THE v DAILY PITTSBURGH r GAZETTE. ESTABLISHED IN 1786. burgh *ad , mff N(mmi. idea for Rasa tiYYrioieule bads whfeb . wlil W. keel 244 • and w DD4 goal% •sell - MAUI, e• • _ the chilltOatiawmtmberpw Te P irith•Eak aa t coffin°, fttatk and Mar ' the -•- •- - & Boa nol , 00 • • •O. Husor k i t r.rens• -• • Frenett.Mesiztoes, •ruk f.eniest Rteek to the 0111, jest from the ffene Toth Amadeus, 'Mill - we will Sett uneepir use tonna buy Mini Mile Olty.' Remember We are DOW 0" the coma:of Fourth kid Market et mete. 4 ..: 0. HAZE Loft • Biro. "C" d a DY I M IIII Cure Iddtlir*.lato timportmaitimu of every Mar OW at lest once prevents diatom or sea-etch ems, War kr steamers or can. Mut It Is snorer fallitigT, pMiantive of danger from change of water end climate. Do not do without it. Melloletole Dry Goods. We keeps eludes selected for the retail trade. and they willbe.sold ai low as they can be ptlilatiletb7 the vilbeeln flew TOrk cu. Philadel phia. Waboy thewly the package sad get them lower than tholowho buy by the piece. Beam ber:we arenas. on the northeast corner of Fourth and lilid*stresta. • rreneh Die From the renr Tork "mato eau hip , them elsewhere. an the northeast clirtner of AltisMi Goods. It la Will Known that these goods have exiled -eased & decline In the eastern markets, at Bates •lt. Dan, No 21 Fifth atm!, you can and an as aoitsnentat the-reduced agoras, of Muslims, /W -ens, and of White - goods generally. Now is the time tobny, and Call at Bate n Bell , s to secure Draping. iteputakan iteJoleinvi in Cleveland CLITILLND. Nov. 9.—A bundred gun are now being firgd in. honor of the late Union victo• The Grand Special , Sale Which has been oaths taiga for the put few days, munniiiricetomierrow utornLog, and those who have ken waiting for it to make their purchases wiliend that Waiting bas paid them wall. We write with reference both toarho:csale and retail dealers This le to be the sato of all the sales that ever tark place in our city. there will be the largest steak of goods, the moat ext.:titre assort ment and all things considered, the lowest prices. We suppose it la hardly neeemary for no to say that it will commoitat the establishment of Bar ker SOW., C4l =kit Street, as this had already been siarniset.. ,This gnu having a reputation In this waithakii without ritivid. :MIA Mani will be eiossa this afternoon early for the purpose o . getting the immense Mock of goods ready for sale and will he closed during the continuance of the vale atop. In., of each day for the same purpose See advertisement. notat Excelsior Omnibus and livery stable, 410 Penn street, James pain a Son proprietors. Omnibuses and carriages fUrnished for all trams. Also, carriages for funer als, Irv:ld/um and part/es, at short notice and reasonable tales. Stable open day and night. The Feeble Brotherhood An welt .thereat of manklad, are Invited to visit the 'tenet Bates S. Bell, No. 21 Fitch .tree:, where they will Hod • very complete stock of domeauF and honeekeeptng dry goods at very low price. Call and soe the stock of blankets. Ist ey aelll be Mee to havoln the hones in cold weather. The Sweet South Wind Ilteathins o'er beds of violets, Is not more fra grant than ,Sosodent. And the aroma which It exhales, eemmtunlestes itself to the breath of all Who use this marvelous dentifrice; white teeth, ruddy gums, a sweet mouth, sad the certainty of . enjoying them desirables inperpetuity, are among the blessings derived from the cut of Soz Rally the System. Alter a Oman has been conquered, then as eta it the weaknees that it leaves behind it to be manor ed. ,Cktuvareicence isa tedious affair. If the en feebled artiflacmd muscles, the shattered nerves, the thin andoratery blood could apcak, they 'maid ery for help. Id too many cases such help as is given them Is not - of the sight Mani, the nary gam fiesta of commerce do harm. They kludin a tem. pore*; wtalch is a mockery. Their effect panes, and the last State at Mai who area them to worse than thetirst. Not arneh la the effect of Hostetter , * Stomach Sitters. There t no drawback to their toning properties. Balgamic plants and barks and roots contrib . to Ow= restorative juices to render taps soothing and strengthening preparation a protee aye and remedial agent. Its bunts the only pore stimulant *blob has ever been produced contain ing= fusel oil or other deleterious element. The moatearefulandetLlfnl chemists have analyzed the Bitter. and pronounced them harmless. 2fils is sclentiffe lealmany. but the testimony of the hundreds of thousands who hare experien ed the preventive and curative effects of the Great regekble Tonic and Altercilre of mod , rn times is still MOOD conclusive, In fever and ague, e raper.. els, billousneis, nervous complaints, general de bility, end ebironle complaints, It le a. nearly Ai anything in this fallible world ran be. Soialerervwbere. Fan and Winter 'Goods. It to with great pleasure we call the attention of eel rkaders to the superb stock of Fail and Printer floodalust rectivedby Mr. Sohn Weter Merchant Tailor, No. Lkt Federal street, Allegheny. His stock embraeea semi of the rarest sod most beau. lifnl Clottuhasulineres. Ovarcoatings sad Vesting 'midnight to the western market. His assort ment of Funilstdrur Goods. comprising Corns, Drawers, 'Collars, Neck-ties, Ilauditerchl, fa, era, cannot he surpassed cast or west. A. rarge stock • or readymade Pants, boats, Vests and Overcoats' Will also Le found at him establishment. Persons wantrif anything in the clothing Doe should not fall to give ...r. feeler a call. Thomas . W. Parry Ca Co., Montell Slate lax:duo. and Dealer to Am.r.,to Stott. Of vulva colon. Office at Atozaodet t4ustaiwi. near the Water Worts, itsaburrh, ea. Residence, No. T 3 rizo street. Orders siettniPtly attended to. All work warm:Med rate! Repaltlon done at the stor,cst notice. No 4 Charge tar Mims. Provided tho zoo , Is riot abused after t U vat ov. Only Three Illautea Walt From the dew market hones, us Federal street, Where the public are Melted to call aral examtae *ay stoat of eholeo neatest, tattles, traits, Sm. • A. 11: la, 111 albs found tnide llarket Rouse an Tuesday and Frldsy Mortals, and at 11l let t rid strfst, Efaudag evesktrga. closnir - • . • Gan. MAT... Corpetier Mop. girths retamiai after eh sbamice of three yean di the arms', t here teoopered e y shah Wel eons et jobbing In the earpeater line. at the old stand. Virgin Alley, between Smithfield street nod Cherry i.ey. (biters solicited and promptiir'sittenled to. • Foannse. C. Siff. Dentist, Penn Street. Attend!, igoZpUr tszsat business In Ills mores. Asa. 1. Scow.—Tholtrft - emivr Of.tho rieason in this region fen the. nht of tho fourth, or the MOradn,g of the fifth inst y when it fell to the ticpthof lin Inch. t year thorn was a light snow boron., the Oito or eloation. In the year iStr, 111170 was a Bari , snow In September, Y.. which Ditik.e - the - br nehes from the trees In greafabendanee, ohs cting the roads and by 'F . ways . gicatly present the p:tiAage of d r agon!:--joloutoren nweral. • : svitit gains of Luzense county, Pa., has • Invented "visa topreecnt chickens front scratch . leg orstgcns. The plan Isla secure a stick to the herl.of the fowl, so that ss the toot is raised, the stick tall and the ground. throwing the fowl forward. '.geoested canna to scratch wlllcsuse the station to walk clear out of the Tae LAWRTSC,Z• Railroad ' from New Castle to Youngstown Is now ready, for, the Von to criadn sbon - distanco of Ligisolliltle• and track-Isylnglia'S boon eatanimp,a; is (*signed to the non, 'onnuing towell. tarty In 'Thikember.' Racks will convoy isescrgers fawn Lowellstlio to Youngstown, a distincitof eight miles.' • - 2nyeitiAcna • f Mesidrlle-PrOPMe vent et jun..engines'ln it v (thi ttn e' ; to o Zone cnce' 'n ca,am-- “ 112nd tenements of am,ll4',ZarLe wroolentaelmrrea destrOled IV instil." liePck?P'er - ltat 1 ; • Thittaii; Accourdie to thee' Crawfoid Tours d, 'mow eknumeliced taillag `.'3leadvllla. last. Saturday Astd %Mai - won 1,14 reached the ilePtiv or ariaches..: It had nil dimppaarrd Mon - day, noon; .ALLf3G}$b7AT$• A NEW ASPECT OF CONSOUOATION WITH PITTSBURGH anther view of the condescension of Pittsburgh In offering to accept this city as one or more of her wards, thereby utterly obliterating the very name of Allegheny from the record of cltiss of the Unica, as though it never had existed. Ara we so craven In spirit, "Esau" like, :o sell cur birthright for even less than a "mess of pottage," and degrade our fair city by becoming the Elev enth Ward, or any other number of the wards of Pittsburgh'? it does seem that we have oat lived the age of pupilage, as the wisdom In the management of our corporate affairs tally testi fee, carrying, without any invidious comparison with out neighbor, quite as honorable a record la all the departments of municipal administra tion. At this stage of the subject It Is altogeth er proper to recur to our i past history and prox imity to Pittsburgh, to afford us some light., as to what we may look for In the future . at her hands. It is perhaps unknown to many of our citi zens, that the town of Allegheny was laid out by the State of Pennsylvania, some eighty TIM' , &go, and by a concurrent act of the Lei. ,dalature, constituted and declared .0 be the "Coargy &al," at the same time netting apart the public square, for the Court house, and other buildmms, for the transaction of the affairs of illeyhray County! ! now occupied by our City flail, M w het Bowe, Joe. At the period referred to, the town of Pittsburgh did not curtain, all told, exceeding 1,000 or 1.200 Inhabitants, Al— legheny still less In number. Tao (orator, however, having the ambition to aspire to higher fame, petitioned the Legislature to transfer the seat of Justin and County wort from the town cf Allegheny to the town of Pittsburgh, thus seiiing the circumstances of our helpies lattices to make this stscroachment upon the interests of Allegheny, by wresting from tier, with a &imager arm, the very elements of prosperity, granted under • law of the State, by the es tablishment of Allegheny as the coun4 seat. In this invasion upon as. they were but too smecesstult the county tows teas transferred to our neighbor, and with It, all the public alto& of the County have remained In the hands of our trans-Allegheny sirxr, and quietly ;alloyed to this day. titan the location of the Pennsylvania Canal "became the subject of agitation, no controver sy occurred between the two populations. Du ring the progress of the surveys Sro the canal, it transpired that the location of that great work from the mouth of the Iffiskiminetas to he Ohio river, being the object of the State to connect this internal improvement with the nay- Igation of that stream, it would be vastly more economical and beneficial to the Commonwealth to construct the canal, on the west side of the Allegheny, from Freeport to the Ohio river. The contemplated action of the Canal Com - mistionere to that end, produced a moat terrific outburst of Indignation on the part of the clti 'neat and corporate authorities of the borough of Pittsburgh, so far successful again, and against the growing interests of Allegheny, as to induce the Canal Commissioners to build as aqueduct over the river and dig a tunnel under Grant's bill to the Monongahela at a cost to the Statel of a quarter of a million dollars, through which no loaded boat ever passed to this day. It did, however, deprive Allegheny of the main outlet, and render the work'n mere nuisance to this city, below the aqueduct. But it seems the voracious appetite and lust for dominion of our neighbors for farther ab sot htion is not yet satiated, though taking from us the county seat, and in • great degree the ad vantages of the [trichinas of the canal. It Is now prrirosed, by an act of consolidation, to swell:Pic on whole at one gals, without grease, grouting no the high privilege of becoming a mere ward In the city •of Pittsburgh. Neither is this all the measure involves. It necessarily carries with it the office of Mayor, Controller, Treasu rer and all other officials having their appoint. meats from our City (smells; of these It strips the corporate authorities of Allegheny, and what Is to he the fate of our Postoffice and Post mastet 1 We cannot look for two vulcanises or masters, and as this will be after consolida tion. iffitaburgb, Is the Postmaster there sot the Incumbent for the consolidated city of Pun, burgh, Allegheny being absolutely merged In the fortnert These are not mere contingencies which may. or may not follow. They are tic cessary results of consolidation. In three views of the earlier history and pros pective consequences to our dry, with the am bitious and grasping tendencies of cur (need , over the water, is It wise or prudent in commit the future interests, the charter power and briekt prospects of Allegheny to the '.ends mercies" of another corporation. tint after all, "co, hone - is this measure pro posed 1 What return are we to look in; as the unqualified surrender of all the corporate !iglus of this c:tyt Whose intellectual, moral or rnit• nicipal vision Is equal to the discovery of one regional adrartage to Allegheny? Ia there a man on either side ot the river, who has the boldness to say that becoming the Eleventh ward of Pats hurls, is au honor suficieot, or edeicaio com pensation for thus emasculating ourselves of the manly attributes contorted upon no by oar char tered privileges. Annarosess . soe Love S. Bea , °Antra than you . ...ember, we are now , 'ourth and Market ca tors k Rae Tutu want a new Jail in Washington cc tote. The cid one has become so insecure that prison eta, to be kept In It, bare to be heavily ironed and eleerly watched. Unless these precautio-e are taker, they might elarost as well be turned into a pasture field, with the bars left down. Timm was a large Souk or 43 flew nvdr Greenaburg on Saturday last about noon. Tiny were dying quite low, and hat there been a good marksman on the alert with a gnu 4c could enaily have brought one to tin earth. A nag occurred in Tituivllle on Saturday evening. destroying Mfg boarding hones of Mrs. Gray (owned by Col. Roberta) and attlanuth every effort was made to ease the furniture. A: the boarders loot all their baggage. Tug TiL*Ville people are erecting ice limit, of the capacity of 3,003 tone. Toe ponds fro.n which the Ice It to be procured are ab tre the Iw. Ile, and will not be taint-it with the taste or Ewell of petroleum. Trig Iluctingdno folk, are patitionitsu their city lathers for the pantt,oe of an 0121133C1ee. regnlating the "curb stone markets" in the aar•teot town, Tuz assignees of the Merchants' Bank of Westfield ulve hoilce that they twill pay a diai dtnt of 20 per teat. to the de?xitors of aril bark. ETUDE SIOCATA IS must be A Wild, region, ro leer , !ban eleven bean bating bin caromed this season on the SliNm and Joelets sides. CONSIDEILAXI.E sarolr ha, fallen In the Eik C regior. . On Sunday the groand was Medea by three inches of winter garb, and on Morolsy the quantity was considerably increased. A BE-1.11 chase came oIT near Minima oa Ther&- d.S. In which come "tall 114blitut" was < lO,, by the bear, bat from the effect of wounds received he died soon after. A Lave heavy fall of raft, showed one lull mous night In Greensbnru—an attempt to crowd Lwo fashionably dressed women under one um brella. Tui. Herald demonstrate.% that there iA s great neves% 1 , . e for Lath honaes to Tatters'', TUE Eluulitgdun Apernal aoct tc rut er.k. The JaeJeda nand Los passed into Lim bsods of li. If. Wilson. Trier have an Apprentices' Literary Eincley fa Lewletown. which Is flourtsblee. I'OTATOt9 are selling at CLOD. and SI, a bushel in IluaLination. Din use 'of coal oil is to be abolished to th , hack etreeta of iluntiagilan, to save expensca. Tony arc talkioc about building if al ket Home in Iluatinrdon. BAILC Co. are asst loge piper 14111 at Bart.'s .$1:1la. to Morrow Core, Bleir cowry. VAIIMIJM I CE:SIS. Ic Adatnt count C, tfiNsissippi, hate tern ezbute,l, Which tne,ileal ;vb-n br lie,«, to have belonged to a giant Wh o must have been forty feet high. We rive tie above as ae find it In the Boston A4etiliser, out think the estimate of the giant's height in too Sow. The bones most have been immune.. enough to Lave belongtxl to a giant at least Iffly feet high. As important them match Is to be placed in New York neat week. ljapt. Mackenzie, a , 01. cbrated English plater, has challenged Freder ick Perrin, of Brooklyn, wagering 6100 to 654.). ;The remalUtkin hee been adopted that each player shall move fifteen times every hour. , TnZ waters of the Seine 'ere so low that hun dreds (wreaths are engaged , In exMoritig.the bed of the river. *here exposed, with the view of fleeing triakete,titehen utensils, metal or other objects. Tun. Parisians are in dispalr. ?be waters of the Seine, In consent:one° of the continued dry weather, hare fallen so :ow- that suicide by drowning, is only Cire.Cted with great, difficulty. , - Two boys In Cairo got into a scale At ee llool the other day, wb.'n one fatally stabbed the oth er with a knife. The Juvenile murderer la about ton Isar. old: • tilLmom..expentlett for the army, equipping Ana transporting troops, $3 80 3,449.691 more than any other S.ate. Of this CLAtIII GOT rittr.ent allows -.4111 BY TELEGRAPH DC.IINTERFETr LEGAL TENDERS. Dime on the Atlanta Derided to be Cbolera GOV. CURTIN SICK AT NEW YORK. New Tone. November B.—Coneterfett Legal Tender notes are in circulation in thin city. They are a very close Imitation of the genuine, and experts are being deceived, There are but two discrepancies between the notes ap parent to the public. The lut part of the en• graving of the head of Hamilton, on the face of the note, represents the line of the waistcoat an crooning the white collar at the neck. The acute angle, formed by the shape of the collar, so far as known Is perfect in the counterfeit, but In the genuine the lines of the flesh Ire drawn by the ecgravtr screen the point of the collar at Its inaction with the waistcoat. There Is another discrepancy in the shape of the ornaments on the border on each end of the face of the tells and In the whole border on the back. The lig• urt e ••50" In the genuine bill, is In the octagonal frame, and rather well &floe& though the an• tilts are not sharp. The eight aides are easily &scatted in the counterfeit. The border of ornamet te of the octagonal differ a alight de• rte. rt• M a perfect circle. It is thought that the Treasury Department will call in all the fifty Collet legal tender Dotes In circulation. Dr. Sayer,, of this cite visited the steamer Atlanta aterday. There was no sickness on board the vessel, all the nick having been rem wovtd to the .Nightingale ha:vital ship. From a rtateno nt made to hint by the surgeon of the chip nud by Pr. Burdett, a h• aith miter, he .ale there can be to doubt 113 10 the nature of the disease. It Is .I.4atlc. cholera. Governor Curtin has been lying sarlossly U In this city since Tuesday. Ills physicians ro• port him better today. The Cm:rummies Washington special says: The Prt Went will tarns a proclamation declar ing the resferatlon. of peace before the next miming of Congress. Joe Johnuon Is coming to Wail:ant in to or gabize to agency for his express. SAU %SD FOX INDIIN DELEGATE 4 Inferrieto with the Prealdent Wastamovov. July a —This morning a dela • lotion of Fox Indians visited the President, to company with Judge Cooley, C4303011131013er of Indian Affairs.mad Superintendent Sells. The In dians were severally Introduced to the President, when one of the chiefs said that they had heard of their great fa , her, and had very much de sired to see him. The President replies' that he was glad to meet and receive them. Ills object would be to cultivate peace and friendship, and Lc hoped the government would be met In a correspond ing spirit on their part. If amicable relations which should exist between the government and those hero represented, they should be made to result to the Interests of all cone:mei. lie would spare no pains to see that their inter ests are promoted and themselves secured and protected in the enjoyernent of all their rights. Provision would be made for theta while here, and they would be entertained lu a manor sultsble and tilting to their condition, and he Loped that when they left here they would take with them the best wishes and feeling or the President toward them. Commissioner Cocky explained to the Presi dent that the Sacs and Fox's were settled In Kansas, and by the treaty of 15-1.2, they were granted an annuity or SZI,OOO. The Sacs were largely In the majority, and number two thirds of confederated tribes. The Indians here repre sented, complain that they hare nut had their rights. Many of them have never left their home In lowa, while others have retarned thhh er form Kansas. These Chiefs ask that mere he a dit i.IOIO of the annuity and laud. The President Bald he would again see them and after hearing all the feet*, he woald be p:e• pared to Lo what Is right. no hop Id some ar rsrgement would be male which wus.d prove eatisfaetocy to them. ADDITIONAL FOEEIt Mil BY HE tUIU. Hear) , Gales Duriag . she 'futile Passage THD LATEST MARKET REPORTS. Ns: , rout, November A.—We have the fol lowing addit.oaal news by the steamer Cuba, It loth anteed at Halifax Isst evening: Th. Cuba erperieteed heavy weather during !le et tire postage. She had a heavy gale from Lot. rl cel m Qurenetown, where ahe arrived at p. m. on Sunday. On Nsvember lit she pencil the steamer China, In latitude bi longitude 21. tx und east. The Cobs sail. from Halifax. at 4 o'clock 1, met row morning for Boston, where she will be dne on Tuesday noon. Among the Caba's pas• senscre for Halifax was lino. hi , . Fieserick Williams, the new Gore:— ne of Nine• S toil.. Ll+rrp .o 1 Sa , UnlaU Er< , Unq O. 27.--Cotton Salem to -day have been 10.000 halo, market and d,clini-d 14d ,, 14'_awith ya,terday's ad, ranee m•nrly logl. BrtaflattlEs—Mnrket toloyant milli an &drat, - lug tendency. Prot isiona—Firm and dull. Pro; tirm for asbc , , while other articles arc Inlet and st.mly. London, Sat ortlay Eren;ng. :Pl. - -C41160 cloard at lor money. American mock.— 'nil 01 , Central. S 2; Erin, 55;i; Zo3Cl's, The werkly Liverpool cotton market vat re- CerVel:l per Flts.3lnr Pertitii9. T3l good yarns t• VC*7 doll, sad lb: aJranc: at LLierp,x.l bad to .lint. GEN. BRMCOE',.) EN PENCE• Ptri%loo iu Erzaril to Harkmeu and Corlmro AMAIESEY OATH TAKEN BY LONOSTREET Pardon Applications on the Increase N-n YOUR', NOV. S.— . Fiir Ti,.',' Washillgluts -In riot gays that General Briesss,": sentence will be ortnnulgated to-dav, and It in understood n. will be dismissed from the scrs lee and hie Im prisonment adjudged by Court Martial will be remitted on account of his previous services. The Commissioner of Internal Haven't. Mu decided that inasmuch as the decision exempt ing hacianen and tart men does not protect on the ground I hat the imposit ion of the tax In i'legal, but rather on the ground of doubt as to the proper construction of the low, It should en govern tax payers as not to rfattfiru tax for thin return on the gnus receipts from hackmerkand cam:ma. Thin • ffire cannot consider applications for refunding the lax already collueled, lon will in tertaln claim, for abatement only. Gee eral Hoffman. Coonnianary of Trippers. is relieved, and 4;i:tier& Hitchcock anoceeila him. Getters' L-Inzstrext had an lat,rylew with the Pres!dem yesterday. Its also to At the omnr..y oath. Pardon applications are on the Inerensr. Fur tint dyed were received from °torch, and twenty .Ilt•e from A labama yesterday. MME OF ATATE AND NATIONAL DANA NOTE, The Tunisian I mbaisy in 'Ph iladelphia JOHN MITCHELL A LOYAL CITIZEN LEE AND JOHNSTON'S FORCES WHEN SURRENDERED New YORK. N iT. S.—Tbera are threats of punishment of State banks converted Into national banks, for violation of law iffelreula. ting their aid Bute paper as well•aa national notes, as gradaallyvemedying the evil. The TanhJan Embassy left WaShington for Philadelphia yesterday. John Mitchell arrived In this city yesterday, took the oath of a loyal citinea, procured a pessport, and said he was not going to Llnlon. It In tflicially statol, from tolls In the possession of the Government, that General UOB array, at the time of the surrender, numbered 28.000 mu; sn.l Johnston's 117,000. Yesuiday the Secretary of War: ordered the sucpusiou of the tale ol wernl2l4,l hospitals, now ready , fur use in antletpetion of a visitation of the chid , ra. maps leorWitted by Ita4rozid , . NEW 7 . 4113 i, NOV. 1 4 .—Th° PosteMee Depart ment ouneattem klmt hereafter the malls from Odd city to New Orlenna• wlll be forwarded by mil, nut nab) , g• be sett by en. PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9. 1865. CASE OP. CAPTAIN WIRZ. Preparations for his Execution. TRIAL OF COMMODORE CRAVEN W ♦aarxorox, November B.—Louls Schad,. Coune.l for Capt. Wire, had an interview with the Preeident to-day In accordance with a pre 'iota arrangement, for the purpose of &ming for a commutation of his sentence. Re men tioned. as one of the reason' for his request, that the prisoner was very feeble. and appear. aaca Indicated that he would not live six months longer. Therefore the country could well afford to let him die sir months Later without hanging hlm. Tte President being eterroanded by ■ large number of 'ADMITS Mr. Bchade did not consider it proper to uk for a direct imswer—tkinging it posNible that some additional facts might cone to the knowledge of thaPresident before Ptiday , which might induce him to extend the desired Executive clemency. He left with the President, however, a short statement, with the reasons et which he bssed the The President received the paper and orornisc4 to examine it. Wks remarked to his counael to-day that he was not very well in body, and was quite feeble. He, therefore, feared that he could not walk to the place of exeention with a steady stop, and this mitrln he interpreted as alsign of fear and guilt. When he 8811 workmen building the gallows thin morning, It astonished him. lie said that he did not shudder, hut thin was owing to the fact that he felt iuttueout of the crimes with which he was charged. By direction of the President all military offi cers braving In their charge or I...tension any hard) property( or materials raptured tram thu enemy are clrected to turn over the same to any scent t r raker of the Navy Department who may be authorized to receive the same. • Thor titters turning over such property or nt terlabi will take duplicate- acknowledgements or receipts from the Naval officer or ofneera to whom the transfer is made, and repo3 toe same to the headquarters of his respective bureau at Washingtoth Dula order Is not ap„dimble arms, ammunition. ordnance or materials mot forma on or belonging to naval vessels or beinaz log to navy yards. The trial of Commodore Craven, was resumed to-day, before the Farrseat Court Martial, the &mined pleading not guilty to the charges and specificauot a. Several Naval officers who visited the Stone wall. alter sit Lad surtenCered, were examined On the part of the prosecution as to the build, srmamet t and fightleg capacities of that veoseL Chief Eerir eer Freeman of the pirate Ala bama, has been pardoned on the recommenda tion of Cart. hiaalow, also John Itehree, the rebel Naval Paymuter. Gen, Longatram and Albert Pike. were at the Attotory General's office to-day. MORE LOSSES BY THE LANE BALE. litgaage of the Governor of Florida, \aw TORY. Not. i.—Stetatnera arriving from down toe Bow!tern coast continue to re port severe gales, with many vowels In distress, In addition to those beretofote reported. The gale seems to have attained its greatest fury on the Georgia and Florida coast. N. Louis de Arroyo. who has for souls time past be, a ezercisir g the nominal ftnictions of consul of Maximilian at this port, sailed in the steamer Vera Cruz to-day, for Situtleo. The Renthl publishes a summary of Governor St•rvlo's message to the Florida reconstruction convent Mo. Govermir Marvin doe. not thinh it would tie wise to confer the privilege of voting on the ar t:rots. sad Ityilic‘es that Congress will ant de• maw! this as an indispenslble preliminary to the admission or these rapreseutatlvos, bat he or LT. also, the confintion a. a matter of the plainest tioalt, as well a of wisdom, that law• for most , omplete prt,ilot, of the froirionco'• itii rights he passed, and that their testimony 'c received in the emir.. lo these, he gays, ..dlorct! 11,40, sed:l 11.,e no isfcg . saur6 n4 - dins: the Imp>shlono ru. I .ko.! ,11-4hout,t ,Inployers. and with them hr thmks the ensallelpeded p.roplr wi3l he zen• ernl') ohlented,, nul enterpri,ln, cr,n tihn. Of Op I. in., II r.rnod- th - Ccr. tr ion de ro t L. 44 ar Rey* ttir II ul and t'ohl. nnel nth'. Act. the :1,1,141 o by the 1,4- 4 1,atur, of aulendmeut pruhitottug I.ll,ety. FROM THE WEST INDIES Diainkfroess Hurricane in Cuba THE PHU. BIRBARITIES IN UMAICI CONFIRMED Ncn Tuts ,\'m. dater to th alt., awe that the liurrican. of the 1.1th.1 nid raged with i;rinat. forte II; over the is taus. In II tivolia harbor many cassia drifted ho' of the allay, aid 'toil,. Ti., Admiral's flag ran Into, a hart, damaging anverat 201110:14 ri .111 d coral Manche', with their cargo,. nor .tintl, and a total of tiny retake:" were morn or Ica• damaged. Ttni sums ot the dly w ,• Wind with wan r io the depth of a loot. Homo, awl malls 'were blown down, roo:, bh,an away, nod the lreeo of the piazza prostrated. ,Two thirds of the roof of the tlinatm 001 off. Th. country of the Cal lain (10.— wid iiiifforcil non,idera. hl,. 1 be 'batsman: the steamer Odunibue. pre sented a gold wa eb t Cap•. Barton for saying that r, «lel and their lives from destruction on their i.assagn from New York. tier Orel were put out and she was throw a upon her beam ends, the ere 'tenably': combletely over her, but owing to the rtfot le of her Captain and her able Edginc.r, she wan carried through safely. the reports 01 the harharltlee practice 1 In Bt. Thomas, Jamaica. arc confirmed. The out hot {ties hanged about twenty culprits. Bar. rep t• In a elate of setae, and St. Thomas Lu and r mat tial law. Brtilsh atramcra have lets to take troopi from Harbadoea to Jamaica. 0,Sf061:1(1011 le heir:: formvi ID ellta ta prevent it , dare trod, BALLOON BRIDAL PARTY Mrs Douglas and tits Purchase of Con &cued Rebel Property \e. - roue. Nov. 4.—Tile halloos hridd , eon lemldateo for a long time. takes [dam to-der. Ibe party consists of Miss Mary West Alter, of Bt. Louis, ned Dr J. F, B oyeto., of byre cos, line•t Lieut. Col. .1. V. Carter, of the Eleventh Infantry, publishes a card denying the statement relating to Mra. Douglas' trans udes, in the purchase of abandoaed and con- Decal, d rebel property. She has never held a Treasury permit to purchase, and has never Nen connected with any person engaged in such transaction. From Saronnah—l otton—Feeling In Fs- vor or Aduptlug Rebel "{War Debt. New roux, Nor. ...—The Steamer Zodiac, from Saraunah ha the ith, brings the Herald a that date. The Savannah merchants are about sending north fore steam tire engine. The Herald's price current matt* that cotton le depre.sed, and declined 1(?/3c and Middling Is quoted at s:k; dry goods active, with an in terior and Florida trade springing up. Receipts of cotton for the week, 5,d00 bales. The report of the State Convention hrthe Htrald show a strong fueling prevailing among many of the ntembers In favor of adopting the State war debt several strong speeches having been madoagainat repudiation. bt. John Explosion—Coroner!. Inquest. Nee Yong, Nov. B,—The Coroner's Inquest (Jae disaster of toe steamer Bt. Johit began this moraine. Tko Coroner charged the Jury that If the /nears of the boat Were found neglectful of their duty !bey must bold them for the salon of the Orand dory. Mr. Colgrove. clerk of the hoist testified to the effect, that In selecting , the state rooms, that a few were generally reserved for parsecs! friends. The rest were thrown open for the selection of the public. The testimony of the second engineer showed that no more than 11 proper gnantitiof steam was on at the time, and that the usual precau tions were used to prevent accident. The lagnert waa adjourned till one o'clock to-morrow aftemooo. Detroit llayoralty Election—Thankeglv. ing Day Appointed. DEITCH?, Nor. B.—N. .1. Mill% Democrat, Ls elected Atayor by WO m►Jmtty.. Governor ef ape bee appointed the itn day of December, a day of Tbsokeelvlor. Hark Askore 811 - f AM. Nov. h.—Tha hark Great Wetteru No. 1, latluti with corn, hi ashore ou Colchester rt ef, atom tuctuy helve( llvtrolt. ARRIVAL FROM HAVANA; 'the Ram Etouvrall Delivered Over . NEW TOR; Nov. B.—The steamer Mom Castle, horn 'Tswana on the 4th, brings the fol lowing: The Called States steamers Rhode Island and Cornet, commissioned by the the United States to lake possession of the rani Stonewall, which has been lying In this port for the 'lest four months, and which was delivered to the United States by the Spanish government, acrived on the 30th and 31st ult., and Commander Murray, on the 2,1 last, took posseasion by simply raising the American flag at the mast-head. Command er Murray Is empowered to retain the alztaen thousand dollars advanced by the Spanish Gov ernment to pay off the crew of the ram. Toe Stonewall will probably go into the dock been to have her bottom cleave! before leaving for the States. Nothing has been heard of one or two vessels known to have been near the port of Havana on the 2d, at the time of the tecent hurricane, and the Government hu ordered two or three vessels On a cruise to search for and aid any who may ;ave suffered shipwreek. Front the feet that the Cholera 14 raging OVerelY in Spain, it Is feared that it may make Its way here, and therefore veasela arriving from 3pain are subject to strict quarantine. GEORGIA REBEL DEBT REPEDIITED. Dispatch to President Johnson THE ELECT lON IN ALABAMA .a . VA,III.NUTON, Nov. $..-Tbe tollowine des patch has been received by President 'Johnson "Sirt.bsuonviut, Ga., Nov. 7. - , .1.!, -, Andrcto Johnson, Pees;ileut qtthis !',Red States :—Tha Convention has re pudiated the war di tit by a vote or 133 to 117. (Signed.) J. Jouzisos., • l'ecalsiona: Governor. 7,—The election to this city, yes terday, passed °triple-Up. Toe following cAn • didates have ecrtniMy received majorities, but tney cannot be given as yet, as the returns aro not vet 10. Bulger, tor Goferaor; L.ngdon, for Chnuress; Gage, for State Senator, sod Grant, Clare, Tompkins and Grinnell, for Members of the Assembly. Generals Grant and muter—Trial of Jell' New YORK, Nov. 6.—The IleraZd's Washing ton apt dal says: Gen. Grant la still In this city, notwithstaading the announcements of his de paitere. 8e may visit Now York towards the /1 1 1:ter part Of the week, however. Gm. Butler la understood to lot sod removing to Wasiiington City, and hue been ncgotlattng for the purchase of a residence. The Cabinet meeting was amended by all 110 Secretaries to-day. The Washington Repabl,.ne says, We are able to state positively, that it is the settled pur pose of the Government to give Jefferson Dens a tale nod impartial :dal, 'Jam a jury of his peers. in the highest tribunal in the lent having Jurisdiction over such criminal caves. It if bat Just to state that the delay of the trim cannot Pe attributed to arty act rte the part of the Frei• dent of the Lotted Staten, Tools Embassy --Gisuuterfelter Arrested Phu AUCLPIII.4., Nov. 8 —The Timlsom Em bassy to-day Inspected the fleet of Iron-clads sod monitors here. T'cy will leave fur Buten to-mono., and tail for Europe In two weeks. U. pots United Staten Marthall Stark./ Sos o real uresied, at Lake Harbor, tat:Mast& county, Cir. Etson Osborn, dealer to ens nterfeit mud curiae). When be was detected no cowsterfelt money vas found on him, bat OCT crol packages be bad just mailed, were found to e.mtaln *beets of helot currency. He has been respected and watched for many mouths put. Inc Tunisian Embassiadors wished the nave yard to day, and enjoyed a trip down the river, tor the purpose of OLOOthling the immense fleet of tron-clads. List evening they Tutted Walnut street theatre, where enrollee Hitching Is play- Ing an Erglish opera. They leave to-morrow for New Tort atm Ramon. Manland Elva.lmo—Every CouotV Repoli- Ilietin—lrrre 911111.4er not:About to De mand Ills reimport-- E.lrJrt Made ior TJrz. Y•ms. Washin-t.,u • In nearly every evenly -,us•)- Inndihc Luton can- idutei are elected. The (*ammo-cid'. Washlu,.iou gpectlai Tie rumor hot the French Mlni•l er demanded his pateports Is untrue. The rube& of various elections produce emotion among the Repnblicans. Mr. &bade. the counsel for Wirt, is icupor tunlwz the President to (-am - note Slit itentenee of deal!. It is not probable he cold b, v*stul. Colored Men , • C•arention rO I 74.OKEZINSI6, Nov. S.—A S rte COortatiO3 of colored meurnet here to day for the purpose of •iisoelnr the interests of their purple le this State. Upon the nizurabiaze being calls.' to brdrr tiftr-en towns were represented sod many towns brought more delegates. Too conaenOon was addr tawsd this evening by a id:. Day. Fred Douglass Is erpretod to alarms the memb. re to-rosrmw. An adj turumant will take plain to-marrow. night. alr. Farb. of Troy is Chairman. Considerable interest la mat l'ew ad' Appval Ilellled—Retutos From Aoutbern Illinois. 11,.. Nov. S.—Ttle Metrlolls beer revived, and b printed on tat same pres 3 Mat accompanlcd teat estabitancomt chroaztl mid Its perlyinations In Tennesisc•, It lseits!ppl, Georgia and Alabama. Three hundred acd eesenty baler of :cotton passed for SL Louis. The Nlemphls cotton market is very dull. closieg M The election returns from ALuander and ad. joluir counties show Democratic majorities. Mary land Electron—Union Majority In State Sinatc—Nearly Et cry County Republican.. liturisionz, Nov. 6.—The last rettinns indi cate Use election of Frasier, ti 'publican. to the Senate In It schemer comity. which secures • Cabe majority In that ball• It is t _might that Bpance will be elected Judge IO the 12th Circuit. In nearly every claim la the State the regular II glean: for county officers Is elected. fllltinesota Electiou Sr. l'At Mix:4, Noe. B,—Tbo retcrna,which are olo.rly recelVtd, Indicate that Mllfahall, Se• publican, will have a largo majority 10 i lie State. Tte town of Stillwater arid county Klee Rica, D. wocratlc atudidata for G •veroor, 3 majority, and against the Amendmeot. 31InnespolLe al.c. )50 for Marshall. Winona gleeo fanhsll a majority of 100, and 71 against the Amend mem.. %aster Cure Establishment Burned BOSTON. November 6-.. A despatch from 13ExIngfieId, Massachusetts; save that the large Ind eleyset water cure extilbilshment 'Ol Dieter )daude, Florence, Massachusetts, near North ampton, wail entirely destroyed by the last even ing. the fire originated Is one of the rooms. Only part of the fun:titers was saved. The house was filled with boar tors for the winter. Prowl Nashville .N.telivlLLE, Nov. S.—The cotton market is withont excitement to-day prices rmn„re front 42 to all cents offering, and held at .44 cont., closing dull; quantities of staple aro arriving daily. Cotton merchants arc unusually busy. The media. today were 13113 bales; shlpmen In, at 4 ba11... The river is felling, with sirteen ladle+ on the Shoats. ' FCIIIIII Meeting In llaltlinqre • BALTIMORE. Nor. B.—The Fantasia. had a great gathering at the Maryland Institute Hall to-night. The room was densely crowded. Speeches were made by Wm. J. Moos, of Phli• adelplila s Major Teolar, of Washington, 3. 3. Steward and Frank Gallagher, Esq., of Balti more. Great enthesiasm wan manireated. Election lu New York Stoic. BITYLLO, Nov. B.—The entire Republican ticket In Erie county and Buffalo city is elected, except Oen. Rogers, the candidate for Comp troller. The democrats claim tbo election or Mr. Williams by about 900 maJorlty to the Assembly. Government steamers and Transportation 'Property. VOIITILESS Moans, Nov. h.—Ordure from Washington have been received that. no more steamers or vessels are to be discharged from Goverment service, and also stopping the salos of transportation property. Minds Election... Coteau°. No B.—The county elections o: this State yesterday resulted. as furi u heard from. with few ereepalom la the success of the Republican candidates. The Republican major icy in this county approximates diteeo hundred. Oiwegu Railroad Complete. Os vett°, Nov. 6.—The last call on the Ouse co Railroad was laid In Ibis city to-day. The Road Is MAN: bagged as fast as pentlble. and It. IA the itltettiim tO [Co tlassenv,er trains In Ino or tl•rce weeks, OUR VOW IN NEW JOEY Both Houses Itepubligan. W ARM ELECTION NEYOND DOVE? Nrwsuz, N. J., Noy. S —Ward has a Maim , Ity of from 2,000 to 2,500—a gala of nearly NI.- tOO. The Republican hart ten majority In the Assembly and one In the Senate. The elec tion of Mr. Ward 'entree the appointment of Republicans as clerks In the chancery and su preme courts, and ■ host of other positions. The State is filled with rejoicings. TIIMION, N. J., Noy. S.—Ward's majority In the State will not eery much from 2,000 to 2,- 500. Toe rent Legislature will stand as fol. lows: Union majority in the Benate, one; As sembly, 16. Packing Ilanie Burned Cnicano, Noy. 3,-Binger 4; Co's. racking bouse,on Kingsbury stratt,was destroyed by tire laic night. Lass th 5.000. Insured lot. nearly that amount. The New York Election NE, Tntax, Nor. S.—Lent, IteptdiScan, is elected In the Sixth District, sod Murphy, Rs publican, In the Seventh District. THE arsLelses botch In Boston, whist' re dosed their price to $4 09 per day, a few atoottut ago, best again increased h to 54,00. 1112 M PflltEr HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS Have proved, from the moot ample experience, as entire aureole, ample, efficient and rellebte They are the only my:lbanez perfectly adapted to popu lar use—so simple trial mistasss cannot be made In using them; so hermless as to be free from dan ger, and so eittclent as to be always reliable. No. I cures FEVERS, Congestions, Laflamme. 25 2 WORMS', Worm Pea...0,12,11e-- 2, 5 '• DRY INC/ ILIOLIC, or Trechlog of Infants... .. . . . .-.. 25 4 MAR tIiCEA of children or adult. 25 • •• UYSENTEIIY, Grlping, Billeus Cenci • •• CHOLERA MORHUS, Nanette... 25 a ; 01'0 Hs, Colds. Brouchals. 2.5 • EURALG ;A, Toothache, Face riche s HEADAI3IIE, 5.10 k lieedecae ..... 25 • 1151 PEPs lA, &Him,. tum ea; . 26 it ,UPPREsSED, scanty ead pain ful pane& . 15 12 LLIMORR/ICEA. or Whites 25 ;3 GROUP, hoarse 25 it u seta RlLEtad, Erpivelr - , Erni. lions ZS 16 RHEUMATISM, all Rheamatic paint. . . 25 lu " FEVER AND AGUE, Calls and Sever. to " PILES, internal or exterael 50 18 " OPHTALMY, sore, Indamed eyes. 50 ;5 " IJATAISHEI, acute or chronic, to ll encs . 50 20 " WHOOPING COUGH. spasmodic tough.—. ..... --....._ ..... 60 2t ASTHMA, nontBBBed_. 60 " 'cart riscntiar.3, impaired .... ... . ; .. 53 22 " SC. en arg an;I; ....• 60 II " GENERAL DEBILLII Y, phseical _ reakneu...... • •...,..,,,,..• 60 DROPSY =id Email secrellone.. 60 • SEA EIDEN EMS, or sink !tele from 60 • KfDNE p/SEASE. Grave L...... 60 • NbitTOIRS DE/ILI TY. aemioat emmilatons, toroluotery 211•• SORE lEGGTII, or Center ..... 60 30 •• URINARY INtIINTINTIANtIE 00 • PAINFIIL PEIGOD,, eve. with • PllM ' ati4S at Change of Life, 100 33 EPILEPSY. Spume, St. Vitus' I 55001' 100 31 VIPTEERIA, Vioetated Sore PAVILT riroMa. Cases 01, rlal., to morteco ease and boot t wool. to Set 10 large vials, in morocco and boo, 6 00 cern of lama nasa l plain ease sad b00k... 6an of to box,. (Nos. Ito I 6) and book 3 00 3. M. p , tr.r_orcorki. Wholesale Agent, Pittaburgh, Pa. For mete Ly E MIN* 11, ~mithfleld street; TO, FLEMING, No. as Market street. comet of the Diamond, Pittsburgh. sod J. .1. EAST, F...eral street. Allegheny. ly 10,11 Cod JAMES b 0 ZdANVFA.ert:IlEtt OF IMPROVED BORING TOOLS, Sinking Oil, Salt and Other Wells, o. 136 WOOD STREET, TSMIL:113011:1, PA. Tnnl• trarrant.ttlm•de of the very bat SUM) AND LOW MOOR IRUN. 'WELL BOREItS WRITE do SLAGLE, co IgTORNEYS AT LAW Lovcost Oc•ms.b. Prlocos I inStb. /Stroest F urnlalhed at Mittl 111.41•ItiCitl al ere necessary to cvaluct op crations, vtv ANVILS li ATCHEI 4, HELL 1 ei Si :AWS VISES, sqoak&s. SULKIES, CHISELS, BADMEN:4, W AENOIL ES, SHOVEL 4, PLAICES, I'IOLIF, LEVELS, AXES, NAILS, ae. Rope, Leather and Gum Belling All of it Ittich I have col:Warmly la .:ore. tie ti..2oid AUirill.rti RA 1..6 OF ARMY CLOTH Mv4: AND EQUIP\(IE. 0/111 21PetSTA,r •ItTertllArren. IJOICIAOO,III,Oc toter 23111, 1102 I will tell at Public Auction at the Government Warehouu, Nbt. Sit and WU South Water atreet, Cutesy". ill,. on WEDS kMDAY . the lath del , of feovecolw r, 1865, a Large lot of Army Clothing end Lqute.age. vie: Wu Val oral Coale I Shovel, 1,234 " Jackets, , Ms Bed Sacks, 1.5411 pairs immure, I Star= Slag, It brawers, 1 159 Elarentacisa 2,MXI Carte rov Knapsacks, 3.1M9 (Steal,. oats, 27 Soaks, 1,006 •• stoops, I Trumpet, 1,910 Woolen Blankets •!Dr um Heal., Rubber 49 flies, 3 •• Pouches, 155 pieces Stove Pipes 228 Seek Coate, Elbows, Doe Sib. 1420 Blow**. ley Tents,, 3.457 Erat Blouses, SI Drums, 1,229 Shine, till Axes, 6,222 Tents top Axe kfandlea 424 et• Tent Pole., IsSi pawl Drum stick. 6,0,3 Tept P ns, I+9 Muter Tent stoves no Spades, lta Camp Settles, 101 it a. elute. tl5 Mc.. Pans, ill iiatOtlei Han ilea 22 Pick Axes, 5,395 Canteens, 2'7 Pick Atte Itandlra. Also. a small lot of Bootee a Boot., Stockiest, 1.3 ate, Caps and Suttee. Stec to commence at f 0 o'clock S. 0., and con tinue from day to day anti all the property la dis posed of. Moat of the clothing ls pew. but Irregular. Ter.. eash, In Government Panda ProPenT to be hmo.ol by porseuer within ten enty- lour holm after the sale. NELSON PLATO, Captain and &Blatant Quartermaster, not anciltd AIIsENAL GLASS IYOHIs. MODES, RYREE & CO., M ,unlit cr, of Marl; and Greta Glassware, Druggists° Ware. Bottle., Demijohns, &arbors. 4:e. Werniovun Zit, 144 WATER STREET, BETWEEN AMTBFIELD AND GRANT STREETS, PITTSBURGH PA. We warrant oor Wore, to be 1112perlOt to coy - manufactured Walt of the Moontaltm. Always OLI head, °Mumma at the alloys dezerlpdoth orders promptly attended to. Portlonlor otten. Moo paid to private moolds. anbdy COBTAIZROLAL UM WORKS, Pure White Burning Oil, constantly on band, and for ul► ►t THE LOWEST MARS= RATES, B. C. & J. K. SAWYER, &TAM No. 47W00D STREET _ . IiOIRLLDALE OB3IEr.E.RY—A rural and .a-a most platurelque place ot Sepulture, situate City,e uplands, lmondletely north of Allegheny so the New Brighton Road. Porous wish ing to select Burial LOTS will apply at the Super , Intend/atm Ocoee, at the Cemetery. Title Dods, Permitsand ail other business will be attended at the Drug Warehonse at the undarmened, earner of reaerat sad L.eseocit streets, Allegheny. CHLO. A. BELLY, notdyd Natr•etall and Treasurer. R It. REBYXIS, 88 Smithfield Street, near Filth Street Mr COFFINS of every deserfption. ond.PE. GLOVES and FIJSITLSHING rut FUNEir• ALS generally. FINS EWA SSE and 0411 RIMIER faintehed •vvrae 85000 WILL Pt/IR:km. l3 S TIIS AN DEIMMI HMS*, situated la !Ulla• burg. The lot la es by 160 lest. and the building la brick. a Sioux, built axertesig for a howl; it bring the unsaid* .hotel in the town. A large cusibm can ballad at ease.. Terms nu /. Agate to - - B. itioLglN at ON ton Fourth street. not waned, far snle st 103 Ltbertv •tre&. oct! -W. P. BECK h 00 VOLUME. tXXVIII---NO. 281. INSTHWICE, CURTER 18 . 2 9 . r&RPET Mgt MAIM FIRE INStRANd GOMPAEir OF PEULADELPHIA.. Assets ou January I. 15114. 82.437A41 13. Acdoo.tioe Acertuf Premium. I '11171,030 Invested, Preminma I.OI,ASS Unsettled cuam. adas • income for 1944 Louts Pa Id aince 192, 0.0: 0 o,Palioo Perpetual and Temporary Polletim on i&beia demo, DIIXL - TOILs. Obtain N. Banker, I /..A. Lot Tobias Wagner, Edward 4 Dal., Samuel Grant, I=3 e Swab R. Smith Fitter, Gently W. RielArltiPreald ItaNOFras. W. Leads, D` ORARLES . KER L eat. kaJWA.RD C. DALE, Pate Preaident. A.S. W. MaAT.I.TCTER, Sea. pr RM O. _tem. COT, Ageat, naI,VM or Wood a wt Third streets. FIRE AND MARINZ Insurance Co. of North America, P3ILLADKLPILIA ...... ...$1,730.000. Hartford Fire Insuraare Company. airPrOtoction can be secured in the above name and tale companies. W. L. .11iNL, /tower, 1e.27:411v Si Water Street, tuo stsirsa AATESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY IT OF PITTSTURGII., • R. KILLER, Jr., President, WM. P. ILYZEIFIL.B.T v Secretary. °Mee, No. P 2 Water street, Spans • .Co.'s Ware house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. war (news against all hinds of Firt:adSet Marine Bias. d Howe Institution =maga by /Orrefors who Ore writ l-berum in the annesonity, otod who are drler• mined by prortytneat liner libeectity, to Maintain the attendee white% they how ee2tt meet, as offertng the beet 1./ telethon le Most mho desert lu be tnetteett. DIZZOTOWS : R. Miler, Jr. : Andrew Ackley, James McAuley, Alexander Speer, Nathaniel Holmes, David M. Long Alex. Simla, Rees J. Thomas, °tarp Derail, Chas. .1. Clark, HalnPbeil R. Herron, John R. MatTurta. • C. W. Riaketion, mYTS WIS. P. HERBERT. Secretary.' CITIZEN'S INBURA.NCE COMPANY .2II7ITIM`,"m er 112/ " 1v ates=r - WM, BAG ALES, Preoldenl. WITL A. SHEPARD, Secretary tusittla SkililkhOtta awl (ATOP+. ....asures against Lail and damage to the usvlgs. tiou of the Southern and Western Rivers, Lakes and Rayons, and the navigation of the Jong. Insures against lots and r damage by bra tuartum : • Wm. IV, IS. 151. Kier, liathlSl John Shlpton, Jas. r r lsma AL Cooper, r. ,.3 Johnston, O -. a. ilArbaugh, .. Tr .I -.' .T. C01a5..., 4 Hon- T. /IC HoMe, :John S. Dilworth, _ . HartlaY Preston: 'Wm.& ttodipa. ~ .orge Bingham, 40{0:174 pEOPLES' INSURANCE COMPANY °Nice, N. E. eorner of Wood and VDU Ste • } IRE AHD EILEEN'S INSURANOZ W. Phillips, C►DL John L. ltrumie John Wats, Samusl P. Shirr., John E. Parke, U. Hanson Love, Charles S. Blesell, Merles Arbuckle, W. Van Khk, John F. Ktrapatrick, James D. Verner, John Clyde. . WM.. PHILLIPS, Presidenl, JOHN WALT, nee Pr:ideas. WM. F. GARDNEE Serretari. jniklr A LLEGEVENY INSURANCE COUR& NY OF PITTSBUROLL-0111“,,No. 3 - I FULL street, Beak Bloc*. Insure, against all kinds of Flre sad Molt , LUCA. John la MaCans, CapL A.dam aibba, B. . Sterling, Cap ß t.. Wm. Dean R. I...McGrew. Hobert IL Darla. E=l=l U. L. Hussey, Harvey Childs, y:sk.=Citey, Jr., H. L. Fahnestoelz CliUiTSll'k!l PIITSPTROH, PA., Will attend to all badness to the line of thelr Profession, Including THE LOLLECTION OF CLAIMS ACIAINST THE GOVERNMENT. SLaesulhavtot, treen mustered out , the Vatted states Service, will hereafter lye attys. Uon to the Dual:lees of the arm. autlf WOUNDED SOLDIERS IN EITHER The First or Second Three Years Service m reoeve the full bounty the tame as If it It: bed served the full term of enlistment by :MMus upon T. WALTER DAS, Follett:, for Bounties, Pensiosup and Pay. No. 103 FIFTH STREET, Mini door below the Cott:oh - at 1111 OM. H. MOM., <ISO. R. CC,CRI6A.3I MOFFE TT & COC HRA.N, ALlttoriaga3ris at Xaceozsr: Ofilet—lco. ea %RANT STREEr. Pittsburgh,• P►. .TOO 5. 11..5•711r3 BAYNE & SILiFER, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Ha 81 Diannam Smarr, Pittsburgh, Pa- Court Boarnme Examining Slam (lamer... ins, 00.1111CtlaIIII, and all kinds of Legal Buslama .promptly attended to. set AliDltEW STEVENSON, LTV CII.WFIC)33, No. 144 Fourth Street PITTSBusoN, PA., win I mum to the various sonata of Allegheny and edjoliang counties. 4/4111— M ILITARY CLAIM:3„ BOUNTIES, BACH PAY and MILITARY CLAMS of every deseription, collected by the suteerlber, sr the fallowiiug rata, via Pensions, $lO ; all other claims, #3_llo. 0. O. TAYLOR, Attorney at Law, 19lamoad street oppoute the Court House. N. .—No eh arges are made if the calm doe. so. ItICCCIA, sod all Inforenatton given gestic settly H . C. IIACKAELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, man • 0. S:LICEMED SOLDIERS' CLAIM AGE= Banatles ter Wounded Soldier' collected La teem ten to twenty dam SirOettoo No. No (bwre arms; Pittzbattlli. OM with iThiChAZTO and two witnesses- 11121 a COUGH NO 1101tH I • TRY STRICKL AND'S AIEL LIFL LOGS COUCH BALSAM. STIITCKLAND , 6 kIELLIPIxotra MUGS. Bar SAX b warranted to cure Cough■. Colds, Ebert& nem, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Sore Throat. Consumption, and all *notions Of he Throat care Lungs It is the only preparatioo known to Chronic Coughs, Aithtos, and Consumption. ltnarar fads toeure P7nooping Conti an/ honey. Ita bottle direatly. leis prePareo from honey. It la particularly recommended for the youts and the Old. Sal/ by all Drutee4ll at SO scat■ per bot• tle. R. E. SELLERS k CO.; onlsdyd Wzorossatat Asmara. - _ ON C?iitiIONILENT AND FOB BALE, mo o .. I". 4 l 2Chblow Potatoes: Joe o White Beans; 000 •• Oniorun co Jersey Sweat Pota tote; 320 BOZO liaGo mburli Cheese; 60 " shen -. do s) bids. Cronin:Cul; pa Pickles. In Vat; 12 ball Ulm. Plettesi for table; •10 do 'White Fish. to do Trout; 100 Ismael' Timothy Seed, Dr GRAFF Is REITER, 0c27 Flo. 015 Liberty street. P 11. aeon, Al. • •Ci- Ft CO 0 ZI FL • Nos. 1 and 2 Diamond, 43:447 - Pre7SBUROB, PA. CIDER -8 bbls. priteafriirrees Cider, jut reeelved and for salCky FETZII43I2t AItIDISTRONG, I'ol Corot Narkot and VIM lux 1 EAL-1000 Pigs 'horl, ttalens Lest:tacit I as. by . & 0.1.14174111) worms B' GrtTl~►. HEW FBEBB GOODS. WITH ions. Most Superior.Quaity for sl,ok Concert Hall Shoe Store, . . NO 60 FIETH ,'CREST, UNDER THE OPERA HOUSE 51,V415.01)0 FI.TJE STOCIi OP' Wad Div KENS' AND bsELDILENV BOOTS AND SHOES Pi Q\% SELLMO 4T ABOUT, HALF PRICE. O&F. HALL (IL UrtfiN(3 lip VS C, [No. 61 FIFTH SkIEVEre TOE CLOTH 400.rti F.NOWSH NM ai : NO CTO&Id. UVE.I2I_7OAIS OF ALL :7AN('Y CAP PANTS MD BLACK EU A.R.DLZSS UU:, FOE THE NEXT ;49 DAYS CLOTLIIELS, OAX HGLL, Si FIFTH St., ttpr.sit. the bpers house, LATEST NEWS GLAD TIDINGS TO ALL: JMI ILLUBIOX FrIEBTErER, wr. ARE HERE, ALWAYS WILL BE HERE TO GIVE AWAY VALI:UE . IM PRESEBIII. 50 Cents to 500 Dollars EACH Bool,k SOLD, AT TUE,' . BOOK PEBLIEDEK6' PRESiNTATIOD DEPOT, 71 FIFTH TAIITET. no4Call or Send for ti L'aitalogue, INSURE YOU it LIFE THE CHARTER OH LIFE IgERANCE CO,, OF HAI/WOAD; COSH. THE ()SLY LIFE INSUBINCE 00.11PAPFS IN AMERICA that now.mages and pays an zre. nue CASH DPriDEND oa , ,the Ern and each elibieguent payment .Of prefatuns. Its CIA= CAPITAL and acaniniatiOnlif 8 44100,000 seburely invested in public stirOlu and mortgagps of REAL ESTATE. It Is no* In tts lath TWO business, and has paid to the wroows A 1 rD o ne. Tirana of its merescrt the Om or ORE Sat,' LION DOLLARS. To this data not a single ease. oS litigation has occurred, ars dividenee that Mery ality and. fair deallny is a speciality with Ude Company. The polities of this Compttly are not forfeited by reason of non.payment or - premium after slag second year. No payrnents,veguired after to years, but policies conttnuegolid tbrottgli.lifs, • . O. WALKL I, Presikest. N. S. PALMER, Vice Frealdent. • S. R. WRITE, Secretary. Branch Of for Western Pszinsylvalds, where Circulars , and Blank Applicactlon will be furnish. ed, SS Wood Bret. ltt Agents wanted throughout OA State. Apply to oe..Alyd F. E. GOODELL.State Agent. pITTI33URGII 5T.E.9.1 WOR S, „. . ANDERSON, COOS ' (SUC'efSSORS TO JOSEtqf OrD ,V 0.,) . . Manufacturers of the hest , t tact Cast steel, squat la, Peat add Octagon, of *Sun. :inn, Pidtdis floe, Fork. and Sheet Out Steel, Cut Steel for • - Helping and Mowing . Machines. Steel Plow Winn*, SPthlgt. tcOee, Clataus, fast and Common Plougn itnd Spring Steel. Offlet--4-Porrser of Fine iuidOisel attratal two bloela above the Motto House. • _seflav PITTSBURGH P FACTIJRJAG COMPANY 1,600 ibdU.lcrow's 1.000 bah. Medlin" do. - , 1,000 ICKUB. Medium de- ocOri. - LOOO toils. D. C. and D. /14. They have also ea hand aretentastlyettelvlll Item thetl BIRD, ISENILL :PAYER nVAIII. *141"l" RaRRW ABE PAPER of an - welghta and dna, PRINTS, BY and SAID.:, RATED RODFILDI, ke., ke. AU ivantlth;s and silo of NAVE TO ORDER at the shortest no tleetko suit customers. . . 1,000 TONS OP GOOD tromp BAGS. NA.uEaorns; 143 . 444 - - *lli< Ps? tai—j—k4RlTSB—" do old . ... C. 1 1 1 7 yea Zt34124 aa aria AND OF THE NEW GUO:t). CO4TS. PEG TOP PiNTa =III CLtfrallVll IZE= WOHTII F/431- EYI auorted alt 4 7 I • k /3204.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers