tlilisbargt tt azt ',TH3Tii~3bj~l( ! 4 V3 3 1881i + x.;186 . ' ..',i 1- ':.--•••• -- .---..---7,--. Milli- 77-7-7-------....._ ~.........,,,.•:..-; 111iTrif44 :11,ii--.12-T-rt*7o:. :Irkira...,l:l;is: :. ~ ..: pt l is oossuy,; 6901 . *all ~...,... g l ida.::::m.::: 1 -' ..-,Pmi-obn.-up.;,-.g4...-- .....r.:41,47... . a • ..rut "wriAvii:iiiv a za wanseceetr a ta' istwll2B 4 t30 p m xamwn 4 00 W 1 - 01) 6 5 a 11 • : 4 1 / a ~„4"cVB‘ 4 1 2 . IllatiZt"1"1:1•30 ::- ,: .. ' nth -.1 l ' e, -,.1: 9 illir,:lr-wau ANew," laclp at _tam At"ta.Lraatip alchma=...„,„ll .. T ,„ _, ..„ „ . .P, !Itynnua Ara,E.81.,;51P at .. ' Suarawlttati. les,,urirjrren.tai p a .4, '2•4ll:•linclag ' B ° lloll *nel z - , Alper,' P ItPnbWrandttllCin urett11.,....; , 44111 •••••••:MS:a tit: I s ... . _ ennnao,` Pln RPren=.-- ...„,,lIMP a W=ModAtion 420 •.a ° "" 0 In ri Fort ~ Inodatloa.lo.loll. t altll OP= '.- sme and Chleag Ea its8"^;;•: lam, ~.....;_*. • -aArTine, ,°. . pre5a.4:.....: an In i --- ~ „. Ligella.-...„..: I to D P 9 Rpm.. ... a p I% - ; ~''.%Cl•lte a E r tr, Zr n In nta 1.. .. '** ''''' , 8118 Pln 3 . !: -, VW Bright,..._a In N. a o r, i s d • • 4 °P a ' "P ot 0 h a as.'"-'`aBBlonntlon 8 830 pm ' ' .. ti.' a-- "xt;natc.r.l-1:158' nt , .4. p.vrVinellusay •1;,4t, 0 :1i. li=np:Pl.ll4 B ' B Onn -11 : 04 ,% 1 14 , Ir o gn, elivelaid •-. • vita tin ... ~„- tukieu.,.;...t:iiii -- - • . 1,,,. e—g . . f. - It t l jfes,a-i. . 4, :In„,lE-Tprei..Z;i3":.• stelig.,7k• . 630 a ittlErAlfas - ".. .it : r ! --- 4 - U-2,30 P. 5.., ''BBBBBnuiPation * * •• 910 ii .;* 'AI?- .- . • Pittsbte •• - , 7`l! Aneahaar tii • -' .i.,,if e Xr i ! - , •. • -- gh"l""neitaillei. ' ~"-(lEiliptrag..., 7 7 ' ss tt .aavplav - . Aqr, aa aleiceTl'Zna:actirtraira,....* I°k" 1: ?' tat 5ti0602.4....*:is 9ml 12,1 C---paFt aao am. NYt -._,.... :: tr„:2.,„,i., nria.i l 4 , l•: Sr. ::: -:-..:-- .1-..:1,,Att,ip40,..w.,-„iir.;xfp a filipti.-.."'-,"•:, 4 1 0 a alirspreSS 4ffi'a' ' ' ILACOardI;-leity •Iltdall 9 2 0 0 a lb Via I tkiromnutoglsttost 7 B•39l:: . EXCEUSIVN MINIBUS AND LITOT 11111 LE, olio• w0ci.3323. 6t2ocket. JAMES` UMW A; ISON, Proprietors. . „ • - ' ES .AND 5.3A2.13111GES funtlabe 1 lor,ottl traina.!-. AU% Cartia,gra for Yunarati,. !dint* atret .Pantra. at abort notice Aral reasonable .:..rater6OPEZI_DLY . AND NlOlll% . !,- CITY' AND SUBURBAN . ' Viable trio- Werke—The Largeit ' Wheel Casting hi the World—.A Perfer Fart,ntt Foundry yesterday can the lir - gent solid,ll3i wheel to tbo world. It was cut for • the eablc Iron Works of Zug& Co.' A few gouts . • were present by levitation, among 'whom we co tired PraiMeor , Oacanyan4 the celebrated Turk , lectaier,' members of the Dress, and a weinhei....of4ooctitled . citirens,- besides a. , _ - • , The casting_ was dose under the direction of Colonel Joseph Kayei the veteran anperinten -1-' dent of /lie - Teri Vitt FOulter3c. the hrfiug • been stinted by lhmsetf and Mi. Jtocpb &ter eceer,wtho has teen connected with. the Poen - - . dtv for a tanner of yenta, as ;the selector or tor gutm end ot h er castings, and, haring . gredtiatt &ender Mr. Marshall. Who was for :13 . -sis 3 carp cas - ifeCted With thiFort L'itt,ls to day brobably tamed ~ the best-Judges of iron in this or tui olh. r thy. The moire funned ol the Crating is probably orrini,to the untiring energy - • of Coleml as much as anyttitig else. • TWO tair.acea were cbrirgel with the metal, one containing twelve tons, and tte? other tide ty-five and a half. - 'lbe kring of the larger tar ; *ace was...commenced at seven . o'clock in the • and - that of - the lesser at hall p . eight. '7,91.•ha1f past - A . :le,, both turtiafta were ready to.let down. - 0:1 lees:Mot of the immense Moser' the misting, ft was necessary that the . - mould should:be model in the nailing mill of Zug 4: Co.. lei vehom ivieantended, as tt would ,Llnve been impossible to : have moved it from -toe Afonudation 'or solid brick work built, and the mould made npan it, under tan ; sOperintetulmacticf Mr. Jemes Scut. A bole was made tbronli thderall of the Fort Put, and the conduits' were laid from the furnaces falba' Mould, .t I .disiatice et one hundred and sixty. three fete la the-shape of a "Y." no that al - though the mdften mass - deft two foreaces, It tempted itiefr into tte mould from one trough. At the miter extremity of race arm 'of the mould:were *cam, from %thick the pia evolved In heantitul style, the highest coltimn belit,, , •about eight feet, and presenting a modulo. cent spectacle. .N 3 accident of any kind occur • mg, and the - utmost harmony nod concert of action 'prevailed. Each - noun had bli appointed place, and tints confusion was proymted. The size of this wheel is as follows: Diem• tter,es feet; diameter or hub, 49 lichee; length Of huh. L'O keine; diameter of core hob, 2,1 nate; tintshed • thickness of hub; 7.; inches: scerade- eleetion,-• 10 feet 0 Inches by 7 ; feet 6 Makin; diameter or rim, 18' incoet; great eel Men of arms, it ladies by S inches; numb , ,r lof arms, 10; length of arms, f ,charge for lie furnace, 41;4 tons; .finished: weight of the aheti C ittots -s": When it weeilknowu - that the furnaces were ' down tiny were tapped and the nutal coin :r netted Inuring in the most beatulfal and alltuatigh the. nrooest inixtetj , • must -have 71. bun - fhi , the success- of 2 /he wheel by - the prOorlefore of ..ron 11.14,, and the 3tzsvrs _?art, .Wll Wes inn - ccUcted-- , - In- the.. skill; .of the , vrceltmen;_and at:levitate:Went-, Chit - 111ey'rronid not - all= a probability . of [allot., to enter their . Minds: _lt Ls vt: success, awl -whoa that nen ;-; unto xonctoscof IMO easilbg, a el old (nem of relief was felt 'all rdund. minnow ice:rd 1". the fact - that 'Messrs. - Zug &lid. tone tire largest solid Fly %Yhsel la • the wend, and that she I...nt...Fitt Foundry ce•j;it., Kiderinaq Striates-Attlee . • - The hiceilen - la . rho case of Dielel Aeon, chargtd wltb clo sluing a bone tom James Beier under 'false vretensee, - wee board Fetter , day. and the mettle tunlcably' adinated by the defendant PaSing Orel the Prlee , aZreza note bebdred and tw. my are dollars. -- Job Fletcher prrsecnted Ttutntas Mimic for mat& and battery. 'rho parties reside In the • • Smelt War& • laJfeediutt.held to answer: • Chute* Fast brotght. similar charge against 111:ady,'aLegtec .thif • tr.' oectimt l • Tamp ents the • Oat Ten senla pt . battery Itlhntsd -to ham:bean ..f letter pi.. egglteateCnataro..! Defoodiet wir held is ban.. .• • • . Jobb Vattealogi,wai held for *Natter. hoar le; for -rarity. or: via ,peic W . ea cia I v 41.'eUl9r. ThR'.:4;c330.1 .alirted to bare • threstcelnre.slessic with p ' 7homalchfcCrtl!a• .1 wit belt , thr. hall far a hawing z"ti; dine of tesieestassetted and twain rthli.l4 , les Tboyarllestealatflia .t 1 When .atof -eamedatandoasdrest by • Merits silllrt fwe..rwthAar Ahreat, :of personet violence/Ma Waif beltUto ball. - • Charles F. Ifoltleg Wa3 held to boll to loSafti • atarge Of salvia , and battery, pretrrlnd by Cslkirlr.e notrati. • • • ! ulehle Drawran46:4lnioesti - • Ilfislrsday mon ':as Coroner elaria3 WID ed'opon to Leld air loqueit on the b:dy of :Story Mat, aged forty yam, toned drownid In the afrremastzta ricer, oypeslte West; ratebargh. The detested. alth her son. aged twelve years, occupied • shanty along the line of the Steriben . railroad. ter husband and four children. stabled In the alt an early bar TelterdAY she prepared bratfast for her boy, and left. tel. Zag hlm that when he returned home In the 0,12110; be wnuld, halo no mother. In ionver , • Neon with nelghbon. she said she was tired of ;Ming and Intended to drown herself. No atm ' 11,W, seentronts paid to bsr rambling remartm. • hexane short time atter she went to the river, pita/wed In, and accomplished what she threat: lied. Her body was. recovered, and the Coro ! need Jruy =duals verdict In aecordance with %. • ghi facts. $ ' Opera fleas*. • 11.r.Barton1 1 1 7 1 gave la. /ate; illgbts thC mat . osereslng performer:co of "Lord . Dandreery" we aye cite ;men slice'the i,;rest original of that daintier-31r. &them --was here: , Tho crowd .. -- --erinadience wan thrown. Into kood humor with the comarletiess of tiro noble lord, and mr..1:1111 may cangratalste'hlraseLf on his success,' slaco bill reputation ea the boot "Dandresry" now he the natality, met cadorsonent Lest evening. t•'.. ‘ „ We are Trowlsest next week rho •compaeloa pcture, Botbern's new comedy of "Broth er Sam,'} (written by Oxonfonl; af. Um' Loan ser,). whirl hal MKT been purchased by Mr. -. 7 as _r En rt PrOTIX ad Pmy n . personsge •u his older brava, tits, young orli n o i r nobility .• .1U sleet a warm welcome In Pitts rgh. Mr. gasroyears to•ts/gbO es "Badger in the Streets of 2few reek." • 'fittgraoated AmOtanlb.-0111zen Kane 6AB of the hlstoes . .Polleov-sesterdsy retwo men mimed- John Omen and Peter, Downs upon 's chants of, been committal se . itarrrated &malt , secrimstery noon John ,iterkrtgll of, Peassylosela Avenue. Teo 5c ..,•=10 trines bed for fora besting. nature atlitersiaii f the Boyne Wsrd.jesteeday. committed liob ed. ,Preute 1 snswer clienie of foralcatioa ;preferred Affry Atm Karla., • , Op"s"zat, Ust, II Treffsiori'liii- Presented Mai 'idea to a; _ . ;densely crowded house at the rutsbergh Thu - Me by Sam fttrulcoutes gram cieraTroupe. ,Usase.sras„ses 7exceediuslt Aaron one. Ittati. °Word, u Leoacns, confirmed the favor "able Impresslnn she Amadeu 3fouday elyl49eit• Her slunteg , actbsi eery * Slut,' It is but ;stunt that the Madame should utel is thiS charactcr:es the .Inonortat Verdi has orintnells "linen It for Ism it Was, she who first leirpfuel II to the public in and It was her rendering that made both com. pest , and opera Immortal. 