Fitisiturgit atzette. MONDAIN OCTOBER 80, 1085. TRAVELJEWY GUIDE. • Arrival sad Departure of Trains. freiturvisatila Cebiral Railroad. ' Diverts. ' - • Arrives. Way Enpresa.... flea WALD- ..... ~... le a m liteensiteemM 5.40 • m 'Peat Llne -• 22ee • m PlDADEtisitliall MN a mita. Wall Aswan. LS am =Mall ....-usla am Pena ACCOMO'n. WO a es PhDs. Emma.. SO p enl24 Wall 51en0m...8:50 a m Johnatera AV, 4.13 pin JOlLast , niicen..l.o,6 • m 'fast Dine ' .Minthpin Pitt& Ede 3ialL.IM5O pm in We 4eaom. SP4O'n m Baltimore Exp , ra lulop in as " 'SO asu L asi Wall Amour- 4011 p in ad • 't. 215D.M . Plilla. Myren.. 2xl o m 4th . _ ___ _. 0 eilb p,maith Wall deem INCO p m 'firalmt•Mw ' MElDil? niVia Amen. . _ . Emir. rea.lo.3t pin no omen trail' leaval' silo Sistiao ever? ..siusdayas Ida a. ati returning, leaves Pitteburp -at 1240p.'21.' Oniltittret, Columba, and melanin. ~. Dorm immat . Ee5a,........ ;CIO a m;Erpreas.—........ 'ars oi mwt,..,i mi um Mall ................ IXlip m E4Prmle:---...... 215 pm Enrols.-- eM,,, m teaming. A e• Steubenville elo• atentinteastati t 4.10 pso yommodstloe.lo2a a m I . l 7 llba re t t VOrt Warm. and Chicago. ____• kali. ....' Arnim. Vartmm............ I SO a ut . Expresa 210 •at E1pti1a....... *PO p WEirpreas ...... ... 7wop m 2-2Preei..---.... eiD P 1 7E 2 Pimis GOO pen elail loos to Mail 'IMO p m N. Caine& Erie MIO a ff. Cattle& Erie 820 pin trew Brighten Accommodation leave, ADegininy *map et a. m., IPA° a. M., Cab p. in, unumica, p. U. imetionter, CO p., ra; New ()Mile, as p. m.; Economy, till p. ss. Pittsburgh. Cleveland and Wheeling. Daum. Arrives. 4E2prese ..... .... 2ao A 1121Expresa 2.10 am % spree ...... ... MO p m Empre5e......... sus p a, KAU sno • m abat ... . . ...... 114 u p m Steubenville Accommodation leaves . /1.1/maessY -at SOO p la. Plttabillih and COnilellevale. a . Departs. Arrires. , .pi e v:D$ a in'Mall los pto Express isin p m Express 1020 a m net IllaSeesport.ttab. • m i tes &diem= COO a in 24_ • .... 4:16p m 24 • .... tOS p m , . Ist Draidmis's.. 700 • salmi Braddock's. 820 ain a "4 • .... 440 pm ti " .... 5:45 p m . k 1 Allegheny Valley Railroad. arrim, • , ilistl 790 • m Farrel" 4.30 •ta r "ERWIN ' Amo p m Mail 7113 p m .. ; CLOIDOMMOdatIon UM pm :Amenimodation Mine m 'i CITY AND SUBURBAN lIIE POISONING CASE. Mis Grinder, Convicted of Murder t in, the Pint Degree. At nine o'clock Baturday morning the Court of Oyer and Tertatner met according to adjourn ' receive tie 'verdict of the jury In the ruse of .14.raS Mattha Grinder, tried for the mur der of.Adre. Mary Caroline Carnittcp. T!. the propor , lion of ladies was not to great, as they were ex ' cltitUdf frtgn.inalde the bar, and were crowded patrol therlobby. lila nemasary for the Court ( room:tote clear between the prteaner'erdock and the jury box. when a verdict la being rendered. and the only way tO keep the place open was to prevent persona front entering. There were rumiers afloat that the Jury bad not agreed, and vonsiderable Indignation was . • expressed in cous4quenee. Others asserted that the juryttad made op their verdict on Friday creating,and that they would be prepared to render It on the opening of the Court. At twenty minutes past nine the prisoner was bought in by Sherig Stewart, and platted in the , • dock. She wore the same apparel that she had NI during the trial, and had her veil drawn Over her face so unto hide her features almost entire fif. She walked witha slow but steady (read, and exhibited no sign o Wailintal or pi:natation. The jury soon arter . • came down from their room, and on_ taking their. • seats in the box Judge %welt: ordered the prl arnento"taand up," She rose, and remained !landing. The Ci rt., Mr. Herron, polled the jury rind put the th , nal qumtlont nave you agreed upon a verdict—how say you, is the-defendant _entity or not guilty 1" The 4 Loren:tad of the jury roar, and answered "Ginty." Judge Sterrett remarked that It would be limes asry for them to indicate the degree. The fore man then.answeredt "Guilty of murder of the lira degree." The verdict was then recorded, announced by the Citric. and assented to by the jury. Mrs- Grinder still remained standing. when Jude S meets motioned her to sit down. title received-Ibl verdict with the utmost indiffer ence, and appeared as unmoved and uneeneena ed as though elm were a mere spectator. She seemed lefeetly passive, and the only sign of ruotion_or emotion was her toying with the fringe other 'bawl between herlingera. It was a most tema.kable exhibition of womanly for titude, a - d proves that she is possessed of as -extraordinary spirit. Maul treacle- that such s woman could tritium° unmoved the death ago nies oilier vieVmst She sums alike destitute of fear. pay or remorse, and stand, unparelled in the annals of crime. After the verdict had been rendered, the Court ordered the wasp war to the Sheriff's olhce to beCleared, so that . the prisoner might be re :larded. A great crowd had Collected In the rolundsiand is sea with dldienity that the pas sage thy could be ,nleared. A gentleman who made rather youth r, mark in regard to the rioadmitorthe officers. waseelzud Bud Cahn be lore4ndge Stunt , ' on a charge of contempt. W* l2 t._ gitta 6 t s t had substdea, the priso lir Was eandnetal tio the Shtsintoodias and from thence to hee alt id the jell. A 'Narita was thee bad of the °outcrop; case, but the Court bt hugettisfied that there was no intenflon on tke pat athe'gentleman to obstruct the racers lathe discharge of their duties,he was dismissed. Thus ended theg trial of Marche Grinder—the inestleantrkable Mod , xelting in the history of the ionoty. Start Royalty' Pound—Pocket Books, Wit etlesollortey, Fourlads, - narned John Scott, Henry Clover, Clurrlistillattnefoad-Clualca Thomas, went to the Mayor's °Mee on Sunday afternoon, hayinz in their possession; two silver watches, four pocket books and a parse containing money to the aggregate amount of seventy-eight dol lars and scredty4liree cads,. some of it in sil ver and currency, and - also a bottle of chl”ro form and ether. This property they represented aa.having.found Ista rotten log near the Two Mile Hun; In Pitt e -toweshlp. While playing about, they turned the - log over, thus revealing the hidden plunder.. This is thought to be the result of some boarding house robbery. The roperty Is the Lands of the Mayor, and will .doubtless be Identified. jithess,or Mra.Griuder Grltder, the convicted poisoner, was ta ken oldie on night with nervous convulsions, recalling the attendance of the ,physician. Her physical condition has given way very much, the ordeal of the trial th - ouch v Web ehe bee just passed and the cer tainty of her condemnation for the terrible crime or crimes which she bee committed, his welshed heavily tlzon kerGynd In the sounds of her cell. Bbe Moat Prostlitted . for a considerable timeobut balisecovcred and was la a comparatively * comfortable cocdltisn on Bpnday eveirEM GO.l.4.,X,o3eachtea Agsoclatlog. A regular meeUng of the County Teachers' Association was held on Saturday, in Excelsior Ban, Allegbey...-Aftcr the usual - prelimitmr7 proceedlrgsarof..ll, F. Eaton read a poem en titled. "Jennie Wade, of Gettysburg." The encrtlon, "What can be done to render our Ed neatlonal System more efficient O.' wan disagreed by Pref. Butt, an'd'otheti: It was argued that teaching thould be yanked- amen the profes sions, as well, an. taw, medicine and ay/tap and the dbeanaton inu; calculated to stir up the. • dronettle the , ProfteslOu, and elevate the stand ard ofzedneation. ' itetr.- r - Howird,,VD., announced to lecture at next teeet.g. Settusier CoM.U.Coaalug.—The lecture , go. M 4 community will he gratified to lear4hattb.o dlstleguLthed guatlaintal, Speaker of the House of Representatives, ; baYe . catenated to lecture underAtto MurPlces orth63lercantlle Library da noclalift, 'an will Len Me= from following the letter to Mr. Thomas Baktrell Jr., chairman of the Lecture Comb:Mon: 4 4' Drat Air Inga named November 14th - as , one 404 nightalnti prefer. will lecture that evening, (arriving via Cleveland) if your matte ty &Mum, an. giy mad to.litaahington.. -.- "Arataa. , the-eouttnent..* • -4-- 1 1. ••• Yount, truly Baruriza Cimay ThsitalitoWteneted.—l r i• the cntartie BesaionarvhisiW, nb csan'ot.;tivare than erdV . • . •• Itnitewill: he taken ,ninothri Mehl& . tee Cautrlbut.eratiolich as pow. ;: re *ving tits ...Jail Of Its present orermoud: r.tenr...' art Prlioembllfi irltnesnen..,A4lLt l Ot fai l to pa ( n Men' vianne an&thriti •-• Lie heatless: 3Pltiontonsitt, .trine.Ablerman 044.30 r Mayor liartimo, on Baum* .eo unesZton to mison to answer • sum* - hate* -with Intent to 7 9 m easolopitarderly eon- duet mad enrel3l4l thO Peace ea . oatirof Jana Asm Cauttell.:-.> A _ Ilititather Pkisonpr,,Oa z y.stilottiet visw recednelp-ma Westmortlanili ma* inglour fro= -that p.u3:3Y atm In:barliopty, prison. 4 Tbs-141 . 14 Greensbar Is lamming The Grinder Jury. Ttcre is considerable I*am:dation a, to arl , 4t caused the jury In the Grinder case to hesitate so locein making op their verdict, Af ter they had received the charge from tie Coort, an adjoUrnment was ordered for ono hour, and ihe conclusion was drawn that the Court anticipetni they would be ready to render their verdict In that time. The public geneially believed that they would be of one mind, arid that the first ballot would determine the matter. Experience proves, however, that It la a very difficult matter to get twelve men to decide hastily hi a ease of life or death. There Is a grave responsibility resting, upon jorora, In such caw, and It le not strange that they hest . . tate and ponder, even under tireumstances which go to convince the outside- world that there Is PO need fur hesitation. Ott,inquiry wo learn that the ''sticking point" in the present ease ~.I%los ln-regird to the question of satiny. Tbe'jury. l haweVer, pissed a resolattoo o it to disulge their discussion, and as this was a scry proper action we have no disposition to pry into their teen ts. We were, nevertheless, given to tmderstaad that nearly bait of the Jury entertained docibts as to the sanity of the priso ner,.anZ it took sore e time to bring about • unanimity of opinion on this subject. Thayer. diet has peat renders I In accordance with the law aad the evidence. and perhaps meets the ap probation of all who read the testimony tn. the ease. Sad & plea of insanity been put in the result might have been different. . —Sloes writing the above we. learn from a source we deem entirely reliable, that we have unintentionally done jojtuitice to the jury. We observe our Evening cotempOnary, the Chronicle, has fall en into'the same error. 'The Jury, .we ate assured, when they retire I, did not stand ale to six, and that the "Welting point' , was nut insanity. Their first expression stood tea for conviction of murder in the first degree, and Dos ageltst it. Once Of 'he latter shortly &red ered with the majority,and the remaining Juror stoutly teamed the Mummy feature of the case, claleth g that the fact of the murder by poison was not made out by the Commonwealth! "Think of that i ldaster Book-!" Tticfree Mabel- V.:I.:MO(1S for you with 4 Vengeance! The body of the otfenee eel made Out—the eel-pee Midi, as the lawyens have it, not established. After that who will not say. Great Is trial by Jury' "Ye Gods and little fishes!' Would not that Intelligent Juror be a handy thing to hare "lying around toots" for the use of criminals when Landed. We would advise all present or pros pective de endants to hero that juror's life In sured, ifthey can only find out his name—and we imagine that would not be very hard to do —for an accident Whim In any cape would ben scriouslost ttftheli'firiternity, especially If he le. embraced In the class called "profession als,nrlio are always within call when wanted. Sow any juror, with the smallest possible mod icum ortireins, should bare raised a question as to proof of death by poison, and the poison ad ministered by the prisoner, wure_ at a tone- to roaceive, and set such , wee r . .ssured, Is the tlll , ,ucetiotablo"rt: ' , if tt - t. a ease was demonstrated to a mural , certainty this was oar. The testimony was so clearly and cotelusicely, and, we had almost said. so mathematically piaii,-d before the prey, that a verdict of guilty of murder in-the drat degree was Inevitanie. Although wholly cir cumstantial, the adaptation of the various parts to emits other, and the whole so complete and perfect, in the estimation of every one who beard or read it, the testimony, It teemed to at together like a piece of moat perfectmachlnery. We may add that that juror will searxly ever again he troubled, in hie official capacity, in protecting any homage in which the Common wealth Le concerned, and if be. does, may we be Uwe to see. If he should take tt into his heed at ant Lima to leave us, and the bal e: er of - •the body of the county," we hope he will not tail to leave as a lock of his hair, aid we promise hint to forthwith send it to lisrr um as evidence of the existence of a juror who, like Thomas of old, would believe nothing he could not eee and handle. j:;ry, riflee their dischar4e, I 1., lie Cemt.thc following notx: To Me rmoi of Oyer, Terminer and Qqar ter We, the undersigned jurors empaneled in the ease of the f`ornmonirealth vs. Martha Grinder, do hereby tender a vote of thanks to the Hoe. Court and tipstaves Patterson, Smith and Me.- Prra'Aue, for their kind attentions to us during our Isolation from the outside world. and aiso to Mr. V. Fehl and his assistants for their kind attention and good accommodation furnished during tile:same trial, Rots. BEttorr, tia 'MAN POETER Rot,. C. C &TUFA:, 0 , 1, Rorr. W. . . 1117 Bl.'. J. Lf.C.N•ltt,, JOH": R. JA.Qt:E.s, J.LNIES (;RATTA,r. D, A N AYES MOStiLiZS The Opera Season On .Nionday erening nest the able and pop, :ar manager, Max Btrakosch, will present to the citi/is s of Pittsburgh inch a brilliant array of talent in one organization as was never be fore sere In this city. At an expense of over Sic hundred dollars per night, the director has succeeded in accomplishing the fact that a per fect troupe can be formed who render the works of the great masters in the stile, manner, anti with the anis - emu that we are accustomed to wit ness in the :Sew Yotk, Palatelphla, liaison and Bnxklyit Academies of Music. The time and trouble, with the last, though not least, the a•ret.. has bean immense, and we hope for the fair tame of the dr•rens of Pittsburgh who profess to to lovers of first class musk. that they will tarn cut en mason and give the manager such a mention and wsicome as to glaiden his heart on Lis way west. The troupe number over forty performers, and the operas will be presented in a perfect and um:dad:aced form, such as written by their retpective composers. The chorus and orches tra have teen secieeted from the best musical orgeniutions now existing in America, and all the principal to tistes engaged hove at one time or other enjoyed enviable pisitions la the New York Opera Companies. witcre 87.C.1 at lb.! present time their services arc sought to.. their ccniasete with Mr. Strakosch only preventing them from accepting an engagement. The prima donna Signora Anglolin a °Wont Is a sit get of great natuial powers, her voice being a combination of singular sweetness and dramatic expreseime. She has a command leg appearatce and is In every way a most ean ',Skutt= artiste. She has created a furore berever the troupe has appeared, and some of our etmtemporades have even gone so far as to call her the Grist of the present day, Paulint eatable, the prima donna leggi- I rn of the troupe, will be remembered us haring teen here before with Grover's German Opera- . She row comm to us much lmprovol, in charm leg singer, and good 11CLII8B. asr 31sorgueritc In Faust, is raid to be nesurpAssebio. Arne Paul Birakoeeh, the Contralto, one of Pittsburgh's favorites, Is also one of the bright psrucnisre stars of the troupe. The New York /firs , r/ says of her In Trovetore tic Greet Gipsey Stance, in the' Second Act, Straka:xi dterdayed err mach dramatic Dower, ate Fang with so much ardor, that she sees fully 'oriel to nachist Ste has no superior in this part" • Big"" Maccefuri sot Errani, the Tenors of the troupe, are well-tnown /119 being A NJ. 1 in their prelusion. The lormerls the only living tenor, beside Tantberlltt, who can the faM 011ii "Do de Yetto,".(C womllte chest). Aignor Etrani, the “Tenor de Grad.," la an exceeding ly pluming singer, with a affect voice and hand tOIXIO face, and will be cure to conquer the hearts of the ladles. .E 4 gburilancual. the Baritone, hue a mellow, rieh and extumattetic voice and sings with ac excellent method. Signor Btudtai 'the great Basso ProfnadO, la too well known to need any furthercommenta. ile is a peat artist both as en actor and a stager. Herr Graff. the Basso Bona of the Company. Is also a Rood artist. Finally Earner Rosa, the llinsleal Director, and Conductor, is one of the beat now in Obi coo a try. He has studied =ate In Italy voider some of the yerj , Same feasters whose works the cora ipai3 y pular M . s:!ti tt. tharefora, brweadercd at that =dart& baton the Mesa or the tro;ei r i eeilare carried out to the point. 4 lie chorus and orchestra pave been selected and trained, and we may look forward to the zoosV.perfeet rapresentatlona of Italian Opals evergiven in this 'city. Mae desiring good feats should ap ply early, to Mr. Mellor, 81 Wood street, where the sale of Beason Tlakets wlll commenCe on Wednesday morning. The sale of tickets for single nights will positively 'not commemeerall Friday. The first opera to he vrestdaw il l be Ernani, to be Martha, Trovatore, Faust and othentof equal Merit. , • Let an who have music In' 'their . isoalssttand the Pittsburgh Theatre during the , opera . .Protease or, We ara . Harki,' but not flora. Iniit Masonic Hall, this evening, is Act! and /eery startling pleat 'or Illusion, patented by tt?olnventors, Prof. Pepper and Kr. Tobin. will ,be exhibited. It Is called "Pretens; or, We are Here, but not Hem." The insane whereby tbo effect is produced of cminsii remains . &secret. 3lr, Tobin enters a cabinet mulls leaked in. A skeleton takes Ids place r nd a Macaw, a is Paul Pry, also emerges ?mfg. thle 2zeystatis. "structure." Finally, the„lmbil e prfasing bewilderment: .The whale affair is honestly described as sn Optical Illusion. This Yowls Matt', i t rtessa.—Warranted to cam Private Mecum Par ads by druggists. g the s Ask for the rotalghtsa'a Frio& A poetics ymptom!' and treatment of me athimarev i each Box. or ma had by Totagratim's himsd. Box Mk chaqbatkett‘, with a, thrfe pent stamp eattoeml, t o haa t Fiminff. Curiae ltuper t i . .ll. Felton, %B. W. fp% &NA.. Md/eataw. Allegheny Librsry" •od 8 eadlng Room /: tfor,i• us great-0,1.u-c to all c that the effort& of the pubic spirited ;cnclenaen who have undertaken this corn:nen:la:4e enterprise are about being' crow:.ed with success. The rooms of the association, In the City Anil build ing, have been very neatly furnished, and we notice on the readinn desks, all the city dentin, together stab the leading dallies of the country. The weekly and monthly literature of the country Is also ow Ale, and the book cases contain two demand volumes of ottseelleneotts and stand ard works. We bespeak for the Alle,tbeny Library acd Reading Room the patronage of an WWll:ant The Committee are In correspondence with some of toe leading talent of the' country, and hope to he *hie to announce a brief course of h cairn derive. the season. Atuusementa. Mete Mr. Adams' engagement at the Theatre, be has not failed to fill the home nightly, no matter bow inclement the weather was. We are cure that our readers will receive with pleas ure the announcement that he bus bees re-en gaged for el: nights longer, and that the layers of the legitimate drama may have an opportu nity of indulging their team fora Mom time longer. Read the advertisement for to.nlght, and then go during the day and purchase your tickets, and thereby avoid the rush that oceans nightly. Itecoverlng.—Mayor Lowry, wbo was so se verely Indisposed for several days lat t week,as to be unable to atteed to tha duties of his oftlee,we tears has trolly recovered, aud expected to be able to bold his usual court this morn irg. ROBINSON rdeCLEAN & CO Bankers and Brokers, No. 75 Fourth, Strtelytttaburgh. Dealer. le all kind. of Gore Seelrities o,le, Siker, Uncurls ot Bask Note., Foreign and Dow - 0;k r7telavege, Detroutia ritzetvou to PAZ FUNDS luta CUR REBUS. Irterest allowed on time deposits. Uolieet,oas maae IP all patio 91 the United States on moss bearable teens. Orders executed with dispatch for everything in the b istheas at the Bootes, Nets York, Palla• detphia and Pittsburgh Brokers , Boards strictly on commission. Draw on (MEWS & 00 , New Tort., JAY COOKE & 00 , Phlladalphia; !Swum O. D SPAT) It T. R. PEREINO. Bon. n. ,r‘inr:Trmc.r.l7ysi @BORERS AND BANKERS BOARD (coasrven,sr 110111ABON. IVOLIMS n CO.) SArrrn ♦ r, Oct. Ya, MS. U. S. C. Bar U. S. 6.20,. .............-- ....... 102 60 91 25 U. S. 1 0 -1 0 4.....---------. 92 ou I'. S. Certificates . _ 91 60 -- Gold 112 00 Allegheny Co. Mel, -.. 12 5 5 Connellßrille R. R. klunds-........ 70 00 111 03 Allegheny 1n5.......-._.-____ 25 00 Cash Ins..- -- 51 00 33 25 Eureka - 52 , 0 Connellsville R. R. Interest 9 00 Citizens Bank 51 00 Exchange Not. 8ank.._....._._. 155 to —.. Fourth Nat. Barik-.......- ..-.. 130 00 Iron City 80 00 Peoples 'National --- -105 50 Colnmbia 0iL...--. •••• 25 00 Eldorado —...— so Oil Basin of Plana .....-.. 7 50 Oil Creek a. Cherry Run 1 05 Ohio Volley— .10 .. Paxton I 0/ Pittsburgh ik - New Y0rk....-....... 7.5 Ritchey— ....... 50 Tarr, Story & Cherry Run........ 25 Western Penna----__. 1 00 Con! Blatt Mining C 0—...... 1 2.3 Ralston .. .. .. .., -.------ 160 Duck Creek Va11ey.,....- ....... 95 Culbertson'. Run - 60 226 Eldorado 20 Culbertson'• 50 000 Ohio Valley..—_. ...... _...—. There was nothing done in our local stork mar ket I o.d•y, with the eiception of some few trans actions In oil shares. Eldorado sold at 3tri Cul. bertiOn'S Dun at 50, and Ohio Valley at 25. Col umbia 1., apparently, n shade stronger, bettare are without sales. Insurance. Bank and Bridge stocks are. and have been for some time past, remar k abii quiet —The Africa's tivineial &dykes, are regarded As very favorable, consoler-mg the Hurry occasioned by the spirited diplomatic correspondence between the United States and titigland. touching our claims smtinst the latter coontri for Injuries in t:feted on our commerce. It is generally believed on both tides the ocean that nothing serious will result from the opinions Interchanged on the sub aud that mutual Interests lett! Wad to mo rns/ concessions, which will obviate all dirge cult ies —The internal revenue returns tont:nue to in crease hey ond all tint itlpat ton. It I. estimated that at least its mil:inns a week too. into the national Treasury. Since the commencement of the current data! year, July tat, the national treasury hat received from this rotate source About one hundred end fourteen million dollars, or A weekly average of nearly seven million dol lars, equal to an aggregate of over three hundred and sixty millions a year. Thr revenue which the Government Is assured of. from direct taxation, in the I . u re t fiscal year, w.ll enable it to defray its expinses, reduce Its ledebtedness, strengthen its credit in the money market, and prepare the way for the prompt restoration of the national finances to a specie basin. —lt is noted in the New York Jove/sal of t'o•o I,lle that the Treasury Art Lives to the Score tory the power not only to Issue certificates for gold on deposit, but glare lam power to tnue cer till rates as per cent over the deposits, the 013 o o hick the editor condemns. It Its, however, ar gaud In opposition by the Express, that this lb per per rent additions I power may be the means of bringing about specie payments; that confidence in specie may be giadually won through thsm, and they may be need In banks so specie. No Act of f 'orsgress will be likely ever to bring about specie payments. The country will hare to look to the T. essury Depsrtment for that. The anti apr'se payment interests of this country, though el,- in bomber, are In power now, and It is feared, beyond the reach of Leg slat urns, or, o the people. —The new Ikee counterfeit Vatted Ststes note recently descrtholl is conslderrnt try bsnk canners 3o one of the most perfect imitations ever issued. The vignette,which head of Ilarnilton, prob ably presents the best mark for distlngtaishlue be tween the genuine and cousterfer (to the former the button•on the coal show distinctly, while on the latter they can scarcely be seen. As the rlff nette of the I tilted trttntes ds Is the same thnt oft It to's, the public should ire well on their grinrd, as It is not improhnble that the poetics who p e ut the attest orf• uttering the s lore piste !or h V.. !..ATCP.DAY, Oct. 20, hi ! 'l.—The Crude .Iftiket wns fairly relive And ideally to-day, shit the trite...lions were un ertinlly large for Saturdny, which Is osuall) doe of the Ltalest dsyis In the week. Prices, h cwci et, were a shade lower. though there WOO more deynalt lon, to boy, and buyers, who on Friday were unwilling to r, 7 ore, rod 2607 , 11.. te-clay. The reported sales reached, in the aggro- Fade, two thousand four hundred and ninety-slit bbls, out follow. 100 bbl.. et Oh, free on board; Sri at 70, free en Wald; 607 at it, free on board; tel nl 70, free on board; WO at as, delivered In Philo delPhla; LOO, to bulk, at 23%; and ICU al ED—There wet, also, more activity to the market for bowled oil, hot prices again ruled lower, and quotation. may be (awe Oren et 6 1 4 61% cents, free on board eau here, and &Scents, de livered in Philadelphia. Sale of 600 tails prime light straw to white, for NOverobor delivery, at ii, free po board; 600 do, same delivery rind pricer 1000 bbl. for November, delivered in Philadelphia, tel ler's option, at 78; 1000 for December delivery to Philadelphia, bayes l a option, at 18; and COO for Ns vember, to Philadelphia, seller'. option , at to. Free 011 is more notice but lower; Isla of 60 bbl. at 70; and 700 do do at CO. . NAPTHA AND RESIDUUM—There was no ccatcynedi X7l Residuum to-dm, and. hi the seam of sates, svo coutinue 55,2:45,54, at which figures sales were made this week. Nap tha may be quoted at 20g21, In bond, and 384= cents, free, according to quality, sad package.. Philadelphia Iron Market. Fig illetal la moderately salvo. and priers aro firm, but the Isnot of stocks restr!ets business. sales of Not nuthrarite at 450 - 052, andliou tons Lebtgh erase Forge at 014 per tee. Scotch pg is in shad( demand, wills-Small antes at LO3 per ton. 8/Gams—Thereto a flits feettPsL , Nftal sales of best Anthracite at Imo iss t ei u m.„24 at iIISWILdf and Norttern at Et per s.a. • Alanufnetartd Zroo , ‘istagood request ati4,.." ricea ere.h/fher• haler 9/ Rltlieoad tiara at ffILITIO7 s•V ton; Looimon and Actium' Liao at Stlo@ttes No t roughtsoraptat s s4 Lteds oral old lieu at Og ebe• " • Nau.L..-Are 11U , good request, but tbstrarisactlons are limited,_PVM uttelty or supplies. Frites Araltrzrawtersistigatd , „. _ . . . The Pork clop of tlitirettoael t h e co mitts *in most likely beshert 'Ms - gout& The reason bi the stock of lippWas - greatty r d geed 63r thalegh pa r"i s c e= a erc a rM a g l rt f :oribrf=l " ati l d eructed to puke; Was sobtlesepear. 4.ltothereg.„, son is the preradenct olfl3.6gchtliera Ist somermite of the country. .;Thisbas canoed many Artesia to ship their Ittcs tering the past 'timber leThleac - . go. . They !card:lll they keptlitem.lllltheregular " pork aesectatteity ezilghtdit,:424l l ,ll-trEstivo ate told by thate_whe abeintistesied in iteepittgatepe pricesrentraf eantse'.ertsktbeliggesdock‘f , l azy abread.that the crop is Sheet.- We hall .. ... • 1 , 1 , r , w re ht lz o kow ei ew : trine: -greetty we tops.;.. laybag Tsckfll are; b r o e rd l it Lic i t t inesea end.. they can do hi gat current figures. ' This seems to be the ease with packers eliewiterq 1111tacF1 fne(letre) Joarseh rITTSBVE4EI Al ARKETF, ftvetreto.ty, Oct. tt, The Feature markets bare been fairly re and steady throughout the week whlch ha, just eloped and the fluctuations In values were cow pnraUrply alight, though.the tendency Is tcwnrd lower rates. GRAlN—Wheat la In regular demand, one sells readily on arrival at AtAid@l,ss for No t Chicago sPriniu, and Milwaukee Club, and r..,inakit for Amber. Oats steady, with • stile of I ear, on track, at it; and small sales from store at =att. Barley Is excessively dull, the minds - being large yln excess of the demand; ules'from yawn at $l, i,r5e1,10 for prime Spring Ind Tall. Corn is selling from store at 75 to 65, es to quality. No movement in Rye. MIOCERIES—The grocery market is steady and moderately active, while prices have under gore no quotable change. Cuba Sugar Is selling %t Rica 114111'%; Crushed,, A^ see, 21%; "PP' do 01. Coate is quoted at 1:42.4 for good to prime; and Java, at 4513 , 48. Prime Porto Rico 11101arlies ate held at 111,10; choice Neer Orleans at $1 Rd; and Sorghum at $l. Syrups range all the way from BO to $1,60 per gallon, the latter figure for "Lovering... quiet but steady, with a fair local trade at previous quotations-0,75010 for Spring Wheat Fandly r and $111,75011,25 for Winter Wheat brands. Rye Flour is selling at 417,50 per barrel, and Cornmeal at $l,lO per bush. PROVISIONS—Bacon la quiet and unchanged. Small sale, of prime kettle rendered Lard at 29kffpal, and bleu Pork at 6376,26. YOTATOES—Persch Blow, firm, and higher; sale ofloo bbls at $1,40 per bbl, and Mo do do at M,60. Sweets are quoted at $4,50856,00 aa to quality. APPLES—The market is well supplied, Inltd a little glutted, but prices are still msintainml, ranging from 15 1 50 to $3,60 for (air to prime. and 7 for choice. salmi of 400 barrels, on track, at #406. DRIED FRUIT—Sales of prime Apples (old crop) at 14 cents, and Peaches (new crop halves, at do. Demand u yet, la light. BISTTER—There is a very good demand for Roll Butter, and we note regular_sales at 40 to 450, for ivtto prime. 111109.1.11. In packed, and but FAGS—rilr i. &mend, scarce, and firm, at 36 cent,. 11. 5T1) , 7.4.7 1 :uTen5° 1 —"d . "..";,".P,741 to 03,76 per bbl, as to quality. CRANBERRIES—HeId at X11g,15 per bbl. CllEE4E—Smolt aalea of Flax See.] at 02,711CP `2 . ,TS. No detuaad whatever fort lover or Timothy herds, 04TNUTS y be quoted at ,O Pot b`r.h buying. nod 119.1141 g. brt LT—I. selling at trait; deli. Pied and •3,2 A Inn retail way OILY , — do. I Lard Ott is quoted Item at 5-.7, per gallon. Baltimore Grain Market 13•Lmssong, Oct. 2 . 7.—N0 heat-6500 bushel. re. ceived, with sale. o: . .srerlor to good white at 11,- 40C2,66, no choice; of red 2504 ware rerorted et t 1,16 to 62,60, mostly at 42.4042,54 per t'''. llol . Corn—Receipts to-day 12,5fa0 huh white aud 204 , 1 bush yelloarducluded in the sale. were a smsli lot of hominy it Ogre; 600 hush new white nI 52 , •; 1700 hues yellow at B.'4re, nearly all at the latter, ltoO bush new yellow at rfc per bushel. Oats -6000 hush received, with .malt salmi at 60e weight. I: ye-13 0 bushels Offered and told 4 t 173 ff v.. blab& Cleveland Market. I 'LET ELAND, Oct. '_7.—Flout—Quiet steady it Pre , tor , rairr. $2,2 0 e1t 1 fbr . X red, ecuntry Lranda; $10,60011,40 for XX white do; 11114511 M for XX red, city made; 1112612 60 for XX while do. Wheat—Quiet and nominally unchanged at $l7O for new Nei 2 red; ft,25 for old do. Oorn—Fair de mand •ild closes bettv; sales this morning Of 4.- 600 luta No?lied from store at sac; 500 bu do de at 69c; 2' Muth do this afternoon at doe Olt. —Firmer a ISt from storo. hit..ek rather se Rio—Nominally unchanged at 843941 eeats from store. Barley—Dull ani nominal. Detroit Grath Market. I)CiROIT, Oct. r7.—W beat—No change; • , les ; can, I white at r,I9;G can r. white at 91,tti 2 c•rs eat.a white at g2;94; and 4 NUS 9 amber at II I At. Coln—Demand good at 64, deflected In bags; 3 cNte offered at too free on bowl. Onto—Sales Item b., at Me begged, and 3 , Oo bu damaged at dc. Street price {WO. Barley—Street peke declined to 1111,715 per Ind lbs. Bye—Steady at 99.580 e. .nib very Ifttle offering. Plaladelpbta Seed Market. There is a steady deraaad for Clover Scat of Imo qu•llty et fa, 1,00 but inferior Is neg lected arid rnnnot bed isposed or except at very lose rates—say 37 to 117"1 Timothy is dull ' , ni l ianoot be quoted over $323333,6u per bushel. F! • 'eet.l Is lower. Sales of mu bushels at fitly i,iu per bushel. iLARBLTB BY TELEGW PETESILECII STOCKS IN NEW YORK Special Luspatch to Western Press. New Tonic, Oct. 23, PIGS. The feature of the Petroleum Stock market to. day on. Pirkole Creek. The stock rose to 11,50 and then felt off to 1,00. The Germania Petroleum Company Ou reduced Its esp.tal stock to $lOO,OOO by a rote of 491,000 shares, and lilzbgate to 111301,1100 17 s Tote of 61,t00 a/asres. First National, fel, Bradley, I to; Cherry Run, 25; E,oelabo•, 11; Wet stet, 1,16; Eletneholl Run, 14.60; Peoples, 00; Fee slntp,e, 13; tlermanta, Heyerlek, litangate. 14. Greet Resterl3,l,s; Mount Vernon, 60. Mon tane, 1,60; 0 had. River. 3,3.; klytid, 95. NEW YOBK PETROLEUM MARKED s eels/ litspatet. to ;Pastern Press. Nara YORE, Oet. ladd The Petroleum rom het wog golt• dull; soles to dB) or 6,) 0 barrels of Crude st reeve: je. 0.1 for Nortnaol la Otlered at ro but without buyers. Pooded leaned oil lo selling at esase3;- ; sales of I,to , barrels at thaw race.. Free oil la dull at lard Treh Yonc, October 3—co: too —lion and . nbc (or I Loy u-.-111 sal beery and 50(00 lower at g 1. 1 15 GAO for sM..rls Ma a, and 113.M03. 8 0 for oommsn 10 good snapping breads of extra rotted tioap 0.110; 1115 matket hest,. W gust—Quiet; western at 11.1,0401,33. OHAr3—Wneat is about lc better, at 11,15 for I em Milwaukee club, SIX for Amber Milwaukee. (2,31 for new Amber, and 11,45 for unsound .'tiles. go spring. lire quiet. Barley dna Bark,' malt Quiet. Corn le better but less doing at 7111595 for unsound, and 1.00950 for sound Ward Wasters. Uats dull at 480310 for Sound. Ilaucantaa--Cotfen quiet. Sugar quiet. Yrratotacm—ltull st Saft,ne!ycl for Crude, 5.4 - 3 for Hedged la Bond, and leer a do Free. Paortsmaa Port: opened heavy and caned mer at galttilaT;( for mesa closing at 4 3 3. 15 daah, 429,50 for prune. nod SZY Y3,la for prime mesa Bevl steady at SIII3tt ter plain nava, and $l4Oll far extra meas. Bee Rains dull; western, to ar clt7l. 'et. et slc. rrs't;outlTetrs'att. dull , 27 d l ' o ' in r Vas ' . N Ve i ul quret. Lard haavr at 2 1 / 2 .BAc. Butter to demand at a gere tot Ohio. Cotter hem. New York Sleek and Money Market hrw Tong. Oct. art 29 —Money eas at per caul- Sterling Lichange dull and lower . t lot' itf) Ith,t , „. (told without material change, elan! gat Tug al expecte of specie iwday, fasamid. it ova - rumen( stocks without decided Ctuttge. teighis to Idverpool dull and dtelDlitig. =I! enxellen ATI, Oct. 23.—FLOML—Firater but not Mabel; ancettlev,,73; EMUS State, rtnyt,so; lamely an. Macy, iStn:tol2, , ,n LI Zara—R. heat to 1004 demand at 12 fur prima old red; new ranges limn at /1.1401.8 n, Turn quiet .t title ior Sound shelled. (ht• null at 39c in the elevator. Barley nominal. 1 - itov lowers—Pork very 111.11 i; este* could oat be mace st over ►at,ls. Itula meat• notelnal at ►ta4 tgao. ~mall attire of Bac.on at to tittt!.o.o23' ie for ti bout' , n, aides and Clear able, tivrn altar - -te tdy. Nk Is .• n l io 1 otol or nland at V. liattralo alartrt ri Al rt OKA,— aa I,cal yulN, ananinal mad ba,d, Na I Milwaukee aping, 11,4adid;1; N. I ()Wasp, 114 , 5014.8 Cr,. quiet and held; co. 7(0 bid. oats—a ilhleaco 1., at sanalln: No I, as.; Iddwatakee Nu, I *nate, and held at II Ban.ay dull ar. d 1,6 d, Canada, !1,12; rhea, (I, I , •. lige laoialnal. • Wnl..llT—Firm at 1•,1'52'= , I . ..,vtawaa—Pnek b.. Lord .04. (ct. 911-1 0 1..tra—nf. transsations. Fus et F." a, 0tt9. , 5 1 sac), .4,7e0/.1i.. % near—Cat.rle an 6 WcVein, flpgl,3'). O.t. Jr:Q:3c. Toronto Market Tnnorro.•o4l.4B--FLorn nominal and outer; Doub:e Lure WO 30 , COMA bUrernb• CV. 66. Bela—Meld, fell, 41 4.44411,561 splint 41,240 425, pn,wy cull .t Fru steady et 6.14169.3. Unto nt 3.4.150. ttrtreao Market. Gelato°. October i 3 —Fiore Mewl,' anal un cbottpd, t }9 for No 1 brrletg, ite,3o for lied W later. Sll4O 1, l iNtate, cml ,12,11 fee LlJulfla itts. G IllAl7 , —Wheel fats and In moderato milling de- Oorla quiet. Oats •saree. Barley 20 bet ter• Oaaada 11,16. inelnivra—Steady; Flour 621, Wheat leo, Coro 18%e, Barley lise, Wye 11c, Oats 12140, Wheat 16340. tto receipts by the lAN; °Wing to unfavorable weather. inroirris BY ItAILIMAD, POiT WIVVII Oct. 411.—; car staves, J .7 Rnlin; 207 bbl. natty, D Wallace; L. cars barley, S flat bough & co; 17 bbl. apples, J L Kerr; 1 car barley, J Rhodes; 6 chairs, Jos bleyem; 1 chest buttot, 11l Lytle; 011 slicks millfeed, Culp & Shepard; 1 ems Clements, Smith & Hemp' ill; 110 b ills apples, Sleek & Arm strong; ado do, Fetzer h Armstrong; 22 bales flat top, Bohn., Bell S. co; 23; pigs lead, .1 B Cangeld; 100 bbl. floor, Myers & co; 0 ca. wheat, J S Liggett &0" on 1.08 cheese, R Robinsoo & co; 40 oil barrels, Jd.. b col 1 ear bbl headings, J.l Ralya,• 16 bales broom corn, Little, Baird Pat ton; =1 bogs mlllfeel, Do . rring - to r n b e: co; 80 Nils tg e o r ll ' , l ll l l3l l MT,tll o 6. Lc co Uo % b' m O A ; ul 4 - Ms; flOor, A /Boort; go tildes, 1., Sparks & Goy a pligslinliOr,R EBoilers & no. 1712;v24.2.20 Ann 11225312n0n RAM BOAD, Oct. bbl. boobs. ,S.dams, McKee tr. co; e: old tor-wheel., Reese Graff & bbls apples, fd Rd* deur, fl Garr 2 i; b - p b, M .....47., eClu L teh ll eo v e aig i t h b ni ca - 21 ; asstrare, McKee & Bre) b lei Meeb.h.Artntitsomil 100 CID& or h f,,,g; ear 110V00, Itl{ll2lloo gtra 8 72 r„,,,, Belsky' lio bbls apples, L H Volid s° & - Cc .-- ; db . to.. 46 . o rfE imi ß V ivr i per, John P Matti 11 bir.• BeKJt 18 plrds tobaceo, Stedbt & Kentleaj,• 200 bx.s cheese. Clanger& ISObble "D ala i , f, looting & Steel; 3 car 6 wheat, .2212132 ed a eDli OP "PM Park ' IltcCurdy b: co. , ALL444imry ererrqw,.oat. 13,4 biles holm 3"1 P Barton; 2 ears 161111.1 , ear :chest, Strops= 46 1:1I0 cods, k 111111 . 1 ) ;1161) P :l?g r akMa Aft, 43.2. Weitz: Itet dodo, (11k1 ) 0ersti 16 • bbla Y rrob2,,Statritt dr -tror blahs Ilanneed, - N Bratycht3nit bta61134_,,B 2 akz ,Oela 4 Mallpine; ePkgsbutfOr 4,1"114:1,VneV:5 Meal eh I enr wheat, Neblek Aptell 1 1 1Z7elir l b c tilex Erl 74, 9 111' r,slr,a panned; .sTwy% 1 Speen. "W 'l l ,2 . deming 221 Au. barley:- MOW; SU der' Op, Maderia; 214 do do, A LWOW; bales. & co; 10 do: brooms Shult; Soo & eo; 20 do do, ti Sleeper; Wes, 3'o Ireppe,• '66 Dims flaxleed. ZS El buidna,g 1 bas, Tistirt. Dot 63 bills Am, Q J attired. nr• mood, but tl.t , cuml.. I. very pawl/•upptird Sol. at 144 , Po , btIL 401 51'00d .tpptea ate .ca fug 5t.100 ,5, —.O to ctiolltT; am do et Vrale ego. Old DllO6 Peaches. quartos, at i$ 18e; halves are scarce and tvantedt , ttear quarters at 20 8 r2c; halves st 2eCa...t new sred st , r4page. There Is a good demand for the at ter Dried Blackberries are at 30.2=c. Cranberries are selling at 112d116 per bbl, cud Chestnuts sd 17,15413 per buawt. Butter—There Is no improvement to note in the m.rket. Sales ol solid pocked Pennsylvania and Ohio, al Roil Weide; end guiles at to gen cents. .lbeese—la in moderate demand, With ens Ulu of Tim York at IS, for Factory Orel ii*OP,i foe ill Slide Lisiry—on ntivatice. English Dairt is scarce- Ohio comes In SLOWLY, Sn'lf iced tic. pw.— Arc selling at liseuk per dozen. Baltimore C rattle Markel BALTIMORE, Oct. ^_o.—fleet Cattle—There was about too head offered daring the plat week, nearly all of which were sold, the Washinsteri butchers taking about 1011 head. and the balance parchsowd In this market- Sale. were made of In ferior anii,mianson at 6,51146 60; good to prime at trosii,gai and extra at 8404k9 per too lbs. The market closed lninlmate to-day. Sheep—There has been &good aapply during the past week, and the market closed REIM to-day at I,r 100 lba. Hope--The market has bee. quite active during the past week, with sales to-day at 1141119 per 100 lb., according to the general tpiality of droves. Petroleum lu Philadelphia I' II I (let 2a —The - market, (says the 'ornmerclal 1..15t,) has been greatly depressed and unsettled this week, and price. have declined 2 to 3 rents per gallon. Sales of 6,000 bbl. Crude at anti, 7646360, cloabig at the latter figure; I,istO Ws Re fined, in bond, liej.idnne, early In the week, and duce at 68, 6i 1,A3 / 62et closing with sales of 4,060 bids at 67 1 ,4034 , ;:U70 bbls free at 78 , 41ide; Pcsldituni, lu lot. at; and Benzine at 45rtilbc. free. and 2.3f.e. hood. The olloirfng are the receipts d i ( 'rude and rte. tined Petroleum et this port during the past week ('rude, barrels -- 6,744 Relined, barrel IMPORTS BY RIVER. PAIIREV.SB.I,CO—Pxn r.t r.o.—A J Ragan, 36 sits oats: Koester, lihemkamp A co, 48 bales hay; Al Fries, WO bctla paper; IL Oubbage; 2bu to. bacco; Baker, Smith & co; to b. tolmcco; Bake well Pears & co, 1 bbl glass ware; J H Dula co; 8.1 bble •pplet, Ardesco Oil Co, I I bbis apples; la Webber, I bbl fax seed: (1 31 WatsOl3,oo bbl. apples. r. Lorte—Put tine & 0, ;190 empty oil tibla• Delange & I Theetnot, Oil Weyman b. Ikon, f ease. tobacco; S C Kennedy, Co pkg. cotton 9 aka feathers; Th..onna t•eflin SO bids tire clay; II II • lolling, to do do; it P. t idlers, 12 bit. mdse. Kennedy, & ;:o, Oa heirs cotton; National itelicang tto, 5,0 empty bbls; H AleStelocen, 10 bbl. liquor; I tea , King me. chine; T J Kennedy. I lot forolture; Penn. I lon Or') Intim Beck, tltllllpe & co; a Ws for clay, A CIO don, 7 keg. shot; Adam., McKee h co, 15 tons plg iron, inermtui h Oros; 6 bills sheep alms.; I; nuraru, II Dbl. pot clay; Papp, Baker & co, 130 dry Irippi, 70 dry hides; Marshall h Bro. 1 sand POMP. • RIVER IiTiLLIGEME. ARM - TAM Delaware.......,'Layton Diet nowt. Leonidas Cox .41. Lout.. Lioneas t ow-boa t -loins Jones ... tow-boat....Claelnnatl. l'orest Parkerabu rg. Bayard ..Moore.--....Parkersbu r 5 nrr tsul - r ars . Forest Cif y Gordon Parkerabort Marietta bloc Peerlese....._. .1: On City Belle ....... (My Echo tiortion 011 I'm Petinfia rrosby ___ 011 ritr. BOATS LEA VINO I'lr-tinnier ..Datragn ..... Inotansfi. Julia bro. Zanesville :rilda Saint _ .011 Ulty. Rees— . Rosa -....011 City Le 1 011 City EIVCR, %/BATH CO, WM. Themer commenced to rise on Sat urday. sad rontaabed to rise yestenlay at the rate of an inch an hour. At dark last evening there wa tee feet and s half of irate, in the chennel by the Muooa. gahe's pier markt, and shoot seven by those on the Alte4heny piers. A dispatch from Oil City, ass, red lost night., any, •fistage of seater about five feet and nt a stand.' The Weather has so apme:l its wintry aspect, not over-costs, furs and tires, were amour the most acceptable things of yesterday. Ettlailae. Ir. rather slack the chart an Saturday. but yesterdsi hal in: ,ren . - I,lllr, Tr, m 47 r•rorrrt th It 10-Arty ntll hr the r me, In whirl: cllte Iretghl will roll down Tint lollow/sg t.oats were In port yesterday No sada, Financier, Delaware. Armenna, H.te Putnam, Dry•ral, Lennwas, I skis Ids Dees and Lerlatre. The Delaware, t•apt. !tarter oarne op to tho wharf yeoterday, with a pretty good trip oz Ito,/ : lie viii load out to reguinr turn. The Leonid., Capt. M. A. Con, i.anie two port yratetilay morning, hat Inz teen detained at 'hags ati_re Friday evening. She trill discharge her Ircight to-day, and he ready to receive freight r urn capt. A. P. Mei•allurn4 hatolNome packet la more than half loaded, and leare on tile pm-a rut actor for St. Louts The Armenia la Oof the beat and tinest of our Pittsburgh packetsn, , and being otteered by suchold and popular seam. boatmen a. r 'apt McCallum and hla son.. cannot all to go out third to her utmost capacity rein wt 11 fr alai., • rot passengers The p robab 11 it ars are that al.a trill he able 1/, b•sre shunt nreht or some time Wcanertday. the Bayard, Capt. tiro Moore, is the regular packet I r kratkeraburg, leaving this mrnine at 11 oh-loek. Don't lorget the hour, as she o is very punt u•l. The Ilnancier, Capt. Darrsgh, will leave this evening for l'lnetSll.3. She has been losdsd for srr ersi days, swelling water, and will go now that she has plenty. totte will take any freight that may be offered during the dal'. The Oil City packets, Crili/a, Card. ?taint, Ida Rees, r apt. Iles, Pees, and Lecialre. will leave toohy for Oil illy. Send your freight early, as they will Ail take an early start. The Fort Pitt has been heard from. She is drink ing from the head spring of the Monongaltabt neer. W. W. W. need not advertise for her until further vot ice . The boys are all well and dome well. ° 'The The Coll-tugs I. , baticas and lalLI Jose. , came op to the landing yesterdn y. guile a large number of coal barges are ready toga out. shd Moen not drawing over four and lel( feet, will probably arall fuernaeli es of the present rise. Shopld a rise eon. Out of the Mm noogshela rli er. the coal exodus will be large. The toltomlog 1. a r op) of a dispatch recalled al thiaoetice Inlet night Oct.,tlth. No one to glee me lAilitleulats 01 river, hut stage of stater about titte (vet and at A stand still. la, tat•TOR. The Loolaville Demacrai. of Friday, contain: the following Item, ”r new.: The rivet et thls point yesterday Wits strelltnz little end struguling hard to sore. lout It does not make mud] headway ; three feet levee or right tnehes In the rstull is about as hlgil 115 ki eau reach. 'apt. Woodward, of thr R.l, Woodward, was essened a few days store at LOUII ==tI=IMEI Nrw MI vent- Li r We learn lhntt. new line of boats I• to life alerted next week to ply tx tween title poll and Meniplilk The boats will be the Morning Star. Tarace on, and one to he Suitt Icy next itlarrh. t take the lead nu next at week. the Tararetin tollowing at • regular day Oxen for her. While the !steamer levy Eagle, a fen day. •3 0 , was approachlog New , irleana. a druuken Colonel • • • ••ommenred !waling a passenger, and then went to hl. rant and got hie wrolyere and cmmenced an tndlecrithlnste tiring, swearing hewn. Ins rank ing cdhcer on the boa! and n oar had a Went to , n• w at h hlm. Da o vldeon happened to Ton t nerd end arrested the don;ht V I ' , nano!. he brid, gai•r lied river. near Ctirks,ltle, on lltemphis and LonwellW Eat/road. Is to be lc; .:ill. Lot 01 \ I.barns 1.1115 IL montl,A •,1 August, ~e ptezoto, A. 11.1 o 11. e 1511, of notObor 1.113', No I, I ovlWjLee 1, . f1050,.1 %lino - Ir, No 2, Tombigbee r. Ter, ' . . It. II Loney Alabama Seer; nu.. I I off S., A .alsesum rile,: raised iewer.l, Alabama sires; raised irdinie, No I. Alasbans• riser; raise Jewess. In the bay; raised. Lost their whods and broken shaft s : Mons sus, Sir Win W nllace, and Clilslser. The Clocinrmll Voniatereisf, of Satunt•y, says The weather R.mild sod cloudy yesterday, with a light sin:sling talu during the afternoon and lest night, the is top being from the soul:, east and south nestrly all day The M Ponun•ndlog sieneral of the Department of the ississippi has ordered a rel. u on of the Sultana disaster welch occurred in June last. It will he remembered that an esAnsination into this appalling calamity was Made shortly a& ter lit occurs:nee, And that the parties arraigned were enculpoted. Rapt. Frederick Speed, Assist not Adjutant General of Volunteer., is heid for trial upon charges based upon the bas of the Sul tana. Witnesses are being •unatnoned Lu the cams, sad the es/tads:ChM] will be estinandeneed at on no early sla Woods .lquident along the Teoneeser ricer at $ 2 cord. ICathan Wird,lnger, whose Ilecase seal so r'.'7 - erriptorily revoked after the Sultans dimmer. without any reuse befog assigned therefor, has bad li Lezmcd. The E. 0. Statutehi was sold at St. i.ouis on Wednesday last, for $lO,OOO. rapt. E. C. Itodg. man, one of the owners, will have command. STEAMBOATS L't .11, W HEHLTKIJ RUMEN. 15 — •• i PAIIKERSBURG and all In- 44.4 - termedl si e porta. and we-Idles) passenger, steamer, ss~Atelßa. George D. Moore, Master. Leary. PITTSBIGIGH FOR PARKERSBURG /wry Monday and Thursday, at it thiapa Leaves whit:am/9G CUR reitif.Elt atill envy Monday sad Tr unday at 0 or'clovk 1. It, _ EarrinairO. means PARREBSBUBG FOR PITTSBURGH evtry Toted'? and Friday at r. E. Leaves MARIETTA FOR. P/STSEIVIGH trey ruradiday, at PAcklook r. mt. Lopes WEBEILI NG FOll - Want al' god Saturday' at A. it. For height ar mow. apply on board or ta on 2 • (ALLOYS & 00., Agouti, DEIBIRME cru PROPERTY rps UE=. le t Lemot,'oll7oo; Rooms. No. IN rounn it ,„ . za, ..11 1 L-Stme, suitable foe a StwOdroltaVa °Moat, Ito., &a. E t 4. A LARU PUUTD,GIae.I . II CIAI.LERT. ;4. A SALOON, In locoed location for an *Van. r 1» Etastauratif.' • D. - GAZTAXI fit faultetatid Pfau :A"k - d si•street. MALTBY'S Mr STERS- 4 - . e are reccir, Wt tarbiinkstielebrated towed olpgridt ad. tisane (Inners, In ohne and helicons, (or tale at the Fluidly Groom' Morn of Jo>r2(a RERSPIAIi, fps anus 4Lbiliti sal Mad asrests. G ROCERIES, PRODUCE, &c MEM JESKINB. OOMMission Merchant: BOX 13 IaAND 'I" Ilt PURCHASING AGENT,' PITTSBURGH, PA,. Dealer to Illaour. Grain, Seeds, Sutter. Meet% Frot_t_e.,nollill rem ?miner*. I:Mainlands ram fly ka.uUlt rwarrooted) slump on MILL Also, RATIN= OILS. Prompt attention given to conelsnaients and eortespondeoee, Weekly nice Outvote seat to Conclenors. Order. and Consln • vote solicited. eelv.rds.we W. TO. rATILINOP..•.. 4. mossamas: pATTERSON, AZMON & CO., tvnitiffsalon Xerchants, Grain and GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, Nos. Sao and SU PENN STREET Scott'. New Building, opposite 0. & P. B. B. Depot._ &play A L15...11 IS AWL J. S. AIX Ikr BANE ANJER, Commission Merchants. l'lur, Grain and Produce, SECOND ST., betweer, Wood at Sraltheeld, 11-I) a PITTSBURGH Tube. rarrza...rno. anwt..errer ars a. aearAILD POTTER, AIKEN & SIIEPA.ED, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, d'orehre and Demesne resits, Flour, Butler, Cheese, Eggs, POtatOell. and praluee generally. No. 150 LIBERTY STREET, fele Opposite Peuenzer Plttsborgh. . _ nHARLEB C. BALSLEY, PRODUCE and Commission Merchant , Warehouse No. WI Liberty et., Pittsburgh, Pa. Wholesale ' deal. er in Butter, Cheese Lard, Eggs, Pori, Bacon, Beans, Tallow, Feather', Brooms, Potatoes,aorre. by, Dried Fruits, Green Fruits, Onions, Flour, Grain, Glover Seeds, Timothy Seel* Flax Seeds, Game end Poidtry. Particular attention given to Produce Constrnments. sots W ILKINS L 'NELL (Sreczason. To NACIKEOWIS & LINHART,) DMAGRA IN -FT-810 , 11L cfb C3l Produce and Commission Rlerefant fol:ly No. 151 Liberty it., Pittsbungli. • rrm.R. IIAIRD eATTON, Whole. 1 -J We Grocers and Commleciod en PRODUCE, FLOUR, BACON L _OLLEESEs rimi, CARBON AND LARD Olles NAILS, 01.1 co, COTTON WINS, and Pitta burnt , soanufnctriree generally, ID and 114 Second street Pittsburgh. 011 LP VMS SHEITAJUX %, lULP & 13HEPARD_,_ Commission Ater chants and Coder' In FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE, ffo. SC Liberty dr?". , Plttabn. Choice brands of Flour for Bakers and Fondly use constantly on hand. Particular attention paid to ninny orders for Merchandlre morally. octally ' " • • • • • ' 1,1.. P. BECK & CO., No. 185 Liberty Commiltrfti, Pittsburgh, Pa., Wheleule GrocerN lon Merchants, sad dealers in O(YUNTRY PRODUVE, PROVISIO%BADON, LARD, BUTTER sOS. iOHEES FIRM As- PRO. DUCA FLOLTR,anexA_S s, Oziatt.. URI Fauns. &o. SA LT and LUSR. big J OHN B. CANFIELD, Cmaniatdon and Lad wholesale dealer in HEENE, 1317ITER, •LARD, PORK, BACON, FLOIJR, FISH, KM AND PEARL ASHES SALERATOS,_ LEI SEED AND LARD pi th, DRIED FRUIT, Lad Produce gentrialy, Not. 11l and 146 Ftunt street, Pittsburgh. catl W.[l eerSTIILCt..I, CIWATRILLZ..J. L. /111210 T 1' IRBPATRICE, BRO. & CO., (SUcee3 to Joseph Kirkpatriak 8r0..) WHOLE SALE DEALERS to Orogieriek Flour, Grain Ptol Won, L'ILL6, Cheese, salt, Naas, Glass and Oil., Nos. ler and 103 Liberty street, ratan WI, s.a. Ism _TAMES DALZELL & 80N, Mantle turere of LARD ()IL, and COCLactifliOn Men chants for thepurchase and sale of CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEVAL Nos. ct and 10 Water street, rlitsburgh. Advances made on consign. tcler.La. w 1 1 471011/411 411 WY. W. 1.12113 SCHOMAKER & LANG, Wholes/0e dealers In OR ()CEA TES, FLOUR, GRAIN PRODUCE, PROVISIONS, FISIL OREESE SALT, CARBON OIL, At., Noe. 172 and 174 Wood Street, near Liberty Street. Plttsburgb, Ps. pel.l-dly 0i06.11/ S. SUL, ' 0301502 XETZO/L EAD g METZGAR, Grocers and Com mission Marche/as, and dealers In all kinds of Country Produee and Pittsburgh hisoutenturny No hal Liberty street, opposite head of Wood street, Pss•saorgh. aps-ly - - - - - pEYMER S BROTHERS, (successors to Reymer & dodersou,) Wholesale Dealers la FUREION FRUITS, NCTS sa te d ' SPICES, CON FECTIONERY, SUGARS, FIRE WORKS, &a., Nos. Mi sad 129 Wood sta sot, above Filth, Pitts burgh. 1729-17 - FETZER & ARMSTRONG, Forwardi ng end. Uosieussiou Itlerahants, for the Wm of t'LOUR, GRAIN, BACON, LARD, BUTTER, SEEDS, DRIED FRUIT, lead Produce_generally. Dio. II Market street, corner of First, Pittsburgh. Pena. Lei*ay WALLACE, Commission Merchant • see Wholesale Dealer In FLOUR &ORM ti No. Lis Liberty street, opposite Pennsylvania R R. Passenger Depot, Pittsisunti, Pa Storage Warenonse. count Wayne and Penn streets. 0017-11 r RIDDLE, No. 183 LIBERTY ST., • Purrs,imam, .PA.-43,mmisslon Mer shon, Wholesale Dealer to iletuary Produsia tisoserles, and Pittsburgh Manafsatures. (lash adreheen on;Uon•t•aMe^ta, and paid for Produce seawalls. au213c12 . a. LIOOHST JOHN Liiri4F JS. LIOOETT & CO. CITY ?LCD& • irto MILLS, earner Liberty and Adam alretta, PUtabargh, Pa. Sir Capacity, 400 barrel. per day. apd JOHN I. 110033. COWARD 1100033. I OHN I. HOUSE d; CO., Wholesale. GROCERS AND COMMISSION NV., CHANTS corner a Smithfield and Water street, Pataburnb. 600X6T DALICILLt. 4 r. oLcrit: ROBERT DALZELL & CO., Whole sale Grocers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh manufactures, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. - - .12,0. /LOTT/ WILLILX 72,0T0 JOHN FLOYD & CO., Wholesale Gre sera and Goesodssion Merchsota, Kos. rrewoc.o and Ohl Liberty streets, Pittsburgh. jell iThHARLES L. CALDWELL, (successor to Jsmes Holmes Pt Co., PORK PALMER sod dewier to PRINISIONn, comer of ]Socket sod root streets, Pittsburgh. 1 JOHN ATT JOHN WILOON IV . A TT& WILSON, Wholesale Oro ' cers, llotrontssion Merehanta, and dealers In Produce and PI% tsburgh rasuaraetures, No 158 I.lherty stzvet. Pittsburgh. juts I SA. IA H DICAEY CO., Wholesale L Grocers, Consoslersion Merchants, and dealers In PRI I I/1.11., No SO Water street and GS Front pet. Pittshurgh DALII CI. SHE,. L. H. 1/067 IL VOLOT Co., L.. enaccessors to L L L. 0. G A raff, PRODUCE AND LiAL.III.SSION 311.1(CHANTS , , 241 Liberty taxed, Pitt.bureL . . lIA V 11.) M. EIX4IIiToN, Nitiol , m!c (i racer and Conunlecton Merchant, W not ::tree , , Putsbunn, P. fend v 60IPTC0(.. O. WALLACM I AMIJERT, SHIPTON & CO., Whole A- , sate Grocers sod Produce Dealers, O. 6 Sixth street, Pittsburgh. peas 4,;;I:GARS--SYRL PS—AWL:IBSISi. L. , 7r bids 1./rusted, Powdered and tlraoulated 00 . A Coffee Sugar; " B do do., £0 t 7 Extra Cone Sugar, 000 Prime and ()twice Cup% 4o; Ito P R. do; 20 Ibis P. ii. and Cuba do; Ibis Booth 'Edgar Syrup; 15 " (Balsa P. K. hiatuses; 25 Cn N.O. do; In Cote and nrriving. For sal* ny soitora.A.Ktat k LANG, aWN 112 and 174 Waal street. WOODSIDB b WA.LLACE, VPholore►lo IL;Or'ufr-q&st& AND DEALERS IN White Lead, Red Lead, Litharage, Palate, 01 Varnishes, Die Srufra, Window CH d Put Spices, Perfumery, Hansole Ilarben Ore m,. Alen, Agent/ for 'Canteen Metallic Brown Paint Hamilton White Lesd, Llharter Oak White Lead atul Leary & Whiton'a celebrated Patent Drys, lu one and two pound ears. No. 37 WOOD STREET, (OPPOSITE THE ST. CHARLES EILITEL,, COMMERCIAL OIL WORKS. Pure White Burning Oil, Constantly as hand, and for Bala at TBil LQYfr43T IVIONEEIT aATma, BY B. C. & 1. U. SAWYER. No. CWOOD STREET. GRZIBR&L , DEAUGHTINg. OVEIGE AND PATENT A.GENCTY Ndge. o, a ST. Old= assa Suipeoitoa Bri R.P.ll7SNGEtaiir, (SyS inigmet• Ea ea So. ti Ear moot. is. P — EbERVEI3-25 doz.= assorted Pre, servo. AO readved bad for mg* by 0021 aarmaa a Mos. .JD DY.LLEIZa 111 Steam acid Water rloming and Saw 111111, and otter due improvement& For farther information apply to WILLIAX WARD (oEmmite the Usthadral,) Jets Grant street. No. 110. tf WO. WILSOSI O4BS..DAP[D ILSON, CARR CO. MATZ WELSON, P.lOl • c Wholesale oleAlers la FOREIGN AND DOICIEN TIOg DRY GOODRs , No. 9 , 1 Wood Wade 12111 ...ova triamead alley. FIGAINIZ/6 APO iiraualatAx.&, (BLOOD OD aortalunstkable wilds sal _mi slo ror smortrzw. - WIEWITATES OW' DXSPWtt& .17944 losisesor tits , -• n ous w ratans me "Iwo tad woo trik thorn, 004, ..._- 10X5121,101CILISTUlt. • , - 1L CLOTHS F OIL CLOTHS 1;•-•Porr s cligibmt d •fidki T oount:: &bp i sad tor_ Jude either WiLolmals er R.X.4.1. CUM , usP(Si iti). Mb eel J. II FL MEDIC3L St CCESSFIJL. T REAT M kINT Chronic Diseases, ConsampUeo, Sera • lila, Syphilis. Seminal Debility, and all Female Complaints, DRS. AMOS & JOHNSON 14.2..7"CrIbLrtill. street. PITTSBURGH, PA. Testimonials from the.bledlcal Prole:s ec& and CPS= Or. Editor: It la with pleaanre I make known the following mate to the pablleebellerthe my toe anew may be of service to some invalid who has hitherto falln to relief. At all email am done no more than notice to two mechni gentle men of toot city, to oonfessins that I hove ma) ansfatly treated several rap bad ease. of seminal weakness and female complaints, by adopting the mode of treatment now presaribn he Drs. Ames / Johnson. • • • e • For female weakness I do not know of that ean eon' tans remedies. I hare p " m= them for • great msoy ladles - who have been DOD. bled for years with weakness, and In every ens • perfect cure hoe hers Created: some very bad tan: have reins , to this mode of Manton In the abort greet of two weeks. • Youre, respeCtfully. (Signed) W. F. BIERWIN, Si. D. Cleveland, Ohio, ecember 22 . lam. ERTIFICATE FROM THE REF. DR. HAMILTON' . C. FRENCH OF DIONTREAL. I certify that Dn. acmes a sonnson ■ medicines have cured my wife. who was subject to debility many years. The Medicines were used only two months. H. O. ESENOLI, D. D. Important to Ladies. Our PERIODICAL. DROPS will bring on t. monthly dekneu to eases of obstruction from UM cause. Prim PI. D. R.—Ladles who ars preg nant .hould not use them. Tonic kr Famcne Weaklings, a certain cure, St Injection for the Wlntsa or Lcucorrhces, DIBEABF,B OF THE BLOOD. &c Drs. Ainai g Johnson—Dew Sin: I ulna aolit Ws that Ma remedies for scrofula and blood dl teases are really exoellent. For scrofula, sypui• a or imparitbas at the blood, I And they never fall to cure when used ac dLrectod. I have fiun needed in curing the wont mini of syphilis now to oar hospitals, in the short span. of two monthe. F. W. H. LESLIE, M. D. Cancadati, Pecember ink 1663. SEMINALWAKNESS Drs. d mo, ¢ JoAn. ,r 1 have soured, by the me of your remedies, owns' patients that had been lo matea of the Lunette Asylum from the evil effects of weakness or •sedentry habits. Is all Such cues I consider nothing can espusilyour medl lanes. J. W. SALLINS, D, Albany N. Y., October 16th, 1861. 'take Purlieu's' , Amos .b.a JeLf.i..9n eddresa sit those who have injured: hen aclves by impuipe r .2 .. ululirence and solitary hob. Its, which ruin both body arm them for eitherbusbuss, study widety. or These are mime of theisad and niallidette.;.* frets produced by early *bits of youth, in ei Roamers of the beak and Limbs, pains in Oil hczd, dial= of xiAt, loss of ameenlar power; =ton of the het, loss dyypepsisomerirous de , derangement o f this digestive frinetions, general debility, symptoms of comnimption, &c.dll Drs. sines & Johnson have for many ti ex clusively devoted their attention to the of tm disorders referred to in these fee !menials. Addrees, Das. Amos & JOHNSON, No. 10 Fourth street, suedmdel mindless.. Pittsburgh. Fa t_ COUGH NO MOILS. TRY 6TIIIIC7IL/lIID'II MELLIFLUOUS COUGH BALSLA STEIOICLAWWS MELLIFLUOUS 0013131 S BALSAM la varramed to aura Coughs, 00 lds Hoarseness, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Sort Throat Throat, and Lun Consumption, itml a/I affeationa 01 th e ipt For sal& Or Druggists. Galicia! Depot, g Is. Fourth area, Ildbiaterati, O. r/ Xca MON Cei at. All the Mndlast mom awl the p moommeiPt DS. STRIOILLAND'S ANTI U WIEILA mu TUBE a. the only certain remedy for Diarrbets sae =try. It is a combination of Asminipmta ta. Stuntrand-Osrainat raa and fa varninted to Wre estulg after all •. mast have haled. for sole by Drum._tete. Gene a. . Ott, watt fourth street, Oirtotanati, u. STRNIKLAMYS PILE REMEDY, DR. STEICIILAXIIPS PILE REMEDY has loured thoussadl of the wont eases of BLlad ale Bleeding Pits& It 'lvm exuned.tete nate!. and at eels a perterstr.t et. - a. Try 11 d'lreerny. Is& was rsatol to cure. For We by al DTl:tubas. General Depot,,llZaa Fourth arse; cutotaustt 0.- Dyspepsia, N aryousneas, Debility DR. STRICKLAND'S TONAL Tr. eau recromiasaul &woe imfrallnii .131 100 Ia r nie l nrO th' i' lli=h o t r i. l ==d's ° Toote. It I. a vegetable preparsem, Cr.. from alqottolts liquors; It mgtllaaa the whole aerraus systalik , It orate" good appetite, 4.113 Wsnmated to eat ittn.palz end Nerve.. Debility. Y. lisle by GEORGE R. EEYSER. Pittsburgh. R. E. SELLERS tOO , • o JOS. FLEXING, N. nuutattßES 3 Co., DRABLY SOPER, • ". J. EL ETTENCLN, OLd). A. MIA; Allegtel27 City— FORTI !&&R PRACTIen AN lIEZVAL DEIZABES Gives me a knowledge seldom acquired by Phyot Ma= my long re4ldens la WU city, and Ike amount of patlents treated ansuaaLly by ins, ail lUlDmsnt roof ßrEffblll%A., a/SEXUAL WEAZASS And all Comm =Wag there:franko'% g !n . a sough =utter time thou ,heretefore , ~.. VEGETABLE 11==1.W. XedlsineThirT say part of the Vales An letters must spats= a stamp to gory return pootage. Gengeoptualmme hat sacred. Offlao, ff==n9-:f.D street, nom ICU razi ay Andran J. W. BEANETEUT. W. Dm max IDO.PlMaburirn. rs. FRIV/LTE DIORA.S.ES. trifice 253} PENIS STEEET, nut Hand, For the ellllll of all diseases of a private mann, from two to four days, by an entirely new and mats treatment. Also, Seminal Weakness, and all ottket draeues of the genital organ., and Muni prevention' A cure warranted or money reftsroled. Office hours—via 10 a. ot.. I% to I, and e to S p. Andrea letters W.. kind Penn street. Rol PIT HOLE CREEK OIL LAND FOB isALE,—lhteresta in lands /Mg on Pit /lot , Creek, A ()JOINING THE IiOLUDEN FARM PINE RU FARM, containing ur acres. aitizata on Pine Run, he. tort, Pit Role and oil Creek.. Thom Inteteata are very ilea:ratite, as the anon:lmam are all bot tom igaua. Emialra of W. J. a MILL r TTERSOS, Attorneys, ere 140.1 U Fourth Sr.. Pittsburgh, P. I)iIIIDUCE CONSIGNMENTS No W IN STORE; 2 eat louts Sholleo Voini to posh. Thnotor Seed; 23 pal:a fresh peeked Butter. 12 intretla fresh Eggsi aio boxes Factors Cheese; 60 boxes Puglia Lazy Chess.; re boxes !reek W. B. do Aso bill . choice Winter A.ppLn; won do Lace Shore Potatoes; 6000 bush. sew halves Dried P.ach.s., So bbl. Eastern Crenbsrzies; 6 Mac Mt:stouts. 60 bush. Block Walnuts; 16 bush. Ohessunts; Ito doz. fresh canned Peaches; 96 ibis. Vinegar Miler; 10 ibis. Maple Sugar; so boxes Healy 1.1.04 Grapes; 40 buts. Dried Apples; 660 pounds Yeath•rs; 300 new flunny Bas., roz sale by L IL V..101' 3 C. G ROCSRIE6. 65 hogshead. Fair to Prime Cubs Sugar. So " P. 6. . IS tierces " " 110 bass Hlo Catue. 100 half imperial and Tout; Teas 04 " •• Wolons ties. 160 barrel. oboists P. 12. Molassea. R. O. .` Cuba •• E'oo &Imre. Artrring and for sale oy KIRKPATRICK, BRO. CO., ee26 1 9 1 ne4l l l Lltnity aunt poet, AND LIME PROPERTY FOR SALE—uo the Steam:divine Railroad, seven miles from the city, CONTAIN ma ONE HUNDRED &ND EIGHTY SLY &CILES, pIVELEB , IN 4L.M313.8041, , doz. half gallon, quart and pint, assetted 'said phis to atom and fog sale bp , BIEIVA BEIM eat Nos. I.V and 1288 Wood street. D GRAFF tilt anus, cox MISSION Alil7 ILWARDLIfCt WM, mums; and pima Midas for aiplit 4 bug* Nadsdiuduns. wanhasdoel. if NMI NM, Street, PP:Waugh. k ALA MrT)IOAL. C0: ,7 SU .11 PT/ON HOW TO ClFfdr EMI tcr ID/ it. 3a.117 ; .wa..tibtcsr-Sr DR, SCMciallpw?‘ CASE, nil Laboring trialy that Disease AND HOTIS puz,..uo.rickrii UP, SEAWEED,','TONIO eizaciresan.# .I.l7tles„ ON THE MITER IN COB N@ TEA? DISEIRE AND 711. A GREAT SUCCESS AtrENDAG Fri Many year. sgo, whilst reitding In Philadelphia. I had progreased enwiusllyilnto Me ho ppe rp: o( Pulmonary lionsumphon. Al yi t y my recovery Lung ditetpatid, I wait rievi;yl. my Ihrsidiaa, Dr. Parrlab,tZto =Ore into. thy, country. Idorrestorit, N. , - sa lt Met, hea l 4 4 ll A l hattra P f. Was removed tblthere MIO ' fa in the tranguen. My and hla terd=ved waddled there—ct died of u.?„-„umarr On my arrival at Kottl:Lcown I wilaput to bed, wham lay tot ma or weeks In • hid wet deemed' • hogs less toad;hon. De.Thorntda. who had been my fater; rarely physician, add tad attended Ida In , tut aunts, was calledt tee ma. - He Mengel my ease entirely beyond the t each of Medicine._ decided that I must dle, anih . gave me ode week arrange my temporal s.dal/v lie had seen my add that all my ... kin dred to the grad" would au take me q en- / 2 . at'Utlyfhopelege cendltlori, l I and of the rmed, wliirdrl now make sod eat seemed to ma that I could.helthem, weritheing then w o ly, auti v =tratlogreilf ACM; Ablrollgt. My lulls and Mat put aye an , Action, and the math] matter which bad Or years annimuLated and irritated the different oxne of the bed:, wet chinned; the teltereles ott my lungs tipenea and expt cleated (roll lay imago lb =ugh u a Dint of yellow offermive matter ettm morning. Al this expectoration of matte! anted. the elver abided the pain lat me, the cough Oust to berme as, known,he exhating night spuds went no louse sad 1 b an relive:Uzi% hleep, to which long been a stranger. MyollpeUto now began to return, and et times 1 foun d er difficult to rumaa, ' myself from tales too cinch. With Utterettuto on health, I gained in strength, and au thilettealgy m now a healthy nutniwitti a he l i i Imatrix In the caddie Sofro Rd the rlght unit lii he lower lobe hepatica% with eomphtte adlueloir of the plume. The left: lung is sound. sad the dn.' , lobe of Me right one UM a tolerable healthy madmen. torusumlon at that time Ytaa thought to be art htnarble disease, by everysaii phYshrhansett well as those who were cinleasaUX in ntedkine—erpe many such owe AB were snaked toilet tiondltio I was La. Thll-inednd wkly. people to' belay only temporery.f-/ now prepared anti gave the reedlaine to yoninurapthres for somegtme, and mad. many wonderfnl clues. and the detente m enured so rapidly that Lecterettned to otter them to the public, and devote My u r navtdedatten -Mon to lueg diseases. In mum. a was next to toned to it, for people wouldeend for cos LW ant near. to ascertain whether their cues wets like mine. Having occasion to cipmene many ammo, lung ailment,' was prompted to invent tae Matra. meat called “Schenk', Iteenrometer." - -vadat materially aunts me in danecting tin minus • atones or how diseasn r or many year., in convention with my princt," • pal ODm in Philadelphia I Olive been making rag olar chat. to New York, Blawnh Baltimore anat Fittstush. For several years part thime made as mart/ sle we h undre eastninandons waekly with the 'Vie. pirometer.'t For such exanaLizataan my charge three dollars, and It enables ,ma to gra each ps• tient the true eoutUttan of h (adzes= and telituns frankly whether he will yet WAIL Use of theneaten tudicurtres I have with pa. cents snlleted with lung de, tae, ls. to teuriecis them to avoid taking lade aids. Mut) think It they tithe my medicine* they Should cure, no mai, ter how careless they may bola; that way. Tots Is a great error, for if any orce;aslll read over the mthy cures which I have published from time to Lint, they will bed that mostof crown were thoee of persons who were contlueirto their beds end sotud not take cod., and by thrstaireful avoidane• f cold the lung. were heat•A. Fllysideos advise . Lehr patients to go out andAnhaW tios beak air but do they cure by to dothe Iset the hundreds or Is nth,. by th.umptlisn IM every city &rimer the question .l would rather risks patiesialn a tight,.ll.ll.lWe 01 alert room than let thern4e out and take a Wight sold. Many who have; be cured by 111.. mediaines, when the ate= mite, were so oreel my . ; that one could hardly F.maln In thia roosta, - and yet they tot weli wltteuture to the open • err. The great reasons why plislicians do sot aura consumption is, that they CO to do too inechic-: they give moil.. to 'top thin cough, to stop thy. pis. sweat., Male fever, a4LI by so doing, they derange the whole digestive:opt.% looting tulo the secretion, and eventually tee - patient died. What I do Is to trot make adWirefelegamtuatiolt i i r eg. a / m dire i c 'el a= h al l!Pso ld tl== . edits, and thee cure him. I now very well t2l/4 It la impossible to make new Igretaor ono remote . the portion that is destroye but I klieg et Mt wins time th at cavities In y w iliga and ulcer. tons In the hirers and bro tubes can bit healed. militia sua cues :Puree by tite proper - use of Schema's "Pullnonle Ely*? and ...Man drake Pills." whilst thew artf.dylng daily under the Ca-hoary treatment of phyldeisna. It in a great mIstaaaCCMMOX46MIIf many Into ligeot femme. that them are itiodicines which will purify the blood. Witco the I.locel Is diseased it cannot be puttied; It is then kle stme as other di sea. matter In ow eyetem andwdll bars to bs ear. tied out of the oat= ay utek organs which are appointed for that purpose It replaced by new blood, which can be had by Lenrifovolgthenutritive functiosa andsetting the ditgloa apparatus in good woelUng order. The Man .IWe:end bowels Mite restored to a healthy &edition, Meanie" abundance . 01 good, nonnuning .tood will make new blood whim will pun outi)ss It were, and take the place of that which Is dusOasod, and tens sup ly the want of the body. ic Tun Pol.llllolflo STOOP 11 or 0" of the most ride able 6111a1C11110 known.. It is ngtrioent, powerfully tonic, am Mathis In itself. fgt. readily digested and absorbed Into the blood fe whim it Imparts its healing properties. I Maw no modiste, that has done at ma do as muehtp rebuild, wee and hi...Ace...lowa conditions of Om system, . -... Sot/sect • bus/mina Tog* Ii distilled from. seaweed, crialdned with other tincia and alternate roots and barks, In soot a un., cam eras to make a decidedly pleasant meifeins, !jiving a powerful tonic enact, /without the terribligillesstroue malts arming from expand's stheadOte The Seaweed , Tonle produces laming resulapthorocgitly invig. - orating the stomach and.tiOftfto .gate and enabling it to eliminate wake luso thy blood, in. food which may be ,y„wed for that pitio poss. 1111 so wonderful in ltif, nears, that a wise glass lull will digest a hearty Oval. and a little of it taken before breakfast wit - 401re a toad to the stomach which few meelleines illUsesa the power 01l i doing. goal Tee AlaaDaareages PIUS May flltakea wit c h entire safety by all and conditialki, pro ell the .. reaUlta that can be obtalri.W Item nalOmel 01-- • goy of this mercurial medicines and without. any of their harmful resets. mull -tint of the , system ol hada= arm worn dra =atm loosened and dissolved by My Seaweed ibitis and Putmoril gins. full will be secs that tali i three at ply meal ; • , einem are needed In most casein to gars tionruMto, .. tiool and, in fast, my Wye expnieneseushtes me to decide any they ns .m in-Id, newe cases of that ' disease than Met eornbinatlogs;isi nadleflat know* LO mad. . V ia the various editions of paiddaleis I have pan What many of the most we . .tesrful cures of Paz is Drury Ocumumption on resold. PeratMas Marti wills both lur.p affected, sometimes large cavities in ose Lung, healed over by myant:Melees, ars nes! lming and enjoying excellent health. .:I will giv , • few eases and select sham !rola different permit ' the eattatry, so that those wh ,neh may visit A welts to the,, for morn Poll:la "ilfarmatlO .=-- '-, - ter. Henze - Aimee, 4in r. Of blzulenn., t.. , 1 4 In tie City of Bodon, and wet known ova. tnE- • United States as a roan of grate ability. wriscured •': by Inkin g my Makin. atter 44 other treatment, ' gad failed. He hasoften emen! , yritutg Co tee with • ~ regard to the facto In his ease, &Id always arnWere f ' iii am the man: , A full ste4mient of his case may be seen In my pamphlet: Ifs lied profuse • ' . emachimifflbage of the lbags, Siifi .Witi 1117 mtimath• iated Robert" .11. * Descon, of Burlbentlec, N. J" est cured of Scrofula and blacurfal dlsesscs. At Of time he commenced nairlA thel: mallslass hewn almost a mass of acres. Iti Whew perfectly wet and attributes his cure entlrelif. ea my eteduanae - Atnerfn Kock femur, living iiiirnr Pefersbm9, Ho. toning rowdy, (141 N loabaLVe of Pulasonari, Cozramption, end seas [Wisely by esy audidnea Be It rat knout, fa dud y, met Mu been tio nom oftitting a great inasnaraini in (410 to at , bees rreardies, and with greet kimees. His .Phatc rpt, born &fora sod 4.11er Attet.Oured, can: be teen y Agenrs, Dr. Ktirser,to Ireo4 Sired, Pitteberylt, • Pomo. . William Alexander, of Pi talatryte Pa., was cured of a very bed . oasis of lArgwyma end Lim. .n. o za pw i n by the s eaweed 'iTente - and Alfandraica 4 Pills. . A: . - ... Kra line Barbee, of WatAttigtoo 4 otty, cured of a bad ease of Lticeemh in il 14 ,,,,,„, .. . saw, She is an aged womat and her coal Pf. marvel . ' ht.vorg remarkable. 2r 2 • . 2 Dlrk rrUornos J obasoo, oar./ Dot. JohttsalL'.. ' MOW re/riding at NA to W. 'qktr . ila . , . tree; Willlstah7 ' _ bury, N. T., was cured of-rummer, COnmandat:•lr tiOn,snd is now as hearty *Mold lady as eatue„ -" OLMM , - Peter Styker &Monne. et pordertine. , it 14 wee soma temazt eon. tritimonary Close . .. an d a. Ills cettlllearets rotated pl 44091 man and other well Maya eititeas. '—' . - • .- Naas Mary Schsaidt. of ettoa i pi:, was a • - bad case , of Canstimption, hoar tkoopiatat , ;sad int.tikied greatly from boihqberithr et Ins Mae ~. rem than tarty bolls upon hire pril. 11bewt ~ entirely and is now martlbd awl IHW t s hex amity- a OhI:AC - . • - •'" - . • - Dr.. Stafirceros plinefpli4aien. la at Hs. . : -, Note' Sllth 'Street, c0n ,0. % 00, d 0 ,,,P g os detnblat a lrlttra all orders •O• ../ Evzi . i . t at i - -*. ten be tied therosE • •7' .1114AY. • .. . . „ - 1- 4 z. , - v - . '1 I* PEa eat l g. rio.tio'irota street, rittsgrgb, eli;* ts ak heum. authorized .seat tta aala lat an EA trmaistv.
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