/idl , 4 , ! c ~1, 2 ,..eiti0...1-", . .........ir10x, • .. f ,- yle.o.i. s , witimm. - , -. 6, -7x44,.., ,„;ich wazeut I it - C - ty fact eafinlited to thrailighe . upcii de frt • m jos taby t • , .pi . Book: l' motista and purposes of the 'Southern leaders, e ,;; Vi e , e h ;;;; liin t "." "Inn h r ... th '" retel .t... ..` - . act , f man bee at tbit jorietnre of public affairs, it. me c h.. 3 ... t h. g iorn ° ( 77 2 ', ' "sad `'"' I dd r ut 4 , i • ;egret Iktrett tifeysti'peopl... We Mors all mud their captain an ungraci ec pa s ( " tern of let lllo4eralerCeoir warning voice against the cite, and Palau. the princT s of darkness, of j danger-Of that false security Into which, at it w h h p • elehellion es they be fc,llowers, So chi it I ! ' pas teemed to Oa, the piddle mind ha.S. to seer. titeiclenah.„darlim don In hell undoubtedly:he tainanrietti.been lulled, and from which It Is to; the third deleriean edition there is a eel . - lOW ITO necessary that the re - presentative, of t l l L n eel o e o , f f„cro Mellor) 1 1 0 „.P, kips .. -- mowthe Magnus the people should be aretutel.,.We hare not utt7te„it the 1f r 7 1 33 . 3' l e :, k h lr g 4 h eit -W t e t i re tte t e b / - , dettired to Create tuidtle kart; we had rather en- theritles Dent to the lufmliblo tale of SeriptEnne: ~ deavor, by standing on the gamed the nation tlOon retry imPoneot doc t r ine of faith and ,lias; Justly gained, to ward off the sly ap- t d i i ' c l'lllie widen interests the- Leh Cats prmbes of a crafty foe, and to Prevent any an.'fb'e Marry , D om llebeillou collate of tile ' potalble return to the hitt eetuievill - -faita Adult we tutre narrowly eataped. .Tbe,people Allem. , a 'mons, which she* bovine Mother* Chat !nag nOnfe.Ennwginanchdneepreachh l eg it i niat b y u lt e e e r wh ol ett nia nde ters pled and ul h e r , aches should demand and exact every% Intended her owls clergy to preach. which has been legithnately won by the bloodl At the end of the Homilies Ls . keg v- Idiom/mar or theaword. Can we beexpectrir Inn fbr the 'yap of the taut Mbellioal" to be unsuspicious ' now regarding Southern which in thwiovoerettotl eta the IttlbJects Or I,3liticaimoyemeat3, when It. In . i.emnalbereci , Niintsklgtvingnin theta Wait: "And bast yEt by that they are mostly eilndtteted by the same stie,urtoiherly vu ee ma f b il o ow p l b o rt x ! o le o s:to r eco' r u e o ba m on e , M a o; e a venous whore mingled craft and malice a few Christian bfithma who bate Mere near]; felt liermaih ago, l i oulthi u pon the battle-4'ld the' stohme7enofetillneeleddrtlloineurteseaped;eursado dissolution and downfall of the Republic? Yaltr tl fh tir l/c lii ti t a s i t h berrdi s i eo bl.o urged eie. o e Lithe to more than ever should we be on tier srd. Thee, and to Thy servant their sorerelms, to the ''Beware ot the Greeks when they bring res. oxampleof a ali, and to the warn coffer tote," wet the MaxPlt cf a brave and ms. a rr . lion and amendment of Thy Berretta,. a c . lamas people. It le lessening neither to * o u r i in t h eTh General Contention of our Church Prayer IL•alc was adopted hen he Item courage our to our magnanimity to eapilhat each sentence Is consequently an act Iv* and oda ancient example. and to say, ' • ' Beware of rehris non. Bat further Toe eons onttou o of f 1404, aid truants whet they present reluctant edit- (thejorecals, page ors,) in twang it con: ac , f lons thtelegtral istidi,•ft. rave us one of the resins a ti's have been led Into h the Prayer Book should be carefully studied. this train or thought that y by Its help, "in conneeti ea with what be e eny l f,..., in t ees ts 0 e mintet"rial character . in 83ripm e by Its pert/al of a pet' . tie letter frees Tana harsZ, , Florida, dated October ;Md. W Illeleet lot ra attest of its duties may be h td." t r h e i r s i e , e d n u ‘ tier h s , ( !f t witt p e r tin en i e Ttc u ria n t e c e b ) oze n i eer p aide, because we knots it was not written for oo nn ul n d f , publication. It or as the more valuable on that war tie prayers • duLth, r, ti see-al en me, Is ' eeehhet. it , in-te the non of a eeeeehme and to be a ...toservatlve 'of us 'if teaching., re talented " .11, man, or the winderaud part iti:t,rt,ltngitht,lll%p;l7l e i aud Ned le ruin IC, m u bore of .3i - tattoo s to the S flub Ode.: extended ti. , et u t its of tit Coo; h:rcgarillXotrusini's jams. DI or on Jet:lees to th, over the pe rt. d of a tear I , uhnot, tie, that the pro tire and te 1 h i.i,, lathinsssan it ..e ; Oct..;;, pl,-, Contrary • of Ile Chu" It a- farm,' in the Prt,er Thud, .10 Dr., t. Sift I wtht• to to 1 tow fro n the not trotat yr, u. in pronoim lite 'O, It'u expos t if ibt Sa%ol Fl rids . Iht, e te3ca i , hilt... , it ' ii.r. l'i; anti ' 0111 " 1. " ti n !he coo htrt lor 8 lttti , time Is lo.lhog ott ~,,,t ~ , I, !ha), if there sus itt3thlu.., trrotor too ste 11, to the d I ~,at, s 1. 3 the eorotog bate C ~,, It ir.. I bat Ilie resOltillon, droll ti up nits I , Loa, 11 41.11 w • 1 :1 m, et t u tht ii,ith el ts Loo- loth na eh tet demerit towardr Itt ce il in nt , 1 must achnowl_thte that 1 Wok a tho hearse, did not so jus t ly characterize the la I. !Welt: of cur eou dtry with fear ei.l tree ,'tae. 11, ,rime of the 11 " 11 •• era and its ca use`, " i want 3013 to remember hereafter what I nos it li nide! bate done had the language of the d.r,to to Sow Too our aeceisio,tse e or th e Cloirelt's -rand Ms been followed. South have a yrogramme all arcane,', which 1, On thlnnr, 1.01. Jai topics. not by d, too cettain to maitre a complete rupture of this CLo.- :ion n dist distinctly religions wor k, ' the yo ur LOON Il i mixieca, II they nee successful In carrvine out lien arts at elLry fesFlon. Snell erv-olutlons Litt irpian-ast am tearful they win a'. New our - s taroks to the Academy of Natural Selene° for mutuy is in more actual danger, than It ertt ar tat iltlilallon to Sec the t nr i o-Itlet. for Inst nue any line awing t -Le war, Tara Welled atiLtlon I,it 5 oted for that no doubt. and it trout,' ((take and a nation's liar to lead and encourage Ini, sit rasing picture.nnt 11,d1 ',Rh the .ot, Low or 0 heitaftt %. they will have them . K.l nt thanks for which ,ou Ohl not i ote In 'lLcir I la, is rlaii4d dad easily arid.r.tood- iz-lt , Ito %•on, toion ;mot, .1 that the nilutbi, rs to amend their Start f orst.hattotts 8 0[11,1-((try - 0117111 to lln ).. roo m ti t , f,,,,,,-,,t ~,,k., ,„ to Dave their merobefs admitted to 0 re- rase of au, Is-rote who shall give o- tic of a recd. On the next appointment, or sooner 1. aallengo to a duel .'• Thl• was J- Meier it orl they cat-they will he Cutaled to a euill_tene theolittiim ti t a social et 11. number of MeEntkere, which, united emu t wen. O thE oltry of October; I PSI, IDs best Gen tt -tight mtutt , ers from the North, wilt glee ,rill ? tot lCllt lon then sitting in Chr ist Churl 11, then] entire control of the Governmeat; and PhiladElphia, passed the following: then they reni ~.„1,... hi ts ,t, recce, which "li, salmi, That the Fourth of nly shall ' a they say', is not Ja.i, as m sea, ao oot ,t to at , 1 ob,r,erl b 3• this Chureh forever 55 a day of unholy w-. r, nal dniog them , and depriving teem thankagiting to Almighty God for the interim of then tights aid ober:ire! Not orteof them I ab le ble ' vi np. o f -rvb ffloto and vunf fitswili ie•vh acknowledges .bat the right to secede has been ' tilled to (4, ' .'"iki 'SW'. V . Amoica." settled by the late •war. They look upon the Some of the men who sett in that conveniloo late war only as a erased,, against alavery. and were treats front the glorious fields on which a u x ag a t uat th e ultra State nietht, goeu tu ., • those We:sings bad been won. Other., fthala COTo SS tilftK s They are aoteraring, as domineering. and frnm the pulpit, which, atria,: the long strug as bitter as ever; yes, mom so. They toast of gee had sounded forth many a stirring ex tor- The cry throughout tbo South is, that batte n :: entire control of that President; and they tattoo to duty, cotarag,e and laftflthsal, many p tbl let olucloce of th e last Lismacratie s Prayer that. bed would hires the patriots and the negro nunt. , "go to worUP , Most , nte. (to hbol ttventlans In Ohito anti Permaylvania, as an `'eet fennel their encodes' elevieL4." Ti: ' ,4 Work is the lot of all, and•the neoro must evidenee of the smaanty for them, le in those utre also %pont,: who haul stood aloof in tto Wes. I - Who believe aid know that the , trugirle and who were by to i I not expect to escape it. But what is to be BD<roocracy t he Pennslvaia oil mean what ta with the ' rt. milt. Outside . r the n "" . 1".".°-1 raid cf the men described in this paragraph, right, place proper weight only those age num,. r nf the 4 Icr, add Luity mn f ‘ ci e r n e t r l 7l ' o ' m a Whinb we copy from the Philadelphia flocs; th ey 1-lace more faith in them. and In all It It gmlat ed had been bitter opponents of the pendent movements. The Southern membe-a re , ohillon. The patio aof the first moven- Preto: , ' e Staten wilt vote, as they hays always done, lion nevertheless missed this .yolttleal" re 2 "Tile GelyernMent will beetideally eons I na body, wl. lt oar Vorthea a member s veil ••+S‘ , . Bed do next day they a (opted a form or he as heretofore, dlvldea and unwise gelled to sustain daring the winter in trans, prayer to IL MS 11 1111 0,13. occasion. Thcollect at oodiy ponion of t i le popowion of it ct It hetet live years, lam !barn.% ottr bonds adopted for the day thanked God for all Kis ',till be as trorthless fa the market re, lIT no• "mettle titer des and more especial! yf Jr that sir mond, Virginia. At a renent meeting of Dal and a onderlal tnanife , tation of thy pr.,,i. the councils of that lily, it was aftaftnanett mirdetoor,:jhae.,:ifullt hdhrederdeT officially that there was but One'dollar end g or, an ey ri - , - , as ' al ' fr are eedman, ir " sl a l,ln s t e t ri o ri t n e :rr ii lee e s c o . ll7 l l l :l ' n h a L e l cr. ° It!l o re en' t 3rl t ' l ' : : IF ' fifty cents in the treasury, No less than t h sla p , the population, count one, trireme, no; tam wait that rue ono was offerad.en'ffetunt two thousand poor whites ore now subs:st he counts politically, thrce-fifthe, and instead of oMer." Lay It On the led." "flow can we as k men to thanl. God for a hat they don't tog upon rations drawn from th e Govern- , or slavery they will enact Slate lawn to , ashio latent, end with the app roach of winter this them to hate a spin it 6of apprenticeship, worse I,Le r , 4 coulee .moult to ha been th•re, num n ber mast be ghutiy increased." , for the newo than slavert-Ittelf. /dr asstrilaz sour oattinti•nd. and refitting to these rain tilitl t NOP:, 11 by dOeSllof the GOV ' erlintent, say a u l ,,,ja' u n , , ~P n ' 3 ' 3 f,?" , n° ' " 3n v ' te ic.r 'I" to rte °I ' IDI Y I Or say srrrrlY ei,,,,,p,, r , 0 ,, k i ,,,,,, thy p. its icn al torte A.:. Ctrl thls that would to ttege ibobEanda of poor - Whites, "Go to I fr,littes• at the beglonle • g of mil h o - for- th, war , bl v ht et"ivi v .., ' l ' ll :at With the event to WOilII" Virginia is suffering for want of T . l . 0 Y . c le e the , san ,,, le 0 - etle. Couritepihtlt hscri_ . to t e , ce ,e n stab • ll Cigti W jr.l.lk after, for the reso ltbor, hiLt; its urging imtufgratlo.l fr om all 2 T i f, ,r,,t . ,,,; . ,;, , ,:-,%arn0ci,,—,, , , ,, ,,, 0 , 0“b, , ,, , cie,- p v : I',. ',.. ..,711113, O M,C M .j ! " ll *,bu n.::: . In the 4'; ire *ti"l %cartel?, erd 1"o- with ?headliner of work I, thca„ is .. thousand flutes 170 f -, , If,' than It la an Interesting fact, in tit eonnection, 'rill 111 Al` t. 1 ,• ef slarery. lu n year or two he [4 -' tits F ..r.a ot July se. rode eras ournuased (dieting all - around , these thousauds of 11 1 he a- ii n 11l flee scalt...l humanity d s thE by Lev. Dr Smith, labia had written sad acted a , .3 I=ti.w3__..o3 - Igolind clarnor at 1 .0„, chit, , roe is In the South. Thl.. itnte you, fta.s•" (a 11. pin,. inn al I na.-mtanta . and the pUblic crib for food. - lie kfl St will not in the eli'i_ibteucil North, cannot nntl7•. 1 Vat U n f arOrataY / 00 ked 1100 0 he the nano- W ears pity the net-re more now than erg- I rat Then of It during the whole Revolutionary itr, work neither shall Go eat. , t . are 001 tit for th prontnao of the right of ,er I trhstop Irlilteft Menant , .1 Two gentlemen frogs. n. r .... • O. `ti nor 0 bd. I ria.h •nr O m , °pawed It oat srounds a milar to 10‘..., and ins. Trim a ist,tinc,t, - tanuan ci,s rum." -Smith f r thi n..,rn ~ nil I. I.r, • i', ,n, I hfli t '. a ... a ..- ...pt. .• 1- .p raoatlon Of 1.11.• -or Thy pro 6'15 yr}, press oas,betat trying its fora year or i. 0. tra ,r , our tz, I 1.1 'I. „.^.l I."; ':' '''" ' " . ""d'" '''''.• ' h'Y ''” l ("' best to n ' aLliructuit. hn "inbu li cuon" in iorlib(:;',r;:e7l",..m;m:t.b.; •: ; I" ;;e r t; ,, , ' , ''' , " ,,, ' ll ` • ; ' , : I. • , ' ,I " , V , v b f. ', b .'./ L• 7, who • o : -7 4-.7:1 1,, ' i b ll a t titre -h' ' - ware t ''l the measure n''''' Jamaica.' The insurreelthin latinont upon Now ali is ,Lao“, I .ce the et lobrafrd B . G. I in. ff. • .r (r The c.ne MO lOn Of 17, t aim tinted I elm olt•ee CilliSr.inSpectlan, toil c nothing hut a big riot, is licre--io tenstidv c I riming nom • rotor! tr to ado , , •-, IL. 1 , ...rn5.% 01 to^ 1.1.t0,1 5- at.o l 3 ..,,,,,,,b,,,,, f i r a... PI, ad. rt repo , Led, jr,ll S p 1,1 01 th F such as the 'lrish indulged fn the irmimit. Is susocet,tl,to dirett 1 1, - 'r '0 ' • negtoes jo New . yolks ,yforori two ago. this Ckortention,than myth:eget', . ll, • t r 't it h e ' l ' -1 l." 1. La ll .l tar. P lan ''' . W ll''t P , '” s '. Lai llfn n latel, pardon. il by the l're-otl..^t Ile ,Il t% er a d -on., I. oas Franc! t 11.4 LED ‘no A riot tc kill urgices and burn the bongos ~.. - argent, d, daring the rebellion, a Blockade a • d Tel ,of a v . Tbe a_or ..a eldnineodell over their 2 t tads, is lILI right, and Gov. SEy EuutllnE 'l rankly ling Company, or whi ch be ' ' , L is I. o rot rt . nth 111 or toe lino .1 3 sreaa. lb, /101711 •fl'Elir .1110tt.t...4015 II ea e uis aidn'oF, '444 Pr( Fidgut, anti of which Jell. llati., dad nt 1 ' ' l- ' 111 ' 11 1 f oloran 0 •11.•8 will rel:B•Ye Miler leadlaz 11l thleaders were partner And nt nr Y,. waif. n 0 ar - frane. a•nn of . [mar with, scrup tto addri ss the finalist( rioters at now he has the Impudence to claim, It Is paid, w onr en tni. a f 111/1 ria en I , I ceinchntiand 'their T trAe v iedr, , ,.,l4rrefkdis - ,:t-blik What rtgiet oa-tlic cotton otsuell by the Company , a. It's ' , IA r. 'II re , o n t.. peg... 110 , ant. rant it l000d." . e . - c . , ...., eta ri d lr, . 0 .0 bilta i 3 pd, de ptc,Dcrt) IN C. 3114,. of hie parlon Thu I t.' I . r' 'I It• f , '‘'crrn tVsaLi^ JO'' , • ItOt 04 S in _ . Ur ;La duff, rem Mato Con, entions elm ehn- -st • tel tot', e room . ..hoc totera' t 1 550. AlTe v r '' Up g 53411 or 4 . atoliks tang be taught that rioting, like ,0 ih; South, not mor e Imp o Lon to him. dad ..• I IL" ;.'vent I 'Vq•'• •"*" which rdt l lY. whh the adererr, en. 0-d, end to I, • pd. oat the na il:inky% Litter rights, belongs exciusively to lb , lil , of I; tn,, th•o, alt the cotton to Florida. ors ntr4, r.CI /•%.,nrs, ii.e., tbo w i's ,- Ti 34d ifilgtr Are_ sviSe‘ theY will! • but the I 1..11, .- f nit, letter walea too that I - lease tile whites to enjoy the EWA: honor of extrcrslN;tt. , rou•I ,i I to. fa , try the dt,l4Lnes of th 'tinter. I, .t. se of ‘1 , , ,, ,r , an,..... ..L. t.., ar I . t . e n the tenon .., _ _ _ 0 • 1 ~: ,-, ~ .1 'tort Oh 1'332, and f ont tn;,,no i, • ilmor, ; ; it. r a Of the b altar* On tint Oedhaloa, I hut tee mod, to W. 4, ou•los that C 110111.; / has ' t i t, trod to ( , rof.: lb. truth of my 1 1l 'Ithla • ph Ir, In a on, / per the ceotee VP Met - Lain the courtesy due from a I tyro et to the mm -1.0), hr, k• 1. 'roll if s strong ~:re ,a,nas which 1.3 ha t . es burned tO welt -; tme I cogent ri .0 1% No tit . sprrietne ms Lk Ile) that the c 011• tel.!, l, of 1 EGG has made for line f a recent of Pleersee whlen dragnet belong to the CO web it wiser) n set led. Pierer nay Were a time itt the h'stor3 '•I the world alien It was so ondortaut ha the Church to rsiterate Ito prilclider of faith fumes to g% od gov, rartient, and upaold the band of hallooed sotto:hi bi- ter , was the:ea time • her, It so became a Ilpferd-OtrAVe body of Christian men to Omar God for the Malt tt L sone of that owl Le i 3, and for the re trieval of the cause IN bleb en nearly led to Its dem action. Faux ft. Bomar . , ... . .TilL..l%tiridnl3 , It it.LIiCTIONS ~ ..- . .Veirerwifs A pa .....y in overwhelmingly l' ' '::::: : ::• . . --- ...beaten . iii,e4Atti.„)tixtrm,4loletkFaPViEselfSj l• i "Demos,7ii*".. ~.:*(2,iiiii-14tiiluili,-.daTilitiWeli kt-...; old Meg rally WWI always able to carry . fear er Etn States; but:- the Democratic Patty, of 1865Js not able to carry even one. .. Ap result is ' conclusive as to the Tactthst thin party halt netonfet - any -mission.. Therols no longer any necessity for Its ex. ?.. : isteni*. .I is time has: gone by;;and it is to .. '-.. • all Intents: and purposes. dead. • ThenS is i *•.,. •..120,T707kf0t it !ei do, ..no,placelOS if on,tho tr: , -- Oise 161 " s iollititilactiiittAtinkiltiiiirilying ' , i ;:,;: - ..• .• ggles to attain such &Place on Tuesday k m ti but {l i e people. ' ere inexorable, and L'•••• '.. ;e used iir standing 70 M V • - • 'i. 1 7'.., .:- ' - • i ,''.,......: ... - ,.".iii evutyF . tate, with the exception of New i - . , f ;erney;3iii 3 O,.pitrik:b.,, jiiid,,yea .it. former: 1 r-r , principles and resorted to the puerile trick _ ...., Idlmaminating soldiers :for °dice and endors if. '"'*ting the min lalstiation . or,. psesideitt 491 m, t .;-,• ..,- - ..somi'in erinirfiesltaitag suirspliftlesi Wei,' ' -i. Aind.altliinigh they were everywhere beaten at this gamete .. the, August .and fictob9 - . t. elections tiey - Pe . riisled 'ih 'IC hi . . 'all' the ; 4itatea wttich held elections on Tuesday ) ,: 1-! - T , ',. Anti with'-a tenacity Which demonstrated i . ;::.ilarat it was lltir teal and only resort. Now ,i: : : :, :;s thatit has se l signallitaileX twin; 'what ls 1 t,.. , -- • left fortern Ita tb bunt fir seine milted 1 ' spot in wiltkit ,to ittt &theca the last breath !: . 4i . . , Or theli l j3itii- icai'i•xistenie f-- • - 1: : , E The err. traces whit - which the party .. . t ..... _ rushed : lot o jlis.'stli pita ef patting forward i ' - soldiers AS 4iitidlthiteii, Stidem itself. up , as t .,...", . • the retail and defender of Air. Jonssas, t ,: , Proses that it has noPrieciples left, and that sz ~ : --4 t Intl hed . ...16' maintain itself :throughout i',-, ,:.• pitteiniiassi.Td.Jeso t t,, to expedients nail f...-:: r : . ... -. o l 4*Uuirigi4s, , ,all.pz pariy claiming, to i... , • •-, :-' ,- tie attionahiindit the rattier it his teteiseti ...1. at, the. ..- hands ot- the , people teaches alt -,....' '-. paiiiiciasa thaf th e country " does XLO -"X.): . easily: tweet the' past as Loamy of them .. ' are: prot e tO - iraagtne J Tue democratic . party Imarktue stsrit..and UN dilgrace of having taken the side of 'meson during . • . the Wpr Jur national- eXisleuce, and not all 1 , 114, ..mulittmliaoris seer jacornmiine can i ' warp away that stain. If It chooses to hold ' '43.ri toltonaute mad org,rdiiilion with that .. disgrace limn it, no Cne — outaide of its ran)n(Cal say it n.tl •tttir the 2 beat tided it cart..dr4te take itself out-of the way as -i '.....: ~quickly as possible. •- t • _ kJ 'nin 1.1.11T1 (TVS EPLY TO Da. - , .We - ZRTrA tiq7(43.T3 ao a .lett.,:x from t " 'BitifktiT hi reply :in Dr. ICEn kooT24 - defence of the scion of lee late ° ,)„ ..Eptteova.l . in refusing to give 7t ernressioato„sentiments of loyalty, Which ‘ thereajc , !rity regarded as no Intr)dtietion of politteol:toplee -Into the Church and therefore ."yrreit .and. ainfal.'". Ia his ze t. I . 3 nu:cox.cont4uaa hia ar , nttreent, whieklsallngether 'a eraShing ei position of the hollotynein pf, the ; position . ! :niittreed'hy the ..1111oriiy lathe Coargntion, and a dfh - UrVed dCruinciaiion or thdlr- faith.' p A lestooti to theirAntiesas pattiots as %veil as _ , . . ro . fiticia .tLo cre3l t blew Jereey Atic:toz - jr -is dna to•;' Ga'n. Ku-. - i sitsd - • _ tit^ .au • early ay. stumPed..tbe State.' frofitz.eld --to arid, slid.' fought; thee . rebel kynirinintiex.i catith as ranch tint as he 4316 - ired i n th e &id figlitine• tne'lebels thetsa6lvc`ti' `His r 40,6irs-apcl Its r elagnent-tp e e e h ee bjen inittusacnint in initto igin ' •'' ut the ~- Ittitubnetinic to andjaroteihigup 61rile of a fa! bea:Vity 1:1:1113r setions de ata'tic had abie halperr , it is 1111 . 41r 1104itratil: : 1116 sack, end - - Inflated - 11;z 1-116;the':etimint tad_ . . TEM. York Wortd, the Democratic oFgan, imststcd in its issue of Tuesday, - the mornitigpf the electictit,; that, the de ; telt oLtLa 'Denitimaira Ticket ',Dula be the defeat ofpolley,or Itestoratien.! Ysry. , • .4od Woaree - perfeeti3t willing to accept i tfietesnli oaYhat baba, and we hops the , IfesclierilOtrsviil note abendon' , liss been defeated in every., , Northern State, 4. ' 7 " FLOntru,,,uallite °coves and South Gar ' 011014 his aOttutted the mansion ordinance. L - -Thla conica-pf : _hicwne a' ProvillOnai Gov -mar In that State who talked - iound,: and -not Nagns, Uploa sentitnente to the people, and , 14) , brought thenapp to Abe inapt. ~ lir. J. ginizav , ffnarrnofki- late ptttataiker Of T . the phaadelphia Ahearn: .2'etcopp,l4: tneoatlx, Vdereased, bad' at fhb" dole orals aatki.' in kir k ~, 7? .... ace o n life etrected.in the dUlavent, gornPet., 1. - '... elt to the Amount of s4o 000. Bach provident -,.-:. th for hiofaUdly b.tdahlseanimmadeaac W. , RWA6 aPParentir In fail, . lust y health, '-' -, 0 within a brief :: o hataao,:hla.tteitahi. '; ' atoms his feresight tan re strong( . - - i tta in• BpiZELWAY; Who nue failtilllClMer MM ... l a rehtfitteV OOf br la "UIIt thiag '45- '- d • cdulaid4s. 7l- Itillltirtltaz wir labsk !a nett month. - Kr. B. was formerly PM!. 4 at, Ste Uniteltit44. , ' ''• - - - '• - . -.• • _ Trut SpanTs ti gm:nu:lent haTeAeuldea upon gliuunPuronsion theBpantth 'ittleattnk rotative (9 4 44 bolY p4cogi, - ,beabija roaldeut Olois!!!F, "Dia de M Gee gpg /161i-1;31°14'2 Of , Wag. IMO . , 'Alabe mer Lb Fdd a . ti '7 ; 41'0=1114o; MME=I _~_ L~ 1 ~~'_ / / /'•~ f '. '7 E - 1 ..- . '.. .F - ...,/1 1.18.. i&SOClifl(1.!:] -,r .31BER The I etc Eider-opal Couvestios-31r. firs nnt's Se rOild NI ply to Dr. Karfoot. Tol/5 5. .75,455 II Err/sof. Drat: tows You bare made the assertion In )our Jr tier that "ilex Church Convention was 3.0;. tie place for detlerallons on tLest." (the 01.1'c.. cf :lib retsintloas)- "or on any distinctly bath , : al topics, or ( n any topics. civil of social, 5 rat pa in direct .r to mesa, y ens noction With an ret les last teal or reh gi a. ne Iv ora ;" and further, tlait "she introdne , lou ni such topic in ,rroag and siofol, as trrll use ern,ixe and Ittrr(fal." I tt kb it was shorn in my first letter, that tbci rtsoltvions were n. t eisfsf, and It would Weary to day to 'Tore that their copies cone clearly cmcc r soar c xttrit..ri. and therefore, ought to lave boo ti Osldurd and actod on. Walving this btu°, or leaving Its pros( to fol/sx Joel cdcptally; I will try to show that It is la accord ance vrith the tractinr, standards, arid Drscriore, of the Ch web to; gbaste or make declarations on "a:snot-01v 3611 ‘ral topics' . a:4 ”C37.i and net lel topics," and I mai serprece•rly thl cart of topics which you, Lou those ear taint. with yon. call politic The prefaco to the Prayer Book , Is.al, of the "Indepondenco of the Church as b.'iog 11u i., this indopelidente of the thaw," ~,,ti soya , "'When In l)ie votuve of "Divine Providence those American Starve bet-nine Inder•ndent with resrcet 'he civil - gneerneleut," Re. T4cise scot de Were placed them for the parpace of ita yressing tlo idea of the finality and rosin Wahl l• . Sly Of the beget:ter:den cc of &lust:American Mann on the mind; of :how elero hard 'others .wh, were ec4aakiVied whit Cho event. •It was dis tinctly LI political idea. Ems. Dr. Smith, the Author of the prtrace is a letter to his col '. iconic, Dr. White, (not4to Concention,Jour• nal; page 045,) quo es a strong, and long_ pas sage from Warner': Comrhentat7. on . r.bo Own. soon Pra}cr, and sof it, In .pounection with ;thyve : "I re., the quotation from Dr, will yet he t. occwory (thoir,o It may his lett ft' for tileprea ,it, to allow that It any op l'1,41!:n tv.i 23 am - alz, us 13 still kie front o'3 'On , e Vbtildt4 as dint in En-hinii, a ilbliko 1..., our Acuerie aulterolutio . ?would not arcrlhe 'heal Position: or, rat 'Cr, disapprobation of scent of my friends to thi principle, because I believe they are vral led fled with what Frew. KePeer b ur P era i l ktW to,. ohs , •.placo, respecting American Indoperide* ~., t i' n , . they object strongly to setting the t e . , 0 much nhor o the( : church." Froth allia. t *4; 14 tut the ;oath s qurted were at the very ' utEe4 ef the Church deliberately put In their dace to it no , _realties! idea, -at aII ;Am acheM,of ri '' a ;clergy, situ clinging to ho Kiel; or k u land did not believe la It, and ceded teaehtege., ' ~..Tbe Prayer ter "77's' rt'id'''t•.../tv.mivai .....". of the tame' c sinter. psop v, for the fi ret.llw.e. ,in 4 couvrtritoo..of 'O5, i t , wculd hero been ufratrght Ith distraction and grief '' tor bow qruld some, Who derphe the k w Prr. 4 .err t, n:d MO United States alto, consent to pray for httol z One, delegate, encouraged by your action, actually proposed to strike It out. -It Is eo ' , polities:l'l that the whole pantry. WE lately rnut - pltheed bn ,iv.apa- CUM Itorr the bishop, and demi of one entire State refine to melt. I _ Tnethankaglvitig coiled fors"eutailni Peelle Wei et home" speaks' of the ,'!otittage of e 71 9 ) ePti and tuntd.e Prole," and oafs "we blots . The, holy name that it bath pleased Teen to ap. game the actlltlone twat:lts mblch , hero ,bectf Weed i?p among e 5 ., ,, r_ The . The 'Litany. &atria Its pctltkin f or unitt, pe a ce,a and cancan'," heath° following!: 4 From I ' l mtla iynol:Pent ; cbellionrl,ipri ood. X,M leru; T ':Tka ;nrxlv, aellcie_.rof 0tt20,41ml _neentlona . among' those who "ought lo Ls rebulagapholy. Mel Ogden may fray to do the like. * * * He that htutalt t.b ataborilly otittealegli.E. ttate.", The zxv article invinednems mettiln,ltomiffes , I named.thercli; Co "contain Godlij and tele*. itany . pAct i rpie; ond - oeotuary fon Ouse antes. * - * '*, Aod dkrtforo woalrect Man ro=be . read In ' tidal:ltches- Ali the natilstera alarm, : .4p4.4314t1nct1y, - the thew-lEloin. underatandeel :Of . the. MOL D : 1/ 1 2 P 1 !.4 5' . ' 8 P thlti°P ' Is one of theist:' 1 - 7 _, .. - :'=Lit ope anetation, ftom page. :42 . mike iiy ' - , - 71.: t _ . Arii_za. per bushel, in Jobastawn, threo Collar', and forty. craze a traert Is astc...d fur rpple butt, r. PUBLIC NOTICES. coss.ntrrEL or t lIE ODD. t'a.3.l.,tott oat UNION Plit-IVIO are no. /lenity rripluVee to, then at CUR CLIP Ft A. folooo FOIDAY VF.Lat,lati, Nor. toth. et 1 4 e'oloclo• Basin, re 01 i :,,t enlace lama et Interco'. to All will hr tt egettt.tca. JOON MI'L.AIIOtILI N. a • ntri.lll taitINUT4.O IntNEELNY, • I.EXANI/EH .040/C, ' JOHN. Mauro f,ET, Oont ratter. -AT A SIELIgING OP 11112,100AHD Or flEttlolii, /t 34 MONDAY: laorZeth at cheat Oates, the tolloatog ore otritlog woo p• t . u, Eaara, 'that thst.tho Oren ttilltterya lief eby• autiolizell to give. netlt't to ore or MOTO Mental's, Cat or- the C or- tatturglo, that the coot et yentltii paved try thelloamt to slots Fr retro tacos Ida6blr lit to Ito, lit, that! tm WIC. Ciento miCti. nod 013 11 , rtatt lett: tea the tot (.1 ' AI sy no-fhb* lctohar,,t, ilt he t Ira Itellete . nun . ONO. FOI(TONEJLesIt4OOIaer. NOTICE-..Persoas rho hare not • etmo.v Told thalr Costatyvtitate,illty. Moor.' flooto. ty, FCIIOOI cal Water Teeter ata the OHOtHatf VI Alt 0, for the veer 1,0, are nougat-1 to call at Ollkrt No. Al ;Jeerer street,- share Ohlo, shut), Fatty, ern lay teem tatreetantsly. Also,' ell per lora hotter/ rwtiool , l-theleSettOol rano+ to sold card tor the yetaslB63-1i Will will Ina' Clietri In my hands for culler; lon. "Mellott's to thou Co. Otto to rat/ousted. JOHN fIAtIIgEY, noB-3td :LETINTS. riliE ANNUAL iIEETING OF VIE s:ockholdtra of •THE PAXT , 'N rzTior.,Etin. oug.pasy . . 1111 i hi held St the office of Col.toson,Zlcel igco, •ts troottb greet, on T I:ES DA Y. Drov..2lst, at r gr. 1 ,3.......a., tor the olcathm of .olGlscrs to tor{* ' "42 ' 741 ' f, ... !ut` :/ 5 . Y r em ii. cimNo; iielttarr._ :- T.iah Stht - v 7-7- r — . ~ ' - ' ,..-7--:71.-..—. ,-- -- ./4 Itsistorriton.t.M.COALPSZT.l sa cnourlioveniberl:lBl3. .. c 4,.....4"Mi17,,,.,„__A.TA, AMEATING. Or - T E 0, Earzy—,74,ll,:bwritrrs tort* auny_ 119 st' & A ' hatant. t Board of Trada 'zooms; 00... attatlilasT Ir. Norma l r Ilth. :ssas, at 2 ottlockAD,ls4raM,:i Ou f of em' ~' .ottleers torthn issmilorrop,,L uotajabliu g . other business as msy cocas biiii . p o ra 2 . ..,, 1 : 114, 142_ i __. - d• L: htallatta.Lt. Seas' • ____ _________ ~_._ . • OArele coy rkie ) " Prelliailltaa v ov n. ' N -i ztEcnorr • i rmiiitronlicrons • • fit al or Tau 0 /'• TO le o TO; 41,0 eZtil„ arwivilft 4 , head 4 ate 01116—lallagloVa Aterstreen.,-** Tuto l 7. ZfOletnber344l4 , Fliffiebetskiect the boot)) 1e.,:14. nd 1 r. , EnErriTIMIET nestd2w. - • • • • ..,•„••• . •••segratary • ' Witalltalf , ;.; • •• PlllSMlttarre.o.2l.l4 A 2C ELECTIOIV• ZORITHIRTEIGN reetotiot this CorapaL ;to terve for the ensuingDl ftil , r-Altlilbe , llo3 at ; the , ofllee r , No. el Water street, On Itiliday, the ugh day of NOTOW btrmelt, betirteu the houraort II a. nu. and II Ihnii; aoiFctb;c=s ;fit, P...lll;iillEtiA Epou'i• t, -FOE EL&7Oa. CAPT.% Wlt. M A - • • • ' C k t SO"! WV*, trill be aeszoildat•-for FOR, sobfrct to the nomination. ol the party of t he city of Plitibarilh, Sd be held-prior so the oetteity elec— tion- larTHlS nal.c.to e RIATORALTY..—JAziEs Dui% Alah-ord. at ti•eaolicitation alderman of the Fourth Ward. 01 friends, hu consented low um name to be nerd in connection art: ton eth neat Mayoralty, and will be a candbLate seojeot to Abe dire= vote . of the • people, in .accordaoce with the trcommondatioo of lite list &public.' Municipal Convention. 0e...5ne . . - _ Dzvn)Em)s P 1 T251117R011. Nwr. ISM TELE BOARD OF DlREcrovs OF elute the a cOLUILIB ult. 00. hsre thla day cl e .. thvidenct, aye, 21.) at TWO 0) PER CT. the .Bth feet. On th. c•pital Stock, P , Yable on MONDAY. 1,08 f 41 . _ • _ _ _E WESTERVELT,.Seentap, Ursics WOsret, Dliarrazolt Oo.%ciAii-r,j. P/TSP/llillOttt Nov. 7, NM. niviDICND.- TUE BOARD OP 1...." ...." talll ORS °EMI' t , ontpany have this Gay de clared a dividend of TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS upon each share of the Ospltal Ste •x, out o, the pained profits of the lour six mo .the, free of Gm ernment ma 4 State taxes. payaoto to Itook holders on and after the I4th lost. tt h. I trd Will. P. HERBERT, Se.retary. i xeliar.Os NAVONAL Hasa: or YMT 9O OBOII, ( 1. /71811 Lion,lBol THE BO !RD OF' DIIIECTORS HAN E • tl3 i. dip declared a dividend of TEN YE% CENT. from the ed 1111011• 01 t he lee six m.. 1 / 1 11 11/.41.111. 10ffilly lb. hp I Cited h.fatee fievenua Tax will be paid I y he 11,nk. St.2.dairt, H. :11.0,11.1.:IIII.IY, DIVIDEND. BAN) nr, Noe 7he Pt ectler t Pirr, erftrltt lit ora o f tt In On k has I • day declared a divleoalf,4 PE OF NT, lie fr. s our - ERN. or TAX t • loch. ot; t ofahe Drollt• of the Int sty no!hs. uhl to B:ockhoidere or /I r•g,rrenlv 0,1 nr sire :i•t. L, .4tllttyr 11, I/ ,I:YER, tat I I\ /DEN :\ ()1 . / C.E. -A l a m o et:lino: 11. c. I , ector, of too ALTA.:Mit:NV • ‘I , hC)1! NOlemb, 0, h. it 4 11vt‘len I ni I (11'11' 1 as d. en P.', nut of tha orofl , • of the out •1 11.00 th., I arable on aod i • ter the loth teen ;:d1 .1. N I t ArIlLS'“Nr, Tre•sorer. j)1111)1.,.Ni), • - nitirr N iON BANIi. Fu l r 1,6,111. NnV AT elllt.., 6 , 2 k . but i ioe1 , 11 , C , (1'11 Ol thli h 3114 %VC till. day Jed.' td adi% /de f rr iv PER tr.• :toed, free of ror• r °meat t ('F'T. t , f the Neer. ea 700 re non' 0. no rs• I.ste . 1 . , 11 • I/ "40.17,14 p (tashlo, or I'll /1 ", N 7,.. Peene if Noe. 71, ,065 ( r fi nlif EcTUES oF Tlll4 BANK i‘ L r.t.4ae cap del area • d.rtaend or it L11(111 . PER i ovvrn t fax, out ttf the rolt. tee SIA 1277./1 h. I ..)able to the roa p khoWer• of heir legal relo create/free, no alai after Ihe 13,h ti to. - DI VI D IJ. raorbes' V7ION AI. RANK, Plexpore, November ail. Thle Rack has thl• d en ay detlayel . a dtvidead of 6IX DOLLARS PER SHARE. • Free of Clovernaltel Tax, payable to atoadtbeldera on defraud. FIRAT.y la. (114thier. 001 . 1tra . DI VIDiN D Orme &lnas I:cache:see CO., Piprearno n, Nor. tth, ISM. ing. ol the dt • meet Homo of Dlnictors of Is l'olooney, held !his day, a dividend arse declared ..,..t of the profits of the last CS to 011U1S, of FIVE WILLANS PER SHADE, FREEUP TAX, 1 si ',We forthwith. stalled DORT. FINNEY, Seeretarr. _____ _..._ _ Socinta lianoset. Haiti 0, P 1 1 .111011011,4 Pirtwaraoa. Nov. Ise 104.1. I AE .I;,••• gL i rsy C a r ecl. li re S 4 a O rma T eli tl o BA. l' ' FIVE PER cErtr., rte.,., (Gore, dineot tax, out of the prodNi of th• last Six mou th s, payabie to the •tockholders, t ar t 1,41 legal regfeventattres. oa andatter the 1311 lost. (coktwd) C. U. MOGI; ambler. 1 irks Clot /STATIC/1%4;i Rase ri; Prrranov•et. ( PIT - N.lElton. Nor. lat. . rrnt . WARD OpDIRECTOftS Mei 13AVE .. this: my ttect•rtil • Plriaerol or fistlb. Ca NINE PER CENT. of lebtuarpital zdock, oat of the profits, elate let y last, payab r le ea aod altdr the nes 10.7.10 et. Cl holders o their legal septasante• thew, Ore of I'. S tea. Lott.'dt• JOHN SIAGOFF/N. Oteh'f. , lURDON, Mahler _ . . NEW ADVEItTISELIENTS. o . irtlzi-3 bales to a,rlve Icrr Ea a be • a I amaii tilt. KEY 4176 DAEI/ OIL_ 10 1,1,13. No. I Waiter to Sr, syy on aientner Nora f •r *Ma wy Do ISAI ALL It Ey n Co. 'T )1i I E C LIE Y. - AI pt i 4114.4, ( •• ". • try mr LITTLE. BAIRD awe r aca 114 N.c.r.att I) ROUX ClaiN '131 , 410. 1 , 412ne pith iv. kro. fatl.ssa. I, top • c tit do: ny the 11 . t..•., ,V tong[ spn or- p by LIT rt.e. Saila) .A 153 •pti 14 N.eraa •,Alll/INtS, ia half :tail .1••• kl V Yr.vh {tape r art a 'o •t ttlant..l are for tale At ftc fanal tale. ay .tara at .01IN A. ItENTSEI ACV, comer 'Ahem ant Head iltrtc,A. lii • APPLENE CUE E—.t a• yea red • 1.. t W F7na App'. (i.e nt .et Tal ellotec. A.• l o r anne ••• theil caittlng talc at p ty. ) 1 01.1r 0n cery of JIIIIA 1. lIESAIL %.v. er.• tomer Littnatv amt Fran.% Street. bYt.TER BROILERS jut. racelired; also pn,k• noAaA Vork and ...an mec•kiet at, 11 .chtta. Sad • .coar .1 assortment of Ittercialla. to; ante at the IF envy Groccsy Sto•• of • JOIHY A. EStAW, ores Cattle!' tr and Lt 01‘,... attoatn. • FOR A 601:78LK FRAMS 150(1 21015Sr, alto of g mind a fuel Bone by 0000000 r p wove fil'lbueff strert. Ant qbenl '.ty. anti lot bale by 009 N. QV MUER r )N4.- 1100r•trt .0.40•10 ivuln e.? 91' k; it e' T ft•l /rent on Wood trust en I,e btootlot be• •tnry brl.ll‘ w 1..311i )1 VI so y 1 E• __an e, r,oe• nn r , r ,, f1l held .crept. •rdree Fan, fee; tlee 'too. r 00 .0111141 C ‘ls. no p. to 0. tit:runt:llT & lONS. 141 a _ 61 11 arts' *treat. .a. N —Pon sit L y. THE ie !out* Any. (11):Ill WILL of re oct t,e Pi f.h., tetanus nett fur ten J'eara, 2 o person. arlarting to engage In Cho matte., , thle will be fount • fete opportunity. Tie wart house Is in.tga and CeimMoQloug t A 6046 AT Till• CeerrY.. n , 0nr514 1;1)0T I'AN'EMI;teTte.—I.N VIEW or tho near noose spina of telotar, fineheyatrt reb e. noose thee tho os y it . 4 p.1111 , 01 bourn and °terraria for• frontfog the panne at. ced• to 'INT the knot litV•altAtt In re rt.tt and tlreputrera open and &tan. tell be rmrscl /y refereed, and MI violations of the low punished ut 8.3:4 JriBTY-S it.. Alamo:. . . . Q.I.!G.A It, AroLduisk.s AND (10171 , E t ;co hint.. prima P.R. Malaise.; 25 do Cunt rro 24 Mole. clro!cel . It. 5. gar; 211 do tits • Cuba do 75 hose choice Cones { 25 (me-rata Java du In Pore and tOt it/r by toe . LITTLE, HAEJU In PATTON. ( ,0-I'4lll.siEltsll.ll' Zit/TICE . —Tile ' irtrhiro Aro .heralry Ittletined that RENTER lacti EY Imre/Jen eneiltted a temper to our Ono, the name of which continues the setae ea hereto fore. . Tyr bialefis. leerfelfil. frellitlee; Will be confirmed at our NEW SA W•lif ILL,' CORNER, 1. - titltt " AND .. , tx.r.i.:3lENV XIV Eft, liftelolllf NAVIN IIIt3HEY; MINCH klNlifilNE RILIIIEY & . nO 2 llllO . A PPLZP, POTAI()EL4. OTC. ' 11 I bk. prima /Alto Shorn Ot litre , ;cal '0 , 0707 Alai lel lilt Iluzyrc,l 2 0 Prectif,tow Pothtoo3,lo e 0 ,404 trio Imuts Mar hblo w Pointnes, In barrels, Now tire; v, w Jorge.; S moat Poteloex, pet hp (at winter tat; 04 hide. Uniouet UI Oot• 434 PflolfOls cannad Pseohrei Co dot. o es:ILO reechesi 10 euthoi resithtt; it° Wallet. }IAN :teed, to attn. Hod NZ 11140 FLAX /NO t4TEEI,E, ef.o owdir - lie Top Third street. NO,DUON . NOW .1 1 EUEIVINCI dND In grotto - • ' - arm) 14. wildly N 41,11011 Lotter; 100'! ;ht, froth re .0 Loud, In kept lOCO ImAtlentra Orem sad 0040e¢ Cheeie; COO Orton /WWl' :400 ibraittokWhOSlE'Zigtill 11:0 rim fresh troth U 01.6 , 1 E1 0 0.4 I, 0 Wile, cholas ratiathl Winter 4P1,104 bullets new Drloct4ppleti -too bushels new utted - mcattot i barrelskrtoct eldort., ..: to Oottots tlike 'Victor; , tot buotoslomotonoto; - to Walsh! Whellharkii eetal34 Awl loch Lumbers . I cep AL ng.re; •. • reneliark, . .For 0010 by N 0T1CE...410 uniletalgnodis in pot. .`o *colon ..tAwrzgansta.,iumirioncr.zo i ! atehtidleAdniforwilizepteved • -i., !Ixlxlag for tigi' tit : Bolling'lttifileeit; , !: Bard hekrevement b. 7 the unioteaustrtm 011.! , PI7LWZRIZED IRON q.104,_. : tv.u4 Intik a Oda* Route.* Lou g h with vrat.r.- 'writ sp. Willis prom/ trot to the/VT.ll4os reqolted;, • N0T14.1111.31 IN TO vAVT/ON - •__ Attpottotatalatnat MO ON NY ?Lt. I:ftT , by Aber VEOII , INO. OR .IUSING-'or game' WIIIIOOT Jail` CONOTTZT. Is I *bail °IOW the Dioteetion the low agalitCalk Buda - infthize moots. , 4 314„..er..wriay110,T1t.Itaae.droOsitleiL490.;k!-;-. No. 183 n. ntnutat, I,lberty sree., QBEifillsdozenLoh,t, ÷! gtaiikand frelthoicaratiogr Inklo 110:. 13 Rll4 meet'. ' \:" ' k (4" MEM :14} :WASZVEATisElilLENTS I 14143 E OCIE OF P 1.0 Ell ai:cr and qur.lltilialaa ' le acs . sogotE4l MILNTL - LA WRA-PPIN AND MAILING PvaPctsEs, not MYERS, !MOYER & CO., 20 Filth street. A WRITING EELS' BOSS & 880., DUV/LL INYS, o TS • b illfa le tallOYEß h 00. , no 9 Fifth strett• ITO THE PUBLIC. — WH.EdiAS, . 1 A out wife, JANE, has left my bed and board with. Dand /net ranee, and taken my minor children, Maxisall, Winfield Maxwell, and Margaret Maxwell with aer, thls is to notify ail per not to trust brew for said chticren on my ac count, es I well not be responsible for any debts of their Contracting. OE. ROE 0 MAXWELL. n59:91,1 Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh. VET TO LOVE; or, Dr S. M. LANDIS' CELEBR qi El) INFALLIBLE PUIVAI E LEX/TUEIE ON P STelloLOClltleL FA seINA -7101,5, 6th edition. j•t.r out. It lessens,/ you to chasm those you to Lore; how to redeem strayin Companlot.a, ac It enfant. uss many aecrety ortl.l ancen.g. hie! ZN cents. Also, OR RAI' •- V ATI. 11: Err bla it RIED or pr. u WN P Eli- IN tr. Every Indy attOss I I Mae on, Price 31,10, non mire eltocr or both NI I,A NISI No. 2 ettestunt seer t, Phllmln/ohlo, re3c,, eby stills mall, In yesled enceinte,. s•ssn nr it - surge" will 41110 Accompany ens.. Is ca Dian 9TES, i c 3'l I: ALL STILES, NIAES AND VIEVECEL-4, S HOUSE FURNISEONG SINE Onfl_t Nu Si r,,lerail hll„.1111•411..Y• XI A P; ; 1: 5.N N S A , A member 3ou eto Loy • good nitta . e Ash at the CINTRAL DRUG STORE. 1% here fou will ShiStri find a tare assortment of PI UPIt UV AND TOILET a U .L E N . Tooth Rants s, Nati Mashes; glycerine ',lip, Hone,, +lyn,koe ilstarn, lleda re.m, a , f.n. rhapded [Mods. face nod a,a. Ity P. Corner Ohio w0.r.1 FedoralNltree. la the IlarLivl house. Al/eitlrellk7 City, rte 6E0E616 A. lIELLT. ALLEGtIz.N 1 CITY PROP/r.IITY FOR SA LF A large and rotarnoiliorx tier-story brick d A el fin,. forty leet equate tiestdes A Win., client,. on lint frosting on Vann!! laurel, nod extending In depth IN) fret. it la neer the extenstott of Monte rey street, ertdch le Lem/ °yeast/ from the North Common op to eaten Carrel!, which iel!lltoprove the amen to it. ?be nelghlreorhpo.l of this property la improving and rephity germ log la va/ue. and thlaproperte is Moat desirably toentee to regatd to view •od drainage. Apply to brItEET, (Burke. Dnihllsug.) )IA RIIIIOEL Over 19,f00 aoldlers were Cured of flitter!. sod Llosentery tut ye ar hy tee use of Or. Sri/WIL t LA ND'S ANT/41/101.EttA IXT Tao foot o befog used La gotterotteely to the Hospitals la ono° , of th etneasy of Olt, SYII.IOICIANIMS ANTLCIIELtfIik aItXTURst for the ooze of setts sad clarardo cam of Otarthces and Dyeente ry. This la theca!, preparation to oars a* • rats and eertato remedy for Odotert. Ha not he with out so valuable a medicine. Get a bottle of It dl. rretly. 1g la solxrhy ul DrQCgist. 4t 60 clept.l per bottle. - ' (-)1.-4 UP '— The ehnicest litnez of GULT , AND SILVER WATCHES, IILOCILS Wfrot reet• Assoc.. AND JGWELAT, ever brought lo Alto -1 i ATO I:41 ureter. ghrnt , 7 T C o ltt l - , tor no"beeeno at the Prroveneon, Noe e, teal 1 I) T. H . IC.LA4aIi:S. lit/CLL.4IAI lON. Tli& ASIATIC . • CHOLERA h. at letirth matte.[ our Att.- ' . I%,Tca. 88 Ncicl.coriza Wt.. . ale oht tr., cad el, h 'up, I greota eel eeelth at . , Where WATltlfr.ht Of the Den az ohm. JEWEL. o ...... re elan., jet, an stow of ah• Stern re- NI of the newre, styles, tIL , QUES of arety des. ally "fifth row tonelhly preeeota llsrlf to. U., L !.I fo In,. Of lost Attterletto eAltrYretteft toehere let'Uie be reveller to duly did t hat learn key lel- F . fißfl HU...VHS AND F . ILATED ROU.S, each inen.ctrteee of the Imminent floater ad 411441 and r on For., Niro.. mad Hollow War*. ittrhunlon odneortal. tr,... of the Gteesw.y of once. every ; sae YrettCh Chloe she kelette Witigi of ehOteret prretuflott Azilait the elettattoo of 'hie of telkltot , toperoc toe all ankles helooglog_ . to me at)'• eat &tourer acionast 1. I trete? , re Gale. Often a I . , clairtese, Wetteh ten/ Iht /Old at h Crr.t If EUZ. 4I . sto'd eat... 0.., et tt •botfth that proper num..). , rion.N rt. Watch sod Jewelry ...,,s. ...ou r ItesottOte ere lee. to nee,...) .4 eher,ol I ea , e non repotted. Me.. Pen• Peld for 014 he ...en.. r ta titl to avert I!' t• threetek.kl I rly.. Do . : Intact the piece, Si Folrrel street, ...horn; i h i o.r •tree'• and gut [sa s s he- Ito. - : thee, E or. ottlk.lid _ _ orgbly oleos fed, pacrl aft offtr , atee matter L. r._ ' ( ~,11,:„ I, ~, i'ol,s Mel vo it. 111 1 414. erd Why"; enJ Ito tiler r. • ' t ! M n el I that carer rl , Den wall , Ineo, at an I col:faxen. . ot . :tl to !•Port to thi• oth-e all t -1! ketiou, et Ihe tshatto k law. In on the: t , .0.. !.. 1, [key he „,,, eath eeee ea , h e h ealt h ~, au, a,,. i,„._ ; An In. two ••• at, Co. of NE W CieteDte at private 0r,,, , , 1 Isle Cat sew e , c, ler, at tc , l, 4 , ‘1,1p.r., Lovi•lt I.t a . N1,..0r. , ' KATES I l 141 t LIE L LIND'S AUCI 1021 EIIPORIUNI, ha All , ta 37 Firill STREET. IL E. SELLEILS & CoI sk.tro.!! PAIR I. , adlea, Get,ls Quad S T E.; s IN EVERY V F,RIETY Mit SALE By J.41,11ES fit/ WA', No. 136 Wood Street. AN ORDINANCE to authorize the lie el Adler awl Iti..paring of I..lbirison Street, Sec. I. N. it ortfaincd cud ewrled by-the ZeZra and f.brlyinn Collindir of the City qf and II I. htfeby yr./fledged encard by eertority of (he ae4ae That the Committee on Street. be, and tue7 ere hereby authoflren see dlrteled to Herne and re ceive proposal. tor:the re,rradirre awl re•pevlnly of Po , dluton etre., loom Darragh Street to Crate lib et, •frl to context therefor loath the lowest afifthest bidder or bidder., et then Mr/red/on S.c. 2 That I,r the porposo ut defrsytne the colt and eltpetleel of the saki Improerment., there be, sot is hereby tem d • epee' t•e, eq oh ly nueeeed upon the SC T vroll lots hounding and proper le n AllllllO4 lopo IVthnll the said stret respeetirely,g e feet tn,. in s til e. rC 1p out:Lwow, and ton,:tn4 and Mutt (Mg et ‘taze- Cold. Nan, 3. That us soon es the cost and expanses of •I,h! Imp, or - omen's shall NI fully accers,,i,,,,,r, tt • shall ito the duty of the Street commiasto,ter so MOOD amlapportioc the bents smog; the ea grecs' lota tonithllog log abuttiog upon esi.l street csapoetiteli, according to the cafe above to. "Untitled.ouu thereuptm ye. earl to to she dere sod and *Wirer, the same, escort:Pug tithe provlsmat of the Act Mho tisanes Assembly of the Vont • monarceltft of Penn' ylvenle, entitled l tAn balm the mentor of collectiag tn. IMptilllCA of grading soil osrilt of the meets MO alleys gif the Stitt el Allfghei aynd for ether purposes,n paint ed the Willett'of 'Starch, WA:. NW, 4. Test se mush Al boy ordloance ac may cobillet with tr he eUppill dby the fottgolni, and the esattils hereby repealed. (tutelar! .1 nor etiot"td toto lea. •h en the 2.1 111,4 ni Nos ernher, Aso, DOl3lllll Oil thoussnd r Ott ho 1 t ,0 h1141'61F.,115C. dAurs 11 . 5 Press. of Stites Council. 14IMON Pleat. of Comtnon rounoli. • R. B. notrrors. crork_ po tom. or sA.d. cooodi • DIoGIUNNI:4E, Clerk of Common evunall. B:3t4i . ORDINANCE to nutbonzo tho Re.' tending end Seth/trier of Lameelc Street. I. Reel ordained and marled by the Wert and Comm* CotineUs of the City 9l Alleparne eM it , hereby Ordained end Melded 4y aulaarity.r 4 i, Ike tante, 'That the etoutnittea on Streets be,no thee are hereby authereed and' directed toinrite and re- , Bette aromas forth. re.greebar and redtsylag of - Lateen Strret, from Darragh Street to ()rata tatted, and to contract therefor With :the lowest led best bidders, at their dl.eeetilti.. Sro 1. ]hat he the purpose of, defraying tie -east owl expenses °Still Mild ltaproremants, there be, std la -bereft,' levleW a, opeolAl tax; to be equally accrued • upon the use* lots bounding and abutting Up 4 n ;be Bahl street, rospecUrruy, ,Ikpropogion lathe feet Irvin is them respective. ocoimpriSodi and bounding-els abtittlog as afore ' See, 3 "that ioon as the cost and expenses of • Eaidlnthrevemette, snail. be fatly ascertained, it .shalt be the' duty of the Street Oommissioner to sweet audappottion the inure among the several lute f bOttaMg • and &batting upon sal street, respeetlrsdr, tomonling to .ths rule. Uwe. ladies. tpr. an 4 rn , ceupon proceed to make demand amt. ..00llect thou me, according to the provisions of the Aletthf,the tempera! - Mutably or cenattion., ,W*lllll , 04 'Patna} tennis; .entitlal An rizt - delloi ingsbeMannerOf ealutine theaxenus of pad.. 14 ..3 end Peeing of the inmate/194a typo( the City. 'or MlegoenVand for other purposes,. pstred the thirtieth day of 33.arebi Cal • " Elio. 4. Thnt so noun of any ordinance I, sontilati slit), or be supplied by,the 1n!440-Ing, IN, lud.the sum; NB hereby repealed,: • - •• • • Ordathed cud masted We a law,- this the Oa 4ar of lloretaber,, Anna nontfkl,, 9_116 !hennaed 4gnt'"Gdrca "4 71117:glillsitALL. Prat. of Select Cannel!. !KIROV! DEMI Pont.a at Common Cannot!. R. 11 rsArrors.- llksk om tamS I. mcuortsiaLZ el " t °Qua"'; tiza tt , °Jerk of common cauacu. I; This preparation haa-seenwd the couthitionot r tbe molt eele.brated Medical mict in Engrand. Is now DElDettlecrlD tali country by many of the oldest and moat reliable physielaae, with treat ensues, ID the ours or For solo by 'COPTIAG Lard Mho littuell Las Lasso.' the proprietor with the following diepateh In regard to its merits In the treatment of CHOL•••: "Jr•ts••• a t • dispatch from .111 r. Webb, H. B. fiL's Consul at Manias, dated September 17,1804: 'The remedy most Mileselotte In its effects Pin daunts uholera) has been found to _be Oncono liTife, and with email quantity given to me by Dr. Blithe I have saved 'event o Sold la Pittsburgh by WINTAR GOODS. Here now 4i core s m eo e m n p o le , te V7l" . 4 TEE areo bEAVEP. CHiNCNILN' MELTON AND WHITNEY A LI. THE [I °ORE; ALL THE LAIL PAPI.IIS sTATIOINIERI OF ALL KINDS POWILT BOORS A" RIT.Ms FUR POCKET K NI VES, S. S. STEAM BOOS AND JOB PRINTING JOHN P RUNT it CO., PubCabers 5,5 59 Fir!!! STREET, 51 5 5 0515 H 55 DoOrs. SIIDEs, GUMS, DRY GOODS. 1:144.5 re, hDAwLs, kit/SIRE-Y. 1:64 It AVE , 4 !! rilltST PREMIUM GOLD PEN DIAIIIIIFACTURDR, ihilo 11111. tor. nil Placid Ilarkel • strnoti Story, ...tarot , Th Street. tiedd Pcus and tiold and Sliver Pencil Oases, wholesale and retail. Pen. repelrel. Ptneoc.s hat - log Pros to M`Palt can mod them by mall, led they seld be promptly returned. 0c7:1y4 PELLO Yr P .11 FA 1 AN UCTR OY. —The sa- I altos of the public o ta directed to a new firm lost cemmeneed the work of MA] ITA4 "Taft 11310 BELLOW 11, No. Dlonsaarad, Alto:chests Clay. mite". I be le•L article C. be had on the Mon en. en Ida to 'roc All orders promptry ettende,{ to t Ne• 7 0 Diamond, Allejheny Cite, Pa. or address tc II swam 'a Ens, o:istrd Boa Pl 2, Alleglany City, Pa I TO BUILDERS -.- Sealed proposals wall s remtred (by Ws Committee olltilty Steam for; Cho ereerlon Cl the (food latent Steam Fire I. rigine Florae, on Fulton street, anal SAT and Spec i fication . c an t t t ho gems at t , at o`alochh s Wile* Of Al derman Buirer. No. 10. e Wydo street. Tho Coos. tante° teaerres the right to reject any or all Obla A. (frees, J. Y. atetanGtlLlN.- Chairman Committee on C;gy property, No. Lieetly Street 01117 nPE.Zillslo OF %V AT:30.1%.1 STREET The arsessmenta upon the properttea beacti• ato pay the carnage. of w. tr, nmet,,, o r the evcrni. of V 71.1. atreet, ave been pl s .cd In ms, hand. for collecilott, Al tthe pm... who Late been d are hereby notified to Mark assesantents w pathla thirty day. front thia date, or the aeld amwaamenta will ho Mot up as liens fasten the promartlea, with Interest, dust. nd fee. for collectloec .1. W. P. Will rE, 002.1.3041 city OP/ ICING, AT IttOren I O. BEGGS'. On We IT , h Inst.., • fins anortment of PATTERN H 1 NNIETS Dpi HATS, PRATILEIIS, P1.0% 1 7. ERNiurinuNs. ao. ni..,h.ndsotnypeerrEßN YLLYti."T AN b CLUTH (MATS A.NDSACQUE'S. 112IFEDEItAL ALLEGUEIVY HALE 'S Ins excellent new Peach le the esrilest kn (peon g Iwe weeks Der.ee the eerne t market vs. I. t 7, and a strong grower. Frul Ttnes, Grape Inc. snit Ntirre, Start In glint variety, from It, or At' eilit N merrier of T. 1. till IELDS 40(3. (.Ir./. M. REED, Atax:er. IN riftti Meet, n. SZttl I ()OE HERE. 1 A great variety mad well telecred stock of PICKLES, PEACCEs, Sod all klocla of omit° FRUITS, for wile by tone n. SCOTT, At bin Sow on orrr..t6 Liberty it. Corner Peru 8 3 , 600 WILL A NEAT FRAME HUUSA L ROOMS, nod about TWO AOR.Es LAND, altuatal in the village Of Mount Wash. ington. ror further partleulson empire of G. 11. TO ITEM 181 Fourth Street. 14..a7KUTCOT)011 - s, TOYS, - - PATENT DOLLS, OHINA TASW•i' At. ROWLIPPa.II.OItSES, tee, • G.' LAZEIVEL . • No 102 aeriirlieee-astxeot. VARIETY AND COY STUSAISs" 41174 031 t 00; TAOLTAIR474IIIOII.IINT Coon% PA.i -• . • I Piirmmazon, Not; .tit, PCop°i2lTßAWTO'relaB, etc,& d ed I s htoltaa W ttt fotEEITIN t ;;TT. ;EN STEMII UNE at the Bridge ntraim Miners nun, an the-sold lomMg front Wasalnaton ;Trump Pe .to (.41.1.14 Dull, in. boat% Fmpett• .I , olrnalup. /*Oman trimmed on sop Usau on. DY dueatiori or 10ountp commtutonom • Do2Att2tis£ hEITRY LAMBERT , Vont:utter. • OR SALE—That sp;exulld .Lot of Grcnuttl. having a fronton Peons. Avenusat 23 het,, azni extending back ito toot, to a.ona atm !obit ahoy,' ►ptiy to hter.airc a co ; WENT UALL A RM.—Just- meets ss4 tor sale. at 1i0../07•Market stmt. near Flith street. JOS. N. Iit:OUZO k anU. • NEW AtiVERT/SEKENTS DR. .1. COLLIE BRO OFNE'S CHLORODYNE ADTHEIA. ITIN, N E1841.0/A, • DIMENTEMIT, CBOUP. Qe SIMON JOHNSTON, Corner Bitaltbileld and Fottrtla St .09 CRAY & LOCAN 47 St Clair Street, BOW srrrs IND OVER(O.ITS Garabaidi. and Metropolitan Suits D. B. Sack Overooats, Cape do S, B. sack do Ai I. srtrS AN , CYLES AT /. I •T. 11. tsH SIIIL I GRAY & L',GAN ANI THE HEST OF T. 1/1.11 l itiES AND riACIAZ/NE3 =!19)!M EliflT GOLD PENS PHOTCKI RAPTI ♦LBI`:.7], SUE{ oo t. BOOKS EAI/1.1( PEACH DRItgoODS, TRlBmtraGS.ike. I THURSDAY, Nov. 9th. SALE TO BEGni AT 9 A. M. and Continue Until 5 P. EACH DAY GRAND SPECIAL SALE Wholesale and Retail, $50,000 WORTH SILKS AND MOIRE ANTIQUE, $50,000 WORTH DRESS COODS, J. W. BARKER 81. CO'S 59 alhafitEET BTUEST. ALSO, A-BOBT. $lOO,OOO WORTH OTHER DRY GOODS, Embracing Everything IN THE DRY GOODS LINE BATES A. BELL ATTRACTIONS Call and examine our NEW GOOIS FOR SPREADS.' MaRSJLELLBS QUILTS Honey-Comb Quilts. CRIB BLANKETS No. 21 Fifth treet. NEW GOODB BIACRUNI Q C'4161- NO. 19 FIFTH STREET. New Trimminzs' and Ornaments. Bead Gimpaand Buttons, Rich Bonnet and Scarf Ribbons. Fine Gilt and Pearl Belt Buckles, Rich Silk Belting--,a new lot. Bargains in Linen Handkerchiefs, Real Lase Callan and Setts Needle Work Edgings and Inserting Cambric and Hamburg Bands, Magic Ruffling and Cashs Frillings Real Thread and French Veils American and English Hosiery, Gloves and Gantlets--last styles Zephyr, Wool and Knitting Yarns, Ladies and Childress' Underwear, Balmoral Skirts—new styles - Duplex Skirts, French Corsets, Gentlemen's Shirts Collars Ties Merino and Silk Underwear Misses Rid Gloves--all sizes. MEECIIANTs AND DpALERS • 1 1 :11/111112 It to tatir advantage tO Gall az:ultimo too our stook beton, putatuutui, MACRUI & CARLISLE!. NO. 12 11.F1H STIZELT, Pittsburgh, Pcs °en NIT PITT FOUNDRY. CHARLES KNAP NEPHEWS, AN r , Acrrcrzuga a• ILEA V Y ORDNANCE AND ALL ELITDS or 3zEmzvv-ir CadILEITIZTGrrE3. Spitlel attention petit to ROLLING ritiLL WORE. BLAST bIAUBINI.3tI AND Rurours. REPAIRS attenden to promptly. A. heretofore, the hest materials wilbalsrays be used et this Founary. noz-lpt 1181 FURS, FUR'S! LA USES. MISSES AND t'LII4DREIT3' IT It 7tte,Lergist and Most Cotuptete Assortment ER OFFERED IN TIII3 MARKET, AT I t• McCoORD Sz.CO'S. 'tat 'Wetiii street, Pliteeiterti. Ary—WMf*i AOBERT Of tbo Oily aria County of azol Stott Of Poriosi s ?Et obtain ".• Icanerizmnrum zziA.rstErN"ze. or,the ;Jowl titat.er, debut Brajtetb; tOS 3 . to: . . Imiroremenllo'lars for 011 ToOls, Sold JARS herjoii DONEIGE. Ides Mal i' 1 414111)ES"ON EA 31Z LINK OP TEE JAR, sea =di:obtain ' l 7 2 . 7 o 3 . o , lll N or r pt i Ots , Ar . lmoro. t. bothiLltOd piped. MA • .-2110 W WALE That soy 'stem or_persolur INFRINGING ail said Ptionce_by_ElTrifilONAElN O. VMODINCr or MUM ot theist WrIIIOUT MT. CONSEN, will be peOseentod Me you. =NT OF zap, LAW. aol44zoloil norizoir tunzT. - TifiRD6W 43aff tutTl ••- at - ear:CM Rand Itastla St;laa, mat carte', at Zia- 107 .81a•kftltntrt. oZtt - JUa. It, tit. 0:11:$ BRO. • AIiTED—WARDINBe BY A Tuti.., , Taman, la a Private family or first-olLeg Boarding Rouse. A: od lame sleeping room. with erg water and gits desired, AAl,lress glPrin Cisztrrsi Oastex, or,iapply personally as ma Gaunt - tog Room - n:tf WANTED—A EtPDBE, containing front tnt.,to taar..a,eittar rtttinaratt at eay. nattmotopaderation. - innztanota Bo:x GAzerni 00? nos. Watt WANTED-Azt cctrner for a COW - which Was Wien up vit a Watatan Move Yards, niulthenY My, • :daya Mee, wldett ffie•Ywa chuter. rpm ~v by prinibr moven. and P•Yhtlf clisatea Apply to ,1131,8,AEr GRAY. no97td NEN law swots to Ito a Cap, talliagrg t a : eehorates.laprorenrirXEra STAR. trCLCIMUI. - PET; BURMA tar liirosens tat La sips. otos; splenold lfslitOrlthott smote or sant .r_rit (=alp Irani *viola be mkt tor the Rho 000 t ts Couple of Chiang& 'Sample, post-poo, cs. s,end for Ettrantar ate:toll pintails, a Ezolo , int territory SIT= r. • • . • JA.I.LES E111.4/4 ZlSostactorer. • irosamd Ns. So btolden Lena. New Wee. _ UrdliTZDe.-.419.1r,19173 , 4EOR " EM e r SEORET mama. THE FIELD, rug 11172701XiLl AND TEE uaA.Pro. Bermentre 1.1, Branum:we, life t z t irele Trainee gfornmpoad ent. The mod late gezid ezeltter Beek ewer Pubilehed,.'muhremeg, . . s Riehardsoire. naming . ieledeeperience for fermi tregeling through ,• . the South to the secret Mee of the Trffrouit • ' at the :outbreak of the ~ with our dude' and i. •- teas, both Fast and W during the first , two . . years of the Rebelltaa; h thrilling &worm his , conffnetsent for 20 month& to Mimi different rebel 4ara, pri by " n Zit h ift It s' e: a cad z 1 i x - ,A i ' ° ti o z a g .. stiningereats, and coutafil room of the feet, In Te s t madam= of tbo 4fir, than ariy other, work. yet published. 1 ,, • Teachers, /saes, energett yorinomenittne esp., Many returnee end disstd ofileem_ ant reddleat, , lit want of profitable employment, willibul it risk .; innerly erepted to Mari eonditton. Wet here ' veva. clearing COO per t u t?, %lash 'we will % any doubting ep p t Smut for drew. , = redgm, .70Na.'b,' BROS. tr. CO., jemt *Lf ;r .E. , corner Sixth end kfraoratreatit. r i ailadellada pa. . DRY GOODS. MtiMmlnorGS D12E813 TRIIIMINGS AT TUE oxp . STAND • Just received a ehoLte auaitmeet of DRESS TRI*N.INGS • F. 1e!.9..1•01%.- Stoestor to EATON, EACRITIV a 00.,) NO. 17 firm STREET. 1100 P SKIRTS. B.ULDL.I. - I^S D UPLI3 ELIPTIO, THODIPSCL'S BOtiLEVIILRDSK/Iti. • Ude floe we will be route, to hare an ones eupplT. CALL AND EX4AnfirE. BiLIIIORAL HOBE. BALIVOIZAL HOSE, BONNET EtEEIBOi'S, ILIRDKEIt OBEEZFS, . 33.6.01 , awa. NO. rlFrirrn STREET mecsulf, - TICYDE & CO., 7S and SIN MARKET STREET: Oder for tele one of the LARGEST andOIIEJLP EST et cka or min ratan- GOMIS. NOTIONS, ROS/Vir, OLOVVi, &0., t rer irteight to Wm .1117. Embroideries, Linen and. Silk Hdk'fs Real & Imitation Vinicia Lace, Real Point Lace Cio,lars, Beal French worked.Gollan, Real - Maltese - Lace ;de French worked Sets, Linen do- VERT eIfIEAP. Nos. '7B and 80 MarkOt Street 2.000 Ladies' Linen Collnrs, Iltag at 3 cents cacti 2,000 Pairs Linen Cuff's, At 10 00 , 112 acne,, MACRIIN, GLYDE r,4!t Kos. 7S and SO Market Street, BALMORAL SKIRTS, IN EVERY STYLE, & ExceedingiArehrap k . Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street., Th. balsam of :our rock in DRY - 0901)S wfll ho. sold at COST, And we would cal/ ottont.loa. of WHOLESALE BUYERS to our :SE STUCK of CHEAP and LiEsIRABLUIOO Call and sec us, At our newlr fitted ma. • Nos. 78 and 80 Diarket;l6treet. MADB UM, GLYDE 4 co. Joepa 1:104IIE .1 CO., Jusr OPENED tl NEW: GrOkt_oti).S, .124 D rein Trimmings , Cloak Onzeients,, Real Lace 'Goode, New &Ire 13e1t Buckles, Beat Mahe ./111h. flak- Ines, Elead Ornamments;New Neck SOarfe, Rambra-fl _Aden Etrusdherohlers, Balmoral Skirts, 7.1 Erea kiselt Shawl', In lants' Knit Efoodsklnfantii' Zephyr Legilns,'New DUMB, Gloom and Qatuitlel*Rirta- ter Underwear for Me, Ladles eadCbll- dren. Jouvin land--7,111-toduidioTaid Gloves, Ladlea'f Welt. Castor. - Gloves. The above ' • rues/. other Goods , Great; Vishay at . WHOLESALE SALE AND e r DN _ . Ids Rolm &0.. attt 7P NUM= silig I WBOLFSALtROONS UP,SrAIR Broozurgiu T a , • ' 81 1111ciiliet S eiii, El l . . 7 11nowlotSiii.:". WOOLEN GOOOR AND Elltsg[o.lD ' TWIWGIVIII Nvirrzicrimlos.. wooLut. moons, bruaLtscsolitialtg BOARTIti. cui orrnittsoophicricrs v at - ! . . GENrs• AND IitiDL',IR4LIZRCIA YTS,- "ElOtatitiOlirriSTAS?..SittßTS ! . WOOLEtt LINEDER. Cl LL iollfmAlbi-. VE,brs perzzir 4stor.T.up Diu ~ 1 w..w.-nodfluz4,l 1 1.. "a a Wtt4VE na l l.atieautozast e ar sexmomeoun!ilt eilitnya and an 14.401 or small, um* id agrasjir sprawl gao4 summon! scoutar.ll ALLOW 011,—/0 bbis. laakra.tr. DtwiET Sa WANTS No.. r 7 ..19T KIM
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