Mt tlittsbitois MNMDLT; iiOVEEBra GAU inn= tetyai iv= imp, AttrEreaig eapscp:- rue -.Per • le. - IlneldT,R.l4oo -4147 A Dv E R 1,1041414:174" wnulls wia g. t. 2" s- : Ta ft Lac/1 4 TE/ faany 111 , I t . 11vm0taes.,—.. tf . 1 W=ssi ; ~, ' ~ ..• .•.•. ' .•...•..•..•. ' , ..•.• ..... I• _ F - 1 ,. :.2 :t P. " - ~0 7 1w eti.. 2 26 siii irii 55 2 ' 5 " i Two weexs.... , :.,4 •ts 2,76 209 .: 125 12 i -'22olol l ftek! 1 ~,.:1 220 'T.4 - 23 : 2- 73 , 'll.OO - ri; l egto TOo lo g :at ti r. . 826 - , 660 .400 .215 L'Z't , l'Threemorttla 1000 :10 60 ~7 00 • `l9 00 +OOO 000 1 4 1 . 411 . ,• 11 2: i •M1101163u...1 23 501 it 11 ' ' 6 60 . to3: 1 :12 at i 12120 Mantis. 34 00 -Tr .ro 1200 6 10% 'l7 010 1. : 001rear...... .45 co' F - ,gis 50;. I s al. ;10 I_. - --- us, 23 00 r.-i3trttnottiloaaata mimeo one years:payee crutageot I - attho advertisers pleasure, at a charge did conic Per ligitatai(oo,2o..ettraLit paid at the Um%)) but. atria, la conanodtottutlawitrttato ottbe ,a4Tertitet6iiii-«utti Oioirarr — :.thatr:.. .414111 or„Loserted on such days aa_the office I 1 , Arlin:ant adrintisisit DeathNottrea, each totrottoo.,.. kr .1 1 Blarrlapt notices; a iel( . . 73 Stmahoitt;t4Tertiatmea i•/1••••••••110 sy per trip. • 'a.oo: Iproontora , or Adrotolatratora , ;AO TEM 7i4TES 0W squaie—COnatutd tsusededs•tittrultu a? the Aavr4llse% had Mat io include dinanclows; ktraudiol%* OrneW lira* vriittli. •• •• • Me woe .weGir•••,• An 11 ,A,0•0 t.O•be •••• aged al inn Three months:.., :. VEI El In Cai Six mont4i . .. t JO De :... 19 toi - Nisus 111.4 ~, ` . ..."471 I* 1,;Zi.00 Sus rellz-fj7-- i-...# 2° , 02 ., 1 ! En ' r itir Flii .IVotun double the abol ~ Mated mut t daMatiL 'tit: mom . . rot i 3gliar.llotteei At: midi: ides. assty belAgrec4 • 411111r4.11gai r e tqba eon/blared as t e span own plea bp.teoplino 0f . 1.114 9n4iuul Adslatignit MA TlFF3."llibi , t3llign ELECTIONS . . iTlie 411eptddleans yesterday swept erefy ; *ate . trt:Whlall--eleations wens held, Including ~..:NztrzYurts elects the Republican State RAM by. about 30006 Majority being again of over' , whoots from lath year. ?rho aeglidatare mill be overithelnihiir tepablicanin both' branehth: The durnocratle loss in the city New:York is 'nhOrit equal M the falllns off in' the RO,l•istry, • ffhowing that the tlemberats mast` bare polled at least 12.000 . 111‘;liMM bat 'Year. ":Bat the greet vietery: of the "tar Rijn New ey After"ii:nioit bril iant:fight the Repub . - lies= Lava stteeeeded. Canyint the State-Jot , . the in many years. The , I;lllature the' ratification by. that State . the Constitutimial Amendment . abolishing ..._RiaverY It nbW sure.' - i'l4lseioillnVillitiols: 'and - Nrlnnesota% in tho swinsl, And-] . S.iissachnsctits the esit, static' Aitnly b! end elentoo Re, ,bincbOine nasJoritics. ; . his; arc Liteiv; cempletel :the elections for In the northern States": . . = Territile Tragedy ImllartferikConneeUent, . . . , r - .one _or the mon terrible tragedies that we .... . . . . - deem ern ca ll ed mew- narrate =mind' intim -Osy at halt-pitist rhno o'clock ' lint night, at the iesidenie of 'B. lete President of the co, . nneetlent2De•lnsuranceCompany,Mr. Greene . Havingnatit44 Ate 0014 or bin wife by . cutting' her thMat With a peak-and then attempting his . F . r. life. The facts ,an brought out tutors the ePtmer- l e lei ,- were aefelleiws ' :- . ~.Idr. Mad Idni. 'Greene were in the hems alone, their daughters and a nephew having let there - about kilt-past semi, there being -at that lime nOthincuausnalLa the appearanceot Mr.Greene:' At half-Past - nine Mary Johnson,Thana Faster : add -Itobert 'Gibbs (colored); Henry Kennedy and B..B. ,, Cummings, on their way - from thumb." - were withlea few rods ()file residence; when they heard. tee cif of merder. - Mr. Knede thlol that as eon Mhe reached the. front of the bans° he saw Mrs. Greene atanding by the front Piller wiedow,whieh was open, the blood stream- Mg from her neck. fie ran into the room and said. "Mr. Greene, what -Le the -matters" She replied,:"_:.Mr, Greene Ma killed me- he has es eaped.eyou wete's fled him !" At 'her request Mc. Kennedy ram -for DeOperentord, who came { mtuediutelf; but she - Was7.deadou his airivel. Mary Jabeson,, an Intelligent colored - Woman. fellowid All', „Kennedy into the -h o use.: Moe. ~ Greene i-arked.that hzr -husbaed had eat her , neck, and asked kr' be helped 'up' stairs. , him. . Johnson and Mine goatee helped her _upstairs totter recta, and an she passed. Wide the door she remaiked,- - .1.1. sant faint," and -fa to the tem. When ebb woo 'mired. from the loss of blood. T heleterihr.'lnguier - tekt on the right , side of the :tick seas cut, the ' monnd being very deep andextending "from , ttte eV, to the, chin, Mie Gretrid renfarted to Mary Johnson that ebd bad been:afraid to stay with Mr. Greene-all -' tbd erculeg.- bat. nortelef the - memberaUf. the lewdly efere.keerwing to this - rack: :Smirch was mrdo far Mr:Hera= about the Premises, led It ': wassoppoesd that he - bad escaped.: :-, .- ..,. ..,.. --- - While waiting Zee -the i coroner, Maw Nott summoned 11 jury, coratsUng sof John B. El& -ridge, A. N. Clark. Collins atone, ',Meat A ll en. -..• 8. A. Hubbard and 8, Matter, wiso,werinabout attending to their duties, when -it was stated that the doer to Hr. Greene's room' was Incised . and the key on the Inside. f Thin wha'aeitterter before elmen. The mom weseenterixt by a side window, whene terrible eight:presinted Itself. Mr ,Greene was lying on a sofa with his right. - arm restiter on-a - chair, with au opea :razor bi - Itia,lued and still alive, but with scarcely any hope he could live but a short, time, Ole hua eut deed" VIA- on the light- aide or his nett into the tricold catenary, making annPen i Jag into the month. There was anothmneut on. - the left We of the neck. and one aciona the left arm-- He had bled profusely, was partially sere atele„,bnt. could not articulate &Weedy., Drll. Bresford and Austell dressed his wounds,. and when we left at twelve o'clock latoWis still alive, . but With very little hope that en'could survive. Itappeared that Mrs. Gra66o was sating by the centre table realiingthe "KnightleBoldier," • wheeler husbaud C31120.9p habled her and cut her 'throat with a razir.ithen ran up /tales, locked bin door, Tayaoiin id deliberately suede the attempt at Ms own life. Mrs.. Green-rats ,acreel the parlor!, opened the front blinds and ;', window end cried "murder," as we have pre vloesly stated. Blood on the leaves of the book:lndiceted 'Got It was open at chapter serer - . . Ever ansce the death of Mr. Greene's daugh ter kg has been;very low spirited, and for months hen given evidence of insanity, and his friend, . have:had feare that he might do Mattel( laity, , .-- but did not anticipMelojasy to othem lie at. e.' -. tended church yesterday, and after. guide° In • 4 - the afternoon .walked some distance with his 1, son-Di-law, Mr. Day, ewe/erring' relative to his own Matters and that of his -health;:bat there ,;:',- was nothing In his appearance to indicate ..the 4* tbeeight of harm to himself'or his friends. The ei rs finding of the Jury ..Wan In accordance with the i' facet =above narrated. Mr. Greene t l / 1 /3 a- man 1., - ; / isbontaixty.six, we abiseljedge, Mel was', pm- A ,- sewed of considerable wealth; . lie leaves two l 'l . daughters, one married. We bane no heart, at this ;time, te . emnmect 0n.., this tragedy; the `,.... 4-' . MOM )lOrtibie.lll it::' ant eck that it was ever our il lot tUileiPteite. ,gutihea Courant. area. 6. quatxr.l.—The New York correspond cut: (if liTitinyo; last 9 .Morality sn'ye -- Purdarrit tbo cholem• sear* ai over for she prosent. - No new cases aro report ed to4lay,'and aaibe atmospbero is quite frosty, and_ ilia latest reports . fiord the, ditian4 vorabla . the aaifaty in tbC,' public; mind. has measurably 'abated. f. The Commissioners :bave -licen In torsion darlat the ,dayl discussing the "sltuatiorr " but buskiers of praelical Importance was trans (eted -." EittYC 116rnmer, a chief of that Cheroken Tiattoit; is la. IYiebtagton. - 'Efe Is the ten of the Ellaakkaidtroi. who wawa pat to the 'treaty of •At" Wlth the 'Clotted States, and who tote assn.. antatetfatar (hattaeocraa In lttts,,ltTeitiplinsed, lil.come of .Tohn Ross' partz, - whei:N4se: . .estd op. t the In) , a. and to enalsrationwestward. 1,- Elias O r ;Ludlam WAS !Ito representative*. of the riberPhetoktes in the 'Confederate Congnms. He a, 4botteo Jobe Ro3.3th ti ;ofdlaleilion and bloadshed: In thetrtba for. &ha. se,ns. , ft - ~. . • ale - Oadts b 3, actor* !i itu; etc', of New pee r etiitteiitttlitateite:i'..teratp : fellficiT s - " 161 C = ._ :ro isoc_ ;.310,0110bee - • , ct, 11 - 4.0• • ..S l .• •p• :"- t'ArKYESl43as.•Tilte !few Yo: rtonckanyi: It Is t;tsfesla a dispatch icons-Toronto tp!ttstn, .17 , sitcmptit:inats ItaTansis on the gdettloeo liontagYrn;',bi! -outtli sin* ..76 learn : th a t til4 Is an-thneaan, and that chain tst ege =angel, 49)nrnlianal,on Inila Provinces eta Foam" inalisteditssis In 30.043/2 Arabi of ids„ genii Giles, wbo,for more then a' qulrkeand.a CeIIITITS; has Intl:ended and ftharm ed Ismuneratde iv:Meats, both In 'New York and New England, by Ms dedglitaLleatneeS: .ble. Mies now In wry bind belga', said mike intate*to a low ,pee t eutiary_ condition, with LfatudY 4.5303 ding upon him fee suppo rt . Mr.' JamesOsk.ea C'!dtloelin, Tremont. linage, Bit bas undertaken to melee 'snort tiptions in aid of the testimonial. - • abibitlons gentleman in New York is, ac= • the papens,_ preparing to commit matrimonyln the clmuls on Wednesdey,Sth. Pro fessor Uwe - has famished ri balloon car with Brussels "carpet, 'dimusk 'cushions, blue silk canopy, , Mc., and Mtn bridqrn. too will take his beloved ;oho away from the earth accompanied by a Philadelphia .• clergyman to tie the „knot. The parties to.the Interesting event are Proths. scr Boynton, of Syracuse, and Miss Jenkins,, tornacrlY : of St. Lords. , • Tint Sonthern Star, a "loyal" paper Just star tedin Now Orleans, says the -government, in 'Justice , ought to rebuild the levocs destroyed by the redo:al ferces along the Mississippi. 'The 7 .l3pringlield /mama su ,,,, vats,, that they had bet ter send in a 'bill for_ 010 destruction` of Fort flfl, lafrotit of Vicksburg, 'which Gen. Logan tattled slid blew up during the famous solge of - that city. "hes bodies of to, and .Allss Aubrey—moth er and daughter—have been recovered by the driers from the wreck of the propeller Republic, srrecked on Lake - Ontario. It is now certain that Ind throe lives instead of seven, were lost .by the dlsaSter; Orno, like New Hampshire and Connecticut, , wll.l bare a double Thanksgiving this year, the ono appointed by . the. President, which Is the arse ThritudaY In December, and that namedly Gov. Anderson, the last Thursday in November.. >' -Szk'nius. mekro" regiments are shortly tubs Muttered out ortereico.An l onlavitie, General ..Canby -Itavlng..ircolved orders from the War Department to disbandall he can spare. The General, In order toprevent these coiorod troops creating disturbances 'alter their disbaurinten4 'has directed that :they shall not be showed to - purehas.e their arms. :Maul I time, 1. • ekossFeek:. I_2 CO 18 00 10 BO 23 00 15 00 43 00 . 18 2.1 if in. period 29 Tut =toils] contained In the box which ex ",ploded litmday wjth such dieutroin effects at - the Wyoming Hotel, to Greenwich street, New York, is believed to have been the newly discovered explosive compound of Mr. Nobel, of Ilamburr. Germany, ..composed principally of - glycerine and- nitric acid. Pr le said that. Garibaldi Micky caused two of his horees sold In Emma, oa the public marhetviace. - , Eletn-Vlctor Emmanuel hearing. of t hteStavoordem to purchase the Vivo animals; which brought; thicelnottsmid francs. ' Ile then ofhered.them osajapresent to the Goucral; who poslavely mimed .14 receive - theta. : , „Blitaltaettbeen letiothicad lathe Mississippi. Lettbaltuk, towrope railway companies to Dna vlde separete cars tor the ntgroes, and to sus. peed alt laws for the collection Of debts ln the State toir seeded!) time.' - another bill was also introanca,poposlig to tax all salts brought is the United States Courts. Tno.deaths habiew York last *reek were 411 —BB men, trr wOmeni 189 tops, and 68 girls—a immense of 35 from last week, and of 4 as com pared with the corresponding period of last ,year. Of. the deemed, 174 were children an der .five years of age, • Tux biffaissippl' Legislature proposes to set apart twenty-fire per cent of the rrablle debt to pay the State debt :Sul° be lcrvied for the stip prut of.disisbled. Ccrufederale 'soldiers . and'the widow!, ana — claldren of soldiers kitted In the _ TnnGonth - iLiradl4nd.)- Regislcr 'hes . Pwed frem the Lands ot Vinteletinto Monett A'Beal. Esq. lion. !nebular Collet ,wilteolt-' time to ittike it theitnedlum of communleating with hletotiatitneets.. ' Iv must be pleasant to live la the German fitates,ot siggle *WM' has 'been killed by railroad accident since the origin of that mode 'of traveling. thirty or forty-years ago . Jonas L: BEEIPPE I Esq., formerly' of the Chi cago Tribune. and lane postalpsater of Ghleago, has associated himielf lathe teriakbria business with Messrs. Preston rt Etan;ovetist city. NEW ORLEANS PAPEES . /3117....thdt never benne. -was there so heavy' a demand In that city as now for all kinds of meehanleal many carpen ters earn en per day as jounaeyenea. Tam new teleseePe--said to be the finest In the, werld—whieb' was purchased by: subscrip tion for the Chicago University, Is now ready to tie placed in position Tics Philadelphia cay councils have appro priated 520,600 to defray- the expense of Wan guratieg.certalo sanitary measures in view approach of the cholera. ant:, sixteen years of ale, ave:reotee with rage at being worsted la a wrangle 'Cat her sister, committal suicide; In Lynchbarg, by "wallowing opium. MERL. are tGO,OOO eicelctons of horses and cattle tilled darlog the war In the Sheosod 141 Valley collected at a bone , factory near Win chester. Rossui POE. sister of Edgar A., is In Balu toore.andiaxersr poor. _ Iltr reloads Appeal to the pithEle for help7ai THE Wesel= army will be TealiCed to the ex tent of 50,000 men, and will then be 000,500 strong. Turr are bulldlnzears to New York for a street railway in Calcutta. Site or 'reltum!a ProperES Something of,a sensation was created In Filth Avenue drss in Now York, Monday af. , txmorm by thermic) at auction ;of the palatial brown Moue roar.ston of Mr. : Montt ICtschum, at the r.orthWest cm= of that thoroughfares:id SStlf incetiponsuant teen' order from Ileum 'Taylor. Bement & Calhoun. The purchaser is Isaac Catindal, Ent, and %baptise paid 8101; 000. The following property belOnstrur to ths same notate was also disposed of:-.-The four story 'Brigid, basement dwelling Unite; Siwest SGtb street. M 405, Ptuntutsof Mr , Charlda BA]; two-Mary brick stable cad ba r on the north side a Slat strtet.4ol.oso. purchaser, ISaseC. , dull. The sale was held atthe mer chant's Ex change, and among the crowd them were 'prob ably few wbovers not, or had - =teen at come fanner period, personal friends to the unfutu.- nate family whose property gran tbus-brought to the hammer under eirmuntanaes so painfully peculiar. • CONCLUDED ' lICSELLN —The Charleston Courier states that a. large number of southern• era who were about leaving for forts= countrim have,o3neluded to remain, In consul:l.nm of the Improved feeling manifested toward the seen by nonherners. Slimy persons had, how ever, left for, ferelgo States; on; It Is thought tut few of tame who intended to leave wlll now do 60. AUCTION BALES MEAT BALE OF VALUABLE BOOBS, moult:HUM ALBUMS, FAMILY Bt. /21. P., PA PEU,_EN VELOPES. GOLD, PEla, he., as —THIS CVErfING at 7 (Pelona and the followinst evenings, at. the same hour at tut Com mercial bales Borms,'l Smithflelditreet, °ppd. site the .Post Office. it the collectiaa sue such works as Applaton's Dictloasryor Itiestianics, 4,000 plates; Brea 'l)lallosurry of Arts end Pcicuces,3 vole , 1600 plates; Hosarth, 2 volumes, 142 plates; Perry% Japni, 3 vols., quetto, boauts• fully illustrated; tlibbunis Rome. 7 vols.. English W.; Hs EaSland.. vole_,Elacartlere do, v 01.,; ir 1r0b; Heiiry (liars Works. vols.; Addlson's do, f vols.: Goldsmith's do 4 vols.; Lamb's do, co t s Hood's do., 4 roll; No order's ChursluHlir dry,' A vol. ; Waverly Novels, 12 vols.; Metric= Cyclopedia, 30 volarthiream plate troths of Shakespeare, Byrao, Burns Moore, Bents, Montsomery, Linden, ()carper, Pope Dormer, Dick,, Boliki, Plutarch, Josephus, Cham bers; several hundred volumes:of po,,ular Arln'tl• of rhe day; aoket Books, Prayer tisoks, As. N: B.—Kooks at 'private, tele 'annex the day at very low pricer. A. Al e ft.ow.”. f. ff. MLITT. Salesman:AUCt'r. no7A f L'oß tsALE, AT PUBLIC AUCTION, on Iiet.DNESDBI," November B.h leo At io &clock A. AL., rum/0(E Lily', eantainte g . bum oneto three acres can; also one lot or lour acres, truth poach and apple orsaard, sad OD sehlab rlsora are nested a small Cottage Howe of four barn, wsffon [hell, km. • - These lots me nandeernely located wlthin D few minutes walk of..t Ma Mattes"' on the P.. Eq. W. k 11.12 4 -1 Ong. port . f the larahatet es tate,' and between ltke 'New Brtglitcut Turnpike' eta Etall:eari SIM.IO also: convenient to sennel houte,ctiUltb;k4 aatelthbothaad and henna good view. Flea deity trains dash Way 'topaz this Station, inakleg dt convenient for taborin v or business men desiring to reside outside the city hit or Seim—Pee-third omit), bal3nee fa t uee emend pas mead. , J'ereens dertrieg to attend Ede sale lila le ttre Al. !newly Statloplon eteloek A. it. Aecrommotettoe Train, erArlel4 out : Ice Heighten Head, tern to tte Wt. at Brie 4• Scheel Rouse after cronies Jack's reGatd A. r.KIOATTE, A.tetleneer. • chninistraz or's Salo. . Pureitent to 1111 order 'of the Orphoo4 Court of Allesheay County, the undersigned •lonststrator le Goals non. ot. , ELtLiht Edit% . deed, will again expose to' Potato Sala at ihs. COUftl. HOUSE oa TIIURSDAIL Nov. 0ch.1533, et II 11.. all their m , title, lotereet or elsho welsh MIS .of said El Sith, to awl to the TWO bTORT N E !AM • OUSE •of 297,r rooms; ;sod LOT OF ' , CHOUND, situated oo the souttteorner of. Fulton Street's/id Chutes Alley' Pittsburgh. fronting 63 feet 14,1oebes - oar onTalton street, and, is. Net 2 112Chellt012 tutorfroaltv, nag extendloybdolt by • 14Ia fointllel With COiwelf street CO leottlOohes, sou by • line At right finglAtc! f4cAFellil4,t feet 11 than.' TermN . JOHN AL - SEIYAiNT, t AdmIoLttcW., /Dalata _ HO VOttrth street. TZUCUTOR . tr.:BALE VALUAELE• _ PERT! - JVC-Atrarros..: ;On Feidar - Nottember -1061E411 o'clock. .W. 111.130 liOld Ott !ha , rexatsah, ta-Rosslo;imsbtp; 4 . D ' ll o b gram thetitYi On Os l'efrystals 1140 k, 44' kr War of the executors of ct be estattioPilibaos Idrbtetip. deceased, tito:fenrvOldtblll dtopert_f ctiztadalas tates, - - Isola r • has began sub , .divldatt Into ulna lots of [tout - lwp to Caren tares each. :00 one lot thert Is areftiol s alaharit' 'botel,lnesily cam and another ass rbersOrt'ssob. ttnnt WI, built hon es stable, atla zumat 44l 7 :Terns. one-bnif nub. - rastaue to non and two yeses; secured by } , i , nd and ntdrmana. - • For partictasss haqnlie °CS;II. tt. Cala, Om, to pith *qt; . st,o,ney for agnotiaors. • ••• nya• - Agat'S. spEmx.- zronOns. -ANEW.; samarauaLta :131 sau . - sioseinuatelesirect Witurclisles root. so comotaatt .otbar unbstansOs of -41:411 Iftwittr , alteratives pewit uto Afford an iltestusl anttdOta for ascots Sarsaparilla hseputs4 Warne.' Sault • remedy, is surety•wantad by these who - iMITO from Edrumenua eomplalnta, and, that one. .Iditede wlllaecOmplteuelbsit mrni must wore, is this hi*, serstee to this large thus r f out at , ' .nirseo Whew cttt.eaa. Ilowmonpleteh tblereorto • Dorold will do. 11 has becalm:men roundperiment. on miry Of Ale worst °auto be the 6 erolnta.tla<oiulomt:Strellings nail Eons, Skln _ llsearmßimples. Pussolem, Botches, gruPtloull. Antbooy'aPln, Hoag or Arystyclas,Tettst Sad Ebecun, &old fleadAlteutworm, Syphilis or Verestal Inmate, is slotted feote the)yateo by the prolonged - nab of lull Sanspar-; -114,, and the patient Is tat tn. comparative health., • Female Mussed arn soused D150.1)&14 tre blood, e:nd axe ones soon cured by. KW =Arad W Satsarilla • • 1 , 0 Ind discard this Invaluable neldlclny ~bireante lon hare been impaled upon by somdAthg Per tenon t to be barssparilla, whits es was - net. When you barn used Ayees-gben; and not till For relnrte-Particulars of the diseases it outer; We refer Icon - 'to Viers: Amencan Ahnsene. , whleh the agent below sward will, furnish pat!' to all - .who calf for lt.'; • • ' - tlsmuriati PritS toritto eon of Otis ttremew.lannalse, Dyspepsia. Indtgesefon, oritS l 7. rota Stomach, boadache Ithentem "Item, beartbettn arbdog from cambered stosaash Pain, or Morbid tenotion of the flowes,Flatn fency.-toss Of 4pfettt:LlverOomPlAtn% Dropaye Worms, Gout. Reaursigs, and for a Monet al 1. They are Sugar coated,' to that the mogt unit. - Use can - take them pleasaetly,.scd they are the . best Aperient tho world for a -00 ponoses of a famuy physla Pupated by .f. U. AYER Se. ' ,09. t0 Well, Mast. .and sold by PARNESTOSOR, SOW SOU. land by all Irtugghits. ssUldetteodmatir imp..WASIIIOIIIII HOW LOST. HOW la=r , RESTORED a—Suet Published: In a seal. ea Envelop Dee.. Price tin tents. A LECTURE UN THE RATDSE , ritSATMENT, and /UMW 01114 of Spermatontuna, or Seminal Weaknen, Laval, :notary Ezetudann, Sexual Debility. andd limped!. Meats to Marriage generally ; Mervonceser COO. sumption, Minim, and Pita; Mental and Phynt eat Ineapadtv, restdUng from Self Male, Ike. by Ll= A k etr a z i rgent 6i litD., =or of . 1: Su/Maxus.. Sent tinder meal, In • plain envel ope; to any addreta, pod paid, on receipt of elz ,trenta,rn two_postaps mem psi by Dr. T. O. ELISE, 127 DowelY.Seirlinek. Post Mee box 4,685. noltrwlaorT rrrrsausun Nem WORKS. HUBBARD. BRO WOO. PATENT GROUND CIRCULAIM, Warranted OAST STEEL SAWS. of gram do. aniption. Mlle, Kuhn eroaatlnt, Gang, and all All _ . .. , .. . : All kinds of EFELTMI and SPEMSmada front Sheet East Ste K %khttra Rettned EWER AND idOWING"en. ' . - -' AllirlVarehcmis and. tomer W A TER aad SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. • Particular &neutron - given to RetontMag, Gum , ming and Straightening throular Saes; alao, to pates of all lands: Puzzling and Drilling done at .teucusable rates. aD25:17 ar m. Boiler Makera 0S; Sheet Iron Workers Boa 20, - 22, 24 and MI PE= FTREET. Haring secured • large yard, end InraLthed. With the most Improved maoldnery, we ars= ed to maaufaetureowery description of BO la the best manner, ' and warranted madam made In the countsgaplalNEYS. BEI FIRE Ea& o o :dor vi PAN,BOILA I EWN ENSERR, SALT FANS, ES o STILLB, AGITLTO_RA SET ,TLING PARS,' BOILER IRON, IDGES, EfIRMILPANS, and sole mendfantorere of HARK EBOXIGRRs Se pal:Lug done a:mei/toned notice. delB.lS tgrLAILE oarrzauoma Copper NMI and Bmaltiag Worka, PrITE4llllltGli. PARK, McCURDY & CO. libintifutorees of SHEATHING. BRAZIERS , & BOLT COPPER PRESSED COPPER DDT; TONS,RAISED ncrrronts:SPA.LTEß 'SOLDER. AUK h) i.E. : ;rni ciporticrrand dealors to MET 0 A14 . 7111 PLA SHEEP IRONER, yon haad, MAUELLNES and TOOLS. lyirttoma.,No.l4oFlßST and L2O SEC. ORD STRE=I, , Manua. Special orders of Copper out to any detlxed pattern. 117=1 1 14.14 . . . C~TTO NERVOUS SUFFERERS OR BOTH Str/LEEL-A mermen gentleman have lag been reamed to health in • few days, attot tumid tontine Intl intesuist ezeetncive = i gtrtatment without income, oozuddets it We tuned duty to communicate to hie agitated fellow. cmataree the means of cam Hence, on the receipt of an addressed ent2e, be will send, /Pohl cony of the prescription Dina to Dr. JOHN M. DAONALL, ISt Fulton elect, N. Y. lid GDO. itSITIII W. D. iszaLsa J IP. itot.imar gar LS nruz. STEEL EMU S% BRIM & CO, Manufacturers of OAST STEEL; SPRING, PLOW ar.l BLISTER STEa.; SPRINGS, A.Z. LEL, CROWBARS, Att. PITTSBURGH Aa. Office, No. PS WA.PER STREET (up stalrO . PA- smuseion. ALA. .* VU. , irooorosom to ROonmomr, Mom b. Musa& Wasbington works. 'FOUNDERS AND MAC Manatasturers of BOAT AND S IA=B STEAM rarouliatl, Masi' Earomesoluts, MACHINERY, GEARING, sif.Arrnqw OAST . INGSM sildasettptWoo, OIL TANKS& STILLS, WILMA= SHEET IRON. WORE. OR,OR, t _ rotting Asents tor baiI GIFF ers. ARD'S PATENT DRIECD, t • _ _ /MIN VeCHISAIN IMO., siattiume, inters ot ILION VAULTS AND "VAULT DOORS, lEON RAILING WINDOW SHUT. TEES, WINDOW GUARDS. E NOS. St 6E0. 1 uND and et TMED ST , between Wood and nation, have on Sind a variety of - new patterns Ginty and plain, suitable for ell purposes. Partienier attention p not ice. eneloalng Omit Lots. Jobbinsdons at abort • aint Mr Airr,r4)7lllflNG APTIINSTROC.- TION MR - TOMO MEN. Also, nem and rata.; We treatment et the thrfaamand Sexual Ryttema. Adaren Dr. T. BEILLEN HOOMITON. Ram . and Amorist! on. Phlladtipbia, ra. IPU tIEBS ITIME.—A PAMPHLET OF Laments Importance to the old and voting,' . married and striae or both arrier, W ill be sent tret by *adman, with stamp enehmed,ahe spunk I. A. BE I. 00' Bea 111, BOstan Pon &hen nuraodtdatri PIANOS, MUSIC, eke. Now,BEENG RECEIVED THAT ELEGANT STOCK OF CHICKERING PIANOS, Selected pervonally by the inbecriber,dertne a ree•nt cult to the reetocy. SEVENTEEN INSTiULIENTS are tore open. ■nd neatly for examination. a nubile are Invited to call had lee them. Warranted for Five Years t7ILAILLES 0. TEL r any Sole Arent for the ettlakertrue pIA.NOS AND OBOANEL THE OE,LEHEATED BRABBURY, NEW YORK, •NU Schomacker & Co., Philadelphia PIANOS. THE ADIERIOAS 01 . 01,141, and SSTS'S e, LAMS UOTTAO E. Oft Gate, admitted by deniers, and all Who hare belied theca, to be superlot le [coo to at other instruments of the klod vt ne teetured to the Unite.' States. .Wo ere prepared to furalcb, et . Cie ahoteat notice. Braes and Germim SUvei lindrnmenm of every den:plot, for Lhasa and Cornet Eands, at reduced Illustrated Catalogues sad Prue Liata furnished application. New and .ScOnd•hand Plane* . for Rant. ALL TTIE CATE'AONGS AND PIECES Constantly, on hand. ' WA lEribir & BAR% - Elm 19 0. irrart-r. KfriLl3l3 it CO.'s , ELIGIIEST am Grand Parlor Grand,-Square ant Up. right Pianos, w ith orarstranebasa,,agrarte treble, fall Iron improved frame, mid all the vahlableldo prove:nests, The ton" le pare,brillbuttiontlrele salad:al istumiater, of toe best trorforusnablin tough " "' ran ' azt 4l 9unllST of bane unstulanistal by any... Earls Plano guaranteed for 404 years: ._ , , '4 CHABLOTTAL r r 44 o. 43PUTH STREET. t •°,,,Pessm B d door AbOVILWOOd area • HOF/WA HOENV. 14144: nrrg +iota aotria*;* • . 'o4.4pixicess. MILA.IIGHTING OFFICE AND PATENT 6.OENOIC Na. 12 ST. SLAMSUMP, lusx BusPogo* ILPAENGENnErt CSSwer. lt Myr gum," amtraimrc=R)7ta - : gAPERA. nt) Hiss ANNIE ams. Meet oteht bottepoi of taebrtilleatValat Trete' dlen, - IlaiRTON' MiLi • Isli*Vill'APPert . bbispesialltyof pumas. to the a.oest and National Drama of- Tile MECUM , NEW /OWL - silvan/a .Erimero, Nov. alp, the enter - felomeht wilvetuameiteer With the peat Na- Moat brims, entitled the - :Maxims or NEW roue. - . - " "Mr. Butortliel. ' moan IN A tab•ltlJUlti on Saturday '.l4iternoce. Icrehq "The Elan of the Fenian-14. 'Mot or, The thielet on the liensth,o and ,• he One millet of Morrow PITTSBURGH THEATER. Iwer cad Mitaserr WEL HENDERSON. Fourth night of the ORIONI AND SUSIIII ITALIAN opera 00. This (Thursday) EVENING. Nor. 9. Gauciod's neer Opera of • FAUST, With the following unserpssied cast: Margbarlfa eVile Pauline Callus. Site Patti Stralrosch. .Signor Errant. Videntino Signor hlattrusl. IVisphlstophelea........Signor Sustut Wagoner--- Locatellt. Marta. ......... El'me Zaputzl. 1423 . set — a,i3ilideria lcddiers. The grand chorus and orchestra Is under the di rect:on of SIGNOR BOLA. • On Friday. Evening, (lag night but one,) °La "Pravlatcw On Saluda • farewell raebt.. "Don Giovanni." BOOTS AND SHOES. LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS • IN 'BOOTS AND SHOES. Jost resented • TREMENDOUS STOOK (Jr FALLS WIkTDEI GOODS, • eT J. A. ROBINSON & CO.. 61 ALS.RILET STREET. Next door to B&RKEB'S Dry Goods Store. nor BOOTS AND SHOES. JAMES ROBB. Starket Street Has Jun returned from the EAST with • very t'rge and mountable nook of 13424:0•143 .91%17:1191ZZ03zD. Co the VERY BFST QUALITY. Ideas., Boys' aad Tomtits' Boors AND 13110E9 to ell their .tratinties end styles. LADIES WORK of the do. 'stood best that to manufactured, from the tine 'Polish to the plebs Oalffloots. uspiress , Boots and Shoes In every style end variety. Oar object is town snob toads as will glee ut ter/teflon tOebeicurobase xa r. ir Please call and emble, and you will be uthtfird with the QUALITY andlFllloEol6oode. Remember the plane. JAMES ROBB, oc7 leo. 71 Market street- NOTICE. ALL STYLES OF Boots and Shoes 63 MAE KET STREET SOITTS a ROBS oells CLOBUNG OUT. GREAT SALE OF SOILED EIIOES AT BORELAND'S. LOOK A C TIM PRIDES Men . ' Roots only • Sr co wont et 00 •• Shoes .. ado aroma 253 Womea's /loot. enry.— I 25 worth 200 0, do do 175 on 260 ElUsed, do do ----- 1.00 worth 173 Clllldrens' do do .. . ... —..... 2.5 worth 63 Bora. do do .2 00 worth 005 Youths' do do ... 165 worth 5 Iti Call early sad Imre bargales at BOIL (ND'S, 98 Straket Street. nod Mid door from Filth.) FALL Alm Witaltit BOOTS, WOES AND GUMS, AT $ FEDERAL STREET. . _ Our atoich CI SOOEV=IORALS and GAIT. Mer. go ' ti Cha ndter r Shoote cs uoinfpneed. Oa r Our /Me or Celt, Ktp sad Hooey Hoots and Sal. mandator Men, Llaya and Youths to tha best In Q clt UM y. SHOES, SANDALS and (WEBS for all. I do out aell gocda *1 tudt prbto. butt do sell an good artlebr to: le.. money than any other house in too two Mlles. Mesas all and examine my mooch and lee the plies betore you buy. w. K. news toinm, No. D 2 Federal Mercer. ALLEGHENY CITY. T ADI HILDIIEN, E,S' GENTS' IfiSSES' ANY/ CS Boots, Shoes and Golfers, UI every Style, Mitts Ina Form, at doyzza Oman Fifth and Wills stoats. gar Mt toes slat evelTtmal7. salt CALL AND BEE THE GENT'S HIP BOOTS At fa Market street nea J. W. CATINATIAT7 CELL;: - AIID BEE TILE oEtqrs FINE OALF BOOTS J. W. CIARRAIIAN, B.t Market street. CALL AND Sag 1131; , , LADIES AND MISSES , FINEy%UILL.IItOBAL POLISH LAATIS at 83 Market sttegt.r CAIINAHAN. h~ r ~y {y: i~.l~ ~ ~:` ~7;~~,~:~ SECOND STOCK Or, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FOR GENFLE3IRN'3 WEAR. ilew Two-Storied Brick Dwelling. Containing ea ran rooms. bath room - sad Ossifies room, Unlined tittle, wash house, cellar under the entire house with mama flour, ,marble water, Graff , * luxe mega La the kitchen, maatles and flue Ilniased grate, la the parlor, dining room and bed rooms. The house was built In the most meaner, and flashed in the best styles for the owner's own occupancy. Grape • sines bear. Ins, bull tree, and a ape eeleation of flowers. Any persona desirous of elamlning the proper. ty, will eel& oa the premises, now occupied by h1r.Y110.3, SNOWDON, and they will rarely. fur. lair pardcidars, terms. ka. °emitted Succesafrit . to S. GRAY ft SON, FOR MU TLe &test Novelties ot-Lhe moment. The largest and beet stleeted stock of FRET/at COMINGA HEATHERS AND OH EY/DIN. - -AN TUC Y. Vildell we will iira .. 4l3roer Ina superior style. MIA*, POSSIEL A EILZESE. on, Bittocuitri Tomone, No. 62 Firth it. cons 4514c0mE dm I GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING Nos. 18 St. Clair St. The Attention of the publiti Ganda to the hues and extensive sIoshrENTLEMEMS ratittitte amp% not opened - at' the shore. esentloned plseerwhio lam now offerinn at great bussin.s. Any one le went of the *nose Lk** ", nab mid tt to their 'advantage to give me • taii. end 'examine , my stook • helots pundietint' 'where, Tamp mend the Inmost and hest sideoted • kof Fiat Whits Stilts, extra ^sixes, NAMletwl' l a lc litai Woolen, Cotton .sad Thread undo.. Ohl' Ind Unwell. Scads, el Ti Soir •M u lld e i l itl i egen t l i reA d 4V Fe o i gMga ns, t u lt S „ lletneinber the Olson, IS sad IS St. Slats Wes., 4 SA l anai la. al lLegro stook of no% CO" , Wars Uol larsly4okirooll Untratul. Bron's, ExuonSoi. .p,n t d = 4 = l l/ioU s lir teal oto sold looru thaost. Ulia=M Merchant haml ,connis Cam ars. • • ,-prrrsutinaki,' 'Tikos'irelt = ilutur: iospotwobti , ids otptooe LT Ah°6l,rltOrgentprgiaetta. fpn art atoratrittavtat Wel Idrianalr selladad Pate ME fins otota bows in •tbs EZelu oralf• gal, Mali a elt=t foods as mit to I tof teatiammdta, Of asa aroma the =Wen And: most als - T•n - ItittatiLl And gi :tiettntbamtlrattocknaindtralliollotvln'' ano m Hes hat conadanna to tars. a PEEP' ELAOK, MESSED ELOTEEi'' AND DOE SKINS, as mutt,' wattnotad s'un tO taltuz - e. '• • • • TON' • all, MID gltiro n igt i s,S 4eV , A' great variety .of FINE eassIMESES foi anto Pand Vests, for Morning ,uin snowy won,- FOR 1311 1 0 EL RENT. toli.bitLry Watt Di auSDIATE. PO S: x Bus/worm atm= SOPS. PROYSE4.. TT. AT 'ATOM' MIN STATION': Fifteen urn 11:14 'Myelin:iv with-to moms *MI rarret; plenty of soft ,water &ad- trait. ol all Utast osanta.wilk.trom Tedinsl stint Depot, Alle• Sheti, Impure of. the intwerlben hls MIS Mutt UDINE AlleglM Arm OM TOOL WORMS se 00.1 Si Will , 0e312m1 . • • Foßlyaz_ THE I/WELLING EtOrSE AND OFFICE. At the janetton of Fourth and Liberty streets. Apply to • JAII'ES IR WIN, Al No. Iltarlret etre* LUg&IIM FURNISHED ROOINIS FOR SINGLE oEwrxxxzw. Good references requited Adams. "11. 0 Box 639 PiTUIO ea , PA: & , 011 BA.LX, A LOT ON GROUND, cony tainloa about TEN ALINES, situate In Haste. McClure township, near the New FlrLthtost Road. Thu propen e Is well Tutted for a Count!, Readense, being of 'atrium to tee city ey the Manchester Passenger li'allwev, or P. M. W. O.K. E. Would be sold In one or two lota. . 0.2, F0r aw tenn a ll ' lP 4l: 7 /k. t* H.. WALHER. AlleTheuT F°R A two storied ECRICE DWELLING, on Feiterf id skeet, 1 lath want. near O. ninylvaida avenue, nine occupied by W. L'inttnan. Alec, two Tenant Houses In the teat, frontlng on an laity, with separate pad, and entrance from Pelletal street. _ „ JAS. M. BROWNE. nog:lard Fx<henoge Mitionel Bank. Ftfh at FOR SALE.—DWELLING 110 USE. —, The brick dwelling, No. 10e {Pyle street. WM. PUSET, N. H. POSEY, Elevators of the clots of N. Pusay, dee'd. Also, FOB SALK a Iniak house and three acre. of around •ttA One nrettard, on Francis street. For terms, apply to WILLIS BOOTHE, Nil. 163 Llberty Street. nel9:tl FIJ ft [SALE.. LNDIRE, FLY WHEEL, ha., complete. ready feeputtleg op, satiable Jo; a saw-mill or any purposirtequlnag 60 11one pee. pply at aumett • b 3 TRIAD we STR A EET. • FOR SALE- A TWO STORY FRAME ROUSE, AND LOT, No. It 4 Washloglon street, P/ttaburgh, Lot 111 Deg ludas front, and fel feet deep; also, a two story FRAME ROUSE on Olity alley, Pittsburgh, 10 feet front, and 57 fee tdoey. Inquire of GEO. SH.LITPIiER & Ito 101 S,atthOald onset. ocl4llo DRUG BARE FOR SALE, WILL DS SOLD AT A BAICGAIN, For patticultro *squire no2:2w2tind 118 01113 it.. A.lll4llens , Ott, pox NALE.-Sealed bids will be received m• male o by t thertte Committee on Cllty Property teethe GOOD INTM FIRE ENGINE HOUSE, Malted on Wslie street, near Levin, to tne Sixth Ward, Plt'sburgb , street, November llih, at 0 o'clock P. at. The Committee Martel the right to reject any or all Ws. A4drea bIeI.6.IIGHLIN, Chetrees snap Committee on City Property, M Derr ali F OR SALE. ONE NEW TUBULAR BOILER, 6 feet It fetches diameter, 1? feet long, haring three flues. eight Inches Mundell Unties. 4 IX:Ie.. 2. arestep cub lo feet el thendifilemeta: . lertheepe 'ail on the enteralgned, at ens COMM n ! fee and O'Hara street. nutusatirosa, h CO. oetlittlfd VALUABLE COUNTRY ROME FOR SALE, situated on the -Pennsylvania Rail road, one-half rolls from Wliklnsburtty and only Men minutes malt Dom the newly 'rental Sta tion on said road, called EDOEWOOD ST/aft/Ns • LOT of grourd contalning tt acres 136 perches; three scree f)sk Forrest; large Trams Building, ltult new. with 10 rooms. and cellar underneath: Dialing Fruit Trees; Water and other conven• icor. These grounds will dtrile handsoinely. For farther info:m.4l a call on JAldEs s. Kum. No. IN PUth otreaL DEBIRA.BLE CITY PROPERTY :TOIL RE'S I Ist, LARGE OPTICIA toonts. No. Go Fourth Went, opposite at. h EL Bane. suitable lot a Stole, s O G fflnts, rce. 11. LARtiE P Umber' HOTORAPH GA LLER Y. Al. A SALOOM, in a rood location for an eaten. sive Restaurant. E. D. Cl/127.A.U. o. ft) Fourth sod irg reoll weer FOR MALE, A LOT OF OttoUND, lathing about Three dares, situate to Pat Tp, Allegheny &snotty, between lands of (nut Brare• ton and Zan. E Lena Thn property Is delight. fully &Hutted, overlo y. oking • portion of both cities and the Allettheny ricer. It to a beautiful bunting las for • Country ELes‘d ence, but wIU be sold altogether or to tote. For turas, l^qulro of the undersigned, No. itt Ulautruidetnet,Entsburgh. (I. W. ROOD 305. O'BillEld, • nen dtf Executors of E. PI Gown. deed. DWELLING HO SZ ALL CO HEN y Tf• CP Wil. El .41. 31Ca El • one grid a half atory frame Cottage House, eon. tatting two parlors, aning room, kitchen and tour shawbers, with water and gas, occupying a lot wt VA, hum, sultivated and ornamented with shrub. bery and shads Uwe. The aorromdtnga an pleasant, affordied ample spun for fresh air, and the outlook on the three -rime eolninandlns an extensive and varied view Ferftutherinformatton„.applv to el. SI. BitrAlf Broker, Fourth .trees. Burke's Building. FOR BALE, THOSE TWO HANDSOME MEE STORY BRICK HOUSES, Noe. ar3 and 31. on the out aide of WI ST COIL. MON, neat the corner of Uhl° street, built and Welted throughout to • enlx.rior manaer—flatalted with every modern convenience and Improvement, and at present In paten order; one of the clean. eat and moat desirable situations In Allegheny. Posataalon on the tat of April, lon,. Enottro of Jab= T. b...t3IPLE, Coal Estate Broker and Insurance Agent, OC'alf No. !IS Federal at. Allegheny. FOR MALE. Well Faditlell Frame Two• Story Dwelling, alVilig SIX BOOMS, newly Papered aria Planted, PINE PORTKA HYDRA= truglda and entente tbe Home. THE LOT firortplive feet front, by One H. Oct legit deep. If/NE GIIAPIf. ARMOR, PEWIT At. Posseszlot will be Oren on Ow tat of Apeta next. Also. ♦ cORNER_ErnORE-ROOM L WITH ONE Will HOUsE. Possession be given on tue let of April next. The inoptietor will either sell, or exchange (or Bonntry Property, Tams kkii4 l l;l l{, No. (64 Fourth street. F. T. smart.% OW rata/ Broker nod Ineurnnos Agert, aVASNiAIetI 65 Federal 'train, Allegheny. FINE DWELLING FOR BALE. E.!Snared at the 00111 ti of EUMZ111:1 and Dsvla Arcata, Seventh ward r Pittsburgh, having a front of es feet a tunes on Duncan street, and extend. Inn along Darla street ltd feet, on arlal an is creel ed • • A FAUN of I.= acres within 1 miles of Lad. iner's fitatlon, oa toe Penna. Rallrente. The Ire. provemonta are • hewed log house and barn, yoneg apple orchanh fencing good; acres clear. od; the Delo.= well timbered. , • - Also, null tract of Land adfolnleg the Bone' Of Elisabeth. cootidolog I. soma, well adopt.* for gatdenlog. Theeoll is the very but of river trot. and is in a high state of cultivation. Also, Altun 11 a Tory valuable tract o f min eral and agriculture land, oontaining fort ewes, situated at the eastern termlous of Ella ravine . and -bounded on the squib by thummaugh'friver. Upon this tract there are three rant= of Iron ore.," According to Professor Green's report the upend and welt.opened studs of ore is of good tlghlY insguetioand will yield o f per cont. Of iron. yi e ldys an respect to quantity this strata will 10,000 ton. to the acre of native ore, and reductor this crude macs to an item of dollars and cents, reckoning tllte vain. of - ort at 26 cents, per ton, this strata would 'then' produce one p er thouland dollars. In •additl on to this ere bare twenlyavo acres of ecel—snta opened ssUl In succentut operation at ergs ent time . This property is worthy the at. • miori of capitalists. The investment would be sure and safe. Spectra= of ore - call be a= at my ogled. .Ale A bro. 1 stock and grate Tow n ietil Una, situate in Cherry Hlll. p.`1011.. , ' sea - eounty. Pe., near the Mime 'or (IrecnirSlit' laic Improvements ere n two-atoll name the largest and best bail% In the eonntrs lancleg generally goods aco acres cleared; the resuundor .well: tbaberesL Thislead lv aPed, large ralladOws width: prodooos tine crepe of na). to very own. Mica tolAsosbet;selsoole, sallie s ato atoms, AO., Ike, nil Propos%) WA be solo Tory any sued an stagy annual Also, arum of US Amain Union township, WalhingtOn musty, l's. Will be sold theses. itabbast Awn. co kbe.kintAnkabeln Bleu , sbout:ane mile from farm. Allegheny Co., PAeotlataining ou &b se ootlegger/a. Theimprowentstits ars* trams h. finSharri.• torßallp andyrago dud,- With Cabot - rouitinhungs, larps *apple u ' .orehard et between ,400,pad treed 00 OULU° - tees, aetartriet,,,a.4s , sr_ . pgapr ai p „ it ,4 • 10 WW 1 41,..2 it egre tate tt e -orttlftst, Theltoprolgeoldate. ativalaskii Mak? cottage tionleseutralnaliciS tocan t — ; beautiful sawn In front.sarsons sbalby ornamenta , Slyest A Boil tern; wisk • teeny 'ptber buildings, good fencing; 10 Aires of the %Try peat: Whits o ak tabor. lats. tho best annuity of, linteatOrleland,.. EA Is alreollerlaid with coet.-' ~.... for fluthst:partreulara. (Unitize or G. It, TONSfat, - Betl Ealate Arent, No. pie rosirtA stmt. -STAIMMtp " - TMUMMt Itt`FINEEM: (LIM& SUMER. and Mritnrt TOWN'ttifTP. EMEMS3 ()Min in Pittiburgt4 94 -FponSTEIZET Then work' hare the. 'attest capacity in tan country. The brand stands' the highest to country and in Europe. loreinalil3r and tiro= and the MI is put well 1141110Ued barn% itru especially for export. Manufacturers of 110L4 STILLS TANKS, and IMPROVED BORING IGOLS toX Wells. deledy TENANT PAM! OIL COMPANY, Office Corner of Penn and Warne Streets This Company was sateen on the PSth Ind., tinder tifiTenneylvanis and' Manufsetur lag Laws. The Territory of the Company uated on Dunicara Creek. Warns thalami* of the Dunkard Creek Union Ott Company and the Dunk ard Creek Petrolenta Company. Capital Stook .1t50,C00 Oe Working Pond 25,0 an no Par value of each Snare. oo JOUNSON, President. ISAAC NOOK, Secretary and Treasurer. Jame Graham, Stephan Lawton, Frank Snyder, ankrat DianIARD CREEK. PETROLE UM COMPANY. Office Corner of Penn and Wayne Eitr This company was organized on the Mtn inst. under the Pennsylvania Mining and Mannfanto ring Laws. The territory of the company joins the lance of the ifunkard Creek Union Oil Company, of this city. Capital Stock 8223,000 Working Fund 25,000 Par Value of Each Share Si 00 011l0E1121: President—S. A. JOHNSTON. semetary and Treasurer—lSAAC NOOK. DITLCCTIOSB: 8. 6. iplilaßTOZt, I L. 13. Eranow. 81Tol JAM= r. OXIST, I W. O. Kiza, e3:174 H. W. ISITCHIC. SUPERIOR OIL, ENGINES. We are construeUrig, &ail will keep on hand superior style of OIL 3EINGIrTIVICI Either a Common or Tubular 'oiler We Invite parties needing engines for this pan pose to call and gee theta ' earner of PIKE and O'llA-11.& STREETS, near Qty Water Works. Jens BIAOICINTOSH. & 00. J4UI}S WU4awa, stozza!Axo Immix tir MODE AND ME= OILS kill's Bloek, Duquesne Way, PittsWgh WI-Special attitnUon given to the SALE AND SHIM OF PETROLEITX and its products. CoaMrsOMeOce'EtiSrated. egh2. y j SEND r, No. 194 CLAIR ST., Pittsburgh, FORWARDING AND commission IdERCIIANT, AND DEAI&M IN OILS TLLUMENATING, LUORIOATING, MUDD PETROLEITM OILS, &a., constantly on hand and ft.:: sale et the lowest market prices. Oons meats and orders solicited. ayism PATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1801! DITHRTVIVS PAVITY Oral Lamp Chimneys, Manufactured of XX Flint Glass. These Chimneys are intenden for the Oat Urns, seating all part/ or the glass equaliy,__ _does not es. pOse It to creating. E. D. DITELHUXEM, Fort Pitt Glass Works, Washington street, Pittsburgh. Penn'a vallllll. WARING it KING, ••••...NIBEIT 11. Z V 0 31311SSION 3.1 Enitll t ANTS, PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS And deans In Henning Mater in No. El za AS ICED ST. PitUbungh. BONDED WARE/SOUSE OF Phenix Warehousing Company, Foot of BALTIC D'x*lr° REFINED PETROLEUM. In Tanks and Sarn ia. See Circulars. 015ce, No. 113 BEAER STURM. New York. i 6 ): 4 OAUIPSYL3ret: I I DONCAR, DUNLAP dc CO., ZAZITIACTII6IIIIII as Pure IVldie Refined 4arbon No. Om LIBERTY STREET. nova JAMES IRWIN & CO., WAIC/11371:18ZA1 ON Oil H of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia, j I ,MICE No. IS MARS:CT St ;) zillts) • IWO y E ARE DAILY RECEIVING OCR NEW STOUR OF CAIIIPETS, OIL. CLOTHS, IVANDOW SHADES, WOOLEN, COTTON AND LINEN DRUG OETS and tHiII/II CLOTAS. DAMASK, imps AND LACE W/NDOW CURTAINS, Comprising eragthing new and desirable, Whlbti we win— at PCIPUL4R PRICES. EFFIRLAND& COLLINS and 73 Filth Sired, Next • EttlAilux to the Uattol Statea tluetom Rouse and Poet Office. oc9 FOURTH STREET • I iz !DRUG9ETS ' CRUMB CLOTHS. 104, W j 0 1 e T0.;wgcr...1.4'"11.4:1,1 0 Ituortruent of even thing to the ; SI ICARPET LINE„ 1 0:1 which tee offer at The Lowest Rates. RI 1 :1; W. D. & MoCALLIPSI, • • 0,28 ffl FOURTH STREET. R 1 10 — CARPET sTiiirff — • I rirssortyTrows: IlLt SOLUTION OF ou..P.aircrusti. SEl7.—The Pattnenthlp heretofore between the toulertlynedointler the Om t= UItIITEPTON k M., for the Manufseture of Sliver Pearl and other (loam hat thm (Ins been &mired by mutual emmaut. SAMUEL R. HIES, JitliN O. ORMIPTIJI J°L 4 t . Pateburgh, Sept- eth, . • wts. iactursrrr.... Wed. =anon OO, (5u0......k,C0.,) .. . .. . ... . Silver Pearl and Sn_erior Rosin Soaps, deklYd so Lawry-art arr, ParatißßOJl -. .., f lIBBOLUTION.—.Tho tSItIP heretofore entities between the sob. scribers under. the Ann of taTE.EL. fs BAILSY is this day dissolved by mutual consent. 40LIII L. BAILEY, who continues the business, Is dray authorised to settle the accounteof said Uttar • .TiIO.II.LS Xn retiring from the. JUIIA U. BAILEY. Ann LEY, I corsually.mcommmaa my tats power to .thepalronage of our former frfende andcustmnent TillttlAt3:F. Eras ' JOLIN D. , Blarz,T-, (Successes to tITEEI. , . Stock, linker and R O 4 - Istiti , 'Agent. **dm bought , and inild.tin COnitatn ton. Meg, iiruaßars 11.1.14 Pittsburgh; ' FWLik.4ll;* V.*Tiyatjrizi JOHN 084 Agent on Equitabb a W s atiZeneingtes Ilselamarenee 00.• and the Penn Maul LinaninteseeetkoJAC Pat& ettalle• 'NO. in MOW WM, Fitt s buT' , • COFFIN, - Ageat Ibr thr •`•. .` , Ftaliklln.phluidephia sod Baltimarelassi .•ance oorananw. No • ake. conur .WCOD =MILD - stg - Eits. • AV:P.,JONZS.Aent .Nottli marl -Ocaugarinunrrlaraltrotaw VAIALIEL REA, Secretary ClUtexuansan kJ AMs qompacy. tenet WATTS J. G: Weir, H. W. iiitaele ASID 11310113221 IX BTORAOIO, ETZTIZI PfITSWIBGU. PA THE WHEELER & WILSON LOCE-STITCH SEWING MACHINE, At the ALLEGRE %Y COUNTY FA LB,,last held, It was &warded the !UGLIEST and ONe.Y PEE. MUM given, as the moat ample and thoro•gh In eonetruetion, and as the 13Z.St MACHINE for Family and General Purposes. The donossulg well known gentlemen were members! of the Con, mitten. viz: HOUR hl. BOLE, JARS° N. BRUSH, BICUARD ITUTTAUL, JAS. BEES &MIA.. W. FUSTBS,Ja. • Call acid examine the Slioplest and Best Sewing Machine In the world, at the olnee of L P. CARPENTER, NO.= FIFTH ST., P/17138e13.611. not Jutin 11. 1.0x0....4101/11tDONAGIXT LONG LA NZ a co., . - P=l SHIN ARTISTS & HOME PAINTERS kle. 60 Smitbf St.lnitibargh. 6 r AUL KINDS executed pro_mivrand with unsurpassed elegance. BEAUTIFUL BROW • CARDS at .enameled paper of all Wong; and GILT SIGNS ON GLASS guide t* order and seat to all patty of tlie country. PICTORIAL DESIGNS encased in a tif Mr at' tittle manner. SOUSE PUNTING done with regard to do. _ hatnany or tolOr, sad Luitt of &dab. 4All Work at reatoesehmte& - -tatisay WILLIAM 11. / 31 4 0 T/Ylir - (Idge of tbit /19not131ot teLoazawa BOUM AIAD Slint RAMER. crib 04it sainUantr4 lad Mutes ea" way PITTSIEMECM BOOM! , 3390E1 1 •Sboitaaahi Omit March; Civil rolloy In Aaanca Draper; - .. ..Tbo Sabbath Putters. ' • Saila In Babylon; • E7ltun Deelattr Battles:- '. Flllt • • • I Ph tCg i o• Al44 - 2i14 Portfolio: 4 , Smith , " .b.mtitgah. /WU, oe2s . • . N 0.73 Fauth suites, . - - - . . OREESE.-200 bosea Goshen Cheese,. 100 liambOrr do. For talobt Oc4 J, n, ciumirizra). NKS AND BANKERS. TALNKING BO SL , N. HOT:MIS & SONS) No. b 7 Nutlet Stied, Pittsburgh DEPOSITS NEVE:ITED 21P I PAIL FUNDS 'AND CIMIRErieI Col/actinium:Lana on all the principal palatal of Carted Stales and Canada. STMC.S., BONDS AND OTHER SEOUBITIA BOUGHT AND 0010 ON COMMISSITN Partlariat attention Todd to th e Purchase aa sale ot UNITED STATES SECURITIES, OnITN Mies BIM 01 ISSI; Do. to. 5401; Do. FITS. (NMI; Do. fieres-TDDildli Do. Galillailes of ladebtedocoo ORDERS AND VOUCHERS BOUGHT Ub Ja16:11 COLLEOTE FOURTH NATIONAL BANK. 11. S. Government Depository. 55 XaRKET SRTEET, PITTSBUBOU. PA Capital Pak! In 15300,000 With Privilege or Increase to 500,000 Havinj extenelve eorrapandence with Hanka and Bankers ahreughcest the country, we otter unus. al facilities, to those dotal/ balness With no. 7 CO , I NOTES, And al other Govetnment seenrfties, furnished In sums to snit purchasers. Deposits received sod Interest allowed by special agreement. D: THOS. DONNELLY. H. H. KING. D. IC a d. nirrt RAMY, .JOHN 4 IN. T. HIGLEY, JAS. I P. HERRON. THOS. SHUTE. J. DI. KIRICPATRIOR THOS. DONNELLY, President, BUTLER WARD, Cashier. seirayarkwF Pic EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK O f Pittsburgh. Chartered by the; Capital !Organized adder EMU of Pa., 1816.; 11,000,000. Natal Law 1866 DEPOSITA KIT yF Ta 4 United States Treasury, an 4 SPPottia agent for the elle of Me 780 . Every facility will be offered to Lovcrrter. or par , ties purchasing far meals EL M. MURRAY, Cashier apatlf PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh. Capital Paid in $1,000.000, with Prvii lege of 12,000,000. STREETS.B=Ides House UORNER FIRST AND WOOF) TL•la Bank , organized =der the Nate:oast Beak Ins System V note prepared to tratutact baelneee " & Banking House. eon= of Wood and rim Wee Collections made on all accesMble points on romn . favorable Urea. Special Agents tor JAY , tr ue 6 l., for the sale of Use U. 8. 7 S-1,0 Treasury Notes. SAMUEL REA, Presideni F. M. GORDON, Cashier. J. O. PeIePEERSON Teller. DOLLAR bA VLNUEI BANK, NU 95 Foment Drawer. dly Af/BARTERED IN I SS& w dy daymuiea e l cge of.t to ,P ~berlit,fro m &k, and h Norend: let to DUE tat - Am to 8 o'clock. Deposits recelved of all sums of not len than One Dollar, and a dividend of the proflta declared twice a year, In June and December. Interest his been declared sesatarmually, in June and December, since the Bank wan nrauwa4 at, th e rats of sis per cent. a year. .. Unrest, not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bean the same interest from the nut days of June and Deetunner, compounding twins a year without troubling the depositor to call, or even-to present his pain book. At year& this rate money will doulde in legs than twelve Roots, containing the Charter, Ily-Laws, Rules andsulations, famished grails, on applinsior at Mee. Pgairmarr-.3ECIRGE &WM= William J. Anderson, A. Pd. Pollock, M. D., Jones 6. Backedite. Robert Rob), Beni. L. Fahnestock, John EL Shoenberger, James Rudman, James Shldie, James McAuley, Alexander Speer, Isaac M. Pennock, Cluistian Yeager. =Milli Cahrtn Adams, Rear) 7. Lynch, M John a Maley, Peter A. Madeira, 0 etn=r, Hlll John arshall, Walter P. Meratuill. Alonzo A. Warier, Jams B. D. Meets Mutes A. Colton, John B. lideradden:i Wm. Douglas, 'aka Orr, John Evans, . Henry L. almond; John J. °Clegg* Willlain E. Saha:erne, Mille= S. limn, Alexander Tlndle, Peter H. Hanker, William Vanktrk, Rtenard Ears, - Wm. P. Waymno, James D. KWLiam Whittier, :V A. COLTON. . Seertiary—JAlLlZ B. 11, MIPXDS, • 481atiir 4 2 171 0 te.OrAN:itilok PAINTERS. , BOOKS. ALBUMS, 0 ammo. 44 ______ WiNTER , 1865;, - Alt HA - ES ES E. !,212,1gy,,-.PESEISELYARIA. OEVRAIr &HZ la- TWELVE DAILY TRAINS. kl ,- On and at ter MONDAY, Ocillibesßta, taes3mbi - .Will hate the' Helm Passeageet4pet, corn e r a i. 'Washington and L3bertY streets; elli'SallOws: BAY liPESSidailyeseept , Skisdag, at zgy . ig 1, .10.;atrirplit.Z at Yohostown,Oneerahhign.Oaititte,,, Ait.,ona and ail principal statiode, and making . Sirens connections at Harrisburg Pr New York, :Baltimore and icsablaglOn. and; Eh/Ude:Phis dor New Visit Bunton nod interm ate points, I. A L'l OOSA C410.31310DAT10..., dallS estop Not one, it .6.60 a.. , m., . stopping ill31:;_all Mille stations between Pittatough - seAßOOrair 'Mut finalapg close connection math" hil on Dolman Branch, West Pennyylranta - 14; R.4;beriebnrig, and Lremon 34 R., anialiollidaysbniienylieh. • i • PITTSBEE.:II .4. BRIS , ',I Aitt.,--dally i IX. apt Stinday, at 7.60 a.-atopplitr at Man ' ticaugh, qa Wren, Altoona. and i principal stn • lions talking dir e ct connection. HartisbUrS - New Toth Li !tinware, and Waal:lo4on. - -I 'MAIL A CettniMBDATIOR, dality.ekeepetSna• days, at ti so ra. m, stopping at iki regular eta.' tiers, between Pittsburgh and lirrisburg, mak ing connestionswith trains on the,Rbeciburrand Oman Raliroad, !WI /10atd&jtbUtir, liallrOad.. • PHILADELPHIA EXPHMS, daily at 4.15 p en, stopping at Latrobe EllairsviEkiiiterseetiOn 7 .r, 6 a neMSUgb, _ t,' - itleacins;law , " thipton Letristown. bilißlito - 3Casport t r. sine, IBirristicas, Lluseaster, and; 3oWn sns. , At Harrisburg direct ocumectlonrcare 'Ma t.itit New Yet*, Baltimore and WkihingtOn And', at Philadelphia, for New York. Bonton and ' lnter. - Mediate points.- Sleeping Oars run t d bronzhoa Mi. train from Pittsburgh to ehiladelnois and Haiti more. am! to New York, by the Alßritown route. doIIBSTOWN A4T.JonsAWDArtux. aithr,.. cri,t Sunday, at 7.11 rt. to.. atopping 3 st result.* Bons tetreren Patslilargti and 11,inerilisgoi, &ratite uncut: at LintrsYllic intersection Filth trains on the loosana Wroth and West Tstirklilfivanla nil" FAST I.INE. daily, except sumay. as iLib . 1 1 ' nt, stopping only at Bonamansh.Crbilitren, Alto*. on, Huntingilcu. I.eiciatown. SlipiLu. tteiroart Marysville, Harrisburg. Siliddletoth. -I.:weaves, ; and Dew hitglown. cuniaine conneetton at Ensile. btire it t Nov York. Baltimore arnlWasblrirtell sad at Shaikh Iphia, for New Yor , Boston, and butennedirde points. Sleeping carpi eon ,taraugh , to, this train to Philadelphia, and 4to New 'York ny the Allentown route. iL. _ . First AreunallWatioll Train tar iigales . Statlott leaves daily (oxcept - Sundao at a. a. in. Second Aecirnmodatton Train turf Enilis Station lea'''. doily (except tiiinday) at 9.40 A. ta. Third ACCOMMod>I.IOII Train for. all's Station.: leaven daily (except Sunday) at 2.35*. m. Foust. Accommodation Train for Wall's Station leaves dotty (except Sunday) at C.C6,31. m. liesediducCuma for Penn Stamp, stopple/gar. all stations between l'lttaDtilth iiend Pensi.l at 1029 _ 0 The Church Train „leaves Waltl:l4tation 'racy Runway at Loa a, al., and attiver l'Jttstnirgti at 11.,E4 a. Dr. Returnuas leaves Pitt.OUSZb •at t 2 -30 p. ni .4 arrives at Wall's Stailomat'lni rt. at. . Returning Trains arrive In Pittstou l 4i' as tarlarr. Vail LSO& ED. DLOLiao.. l^cob.= • ••• Pam Accommalstlon %fa s: Second Well's Station Accommodation SAO a. tii; Johnstown Accommodation 10.06 a. in. Pittabnigh & WAD p. m. Eattimore Expretal. c 1.0014 in. Third Wail Station Accurnmntatilm.. tint p. rhiladeiphla Sayre.. 4.20 p. Fourth Wall's Station Accommodkesh SWOP, Mc . ' Altoo.l Accommodation and Emigrant 1040 p. a. An Agent of the .t.celator Onukfbus Compufp. an through each train befoa l i g reactling But Depot,take up 'necks! awl deliver age to anp part o the city. Blau No. 4.10 Pegct street,open day and inght, where all orders torah* movement of paaseogers and bargage will receive prompt -tentlon. . Baltimore exprus will arrive aria philagelphin Expreas at 2.30 p. m. on Mondays. U - NOTE:W.—La cate of loss, the cf;kimpany Will hold themselves responsible for petaona baggage ooly, And for an amount not ea 00. W. FL BECK TH.. ' . -.Stott A 2gio Pe n. n oT7=.?:4 ll ,,b .- '' 2l ' 4 " .44 g e ; ...ekti Woes. • . taCiO,P I T T sEtaa,ssigimi COLUMBUS AND CINCINNATf,NAILIWiD. the Great Short Line Route ii tabeatille, z.otrisvlLLEi! 4~nlar`leOLl, WEST AND SOUTH-WEST. And ail the pi - Lucille! (Atter, ON W_ND AITZEL. 310:s: DAY, OCTOBER 1805, Train. leers na,l sinve at the 1719? 4 DEPOT . (0110‘711: nicrAnin. Mann& 10 7 2e 4. Vi 1000. Express' .246 Steubenville Aetommodain.42o 10.00 S. F. •Ouz.r., • CienlT ri!elkAErattgltrirtlktekll. Ticket Agent, Univa Depot, ttibrustr: 0c9:1y4 - t ' pITTSBURGI3, Fri i a • ' 'WAYNE CILICIAco It • t r , al' AND CILNirELAMPa BURNS - !Ulla., • - • - - stuarmiiiimaialfmarEtat. : Oa and alter May Itth, 065,11athataill rto follows, vlz. o Leaves I For For For Pittsburgh Oh:Nag°. l eloveland; ' Mu:man Express.....-.... 1140 a. g ro. 21e a. nu 1.10 I. a .... 'too p. 1 2-40 UP Pi ' p. 11.00 a. m.I la! For New Culls sad Erie 6.10 a. at. . Arrive at Pittsburgh...F. Ft. W. AO O. Ball O 7.60 y.M., 840 p, P. m., 11...A cottm1.or nt. m .11.46 viory P. rit- .1 4 1 4 0 D P. to. • ecoaon Leave Allegheny. New 'Boehm. New .17 Bteua Brighton; ter. 1 Beetle. 1 , Economyi •1011.00e.m., tin p. m. 2.50 y. in. ;10.30 p. I p. 11.60 Law I Lap. at; . 0 I wrat/RO. . ; Arrive at * Allegheny -4.. F. W... q.-811.1ws. to a. 231., am a. szi., 10.23 ►smr 2 a3 Leo and p. m. 0. it P. _ GEORGE PARK: Ti 'Union Patfowie Station, Pitt.a...N= . oessragumaY.'nemit H ar a % mvi F. 1.. 511 0313.9.Geuera Ai ltrrat AV A PrriliBURGH . ILNlZawamu CON NELLSVILL RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGE"! 14T. Om and after MONDAY. Oct troth , I ~,the trains win lease the Depot, comet of RCM 39 - 11111. Igreelli, ar fOUOVI: Lea 3 Anlisiali • Pittab Xittablh. RIM' to and from Uniontown. 735 a. 'em o p, Exprw, . SMO p. 10M3 a. L. First Eteßeeaport Aceonen...ll IC a. nt.., 11h. Second " oda Cki 256 p. First Brad l ook's , " TIM a. cd.4•8:30 a. ca.. Second " • " 4:10 6:15p. a. Sunday Church Tra in to and from MoßeelPort. p. 'ILI* a. For tickets apply to • A. 7. SRANIC, Anent.. R. A STULT. Suoe_rintett't.. - . A IZEGHEITY VAL. . ' . AM LEY It AILICOAD.— CEULNGE OF TIME—On ana atter ACONDAY Octobsr 24 Passenger trains will be ar ranged to run as follows : I , • MAIL Tlldiri.— Lha s a Pittsburgh ' Ica& is. i arriving at Kittanning at 10.00 a. itt.tuts Hits p. tanning at ats pa., arrives at At burgh as c. 25 p. m. 1 - _ • • . KEPI:MSS TRAlW—Leam lattannlog at Rai a. za., arriving at Pittstmriptiat 9.30 h.*, Leaves.. Ptitsburgb p. .as LIS p. at., arriving at, _ at ?as AOCONDIODATION TRAlit.— ei . StOrla Works at &SO a. to., arriving atPitts bar.B.o/ a. ' in. Leaves Pittsburg!' at ZOO p. sa.,, =lying at Kiakeminetas at atil_p. 2 _ta. scat° F. WHIOHT. S itenutaaL . .' PLVIMBERS,GAS PI ~DDY & zwrage, MWT:W7 I 7IW Gas and Steaxii F No. 165 WOOD ST (OPPOSITE rutsr Pumps, Hydrants, Shea LEAD fizz, P/0 & 13.1 R LW). Plumbers' Materials in ?teal. OIL REFIJMIIIE Fitted Up In the Most Approve .ianks ',zed witkleadoreoppar.- Pp With %Mg or {NI ca=mmmm OIL REPTh=gB. Jthet C T 0131 D D WEI.B L rNI KEA:my nrito irr. WI Water,!Gas':, and : Sti , ....worki.ti , iii::4,iiiaid.upe.: .. ~"" ,lef ... um ill 4 Ix Fottosted to nowt butt 000tootoot 11, - - - - BAILEY, FABBELL A. CI :.,-- .-- -- No. 167 tim4.4l. 0 -51. C ASTV STISL TAirailaar au! Grata Mtkes, at ay akaya a ay Dad Grata Rake, sFulallhattres e a M LI, • alin AVeogukszt 'Mart . .0. lump. 3 44, MEI Elni }S " .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers