AIMED. A fr FOR GE • RAL 0028OEM:MIL at 183 LlbLiber ty2l4l R. Boglpprq wie4TRT. F oßmxrrvi*x ktirrl WIFE, a resp s rbi. A vagyvintOod nelghbot. Witierr.D.HOUSAL — AllMl.4,luxtur Illabar twol gb datuff or lbw. - Bretz mix aboutof tootactb to 4/ wael ,Ms ;An of eexterbtr or witr, by t gat tw o " rttb sad two abllnco.-- Asktreat, ROW IiWANTEDcw. ITTxx oUUOVAITX.R.,D, .a.,444nr wmE-ona., rem mein to Wit Yeah bf nye. -tSet MTh= Prw wred. 'Oho will bare yoodAome, and load and earner ' Apply at ET. GranOLAS HIEI of . rou;th mak t etzetnerlioom ro.. . ccagrAwd d(iElt r 8 - FOR ..! ( THR SEOREr SEMVIORi THE .FEETA4 THE TI T NOZOM VIE -BrAzzawe •it C"AIDIWW. Now YorinTritnote Oornreponff at. The tociattatetatlng and wralting book ever P_lbaktlottihrterlat i itighentiou'e unteuni l Medea*. for cir yes traveling through to South In the ..41.31w- Tribune I the QUI/weak of the war,.with oar arab/ and eta, both East and liTeetotnelny lha finV , two oars of the Eebellion t his thrilling etinnre; Effe anlinezent for 20 months le wen different rebel . ..dial:Sl hie maim and annott ourney r night 41 nearly go two", At willmirseoloon abo J und la Artingemmts, ant contain wore of the fact, incl. lot wad mum, otlll. mheyhtm anyothee work et published' Tsactons, tadloo, entigetto; itnatiy men, sae me. ally retnnted Ann' disabled (Mears and soldie'', want of profftattte employment atm UM It co• Marty w e ot. to titer coalition. We hare tents dear 11160 per mooch, whleh are snit nereho anyOenhttzmi npithonot.; Send for Wren. on Addreldt, — 7orlb, aOO N.E.427 1 .e, q.itto AO Minor aired'. jet:swam? - - • Phlhateinhle Pe. FOR s'AT:ML.:VOR,ItENT aMMI A FA.RNbcd 177 hetet within a AttleeOf .Lard. ones Station', Ada tee Peoca.! Halt:oak The lat orrerhenzalattrAn• • bitted tog house turd bare. snagapptireretistdi fatlcing d to,odrlo9 acres cleat. l a . b ismelfir Vi t t( t e anA lt ' enjoining the 'Norco' rEastsstlstalatalterlkjterar, well adapteetor trdentep: Thaeollt It the •1 317 beet of river bob: ots„ sial lain it high irate of,eultientruo. Also, Atwa Beak. a eery rabstable tines of min a' sod ertetatittaltsrut. containing forty( tore; tasted sellivelbiletirterlduorzef litairavilre, sa boundeCreettle:erinth b Ponemtlyt,Riter. pen thler , ttet6 therte,sie eo lima* of iroa re. Accordibeth` Ikolatrot Ofnenliftepoirr; the toad ~,,ud atemepened attate..of ore la of tood malty, highly snagnetic, and t r ill yield' th irty. sale per cent. of tem. Ate kart in - tiers SO sal:Mu. rhts- etude - Intl raid 20,003 tons to the :re of not ore, and reducinothiCertidemats to 0 Item of dollamand ctents...rockdaftothe talus I ore at ftd cent, • per - tionithlif strata would its produce eat, hundred - them:and a addition to this till bite twens •thre acres of ;dal -piaopened and to rimer of OPerathaZ4 as = ep Unto' Tall AM:petty la worthy the d i eapicallete Tim .inveattment would be re and aide. Specimens of ore mud be seen at • , , ICI NO.! stock and Tata Tarm, scarab:thy Piero; sheet* is Churl Tortorshap, Ladd_ . lis eoantyiPs.,:neer the 'rater. of Ilteentille„ • Ite terptoitzeentir ore a two-Story fame bouts, = s estet:tit belt barn la the county; fencing pair= serer deatell the lasalistaar e l l th ebel e 4 : = •The'lited istked,bate meadow,' 'hick prelims One trope or Milt — It is ray coo catecd to churches, trehoets;MVldelktcres; ace.,, fte, ' 14e r e Pe , -3 P/, - tO 4 7S 2 WAS Lid Oa no ;Alto, a Pitni:otri kinisad timid Lownatup, issaftrarreotttay..m....Wflibiltigaleturan., the-bent fegin•bil ibta.lllobo=l..rainsr *n/1 one Who groin toeir,,,,kg. Ay a c ,.. is, Oantab2l.4( shoed 101 ameti:gke rizyzasements le a wit h LaaLfleallabatstonaa sad wagon ied, with .that attbtdidlny*L t A . apple tend of Lemma 460 and Niectrecte;_no pukes 4Sa, aa pear Um, ant InCipertchtrom . ,fithe Math. Fare fir kettlibeth Toward:lP y flee, Pa.:idantatroor, About tat acres, • tested about Shale leatharistiC Of the Wreath a 'Aiwa& owlmprontautotv etre s largo brick =hotel" satin Woe mitt tioleapd, teems.; is within trantietodorinded bytonstecotal Mall Na I , DISSISSSIIIs , sesm. ~ Other buildings, 714 ,-.. -fteb,g; 10 sexes of the Vert beat White Oat Alen It is the bent gguutty oltninueetone laud, -alb all anderliddlinth ettat.."- 1.. - - 1 421 ' truthet nerttrattareAnquire of • . flak. i'9WEE, Heat- }Mate Agent, .'11145 • , i , ..-;• ,r,,Aa. UN /AMU street. .'IM Dwz7+Ltt4a. FOR E34.riA , , 4 ,••• Slttutat si the airier at'lleureen. sad Danis reels, Serefitli send . Plttantrell,-tarlag is front • MI feet 3 bast ea Danasestfeet, and' eatiscat. C alont Dairia wgeh ls erect New Ti?(:rd , 8ri6,1 - Thinning, rtmint bath Solna and dressing Brasted etttleonisb Acaltexaellsr.underthe ;Ate Lome min bat liatfre mutual water. • •• ,:•„tai.s iarge moist the klreheiiimarhltementles fine IL:laced grates In the or, dining room bed roams. ale bonze was bull; la the taut c)rshle and Wined Ls be taut styles for • owner's own oecoliannY, Grape - flues beer , : • fruit trees and a Bee selecttoa of flowers. i.• alf_ltperrpns *maim:met examining the proper• r:4 - ',.aa , -*4o2;,,**,a'il;. yt . ...... 9.1Lthe-rremtu k Dow -oactiplad by • &S al) N, and tasy will receive far. , .„Cr particulars, terms. fie.'. t- "ens t oo • . , I .i.TUATR-AM ...,.Lasrretteerllle,tvienholmairint Residence. for larte,eubstastieus buds , and well ,:%Isbed dwrltlngs, haring a lot Yasuo feet deep, ;.:,• • irentarcd; with good water, beautifully toes o o, within equare of the Passenger hallway. Ws street has been newly garedglis pattnesssn. •; ' presents one of the mitt beautiful avenues' or shoot the eitytharties ' , Ming to pro i•pleu ant end- cheap place to reside, where real sate Is adratming. sad musteentlnualoadvsnee, aiss law, easy. eases:s a to and front the etty, I{% hours, from Ilse ln • the morning wall twelve night. winch embraces ell the time neeiesary • rhualness or pleasure, C. one 01 the best melt ,. ged roads In, thegauntry, should not overtook advantagte which tats boroctopresests.--Ekw .tent Hoods will be taken In payment If desired. ~ply at the heal ratate.and insurance OM. of • BaTG I Relief street. Lawrencesille, Pe. j Ort BALE, , Wel/ P ailed Frame Tn.:4aq Dwelling, 4,,in g SIX ROOMS, swirly Paperrod sal Painted, PORTICO, HYDRANT Inside and wands the HOUle. ruz LOT iaPospitre feet Maim, by One Run 'rd feet deer,. -VINE GRAPE Alititht FR O Posteation.rfil-bratfet an the 183 Aral Amt. Also . iCORNEII.STOREIReght:III4 ONE vrinrgc..lNo k uestleta win be4ren oft tug *stair 4WD ndxf pie proprietar either lett or. auhangs tap P mVettt Vends ets.V. .11Ve el NO. 164 Fauna attest . Sa LE. Real !state Banter and J I T m . mune YLP •tea, teasicartf 81 rellaral hmet, 411e4htny, 4ir NIMII THOSE TWO HANDSOCE '47rEcasE STORY BRICK HOUSES, i, - . ~,,, so and sr, on the out elde of WI ST COST. .10N, near the cornet of tate street, brdlt and .abed throughout infietrpeitor inanner—dlniabed Th niers modein convenience and improvement, tat present! in,penfeen order; one of the dean. and 'most definable sltuarletur la Allegheny. melon on tbo lat of April. /1336. gttittire of ' J.,11 1 wr5 T. C AMPLE. Real- Estate Broker and Insurance Agent. - -t:tl _ Wu. 0 3 .Federel et., &Hedberg, • 1.11 : 111. F(.in. the best iStock are Di ate Farau in 11. E. 1510touri, eon. • it leg &ft a are, maunder teasel over Sod to calLl joaratridelliato netts of convootentsatztr. well tied and limbered; 1.1 tulles from 'MSc. Opp! tr. 3 tale. from R. 11. Matlock; Pulto part +tell led , o brag, and tabaceol bonus of bnaa end If.e. l. rooms, betided cellar rooms and large .table Wand' feet, granary. meat hone., ice lie. *Bice, tetikitt - house., mihs,...iko, Three. rho of para..° money, may ,remain In the „cc If d, aired. It sot as large ow desired, agjotri• I imprire‘l land will Weald Id conneeslon. - , pply personal/3 , orbt mall to! • i SWIFT iii. OAST, - Ernal Witte Agfa, eleawd. A/unroof/ISM ltfOrtroleoo.. lirrO. 01{13ALE-Ab9ut one half did acre of ZoIiOUND In the . Tillage. a aii-pruktuw, /We , Musty, oo *kWh in erected lC two story' me Dwelling /louse, and - oat. buildlora. The t is wed Improved, hertz!. a large number of it trees and grape.. The Allegheny and Fres t B. IL yawn in front of Bald tot; and there a be a station wit hie to yarde of elle ItrOO'n'tY• tot told before the nth of sieloberi It Will be a arpublto sale. For partleolera, eogalre of L SECIL.on the eremite, or of (1. 0 MAY -R, At vy at Law, No. I le bla mond street,Pitta. title:4=oot 'oft SALE, A LOT Or_4l3l7OND..con, -tabling about Threei Amur, eitit.te In 1 , 41. Ti,, egheny co..nty, between lanai of tlapL Bret.. and Drys. E. Leant. nil. property Is delight rreltoioad, overlooking..l portion of both lohnd the Allegheny flyer. it le a ..heittlfol imams lot for a Country. Flesh] cnce. 1411. wit/ be ,I altogether or lo lot L'' . _ . .il ior !tr*, iroalre, of [An boderaisitd, Ito. at snit= street. Pltliiiiittflell -. _• - ~. . • JOS. O'BRIEN, 010411 . Executor' OUR. E. 41 thwith . dirgl.4 K.—DWELLING Hu.US.E.— m k t autelllus, No. MO Wy to 'Neer. W:IL.. H. A 5 1.3 .. PUSEY, E4ccutor" or the "no N. of N. Pally. dad t 4l. too, I. s 4LE. 4 kaiak house MX throe nem. (70110) n'llh floe On.bll/d, On F.rsocts 'tract. Etas tetra", apply to etsa( MMUS EIOOTHEs . I XI - T" : , • GIB UALIi Ant --LEEFJAN.GE—Ttie Few Will proPertYntontalelny abut tea away tly underlebt wit/roma tent wune dynnetneated he month ot Unartlew Creek, oe the kkerbOO7 Pt. be,* le on Ude pro b' Aw l an , Boyers—will be do l4 Cheap or e , whanne4 for petty in Plttehnreh. Allegheny or Lverence t: LYUAY k 4.3IIIIRCENIk.i, en Door Itelow Mend street, Unquesneobtoy. llJi PitOl I+A 14.E.—Seilect vit uytho Committee on - 0 11 1:470pertY toy the the NlOll 114YEET FiEZ ENGINE MUSE. ' used on Wylie street, near Lagar Lae Sixth . 1 4:Pttttngb. until SATO/4,A FirnwzoboY, b.. 1, a OWOCII T. GOLORl,tteektallter. 11403 to TTJeet any Weal 1441. J.. Y. :154.4k 1 - 73.W.M. airman ennianuto on City-Promo', , Liberty :rect. Off BAL ENGINE BOlLleic PIA =EL. ika.tkunpleav sabie hggrsLlttet, or Mod Bolltrit rig; Antot Te rtignt 9°8 7 01 ` 1.a P1 ' 4I, U 6° 6 1 1:1 THgELD STREET. WANTS Overture. To oorolude with HOLE HITHE WALL. ipgra HOUSE. ihmageress: MISS ANNIE EBERLE. TREMENDOUS SULNJESS OF .2. 4 0 0 ..E1. Assistei by thn young and OVerited Mr. HARRY GILBERT. THIS trocsday) EVENING, will be performed the great legend of TEE ANGEL OF MIDNIGHT, Angelo( Dildnlghto Love Angel of besth. SATORDAY AFTEPLNO(I:V, TEN N.LCUIT.I IN A bAll BOON. TENNYSON CLUB LBC'TUREI3 • of A tth theT r E e N qu N e Y SoOf Nm an CLUthB Lecture n Com ntmed teoe lure • Limited number or COURSE TICKETS for the season of 1860-41. The list of Lecturer, for the coming Season comprise& the name. of HON. GEORGE THOMPSON, WM. LI.OI n GARRISON, WENDELL PHILLIPS, • REV. HENRY S. GILES, JAMES E. MERDOCII. H r. REV. JOHN HELMS' HOPE.LNS, And others. A coulee of TW ELVE LECTURES will be given irom the Fleet of November next. OIXIBLIE TtithalPSo_,N the great Et/oth Commoner, will deliver TwO LECTURES bo• fore the Club on MONDAY end TUESDAY EVENINGS November 6th and rth. Mr- Than:Tim/ will lectoro only for the Teeny lon Club. Season Tleketa 6.0.00, now for sale at the prlocl. -3 anilook. fibula and urea Store.. Reserved mat• will be held at all the lector. lot bolder. of season tlreete without extra charge. 0000,01,! OLXI. T. vArrroßnm. Pree'L MASolc/C HALL ONE wEEK ONLY, Comaterciag3lON DAY, Oct both. RETtres TREFA VORITES citrrEs ZOICAVE TBODPE AND YOUNG IFBILL LE BRASS BAND. TWENTY STAR PARFORMERS. The tuariagtoriezi point with no small gratifies- Non to their list. of Unrivalle t Performer/tend Es trarailinary !Wreaths and Attractions, andbeg to aesufe tre ;public that they here not stopped at anyespease which wont/tenable them to DEFY VOM.PeT/TlON,and Gettig every other travel. Ins eetabliehment In the coratry. They point to the relate of their efforte with justßyable pride, and look with marl/Loth to a generous and anPro• dative public to reamed them for their untiring effritts to afford !beet an ArrgArrr LYE, CHEAP and NOVEL EeTSETATIVMENT. NR CIA.RII7I bee, at an roomette expense, purchased In London, The Lew end wonderful OPTIC t L 111-ESN/N. tar: tiled by Prof Parrett, cattiest IBOTEUS;or, We Are Here Out Not pen, Which trill to exhibited each °ruling in coonee tlon math , bensual novel au - 1 pleasing anlirlalu• lbents of the Oyler Zonate Troupe, Tickets Mena. Reserved .eats 60 canto. octeltd M. W STEEEIE. Agent. pITTSBii RUH TUEATRE. ASIL GEIDNI AND SIG. SUSINI'S GRAND ITALIAN OPERA mta sriekosca DIEtECITOR. .rd.r. SOL;oath annoncem with mach pleasure, that ha kw eucteeded engaging's complete and efficient Gallen Opera Clomp.y, embracing some et ,he mat eminent eau favorably known artists, and a ermplete UHOR US AND ORUHHSTRA., compete:le elaule of Ode most talentee artiste from Nee , York, with whom he Will give in Plus burgh, POSITIVELY ONE WEEK ONLY, CONLIIENCING AIONDAY, November S. MI Dap:RENT GRAND OPERAS, Ina Stile unrivalled by any other manage nen L Ibe fci,llowing eminent artists from the New York Academy of filmfo, constitute the °Mont Is Sushi Grand Opera Clommy 'Siguezina AMADILINA the famous Dratortie Primo Donna, from the itallao Opera, New 'fork Academy of Ainsic, and the Theatre 'ratio, Havana. hlnp PAT] 1 STIIAKOSOII, the favorite Con. truant UANNISSA, Prima Donna, Grover's Orentittencre bigJora ItIACAFERR I and Ell RANI, First enors, of the New Yor•, Boson and Pialladel -1 hie Academies of Slunk. Signer SLANUUSI, the eminent B .ri•one, from the Wand Op-wn, Theater 7 aeon. martin, Sig: or Art:U..IISO SUSIN I. the Grand Beam Protundr N uateof idea Mareteek's ItananOpers, New Tom. B h6nor ANTON R A FF, the eriebrated B ueo Hato, true of Genres , . German Doers. PAROZZI and Za1.1:Z11, Se.-otia Ammo, r. 7- Jz inp endt TS'ee':rnt Etemo.. Conductor • "it. FR ANfiIYC ROSA -Leader Dlr. P. Zitterbut. Stage Manager. ..... —..... 5i Nankai. • ...Sig. 4sons. .sig. Grillo. ni me. Nam lei, Sic. Santelia. Thevattrely new and costly wandrobe has been Purchited-by the Director In Parra. The following operas will be per 'ormed with a • eastbf emetimamed etrength: ER NANA; FAUST, . MARTHA, NORMA. /h TRUVATORE, DOS Wu VA NNI. Admission to Panidette and Drees Ufrete, fl; aecdred teats, 60 cents extra; Family Uhyleold sects Private Efsims, Bit. The gate of Season Tieketa, Ott each). entitling the holder to a mom/rat seat for each eight, will commence -ort WEDNESDAY, November A... at 0. O. Maio Store. nab, of tickelic fOr IiaZIO WAIN wilt ens:mance at the more piste on FRIDIY, November 2, at t a Y. oLlhAtil • PIANOS, MUSIC, tte. . - - - NOW BEING RECIXV&D. THAT ELEGANT STOCK OF CHICKERING PIANOS, Soleetell persootlly by the sub. erib". """ reeetit visit to the Feetery . SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS Are now open, and ready for exam:an stlon. .put4lle are Inettal to tall and nee them. Warrnnted for Five Years •u. 3 sole Agent for the I!hleggee.he Yleno FIANos AND ORGANS. 'ME CELEBRATED BRADBURY, NEW YORK, Schomacker & Co., Philadelphia PIANOS. T-Hi AMERICAN 01311 A , and W COTTAGE ORG A ft, ad matted by S de l: fto, ab.lbe Si; ln all e who bare In hard thew, to be aoperd,r re lnstruments of the band w a a lIIC[II I / 1 1111 the United Staten V t are prepared to furnish, at the shotest not le. Erase and German Silver Instruments of leery deituehption, Asir Bien and Cornet henna $ et re - ducal pticen. Illustrated Uslalosues and Prue Lists furnished on application. • New t tieeentthtiowid Pl,rion for Rent. ALL THE LATE SONGS AND PIEEF,S Constautiy on bnad. • • weleaumrs. a BAR & CO.'s , f I I4M..EST PHE t urn Orend, Parlor ftraad, Square ant Cu rig ta Plnhre , tvllp over. [Mar Lnae , agTatte tre4.e, toll 40131mproveO frame, and alt the valuable lab placements. Ths hone la pure. br Slant, entlrely ruUeleal charieter, of th e best orOrirruaneblp; tough evennees and gualite Of tolac un t ur P . " B4l bp sop. Each ?tauo gUAlikriteed for eight years. 4111ABLIVF rki fiLI.I3IE, tele SeeoU No oolb3o - I v l W rut s e t OFT/AA/4110S C0.,454.1 'o3 PI NS STREET. • • 71::Peo Zslazmzni. ries"- /lanai DT the Equithbis Mosul • 21141nntrocqoOsz oM• I*elpU mi `•tl,, Pith borgh, . .. , I - 1, .OA..RDINER C9l l 7ll , l,Aent tor thy ~ rmak.u.am4l4_ opus ..I &Taw . ~,,,,,,,ffiAn,gar t„x !orimud zolitgent no Rant' =smart irs.Swo re... Oranw. and Haitfded yoylme_ Brazen, P il U l flecr4 1 - Thtl rens' limn& ailte Companyoorter ntAltY and were rat, 7Y! rTS E EDT Ts PITTSBURGH TREATER Lase. '" Abw.fc• astrDZß3oo. request, the meg Aussrlasutrageibul, Mr. EDWIN ADAMS, Inn ?tw ELD at Ms celebrated eharaster of ROVER, 111 W OATS. • 'HIS Traletlay) EVENING, mlll. - be perfermad WILD OATS, or, THE ROVING earn. Hower..... I°Ams. ..—Orahestra. ._...Dille, Et&E/E ZOE. CHARLES C. DIELLOR BI Wood Street No. 12 S'l". ()LAIR STMErt. === L - PCIAL NOTIC2S - . A t . 4 . IO4 A_PAMILLAL Itl ccusenttateei extract of the ebelta to= combined with often oubstantwo of mill alterative power to to afferd en effectual antidote for °Hesse," SersayaMais rebated - To mire. Bash a remedy is snotW wanted by Lbws wlo stair from Ormunons complaints, and thaisme which cIl lure:WM their mire mist promos this he mamas, ger:ilea to tide large Hue rf olir RP' :Laced freow citizens. How compktely thleetuu pound will do it has been proven by caper/meat on many of the worst eases to bo found to the fol. lowing tempi:tints : Scrofula. Serofulons Swellings and Sores, Skin St . Antb Disesses, Pimples, Pustules, illotaties, Eruptions, any's YU*. Rose pelas, rime Steam, Scald Hew, or glysi ßlestwora. Tatter or Syphilis or geniis] Dhows% a:pellet from the mooch by the prolonged use of tale Saniapar- Ma, and the paheni U lest in comparative health. Feuutle Diseases are ranged by Scrofula in the Mood, end are often toon cared by this extract of Ehtuarill► Lo not discard title Invahiable medictitc, bcosulle you have been Imposoi upon eomething rfr tending to he ISAist while it was net. For hen you hors AM no. And not tin rainrte particulars of the diseases it cures, we refer non to been Amerman Almanac, which the agent below named will furnish gratis to all who calf for It. etrzaliCtalaswrio Yugo for the cure of Cos. !Irene., Jaundloe, Leyspemda, InAltestion, Dys °Miry, Pout Sitemaah, Headache, Pm* , /Them" time, Heartburn arising from Hammed Howarth Pain, of Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Flatu lency, Loss of ape:eel:a, lover Complattrt, Dropsy) Worms, Gout, Nese/Islets, and for a Miner rul. ti They n take are ang them plelaan o tly, er coated - sth the most are the sensve caat ard theyi best Aperient/a the world for all the proposes of a family phyala. Prepared by J. C. AYES re Co., Lowell, Aims. end soUby S. A. FAHNEZITOOK. dill O, J. cd by all Druggists. estaaaeodasaw rznisnk - iski# H U BRA FLO. BROVIOO. ILA INTYLIOTIIILXIII O PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS, Warranted CAST STEEL SAWS. of every de. scription. Mill, Malay, Oroas Out, Gang, and all other varieties. AM nd of KNIVES and SPRINGS, made from Sheet C oo t Steel ; Extra Relined REAPER AND MOWING KNIVES, 04. SIP Warehouse and Works, corner WATER and SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. Particular at.teutibe gives to Retoothlng, Oom ming and Straightening Ciroular 'Swam; also, re,• pairs of all kind.. Punching and Lrilllng don. at reumiablr rates. a0115:17 W. RA teNtlf La.., et CO., Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers Nue. a), t.v ancl 26 PENN STREET. Raving secured a large yard, and furnletied with the most improved MthinnrY• we are_PM: ed to manufacture every description of BOLL In the best =inner, and warrant.' equal to any made IntallseotAtamollipllETlMETlfEra BOILERS, 0 N ENSER S, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGiTATORS, SET, TUNE PANS, BOILER IRON, BRMGES, SVOLII PANS,and sole cannufasturers of BARN" RILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Repairing dans on the shortest notice. detauf LAKE lIIICPEILIOSS Copper Mill and Smelting Works, FTrrBBURGH. PARK, McCURDY & CO Manutactogers of SHEATHING, BRAZIERS' k BOLT COPPER., PRESSED COPPER Bin - T 0.119, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS SPALTER SOLDER. Alzo,tutpurturs and dealers In MlX =yr c rLATIi r MSA I T s pON ai nik fr i TOOLS. .;;' ' a i rehouse, No. ItOrni-ST d 120 211:0- 01irD STREETS, Pittsburgh. Spiral orders al Copper cat to any desired pattero, say29drdaurT 020. EXITIG2 a'. D. 22111.211 J HO "" virLA BELLE STERI. WOR;i9. REITER & Maxi tduturers of OAST STEELi SPSINO4 FLOW sod BLISTERSTEELS SPRINGS, A.X. LEV,,ONOWBAES,aus. /Br OM= no. 16 WA TER STREET (up gal re) PrrninutlGß. PA. Ir-11 nossamort, ESA * vu., fianannum to RODIIIISOII, time i .I.lmsitur. FOUNDERS Washington Warta, AND SOILINIST Pt Msnufacturets of 3L RGA.T AND HTATMTIFt STEAM ENGINES, ilLesr ENGENES, MILL MACIILNERY,GEAR/ING, imerriara CAST. /NOS of all descriptions, OIL TANKS& STILLS, BOILER - AND SHEET IRON WORE. la - Agent* for GIFFAR/PS PATENT INJECT. OR, for feeding boilers JOH/li COCIIIIA2I.4t &Lamm timers of IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, IRON mut_ ,uva WINDOW !MUT TEES, WINDOW GUARDS_ Noe. SEQ . OND and &I THIRD STREET, between Wood and &Sachet, have on hand a variety of new patterns, fancy and plan; suitable for ail purposes. .f6f - Partionlar altenuon rand enacts/nit/rave Lots. Jobbitut done at ahort notice. and I TO NEJIVOILIN BO SEXES.-A /1 1 1ISIPZIMIDe 0 Treverend feat/mn hav ing been restorel to health In few days, after nn d.eziolonf the us trutm. nal ., r , o l utine t and. Irreguleriezpetuze sacred duty to communicate to his adllntal felto.r.. creature. the mean. of cure. Berme, on the receipt of m of the prea addressedcription env o el, he tell , scudding, • Dopy Dirac to Dr. JONN M. DAGNALL, Ice Falton mac.. N. Y. nahltaydevT •BEST FREE.—• 1A.31P8 LET Or Pitmen. Importance to the o/d and young, married and stngle of bath emcee, will be scat free by eddresednit, with stamp enolosedithe spate: .1. HENDRICK. & CO, Boa 7 4 BMWs Pon (Mee. THE BUIDAL COAURRISR, SAT OF WARN/170 ARD INSTRUO. TIOR FOR YOUNG ALEN. Al , new sod reila treaumeat et the Orteuy wed Sernal - purcuce. Addreu Dr.. 7. MULLEN RODGELION, How ant AssodeDon, PlULodelptdo, Fa. splay MERCHANT TAILORS. - - - SECOND BTOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FOR O EN T1.E31 EN'S WEAR. The Wert Novelties of the mason. Me /Amen And beat seleated atoek of TRENCH COATINGS, HEATHERS AND CHEVIOT'S /N TEIE Which we eta make to order In s enperlor etfle PK /OES MODERATE. GRAY. POM4IEL h lISESE St.ecestors to S. GRAY t SON a4ll 31 ow-. AVT TAI woo, No 62 Fifth HENRY G. HALE, MerOhant Tailor, NORTH-WEST CONNIE OV rtn a Al. CLAIR Sri. Takes great pleasure In announcing to h tone customers sod the paella generslly, that his purchases...lad arrangemento for the PALL •SEA.. SON ere now comnleted, having been onsonally ' selected from tho fizst-case cloth houses in the Easter. tutus. Only such • class of goods as can really be recount e - ‘&4l wili be offkro.4 which Om• braces tho newest and moot approved materials sod styles, the entlrestock being very lug...reeled arm select. Mr. Okla has moan conddenes in leer Ong an early lospectiee. SUPERFINE 11LA06,, COLORED CgArlllS, AND DOE REINS, as usual, warrseted fast i• colon. am: sound tenure. MELTON ()LOCHS and other new coattag. new style for entire suits. A great variety of FINE t. Ass I hyEggs fm Pmts and Vel4, for Mornay and Evenior %Vet, SOS FASHIONABLE DESIRABL,k: tiOUDS. For Gent's it Y'outh's Clothing MADE TO ORDER IN THE BEST STYLE AND MANNER. B. B. NORM MEECH ANT TAILOR, Re. 79 3'EDERAI NT., Allegheny noRI-I•VC IrYiP DRESS AND SCHOOL SIIETS, A raw lot of choke goal. 14'cyr 1 , '21,11 Wear. JUST RECEIVED BY GRAY & LOGAN, BOOKS, mature, & BOOKS! BOOKS I Sharatan'a Great March; Civil icy la rinanos Draper. The Ba bb bath fareitera, Dona thfiabtloh; Lioehres Setniniteeneea; ritteeb Deets* re Beatles' /atantt ograph afoot.; . Pho Albi ' Pocket Walt% n's; ' Portfolios, stationery', Strilth l s Ariterlian Inks, . . • Soktool Xookol Inkstands; Penhoh wn laro; ' J. L. EELIPS, sew No. TS Fourth attest, L llas i ijtx A : iiii J OSEPH Amems,-Denti_A:' mu., Banding, caster al iiidaluna tat Gff street_s,Plttebnitb. Slierspeo—D4 i16=104/4 Dr. mar*, unsules.inwpil . , tbatatt. TIIEBDILY, OCTOBER 31, 188-5. G.AZE'TTE Sally moming, ... per annum chr. gl•-• served b y carriers, ZS emu. a week. MAY swag ... • W per year. de. do. , Wit : Va ukraeia. mats • w •ek. Weekly, . ....... SVC per year. do. MAW eoldea: ........... 0.00 do. RATES OF ADVERTISING OX4 Matt A•111-81.11rDMO 111A.STZR P. ' Pall y .27 aw 2 c4wlt•no, Wkly Two C0n02..., 1 25, Three tlmee ..' I a5' ..„ •• .• 705 Your tlmea...l 2 70' flee , 2MP . .... 250 Oro. ' 2 75i $ 75 0 zsi 351 Two weella... 4 75i 75• 2 COI 1 25 1 25 5 Three ee.33.. (0, 425 2 751 aOO 115 One 777014/5.. .1 25 560 4 00, 25, 2 10 Two mouths. 12 al! 8 00. CO - 2 75 425 Three mantas HI co 70 60 700 4 75' 625 Blx months_ 20 I 7 In, 9 20' 0:1' 77 00 Nixie UOO 77 70 12 00 8 oo Ohs Year ow 25 60 I 4 00_10 077 to oo ..• * •••• •GI Iltiattelloll6 VMS onsy be enangen at the adrertlaer a plaaanre, al • dump of te cents per equate, (or 20 create if paid at the ttzne,) tont must be co/salted to the tourocallate httilneu at the enrartja tt r. Advertmemenu contracted for otherwise thou dally, will no inzerted on man day" as the °Mee may select. - . linnsment advertising CASH. Death Notices, each insertioa t SO fasniage notices, Steamboat advertisements, per trip 3 76 00 Eieroutors' or • Administrator,' Notices. II 00 krEILILI.If ALIEIVERTiIIiNti BAT cm square —conitned to the immediate punnets of advertiser, tad not to include dissolutions, tion of nevi firms, wants. —ebaripstde one a Week. Say excess to be charged as tran s t matter.' times 9 atimesl [me. / Daily. k es a week.' a week.'n Week. 11le Cal lila CO $ W I • 800 ao 00 19 00. 16 00• 10 50 40 CO 26 00 22 001 le 00 62 00 21 00. 25 01.1 19 00 Thiel, - menthe Six months... Nine mouths. (be Year air Flel Notice. double the above rates, If la. meted one mouth or more. For a len pence:l2D cent. a Hue. Local notice. at such rule• MI may be agreed Vern. ET ft square to be considered as the are occu pied by ten Lines of the ontinary advertising type of the paper. 1)EATII litt. WORCESTER. Our readers have seen from the telegrams, that Joseph Enema Worcester, the Lexico grapher, died at Cambridge, Mass., last Fri day. Dr. Worcester was born is Bedford, New Hampabire, August 34, 1781, and removed to Halite, N, H. , In 1794, with his father's family. He was educated at Hollis, Andover and Salts trury Academies, and was graduates' at Yale, in 1611. Mille teachleig aehool he published a Geographical Dictionary (1817) and a Hasetecr of the Celled States In 1318. 111 1819 he pub. !lobed Elements of Grozranby, Auelent and Mod ern., at Cambridge, Mass., whither he had re• moved, and the next year, Epitomic of Omani phy. Several works of various value, het le re lated beide, followed these, and then he conk mcneed with Todd's Johnson, that great laxieo graphical labor which gave him II replica - n.lOO. This work was published lu 1821. The ttext year he prepared an abridgment of Webster's Dictionary, and in MO a Compel , heti-sive Pronouncing and Explanatory Diction ary,. He then visited Europe, and spent much time in those philological inquiries which had their fruit in his revived lexicon. A Universal and Utica' Dictionary of the English Language wits published by him in 1 , 43, which was insult' Male'' , reprinted to Europe. HU Prouotaeing, Explanatory and Synonymous Dictionary made its aprearaecs In 1635, and in 1360 his rnapteen opl?s, ouarto, , 'A Dictionary of the Englab Lan guage," was published. lie also published a spelling book, and edited the American Almanac for twelve years from IV.I. Ells doctorate came from Dartmouth and Brown Colleges, and he was a member of riotous learned societies. • Dr. Worcester has gone to hts grate ftdi of years and of honors, after a life Oiled with hon orable work. As with most scholars, there were few lacidenta of his life not connected with his 11011:. A very large and Mae coition of bta great work was recently published. GOY. PI EH POI NT...REPU DI A TION AND MOCR AC V. A r0n , , , V0d.211 fend. us some ' tleellona uhich .re 1 , 151 .11,,x4 Pierr,a. , / a,ya., but bad arlilsky nb•l • •maarlica,l ad- Lot y ror , urtdd him—from /••• , ng out, a zu9 Met), dist hr Las is - oust 110 , 111/k, n p-arant opre head I say ropperhe..d. becalm,. arc in harmony with tb, t , achiugs of that pane. He acorns at the idea of the Solth parin, its share of the nations/ dc'd, 1/1.11 14, is tan worst: than what a prominent democrat, who ignorant ly took me for one of their seha3l, lately stated to Inc. Ile said the Government was 3.4 acerb ender obligation to pay the Southern nor Jet as the Northern. I have heron at torn,, pains to find out Ihr setituramt of that party un this point anel find it unite a common notion—of ~wane they do not adsorate It zenerllly, but that .nth u lb.• poll., of the Trim (t talesman) of that party is beyond a .luost.:,m. The scheme In to hay , the Southern war debt ad:now/edged and then tepmliete both the North ern and Southern. The Cincinnati Rwruiree recently tort. repudi ation around by recommending all who dulled oat to pay government taxes to vote the demo. ercie Ileket, and yet, doubtless this thaw paper would advocate Gannet Dart.' bill against the United States of 12c ,000.00 J for Glatt chatels lost by Kentucky dnring the war. A Lae rebel slareholder recently told die near Memphis thjfit the govt roment had no fight L take their slave property, sad should pay for it, hiy reply wee that he should be thankful he had Ms head on his shoublers--that he had furthest not only hie property but his life, and but for the fact that he was living under the most generous and forbearing gorernincst on the face of the earth Me life would hare taken ainng with his TOE 'YEW (.4 WER NOR OF NOI - 111 CAROLINA. The New York nays. The 1 tl ADcrilAsiliroa. formerly fa general in 1.13 CSI army. to be ,errior of South "Jar - Mina, i airgular hot not Rurprlslae manifestation o Southern feeling. Mr. titan was the opoming catdi date, and his election was urged by Unido men on the ground of hie reluctecl adhesion to the rebellion and tile Inkewarmnese during the war. iV ma liturros went into secession from love and fraught to the end. lie deserves the Justice of laying that he did not seek the Oflizei but, on the contrary, declined It. 153uth Caro lina measures her favorites by no other record than the very war whleii made her a conquest. WAe,I. fiturvos, politically, It one or the WOal men of the flonth—nersonally, oae of the best. We sbonld bare orefened One, Gm. at the same time, hop, larch from the kindness and diuni.y of ffa UPTON'S nature. A 1 / 3 1IsstON OP SOUTHERN ('ON CsQ The Washington correspondeat or the (:in _ . elnaati En7u,rer asp of the report that the Clark of the House has atmodaced his insaution of not placing the cables of members from the late rebel States upon the rolls of the Lionse: -•- • " • "These et►temeats are totally unauthorized, aud were atantifhetured by those who know only that Mr. M•Pbenno has long been a het friend of Thaddersl Stephens. The law of the Last session°, Congress la mandatory upon the Clerk, and he hardly will dare to disobey it, par. Similarly as his disobedience will have no sup port from the Advslaistration." We think, however, that the Enquirer will And Mr. M'Pbenton•'s action will be la accord ance with the 'statements which It refers to u ucantherizetl, =Z=MI A;Baozawrso.—Under the lending "Recon ,atruction Begun," the Boston Adearttssr reports that r"/It the competitive detiotaatlon'of Ear vard College, last Saturday, open to all appli cants from the neitPreehman Class, the Brat .premium was awarded to a student who had lost his arm, aervlng as Captain In the Confed erate army, the, second 1,01 yonng man of ne-' gro descent, the Orli tulderg4duate of :that race. who has everbee • admitted to the university,' A =cat %pecan by, finacrat Runyon, - -dincW,aailo candidate (nr Governor" or Nev' Jeraey la pntiltetked. Tt ts demand &camber to the 'negro, and the neeeesity of keeping bim un der. Runyon is evklently afraid that If wrist rights were divot to the , binelta . 401 would prate too tart forllm and his friends. We have no doubt the feireirtise Governor are well &TOided.' testy :octr • (' ,•- t oars- - A Fall ft .:a ca ce A ~s respotideat of the I, hit air., writes from Mansfield, Ohio, muter date of the Ind last., as follows I have lasi returned from a short visit be a settlement of conaixtrusista at Economy, on the Ohio river, about fifteen miles below litisburgb They originally came from Germany, and ',ought a large tract of lead at this polar. and establish ed a community. At one time they numbered nearly a thousand members, Ind now have dwindled to less than five hundred. Their pecu liarities are that they work under the charge ofa chief. or overseer, tee produrts of their labor all going into his bands , to he distributed by him according to the needs of each member. Tau eurplua le cold by the eryeraeer and need for baying lands, machinery, Pock. far the brat lit of the community, 'Their land Is in a very high state of cultivation. They are extern • rive stocienshers, keeping none but the rarest and best breeds. The houses are all built silks and the streets are laid oat upon tho same plan. Th, re are no front doom In their houses, and each dwelling has a largo and well cultivated garden of fruits and flowers.. They raise largo quantities of currants and grapes, whims they convert into pure and eteellent wines. They also make excellent brandy, whisky and other liquor., commended by connoissenra for parity. Their religions exercises do not seem to be of a very Curios,. character. They have n Loge church, nrith a•spiendid organ and piano In It, and the nervier,' are mostly made up of vocal and Instrumeutal music. Each man and wo man has bin or her particular duties to attend In, and most of the trades and a few of the pro'cunions are represented In the community. They do um work hard, it being a principle of itch, crs ed tb work just enough to be comforta ble without amassing wealth, but Still bating thriftlessness, and using all the modern labor saving appliances for their work, they hoer, by the decrease of their numbers and Increase in rulnatMn of material,s.., become Im mensely a tailthy oh hoot knowing They erect ry neat and t Iran In tbeir persons and bens, hill, drueelng in blue homespun and a high 0 , 1.1, ..1 - brimmed hat of peculiar shape. Men and women work In thetield and at trades to gether, en distinction In labor being made on account of sex. Their religion does not allow them to marry, and additions am made to the community only by apprenticeship and ocea• atonal emigration rrom the old country. They take chllthen e.% apprentices, with the privilege of joining them or not, as they please, when arri'Ved at age, but additions from this source are exceedingly small. A large majority of the men and women of the community are now over amity years of age, and winnows see this Ise. menee andflatnable estate in the hands of a very few persona. The last man, whoever he may be, will be one of the wealthiest men la the country, But this staid and sober community le la great commotion Jest at present. it, safety isjeop• ardived, and Its good name scandalised. Their physician, who fer forty years has been a bright and shining light amongst them, has strayed away from the path of duty, and gone out into the Wicked, wicked world, and, instigated by the thyllish wiles of the fickle goldesa, com mitted—matrimony A young woman from the outside world bad been employed as nurse In their hospital. Hero the doctor la his round of duties met her. Acquaintance could hardly be avoided. Friendship was the tuatara! se quence of their similarity of interests and sym• pathless and alas ' -the sun of love soon welted the Icy fetters which bound the dueler m t Lae faith of his fathers. oe, Plato: Plato' you hero pared Le war, With your immortal fantaeLea, for more lemon/ condo_,ct by the fancied away Your Indent feline o'er the centreline core 0 human hews," ke., Inc. Of course this great ale could not be over looked, even In so Important and useful a per sonage ba the doctor, and he was expelled at once and forever. Lint It Is a bad precedent, and the community totters to to Very bal.., Itemarkable Effects or the CyrtoDe to fULt4. • A reel at supplement of the Calcutta 057.1./ contains s very Interesting report fermi 11r. An droop, of the damage contained try the II 'tonic al Gardens during the destructive eye/one of t tc tuber last. The fury of the storm war greater at the gardens than In the City of Calonta. since they were nearer the cater of the storm; but It etyma to bare hoes principally opine to the — open surface of the ricer scrota which, the gale garden with • force unbroken. for the space of a at Its height blew diagonal!,, and Was struck the mile. by any obstacle whatever: Few trees fell before I: o'clock on the 011 t of October, and al. most cone after .1.3) I. hi. At 4 o'clock the or u rpeelmen of .4edemottie .i.g.tala, the Mari. butt tree of Africa, was uprooted, and fell with a crash that caused vibrations In Ibe earth, which were felt at a dlstame of some hundred yards. Three gigantic SpeClUictle Of Crsadrine rperiti• the oldest of the str•cles In the garden, and roue of them leas tbs.. 150 feet In knight, fell oompantstettrearly in the startle." It wilt take years to repal• the damage duos to t bone beantt rut gardens. and no dcat - ripllon can gtve an ac curate idea of It. "Tlic.scrne in the tin. morning ant , the rya tom, oa. most dismal, — ,tly it the ndorr• Lot. oilnit. thou.. m.l true,, ninny of them sp , clmen, and the pride of the garden, rs tiruidrnted, I, midne. tanweraide .brume of which no account could Lc .opt. Notlam hod bnm Spared, and those trees that. had not fallen nen, 11, , , or Irs. :dripped of 11telr branches, sum, recorded as standing were meat W.< poles, without a hranch. Nut a Veatig, of a leaf, Hower or fruit remained in the garilcu... The destrurtion among the smeller plants Intiuus bet been of equal extent, but thirst tosses are of ..rondary Importance. compared. dill, th e de. strnetion of acres, many of them growth of th,,,rmrt,s of a century. Serpent specimens were ditty tn ation m ibc Calcutta 4,uarden, "and some of them are i.tilrira to botilandt only by dried specimens and di gerirstrnas of tbu, Wens now lost. lo the teak avenue . along the mad from Kyd'a monument' to tho largo bridge over Ike kbal, only two cantillated epicinions tomaln. The tries In this sienna sero ality-else years old. Out of sixty-germs mahogany Linos thirty-one have beenibloorn doer-_. The mahogany grove, rooslising of trees forty•flve seam old, Ls des troyed." The eyead.:r and palms, and the ell dogenons trots generally , mum to have escaped irlth comparatively Mile injury. The report. which extends over ten pagan of tho size of the inadon Carrie, concludes with 3 detailed list of the trees Injured. It appears Isom this that 1.010 imemmeno have been totally @termed l'Aftlol'S ITE3I!t Chicago pone. bay,. a I. tel of n „WI who, sfter harlnq hero chart:ed wlth haring rolthed the man wb, ruin..d her. When orreste.l die eras temporar Ily confined in an upper ittoly ..f one of tin oily hotel,. Looping fromof th to the , I I' undoubtedly pmt e faro?. 1 if, trcept hall flebts In Spetn lore been .t tree. d with numeroua accidents, to which Ltl• most ec Meta of the toreadors have been the tuff, rem last month, the eon of Cucbares, lib a. Om performances displayed extrawdi esry 'Lill and Intrepidity, was severely gored by • twit st Orville. Ctictutres, who rat prefent trseepled while hi. son we. In Sao get. but afterwards severely 'Twin:wielded him for his rashness. El Tato, one of the most pop. War toreadors It Spain. has Ala) been hurt at Se:amain,, but not dangerously. 'I on death of a son of Wielend, one of the heroes of the Augustan period of Gelman liter ature is much commented upon, as he is re ported to have been the last child of the German poet, who heed himself to the age of 84, and hie lately deceased eon to the age of 84. The poet's wife, a daughter of au Angsbuegh merchent, also lived to an old oge. 13e had married her in 1765, and she bore him liturtrsert children In twenty y ears. TrN Tnovitsirti not Labs have beets collected for tbe Lovejoy Ololloll3eXtr, moatiy rmm four counties. that were in Owen LoseJneauld Cox:- greenhorn' district. Fifty tbouasod dollars are molted to build a ruouumeat according to the dcaleti or the sesticiatiou. Two young men Iternine onzaeed In a quar. re) In one of the nlll , lle streets of Ileeilon, on Sunday 2:141 lust, when unifof the wranglemdrow a dirk and plcaved It Into the Tyre of the other. The steel entered Into the brain, killing' the man 11111110031. Instainly. Mlnfi BALtllln, whom, trial adsorbed so tatte‘ of the ;Labile Interest In Waehinrionlast sum mer, Ie row making en honorable Heinz in a mlllnery mtabllehment on Ilroad Wed, Rich mord, °nth, an assumed name. Us Motzday evening, the 23d lost., an Italian opera nu performed for the drat time In the history of the city of Detroit, bye full corps of artistes, the 84 rskosh troupe entat.lng Tut: Unita halimtri a intim' from Joseph Mantel to the hallan Working Society of Constantinople. In the document, dated Aug. 24, 1F43, he excuses himself for' so row delaying Lis reply to nu adilveis sent him, on the ground that be is old , Infirm, and very much occopled, and.that be eannbt suffice for all his comment& Ite Invites his brothers to per. slit, beeauso Italy has never stoo4stt . pooh. In now; VOlike 1111 d !tonic are 11 0 1- ango ~ I tte4 t l ool: ' need or th e' ea °Partition Of nlLlttr:ePlAren. as 'of duty anti honor [idly, but of anfety,also. no us," says he, In cottelustoll, i'lt belong* to crown the edifice of Italian nutty, or to fall In i nvittthl/ Into•nriarchy.'T , 3 ' ~ „ • .mulls Val '",Actik setniesnce by women on men by micam tltoy,..baptbeenylneeteod. are beet:inn:lA morn :tamer° frequent In Cond - ca. A tbittl JAW *Chin a taw weeks hat Jut tiktea Pica. In Ons. inempee, lamed. Clem:entlae Confetti; an bearjnyt that her lover dbmon Panetiat, wakab6ml, ImPuMmualbsrPet4 son, walled for blot °Stasi wit: gloms at night,. and ditehrged the coMents of bplatol b l oa breaid, killing tdm amttiti aped. She , War UM* deSmed to tem yeanstrd lobar, and oc !oniehur tbesentenee, exclaime r . 'Whet consoles me !al that hr le :Tiling to the ground.' " BANKS AND BAN RE ; HOUSE. N. HOT,NES & SONS! 80. 57 Market Street, Pittebarga. DEPOSITS RECEIVED IN PAS FUNDS AND C C./MENU] 17ollectionimade on all the pill:wipe! palmist of United States and Maeda& STOOK'S, BONDS AND OTLIZB S BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSIPN. Piullaular attention pale to the purchase An We of UNITED STATES SECITRFTIE OaMa Mum Um al lMst Da. do. 11-10*; Do. Firm 10.411 t Do. Mica-Thirties De. Putt Metes of ladctiefaass. ORDERS AND VW:IOIMM BUrtniT UB jstont DOLLAR bAViNUB BANK, Nu FOORTI3 stun. 1:9312322M1 CHARTERED /ri mita Open daily (Tom *to 2 o'clock, alto oc W eines day arid Saturday evening, from slay let to No. camber hit, from Ito P o'clock, aim from November let to play tat from 6 to a o'clock. Demi/hi receved of al/ comp of not law than One Dollar, and • dividend of the profits declared twice • year, hi June and December. Interval has been declared seniiranncutlly, to June and December, since the Bank was otganired, at the rate of de per cant. II yelij, Interest, If not drawn out, Is placed to the aredlt Of the depositor as principal, Lod beats the came interest from the Brit depot Jim and Decamberi compotusding twins a year without troubling the dopoeitor to call, or even 10 Dreamt his pun book At this robe money will doable la Has than twelve years. Books, containing the Marta?, Hy-Lean Rules at the end Regulations, lurnlabrd gratis, no &polio:actor oglce. Pixecnurrc--.I.EUIIHE ALBUM Vial 19112311121 m. 1 William J. Anderson, A. M. Pollock, M. D., John G. Bank°len. Hobart Robb Ben). L. Pahntat..k., John H. B hoenbercer, Jame. Headman, June. Shia,. James McAuley, Alexander Svser, Isaac M. Pennock, Ohrlnlet Trager. TILMIT 21 . .. tlalrln Adman Henry J. Lynch John 0. Hinkley, Peter A.. Madsen, °tome Black, Aka Mantua, mu Smarts, Welter P. Herstkall, Alcamo A. Lawler, Jamas B. H. Meet., Marina AL Cotten, Jobe. B. Maraddaml W. Donglas, John Orr, John ErvanA Haxu7 L.. 'Swivels, John J. CHE r espia, WWl= E. =mate Witham S. Haven, Alexander Thad's, Parer IL Hunker, WBllsm Val:dark, Manes' Hap, Wm. Whitrman, Tars !saes tler, S. A. COLTON. therrtary.-4AAIES H. B. MErallS., 412/.1111.1" , l'lll • FOURTH NATIONAL BANK. 11. S. Government Depository 63 .IfivIRKET SIETEET, Capitol Paid ha 8300,000 With Privilege of Increase to 300,000 "' extenstre correspondent* with Rank, sod Hanka, iltreugtoui the r..earry, we oast ueueta. al tactltte.• to thous doing bantam with at. 7 am 31.0 NCrlr'Ma. And ii/1 oat!? viimeatit evettrities, rovolvbel in sums to matt Go purchaserr, Depoiiit a received cod tote:eat allovved by epeeist agreement. 11 TRoS. DN ONELfY, IZOTD R. H. D. M. SMITH, N. J. HIGLEY, JAR HAILYY, JOHN F. HERRON. THOS. J. X EIHILYATRIOR THOS. DOE7STELLY, President, BUTLER WARD, Cashier. EXCHANGE NATIONAL BINH f Pittsburgh Cbaettrtil by the Capital Organised °rule &lineal Pa., 1816. 11,000,000. Natal Law 106$ TWA Hank has been item.rtatea a DEPOSITA R I United States Treasury end appointed attest tor the sale a Use 7.430 L O .41.. Z. 7 Ercry (Witty VIII be orfared b 1110C•ten of p flea punch/wing for riraale. H. M. MURRAY, Cashier 1 swam • 1 PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK Of Pittsburgh Capital Paid in 81,000.000. with Prvi tete of $2.000,000. Ranking Routs CC/2.NRS FIRST AND WOOD STNEETS. nt. Hank. orinebred•under Lbe National Butt log System, nay prepared to Li - UMW% bonne. a t t an Banklag House, earner of Wood and Viral Ineeta. Oollectlono mode on .11 storesolble potato on most fororoble tom& Noesfat Agenta for JAY to.:01:11Lro, for the sale ol the C. 8. 7 3-10 Treasury Notes. .21 DRDOCIETS CRUMB CLOTHS. Wo are no w tweet full IR ? Uof th e atoo.e. gouda. i Mao, Ina hth asarortlioenl of eierothLtig In the CARPET LINE PRACTICAL PLUMBERS. .° which we Mier at Ri o SAJEVEL AEA. Preeldeut F. M. Gouporit, ca.hier. J. C. MaPICERSON Teller PLUMBERS,GAS FITTE R 13&0 ADDY & RWERs, Gas and Steam Fitters No. 165 WOOD STREET, (OPPOSITE FIRST UEllittOß Pumps, Hydrants, Onset Lead, LEAD PEPE, PIG & BAR LEAD Plumbers' Materials in General OIL REFLTERIEEI Fitted Op In the Most Approved Style Tanks lined with liml or wpm. liousas dual up with vat*/ or gas DI.6BOI,UTIoN.—The CO.PARTNER mut heretoldro eitstlon between the run. teethes" 'under eno arm of STEEL ft EA/EY Is this day dluolecd mutual JOUR BAILEY, %rho continuos thedbrialnees, L duly authorised to settle the &commie of Wad firm. TtIEIMAS STEEL. Io retiring front the dn 30tIS It . BdILSX. a of STEEL el. UAL EXT. I cordtally recommend my late partner to the potrormge of our former !Monde and cultomere. TfittalnS STEEL. JOHN D. BAILEY, Water, Gas and Steam, R. 13.—Allorden prvlopty attended.ta. fps OIL R.RYINERIES, ..u.adrurvICTORIIIB AND DWELLINGS FIT ED tri . WITII IN A SUPERIOR MANNER Our !feeflitlea ire tutturpauen, out 'tot* of goods to hogs, and our workmen eompetent. We sloe past:mai superrlslon to all worttenteveted to our ear% end en savor to give entire antisfeetio. ItAILEV, van LL 4io, iO. No 167 OmltititaldStroat, Prx"rsz.A. ixem PLUMBING, Gat and Steam Fitting La all trismahas, UteMeil byexpo.. rieltos t a a retical atitOz . . 7 , ,, 4 41,, opitprtaylat col .111/35.,: v • 1.• • SHOW= 134.2Z 64 .., . • ' • • WATIFJI Onstantly. Da Lind and nits to oda, 7.4 :,. TATS SEVILLE. , # . ;**Puti. Adoitiam latted iummil'isrgEZT,PUtiblast r eadismrav T UERICATING OM. bb s., Eby R. a. COLLINS. Cheaper than . 4 y h.U.e ye city. J, A. ROBINSON & co it MA ABET STREET, Next door to BARKER'S Dry Good. Store. oyes FLLL AND WINTER BOOTS, HEWES AND GUMS, AT n FEDERAL BTREET. Our stook of BOOTS BALSIOB,ALS and GAIT. st9tltio7 IMld a re ti n 11' 6b4s to es U pit ain Cege exte! t l ) e u dr ftonr line of i:atf, Eli , and Heavy Raots and Bal. morals for nen, Boys sal - Youths hi the best la tan oily. DICRODLI a OUNI. SHOES, bIANDALS and OVERS for all. I do not eel' Goode at bat( price, but I do sell a Food ankle for Ina money Chao any other house to toe two cities. Meese cell and examine my eso°l, nn.l coo the price be.ore ytu buy. oc2l AIWE sTtlcs BOOTS, SHOES, GAITEHI, BRNO RIB 1 6U3IS All the Latest Styles and flua'ities And will be, sold st tbd eery LO WEsT P AWES Some .o1:ed shoes oa ooe• . ors NOTICE - - Boots and Sh oe 03 MAi KET STREET, Butad Arii) aux JAMES ROBB No. it• ■nrGet Strew Jun returned from the E k.Sr selth . very re and mock of UITTSBUBOH, PA, .etc)crrei Bzg . 3a $8 033 .11 of tie VERY DI'SI Nees', Roy.' aall Youths' Rini IS AnID SIWES to all thelr varieties .d styles. 1...) DIES WORK of the ha• est and best that le taanlilaettlred, recto the fine pOlllll to the plate OW Boot. (Itilldreas• Boole eh. . , •!!y_2 . 1,141:: r. 4 Variety. .• *L.:lj sire sat- Our abject L. . Itlsettou to the purettaser. fak - Please esti and •kantlne, and you will bi eatleflal with the QUALITY ant4PRIUEot anode. Iteuteathez the place. JAMSS ROBB, oat N 0.71 Market street- FALb AND WINTER GOODS, Havbsginst returned from the East 'etch a lull and complete assortment of Boots and Shoes, We are enabled to oilier superior in.tusementa to purchasers. slur stock embraces all aloe.. of LAO/ Eri• MISSES , ANL CHILDREN'S' HOOTS:SHOES, GAITERS & tif the best quanta'. A:ap, WENS', Ifin'S' AND Yot"Tii, Htii./TS AND SHOES. Berm rubes . , the PHILADELPHIA minor a - run};, No. 81, Corner of the Market and Diamond, ointit ADZES, liIISSES - AND clitLptit:lN-s Boots, Shoe., and Gaiter.. Or every Fdy le, Make and Form. at COYLE'S. Career Firth and Wylie street• mar. Trio toe. sort eserybady. aut. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c . . _ w E ARE DAILY RECEIVING (AIL CLOTHS, %v WU , riLlApEs. w00L22 , 1 CloTTul'i AND DELLICI, CI EIS 4.1 CRUM CLOTas s DAINASE. REPS AND I..tcE WINDOW CT)HTAiNs, Coteprlereg eeer) thing new sad dealrah/e, whibb we bre' at paPur,affit PRICES. BIYARLAND& COLLINS, 71 and 13 Filth Street, Next Building to the United Ststes Uystons owe sod Post Ogler. all ---- - - • FOURTH STREET .11 The Lowest Hates. 0C?„ A' W. D. & B. McCALLIIOd, a'.l 67 FOURTH STREET. CARPET STOKE DISSOLUTIONi - b l :4 l f , iliTrusit- Sl:two—The Partnership hemtofore exixtlar ooreem tea ooderateered. 'radar the Pm name of CIEUZISPTON & CO., for tba raanotaature of Silva" Pearl and other Sonya, ham Ude day been dleacdvad by mitttAl tonaerd. SAMUEL M. RIZ& JOHN U, URIJMMJ/1 JOHN TOSTREL Ptttaburge, Sept. tith, B. •. via ICENHEDY & CO.. to CRUMP TON f C 0..) itAstriuvroxitza op Silver Pearl and Superior Bonn Soaps, 4.Lavarr areirsr, Prl73Bußok. daft _ 7 (Successor to STEEL ar. BATLEY.) Stock Broker and Real Estate Agent, arstocig, bought. and ;old era Clatotolsolon. 'Me e vs .- mums HALL. Pittsburgh I P-. JANIS V .Loa ;;..1...1011.1164.4 :-6316. ;ZACK', yam, lANE BIOS LUTISTS & R01;1)1 riII2MEK No: 60 oiliabs e ta sc. PritsiTO. Immo% Autpis UMW BEIVTNUOII a tIWAittOrri, NORA la) VO/03A Pad GILT 8/GNO ON GLASS mrAmatezmaguali=rylo .m. Amt . a 2.: Orth soncuser.-• 'rg :rxiituas due. 'with! Nom to OOT, hammy Of color. and =raj ins of rOntszt,, worltat.tmonobli Mak WLEaLLftill •S BROW.N, ! • Mae or the elm ot ;044; 4ortow soma artn won ritzerzta ,orth lEut swap. of 'Third and Matt ca., PITTSBtnrOZU sale by t -0041.1= A /:* D Si 3 ES li6vD we hatzliiil=drres..o:ifroot the axse and &Tre: looted stook of all the Latest styles of HOOTS A7:D SHOES FALL AND WINTER WEAR, ZI,ENS', LADIES' AND MISS S Gum and Fell Orrr Shoes, W. K. EIIeCLINTOCK No. 92 Federal Street A LLECIHEN JUST RECEIVISO MEM BUIL D'S, 08 Uraket Street; daor from Fall A LI. STYLES SOUTH & BOSS J. W. CARNAHAN st Co'S OUR NEW , T , OK np CARPETS, RAILROADS. /86KENT. 2 PENN LT/LIU& s— xfit N T NG E E- n atig orarr aigilil 41. Es_. —TWELVE DAILY TEA_IttS. :.. Da and alter MONDAY, octane:rums:lsm, ar.w. 1.111 team tbe. ratan Paaserwer-Depel, carter at Wu/wards. sal Llberty streets, Ss follows: /JAY'/..aPIIEZS. daily except Sucalkkax 2.50ja in., al , ..rntne at • nntrrife•rn,CO 2 . l 2.24%. it 4 __,....._iitm Altoona an: •II prmei pal stations, and ~,,, ,P 0,,,, • / , , a l far NOW Tot% sml W len:Li:tan, sal li - lilatltig.3l.ll tot Nrw I'll o• 1t.a....11 aal intertualllat Rotas. A L. utor.,‘ a.comtatolkATlON, da227excePt 5...• oar, .I. 6.0. a. "63., stopping at All rusir stations between Pataburgit sea Altlhla; allt4 making, close cnonenlon with trains ihn Indiana Stanch., West Prins) lvanla H. R.,_}..2wliburg sal i mama H. E., assiii.tliaLlATlbur; Hretatt. Ptl - TEELM... it x ERIE M Ails 13%4 es: Sept S :daisy, •, id a. tn., •toppUag Ott* tit co. oo 33•..311, Da laren, A/toons , en s all prfaelpat Ida. Ilona, mob cog d rent conaratl4n at Harrtlbarg New Vat S H ILlentre. attd Waatiogtodi t WALL Al lt.C/24Sit /DATION,. dal3 - , eeePtiStin de ,a,at D . ... 03 . stopping st al/ regular sta. t 1t.1.5. bet, red Pa:mots A. add fitarisgurg. oast: leg mint stlrus with Wald s on the Eb......a....1 t i ...on it avmad and 1t0111.14s burg 11.4.1r0 PH ILA DELPII IA ElP Rl .os,dail?r:a , ~. P m.. inn:ping at Latrobe, 1.1141,1,vi11e nterstecion Johnstown, lionentaingb,_Gallitren, Altoona Run.. ttneelos, Lewistown. 'ALMA. New ilarys. ville, liarrisburg, Laneaster, and Downliirtown. At Ilatrlsburo direct eanasetiosa are made [Or Ness Yore, Haltiniom and Washingtvo SKI. - • tit Philadelphia, for New York...Roston lindlecii• . mediate ;•..,i Its, Steeping CM, ran tlx-nv . 0 1 4 . 2 ad. tram tram Plltablargh to P1:4144M. 44 &alit. more. sud 10 New York. br Was Allot:dolga Mut& JOHr• 1..1 OW gt ...isnh,MI.III4HATILIN. 411S.elt. I eel t Sunday, at 4 35p. 0., .30551. g .. 65 cognise t 0.,. lona M wren Pirtebutith •rl ennentagst a and cus• al/miles at /3131,531.10 1... cr. etlon with 4rauso the Inclines Itmern t 0... Wry t Prunst 1. - 4,s !LE PAST LINE. dad,. r a•ept Sunday, at ea, p IL., stopping on, v at Conatnaum.tialtitrea, A.1:00- ns, Hear cug.l4l{.. LeWIJI,,,I. :.1,1111.1. pan:tor: rs - all:le, fiatrim IlDdiletuten. setnes•tos Loa Dow Ding:own, task.. i souneutton 4 Herne burr rr, New York, LALT.,.11... •04 Viles.b.ation Inat 1 SHAW/ Iphtn, (...• Idav Vers. i.,,,,,„ ..., t hisblata 5.11.05 Dolan. 51 , , , ,...r rata r3l3ithr ~ 4:3 In hls ham t • Ha da..leui4aa. owl to Kilo Yotk ay the A Ilentowu mute. . • . loaf arnownfoonnor. !Tsai :er W9a• leaves •1•ily (except SundAT) at 15.470 s. [12:1 Soecool AceonamodAtlon 1 rnin for WaiPAStatlOn leaven •.1.11). (except Suralny) at 9 10 a. W. Thirt: accommodation Train for WAIPCS.ticn t ea. Jail)" (except Sondly) t. - : 3 3.5 o. Foolt:. Accent :13° , 1231 , 9n Train for Wall'A;Statloa leaves dally (-- eept Sondn7) at e.G9 p. ta. A cronno—cw , i.. for enn 51V.1021. •trippl3g an station. betweeu •*l P ttnourgti and reran.. al 10;a p. to. • • • The treh Tram Mae. Seadio 01 , 111,9 Sunday at 2.08 a.. co.. nod an rittatUattl St 10.03 s. M tearra Pittahurni p. m and arrit es at Wall'e Station at 2.11•5 a. ca. Ratan/Mx Tr.o am-I re 1.0 Putsteuran as tillows., It a. at. il Fast Lion First Well's Straws AcconanudaLim... aXS n ca. Venn Acrommoention • ,yo a. ect. Second Wail's Station Acc.inniodistios 0,01. lotin.towo Arena..3.l"mo atian a . sa. Pit/shoran a Erie Mail p. Haltirem e Express m. Third Walls Station Accommo•latioo.. 243 p. Express Fourth Wall's Station Aneocornodatom 6.14 p. al. Altoops Accommodation awl Esal,;rant..l.l.ld p. ca• An Agent of the Exnehilor I nantbne Chlenpany will pain {arm gh each Main Meters maser:log ills Depot, take up cacaos and deliver any ea part ol the city. °thee order, Penn street, open day and night, where all for the enoteniehl of pueengels and baegage will receive prolapt at. . tention. • Baltimore express will arrive with Phila , Oelphht Expire' at .1.3 u p. at. on Monday. is inlet: —ln cue - of loss, the Compaiy will halal tanoiseit'eS reaposslisle for personal Fiume Only, Ind for an amount not exenedimpila.:!„ W BECIICWITLA„Tgag, (DentAt iit t A ti L e w P . o . n o n . any o lt , hl r, : .,dv ra .. l ,, Ea m i . i t 7:l Paciiil.;,l,ers 18(i 5 . P1 TT 6131;11GB,-- CuLL - ALLIT S AND GINULNNATI RALLitO&D. The Crest Short ltiir Route pia SlLth.rOille, 4 L11.1L11111 . 1.0 01131111IM . _ LOUISS ILLE. ST. 4:4TILS, I* 1. WEST AND Qtrrki.-TEST, P:C ,prz; Mors TOITEII 9th, Trains lease and arrire at the VIVInN as follows: ncr/uvre. LltwaS. . Expresa... .... .... ._...2 10 AL. m. 2C. fr. a :‘l.. .. .... .... ... - JIM p., Pa. Express g 17 P. m. &la : 1 .. , I te 2 benvllle Ae.l:a tnanl Va. 4.30 10.10,111:1111. .s. F. sour.flit tt , oc° ' Tt`.ke.L.-4.`,%.:.'1.°-‘!!'!°V.i.te,i, l. D. ,3162/lEnseltiiiii. oc9 t)O ., Tteket Agent, ['Won Depot, PlitabFitii PlTTSi3Midli, .m.poo:1-i -wAyNE RAILWAY AND OLEVEId !maw! eiautom,.. ND k EVT9I _ AII.RANOEXp o.r 4 , - 1111- llowa, Leaves $ For 1 For Pittlaburgh:Ll I 110 ago. !Clorehod. Wb..1:01111 ..... .2.10 o. m.i 2.10 a. m. Expreas...;, •2.00 p. m-1 245 2. oz. 1215.4 1' p. ra..; a. log For New Cum., and Cele Ws. to. . . 21.111.6111 NO. Arrive at Pittaborgkr—P. PI. W. h U. RAW: ." 2.2 , . a. m., A Yo . p. cu., AM p. cu., 7.50 p. mc., c 1.2, "... C. & P p B. Is —:.lea. m.. 3.11 p. tn., p. ,„; ...A 0001 1 1 111015.1,01 Tlt AIM. ' ' , Leave Allegheny. New iltcehe. Newr ' Ste 4 Brighton ter. tlaatle. Economy' .8.2.' , 1/ 91.0•.. .4.? so.. A. tn. 'AU p. En. SAO p . cu. lu..Mr. at. kari.l. it I . iIA.S p. tn. • *.c.c 11.00p.m 6=I:7IMNO. . ! f. Army. a: Alleihmv..„—P. F. W. /a U. Ralt*a ''. 1.18 .. m., 11.1 b a.. ra., MIS a. ca., 1.9.5 p. m., 4:5911..... al. and M. 20 p. m. C. a P. R. R.-9.10 a. m. -1,.?..... ... • 'T ', GEORGE PARRIN,TIakit Avat, , ... Caton Pweafer Statlaa,PLUMargh, 44 A. IMRRY, Tic!art.,,Arai:i. Pmrl r. h. IWYERR. Clenaralt..itrl.% , ; TBBIIIMEI AND OONIVELLSV/LL RAILROAD. !e: :,7. W INTER ARRANGEMENT. Ur. and &net :SUNDAY, Oel sate, Ine, the tealtelli will lesre the Depot, eorner of Sou aa4 ;nat. Lteeta, AS follow, /sears. /Wilt , Pittsbongh. Pitts , Mall to and from Uniontown. 7:15 a. tn. IWO pitair• • Express • kW p. L. tOXIJ &At.: First McKeesport Accos'n...ll3l3 le= 110 LAIL. i Second " . i• ... CM p. no. 'bag pilin .- First liraddoak's " ... iita3 a. ra. gib alrat,:; Sesoad and clop. in. SilgpOrs. , Sunday Church Trala to ,__ : ' .. . frost McKeesport Ito p. sta. Isalgagm L ,4 For tickets apply to A. J. SE &ME, Agent l'! , ' 0n27:1v W. B. storT, Superinte ~,n ~ 4 A LLEGHENY VAL. agammer ..... LET RAILROAD,— ORANGE OF TIME' —On and after MONDAT , ' Octobar 2d, Puseager train• will be arras:l4n-- rua as follows: MAIL TRAlN.—Leaves Pittabargto at 7.afts 4A, arriving at Kittanning at a in. Leavn gibillii tanning at a:A p. to., arrives at eittaburgiUGia has p.n. EXP.HES4 TRAlN—Leaves Kittanning at 4.4/ it.Atianrribrinuach.t., p.PiLts,burgshir.stsaii2trit."Lest:AS. -; 7.... p. tr.. • 'g .., AOULMMUDATION TRAI N.— Oci4 : Work Aa, in., arriving at Plttaburgh Leas^es at K.SIA, - ao. Leaves Pittsburgh at 2.00 p. tn., arriving ,4. a Isi enalant. at Lilt p. in. scan F. SVRIOHT. Sunorintandan h. , . ... • 0 . 1.1C.F.. .1.1 we base the time Agency few Pitteburstt, of tltj UNITED STATES PL' ECIAIPtNY Also, Adamantine and Swan Bill Hoof and Eye Company • WEIQLESALE um:trans 20rD TOBEIEHA, eas buy the above geode by the coute, fticut .arFirift tagfrekeitt wad crenate, at New Tors Pneee, by ial.!A at v . 78 and SO ilaiket Streti, • .- fl".: 111.11" CRI7III. OT.YDE & 0:). i Ol!i . N (ON 81 G.N bIEIIT.A.N I) Fait SA.E+O I • Zeollllll. APP . .. i , . I.tqa. " Peaehb.ow Potatoes: gar,: o White Beans; 1. , ,..' WO . " balOost PI • too •.. Jerter Sweet Potatom. '-1-1 't Oozes Hamburg Cheers; SO. `• Gash. [ • ?..I •:O hit•a. Cranberries; do oS ••• Nettles. to reit; ' '. ' ' 4 12 bell bbis.Prektes, for table; , - a.:i i 0 . do \Platte Ptah. to do Troot; . .„ too bushels Timothy Seea, ". .. ' ',?, GRAPP &.slllTEtt,' .1 ~.,11 No. 216 IA betty' litterfiPa- ..., ALEX.IKEN , '-" - el' ' , ,1 ~ ~r !, , ,",, -„ D.., ... icrivrnazi..r.smcia rt ,-, r , -",, we- '.. No. ~. Fourth straaa,Pitt gauze... Paw, ktiar t IN,il' , t ,.. v. , , - ;‘,-; or_all mail., ORAPFZ, CtLovE , tioini ev 1, , :t - • , 'caption or ruaeral Filttilshilyr Good. t '-.... -'- . 1 '' ' noonts Q . day arid zdight. Reatsswido. ...Fa b '.'', ?„'1.1.1,:rp toznishod.RWttilmools--Iter. David lode; i,lfr E , ,- - ' 4 " ''' 1 ReiN td• vr• J 1140 1 ,14 .15, DA.1... Twain &flax. RAI - 'l, 1-21;1 a-. If , t 1; Jacob, li. 14(1110 ~..„t a -. pforouatWirrigemmyritik„, - ,. - 1,::-_-..t.i,--- , ::1 -, ; , :....1-_ , ~ .. ~ -,-.,, ..... w, 0 , .. 4 - 'Lae ta Preal Table Hotter i - '.- ci s - 'a *,:-/ : WI boxes Pact* Crreaal Uttetaa • ''' '- ' "... la'. r.-. ," ..1' -4 - 4:4 ba r ren Sweet__Potatou ; , .. , r'.,„: 7 . - 1 , --.. •• '- - ' 1. ~, 50 ", I Elli a / a MUIt floor; , 1-, ~.,..f.O. ,--,,,11.11.1, , t1 , 13 ' ettOled 4rie. . .., + IrTS - 7 , ., 11 ' ' l *" Tot gate ar , n.RE D D r o, ; ;, ~,,, ~,,.... 'as = t . ? AD ifttlhony stesel.444 i ;7;1: —rf ,:: COUEllie OV)8T 144 os4 . P.A.11,t04 ANDMEATICARMV:9-'4V:' kIzd*orROLIiIit.SFASAVASTINGL I FI ,, • • • A*. EU: iae"•• .C4OO • Accrzr.'StreSlSE PAPER HANUINRO, . &noir PoNNEL.DEVutieIIUNA tor Mlle; rilOtog - Boomasod No: atlforket osti. JOS, O. aNCULE.S kaarZt.'' 7 4 , 1811.-25 bf. MIR • te Yidt_ , cl. Trout 1 arnica:7 J. 8. ths,mow., IS DIA NAPIT*!4 MEE IL; : a`:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers