"IN 1786 int Dfibbititit.4llMit. trlTY:ltilZats. -- =. - • ..:Eptoate-11ronehltpt..-.-% • !. 7 li 77 7Timr4r .ni ' '• Itted Ur 4 eililate 4radis ;;e44;4•Wilii.m#..atiAfrii}:4466:olo4o6:l* tifaiiiiiti or , iii.!ciii trialktiri*Olitif 0.1/Vii Ikon , - L , 1124!L0nr 11 . 1 4.12 1 4 ,- 4 1161 4 a ?Anil, rap id; Tun e 4 e-- ,4-4'lit'filiK4lol.oiiilix4iii•Offihigligade• . =- 13 fie difiesete ch . to Mulled easeilitori et the lining . i;i4o‘akbrepe-pt ,i.Lie hletey.;ellepes,f /ta Is Aurae. -•;!..:-414'zipiii.,,,,,iousit, ti.earieeeser, mad iit . inUeleed ''/:#pAn::eitießedie: tilieitide4se-tn rithci. or .aeo st!.i.;otrithis a ' , rid*, tthatng sennaion, -V, :ii oltiiTthiiiiisttincts littlitir to Ottee: The tar 4 hie.eimmeneee at the toocat thi 1100 k, and -, lk : 114,, ,,t , e1 it ", " ' 0- P mtg . °V, part drite?sdidg ;%.,taite s eeeit: - ii;di where it le itialsrAvided Leto i'd'lllol*&id:itillifer... tau, whieleramtfy ;every 7 :' ',Ortyitily theilixtigi ! st 4, carly.9us, 411. - to them. Benrichts inatn. is - arrest. e..:l:44loLlnnierlatiaisrhe hetandiseasebei elLr'onta or `- dente :- The IBioae glands in lilts Sienalb are • friteediss =Lioness earth:Loon at nein en'ort On t sLeng Iseliesol I. order . to - ciyereeins .L:felef,lLinne there to an lac:* melt dlseLlerie of *gen - wipe biondvwhich :.4.l4LeLLLinkna2LiOlrins PnaLlendle. Liar= in the tercal :"biLLlr Other 10Lts.:Liante attack oll;ennentel enniniinilon. or open is ennaLanniestlii tie die . L he lunge. - The disease in aria cosy of cute, but when hrndifai _Ls often torann ageshis, . to tenubl, and very dogtrots:lv¢ of human that thouoat do of eases of l tonal- ' ft.:. ibis yoU is :Pulmonary, roitenniPtion, lave been ?digiliftd•by tbe'ure;of MY PrCIVIL" STSVr, It ":„.,'slledleinit.ishieb: I have prepareditr the"puktwec ii years: ban sold tons of thentandl of bottles, and rlforoW,edli ved , few (SW ri:igFstrprFccq cnoyfii - ,ind cc/4,in a notlitiori of 'nay otheYntedistue, • no triftirt ,2 thi - pilblic for- ihiptaiMar.,'lndnlth can at all compere with my ...Peettorel . Syrup?: It Is -certlfed to biihiutdred• of our own cittzeni who base used it, and who cannot possibly ba deceived with rtgatdlia its efficacy, and bt.thlis would have no laterestiritryLus to deceit:in' the Public. 4veCCUred cases of Lao; disease very often sties they bed teen °given op" by the doctors— verfrsCary cotes light here in Pittobutch. In a artittsaoy Of Pulmonary Consumption, I um oilier rentedleatrSides my . Pectoral Syrup. I am weft mate that modielieitto build up the con sued aatQaieamtdattorattvcs, are often, yea almostAnYoulibliytecisoary. tftwonft Bron chitis has its Mdisairfri - rtialetti , of sources, ouches the intalsilotil if bad - die, oudden obstruction of the skin or 'other functions Of • the body, moulding from the suddetr staid!' inapt oflclinside, so rife In this country. 7:Pitsittuo eta weak, delicate, organ,. ration are its Pfettlins, Peelorteaubir.ct to lung or bronchial 4nortses pf any kind rhoold shun expo : Wrilirtfrthele Sadden atmotephenia changes; should wait' thick.e2ed warm shock and, more than Wear woolen next the skin. For it should be re membered that the skin to a largo surface and rra.rathir:z greatly with all the mucous linings of the Intermit, viscera; hence we often tied Bron chitis or Pulmonary diseases relieved upon the trudCedjappearance of, ennui_ iselOar eruption of I treated a lady many years ago ;mimeo fully for loirrulte.. Which wuraom _Mated with what she teethed a "dry tetter," and Lam almost sure then the tenet urns virulently relieving and hellditYltpture to cure the Antimatia disease. I . cured the lady of bath the Asthma and skin af fection. She is now somewhat advanced In years, j eindikelleperetualho welt to this day. This ease *as Puinitut reitirlag tae "gertezal hca/tli awl re- establlsiOn . M0;1160114 alwalthT. ewadistoo. - The sr:dins:Si 'w/iy "of trei..tteg 'these cases by pills, powders, troches, cod liver oil, bltters OS bourbon whisky—which has been. If It It not Low, highly istyled,f9r all lung diseases _4u great tol - I;do not know of a single Instance of itiri thihitOzea, doobtdes•, they give some temporary rale. Ana .t.va oz or hold la check theaenteladiell, whose name Is legion. Dot let no one suppose that any of Shur, separately or the ,41a3:4nt.t!1i . 17 . 4, crtir WAD onet.tiotoue;rate. The cur,, 7.t it take. place at all, miter result from corratgenerai treatment and the restoration of the blood ttl a healthy condition. All that the retaallyeaboat referred to eau doi to,dityl thefteila, diseased or to dill the brain, so that It will not tare cognizance of the malady Which LI threatening the functions of health and life. In corcluslan I would say to the reader, if ca.,tlte tifst Approach of" a cough or cold, you Ssdii - p," it mu be sure to care you; but If you will allow It to run on and invade thehrtinchls and lungs, the very citadels 01 life, sou tnuct thettiook - for more thorough and vigorous remedies, which could hardly be combin ed in one antic agile. I ray this, believing Chrou• In , Bronchitis and Pulmonary Consumption wilt before nianY - .Years, be - lia gaily cured as Fever and Ague arenas. GEO. H. lintretto, We. 140 Wood street. frrUl‘rholtillfOvember 1563. r , Just the Thing. Good cough eacidq, butter scotch or Erotica taffy, cocoa qeot 'candy, rose, lemon, pineapple, isdllis-and rioantaln tea candy and tallies. Good Mines, Ilgs, ilad/311, dates and currards, at no Federal streci. , A call LI solicited. tW Gronne BILAVEIN. ,•, ~.4.4tTgc; q.nd Special Auction 'Sale Of le6ate : o,l'o m, nay and blue iolanket., horn coven, flannel., aisraellles spreads, ealiamers, sat• inet.,jeans,near carpet., fornltui., Tann dap tiiotnlng , 16th hurt., at 10 del.tk,' at mcCiei• faadriltai , porltim, 65 arid 67 Fifth kqeet. Dr. Frei dale and the'- SanSh Carolina Plapter. A friend 'relates tons that the asimmer before thaws/ at tha house of a horpitable South Cara pl enter, 1,113 apron morning with the tun and wee about to venture forth on a morning walk, lacn he wail chieked by the planter at the ~ 2 f s r ou-eamMt pats, Slr. Too eatiy." ' ono early (- Why. my_ deer Coionel, what SIP, PT,Fra*Ul , fr e aly'AC bed end early to rise will make a liesltiry''and wealthy and wise." 40.1113. bat al/ •,;filllncy. Early rising axidttieinfti‘allon tineffian.Mnirty stomach of the rosining malaria at tile cohatr7. North mo 4 South, /save hen Vie death of tkormandsi. sirs freak the time of Oa n ialte Alm Smith .tb - thli - dayf. Walt WI ain't , akfast ? fealty Your stomach with a cup Of tiqt lioffee,AteLthen, the flexion' vapors of ikitititlitbefigeitheded by the ma, we will take Monde; ride." Tat, my dear colonel, I am always fortified With 4 wine elide fall of flostetter'a Celsbreto !Aimed' gittecii.9 ' 4.. Wittfr flinfiridraoti may stick to Dr. Vratarna. ifOstetterra agent at ,Charleston 'notes me, and I am expteubi 440 my Wagon. abates #llltatealttatik.ara a suroproteettrs against all the fever resulttbg from aialarls.t Dr. Frank ;ljalroids good, alhet swamps in the. amps Singh Oarolins,lf forttlieli lth Hostetterfs Bitters." F;11 . 1 Winter Goods. ILL loth irest pIeNJUTO WO c U She lattOtloll of 01W MOON to the ItIPOTO Ito Of. nn and Winter GoOdsitut receivedap du. gohn WMer-blerchant ragior, No t ; 1211 I , gCleral Arent, Allegheny. Hu stork embhi robe of the rarest and moat bean. Artllo4 . oolllllimerns.trvareoatingsandVesttror • rairititgOiCglittri `tbe weatern mallet. Ma assort.' M2t redrig - Efooda, comprising Stilts. VaaWerry - Acillars, Zfeck-timr, Mindirer.ddrfg, - ,fltajoibtsiiiirpoute4 *tot oz. west. Alma *took *freak:Me I'Antg, Cos% Vats and Overcoats befoand alai' establishment. Persons nWittilof *J131460400 clothing Ike idtogici not 044 yaw- •-• `":. • z plum W L . Parry& nnottest caste Boofert assiDeards to Amerisat 44.i:opictF 41NOtOk- @Mom- °Mow incsadro WasOWAVOSIS Vat& Works . . rittibOrSO ill . 14. Nealflesso. No. 13 Pike street. Orders SVAtdet.to. - ! AII siorlt'ytorlSo44 issue wow. - Nrepsistroloso at the Morse, nottso. ,NO -I,l4"l"MilniirrOVlM the - roof is, pin - J C Met o deldolla ab!ev, cd Woo Year*? 4".1 2 :141 1.... ha s Wm, &Otto old Mad,' ood.doo•o!.... ealddolliooldotrilodoodChoory, walpte4o . llradLeaded tdc Otlstrid TFulnFe.z . • !I; . • • turlicit! 91Q1b1314 gatikkitCl7/ittglihne 4 of N, clothrit„ fesullesiot 4.4 Nrio*-I". 2 °P"'''-' loam talutaa ,... 24EVPenn Street . Ofignioattuc niditeSi ,kraw Aueitagimgitlx- to ll MOEN DA~iI.Y ...--PITTSBU-RGH • GAZE Blankets and Shawls a very full stock at !elm tftanmsner,Drrery sre tle - aortbeast =der of Fourtb and Market atreeti. - C.....lUsßonrUrtlr. Ha% French nlcrinoer, • . ObeNlr (hag .Yon, can buy tliedrisiditli city on fbebllsibedittaiiletOtrourth and `dtarketSbreete. C. Besisois Loss Or. Buo. Whbletile Dry Goods We will melt you dry goods tit tchesEss you osa,titty them from the' regtdarlobblee hoots' tri lite Patera Cane!: LRemember, we are now Ort the northetzt corner otFdarthandldtzketstreet... • 13.Wts'obiegaoititt Bad, , Famous . ,The Soot bug Mioithonae of South & SOH, G 1 Market street; is iteebming an mamba favorite with our citizens. Vita is no matter of atirptlae to .14: are al . :Wild: that; thifai ein puoetiro anything'they want In the line of boots and shoes of the beet (4inellty, at prices far below any _other place in the city. The store In located In a place map of arses, bstag 63 Mersa divot. Id door from Fourth attett. noiGatd We Were much delighted with • visit to T. B. Gillerrolit's,'No.Td Wood street; at:tallith an it erection of the splendid, anti we may say abso lutely unrivalled assortment of furs to be found In this.establishraent. In our pont:ger days we Led some knowledge of the fur trade. Now we are a "Know Nothing" upon the subject. Europe, fuiri;kfrioa &Jewell as North and South America, to say nothiog of Australia. has been called triton to }Lela up then treasures of the animal kingdom. Ledies, Would you get a fine set of forst- If so. go tb lifilermanfa now. Why now 1 Because you will ded a much lagtter assortment than It will bo when the lesson fs advanced. In the wineow rot will tee a .museum of tuts, swore them a thou send dollar set. All cannot buy this, bat all con acre money end kiep their wires and little ones c..mfortabl• by callior in and seeing what we be lieve Ls the decal stock ef furs every exhibited in this hes/I=nel! but growing . city. Go and sto them. • . • ... TOPICS OF THE DAY.' . "Sheddy " the topic of a Imbue by Hon. Wm. V. Kelley last Monday . evening in Philadelphia; at the AcadeMy of Music, SPeak ing of the Ammican meaning of the teeth, he said, d liy shoddy you. :mean either, fraudulent trickery leading to rapid wealth, or a glaring and velum display of any kind or wealth, whe ther honestly or frandnlently obtained. Or pernape you mean the mere idle spendthrift, squandering the wealth ho has Inherited. In this sense the American people are the shoddy nation of the world. They want thrift aid economy ; they waste more than any other people." The' learned speaker, however drew a mcraliroM the subject. lie thought It taught a lesson of thrift and a national policy of two .tection, which If followed, nothing can be lost, from the dust beams In the street to the debris of the garret and closet. Hereafter "Shoddy" mast not be the synonym to us of swindling and scourdrelbm, but ought to represent the Idea which should.govein the United Staten', so fir tis inaunfactMeS and commerce are concerned. Ward Beecher has been making arother speech, this time not from the pulpit of his church. He seems to have arrived at' coy rational coneltuions, whatever his aim may -have been, Speaking. of the doctrines . held at the South before the war And not yet generally disavowed or repudiated, ho said, All we can Mk is. having appealed to the tribunal of war, "will yon. givoit up, and not expect these doctrines to. govern the nation t” I hold that the South must give ids antisfactorY evidence that these freedmen shall be free. Tbla Is ludispenaablo to air northern extension of empathy. Macaw:an afford to sainifice the Tlctita.. We saythis - kinduess of oars is con ditioned upon thls.aet of justice. These freed men, Called by President donaston the "wards of thenation,” and by Secretary Shantou wards in chancery," must be protected. Tuess men are men; their relations to God and humanity psalms them valuable to you and to me; and, without regard to caste or color, one and all must be free—literally as they are theoretically and we most have this matter settled by guar anthe beforehand, all the men In Alabama are like my foetid f;overnor Parsons I wouldn't carp to say so much about d r . but, many of Orman ignorant and prejudiced, and all of them haue been can celed into opposite bellefs s which It may be dial cult for them to ettadettlr emote, and . therefore I went these antertentles beforehand. —The new British Ministry continues to be the subject of speculation in the Jour nals. The London Etar alludes to and- remarks up on tke unanimity of the London press on the following points, namely: The reform - which must decide the durability of tee Cabinet, and the Imperative necessity of a reconstrnetiou of. the Ministerial personas! in the Commons; if the Cabinet is to face a new Parliament with any decent show of influence and debatirg power. England I. not wanting in material from which the recent liberal losses might be supplied. —A meeting of prominect citizens - -of. .?mw Tort• was held last Tuesdayerening for the pur pose of making arrangements for a public re ception to Gen. Grant, who is now in that ell r. The General, it is understood, will accept the compliment, and the reception will take place at the close of the week. . —The Cincinnati Eurtirer i comforted at the results of the lute elections. It finds In them what it has tten loe,ging fur—and hither to semis- needed—principle. It says: "So far as its most showy part—the °Picea— are concerned, the victory is with rite Republi cans; 'lll reapeOt to Its most sobstantial part— the principles—with the Demoerats. There are certain principles which arc peculiar to the Democratic party, and although the party in its office speldngphases may now and then Ig nore them, or hold them In abeyance, they are still its principles, which, to -take practical, is the main object of its existence." ,-There have been nine fatal boiler e-rplo slons reported within the past twenty-nine de! The total number.of eaSstaltica Is eighty four. giving an average of three Uses per day, and ulna lives to ianla aeeldent. —The New York Tribune, commenting upon the London rawest report that, Napoleon is to wididralilds troops from blexico,.says: flo&itte name news inithe Paris correspend. cure of theftulipendattes .Nrige, a piper generally well informed - About I , retiett;affalrs. 'Phis cor reispondent; however, la of 'opinion that the courteous but firm representations of the Gov ernment of Vlsehlegtott;hegla.lilibe heeded In Paris. He also states Matt Ogre aro Indications pit Marshall:mauls intends' Woe reatra to Osisce. Walleye no 1:9111:113- Or fildjalle of..the 'dolma whiett these repave have to Credibilltr. BOOter, oilatET, or sense, the event which they represent as being near at hand must take place. and then Maximilian will have to rely on a vol unteer foreign legion and his adherents In Mex ico. Then it must become apparent whether hbsetrarta to establish hit 'rule In Mexico upon a permanent bashrwill be crowned with success. —Commenting on our policy towards Mexico, the German Democrat of New York remarks: It Is not probable that Nepoliall desifes a War with the United /Rates, but rather ieekao avoid It. The certain knowledge that -a his I.l=- lean caterprise has almost Involved him In a 'war with the Union, will undoubtedly Induce him to proceed cautiously, and withdraw at the first good opportunity. All that now apparent. ly seems to be nvessary for the presentation of peace, is that Napoleon should be early advised of the public sentiment of the Union on- this bead, sod that the Administration shall suffer no more French Interference. Thin can only be done by a arm declaration front Mr. fie Ward. Further Particulars of the Actident en the New Jersey Railroad. NkwAkx, Noe, 10.—Tko eight o'clock tbrotigli reran from a? York . for Wkablowtob. morrilog,:,Wblle undef.4ll speed, ran off o& track at a turn-table about mllo below Market -street. ebronah the begird of a twitch 'mad. Xi L. actrdOnPrinxietor • of Irilertl's Betel coachel,wine blued watrlatd, and Alm named BreCke nnnt New .Bruoirwlek so senionalylnlzered tbq, bat Ones G. W. Newby. recently anired w asfatally Wand, and Capalfitehell; of the *lllllOl Collier Ant W ere of his crew slightly. Mr. derma was from, Holden:es% Now Nampehlre,alni was aco?mpa-; bled by his wife iulpec ebildren who escaped' enhar• Mesmer 'l'M* , Quenasarrs, :November /fithw=r' borne; the Inalmmaul; to permit the etssaskip Pena to go Wiser dock andhes , pateafgai tonight for early, tomorrow menedng. There - to so sickness on board of the bat se there are frorlasi senora from Puts, De his ordered the baggage to be fnmlgatod_beforec amass them to Land, or the Steemet to go into her dock, : MEM moon LA .'EST NEWS 3'i 8Y TVLEGICS-in''.3. FllOlll VitA: I III,III6VTON. Seduction of fitelartmpal Forces— Troops diustere Ont---Massaitin *efts flaimsAdjusted-a r attura tot See the Presiden t agittastere,Or— I dereettr Clase licconutsb-qadianl . ercedrafti'e: - Agentr4—Witt! Com menced 'tin ,Harper's Ferri ; Arse lioward's Sottthera Tourl—The Farragut Court filar tial-4ale'of Rebel General cers-;,-Noted- Pardon Grate rese --South Carolina's tieguest—fase of (kitties J. Faulkner::: NEW MEE, Soy. 15.- - the ITPatote's aptcla says that Benator Sherman statestbat It la the! Inteutlon to greatly reduce the toe al force in clvy departments,.tind increase-the wages of those who urn IndStsible. By order of the Scmsttary of Woe, Fort 'Melt mond, ba.New York herhor, hag been changed to Fort Watlatvolth, Companies A, C, D, F., F, (i, lOW Kof the Igth Regiment, B, C, D. I and Ti Of the 24th Regiment, B, C, D, E. and F of the ittla Reg. Intent, C told II or tholSth Regiment nod D, of the Rh Regiment of the Veteran Reserve Corp., were mustered out yesterday. Gov. Andrews has adjusted the NI assaehu setts claims and returned home, Mr. Conway starts for Boston to day In the iPtCII et cd the Freedmen's Bureau, - Thu North Carolina Committee felled In train ing an interyiew with - the President-:again on yesterday - on account or a Cabinet. &elation. " ()tilers Werelssucd to GeneraLtnalle, Paymaster: General of the Department of the East, direct— ing him to order Paymasters. ileywood,Mvatts, H 3 P'o o 04 , Wtime , , Hers Dye. DtP4mY. and Vtuiclitync, in tit: hinitcru Deportment, to close tip:their accounts, end' to prepare for mris.- ter pill. Shutter dedt!cli,ing - hBrO been made In other Departments, whole corm to be mus tered ont by the first of January Paymnsters , Eilair and Oakcy hare resigned. The tforld'i VFlithington special says: nil). Banixurne has theca appointed by the President as agent.to harmonise the freedmen who hate - been made free by the Choctaw and Cherokee nations by the recent Indian treaty. The Ordnance Department hes determined to rebuild the tlatlorte armory at 'groper's Ferry. .The work hasaircaly been begun. A Washington *eclat to the Treed, says , Intelllger.ce from the South represents General animas tour of inspection among the Freed- men u having been of great benefit. AR the military dMectiros of this Department were discharged yesterday. They belonged to the-Veteran Reserves. The Ferragut court martial Is yet engaged In the casts of CommodoraCrayea. Up= Itaietus cluSien, the bourbwrit probably btddaeoleid. Tb6Prenldeit his Informed the rebel Long street that se he belonged to the old army, be woulo:erinalder Ids pardon at the proper tient, He has only, pardoned-three or four who were edu cated at ;Weft Point, and they were not to the army when the war broke out. The Times' Went:l4oou special ears Lucy L. Cribb, the fond pardon broker. made oath bo fors the Grand dory yesterday. that Brevet Brigadier General 1.. C Baker did take forcibly d feloniously from her. Nov. Bth, treasury notes to the amount, of r 230 dollars. Jasper Co`.b, her husband, makes oath that Bali party did In like manner take from him the pardon of Clarence J. Rowell, and a letter addressed by said Howell toBccretary Seward. It Is titan likely the Grand Jtry will bring in an indictment. The Tann' special says that Secretary McCul tech has replied to the request of the GorernOr of South Carolina, to Permit that State to as came a direct tax levied by Congress, that un der the existing law the Government has no power to grunt these prirllexes. The Vera!d's sre cisl says that Cherie; J. Faulkner, ex-Minister to France, Ix here look ing after .Ids case. lie had a letter (ma Mr, Lincoln'avanting his pardon, but he wax after wards indicted by the Unite.] States Di.driet Court for treason. N.) action h..vi since boon had In the ease, nclther ha, Li, panel, - ,n been .motioned by l'ret.ideut Johnston. IMPORTANT REPORTS PROM MEXICO GENERAL ORTEGA DEFEATED AND CAPTURED The Repablican Army Dispersed New Yove, Nov. 15.—The 77m.' Havana fetter of the S:h, reports the defeat sod capttre of the Republican Mexican thneral Ortego, to MiebotKan, and the destracticre of his army. His troops "fere divided Into three bodies to capture Morelia, lieges and some other city, end were beaten in detail and dispersed, 40) prisoners re maining in the ItiMds of the imperialists. The itepublicap Others' Dyes is sal i to hove led the Wank on Morella, and though at first litteressfhl, was finally ohileed to retire. The EspublicauHeneral ItafrAleS was defeated and hilted at Alamos le Simplon. The adhesion of Lower California to the Em pire is announced. Cotton• Clafm ctslou—Steamer flute ',Earned—Duff Green Deed. CINCINNATI, NOT. 15.—A dispatch to the Garrtta—ilated aprtimfleld,lll., yesterday. ,ays: Judge Darla and Tread filed a derision in the case of the united-States Ts ono thousand bales of cotton claimed rq parffes In New Orleans, Cincinnati and [lucre, dismissing, all claims nu the ground or the Incapacity of claimants to make purchases in insurrectionary districts. The Mobilo papers of the 1 ith inst., report that the steamer Duke was burned iu the Tom bigbee titer, withOtLimlea of valiant Gen. bolt Green, of Alabama, diet a: Mo bile on the 10th loot. The Sltuntleu et Blatamorns—Probable eiurrender of the Imperialist. • New Tons, Nov. I5.—A Washington specie) - says: General Steele, formerly commandleg portion of the Federal fore., 1, now statkonod on the Ilia Grande, fin arrived In town yester day, and represents the Imperial foree at 31.sta mores as completely beleaguered, and expressin theopinion that the French will be compelled to surrender to the Liberals, who hold bath banks of the river, and envlmn them on all sides. The Liberals receLved authentic Information three weeks isgo that tho Impirriallam had been »s -kived to one-third rations ' and they - are com pletely cot oft from Vera Cruz and Tampico. There scents to be no doubt of their deal sur render. Another Railstiad Accldent . , cnicaGo, Nov. 16. , ‘LThe.,Tourndi 'has the fol lowing: The express train on the Chicago and Rock island Railroad, which left-Rock /1131arn , but evening, owlx , to, a misplaced switch two miles cant of Merril, mini* Was tigbitn trope a the track;pd the whalO train with the excep tion of the locomotive and/leaping car, precipi tated down the embankment, turnipg , . six coaches and two bag,loge care upside down. Two coaches were smashed to pieces, and 69V end eateengers were Injured, six seriously, bat none killed, Mr. Danis and John Corry, of New York, are among the injured. The Suicide of Hon. P.riptou • KiOg Wsinnworoa, Nov, 15.—The narrate:tate death or Freston King created a profound sea sation here, where he had a host of friends. The President,who knew tam Intimately, was ihOCK ed when be beard the Intelligence. The Treas ury Department has hero aware for soma time that Mt. King has bean deeply depressed on ac comit of trouble ,growlerrnent of the duties of his ctdee. A successor not, be appointed for cpiral daY4. - No. Fenian Alamo st Toronto Tonsarro. Nor. I.s.—.There is no alarm here at to the Venni rename. It is thought pOseibieholvever, that some ant of raiding op orations might be attempted on the frontier. The Piltherttles hays merely taken the mower, precaution; to prevent ' mischief being done. Tber prevalent feeling le altogether derisive of the whole business. Italliond Accident—TWO Men Killed and. eineend ilriniqded; Pll 11.A.DliESIUX, Nov. 15.—Tne tkrough train from Now l'ork for,Washlngton, which left at 8 o'clock thls Morning,. ran through a turn-table on tho New 'hinak,rallipad. men. Were killed and ascii* ffiranded. !deluding Kr, -ria vis,-tke haggago matter, who was slightly hurt. Further particulars will be neut. . rpr,t,On of : Moneoekta Cerro Going , to •Ncjr VonVNov. 15.--itspectol to the Mies; nye: .T,tro commies of Raaconk'a ,C0rE044.-. _tinefa'Albarty.ctrerecAnpatthed to Burling ton. Vt.' yoatuday afternoon by the Northern Railroad. They are onpposed to be de/tilted -foyhlntne.' ' . • 'Melt-Oat 14"...—"naa;mortiado: Didittleliftol°-rta:—.l l 4- 4 5111; for Ban whleb, ealdd fr°ll/.14c1 alparaalao bad arrived' Francisco riti.nr nn itiozv ;moll; cinYi Itio Jl4l64°'''sl'.,- nos,* , '7; ~ "J; PITTSBURGH, THURSPAY, 1•10yEAIBER 16. 1865 LATER PROM EUROPE. itv cs #3, ngland. • • TRIAL OF FENIAN SUITS: Tho iircierel622. MiCarl.r.crtias. Nun, 'roux, pfm.'ls,rids,fromLti'erpoorat 0 1 / 2 elO'kon'ltte inert:dug of the 4th, end Queenstown on the evening of the lith, has arrived here. Politico arc Fnexcithm t ,TP0.2.¢11 Mali Oa. retro inggeStsthe Mulst4fillitirronZelltenta are deferred In consequence of there being no speaker to issue writs, while the interrogutun would be prejudicial to sitting merabere, should n contest take place. Gladstone is visiting Scotland. Ile has al ready declared himself In favor of the exten sion of euffrAge,-414 in Niel h of this, theliberal pert knob deeignitaChtin; e leader of the Cummins. !Co dbubt r main of fhe true winters of the party which wiects such a elan for P.s acknowledged leader. The llorld thinks no understanding has been arrived at concerning the reform. The London correspondent of the Manchester Guardia. sale: Notwithstanding the tone of Seward'. speech at Auburn, It is general o 1111• deretood that tits President's Cabinet has o tu tenllon of pressing to a quarrel the COlttr yen) , regardinit the [Jabot:en • The same andhority States that Mr. damns re tires next spring, and that it will be very diffi cult to nud a rune to succeed him. A twin: commisvion has been tanned to try the Feeiehe at Dublin, with power to adjuarn to Cork. 1 he People has commenced action against the IA lice for the seizure of that journal. The reported loss of a largo Bremen ehiD fqr New York in the British channel, is believed to bo untartuded. . isfo confirmation hat tecii renalved In Eng land of the nagro,lnsurrectlon of J seamen. The /kaftam save the remote re'etlve to the insurrection to Algiers. are much exaggerated. The Frankfort Berate has rope sled their re m ~:leede to the demands of Austria and Prussia The Brazilian mails had reached England. The alb a had commenced crosslriz . Wraguay, tmay,to march on Cotnlmito. Mr, Thornton, the Brill eh envoy; had nn InterTlevr with the Em peror, and feel red the desire of England to resume diplomatic relations. The Emperor re plied In a friendly manner. Literpaa, &lanky Night. Nor. 4.—Tho steamship Caledonia, from Now York, atriran at Greenock on the itb !trieU' Path, /rev: 4.—The - Bottrie eras heavy at 63110 e for Rentes. LI YERPOOL —Breadattas—llsyson, Sp.ince di Co., axe Wakefield Noel & Co. report th e market firm. Flour quiet b t firm, and in atime costa advanced about , one shilling per sack, to lint bands. Wheat In demand and two to three par cent. dearer =kale week; winter red 103:21 gm Si. 'lndian coin In goad request at. an ad vance of Od on the week. Mined American 29t 9agso3. Gordon, Bruce & Co. report that beef sets only to a opply the ponding manta. Owing to the wants of choice In dam qualities, inferior Is unchanged, Park) none in store. ' Bacon; lower, and a still farther decline may be cr.- 'isseted. Lard; eacalderaVy declined at Ss, Sheep—Firm, as arrivals continue light.. Bat; tar—Fine qualities In demand, but the high pri cos check the consumption. , Sugar quiet with out material changer Cogan quiet sad steady, Petroleum In steady demand at Os Dials 114.. - Lonoon=Baring brothers report ilreadatuffie aim. Wheat advanced 142 per quarter white A tnerletn, .505:13; Witter red American, 45 C0;503. Floor scarce at 27650 s per bid: &mar quiet at abaut Od,_ Cheap _Coffee Oros, Pe troleumßefit id for Bedded . Lmnroot, Saturday Yorember The cotton sales to-day were 7,ooobales; market' closed unchanged for American. The aales-so speculators and crooners were 4;000 bales. Bread-gull's are rather inint, but juices cluscul with an npirard tendency; • :Provislons are firmer. LobtooN, Novetubor 4.—Consols, for iiioncy, • ilinois Central aharee, S 3. Eric, fiLIU ' @:,54: United States 5-20'8, LATEST rsu PERMA—LirenVO4 Jiro. notion against the Royal Bank of Indeed, had been sailed. It appears that Mr. Leery, moor the Fenian pritoners, had a sum toms credit hi the bank. which the government held wile the ramoceds of bills remitted from America for treasonable purposes; and with ■ view to the atapplng of each remittance, and preventing the money being so applied. the Crown Solic itor notified the bank not to pay it over without the sanetton of the Atterney General. The bank having refused to jay any ruttier cheeks, Mr. Leary enumerated the ac. the. An application feint Mr. Leary to draw part of the sum for the purpose of his de fence, was at once agreed to, led wad necorelnely. After the entathenceutent of the action, Mr. Leary's attorney mentioned that the balance was ale required for the defence of the prisoner, and teat it world he ao applied. it was at once permitted to be drawn, and so the matter carted. Actions bete to= brought melee. the mag istrates and police oy the proprietors of the Irish People neweraper. The eefenee la that nothlog areaseized In the face of the /r&4 Propla, tfa cept what was necessary to the purposes of the prosectolon. The London Morning Pan says that Mr. Gladstone's speech commita tam to a bonny approval of the reform tiny who a practical one shall be predicted, and wpm public opinion and the state of parties stall allow of Ito being paused, but net one word seams to Ultimata that *Dynast bill w 1 be brought forward by G overnment in the coming SCIMOD. The Time, states that the discount demand at the bank on the 341 was Comparatively Hight. On the stock exchange advances had been of fered at about 6., per cent. lilt, RUSSIAN CATTLE PLAGUE. K'polS of Min later Cfatf. AUSE ANO PBEVENTiVES OF THE PLAGUE. WAEIEIMOTON, Nov. 15.—Mialstex Clay based dreaged a letter to the decretarr'of State, dated St. Petersburg, October 27th, its which be sap: I deem it my duty to warn the l'olted States against the Importation of the cattle plague Into our country. Being a farmer, and feeling great interest in such Falcate, I have read everything upon the subject which In accessible, and I will give you oely the rata: of my conclusions and obrervations. 'I no cattle plague la the Russian cattle peat In this country. It to always • more or leas pro relent, end generally kills whole herds like the cholera. It is both contagious and infections. By these terms I mean to ray It Is communice- Ltd from one animal to another by physicallm. position of the virus ape any animal front any object containing the virus, and also the virus may be carried In molecules In the air and Chas produce the disease. It evidently did not origi nate of,tio novo, in England, but was carried thereby eldploadt °testae from littssianllaltic ports. If this theory la correct, thee all importation of cattle from abroad alapuld ho atone, prohib ited by - Congress If not possible to be prevented. and It would pay well to call Congress together for that purpose only. No ship having a cow or sheep or any other entreat from Europe, or countries having the pest, should, be allowed to land in America without iodide:at quarantine:. I Every disease mat, at somo time, have ortgl noted from a violent disregard of the natural laws„,"and this, as othare.i lam of the opinion that there is nothing in the Management a: cat . tie in Great Britain or America to generate the disease. Moo, nosaultary precautions can or- I rest it short of absolute lion-intercourse. I believe the plague to be a species of bloody -murrain aggravated by-the •marshy nature-of Northern Hassle and the utter disregard of all the laws of health which Is shown to man and beast, especially to regard to ventilation and cleanliness which prevails le these cold climates, where great expenditure of 'heat la needed, and foal and food ecarco. The ammo. connivers outdoing - now the ag granted tyPhiutlever here welsh Is called out side of Russia the Owns. England was warned • long dace of the danger of direct Importation of cattle from finagle, but tailed to heed the ad ' vice.' 1 trust oar etnintiy' may be more wise - and more fortunate. Vtirtiker llnpt Mexico,. Y0a5...1309..-.13,- , The Tama' Havana conneriondenee of thep,A'4uvia) following: Small boils of Liberals tiro lad to have been dilkomaekat chlletotiai lugs atnitlan wheys tbtryaretepraented o hero lost two how dreCl men. .The, LatOnla • f 0 alao,FP.Ent.tfet, t i plied hi an tato& on, Lutes 4 are .01 ' 02 inlPetlil'antlunity.l Other ideatuits rep.; resented to be later , say th e eltyjot Michoacan Ls 414'14 oast. *llk Gott/nacos:well IttlaNekand that Om tnalit_POYOr the Volmb , lieMo - twerps 'it VoyankatkOinn .are ~ 0; 04 14 4g Welt. onstom boninand 'eatibliablegtheli.an• Meth:l4MA that the ImOrialieta allt a tte l o4 l " agog tbelifortneittohny'Sforella. The Estarena says on I rumor thatgeneral: Ortla Ltd flee prhadpal daces *ate axe- ALLEGRO BRITISH OFFICER ARRESTED. A. Steamer Suppose& to be, Lost. FS' DIEDICAL MU , THE FRE6DI63. Nigh Pelcca in Washington. Yaw Your, Nov. 15--catiLße g twad Chem]; eel, who tinfoil to he In the . :Billtsh serviee; 'tens arrested In 'Ashliid.:9ll.;. a few days ago, On n 'chat° o litlfg - Implicated with Wm. Charles thatiy:and others In an 'attempt to, de: fraud the goverment by , means of fraudulent bonds. Capt. Chauncey was bright to Ida city yesterday, Tito, screw steamer D.R. Mount. which frotilThis port oh the '2oth ult., for Jackson ville, Florida, has not been heard from since the".?2d, when oho was seen 'even miles south, of Capaliatteras. rears aro entertained that alto may have been one of the TICLIMS of the latasevere.nale. 'Otueral Grant visits the Central Park today. and the Opera And Union League !loom; to. Light. The public reception will come OR on nide, evening at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, The TVerlin. Washington special has a 10115 a. UM miler - that the strongest grounds will be taen to the matter of our relations with Great Britain, and that• the indemnity question will be backed up, If necessary, by military force; alto that an army of observation of not less than fifty thousand, will be placed on the Ca nadian frontier before the Ist of December. The Savannah Raved reports the sinking of the steamer Savannah on her way to Augusta ti eellialon with the Ifiyflower. She had a car go-estimated In value at a quartered a minion of , dollars, pertly tenured. '- • The Rcrold's Wa3hindustt special says: Mut late repute from the Medley.' efacera bf rreedmer's linreau In Beath Caroillta indicate that In spite of the continued :are and vigilance In loetitutleg aa?VarT rehrats among the heed mea. there's an r ased mortality among Meta. /4"ln . et revere prevail to 6 Vert einsaldar ant( extent. In Manta there Is a graded spreadin g of the Small poi. among the colored neeple, Wo larger cities like Macon and Angel , most Infected. The want of medical 111C11 among the Y.Y great, and the medical director of the Froet.tir.,a''' Ba r e" osr7: gelds that the Oben of the humanitarian .7:_'`t cats of the Nortb, cannot be better directed than in sending medical practitioners let° the Eloutlteni States under the auspieles of the Bureau, - • . . • In:ries/Of the ezothitani rates now - . charged by thedudel hoarding house keepers in Wash ington; a considerable nun:Merv( Congressmen haveengaged rooms In 13sitimere for the nest erosion of .Congrcas. ..The leading hotels hero 'have raised their:rates within the last few days to • five dollari per day, and the prices of board end lodging In private houses am approximate ', hil;h• ',Fifteen or twenty Congressmen now here bare agreed to urge the temporary remov al of that:body to Philaielphia, in flow of ;the sanitary, Crilleittbn of this city, and - the apprn bonded Ptedenceof the cholera early the next tornmerciars Washington letter says some of ottr brevet military men are about to leave us on a southern tour, and It Is lileted they may not atop until they are on Mexican Intrittew the Fused' out of Micelco. Oradell!, andi,eictly the diplomatic corps Plang Chan g ed: and before many months a msperliy otate4..incoin'a ammintesa will have heed tome to masa way for heroes of the War.. • • The Herites layman - correspondence learns that!, a squadron has actually corn tneneed.7thei,bloehmla ofChill. • .Theltbeliaan Stonewall will need consider ablevegildra •before she can go to sea. Rig aICIDE OF maTON Ten Mit Itti4eut ea ite get f Jersey Rai kind. 15.--( 1 / a Monday morning. Mr.. Preston Ifitir,*tit ton etore end porelmied • tweists'4lelanonnd bag of stint, but declined to Kate" it a r ena to his Foote, saylnz be wonld take It himstlf. Fie II iiiiiiposed to haiwpfireed it'ha his etothing be,rore he jammed-overboard. Hopes are entertained thit the body may be recovered. Gcn. McClellan Ia not- a pastencx In the Persia: The Boyarie was allowed to come to the city this afternoon.' A verdict watgircn at the Buprinse Court a,griirist Cochran. kgery dealers, to the amount of pearly $33,000. The cult was to serene for *dream made to the lottery men. The Japanese corvette Pasylanna, built here, made thapassep to Rio de Jaticlro In twenty eight days, =route for Japan. A. railroad accident occurred at Newark this morning, caused by thenllzence or thought. , lessnem of a gentleman named O'Brien, who • left the twitch so turned, that the train took the track to a yard, .some two hundred yards from the switch engineer, who discovered the displacemeet of the witch,,ead put down the breaks in in Instant. The twoiliotive ran off the end of the detailed track., Thu smoking ear was literally demolished, the first passenger car running nearly through It. The crash was terrine, and the scene as dincribed heartren ding In the extreme. But few :pentane to the smelting and firstjousseuger ear escaped with out same injury. -Up to four o'clock. but Maur persons bate died.- Eight or nine of the injured were carried Into the Newark hotel, where they recited prompt medical attealon. It is believed a cumber will not - recover. The switchman ku been arrested, and It Is - beheted will be trite:llm murder. beige of biatamonhi,lllo 116‘ei of the Llberale—Amerlcan Troops Fired Upon by the Imperialists. „ „ Nzrx Ota=las NO'. 15.—T4n later: Browns. sine adrleea sap The Llbensis under Generals Eseobado, Cortenaa, Canales, and Mendes are vltornasly continuing the siege of Itatamorna. -They rewired on the ZS by the steamer }Go Grande, and hrought her to.elarLarttlc. The Liberals bold the dear 'Mboreand below the town, which has been alienated by the wo men and children, who are secklog relmre oil the American side. It Is thought that they will capture the place. While the rederalforces were enthusiastically cheering the progress or the Liberal besiegers on Thursday last, the Imperial steamer Persia fired four shots upon them. ' The casualties oy this mane proceeding arc unknown. From Nashville—Tennessee Legislature— . Cotton Sides. Nasnenix, Nov..ls:—Tho. Legislatiire to day passed 3 bill 'antrorizlng the Governor to Issue new bonds for the 'railroads , of 'the State to the extent of the'State - extdOilicisiefit;•alio for funding of the State debt as .Itmatures, togeth er with the Interest port due,oreo become due, on the lot of.lannary ISG6. Cotton sales were light= todni; a few bales brought forty cents per pound; the price is from h:rtY - c4b l to. fart.f.outits.- The recelptia. were . 551 bales, and the shipments Rem Te'd bales. • The river Init shout thirty-three' Inches, and Is at a stand. The letttect Commleehm; Br, Loon, NOT=Obte 15th,—CoL Taylor and Rev, Mr. Reed, of the Indian Comuaseten, se% to treat vetch {bet indutne 347 tha north-weal ar. rived at Fort Randall, Dunn% on trio Stn, on the steamer Calypso, the other' members of the Conantanton brinig gone AMMO 01Porijortd. InO Comullsolon canoittOntl treaties with law trtbes of the Bloat nation% and train= =lPlanang for peace among'• the Indiana themadveei as well es with the Government. C,ocgressman. aubbard, of lowa, who JUL, bun Investigating the trawls pierparate,4 hyahas !Galan amnia on different tribes to that tO4lll. try, to on the Calnato, en route for Watbitigton, Mlaslaalppl Legislature—Rebel Stadler, Penaloned-eCircular Aron& ,Geu. How ard. dirty:ol,3los., N0L.1.4..,-The Route 'passed 'a DUI providing forint *import of .wounded and disabled soldiers. - • .• General Howard bat _tuned a eirsttlar etruellng oMcors of Ups Barea4:46 7 erideol'ia to OVGITOMS tMe false , molts ludnatrionsl7 FRels• lards° classttle labor end: glye rise to.dlsoroor Bishop Clarkson, erNebrastn. Consecrated. Cmcaoo, Noy. 15.—The: coniechttion of the Rey. Ds. Clarkeon bishop, or Nebraska., took plsoe stSt..34annitturett to-day: , 131Velsbops end our day Ann were present, together with an iltill4llllo congregalloa. The cerentonles Pero eery , Imposing PM. WOOD-cm Immedlatefylarlds - Now...yeti; Co :•w A sturovon ,Traltiont not Immedtattlyinake -opOlntolOnt tho socancy_occassionod 41wAltatli, or. 'Vt. Won., In -thir.imantlmo Mr %Q.. Pant Ccapv_thr.and-sparlil- deputy ;cadet li tho lap ofrit% vdll net as collOotor !at tlt9 rot% • Ctuetera . . - wee burned 'us ckceter 'wharf ill," evealtigT , - • 2 • mai, OF tOI;i,!ODORE.ORA.VEN Action on Pardons,Suspended. MISMIANEOUS IVA.SHiNTON NEWS Wasnrsozon. Nov. 15.—ThewitzuspeS for the defence continne to be examined hoforn ' T : the Fismignt Court %Martial. firegoin Ifilaberthd Liiiticriant Phmilx testified that.',imlifig the facts al the case, Commodore Craven acted i as a wise, judicious and brava- commander M- Ed. Engaging the rebel ram Stonewall. The latter believed there would have been , , no Morel chance for the Niagara th an there would : l4ga been fora brig In combat with a frigate. MD: Kenneth Payuer of Noah Carolina had a long Interview with the President. to-day, ea matters connected with the political intemsta of that State,"'lncludlng the restoration of its rights and p , rlrilcgaseht the Union. The action on the many applications for special pardons Is nearly altogether dispensed mith by the President, - whose time Is occupied with the consideration of a - pressing, if nor more - important oitarticter: Supplies of five cent currency will be sent Bomb, where but tittle of It is in circulation. No more will be transmitted at present to the North, the demand there not being so great as in the other sections of the country. Owing to the many counterfeits - In circulation, banking and other par ties frequently send notes of largo . .deuemir.etlons to the United States Treasurer's .oflice, eaking.whether they are genuine: .Tho `ltsc has notletiost anything .by counterfeits,. experts readily detecting emulous !stun. Complaints , havhog frequently been-made to tbe Secretary of the Tressury that, letters ad..'; - drtscod to the Department wad the Yarions be.: ream do not meet with prompt replies. an order' bas been lathed that they shall be answered im-: medlately. In a letter to the Navy Department, Lleat. , Whiting states that two men on a raft, were, recently discovered off 'Cape Hatteras. Tbey were the only survivors of the steamer itepab-! Ile, formerly the Tennessee. They had beam eight days wlibbut food and water. Some of the party were washed off, having no strength, to hold on, and others hecomlag crazy, Jumped. Into the sea. to the Grand., it le sold the recent yow l Jury against Gen. Baker. chlef dekellro of the War- Ihpartment, originated in his raid ort! certain alleged - .pardon brokers, whom he accus.l ea of haudulent practices. ThO merits of the qttmtion -wilt, however, be tested by the. Court. The President has reetelized Robert Berth EIS Vice Consul of Austria at Bt. LOll6, and Fred eric Granados, Vtee Consul of Spain. to reside ha Boston. The wort, of mraterittl eat- members ofAhe Veteran Reserve corfeWhe detird discharifes, commence .yesterday With - twenty-three com panies of the let and 24 battailens. : The following !tamed `allleers carat4.ll,om CObrt Martial to el:invent at Alexandria, to try CapL Pettit,of the 12thltegiment cf the Vet errui Reserve Corp.! . Brig. , Gen. J.. B. Mc- Kibben, Col. John Missfleld, TA. Col. Carlisle Boyd, and Major H. B. Bambara, Judas Advo cate. A large number of CrittICISCS have been summoned. It Is understood that the accrued is charged with creel treatment of soldiers at the Waililigton , prison in that city. From Savannah—Freedmen's *Way& . . NEW Toitz, No*. - r5.!-"- - The :Savannah -Errata of Lbe 11th, Mies that 8$ Whitely, fru& ous, In thalaiteePsiVat he , rm.-% attem P tel2 to &boot Ilvr-Geo. H. Ratan. appmintendent of freedmen on St.lhleea Lilasekomd aro instant- If end' br eevaml freedmen. Hope !deleted,. aciatmtPar of Vi7;'l.Aall r Eras lodred to tbe Savannah.M. Eighty ft md people arrived at Savannah from &non's, Si. Cube:bib% and Damien" lelanda. They left there with their household 'lamb:era and trope On /eanan2 thaLibe lolanda btu:liken annendered Pa the °vita. Aale of the Boston Gazette. BOSTOS S NOT. 11:—The Announeemeat made yesterday that :the; teablithera abbe Eveatae; To-retrr have purchased the Saturday Evening. °Let/time 'erre:tam. ' Mr: Ilxidsell la now laid to be the purchaser on his Individual ac ed-eat. eider Justice of Rhode, Isluta Etesagned- PEAVIVINCg. R. 1., Nov. tli.—The Samuel Ames. for tea )ears Chia[ Justice of the supreme Court of IThode latand, res+treed his ornee this mottting because of 111 healjh. BY LAST FIGHTS 'NAILS 311 s official count of the soldiers' coca of Ohio, thongs not eomuletek bas advanced far enough to show the probablwaggregatc, which will pro. trebly exceed 3,600, and will add shoot 1,700 to the Union majority oa the home vote. Tanntlebrated United - Stites well at Paola ceased flowing at ball pat two 'Thursday after noon, basing been ,Ittooded by Mtn of the new wells going down near it; it is not ye*, beatnik which. As soon as the source of the trouble is dlsetWcrei„ the Well will bo pumped out, and wilLtto doubt produce as well asbefare. Tim Board of Health of St. Lords hue taken bold of the cholera question in earnest. and sigma= measures will be Immediately taken to thoroughly cleanse the elev.'. It is probable that a reguiar cholera hospital will be establish al to prrent the eteesslty of putting patients with that disuse Into the ally hospital A utmost bu ruched-Desmoluts, but Is gen erally discredited, Mae Clark's train, number ing about roar hundred - tiersesur, was attaekeil by Indians west of Denver, a few weeks slnee. Persona who parsed the point reports that they saw the wreck of . a large Vela. It Is supposed the people were captarrd.' A Lerma from • Muntsville, .Alabama, soya that Frank Gurley, the guerrilla, who murdered Gen. Robert L. McCook, has. been elected Sheriff of Madison eonaty; Alabama. Oven eta Inuadred persons arrived at, St. Jo seph last week trot:nate gold'ealnea of Montana and Idaho, who seentedto have plenty or dust. Tun great ,-sals -or'Gerernment mules still continues at 13Pri n gtield;- Illinois. About 900 have,aiready been sold, at prices .slightly over 0100 par head. Nearly , 700 mules and SOO odd horsts.yet remain lobo 0911. PIEEDE—Mrs. EMMA PIERO F, daughtir of the her. D. 4 Dempsey, D. D., on November Mai trim, at Bearer, Pa. Each day some past4drops from the cord of mem:Wile. Some voice to which we hare been eccuatconed to UateeLtilla been tuned. forayer. Flowers are dolly Phdaked from lottior holetaa and breaches made In peppy circled Bet yesterdeyWoWereealled to remain the cud. den death Of Wstx.iast - rranon, the husband of her whose ileedaseL ire rioW record. "Leuteen e year Mete their happy marriage was celebrated; sod now they both Ue in , mthemilecn of tae since. berars..t Ifikeiwas a bail! biteeVettiltd Utb. do only staid, the Jtisticaect Of her yerents'ipride &Miliaria whose 'bort gte waaa ssitrumeitroirib• en with the passion flowers & ale wedded them= of her grit ands earifltivi Torittata, tondo', and yea esois„ seta nothing to impede his prOOOtoitil coulee, he was. suddenly stricken down. The young Wife, pure as Use orange flower which re. cent!) , ;claimed tee. forehead , paidte stood at the alter, :a ;blunted antr,eatied Wide, whose path hitherto bid' been, hemmed by,no wanton's end. drily- stashed by theilteretble intianatti whish swept °Tribes like tempestiand yesterday-she died and Was tense away likes shadow frciatthe FULTON—Tuesday evening, at- 4% o'clock, Itimr..itib,l363, at the reside:tee lir here Maimed, Andrew Fulton. Esq. No. Grant Ismer, sdre. JANE FULTON, in her ehl year. The fpneral wilt 'take plies from her late real ' denim, on-Takkanes, Si two o'clock& P.M. The meads and. acquaintances of-.the Dually itze 2.• 'uttony invltedlo attend, • ICTILLDALEASMETE4Y4A. - rtEratHih' d JUL most platursivasplace aaltnra,altuata on the twain% Itmeliately tunth of Allegheny City, on the New, Brighton Road. Palmas wish.... Int to @sleet 13ntlal Long - A*lll apply athhe Sup a• intendants Cllglasi at tae , Clemelerr... - ?smite and all other badness will to attended at the Drag Warationea if the undaunted, cart/neat Yoneral and Laseock ittneta, Allegheny. lt • - • A'.• exu . nah.lid S ecretary and Trisinter. R. rF , Byp3. . 88 thaw streetli*Tifurstitet sa-conms of irraftaisariptirm. (MAPS. GLOVES and PUEALSISING,FOR SEINE*. ALSjiminsUir LILWASE - saii BlAGEktirtaatiolao , wrap ,5UC1M11344371111E ) 13-110WASES. :._ncotair arched; voirdarepurtipratulzacq • act ~ - 730. 1 11';11, E :ttts Corn A , Prlms and i 31410. 170,b1 dol. , %bin?' Pee-lira them dow ~ }:.":::'' r bbla Booth.bUgartiviapi :40hotei Edloltiu; I_o di! • MO,: "aO.; ; ' - ' 4n*Ora arrio . tnr: , For ilibt by. , , 61011COLULM &.• .111 and 17i Wood itteati. TTPIVERBAIiWASHING BL&OHIVISS V TEO Wit and thetyreatill time.. pa... ...ay N. Can .114 spites SI Mogi % - a at St, Mb strtet - • • . 1, 44 7L. etuutars., voLtnu, MEDICAL. SUCCIZSEVI , TREAA'AENT.,,- or • (trate Disease* COnseMptian, War lila, Syphilis. Seminal -Debility, and all Female Complaints, DRS...AMOS & JOHNSON, SEBizreot. PITTSBMGII, • •z e gethoradls from the Merlieal Prete& • Oleo .enfl Othaar Mr. Edifor;,ltL with plessural nuke known the folirearter facts to the while, believing . my tes rnltonna Invalid who kw hitherto tailed to Mats relief. At all events / ems dolnkno more thin pistinc to two h er s so men of your city, cOnlessinn that e nip ninfully treated several VetYhad awes btieww weakness and Weal* oemplainte, Or Adenine the mode of tieatmen now ptesertb3W Ws. Ann . Johnson., . • • 3 L • !, For female Weskons doubt =Ow Of =Mins tnakten equal then monks.' Imre eramooo4 term for a =At 1:11114 ladles who have been Cron , bled toryeare with weakness, end in nary sass • peeled. cam has been erectet4 some very bed cases have yielded to Ws mods of treatment the short space of two weeks. • Yours, respectfully, Cl ME117 , 1N.. 11.. D. le veland, Ohio, Leman: MI, /en. ERTIFICATE ;Tim THE BEV. Di HAMILTON . . C FRENCH OF MONTREAL. I certify that Drs. Ames ea JOllll3Olll meatetnes have eared' nay wile. who was soil:Oat to debility Many years. The w.edistnes were used only two months. E. O. FEEDIUtt, IniDortatit to Ladle?. Our F.E.ItIODIOAL DROPS will Monthly sickzeu In eases of otatroot=o e n ' ea t v dame. Plitt el. N. 11.—Lenlee who are prep cant &bottle not ma there. . Tonle Ur Female Weltlmen. a certain cure. TS• injection fox the Whites or Leueontosa, DISEASES Or THE BLOODS Drs. Amos 4 Johann—Dear Slim Imust spin tate that /our remedies tor senffulaann blood Mies= arsroally cracelleel. , For scrota*, anal. • Is or Ixolnititles of the 010641 Had they never tall to etas when aced at elaes o ded ln dl o te n cts d. sy l tar ono. urhpitai h MsbrWilof two p m sn ths w . , F. W. B.lFqt.f8 .1Fqt.f AL D 1 Olitemsatl, December tat* • SEMINAL W 6 ` KN iutPt i l the ussot Dd. Jun 4. Moue: Mr°,7 l , tut had been yoar rese:!U 91 ._ the evil erects ssaCes of the i4Lo.sw. of seminal weakness of sasuzy,.— tech cues I ocaeldce mai" cal M. ilMn y . (Mob!: Seth, WU. Take'llurtteular'Notlee.-1311. Antes mid Johnson address all those who have Windt hem ultla itoPeoPer butnirstice and solitary hob. fliNerld rbusiness, stu uinbotli body and mind, undialny them ibrelther dy, society. or marthige. These are ago of the sad and nrelimchely at. frets produced by-early habits of youth, sash es Weakness or the back and limbs, pains la toe bead, dimness of Sight, loss olmussedar, power, Citg 4l . lo2- or' the . been, .I,7sMilt, nervous de. 7, denumemeni of the dials ro trinattems, general debllity symptom,* emtrumytion, ha. Drs. Ames. &'Johnson base for many years an. elusive' devoted their attention to the treatment of the dlaoxd preferred loth those tsintsioalals. Address; - Das. AMOS & JOHNSON, • MAO Youth street, anEhlmdellmeolistaw Pittsbaryn. Pa. 001/GIL,Tio aloica.• . • sivarcsimirtms BEELLIMOUB COUGH-13=JB __-STRIOKLILAW S BSELLTPtitrU3 oaons HAlnteat la warranted to-aura.Clonalw, trolda Itoartanwrea. asthma,' WbeZnnr„. - • aduatt• Son Throat, - OonsmnpUns. . rumretuntr 04 Throat and LUDO. Vc rth Warne, rialo 107 - IDrin Oeneral:Depot, m FouClinainnalt, z)z.a.maiutccriai.. , Anta. Medial men ani ints_prass rasesussa; DE. STIIICICLAND'S AZITZ•OIIt)Lr33.Ia MII TUBE as the only neaten remedy for =annals UM r=. ill • coni csa of Astringents, ts, Sinnstuants and Osreabtat tea and tratranted' to drat a sane altar ay t meant hava =led. Ito sale Gm s.A. Dot, Mat You street, of"at th u• 13151113111141YS PILE BENOEMY, STILIOICIAISIPS PILE ItEISELY Liss cued tboadds of the wont cans at inteAS &ZS Bleeding PBea, It Oen 1eve. 1,0 .4 tend and et ono &peewee.= cum Try It dills . gAIr• Me Wee ranted to ettre. For sale by ati premises. titneral Depot, Pinata rzena,eitufinsuct, Dyspepsia,:: . Elictsrommx, 'Debilts snaciaamrs Tinny. Rofin yescanayaa those suAzisd with Jou ,e.stet,/noolguastan Dviwoofferrettnien aadliormai - motouth ti us Tool* jou 'notable prt.parpaam, fru, from aleonotle lignorellt somehow the "Mote 11/n7Q191 gnaw mates a good anat.% and Is trinaeledeO eitt • Depepets sad 'Narrow' Deblll/:F. "rule : WEGEGE S. KEYSER. ITN'teccgli. R. E.: SZLI.F.B.S " JOS. FLYMINO. -- 311:01.aliRth a ddo., ^ ityawr. SUPER, ' " J. AL FULTON, - . a A. TO/IRMA.% Nub et dross, earAt 131:0. aistrldrasis A. EL Aliegbrzy Ottr. BT.RICELA.W.EV3 • asztrAteralotra l '' titil COUGH .BALSAY- I, cs.ti--• Ls erarrented to be the billy •• preparation *mown to :cure Uougba, ColLo.Lloar.eness, iviORE; intoopiar, Cough. r- .% • -- ukronic Coutbs, tacostuxep .4. • on iris and Croup. Ltrinrprepared from Limey and ilea's, it L Dealing. soloning, and erspeetorating, and par ticularly anitablo for all Lunation' or r ya Throat and Lungs. For sale by Druggists everywhere. EL, E. SELLIIIIS& CO., Wanisats .Liszrrs. TIYBPEPSIA. t 0 g;7",,,, JI-FDII.IS7.IIIOIC.LAND'S 0( 1M1114,.. . TONIO tr a concentrated C-.. - N. .0. preparatlcri of Roots and o ff._••' Herbs, I.lth antiotelds end ~.-. el earralsintlve to strengthen ;7 4 •Ite, the stoma:as and , nervous '...':...,. ;::. . # .l - • *pita*. It Is a neat/do .11 , 0 temeril fat D,Vreresti ..Or . %I .............._______. Indtgestion, nervousness, •' ar '‘' Loss el AppeUteolelcUty 1 of ttus Stomach, kiatalen. ' - ny and Deblltty.._lt is ji . kot alchoholio, therefore partteaterly =tett for Weak. Iferroaa and Drs. taptle siemens. For sale- by all Drugs:its every where, at Stperbottle. It. E. sEvr.ras a Co.. , ocuari . Wacrtantat.2..d.aarrs. DR STBICKLAND'S r 3 f7 .........., ~,,, ~-. Sias P tral ! ' "E th ill o! M itab E fo Y E Ma V r e ^!:7• O It irli WOM ebses of Enna and ::-- ",...., .—^ , ":. It alike. It giro Irzt• . , . • 11. E. SELT.MRS CU (nit FA . WirOfalmt Po sse. le pease kat true . ; Try 2t at P.M.:E.-S. i. Prefer end effrets a 1„, !,,it - rettlP. It.-le werreated to cure. For sale by all Mau la at 60 cents Der bottle. pm,FAT A .D188A.9813. altatreBs334PESS STREET. niar Vat' tail enire ot all dtiCaStli of a p4vate name, Itcloi Wont" tour nays, by an .1.1731 aw and seg tresMint• .411/ 0 4Semilla Woakaesimuldialottiol disease orthe nanltal orgens,and theaparrentlogr ems o lo stony Wands& hpure.-1 to a. inlsi ton, a4L to B pon Add, ear Lettersl7..VS,l34 Penn corse t. nol piin-Tram PRA - 1 - 3r1021, • z 13 OTTIVAL DISEASES Giese Las a Imeertedge. seldom acquired by - Plant mans hly realdenetc in lids tar, add the ana smatuall patient treated, tuilly by pa, art ett D Of rool at M s T itIICCOU. • spnamerositam.A.,oenxtuz 'mums And all Miami atialing thudtAna. are. eared to e =eh porter time than heretofore ml .NEW VEGETABLE BEBEBTEM scat ty any part laths Tinton, lettart lust MAMA .4 =tog a v o ttriaMmrespoa=e i r s moan. Adam! , I.W nx CONSIGNMENT ANDz'OR SALE,A.." SOLO MIL Apples} ' VO2 Yeaehtnow 100 White Sew; .ICli Onlonis . • 11X1 • 4erseyl3lreet Poted,oss; 12[ 1 / 1 02G11 Hamburg Chen!. .20 bllk Cranbirtles; , 26•• __ • Victim In salt; ; =Dior Plokla,L for tabpu so 'Mute tub. ' Icsatosooli'XimotlerSsed.• . , osArit lisrcta, oen • ' "1 , 13.*:15 Liberty street. (111.4 -STOOKS.—Tba andaalgod V.diroAuUcalar attatitlOA 14, TAO purgius and 'swats ati=livadax.Compaales. , •sirmiti buyers asditectitto 04. FA 1 0 7 .rcnixrnt Erns= • :• : • A.",T1:101:i7r . : 0 •=7l O lg., _LEMON:P=I,..-10-bresea Lpaion- PC9 int rateised auctftyTa z aa;vi o ' s, • `: an 4 429 Wood aunt. A.T.E.az,-FLouu - eirrEa.— , -.ETery oals.,:Crall. sad 4ire them at Nos. la iuulfga 61.k.Olatr1ttalti - , •.! zu4l . „ POILLIPS. COrroii—a• bales to antra for sat by ace 3 • . 156.161i71i0/XT &CV! 4 1-? I.F\ 1- 10 174. Lxvra , 4::7 - . VSX3SM=S. NEW AD D i TZW_ 13VMk , . ~ ==il - rirYl Z'~'~`+ ~P' '' f . 2Z i MME:3 NEW BOOT SHOES ail Shoe Store. Concert Women' a Rubbers. Zl, ER 6(001)S ALL OT EAPER !er louse in Qt. thy; Than any o ANII • •+ TAIL., WHOLES Shoes 10 chzi4tj; c ilcb e~ nOl6 las CV U&1) OAK HALL HINGIIOI7SE, IFMit sraiszr-2 VP 900D3 !tit (*yrs: !WALKING wars $ or OVIEROO OAP PANTS. eft PANTS. 13117EiM all straw of LATH:LNG LESS OE 005 NEXT a DLLS. & QC. , J..E. S BALL, 13 nem sr., OLOTHIMi9, 0 e Open Boum OPPOldte t SUPPLY YO -ND ALBUMS BOOKS rftESMITlei 1411 STREET, For the following t steek in the eity to Yon have the fin) front. Ton only pay the You also receive a, lour present will Ton trill be nod Present. Publishers price for !oaks. time of punk us" precut.' 'swarth Imm 60a. to PIM IT 'Mist led with both Stilt ask, Try us. j 'OR A CATALOGLIM CALL 12a 5 ' 04m4011 DBM !Q• line AlsortmeAt !C • BULCMCINES: ':San al • • M.QW IN so- = Straw Caters, :r7l, .• an , :ay n es, No. 28 an. 80 OHIO ~~~ TIGHTEMIL Tote oPYRIEA-"-: NT AGENCTZ 43,rinter, riesr ' salPirula int= ot!it r!'nf!k4 D I WG AND. PA No 11 ST :7 Brill" ' FM nay stratu • icolenselsro, 14 ADDY & ; FLUBIEBRIL -PRagn Steam Fitters- Gas and WOOD ST4EII7, No. 165 mar- °Buzau . 1 Sheet,iei4 Put es_BAR LEAD. lIIIMPEis HY LEAD P I^4 ,I'llitabara t :.::: .F.: -... ,,, r:;101i,, itirials: -, iii , Chniiiial, :rErsowerz= kflestatprayktilkii Fitted fc`ii ••Tiaks ttruia ' fiPwithrWir /14•••411 • . • 'limit ar aopi4E-"kon* J reelaftittglaitaa- Pans . 1 : ANWE'Llarra; Aszfn stak& ER=is . kLE, ~Vmv•- EVEEXCELEIEJMO}E. yiNES and- tECTZ OVSE 1..., 11111 •TS VEITirMIWESS So order. 'End V .... 'OVA mos vs derasitsiiirsodt. VEtabscep E sot OsSisspl ,ORAT/0,1% __for •liallso Centairs. ill Wood, Yresto fah 17 Market 4treet. JOS, i3,43tretßES IVE 1811: A PAITED l ;DM. Tesubuas - aa Usual:4st 43. Ir. NU, c94scat sog : :1 13611-440 bbia. ptuv : in gaILIOACZn kCO%I - i l r OEM
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