'The ada In the drat sevens the most perfect piece of eocalMatton It hu beeo our good fortune toilstee foi a ion; while. ' ldadaifee SUakeleh, a -the xlptey, was' great. This has always been regarded her best, part, and Jut night we, were sure of It. We sincerely congratulate her upon the areal: serene she achieved: last night. Nothing could be . mere well deserted:l By LbS way, this frill probably be the lane Aiesson of tiadaine liarakaseh I n'Amerlca„ arshe Is engaged for the neat season by bye, forLoadoe , sad also for the grand opera to gads. Signor Errant, who took the part or rico" at short notice, Signer Ilecaferli being suddenlitaken 111, acquitted himself admirably. The "bliserrl" was a masterpleco of singing. -Signor Menem!, as the Conte di Luna, was also em i nent l y snec essful, and wan frequently . deservedly applaude d.. To-night "Faust will be performed_ with a star cast. The lionsc, from penult AP pearancee, will be crowded. The plot of the opera Is es follower F Gums, student., after a tile of used llatro ni n Feast, a d laborious research, becomes die:fast ed*ltti the notGingoess of human knortiedge, - and els own ability to antacid the - layette - arcane -MI retort'. lie summoned to his ald the Spirit of Evil, who eppeals to Mtn under the form of Mephistopheles. Thraugh the armerr.ataml power of the litter, Faust isatralchway restored to youth, with all Its Pass,lone and Illusions, and Is-at the More time endowed with: personal leanly andluattrlons garb. Mephistopheles, as In a Vision. 'reveals to him the beauteou s vii. lags maid,-Maryaret. with whom the etteleet falls inttantatmously In love. He lours to ha come acquainted with her, and his wish is soon alter gratified. Margaret, equally noted' fur her loveliness sod tor lisr virtue, has been left by her soldier brother, I:emitter ' wider the care of Dame Martha, a worthy, bu t not very Mgt. liant' personage. 'the maiden at drat tweets the evangel-to advances, but Faust. aided by the Whence of Mephistopheles. (who Ls anx ious to destroy another human soul,) urges his suit with sucke'ardor that Margaret ' s rests lance is at lent overcome. Valentine, Mar. „garera brother, on lemming. with hie com rades ,from the ware,:leams-what has omurreidt he challenges his sister's seducer, but, through the Intervention of Mephistopheles, he is slain la the eaconoter. Margaret, horror atrteken at the calamity, of which she is the original cause, gives way to despair. Her realm° be-, comes affected, and, In a paroiyam of frenzy, she kills nehafant. For this she Is thrown into prison: Faust.aidtdby Meph istopheles. obtains access to the cell In which she Is immured, They both eagerly urt,m lice to fly, but Margaret, in whom holier feelings have gained the ascendant, spurns their prof fered aid, and places her sole reliance in prayer and repentance. Overcome- by sorrow and re morse, with an earnest prayer for forgivenesa on her lips, the 'unhappy girl =plum. Mephis topheles triumphs at the catastrophe be has broeght abotit, but a churns of heavenly voices is heard, proclaiming that there Is pardon for the repentant sinner, nd the evil one, foiled sod- overcome,crouches suppliantly, as toe accents of diele lore and foigiveness make themselves heard, while the spirit of Illarguiet, bathe by ministering anvls, Ice wafted upwards teller et.,rnal home. Court of quarter !it...stimuli. WED:MID/T. Nov. B.—Beforu 9Lowe and Broth's. • Aloha Kampf, of the Ninth Ward, indieval -for selling lion :r without license, was fined ft ft • dollars and costs. Mr. Kurnpf has retires from the whisky busbies% in which ho was long en gaged. Ile was fined at the June term, but con tinued to sell for some time after, and up tonic time of the sale of Ids fixtures. in the case of W. A- Vanhorn, indteted for an assault and battery upon Ellen Barker, a male prof. was entered on the payment of costa, at the instance of the District Attorney- John Keeler. of Allegheny. wan tried for an assault and battery upon Peter Sutler. It was provedtbat the defendant, at his home, on tie night of Sqn. fith. struck the prosecutor on the heed with a none, inflicting a sortie. wound. The testimony for no, defense wan to the egret that the prosecutor first threw a nun bs-tu at the defendant, end also struck him one the bark, while being held by another party, before tee stone was thrown. Tie titration In the case therefore was one of versehr. and the jury cattle _not reconcile the testimony. Either the prose cutor atd his witnesses or a utter of the defend. ant, committed mil ary The jury found a ver dict. of not guilty. the prosecutor anddefendut • etch to ray one-half the costs. "Phillip Thomas alias Phillip Wfillamsinealut whom three igdietments had been Maud, for larceny as bailee and larceny, on the natti nt Charles B. Barr. A. Etcher. and Charles 'l4. Blame, woe brought unto, Court"for The offense of the defendant consist"' In. tenting .musical instruments—a piano, melodeoo and School 'oresn—from the prosecators named, raying the rent, advance, and subseoneatly disposing of them for his own , 'gala. Tee prisoner pleaded guilty to cacti, indictment. and In extenuation of his Mao stated that he was Devilled to commit it through poverty. being • out at employment, and having& family to seta part: Judge Stowe stated Mu as a flnanet4 orendion It would have done credit en Wsll street, On each Indictment Williams we; sen ' tented one year and six months Imprisonment In; he Penitentiary. Making fair years and eight months in all. Thin offender hat "artiste Sn his Soul." Edward O'Donnell, indicted for malielmii mischief, put in a plea of guilty; and was sen tenced to pay a fine of - twenty-five dollars and coals, and fb undergolbree mouths lamas-. merlin ibocounty jail. George W. Spencer, dentist, of Penn Simi, wits.plami upon trial on an indictment for eons tallAing en assault and battery upon Margaret Mullen. in lire employ as a servant. The prose nutria testified that she had been discharged .from service, mid that upon going into defend . ant's office, for tbe wages doe • her, $7.5), he, rudely 'assailed her, kicking her twice, shoring her out of the door, and Inflicting other v.olanee. For the defense some of tneemployees of the de. .Teadant were called and testified that fault has' been found with.the.prosmitrix for breakkig,a 'plteber and burning too much coffee .thst no ouch violettee as the testified Vitrasuscd; and ~that no more force was used than was 'taressary • to eject her from the office, haviaz refused to lease when rerouted: also that her wages • bad been tetdered Der, (eat as mach as she demsaded, or clef ned war her,) and she refused the money. The jury retired, nod had prit n turned a verdict at Jecess. • • tritlUtOON 555.910 N,, The jury in the Dr. George. W. Speseer, Indicted for assault sal battery upon Margaret Moller', brought in a Terdict of not guilty, tits prosecutor arid defendant each to pay one half the costs. William Maxwell. itulkted for the larceny of is watch from Mrs. Mary McManu s, was found ptilts—Scnictice deferred. • • . • Dominic Csry,'for selling ilium . without .11- ' crone, was flncd thirty dollars end COILS: Mrs: Fitzpatrich, of the ficveuttt• Valli, was placed ou trial:urn ad IndletusenCforlellln ‘ z liquor on Sunday. The 6210 was not concludcd at adjournment. John C. McCarthy, Esq.. counsel for the pre -ecution, his conduct of the case, acquittal himself. creditably, sad his tipctolt to the. jury ,:as deserving of the praise Ithlrh It elleitoi. Tho .00t111 , wilt rleamo the Jury this att - T2:3lt. • • • '; Union nepobjilimm Committee. By order of the antbority vestal in mo QS Chairman of the City Vnion Republlcia Con vention, the Retentive Comml;the lei tatted to meet , ai rfir afico for rammicatlon, and the con• alderatlem of Itnioortant. bnslneu, We (Thera on,y) ef onint. at /13 :consequencti of death, removal!, and the formation of a new ward, neceultatini the anpointinent of s some additional members, the . Cantnuttee will low , consist of the following named gentlemen: First Wacd--Jarnet Reis, Abraham . Fryer. ' Second Want-40m 3laraltall, Thomas W. Davit. Wiltdr.Wal• Ohapson. A. M. Brown. • Fourth iVetti-F. - .'s L. Wilphart, .It. W. Mackey. 111th Want-zll. J. 3foGiwan, Richard Tito/op. • Sixth ward- . 4arai 2f. Brneb, JohnPhilltal. Betroth Winl---Saronel Darekley, Max MoOthad. Eighth nerd--JaLltioldnney, It!nbeek Leon '"- • ' • lanth arso4- 1 4. 0. 'Delis, Mond , Wind \ Tenth ward--Janum B. - need," T. B. " .'•AL 111 attendance of the Comm lUee Is ea. iorited. J. 11. Humour, Chain:am or CooontStee. paid Lareeny.—Last owning, st dgak• SA ~n r. maz named Whittaker was pallor Mc " one doBl. on Clair street. he on - and Ow- seated man 6:-"T oslr ° :f el boo a ts sad box, shoes. no wards lea's with I tz , .sitlded tho atortitee/A- *Rs St. Oak Howl iota and arrested opposite 'animals Donald to Ms °Moe of An., , Tobago: L . son, "n en n:4•90 the nameof Peter. ' ' , fore • a pou police ofil,„ iNfs' last tI7ICe b.. o?nnallted under did slams of Ooorgo P. Cast jaw. As be lid nor Itoleo property In his poi session. h: as SollMtUtell to Jail to . answer at - 11111 - .ootHie roinialek Carey, residieg to Strawberry alley. seer Smithfield stress, was brought lute the Co.rtri efilalllitreesSonis 3 teleplay. ^on pro pia.", harlot- beta indicted for selling 31qtter without license. Hating' bees brought before the bar, he plraded guilty; and made a state ments in Stititailetr: That he was a tailor, and notnote liquor. seller; that to bad furnished women with a drink out of st 'bottle (or dotal toltnpits kept, and bad taken pay for : it. He dld nit atty how way others be had furatehrd la the same way; CoMmel 'Tor defendant, con, A n do maths case did not coma wittily the pnwislote Of theta* : Lt. Became, as a tailor, .Ite was -.entitied,,to Imp a aaalt; tbat that •whietrinakea • Prete, must In its nature be posy. The bottle does,titts— ma, ft is a goose. Ttat, as a tarter, he had a legitimate t ight to "sew up" . all that was broUght to latitr. &I. That filo party -ifonninz Ltd.& -"Flitch"- In her alde;-und defendant did •no more, than to . help her tutrarel it. -- • • . 4th. Thatthe act complained • Of was the Or dinary .g rponging" of tlolrade. 6th. That one of the.pergnlsltea of the, trade is "tabbaging," and "faking a stip' , is nothing more. 6th. That on the principle that a tailor Is but the ninth part of a man, if any offense was committed, it In but the ninth part of an of fense, and as tames are not dtvlsable In law none was committed. • In support of the !rations propositioni was cited Audubon on tho Domestic Game, Car, ivies Batter &sanest • -• • . rer Cariam.—A stitch ir, time saves nine, hence. sip will dispose . of this CIEO be the twinkling of a needle's eye, by hammtha up the defendant from fuither mischief. ,Tailor. Is derived from Mime; Norman French, • **to 'cat." This is the primary eldnificatlon; there fore '•to sew" le secondary, and not to be re ceived as the legitimate business of a tailor— ergo, the defendant was not In the legitimate pursuit of his business, consequently we will have to Le3te him by imposing a itine of thirty dollars and costs, which we hope will button him up. Tlie Mayoralty EDITOII:—The City Repubilean E tem tive Committee is called to meat at the eines or J. U. Baldwle, Esq., No. 118 Diamond suoet, on Thursday. Ray. Oth,al 7;i o'clock p. m. As the Committee la large, and' no publication has yet appeared In the paperii pleasa moat the nitrate of the Committee. as appointed by. TOO" Int:odor the late Convention, an follower First Wird, James Rosa, -A. Fryer; Second Ward, John Marshall, JamtsßeediThird Ward, William Simplon; Thomas Geoghegan; Fourth Ward, Samuel Scott; E. E. Manahan; Fifth Ward, Richard Thompson, W. J. McGowan; Sixth Ward. John Phillips, James M. Brash. Seventh Ward. 31. K. Morehead- Banzuel Bar clay; Eighth Ward, James McWhintiey, Daniel Einar. Ninth Ward, W. Darts, 'Geor.le Dobbs. Acd obl ge,- A 4IEMIZII or TOL COMOTTLE. Flre in Allegheny City. Last night about tm'clock, a In broke oot in a amble of Thos. Moore. on Avery street. above East Common. Allegheny _City, which communicated with the old Balmer cotton milt adjoining.. In abs stahle'there were Mob:Mei, one of which was saved, the other Wag burned. The old Cotton building eras CeneplM by Mr. Sloobey, brisket maker,. and' Met. Em hart, carpenter. the former melding in one end. It-wee totally destroyed. together with: • great portion or the propel ty of theoccupanta. The has is comiderable. The tire was the work. of en ince_r.dlary. • Before Alderman Tielor.--llenry Wale= made !alumna:lon against James Gray. for rue larceny of clothing. Warrant Issued. Jona thaa Green was arrested at the initance . of hart. brother, W. W. Green, on a thane of assault and battery. Held t o answer in =3. Henry Miller proseented.his hrd:her. Jacob stiller, for a like Orrenit, and was held in a hko amorist to , aatwar. Released on'EtalL—Michael Scanlon, arrest ed a few days since on a charge of geeing stolen goals from height ears of the l'ithsburgi. FonWayce and Clneato Railroad Company. was yesterday released from custody, upon giv ing ball in the sum of live bundled dollars, for a farther tearing on Tuesday of next-week. nunn Dully, Ere , appzared as his counsel. • Illegal liquor Melling.—Alderman Don aldson scstereay hilted a warrant for the arrest of John Bbaffer 4 of Temperanceslile charged on oath of Berja•rdn Wilson with sanely 01 ito the peace and selling liquor to a mluor.. Larceny of a Cook Ptove,--tillleer Seib Wilmot pattrday arrea - ed Pollock E thia,'of Innalcabatn, chanced with the larceny of A cooking move, on cads of Frederlek Moon. EN Wee held fur a hearths , to-day. ?nix Par donro.—Wo learn tbat steps bare bum' taken to 6ccuro the pardon of Fred-Fattlk ncr, conwletvd on Tuesday of qrolnntariky man-,,obter, for kIIUr Thomas bladders: allays' Coal Works, The sale of seeuxd scats Lae the calkert of amateurs ir hich take place next. Iforulay, under the direction of Mr. Tet dour, opens this morning, at 9 o'clarLat Melloes musk store tri Wood greet.. leused.-13ernaal Perry, whose. surrender on piece, ard tomcats!. to jail to an swer a enargo or dealitg In lottery tickets, we noticed ;rest - entity, bus bon released from yrLs on on renewing, Inn for bis amearauce. - Taken Cher.—Frank Marraw,Phlllp non - aa and Iftlitam Deihl, convict:id and am:caned for larcenT. were, takil,to the penitentiary yea, terday by Slzeilif Siewarr. - FromYeEterday'sZvining dazette A pplicoaluna for olethargy, front JiaH.. In the Court of Quarter Sessions., yesterday, application was made br Mr. Swartzweider foe the discharge of Abraham Kimberly, committed by Alderman Swain for disorderly conduct, "oo slew," (the circumstances of which wo hare I reported) upon tho ground of want of Jarisilici Mu. Judge 'Stowe expressed his conviction that the charge of disorderly . conduct. had beta Improperly used to a considerable extent, but he was not pret and to decide as to - the mmter of jurisdiction. In the present case, under the. eircomstances, he would not t.d disposed to: Interfere, believing the party deserved to tre committed. A magistrate should be allowed to protect himself. • Application was also made for the discharge of }when Preston. committed by Alderman W. 0. Rains, of the @wreath War), for fornication, upon the around that the commitment was dc• featly,: In not setting forth the name of the par; is upon whose oath Preston was committed. It appeared, however, that alter the application bad been made, and the commitment emit fbr, Alderman Johns remedied the defect In the Sheriff's office. This Judge Stowe considered inwarranted interfereceJ, nod felt Induced to freremptorily discharge the - pity oomMitted. . A maJwity of the Conn decided, In the lattir esse, that the commitment as It appeared he torn them. was correct, and that the interference spoken of wee no: a inillect, for thee c3usidere. .Iton.. In the rase of Kimberly the coon also drained to lotorfere. If any wrong bad been committed by the , Aldermen, Kimberly had a remedy &gained him. • • As to the oestlon of dirorderly conduct, Jo Ina Blown stated that In a case before him re:entil ho bed cot mute a dmition, as bad been sifted, tot had simply discharged the • party.. Ha hat rtigaiiti a S.Tetil tiMl5 .04 :bringing of the qui Mon Were the CPUrt 'rreolarly, by writ of hats. ...zoo. tbst it might be argued hebra a fall belch and a decision obtained. W.) trupt this may be done at an• early day, In order that our magistrates may exactly know their legal rovers. AmuU Upon an °Clear. 'last' night, as of George Garri , on, °tartly lo the Pint Ward, was rzAtog: h 1 -aectuitoed ns rounds, ho was attacked by William Leslie, ono of the gang of rowdies • whose °tulips •of lute haco rendered the locality about thelignig°W. riots. The officer drow-14f, * pistol, which - was .wreate3t7amhltnbyLcalle. Not content with Gas exploit, Leslie again attacked Garrison, and 'smoothed Alm. Ito was subsequently arrested, and tined twenty-liyo dollari for' disorderly con- . duct. Garrison isho =dean Information chair hag him lOUs. this larceny. of the plot, and ho was committal/. to Jolt to mums a Gather hear. • • • A PittainaPitter allsitog.—The •Venanto . Calm of a reeent data has the Montt= Item of news: "Foar persons, named E.,Eihneortb.. nary Shona, eicadwell s •sod Thmeiroi Itayito, were arrested at Pithole on Itfomicy, orr the eizaro of itteallag ,clothing from t bn house of W. &Milks. On examination thorn • was f ou nd In their pootouton 11 'bloc east and• two bank book belonging i s . Th ai , G . p pm ,. ono of the late owners of the Thosaastroicadat .term.: As Mr. Duncan hasbeezi absent - mid not been Wad from-the.. romp gum. It Is (carol be, has ben murdero;;lttopoctioktorebtoil more Wont to Mts• place in -ootozoltted. -to , dm"- • . Disorderly Cass..;irtiii_ preprint°. r of s osec. ondhsnd , s store In iho Alielrat•.? ,Ditesendi 01 namcd W 1111• waS 'arrestea =rate d/7 :Uhl. by °facer . JeremLb Smith, on 4. dame of disorderly conduct and surety of thist prier, preferred ni Mast - Dim Wendell . Etre,. The podia reside in tbe same to:* meet; and Deesy baeleg screwed op bis Mr. sge to a Iledlow pole!, pmclred • Vow of m. tinesienedito•Drest: open the door pf the ••• ors r's room and I sks bit life. lie remains' pros.. 7":44' •'. wadies7..Vreeirien , illiiieMilini '.-- A meetbgor She Ladles o littalotzgh - tmer ite,lleg it heny Fist wint es li m el i d. B. limeedlng otradt., to paili - prinlo atnes issno. ,4 - . the nth lust., for the toolmaker providing , for the posslng -physical watts bf the Piled:nen. . w ,.. Dr. Joseph Parrish. of Philadelphia, was celled to the chair. ind joieph B. TOM:1140f therreed. men's did Comusiesloti. was molested to act as Beennary. After prayer. by the Bet. Mr. Bap der, of tbe M. E. Church, statements Were Mid° by D. Banish and Mi. Trarel% str.irlig the pressing need of Immediate aid bk.the way of. - food and clothing to prevent intense =I extend led suffering during the , present winter. These Istatements were sustained by numerous letters from ancb persona as Gen. Fiske, of Tennemee, - -Gen. Bexton. of South Caroller:, and Superin tendent, sod Teachers is well as coulmisslon era of Freedmen In different parts of the country. In &great measure this le said to be owing to the exttesiso return to their former owners, of toads approp riated to the colored pwyte by the Freedmen's Bureau, thus in thousands of cases 'leasing them hauseless, homers and destitute. ACoastitution waeadopted, and the following persons chosen officers. The' Secretary tras di rected to male the same known through , ale press, that those not present may be aware 0 f their appointment. They are all especially re quested to be pr. sent at a meeting to be held. at Christ's M. E. Church to-morrow (TbnrsdnY)' afternoon, at two o'clock: President—Mrs. F. R. Brant. Vice Presi dents—Mrs. Wm. Little, Mrs. Major Wade, Miss Harriet Wcyman, Mrs. Mary Jane Hays. Corresponding Secretaries-3iiss Mary Lou Jackson, Miss Mattis Fowler. -Recording Sec retary—Miss 8. Gillespie. Treasurer--Mrs. Watt. Managers—Mrs. N. K. Wade. Mrs. James Irwin, Mies Knox, Miss Rachel McFad den, Mrs. Byrom, - Mrs; W. A. Herron, Mrs. David McCandless. Miss Bello Fortune, Miss Lydia Robinson ' Miss. Mary Schwartz, Mrs. Gilleie, Idles Ellen Irish, Mrs. Annie Herr, Missflctty Palmer Mrs. Eli= Dravo Miss Sa bina Townsend, Miss Mary Dawson, Miss Mar garet Dale, Mrs. Judge. Williams. Miss italic Ewer. A Local Editor Wanted. The Titusville Morning llorold wants a local editor, and soy gentleman of the profession who cau the requirements of the position," as below set forth, can obtain a good salary end pertain em employment He must be In all respects a gentleman. Ho must hats brains as well as brass, Wit, as well as amiability, and cncra as well- as dlacrettnn. Ile mat be grave, lively and sentimental; prompt, emirate and rellablettemperate, Mier. ant and tinstworthy. Lie will havoplenty to do and be will be paid for It. fie must be courteous as well as cultivated, instructive as well as as. llStie; calm, careful and oompremosive; dem onstrative, but dispasHonatfr; octererisinc, &radial, and enact, ' lie mast be all things to all men—llexablesnd artificial; decent or diaboli cal, as circumstances stem to require. Bat in tho main he should be compualonate, c )mpan. losable and confldivg; o , Iclual, felicitous and Peal; graceful, gracious and gushing. lie rant mix in wltb the boys and be jovial, juve nile and jaunty. He must venerate the "chil dren of older growth," and be grave, dismal and defaults). He must attaid the artactuary with regularity, and be contrite, fitnereal and darcatt Re must drop Intothe theatre betimes, and be volatile, sattattic and .salubrious. lie must compliment the ladles always, and be gay, gandy,and gallant. He must pat the heads of the children and be frolicsome, facetious and fantastic. He must always be "on time" with copy, and meet Every demand for "morel" 'he watelibt.wolghty and windy; virulemi, rel• rely sad saPol7s =sty, anions and zephyr,. Always DM of facts, bums andromance; go to balls, ran to fires, play billiards, repert meet- Inns, write PUB, Plck cep items, alt UP late, wort hard—and color himself generally. Temperanceville Council The Connell of the Bsrongb met on Monday esenhug. Nos. 6th. Members present,3teuns. Cuddy, &nes. Gerynr,lght•and Burgess Bat. lamina The minutes of the previons meeting were read and agproeed... The committee an streets reported progress. Also the committee to coofer ■ltti Mama. o,llln -100 and Kennedy. On molten the Blegens we' antnorlind todraw bls warmate In War of the followlur Plitsharch oCievetta"pnbilah , N. Baglantles so tba nano at los. as - X. Ina acnrilklesou a days , wore at =AI MAL John Payee today*? worn a..pres Burnyas Ballantine was authorized to call a special election for the purpose of electing a Burgess and one councilman, MG 11,gby haring Deice ed. the Council entered Into a committee of the whole to notify the constable of all delinquents wan bare acumen:4th pay yehlele LicosSis (a or-' der that be may enforce the law and CoMpei than to take out limes, On motion b L /poet was authorlz•A to re. calve bids for opening IPII stmt. CM motion the 'Bargees, was authorizei2 to caul the tillCUtitlll of Hew,. McCabe and Maine to the aide walk in front of their property. J. W. BALLLZ2C4C, Burgas mu. tan. I& IL F217.-SCIa. Clerk. Supreme Court wiroalarms. Nor, B.—Preseat,, Obderlpstice Stiaodstatd, and Judges Thatacato.Stroag pad dancer. Makes Adosbalsfrators rs.. ;Use; Bea, . By agnarautut concoct: this. - Ip.lecocas Iras affirmed try Ver. Court at the clot of 80 ,000 and costa, as of ads - date. ,• _- ablata vs. Clark; Jeffereon, dnataid Wel. P. J473ltL, for plaintiff in tuck and by Gordon, COl4/111. Ilan n. Patterion and urn ;,P l 7nlia ,, ,1 0. , 7, 11 0 1 Gibanrr, for plaintiff la, ernat; bourn. not heard. Linden re. Partursoup:l 3 ,4yette. Ariued by Salle. for plaintiff to arm, as 4 by *ultra. BSA NS. Oration; Jefflezum. Argued . - by P. IL Jenks, for platteult, Izerror. sad Gordon, Edward Campbell, of Fayette ODunty. ; and Datid Per . of- Alletbour minty, on mo tiou el Daniel Kant; and Dente] DJWCer acid Wm. A. Myron:6a( Fayette county, on .MOtltat of Iron. 8. A.. Glioure, were Cols qoalMoi to imam la the Bel/reuse Court, • • . A Bard Casella Custody Chler Elkin, and 00Imr Scott, of Allegheny captured a nom named John Cash, aresident of the Ihlol ward, upon a process from...swam, and lodzed him In jallthismarning - . • Tho pets otter Is charred with assault and battery. with intent to kill, and clot. ace attemp:cdtoayold the process of the Conti, awl (rev:watt, boasted that no officer could take hint, do ban been fregnonUytuidernrrest for breaches of . the peace, but succeeded in escaping:the popish meet he justly merited, by means. of "compro. misc." Another party, a companion of Cash's, e t lin g wind of the matter, tun succeeded In nvolditut Atrestepot nilt no doubtt eventually be captured. . ' Meanlt aul ilatter7.--0/Ueer filloa, of Allegheny, smelted a colored, auto named Peter agltts, on Toads) Diehl, ctsugtd by tuba Thorrton vita sectaratcd itaanic and Naar. appews that the prruttvator owed the defetd ant a dollar, which he trooortuced himself CIA. able to pay, upon srbleh tae latter attach John gni:seed], no the tiara, 10arltr him Hanta gest: ball for his type vanco Ihla evenlag. Conrectbm.--In our riven of the morel .lll laps of the Protestant Mmalstlon to &Alegi eny, _on Toneley arenloy, wo should here ewe diet the isterudoment was Rotten up by the F sclany lodge. lo viewer the Inensurstlono tbn ogle( rs of tho Gras, LAgo, . • .-- The Young blame Vac ao.—Mairantrel ore Private Inseause.• Ter elle by lernulsts: Aek for the Yens: M 111 1 .4 Friend. kpambblet giving the symptoms see creatmett ofprivate dieeePes tmeompsnles eseh Hoz. St eim he bee by addressing none Slam's r mad e 1104 Meltwater. selth'a three cent stamp etelAsorl, to Joseph Fl=aurre entries ISaper,J.ll. frikon, or S. W. Fez & e0..-AlleeMmye - • t HOLZ OREM OM - LAND ' OR bitl4:e.iaterestslajodi Wu a Plißolo ADJOINING TUV HOLMDEIi Y4B E I OIIP MC hnese MeV' also to tha - PJNE1111 . 3 .. F,&1111, sentalnine (rut tome, eltuate Pine Run, Oo• Noreen YU hole and Olt Meet, These toteresce ato very desirable; as tOn rltuntlocui are , sli bop Wm lands. Eucialn of . • • W. Y. k II&LL PAT/BUGS.' • ses • • 9 . 0. im SIIIiDRIEF. , • • • • fr o b =ea Oru btda. Orton Aoplet • . so coats Pop' Aslit . SO boll tads. White/lull ' t Q O.. • • o I do • . • . ra'holt btds. Zio. 2 do _ • y . Yor ludo - . J. IIANVIELD. aw tit Plat ottoot. SPENCER PALE. ClilD..lll AND LICINB, alaN - Phattiz Steam Brewer'', '-austsy inartravants EFf BETOKW/IZAT FLO TA-11 00C1 'AAthtublit rutra Ittif Butkirlum t. tdou elli=d, put up La mill tutu tagfilut we cut nedvt4 std for sa4 at tate nuaur amyl _7l ~ 4 `dotter Wert, sal Hscd stllinu- .1 4 .188.6.23 bf. Wm. White Flab; 25 trim letulaby J verirm,D. , . Tito Bankers and Broken;' , It . a. •Fintrib, F.treal , PittatrAl - llearaTa all Vaits-ai 6o4irat.gec =LW/ Upounast,Ssak Seises, Vo.owsnu3 DutoLssig EzoAUge, b.C.. 04. Linnealts manna in !WI FlTirpt.aad CUM lasdtee Irneaar pk.ueds a on t l b l s m r eC n o t M e ml 'S e t tet onostw all t' l am brorsble terms. ! - Orden amanita: MSS "dlspsisti SOS. siverytiktmt In the baldness as the Botta., New York. l'aua delpltli and. Plttabni-sa &cams , ,Sonnis cemOslssLon.. - Pram. on A. CLEWS ak ,- Vey York, lAT COOSE.aPUO Phuatleipalai AlFasea. U. D ISEAD Is T. U. PE ON EnOta. FINANCE AND TRADE • • gniutr.Rs AND BANKERS BOARD (oestanerllD MT aoall(11074 eiMtnia & 00.1 Ortirr =erne Pursareatstlazurrne Wanatsmar, Nov. 0, la= Offered. 44.4. 8. 6=4, U. S. Certificates 07 00 • 07 60 LatTrenceGoe's 6000 —.- Butler Co. V5...33 00 Allegheny& Baader - RAZ 000 00 03 ConnellivilLol3.4l. Interest IS co. Allegheny & Pittsburgh 01.1 & 00 Columbia Oil ...... 27 CO 07 Co Cherry Bun to Eldoradoso —. Fleming &Blood ' 30 Vneral 70 - 13 Pittsburgh ' & Plata' 00 IVAN Ritchey-is- Triumph— itt Ralston 31024 National...... 0 co Warren & Venangot. . :Wm Sew Castle o.l3earer;ri m0 rt . .... 00 00 aa1.03. • $4 C3O V. S. 1340's '4O• y 4 , 00001043 , 1110 . 33. B. WA' ..-....-...: 80 00 . 494.301umb1a "T CU COOTerr, Starr h Cherr4 The gold market pier:taloa Its GMakese. York rates to-day ktire rarled but I:tightly from IMy eidetic at 'that, dEarea' 'Geverument,botaki are beery, and fume auffered another aleettica X'lvr Twenties fell off oae.half per cent. °gored in our market at lir44. Sates reported at morn ing board at 102%—yesterdly's,ijszotatIous. ConA nellsrllle Semite brought w. Sales of Columbia reported at rzi, and of Tarr, Story h. theory lien at tae. Allegheny Manchester Railway shares were offered et SOO per share—cm.dividend, (said to be eight dollen per cheer,) awl (tad was-bid includ. , log dividend.. !flaybap we area little old fogyish. In our notloa, but S( par share 'seents to us tube a fair, not to vey,large dividend on s3t per share' paid to, and RIO per Clare a reasonable price for - iii. ty -tire dollar Mock. We are moved to make thee* quiet refection because.* little more (hart, a year since- this Company. under the Ulm. of heavy ramareit and no dividends persuaded our rrpresentativez in Ilarrlsburg to grant there the privilege of inereating the fare tole. Poor porerlysitrteken .Compasy, their affairs must hare been Ina sad 'tato of• Collapse when two rents par head In ous yf•r payee 41v-- blend of twenty-fivitper neat, and nearly trebles the -market' valise of the steekt Will not mime charitably disposed Indivi tail get - out • petition. fora further ir.srease 01 fare TIM poor stock holders must bercratlng to wantv 'the demand far Columbia ratites& was qulte brisk to-day. Sales are reportint to us at 8T450. etsliridesul, euppmsed to be $1 per share. The stock Ls held this errata; at inlse), including Sirs:lend —Tile Pottage Lake Misting, Cozen, gives the Folloviing statement of copper modueed by thee mine. of that dtatt.{l. for the quartet ending Sep.. ternber Yn: .lulr. AuTar.t. Salt. Total guinry T - . - 4.-17.3 ion 124 31. i 11-ewahlc •, ICG 110 no ail; Frank-11u...._ ' • 103 11.1/ 11: SW , d. 1T4. , 61 ' 141 1.141 !c0yA1.... . •• 40 40 33 -Ili I:lllo3Vort.6e. •• 31 64 at 07 /I.llCotfi " 1.11 - IT 7 7.0 r 4 A " I"beiden Col'ft l'utmord . - " Tu'al.......ecebo CIS 614 1t Pendent (plainsmen-the ending-Tone. trt7l brand total for Ohm month:median Sept od-aline —The 14 esters Union Telegraph Company, in • the U. 1, has Min 'de nted an iti.pp.,inonagetnet the Milted States Tele graph Company. Th e writ was salted for to-re. strain the U. s.Teireteph Company from orlon telegraph settee and po'm along the line of the Cincinnati sod hiemilten Railroad, On the M.1%.5. lion that the Western littionTolegraph Corc.pday had en exclu_dre right . to the dee of telegraph elm on that road. Swayne held that s corporation, lwing ft mete creation_ of Lew ' cando nothing. lrat..wbalshe Um. aliMes —that the eon- • toed et Cempen" was in perhillegal es Media; -het roadway to. Vie *maintennecra of retrain extthalTa righte—thAt It Cu clearly againet the public polio. end. therefore, rel?... To great the motloa for s injunction would. bs to exclude competitioN sad there could doubt pet_llialiailnasol.Company hod the right to put u7.wieea for inere, and to 'contract with an, Other tt put tigiwiree along the nee of.: its ecut.. Mi., It Moll law, layer" importeet,seeterlll. feet moterially. she old Tel Aleh hove horetefOre set greatielete nit their en, I*llkett cozaitan& 1101. addltienelosatioasst Galant enVer.been,dn el:stated b) the Seccetady of the,Tcaosuryas.:fice loolltecles of ii PLC money.' -The banlcs hnets.ooleintsnlyauvrendereditheirtbovive.. ,cuen.)4roolts St. rtichOlas, .Nationot busic of Tom Torlt,, and: First Notional:Bonk . o.F. lowa City, Tom. —The Boston banks heive,o.i4r. Peenent Ireemereentsot eoutere of re yen et•tiet quit to other Bew.. England hankie; institutive". Thirty arc', In 'Lost, able tcolend their mousy, unice tbse uve per cent ccrtitirsta. eyetent,and have It - rattle same time in hand se, a. portlan of the twent) , Ave per cent reserve to, more circulation and drp.sita. Thew) itive Pecs cent ectilaneteence payebin In thirty daft from,dato In legal-tender, and they aro' received to solfienatote with the cies:lag-housewhen they have become, by the 'ex. 'ritott an of the thirty days,the: wane In elti.T.t it `air,l4 4liafte upon the euptcehebouee for green backs., —The por thirty yesesle, gee cent hoods of the Veiled Stites. which am bolo sued by the flos• erament Math of the tlentrat leselgellailroldowe telng offered to the national bank. as a basis ter tanking. Less them, two inlitions Lave so far been Issued. They losecthltty years to -cue Irma JAA uary. 1141, and the Witerest is payable In money; lbey esq.tte deposited *with the TrOsts tater ofthe Valted.Statos to inure elroulition; which may be Vaned open them at coot. They are olterei In ths market at parand prier nt. wh'sh It tkisfe to say they menet eery icadlly bet • : • "• • - —The \owl utk Sul.Troasury . rvlll ilk Vie eotarso of the week, Leyte the Issue of certifs.:alas Lo or, chaego feat old left on deposit; sod the net of CM" gyvw which authm lees this pierldes be the Issue oftwr sty for cent !nor° coffin:Wes than Vale Is - gold to the Trekiury. 1 —TLC liosion /heartier. of 31014/1, reports the money market 99 fOnOWS I • • ' CTho money market to-day shows lacroaslas With a moderately snake dernatoL Loanable •foatts arc said u accuroulatinst thd ustul 'arma of siiioliirourd hiirrowers 14124.0 eredlt have me mut eimeour to: supplying. there- want*. ,:the rateoo( !0r...1/40 , re ootyet'beeo malaria* or. ,fetted. Call loan*, Miceter, m nroilibie - oh the brat securities, at MO Vaal rAtl. , 4 O potacj, ' though higher Ogurettiie friqUently paid. Short ttito loans arc net:Misted at (gen:34le 9 per cent. in the outside dk.count market skarn ls A. good 'eul ply .4 mensal:Atte Loper money r0',4141, which ' yeses qultc wooly at sto 10 pee mat f ir irood quilllles. The very best quality move strivilYit• IL; yet trot, which is how tho minlinuta. rata" • —The following . canto:troth , * slutositettenwl: Its average coalition of tip to!Onni rbUidelphln Danko . toe: the:l4#s week t• . • . . . Capital T i as i4 , 44 w 2.3zo reic. , Th im ill ux4 Wltith.. Lost - 18,817,621 • 119,009Parlion. 011,20 :DtIce::"C"1: ndcn 31 7 54 , 54 r 1 - 43 D '2 ? 44 14 4:'... :: A344 -700. 11411"1:111 ... 1 / 4 4.111167a. : 13"11 : 441 :91 ,The Pant statement doted 0 'ft* goody move. tient last week; thO tieitest :eluiogeliletog to th e ; loans Which were minced 00 8 ,9 0 1•• The legal: . tegatiiiiotes ineressed • 6100. 0 1 3 . non • the dsPosits . 11110.41 1 k. The clsstanees during the week amount: . alto $30,=4710, and the b . /dances, to . ,:to,,,,htcatoncorresiondent Of thd Phil Wier; states: -•, . .I , aso autlotleed to eoiitradlot 'the pabh.aed statement that Secretary "McCulloch' and lion. Treentaa Clarke. Comptroller et:the t!itireaey. are la tarot of tneetaateig the Satloitat elr eulatlon' fr0m5.730,000,, 00 0 to 11.102,000,00 o.:,.. Gentlemen are *moiled to any Nether 'aase to the currency, RIO -ell! reconnected Cow , eat _t o keep the beaus , pro! . kW gm whatfit • tOp too Delipft „, • - • NOT. 4.—Floni—Market. ANIS Fa ode at too bble bleb odes 10 SIC..w beat—NO ale N om trod eau WI Pr No 1 et Wet 0214 um for :No amber. Corn—lteld ego &Rowed la big& and eta butt. oats—Hale at &la is bag& motet rho &tow& Bastey.-stato la *41114 at, 41,401 111.1 q par/Can's from wagon& , Ereortiteady at oo lit.Co by the 10000 load, with rerr.llttte dolnle: • „ . chre - e/sill*llimiti 6. ' . - . i ttrximx , x ,;Nat. .—inor.e . ..4rieter t_• not 'ilea , * es sales 2 eats elialse AN o 1 ree3 at 1111.(a. 2 'Can good do do ot ; I car - *ld NO 1 sett at r 4 . teat No,fl white at 5i... ? .• .- .t ; 1 • Carnibtadarstel Oro and vaie!mrigi‘i aEU for -Vo O mice.' Irotu store. oate—la better demand), and unchanged. .ISide• 0f.6000 buth fres oo board ,. m . 40,. 131 g—taut Is aale Dom store at a=s.,. -I Grier .k , ,11111t aR4 4.9 4, thei. '' '" ' „ nrsau a z•- ” - - IV 1.82. VITTSBISZOtt 0 AZtri - S, - • tt Luz= urr Itar. MS. 1 ' 'lLett weft pa le general mat , tets, worthy et special =tic& The de , • 'wad for moat of the -leading eonitscalities can tinues Itght, Whlle ; PACO are nortleaUy , 'ORAIN—Wheat eentinuelr quiet—but little 'draw, tad; not very . Wash` wanted. Spring b'eat, may be quoted a 1454135. and Winter e11,(40,2,1e. Barley IN dull and too irrepziar to quote eerreetiy. Oats dull but uttehanged—tutall sales doom adore, a tee. Corn is in - better dentind but u nebula da new Is selling at findS, and prime • old at ,dye is wanted ate See, but tittle - duffPIDEE—TDe market continues gu sh slo and nti. ant *Me Orin; Wheat is selling ate , ien bbl, Winter Wheat brands are held pretty tinily at pervious quotations. We 120iC &Vett Of the forme r at es...aare,Th, and the Latter at $1b,d(1311: Els Moor is dull cbdrtokti nal at yer bbl ha small War. COMmeal to selling at per bush. pnovisims—B, bowl is quiet, and a little dull, but the stock it Very Laht, and prises reumy:, on. changed. Smal.shier of Lard at V 3330 fogelty and cdantry, amid otert,oce per barrel for I:.#as Pork. POTATOES hltelt'mowr are in fair deemed and stray, with teglitar wales at 11.1,40 per bbl ey the car load; and Sap in meal;tots. Sale of tenni Neshaso,ricsOn seeks' at SPA per bush. Sweets, - may be quilted at Ithlielpla per iltd, as to quality. APPI 3 N -Mont etre' duff,-' ,and the supply is largely In en of the dementia , aisles of I car at 14,1Xl per bbl; I, do do at 11,teratut 3 do do at $l,OO. From stoto quotations may be fairly given at' NAolgekfor fair to choke: bitirrEll—Continues eteeedingV dull, and" prices are atilfreemling , We now quote prime to choice Roll at *3 - 4 cents—bat ROW Inquiry for l egs. a FEED.Thero some isuirr for 3i1d .111 but othrAtinds appear dol l. onle 'of 10. lens suets at sue pertont sad Sloes-CC -Steal at I tlff.F6E--Is studyy . watts sates of Hamburg re s ported at IteGgl, aust trosnew atßFottec. s Stocks recalpte fair. EGOS—Scare, and unsettled to Wes be. Ina reported to day At 40615 c Ild,E—ls solltnt from city srarts at Vletr—T per ton. as to quality. CENNIG...M.RIES--.11 &ado Casneroalosufprinte Eastern being reported to-day at 0150113 -per nbl. SORGllirkt—lnfal: , demend ett9o berdes ONIONS—DuII and lower. ules at isper abl. SALT—It quoted Om at 4,15, for mull lots de. lisered, and $.l, In area:di way.. PIG LEAD—Nny be quoted st, mem-. LISTE—Ia firm and in demised at per, for Waite—and supply artuparatiVer..ll ;U. PITTSBURG u s PBTROLEG By IMBUE IC firrten oP Tun Prr . rAniteri anze - r. fn. 1• Wen, raw,. Narember 184V1. cllllllE—Tbe 41 .ude market, was more netirer to-day and a Andel firmer, though prirea were it regular. ranging fn um 24!..;025e In bolI and bide returned; and 5:5821 bble Included. The oson anigned for the Insi .rovement Is the retetthon of more favorable Intel, Itemise from the East, both In to Crude east Refined.. Salea.of .1000 bbls at nee r bblslntrados,. free on board ann . ; 1000 do, °tithe - abet, at Me; lib )e - .10 do, ratite . montb, at :tom 4113 bbl, In bolt, •.5t , 241.4e; Melo do, at 2Sel Tee do do, at Um ES, Dbl. Inturned, , abe4l;e; idotlo, at . 24:ne; and bble (te nary grantA) at :12e, bble included. The market closed steady at Mona 2.5 e Inbuilt, and On bble ton hided, although souse hold en hove withdrawn the, It oil (remit:set/ t. Nsyy:ifEN—Thera we, s more Inqydreforkondel oil to day than usual, ai d that, too,- at a slight advance. but holders • eem to .. have gq their ...ideas . ” up a little, and, consequently, wo have but few Wes to Mond. `The truth of. the matter • is, there is bat HU!' offeri fig, mime. refiners. to tertain strong hopes of a *more satire market mad, hatter priors. Sate of 600 bbls for December de livery In Philadelphia, buy Cr'. option; at . .sil tents an advance eif lolly. one, half cent. per - . gallon :Free Oil Ls V better dens. od, and prime city brands may be fairly quotet i at TLeeri sent., —Since writing the above,. we have the follow. leg additional sales of boat ted oil reported: goo bids for November delivery,'. at Me, frint• - on bowl cars be re; and NOD tibia for December delivery to - Phi solplylids, buyer's option, at 6Si:4. NANINA. AND RESIDUI illi—Neptha. Is not • very astive„but the stock it light, and thew Ls n.l much stfering; quotatio na ,u be fairly glv en at terael.' In bond, and • free, accord ing to erarlty and packages; ante oEnbblafrat., aiwc. Sales is lots of too tibia Ebildnum, at, •E&M. free on boat d rms. RF.CETPte--The reeelpte a oil An., achy 'liver daring the twetity,fonr sown eadhagr thaw eleotot, were. es follows: 1111Iaa Itsrards---450 A. Leal Wade-- .Z.ta Jas. 1 41/klas.... It L. Si E. Strickler— Porte. o Total— PETIMILIEII STOCKS ER MEW - YORE Siksaitl Di.patel is Western Press. Raw Yong, tsar: song. . Amu:dem:a Steaks were *toady and a.ataato-lap, vat& a further cicala illhole Creak. - Bales wain, of in. following fat. giturcoott, UNZa.liasrelt, ag; Fee Signnte,hB; Fine N'ttloual, 11 0 f MM.& Tarawa, Bo; Olt thaen...hiln:St.gantrar,g,nny teal Matas, AL% lilfacifac, 1.84 P.ithale Creak. tmt; Buchanan Tarn, 82' • MEW YORK PETEOLEVSII *onto! Istepateh to West/no Prep. Nrw Tel Noe. 5, ISSS. Petri* two le lathes Orates. Sales t 0407 f lAN) Navels of Mute at relit VA barrels. of ,t 0 sal 10. 1 : 32 1 41 3N S 1 '3IE4; 1 fiaa bowels Ratak in float, st , 1:44060e; P.oAaed ' , ref, la lots, at 151.9312 cents. eGiiIaSTS BY TELBOMPH. Neer York Market.- Nay You. Noy &—Corrow—Mtary a ed. 2.ppte tower at r 22110 for malting chtslyat 121. FLOOM,4IIOc better sat more doing, at 118,6212 NED for 'Mrs Slot*, 19,111eVELLr extra [snag hoop Mbld and g9,114P111,23. for ;tole ertmls,. the mat Mot autism dull and drooping. tesuastr—Vtrmer at Itt,tO for Western, to lots. G nom—Whet 2c better and more acts vo se MOP 01.2 1 2 fee Maga .151.1 tiaoChilhktut Milwaukee mute et,3301,Ve for Arober. vroultee• =MOUS for 010 winter red odutero.sea tlaolorgoodowelte wntarn. Marl. Malt quiet. Corn to better at' khaepurer unsound sad twahCf,e for shwa WI WI yeasts, the latter se extreme, closing mil. Oats boar, for nomad. and • anode ti,mer ter soma, at 41431te for ;Lc forma and 23.0ne20g0t Mohnen. Onocurar.o—Cotten ergo. - tiugeg oilman Oahu Muscovado liX(PliOt Massage lit . tude. at ito. ISt gogromainder on room. teuns.• Sato'" tole% and dm. Ittincourn—Firm at tiWyniefor Grade. es),.* gas for tamed to bond wad t'e!ifpcse. tut ReUied MS Woos—Dolt. • . Paorisionr—rock Ora; stazegnms for Meu— cause at a.r.M cash rnd527,75.k0110r prlmn arms; also 277 bets tans for Itorsatier delivery a. 532,14 CA*. Mei qulet DlllOOl4 for plata moss mad i1140e17 for anus Slew. Hoof bass Eta. therm In moderato demand; Stafford Ifs oared at Cut meats dull at If.VAlle far shoulders and Sto for hams: Loa:sum:4 at Butter la demand at ic(j4le for Cllflo aal il/Geno state. Meese fans at It!MIS... Weir Volt Stoat aud.Money Market New] olx.lloV.3.—Moose settee sad Sum At 7 per teat oo era Joao. Sterile' Exthange Aoll owl herkerat toerNett6s4. Gala (kraal:2 boar, orreoto; at Irk' , " cl.dlatos to 1034. ood eloilrg at lly y. Stake ire shade lower. • Fr richt, to Liverpool •• Miter. . hanks heat Cleveland—la I.lthboral, SIN; North Westera, 12%; dn. Fastened, St; loleatt,l.o3; hllltrauhee ft Prattle tha.thlen. 1651 Toledo, Wattaatt a Western. Ely Alton h Terre flaw, pieterred, 'at Onnton.lo; S. E. le. Si; Uhlo 211.1talutppillettIlleatet, tIJ4t tne y e ar Certificate*. IITKI treasure :-Vs. 01;;. h. t. Ontivor.s,lo6; Von p 111, 104 4; 1040 thiamin. 02: • Win:ince and Trade In Neu York. Wm. 'goon, November Cl—This moonlit; Quo le GStimer feeling In railroad gpeoulation and then lam .1 et ant recovery in Nix. from the tomcat point ol out evening. Fate tool: the lead of the New York floods, and Pittsburgh en-t Old Moutheco of .ewe' shares. blruor (crater') was In demand. Then wan eery ll skellewent - in Fralii. LiuCLlell. HUM es wan nearly all eon. geed to the kadtvg titans.' At thalami hoard the metket was quiet with small salsa. followieg were the cluing Wing at cto 1. w.: New lark C'eattalttfP,Seil9 s ,..ii Pea, fli e l . o ol %l Boesch Lifer, Kalif; telt keening, itkl;lllit The Crininerd 41 mays:The iettlessate align; the pliotts lo Prattle Do Otien aro stodocieg o cued : elcellef ciuban lament t t axles to site failures. Lempißohlute h.eti Ore.: stew ed in some cans, bile lons palms hale Medea elem. antleme.r. atmaal InthtiZ eats. thneper, 111 , /, t-14 a are la•- ported as b awing Lined upon their o.oolcontreeta, inettollog Pram Dm Chien 104 Erie. :Money le Is *Went* dettiaod.. D. Is d - maul, pewterer, to bar. ow upon stock; now reantpols• led by cliques. The foreign ntwa be tha Oubi had • delneelPthe effeetercto Guctfaraeot ittoetta x dtds e; tower r'.bits 1; _ The Marten icon The wakens of the gold market was untied be the ttovernment Wile/ front 1160,00 to 1'40,00. (I old emit at Ile. `'. Kan Yoke. Nov. sThe following are the 400. tatlots of Dry (Jowls to-day at Jobbers' prices: • Moon OtheednaN-Stand eras. sae; Medford, Itc; Wanes, zrct Daetlie Illeschett Shaetutito -1170aisults, ddn L rtuidate. 413 , 6 e; EOM°. 03t c; Red ilank.:2lo. Prtota-Xerr{pwsa D, Me: Pe ctic, Z. Malblehn,tba, Durrett'. Tsai ktikoeteag. 24z3 Wotan. tte, etc, Hamilton, Zto• Manchester , We.. Hoop Skirte-liredley Duplex 'EUInUa. tO to hodPh_gACISIX Pee doten hoops; k Meyer, saga, • lapel I I Inch, O to 40 hoops, We pee deree. • The following dieprAchaswers ballettnod In the. Dry Doody Eashinge to4sy: . Lettuce. N0v.1:1,-.Trado better. Stadia pan. *Ur loud. redund. • • _ Lam, Dow. a.-Iltudnegs moderato:. Mikes eel:Jona to few York nortattous. Steaklahere me net largo, as a general thing. •• • Psi tartlescrira, lt-The dry go . de market be ti swatted ski doll, salient soy speotal cheat's Borrow. Nor. 0.-No chaniet easy Nice' aid oeder►te trade. "." .t.'hleagd Market. ' 11.-11.4qrr-iatilet. Ottals-•ta boat elated quiet at Mao for Goes 119415 i quiet lit 1/3 los No. I, Data doll at MOTs.. . ,;Paninatotts-Dall and nealnel. ; Iltattwissi-Study and Or.. ' ..yakturrrs-Dull at tra, on torn to Buffalo. Eicorrir-43,000 able •FloortallOCC en .mall •04 0 0 bn Corn; 12400 Ira Clets,, r , fixtrximas-opoo Obis Maw) *OO bit - Wawa' IletPtObti Corti 1 10.0001110 1 11*. ' Tv Odronn,Coixinci Iso 4,%icrxice - cl . li2n•; Nor. 1-6pkgatittwoo, iForodo t mai to dodo,. JalAlurphr, Ido do,/ DI blclodiel big drag% E comitlN) hide*, Heys Al Fteirod; St idog Pro -duce cars cam . Dotrinpdon d% oil lAIII, 13 1:0 Moore% ti 3 do do, I.yeeteo 011 Cos 1 ChT doves, otar,,V ryerl 1d o 1 1 4 . 14 /e 4 ke" 001 S, list 11 sdracry ld Os, snret Irsdrs 10 bulls totorto,JS plicottk,. " • . . - RIVET( NEWS Foreit Torest:Citr.;....Gordoz retriceribzut, Orlempt. .. . . CitY. . 'The Hier /a again retediat alotery at thlaPatht; with seine alp' feet -'the ehaattel by the pier . marks leaf evening. Private telegrams from Olt Clte reiOtt Wet, lathes - In the ehaoael at that paint to-day, sold at a staid. The weather yea. terday was mild , sad pheasant; and; is the trealig the Indications Titre fai'::iratde for rain: The Forest CUT. front . Puha:olog, is the Only antral fro Lase to- record Own below. / b , 4 _ /53, ... ; qad, m the same point sins are last night, saka. relltdonbtleu be found Inzairt thlorrucinlog, • The 14707111. front elncinnati lacy be expected la tyra.y. The C. D. Fry bad st*ora up yesterday aftel l •• 0007, and-It was thouglit that she would get oft for New Orleans last 'rending. There were ow other departures aside • from the regular packets, The Nevada, Camelia, ind • Marlrara. arm loadiag at etriciatudi for Pittsburgh ea' 3tott , . day. . Therpopnlar end neei Botirevt, Vipt. OetLeger): :More; la the regular picket I . * Pluketsliuttitt;: .day, !eating pm:n:lV at it a. erl. The elerl.. - .C44;' D. Moore. trill gee that psuengery andithlppeni iteetee every reasonable attention. The dowries, (MRS. Thos. H. 'Golding, Is nest In turn for St. Isouft atter. the Kate Plrtmln. • • The Lgruilnrl/1e Prep, . of Illondsy, hat the fol. krwing: We noted the &feature of the cost rtet of tug: boats., with over one Hundred barges in UM, for Cincinnati sot this port. Owing to the low stage 'of the riser, the tide being wholly inadequate for thesafetrof the" tiClll,4lliit , a number of barges have been-sunkne regostrousul on the trap. A. far as has been aseeitalned, the loss has been about onMent'Nor the number, or amount Stnted,' including three`barge, of the Ilermiles, two of the, - Tigress, and oat or twc. of tho Lioness, all be.- longing to D. Cc d., Macdonald. Two a. lo tow oithellolphln r belogging to A..f. /faker, two' 'barges befogging to W. IL Brown, in "tow of the 'Shark, end two' belonging to Wigham Cain' tow of theLittha Whale. One of the boats wan' loot by collislon with the Steubenville. bridge., None of the coal neetclue, bads rrived sesterdaY, owing to the low stage fit water which hen great. ly retarded their mostmente. The Iluntssille ar.' rived from St. Louts oroSaturiloy. . lhe'Yorktown wits adSert igen to lease St. Louis for Pittsburgh, on Tuesday, and the Lorene was annouteed to follow onWednesday. HT RAILROAD Prermstntalh'FOST WATI,ts & OFILW.IOO R. -11.,: Nov. S--M bblablghwinat,TOWallace;llXtbbls ,4 Ws cider,T C Jenkinst3s has cheese * 17 Cars: find; 100 bbla flour, Sbomaker & Lang.; 31, boxes; cbccse, 11 Biddle; lbska rags, Godfrey &. Clark; TM rdls paper, aletlroyfcaarrison; bbbls apples, F Felix & Son; 31 aka Wool, Kirkpatrick & Bro; 6 bbls elder, F Seibert; 20 dos brooms, Wm Cooper h so; 4 kegs butter, a lard, 1 bid eggs, Graff . & Reiter; :4) dos pallscaleDurudd la Arbuckles• ; 10' br: soap, .1 mes Ileum eo; obbls apples, C C slay; 1 car oats, II hea, , jr; aoo Obis apples,. 111 W Rankin; bbls flour, tire= & Clendennuag; 31 bag yeast, John Duntery; 10 do do, - Means es Cof fin,. 10 kegs butter, T Patterson; 3 MA. - tobacco, 'A Schaub; do d0..1 Taylor; 150 bbls Apples, fl 'lOO bbls our, McDonald ts.Arbuckles; DLO sacks f barley. 200 bbl. flour, I, Wallace; 1 car mill feed, -T & W Falrley: 100 Obis Ill:haloes, Lambert, lt:lnpton & co;100bbls flottr,..Tohn Greer; 100 do do, Shomaker & Lang; 20 pkg. Cob, Wm Cooper & ewe 33 brills apples, Gaddls & Bowers; 10 dodo, .7 Blain 1 OAS wheat, J Liggett & cot 31 bids apples, W F T; 230 Mlle sand, Afterborry & co; 60 do do, Dryer, Walker h. co; 110 bbls 4pplC2, Pptter , Aiken &- Shepard; . 0 do do, J N 3/germ:TY. OLZYCLAND Pirrestieas Balm; Roil:0—'1. Nor, 8.-12 bbls apples, 311lIeConnally; .32 sake ' barley. ll.tcCullough, Smith & co; 2 pails buret... - Steel & Smith; 46 apples; J I Crawroed; 2 pka butter,3 33.311 chard;•• carawheat, Kennedy es: Bro; 103 bbls apples ,J Heckler; t car wheat, tie l lit t eOl_2 c tittri b p t e l a i rfs a , u ktatit,*rr ke l O h Ll' Costa', as Robinson & co; P dorbrickets, War al ley; 10 dos tubs, Little, Baird Sr, Patton; 123 potatoes, C Easley; 60 bbla tame, Boyce, Walk er S co; 40 bhb potatoes, A Plelnler. STITTOY, Nwpamber aaelas, barley, 31 Johnston; tal a " &zoo. brooms, 1 Usti doze; 53 Nils paper. Pittsburgh Paper Co; P 2 'ahl, flaxseed. Ewer & Hamilton; 6 can wheat, Sen. , nedy k Bro; 1 car lumber, tipang, Chalfant as cinil bale. wool, It u lilarlen; cars corn. 'Mattison & $.120%; &3 bblaupPler.= bbla cider,' Goo Myers; 1' ear stages, Logan;l bbl eggs, . 1030 Teght / 5 1bxs: coup. Mercer & 'Robinson; 2 , can- - wheat, Sob777e & Al gel; 1 car oats, Simpson 3. Knoxil2.boxes soap; Bolin it-Biddle. • MEDICAL:. SUCCESSFUL TREATXM' OP . thronle Dbeases, Consumption, Stmt. nla, syPAilts. Seminal and all Femalla Consplalnla, BY DRS. AMOS &.JOHNSON; 142 .Ircptax-els 161trese.t. PITTSIIVRGIII, Pte. . - Testimonials from iine Wen/oaf. Troia- • -• &Oa itasi Oblotta Mr. EittVer: It L wlth?lOuursl ineite known the following facts to the public, Delimits my: tes Manley may be Of seminal° same invalid who Use bitted° tailed to obtalaralief. At all meta jam doing no more then Mattes to two durileal ;enfla mend tone city, tit confraslitg that I have mat tentoily toasted several very bad came at seminal wealuteas and female complaints, by adopt:La:mu atmode of meat:meat now by lars. A mot Johnson. ; • - • , . • Yoe female weakliest-trio not know , otanyillor INC:lean equal these :scrierdes. L haws prescribed thna Jars Crest cowry hubris who bars tro Nod toe years with sresnosa. and =Amity Dam a parted oore has brio etrenea:, sea* yaw OM cuss Lao yielded to this nods ottnaliassotr. She short space of two Weeks. Team erspeidtallYi ( 5 4 0 ed) _ ,W. r. mblarus. as. D. iGla Ireland. qui kid. 1. amber "A LW& UST/ MATT FRC.II TUE RE V. DR. H 4 ria TOff • C. I'ILF-PCII 01' 110571115.11. ' /itertll7 MSS DM AIDIE & soneson a oindlaines Lee cured' my whe t who was etaject. to &Wiry stantleaoa. Tb.n.ntedieines wars used only two U. L. linDortaut to Ladies. • Our rUILIIMUCAL MAIM will 03101 on s lnonthly_alakocas In GIMP of oestruction hour env seam P dew. IL. N. a—Lathes who aro pint Nine elaralAtoaneo Limn. Tonle Tot Penal° Weakaws. o cattalo cure. it • - /*anon' fOnthe Whites or toneorrtur a, at. DTSE.I3EB CP 3102 BLOOD. &e. Are: dwer.LJonason—Dear Sim I mon wan, tata • that your remedies tar. morals wol blood. ill le wee ana really oreellent rot wont* Wilkie: la err imptifitlu of the W 00.% I find they DOW: fall to eu- when risen as alreoto4. I have ono. cerisni in caning the wont pone of alpha* ewe - la our hos Mutt, In the short OSA= of mu loofahs. • F. W.-11. LFILIF al. W. Allnerea.wt December 1%.13, 1001. BEMINAL — CY&KNE4S Dra Ansa fr Janssen haus mired, by the use or. your mutat% several pollants that had 0000 In.; rowels or tha LUnatle A.i.114g 1 faun the peel elroda of 10,4.001 weakness or aednalsy habits. la all suck cam lament': nothing can egastgoor sawn. Wines, J. W. SALLINS, al. D. All.nay N. T., Ortante 10th, _ _ Trtkc. Partite=lgor otleo..—Urs. Amu, end Johnson adonis all.Misse who bore Injured; bent irises by trupw.p-g Udolgocure end moisten lulu. Its.sibleo ruin bola Daly and mind, ortatUng Meal for either bualnem„ eoritty, or rummage, These sre sox *Eel the sad mad suelnisehely ef. - ft eta produce‘g:ry early habt* or youth, suds as• Weakness of lac beck aid limos, palaa In Lae. !Pad, dimness at M OS, boas of nanseinlar power. pelpltatino of the dyspepela, neurons dl. dtrazigesicat of the digealin :Uoas, in. nra al drlll!zy,aptatia at consumption. km ' 4". •• a Johosou here for many yesre ie elosloely dtgrotrd tialr attention to the tllat meet - of tie dlsonleva totemd so In Mess teen Inmate s& „a ahltlS h•JOLINBON. . • No. Itl Toctith sized, ate:linZallemioditaxer Pltt.pupa. Pa. ' (1 `0176$ RO-MMICIL -: •• . • • .. • . , TX*III3I3IIO I 4ABID% BALSI imar..t , sat'74:lhatutuatua.turtute Wash), 04.4.1. .toersomelf, ;tabula, Mooring Cough, Sore Throat, IWptlou. aad all ' attaillarut of 114 Throats 0.• . VorlaUt tuwats. Ututtal ittpat. S.r.ta foutrt• .91 ‘ tet, Vinwauall, O. . • .• . • 1 1. 2 1: itd—ViM—IVECELEth. . ' AU IM bledleal men &n eltsZlele iseomartej, I.l}l. SVISUELANLYS ANS/ °LEILA bili.4 /VOX as Qs oaty certain remedy for Cartfues =rier..z%ttguleitgalltimllut ;e4'l24Bdmint wartsolad gri?et ELM late; LI3 mum •III.• tbsted. Fat th arm. tole by V L'lol ati . matt .... V. iSgat Four el= . STRICTICLLISID'S PELE.RFI2I)I,;. DE. MX It= NIA I t io lama Wounds et tho Lur r. pza of • bilbul wooing Pilo. tai iny 42 etta a permanensTry P &ugly. Itaiwap mud to CWT. • - For Ws by all Der.tpUts. Gautral bepol, Ulu Focal' sued. °Wilma% . Dyspepsia, !Slam: mesa. Dr:bilis, • rm 6nuozwtzrai IN salt rataxuocultitaas gAIIMUICVNIOr aaarlNcriralt 9D o N 1:1"" Zfar&o : roodo l-S. It to a rzr•r:J ' PH :a ba pterptataro, troza alcatuatt *mars; LI Ell= r.b.tout ttuo sagas Darrowopt= It siesta ►goal IIVP• otIt 4asaWtsoal inirsiald law* itionor t i ms= Attabarill: • X. - X stl.. SC*: PLENILNO• • • rr. notmazurzt • ' 1. N.MUM% • at.u.4...*.utd—Augglazr "r• •• - • eartiv6.6ks ICIFOS I.II6.CTICa: tssila.s. unicasszr. se Gal Mhilitnid by . = l a .:.nrugtess• IA this Mil, alut yucca GI eau treated lusaulatT b 7 NA ad ~sdertstras Vltlatc . q t. - • SPURN bEZ.I3/11. EMIR r.. 3 _A al) Statism &TWOS th. 11.004". an sand 111 • ouw_tliss than -betelprore RESIEDLES. hisdkiner Vat* an part WWI Vatoo, ktterstatml.soat-liti itamt. SO ret - nr . a p . 97 mum.. Ooniteptuarseatiax 0 , 141104 (Mks . BF - 3 a essat,sinstAtt 'Ji4SCANSTREP, , , Pi' • GOinaM)l:Mt". EXTEIII4VS , SALE. on, itemsriturencOaih ,, ormly: WrtrfaliT Offfaffw or, Td[{ Trxrasamel OluisQoarrsaatairta's Qom; , • tr. EL MizaTimi . ghtLICOAIn. IVAERVILIM. _Tl:larn 00 0 Mt. OWL Win be. sold at Paths .tkartUlls, oak NoTeater = lll , IStd, at slie Loot of Prfplf.T..X:WW, frft • •• TWO TWIT et_ • WAGE. •-•- • Oa November ran, iSG at Rtod= of thoJeb . - temsarille Railroad Ocuisardlo /21 ' HUM FLAT CARS. GOMIHr - Fri . - On Piorranber Fab, uran, Loaisrille,, WT. 311 Oer'Wheele.. I 43 Prik , 'W/tetick44lo l l l r *rt . / Old Riles; ' • 1. Tattler 1 , I -Smoke PaliD Stmt. 1 HealoitTenek-. , - '1 Parallel Rod,.. 4. • 4 Hand Oan,- Tmk ai m , , • SNOOD potuidsed Sa4:lec,„ Di Heeember Ist, 1104 Teua Hier: entire 'lock of the U. 8.3101.41 gok os d pea iwatalalair on hand as that4tise, souletiOt , la part as follows • li r `OS) Eightz toss assorted Tr° pan Hata =cared tom Sozattlro* ~-. • Wlahl tons averted Stoet.', • 4 4 . Led • gt atUOs emmil marls:islet , et leftal?"Stbres, eatte able Oa Dteerater 1 1. Ith, ISO, at riltn Teal., WIT se . tkre zi st i tc y sy s o t ete and it ra s a General Snail, •Ztorfy 000thrtita , 1n rattles fok • r A"moo Tirtritj theaaand file, j_ _ ,DX , Mons wed bar Holt. rd. 14 , 4 1 1 1 d. dire. is 3 PJasty tent Boiler and TOM ' • • ' $5 Tidily-01M loos assorted Sate!, - too Three totadard tons Sollk ; Iron, 25,000 Tweats.ilve. ftwesmoi pojyaßagtrakities, Oast:tam . Gas pipe,- 'Hestia:, Stove% 4 - IQauTfpe,. Al as VLStures of an klade Spring salaams. ' o l l OarS.. shovers; - ilif*Ar talegal Of Crafrdir• - • Harnbeui Bata, era; aall Sire. - Waltham, orninialia tog ai - umpuir Dar. Nairn and Spinost- , Iron, Ont. Collier Hirsh! ,' 'Wallet,. I • • andlturrs, Sub. GUIs se& Paint, Sheet Opper mad Heats; Hat o al ld l Wadi, - Rope, of all -1 r Lamps.. • •rel, -.- - Cooking Stores and , Sla- illtietC L ,Tackle ' tires. - Kellyiellesa Watt& Pall Setts- oft's:madam - BBC Um end Sad.— e, diem , Tools, Robber Oar Split s, Belting 01111 L end Leather, Files, Belts • and' ' Tinware as all kttaba; • Ana. shames article sattabni - for Rellited operahons, allot .1 wry , btlii4l2lllL, 115qtre. large Ladhes,..NteeMM:F 13re.,11ti 4 i , gr!e... - (3) TWO natters' , - Seller 0 . Va. • . —. = (I One Belt Clutter. end .t Bestpatinr, eDate ia ~. .! Ilia 11azrfacture. .., , • . _ . (1) Urn Axle cap ofr lathe, Warner Es Whitney. , " , (3 an Blowers. (medlam.) , (I One 1411,ght Eaglet. e horse tower. (I One Trip Hammer and „ ftgbze, Howelra Pat.' O One BroomreliStaam-Lianumtr. • . • .—• (1 the Seders* Steam Hateuners4-, Wlll also bo- sold. at , the *aka time, a large • amount el Serviceable end seedaid-luutd Railroad • Tools I fall kinds, constable on., • • ' tlarpeaterba Teals: Wheel altart'a Toole, 1- - .; • . :- Blecksmittati -Wait, •-, - Stotts and Pme, Rope, abltivx eta, eta . . TERNS %ASH.. IN GOVERNffENT - FORDS; Vatelretes of the matorials tti. be add In Nash! - , villall can be obtained by aollaselora to o aol. S. 8. Hamill. A: Q. 31., and of t eats r i a= on - ap.” placation to, Oayt. Jolla Yorke. "Q.OL _ •-• • 'lke Atte, tlan et dealer* an Comps. all ais yarticulaririarltealto Mil saha • - -. Sales- will commence at 0 - etc/Ilk a. 11., Mimi; day, and catztlane .dailY 'A:WS al l iber."Ert IS disposed of. - - :' • Lt . . Owl.. , aoltd Clayton& /is_ . N., QS.6. • •_: LNAL BALES OF GPVERIMENT F HOESES AND ,MULES. CtravvrrAWL3PrEn kataxtr... 'a Canton, •••1 • - WasancoTon,D. C., ckt. !2111. $ Will be sold ia 3mblle anotlon4nring the month of November, td the-highest litakr, It the time and places nomad below a - Pc: . . . • ' New York City—TUESDAY Oreelteh Week, lett P Tirsvi.v.A.NlA; __• Philadelphia. Pa..—THUESI4T, November . 16, and in, too HORSE:leach Ancy. ilturlsbmPa.-7 - ESDAT cult week,' IWO Hurlsbura, Pa.—THITBSDA,..., Baia:mbar 2,9, .. 16 T and 23, 100 h 0.138138 each dan. - • • • ••• alechantesinur, Pa.—TUEßlhccir, November , IC3 .1101ISES. • Allentown, Boren:thee id, • leo 110.1iSES.. • ••••• - Pottsville, Pa.—ilim.ty, fr4lterabir 12,.1.00 Chester, Delaware county, Pa.4,O7riDNESDir.. - November 22. too HORSES - Tit tactile, Pa.-211.UBSBIlf:Bocesebeil 10,100 HORSES.. - Pa.—THlJlLSDAYilcivrembet JO Pa.-.THITRSDAT -- . and PAIDAY - November= and 24.100 IitIILMa :each ley.. , DELAWARE.!:'. , - , - Wllmburtuct, fOr each ; Week. lc° HORSES each day, • - ; ilmlngtoa, Det..-1711DAT arT each week, too. : PIARYI.ANW`, - ' • Ilaittmore,'lld..—WEDlV.3ll4T,Bovimiri:l6. Baltimore Md.f--Wllly.lTefWabev 23, onacorto r n.,..c. - TtrESEMYS aod At* of each--week, unlloll.sOS eadsir. • - NO SALES MOLEi .wrt.t..trazz AT WASIUNGUrYOUZB: C. . _ At this Wrier Of sales all thia•Caacecinteat ani mal' will be disposed of. Eupora - Antal the avail themsolres of this Luta opp77,ttanit7 to our. • -. chase. For males of public animas -hautvwest, ;lee Of. , - natal Western nowspapers.• • • l amOS Sales to commence at to amt.' dai. : • • .„ : Tana-4.1A31ti In United Sta l r nit gi s t -11; leg. Or oe2Gino3l). GOVERDIMENIC )328.11E..)39 STORES. ; 077102. 01 111.u.rrazT 81Ma• Karns, - prresanion,ra.; 11 S. MIL ' Will be sold at. Put.Ho dais. oil % btuness old der,_at sla Yale Grounds. on.Peliostraet, TiIOILS DAT, Novcaber '.1., lags. 8 41 . 6 radllaaaclai W.- . - 10 o'clock. A., It.. the fo/13 Onasnanal Ciotti. ing sad Cam, and cdpage, viz. • • rA 361 lit= L P'' • '. . :..'.' .11 Valium lr:avateatZloats, ' • .• •••• : - ti Tiowssnalotant . " . • ...:.... 6 Troaraers 4 Xiavidep. .. • ; ' •• . •._ 04 Great Costa, ~.',. • .;.'. , .• . 112 Water-proof ?aura's,' , :•••":.. - . . MS Oreat Voss Iltrattl, - ..; .. .;;;•,. ; ".. VS T1n14.41 Stain Butlntrty, .. : :•• . 2 Townie/adult, 1:., •• . ;,-,.. ' . te 1 Zonate Moak. • . 4 - , • i it! lied Socks, alagllF , - ',.,..- .... -.. • •.:16 Ilarrnarls, • 4 • • . . .•••• -,.. • • - 2.3 Camp oelltto, .*•; ;•', 1.% Cachet Ilaciali2N; : t • - •'- •:• .. : :1I I. . . I Hospital Tlat. i- • . "-- . '' 1 br - 1n Ilea 1 Matte; .. • 6 :an do dnkte; ; " - • 11 Drina alb Id E .. • , s palm prom Sticia, 7 Hrtirn Coast. {, .' '. . • . ' • 63 Wail Teats en Fli es, , • •• „ , - 41 Wail Tent Fll . . ' . 41;14 Wall Tent mt. - ' 3,3 ler. Co:loon Ts Tales. - • . . :?-7 1 4 SbalLer Teutti . 3-. . • ..",•• • • . 46 do do Tfandtfp,' „.. ~•• • • 44. Y.cer4tal Trolll. ' • •• •- "'"-•'' 64.2 •• do •' do PILio. lArzo ' ' • :': 6041. It Wall rent Plos, l iirja, . • ..i. Color lira am V . kst, - ...: ..1.4)31 Tents, .111 ,1 .71bri':: : . • ~;, „ ~,,, ...,. % erry•Aiub, la Goraarocatfaidt ••• :.. I r , aOO did ' • •- • • "Atilltsitit Stow 1 6p61., ' - ovzstsiErrr sane try STORM. . ' bailie Is? gra rresawadiall'a Dime(, 2-•. • - .1 3 Pr/Tanta tr. PA., IV r. 4th. inst. 4! • ..W111.1.0 sold at Nubile Sale. tts biddiat 112. . arr. l!. tho Gotrtoseent mom 'Quo, .00 l•MO street„opport:e the role Way Etailrosa Depot,. .. • I.r. Ms elty, to 13101% GAY, nor 4 Jabs/ 11ik.156 , 1„.• _at.. 113 wales*, A. L. 611 e foliodrdest Ociedlintioft .: IC/OOdndiCan 3 Land Outlook p s igme, 21.1- , ; -• •, .: ^ 21.7.0112ira1ks • g; . .....,,.- ' ... .7 - • • : , i liddlo thirds aorl.kamis.;.: '. . .• 337 (;roan tiannonj . t,....,... , ".•.' -" ... ; i 164 .lap LettlrL - ; 1.111 Canteens and lapa..• 14 (lamp 6(06 • . ' - . 2 Ilrum ilesar, b ....' •• ... ' '.: - ' - 0170 (10661 (3 1 11 . 8 L Ilaseniod' s cko. -. . ' 24 ttetaua a.l 34atraIt. .. ' • , i; • '!, • ;,' ••••••". • : •••n. 77 . Tanta. wall.; ••. ~-: ~; . -•, -...., ... . • ' 4 Team aoloitid e ?..•-;-.." • ~; •• -: ~':. 1e , ,..1ir . ov i artga i:3‘ . .., • ... .. a le IPi 1, t7all i,: 46 pirda 3444 lima'. 2 Yard I'l Tplirb. , lt.Traltad,b ~ •-• culataalear.e E ass.. : -•' . .• . • --. ~• l'..M; . . eiIASIV. • 1 " , i 0 / • 4 : 1 P1 ,1 1.1d* -: (2-1CiPCV S. A.. • GcOlgrWenT, sALI 6 ; Eitessise Sale of stlastkets. -- ' -- i Will t, told at . sit el tea. 141*e. )14dIcAl Poems cri, W a tibors*, 1 , 114,41, Ureic 7600 ,411., ' 'frog.. en Tll..EDAY...ll.osirtc '2lSt.. i.)64, ma , . . elan Mosey. 610 Imo Aei 3 t 4 ,.,. ... t bee lOL 1.41* 111.01622 ate oc•itg all la 02;11C2/4, • c.tAtc.rte i si e j, behad on lit , ltettfe.o. : • -, 3t1)13,„ , -.FI.EICI(IX • •• i oirt, o2 i-d.ttittiet t`u u.. 1. 11, S. rol.. 6r. 5 ' ' .‘. l : " :•. .. ' ' P i r d i' I P4 "r7gri 17, A. ".
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers