c;ft4 i. TA -tilt., ~ .. . L. .. . it_ ga %,...t....__. i e ta Le 17111 01 !a unary, trai.:. A a r , It i+- - '5 sell wroteeas follows to Lord I,i - ons, r i n . renting President LISCOLX . , E0111111p:10011 Proclamation . . . . "There seems:to be no Ilaclaistion 'of a precipletrulverso to !slavery .1n the prti-la * irtaten'. — 71 is a rne c asure of tear, and a measure of tear of a Ivry questionable kind, _ _ _ _ , _- "As President "isrucotN has twice appeal- EDUCATIOSI il N 7 THE alljUi lt, d j d to the rid ment of mankind in his pme lr • .., , sun ation,l v g f. souse td Bay Ido not Chi ... In the IliegfarstutOt ti l l the Sethu, whichc ner o plot 1,, sot sl y the friends of aboii t i. t . nn i - embracer Bone Caro' il. , Aniii Georgia, the i wuo loots for total . and impartial freedom for the 5.1...ve, end not for vengeance on the • nbmber of schools for the education of freed I AffiAlsllo, and the average attendance 9,- I slave owner." 841 Assuming this as a fair average of I n his last letter-o.Kt, ,A.dams, In the lately published correspondence, the same the Other parts of the South, we may eon. Earl Russell says that the British Hatton rinds thliklq - tbialittle there are septa Efik- 1 . have always looked with the deepest al, 000 freiaiiiii`recCivii t a limited education' 1 The schools in which these freedmen are ! ho; rep" upon slavery, and that the "a l l" ' by wis ca the l'ulted States and Clergies' Wight are all supported 6y' Northern con tributions; and f their education Is to be • have shaken It off, have, therefore. the Carried op, the berdea ottins expense time , warmest sympathies of 'the people of these be borne - almost exclusively by the benevo. kingdoms. As the Emancipation Ponta lent In the loyal states. The Southern Staten eution was sue of the efforts by which ; will not, tor many years to come, make any slate y was shaken off, the Esrl's approval, provision for teachingtk• rage t Lt% to now, of what he condemned before, Is ex ; . s p 1 0n5 , p17 . 1.. „ mi1l 10 , 3 , ~,,, puld.tur- a ctal t i.er 1 , esects.ely rut, es ld no. ._ iii fadtposteefe-thein i edutsted lit' itiit ' "tinii . I' l e 5 owl, el Mars'. 5 ulillitiOn to Eastern lbws, although the elevation of a down retail t lii 011114. troddenenee by Enlightening It must be 'if immense benefit to the• South, the bade is . one Width the South does n o t rrave. Nes treeless it-ac 111 be conferred. ' • - The - et licatton el - the blasts on the se, coast of the I (awmenr of the South be gait four ruts ago, and has been steadily pushed roteShure. Many of those who learned to I'. Ali 10 I '-,1; l and [he Ye.," !al lowing WC now Co,llllCtetlt to) teaea, au i . are pecu : isrly adapted• to the work of - teaching aiii,.dig , heir peopia. A supply . of native teachers is thus rapidly and t : SteadilY coming torsraisl; and in a short time the Feu! tow town will bring fortis ' fruit a hit niirrd raid Still, We lids: it a vast , toe, and it is now 8, Occupied by compare! iyaly few. As I ti,_ .' ul l'• ''- '- work advances it will grow easier; but in :-... the meantin e it is a lacayy task atki carries With it a.Usitighty - resptiv.ibility. To at tempt the education of I , ,tir 5561110 - us of people, through individual enterprise, is an Undertaking toot might Well appal rue ^ Itielitest lo arts. It has b t-it undo When. ..; hoWeverk ; and it remning for ificiie wan be i: lieVe in "eairicioa a, :1 n c if. 5,i r, means ;b1 - elevating an nn"..-• a ,-,, 0 ,•, ;0 give ill .5...... .- PUIVISIISD ET M alum PEBLISMINB LBSOCIA7IOII TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1866. elevating an opptesso, possible Hip jheenterpri , . There prcient. any nnily ~r action in carryir a i - k. Eign• ; different abacielations are in operation In the ; department of the Smith, and the same diversity prevails elsewhere. True, there nwurbeenntrciarking of interests, so far; 7 but would not the machinery work. better if it had a central propelling power' It seems to us that there should be but one Common movement in ibis matter. and that this be trade so prominent as to attract to itielf the help aLich is now•SOLigiii in vain by mere local organizttions. If any man should ark us where or to whom he emit send a contribution to abstain the cane,. If education in the South, we should not know what to answer him; and we feel certain that much valuable aid is lost be- F.. cause these is no central agency to keep - ste matter before the public. It is true, therefore, that something were , k done to turn the present diversified .effort —into ore corume... channel and organise 1. the notk of contributions throughout the e. North. Ts e i:cetlmen must he educated. and the pro;de of the free States must ed ca.e them; but how can Abe work be dont ktt.l44.o 3 N•Okiiinlkimirje vt work toiether aed iine 7{ • • ••••.- . . _ - FkiNIA‘ISMANDCATIIOLICIL.,II The ate 1 er4istencv of the chatact , r unit its gatd of opposition and of converpten7cs is exeinplitled on a it? large state tr. the Feritiat movement. The pov.t r ;.. Ili - titan coulil not deter then: from e: tt r ag, it, the exp.:402:1,r i yf and s of their clergy in this cow, try as, n i•Ce breath, and 1:1055 the we gt r wII Is of the papal allneutton. " n ry 1 this as of all other Beere, organ . ./. , 1. , i= liFe:.;ardent by those wit., $ hare t C t r ils•pmedito 15011 sty n 2111 A apr in the ,•cepc st reverence. With their • yea Ilse,: or, the one great object i:: ; 4- the :if Ireland, they pie . as on in , thor contse. uninfluenced Ity'their old re - .iligiott It atty. Should they still pet anti, fl and the rhunch a...here to its positton, it &1 seems inerinthie that t lie, I most deco fothitvirs, matt be e• ;rout .1, Catholicism is too unatiournenodating to let; oL rade from a p.19 , 110n en recently and positively taken, and F.uhnltnt cannot btfOrd to lay opt ri it: 1-:0 , a, in [Gasp!inllCC wPh the tMlPope's . Liiiman(s. toougli eti;brcei by hi, • - .;;llirealer.ed anathema. Nothing, tut the collapse of Fentanism can prevent a eta ?inlet wtach nig loosen, perhaps for all time, the bonds which canna...led its mem. • tiers with the papiiey Such ruptures have !:ioccurtt d from slighter causes. The iinediatr occasion of the secession of the •Min chord) from that of e wan the llitildfLous whim of one man; tile patriotic .:;farapultes of the Irelll2ld may tend Ito h bac restlltt We hive little cosh lance in the importance of the material (hint.: ve t, 3uaka fs of Fcniantsm, but its moral :;„itillut nee may be great and iAl'Thoug it not able to free I reland-from eh tu'e. it may yet fn some degree be t nt emancipating its votaries trorri tf:j forelgu dominion of %pother h!nd. 4,1 ; ; QUEETI VESULTri HP THE "'muses , . (" 17, 4 The N. Y. Evening Post, in enumerating 4 . 