WANTS w&WSJ). A. GIRL FUR GENERA. 't •HoussoroitE..---Appy m 185 Llbcrty .1. 04:28:ttd ANTED.—HOVBX—A. moll, house • seatatelus tom too oft realm, etther IPDXibursh Aleihooy, Uwaxsied about the fteß of Ocototelea et Umber, by • gualumn, WUO Pio obiltres. Aildrese. oefOtf WANT= Gesierrs omau. LITTLE GIRL WANTED. „a, Mtn ALTrItE r FrOm sties to otos wars of age. Jot orphan prio dated. Elm will ban good honaN and - kaut sod potiodol cam *poly_ It ST. NICHOL WI HO. TM. toms of - Found' it & Giant draw: Room Masa. cd2s:twd IardIiTBD.—AGENTB FUR " TRE ,AfranzET 19=910E, TILE WIELD, THE N ANIIIEESCIAPI6... .BY ALM? 415MOIGUMIONN0 11 i Vezle Tribune' Ctorrestroad end. The mod Intetestlag and exciting book ever inehredft M. R ic hard son. in:waren -W illh4 experidatoo for Loot gum traveling through the Booth in the secret sal of the Tribune it the outbreak of the war, with our armies and Ileets, both Ewa and WeetWe tint two g the lairs 0 , Riktielllzel gag Otter's; his 4inaftneletent Toed montli In alien gated rebel C a : his mime and almost miraculous journey Mild of neatly WO miles. it will abound in Mai contain, mope o f tee, lack deakeend=otif tk. wet than 111 other wet* get plibUeldtd. Seadims, ladies, energetie young D. mid expo. stilly tettomed and - 41sabltd °R awl soldiers, an went of prolltarde employme e nt, m will dad it p es o- Onliarly adaoed to their condition. W. have agent eloi.fliSivd/aienibt which nine will "rove toady dyadic, ale= 15exid forldrati. lan. *tidies. BROS. h 4XL, • N. E. corner E, and glinorstrecta liddeodawr: • , ; Philadelphia Pm FOR SAME-F'OR RENT FOlt -8/131 1 -; - A `FAB)! of lyl acres. within 3 miles of rad iate/ Statien,, eta tee Vane. Retina. The im. Paturtanente are • heaved log house au barn, young apple =hard; fencing good; 100 urea clear. atli the oaltstee well timbered. Ake, small trustpi lend adjoining the Boro , .401 Zlltabetta. costalalet is acres, well adapt.. tor gatdanieg. Thesoll la the very best of river D0t .3021. and la Lea it , s, state of cultivation. Also, Alm • very valuable tract of Ella end mad agitiatilt land, ocuitsining forty amen situated at the eastern termlaus of Illairialllo, and bounded On the Math Dy Oostemaugn Raver. 'o3lola this Mat there' are three str ata iron are.. Agmtdinto Padua= Green molt the aetand altdoVetled strata of ore I. of good tur,-g. kty mignever s as walled Wrap laareeor3,•of intesoeet to 49analt7 'tali Waite wfll item tool to the • awe of nettetiom mid reduebegaltserude mass to ea itma of and - omits, reeironing the value s tare at ;gateaux ber'.ton; this grata woUld: ti 'titrodra.. thtmistut ift . -= 'SO dida wo havettifentlidvi OM of 4034-441olaolealel" ohthihushaelOperstiOh . powapagirae,.. - -ghal 'property td worthy the IV' t.i . zofestpliallsta! , -Tbe tWAS3iewalt Would be sun =A gala “ 1 2 44 • r. Ina triteltd*,.l l4 l, 402,Krtiwaint IlVitilreebar. • 4ftlaa4tFiVa4 teyetzti , N , tittot ortenettente‘ ere a two •etoty wiet.test.ltorn in ibtaeote - -inienglog Igenetalfr gOadt.ado.amen thalami; Rat .ao ,, aaandin , icll - titaterad;.: „ Ths ,land: is good, largumaadows *tehtelt.rtediteattne cannot sum. mu very eon. .verdeat toeluerchesinettotda sozied eta; Thliamltests.l3l.ll “damerst chall lizul %Mazer 'ti ltotcar — ii ' ot 313 F larr6i:l . l3-41311iiit ' toin; 32 4• IT=goople"intrs Will be co ld „ best fort aw. the Idonongeltelit liver .abet&V.P.A.*4 &ea ..blatelletWle , Allegheny 00., rh.;,eplete....„zl,l4o o, .;TA 9oll,a n qun e ati 'Am 11 ±. 42 V, b ou b s ti t A erA , Ind wagon mati , A, is creep r sag • • • ....MI/MaI:WA .TD 1 - . . nhout.'lll, ages,. i r t V:474eathr i te 3 inellt4eteLe. . . ..'greif ia tiagureir s eellantea... toserle • • -rtiqui Or" belldtwfle, Te/F . .Wedte PAIL WC tUe d erialq.ciP4a4 , 44. l a nn, end _ MUM cool . !See Fisuist OM Ws. piquira , "Cikw:TOWEB., Reel 'Mate Agent, ae3a. „_,., _llo...tee Fourth street, „, - 1145ALW 011-XLENT • Alit of reeneireparnet or &LAD bathe City of e/leglainyesetwil , ta 'the occupant? Of the raneenta o u va aaot t i r n A tr l i l rrigoagp manmy,V bayl h S em e it e Perim tor the ol the Penn evivaghttlanal, :the tante hating reverted to-the otiglaWcnenerlbytiti by thereoffor the attleetimatemplated by toe Commonwealth in theeentessinroUsiteroptieter tot canal erne. 111bai oetrapted' atatoretebi lathe Pen= 00 1 14 IV= a Vie retrain of the Allegheny river, thence nnelete Helium= attest, edolostelizz-thlt lama between the two looks at tlitrenxbret thereof: the width of t he to eserartalned be the earner eu:ney or theMoilosers for the State In laying pot sion . saoal and bum ALSO, • All that 'portion ot said canal from the north side of Robinson street to the shuthnire of lOW otAkotreet, being inlenattiabout VA Ain. , ALsO, All that tiortional said canal from the north aide efl:eaeoelc idlest nOrthwardly to lad II:talon. lot the 41./..0; Itka , portion of hid a n frekt the beide afoteudd , eistwantly to B ank Lithe where the same Intermitted the ean S sa. • • Mishit mutton of add mutt „toasted between Sandusky street anilluaderunn street, Dells %bout GOO feat Irrlengthwiltb Strellrdth or led easel laid oat - by the . Whatneeri, between: CO and 70 , 1Itet • +, • - • ALSO All thatD.Gri otland heretofore Warded by the-Penda. - ne4ebiarprised ont...otNo, el, be. F L. breadth of Foftsurproperty !aft balsputeile true will be . monde I o n ft* ro efroplo letthYormel warrentae io She was, SOBIZISCIN. tie ar 4- asp= elan Mare. boa_ _ A W1114.113 - ked'franle .TO3O/7 Dwelling, .tailai:3l.lLiMild, 'lemur Papered ana Pawed, VaIP.T.O4I 400,..HYDBANI . insldeanll antakla Titer. LOTtet:_trtsa teeslecint:FYyJaii Mug Are .esf:Calaa , IFlNtdaglaPE Aftw , T , 'FREW "rlfrefWarbsaeSeidtfscrill begtyda the : tat MYOLOaIt. • • CORNEVi s RE-fiOIOtiVNITH ONE • ;.0 - ING• HOU n E. P Tbayre gage treAttr us .saltt 1,1= 2 4,. 104 : 1 4 11 r7 snty...Scameary.. law or 1•: • ! Tio.ISII Fourth strcet. • .If4tiatfitealartilier And innurayaa Ages.; auatalasasa 66 Federal stray; 611c7,h00y. 14 . BezE, • }'HOSE TOT) HANDSOME THEETSTOtit BRICK some, Noe. so.itidElton this outside of WE ST 0011. EION, near the corner of Uhl° street, built and 11 . 1 thol azOnEhout to &superior ntatter—Entsbed with every ectoderm eonvenleuee and im provement end et present; in gkerfeet order; one of thaelean est ang .. .ineag . deslrahte situation. In Allegheny rosseesion Cu the let of April, 180. Enquire of ' • TAIIIN ik.n.ral.E. EAU* Beaker a/alma/ranee agent, oc=l.l -- • No. 55 Federal et., ddleghear I,‘ ARIA FOR;SALE.—One of toe best Stock and Wain Farms in tt. E. htlammi, eon. leaning QC nem. allmnder hem; over SOS in cold •entioni ffivitled insolielda of onnvenient slue well stand anditmeezedi 121 miles from 511ssit , — • Ireri II miles ham B. E. Station; Iw - gutted to hemp and liniment); - • Cr atone. roams, teal J. , • • ....se of els end attic; stsbledidelless- romns'and lame Dcasr, office , set, granary. meat house, ten -fourth* eV ' 4l ' ll ' 4 (hound. :sells. ea. rhino *purstiseo money nay ramain is the - ns sleet Ifni& as lame &admired, adjoin. ssurroVed land will be sold in connection. A 017 pettoMillt or by mall to-- • ^ swuT i k o oalki,Dial ••• 43-554111 .nepatztv..lllmeros Dom Ma BALE:Abintr one hair an acne of GIiOUVD to the tilline at Springdale, MlD lately nounty, an which le erected a two story Treble , nut- buildings. The Lone trellTroproved lasvine largo number of fruit- treenann inspeli,,Alts Allegheny and Free port .1:'71. VAASA to front of meld to and there will bb a elation within Onyntda of thin ternnertY• at not sold Delare 40 n7th,of untober, solstat.pdidte MSC. i for. !Antonin* enquire of bini:11)(18, on ,the , rem lee, Of 43. EL - Tay. .2.014.8tt10t Liw,,,ixo..l,lsl)lstnandstosoraptro. Fart m.143,-AFLOT OF 480OND , con tahantialt:7,ol.lob.titit!iietsto ia Pitt Tp., tatineanbyjna y, bstwean lands of Ospt. Bran noo and Zlxo. n - l.en.ny This property is delight • fullyysittistai, ororaoking s portion of both •own and ths - Ailoglions river. /Us a neatnifed buiplity lbt foara Coantry .Itosidlowt. but will no sold suozotna,ol* to loft. For teraialettairi of the undersigned, no, 91 .1)14/nOng trea, PlOiburgh*. .110138, COS . • ocrtett. .kitheiAorl'or 8. Fi. Ai Galvin. decod. tOR•SALB.—MWELLING /101313. E.— Te bAck dijrqUatir cr yra/Vga Ereentors of I N de of N. POooll doe& Also .ROl2 SALINA Prick Nate mu:IMMO aorta or ITOLOW -with Coe - orshapi,'on . , Fropeti erect. Forte 'llp ` P ' Y to :WILLIS scxrruE, - 153 , LIberty Suva. FOR fitiL& :US XXCki&NOR.—The Bow hilltimpothyroontalottrabootita /MA Purar trtOktelutit Irlth coolOnd , notuiropek looney: at the mouth otOnaltion Moen, on Ito AM WAY" tim. two Is thwpropeity a'isaw =land: I.wo Honsw-wiabnaoin nhesiN at .ezolontod'for ci l ogtfirja littanonay , Atlegnaoy loturrettcpr ; L'IDArthASHORAMPLECI,‘ . osjaaormaolatsaa , Ou q t 4 tene woo, • • j 4x m- xi•Ctf 5" 1 • 401 Plet amommOmu m ra . Aan: rcit7 M WMRowa Agn T j+ • • ••• STnizr. 'III2E DWELLING sotts'atlvibirnami, 'Muit*totl.l4.o4:F4l.3.** Irto4;' APAto g il a unt' BM,: ,hat aeon] Lo of G having a IblustaalllllUL Amlialloilliti" out 4 ritadinibilftisorgetto ooroi ICA tt 4 F TU r 4 OPP I T ort D r.a,,f4 , , *)l.t 21.11 S ENTS I>ITTSBUSGU Tll 'LAT PM. A. Lents awl itirmager WLL ilEtwaßsori R!..eligaireatent of tba eciabratta young traradl - an and dramatic anOat. . -Mr. EDWIN 415A.M£4, FOE SIX NIGHTS ONLY. Tins Lydon fl EVENING, 1W bq perforlied sor or . : mag:l)A,t• Anthony Hapthoine EDWIN ADK3I9. Vomit Duatt Mn. Ban and HanT Hotto. F% B A .110118 Z. wiertlia4ezt; MSS Be-argatemmtvt'fhe i5a1.1.0.4Z00353. Aseistel by nu pinny and•tsteated • - inn - immix - txtmgdy. IRIS (Monday);iliefillidr will be performed Ens mat legend of -,. - . . .. ' ntE Allon-bp arrairraar. D k . .r4 itiiiht.l - Rev k ge. 11e.11WiF0Z0r: .. . Metfnee every Poitarday aßeanoon. Trtentydve =Witte sill:tartan: the bowie: • pITT BBUrtsla TEMATILE. MME. WON] AND Sl6• SUStNI'S - GRAND ITALIAN OPERA: MAX STSIAJLOSCB DIREO?OL Xt. Strakoseh announces With much pieuure, that he has succeeded In engaging a complete and efficient Italian Opera Company , eccibean some of the most eminent enslavers heaven - big hean bleb' and a tompletel:llloltuni AND 011011EcTRA., nomprOcut 'tame et the most talcums art ew from fits whOm he will ere in Pitts. burgh, positi4ELY ONE - iEtt-oNOi , CO3IIMECING IILOSOA,I I , frgmber SIX DI V YeatEtiT GRAND OPERAS, In a style untivaßed byany ether management. The following eminent aflame frost.the New York Academy of Music,..conattrite the °hem Susinifirand OperaComp_mig; Sttrorlos Arralumme. GRIORI, the Unions Dramatic, Pries Donna, from the Mallen Opera, Nee York Academy of' Miele, sad the Theatre TatenvElavans. - hfinei PAU I STUANOSOII, the favorite Con tralto. Mlle. OANNESSII, Prima Donna, °Forces. Cimmd Theatre. signora Ati&FEßiti end Ettile.Nl, TIM mom, of the New Yurs, Boston and Phliadeli. his Academies of Moat -r- - Signor MABOUST,theerningotlewitemi from tire tirlegtmers,TheaterSecoo. Reruns. Sigr org,LgileT umuulauso Porando4ato_auci. blaretera'altaltrioPera, New Work. • • • _ Slam_ rAIONort.AFF - the eelebrriterl Bus° Muflo a lMe.m. Drover s GeruissiOpera. Dime. PANOZZI and 81g. zaruzu, Second ;VQ1313.111. andSli. - PERAL Second Tenors. Pi t T Z (NjA !Ebel sad Efigi Second - • ........ ....Nig.TRANOLSO ROSA.. Leader Ti r a e n y e A r t l er . F. Zeterearc. Sege Ntg.tiardini. ..... ..Sitivanze `44301Wf. bbsoiclia. The entirely Maw end costly wardrobeium been prizahasediev the Director lo Farts. • . ,follomlog roperet sU 4 be performed with a case otuosmyyaeaal strength , , . FAUST. PIARTILei. NORMA. -11,TROVAITIRE, 'DON GNOVANN/. Am:MOM& Zit Tarquette and Dress errata fl; smaltekAegt,'6o teal extra: Felfill7 Olrelado centat:Pdyste.Mollesdli • The isle of Season rackets, ( I I each). entitling the holder to a occurs I meat toe each night, ertti ' commence off WEDNESDAY, November I, at • A.ll, M. 0. CAtellorlif Waxer' Store. Sale of . qickets for singe nights will commeore at the same plate on runp.. - vi . N pv4:2llMer MASOIiIO - li&LL. uNz WEEK ONLY, Commencing MONDAY, Oct. DM - RETURN OF THE Fey:oEll'Es ritE 'CARTER 7.OIIAVE .TBOIIPE AND YOUNG FEMALE BRASS BAND. T WEN/117E4'MR PAXIMAELEI33. • The management point with no mall gratin.- lion :to their Eat of Umbrella, Pariartriers and Eitntardinary Zioreitisa and attrantions, andbeg to =sue the PAMTlUbiwan rpublio that they hove not stoppU eta:r which wouldanabte them to DEFY CONL ye: , rad ria err other travel. ingettabilehmentin oat conntry . : . paint to the resiut of their Warta with jurtifyable pride. awl look with confidtzute to a generous and appro. dative public to reward thew for their =thing eftorte to afford stom UFIEA and NOVEL. Via eitt'AINAIENT. IV E, . . .1 4 1.12:0 6 / 2 1gli bas. ►t Ah enormonstexpensen purchased La London, the new and worttleaul UPTlCriLlislst/S/Ulttnvtated by rroL entitled PROTEUS; or, We Are Here But Not Herr, virmel mill be exiatted each evening in eoenec• lion with the awe' novel And ple►nag Satatai... m•oto of the Caner Z mave Troupe. Tleltets 35 <mats. Reserved seats eo oe Ott. <,s9ttt I. 35. W STERILE, A•T,ent. I'ENNYSON CLUB LECTURES A t the request of many, the Lecture Committee of the TENNYSON °LOB have contested to issues limited number 01 uotrasr. TICKETS tor the season of 190-4. The hot of Lecturers for the comin: SOIIIOII comprises the names of HON. GEORGE THOMPSON, WM. LLOID GARRISON. WENDELL rat.LLIPS REV. REMIT S. CHLid, JAMES E. 111URDGCH. r. REV JOHN ligsrair RopEnirs, And others A co94se 91TWAT LEor vets wit) be given from UeVirst-ol November next. CIEOE4E THOMPSON, the _great Ritillsb Commoner, will_ deliver TIM 'Lcuroacs be. fore the Club' mr. MONDAY and 'TUESDAY r.vzwrseS, November eth sea la. Thompleol/111 Watt= only far the 'fenny. eon Club. - NessonTlahetr• 3 . o Y, aotrin sale et the princi pal Book. Jingle Aral asrug' Stowe. Heserverseita - viill.:De heldiniti pus lectures for holaersof aelmonale awe.. oalsitd L. , GIP; Ritste'LL WM AND, 'SHOES. FLU; AND V(ll4l7at BOOTS, SHOES AND einva, AT 92 FIZIERAL. ST.SZGT. Our stock of BOOTS itamsrlimms end GAIT. ERR, far Ladles sad Missests unsorpsued. Our selection °T Ciuldreas hbencselnot be excelled. Chu. line °TOM, Hip Heavy 83011 sn4 Bel. morals fordlen,Boyli, aut . :Tenths Is the hest In Olitd 6TIDES tor ina ovtaislai Ail. I do not gocds el hiltprlse. butsaett geed ankle for less Money than any otherhouse in ins two attire Please call and examine my Wendt and see the price bemire you buy. ", No. 92 Federal Street =II BOOTS AND 5110 ES. JAMES ROBB, Mo. 69 Market Strtei liagera J and ust sea son uruerl ly nose from tat A sT wAh „ ery p of 01 the VERY BFSL WIA.LITY. ISlernfi, Boys' sad Youth. , 800 rd AND Eames In all then yattetles and style.. LADIES WORE. al tho fin est and beet that is manufactured, from the floe ?WW2 to the plain Calf Boots. ()Cadres,' Boots Aod Shoes in every rtyleiti4 stirlety. Our object is to sell - such - goods as will give sat lafastlon to the purchaser. IlirDlease call and examine, s_a_d_t6lll7lll be satisfied with the QUALITY audirulDE of lewd,. Benumbs: the place. JAMES 13085, of r — Do. 71 Market .tract. - - - FALL AND WINTIMGOODB, Havinginst returned from the East with a fun and complete assortment of Boots and Shoes; Wo are enabled to offer superior ffolusemerits to pprehisem. fluoifoit offibrues all lamas of wages', DITASES , AND CHILDREN'S' SNOTS, SHOES, filiflEßSt BaLlitoSecs, -Of the beritAttelity• Aso' foEE BOOTS S' A , NDM HOTS' OBAPISS, YOUTHS, Remember, the PHILADELPHIA SHOE STOISE, tio. St Corner of the 4intliet and Diamond. ocl LARGE STUCK MP, NOM, GAITED, %MORALS & guns Jr.ST 11 MELVIN°. MI the Latest Styles and (ina`ities, And will be 'acrid the very LOWEST P EWES. 0411.1. ♦T BOILL aND'S, OS Dinkel Street, Saaut.solled ;damson band ag aaanlvalf , LM3IOI:I3'I K :MASBIII3' AND Boadaji iguiriirdol:l Gaiters, Pier97_lsol% - ir,cpairaset To:n0! • • !/ ;51 3 14146 r i1irw: Z. F . , 475aiu:. qlCriltriLDE.Rt -43caied-VlDOOteeifill IL. be reeetrel bf. thiChranplibebgb 131sygoE - i 'my Torthe iLbketleb Cl the tietl44aceas•Wwbet and litiCrl ip.acenll - 4 °l"'LuD ttl i nk a t est. t2 -44 T,tt tr :; demob NO. .Mt• t psalm nestles bbil • pp; 10 rai«b We all b1A44., Mama Ctafxbithle on - utts rroP647 iIIEILIOLVING 4C111,4*40•• - bbbLi fox .71.0A l k b7 S,T S.' 0441.X3. SPECIAL NOTICES •rarsaosua SAW wonn.a. HUBBARD. aFtcroco. PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS, W anted ` Masi I SITEL SA.WS, r. 'even da . Maur, Oro Cut, Outs, east, other varieties - Ali IdadrotiOSPTES wt-SPRINCIS, made from Shee tlllM On lift rniar a Stetaactnal AND Mal "niaretill; MWOilts, ant*Vl4l:7 I.ll a WanVlbanoilap so TlM I=Btridehtetthtt. Chrer4et Sawn 11S palm ht =AS PunahLt% die DrilatS4 ollo Van - EliErtl& itarWll6 BARNHILL, Q VU., Ma Rakers &Moot Iran Workers Ht;?; g. tdsod 2 1 4 PENN STREET., awing secured I: large. pars‘ sad furnished With tits most improved mar .17, we max= Ot to loottliinotliro tray description of BO la the best manner, and warranted eq ual ft FIRE NESS S EiId C PNWINOBIOTIVIi BUTLERS, ONDENSERn, SALT PANS, TANN.% OIL STILLS, AGITATOA D 43ET, TLING PANS, BOIL ER SUCIARPANS,asuI oohs uminfacturarsof RAD BILLS PATENT BOILERS. • Realzing done on the shortest notice. dalB:tf t grzasa sursauesi Copper Kill eat Smelting Works. PITTSBURGH.• PARK, McCURDY & CO. Bisnatesturers of SHEATHING. BRAZIERS. & SOLI OOPPER, PRE,S.9ED COPPER PICT ; TOWED STILL NOrrows. SPAI/BAR SOLD Alto Warren and deacon to MET. -,PLANSB.SET /RON, WIRE, &o. tisaatlybe WWI; INNERS , li/A0.7 °M. and TOOLS. 'Warehouse_ No. teonllST end i2O SEC OND STREETS, Plttebergh. Syealel arders a) Capper out allay desired pattern. myaglldaalm • • 0.,. =MID ^W. D. D611(.11111 Ji. HOLLIII•II WE* 'MLLE STEEL ISORIS. REITER & CO. • gaanae4nthSf'of OAST STEEL; SPRING FLOW awl BLISTER STEEL; SPRINGS, di LES, CROWBARS, ad. Sil - 012co, No. 06 FA MR STREET (up stain) — REPRO.% PA. 022, E;MI9 ar./101slitantnt. RUA a co., Onmletstati to Roartraost, Mats h Alactutual Washington Works, FOUNDERS AND 11111:0IIIIUSTSP Dianalacturers of BUATND STASTM STEAM EN( BL ENGERI23, MILL MACRINDIFI, GF • SING, SMITING, OAST. INGWsIiStaerIackU,OOMTANILSh STILLS, DOLLWSNDS IRON wog& u : Cor 4171- Ageat o I+2.A.T= wpm ....101115 COCHRAN a Bap. ismotaso. Wmt ot;IIMN vauvra Axil VAIN . DOCIRS_ENII -1111.1344W1ND0W Ia TER% WAVDOW 'GU ta., Wes. 'lt SW. (AD atu3ISWIRI).I3TH berm. Wood and nuke, DSO tataltid .1141, Of new patinas, floor And Vita, otlo6lo ciralrpfirposes. ilar rsaticalar atthtto - pad to enduing Orsvo Foto. Jobbtag done.at abort notim , att2_ SIEWIZOIIII 6IIITAISERD 0 • BOTIISELDIS , sA.ssvereadgestiesm tuts bowl restored to beslLlite it: Sew dap, sites 1111. =MO WilteLroutinssad Ingram eneresirs treatment wlWut sisetoisoottiltliss tt Dis tatted duly Us 00teililW ose astA tO . Metall tallow. 'statures th mesi sure. Hews ea theleasipt of an add t o ed&seis t m tte Ida Sea . fete, sem of Use piescrlptias Direst to Ds JOaN DtalLetb BO reatail `Y strott.l% , laruarr oribENT.• lawietefl.awittuto of With swab will be awita bCsiWiwiwhiii with stamp atolowskide A. ILENDBALE, /in MatOs 171 aw, . : ournktritaiii. rirValltatAND Bl2l % . " l -rg i ra TIONFOIVVAINo MESt: *MO, COW ma raw Du treat:Amer i e x Maraxta AMMO Ttr; J. gott6 ~How P 21.1.11414111 Aft. . FOR S —FOR RENT. Vitizi)w - Zibuit4 rant ea..6s, Minted. at the carats. of Daacan sad Deets streetaceenth ward, Pittsburgh. herter it Coat ulnafeet Inches tirt Dunces street. had tazi4. slots' Davis street 140 feet. 012 via oh is erect New two-Storied Brick Dwelling. etatate4g =sea rooms, beta room and dream, room. antened attic, wash now. cellar usl a the ehtlie house with cement finer, gas and wets; Grafts large Mho in the kitchen, marble mantles sus fine flaaed grates in the porter, dining roam and bed room. the house was built to We inlet duralWr meaner, and Walsh.' in the hest .tyres for the owner.towe occupancy. Gni* vtneabear. We. halt tress and a ello. selection of flowers. anl u rre:Zris re t rOcui of exaral o urs oc the rarge b e; SHUWl3o p l.l " ,:nd e they s girl = I se fur ther pertioul ere, terms rklad `OR t3ALE ON LONU CREDIT, A A. Fish Mt 1101.1 SE, Dearly new, eostalnlng flee rooms. Oath rouse, pantry, too porolle., good eel. lar, chains, out borers, erten.. acre of groond, we t (eased and (routine on two streets; comed wsth choice nearing Fruit Trees of dViht en. kinds; Grape Vine. and - sma ll fr atra; p aot gelato stilton slew rods of the piers, end witron 15 tarmacs walk of ths Monongahela Brides, oa Mount NS'sahfireten. alms, adyolathe the •bov., • Ht use eOrastatog three rooco• end parr h. with oullter acre ;Mord, full of began brag OcatO StanlLtvd Watts, with itatgiM Ourbuildtaka 'Porsesslnn given id Aprll. an, Also. glinted, a.BithwatiaLlat,, to motatci Id lathe 10%0294V V1 . 9,0:10 Brick on Nonni Whitting ton. =tab W. LIWISART. adios " No. ut /thirty strew- QIII3ATE ON EWALT . BTREET, Lastreasentheome choice Brick Re 1148 2 ,1116 for We. They are larleerabittanti stir *Millpond cold Welted cbitellhopl,hallss a /at !WM testi:lnsp. wel d. l IMprevad, with good water.beautlfolly loca te wain oneseptare at Um Pumps Dalletal. Ws Street boa WM Cold/ Plvedibortaeasm' and pmeata one 'of the mast bunt fell arm= in or about the ally; parties 76slditi to Mount a rdearant ard-eheap ppm to reside, when teal Mate Is Ural:tele& emel most cantle:mete advance, tun lowleasy aroma, 00 sad tram the city, at all boom from ties to the morales data metre at sight-which anbraus all the tone neeesamy for tininess or pleunre, en one II the tam reit. Istal roads to the country, sneutd not overlook the advantage s aeldch tali Omagh bream ts. Gov enment Deneuslll be tater. In pays:L*6lr deified. Apply at the teal Estate and Inaorasce ()Melee( G. 6. EITES. edi flutter strut. Lerseraseerellla, Pa. F OBP NA I.E.—Settled bids will be rectived by the Committee on City Property for the sale or the GOOD INTENT FMB ENGINE NOOSE, situated on Wylie street, nel, Logan. to ea* Stith 'Weed, PIP shush, 00111 65,TrtE „AT, November thee, at 5 o`alock r. it. The Committee reserves the riot tO reject any or 511 hi ts. Addrew J. T. NeIettErGEILET. Ohairatan Committee on Oity Property, Liberty Street. ocl7 IV4 l lai zoi : it ki) SECOND STOCK OF FALL AND WINTEU GODS, Tte lattst best sele ti c; atucJt of Nov Lad elties of .c season. Tlia Largest TRENCH COATINGS FIEATHEIIS AND CHEVIOTS IA rut Oil T. Wbich we trill make to order in • oupOrior .1710 .ocl7 blzacn•t? TArcons, No 63 Fifth .t lIENHY O. HALE, Merchant Tailor, sormi-West CORNER OF PIM • ST, CLAIII SFS. Take. great pleasure In announotag ter his minter ova customers and the pool's geriertlll. that hts Rumba.. and arrangements for th e PALL SE& SON are now eompleted, keying bees efersgrollil selected from the first-clan cloth donuts to the Eastern carte Only such • elms of goods as eon Maly be recellanstadell , +Mt be orrarel, whlck our Domes the newest find. most approved materialt and stylea, tire entire stock Doing very large, varied eau @elect. Mr. lialekuse much eonfidemoe s Mei. tlne an early inspection. b - opmFIREUJ., COLORED CLOTHS, At it DOE SKINS, no unsel, warranted Out is c° llaVentr 'u ol l oyil.4 ;ad other new coatings, Dew style for entire sults. A great. 'variety of PINE ONSEIBIERES for Putts and Vesta, far Morning and Evening wear. titan FA.SHIONABLE DESIRABLI GOODS. For Genthi & Youth's Clothing pad don from Fittl.) IN THE BEST STYLE AND MANNER. R. 13, MEM. No. 79 VEntiiiik-sT4 Atiestienk , 6o2l•Lwd roys , DRESS AND .BOHOOL SUITS. , ! •'nevi lot of &di roods 1 ' Wear.' `-; • " *itt , ST gECTIV,ED D 1 ,GRAY &LOGAN, kUB OEFITLEMEN'i WEAIt PRICES MODERATE. GwAr. POSSIEL & GEESE, Suecouors to S. GRAY & SON P1TZ91117114.111, PA.„ niADE TO 'ADEN, TAILOR, tP Vithourit4 ',dui . L. 110 . .D&Y, OCTOBER 30, 1935 GAZETTE Pally toonelng. Ile per annum do. do., served by canters, 45 crate e wse. Deny Evening Übe per peer. ds. do., screed by earliere. 161001 e • week. Weelay, to clubs. 81.60 per peso. do. single age; pap do. RATES OP AOVERTISING. megtl/I.IIA-521=112111,111ATW0 Period. Daily t a Tri2 t vel ta vi Wsl7 Myr&l :50 0 123 15 CO 123 15 615 2W 176 4CO 2 21 210 0 OM, 11 15i 4 22 7 901 4 15; Z 5 9 501 1 001 12 00 12 00 00; 27 00 10 00 1 10 001 40 00 eas visek ....1 276 $I 75 Tye weeks...l 4 . 15 ate Three weak• 480 424 One. 61021t11_ If 25 669 Two Month'. I IR 00 8 CO] 112.00 1002152 i 10 001 10 001 Six months.. p 3 61 77 Is Mae moinbi 85 00 11 10 ORD Year.....! 4:3 to ss fel tbAdvertmennads umeneci one 'earl:llSY IN C...nEed at the advertiser • pimumre, at. a dame of 915 atom por..agu= (or _9O omits U paid M edusas o Dot mud be o adto the bastedlate of the advertiser. Advertisements *entreated for otherwise thou dilly, wIL he instead on ,tooli daye as the oillais may NUM. lansient advertising CASH. Deatb Notieer, each insertion 0 50 Idarila„-• notice., , Steamboat advenieldnents, per trip. 75 CO Exeentorsi or 3 Administrators , Notices. I oil YEAULY AMVERTIIIId6 BITES One nare—eordined to triessontrUadr DUZIAIM of the , and net tO include dissolution; forouiticat 01 JIM Cans, wants, an.—cluingeshie onto a treek. Any lomat to be abused as man. tient torster.irefflfi Via timesi 2 times', tIMO. week.] a week.ik weals. I Three months... , 1118 i 7 .12,e, $n en 8 800 Sin mouths ', IKI 00 II 00 14 00 /0 01 Nlu• month.... tVOO 20 051 10 01 15 01 One Year . 42100 , la 00 II 00 111 00 So" Fist Mottoes doubt' the itbove Tates, If in. urted one month or mom. Far a less period 2,4 cents a Ilne. Local notions at such rates as may be agreed /Ur A to to be considered m the space men pint by ten llacs of •the Graham . , advermaing type of the Paper. WHAT WILL THE PENIANS The Brix% field (Male.,) Repalkan has the touolien sensible editorial on the Fenian ques tion The ?enlists express the Utmost confidence of (emcees, and their association Is dauntless for midable In numbers, and Is reported to be In a good state of military drill and discipline. Yet we know of no Intelligent man outside of the Order whq does not look upon the aeltierenient of Irish Independence in wholly impossible. England most dreg be conquered, and her colorist military and naval power destroyed, and England has dee times the population and a hundred times the strength of Ireland. In decdthe Pentane In Ireland bun theiranlYboae of success upon their brethren in this country, who are expected to Invade Ireland by thous suds. and loin to the grand struggle for liberty. The Impulse is a noble one, but the history of preelous attempts of the kind does not enesniraxr.mest to tan pram{ one. one probe bllhy is that a aCtfe or so of the unfortunates already arrested will be hung or banished; if there are violent outbreaks there will be only bloodshed and guttering, and after the whole thing boa outwitted, and Ireland has gained nothing;het the additional rigor of •half military rule, the Tendons wilt quarrel among themselves about the money they have lavished upon a hopclus enterpr4e. What Lets become of the money I has been the main queer• lion after the former successive experiments for the liberation of Ireland, and there has been no reply. We have every reason to suppose that the million or so of dollars that have already gone Into the Fcgan treasury, and the other millions that are now asked for, if ;hey shalt he secured, will disappear In the 11493 mysterious way. We believe our Irish fellow citizens can make a better use of their money. If they have friends In Ireland who cannot endure ltraish rule let them send their money to them to pay their peasa;,•r to this fr.•e country, where there is plenty of Cheap lan.l, and plenty of w ;Hi far liberal wages. That wilt be small better than to delude them into rebellion at torn., tr th no reasonable prospect of sttecraa- It is intirunievi that the Femans wt❑ for the conje us oft scads. Tnie might Icss danger°tu then to Ireland, and at least a temporary sit, ecas would ho rkissible. List to what end ! What do they want of Canada 1 What would thry do with inch an elephsut 1 They don't know. The vague idea of pla,mtettig and punishing England In some way seems to tie all there is in this project. Of course we can sympatire In the feeling', after the eeperleace Ire hare had of British an:Arent! Marin; our dell war, And there is a sort of aatisfacticrei Id threatening to fit out a Fenian feet at our ports to destroy Brlti.ll commerce; but If the frinpueltion should ever lie serlomily wads It will he found that the L'olost States alit ocs - ss imitate the perldy of England, crest antler protease of just retslllidlon. If England persists In refalltnit to Justice lo the matter or the British-rebel ante- cm, we shall know how to compel It by honora ble means, and we shall by to mesas indorse an elainole which would degrade ws: to open pi racy and robbery and put back drill:Attack tall • dozen marines. Oa the whole we belleyn the friends of hieb lib,rty can do a great deal better with their , elebt arms" Red their mosey than to entreat thrm to the discretion of any secret commandery, whom they are expected to follow and obey, blindfold. with the rain expectation that they are lila. to make Ireland lndependmt. They may think this advice is not 'friendly, but time w7l very noon correct the opinion.. An .InterestlngFeprt on the f 4 pread of Ile Cliolent LLB", Oct. :.—The following report to the Emptror, drown op by M. Drouyn di> L.,` , Aip Ltd Arm.nd I3ePtc, WILLS: tiveared • Btu:. :—As the commencement of the last In- Vision of the East by cholera, your Nisissir's Government was prolectipisd with the dangers which the appearance 0! that 1e0117g9 Oro atened So the iitt..,: liseith of France. ff oder the insplrattors of this preeautionarr Id-a, the insm-- Mate dtspat , ll to Egypt of a medical mission was deeded n; on, not only for the peep sso of t r'nv,ing cr.liet. , en,l assistance to the ytettms . ei tits epldenile, but also to study the castes, the march and thu i Is t,it.t .r of the malady, In ur for to arrest Its provers as much as possible. sad prefect its introduction upon the territory of the empire. Dtplomati, and consular agents have afforded the mcnitier , of the medical mission an amount of asalstancv which has facilitated their task, and, utnn its eidr, your Majesty's Govern ment has nut veasod to apply It, Coo3t serious attention to the esamlnatlon of the Important question to be resolved. We here the honor to submit to the Emperor the reflections this exam luallou has suggested to us. To preserve our population end the whole of Europe against the periodical attacks of cholera, It teems that we ought rather to seek to stifle the evil In its birth than to Impede It upon the route. It is not sufficient to oppose to it, upon each of the stages It trarcreck, obstacles which Inflict real Injury upon commerce, and only otter to the public health, guarantees too often pow mien; It Is above all, accessary to organize et the point of departure a system of preventive meas ures ' connate/1 'with the territorial authorities 'by means of International arrangements. The information gathered by the consular agents, and confirmed by the unanimous reports of the ph)sicans, manifestly proves that the ep idemic has been Imported Sato Egypt by pil grims returning from Mecca and Ikleddrrh. Thus It is allay ed that the cholera ogles every year among the caravans of Musaulenana wilt lag In these holy cities, alter fatigue and pri vations of every kind,...Whichrender them more liable to the malady. This predisposition Is inn rulariy favored by the state In which these mal- Wades live—camping In the open air. =Posed to ktortid heat, and to the inane:ice of the pes tilential miasma given forth by hello of Wino' thy, and the putrefied remainsof animals offered la, propitiatory seridoe.„ Thee permanent Climes of infectiOir have been 'lilll mwe active this year, by reason of certain facts which may again occur, and which we consider we ought to point out to your Majesty, attention - . • . Upon the one band, the number of pilgrims 'colleted at Mecca tor the' Enema-Balms (lent otsacettlees)_ was, owing topartleulsr Mr. outetazum.of the Mittelman rile, egg:toe Con ald,erable than In pe4ellinglefust. - The somber of fsdlihicusle of all ages and WI _sato arrived the vszlous.lialuireetan' . og3rlesi .eo , gas th cubit's coniSeisuideezemoelelOtisestlms• te at not lee than 000 000, &Mlle . 4. 1 1 1 014 1 10 f w abandoned. upoattin r .„...,1, Pa rr' gh Ond.fontelaiavistitiutikaiti.asis or wh chi. 11 . It I. aid astonithle that - th 'tiggibraers. of human beings r an the Amoymons omen• illy of aclund:substeheet 'ln' doecnposictoe, tionco ve r d : e lit, e . e o krpe4 l:: : : : carsi ca iwbi pt:cre a: al o: 7 le o .4p po ugo ntets cas - , 41h it ul i mad.: habitual e n po u pt er ,„ > :: , , . .- . cork e othetjuted‘ifitici.bortesericel t hat; .. in familial& th . e - prth are • viriyo.mkni-or Yu_ - . 7 -gel an 6441 e ; .111n r44,,th sierr oadeiena led uvu , con ou bl b ur y t licraannad,soanimdepytmheardayta th esame; , a ava, C a d,te,wi coo , ea 4.0 04.40 44 * i is ty tea, s^d Ina very sheet Bomar of time, • that thee voyages mein great part accomplished by the lido:. packets toot' which are erowded thousands at licuranimans of every nationality. This actminalation. added to the etartness of the pecseaq,ln certainly one of the Calleea most =tribute to the development of eri'demic centers, Theistic, circumstances can for s tureen lance aid control over the operations of em barksilea and transport of the pilgrims, width actin tit have been hitherto altogether trisufile- Lentil 'IS ls IntelllAlbleaf what hush Importance It Is that theitanitary condition on board these parhersehoulrlnat be dlsgulsed Either by the commooder of tip= Ypticis or by the authari ilea Which Pronounce their adulation to free Prsliqu4 hla Pertliaed to hope that U a Ova teen of dairvation and !surveillance bad nutted at the point of depuluie.and if exact aspens upon cases of Illness arising during - the paloWS bad attracted thervigilanceof the lcreal illaftarr authorities la time. they world leave been able to extinguish or isolate the cadres of infec tion, then lonnence of which has .anecesalvely extended to Syria. to the coasts of Asia Miner, and a partioa of South= Europa. • From all the facts we have just menttonoa, sire, we are led to deduce the Conclusion that the present time le truly opportune to bring about the meeting, at an early date, of a diplo matic conference, in which should be represent ed the powers Interested, like ourselves, In the reforms demanded by •the present organisation of the sanitary service In the Bast, pod which, after haying studied the questions to which we have the honor to solicit your kfajesty's atten tion, should propose practical remedies. The members of this conference would have especial ly to examine whether It would not be necessa -1 r y to establish, at the points of departure and arrival of pilgrims returning from Mocra—that is to say, at ElJeddah and Sues--sanitary admin istrations having an International character, which should secure their Independence, and give to their management all possible guaran tees of loyal hinparUality. We may reckon upon active co-operatidn up• on the part of the Resorts governmentsawhose States in the progress • of these e d iletnics 'are the first to suffer. from the ravages of the iscourg i f and from the interruption of commercial rein t:ooe. if, as we venture to hope, yonr 3fajesty deigns to accord assent to the coneldentlons we hove the honor to present, the Emperor'. Govern ment should hasten to place itself in commtmi cation wits foreign eat. Met., in order to com bine by common agreement in a conference, generality of VlCaelleCa whose necessity is dune °minted by recent and sorr awful eve Lila. We have the honor, &e., Duro vs na Loris, Moister of Foreiisi At fain. Anusvo Timm, Tiiinfrter of A:zrieulture., Careatterre and Cubism Wollie. LETTER FROM ITALY. TI.MIENcs, October SI. Isc, What a see old fellow la Kauko° d' Axrglio, the veteran Senator and liberal Italian nobleman; and with what a stentorian voice he calls upon his fellow countrymetf. from his retreat In the APPelfints. 10 do their fluty to themselves and the trail= in the approaching eletliklipt Co erica, Hallett! Now I 3 the to mom CO/ itine` 7 : Lai. fa da se, Italy cat act fr.....;erself. Now la the time to chow the world that you are the men you pretend to be. The came la extensively in your own hands and In the bends of the electors, and it you lose 0. It trust be becaule Yon have not known how to play it. The new legislature will be the measure of the good tense, sarszty and patriotism of the country In the eyes of the world. There will be no excuse if It goes wroog. The elections will take place In perfect liberty and perfixt rata; without impediment or disturbance of any bled, and with the light and exam ple of can countries Wore as. Therefore ef Italy does not come out as a great nation. r weal to her rising fortunes, let ne hear no more of the old tsetse' that. "Austria will not let us breathe." that "our Princes keep us down," that "it Is the fault of the K'ng of N t• plot---of the Duke Of Modena—int Popt—the Pollee —the spies." DJ yorclioow, he erica, what peons will say of as If our next legislature be got what Il ought to bet They will any that Italians, so far from bring attic to "d., every thing for themselveg," are nut even capable of receivisg liberty at the hands of othem. And na the fine old man goes 00, sometimes ratfieg. ecooetlma Pmtlarling , sometimes eacamcaging, sometimes even, bat mare rarely, praising. I know my countrymen, hs raps, almost natter than any one, and I know that they are "go rd at bottom." The Italian people rmpeet author ity, they respect eve,' day, mitre and more, the law, and moreover, what Is a espltal point, they are '4,lllfite to pay." That last is indeed a nap!. I tel point Jest cow when the Yin liters of Finance threaten them with a new it Oct% of 2W millions. rylte of the lute !ban aid the sub: of the ' 24, " an. But the rnlnltter. ter',- ti' tr unto, the truth, an.' bide the necessity like men. There Is no dispoir about 11-ron Natotts' circular, only he meant to tel. the electors that they PIRA I'VLUril a ertzjor• prelasfrd ettlter to redo., the army or In yo, new tascs. Ido not believe that the wlllcercr consent to reduce its artnernrata, so long as Austria holds tronleta, and therefore the Italians. as the Marquis D'Azeglio imis of theta, must one man show that they are willog is "Pal." I here quoted p•-kze(ll.o's language allay lo slow haw tun leading men of Italy 'peal to the people, annum the peolf r, on the eve of the eke:toes bear being SP 'ken tot fol . I the exhibition Is atedltahid to both. I cannot forbear Jest giving you the portrait of the tort of rept carnation D'.d.z. gllo recommends to the. . choice of the constituencies. The picture Is worthy .the age of Nemo Natoli.. Let I,lm be first of all, he says, a man whose on shatiable !resolution is to "make Next let him be of good sense and good char nel, T. Ire will sup p ose him to be forty years old, with a moderate competence. Be mast un derstatd his am' Interests, and hie land and 1114 house must girt proof of exactness and order. 100 most he pertelual paymaster of all that Is due from him, and no men must bo aids to say of him that he is either ..spendthrift or a m'ser. le not this the model of a representative, and will not the golden eye be renewed In Italy If file countrymen will but follow IPAregilo's ad vice' Aoother re 7 reenarkable address to the clois ters has beta published by the celebrates! Nee- Politer , Deputy. itagamtrs Bought. Qe create largely the subject of the floances, which he pronounces to be "the" question for bray at the present moment. To vista your millions with • revenue Of only 64 be r15 , 21 - ,17 rays Is the mad to lulu. A stop Must he pat to this stab! _Of thlairi. /tr . . !lase deputios, he asks, to t . "" 777urnea, empowered to assert to Dew taxa tion ? Ido not know, he says, but "I know that this disparity IYAseeen itleOtEle and expenditure most cease." Three are at once bold and sem& ble words to proceed from am did st.sa on the eve of re-election, and they inspire one with coma drrer to the cota , tltuences to whom such lan ol.f t. VAll.lOUti I rFJl'•. Pzt'4 ..Lars C. W•T , IN, the astreirra:::" " r mint:lnnis I. ty, who lately clean° ced Kith considerable iurlsh, hie iitipiresed die itt4S Of a era planet, lass been obliged to .4 1 7Chder the honor to a lie. Pogeon, who first raw the wanderer at Madras, in May, lif.4 It petal, that "Sappho," the name given the planet, was seen at the Wubliegton Observatory on the Oth Inat., the same night on which Prof. Wat ade It, and, by Dr. Peters, of the Hamilton College Onierratory, on the 20th of Uhl. ultimo, Tunas le a fast radiating outcry against Fed cad: role In the Bluth. In which PLOTOOt Ilarstutla add lip Freedman's Bureau are wm,ghly handled. The Proven Marshals at Port Hudson and Ea- Et-164M ate charged among other thing*, with demanding three dollars per head for all able bodied 'scrota hired out to planters, Tun Clerviand Herald gives 66 en evidence of the rapid growth of that city, that the total number of new churches, stores, dwellings and manufacturing establistuneut., erected since January let, lfifis, includlng these commenced at that time and not complaed, as taken by the letter carrier, In air hundred and thirty-slx. Tin Harrisburg Telegraph of Tbnniday even ing says: Mr. C. W. O'Donnell, of Harrisburg, was aecldentally killed last nlghtXTuesday) at Northumberland, while discharging his datiot on the train. Mr. O'Donnell had been until lately connected with the police force of Harris burg. Tun Wllkesbarre Record of Me Times says Mr. Thomas Lowrie of Hanover totrushlp, has made this season th ree hundred and twenty throe gallonaol sorghum syrup, the best we over tasted, from an acne and a half of cane. Can aaytking pay our farmers better? Tot Universalist Ckinvanclon, which has been In evasion at Chicago adionroca TtlioadaLa titer 0000 after having raised th e IVO of W .OtAl for mlegonary and easeadonalmnosea. NIXIOTLATIOAI ere penffin between the offi cers of the Chicago and Ro cklsiend,.and those of the )ffissimippi and Missouri Railroad tor the purchase of the latter by the former. Tog oiled gonernmental cipenffitnres ibr the uoluingfyinotniii Meg2od.ooo,odo, which, accord ing to mmememppearancesorill be quite corded b 7 the Income freal lemma erreerte 4 Penn Idthifet.thetterseter a thphittate victim haw among thetkorsce ceatzsl New Oorrourr.-49e are,toed .to stmcmhee the Qetth of Mr. Samuel M. WWI, son of et-Gerf. ereor Po ll ock; tod e Meek or MN Director or the inteaellittatOeat Witif spatula or2zl eau Colter, *pit S' ol 4s Alan. of One /144 OZ attalneWMO-No ffteole , Ana tr u e in prieelpe aeLetogu ad,te:4o; : - tho itto . Bartmt• 1' •v: Part± Welk . ll} tome of theltedleA ballteriOt 1 4 1 0ratelit'atUA. flog hhbevgiogi withomixortwaguyeti cau f Ha smog -wilt oherislw4-4-111-kfoosist ilposo who Aar Igor hiwg,•400 0 44,14 „ - LTi 'ER FROM NEW YO? K Secc:al Currunporid , ,el of Cu. Ge,t: Is:73r yrrangcr. who noir visits Neie .inee lo three or four years, and who 1. leslrone of see ing all that Ist to be seen, and hear' ng every thing that is to be heard, finds himself greatly perplexed. The distances being an great that it is impossible for him to vials many places dur ing the day. .1 , The Annelle= ]ltlfaiOnary 60Ciety is holding its nineteenth annual mentin. In 'Henry Ward Beenter's church. The American Bible Caren, at which bir Morton Pete is , eXPeadd to be present to-day, Is reictrrating.ltaelktec roth enmity In the Broome street Baptist: church. The American Christian Commission to holding its aryl regular meeting at the Bible Rouse. In addition, I undemtand that there Is • conven tion in session, or about to meet, in Dr. litee's church, She object of which is the carrying, one of the measures proposed in the Flrat Presbyte rian Church, Pittsburgh, in Miry l int, in regard to the Roman Catholic question. The American Christian Commission re-as eembled do Thursday morning at nine o'clock. Chief Justice Chase having derdlaed serving as a vice-president, Rev. Or. Kirk occupied the. Cistalr, and the proceedings were opened wick prayer by Rev. Dr. Fowler. It was on motion agreed that the Central WILCO of the Commission be located in Now York.. Tee resolutions adopted yesterday were re-considercd and an other set offered as &substitute, as tollJws An Exechtive Committee shall be appointed with directions. 1. Immediately to open a bureau of corres pondence to escenale what and what Methods of benevolent effort for neglected classes re-e in operation so the world, sod secure accurate statements of the modes and resales of such labor. 2. To classify the replied and make then easy of acme. To incite inquiries la carioca/ localities as to the classea of persons not vet reached by direct Caristise effort and to promote Christian labor lo their behalf. . 5. Issues circular Within statements of the views and desires of all persons who see say class al spiritual want yet neglected. 5. To set as • medium or commulleution between the varlotut sectlows of the church and of the land, and betweenindividnals seeking to be employed in doing good or seeking laborers, fur particular herds of service. The tailoring resolution was then offered and .passed: Rerolued, That representatives be sent litOriCil to the sortie benevolent reretltenions to explain fully to them the alms and de iris' of the Com mission, and to sae any other means they may deem wise to secure a right undue' andlog of 1,,11 weak. The committee on nominations reported, re comMendlog that the executive Committee con sist of twenn five, of whom twenty shall be • quorum. Toe committee nominated the folio's... log, and rtquested the executive eingesitace to nA vacancies. The following err thernameir Rev, Bishop Jaynes, SituT. T. Daryea, Rs-v. Fl Q. Weston, Rey. R. 11,Tyor. Be,. Dr. Bal. dbagton, J. A. Stuart, Esq., Dr. _Jo 'Ph Story, Erq R. v. It. J. Pa 31.0 dai Coots, Dr, Fowler, PVT- A.R . Chamberlin, and Mr. Meintyrn,Et. • AIL. : uttle conversation on general tattlers, the CoLecation adjourned. That much vest COUld be accomplished bt such an erganization, pi , bylded al the relig losl denomin•Unas would enter heartily and anent lamest,' open the work cannot be doubted. The members of the commirmion who were present seem to entertain' topes of a good degree of sue ems. A 1% hole Pantly Busue4 10 neatb la letrele County, Wee. A family by the name of Clark, thin¢ near Crain creek, In this Comity, were horned to death by the eknloelon of kerosene oil on Ban dey night last, In the following 'honking mea ner) Ilaving n to fill a tamp, M. Clark Un dertook to do no without extlelulahMg the blaze. 'I he ell le the lamp took fire and erillo- Jed, communicat in; the tire to the con, which mho exploded, .t - eloping him In flames. Ile mu out d or and rolled himself upon the graFs, but before he entt'd avec% ed hatrctinguishing the tire be xee burned to a crlsp. Ills trite wag At tleg near the door, holding a sick child, lull. u Iwo the explosion took plate fell to the Hoar, and before they vOntici Ito res.-Ixd both mother and child were burned to maim. Tint house and KS COntellif weroatuirely toast:mod.— WU runsiu paper. - ETTERB REMAINING UNCLLIM.• r.ni. the Post Oflee at Allegheny City, P. To rdltalit any of these teeters, the applleset moat call for arisen...ea team, giving the date 01 this hit, and pay ttee .rale for advertising. If tot called for within One mania, they trill be sect to the bead Letter V:000. Fw likettvenr letters by eorrierh et the rt.sl dences of sworn, 13.) he fe..C... , ) by utuers ttf: the ("flowing a rt. . I Prue,. letters ill Rielly to the street Sr..! atlas. bet, as well Ifs the Post 0111oe and "(tate d. H.n letters with the writer's Past o_l(re and Stale r ..'ad and nu ethre sten them pl alai) tlt rtstr.F, Sad request that ti CI, be directed accor.i. inv , ) i. Letters to an - sneers nr transient visitors la a town or city, hose simeist sate. may ha un known. should he marked on the lower left hand comer, with the worst -Transient." 4. Place the postageswainon the trPP , T Hoto- 4 .. 1 cornet, andiron( spars between the etsalp and ill nrction (Cr poa-martins missies e wit; the Vilitint N. IL—A n.nr - - - .37 tar the heron, of A !COO' to the welter, If ..--1.11/1/r9 within 'MTH', viers or Lees. uri.i.en or punted with the writere never. Pod Q4!C. and ST.! e, acmes thelett-hand end *I the envelope, on the floe aide, wttl be compile.: with et illy %Waal prorild rate et tiOtuge, psysbla when the letter le delivered to the writer. (See. °A, Law of the) SATURDA 28TH. 0465. ti...l.l.lartlb (lunlon J R Az Jos 01141 J Neely Alex Allen John tirehern J •hn Neely Wm J Adam. Oeo R tlibeon Jolla • Allenry C H ilabourne kA A.ndiesun hl Hemphill A P Old. ItArbloon Admits tiot t l'odtsrlste PuZl , l El A lllOe ell W C Rood Ligzic Pwl Catbrine Higley If Hill Tr' H . Pgreell Emu:is A Barges P Hall Cleo Peters (VP .. . Burt LI C ikleek,ertl John Parker Jan F Brice Francis ,Hunter Jona Pekkler W. Brown H S Henderson 3n. 'petters u,,,udo Brook, Ut` . Hester John , Riley .Ins W rtrek John Hope Major • Russell Agar/ Brown Mary 'llarvlston Wo iliodgerskllnt• Barclay I. M Hopper War:Reran Annie Howlett Mary lluteltlson H S 'Relocate. F Bluets. Al It I J ;Read .1 !t VD Baker P II Julouton C . I:,erley Nelson Baal Botel I' Jameson 1. - Rica ir,,,‘ry C sor.cs r r 'Rielly Wm t.'tAtter Lout.; ,Johneten Bell 'Hololnmo Bob/ Card Alit& ',Johnston I P , b Oulu 8en 3 . 1 c1 , ..911l 1.: k Smenk Chat A Oa? rather - Int ! K steele A r OtoW Ism,. Smkitwoml Mn t. t liennely "t Smyent Dant C It Knight Wm :OA/ ElMa tlowenlegs flea. Kerr Phllittt W Stockwell E Curtlit Nettle ,Kerr John ,Steckwell S Campbell S A , L 'Spark se tonelatel J H , Lawman Annie Smith Emmet. (Inlbouttlehn C-Lttwall Ltn.lr ;Septet' hone 4 Sark a . O Tl . Liggett ti A .Scott S C caldesell Jos Lyons M IJ selbanq RO, J I l'oa L M 'Stook Jas S t'oolleton U J hprerell I Sprague Jo• I' 1 . 0. Maggie A Marshall Agnes Spencer J •, Lone Nan. y .M mon A L' Stereitt Jai 31urf‘ , 'W SouJer Jae Ii . . :1110.Am 1: Mnsti..4l:.l Mar) mull. • I,nl Cr?;;Mank I rtnlsi.r) J NtAzruder S Thome.,.. Z" 5l niaork l' , Taylor Ann 1.0 sr) barnne li nthewg John Taylor Hiram D., is I MLIIer Jun P Thomas I. & J Imi line Kett blx4tcll Wm Thoms• 7 , 1 - F. bte V Evan,. Jane 111d'recry,J Vonnto• John Eatery John AlcConnyl . 8 \ =horn 11 Eastean John . 11c(iLunla W 2 . „ . Eat oh John thlcKennan M Woodkok M F.aring F R ' Malicaney Wm Weaver Mary L Edmondson P I Mcßae S I.Vllkccon Mary Eckel, Mary McKee Lade Wallace Mary F !McClain Saul ' Wright Mary Fuller Annie !McKee Geo S tWallace 'rhos ' , railer Andrew I hlcKey Hugh Whltelns Ftleback H I McClurgL.lszle Watson Jane Filch Sarah McGarrey C • WIIIIson I 0 Flacon. MoFarl and A 2 Wright J For ward Ross Mclntyre Alex ! While Dr DI Fox & Lawson McGrew Beni Wilson Clans ;MeNewell Wager II st thhard , MeClay & Bee Young Nartnlc t I Irtmon II ' ' Mae Lours[rom7 A. et. toa e. SAMUEL RIDDLE. P. M. AIIOTION SALES PIL&TVI3 ESTE REGULAR ANNUAL tqa.E.—BOORS in every itepartmeat of Lit. *rattles, Salt:Doe and flits, beautiful Photograph Albums, Pine Tamil Y . Blois., Lotter and Common, eel Nose Paper,. Envelopes, Diamond Pointed Clout .4.ooTfOlf 41V/102h EVEN. INO, a. 7 o'clock, and at private sale dogleg the day et oversee auction prima, ;mill the Steak LW U sold, at Mal LW AIRE , S AUOTIOS ROOMS, led Smithfield street, opposite the Post °Mae. In the colleetion ate such works as itypietorfie Wee. American Cyclopedla, SO vols.; RaucroWsi Hiatus" Volta! Stales, B vols.; Prescottia Ifilatertea, volumes; Appleton., Distionary Menhanies.ll nem, sAitm plates• ; Um'. Dictionary of Art. mad. Schwan, 3 vole ;Webstes'epletionary.a,cmap'ates; Waverly Novels, 11 Toil.; complete works of Mil. sea, Stott, hring, Cooper. 111.111 Miller,. Shako. 'pease, Byron, .M.iiota. Burns. Jostphwo r .CUlaw Bees , Ilia. Rollin; 10;00.volome*It pora4r Nor. Stor.cs, Tales, kc. k. raigwarept Knevi. S. K. Pilate lk Bus.. Salesmen. -..oeityy A if LOTb 01.7"GRDENMSUM3 u tiONLIAT - AVlTENOnNi•Oilober Mil it o' loos, will be sold, ow tirs , pir Edits on •ittir ()mem b use Vika, *bow , crotatt - ,,Ani, *ad imme diately spoilt' ttleelltritte4o Ippon? Demi• etrn the rematntu 48 Sullolog tots; via Gook wocla!o Wawa, ttleattombricote - depuh Tn.= of Sal.,onwtedrd lash, 041 1 , !!!‘".. two years. od lalattit; .. • •••• • • • ,•• • •AAtlelti4.lll.lMlN I,!lt'r• ThrstriumovAmmas " J° r. Po- Agcta - 0 11111 , me. aud WWI Alten-Lasininetotho.4 Mud LigibirLP/dl6, r, ar t -1144-0114•40101*hrut4esusne • 41'GARD . prstanital4W" r ; winarto„„ W JO/Ur 4 lbtliotv Atuta, ! rtaildsoutot agfos r. il•staatio ex , ins= °ram trEL ^Cithseti , bun il .... ._,;uteaOsaPatql4 l „FrAMlrli:tur ih•••• ' ' . • ~••• 0 • '• • • s 1.)1r,o PETEALETTN REFINERY CLOK & SUMNER. Woctl and omen, COLLINS TOWNSHIP oMae in Pittsburgh, IDI WOOD ISTUBBT Thefeworks hays the larirst aipacdiy weary. Tits brand steeds the highest to this country and in Europe, tot quality and ere telt; and the opt b put It well ;monad barrels, prepared es=6=I:6OILERS, STlLLS,!reorirs,' andIIIPHOVED BORING TOOLS tat US Wells. TENANT FARM OIL COIIPANY,' Office earner of Penn end Wayne Street 4 Thistitolgmay was m. , lxrd on the Mb Ina., cadet: w e reartsylTsola =mug and lasoulbetor lung.d.sow&D The u. 'rern oi l a . .lry t o .t l w ttrO t o i laysuf 1: f lt; DunkaA erect Caton Otalom puny and i Lt i eiDulth aid 'Creek Petroleum Company. Capital steak 515 0 . r 0 Working Purd ,03 Pat 1 : 111U. a "al - Er rIOWNSUN. Pre.inlen t t.? ' ISAAC NOON. S o ur , tnr o it .s ainl . 2reaatirer. JaMea Oraitam. I.e. Wetr, Stephen Lawson, I U. W. litchis. Frank Snyder, aniOni DII NH3RD ~ KEES PETROLLE Q OOMPAIrr. Office Corner of Penn and Wayne Ste Thfe company alit organised on the =der the Ponnaylmards Itlininr and Menetfeettt rine Laws. The territonr of the.:oempany joins the lanes of the lhankard Creek lialassoll Qom:many, or Mt. atty. Capital ettilek Svev,ooo Warklag Vaud 2:74000 Pear Value et Each *COO 0,11C3/01 PmSA , -.l) , —S. A. JOHNSTON. So:Notary and TTesniter—,lSAAo NOM" Ot.WwTelem S. k. I 1,. S. SUMO'S. Slrr .1 &Km F. 1). Gam., , W. O. Smi, H. W. 'lmam.. 813P8.1110R OIL ENGINES. We are construaUeg, sad will keep on axed ► eup•erier Buie el OIL E/VC3rXISTIn W/Tll Falter a Common or Tabular ',Boiler. We Write partiee Deeding e gimes ler Ltrie'prir nelo eal t l n a i r aires.theohci, Water fjoHLasul Jai RA bIeCHINTOSI4 11 HILL ta 00. A i KITES za.......i.aqt; DILLia re CRUDE AND REFINED OILS flOCk. DZlalkeSl3ll Way, Pittsb'in NN. Special attentloo even to the SALE AND amyl/earl OF PETROLEUM end lie produats. 416"=08MEIVE 143. ex24..9 man-- Roan. CLAIR ST., rittstnargh, • - FOBWARDPS I I AN2) a mtusa w i r 14E3041, AIM DEALER IN OILS. ILLUMIRAITRO, LUCRICIATING, CRIME PETROLEUM OILS, ess., constantly on haMI sad for elle at tali forest market Orton. fOotudor moots sad orders so 1 0 , m sp74ia thBTEXTED OCTOBIia 8, 1881' ; Orruntoors pecrora Oval Lamp Chimney*. ramdactured °IX:C . I%ot Wan. Totes Cluatory , see intentien for the Oct fume, meeting en parts of the glee. eqnsley, does re 4 pose tt to ersekog. E. D. D.Y.LittlEi Fort Pit ,Glee Wpres, WiseJsieetoo street, 401 Plttsbureh. OAMIII9 WA & KLNO, cxactiissioN MERCHANTS, PETROLEUM AID ITS PRODUCTS dad dealer. In Bening notarial. 0c2141i No. D =BEET ST. Plttabuiran. .80.NDED W A.RESOUSE OF Pbeni3 Warehousing Company, Foot of BALTIC a IiAIaIIISON St., Brooklyn. STOULOS 07 REFIRED PE - 113.01MM. TO k. awl Beare. Sao Macau.. Office, No. 15 BEAER STREET, New York. 0c.34 LUC NT OIL WORKS. DUNCAN, DTSLAP & CO., NIAIIITACTUCZ I3I 0/ Pure Wllite Relined Carbon Oils, ttc, 91 LIBERTY STREET n• 1 Jilin IRWLN & CO., Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia. OFFICE No. 15 BIANKET St, PITTSWITIPM. PA. 112 E ARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, &a FOURTH STREET , 11111JOGETS p 4 CRUMB CLOTHS IW• ars a iv rtcell Log a full Iln ol the above goal. Also, • lutil 101 anOrtacke at of eventhlns to the IC2I.IRPr_zT LINE, ••• which we oiler at The Lowest Rates. W.D.& H. ISIcCALLI7I4 .4 c m-23 67 FOERITI STREET CARPET STORE. :11 Aft/S — LKCLIY tcscxtvtrTo OUR NEW STOOR Or CA= i'EN TS; CLOTRA, WANED W SHARES, IVOOLEN A COTTON AND LINEN DRUG ETS and CRUM CLOTAS, DANIA:SR, KEYS AN) LADE WINDOW CURTAINS, CompLieing everything new sad desirable, whits we utre-eL PIIPULeIR PRICES. IFFARLAND& COLLINS, 71 and 73 Fifth Sfred; ' Nest Handl= to Lila Polka States I.lustout lloassand Post °Mac . oa3 FITTER 5,40 A DDY & ywzlrs, .4:l:lPiptiLl al 4111461:18:ti Gas and Steam Fitters, No. 165 WOOD STREET, Pumps, Hydrants, Sheet Lewis LEAD PEPE, PIG & BAD LEM AND Plumbera' Materials in General. ' OIL REEIMIERfEir Fitted Up In the Host ApproTKltyle. Tsai Mud with lead or Copper. Ramis elita4 'pp rice waiesar gas r 11 , rAltozOin reampta sueDdrimi; IO 13Q oBUrds,, &e. 104484- 13000,a : ; triretti . - (MU PO E =2I2IIOIII DTllOe, '" I I g i g"Alt:l~R. ,:rb 4 • , ~LlCeriakasipaiatupopmesc...., • I=ll 8&W.% 1 - 1 • ; tj lte i t tl ial Lib67: • " ' -Botta% In .. • statetp ,,, P , ‘ • 601310:11noltar-i'l -L is I; , I TEE •A.ItR /L ri V -11121m—FEINNSYLVAillsA OE. KU. —TV‘ELYE , DAILYTRIIINK , t••!• • • on Md Mei arazolLi' will leave the nit& Vannacerlatpot,socaerof Washington abr. Yawls streets, sii.ticalonsai i LAY BYES taScilltilPticept Spoostitta Era stopping at Sithnstown.(lorsGalutzaa Altooaa awl all-principal - Mattoon, - tg• ,* direst uunectlons itharrlalture Our New.tne..• Baltionors.eng,Workingtom,•anclikt Philnefelwias tor New York, Boston audintermehote ALTOONA ADDISKEOLAT/IEN, Put may, - M - 6.11e a. ca., etOltpinf "At aP regrau stances between ricubunn an(( AL O Paa, and making alto. toldietholcosta t» 4't- , laJlana 8r...10.„ Wes; Peons_ ylcanta Eh:S*lth* and umu on 11.11 ardl.ll9lild.n • PITrS.IIIIITOIi a LIME - UK Sunday, atl3o a. m., Wappillar OrAfikk- Ga Motu. Altana.. aW it nes.- making duvet couitteclant.lt Pos!.gotr. - Nowork. Dimon. VIVI - NAIL A CalOrtittiDATiVisdo7sY.eXe e P m> ca 3 a, at,ii-t0 a. ...moonlit* reasasf • Isc,c.s„ taigireen Pa ...anti. ezaa• log euvreetton• wltn trali a Oa ib o t i Ebellaraltail It caw:l:Baum ad. He' tid.s pHILADEL,PI3I4 =CPR ' KOMI P m„,atopphilt at Latrobe,Bleir LtteraeotiOn. Jobastowoothmamianit,szlitze•S. &item*, Bun- , tingdos.,..LelLMown . IlartiMura, Lazuzscurt, 12 Immo wa, Hmstabura At direct commandos . are IV& fag. New Yolk,' Baltitroldw' AM - alai at Philadelphia. On New York. /..3,0 1 = 2 sod Ilium' mediate panto Steeple:lllMM Mil I,llnottghos 11 le train from Pittsburgh co Plallaaiernhis sad anti more. and to New York, by the alrlentowst Mate. .1011b511..W.1 4 AtilluaLELDA.l3oll. astprisa. thins towns Pa:abut gh oink '4.inosaga, cud a 011- °Cc Ogg at Blairsville lotersocclom with tray a the lcullailia sod Well Pg.. , iv int* nee t. FAST LINN, daily, spoilt Siaday, az sae yr u.., stopping orgy at Conaltialig4allilman,lllßlo - kluntincdon. I..emiatOWni /11.0. M. Nirwport biarrasili, liarriabUrM lalddlef.Pan:•laltoesaies. spa Dowoingtown. =king cOnleyceton '111:BSIBre blue tel New York„ llalamorti Wasb.preds and at Plaid. c New Virk. )31 2 411t 'LW hatanonliate Delete. t.l...fms hut' panne' i n chi. tr.m Pailadelohlo, tO• NW ;York op thoAllentoWn nonce. • ,•• • 1 _ , ; First ASCIIIII.IIO4IMIO4 train SUMO leaves daily (coup; Sanzig).azkock a. au Second Aciitomlnalatlan Teat:Our Watro.sllllo3l travel day (except Sunday) att.Vl S. M. ~ Third .11ceocatuodatloa Tote lor Wahl Statlai leaves daily (except ounuaa)l at A 33 n. m. Fourto leatso daily i Acc niceocamopt Sadaou Ter) rain:tat COS p. allor W% Statics h nd AssomModation for Pomo Slatten. atoPolas az all &Ohm. between Pittatiuth and Penni at LO m p. m. The Church Trala leaVes Wfol's Station•-anary Sunday at ma and arllgilr in Plitabunta I CS to. itattantne [plows . 1110 1 ivite'vi .112 . 50 I, m and •rcista. Wallh Salton .t 9.60 p. • • • r • Beturitudi Trams arrive In FlLM:burgh as follows.: V all.— ..... 1.2 e a. m. • Fast LID • AW a. ..... ..... imat Well's 'Station Accommod'illort... OLIN Penn Ace..,. t.odation.' Second Wall's Station Accomnehlation 1150 a. Os lotastown Accommodahca...e. ....... %PUN*. u.• Pittabncgt It Erie Matt -121 N". m. Baths ore Esorcaa 'Ma p. Third Walla Statlou. Accontameatlon.... Lek p. m. Philadelphia Express • • 1.0 544 Es • Fourth Wall's Station Accommodation 11.00 p. Altoona Accommodation-and F.i'pagrata, 1031 p. m. An Agent 0. the Ikteelsiot Omilltata goinpaiiM will pan throLgh each train before remain toe Depot, take up sheets and alter bat:gape., op pa.rt ot the any. 01:11ce Islo. la Penn atzeet, opal any and night, where LU oide the liptiValailiAl. of pane...gars and baggage win , receive Platel4 at tention. • Baltimore express will artiviu with Phlladsiptda Express at kW p. m. o¢ Illondsys. NOTICE.—In 05011 Of lou . ltkl C sielik' • hold - themselves *expansible Lai: pens Way, and tor alt.amount not akteeding n=:stau (OPPOSITE ETES( CIIIE10:1E) -~~ Jl2. • • petu,V-ILeis Untral Statics. as a: env --- " 41111 =7,MM•° ,-, A.m110 18(i5.rl ..:. GOLUaNCS AND CINCINN,ATI ESILIZOAD. - Uri Great Short line. Souta'.l ia Statehallo, El= 4: I N4:IN ATI , LPCISY LILLE Li ti AS &POLIO, 17; ST. LOCI'S. And •ll da:prin,clpal W ••T ASD 011 ♦ND •rifpK AIUNDAY, ocTorill 9th. 1865. Tram§ leave 411 arrive at t4l: ONIO3 DEPOT fuliou . 751rrA.ars. Asnryirs. ..... at. 1154 v .• o 2.45 p. a-t 3 ts. ttteubctsttle Atcommod VEO 10.90 a. at. ,1 V. SCUL, Gen 1 Tt.lcet itgeat,t3 [submarine. 0. 1. l Tlcket Aseat, 1.41.0t,rjr4ba1136 PITTSBURGH, FL WAYNE a CIAIOACHANNI RAILWAY A.ND • 01..SYSSAND . tlnTrlff : -.' BURGH RAILROAD. . . SOMMER A.RSANUFEMENt. On and alter May 14:24 leaktralin WM aglow,. via. I loas I_l :POI ve • PlttaborgnlClda std. tONinlana. wage= ----- 7nY? !•• EL 110 t _ , al. *..,4.6 kcs p. _ Express.. .. —12.13” p. m. V. pm. 2..45 # Mprems...—.•.. Leo p. so. i.+ Kali ... h.ao a. at. ..j 4,10 'a. Par Now C Is awl Eris Liu,. ir.. rifrolartx, Amt.., st Piculbustb — P. rt W. & C- Rill t.:.Leta. m, a.zop. m.. LCD p. 114.1.60 y. m., 8.5.3 p, C. it P. 8.. X —4.14 a. m.. IA p. va., LOU P. ni . _ .. 0pc.41 1icum.11¢111.4.134, A* • il_lc3L+ is t a.ucr , • siStec` Br ' „„ I, ' pmts, 1 , 1:eonomy: rills. , Mao:raw LOO a- LISP. 1 . 5 . In.r:10.10 p. ISM m ILMIpm t 7.1 arnm.xcer4 arrive ai Alleglumy—P. W. Is C. Rallwx 7.13 tn., MU a. $.. 2.13 ut., LSO = aml 12.2 a pm. IL is. P. B. • 01.X.DECiE PADS*. Tlakat tralna'Pauengme Statlka i , Pittab=a. - A. Cl.' OA csyrdillrwltr, icket:ace& BETP3lll.olsamal -411 = Altai ALLEVELVSY LER RAILROAD,. ORANGE OP TIME.--Cta tt3d 1101 1 11Wf °Mob *24, Passaagar tratnayilt ba ottasgei to rua aalollaws : MALL TRAlLL—Leaveal k AtabaniniliSl.4o arriving at Sittaxmln at low 'LiaammilLUN Canning-at aO6 is tu., ardiSh gi*IbUtIPO ai 635 p. m.- ; EMPRESS. TRAlN—Lammia "Illatanalag MAO iurlytm Pittabursiiit CM a. ma, Lamm Pittsburp.gh at p. m.i sn3iring it Littasuung at os.X.7ODIMODATION TR&N.— loaves Bodo WcT_lch IA 100 a- m., alrtvtagt4PittatmzetataDa a. m. Leaves Pittsburgh, at A%p. ut., whits at IS terminal". at 4.15 p. ta.e .as Y. VpaCillt tonterfoloulagh __.. PIANOS, MF#~IC, &C NOW BEING RECEIVED 1,1 THAT ELEGANT;;ATOCK OF CHICKERINO PI/NOS, S leelsO personally by tbt-anbserlber, dtatng • Meat a-Aft to t#Fliototy. SEVENTEEN INORTIMEFTS are now open, and ready fin CM:W=loz public are lays!led to eel and see menu Warrnnted forgive Years: CrEWILIT O. XELLOB. ia wood Stan, sub Sole &gent for tbefindoksellit YILnoC pIANOS ALND Ofief,.lll3.i TIteOFIXTTED HOMY, NO YORg, Schomacker bs 0o ti Philadelphia P I A ICI 4OS ABI:EVICASWITS .... (11 4 : 00.111 COTTAGE Olita AN, emitted by dealer% and all wbo tome !wait tkeat. to be loydlolot tit tone to all other lasttamettta et the kiwi skim instated la the Vatted Statat.l Nate prepared to fa/1;41231th. aStiteit Srgi eXte. Qerman Mier Instnaumbi t TM • • . o.f over* attEL,:dtthaeana Cornet at rettated 4 Cfatit , Prat / Ana an AM/IMo% Ned Lidit - iglid4utitcrPtai4.4ls7t Hatt: Wid l2ol 4.4l l Ait,:- - .; 4.4 1 ;0W 6 te0.46-1/14HEBTRaafflea:" wLitwi gi c q ttmym t rew,..,..*.a 1 / 4 1-u,rgF44, • Esa Zane" C HA ran 1441 4. O,IIATTJ , 'men. Ar ri til.3 e . , porinu •. Es t i. I -.. a.-Ar iiinittaxentrainttra"hq . . i*VfiriAtgh,
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