla ,. T.b..PABH FIZAUILTIO sod all to-, termeillate ports. , Tbe mitt aLk,rheel patzenger steamer, 38.E%-"Z.Pe.PtSa. George D. Moore, Master Leaves PITTSBM/4/1 PIM PA nrerxsauno every blonds) , and Thursday,_ at 11 Weimar. 4. IL Leaves WILEELING YOB PASSER 3111.1x0 every Monday and Ttursday at pn'elock P. x. ==E! .. • • • . Leaver PARKERSBURG FOR PITTSBURGH every Tuesday and Fru:sh r ug H. Leaves MARIETTA FOR - PITTSBURGH every Tuesday aria - Friday, nt nio'clock e. sr. Leaver WHEELING FOR , PITTSBURGH every Wednesday anlSatriedayat 7 a. at. For height or Paganat apply on. board ofto JAMES LOLLENS.R. OM. AVID*. p . EGULAR PiC(IIEEET 'FO R WHEELING, MAISIETTA: AVIS . ZAbillnflaLLE.—Thenne new relearns: 7 .Eß/. ORAKAIR, rapt. c..*Bs br&s. WIU /Min for the above and all Intermediate poiti.r.enßY TOM'S DAI, " t m.ttnrsdng, Waver Zanesville EVERY kll DAY. at a. m. For freight or pausal, apply ad hoard or to J. D. COLT.IN(IWOOD, 0010 JOHN FLAME tAgeatL S. VOR. CaIiCINNATI LOUIS- trq 4 1: V ILLE.—Tho Ilan plummet iteaa, tm!gta sr St:VENUE. Capt. F. T. RIMMILC., Will larva as shorn, on This LAY .tht at a p.m. 3. D. son JO edLINGW9cw, /1N FLL C g FOUNDItLES. THE • FORT PITT FOUNDRY. CHARLES liiNAP NEPHEWS, aaazoseoznnaaeo, HEAVY ORDNANCE AND ALL HINDS Or szcastAL - vris cf4Lf9txxvcs-41. spccial attention paid la ROLLING MILL cmnic. BLAST MACIIINtRI ANIIRETORTS. REPAIRS attended to promptlL es lannattgole, the but ntaterlals wall - always be nava at Gam FOllllO/7. no-1-syd FITTEIBUREM F9IINDRy latrlS Z. mantraps! A. GARRISON & CO. (sueo.... to Sollreati . , Garrison, dt. C 0.,) FOUNDERS AND IR.AOBINISM Manufacturers of Boller/ of all sizes, tor Iron, Steel, Brass, Zino, Copper, Silver Gobi Straw Boards, Paper and India ',RubberWorks also, Bolling - PIM Castings of all deettriptlons„ Itark.Mills, Patent Double brinier, with a yule. y of other patterns,'alwaya on rand and fitted to oder on short notice and favorable terms, Case nd Wareboosa, ire Smithfield atinot, Bittaburgl6 ferny • PENN 1 1ACHINZ WORE'S AND FOUNDRY. -11. WIGHTWAN I.:NCMITE BUILDER. AND MACII/15.15T, /axons, asuraT, between. Federal amt Satclum Astatouttar they, PA. Manufacturer of WI MAN'S PATT,MI PORTABLE asarmAnso STEAM EM GINTS, Shafting, Pulleys, tn. Repairing OAR ktuda attended tO .; . !ems, JOHN REBROir it, Ca, Btcrivo r'' Curers ANDiRONTOUNtiERs, 0111ce and Bala itounns, ' ' , refs No. vs raNtEty pLT3IBING, GAB AND STRATI ITF In all lti brspepss esseloily atteasd to DO expo• rienerd sad ptaalral moaolog• tirls OolOtto mesa of GA in t3 FirliatErs, , 4TH ST.T.OWa WATER. OLOSEti -.WlDltstmas: Osastualy on hind itta ista:. o to Ottles. 7r/E -' 44 , SiinlE, . as FEDERAL sntErr — . Aliet;eny And 227 LIBE &TT STBZE; Pittsburgh, rabliaavdin O — ROCkSW.BS. 1352logibtadi Fair to - Prime tilbi 6tAg ar tO • “ " P. B.: leiterces 110 bass Rlo Coffee. 109 half sheets Imperial sortYouaiiiyunt Teas et- Colons' Teat.. '- 110 barrels oboist, P . ll, VC Wawa. ss . 0. 000 Syrop.- AITIVIIIg Wafts Bala b _ - FLISELP,AMDM SRO,* Car , . aes - . and in. 14betty attest JZ101M1C L ENZ1M.................0.arENNT lOW JOSEPH 301=4 480 N. ffitimfactanai in a Pgratta t tit i alMi t agna sum the ttsys za Vndi a amaartaboni OtPADCM AND P la Ira/. nut and MatninT,SlSDatrown gad aransutai ogual fundicsalKA Immo en okmal hewed uffib t esuamma odu .sent tartaaabb ALEx. We , . WI Fond orew,lttbitwati v rWf acres Ty aau kilaulzwqsa. aLovitrkaw aarfptiOa Of VOWS f0213.1d, kfiiingis di! 1 411 11 1411 Cirrlasei Blouxsens—Rar..DavttSerr D.D .W. W. JIM, D4.abous plias tbsq. E3BlTitor D AN 1000 NEWSIIABES PITTTORK OIL' CO .=roil aim.% Indumag the dtrlillead stow WU te7l elAsp ‘ m pusy man akonar.: 23 ; Kora= fr GOVtRNIIIZENT SALES. ',V11,. RUB OF entEattroadrropirty. • DTIRVICIIN air Tam TLV•131319 } • . . . ?rya onto; -B.2attresat RAILROAD,. [VIM - . Oct. mat, iSa at • • blto Acctiartroo ii , ivetabar I i• a foot of Poplar *treat, St./.0,21,, Gft , ltV•ft inirra Wel be so t ' ll t 1 E 63 . at_ San . _ ft. 41.413 E. On learembler .c.stri, lass, at Um yard Cl trailef fersonsills nilturas Company, Jeffereoarille. Z. illana, -, ... Ant P1:63',..Q.t.r,5, ai:A.GE t . rr. 63412(011 On frovembeeirrta, oat, at Latticellls; E !It ear Wheel.. : -.i 43 Prs, Writels A ye 21 . 1 old Ailell4 1 • 1 Tender, t,Smake Stack ,. 1, 1 ET t to 21, 1 , 0 k, I Pelt Detreis. , • 1 4Sp I Parallel /4, I Ball an trams, . 4 Hand Carr H Truck Oars, , . If /mut& Of Scrap Iron. Oa December i5t,1,45, at alempbir, Sena the entire- stock or the U.S. 211111tary .B.Mlroa3Su re plies remainipg on band,at Utat place, coaliau.s in pietas folMws: (8o) ElshryEns f molted Iron. - - f Elatio It dr ed Lana Scrap lron. (15) Elglit t &storied Steel. 01 Una tool/ULM Ct. And a geaerat'samatraenl of small Storey, milt gala foe raliroatlL ._. . ~. . , On Deceraber Iltb. ISM, la rfaebrille, Team., the aou re .Lock of herr and serriamalc Stores of the r. s. =Miry Ratiread remaining On hand.nt the Llsmeral Supply . StOre,ron*Lttiltit Irt pan ."110.i . low.: aI,COO Terenty thOnsiad Axe;' ` I,ota Ton, aged bar Iron, 111. ots. %bd. &nee. o ZElgnly tel Balser and 'Tank iron, unkly-tivii tubs &meted Steel, ono Thee titnadred lona Sc.-ap Iron, wrought and rag, 25,00 Twenty-ht . * thotrtalai pounds &Vat Bran Caning:: Gar Pipe, 1 'treating StOrts, . bra./ ripe, 1 !Gas Flatilrar oral/ klada Span; ttaoticre, 10110 mm, Shovela, i ; Maar tloeltiot every de- Halehets, antiptina. Nuts, 'tile,* Valves, all al ea. Vtaillarta, ern:mitt and . else., Lining a, Tampi n g caat, Darr, NCI. and Spike , .Iron, and Copper Finis Alginate, , and Haan _ Sag'. GI.. gur Piont,l Sheet topper ant B ra of all hinds, I ell *LC I and •Bopa, of all ltallroad Lampa,l thanking Stores and Fla, Mocks, Tinkle &Snatch. tures, I Kelly'a Beam Liebea. __ _ - - Full Setts of k:appenters, Blacksmith. andOgall. Clare Tool., Rohner ear sprints. Benin Swa t nod Leather, Files, Butts and Screws, Tinware at.ll !Inds; -a d • almost ets.rp. article snilata. for Railroad ope st.ons, all of tno tarp bestanti . .. lit - , Also, (I) Three tarp Ilona Stevens . . B .Bus. Mantra (2) Tao Plan sellers kilo. til Onp Bolt C. ter and I tie'. (Tatter, Qed.l-11, • - 810 flanufsetuse. (I) One Axle cation' Lsthe, Warn. at.-Villinsg. ..) Yon Blower., (nalinitl.) • ' it/ tam Upright, AZighte., 8 Lone pewea (11 v Oce Trip Hainmer and Enloe,se, (2 One Broom. a Sitant•Hananten - (I use Sailers , !Sewn Liasonter. ill also he SUM at the - same time a taupe amount or Serlealsla and seeond- band Tool. s 1 alhiand consisting of : Carpenter's Too/ .. ' -Wheel orlant's Tools. - El/mkt:DlM's T 001... . • - Idantrinisrs Tool,. Stove. owl Pthe,.llope.C72taina........,'Atta- a TERMS CASH. ' Y . GOVBRNMRST._. POMO& Oetalognes of o eiato riala to 1.0 midis OW.- sine can boobs .by appliostion.B.Oaol. S.S. Han ill, A. Q. 01 ., ad of tnst at Mosephisionap pllcation 10 Cant, olds Parka, A._Qt,a4 - TOIL attention . t d ealer and Raißoad 001139 a• nit a Is pattleulatlg Invited Co thla esia Sales will COUUnenCe at II coriceßta. 8.. 01411.1.1 t -day. and continne)f daily. until all the_peopietg.i. disposed of. l' - F. 3; lIRILLY-; noedd • t Oapt-and. A. 12, iff.: IT-'B. A. 7ERDII,FEPir HALE oil STORES. Orelda Dv itesvrAltit Ssons Frrkskaang, , Nov. WAKE Will be sold at public Sale. Co the , neat bid der, at tlis Fair Cladunds, on pentialtroat, Wind- DA Y, Nosstldres - g1eK1646,.. - Salts.conanasaczg at 10 o'clock, A. X., Ilse following condo zoned. clatk• tag and Comp and Benison Eqolpagforiz: 129 cap:Latter% a Forar cape, 048 Pradobella -• so Cross eastsdn, • U Uniform prlvatsaCoats. e Wokatalasoldw, - 11, . • Trowsas, Infantry, 6 Trowseta, SS Flumel Sub Celts, 0.. Flannel &Vas, 1: paws Drawees, .2.l.ontra-Btorklags, 24 Great Colts a Us Ws:tar-proof Poncho., 076 Groat Boat Straps • 472 United State. Ileangets, a Zautwe Jackets, a Zonave Gans, 1 Epuase Cloak, 112 LlSl,Eacks, single, • sd Pr; Knapsack., 2cl Ilaetreadee, Z..S Canteens, • sz Anis, 44 Axel Halves. • Contpliettle, 25 Oxon Hatcher, 25Batiks* Bandles Rec luting Flags, o • do ffilllardi, if.= Co/ors, Ilorgital Flag, • bruans I Drum Head Batter. do , do Snare., Dengl Snap. 9 PahaDrum Sticks, txtun Vase& 61 Wail Testa. to Wait Teas pus., 41 Bet Wall Tent roles 238 coi Sllca Tent. foal set t axman Teat-Poles, I TI4 Pairs et. ' Ef • 46 do do Headies t Boa KAI Tents, ad dol do Meg, 75 do: do Poles at: dor do Pins, hags tad do, —do do . • 12 WWI Tent Fins, large, 1 Colo. Belt an. Soaks;, e Stereos Taut Folds, • 16134 Tent., 4 .1) ,, Abr4 4 LS F. 1.7. Stings ten= oaa/k, Gate:amen fendeL ' E, LIIBILB,. •ri Militant Store KA epee." fiIINAL BALES' OF GoyEßlyaTEli — T.. HORSES. AND - 110.4.3... , Qtauramitas OZYEILAL'a Ociwww., WA Mini or. D. C.. Oct. 29th 1 8:Pr.f' Will. be sold at puo auction during the month of November, to the ri trightut bidder, at the time mud places named.,l below'. vl3: ' • 4• ORR. New York City—TU T DA.Y of cub week, tog 5.11.0...13 each day, Ic.. PENN. SY/NA:LIU_ Pldladelphti, Pa---ITHLTESDAY, November. It, 0, le, and 23, 100 11.08.51 each day. • Harrisburg, Pa.—T=Y of taco week,- 140 MULES tack day. ' • Harrisburgh, re,— DAY, November 2,4, IG, and 23, ito mact: day. • • iumbittilesbarn Notpaber lOC HORSES. L All H e.n aus town,P.2.--WW.DN'ESD.r,;, November ty Es. Pottsville, Pa-,..rpIDA.Y. Nor - amber 11, 1 0 0 HORSES. Cheater. Delawaretounth4n.—li'EDlVESDAY, November 22, 100.110ESES, Titusville, Pa. THURSDAY, November. 10, 109 • HORSES. Titusville, Po. URSDAY, November 10, 10:1 HORSES. • ORSDAY- and FRIDAY November 23 and 24, iiod -- 3. each dal. DE:ta WARE- Wiltedngton. t_Del..