1.101 C C11115e13 which have produced t.n If+ll , lZ, ,rof population to the chide, cattslt , „ , a searci. 1y of homes eve• ywhere, and and an appre of rents, , lamealt chiefly upon the Tariff It says • ;.:1 Moreover, Ito °ellen hod injtni,nts to tiff, •'' tLe pt uttum on gold tte.a ' , 7urtstly u!ste,l minypbrunchns , er man ' , lufacturin enterprise,. -Whick hpye ~awa from their naturainenukti 3 Onf,thort, rY„, sand y s - of wricilinffiilgtier wages • fr . the wok shops, and a more. 'retied life hi, the cl sea, than in the country. We have heard the Tariff blamed, before causing various, derangements and inju '7•• ries, but this lathe fin*, ypttet rye harp seen it charged upon 'lt an a crime that it Is pro l•moting.thr Industry and prosperity of the cotmtry. l An Englishman might very pro ? perly taks . that view of the matter; but it seemsodLicthat an American should regard •.• a tariff as 'foolish andqujeriente' because it , affords ertipjoyment alntatiance to the lalior•of the country. Thane age 54 religion, orders 111 Italc, at qrtddi ID are wlereed of protairrj; and !four are cosh ._ weed of begging (Harem nuns. The SO orders hrh - spread over .1,1-2.4 religious houses. valued at 40,000,00) trance the, remaining four occu lt ez6 boildlogs. adothsteries rer and c01:446'15 491.4411 gal and 4,466 .frcEiberm, a taag'af ALM; ti he ceniveuts. Ser 870, milliard 214 2 occupants. or whom 18 -.Ariofeased - atteril iteTEFl.6ll' lay titers. '0! ( Or 45X9 AO, ATMS there 'apt i• •.t .000 who beg,. ',- Ulf .. Il edltenterAftelksi" Irard I' eat ted by a ey, whose grave art Pis,-4 -tm-.; plid in , ka aroas 4ozhoga2 -WO - Jetta them eAmongi - 09" . ' Ityst-aotes ,—, ara I..*Sna . a eon:trial' Travr.lr=r:vt ;Trail:lout latmeatcatNettacluttl• ' rugy4' - or done;" " * .Kery&?o , 44iniatidir„,brlbd , elt. A.3er1.di_?,....i., : ,,, : 0u.,,,0...94,0.0.d.. 4 a body f g loth t thavater," a t AN arras eat la abinit being, +nide. by 'which the quaver BaiatißanroaeCompaay 'l,lll operate thefiletltyabzAra,znyuL. A ; orrulpoi;cl; of o th 7 fio.,roo .Ido,r/43t r, ..,11rilfrou.; bar4.e5141.1., Th. I: :r.! Iht• mt. no( 11,01, I o;I III; l'r -;;1,:iti:t1 ;3,1k' 11 , uwler whirl; Tt•-:.. I lou.;:'11 Intl hilt 1;1 Atid W.;;;;;; •rttu ; 11. w‘ , 1..11.; .; I ilsi- ~1. .tl.l ;111. .• A.:•. Lal or .I• 1 • . • ia :1•.• hot Work, :h.el they ure ee-thuil, vi , Tho ootrw I• „ -Led 11 el-1•011 lhia. "%Veil, you ^, .n,g "de rust direhlty )er--1, :m meat, 'I r 41.1 i 11. ;:ila ite t•,” h t ••,.. trAc bare et Ont, lb, Wader, I PC,011.1 lEv Lot, 7,1710 bad a 6.z•r, ••I, an . 11.nre worn. a and c: u lau-. Mt 11 4,1 k: /I 1 the corn CAC he 15,, , 0 hieplat , . , --.. Vet, 141 the natrue (1i a porrh hem: ea), d a "vie,..." lie revrivul VEGUAL alit rZ” 10 —re, a pt p.•... I decritu C. ••91' lip 1: .tll 1.1 • h.• .."' i,,•a lir L. 1,1 a<l I,IA cone .1. 011 ! .c.• .1s ..t) k malt, v. " 111.1 a him lam the usual sirenn. MINCLI LL ' i him I nail Let, livi din ti • I 'l I. • Wa'il a, rout know n about 'amt." Awl he pro. cLeLtd to enl•Lh.e ai cocas ii•eidentaily I nailed him how l.r t,d I .•rn 11, and -hell "game an I can 41t," Aftrravanie, while ap,a'aing on miner al subjects, I naked it there was much meat to no had for the u bite fant,liea. ••Oh, yes," he replied, "right , mm: meat yeraboutc'' Still later In the conversation I remarked . 1 believe you said you don't give Lite oc.;;rees much in 'at." "Jas so, mister—don't give veegurs bacon this year like we used to." Why tot" said I: "I ielieNii you said there was right smart In Gii . o emoitry." He evertliril a little purled at the 11,11 of o - o.iversatioe, and suddenly "ualted to mind — that he had en vol.-a...semen! with a a .g.h. tier at ;Ilion! ',hilt hi.or. 11, tiara. d in, with biu1..1,1..1.0 iits led aud :le cut as" It T r•a .•.. throntz't tli At I !Oren, I !mind a 11,4 :11•1 carter to yea three Ind.., nut nt t 'yr a, but came In every day to Mt , work land traveling brongh the district lately—in no,. - tier. with the league, •1 Judged. '' tiinat cos real caner of trouble between the plantatt in n ch: oes and their employers ''' said I. '• tab," be answered. ••tnere's a can; to titers as weans to glt de Named penplea array; ye am.; ae dtt `lt ett de contrac't,an' dap coal. do ti. ye sre, Lawful; so dry 'buses'dcm. an' julcs 'em, up by da two turns, mil mutt give 'em do bacon, au' calla on 'en - to do work lo de night time/Is' tiwiday, till de colored pat* dry "tits oouasy an' so n nil" It ttc be.w,r n the Santee ez.l Oil city, I att.: n man WO , l en. Inudlq c , ma: II .1,, layolll Lis — .4.Lerf.•" the gen , nl l y I gate lu:i:al,. ;tut tall. • Man) ' to a Is . a; cr.,: LI _ !UAW, S • • Lc, Mal) SL h.. L •t. • I:U.OJ, 1L I,L it lace 'tan n:• 4011:1 on ‘Liarn`t 4u, 'cm a - y at alt I L t tro.nt It. 11Cm /. ' I Ll'. son 10“cil wa , l4 ant ol 1.1: h 11 , 3•, • P. a n MIS . h in the rnllt. ha: t o. :he 1,6,0.1, td to, tho. to m : ••• '• • • .• r 4. 1 ni,4 at Iba h.l. 4: t,44 14 .41 Lit c• 1 • •••,l 0•13 1110.• crf 311,i , !. • I , • I.BNil L .I.le I IL, 01 LI, 'list:,,: a• ea! tva 4 .4/ 4: . r ,• • thal k• t 1 in •• • A n at st I. • t...• ~n "the cat, at 11a• - •in `• ye' r.,1 I .1:1 t, jut —ott , lay -,IV CS la at, unl. No tin" .11,N., u: I I:, A..., , r1 1.1 ray. 1 itt'n. a.., tt -• at , •• L'• . 1.. • et . t ng. I supp rae to ue I t r ul.O -»1: u:nl • tt . . up 11,1•111 , • lor bait an hour, aa' ILt I. ICI S a , • I,—n eu, wori. — .1 • I•11•3r 53 CC tt , t•st.•• , tll I,IIC C,ntracL udllo a: Fiwr•tt 1: u;•.; aa , maa n{J,•t:. • :bum:.-. • 1., 1..; :ed an—:or Calch 112 01 ,, t ‘1•40. I=l r I: .:1 NI .. 11 MEE 11!•1=111111!1!! MEE= IMEIME .L •!. :WS nrurn found, upon U . L,... oz, • •,! o - pC , • ~ re “loit hey ewer_., !yip, Rn Tlo an! ,!,' tloon for AhouL nfly r.nls. gands In the st,llaud,fatters, .and tddrdi sn".•pt into Ilia mouth , of 11, draius tiv Lhr rain, par tially boked .h•-m. Tha: tiJ y re:l with th rain:- andi-ddd,d, af. n , In Irvh or p:,l lh h dotild have th, Tot littlytttten I r 5112) Seotaspk. We saw a r low, )• allylDg a large Ia of It, Le. I r !its ',C.: Lute, 11 is Ills Vtlrraatt; to Oe t 0.14 a au. rat trtttt.tt' ata Nitot. Ot tot ti t.• Llttmit y nod elso he , 'Lout taught as Sr.,: . V..- rcrc aim] in wry tt pr :,P It J. , I/11. qor Ell/Other to .5 very 15 5 1 5 1 11. 5,11 ;_• 5 - ' , yak] be dote to anctla.4 oar • !n• • sbve, t•et Lv• - ry!b!r:, , . CILIVII3, anti E: va , r• 1.! , m. Trey .orthr of oh:labil3o p..• efr rt , --th if Plllll , ,0 I In nar MAO. form, a , •o.c f nr .m char aet7.r. Opre6.icra nr r.r • 4. It I (Am toil dem,ralze ue a . .d our :ighl ealmera of them will bt: 1.1( F6tC. Ter P, j , 1 am 1 Mere e.aya that Mod. Jeficrann Da, is i, r,aal Eng a' the horse of n Mr. BCli A.,11 , ta, nod Is ix.qultted to coy, re , ronti at will a-ha her haaband and fricoda. Mrs. line, Mrs. Dacia' mother, 1,. In Caoada, in general charge r t the children of the latter, of " 1 . 0 114 7 , 2 1,, , az. CICS , II years, is at the c,,a ri of the Sat,. .1 'cart at Alontreal, and J.ll, Ag ,,l nluc, is of 0 , 40114, J./en nororilia, dietanc real nisi 1 nr. Flom! on (1 eta) TN:pop , . • tfirc thw.r 1 Ltost . -. , :1 it ;- 1.0, .' • 10 11:t . tllllldo Pere o ” l s now OPeCe.lOEt reiUtl a l r o r G o el lo v re ellcon. We trlieve thin is the privet:o3lhr; and that the edco.ation rir toe tie - grdts In the elements 01 iteowledge will a id i n a hopeful solntion of the question whether land labor wlll be eneceisafuli ma whether the negro race will survive their freedom. "Tnr 'tape or ;be old Richmond Erami, tasched the most dlstadt parteof the says Pollard. its tGltor. The fame.ot thott now Richmond Exatoir cr. t.hnt. Gen. Grant. his u-steled gdltC as far. !dr. Pal/it'd. J. li. FUltlil,S, who was a few years ago At torncy of Jackson minty, Kentuck r, aril a very aecoopllrbed lawyer, was arrested In Zan...vine. on Thurettay for st.talini a pistol, witlt L be to übtlt.f.f. frit-ended topsail for whlel J. Tee Itotmchilda haw ateutted ,lo take /he new Austrian lean of nee million pounds on /heir owe ecconut, biG they WLLI negotiate - it Ink commis: lon agents of the Austrian GJvangdent. Been?6,-,Fo , rre, of Tennessee, may be seen dally.ist the Attar Library in Now York, enga ged upon the bistory or flu War, In 'Which he progotta ltlelate the anti-Davis aide of the in terneelr.e nr:150.; quarrel. ":10,:nin cagiest was damned Wail street, New York, the ether day, and excited so much extrinsity OA. a consklerable perflon of it was carried ono "specimens" before It could b 3 taken In. The frtwldenee Journal cabs as exeeet,lfit,lT 17exklAgeitarrp Phllsdelphlad. Tug 'Erin of Ate/salmon) hedlis test:red Zre A; ;Minos dollars. o - • • . ;Inc Hanover (n1104589;340 Isla ilia- teem -Mut metrotalca.' the zoo; aldge and the .fleutbl; ~ eton from. that place, arei* covered aaveral dayr-duriuk but week, nittSt. love been several inches la 'depth to tavaalitisra Bp plticly at sncb - s disleaee l .11ViitsnirmaN Was acme& onamantrarpla. ..ao a a4 of 10,609, mtilldrtittni la a_piltadalithis . bared eau:, ‘:•-• „ r • • . ME= Ww. HARMS died lately le Beef )n. , the plaid of his birth. Be was the ti torn le Bellefonte, Centre mutat, and a"' • Puling ehrry,seven years of usefulness and ::Wer 10 the vicinity where he was b°r2 s 4l d hcdtoretenere gr etna by all who knew Eire. As - wprobf of his great I opularlcy, Mr. Ilarrris was tafiCa elected Treasurer of Centre cosioty.as at Independent Whig catolidate.. Mr. fords was also elected to the State &mato, wher, he dlstir partied 131 mse!f for the faithfulness and Integrity which wrre his characteristics through life. As • civil conten . r the deceased was Idea tiled Crib all the ,coproocahenta of Centre coun ty constructed within the last thirty years. Tn .,. pupil+ of the Mill-rsville Normal Schoo l w ent a Et:toning laSt Thursday, and on r. wr ong to their bearaing house In the evening indulged In muted 131es/sentries. One of theta, young Spaniard, was told he could not shoot a gen, when he immediately raised the gds, and area it at the melting the remark, hut mlu leg him, the charge was !edged in the shoulder of a young man, named Neeslay. Twenty-three ebtts were Immedlately taken from the waned and Mr. N. is recovering. It does not mom the any complaint wes made against the your Spaniard. Mit. J. El. Ftenan, who operates the Ferri at Belies grove, eight miles below Nor:hup.`4er lard, I a., is Otilliiing a steamboat for the per- Pete or tonvephni passengers and height trom the flathead etttion, to the Selinsgrove aide of the rise r. The boat will be In length 70 fait aed,in t r Alin of beam If teat. with a stern we. el. .1 here will b• t evened of abut ho poser (a-h. which are bulldog at Pula bn eh. An r. p i nerd host baddre Iroln lure! Is trnistrisetlng the hall at Sellnii.7,neve. ILE 3fi 7 (9.k. of last week use We wit ese ie. 3 , herday, westrive have never ace,, be ton a , t. is un cof Isar—an apple tr ie In inn ' 1 s io the garden of Mr. Mho "d , • I. 1101, and preamit,‘ a 10,d 5; UV' .16 . nu. Urn wrenare nea ly i•• me, mon. oneA no, eo.olti, c z- ! orally covered with I , losnuals A t 1•1 Mi re: C.tuuir in Lnd In 1.111 . 1. p. One trrites triter Haute from P..r,•. b -I in I hr Mrreor I).gp,e , A. ;.;i‘,. her ind.re- , oons of verfodim foil. I, •• %VC:rc now Pn •rti II (i u muct i!(; 1430- yet. Deter bane not been tofek. Toe builtlionn fire, ;.to Mu cordvon lion. That i< el I am lov•oared to I,iy.'• in. Mere,- Pain.ert, 4 A y00.1.q., :.141y r:1- Ter,ll .04' onr dry plods •tureg the rah, day d hi a It .Dirt. Alt rr looking cure Clue i• lit empire, duplex cllptic, ctn., ..I.rneel to the rilerk will a fascitnpllng wile .ind —tun I try I It ten!" '‘No( very writ in • atomered the yotat, :tint try ." • I 'or, IP; r . h. al Maio' !aft S. Ith lay ...dm hnhnov h - thin the 1..1 . 11ZUr trains .•• cer I.l.eraatturg ertalrhatal orf the I.i.r , 11 11 • hy 110,111 D Of at barrel filled Cti .21 h Flared .555 e.rr ,„ rra, et tine threw llama oil with. hetil 'netory of Dia, tit Nt.'s Ca•tle. which ournrd owl, ::04 jut.. bne ~ eeh I.4 , nt:t. and workmen .e .1 La, tl to trtt.t. , g the machinery. It wit tC. 14+R br 11' . c . It .6 01KCi II la succosinl opor. 3' I • THE Wart, CM - matte sate that Intz s let halverdre t. t•nerct.ce l a t u n , re_ O F. D. rery tea nights the barn of ecatte farmer is entered and In the morning he IS minus a hcree.. It is terllered that the stale]: hoists are taken to the oil regions. THE tl.ece children of Mrs. Jetter, win killed of the late nerident near Lancaster, t 'sing in n destitute condition, 'were adopted a Mr, linger, of l'hilatlclptile.LTheir lather hod toren klltel in the army. 'lnn T ' graft/, speaks of A Young Alan'a du. inn! lini.i-vvinent AutorLutlou, now Is good t ,•l;;Ea miler in lisertuanrg. No doubt st grad awl: will he Cone. providing the Assoctat on dttl't gt I nut of order, O• hut ur lay night. ttt 7:5 lout., Mr. Fruit', to Clarksville, was but n open, the safe loon open, and fGou to bout d, and f 4.100 in otbr r utnney 6(01021. ur - vrnrvas In the Readlag market was re.hbed hut Satardap of thirty form& of tertt•r. Ile aim a good deal turprtsed. PUBLIC NOTICES wry A. P. R. THI 311ERLBEUIS. 01 Al.. Lt .- GI:LENT I.IIINCIE.. Na, b.. of in, Amer ican ProtettaLt AiNtoolPioo. tee rmaett.ed to mo te.l s rt:ular mrellue. THIS (filoolsyl El MG. at their Hall "4 re tercet Aliecener, buslots. Itt:No jog m.mbtr ert•l be trsat- PA L ILNUS. neeneterf, 30. • it cl.'on I. \I ocen.lt.l tr. t..61"1 A 44. t,,ro Fettal /•..1..m..00.s A tc...•ce 01 .• ii.lo:lloo`ners 0. the .I.onrc' •0 ! take na Mos it r 1.1 ..t too Ilk I. WE I. .0 II a 1.. II N.ul I Water ni time min piece an r ,:Irert Tl.' I. • 1. , 1 !I "I' 'Fr-. 10 mrve rot the ro.olog ..c •' ' • •if A crut .try 'f t fly; 1:013..• 1..TV.-...1.C1L Es I, irt "Wet ...Au to( I the Yount. A. Ara. . the... 1:xt.n.1., h. coaneated to • I. • 0 •, In .n•rineetlon th• nt n cao.ll.lnre • . Cote ni t r people, In 1,C0 , 1R0,.. !.c e.. 7 .1 the . • tr (Stly.l.l: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS SALE- , lIII= rO,rt . a •c 4 Libcas gtrert.. Apll7 •ur .1 ALAI ES IRWIN, «15-14n.1 At No. v. MAU ket el rre ,11tA-Sl. IS A I.I,.F.GHENY ..rr a•le r. uvralent and sce:l tw.• y h!,'CK flt'F 1.1./ N,. 151 H. a• , e•. A ;Let', ray tt nt Cat Y rw.03.0. lure r•e an bed It ic. (Ike MA water Ir. the bona*. 1,, I. o• at, , aaa her I . ht,IT to ti S BRYAN V' I not ot tlt, [tic's 1.1.1,1105., NEAT CHANCE FOR AGENTS. . HAT TN t; u•LH WsNr• T 1 e 57 !IPA nt. 11, T 3NY CH Til W. 1,11, edda, a,d• in ane lv-ge ',Tonle of 01,1 . t.J • p•geft, sidet WWI IC. ustr rd. d v 1• l: uoer l 5 flar partr•ltft • ;..e, • 11-tale Cceopt..llftpft sad !Ha a r •akft -11 •• tat. h• 5.; rtt •l ft t saJla. 1,711. n. ,r(c.autl , eu , . and red•fttolo ale," • w IC caatftins roo‘l Co I%•lc lace I GI•111 ~ t rturs ,etul ior eirettlars ar:d oek n .r tem. Ad.ltr.• I‘.N El 11N0-. X r • I - - - 1111tODUC1.. CONISIGNMNT9,-- 100 bus. lees Red And ellnw fro. • •ectl tala ILO bbl•. pl Itue A1.1.1e 1: tibia J• MY Sweet PJ/t aloe.; I calf load PrarT It I . a 1.,. VI box. . ()slier.. eor AO [Waal W it. 4“. al) 1./•. e la ebl. h la. laa, ( to doz. Can Tomato. ..01 , i!,:ii , er;te, : p"rrEn. Alit c:s a SlIalokill) A.n ntta, 9e,t , 1r Vri I.lot 'Us. et p •te Mt del. 11 l LELLINb'S AUIIIOS EMPORIUM. 13=IBIZEMIZI ROOTS, ISROES, or `I S. DRY DOD DS rt. otti KITS, SHAI% LS, HosiEr.y. oa,n _ pITI'SEIURO 11 FOUNDRY. L. DAVI:SOM. /oat* Y. - A. GARRISON & CO. to RoLiman. Garrison. k FOUNDERS AID fIiACHINLSTS) nevt ::en 0 , (Wilco Rollers of all drat, for 1r..0, steel, /fetes, 7..0t, tiOppCt, Silver, tJukt •Hoards, Paper sod 1 rime 'WA, Works dirk, holling 01111 Casuons of all .Icm:rip:lona, Bark MON patent Double Winder, orttb d earl& I,y of other Pattern., tawny. on haat and fitted 10 Order on snort notice and favorable farm.. 011 to. and Wszeboueo, 11l eimlebtlehl street, Pletsbureb. BLACK DIA v 3i(iil - b - 6t - E . l L. WORKS PITI'SIit'RUH PA. PARR, BROTHER & IT. =!=l nr, FE111 , 11:1) vA sr .5 1 - Nus: .13c. and OctAgco, o all Ere.. W.rruot. cosu Ito way t.p«rted at ma. ttfast,r•J country. o ,„;r4, N 10 .4 /51 w 3 d 4tir 12, ! , 1ft u t ,1 4; xi, %Zig, Pltt louval 1-'1.11.81 DIAREttluEn. Over 19,rt0 whiter* Were oared of In•rthutt cod Dmreatery latt tone by tn. 12.0 of 9 . r it WK. LAND'S ANT•I•SauI•LS& b itXTUKE: 1.,,e fact o ate bell(( milfd so extensively to she liotiotslo orth lancer) . a OR. ltrattliCLAND'A A.t.•:-caEy,Eitb. MIXTURE. for the our, of CALM and chronicles... of Illarrhou and Dentate. ry. Tbta la the only preparation an owe as a eat, and certain remedy lot Unelera. De riot be with out to'valuable a medltlne. not s bottle ot It 41. recap. It hi Sole by All Drealltt ao coat per bottle. • -- " , ' R. E. SELLEEs 1, 00., Coll:1;4 I ' ' "VrriatzsALl Mizn”. 0, -. bifOCIA - 1 , 10.7 '..s.f.Wto ' i. 81 tel. , Pi. ~ .:Eltazutset,tuar at BOLTER SW ETE, WROuour SPIDIS, ooasinEaleal railroad a( t=must 4ll4 =37, aspoisezeiblifidginiar tam a; —,ppsuinisa• 14 allia IS OW ii ) , itabil'allit. 410agiattalrlitillolie _ t _ _ i t i is, w HI: PAPERBO—JuIt Irtuferiiii nturg e g ime 7 14. I M a r dram •.k.A.LT-1 0 la frteli-ptticeil Vitra Ne, 2,-T0f. 2 1! at , ict sal! t 18J tebr u rly z e . tr k l ia , up. e n , ,i:.l 1;01; CINCINNATI& - 1 VIA-LE—Tv on. at...am NEWA. DA. Garr. W. S. Eu.a. a 111 leave for above al: intermediate port.. TB rS DAN, at 4 p. _or zt - 3 DCOLLUINOWOODI 4444. 1 - 1158OLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP. —The pertaenhip 114 retofote extetlog be. tureen H. nTA AIM imil__WALenHODES,' --eonfee. nonett, wee diamolved on the 14th Inst., et mu lust toreent. The el:Mined will be settle! by ILLIAXI INEIODES. RHOP (sneccisot to STAB 11 • 1411011E-4,l•rholarala dank? In Fruits, NinaMapes end IjonteatlOrtneV of all kings. ETF.DES No. IS Sinithtleld etreet- W 1111 E, ORR No. 25 Fifth Street, Invite the attention of buyer to their large ttock DRESS SILKS, - vriam=e-le- x - t Ic' mc c,- r, ca r3ra BOTH IN BLACK AND ( ,)LOBS oe3 I - CIRP HANS' COCHT BALL..—The un `.. , erf igne4, Guar lett of the miner chlhlren of .TAgIES WILNON. late of Flu 'ln,. township, Al lerherty cowry, Pa . 67 order of the torohon. et tot 01 Allcsltent wooly, en , wit; oiler 1.4 •sl le UN 1 If E PItF MISES, On the 25th day of November. 1885. A* 10 o'clock e. st.; the follow!' q ussorlbcd trsor of Land, tit nate lo said lownsitly, bounded as I' A logic , o Bounded on Use out by lauds of John '1 strl ort, on Me rontb and south-east ny ods or r., °rye tile, anti on tn. won by 'Peter Baron, sad on them:kith snit north-last by Thornss Portly, being the Form ol tun late Stuns. Wi son, 110100.00, nut contsistlus . brost 030 acres. 19111 t o t o t i 11 la chas,s. T. rain mad, 100. n "llr. Inqui, I S. A. PUE-ra tuts Mon, no., 1,... 14 'a HAYNE a stikrer.,, AUG, Oa FA ,T.a4r. ot T f it I h•coon, 1•t, It. i? SAI.4 oN 1.01• W CligUIT, A A 1:F. :101',} nearly new, coot/dolor nee mos f• iutry, tos o orches, good col mr, Mat. cc. t Lo. hor•ea. with owe r acre ul ;mural. 1.01 fenced am! 'rooting on ta , o 10 ran.. rnt Neel Wlta ettalea hearloh Viola Tree Di dl Ref en' knit; ill/if. Vito. mol email p auk wa'h lo 11 0 hm a Mitl.ada of the pla - n, and wit on 15 1411,.,1 4,114 to the alonoacaltem Arid:iv, on Mount WasMor ten.'' else, mljoininl the ahoy. a 14 it.< Cr/111 , 0104g three room and port li t with quail., core grottud.Noll of hearth c Prot , Tren, &liaise \lora •nd smolt [tuna, with stable anti MAll , ol4llnrs Powletehm elVan tat April. I MN. Also, 4 alalet,,a BnltlittiAliEll, to contract to matte ho Ow• to . Oliodo'Brlelc oh ,Mount Was.h.log toa. Erquue I ANY I • W. I.IAHAUT. Nn.36# ' , Mart y ktreet CryTyrol- Bonds,- Fr a..• e holding the DLINIP: OF TUE ['Kr Y OF LA ot I: , Preemie . ..eta tutted for R. reetea ; motor. are ' , pleated to .end the matter ele,netl n.i ate ao cl of the etaohol nati nuaelters the Wade they hold and the. teller.] to which they oh re :eetett, the o•Jeet being . to have eoar he !tea Art I , IV in on enateetae arrangement between he It. Mete n 14.4 the County nr 1•4.,./., w.m. 11. Wr...i.t/tM , h tlOl, Wend street. aorta , . r of Third. roes, a. RANK AND INSURANCE STOCKS.- 7i ESDA t:C LATINO, October :3 to, st w t tit It ck. art:: be sold, on second floor of the Com tnt co.] set... Boom, ilo rloalthuld street. oppoet to the Poet otece, the following stocks: shares Alteghsey NottOrtsl Bank; lu Jo Fourth do do 3 , do Perwsyl rent,. trimmer. (to. CICSO A. AIcILWAINE. ?toot', NfELLE.SiG IN ALLEGHENY Xv• Coll. ES ALIG.1:11 A ulteremsbla bunt too story MUCK INO on Lattona street, near Merign t, eontalalog SEVEN ROWAN ised Iltnehel ,+. Ist, Hero, In kitchen; belt. Room Wan hot sn.l old twitter. •pplt to tr. F. DAVIS Notary Public, No. Ile Federal et., Allegheny, up etslrs se: 0:1 an H ALLOW 'ERN. , E.FUltritts/1/N , : STMLE, No. n• Federal Street. Allegheny - • N,;II.EN 1 1 1 D RESIDENCE FOR SALE. I. —We offer I r se r try iesideuge of fir. flak, .earattly situate en sit chic a sees ue hetween 1. ederal so t 9s dusky sirs.., South U.:hi:satin:l phony City. The lot has a !tun: on the Airs :...o of .to feet by 243 feet to a 40 loot street. Th. hall% to the noel •übtt en• I. :usenet, ..1 1 andeomely Oniche oslo AGO towli looltine tA,IL bore stories; two ta.ge ocelot,. dial., 0.10, •oa kitchen on Orel floor. Ihe house Cont.. Iti ooni • in ►t S ttrITIBLR r k SO NS . r&24 Nerket etrer• 11:,ENAI. (LASS MODES, RYRIE & CO., Matto! Actureis of MAAR Anti Green Ciln.tiwasro. In are. 11ut11ta lAnlisiinbn. l'Arbuf A. A - 0- rrF u • 144 11. / 2:110.717". tirr. IL EN / • U IJAAT r rc, PITTSBURGH PA. We usserset Wsres to he ..,hector to $O7 oU i.e4JeJ West of the MO:MLA:4O A/seito • 0 hatid, Ills...Nesse or the shove desert's inch All islets lIIVOIiW tly atlesle4 I•srlisialstr &rte.- • rots issol s eriss r Alesole : So.-I• ‘,l ilk nes, I, too w tit elf i• 11 I,ECICT, • ot she City Arse. Irromly Allethemi, She ss.r., of Ventre— eke oh .to PBTm NTT t.l Stxtrt, t'sre.l Ma} .Ih, v.% Cr., • - IJU nivrinfol in .In , s for rank, rAi s n..mrs 1111(•LIBLE e antra [hot la, r1 , 7.` , 1r2r EACH. Wlr lik . rat: JAR, •-or • e Wq ostler PrAcnts for Imp..'. . ••••1114111 • T ro" for OIL TrN• LS, bmh UAIRII ory 2d, 12.21.. NOW TAN E 11,a 00) loIrr•op nr 10 , 4,04 in PlllrifFlNli goo: Yates. to try El ru21.11 MAN 123 , 4, V2121,12 , 0' nr I K.Nti Etl Ii C 9 a ,Lem Wlll2o , r7 MY , JoNT, old proSI, Jletl to 111 e • ULL, Th.ryT. 1121.: LAW. UOMCRT Y. 'WANT! I. , LIIiItAIIT MISS ANNA E. DICKINSON I=l .L.D.favy otco stall THURSDAY EVENING, NOV Ed Subieel--110.71#: TR VS T.i I yore open or - 4'.lock Los l ,•4 o Single Dakete no cents. Scrtretl seats 00 or, os eaLra. Boloere of season Deicers trill Ns at nu entry expense tor reser, ell seats. svnts may I , seeutvil at i.e Library Rooms on WoOnesday, s•trn. 'et dna at 11 u s n. Tuesday, Not. sent., 1, tt ttaeaor ttn, Die dlsllc. moaned Drientallot, will le., ora rut 1 cra iah ~do sod Manners. TIOM AS lIAF EWELL, .1 n W. It. EDWARDS, la PecttLININO'EL JAS. J. DirriNKLl., it. L. CALDWELL, IL C. ALIIHEE, to 3. 414 Lecture e•. PON E It & K ER'S SEWING MACHINES Einve Sec n getovtled the FAUST Pitt:MTV:I. ID! fqll,our3t, Feltr lot the ~ egi Isq> l'irit I'reml•trk trr tv , rlt kt .tole I.lr MiiiSMEII , I trot Prontiotn for boot Facallr Machina •t Ohio !State Fate. flat Premium for test Manufacturing Machina at Ohio state Fair I flit Premium for twat Manufacturing Manta. a. allele lit. a'n Fair, Pint Prealurn t ar beat Manolatturina Machina a t Wiacor'„ ,0 .149014 nettfoi 6eal, Manufacturing' Mtablud nt barence Co., Fair, Pa. First Pan irum for but ill.rhine for neural por i.osea, at Lao relic e Qe. Can. p., Filet F.l t [Mum t. r be,t tnmLy Ilach:oll at Bock Co. rat r, Po Itrat ?temltun 1.1 best ;daunt maturlng at flack* Co. lair, Pa Flnlt . Pretoletri lot br.t Maa ufnat urloa sorl rato tly Itlaoblne•t Spr. ea Meld t all, ( OA, First ri•toluai tar brat Manufacturing sa l Fata lly 111.1,1ne at Palmyra Fair, N. Y. rt Plarnlbro for be•t Nnnutaoi at leg sail Faro. II) alarbloe 51 Sultnsk Co. Fur, N. Y. IRA{ Yternlt to lot beat Mao offtotorno , am! ram lly Machine at Schuyler co Fair, N Y. Flns Pretnfutu tar best Mould na tor all ' , Aro rsea Si A !legbei r Co. Pair, l'a. I. bar Pteloolom for ball 0140alsr.allag alschlao at All. sheoy Co. Fair, Cs First toP.tro ler beat Maohlaa work at Ails e my l), PSIS- I . A. At d nheteser ttxhiblte4. A. F. CHATONEY, GENELLAG AOENT, ocraltelehli No, NI Meth styeb•reb• • •••• F °lt b• 44 . 14, A LU qu i al,* ktrant TEN ACHES. illtratteibt untie. .rtilearleOlur. towoohip. near the NeitnibitEralt Nose Tole propene It web tutted tot • (.10•57.11 itt, l4 •Pentrebeie Or esey ULM to tbn ITN'S ftechester nesenger Itallwite, or P. ..W. br sold In oosOt two NAIL • ripely to 92iaWi Cr.&LkEll. f I A 8 1312 1143,11M15T MUM.. 4-. -beleblF gift tune the asseesment fee the' . - ill , l4POT l l4iitklflorblog of Taxoirldll' Lileei`e•P ' Pagtonf 'tree, luti an". -o,sa bt h ipint lay bake, In the lifer Build tern a Or October , 1865, will be tianclicl over to the tmy Tr:gli i 07i „ P 4 CUARI.PS RE/0115YVA.Itli ) litczttut s Besulator. /YEW ADVEHTISEMENTs rasa LINEN 000 D& WHITE, ORB & 00„ 2.1 FIFTH STREET, Rave now on a largo veclt of 'EBY SOPERIO DEPT, /ND FRONTING IRISH LINENS PILLOW , LINENS, DAMAEX NAYEEIig, 1101-STITEIILD HANDHERCHEIWS Thiae Goods we have Imported direct from FL AND, where they were seleettil fee us, arid ye otter hem for tale at z ow i .. . 7104211111. ,r3l 31t1 I /SSURE ]UUIt LliE IN THE HURTER OAK LIFE INSiaANCE OF 11,111 IF ORD, cirq N, HE UN I. Y 1.1 rNSUR &Net: COE PA oil Ife AM F. , ICA that Lowe Makce and pap as ean• CASH DIViDEN ti ot. the are, and eneh otiewnuent pal wen t of orecntom. Its HASH 'AYITAL nod soeurs 0101110 of ;81.300,00u It ,eburely invested to public. stool" 5.a.1 neortgues .1 HEAL ESTATE. it 11 now In Its :Bth year et linnets, Mal has ps'd to the 1,11091 Ac AND O. PITA?ne of its metat:ra the own of UNE hilt • 1. ON OpLLAES. To telt data not atingle care of litlfeinol3 'OS 0CC.111.1, an eshioree Shot ilber• altty std fair dealing Ii 5 speciality trlth this Ur - I:marry. The policies of this t nrw not forfelte4 by tenon of t on-pleynisoi of premium she, the at nod bu es,. No pat w ,I after tea )ews, y Ol t plc lom cvllt erl• q t.h ui tollg I tile. ,-Itu• • J (' w I XL., Prelen.ten, 1'; S. PAL/42,1Z. Vito rre.i.dr.... S. li.Seertte.ry BrAncla UClor for gat, rt. /-eunayl 35110. wler Oltctalars. 9.1 Inn wL/l 34. Wood Street. Pitltt,:th the tut.. Apple to tre A 7071:: ."‘"" F. th r3=:t..l: ' , State Meat. SALE OF 00 VISRNDI ENT BOATS - AND ItAA.TEti AT AVOTION. Ijr.taTZIO.AsT6II Guaira U.'s 0771 cm, Aeittl.iiTOCl. October Liitt, leen. Tl.< Codas lug natucci Hosts sot? Herres iv ill 5e Wit st Yutdta Austin?, es 101100., LOIII , VII.LE, KY.; S TI • lID A o,t ..2 10 Nslt, A.. At., 1.00 ape•olbosta I,HIIU nod T L. HORN En. Ligtt Mudel liiirsea, awl 061 111ty-slx ilunse elo.od other Berges. 131.6 at Louisville •nd Nevi , A Prior lot. ♦t Sq. A No V. ILLE, IN D., TI'E.IIAY. liotohee Lsi Al to o`cluch, e. ss., the ars anthosi r,la Model 13 , 01,... Four (Maw/rale nargeo, 4n.l I me Whastho.t., 11 104 at 1..1 pi see. AIUA RU, ILL.b., NOVI.3IItEJt lot arta 0.1 at M. the Meantoost one W1:.141.w. ..0 about Moor!, Itontrale sal other 1.1 - , ICU OA I • ..tt t• 1000 At SAI:ITLOCIb, SITU !WAY, broram• bcr at 10 O'clock, A. 311., ILe steamboat. Al TOI.IIST,IZETV//, U. I J NI'ARY. at SASH ASK .A Mb:CRC/NO 174. N. U U. W , orl)a. At. EL/NEO, EAIItUHLLs. Inc W rrek log Barge—'. M. ft yland—nomvie. r. Wharfb oat Dear Dor se. (60i Fifty Moue' bargee .Ind 0)) TIMIty Gunwale aka other Barge.. Lying •t Louie. The boats will be eold with all the furniture. rits , ll4, sae appurtenances 'hereunto belonging certified and examined •ouenen (or tram*. portatioa eerfrice• will be received ai sun at their full fate vain., In pilnactit for all omporty cold, otherwise, terms cash. By order of the quartermaster Oma ni. H. PAH•4otic, Brtiradler General .04 Quartermaster. OellAtd TEE PITTSB CHOI3 PAPER MAHU FACTURII443 COMPANY offer for aals 1,480 bats. Crown Wrapping . Paper 1.000 ball., Medias:Et 1,000 Ldls- nedlotss 1.000 hdls. D. IL awl D. D. as They base also no baud ar constantly recdtytn4 lean thou 31A.N11.L.1 PAPER of al lenti,lta and el:ca, HARDP: AIR PAPEE4 od all weidhts and &Ira, PRINTS, DRY and NO\ Tr. RATED RUOILNU, ad., la. Au ritonntit , es and al,es Of PER ith OE TO lb DLit Si the •hnvest notice, to rat: C.lll,raets. ANTED, 1.000 TONS OF CHAD MIXED RAGS WAFI Is?. 'eft 1R D au, 11 rCr I 'lll' toi if PA. ...01,E k„oNOS - 11NE,0 uoV4RN PELA EHT Y. The Lotto.tax p“peos; y will ho h. rtahlle al 4umn, I AI •a BO Boyd county. k.aluct,. (Le mow?. n 1 kiLt 'Y. on.e.• 1.0,u Ikelmrtment ne4...0,1ers H'•, n- e, 0..4. Nets 2 Ami.ulscrers. run, leas. a • n. ateli•nroo• nt qt,•r•er-12 storr• Alst, ft., II 11,i I.i. A n HILANFLEnc •nd ottaLi d•zn•t• Jel. lElne Dud •ent.ge. 1.81" to c 0.17.• ore "• o'co.sell A r. Y SIV. S dto b 4 Continued Rom d.sy to a.. Otall Oft LOU. • Li N coe-13:torS , I sap , mn.l A 4. xt ( '0(1)11 hU AlUltE t STRII 10.AND'S MELLIFLUOUS COUCH BALSAM. f.' tA.1.44 Hit larni r.l, n, cone n. eoen Tlttost u. naumptioe, nal a l tar nltsltion• of the tarot Ltd Lunge. 11 Is the only wept% ration il.llo/11 to n- Ch.,ettc chnteh., kethean, ea.! 0 yastruption. it never fait. I km Ca e Yllnnoping (Yawn anti (Irene. Tr) a I ,, Vll...ltrert , y It I. prtiparo.4 11 . 421110trx,. itt c• 1 rely etc...11...1ed fat the ra no .; nn.l tie 014. 5..:. b, te t tante per trot Ile. 131=1 11 I) LI IN /01, ' / in et. SLACK., =99 MOWIN(4 MA ( MINES. MICADIFLESEI Straw Callers, Scythe- , and Hay Hakes, do• 28 and 39 OHIO BTRYET gni I.'..F9REN HUofi FITZ PAT itLCK, FIRST P BEM I 11.111 GOLD PEN MANUFACTURER, MID Ball, car. Third and Markel six., • Seeond Story, entrance on Thl,l street fluid Pons and Outsand Slier Pencil Coss.* wholesale and . Yowl repute...l. Pen one' herlng Pens to repels 040 .and MOM I•y 11.0111, REA t hey old be promptly returned. ccectycl 0 . I'EL(2I e.si S./7_ C 7 "L") tux. 1t.2 NO. Y I .1 E 1 LEE'l.', WA!. I's TX) 1 , 1.1/1.11 •iF Nu e25:2e. Os IC.EW GROCEICY—Thu haatalgued has optato an fresh and W lELLL - sr: L TED o noun ILI _ _ melt NEW STORE.. La uldlttoo t , !Ottker oor CArtria o a l iVWrgr., l L " SatakK CI J r , H. scow ITJO:lveart tomer t.lhertv oar. terry Meets. •• _ . r l . O BUILD kiiS.—Senled pmpobahr be received by toe llotheoll tee on Ott, Prop- I try for the emotion qi the tease Intent Steam rile R Delete nodes., on Fallon street. until SAT 11/tIJAY November 11th , 00 6 o'clock, r. Plans end speAtlentletie can be scan at the o2lna of Al. dermas. nutter. feu. rag Wy.le street. The Oen, it alma reserves the right totnject *v7 or all Olds A. Orme, • J. YfdaL.U4I.ILIN, Lhalrmao Oommlttee (Tity A. l`rdrerir, No. Libarty meet. • • mli I.lEmAl l toAKAAistmoD GU R, ton SO At RCIPEL Emit re A martieble Attlale and potitiv ne a si GIA, DYSPEPS , IA. mat, Pouriam, .1.3( at • !inutile the MEIN. Al • Yealle. It mien' the appetite, peeled ad gentian Lad *belly restorer th e pilafs* litres's& and It news but • Mid to pose its "We Ter sals by ansint Jusixerron, Drantse F°B bA r k). ~Aroluu) tamign • ORE - NEW TITBULAR BOILER. • 6 teen I tov i ten diameter, IYfeet long. having time hues, elgto..o ellei diameter; et Mtge, 4 1 4.644 at. ameter, each 10 feet a inettes diameter. or 'nit ti e r rarticatars Gail on the undanitgned, at the corner ef-Pike and (Mara streets. 616CICINTO.114:11EXPILILL L Ot). -150.Loun AND GRAS ' 1CO) WA' , Fatally Floor, veldt' wheat; Ida do , do ' red do; AO loft( do; 300 bosh oft)/ EarCorol tto do Mailed do: sood boob Oats; WO do Sprint Bafte; L olt load :111111faled, it store sad for isle br PATTEII...N, AMMON oN.id hof 3sl lad 191 Pttllk attest - - - - - 1. E. /3 I 1 - FOR THE HAIR, 13 u4Ik'VI)4 THIS PLJXANT f REP AB 4TION FIRM&IIi , cleanse' the hair ad Coup XrUMI all the etetint• `of irritation br obatruct.l [Kinn ttoq thoroual,ll, removers wart, without injury to the skin, I! iroutates end strengthens-the root, of the hair, t rot:notes growth on bald planes Invigor ates when weak or line, (prevents (attire on or turning grey, and imparts a soft, glossy and moist ap_pearence without phasing. Plllons who have used worthiest, article. should give rigs a trial, and be astlatled of tie true merit. SOLD IN PITTSBURGH BT SIMON JOHNSTON, Corner Smithfield and Fourth Sts, DR. GEO. H. KEYSER, OFFICIAL IrAN I NOTICE.—The rohowl,, the ra.re•fro it part of the ap,fronted Judded on herrlog Machine. sad I, rent lone. at the A thlthon r Coffol a tale, 1. . T:a J Iftzes a. Ulf - rough aid pout feel men, well dopy/ft In title eoromtmlty. briz4 zuschtlntste sr.! aselefe In his. ehthery, ard !Sm. decision le worthy of eotteolet• Won, the Committer on se Mull:nem beg lel" e to submit the following report, v!e "Bat Bewtas .llnchtne :Or General .111101,/, to 'GROVIII SEM,' DUI ISI.E LOCII• STITCH. Feat Sewing :1 act ne fnr n.nufncturing put roars. to 4 - 2.ItrOVI:It dr AA lillt.• ci .• AI 4 ll* I It. " I l' W Ir. F W A 11111. , 1 , •It I lU3IULGUhfI PLAY N.I) Ot r A WA fv; :MACH ron *3 00 I=l FL RNHHINCI No 68 Federal Street GEORGE W. HURLEY twd I . I / 4 1i . r i f 'A A L l l l 11 ;8 1 ', I ). F °U" RN )1' NT 141 k • 4 'l,l;net '• ,•, r t, t WU' be glob: at Irul ltc euctiou .luring the montb oi Nos end., tlie filV..eot I /.1.,.er 'l.r 1..1 . Iparne , : below, ./ N 1 . 0:1. I .ALy—T k.:l/ 11 .1,, p se, `:11.1.> •A:h day. pf N•N'...YINA‘TA I hne —lll . • •nd a I.•Ilr W.! a, Pet —TV as , 1•e or ••••• N M 1 I. I, •-•T. • II vr,..1,./0. - 1 I;.j. y •• t „ _ ant! V. IN 10 . .11, - bA. s vt•tirg, I'n. -TI r.-DAT, N. , . PTlr 140 1-1010,1:, Allentown, 1'• R1.1 , 1.-I , \:.Non e,!, 1. , /MRS!, I=l , Lhester r W Norrrnb., ft• ll' Tltusi J.. 11 . 2, tll , K'l , \l • 1 1,1 lit uf 11.• , 111 t•ii• r II t Tl'ust I it 1 , / I. , t 4'• i %VI rt,114•• 1111 11 1 M'1.1.♦1..1~~ 111. , /. , t, I I. • /it t t , r.r Nll W kJ...F. P 1..," [h . , f of •oleft all Iho rrtoos , Ino/Ir rt ill ho 4 . .1i0h1.•! li,[yrra [tiltrotor, Al ail thriii-olviiti rd. I let t,w• t. Vor i•t •,111..• Wr Wes!• rfa now4;otpor. Antmals .:11 to 40,1 gimpy tiii[los to ci•in rote< itt ton r i[rh toy r-11Ars11. to 1 total • Later lh3rroney. .LAM lf:71 A. ERA I re grit in onar¢o rfrot thr [.t. tL u. (I. (Iplll, u;11,, G 6311.: /L I GENTI_ITEN'S FURNISHING or Q'4 ).11 0,-. lei bt Clair Sr The rateuf 0,1 0 , tna 1111.0 a t• gjiDed to the !Arse and estenoico tiEriThESILTS.S FOR. N11:111 Arts the /101.1.. Just opened et the worse. mestoonra pine, whirr. t MIA tow rolrruts 0l crest hargaboo. Asy oweto Worst or the oh wilt floe It to troctr ertrestege to giro nos end exemineerny dite,k before pagnhaslos errs, where. 1 hey em 3,1 CW.l.orgest sal best selraled shock of Post Whtte extt• sttea ',emcee Shirts. Wooten, 110tbse end loryle Thread 11wter shirts end Drawers. :warts. Nisei. Ties, renders, eutterlll.3e, and everrints: pertvat. to lec OesiLletscol Yurnf.hto6 I.)cioi.ll, is the any. Remember tee pleas, 13 sod 13 S - 1.. Clot; atxte3. SAMUEL LEVIN, R. Ti A large gocl, of Ilex, Caps, ‘ll-P.,.-4 00l iy2taymum. 1)171'S131. rEEL Ottis.S ANDERSON, COOK & CD Inanufaelv Far. 01 tho Isaag rcanel Oast Smart, 1 at and octagon. ol all slam •alo Hoe, t .n and Sbeet Coat Steel. Oast s'.,l lnr Reaping and Molting Machine!: Cast and 10111111011 Plough and Aria! Sterl (Oho —4'heher FLtat Mee. at.reeta, two bleet. •huge the Monoca.helt !joule. ser.,l) I ,1 (“)1,1)! MIET= rrILV W ATt. ei Es, A I , lo JI,W ELI( Y, over brouant (kn. C • now be mcon at the bI'ORE of T. 11. li.LAG ES . rk7c). 108 N • ocicera.l. ISt, Where c ). t.:S of the oast makers J w E. 11.• RI of lho newtat ULOOIiS of erory des triptlo. of hew, Alnerlean and French makers. PURE SILVER AND PLATELI (10011 S, suah as Fortis, Spoons and hollow Ware. Boherol•o, and t'reneh ebto • awl 1/1.11 PACES of 01101001 W patter.: and all articles heionalog to nu sty • of business, which Will Ds mold at • groatif Elltli.l - I Fins Watch and Jewell). work escefully mare and repalred. Highest polo paid for Ind Don't forgot the place, 4.1 iedcnl 0100.0. 211111) . he0V. oolgrt Ad D WJ LINoWOC: SE LLEGIISNY IP ICI Ft Ell AMa 323 & one and a halt .tory frame Cottage House, con• tale tog two parlor., dluing room, kitchen and four airliner', wit, water mod gu, .xoepym a let aan 114, highly °ulnae Led and ornamented with shrub bery and ahade trm The surroanaing• are plee.ant, affording ample apace for Inst, air, Red the outlook en Clot three rivq conionandlos an retentive and varied view Anther information, &pith . to et. S. 111ad..11 Broner, Fourth street. Burire's OPEauga OF W 6..T803 STEt 1311Tpa The arseisments apoe theproperuss battle dto psy the debases of W. h. U. Ritillhart C " the opening of Watson *treat, hays been to my hands for or:Meath:in. All the perverts who have twea amassed are hereby notaftell 40 par theta. anessmrnte within thirty day. &ow this date, or the rent • meesrtnents will be flied up as liens against the props ttf es, with Interest, soots and Mel for trolleettone. J. W. F. W YE, oc2tIOUI • Oily or. DESIEVIBLEtkOCATION NOR 00tTN riEfabl FOR BALE, attests am gown ref HIM-four lolls' boa tbe ett 131 miles from Laughlin , ' ntat on eft! Coorksllsollle Hatlroadr lo urea, Cu which; fa a Rae Orchard of Over CIO Frill Theo of hoe (molar to coed condition; Tenant Houses arid &omit 6 aorta of) God. odib Olt and awry opephd. , , Also, aura - hes Lot adJaleber lba Moo , oo ll 'oPt log lb acres, partly', underiskl oath cool. For blot and *Mar hal orsaatlao. orro l l to ecro 0. RISLA.IN • .CO., 101 Pourth at. N OTICE. E THE GOODS AD rzarlsn), both the quantity and at the pricsa named, making a Stock aquiraleat to that eoatained to are or six ordinary at area NEW SILKS, besides others wonginz to former purchnses. WI have no compitl tillun la t-taA deportment, owing to outs bete( the tented Os the West, and we tell Silk, a cheap as other roods. WE OFFER 3,000 PIECEig DR SS GOODS, embracing all grade' from IS% to $3,50 per yard. betel nee very best atc. Coburg.. extra scide, lie., or the bed ',luta •t -5c., and good ditto at ISt.,:c =II 1111= Cashmere Long Shawls, Wool Plxl.l ditto Broc!, and Vet. et, F.2ey and Fiala SA. quo., fieuroes. Mc. Thew we .re sell 12=1 I=l (MODS 01 Sheetlugs, Pil/oW Ce•log. I.We Cloth. grown end fileeched NU hinds 'kw! 0 , 13r1, While and Oolored ISorler. ditto Nsyktria, ditto Doylie, ditto Towel.. Quilts of an kinds, plata sod em. broldered. Table and Plano Cover,. Tab's I Peers he yen,. era Teem Wee Crseh I=ll2lll SILK VELVETS, slt urt.tEe, szol Arnr.r Stile; ~ .tor amt E.lnza.laux Res, I=3 other JTYLES t F CLOAKING adapted to the present seasoo. Prteee !root 111,6 n )e. 51u, , 0. CLOAKS :UA.DE To OftvEß frost ner OWIS matellsi, tad 0,2212.2.2 4 .1 to nt. FLANNELS, Red White, Tel:ov, Geey Blue and Fancy Fluasela of all lands, good %%Lice, st,3l cents; Real Shaker, heavy and extra heavy, at 65 een . a% 9oun El= PANT S 1 OF rs, Crnimerts, 1 weed.. Kel toes, Satinet., Ca' mines, Jean., as. Good all wool Oaastmerea, 75a.. good TwaeJa 61;4. cents; Good Sattnata and Jean. at 31,0., rogrother 'frith full tines of ertrytoing Y. C) 9r I C) DRY GOODS, IMZEILTI Wholesale and Retail J. W. BARKER & CO, 59 Market Street• MPORTANT NOTICE--The nAjo — w • log le the rtibaL.n report of the regatatly sp pointed judges .12 t:evring Machine. non LOOOO - et the dlleetkeoy Comity Tar, ZSG, The Judges ;us thorough •od practise' num welkin:town to thlk ennttonoltY, hnlor otechtedata won neaten to tooehthere, .nu their the!alett orth of coo indention • TO THZ PIUMIILST ANT , X MlSClL.—Qe+diraien. We who.. name. WO annexed, appoSsted•by you aojudges on (Masa No. 4. reader. the rollowlng verdict, .bleb to aeouriang to our beat ,judgment, namely We award to E. P. Ihwmente4 tio. ^_t Mu, at.. agent for 9. homer Or Ws:eon's - Moyle; Msohl., the Mat premium and diploma. fot tee alloplially and Udyronghnem t f constauetina, awl sat. best. mad/dine for fonuly nod general lion:omen. We award to a mow nitakor Tint premium and ILZILt. best ntsehtne for :Mary or ozd embroidery. !Signed.: li nob M. Ito, A:Ohara iNottan, Jam Ity”..h,.Jsr Ryer lA.. W. Fostes,yr. om:r THE DER POINDAING CANE Complete in Pamphlet Form lutt HALL B 1 ALL ENTER PRISINU NEWS MEN EVERT IVIIEHEL JOHN P. HURT & CO„ Publishers 69 rivrsi Si REL - r, Atn.oni, i•tl2l p,!.. or receipt 11 pnee Modern Houses For Bale Handsome, rot sir on Webster street (e•ssi Sr 1. of \Sent Coin nest Ohio Excel. nontrunb.ir og n line view. and wa oleruily ¢el(hhoMao W. The boatel are of mods.o build, and Cembine all the Conveniences USUALLY FOUND IN FIRST CLASS HOUSES Apply tot turchor Inform Won to S. S. 11111".1.N. Itruker t M l'nutth §L. ( 'Burke's 1141W:tr.) GEHALAN AmoRDEoNs NII•sI , 2A L BOXES, I=l 1 0171acactorea.143 o.3a,clFLotzLl-1, J. G. LAUER'S, YA RI I:TY AND rolr6 TOME. No. 101 ill.n.r.lx.tst Btroet I=! PRATT'S 48TH iftalThalt A a• SALL —litsirKS In every department oridt. erature, Science and Alta, beautiful Photograph Albino; rine family Bibles, Letter and Demmer. dal Note Paper, hovelopeae_Diareond Pointed Oold Ito% to.. AT 61.11.1TION'EVEISI •EVEN. !NG, if 1 . o'clock, aria at pricers sale dazirly day at average suction prime, until the link ta• alsokit IdeILWAINIPS AUCTION DOOMS , Ira Sioltkrield street, °MARA the POot 150. the eallectioo ale au ctw works as Ap on s NM c v d o pcdta,4l) vdlrs.; BiliSroft , li Mato= Dotted Stale* 'd DAL:. Preacottl , llLiterie*l6 , 0 1,,,,,aas Appleton's Dictionary Mechanics, 11 noes, erne Plitee_tUre's Dictionary . 01 Art. sad Peiencohavola.r Webster?, Dietteciary,lXtVatett Waverly NoveD, volc; ecriopiete crock% of MU.' ton; Feittt," Ireton, Clooper.lttigh.Milier,' SWIM* spears, Byron,' 6or, Duna, Soaeplaus..Altiazo. bps, Dlek. idreet volurcCdol poktilor Nov. Cr. =Utica , . Tale.. Yre. • • P A. z 4 • g mwT'"INE, /tact r.. k no., S3its , llV... Wient . Fir . uOLS, Ui.... F H. ZATO:N, (Succeuol to EATON. HAM/4FM k °a' NO, 17 FIFTH StIEET THE LATEST Nov - EL-rrEs4,iy THE SW SON J. now being received, jp tics Mud of EN, iniourgiumd, HOSIERY AND- RESS Tall& ZiaNHS, üblcb 0r bebig setesteit'Adr. Air. purrsglitch henna who Was present tile New Task In Quest of Goods In these particuiseilnes. Amooa tits fork of maser33mr.cortazt:*txi itia WILL DI Porn Jaconets, Rambla& . Swiss, French gimp Bands, Linen Sleeves, Linen Collars & Cans, Handkerchiefs, Lace rrimminge. The GENTLED :LENS' FLYRCitSICING DE PARTMENT will be tosnal to b*: wary tall, and Embraces 11.111 lines GENTLEDIENS' SKIRTS. In`!hl..erfno, SUlt. Lieen and Muslin; MERINO AND !SILK UNDEIORIETS AND DRAWERS{ SILK STSPENDER": 001 TON AND WO L HALF 110 SE; NEGLEGE SHIRTS; SILK AND LINEN fIa.NDEEEDRIEFS; GLOVES—.E Mo and Jeumn; rdao, Alexandre's celebra.ed manufacture. if' EDNIMEM F. H. EATON. is rzArrn sT. BATES a BELL ATTRACTIONS NEW GOODS FOR%EARS. LBSBILLES QUILTS Honey-Comb Quilts, CRIB BLANK. No. 511 Fifth S:toeest N EW GOOD E 4 ACR CM & C111114;18LE, NO. 19 Fins smiter. New Trimminzr, and °magi ants, Bead Gimps and Buttons, Rich Bonnet and Scarf Ribbons, Fine Gilt and Pearl Belt Itickles, Rich Silk Belting -- a newlot. Bargains in Linen Handkerchiefs, Real Lace Collars and Sett Needle Work Edgings and =inserting, Cambric and Hamburg Baal, Magic Ruffling and Oasharillings, Real Thread and French a pps American and Enelish Hasten', Gloves and Gauntlets—last toles Zephyr, Wool and KnittiriglYarns, Ladies and Children' Undkrwear, Balmoral Skirts--new stiles Duplex Skirts, French Goias, Gentlemen's Shiite, Collari; Ties Merino and Silk Underwea, Misses Kid Gloves--all sizss. ME/IC:RANTS AND DEALERS Will itid Is to their advantage, t0e..1 ahG BY.m the out stt.W. t elate put.liastzw. 3 ISTACRUM d CA.R41132.13, oc uFIFTH STREET, PRI.sWel. li 1865, GRAND OPETOC, Bps. 78 and 80 Mark Street, MONDAY, OCTOBER i 6. !i; • Having completed our EXTENNI:IttIPAIRS, wa eatetal • cordiat invicatica to e)arch , tl.9 • tin*t the Ladies in partleniar. to call anaCrsontinfrena of the LARGEST AND BEST SEHIMPED AND CHEAPEST STUCK of Trinuninzs, Enabroideriete Roliery, Gloves, .Fancy Goodsj4!nrash _ incr and .Woalen G and Notions ever brantht to this city. Tooir 11 - 110LES.14.E CURr,DAIEJIS We can War SPY(IAG BARCIA4.siS, as are now eellieg a sreat many goods -a a Less than Easlesu JObets. MACRUM, CLYDE & CO., Fos, is and SO Mai ket fltleet. jusitql HURT E ,t co., HAVE TEST UPENO 3EW 4C4 Co LIDS, D Teas Trimmings Cloak G naments, Real Lace Goode , New .to Belt Buckles, Beat Make 811 Belt lags, Read Ornamentiolitew Beck Scarfs, Bambara • Flouncha,gs, Handkerchiefs, „ Balmoral Elleirtsj l Breakfast Shawls, let tants' Knit Hoods, Infnts' Zephyr Leggin, New RliMress E Wits, Glance and Gan:Wats, Win ter Underwear for Men, LadtesamiClM dren, Jonvin and Alescagslie Kid Gloves, Ladies' Whiter-Castor Gloves. The ahoms;'. and many other Goodk;ln Great Variety, at, • WHOLESALE AND 112,TEin. JOS )mmo co, •ne SLAKILO STEM= • WIlltLI SALE 120.118 t7P .01318 . A T W. W. MOORHfraAITS, • S 1 Market A FULL LINE OF rtrantsam*oocips, Ladies, Germ, Wails Azuk SEA-SIDE SILAIRLS, v.O LEN FtOODS, SMAS, gOlet'AOS. WU- S.E/A, Hoor SHIRTS, HOSIEByLOVZS,...., BONN= RIBBONS VEL . norm, rilimainget lass aooaffitdo•s• mnatErt'itExr m VQlll34.lit -4.0-,n ri • • • . A t) 3T08.1 . rantar.ouskAtit)r.t.rr. No. 54 W 10112004 stmt„PULIMLIIt. t 5 tbotB utehr4 (mat. sui&ll feet dee t a two stop FRAIIIVIRMSB oe Laity Alla: Pittsburg?, • .10 feet trastigt4 fsst e it rep.. t. W.q%• Cbi.4.1447.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers