nuzacrizo_sx 3111 ' . 1 4 l ing ILSOCIATION .` r4.Ci1 1 286 41;N0 - YitMa 3 B ll - 4.lrer sale. To-rat, Lou, Workii.d. rouse, Boarittar, inserted - appropriate headliags, on this pare, at -MTSFCE 3 CI!-P,ltat. trieortion. „ SOUTH CAROLINA SLAVE CODE, great ader4l4de in come of the pa pen over the ratification of the Constitu paaliszamlpeul,abilsitinirAsKorY Nut . 6D lAPV lll 4,LegLegurei . audit that body were acting in -good faith, and were - at all likely to follow the ratification 1;1 , legislation conceived In the spirit of this" amendment, there would be good cause of. Tejma - gpver ttS d.kSpoSed toViiiit 'you fiir noth- The Into spirit of these partially recon structed rebels lift, be found in their lochP legislation resPecilng the freedmen, and if. ,t.lar-auth Carelina-Legfelaturr, while it . "' Wallies the--Coiditittitional -antendnierit,' adopts a black code practically re.ostab. fishing slaverylri that. State, the ratificre flails to-b enceepteifenlyes - Schdap \3con cession, which, that body thinks it C4O make without interfer ng with the plans of the masters to retain t eir slaves under a different name and a different system. ,' - '1 i i , l'ilibi 'Mck 6)46- (if south carmine, to which we have referred, which has been framed bra-commission for the present ----, legislatufeCif that State, is the most Infa mous scheme yet begotten of Southern ln , 4 . ' /PAW Cy. :. ;It is it *eclat code for the '.freed blacks, thus reacting them a degraded caste, whdchsencedes. thern 7 notking -and exacts eierything tioixt-them.. , it dace riot allow them to sue or be sued, or to be heard as ~r .:i ltiream; but It, establishes, a system of forced labor, under Which any negro in the • State call he subjected to involuntary sari' I . _._trade for Teats or for life, his children taken froM him and bound out to the same.servi. tilde, the marriage relation sundered, and the lash indicted ad libitu,,,, The differ ence between this; system—and slavery is , - bite only of name.- To show - the wirle.door opened by this code to oppressions of all sorts, me cite the following provision, relative to minors: "Colored children between the ages men tioned [2 and 211-who have neither father nor mother living in the. district in Which they arelottnii; or whose parents are paup era, or unable to afford them a comforta ble maintenance, or whose parents are not teaching there habite - of industry and hon esty, or are persons of notoriously bad uhlracteEr: ei L l_tre jragrantkapr.have been convicted of Infamous offences, and color ed children in all cases where they are in danger ; of moral contamination; may be bound' s apPreritices by the District Judge or one of the magistrates for the aforesaid term." Any man acquainted with the nee of lan guage can see that under this clause any minor In that State, from the age of two years and upwards', can be wrested from its parents and booted !out to compulsory and unpaid labor. The parents, too, can be separated at -will, for it La further enacted that a husband who, in the judgment of the District Judge, fails to maintain his wife and children, shuts iie'bound to service' 'floor year to year, thus leaving every mar• ried couplet° the mercy of 'any judge who may choose to decide that the husband does not properly swaintainhis wife. In addition - to these provisions the Code contains a compiehensive vagrant Act, which shiest aifogiants all Who have not some fixed and known abode; all who havo not ' , lawful" andk!rointable employmen s;" all "iiispicidus" persona; and all of many other descriptions, all of them broad enough *to - Tech:4e, tlinier one Pretext or another, every freedutanize the State. The pithish-, meat for being such a vagrant is a sentence to hard labor on the ;public works or a sale, of the adjudged vagrant's labor to July planter who will buy it. efiPicientice. of the, fteed ___mai-who hires himself on , does not work to snit the fancy .of his ,or her oppressor? , Whip them. • That Is the South Carolina' Ismeely i ,In,,the case , of the.appreutice the la 4 gifeee'the 'master authority "to inflict moderate S!) chastisement, and Impose: reasocablerehtialiat, and recapture him If he depart from his service." In the case of a free laborer, who makes his own con-: tract, the provision i21:118 f 0110543 : 'Fin' any acts or things herein declared tp be.causa for, the discharge of a. servant, oteontraci ni....lhitll . 311 ltit?e,lnitknd of" discharging did servant, the! minder , initY!!; &id - Plain to the District :bilge Of ¬ the Magistrates, -whoesball have power, on being. satisfied • of the mis conduct complained of, to Jolliet on the scr vent such corporeal punishment as is law ful In the army and - nary 'of ,the United States." • /tiny be urged that the lash has been abol • Xelho-ctin-Aet.,_atuay.andnavy of the tailed Siate,Vunt ..geerefore : this penalty does not tecluderthe whip; but theframersof the code Mini so, and the evident Jiitention i; is to idveitinaters and . maglitratee the nu . F,r • timlletkrelnruftholash. ;q . ., long as quchiggiOation parynitod I t is idle 6141 titbit sleVery is afiolished in ontlitepillna r or throw up oar t 7 hats overtits ratification of the Conseil • Vona} AMendment. • ' ARREIBTIV ILDIEUICKN§ tti IR E Ir, 1N We triatihal, our Government has re V bliitednitEgriyithblinwatrtivable enacts ief_Anserlcatit; frr-lieland upea the "„ v i don" cd beteg Fontana. The mere passce simr-of_itleirolyer a cc e p ted by e th , s lab icifirinfelit dr - 'dtitichistve - prod' that a IWri. - Vfacilait; *ha are, netea gmtly sciroiLattrilles.4te the-members of thet.governraont ,be,,.1011 hardly • regard' the proorai iriiicient to warrant PLeA Thefielted Btate6 Goiernment ()well it 1914 dtlzaias .who are caped to !travel abroad to' proteet ihem 4pdmti unwarrantable arrests and seizures, and coritiiiiroieir' . .Yarciidit..o(4iiiutfon from Mr. Anasts might save the English audio r #4l4llrotO ao . - - - ridionbiut figure, as they now do. Tan 2filtlonat Intentgencer suggests, as a friendly solution of ttua Intractable in or =ay oflhe Bentham leaders, • thal - "-Deth spa a certain, degree of egfAr4o - littl'afurmait7:o pth e (moat - I.7iii34ichne iliet4lVPl !I" to Yin_2(1 . 4.102..A recomaiie time On Vie outritil„,qf the Congressional. Mk, which, In one sense, may be cont -'' .0=1305.. a court. of , N;£• coniitilseroll` Of gentlemen, to whom their case, to a certain b.": • eFtent,thtlefunidalyiflarke.'partion of the = public sesttiment,orthe.connt7.4 , ,, , , Uelir thew felloivdoat Mule Pti,Clio&P.PlPFA! , ,oxig-Vaze.tte :tome, - timertatist OF fietxtaity his long One-.4itlatil•tm 4m - belt-vie that Innanclntal , ysasf rill Data ##P l oo:o ll **4 l3 4aCiint3rOctiak itaw'taiiiet•et ilicorit424l6# Afia:6! , ffii23t4; tentkiii*N.glij.kwp.rshici's'ea _Dar4 , tbattabythitknipealnatteiatt , irgefieriiYattall arnuaiatiumbant li-raTiaatall• RPrirefgri4 4 lP9 of tnaoncitenqiniairkilMleill. ativit mioalitou toawtead Alteatinna e./10itsP44.161431thriecv tiatosection. i -.4 1 Z i THE Lo os c holeFalarrevalllng at an' adarnipire ettent-inf Tittranon Vattai, Pa. - HON. PlitEarOil hall!FG. 'The sudden death of ` 3ie eminent and excellent man excites profound regret throughout the country. He has been for a longtime on the public stage, has occu pied many prominent places and for a -long series of years, aridyif has kept his handl, Crean.44,,his mums tutstelned, Jae,: wail an incorruptible man—the Incarnstioit ;of patriotism and ' integrity;,and although= nthexa liaireldetalteer hint 4titifiQual pnblla Man fitllltiti:ioutilify even presented-1 4etil original Democrat and a mama friend of SILAS 7 /1/G1 7 . 7 Jte wps 44 0 Wn In his- earlier ettreei biender3 autlinetliose..irho sup, pertel- . 1 44 1 cal..&entocratic measures; bat when pie NY:taxa Provisoagitation beo l .- he . took: sides itgainettlie party on tbneuee - PPn of [slavery -pAtemion„ united:form ' lug the ! Tree-801l party in 1848, And Ilitrad* ed the first - Rephtoje t i n kraiaituil Conven. • lion, which was-held holzdir tit Y-th 1856. Nms his ialltienca which carried over St.j.7oici&i6, 3 c oun if,:sl3W York, formerly d'etrong den .county, to the Tree 801 l and tier:re:ken side, and 1.13 - has pm alily as Much. as a ny other 'lnn towardi building up the .Reptiblican pally In that State. The following Acts relative to his career wo clip front the T. Fluster, King was born at Ozdensburg; ln She coin ty of St. Lawrence. car the 14. h of Woo . bey. 1800, and entered Union College, where he ~disiiimbis'td him:Orly his s'ulions habits and patriotic indcstry. Re was graduated with how r, and attdied law, and at the bar was ate tleguished Tor sound Jnagment and careful s i lly. Sates Wr gist arly ahrtiugolibia tam 1 , 3- Cis (rhea:Shit,. ' In 1834 he wee chrism to the Assembly from 8.. Lawrence ecrim'y, and-re, eltc:ed three our c, i Ire terms. It was occ of his happlest lieges to n cord Ws vote In 18135 for tas honored friend Mr. Wright for United Siatcs Roaster. In IE3S hi+ tealtt, being itripakrol, ha retired for a season from °Mani lif.±. In 1812 he witiveltctel t iCengreas, a n j sawed by re-cl• clan till 1853. At dlrtsioa of the democratm party ItllB4B Mr. Ki-g ea 1. his for tunes with the Barra urn, ra, taking part In the convention which noddrated Van Buren and Dodge at Utica, and efts, word in the Buffalo Pre. sell Ceivertion. its was alas one of the Cannons sista whose steady ttifusal to vote for a whin dereaorl Robert C. Winthrop for Celli, rasing:4m • azefte. • In lattli . ,Mr. King was a member of the Item State Convention, and belonged to the Committee on Platforms; but repudiated the truckling of the Convention to slavery. The nest year he oat a member of the antl:Nebras- Ka Convention at &tratega, and afterward wilhdren from the Democratic State Ccuvoa tieu at Syracuse when it adopted the Isiebraska policy- lie . always afterward voted with tho Scan party, R 35 Its candidate for Secretary of State LO4Siiii, and was; elected to _ the Senate of the Untied States„fit 1817. •-Thereto served untlllB63, since Which time he has beet In private Ilder,-entll hla.recent appointzneot.toehe Collectorship of this port. Meg, o IT. Those who early rushed to the defense of • t, • - the reatoration policy, and urged us poor radicals net to demand too ineCh of the humbled Southitniers;Whom we writ- trust with miswriting confidence: are growing lei) , sick of the the return they are . receiv ing for their "confidence" in Routh, "Occasional," who during_-the summer was busily engaged,in laying 'Out - this eas lest possible road for the return•of the re bels to power, is now crying out against their repulsive Ingratitude, and the de at them fully justify the incredulity of the radicals as to the sin cerity or depth of Southern repentance, The following from "Occasional's" last /01E4 Is almost bitter enough for TFLAD. STEVENS.. Atter enumerating the many evidences of bad faith on the part of the South, and referring to the recent demand of the North Carolina 'delegation upon the President fey the abrogation of the Con gressiohal ttst oath, he says: Yet, yen while Ibis &lased was made upon tl e Government, the voter. of North Carolina ere putting the most stinelog slight unon-the enident by voting dorm this same Mr. Holder. the Unlorresudidate for Governor, whose elec ton the Prcsident 'bad FO:mtiell at heart, and by putting to over his head -toe champion of the payment of the rebel war debt. Tee com ment 000. the petition of the /enders to the - President meld not have Lem moreeharacter .lstic. :From these epetimees it will be seta that the dal of Coagrees is made The efforts of- the President to Induce .thejebel-chlets to accept his mild grid generous commekitaienem followed by a newstrielef aggressions and ba salts_ What they. c, have deroe..ny accordance with his repeated laracadons Ws 'bent coldly and reluctantly deny. and with a spirit lostiect with the Idea that tremes's/Ls no crime, bat ratter an honorable schlevetnent. w. very eml nett rebel; 'Who has , seen and noted these bad Mena in the flion.h, remarked, a few days ego: "I-know that.themen who ate ' .aunty of these Proceedings felt.fas 'bey fought against the Gov ernment, thatif they were defogged they lost everythlng. ' and-, ttat even their Ilene were forfeited fa: the national • authority. They - would: bare; - beets - grateful last 'Ms/ to be permitted. to Dahl. Now • a kindness hairreibleditintrger appetite, and they' Will "fight - for' everything, they went to war to win." thank a loyal people that we bare a ilfm, and resoluta and trefearleo Congress, who will protect the flepnbllc agalust the new rebellion. It is not pleasant to write In such eoirit; but It would be folly to deny that these manifestations Of bad faith have diseonr aged,if they have not wholly destroyed the bo lief that lienrotts treatment to the .rebullious seeik*,aafaa tbn best policy. The lamelectlons preye; two things ermelusively; first, That the overwhelming majority of the people of thts country are rezoired:lbat all the vestfges and." reed ofthe late rebellion shall , be 'forever de steeped; and, second, That , the elements that defesiedthe lesurgents In the held. and rms. teleedahe clriP - authorities in executing the laws, lea' state . of unparalleled warfare, can 'ad minister the Government and protect all thei loyal people of the country without. the ,pid wed in,ltylanee of disaffected men or minorities, re TILIT Myra i.e. - BOILEJR EXPLOSIONS, xr..1 . 1 - oni• , 4.siorrxx:—Fr OM reading the re. ieva6neyemeloyed to 1-ivesLigate the eityWoraefiitara boilers, I would pr.anottnee theni,to be about tit wlseorithc subject of Gleam ni the man who,-.when salted irb al was atcatur , 'Emitted, "why steam Is steeMi sure, what elm can 4 her , ' Oarralt tairbleiY, that I have been conversant with steam works from my boyhood, (seventy odd feam;)'liolii high and low pressure, end, have had engines under my supervision for years.„ 1 have bad high weetuve ' balers,' carrying, a .pressare of from City to sixty pottnds 1.0 the lath 'itigularly. level had' n eiplesloit, or feared any. I hyi3 lied !milers Ivrat from bpagyeldjb.r.;.ttiii,dx terial.tetiou o 1 ffrO, to the..Oiliness...4 Raper. but no tantosion;_only the water ranting out and-I utilnip li t tb c ace, nothing Minn: .'; ',From niY lede f experience, I- tearlessly 1 , 7 ,- notmez titiPttt.,%,34o expl o de boiler, propi: erl Y. o PP iled. "" l .tti'i”sav, and the safety valve, firoßeekdorl, IgnOTlgicei 'incompaillif Or carcicsalleler :ere le axcaitso of an exilic - alone by steam !libellers. 7 , 1 defy any person explode a boiler by steam,lf the soppy of water by unkicat. , and the safely valve In proper ordte.,-Ilydrauffe presiure wilt ,burst. 444 4,4 ' 7 a bolter hot not explode. - Thirsting and exploding are two very different things. I could say a good deal more on this highl y Important anPlentr,blni,ltavo.anid enough for the wise. Engineers, (that is tenders Of ettgitlea,) should Le trained by experience,' like peening of any other profession, lair,. physic, :agriculture or politics. I am sorry tti tlikk-thitale last and steam boilers are not properly attended. to in this ,great stalMibeating, rallway.tnsvoling country as they - ne;ht_ to lee. (I had almostferirtdpolitlcs.) role was always:oi. see - Myself, - that' .1.40 boilers were prepeily supplied with water; and safely-valves alt . rlgily,,and,then-/. had no, fear of expaslonk.".Tien iftlir tender was net eery wise In the matter, / or any one, but saw to the gunge -cocks and safety valves Rival; and never had an explosion. Exernkgrit ; A-t" .482,-wasitried4qldiad ij d la { ae Attin thoPettlisibitihtfliafrrtfartigdpan}-tnat'-of Agi so Q,, • whAehtto chanted adthesaliVitt'hak. gag lost by a amashvon that roar , fils wit nesse:Cottons .00Int the value of tha dr- • ticies - belOglast ctilmm t but. the 'do. Atute-Jalroithned *Adel:fen by, kiln& . of pliO* grapha.of thn plaintltrsidace .or maw s ,' ~ , et t d the te.eihnOny of-theAlstect' trolidetor Intirnallicycnueorhach showed that tke gala tilt watt asscutiEttenierth sciond; hand clothing andottalactocortli.UOCt- The case war dis missed with a verdict for the defendants. Tomas are about forty prisoners in the Brad r°ra--ooratylell, most of them Mai Vecango county ruld ftom the neighborhood of Titusville. Owing to the want of mom, from eight to fifteen Prisoners are coisdned la each cell, and the Sherla i to bp ac d toiresp extra watch ' Men Prirlaj to Prevent their eacapc. —. This State 'of things is to be deplored. The Reiniblican thinks Vsnango coure7 ought to take care of her own criminal , ' . • t-intid„.43.,,twomo Turnita,=-46init two. davit ego Miller prra. Venango County, .and a few at received the following information weeks aince a horse was stolen from hr. Wood, conccr aag the animal: trout: .geode your d--11 (terse till- I was-Sore. I irred the hem boarded at the that white house an the road leading from Centrerillo 4 4 Corry. If Yon thlik it worth while, you can send. for him, pay charges and take him away."' TIIIMISIZ , 0 general 'rejoicing in Huntingdon over prospect of market days In the ancient -borough; The v expect to get a plenty to eat now, withottt • throwing away half a day to hunt ft up. Thant pei , sons were arrested in 311111IMOwn, oneday Last Week, charged with robbing the ticket ofileei:at 31Menstown. TIM Bucks County Itfeltigencer says: The crop of corn In this county, which Is now ACCII ied, iss probably the largest ever raised here. Tun "city : lathe's" of Tyrone hare passed an erdinance.fbrbidding horses and males running at largo with the corporate Huth, of said town. PUBLIC - N - 0 - T - feETS. farTAl` NoTaVE...Persona who have not pato theittletintr, State, City, Poor Boas. ty, Sehool sled Water -Mites, la thy El Munn MAIM, for the year tam, are , torteßed tis cat, at litt. at Beane street,atme Uhfo, Ails. gheny city, and psy them hasuhltstely. Also, all Patera a whahsve not hard th ell School Taaes Is wall yard tot the years 78C1-1 and theta to au bands fat coil euon. Act neon to this nonce I. requested ' nota,M. JOHN RAUSE:Y. memrs nctiooL, bro. ID ISABELLA Ei YItEET, ALIA LUKEN I', near St Walt Street Brides. Young Ladles of ordinar abtlltlea, ateadlug MB '&1104, tonal improve r a pi dly . Lie era t teui is tharougb and Inter - cattily. a he prlacppll declrea •to receive none but curb 111 are etuAlottlan-I log to acquire a SU WV) AfCU PAIL iTE LDI.ICd,. _ Truzia—bit, , Ctars, St Oa per a:math; 21, al 61; rritUDY. $1 00. MUSIC s .pet:nt teacher. Puff!, eau en•er at any wee. VLASSE•S uN 14 1, 1VDAYS.a.ND THURSDAYS. nol0ATLII:11:10:19:4:23 I:gr' 43 Tir:COATR -0-I XEIL SAM ULL ALLINDER to thr City Treasurer's Cifice, et the solici tation ef Ala friend.. trill °Woe hlo•tel( as q Candi. data for the above o Eke, eubj. c; to a cote of the 17nioo panty at their tr y outs., primary election. 0014:ta On . TOIL Op rirrsli tat a 8 A.ll UEL KILGOIIE, Late of the 135th Penturrfranla Voltinteets ants:tits FOB ALtYOII. OdITMIT antes BroVIOILER, Of the Thtnf Itrant,,ALLEGIIEN T. will be • tan. Meat. or Mayer; atileet to a rate of the Union 'rotor. of Allegheny (My, at the ensuing primary election. • nott4 FOB MA TO/1. .1171 .• OAPTAUSI WAL. AMY'S, of tha Strut; Ward, wilt te At:lodides* for PS &YOB, ' , thirst he nomination of: the Union party of the dty of Pittsburgh. to be held guloato Um next arty el.:lo tion. • - mot:dee TUB JILVIOR<Y.-4AuEs DON. ALDSOIS, aldermaa of the Fourth Ward, at the eollettatton of Meads, has consented to al. low on name to be used In ecchecticm with the next3damidty, and will NA a ron , tflate to Wm dt. 'rota of the people, In Ay:vedette° with the reecwaheadatlou ej ttl• but Republisse hltudelpal Coosa:aloft. otadd4 )t'alW! Orotot or Tao .Prrresooon losintarco Co.. November Nth, 18.0. TEE BOARD or DIRECTORS Or TRIS COMPA.= Lure this day declared dlvisleakd of Five Dollars per Share, on , alba pee Ott 01 the past lane manilla, Ire or Ouvernmeitt and state tams, (01 In ea.b, as ta to tea credit 01 Stodt Du[-bIlle,) payable 0 dnaand. Ate meeting of the Board, November ":114 4...110/11l10a pease d the dividend so NOVEMBER AND SLILY Instead of Veen:a -n ens Anrost /Auks COLLARD. Mt:led Searetary. DIVIDEND... PIP.? IfsTlolr.L Ban or •torrotrasir, ALLZORENT, !Rh da , that The Director, ULLA Bova hare this y daolar ad • dividend of FIX E PER CENT.. Parable on PRLDAY. lith, free of Cioxertinient. Tax. (ooihisidi J. &RA DICK. Cashier. ha.TICCIAL }Lac Of P1TT33117181111.11 PillAbr atm. Nor. I, 164.5. TFIB BOARD OF DIRECTORS HAVE e. this day deathred a dividend of TEN PER tIENT. time the eetttletttOuthe Mat to meeths; payable torthwitb. The Potted States ReTentte Ts: well be paid by the Beak. noas ...dater • 13, M. MURRAY. Sealer. Tatar. Salta LL BASIC. PrPentraos, Norehthrr leth.lB4l.L The Birettas' cirri!" Bank Imre MB day dee ed a dthhlead of . , IXEE. CENT. On the Capital S too k free of Government tax, out of teaearl:ands ot the Mot Mx month,, paym. ble ma and atter IdONDAY NEXT, UM MM. aotedord YEE!. B. LTYLIOISTON, Oaah'r. flri - IDEND NOTIO I t.—At a meeting of tits Disectors :of the ALLEGHENY ta &S COMPANY, held Noyezobir Sth, a dividend of •- - - YOUR (43 PER DENT. via/ Ltsolo: ea, out ,of the proMs of the !sat six mouths. ;nimble on aad after Ws loth riolnitl6 J. N.. DAMIISON, Trots surer. 'lnn Unmans' tfariONAT. Naar, PIT7IIIIMIII. Nor. 0,1863. THE DIRECTORS 'OF TEEN BANK have Ms day deelatatt dividend of EIRLIT PER UENT„ (Proof Gorarnment far, out of theproSta of the last Mx months, manta to Eta siookholdees of their legal repfesantatlras, on aml attar the lath , nst. noie"wd 4.3 e. h. Cashier. Oxsuux Wrstnitir Ihannx.was OourANT. Prrivintinan, P 6,1. .B O -•-• RECTORS of this Compan O y AßD ha d a y this day D de- • dividend of TWO .130I.LARS AND FTPTT OENTS npon each share of trio Capital Sto:k, out of tits earned profit. of theleum six months, free of Government and ittate taxes, payable to stook holders on and atter thit Intl inst. ntalisd WM', P. liEttliEitT. Secretary. Becalm liartones Banc or rrrranusan i i Shrnstraan. Nov. Ist, INI2. ri BE DIRECTORS. OP THIS BA I have this day desisted a divhisnd of FITE PEE CENT., Free of Gorernmenttes, out of the profits of the bat Mx months, payable to the stockholders, or their legal representotives , on and alter the 12th inst. (noltlVd) . C. U. E. 1083. Cashier. ~~~:~~i,t~ta 017lelt PITIVELIZOb 111C1.11111AND B. H. 00.1 ..Prrrimannu. Noy. lath. leo. OTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. —T E A• ANNUAL MEWING of the Stoekholden of the Pittabiirgh a Cainelbrrille lifilltoed COMPeer will be held at the Ofittenf the Company. goner' Fetitthiftivitt,lnthatity of Pittaburah, 01 the and MONDAY. ((QUM .dini 91 BMlather neat, at 10„q lota, A.. for ;fle OurPero et ekellng twelrejiireetors for the year. 'NM 11:- PAGE, nole:Balatde4 &Watery and Vomiter. ISE AVNUALAIEETING OF THE SPOOR HOLDERS of eh* PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANDFAOSURINCI COMPANY, wit' be held AA Mar One, No. 112 H. Front street, Phan. delphls, 02 the Seen DAY' Or NOVEMBER; at 12 Wenn, mit= the Emotion of Dtteators forXhe earning narortutnetott other ~busineu mu may , be brought - beton than. noloSted CHAS- LENNIG. Trainmen. Ile ac AZ UAE 317E171 /CG OP 7T-lELE- • THE:PAXTON, ritEo/4EIIII. (30A1PStUt . wilt beheld at the onkel of Robinson, afeelil cen 1: 1 44 - 16 fourth erect; on TUESDAY . Nor. testoit 4 o'clock r. u., for etteeleation of otllcoze tO serre 444 the enrolee jrcar =Caved' Starlet •. NEW ADVERTISIDNIMENTaI• eglilintmaB.-Twent,*, bakrele _Prime Esitem I,lolarated arilabetrietijast . I . o .lited end tot ute by. • J. B. CIANFIELZI, -' 141 Fled areal.. lIPILT-313 tiffft. 2 I box, • Beuivcd a s rim', and kir aal s Ly • -4 1 . 1- 114 t, BAIRD .r. 1 144,‘ , ,, nolO WN . ng 114 - Simond strut &Mail -- flatiourpous; sago, Mine New mum, tem AU 4 vtangc reel, forlpi r = 7"T! TMkß6iiii Iwo • f"-.4411114 or jit , 141 t:',re:Cei lotota* or Trite, • — oil the Grocery Eithro oriole at X , xxes.aaxr7~LFa~~9,a~~a e . TA8LE5...44.841r 4"9141114,:ig 178PArelvdaltri 4 0 maig b 7 the aro or Mosley or 4 .mgosnitt, pisr*t ,P _ o _4ll alter S trawberrrer.P=Plik () reen .apeLti stedosai,Pina 'Fix PIOT COrn ' ':l ;t i d r oirttran trosoilklar /ifIMO VW• 4 O - bigS;ChOlteßytalltri /qua realm AIM for•ule • FE7ZER & ARMSTRONG. noll comm Markit and Rut sts. SODA ASS.—Firty tons Prima Sada -Ash, karreeetrea aid tor sate or J. B. 04.21 VEGA. Firetatteet- A p a s NrrtrnE. reiday Arming, rrqr: 17th, Re 10 O'clock:will be gold. by order o f the qidtatnistot• for of Win. lit Edeai, &mud, at 111. 100, Grant street, tha Stoat of Superior Homo NW rurnittue. A. BIOILWILitiE, novIG Amettoneer. Fj OASES BUGGIES AND 1-1-Gfaiiiit9-8:, wu s t treet: • I GUY Stallion, 8 8 yearaold, draft. 1 Roan Hay Mare, welrbt, 1,330. Horne., 7 " " • 3 Ibne'Butgy Cr Saddle Rome. go od elptigehOrie I Pat, Black - Carriage houses. I Pair Roan Hone,: • a Superior Top Buggies, ar w. I Set Raw Boggy Throes'. I I.areeTwo IV heeled Rend Cart. The Rollie esti be sorb at Young's Stable, Penn street, tear tbe Toll Gate, . oorig a. IIicILITAISTE, aurtloneer . . J 1 115 t FROM TII.E PRESS! RTHIIt MERTON, HELEN MORMON. GUTHEKE ON PARABLES. Wit NDERINOS OVER BIBLE LANDS, BIBLE /3 LFSAINGS. sOUONBERG COTTA FAMILY, EARLY DWN. DIARY OF KITTY T A REVELTAN, Dimly, TUE lIANDSIAID OF TUE tom vtiniftS OP TrUE stioL, LIVES MADE SPBLInIE: Aho FIIOTOURAPH ALBUMS, WiItiLESKLE ANU RETAIL, STAT lONERY. 0016 L READS, Nn. TR Fourth Trivet. THE TWO LARGE Front Rooms or 01aces, NO. 60 FOURTH STREET. ALSO„ A Photograph Gallery LARGE F I :7I2NISHED CELLAR Immtdiso r po”ca.lou giro. Log., eof MclaktElt, GA,ZZ &It & CO., LOU.AI-MOSICTS, AS Grout Street. - °MOS or TRIC 001 - 111.31,1,611 Off AELCOHLIIT CoviorT, PA" 1 . 177111011,0 a. Nev. rith, TO STATIONERS. PRINTERS &,c Scaled Propo.sio oAllto rrcel red at UM 013:. acts •=d Inst, for furnishlog ih • County 73 bl , FluE TAX DUPLICATES lOU roan CuLia.CTION do do do 73 SCHOOL do do do tpllnple. Coo to rack on ..ppro,Aan 110 dirattion Of County l'mocritulooori Gl63itil nEN ELY L.A 3 IBE-Tt c, Uostroller. °Trios or awn Wainer.thr Cara ibhi: Pthronosou, Novenaher 3. , N ° S TOCOEfiIiiiLTD ,XeEoEeriel2llCloOn !net , • "to determine wake her or not an ammo inent thould he levied on the capital stook of sold monyany,. , thalollotelogaetion was had lied dete-othied That an automat of TWENTY CENTS PE 2 SUIRE be hurled on laid stook, turnable ten cants per Chard t entefore the lath dayof the present moat dye December IW, gad Are ceato January ist, 100$. All are hereby notified to pay their reepeotthe swath. siesta 10 the Treamirer of thetiompsoy, at their afire, la Wilkins italloald city. At the meeting a • oretatd, It Woe otheasioutly resolved that the Secretary ha directed to call a meeting of the Stockholders of the Whitely Ureek Oil Cameo:iy at their otibe. oo WEDNESDAY, the LIM that., at a r. W.. for the pniposs of reducing the, capital Moth or laid company. TIIOS. RTEEL , noiliOwd suretary. sralloLE mAefil.NE, TUE CELEBRATED ROC UESTME SHINGLE MAEUISE Is now on Exhibition at the Greet Western Plan tes ALM, blerbury street , Pittsburgh. i his Machine will Menufteture vii,nl9hlngles to ten hours. from herd or soft wood. lo Quality SA they are impeller to the beat band made Shlnee. It will work all klodi of wood thst eon be worked be the hand process, and mock that cannot. It la simple In conetruction and not like ly to ;It out of order; a 1 made of iron or steel and tenelsh. about 1.9 0 0 Sta. It takes but one man to d D. and la eully %Steeled to water, steam or horse power With tha power Of two hoses , Machine will make 1,000 Shingles per hour, from hard or soft wood. - .. • . The pubill Is Invited to esti sad witness Its opperntron, at the ribs re named place, where the Proprietor is In atm:dazes from to Id a. sc., and Ito 4 r. , and Is prepared to receive orders for Steckler. sod Territory for the whole L'alte4 Stares. All eoCll33ll.llCltiOna o.laressed to R F. Vaughan. Pittsburgh. for Ma nett two wealth will hs (wimp t attended lc; attar that ilstW, address hiss at blorbester 11 Y., Box 1001. PittaburgO, Nov. 15, 18G:, F. B. VA.I36IIAN. novlSa 4Gr CIOL. i) ! e choicest gulch of GOLD AND Th SiLYEA IV 61'1.1E1ES, OLOIMJS AND eves . brought to All, ghenv Cite, .0 cow b e seen at the sTCIIII. of T. H. ICLAGES. No. 33 3E . c.clekraal Mere WATRILES of the but manors JEWEL. El of the newest styles, ULOCIES of every der cn_ptlon of bat Amerlerta and French meters. PURE SILVER AND PLATED BOORS; gush aa Forks, Spoon* and Hollow Waft. Bohemian and Fiftieth China and Maas VASES of chancel ankles belonging to ftt _rat • of tura= wh i obwill be soft at great et TiONf Fine Watch And Iftraterwork carefully madaaad repefter.• Hr ;hat yrosepeld for Ohl Warm Don% forget the plane, lig Federal street, Allegheny. ofteityd THE PlTTssunau FIPER HAN ti• = A AUTUMN° COMP . a NY offer for tale 1,300 adla. Crown Wrapping. Paper. 1.000 bdls. A:tedium do. light 1.000 bills. fledtnm 1.000 Wis. D. C. and D. IL do. The, havetlan on hand 1111.0 eottstutly rem! vini from their Parisi KAMILLA PAPER of all crerants shw, HARDWARE, P&PER of all weight.. and laze a s, FEINTS, DIV: and ertall• BATED lIOOFING, to., it. Al: lusLatlttcl AM eLles of PAPER MADE TO °ROAR at the rborttAt notlza, to malt cascomors. symerzti, 1,000 TONE OF GOOD MIXENR44.OB. WAREHOUSE I 83 TIIIRD NTICEET, au.= PITTSBURGH. PA. pItODUCE NOW RHOEIVING AND Ia more: rend lbs. strictly froah 801 l Butter; lOne rbs. Ire.lo MN. Lard. Ia keg.; Iron boxes extra Cream and °oaten Cheese ern dozen Ruh Bus; now lb. . Bunkerbes; blow: 10 be.. Daub ground Cornmeal; 11:0 bbls Woke Fall and Welter ,ApP/111, Oro bus hels mew Dried Ap ple.; 2r4) buebels new Dried Peaches; barrels Sweet Cider; re barrels Older Vleegar; e 0 bustles Chesnut.; 10 bashes Libellberia; 4 ears 14 and laid. Lumber, tun Shingles; 2 can Bark, Far mile by 00020. H. lILDDLE, No. IE7 Llbotty street (9.NR.10.1 , 11d E NTS. lto Dbl., prima lowa Onion DNA. Youbblow Potato, bbla. prime Wtntar ADD too York State Moue "II boxes amber; Muse 28 boxu W. R. do 20. barrels Oranbenint 10 euea Olatello received and for sada at 110 Liberty Must nOll POTTER , AISXN k SIIEPAIVD. T 001 HZIII. A great variety and well selected stock of PICKLES, PEACHES, Azd of CASED FBVITB, for male by JOHN IT. SCOTT, his New arsisl7. 99 .Ltberty et r eurnmiarri TOTHE P I 7I I I4O.—WHEEDIAI3, • AIX' . wife, • Janzolis ten as; bad and board With. Outjust oust. and take= mythic°, shadiest, 04 . vk zgazwell. Maxwell, aid Margaret Maxwell with ber, this is to notify persons not to trust herself or saidebildren on my assonnt, u I will not he responsible for any Gael of their LOntraeting. GEORGE zitezwaLL. acers44t. Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh. REMOVAL. WELLS; RIDDLE a 00.., . • haul removed Matt extaantra WhIV Store sad Parton/ . to No, 145 WOOS $ corner o Virgin they_ ant pmarea to till or otra for LASHES AND SWITOSE WHIMSY at tba/owatt Meal • 11115 1 .... 1"E 4:. A I !I :'•4•e • : :. -Alio, the eels Paton Plenir Sifter. The . ~ on in eveiy nonlehnl4, Theynsve than .riand stoney. 0.11 end examine them it al • buchubbor /repot of J. &H. PHILLIPS, .I 4 1.•• ,••.='; .1 <... . 2 8 and na SG 0141 e street. 6 • PEWNEST. • , : 140X:4 2 X+ • arOZA." • 0. 11 gi WYLIE filittrat • aktaims To mom. +OMR COMM A MODEL FOB OEW IMITENTLONB,I, $ 4 - 160':12 e r MlXEkottioNnosaltroureol ' ll '?' - eriiiiSiidantatOOgiti9llll • to cider's sztort•aotito. CHOICE' NITY pat a r aore Apo% hut of that btead fin We paw.- .7.0 r **kb! ea !ea eCeap (non). - • .T. 6 U..V01,02 • " • ' ' on - Satin a d °rounds. in init variety, at the lowes • eel, at No. 107 Market Orem. • • ell .74/8. iltrour.s & pa% rwThErraGit GAZETTE! ESTABLISHED IN 1786. THE BEST PAPER Western Pennsylvania TWO I'AILY EDITIONS MORNING AND EVENING, TWO WEEKLY EDITIONS WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. THE GAZETTE, For the east:ag year, win be more dener'- hng of the liberal patronage bestoired upon it, than ever beßire. It srill contain a larg- cr amount and greater runty of reading canttu than it has eve! cantaincti hitherto, embracing the latest news by telegraph from all parts of Our world The most Itopurtant events of the day, as recounted la the neweptpers, will be regularly given in a condeated, and interesting form. THE EDITORIAL COLUMN Will contain timely and lzutructiye articico on R wide rarlety of leading toptca, per tabnng to :he great kunen of the day. Tin GAZETTE will con Inne to be an indepen- dent Republican journal, governed In ii course by no party clique, but by the inter este of the whole country. It will advo Gale a firm and just pokey cowards the. Southern States, and will Le ready to allow arm all the privileges of fite rest of 'the State, in the Union, as soon as shay euttew themselves worth} to be entriured with them. It rlil continue to uphold, as la 'lse past, a national policy of protection to. American industry CORRESPONDENC E Froth different points, North and South Ems•. nod Wes•, as well as from Europe will be found In ite celuran3 do agar, THE COMETEECIAL DEPARTMENT Will continue to furnish the most accurate and trustworthy repo rte of the important and growing business transactions of this community. The severs' Harken' will be tegnlarly given, and the qnotallonsof Ptn• duce, ;Cattle. Floe:, Groceries, Ulla, &c., may be relic(' upon u the actual prlce•, hem day to day, thus furnishing a most in cresting and - Taluable feature for all elutes of reader'. Telegraphic quotathms from abroad, In addition to home reports. THE LOCAL DEPARTMENT Will be found unuenal:y full and accurate, containing carefully prepared accounts of everything of public interest going on In Pltteburgh, Allegheny,'and the surround ng boroughs. THE WEEKLY GAZETTE a Issued Wednesdays and Saturday& IL contains the most important reading mat ter from oho Daily, such as thoßorie's, General :and Local Intelligence, and fall reports of the Markets, both at home and abroad. It can !lately bo commended:to the most Interesting and valuable Weakly news paper published in Westran Pennsylvania. Liberal indnoemer,le for clubbing are of fered. u r3E;II..VEO§ nArLT PAPER Edittoo, par iea ,blued. tie 00; do do konth ; do - do -- de2Tero4 23; cos mined 0 111* • do ao •ineeiolearilid lai . „ • • if f iiiiia.PAPEit. •Stngtii cola, pertrefri by mall.' Teri or lime copse,; to one M 0 , 14!tt . i, yd sniffle t 4 O; ......... .itg . - SPA], tutocriptlons tooariabit to odryorph the psp ► ri to W 0444. tol iPtillikdi)r"Ufli AU* am* the* _",l4,4lticittuati:pr„ matt no . reiti44ruic..4d tirotilithiPoo 0.14 , 4 - 04'0 r. 41.13D8155 : . ChtZETTE esqoiyLinoit, • ..,zinsaumasorA. iwr - •••Nfm..i=il;!7'3'M`mq P 4 s• 11 ' ' --- ...tA.a . ..----.7. . tiy_.. , i,:it34l: -,46 f' e - 4 - - 1 . 1 .3.?'-- N w E ~-,44... ..,11.,?,:5.. 11)4 , .... - - i-1 - E 4 ,, ' i 1 .4 ris - Szz% 4.. g v _ , ku i, ~t 1 P: -..: .:44 , 1. 2 zAtt',. 0: "'''' . i24 1.1 'FAP"s'e f`, ''''-' . 5 ' . PI , 51 i, 12 (142411 ° : • g --Ni . ti '' . • - lciza 0 t t :' ..- 0 voi , :ia . 1 . 3 2' . , :b e ! g •.:;tta• - • Ptl• I' - .• i t , l a t 411 .'T1gt.1 4 / 0 , ti =1 tit Sci• fi l. .4a -'.,,, 0 5 a • .....1.1>; N:11 . • C. ) C ° 1:glk osg .., - ',.4 gEN 1 " .1 W„ . gl-.=E. , z c s 6' cb 0 4. '1'0 I- 1 ." z = Z 2°2 0 14 cc :iikli v . 04 ~.4 0. .r. 0. ... _ ...11 Z . _CO r.. 8 2-5 11 i ' l. o e" 2,f,t! 2 :".: E., I ° *,..1 7 :7 . 7 It y k O X <, 1565. UOLID,ty GOODS. 1866, JOHN P. HUNT & CO., 59 FIPTIE STREET, °ramie Hall,) Have now seedy se lotweeme a oak of lloliday Books. Photograph alb Mg, Portable IS - riling 11bsbs, Partlblios, Porhet Nooks, Pocket Kitires, Garne4 of all kinds. Tog Books, Paper Dolls, bye., de also. Dairies and almanacs far 1866. whtca sae altered at LfIWEST CASH PRICES', ►t V/HOLE,M.LE AYE LE CALL. MIST 4 Co.. nols s . 69 nth Street, ( inuoye Tun.) THE GREAT PURIFIER. EMS PAIVAKA re the only Infallible core for 1 50110FULA. Is the only uotalllbie ewe for t'Bl le the only Infallible cure forPELA-4. ClariGETI. IN Me only Infallible cure for MMSi424Z MM!St.4OI I. the only infallible aull. cure o r M!fflffiZ= SALT RHEU h the only Infallible ears far M. FLUALE COBSPLAI NTS. le the only inhaltble cure for SYEY3. 1. the only Lolath'. SL cure UE fcr EPSIA Is th e Gall , Infallible cure P fat Liv Eit oomPL.torr. L. the only MAIM!. the for GR la Una only infallible mor LL DEBILITY, 1 roil, Evor 3zin naccis2-ore - As A TONIC IT IS UNEQUALLED. FOB SALE HZ SIMON YOIEBSTON, Corner Smithfield sad Fourth St• SKATES SKATES!! SKATES !! 5. - 2.500 PAIR Ladies, Cents and Childress S Xi: A. 'T . _IE S IN EVERT ViREETT FOK SALE LDW BY JAMES BO inpyr, No. 186 Wood Street nolMind pITT - EElTliall STEEL WORKS, ANDERSON, COOS & co., (SUCCESSORS TO JONES, son .I,r C 0.,) Mtn ufacturen or the bast Mimi Cut Steel, Square Fut ano Oalsgon, ol all atzes,Saw Plats, flu, Fork sok Skeet Slut Slut, Sul Steel for Reaping• and Mowing Machines. Stool Plow Moo, Springs, Axles, C.ltOolors, &c Cast and Common Plough and Spring FiteeL omot—Ooniar Of Flint and You attests, two Olocas above Me Sioaoataboill Roan. sl27dy pRODUOR CONBIGNMENTB NOW & IN STORE: 2 car loads Shelled earn; 100 busb.,Tlasotny Seed;- S 5 pa barr ll el f s&ea ESPseks resh ps4 buttes; IS ; 200 bases Factory unease; AO boxes English Labl , Oboes.; 200 b bo & sbol&ek W . E ed . er Ap ples 5000 do ' LakeßbOrel-Potacoes; Iroo bush, sew Iddrel Deteet Pawl's - bbl.. Easton Onsubersies; do Veltraletinuts; lobusb. Clheartnutsi 000 dos. fresh canned Pemba.; se bbls. Vinegar elder; ID hbL Maple Sugar; so boxes Rolls Mend Citspec 10 tags. Dried Apples; 6CO pounds Yeatben; ma sew Gunny Rap, Jaz "au by . L. aWOIGT & CO. THE olurAT PURiFIERt - HENIAPANAKA (BLOOD cunt.) A ISIOST REDARN ands A BriaLF. AND Pos ITPa OU/LE rut Scrofula, Binumatilm. Nearalgla. nob. Dr.:papilla and Pimpien, .a Inn EARLS OF Tux SEIM g I Tonio, it POMP ins t rpzerseet g on inn wnoW tenon • Inman and Unman bal a tnai to i s con gins in Da by s misro no same solujoi m alom aaasounti laraoso.", (IHRAVi•DELLIISIG •HOUSBAPOR comfortable twO story BrUktreell.‘ SRI gOose for ante, eltrutte on Third anneal at the • !warm OUR4.llouhe War /at .73 feet 'Al= hp" 60 deep on the Why, 14 - Afilkvatr , snsi; Pallo/Y arenas. rooro, ,krtehen, tea:a iii 24 i 9104 1 Alert, en.• re Thlrdotreett Lot In Pat bottle; anal' end ire roeloe, 44 .1 01 / 1 1112.1b, ...Persons wishing to. parobsee t`eat hOUSIII,:ddiV 10011114 111.4aVitlid UP dwatte thenht FOr tete 12 hp •- • p.II2I.IBIIEtT InSOVS, , • hole ••,• • • it , 3141106 t linter: VEY TO LOVE; or Dr. B.' M. LVIDIB cm:LEM:tamp! irtI'ALLIELE PRIVATE 'LEOTOBEON PSYCZULOCLICIOU Twats, 6th allUon t jusO out. it tosobel you to' , du= thus yoti tol,multtow rottento olooto ' liompaaimis r A4. contsias niaalr matte WO,th: fd . Price- AO' Mts. Moo. - GREAT PUI. -VA OK fOr 1118.11EMED•ot GROWyr,PM. ! 130A13. Elm loryabot/A WITS VIM. •Prl*Vi_Oo.! iSaltd prim oteleber:v taut $0 DU. MANI)/ Yaw ists, mutant street, Philadelphia, ana MOTs by. return maik la- sealed envelopes. ./C' taloafor sorompouyeu4_book.'altAßY notiosi AWXEMMLlMllgenigulhpla* '- .Lir da'2l3 Aol/4 : ugits' Malin= 131:=0 an. GEOUIDUM-- ' tut'. zirw EITORZ' Zez ammo to cum aolr ' avow. mum eau woos= tookrldffit ,ai Latins IMMO OULU& Wani 13. &Mina comidbirtrasalfecartmilih cLOAkiES, 811411M8, BATES , !z BELL, JTLEIIIOI . OBp • 91 FIFTH STRF-ET 'szLxs, CLOAKS, '2l FIFTH STREET - BATE '& BELL irtnemares, SILKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 'NEW GOODS. RACRCM dk. CARLISLE NO. 19 FIFTH STREET. New Trimmings and Ornaments, Bead Gimps and Buttons, Rich Bonnet and Scarf Ribbons, Fine Gilt and Pearl Belt Buckles. Rich Silk Beltinsr--a new lot. Bargains in Linen Handkerchiefs. Real lace Collars and Setts Needle Work Edgings and inserting Cambric and Hamburg Bands, Magic Ruffling And Cashs Frißings, Real Thread and French Veils American and English Hosiery, Gloves and Gauntlets —last styles ZephYr. Wool and Knitting Yarns, Ladies and Obildrens' Underwear, Balmoral Skirts—new styles Duplex Skirts. French Corsets, Gentlemen's Shirts Collars Ties Merino and Silk Underwear Misses Kid Gloves—all sizes, BLERLI AND DEALERS Willand It to their advanisse to call and 0.1421:1 Ito ear ataak befere pa:chasing. atecutuni Q cantastal. NO. L 9 FIFTH STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa., osis JOSEPH HORNE 4 Cu., HAVE JUST OPMVED NEW GFOvI➢S, Wen retteninP. Cloak 0: annents, Real Lace Goods, New Style Belt Buckles, Best Make Bilk Belt- Wee, Head Ornaments, New Neck Scarfs, Hamburg Flom:clam Linen Elsadkercitlefe, Balmoral Skirts, Breakfast Shawls, in fants' Knit Hoods, Infants' Zephyr Legging, New Empress Shlrts. Gloves and Garmtlets, Win ter Crider - wear for Wen, Ladies and Chil dren, Jonvin and Aleezmdre Rid Gloves, Ladles' White Castor Gloves. The above and many other Goods in Great Variety, at WROLES.A Ts! AND RETAIL. JOB HORNE' a 00.. 11 and II MARIELT sraiszt. WHOLE ALZ ROOMS UP srans. oats INSURE YOUR LIFE Thr THE CURTER 81K LIFE PISMIRE COI) OF ZIAWITORD, CONN. THE ONLY LIFE INSURANCE P 3 IN AMES ICA. Hutt now makes and in 50. anal CASH DIVIDEND on the grit and aseh subsequent payment , of premium. Its CASH CIAPI7AL and secumulation of en.aoikooo to seburelyturested tn.Dubllt atoCks and mortgages of RE rt. ESTATE. It Is now In its lath petrol business, and has patd to the W=09113 AND on. rnaza of Its nutorstre the . sum of ONE MIL. LION DOLLARS. To this .tai Ai not slave cue of litigation has occurred, en 119/donCIS that libel , . Ohmd fair dealing is a sponislitywith this y. The pottage of this Company are not forfeited by reason of non.payment of premium after the second ,y ear. No payments required after to yeacsi bat reticles cantina °good through fife.. • eirstanits: 3, 0. IFALRLlkkresident. N. S. PALMER, Tice President. • • • S. H. WHITE, Secret. - mooch Ofte f or Western Pe ary nnsYrrania. where Circular, and Malik Applicection will be furnish. Need Street. Pittsburgh. Agents wanted throughout the State. Apply to oczklyd F. E. ODELL, state Agent. OIL REFINERIES, JUL B X'I3.F.aCTORIBB AND DWELLINGS, NEATLY FITTED UP WITH Water, Gas and Stearn.' All work revolves our personal supervision, and I el:Mit:wed to none butoompetent workmen. BAILEY, VIRRELL & CO., " No. 1.67 sualilieldstreat, rrrrsticraatt, PA AlratDIAL GLASS WORK'S. MOitra s - Alsnmeaturers - • Sleek anchOreen .GLesesrare, Dreier/elle 'Rare. Bottles:Demi; obnshiCarboys. dtm Wardiense, Na. 144 WATER STREET - BETWEEN , ARITIEFLELD AND. OR ET STREETS. PITTSBURGH== PA. 'We waresni Om Warts to be immrlor to any vulture:tared-West at the Menelaus: otIWOYe earthed, Glassworett the abtrtaileserutoa. orders promptly attended* to. , Follicular ;Atte. Ilea paid totalsotemoolds. : • I , -anttle BY° FITZPATRICK, FIRST PREJEIIUXII GOLD PEN DLINUFACTUD: 4 :7 Philo Ball, tor. Third and Market sts,, Seined Story, entrance on Third meet. Gold Pena and Gold and Sliver Penailpues, wholesale and retail. Pens repaired. Persons having Pens to repair can send them by mall, and they will be promptly returned. Mara ONSIGNMENTS; al, barrels Winter Whig Targy s rloqn coo •• do • ZEE Coartheatal DIA L; tuo ttuabela Oat': 4CO -. Co ' Ear Com; _ ,1=• "do White °Motu; 1O •do • do Emu; .t oar 'What Limey IcCO barreit extriaLlo. I. Sat; . *. .420 Soratua. Bynty; . , pbundi Rol-patter' • t keg - Puked Batter; boxes-Western a Chem; For sale by eaIiETJE & noll • '' • • ' ISlC.Llterty OFEZONG OF ..WATERWBTIIRST.,;.6. looseginautiNpon Lb.* proud:taw twoodll G, NOStbe traMlitel or •W . & Stll4lllll. rar thiPoto Of , Widaun airMis : Aare been: pined. .11:1 Evy tor co lioututu,,, All the_ poisons who 4 TIB barn *Mond Aire bawls nounadup Ivz atm:, itutsmancata mats dais ....I ` dptey: Sho bald - unesmawdo. tdeded up ROPiothw, with' int. , Av ir ido and tett fa tothwtiouo: creniates gat= JARMS M. BALITE,— • : • • 4:44' Ortlgn El/MI.IOIT DBAWD S and BPI= FtuanONS far 11,113,35urs at Maiming& so gum. tAtitrrealos on mumble term a~ , , wufflas otrAndarsog street; between Lacoak and itablispai,aUestisay 010. , , ,CO KU"?' TPVE. EV: • . , gAiikat AND mumri;rromi, Atio ? £8 ittitaceEtiiit"9;lrA?lE (144 Art SOL Ll ar ftr strew _ • . • • I . ..IdeSCP. /I:_CEP. W HONEY—Recerred Oda day, *Aga` Stosfse4 WHAM far ale sou Zo Totter k CAO. • pr Mere theta are slot F. Cifaftte, cam 21. Fr,TEL STREET.I nefixtd .77-17-139 WANTED—BY A YOUNia 211LN who T V has served in • blacolne Shop three pram in togigement to Apish his thne. A melt leo; rtireforr tutcren (Tax arra OZPWL nolentd WANTED—A 7315 containing kora _ _T .11:Met* ft : roost either in :Pittsburgh or euninsay. Vent no ezatton. Directos note Box ..r." Guerre 0 tot. nail NVANTEit;.-5 Ot _ • CURLED -KIM flash and twelve to Wel grin stocks. Apply' to ' colt Swe W BATES RP,T.T,:, BATES & BELL AIiZED—BO DING, Sri:GE — N. T =MAN, la a p irate fatally or drst-alass Boarding Haase. A oat large Wended rent oath dm water and gas desired. Address or, GSZ7III OrtZCZ, or ply personally at th e CIOCTaTTMECITTOZ4 • .01;41Gtt I LVANTED.AGS IF* /4E9 can mice • oeleketted; itnproesd PA: NEI" suanza. for E gives splendid light, • Etery litady want!' it; of a ncrtiple of Calms gens. - E.end far OlrealsrAusdi stye terntory given. • ' JAMIE: En' up.lamd Ne.Bs W LIST&D..—.AGE.: B FUR " THIC T v EMMET ERV/OE. TICE Y lELLTJLE DUNGEON S ABE TUE 1230 APE .,, Hy D. Bretnenneos, New Tbrk Tribune Odlicaportri set. The most intetestiog ankOcreiting book c orer publishiA, tam:sang 1 Elcueresowill tunperalf Wed experience tor four ears, traveling through I the South in the ge ferrite or tha Ilikow at - the outbreak of the at, with our amain and Letts, both East and W • during the first two rears of the Ucbelllon; thstUltupturoy.hla wilitinTsent for TO month to seven nmt rebel t=t of near AP t e y a t i o "it will illxi mineatoaa i Ti r tg illningermits, and coots AL more of Dieted, Mot. Om! wod romance ot Do war than Any other Work tetpublished. • Teathata, ladles, enlarge Melly returned and diva, in..want of progtablo et' ;utterly &rapt .-W to that; 'genii clear in g Tiro per Prove tarubting ap tam .IONI N. E. corner Silt llifilinciLimE DRY. GOODS, Trammaitsrasoc. EATON'S 1111 MM Q eToEz. EATON'S THI NO STORE, EATON'S THUM/NG STORE, EATON'S TRIKETNG STORE, EATON'S TRYMIKING STORE, EATON'S TRIMMING STORE, EATON'S TEIROSING STORE, EATON'S TRIN LNG STORE, EATON'S THIN 3 ISO STORE, EATON'S Tax NO STORE, EATON'S TRIM G STORE, 17 perii REET 17 Fl r FTH, STREET 17 FIFTH. STREET 17 FIFTH SDIREET 17 FIFTH STREET 17 FIFTHS TREET 17 FIFTH STREET 17 FIFTH STREET 17 FIFTH STREET 17 FIFTH REED, THE ICOTEUIES SEASON,. andard Vaods sue being received da EM BROI GLOVES, Gentlemen's HOOP S Dress Pri etc.. Successor ta.EATON, non NO. 17 Fl MACKUM, GLIDE MARKET g LER for sale one of the LARGEST and CHEAP. EST st,eks of TELIINGEOS, FANCY CIOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, fee, erre brought to tale .clte. Embroideries, . v f jollisrs Linen and Silk Hdk e, Real il; Imitation alencia Lace, Real Point Lace Real French orked Collars , Real Maltes : Lace do French Iv: rked . Sets. Linen do MIT CU &p, Nos. 78 and 80 2.000 Ladies' Linen 0 2,000 Pairs Linen MACRUM, GLYD ' !tn. 78 and 813 lark! BAL3IOItAL 88:IRT8, Nos. 78 and 80 baistute of-oar be fold at UO3T. sad Ira =old of WHOLESALE DTITESS to STOOK of CHEAP sad DZS OW sad sto td; at oaf sew Nos. 78 and 80;1 - ItfACRUAL GL WW• riffoo • - 1 $l -Mar . , ugw los of , wocrtanrations' lane .imEasEse ..oralidar t i o : o lv cwass/B t Ev E c u laitz m 'ss a iLas. GEZNT'S AND LA =la Ts, eitonateati • " , Moasua DlartliSTAlL WOOLZA ILOSIERT cuar,l4 ankr's 31.PLDED wizow . . et &a zum • LA RD OIL-10 bbbs. xo /2 Arun 0/2 SWIM raNOM 9/12 09 failt ' for a gen• Zr.. In a private family, m►ny toariers. Minn e t stating 10eat tams, zialbdta FEET t3E8130 D :MARIE; wo- liseles tau feet locur. g rattablefor I aetzsaowar. ~138 Woooll4el. rt • • to 11l • t'ity, meninx the ENT STA.I3. NO•OH/31- - - • Laws. It ; Ithoot smoke, or roarlL Itearkbesoldfer Maples Sample, post-paN, 25 0:11 partlentat a. . t AR, Nannreoenter, Wen Lana, New York • youraz num, sad ape. led officers and soldiers, • loyinent, . We non fled pa condition memb, which ics mil 1. IlOant. Scud forafrce. , 11}103. . • and Mime strew CU, Phibuleinbla Ps. AS WELL the Season, r i p in the Ihape or ERIES. OSIERY, king Goods, I RTS, tugs, CRUM ti. 00.0 13=EM IS and BEET: ket Street •t • tutu ans O aid 12 mai, as ; cryEt Exceed sOkt7Aealh ic'et Street. • BY BOOBS will • Lt the attention I mu moms • BLit GOODS. tell rooms. et.-Street. Br, CO. s~~ .7y 'mom ? Winter t° wawa h VD.
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