-t-TIIIkiDAY of each week • 100.110ESIZ inch tio.S-, Wilmington, DeIe:...PBEDAY of each; week, 100 MOLLS each:lay: MARYLAND. Baltimore, 1114.--.S7EDNIDAY, September , int) HORris., • BaItI`more...2Id.—WEDNESDAY, September 22, 100 1101ISFS. I GIESBORO. D. C. 1 utzDATS sal TIC : IMAYS of each week, 100 HORSES Paili - ' NO l,v • s. WILL TAItE PLACE AT' WASHINGTON: At this aeries of Isles all the Govevuthent mall will be disposed'of. Buyersabould therefore •'• avail themselves of ttlis last opportunity:to. put. For enioo of public linimals in the .1 1 ffest e see tidal Western newspaper". Animabtwitt be sold wavy. • Sales tereotom cow it 10 a. m. each day. Tema—ca2. 4 .u, in United sU:tee - Curren:it: JAMES A. :MTh, - Spey. Mtg. Gen. In charge First Div. lEitt.ll. 0. oat:taa9.9. IMMIiMi on tai Carpi , i'./ostitis.ilar or Santis atoll - ' - WarittAGTOX, 2). O. NOV. 9;190. Sealed propossm,ln DIIPLIOWrIt; IC/11 bared Ir. edby the undersigned', Lath!. efts , . until it o'clock X.; TtlE.Sl , AY, tee% for the patches of '' Five Et Bred Bead of •Beef. Cattle. 1 , . The Cattle rely ti ',seen at any time begmetht • 1 ~ .. of ude, cc the Udyernmens Cattle Yard. In °. ~...d [ , . - • "•.-.„... ~` ' .UL he:mewed for the Cattle /a lots of 41/ ' ...... • the bidgitsrlog the priv il ege of ob eTe oath; - ' 'ear each CUM as he - may wish tainted as a. ' , ut Co =points for eressanatber -. td purchase—l. CM:adored. - than dye will be • Ni 11 .%! i nhered from 0311t0 MM. The classes aryls I, for a Oren number of and where bids are -.., - rill be designated by the each clams. the Cattle 1. - --- ' ' • °Meer La charge. „1.._ --are made, will be re. Patties, to woo& *Warta' . ttrahhe , ..l atone) , - dulled to clepotis pereont. et . At the time the bid ls apted , - - ' l, by the tinder. &salt proposals will , be :crash*. nettles who signed. 210 MO Will plum:erred trori +belt otot. have heretofore fetbialcreomply Ruh, . treats with- theCloyerament:. a - , .'ttaer ~ All of the not di..p mad et la Menu.' "CO ii iii b. i n ps suAiretioni el the gboinmwmredA. 1 at it Weleek. a X. onWedattiley,..tbe =deur/P.. nointd , • A.. ..: - eiot - antt tts..-u. s. ...- -.., , . 1 4,. ; e clOy_'&l32sill:ENT: ALE :-. - • - -,--', ~' . _ , tatellSlTl3.B of...gottlets..- .. , wiabeiteDratatalita , Ittliettedicat Pavel; iit's Warebtoum No. A ket 4;144 Niurrins, : V'eart - w an- FlBTUElinfi ermal 21 4, 1 1 4 3 i,x; icrelectl, A. x.,, 3 : --.- - [......., 1. ..._ i411:110.1 . _ . ....,..• . 7. ------: . , ) , • :, f t , si' .4 4 - gri-ritellidieri . ,, : Atm A:V.IU 3unuet.s - atik:lseply littaii• l / 4 .iiiitirzio. - OCkskolues nassr be lid ea patnaten. -.., ...f . -.. TiLEiV Sztiteiliii4 BaTeroloacl. tr; S, !. atal4tet- •-- -• . - edlzal Purveyor. If: 3.: '' • • • . , • ._ . . _ O cr,mof.ol74.:Otouisi--4R au"patttmr . . . aEltrarralS:rA uk Tk fi arMs t a d l e :, Grass :11111-otatik E t a Houjiaar of alj y .111auarasi A. . Ilrge.stakara!' pander.d tar .frila...Wanlaaale a? s tl . sr. Oa. ; await rains, arEatig Air z 3 8C Otatrasr 'by •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers