thitsburgh Oitzette. PCBLISIIED HT In Gams ranging Associrnot..x MONDAY, 0070 BEE 30, 1965. PJiSoSI:NG..CASE. , The ITT, It win be seen, have fousid riotitnnert g,il.4r of mtrrder in the dist degree, as was anavuldable, the: evidence spinet her being overwhelming. The details of this cue present an instance of ILlStpikueinttlevilitdiztesamever excelled in the fiiaf tte 'Whilst reading them the mind is Insensibly carried . back Italie darker 'ages, when ,poisoning was a favorite palthwe for those who took reasuro fn. eeoplp nut offt=orld;, but in all tbe cases that iecur to oar memory we know nh'oneliat equals this in at roilty. Fin this woman lied . no apparent mo ive f t r- kercf 4 4 l /1 16-44, wet,"‘ t°f9nligion4 6 7- itre4thStleangSni eZnteinee,moricizeiie. into p(ssession of property. She eeemi to have been actuated °Ely by a fiendish &- light in the sufferiag iiVe inflicted, ilmoothin; the 'Kay tor her sucoeei by an artfully si m. Vittittilt,crepWrefioviug the: distress stla muse ~ a bd sittliapitplan. Wir oppOrtrailtics as p N . olunteer nurst to make the work of ' her poison sure. Slow h.any _people the has , sent to their last acer.uot v. ill probably sever be known. The,list of her khown ilcttms Is frightfal e rat Darin. fists - lieut.- to appall - tits :keenest love of tie horrible. Every man, woman, or cbl'd 'Eat came within her reach during priicil covered by the legaleraininallna ilt,t sae I:.lien place, seethe to - have been viciirel zed ty hzr, the one exception being her heibtsand. When she selected a victim she first made him or her sick, by the ad mintstia,,n of poison in food or drink,then proffered her kindly cervices as nurse, and they Ovid avery . opportunity hylta lowing the poison, dose after dose, in tea, in cctiee, in soupin milk, or in any other 1 or-iible way, all the while enjoying the tortu, , - inflicted, yet ever pressing her self Lap ~er vice as the k indent and most tympatisetic of nursci. luny o:her nurse_ AlsFiecni...:ly came fc, a150__..0t ,. .. - ric - ted her -ollrfrierts-ity -- administerlrig unp3isoned loosibi-drink; she grew Jealous and gOs them out of the way as soon as possible, generally with a dose of poison not quite sufficient. to kill Instantly.. It seetta to hays been no pert of her plan to kill any one outright, as that deprived her of the Lunn` of witnessing the tortures which accom pany cdow poisoning, and hence her doses_ were limited and intended to be comula -11;e. It talo this fact that many of hervlc tims escaped with life, circumstances hqj -log intervened to put them beyond her reach before she had time, according to her plan, to complete their destruction. Altogether it is a remarkabie cue, and will peas Into history along with the other celebrated causes that have attracted at. t ntion from time to time. COY. HUMPAIREI's We ask special attention to the following extract from the inaugural of Gov. Hun -1.11/IEVI3, just elected Governor of Miss's "rework, is the law of Clod; and la the July certain protection against the pauper ism and crimes of both races. The negro is peculiarly adapted to the cultivation of the great staples of the-South. lie should be encouraged to engage at once in their - production, by assurances o'• protection against t.,,e avarice, cupidity and injustice of his employer. lie is bee to choose his labor and to make Ida own bargain. But be should be required 4.n clocose AOOaa em ploymeu , that will-insure thy maintenance of himself and faintly: by the other hand, the empl.tyer must be assured that the la bor coran cted for yr! 1.-ba, specifically per formed. The haft , .tifiti - ot the great sto gies of the Sonia requires continuous la. bor hem January o Jactulry. The I),ln.ler ea.not ore upon the jr cultirat,"ob un:ess the laborer is compelled terceNply 'clefs /at con tract; rmaintng and parforfojny hia proper amount 2 . 7 - labor, day after day, and creek after tad. - a.., through the whole year, and if he attempti 1. escape he slaruld be returned to hie employcr, and forced. to Ivor* until the tine fortrAilh he as contracted has expired. By such a system of labor, the welfare and ispranets of the,ifricaa may. be secured, the agricultural and commercial prosperity of the Stale austained, and our homes again become the abode of proapertty." There is no nitstaicing {lie purport of this. It is a plea for the (oral system of labor 417P.tvl under another finale. Tne cotton planter, we are told, -must be given the right to coerce his emp:oyees, and be anti tied t» their foreed r.ttirn if they should •• escape. Call you this - "true labor'?" Is this the way to raise the freedmen to the highest point of civilia Won? It Is almoly a system to enabl a the planter to raise as -much carton as possible by the compelled toil ofjilalittio rers. ThELGovernor says he. accepts ematticipation in good faith, and . that he is prgfoundly impressed with the lef ponell;ility of educating and elevating the colored race; but we torn with lbathing 3. from such hypocritical pretensions when we lititlfiat his cOntroling idea, is the cal tore Ottodo it:on, and not the 'culture of the freedmen. Tae old• southern leaders can not getaway from the 'ideas of slavery. They have no proper conceptions of free labor, r:tird'o-they seem capable of adapt ling thetnaelses to the changed condiidon of affairs. 'Better give them a little more time, and let-their , eyes get used to the light saisuddenly let In upon them `Mt *Atilt: be fdoldle candtdatee for eongtess are thas`polttically claselfled be the • Timcs of that city.: "The Hon. C. C. Leagdoo, an originallUttiotr inan,.but ho rallied to standard of his Sterte;'a`nd - 'Blood- by meek : eton Cu ,ittur'JitiiiiAg c :"Zif ft teas ,left. IThe 9. ? ii T. ,a alffra,k 4 an all o w r mai, .4;o„"wlikiiieWii ilia uati of se. -i: opal on, I. yell:111rd 'ldap f eriitioce:iiircdets• ; ; fill; an4ll;iially, Colonel S. B. Cleveland, a ptmeatentomat of drel3fahiSoverelgtity School,.-itobelleved in , tocessiam ibught for it, aud,c9W:stibutics; but 'says that he does: noti repent,/ and if the South has sinned, ate baabeen cauletedtdn damages heavy't4obgh 'toll:Lilo up t for -her errors." Now math tee result, when it is reachid, and see if this man who is frank enoigh to siir•bk dm"' not repent, is not t hbaen. ~.:, In Virginia the men who persisted through- IL out In Ell yliietbEit ' tlieY could not and ?: • would the tear oath, led the mil siterever,,the Islam waadistinetly . made. ; ' "4 _ 13orrnettit velar that in themnly sanctions tor 'Geyer !, nor that taken place in tins South the (waits) peopielidie'deddedly preferred uluertaperinodentte'renelf and defeat-t truttlien Presented with tkeendorattmen , that they would be acceptable. at Washing-, 1 2°4 ' L_FrL f i rt ,_. :4sl6 lAreilifigdgilAtit IY•sst 4 :out holm terstge 3 / 4 149 0 7 ;ezetti infitHcer Tnedititiiiiitte ..x.cbthshfigWatcanteale.YbOattsit-ijrtbr AliceNtaciha italaikanny; &UAW stb see tut Ani4tatodina y wheselfr Ottawas . _ _ . ~• •,.2At ‘ 7 01*,„. me . A 13 43 0 4 r 4 l Ale :Plibt.laculbiidnio :khe firbillen tiViimargeare !6 -OeualAwdzp4gW44 11144;fieoassion reelbrec;(Kid iio 6 , Ani leb n ll;o4olasSta i r Thetlf46 iITW 144Yd.afbr - isk • 4 ,. -- tr-tn ... 74 7.e; .37s ~ r2,1i..c IC , . Zila . ,./st, ' ' ' '------ sli t ..-; : A Err'''r JZSTB V 3 j " 1... ', "':,,•.-: ,r.• • ',.._++ t-..a ... e47 f,r,!" 1 77_-* ''' ' CONII RA Cr i(.:, .t-) , i:, TUE CURRENCY This Is 'o be one of the exciting tunes is the coming Congress. Secretary licCal ! loch stands hie ground firmly in favor of ~ contraction, and announces,that under no 1. -, arimmstaneei will lie depart from laisplatm — I but will pulh forward towards a redeema- I ble currency, steadily contracting the 14110unt; whihit the speculators and parties 1 tn , I crested in an irredeemable an i Inflated i currency declare they will appeal,frern him to Congress, and not only demand !cella ; tion against soy ftuther lending of legal tenders but urge anikteattaig,,the Nation ! al Bank morreney from three to five bun . dred millions. Itis.tit:dnitrira' 1' tint every one whit is hrurentedlOomping up the prices' 'of pro. ducts and minufaChnes, and who stands ! prepared to profit by any advance in Prices I that a further inflation of the currency would produce, elundil be opposed to con traction and in favor of expanding the cur ! ratty. But the great mass of the commu-, tiny are intererted in just the other way, 1 and to them g terming lon Cr Ole . present i feverish excitement, and Wildness and un- I certainty of prices, and a return to the nor- Imal condition of business affairs, is of the , 1 tmost importance. 1 ,It is not to be expected that the present I expansion of the currency should continua indefinitely. Every body expects it to ter minate at some time, bat the parties most I deeply interested in current speculations say—" Don't force a termination of It now. Any time hereafter will do; but let as first get onl of our present ventures safely." This would be agood argument If every one could get en; of his commercial van tmes a once, CZ by a given time; but they cannot, and will not, if they can. As long as the fellation continues, adventures will ro.u'Alply instead of decrease; and as fast as one stepsout safe ty, others will be tempted by his so , Ces, to take his place. No time can be fixed that will not find some adven tures at sea; and the contraction may there tore as well be commenced to-day as any day in the luture. As - contraction is thus inevitable, it is the hart of prudence and wisdom .o pre are for it, and it is aise the du r, .IWI , ,li.. JIM e I,g - .9, it will go pi r crt, to carryit forward I u erch a way and in 'such a spirt; as will prevent panic or revulsion, The commerce of the country stood up firmly under the heavy decline in gold; end as the contraction of the careen cy is much mere subject to control than the price of gold, let us hope that, while Itzfir pushed with firmness and decision, it wilt also be conducted lu a wise temper and with no greater rapidity than is coasts. tent with the general good. CA!: NOT TAKE THE °ATH.—In Governor ' PEnua 's message to the South Carolina legislature he lays "that an early day ghoul A be fixed for the election of membtrs of Congress. Should those members elected ' be in Washington with their credentials, when the cleft calls the roll, they cannot be excluded any more than those from liamachuselts. 2V man in Satait Caro lino can take the teat oath without per j ury. It is not the policy of the President to en force this, and he believes it will not be the policy of Congress." Of course, Governor PERIZY is not authorized to speak for the Proficient, and he is hugely mistaken if the supposeelhat Congress will stultify itself in the way he suggests. If no man In South Carolina can take the lest oath, let her stay out until the can raise a crop of men qualified to represent her. CARS HOLSEDAC h.—The Co 'one, rl,i! quotes 611 Ciprt ssion which weappLed to Gov, PIEII.PI/167, of Va., as to the. fully of putting teggars on horseback, and tries to make its reader] believe that we used it In ref( rer re to he President. 'I be uufaj.n .33 of the quotation ie charaeteristic or the conductors of that sheet, who bare very . nstnrally a fellow rating with beggars on horseback. IT Ls believed that the expenses of the government for the ensuing year, interest and all, will not exceed P. 61,000,000, white the rtcetp a are estimated at $303,000,000. This would enable us to ex , lngnish one hundred millions of debt In a year. The I.9te Episcopal Conventlon—Letter rum Mr. F, It. liSrunot—A Reply to Rev. Kertoot. To Pr , . O. rot : Pm% aso Dran Sin I—l have waited for seve ral °aye niece the publieatioa of your letter In the rewerniTtnir Irepirig that the gentleman ro sham It was addremed, or some otner clergy man. sonld publicly reply to Its fallardes. I re gret (end especially et this films, for reasons adds from the subject-matte r,) that truth and Justice ecum el me to controvert some err.rueous impremlons tom' letter is calculated to produce in regard to thcae who differ with you, and IS. regard to the Mirth 'which we claim to love innerly wititiro diatinguished a divine as your- WI. With your pr menial claim of persistent lryalry during the war. no one can Sod fang., no One on the floor of the convention called jt In questlatr, nor did the resolution against which 3 0 0 noted say, or infer, anything on that sub. Jett. 'When you assert, as you do. that each an im putation was made, and that lc was "antrac, un generous aid tlejos. no to represent this as the point." I solemnly wen that it was not so represented by flea. Dr. Dimon, the only mem ber a ho was•permit ad by the maJorlty to spank a word in favor of the resolutions, rind that It was "ungenercus and tiniest" for yon to make I uela an assentors. Yoe' the troth ot my allegation, I appeal to the phonographic reports Yon say further: "The point was simply this .e--. 18 it right to legislate here by tray of pailticat: maulleatalimes on such topics of civil reality, - history and duty? We say It is wrong and abm Jo!. as well as unwise nod. hurtful." The insin uation that the mover of the resolntioas and those who approved orhia motion, aro moo ca pable of proposing any action in the Church merely by was: of "political manifestations." is unworthy, mail you surely do them great injus tice. For myself, as ono of them, I may bo per mitted to hopehlut the slander Was not lams. dcd. It .is unpleasant to touch upon the per sonal aspects ofyour letteri and I gladly turn to awayfrO other similar points, believing Clint you could bed leiVe jntended the contraction which your•woreis Latta In the eigbth dagof the convention a twat -s°g6iraS rtroreo from the - Meuse of Bisillaßi' c inz ljnneing that they had appointed a theualiss gl vl nn-tuiYlec "In consideration of Cho return of P ftc6° .. V y°a " 4-2 " c cn g i n .requestin g to filo Church," the Itodse of Clerical and latberatles to Join with them," I • tI i o n. W. Hunt proposed the Totiowlng, retain Resort!, That thlslun,,,, recappizimprith profound gratitude the goodness of himiztrty God manliested in the restomae.nendp,a, and /Adore, will cordtally 'mite fa lb thanksgiv ing: services appointed by the me he of NAL*, on Tuesday next.'' Top, voted for this resolution. On the ninth day Mr. Blaney offered a fur. Cher resolutloo, as follows s . Resslord. That tble-Heose, lc most cordially coaeurring ; so It tuu done, In the resolution of the House on - Asbury appointing e 4a! of 4144. rxiVinir for the return of peace to the country and tinny to the Church, meet respectfully ex press to the House of Bishops Its tartest deans that, to the religions tors/lees 'to' be 'appointed far that day, especially Yanks be- efferai to mighty God for Me re , esaliganent etc aationiat: authority over our OW sosingsq,:tusd,fortits-rt-, moral of the great warless efluOlohatellsiensilost:' and tefrangement to lehkslr oar' fate. Vogl** ,are.: , . . 4a1." . 0 4 WIWI to-lal Ode 'volution on thh and a 'notion beleirtusda fbr reconoldgAthol; von voted to keep it there. .13Ssfar ai the alleired • on! of voting l'auch, Wolff lotcyjso •Chureh, .1011 are ewer as igulltf vottog for one at 400 could have hauls Mitre - MA , the other, or as am 0.'044 for both. in their nature, as to , theittorl for great national or Po ICla lt e 7 kleolclg!a tlitiPetret the sams.-11fe. sir hta 'n; ant, whowleattlotifikdbritetV . 5 114 , to re V 43ol 4rotsbregalli:g.; z.;; whist ietitisrlide,tlfahkir peace the 'Boise cerliduly.-retuntedy. Ab 1144 :fq4~~saßtt tea bleoings pl r6di Yt; `among iihieh might beep $4 theibcditiowar 'touldrea4 be ,Itouableeld,abiesaltig. l . "'` q latteoWitßell'' 4 'thank Clod:for agil 'i.otrestoritldtdriltiturpeace and Linian;?.lt leintot be politlealAgurAtirdebititikacethiln ) a.z.aT.ZE 0 ;:f ,ZAL - Ci - 1130 - 1 I , loFri coPI =Eltl3=l rf , ~,.„ :or the rote t.'4. to fat 01 the national so holy: by ertitch the Ott:on •as roltur.df" end the remora] of the great cense of dleaan- Ven. When you. Or one of Mew media- Uots. had effttrueinintedl tie Is your letter you toted vetoer the other b. roar you deemed Its littroductloff:Theseir sue sinful ' you mof 4e143 i"Theitf aild ful dolor to canyylossoz. gaiknt Winans mhads that r m must halm had DOW other limo the shallow excu•a given • • I -In the Book Ls a 'Fbankeglvtng "for re't ning public peace at borne:" Dy you logic ma prayer, If read by its title- Is p.ope. roc:th e Chi rett--but its details, wit 'eh blesses tiod's Holy rstererneirtain — tr e rroili:P•jiCiie thittultnilis whlekßilus ittliadAta4nk yi ditsf •oldureit"ir 'snful and Wrong- 4 Asalr, the thing which-poll condemn was not the uusching of the so-called politics In a congregation, of - the . people of* the •Lard's day,, - • to width some good men conscientiously object, but simply, a proposltlon on. a week .day l it a council of 'clergy and , taliy.httseMbled to do the secular as well u spiritual legielation of the Church. Even the luilphittical arguments of some of the claim who, with Incansistant seal for the peace of the Church, use the pnlpit on, deyto - t h Sobel Preeebing Poli ties wOuldnovslll,you in this cte. • But. to change thegroundi you do not think Mr. Bluney'e tutolutionwront In, Itself. fa to Year letter you say: '-I do Moles, tromisf sortyh the destruction of African slavery, and 1. - pratse God for tile great Increy.. ?I,And, In inothu place “Wu luitA.Atur 'country and rejoiced to Its LIMPS over lbe rebellion, ma rejoiced In the overthrow of African !shivery hem:idly and roily. agave's-prelim God for these Ills great mercies.. Thou) two:noble words, and we rejoice in tee:r utterance, I thank God that I ma r believe them to he theofdeftfaeota of a great majority or the clirletian men. and women or that:aura. B tt how motley nu .recoreLd 'refusal to purse did for these, Ills mercies. In the public ipaerehltra of Ito Church! Certainly ands. re can be Jll4lfir d on no manly or .obriqtan Von. de; to tsduh, Woo of all. ty the flimsy occult that these great moralesicemen! ' , pony ' Ica' o aniresudions.” of whit it is "era road Brutal" for the Chu co to speak' Thia sandy ct u'd out have It Dandled your tote. There meat hero titan come alit tatter cause. I recur to your letter. abd fled the . e`er cause there ma al: 4 . There Cl some acu ity tot rho rennet tote aye on Mae t esares Wal "embarrew,' them There are p 1 tide: sunong us,, who arc not whit are renionll , Lutt.rhi the u .oceeetuto Lover thew hols cunotra, and ton removal of .the cum of Bethnal trouble! Is It Potelbto that any Christian Doblittere meld be so louyetinl of their relation to the author of there great mercies es to pertztlt.anch men to make faint thelvarts and palsy the lips which of ell otters should swell with gratitude and pout It forth In ina-sel I -could not hove be lieved the monstrous proposition bad not my eft! seen and rim ears heard. 1 cord I not been hollered hi, of you, sir, had not your pen ri. ton the conlirmation. spetakirg of the p eIP Irises in the canyon- Con r•Lote had to mar I of the cleriymen BA low,d. I do net mean ailue.on to the delegates who came from the lately seceded States. They Ca. 1.4 to no, as I believe, with right hearts and in the he , e of. SOUPIQUS duty. -1 believe they were prepared to thank Gad, with us, for the re turn DT 'price,' the restoration of the national ant heetty. and the removal of the Camas of die. isenflon Iterated them for their manly and Christian promptutas In returning to the right way. They brrught node of the twines' husks In their hands for no tacit. They had escaped. and retuned, no doubt with thankful hearts, Drilla, found among us thoie'Vetto were still ulballeg at the discarded food. Tame raised the Old tead deg cry &politics in the Church, and .when each 'man as yoursalfJolaed a it, they would bite - been more than him= if they did Cot seems to de you have done a mischt-17M1 cannot repair. God may pm It in. befits of our &nacre brethren to coma o the milt tot Teetfon ready to take the latle. I it* in prelelortlita for the blessing of a good Gourrinert and the removal of the curse of Watery ; 'otherwise we shall only have simulated quiet, not teace'ln the Church, under the tyran ny of an overbearing majority, I Impute In another letter to'hhole that "such topics" as you (Oedema' eta .41eltu," are In ex act accordance with The teachings, standards, sod practice of the Church. Om tau T 3, 1663. in ixR. BlitaCer. liagiqAoMifeliVW3F:l t ars fir A l i aL T litG o E Italie? Jr...lnm ICElLLat of AtZte E ny. kree're4BlTs:PcienlottlinreZonth ninny earning. Detober 27th, toe the purpose of comtptusting with the (Menet . League of dart's burgh, In patepahog to the =seen Berta of Ctio,ed thu re dit which will attire in at city on the 14th otetorember, • welcome t • colored regiment/ el reoCll, the following persona were ppotructe.a come:4llre tow:dial subscriptions to ate In sentting the dolorea epithets of firiezheny couhly to Ilarrientmg so partici ate to toe teat. ticta, and to stye al our Nathan who istaa be an that etty on the emersion referred to, a . I: sz.o.lit n F. rtrte tiz3s, Clt Oslo tn. Serval:O. p_ U Amends J Coot. Jelin Jtalthes, , Jr., Ellen m Prime, Ildrearl R. Pa. ter, . bleep E Bruce. henry B. vralum.o.,. Louis. Wesley, e , - .1. Leiria Itirry E. Jaceloo, Sum IA. Nestle, ' liar, let Juhneon. .1 la .. R. Floecb, treerr•ret Crworf •re, IC ••e Al cibir-p. The rriimeree mil. le is, lewed try lin.. C.C1, , ,1 Geo. lir, PE. 11.0. 1 .... 1, •6LN0, Iti.1.••11. nod other till/ 11:u inalled gentlemen are invited and Will bli p. ..rut. A il,lrot ttst/oir of Lao eitiseos of Pittsburgh ao4 Alitsheny a 1:1 he held lu AVe RV AtiSSION Ent:MM. as graT Ps IDA Y EVEaI/it*. boy. . Ibe ireetlrsg will be a 'llre•sed by Messy.. T hjot a s Cuwrca, n II Barram.... of P.olialelph.a mud Ziaaars. at Hollldeye'•u-g A .Col. max 1.1.50 u. Its** fay P. L‘ou-,a ism Lit,e by apt Glared. lASI LS HL/48Y, Pre 'r. SATI'L A. U. 5.,• oar, 11 i2r- slum 111 D LEIEJTA MEETING. Uri,. Jnaaa• Fait, l:.tra, r, Prresst , aon. Oct. ttt'l. AC, 5 A. medal( of Ma tita:khatlorm 01 the Jokes' 1 c,cy Company .1•1:.1 Ask. plant on MONDAY A N reinter nth, at 1./o'clock A. M., at tne OFINCIE 0? A. D • L. M. Slfflif, Water street, etre. Gotnn,at ►htea ticue ►on plane au ELM/ (lON ItiIiNUTOMS, to serve for the epaulets year.. tvfla be htld stoma WM. M II !ESE!, Sescrerery. rgir A. P. 111.-7111 g. IMEADEIVI OF AL. GBENV IsODUE, No. St, of tue Acne - 'tan Protestant Ailtettii , loo, us, requested to at • te. a regular Mettler. TBIS (*ludo) EVEN. ING at, E. or Hall, t 2 es:Jena West. Isitegnerty. la bus/nets adee or every en•tub.r srPl be true. 111 Sonless .1011 Mar mrat Er, W. M. asSa.ts4 1 / 1 0TICE TO OTOCILIIOLDERS.-- The s'lllllll TRANS PER ttUttlid ne the PaITSI3I.4I4OH AND 4JOIVND..IAWILAD ti R. ,A)., swill he cloned an 5A.1112:0N14, Itov. 4th, yeas, it to clock. P. as., awl wilt so tematet omen s ,4 •T the A ' onusJ Dleatlon of Director; to he held On the 4th clay of December Bent. /NO, 8. PAGE, Secretary and Trawl es. • •TIM n ATOIRALTY,—JtaIES DUI ALP` eddeasan of t his owell •1 the solicitation of fri r end., tom m P e...tea te Wet • Iry Ws name to be nerd in comeetion with the next Mayoralty, sod veal tie amindlciate eubieef, to the direct vote of the people, in Accordance with the recommendation of the last Republican hiunielpsi Coltilialtlo2l. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS • D ESIRABLE hOCA.TION MOR 'ooli N. TRY SEATS FOR SALE, .hosts on Soots . 11111, four smiles leo. the ells, IN nodes trona Lausblttes :tat on of tr e Uoonel/seisle healroad: I^ berth 00 which L a floe Utilised of Over 440 Frbit Trees of flee quality; to r. 41 eondftioni 'lri set Rouses endabout 6 acres of; Coal, with put sus ales opened. lso, another Lot adjoining the same, cows to. Ire 16 Levee, p,rtly isnletlatd with coal. Ear plot end other kotOrmstton, apply fo role - It. 111 & 00.. Fourth st. FOR._ BALE. O n NEW TUBII.LAR BOILER. 6 !cot I Inches dlaineter, tl feet tong, having three 110 es. eight man dletneton Vidues. 4 incites dl. suheler, Club 10 feet a vats d 1.6 40C1. Oe latthet rarllplutle '641 00 the anderelgned, tit the Cant d. air, awl (Mats strseta. off ,_ AC ,812lTOSlf, Etta:MULL A Co. () , N,CONSIGNISENT AND 1011 SALE, 2100 W 4, App'esi ROO 0 reastanow _ • ' White Beans; 0(0 (Intone' 10M0 Jersey Sweet Potatoes; t2O Pone. liaminut (Anse; 00 aollitA to Mr's. °tea 'rata; • 25 Pickles. In salt; 12 tall btd4. Pinkies, foe tehlei CO do Whttis Slab. . 10 .do Tioutg . 100 bnifieleTtnothy Fe d . • • . Nv GRAFF & REITER, Dali No. 416 Liberty street. DIARRHOEA. diet soldiers Were cured of Misdeal i 111:11 Dysentery last year by tbeisae of itr. STRUM. Le ND! A AN rbimoLEict ni.troßg Tiu fact 0 its belay used ao extensively in the kloapitala ielicuo , etnimay of UR. STRIUKLARLPS onM•WIELERA MIXTURE for the ease of acute and absinth, cues of Marrhart and Diseilte• 7 74 =la theca:dr prepatlittan ico abaft Ina safe end able edy fairenolara. D b a ttl e be with.' inn so val• • medicine. Get • of it ill. tia 17,11 nisiebblitiyaillInlegists at CO bents per' .tot, k WltcutAzi AALOTOrIi Uirt.con . Fiiiidipiabotprzir atuata a ianta. talloably; neat fbe2l4lclittligitalt 41 1 1 111Toporre la nap aultadfof a (bang* ,It. da nof aorewto the altar tb* Biaaeba e r aaaullidr W. U m . A. IL Would Do mad P. Fetttrum'aiTPla eM orl tlroloN, i.: An '1;11 1 ..,. TliP atClB.l, ialrarLEMOtiaa intitave.-7.. 4 1 10ror. A, 44 ,po olf . . ~..k.„4-1, r , r he ,astay; i Ufa, sat iv ewe' 4 ,, ,11 Ma rj CrarkaaVaaallari Pitegatea - te, re bainii F id a ~ ., = .1 pa1re,..1., - --, 0 41 Clod •b i ZftrriortiMSTairtAat,::• • :,C Alff.lLlElinneiliap epioln4tteit , , 'tleasitairovaltakel, Oilikriv Pli,' ~k sada vagary °IV agt ' i attatfialiacmg ..• ' " - ',' s ' r T 41 , 1: ..!: ,` • iAL.1g1y(112 . 44 .4 i , : d.r.."J , • . s, i i rt i gt I. •Pn.,• ,6 ff..,,, , vr!; ,7„,.. ;,1'... t ai:i GE __-.virua , sears 7., A ktr.!- , ...‘ .;.... .. t ' ..e....,,1.E. eras NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - - OARING WANTED mix etzratjtaLirr Azil) *at," 14 • nopootoboolnivoto toodltto good infgoteat bped. Amnia,. t.. - Box 780.,.: ,_., 0ac41,1 pH EY. - tiiing, ALTON, BAN-PIP:AZ QUINO r• west- =mg se.wlitiD -1011411EUT Z s '3'.—Tlis lamer DELAWaIgt., IL W. p.o.r. Motto,. ifikyll 01 IN EDIOESILS ti T..N___,__(lKll;* k ./19,1 semoltnoak ono,tfthrooga •For IMO; asau •a• I ea board. o #LLEGE z A aotarartaltda sell !mat two stare letilitlf. Wart, t JIM no' . A I .aNter.t.etrreel.. noir Mum street.; eontalalot 'SEVEN ROOMS attd dwelt 1.1 arr.,: wane e alto:war - saw lISCKIM WW . t 1 out aad t old water. apply to • • Treir.y vbaitc; NO. ncredatiVlC sueklueby, st dry. oe30:11rd A l)/11$16T/1420111}.. tett a Adtalti the *mita of II ANN WEsT. der.aaaad. late''! the Borough of McKeesport, Aliegbeny comity, baring band granted to the andetalgtied, all persons tndebtee to aaideatate are hereby notified to make p., - meat forthe mete and thou boatee olefins or" nen:Ands agattat the 1141121 e are vs:queue:l to pro. cent the lingo without delay to the subscriber*. - PHOEFIZ OIEaT t Aent'ot. ocritatte'r JA.S, &li.ittiON, • LAWBBNC4 . Cotlxity Bortas. • Perrone hi:tidies/he DOHD4 Of TUE COON yr OF LAirfEhtfle, - Petuurylrania. Wind for Hsu toad herpoan are requested to send the end tr otanell • statement cf the amowat nog olio:there o Ihe Bonds they 'hold. and the rellroad to which they were Jew ed, the tr•jeet being Co have con sort... 4 action la an am' o arrangement between the h, Idereachl th•C 'catty 01-Imorrenea. ' Will, 11. WILLLS.DIA 00. or20:lw Wood street, rmon of Thiel. A . ssEriKUENTNOrc3, — — lrotke 113 eten that the asensment fee tea Unnk Ina. rasher and Curblarof ?fennel:4ft ban, Paz, t ure Lane and restart sterel,bas been made, and eon be nen at my t Mee, In the Market Sullding, until the nth depot ectober, 114, on which day at %rift be bond at er to the I. l 4) • rfeaelarer Wt col mien. cIIARLEIs .cord...rweituleor. - - IrSE . 1 - Fi - A L L if/HP.I4Y Wier for Isle convealent and swell , oc•Le4 tWO .10 , T KRICK Illvis.,LlN4 HDest. No. IM Hltrbina^a aireet, Allegteay. contain rooms. H Dalabed attic. (Jae and realer lo a the amine, bath r.•nta. range to kitchen. for luither kitten, ties, bents to S. 111144 N. 67 Vrr, th rt. b :lac'. Mal stilool, AND - Counting House Slates, STATIONERY OF ETERY DESCRIPTION, Cheek Books, Time Books, X 3 Me .49.-XV If. BOOS V 3, Fur. SALE BY MYERS. SCHOYER & CO.. St►tluemi and Blank Book Maori., 0c2839 FrFrE STREEr. inEer GOOLE. An immense ate.ek of FEW GOODS at private W . day and ovening, at SITLF.LLAND'S A URI 103 EMPORIUM, as AND 67 FIFTH STREET. BOOTS, SHOES, nums, DRY GOODS, ELAN KEYS, SHAWLS, HOSIERY, As , Sa eel DWELLING HO 0 BE LN ALL EG FLAN Y • one Ind a bolt story frame °attars Home, coo • Wining two parlor., Sluing room. knollea and lour thozober• with watts and gu• thsouPTIAT a lot fax hi, lushly oultiroled and ornamented mak shrub- Oe_q sod shade ttora. The marronsdlp are pfrassot , olltoOlolf oloPlo a pats for trash •It, and la* outlook oo the Woo sirup eammozollos as ortenstro and vorlod vloo , Fox lot the: Worms/laq applr to S. S. BRYAIT Broker, !berth Bulldtos. 'UAW FITZPATRICK. FIRST PREA 7 1 Ulf" GOLD PEN DIANITADTURBR, I bilo Hall, cor. Third end Market sts., Sesond Story, entrance on TIAN meet. (1010 Pena and timid and Sliver Pencil Camm, holeasie and total/. P(1111 repaired. Persona haring Para to repair ean send them by mall, and they Ir1:1 pe , mptly rettrcord. rti O!L REFINE . .v.a.rur.tcronlEs AND DWELLINGS, Water, Gas and Steam, IN A SUPERIOR BIANNER OUTtact'lttee are oast ',passed. our I twit .of gcods 1. lens, and our ► eOetkpotent. Be give peteonal ru{tw►retslno t all work entrusted to our can, and endeawr to use attire estleastion. BAILEY, FUIBELL & CO., No. 167 emaithOolaltroet, °ea PITTSIM.HOH. p UR/S The ehoieeat stoat of Out.. AND SILVLII WATCHES, CLAWICS At% J.EWELET, ever brouot Alio • eau) UttY, can now be seen at Loa t,TURE of T. H. KLAGES. 14'o. DB N • actecrisal ESC, xY 97 her • W Aril/IES of th• neat makers JEw EL. of the newest styles, MOCKS of Geary des• cr, loa of best American and French maker. PURE SiLVEIt AND PLATED GOODS, such C. Fork., Spoon* and Hollow Wars. Bohemian and reanch China and Woo. VASES of 'boldest pattern.; and all articles belonging to mg By a of 4usinesa, which will Do 0010 at a great REDUCL TION I Flea Watch and Jewelry work carefully mare 49a repaired. HlghcCost pr on_ 9414 for Old Silver. Don't forget the plam, Federal Brest, Allegheny. 0ct3:191 CITY COLLEGE., Corner PSIII2 and t. Clair Streets. • PITTSBUILOII., The largest, cheapest and most suacesstul BUSINESS NAYS COLLEGE IN THE UNITED IiTATEi. Student. enter and review at any tune. Sr Oirraloss oontosnlat full Iforottloo, n en free to soy imams, on appliestaou to the Prtnal pal in. JENKINS S SIIEtII, ecaoaawdmi.T prrrspmanw. G ROVER & BAKER'S SEWING MACHINED lieve been stverded the FIRST PAM! tUttIS st .the I/Alerts g t sir% for the yes, 180: First Free:dem for teal Maciti[ a yr,rrk at Nina, Stater Far First Premium for twit Machin werlt at New York State Fair. ?list .P.remiguo for Met Funny nfokto ONO Etats FAIT. Fait Pied= for loan Slanulacturlng Machina at Obit, State raft a 1 Lrat"Pletointa for best Manufacturing Machina Dfinitigau BriVe f o r First Premium for beat Manufacturing Maobfae at Wlrconsin State Fair. FUSS PrsnitUch toy by 4 Aranufaetuting t at 1 airtsbee Ca,Yritta Ph , Psomittha for hLacbtae bent Machine fict general put. oars, at Lawrence Co. Pau, Pa. . Past Premium best Scully Machine at Burns Co. Fair, Pa First Premium for beet. Manufacturing Machin at Maim Co. riljr,Pra, lint Premluia for brit liiiinufarttihrut add Faro. lly Marbingat fiprinsfiteld gals, chan. Pint Prtnittiza for bentillanufacturing anlPatic. ftlittaggtrmatrgliak. Int and Fem. lip Machine st Suffolk Co. Per, N. ' Y. That Premium tar best itlarufactilring and Pans : ily_fdachicia at Schuyler Co Fair, N. Y. , Vint Premium for bait Macittoe for all partisans 41 AtlegbaCy Co. Fair. Pa. Pfaff Priatanm for beat nitantifaalutbig Machina at Allmissiiig Clo.'Fatr, Pa• • , Finaltrailtam far test Mariana Work at Alla. any 04%,Fa1f. ra• Atari:lets:roc cxlitbited. ottATONtli% &AL CM ~,f/FfE tar?, Ica IS Attain. Pittiito I=l=l S , PLENDID ItzaraEMM /N:34LFd.: 4 -We OW far aalettia ziadalaiiaa - ar At, pa s , • pleasattiy Situate ea Eltealtateratarne 'flaw/ell Yealtral, arid assistlaary sttaera,'Saat4 (?aantitto, 'Alltgam4Jll7. ITbaJot .tsagavtroat az the kv., :nal oLtalatt cy WWI 1 0: 1 A 1 V9Da stale& . Tea • •k ip b r *tilnir i_ y' ll4' ti ghelrtn . : ' 74 3,1 lal jt,Mtri eacithitartot i irliPlsqtilaterv ree t ~' '1 - itaelliallatuLama drat:flaatef , thiat oulfa , aomfifili ,; .gp31,400,, ..,..,..s,..uunumatitsurato4-. i ... —.," .1.004 aiji_iz _tot strealk.L I%T IntlEt ,-4, BAOREtt- -- , t i : ' , , 241,teirbaiiesiislitratiustor ,ge pound, at tho zugarroroonstorria . J , 1 8 416 ,• itoftlif.? 7 ' 44 a rlyr lti tuft W I L ',* • y, 1 , ..1 1 , , :tits, r t.,..t ~. - , -. ..7, - ,,, . , 6. 0 . I •1 , V , .4,-2,r, fl It.,f-Y.v.el,, r.t.n ~..... ,La 7, :/11;11 . Circ: :,,, , r. Zr: ~, ."',/ ! ,, 9 , . 1 e' 'lt. ::. ~., Z , . ,.,"0 .., 4t 0,.1P' 1 NEW ADVERTIEIMEN FS IMPORTANT NOTICE —The follow- Leg is the rerbanns report of th• regularly ap pointed judges on Sewimr Machines and Inven tion. st the Aneshenuuousty , 'air, ittga. The Judy' are thorough _an4Detatimassen.. tooora in Mb community, he i og Ectollantra and door.. iterephiseeinondthelt-. _ - o.ttairAseromprr,a7,out.zheohes—Graiernew Itociabie mimes are annexed, appointed by you ci oa Class No. sortender the frolowing vet at, which Is according to out beat Judgment, Wit'atert to EPJ Harperifer,"Ho. 2Y - Tihir st., agent for Wheeler Seance Machine, the first premium and diploma. for its simplicity amiebbnintgtosesointacittructi ;ad wipe - . se beiL• maddne far family Mid eneralbrirpOess. We awed to Grover Baker diploma, as the but machine for hoary work d embrolgery., lSigebtl Hugh' U. Role, liti , trard'iNit..tall, Jared el.brustiOas. ilees..e- W. Foster, jr. oen .I'l l i t y t i a T I LIISRAIt L MlBB ANNA E. DICKINSON W 11.1., SPEAK Ar I,e‘ra&37 ette Hall. THURSDAY EVENING, NOV, H. alibied-11001g TAUS TS. 1 , 001, open at 7 o'clock. Leotnee 7.!,f, o'clock. Single tickets 00 sent. !Secured estate 26 cent. extra. Heinen of season Onsets will he at no eluted nne for reserved m W ed nesdayay bo at lb. Lamy Rooms o com corsets{ at II o•c oak a. at. uerdity, November 7. O. (Aesop., the distils eunihen ttrientallet, will lecture on t ertrish Life •ad Menrurs. THIMAS BAKEWELL, W. a EDWARIaI, ti. rocOLINTOCR. AI. .1. I/ON:VI:LI, C. 1.. R. U. A.LERER Aid Lecture Committee WIIIIE, VlGi el; CO., 1"11 - 1 II STREET In}ue'lbc •tteo .lon of buyer. to tl)elt very Iv ye Mock of FLIE DRESS GOOD 13, Which they will sell at reasonable prle.a. oel) CA LB OF UOVERNMENT BOATS L' AND BAROES AT AUCTION. SteenTunutern ortrnitaV6 Duda; / aaniulTon. Cktober itch, 1866. ( The following names Bolts and Barges will be sold at Public Austiou. 46 tolloter. LOUISTILL.F., IT., SATURDAY, Octobu 29eN. le 10 0 . 01041 t. A. the steamboats 011/V &MIT. D. BORNEIL ht tiodeillargee, mid Fifty-als Gunwale and other Barges if a l'AVEttr'!: • ? rwu gr.& October list 4 1 lb o'clock, A. w., the steamboat LIT EAVBS. Bls Dtodul Barges; tratV:tfttr,, '.IoULA pI t Asotono, NOYES) Bcu t ill ' t sod 21, at to A. it.,the steatehisst . 4 11. 5.1•• one Wl:melbas:. And about eighty Modal, Gunwale awl oilier kluges, now tylag at that 14 6 44. At SAINT LOUP+, 010 , SATURDAY, Novem• till. at 10 °Nilotic, A, it., the itesiabosta AUTOOR AT, Marra., D. A- ANUART. TIRBR ASK A. RIETROPOLIT,III, RSA Woo AD. Hums, PAIRULIit. S. One IP ercklat Barre— AL Hyland—complete. Whatiboat_,Deutrorse. lx') Piny Modal Bargee, tiod (20* Twenty Gunwale sothattier Barges, 1011 3 1StIl l b d e nti a s s4d with all the fo - rdturn, urging., and appurtenances chum:rata Delousing Duly uttlned led *Unlined •ollalten tor trees ], KUM; geITICU WA be rem:mega, cash at their 101 l !see ralor As pastiest lorgoil property sold: utherojae, ter ms cash. By otter ottlas Quartermaster Geur rat. LEWIS 11. PA H lt,No, cell.dtd Brigadier General and tjuuteintuter. i..,;ALE CONOEIINS Co GOVERN L. Jill:NT PROPERTY. p °Party aril! ba man at Public be , bro. at tJA TLC! Tsfll. RU. Boyd county, It ow t • I. tbe Big San ty. awonl af. obta orders bon Inpastment newirl taw ten, ra ts Wabbno, .t.c Sets ot Ilernres, Ambulat et more or lee., •nd am scertaceone Int of curter - to Starer. Also, 469 LA KAU Eft ARMY BLANKE and orb** de mast a clothutc and teatime. t , ale to comment.. to &cinch.* a. T12E•515&Y (.41obtr S' al, 1,63 a n.l to be continued from dsy to day until ell era sold. KA?fimILPH Rns.s. ocZa:toc-10 an-t A- MITIer. STEIIKLAND'S MELLIFLUOUS COUCH BALSAM. Da STL:CCLAND'a. Illet.tvrt.cous Cocoa Rat *so 1. ontrante , .0 cure llOutns Holtzsg. pen, Asthts►, Wooqpios (Sough, Sore Thrust, U.:Lanolin-Lori, sod ali edestLons or 'he Throst sod Lungs. It ft the only pteplo.l4o2 knosett to cute Chrosos dough., /Lytham, and Oriestiseptiou. It never fails to cu e Woooplog Cough sod ()roue. Try ► bottle directly it I. peepers.] from honey. It is put , solsrly recommended for the young and the old. SJI.I by sl , Dru;steta at JO cents per hot. tie. R. E. SELLERS & Cu GERMAN ACIjORDEONS, lULINS. BANJOS RAE MUNICAS, sc 1:9 7 / I c).l..omscalco wadi Rot nil, J. G. LAUER'S, YARIErY AND NY STORE acia. narevris.crt Stroot. NEAR. Ilk' CIL IN untat We have the Sole Agency for Pitteburgh, at the UNITED STATES PIN COMPANY ; Alio, Adamantine and Swan Bill Hook and Bye Company. traOLESALE DLALEMH AND JOBIIRaN can buy the abore good. by the case. IVILLI fr..,Atstbd erpenan, al Nate bora Prices, by Ilan tag at res. 7s and SO Barka Street, MA.cMIM CLYDE & CO. AIteENAL GLAiSti-Wußati, REOTrag. BYRJM & co., Alkqufacturenot Moen Itnd Greekk tilassware, VC. , e. Bottles. Domitobna. Carb.7.. &a. n.. ..rwAvlse. NA t 4 EVA7•I6/1 STREET, Berry e: EN adin fiFJELD AND GRANT urasrs, Pirl SOUROM PA. WC Warn= Ott? Wore, to be superior to soy autzufeetured V7bet, tbs /4 0 ooNtott• ttiov.vl d t (825 "%i0 otOtbovta Xa —%cri p stletlod t PovUeolat iiov pal 4 to private, mallet.. .u3:l V ROD UCE CONSIGN 660 btia. iu'r a Red aad Yellow Onions, raised Rom 'be clad tble year; Ito bbls. Mace Apples; 60 ens Jailer Sweet Potatoes; ' ear 106 c; Piaeb Blow Potatoes, 00 bo:otta noshen latese aobOatal W; B. ;:do 60 c.blc White Beans; 16 btils. rill lei; - 60 dos. Can Peaches; 60 dba.o►n TOMArclts and 13 1600barrlei. oct2 POTTER, Ala MN a. sit EPA ILO. GREAT CHANCE FOE AGENTS. WHAT THE EISCInfrE 117 fiNT: 3 be ETANDAIII,I 1,11, Tara Gt THE wiL complete to oee larger volume of over IWO pages, IPT...lldlll,llastreterf With oral. Ito fine pbrcralts of Generals, Bottle Scones, rasps hod Ulesrahts. Ills work has uo rival as A candid. lueld, sone riots, authentic and reliable tiffitouraf the war. It sontalfill reis'los• m i tten egos! three. largo .Annie/ volumes. (God- for cher:Gary end tea our • egoA Orel . . ,JUNG, AL h G tlfue . o & t ta (l ,,Pa . . • A.stincelo ENT. , -.10.1 /Ora... Notice la 4. , webs ,- ft nu pr 44 Uto sisomottont tor tastata I n g ii nd c,* fpg el AssiNe atreet,,A9i ~boUt Wide sad call i ‘Ur,rorti:os , o,O,Ural , the ; 11 14 4or of Orr ~ •MR gbh 114 U Tall bckto.dod or teas I, tam fOrlOtteetdocr. • , ~-4 ... , GUALULES , REICUISPPARB, ' • ' —. t , , XeOM 3 / 1 2112141d04, . ' Thttibtihiti:.oloObiti lat tr" -- . thitd • , . 1 , -,7. r Co : TE WART: cOLND ; BIOEBIIII - 6 . for t! '. '.. alit . Wanted. at. ILtr.aSTEWAIIrt' Eblu alb , - daatet , ArOuTbi• P•wllalz a bartia,;of Use • Alin ati Is IDIF ,tlipktlig4o. B,Pannak. Tato tad am e e toUteri-Xus :Ricketts. L ar.. 11 % :w a Viwowif hilasn'te lb el r' . • age , bir welpf W• Dtf: lag Iran* ..., 6 /0 I.3L'AM=PSUICI4-.J ALIP-FATElll3abt '1 4 4 plata gosiivitaik m lcl s taltpu, • et altel salve tylas.terarataoittait • qt/SaL2.lllltta llamas ..7-WrnAr4i - • AP :- • z =Jul'. roceivtd . • anatoideviv.tici . Ilirket *reit' Fu iitteßP ' m .10!!. 1/4 7 BMW* lk With rll.l f.l NEW ADVERTISEUM].N7S oFrio4l.. Inpottresr 110TICE.—The following it the terrains report 01 the regularly appointed indses on Erwin' Machines and li:trimmer., et the Allegheny Comity Fair. ISM. The Judges are thorough and pram Soil men, well known in this eznzatamlty. - Verifiroriehumni iillidelle es In ms. daeliragurV i e ft Intd o 4lo.l l rpitkraf itelder, 7 ha doSzalitaepa Saw7ns.-alachtoea-beg leave to oubtoltXr!alttnelog talaat, Tet: ' ~ge s t"g s Ilsottlnerforiporosral purposes, to •oney. BAILEN/e, DOUBLE Beat fiewiag 'Binina- for manufacturing pur poses, to wfgE'Oltga B ! 3 11.1iErt... Bent 'Neiman of Machine work, to •GBOTER & BAK IR.' " - • • Q /..0.U.4 &ELSE% I. Chairman. 16.31. IL EWINCI, - L. F. IttlilliSToN, W. O. BaBOUVE. oesB 1.1 pE GRINDER POISONING CASE, fomplete in Pamphlet Form, }OS SALE B ALL ENTERPRNING NEWS MEV EVER t WHERE. JOHN P. BUNT & CO., Publishers S 9 FIFTH STREET, Slaihisic 11.11 en•, post pal& ota receipt 01 Prix • II r IILICGOEHY PLATED Oti T A WASHING 'MACHINE FOR $3 00 (Al.l. AL 1 EXA-111:1E 1.1.11 YOUASSI.V.E.'S FURNISHING STORE; No 68 Federal Street GEORGE W. HUBLEY oe.s NBN 000 L S. We base Just reeelyed direct from the EAST tit N MAI% r FACTURE:RS, a large Rod well sr. tested stock of all the :swal at, les of HOOTS AND SHOES FALL IND WINTER WE-AR, &DIEN' AND MISSES Gum and Felt Over Shoes Cheaper than an; noun In the city. J, A. ROBIN-SOY 44:. CO 61 EAEHET STREET, Next door to BARKER'S Dry Goods Store. THE PITTSBURGH PAPER MANN; lACTURIV C0.31.1 . 16.2PY odor forme SOO balls. Crown ilirspplam Shape., 000 Wis. Mediums . do 1,000 bells. lan.llom 1.000 Lna. D. C. and D. 11. do rhea have also on hand .n conataatly reentvint fmln then IRUJa, hl &RILL& PAPER of all ts tights anal alma. RARDWARE PAPER of all eighta and PR/NTS, DRY sad BATE LD RUUntiO, AA, ate. At quantif tea and sites of PAPER MADE TO OR DAR at the attortaat Satin, to wait entatotnara WAIF ED 1,000 TONS OF GOOD MIXED RAGS 1723112E01•5Z: 112 THIRD STREET •alit PIT CSBURCIII, PA - - )RUM . 6L .CS, lays on hand • /aria nuortmnat of MOWING MACHINES. mrcort_serin FILALIESM9, Straw Craters, Scythes and flay Rakes, No 28 and 30 OHIO STE2II7, luy4 A.L...EGIELENT COME ONE, COME ALL! GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING s r rt_)ltlE. Nos. 18 St• Clair St. The attention of the public le called to the huge and eatenalre Kock of GENTl•Ftislif'S FOR- It ISRIPIO GOODS, suet operred at the abort. mentioned place, which I am now s. offering ict great bargain Any one to want of the abc,ve Gonda, lath and It to their advantage to give me • mut, and examine my Kock bcdor• purnhaslng eta. whom. They con and the tersest and beet selected Kock of Floe White Shirts, maze atlas, terelegoe Shirts, Woolen, llotton and LAshi Thread Under. sh endeine and Drawers, Scarfs, erything Nett Tiaa,3yortaooks,irt4, Sus- rs, p Ehitterfilea, and ev4 to the Gentlemen's I'i:irritating Goods, in the city, Remember the orate. 12 sad 15 St. (Nair etrect. SAMVEL L.EVIII. N. t 4 r . IL . f . Uol .11.1 T a i . Modern Houses For Sale. Handsomely located en Webster street, (east aide of West ColonsOW.) near Milo street. eons rean4ln6 a flee Clear. and In a cleanly netebborbood. The houses ale of modern build, and Carbine all the Conveniences USUALLY FOUND IN FIRST CLASS HOUSES Apply for further Ittforigattork 14 S. S. 11111(AN, Broker, 59 Foutth St., (Hittite's Building.) ILEREAtij, L EcE i t I of the Gay and 00Unty et AllltabenY, end Etete of Penni, dIC oh ale XaIIiTIMELIELABI Z"gTEI NT of the Untied States, dated May WM Dr; roe improvement in km for Oil Pooh, sot tAus baring DOUBLE guide.. that Ix, "DUILIM" ON EACH LINK OF THE JAR, and glee, din obtain TWO other Patents ter improve. meet. In "KOOK T JOINTs" for OIL TOOLS, both acted May 2d, WM NOW TAKE NOTICE.. Tbet Any person or peR MAKING rsons INFRINGING on nald Patents by EITHE, VENDING or t'S/P1() EITHER of then WITHOUT MY CONSIXT, will be proreouted to th e FULL ES. 'TENT L iu LAW. cel4nissrs ROBERT H. LEON T.NOTICE. ALL STYLES OF Moots and Shoes f3B MAP KtT EiTREET, SOUTH & 110/311, lONCY GROCIRY—'rhe undendgiaM Aelopettut • • ENTIRELY :NEW STOCK iensh and WELL .SEldsarED 0.110131:81133 ' , their NEW STUBS. In addition toot/gismos • litter, ' some can .atfestion to th eir stoat. of Earn MOONDC. II9 'AIta7I=Es . 8 , ttitSlTXat earner Mrs, and MOTT 1044 Pigs; QUW9f ,i 1 ta. ~ .. 0!r.1 r:rt 1:11--, .:4/..5.;,,...../.:'1,. DRY GOODS, Tr.:l4M NOTICE. WE HAVE THE OHOODE ADVERTISED. both 2144tiaxitity and ►6t3s pities named, many Stalk equivalent to that contained in five or eta ordinal Marti. WE OFFER 300 PIECES NEW SIL.S.S,Iloixd civiothati belong:Jai to former purchases. -WI blri 00 COMINIU titian to this departmeat, airing to oars Mtn( the Is!gest to the West, ' sad we atll Silks Al cheap Ail tot hu goods. W E OPE Elf ,?,two PIECES DRESSI3OO/1.1, ribracleral rides from to PA) Dec fate. Deslnes very ben re.. Ooburvt, /x4* vado, sta., or, prints at 'Jae., aid good ditto at WM OFFER 2,000 SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, 01/Ibtaclng all the deslrsb:s Gnat variety of Cashmere Lone Shawls, Wool Plata ditto, Brolhe dim). and' Ye!wit, Faztay and Plain Su'gun, Emluee. ♦e. nese we sie gen- TEAT CHEAP. E OFFER LINEN OGODS of IS kind.. Sheeting . .., Pillow 111331! Caen". Table Glatt*, Brown and Bleaehea All kinds and itui, Wiate . and Gatared Border., ditto N• plans, ditto Done, ditto Y °welt. Quilts of all kLuda, pLslo and elx. broidered Tsble sod Plano Corers. Table Covers II the yard, and Toweling, Crash Ire., eery cheap I E OFIFER CLOMEI NG!a, sILEC VELVErs, els widths, C lored anal Amur Silk.; Castor and Earystmairs Elea, en. black and f ancr colors, and all tba other STYLES t.F CLOAKINCI adapted to the present season. Price, from 41,51 to sio,f 0. OLO6RSAULDETO ORDER from our own materiel, and warranted to dt. WE OFFER 'lOO PIECES FLANNELS, lied White, Yellow, Gm, Blue and Fancy nanitels of all kande, good Whitc Flannel Attu cents! Beal Shaker, hoary and extra berry, at 55 cents; Conn trl Harrel Flannels at GI sexiest others cheap in proportion. nE OFFER 300 PIECEIO PA NI SIDFIS, caullmerel, 1 weeds, 2kle toce, Satinets, °seinen!, Jeans, ha. Good cw...eres, Aa. good Traedo 6,U cents; Good Sattneta sod Jean. at 3734., Together with pall line* of everything on N Co 'T I -06 N S DRY GOODS, Wholesale and Retail 137i'MZI J. W. BAB.KbR & CO., 59 Market Street. r,INAL SALES OF tiOPE IEtiIViENT lioßsEs AND mt:LE.S. Qv anTen VAST= 13 - £. - 1111"..x WanttaUTOM,D-th,oct. Iw-, Will be sold at ptiblinauctban doting the month of Not ember, to the tiliheat bidder, at the time and places named below, viz KEW YORE. New York (Iity—TUEiDAY or each week, too Sl L'LES rack day Philadelphia. Pa.—THURSDAY, .Noretriber 9, tri., and =, 100 HORSES each day.. Harrisburg, Ptt.—TrESDAY eihh week, too MULES each Any. Harrlaburgh. Pa.—Tlll.ll.tiDA T, November 2,9, 10, and 23,100 HORS ES each day. Mechanicsburg, Pa.—TUESDAY, : itoyember too HORSES. Alice/town, Pa —WEDNESDAY, ffovembet 10, lOU HOlts.E.s. nonsr:, Pa.—FRIDAY, November 12, 100 Cheater, Delaware count b Pa.—WEDNESDAY, November :1 bblloll,l=s. - . Titusville, Pa.—THURSDAY, NoVember 10, lOC HORS.E-s. Titusville, Pa.—TILL'iISDA November 10, too HORS.M. _ Thum . 'lle, Pa.—TIILTILCDAY and FRIDAY, November = and 26, l 2 MULES each day. DELA WARE. looWilmington, D ch eI.—TDESDAY or each ereolz., HORSES ea day Wilmington, DeI.—F : RIDA.Y of each week, LOO each day. MARTLA Da!Wooer, Md.—WEDNESDAY, November 16 HORNE.'S. - . Bsltimore, 511 —WEDNEI-;DAY, November 29, 100 If.I)RSES. GIT`...ITIORO f:SIIA YS andTIII.TNILIS's of e3o.h iu fie. , IINE-S each flny NU SALE. , ItItCES WILL TIKE PL.ICE _ . AT Fii\GTUN L.O. At this series of sales all the Government anl mais will he dinposed of. Buy - era ahontil therefore AI nll. t hemselves of this last opportunity to pur -4,.be l'or soles of public mficrotle Cu the West, see of. lklal Wc.tero newspepers. • Animals oth bo cold .tasty. Sales to commence at ID a. in. each UT. Tom e—ChtSlf, in United ...tate, Uurreoce. 7A.3SEI A. EON", free. Haig. Gest. It oharie Fist Div. Q. OL O. 11. ME= pITTBBUROII STEEL WORKS, ANDERSON, COOK & (SUCCESSORS TO JONES, BOYD 4, C 0..) Dlronfaethrtnt of the hen :vine! (les% Steel, spun:, Vol end of all aVIII. F... • nee, rbili 0 43 6 s , tel Lu Heaping and Mowing Machines. Ste,l Plow Win's, Spring., Axles, di:cullers, Ike. Call and Common Plough and spring Steel. U®.—Comer of Ftret and item deems, two blocks above the Monongahela Elousa. saran' 1/Sgt . :IRE YOUR EILLEITER OAK LLB INSDRANCR CO,, . . OF lIABTFORD, COMA% HE ONLY LIFE INSIIRATICIS 002PANI IN ardnaloA that now make 4 and pays an an. 011.1 \CASH DiViDENte on the ems and sash aulmequent payment of premium Its CASH LIATITAL and accumulatioa oget.armooo sebum's ,- (vowed la nubile atoolts and mortgages of REAL ESTATE. It Ur now In Its lith gemt ol busilittn, and to the WltMcall LSD on. mum Of It. 41:1SOMrt the sum of ONE MIL -1.01.4(1 11014..A.E5. To Ode datomot nine& ease gin. Of OthcatiOn boa octane - red. an evidmmelhat Oampm sad pur qeslint fie a opedgitkwitO_ Th o P o o o . l os 0 ( 0 .111.0010 n tap nOttorreirsd by reason et con•payment of premium after. abe. second year. No Pep env repotted, utters M.n rearktme wawa coat lattegood through JlO. evrtens: iT. 0. MAXIM t, Pecendent. N. N. PALMER, VIM rtesldoo,;'' S. 11. WHITE, b)ecnitam i• Branch Offlet fps Wentent.Fen/11:01 Circulars and Blank Apltillaa 00 004 0 (14 kuffdflh. ad} 30. Wolte letrebt. Pittsburgh o cAltlyd WX,DE . Ault. in ! bup mammoent the s State tate.'„Apydy to Agent. ~ . • Q TELAITnnv.r. Xhxc ) P-1 32 Frl NO. '2l• W YLIE STREW 4 oitota bEth CITITifiCk M y ~o7p Fait IsEW LefITERTANX. . . _ , PiN/Z 4. 11 41 1 1EATELV14.1.1161 1 . tadi Lubricittin t z, a ~ renittas suauty.tac Rate mutts .1D ow a svcrOcittanca go: L. , ivrpff. , LTITLE, DAVID ilt*PAl'Tl3ls4' ~,t a.:::. n t; :I: !Net I.l*.cattimatitonia, .-.:- It.l r. tt, t t,tt.-:1 to it $:) it..) , t i N sw GOO , E New Trim mings and Ornaments, Bead Gimpandßuttons, Rich Bonnsi and Scarf Ribbons, Fine Gilttifid Pearl Belt Buckles. Rich Bilk lieltiru ,- -a new lot. Bargains !khan Handkerchiefs, Real lace - (bars and Setts Needle Work Edgings and Inserting, Cambric arta Hamburg Bands, Magic Buffing and Casks Frilling!!, Real Drawl and French Veils American algid Enzlish Hosiery, Gloves and tlauntrets— styles Zephyr, liV4)l and Knitting Yarns, Taffies atulDhildrens'Unierlear, Balmoral Skrts--new styles Duplex- Skitls, French" Corsets, Gentlemenitithirta Collars Ties Merino and Silk Underwear Hisao Kid Gloves—all sizes. UNTO Will Ind It to adrantare to eel gad arse. Lne njarstoak bedikze ptirch. • 17 . , ASICOM ' Uhl et CARUS/a PD. STREET, IltualersS. PL, osll )86b. CRAI4O OPENINC, Nos. 18 arid 'BO Market Street • I. ON Haring econple4d oat EXTENSIVE Rl:Pants, r. extend a cordial Invitation to eyerybedy, and, the Ladles In papHautax to tall. sad •..mll2. one' of the LARD , MX AND BAST HELEOTED AND CHEAPEST SIDER of Trimainint4 , ; Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves, 'll.ney Goods. Fnrnish inP - Goods and flotiblits ever brought to this city. To our 110LE4I LE' CUSTOMERS We eau r tree SOCIAL 1A56611 , 13, an ere now eelliag a pent many goods MACRUV, (CLYDE & CO., JOSEPH HOOFS & CO., El . ' Gfc•oros, Otero Tritcntinge, Cloak Ornaments,' - , Real Lace floods, New Style Belt Buckles, {lent Make Bilk Belt. Inge, Head Ornaments, New • [Scarfs, Hamburg Fbnpcipsa i Linen Etenalkarchfers," Salitoral Skirts, Brialaust Shawls, In fants' EOjit Hoods, Infants' Zephyr LOgisus, Neer Empress Skirts. Glows and gauntlets, 'Win ter trnderionartor Men, Ladles end Chil dren, :oriole and Alertandie SU' Gloves, Lirdies' White Castor Gloves,; The- above and many fOther 'floods in GretSt Variety, at WHOLESA4M--A1111) RETAIL. • ilia ROANE ee... Astd If mama= ST WHOLESALE MAIMS 17P Sl'.ußs apple .AT w. W. MOORHE AD - 1;5 , 81 ISl4rket Street. rtrz.t. LINE oi ithrimuria clocnxiia, Genta l pse s an* _ . -.. • woo WI- 170 go LEIRE:tc:OII4,I falliLnkrAGs... ermeoorsztkas, Botiarc_unvociab.. vaLvkzr .ll.Us. BOAS, putoarta 1 1 81305,4 , 44" • , ock,i sz t, :j !tdoidepants la_rta or 'man. sig. 44 ertleKo *twit Notts': gnu iasetak s ", imam "Dmig Apprel tlLßEClr.-6.o,l3zAch o l o tit l Pao AkOlicliri3Chiriecianit ~ .- )Ig la1 32.4 1111104;,, ; i .1... w EV/Al/n.0:1 •, • • • - Ds, rivrMINGS, &c (Suectit t tcq to EATON, NLACIMBI • ea,, No. h FIFTH STREET t THE LAAAT NOVELTIES OF' THE SEE. SON az* mw: nettled,' la las nab at Ella BROIDtEEM EMERY ANDDRMS TEM' MINOS, IshO.II ars Dalai selectea D DSt. Wusis . of Oda hotumCarbo la ar. prase= lak Now York to taa Quest of stock of o .64slathaaspattlenlar Urn/. Among _ _ izciwOmicrinozzEr:iaisti' - wcr..7.1311114113Ng4 lad Jaconets,i nrgs; Swiss ' - Trench Gimp .Bands, LiiienSlei)ves; Linen Maras Cos, Handker4lefa LaOrshalaingi. The I:II24IILEDITIT33. ntlettintlivy' or.. Pe RTELTZM will Dr Tourd - le be:1%7;1144 and entbace• falthem. ..• . . Si) • MERINO. SiD.q,F4a trNTAI44 , /..0S .13RAWRIL$r SILK stult2sNbitEle;..__. , : . cation LAD L HALF liO.E; ZIEGLEGE ' • NTLIt A.N.LISITEeiTiaTDItiRCIELIERS: GLOVM:-.-=lde ead lonsia; Lles,Andm , i eelehra#ll twip.teettt. IP-; H. EATON. No. 17 - FIT - TH ST BATESA BELL. ATTRACTIONS. ll and oxerUlso our _ NEW GOODS FOR SPREADS. , 11; hi 08AILLE8 WHITS. 1 1 - lonOT-Comb Quilts,' f eRIB BLANKETS. ;7.• Na 01 Fifth Street.. I , 14 MACRIOR & CARLISLE, Db. pa FIFTH STE-EHT.- DIERCeANTS AItD DE4LERS 1 ENDO, OCTOBER N. Less Mai Eastern Jobbers. Kos, 7: Old 80 !bidet Streit HAV. jrST OPENED cr/..AL, Hooititauric. 4t. tusaccr't3ttime
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers