I IWAII7D- 4 - bLk,i - 1;i -------- twuar.t - W tu,TouPrittati ZwayPia Lf 0r.7, Nene? or Peps and st. Ciair sancta. • r.... 3,1 ITTI44_Q/BL WANTED =an urn..t oxut. recta tetdb - to reze i ce[n of ra,oiwg. arted. oue wtiA 'attrril" 11241 42114164: t'uto I,iero-vou sao. ctd et ioxt 4 taittatirivin * .c 0.400. rAL , 1474), SaCibir !" rittultif*NeLt4sir til-atisod to filore. ;teed S ara *lNA ttatai ta th pest of rater* , e.ve.t. '403. at - samirsta.katipe, • No. Is& Oials artrott. Art7VD, A SA LEsivAiir' ktpairited 'WWI - ite 1:4 7 'Good. In:Lento., ar,4.0 c. , _.,. , NiiirE, Orcil.e.co., •.,. ""I '- ' ' -., - • . az 25111 freak:, , WA.ti TED. —mi • •Tz ...EVIC"XXLE% •7 ' InMary s . * 4 ItIEV: KM-QUM ARP :. 3, . • • ,ST j LL Mt. tz it . jr.W tcil. : '• • ' = et! „,, ,, alaParalij ' • 4 taa*tkot le lPa ti =e , lrttra..- 11 ,.: kw% both .Esef Alt l ieettirlarrrevieo '.. ruin lit thwHEtetwaormug4=:ouximi n rgazierlib , onilkeirment trw 20 zeort In. Mal wiwolei kkeesoogizel abobtkoktrikagettejotlf.say py matt wrwra; Aso muinktalnal fakettactin ! ourriegeraele. of,tkirfeeti;k2al... krateketrorMenee.ot-the-se any ether work 1111 .LIZIerTa .11... ~,,, ; -; -•.; i one a MOS men_ bldg Mar ellertuaal . ” „ ... ._is moat) 10 ~.,,,,,,, Ira" amt . it sm.,: We . ;Lave , iteW 14 • 11 — g; Web Its 14 Ac t prove Se lebagat MaeL lams,. ."4=o ,awco4 rtri , e1141,._ ' ,fs . w. 7 ampiato,=-L pi: - ,: •, . 1.0 413AZz-roltquarm. A PAIBEI of Ist Acres within a miles of Lars. meet atitina, on tee Perms. Itailroar. The im provemeght Alla a hewed iow ozone all barn, young al tr eilardi legates woodiuo sews Maar. youths, he• • limbered. ase, r 494.94140 rd.iolitimr the Born I tai s ti ViteW Luelar mlePteo tor - got river hot. dr&fand LIS ylkstiipp of 444 rattgr4 • Alio, ADA& Ben!, a owy-Yalua "le tract of nib. mailicisidinelalankeitatilalailFAttl Peres, aftustel at the cascemi- zormintta.,az oraimille, and Unaided .eh the sooth.by 'Oopeatermiz Rho& ...port Mr 'rain here ere - [bred 'strati& or Wit naeordies,lm• F t w denaorcerceeht - mod wcoad aturnron•OPetred Strata af ore is a t goad Mignetia and .111.'014 thirty. utree per cent Of Iran. lid Myr in moat to Inaiitity air &trots ytelq to,M)O toes to the we ileaatty/lore, and reducing Chia crude mess to anof dollars sad *mate, reenacting the value of ore Cl 141 cents per ton. thla strata award hen produce ens hundred thousand dotter& In addition to tali we. hare tweetty•ftre acres of mat-pats opeptal lad to maccessfal operation at he RCS eat time: This property Is worthy the at =then of capitalists. 'The Investment would be nuti arid cafe. Sperimerm of ore can be area at C IFZI No. 1. atomic sod eels farm coatairdog MO sere& llttrate to 'Cherry Toad:whop, hal ms county, Pa., Dear the valise of Greenville: the 43PrOremente ore 0 two-ataxy frame house, the largestz best, 4 67. .the toonteri fenclzoi generaint alf SW' 'cleared.' the remainder well thaw , .12 gOOd,PI4 ows rrhich prodeeer crops' of nay: , i tsfort, welted to-ehn ;ftehoellt.,wl/14 sWnes, Ae. property will no solsvery aces &60 G l / 47 oleo. L Fiala:dr Bir Agora; in lialda townstly, W o 4 , thatfln .o o4nlY, Pa. ''Win be told 'ahem _Abiathe i grt fawn da m the'lliOrleztgatnaln Myer ibetVenze 0 8010 Keeeyort, Allegheny Ps., eentatelagabout aarey Thellnprerneilis are yoseurikrase and pant, wan erfb an wagon Wted„' with other Oatkaltnurk A large apple clawed Of between WO 6.0.0 . 600 treat 60 QW.nra feelale..P o ae Wee% alfe 40 tone trees. Also, ihWaloldlo rerwie Mirabelli Township allegbeny Ocr,P24,eontninint about 7:9 sores, r Masted &beat threat= nazi Oahe borough of ,litralletto The' taPro Ere alarge Oriel ;Image house wlthagne well fintstuak rooms; resat - Bur lawn Mtn:at% stormitied byorwkiental trees; • No. a tam with many et lOW fenolag; 10 serer oft: Yery:ball White Oat mbar. It IS 111/4 bed a OW of amnions land, and Ls all onderialdorlth • For turthstpatimilavrattqatni of ' /d.'TO Beal 'Estate Agent, d. 161 Fourth 'treat. FOR SALE OR RENT, ON PERPETUAL LEAB.E. 5 an that piece or parcel of LARD la the City of ' 4 Ilegheny, neretofore in the occupancy of the p . enpel/esudo Rotnuad Company, by the mites sod bounds of' !null SpPrprisioa by tho state of 3 rank far 111 occupation of the Perm lf,,,.l",4ltisilibia °mat the same haying reverted to the liglaial owner by the abandonment thereof for the shiest contogplatiniby tea Onatinonwesith in e. yy/mCOIICIII.LIIIII off the proprietor topiarist Demo , p All that portion st LoodsMoupfed as aforesaid 4ortheFenna.trans; Wag rit the owl& of the el l.P.Oeny riser. thanes nort h' toßotneson street, kieloselita the assail Wein betensen.the two locks ;litholtut.let., thereof. the width of the acme tone .amatained turthe'aettiTmirvey of the Fanciers ;fin the State in laying out said canal and basin ibetsfeerithe s m ini AU-that po rt ion of m A ai from the north • .:sidapf Robinson Onset to the south We of Lea. :rock street, being in length nboUt 20 fiat. 'MSC. 241 that pantos of said canal frail the north hdde of Lease* street rattAwardly to and laahnb. bp the basins. • , • . l - st fist ll at portion of sail %mist from the basin ;slow said eastirardly. to Bank Lane where the ;game intirseeted the canal. •• ALSO. All that no/tfon of mild cana l . tainted between ;Sandusky str . 0 sod ittemson street, being awn; .500 feet in length with the irdth, of oithl canals 4.14 p.t by the Engineer, betweaiial sod 7p IPA heretofore C All that portion of Land heretofore oeenplei by All renns. Cons/. comprised fa etiWort NC. 41. be. • tins *boot 400 fest in length with , the breadth of For Chic prciwtp, in IndismitaMe,title will be :made hi fee or with Yo rd warrantee to the pordisser or prashasare oell4wd WM. uotartspx, near Susitenaton Bribe. :FRB DWALLFRO FOR BALE, Ark ijoated at Atte corner of Conran rind Davis suede, Idarroth ward,. Plitaborgh, having a front lot gi fart I ahltron idunaan street, and eaten& L along Dicta Moat lin feet, on which la erect ad a New Two -Storied Brick Dwelling, • in—tmeieg ...ea rooms. bath room and drawn: ' loom, di:tilted attic, small house, cellar ander the Matte DOM& with somata dear, gsa and water, 'illraff`m large range In the kitchen, marble mantles mid dna .11alited crates In the patio& Mani room and bed =MA hafnium was built In the moat durable number, and firdahed to she best style, for the Mines own dectipatic7. amp* Men beat , Any. Innt.trees sad • dna selection of dowers. any prianne 'letWoos of examining Um proper sy, will eall as the Orel:nisei. ZoW occupied by hIr.THOIt,SNOWDOR. and they will rarely. bir th= partial:dam terms. && antalowl FOR Siii,E, THOSE TWO RANDSOME THBRE STORY BRIOIC HOUSES, co.. so sad al. on the east Ede of WIST COM. Islam near the corner of Milo street, built and lawnhed throughout In a superior ma nner l Oral' every rangers convenience and imptoventemt, ,and et present ln perfect °Men one of the clean ..est and swat dealtabLe altultlons to Allegheny. , eositstioeon the Lt of April 1 830. .E B qtll.oo or TAXES T. PAMPLE, • Beal ittate Broker and Insurance Agent, oehhtf No. 05 Federal st., Allegheny. ; FOR %m.s. A Well F.alshed Frame Two. tory Dwelling, Lerlaie SIX newly Paneled end Painted, lumeele, nert , PORTIOOy/SYDRART Insideand outside Cue R THE LOT Is Fortsolve hot Ron% by One Ran died lest deep. .Fl' GRAPE ARBOR FRUIT TREER, he, Paumagnitlll teem on the tot ol All2l/ next. Also, A A 11/ Also. TWO - Possession iiii . %7p — veaoix Ist of AM next. The proprietor trill either set, 6r sizage for CoantrrPrOPutP -Intik* or G. TOWER, No. UM Fourth street. item Estate ih : oler en d L T n mii ß e L e PL g S t, atuotnrsir,t . 8i Federal etre All/4hour. FOR EILLE---AbOut one flail an acre of OIIOUPLIsi the Hurts of Sprlssolste,, Ans. theersonhly, on gnash Is erected a two soary erase Doelllag Roan, bed out, belLOoth law Lotls weillegtofe4, 'hating a And number of lOU ones end stapes. The Anegheas , arid Iftoe. .PSII &IL:posses in' trent 01. Ma ley sue .there soli tea atat.l4 lefts /Aprils or property. Itstot, sal* kefors.',lls 07th Of iktobar.li,wl/1 be eok et 'Ens safe., ri3C pll/41118114 0/140,0 Or 31 " L BWa ...Pa tae 1e4.0: of O. Q. TAM LON, AlOyspLelll4.o4o.llllDlamondiltrOst,Pltte. ;torah. - ocles;11111oct ,1 WOR RATA 'A LOT OF -GROUND, con: ;441Wain about 'pste Aare, attneterte Pitt Tp, :I Vr ra ralleelf 11{134* of °apt. &ere? Noonproperey I/ delight. lean* leatteevbfer °War .111 - DoBl.oli' Of both *OM 1 - 1141 ittEAlleghear ftec.'s ilia beautiful *mkt tors, ocratrr-Rpleam, but will be . gold AUotittbfkbria !az •lbrteteY,tbipisit* Of - the tatleregted, lgo. Of t o bjacmclairett,Mahrsh avg. Or • 0 4 1 xeir '''tieettbete of B .'E. - M - Goerte - de& .1 OR `lle Melt Clerelling, No. we Wyte street. 1 .1414 118 " Ne—aaaa , ereLef the estate of 14 . . , Pew, deo% ll,rsoverf&Vginbelek M,s'aerate Fulifo.ll/4 wor,E, —6—Way an ,84 L 0, 01.1XGRALtiallIte any mu trrortvorarwrin g &bout tat liqn - ?ugly andEl& l 4.lsti toil &alma ' &RN ALw lu loall.". *Us )13mittilat.....ermeakeon ttinA&Mhen7 'flout Ttuireir &awe y • ism fx(' 'two Heasewisl& bi kzi, itutumsa tor its ittlutorretti As Lsnattos• VW& LY_DAT EWE% -. • ..,011eDoOrWlewlvap Bagman& Way. , 7157. TEN 73. zauca44. zront. atom:wort. I , Etnal. 114,4achnt.4 jougg-tr.s.m... Mr. EDWIN ADAMS. ¢`'O !s 4TtIV."4 tI. ? I' ho 7:77 4 TLhr.. 1,! rho aerl; or, Lore levJle eta. au 4.l)kilLA. con,Nas Till TWEE LS TILE %WALL I (Vitae /101388. 4.tuer • Atetsperesa,XLSSr ANNIE EBI7IILS rur..rrr of the beet:a; Cubeu fiVph 'NAME Xt./E, who will Appear In beatitma deem end W 4 GILBERT Al 77171170 ItrOed sirnte Rod Km& uotebet. rRIDAT EvErtmG,Oettnlo.olollntr•pde*ttb vissiwiret.i.oi`otz YrkE Ea limos or ..010 ... ..... Abat t7 II e, too. Luk. aul • s,Slyekteß. TO. ifiiiWiciT•srfii tiOVAx Set um Satorda ywtetaoonQTatlel!ht t ito "r}loom. BOAI T ILZY T , i/Zi 6 TRELS 14ErY,9 35:41 4E 14 0 , -11 0 . 4110 N 0 , ti kt. lat meitojamoot#3,o44 rr &ve7IBI,AT tarzmurci. °axon= 21at The law.* and to tmehted. Teo_ tmoweep 0r *1E17,77. numbed,* SrosTErarwra. , A u soiExDetuttanirr i swrFin gliumar.Eß. An new MIX ere* meta, eupported by the entire gt 7, -Detb tha Cal:apart,. Wore open at 7, o commence et 7%. Athals sion se cents. Reeerve4 imam k, cents. ott Mt. SILLRPLEI" San. SANFJR O , , CHAS. a comm. Atenc. ONE WEEK ONLY, noteneing 'MONDAY, Oat loth. RETI7RNOF TBEFAVORITE, THE, CARTER ZOIIALVE 'TROUPE AN TOILING rzat tug BRASS BAND. TWENTI" STAB nutroamsE{A, The management point with no small arattflets t ion to their list of Vativallo? Performers and F.atraordinary Rovitithia sadAttraitione, andbeg to &tome the public that they bete not stopped at any expense a hien would enable them to DEFT COtriekTITION, and cattle, every_, other travel. lny estahltldiment in the tottery. They point to the rewutt of their en Torts: with Justifyable pekle, and look with songdeneeto . a generous and sours. .elatlve 'public to reward thea for their untirine efforts to afforlthen en ATTE koTivE, CHEAP and ROTEL' ENTERTAINMENT. HR. A TER has, t a norm s ee, purcha C d ß in Londoo the n L ew an ou wonderful ()pi-MIL ILLUSlLLN.ineretted by Prot Perrin, entitled PEOTEES; or, ITe Are Bete But Not Herr, exhiblten each evening in oolactee Lion with the seam novel and ',teasing eat 'loin meats of the (21,t cr Z 'nave Stonne. Tlcket a 55 cent.. Best. ved soots 60 coats. 0r.!5:9t..1 I. 11. W STY:EWE...Agent. T.E NN Y t•UN CLUB LECTU MKS. ofAtlLherramgargeofflil ft:t.L4,fitureontlo,cAmlittt:. Lane's Ilualtrd number of ctlaSE TILIETS for the Season of 11903-0. The 'Wt of Lecturers for the cOrraOS SOason "Mka h ei .alt3T3 e £ l- 16031P0N, WAIr SLO CFARKISON. WENDELL Taiztars" R.Ev. S.' JAMES E.' MURDOCH., RT. REV JOHN I3DNITY TIOPLIDN, And Others. A Comae of TWELVE LECTURES Will be given Irota the FRU ol rioveratier next. OBolltiE THOMPSON, the great English omMOner, Int/ deliver TWO LterruEg be fore the (Nub on MONDAY and TiTESDA EVENINGS, Norember GM and 710. Mr. Thompson will lecture only fir the Tenni, ion Club. Season Tickets 03,00, now for sale at the pill:id. T al Burmßook,a sesta Mush asuT will ur tatog res t . heldat the lectures for polders ofaeason tickets without extra chsrge. odr:dtd (72X1. T. VANDOREN, Preal. AUCTION &ALES. 62 LABOR LOTS IN EAST LIBERTY, ADJOLNING THE SECA K ESPEA.RF... GAR. DEN LOTS.—On Saturday- afternoon. On l .=Stli at m itMciork, on the preudses. 'will eel I, than: third addg i on a t l2 o ta l e? 1.14gy. anfrimutsdttli; =teat P e a:ltig e e i r . Enliv e n . y Srtronn=fast The Lotme c re 60 by 1:0 feet, sunounded by 64 ft. streets, and in the handsomest situation of East Liberty. One lot contains nearly three sires, Sale is positivt, by order of Court; malting this the most favorable opportunity for buying large and valuable lots. Terms, one-third cash, balm.. to one and two Yearn, prl h interest; rtre to be paid on each lot when mold as part o cash payment. A FREE EXCURSION TEMP( will leave the Pennsylvania Depot M= O'clock precisely, en the a ay or sale, and take LlClie• end ceoUeroen to and from the sale free of charge Nonleksts required, 0c.24 A. IIcILW4INA, Auctioneer. pHATT'S 28TH REGULAR ANNUAL BALE.—BOOKS In every department of Lit. Mature. Selectee and Arl‘beautiful notAirraPb Albums, Floe earnlls Bible., Letter and Oommera dal Note Paper, bniveles, Plamonfr Pointed Gold frt.', Ae., AT atraizorr EVERY rirEtt• dMayG; Ili o'clock, and at private tale Ourlng the ea amoramr auction pri m , until the stool 11 alflOid, at maz.vreaNrs A 11021051 111/061S, 106 Smltbffeld street, apposite Use Port 081 are. 14 ILA eollectlon see such work. sa I,pplaton'a Draw Rae/lean Cyclopedia, alo robs.; Bancroft.% History United States, 8 vds.4 Prescott's Materiel, 16 volumes; AppletouratnatronarpAteclanicAl calob i, epos plates; Ure's Matlartsrp of Arfa and Mentes, vols ;Wenner'. DictlonET, DV Dlldela Waverly elovele, ti ro'a.; complete works of ?dn. 1014 Baott, Ooopers Mien SheXe• apearo, Byron, Al vre, Burns, JoSephus, Chem. ben, Inca, to m - rolumeqmpo...nlar krav elx,,Stor.er, Tilsit, Sc. . • rasitmerNE, I. K. Plume 800.. Salesmen. angst pusLic SALE 11.4 Ag.r.PGE.E.KT OIT V —The tuidemigred will offer at-Public Sale. on the prelate., In Allegheny City, off SATURDAY, Oct. 28th, 1888, at 2 o'cloek, p. za.,the property Where DIM. FORD not, limey ma Future Lute, Allegheny City, adjoining the Tannery ;of Job= Taggart. It hairs trout Of about MO fent on Pas tore Lane, and extend, bask about 400 feet. It is a part of John 0 Ifern., plan of tdotiot Belief, to feuded to Place Book eaL .Vpage 74 and embraces 2S lota of sold pia; being lota numbered 4 to R. It has geomfartable Frame HotUre, and the grounds are ;Anatol pith good Iruxt tree, , he. It could be divided into zeVaral good bolidi g lota, or. if Inc. prayed ae a whole, It would makes delightful tes. mew*. It is offered for sale as a whets, or to cep. ante lot.; to snit purchase., and tn. W.. of payment will hs made ear) P.:48021t0n can Da gayest tausediately.. J. %gr. F. wairE, to IDS Fifth at,.,,. LOTS AT TOR:RENS STATION, 2.T maEstrr..—Friday afternoon, Dot. nth, at 234 o'clock, on the preml•es, will be sold, the to. meining In large BuLdingLots,lroating on wide streets, and situate IMmedletelY a.folning the Railroad at Torrent Stetson, where every_tiassen. get train, eastern and west:ern, stops. They are tml 3 hVl•teiS oPPosine the large Railroad biota!, and stock and in East Liberty, Sale positive, to close oat the entire plan. Terme, ono-third cult, balance to one and two years, with inters:stage to be paid on each lot when sold, as past of payme n t. A FREE EXCURSION TRAIN 'll hare the Penna. Depot at o'clock, to take ladies and g.. tientaa to and from the sate No ttakeksirequtrul cee A. IdeILWAIN. Asia's. I FOR SALE-FOR RENT 'FOE SALE, A' BEAUTIFUL PIECE GROUND of Font Ra i l alf Acres, with. Innen mmutcsi walk of the road Station et Wilkialtrtug (rooting on the Greensburg Tern. bike. Iti, Wm:Many Improved, having a young OlTbiird in bearing; abio, a row of shade trits.4l round the lot; evergreen and ornamental trees six years old. on hundred grape vices• beet varieties: /tannery, her, he. The grounds are harelecenny fenced and Laid out for a erounivY reabilanbe, and will De sold atebargain. Enquire at .TIROS. 110 WARD, No. 83 Diamond it., Pittatnagn. _ _ FARM YOE I:;sart beta 31, Stock and 011.111 Farms in N. E. Mlscorul, con. tabling mo Acres, all under bum over MO hi milli- Cation; divided into golds of nonunion% else; well watered and timbered! 25 miles Rom hilsslacippi nun II miles from S. E. nation; large p art well lulled to hemp and tobaceothoure of nek sod atone. rooms, beside .6 cellar rooms and large uric; stable Stmall feet, granary, meat house, lee house. office, tenant Mucci .orths, &a. Three. fourths of ouzel:Iwo money asy remain la the place if desired. Root an largo as desired adjoin. tam imovalland will be wain connection. Apply IZO l TOttrhlaot EltAte Air?" BionroeCity, Monroe Co., ma FOE d bids bo reeelvia trYthe Committee on CAI Property for th e sale of' the GOOD Tivrtwo Trim =CM 11017 SE, situated oh Wylie Street, near l.ogan, in the Sloth Ward, Pit'slough, until SATOILJAY. Number 11th, et 4 webaarr. Y. The Oorelnittee reservist the tight to In any or Alt Una. Address, I. T. hicLIRIGHLIN. 'Matra= Committee on oily Proud?, Liberty Stint. air gt TWO STORY PRAIRE ROUSE, AND LOT, No. 64 Th4hlarto4 street, Pittsburgh, Lot itS 'rota ttlehtedront, end ID feet dem ateo, owc. 'Way FRAME HOUSE on (Ray alley, Pi tteburo, to feet train. and SI (Setdeep. Inquire of LIEO. SEEP-FLEE tr. CO.. • No lOt Stsithgeld street. Foi' soma-- tax iiiculutsa 01773 E 42W ornas, timjizactlon of To h mod Liberty streets. *Mb) /AMPS liiP7ll4 Im4 At Thx-Patarol. anat. FOR BALE--The HEIR or the fßesmboat 438 94 44 E AP T7 : I 7.I' I win matte an excellent Model awe ter-Onrelint • Oast or Baltrond /rot. Znaulreof 31130/1 AL BOLT`•. _ isotastriel Werke.. Om Reda Ay ca d eineneenostron, Pate 134 LL • ENGLINE BO • Snitabla tor • siwicift... teal. ... L o l l. begat' requiring o olosolig eri ty Or *wilielie App Fat EtzsTranta, =pat F.P17...477Ar• NOTTCTS' farryrzNeticlie...ft HUBBARD, BRDAJDgo. 111 /dETACTIJ/1.12.3 07 PATENT CPOUND CIRCULAR., IT arranted OAST STEEL SA. TTS, of ever/ efe ea 1 iption. WWII, Malay. pros, Out. Gang, and an other rarietloa. AWklrols of KNIVES and SP.B.Leir ,}S madefrook Phoe v ttsat Stool }, Extra EttAat,l ,11FarEILAND MO tin /MYZS ' 5 .. Mr kethonve arm Worlur, corner WAnry load I.OIURT, erztErtsontc.:).o. , • . Port.bsoajmottentloo-gtoen to Botootatnr, Gum 141411 04 .0, 4 Pri0te.,,, ,43 ar tneatkiar Sawn Oa ra. pate. of uirunas. .runat4ao4,D4lll.pg dorm at staaatiat4a rstet. Orafdir. , ,11217 ' • - •' ' " Boiler Makers fr, Sheet Iron Workers • .. _ Mit Pr, Stt, It end 20 PENN EirgEZT. 1 .. . . ' . !lanai se&l2red roves WI, and ftrathha th Ms mat imp 000 'hl to ia _uaa c turtoevelViewrlption a . lo the Dati..,_tatnnet, And warranted . v aug . Ptilt b i;ED — ;Pr t a ,c 7l7" l lloo.lloTlVi ailEitS, G OAD ENS - p n - WWl' PANS, e....:F28),80:AfR! "7 Eitgla. PANT and 'role ufaat i zita rif SILL'S. ran:kr. Bo rknte On t h eattortertnntlen , • , text gir 1446 0 -5- uPEAson Copper Mill and Smelting Works, PrmantraaiL PARK, McOIJRDY & CO. litionfacturersot gaziaffmt, siazlEßs' k MaLT COPPER., PBPSSED OMTEL 1101" TOTILSE 4 .II&I ( SEM ,ST/LL BOriadds SPALTS/i :SOLD Also importers and dealer. In .A.Lbi Att4NowaZttßON W ke., g.,.....4'. Va"4„ l 4-0, AllrrisCr A &ha üba's l a orm snumxi, 'UDD:Ih. 'Spud& orders at CoPper oiltdo Amy dintrad pattern. wkirdAADdida oro. gy~~ n Exuma 4 co, u.utueeuran of CAST BTEEI.; PLOW en d BLISTER STEEL, SPHINUS, LES, CROWBARS, lar - Offlee, Ivo, se H'AT'ER STREET (up .t.ll - .) Prl Ts/IUJu6H. PA. - ,oalb,ll .....saltiMON, REA a isuosesson to Rostrum Elms fi Al:Lucas FOUNDERS an Washi mAngton Works, sTs Arm vall'aprmunt Manufacturers of BUT AND S ATIOR STEAM ENCHN BLAST ENGMEN, DULL MAUNINERY,OU.R.ING, tauvrEnti, CASE. ENOS of all &script lora, DLL TANKS a aril.' S, BOLL= AND SHEET IRON WORK. air - Actors tor GITRADIrS PATENT INJECT. OR, for feeding hollers. t~eJ I T i! l e " of .' llt(M ß 4 t it te ' T 1) ' T ' XI • e i DOORS, IRO N RAILING, WINNOW SHUT. TIERS WINDOW GUARDS, to.. Noe. SSO. OND and Si THIRD STREET, between Wood and Market, hare on hand a variety of new patterns, fancy and plain, suitable for all purposes. ap" nu - Ocular attention paid to encloeing 4311191 Lots done at Wiwi notice. aud TO PI EITWOI7II ISUFFEREBS 0 I BOTH SEXES...A reverend gentleman hay ing been restored to health to • few tlaya e astee dorgoing the o" Verlthout matins ?d u .I =alda x rs h v i l s• sacrelebityW communicate to his allibited fellow. emirates the means of cure. Hencet,on the MOS of an addresSod eitivi i =, he will send, fres, • copy of the prescription Direct. to Dr. JO/IN SI. DAGNALL., ISE Fulton alreed, N. T . midi oyd.wT itar.EIF.BIT Of immense importance to the old and young, married And tingle Of , both axes, win be tent Imo .71L'idlEeIssaltib 00 ., Box sc rlted i at n mag o . 2leit. • mr2oardkoll SATE, BRIDAL OH ARlBltt i Ahl HT OF WARNING AND STEM. THIN FOR TOTING MEN. Also, new and rills. ble tzentazat et tha Urinary an4r3extial Systma. Addzets Dr. J. hiRaLLOIN 11 01: 1 011TON, Row" and Amoclattfut.F4Aladelzplaa, aptay - . - -- PLUMBERS, GASPITTERS,&c - ADDY a ZW-E2O, PRACTICAL PLUMBERS Gas and Steam Fitters, No. 165 WOOD STRER, (OPPOSITE FIRST CIBURCII Pampa, Hydrants, Sheet Lead, LEAD PIPE, Pre & SAE LEAD. AND Plumbers' Materials in General OIL IIErIMERIES Pitted Fp in the Host Approved Style Tanks lined with lead er copper. He.2.n atUld ay with water or pa • }l,—Atiordewrprewspt. voteradtd.to. IM OIL ItEIeINERIEs, v F.ICTOR 118 AND DWELLINGS EITIED OF WITI3 Water, Gas and Steam, IN A SUPERIOR MANNER. Our facilities are unsurpaared„ our stock of goods to lame, sad our crorkmea competent are gin personal oupere-hdon to all ororkeatruerad to ouz care, and ea&avor to glee tattle aatlalaracra. BAILEY, FARRELL & No. 167 azultlifieldatroot, pirrsavacts, PA. PIANOS, MIISTIO, hke NOW BEING THAT ELEGANT STOCK Of CHICKERING PIANOS, Selected pere . ot t lli i by the shbeertber, during t to the Fectory SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS are now open, and ready for examination public are Invited to call and ens Mem. Warrnnted for Five Years CHARLES U. HELLOES el Wood Street, etre Bole Agent for the ehlskerlng Pianos pld_NOß 1117 D ORGAM. THE OELEBBATED BRADBURY, NEW YORK, Schomaoker & Co., Philadelphia PIANOS. THE AMERICAN ORGAN, eul ESTTS a M.'S COTTAGE ORGAN, admitted by dealers, had all who here heard them, to be 'tweter le tone to all other Instrtunenta el the Itintazassot lectured Lo the United states. We; are prepared to furnish, nt the shoteet notice Bras and German Silver Instruments, orrery gestiription, for Maas and Cornet Bands, at reduced gdue. Illustrated Catalogues and PM' Lista furnishol en applleatloa. New and BeooeQrEand Plana for Beat. ALL THE LATE SONGS AND PIEC Constaati,7 OD Mad wassmrs a ELBE, so. 11 ST, OLLIE • yeas a CO.'s., ILIGHICer'PREfaI- Gam. Paler Giabd, tqatririgid 41.04 Piano', with ovine/mit Mai waft WIZ* fall Iran bagmed filmy anfill. aWV Prerrigesitis.. Tb• ton pwik ontusti Ost tsll =Waal °Unman 61tIli kis wmigaiinalsel tote creams WA vriultty vitals austrpausill azir. Via Plan, inumpsMet ef commerce 8 ra Na. 44 STRC Banat d onor abtiveitookb3 weer . BOVKAANO=OI as 00 purrs mem, sosamans 1 . 41,01 4 .11161411 aleah e/P • . 1:11.1<ozs-4.10 bble..ol4lVllnces Aug recto: m ancrwAs t 0 ora nom MAN OA Pi 041 „.. ~,.., e..ilt ,V.11.:1,)11.1.2'':i o t -fn r, ER - :7 7 7 - 7. _ _ GAZETTE T. 2RMS. /131'; Tar:................ 01121 ^ dr. erePl by carriers, SY. 3 week."sea ...... . ............. SO per W.lO .10., eeere-I c‘rriete, IS ceate woe/t.. eekly, ba el ............. ft m. r yeAr. do. 'logic coxes ............ 12.1 X do. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Ontsgreark—ersramto utrmit „ . ._. Daily v.. 4t u• 1.64 Two tim Wo es... , 25 . . . .”4.4 is ' 4 23 Three w.. 76, „,,t, Poor times... 2 10' 175 .. The alwaa-...1. 160. • 2 081 One week.... 275 _ 714,4 251 75 Two oretka...' 875 2 72 1 02i 1 2.5 Three weeks . 0 50 8 4 2 75! 2 00 , 78 Due math...? bt6 5 501 4.4:10i 858 to Taro month.. 82 00 800 5 ,S) 173 *25 Threenactaltui, IS tar 10 150 700 413 23 SIX menthe.:. .2.11 ad' 76: # 6CO 00' ! 12 63 Nine month, oo 17 70 Ira 800, 17 oo Dno Taar.....f 60 001 23 50 IS 00 1 16 , 001 10 60 -6114-10114ementaineorte0 otteyearnbekrtjaut at tl , a'adratillars Natant% it a oriseah per aquare, (or 20 cents 11 . pahlttTo Imoobt • r aturt4eVoalinad to thair l a lothatabtualte2ll.ol. the advartLer. Adreftlonmenta nonfraoted for otkbrWlio daily, will be tase/160 1 13 h ihtth 64 1 1"2 fln dice Tin/moot agroatfalarCASH. 'Death D idttanAlattliasatilocil • 1..a0 Elimpboat ,e4Miailielkia.;"pOrap. = 00 100 YEARLY ADIFERVISINR RATED Armco to . theasoaattanr auctosta t 0 ,01,3 = " 1 .°4 4. rend sob t 11102111.42 dluah6lol3o, *nee a We mutton of now ,luna, went,. in--chabge4olll ak. AV: nsiesa 16 be gained 52 4 0, e ;slant matter. • Clatea / aw, 1 Nate. Maly. ,•treek. th Week. • Wfoll. 111800: 012 0091 11 000 30 OCI• 19 00, 16 00 10 10 MUd NW NW 1000 Wpo___/4_oo UWMw Throe monthm.7. - 61x months Nine months.... One Year gar Notice, double the shore rates, If In aortal one month or mote. For a lea pet - 1.120 acute • Wm. Local notices at such rates u may be agreed Vet, sir A equate to be conaidesett at the *pace occu pfied b tee flora of the oranory adverttathi; type o the papal.. THE NATIONAL SIN - KING FI'SD. The New Yolk Daily nmes calls attention to the fact that. Dv an act passed February. 2fith, 1 -.Ct.% provision was made for the ema'thshotent of a sinking fund for the extinguishment of the public debt of the '•te..l Stakes, to which fund was pledged the surplus 01 the customs, for the purchase ah f ear Cone Cr coot, of-the prin cipal of the funded debt, after Brat providing for the lettere.% and the payment oleo much of the gold principal as might fall duo WithiC each year. The nyhrs makes the foilowingstatement of te e operations of the act Attlee Its passage: Floral year Receipts. To tune at mac customa.. ....... es m ,ocuo To J une 30, 1561. c.otorne • 102,00 u .0.10 To JUDO TO. c[1•1011211 ~,410111,000 Total I.Lree gran_ . Aed orem.urn ou gold gold Gross avail. of ou•tom. Gold Interco(, lOU Gold Interest, lon4 U old Interco, Inets Corronoy, 146 ..... . Cortency, inn intenst ,ato,Orto Hold Total mant Notes paid ... 171 .. 63,63,00 (told Treasury Note. 2,714 010 add debt ..... 2.1it2,000 7 c o n :en ..... Croat Palmer. three lean --- Restating enstorsts surplus II years....SSs9,oon T. r.uk.ng fund in-us.su•n c.snletn; , liitcd that ark:. =king the above preference payments ustutne, -or per rent. of the principal of the funded debt, at least of the United States, If not the entire debt, should be purchased and held u a Uniting fund for accumulation each few. This would have required 10,3 I per cent t 233,661,641 or /2 (336.61 S ($641 per real. 0n....._. 7*,141,451 or 2.:1n5.4111 0.451 per cent on 1.10...617.641 or 1 1.0+6,674 Arrears title slaking fund for three ....... 521,2 , 11,n9 It Is expected that Mr. McCulloch will pay some attention to the subject, now that our finances are taking a permanent shape, and ear. tainly this would seem to be required by the law as:well as the condition of antes. It properly carried Into suet this sinking fund will steadily rrduce the aggregate of the public debt, though of Comae •45 operatiou mast be interrupted ny Mr. McCulloch's movements to tiled the conga cy ancl roa.in,g debt. The establishment of 'ls eledurft road la good sodad policy, which ought to be adhered to; and the flaanees or the Gov ernixtent adjusted to suit It, since It coupe -Ts to the people an assurance that relief from the east burden of debt Is not mars ly kept In view, but hi steadily worked at. The Moral effect of paying up t h e balance due the sinking fond would be very Important, and we should be rejoiced to see the policy of maintain lug that fund begun forthwith by Mt. McCal l/3.a, without waiting for any further action of Conertes. 7be extinguishment of the debt Is the great problem of our galitics jest now, and we most keep that fact constantly la view an all our financiai 1320TCMC4t1L—tore, Amdican. A FI.II.Vt:Z —The eclipse of the ann. last Timmial% was a popular failure, and the astroa• omers are respectfully requested to have it mad over agate under better anspieca. All New Eng. land, New York, Pennsylvania. Ohio end al far South as Washington and Nashville, wee left out in the dark.. The eclipse was toga (they_ oectetlyi throughout that vast region, for the reason that dark clouds took the &Mee off the Inn %rid:tont the help or her nocturnal majesty. The "battle ofthe cloud." was not the battle advertised; and, moat provokingly. alter the principal engagement was over, the certain was withdrawn and there was glorious auneblee the balance of the day. liuhrjUo was la the line of central eclipse, and much was expected but nothing seer. Cairo was In line, and had &good view. At St. Joseph. (also :In the line,) the light was matratileent. and the Cambridge oh aervera ware successful to their best deem. At Washington, where astronomers are plenty. all went well until the very moment of contact, when, a "right smart shower - came up and spoiled the show. ice 1 ,, C. 8. Itoxos.—The Court of Atiettlt of New York hay* unanimously decided that, while Gorernment bonds are exempt from local taxation. "if they become parcel of the capital of • banking Association, the ahareholders abet nevertheless be taxable on their shares to com mon with other personsi property of the cW ten," In other words, so long as the bonds are held Puroly as an le,e,stmeni In the public debt, they are non-taxable, but Shen used as capital of a moneyed institution the holder of them Ls liable to taxation. Goyernment bonds form an important part of the working capital of Nation al bank', and the Impresalms has generally pro, railed that the let of Congress glare stockhold ers immunity from taxation on the investment of bonds. The dectslon will have an important beartrg oh the financial Instltatlons of New York. A Cam:grams FACT.—The New York Timm says : The fact speaks voltunes to fame of the Southern blacks, that notwithstanding the same mettles perpetrated upon them In b ygone y e ars , while in a state of slavery, we have heard ofno Instances of revenge for put crusades since they attained their freedom. Mends nodenabtttutthey were keenly sensitive of their vrronge, even while in slavery. And no doubrthat they have had op portunities, in many cam, daring the ItaltlOar. for terrible retaliation upon owner', overseas, or others who have maltreated them. But they have universally, so far sta we know, forgotten or forgiven the past, end belayed In a really re• markable and prelseworthy manner toward their former masters. Let them be credited with the fact. NOT EACOULIACI/50.-11 LB not an encouraging elan that the articles nasally Wanted (tool Northern Paper", for reproduction to BootaPrn 7ournale.4lll takan knot valiaPttikell alatOtarbig ttle,wg4 opposed Its vroyeautloni detandad at -unroll, and, In 60121761 Instanne, were vat us -4040 rot thefr open' AA' bluer tandnuy to th e GoyeminetA. ~.The Widget of MILL ;thatgho Sonlikarti Incas are led to think that these pa- pixlirlact POWs,. tentlntenr at the Zitatb-,an 'OW 'KU be Who* 'dispelled - wises Cfeeivent eietta. • • , i I • • - Mritetaa-nawi. bt ITheebelb. la a qtr./Let *Vibe 19th but., nub , One year age, wben.larere rebel ermleevere o:,tnaluiPtt . -444 nal 404 to s 4a z onacinZru ft elk eo r 4 o . e the defeat of oar- 44t. 0 01 XAltad TOO Tom the: buli 'AIX at 044 42 1,f Witekigood Pe a t. ; 'Tice I ' yen ream tp operelsAbo argon MY., b6CIOIIO -11 . ' odd slireblite mew. 1 Nowl seiltea gaud by ,the Cralia tivirWighiit Wino Qs eotiatly,!t hstrikesaus tin -there 1. the care alma al iothrseUr put ihoracoultme. .; r NEW tgnser. The ilectinn in n,u , Jere. z, wain. r 7. The rnudiciatts - for .erno. Marcus L. Word (ilepnbli , nni nod Tao - tdo Our,. (Democrat). Ilia fullon ing election returns czplatn itiont aches: Year. Office. Republic.. Democrat. • 1. .4....Pre5....Linc1u... 60,7 r. VV 411,710—PArket ItLUSNE.SOT.L. Tic election is Minnesota Mitts place on November 7. The candidates for Governor are 'm. E. Meenball (llepubllean) anti. Henry M. Rice (Democrat). a The Slate has Voted lii 4.one-sided way for several teats, as will be SCCIIht the 11 . :;ures rut nosed.: Year: Oilier Reptildlean. Democrat: yAMP.,bIu W ,o. o . . 17,375 &05... • RI ..18.b25 W MOS rams. Tho election to the EpapLro State talams place November 7. The candidates arc as follows Otter. °Republican Democrat. Secretary of Stale—F. C. IV. Comptroller lillibtreite_.l.. Robtason. Attorney Generet...JTalintatlate..7: Van 1107 en. State Tr easuree........ROwland-.. AL R. Patrick. LospeMorofprisoas A. Bacumm.A... J . sieN.t.c I State Engineer P. Goodsoll-n•Ft Sweet anal Canstifillstoner. R. 0: Torn A rmst rani. Ct'of Appeale . 0. Perrin. Juke* WM °UK of W. Hunt ...J. W. Brown. Appeals. J. IC. Porter...M. Ctrorer. • Tholollowlng la lo shows the remit of the elections in New lon, for revere! years • Year. Ottlee. Rpull,an. .smoerat. 1.3“..Pree1dent..1.1nee01u.b.30.;33 AlcelelDlan.34l,uu 11.44.• Ilcrrensor.. Fenton _30.15; Vey mon r _SIIeSS4 I Mrs . See. ht ate-Dive. , SI C:l4 St. John_ . V 34,941 I ..Go r....Wedserort h ssia,sat seym our —imam WiscOs 0111. Whmont Cr Tema a Governor on the 7th or November. Lucius Fairchild Ls the Repabilean capcbdate. The Democraoy bate not vet placed their. tinket In - the field- The following Is the vote of the States Year. °ince. Republican. Demmsrat. TN -al ileal.. Canc.:a ...01.4.5N I SS . l..(lovermor . Cowie.... :0,41 61.5di A Note el Explanation from Henri. Ward Beecher. 1:,o New York Tribune Racing lot ocd .trar yof i...rt of Mr. !, 4ortu. (.1 1.1 Sunday I'l the rune', Mr. sends the following exp . ..mato-y note to Trams. Yon arc correct in supposing. that I am no curatelv rer , ark el in the paragraph—. “The laws and intent; oft tie , :ovorninent and of ourselves will prove of no avail, if they ore h. t tie and unpleasant to the Whlle potpie the Conth." • I , as speaking , of the Iraq was of prontolltil, tl.c prospern p the Grade. u, not , p 1 the Zen ,rat polio v the liovurnnient toward. s - ritz, na, reclaimed. It is eminently desirable that the N „nth, and the Govern men , should, by all proper means,alm to secure to the freedmen the sympathy and good-will of their Immediate white neighbors, who can help or hinder the black men far Istare effectually than we can at thin distance. Whatever is donefrom ielMota for the freed men, should, If possible, be an dime as to carry the sympathy of Southern men. Unnecessary offense, all Irrhatleins springing from severe words, and all appearance? of !afro:Mon that ' shall seem arrogant will react upon the blacks. Legislatvie and ettrlsilan phllanthropy in the firth will do much. but. more than all other In ue•ces for good or 11l to the freedmen will be the kindness or the animosity of the white peo ple of the south. t the freedmen could have given to them all their r..Caral ritgils (o( which suffrage Is one of the mixt Important) that wculdso further than •ry single political act to recoil them from lo - Jury and mauve kindness. 7f suffrage were given even to classes only, Mel would powerfully cot tribute to the safety of the whsle Bat. if they are not to be allowtd to rote. I see no ade cinade Interference that will meet their case; and If their white neighbors tarn against them, they will be get and to powder. 12,6.000,000 1 , 711 octo,ow GM=BB .P.PCM.OIXI 16,000.0:10 0-4( sai,c,.. The Cholera lu lirooklyn—The Proper 'leaser,. to Prevent the Spread of the scourge. (From the Brooklyn, ay. Y./ liszle. October ad The cholera is declared poolcively to have ap peared In title city already. a 'Skillful Physician has, we are assured. proponoMd the sickens of Pollee Sergeant John Stillwell, of the Forty. seventh precaoct, to have been •'uomlstakohle mole's." Alarm being. however. dipterous to the workings of that calmness of preparation willch we seek to set gulag, we are unwilling to sempt. Ulla apparently well founded deelaratlon, and prefer, therefore, to can on the board health for action, on the groand of of the posltlve advance of the cholera, toward the poled, of its Mgt.( to Ulla eouutrt England- Dol, so analog mama Tory cams cast their shadow before them, we are free to can ton that UM statement that the Casa of Ser geant Stilwell was cholera, falls upon us with an air of the ominous. The illgtit of cholera across Prance Ilia led as to hope against hello that It had not appeared in the south of t 3 no g. land. The Southampton malts moue, now, outside of any inch dotint3 of howl/and eft for the last malls bring as the nowajthat the ath letic' plague has, been raging fur some pent la Cholera rages regardlea of season, The win ter months are, however. tees favorable than of summer for Its dlaseraination. Though rags come to our aborts In ettiP - leade from the medi tertnneart, though emfgranta come 11131014 021 la thousands from Paris, from Southampton, from Havre (rpm Llvapool, should ths cool weather tare us providentially from the spread of chol era until the arrival hereof the first 41cete el Wing. Is our, board of health nevertheless doing he duty la athsvcieg, os to be open. as we art, to the consequences of a terrible surprise! Though the case of Sergeant Stillwell may not hart been cholera, dots not the position pro. feaslonal declaration that It mu, paint thettason that no one knows the day or the hour when we msy be startled by Its actual presence amour to as by • clap of thunder i Longer apathy on. the PM of the Board of Health would be, fact, Whine with the lives of men, women and children, and If persisted In. might et any Mr. meet sand condemned In the presence of the destroyer as • thockhig reline. The New Itlezlcan Loan, The Washington correspondent of the Phila delphia Ledger saya Tim official 61:1110U1 ascot from Maxlmillan of the "departure of Isom M his riative territory," and the "abandooment of his came," comes in an awlr.- n ard time for the success ofthe new loan which the Minister of Juarez at this Capital has caus ed to be issued, and team are expressed that the loan hac already received a staggering blow. Indeed, had not this intelligence been received the loan could probably have been avoided by all shrewd financiers, as the 'cress ou which It Is issued and the premium otrertul, show the bit linthlll to have been pretty desperate, and that rlesperailf.n wore than confirmed by the perwhlttltith,tl of the usurping Emperor. The r•nairw of thir 'awn I ettlelsOdi you of s..mc time since, said stated then that the favorable reports NV bleb the representatives of Juarez. were circu lating so freely through the press, were with the view of paving the way for its reception oust ln d public opinion favorably upon it. All this t le pow fully continued, for tholoon la,out, and, according to Mal, Juarez In a fugitive from his country, las cause abandoned, and an unbri dled soldiery reaudo. Is Europe, the loan would not have had the ghost of a chance, even. had not the damaging Pinelamallon . of Blauludlian appeared; for in all the moneyed capitals „Juarez was !peg eines regarded aa pow erten against the =Such who confronted him. The Bill for Piratical Depredation., . The Now York correspondent of Lb" Palls • elphla Lafgrr write% tha It la given out b . ono who are known lo t he on'teiths of the I closest intimacy with Mr. Seward, thid inetruo• bona by this time ave reached thedmerican Misr Is Load= of such 'character as must n on vises fief Majesty's Goverment that we are In no mood to pat op with "sharp" lima from Its foreign office On each a question without giving a Rowlaud fovea Oliver. I suppose It Is no secret, that months ago such of our shlpplog merchants as have beet; heart' losers hydro Alabama, Shenandoah and other pirates of English orthin.combiced together to urge upon the Government- this demand for Indemnity. They had freqsent coufersneall the saldeetn mid thevaaalt.of Oda action was the despatch of a sw-ial committee to.Washlug ton. to represent thOtr losses in the •atrangeM light. The late Captain Marshall wasehairman of that delegation. On his return. he was asked. What was the prospect 1 ills reply vat ( andhla words have now a pecuiiarinterest). 1113. Mired. gentlemen. that.OTer7 day- we.hlßa/00. by those Entalsh.punteit will have to•ba real* ed. :It Inn quad= Of principle as wsUP.4I,IIO-. en. and ona,.. th erotore, which will w ither. 49 •atiandoneit not comprosolacd." 1 • , • latlteos• Cluir to aunts. In Bumla theyieree.: carried the club .eyeteut fer•beforel what Inez .they lac e. .94eleittl . ESC!. and. Thole are elute for ladle , and e qhe far isOrT ante,,l9d smear - recently , gave muter noutufbeearairelie traaOcieeflotred logo ttv 'tie ebrb;' ;Tfird toff B%•lsetertbOt li AM oftt , fert pufileatait ttlete of 'model 'isboltOelle•Off the , laMereLelerai , ' , At thou thstltrulmat 4*V/flak Ls fmtXd MSt'led. oei for *tut of better employ , Mani tense to tame _lute fiesblow , Attie. • club re fti CoUrfalri • TOO Of kanklad mar % II ote4 Mt Of by lift oftiottelb eterfistirheo iluff It iititteleseertelalketla fuletbe - • . .la the •lottery ass fo'•ittell , -', torp , otei,,Tie , • pieced lumself.behlrur_the eve ..otadig,; ireir Informed.- her, uemareatalas.or dli; Metter numeral% , Bat davernmeattof Allbeffart.-,lgri Maumee alirullu_Tinflod,LS.Q.ns/ .•IthelMfor, the wets wen ezmseu , the eferagie l Irmo,' eoteredialullha arddr ladt,WelLeempalted to," / fagot only e leMbliS ll 6 - Yeterabarif. - ~ .- a:111'Z 11=11111=11111 . 71/ Et7 , 7rr Wkßn Bqtrnrit Co ve L 3U,T10.i 13.0 W TO CURE If, as tor° Jett .t 2.. a =.l..est,ox-, DR, SCHENCK'S OWN CASE, Aitil Laboring tinder that Disease AND HOW HIS P uiacw.rtc BY`s UP SEAWEED TONIC ~a►aclrwlco .Pula. ill THE SYSTIN IN CUEING TNT INISEINIf MEET! GREAT SUCCESS ATTENDING IT Many years ago, Whilst reeking /a Philadelphia I had progressed gradually Into the last stags of Pubnotiaty tkonsumpthoci Al he*. of my recovery being diulpsted. I was aclad by About I mil Iny shyslc Oematry.ofiaa, at ll ' b ah , to remove tato bias ogreoll7n, fe. ~ es Last, beta- sly natl ve place. a Ina rem dia• oved thither. we.sps kg to o rod days In the tranaltiosi. My tats.. and ail Ids Utak, hod its e 4 and died therr—ot,4 het of Pulmonary Conteepetoo. tin nay or, rsi At h et was p one where lay for many' weelu an a hat was deemed hope. Wet coraltion. IW. Motet., who had been my tether's :tautly ph; than, nod had attended Mu in his mar illus., was caned to see toe lie modern my cue rot arsiy bey ood the reach or rnahclae, and tasked • tat 1 anat the , and gave mouse week to arrange my temporal adaks. lie had seen all ms family die of coraumptlon, and therefore toriclu. clod that death from the disease which had Carried all Loy kindred to the grave would also taco me there. in this apparently hopeless comittlon, I heard of the retarrale• whieh 1 new make nti spit seemed to me that I eduld feel them, tvorking a their way. and penetrartng every nerve, tlbro and Mune of my mere= bly long. and blare put on a new action, ahrt.the Morbid matter Which bad for yowl accumulated and art - flake the &derma organs Of the body, was etmltedl the tubercles on my lunge ripen./ and I cap/ °totaled Item my lungs ss much as apint of elbow ofteuive nutter every morning. As thin expectoration of matt= etibllded. the forersbat.l the oa th lot me, th e cough ceased to Antrum me, gut the exhausting night sweats were se king.: known, and I bed refreshing sleep, to which I hod long been a etranger. appeti te now began to return, and ad, times I fount it dinkult to teal/WWI myself from toting too much. With this cetera ir health, I gained - in etre:4th. and am now Autry am now a tiesi with • Liege he ale the cicatrix in the huddlehuddle lobe man, of the right lung a lower lobe tepottred, with comeiote hOhrti t o of the plea,.. The left lung la sound, and this colsupper lobe of the rightrightoneone /a • tolerable healthy rendition- Coutimption at that time sus thenght to be an b b , n/srbirr dloeue by every one, Ir/halm/um u weil W hose who were unlearned in mkt/tine—asps at such =See as were reduced to the a ooditio I one to Thu Winced many people to bellow my mein - Ivy Mar temporary. I now prepared and gave the law:11.11111W consumptives for some time so d made many wonderful eases, ono th e deman d an owed so rapacity that I determined to offer them to the public, nod devote my undivided Uteri tun to lung diseases. /a truth. 1 Was next to forced to It, for people would send for me far and near. to ascertain whether their cues were lets none Hating occasion to eureka many cues of lung aliment,/ was prompted to invent tee Indira. meet Called ..Schenek'e Ileaplronoeter.” whkb materially assists me to detecting. the mulotui states of how dineasse I or lathy years, an catunnctlota with My ;mural pal °Eke Prdladelptas, I have been making reg tint MAU to flew York, ilosttro. Bolt more sot Pittabtush. For several years past I have Mode at many al doe hundred examinations weekly with the pirometter... For such exacelnatka my charge*, Wee dollars, and It enables me to gins took ret, Heat the tree comittlon of h sublease and tell/dm frankly whether be will Revell. (roe of_the greatest Cilltieulties I have with pa. fleets sheeted with Inns dasease, LS to convioce them to avoid LaMar httla colds. Many thilautif they tote my toethernes they should care, cio aut. ter how careless they may be la that way. Thla • great error, for it have one will read Over the many cans wMith f have publierad from trine to time. they will foal that most of them were thou of persons who were tontine/ to their beds and could not Lake cold, and by this ureful of cold the, lunge were heaW. Physician A Arabi d an*, ria* their Patients-to go out and Inhale the fres s h bet do they core by so debut Let the eitandpiau ca git osauutat by consumptlon *VW" city answer the 1 would rather risk • patient in a tight, Uly ve tilated room, Mao let them go out and taxa • alight mall Illany who have been cored by la =Widnes, when the abscones broke: were so Oren sloe, that one could Loudly remain In tha room, and yet they got Walt withOutazoosore tothe The great vanes why physic:leas do tot CUM • , ••••••0 1 •0 IL ‘: , •t the? try SO do to* much; :hey um medium, to mop the mush, to atop the night meats, hectic terror, aid by ea doing. they derange the whole directive syliem, loaning nti the secretions, end eventually tae retreat dies. what I do la to Ore; make a cereal eiaccisation with my Reaprromeler, and if I bad tuna enoogi left, 1 direct 1M path-me low to nee the three ram entre it , and Who cure him. I know .raw well tad Ls dopmenhis to make new hula r er ova Maul pdrtiOn that 11 destroyed, but- I know at lha arse time th at mania In the lima be emus in the lawn ano beenedital tubes am be bealcd_, end Jut such eases are mum Dy the L azar ass of rcionnek'a "Palma:nth Syrup i o and drake Pula.. ortilLit Dies are dying • daily wided the thinners treameet of phials/au. It is • great lifer* Pinions. namtatt take o comm elumeetuoon among misery Intel. madminee which ed wl/3 purify the blood . Whim. the blood le &Nos le canaot milled; It Is thee the lame amen di. :Rue Matter In the system end will nue to bear. Tied ant of the avian bY bra= which ay appointed for that purpos thee and enplaned by now blood, shirt eau- be had improving ttuaintative farictioas sal emeriti the threats* erwaratas in good working order. The siontach,llr o r oneynoyous good tutored to • !healthy cancLlLlon. tiosalm abundance of good, nauseant food Witt Make new Wood which will mitt out, as ft were; man take Um place of that which Is dmeassil, and tattairall ly thp want of the body. Tot Po:imam taticr la on of the mat salmi able medicines known. It la petticoat, parettilly tonic, and healing In Malt It is rigidity Mimed and absorbed Into Me blood to whom It Papua Its healing propertiaa. I know no ormiciaa 1341 has done or an do se much to rebnild. Wornout and brokendown modulona of the eattem. Seeman a stewaxn To to II einDied from seaweed, colobareel withal= tonic ardl alterative roots and Denim, in erica .• Manner es,to make a peasant =Mania, baring a powerful Logo eft *Mond tin terriblodtautrou multi artsing from amonolle UMW:ants The Sturm{ To products Maths result., thoroustaly Inrlg. USU.% the stomach end Arany* ammo, aad erlabllng it. to elm:Mate and mote inUt healthy bk.; to. food which may be laced for Mat par. pope. It l. .o wonderf ul In its • Rents, th at • wimp gists MU will hearty me, and'a little of It taken betaredj=thst will rise o tea to the stomach width few medicines peamathie power of debit. Tot Marratare Poen ma betaken with entire 'linty by all ages and eondltlya , Pro-Mang all tha earl results that CIIII9 obtained from calomel as any of et* mercurial motheinea, and without ant of their burrito' reaults. They carte out or tha specie of feculent and wornout matters tooliatinl and dissolved by my Seaweed Taale anti rellnioni Sim roll sate that all three y soy Medi plass are needed ta loom arm to outs Vonstap• tlOni sad, la fat. MY swot experience imablee nu to deride any they have mood more aims of that disease/ma that abuthinatioas of neediana knows 10 In the valeta editions et pamphlets I have pub.. tidied 'many of the most wonderful cures of Pat hoary butt to ram. Persons, many with Cott lump 'Abated; annettnierr tarp cavities ane t healed overt* my maltase* ere nor had itklortxti :excellent health. A Willits a few cues Lad sabot abaci from &Patent ports , the pountry, 00 that those WOO wish may astt I write to them for morel:waded information. ' Her. henry Morgan, a mthl** Of ash :Out: la the city of Bastom and well known. over tin United States as a man of great [Witty; Was cured by taktng my mallirthe attarelletbartznatement by talled. HO Au often boat writhig:teate With regard to the teats ia lt4 cane, eat elwafsaanwillt "/ am t!. trn.. A frill statement or LIE mute May be ate in toy pamphlet, ,gm Owl pietas hemorrhage of the lungs, and was very sulti emulated. , • • Dobai ft Deleon, of Darlington, N. .74 wa coral of Smartie sad Plaraurial dramas." At CD time he commenced =log tba nnedisthostiti wle &Inert a mass of ernes, li e Ix awe patiently ma, and With:des hie cure enUrely View aulthemos. Monte god, fanner, near frdErtbUrp, if.. Death, month 041o,inst a eery hut coat of Plummer% 1 lone. optlers,and sot emtrety cured tiy wedtchai Hs te swU knoms M that ormarrithj, mediae tan ot, swan*iodoriii9 • Crew Ammypereona CO attofo ea am remain, and with prod soma. HD Phote . rope, bell Wore .1114 Vier he mac Mire, be get Pro pdyrra's, Dr. aria** la nod shrrl+ c Plffpm Witham Alexander, of Pletaburgb, Pa, wy eared of a 'grey bad case of Dyspepsia and Lives Domplaint by the Seaweed Tomb imaisoataluo Mn. tame fthiber, .of wootilagton.Cit coma of a 'boa oioe-ot, lend-tiertir., pistol, She li au wattlanand heflitday.l4l etorrarthwery IrobbLi 5 • . Itles.PendeareiJobasonlwrifit ClukTolettibm now residing at No. IS W Thbdiorweicyzeis.. Wok woitilir rated &Pe:M i . um' • Guam • ' ; i. • V s - a • " opt Bialtellthh 00 Piallerkti., : tr• I , liras loot* reaudwahhp Cure otPulaponaloteoo*. R4 lPutinOttelo Attested by,lo.oo2Tp ,ntant 0' *'° • mug, itoa sifttutaw "Li mu • wins's mac smdzimroomplast. ;AMA y rOwitoLtodbuiplog oolittula,. orty nitdalitt WM& lErbnyfer • wattrely eared &MID now 2111111 . 1b4 &OAP= ul i : 41111 , ir bbro t QI i; . ~.ir •• ,fI SIDEXTMISout tom sea ' vast Xforttellials SoroktiournosotOr Oontoittirktalki; '. 12844 41t0h1l . o.okazinn RI biti.d...F.-gl4l ' ean bler ° 1 4 Obo o 4-11 1eM Pr;0420/01tglyi"-htmAil34li. - zenza, iNr, 140.114 W :Street r Pittshreftv Pet ro tho OW:We NNW' - - ".1 - , A. net - Err-AL ME= rartlintar 'attention paid to the purchase as .44 WED STAIN SECURITIES, ORDER. AND youcmcEirs I BCYCKIIIT 98 11. a Government Depository ropital Paid in .8.100,000 With PM'Hese of Increase to 500.0110 fieving atanalviCeiTtigiOndOilell With Hanks sad Boaters throughout the country, we offer uuwu• al (wattles io Thule ffothehntinese with us. And •ll other Government securities, fornlehrd IC mums to loin norelukeers. GenoiltereeeiveAl sod Intel est allowed n➢ epeclal agreement. utzacron.s, THOS. DCNNELLY, KING. D. M, N. .T. HIGLEY. JA,.. WE. ILIY,II.N r. HERMON. r 1.10,5. JMIIII, J. Ili 1,..11.tE1,,1.7311CE !BUTE3I WARD , Cashier. nenktynnkerF 1101,LAR bAIII VRd BANK, lit, 39 .-, rotarra Slum ,CliginTßED l'N ISM. Open daily , from Sto 2 o'clock, also on Wednee. day And Saturday arming, from nay let to No. vember Ist, from 1 Lo to 'cicek,aml from November Ist to May Ist from S 8 o'clock. Depoilts received atoll sumo Of not Isothen One Daher, and a dividend of the prof ta declared twice a year, In June and December. interest has been declared amol-annually, In June and December, Mate the Bank was organised, at the rate Of ELI per cent. a year. Intermit, lf not drawn out, le placed to the Seed!' Of the depositor as principal, and boars the lame Interest from the fret days of June and December, compounding twins evenyear without troubling the depoaltor to eall. to to Mown* ht.,.,P°. 5 . b " t * /it this tape money will double ln las In= titeire yearn Books, eOntalning the Charter, By-Laws, Ruler at the and Befulof fice. etiona, furnished grails, on applicator Pzxistmar—GEOlME A.LBREZ. WintILIO J. A.nde VIOI PCSOLDIUMS. reon, A. X. Pollock, M. D. John 0. Rackoff.. Robert Robb, Rent. L. Fahnistock, John W. Shoenhergz Jams. Reran.n, Jung Riddle, James McAttley, Alexander Speer, Utah M. Pennock, Christian Yeager. neTWEIL. - OSIOLLAAIIIII.II, Tli Henri J. Lynch, John U. Bind ley, Peter A. klacialik, Geor,=, Rill John Marshall, Alonzo A. Ranier, Walter P. Marsha ll. Jameß. B. Maeda, Uharkhd. Cokon, John B. tgarad Jahn dent W. LongisEvansh, John Orr. , John J. ERUnapt°, Haw L. Itp_apralt, .Willima E. Relamella, WilThsas S. Raven, A lexandogiindle, Patna H. flzucker, William Vanlllrlf., Rlshard Rap, Wm. P. Weyaws, Jak4l::.E!.li Iwo wtattbsr. COLTON. erratarp...JAlllEß R. D. MUDS. . Allatchir EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK Clarttred by the Capital 1 87anized bade' Stale of Pa., 1816.: 81,00(1,008.',Natal Law 18U ml. Pact bat been dattrasted United States Treasury, Mad drOdizted agent for the sale of the 7-8 D Z. CA .49 IST . Emit funny 'MI be offered to Women orgao ties purchasing for meek.. rasrst 8. M. MITIIR&Y. Cashion PEOPLES' NATIONAL Bia, Of Pittsburgh. Capital Paid is $1,000.000. Witt; Prvii lege of $2,000,000. m . Sm. camarsaßrasT aliD WOOD ing Spa now Thiallank, organtrea cadet We ?rational Bank m to to transact Imagines" atstream ita Ellnanna Houmaprepared soroar of Wood and VDU Oollestlona made on all ardenaht points on most tarred* terms. Spettal Agents Cr COOSlkfor the tato of the U. 8. 7 3-10 Treasury Notes. F. AL GORDON, Ceadter. I. O. iffeFungous Teller. SEWING MACHINES WHEELER & WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUI Lock Stitch Sewing machille BUTTON-HOLE MACHINE. dgeney, drip. 21 Fifth Street. 111* J*K W. L0ire....10210 _Mi1i:..J0413 DOSAGE* L °1142 4 1 4 101 SION. MERU sk Romig wow= No. 6pAttoltb . Aoki •Ara. . Rums =imam PRryir m us wAsa oosurksooodiOnsam ffErOW . MMus - 14 P e r all vaitolltiotol GMT BUM or/maid 'Judo to order ow sooslO an pares of tho minim • P/OTORIALIarq*CfNS ortotOadlo ahfjhty limns pAilitittatt. Alfa I malt° Atp . , robilltyhstiaosur o , asOlinotoots 'Saint ' Irak iplo r • • . TrTA C"Pli S i4 q Bl .l gt4ll P accwi I" rc TION , 1 , 14 8 AIrD SI! . PM:MIL le t,zaseozuritTbiitaiialslaitiist4, aridi Ofrisimating _~ ~ ~_r 'BOOKSI issinsuvoriatuireu--,) OtrUlljaify . glutanAwD ti oper . ,, ZZID. . rall g=Maetlit, - ', E =44 '• ~ rnatoung L ?0,19.5*.rim;;;;., 'FA .__ _ .........._ SAIIIiCI A TIT) EATTRT,R, VAILP.OADS. ;f: ~. .L . , ,, . , .....:.:d..._i Ho ~.. 0 - '-• ....W'4l..N 'r 1, I: w iL4 ..,,.. , ...,.i , 1,300. A .h. 11', r; Ci l I C . troLikr - Fis zi....7. soNq --c-fq,-;744-,Ytiqrito-iimiti-- _ .. Oa and alter NTWPAY. Oco. , ver 14 . h, Pitt trill. .';: t, • ' I.:, Ei.' a , O 1 . ag,Prrt, aer,Or. t • -Or=er Or ' - ' •• .njilrrO, ir: • • ,et• N. f.:,.... ro • tditong at , I,,alstcwo, 1,4 en ....4T,•• ~.. A. , . o• , .^ ! ~ r •,,,,1 .ttti , na, an.: tank! :g 11 ,, ...•rc and ...?..at, ir, 0... n. tai' r. , Pt:: f-ht3lll r " . :' r" ). `', 4; ilk L. ~ c 1 mita nlAtiVe poLata. .t La td..S A Al, .n , I ns . ~. tistly•hteepl. S...tdat. at 6.60 ,k, in, atop t all ttertta. - atatioaa betweew,Wittaburgh - arid. AttOagtar Sad n ' s " . ci ". C.COGtittlta with .11=1111. an Indians Brook, West ?Offal-anis /1-8., Enenaburksfai., Cressona-8., an' tdildayslan.N., iirasch.. + en..i , 0.: P/TTSBT,Badhat MI.E, =Au, daily oat. ~ Sept Sundny g itt 7 , a. in- - StiaPpists only at-Akte • ....,.. r .i., % ltgella.sout all prinalpi i sin. . .. noes. /king 4 4 • eoariecttott.at Hanish., Neu yo n .ii ail:We-. lia.tiVnalatne.n MAIL ACCOStaI /DATION,' natty, eiedeptimuir dal.. at I dye 4.•rier Stopping et all regular *ta ttoo.. between 'p, ,-, bil4clij, and Harrithu is. mat:. ins conseetiona w . tram s as the Ebensburg Sala tg )2ewon alultatt. 'Mid 11. Ihdayebarg-Lthilrosl.- pititeri u.,elaw.Exr.aves, amiy.: •AL.._... p .. to, stopping dtt.stbahrtabs Mats& - - ts s Johnstown, goaernlng . b,Krailitta,r Altotatti, tipples; Landinonjo.- nliffill. - .Weitpo.-r. filsrpst • "- vidft, Harrisburg, y...rastatar, add Datrdmosk ce. At Harrisburg diemt, ormnsekbans .are for, ••• ' New Turk raillihrtkk Sad WaaningtOnio sad.- ~. at P hi ladelpaisildrYdewilfork, - Dcatna andlatast e: .. t rnediatepornbk - Skitpla:g. Camtrun throutrbou.thin „ train from Pittsbneito . Phtidetaltdria - auk 'Ataita‘' more, add to Now rork. Witte. Allenterwrikatits. lotus btptvrrd.,,itimartamanproimlriitz;,' -i.'', ems Sunday. it tle,43:m' SttiplArit IltiTulat'llb 4 :" 4- '" Dans tmwevalltseutithnd Cotentigte and litest:i'.r., , nettle: atZledikynigatroiljk•loir.itltha''';, the Inatana BrlbilektakitYTest renitylltranti ' . 4 ' EAST LllTE,:ildiN.eseept thuslaYr IV . P ' In.oltaPPinifbdiT ahVost....inatikh.clainteDalitilol,,Z, Da, Huntingdon. T.4aniterwa.' Iliftiii. - AksWmart.- .: klarrrell/e,.lbwrlll=ok. Hl:Hie:ow= Latulastir. stop Db itutngthlima&thiciurcOliumonort at amts. -.. Dung fog New ItatiO Eidtuaore sad Prbitigtoa. ' and al Phial, foe - Nreir-yprir. BOktont Mkt ..... trataanwillists Swi,,,, ..,Slperti.rg lean ran Panne, • • to Mistrust to Pitblifle/Pbra, add to NOW York oy the 411 /esitewkiliktek-• ' - . First Aueonueodarton 7 TM Watristier.*: ' learea daily isinespVirmda -atkm a. ea. -- • Second Anytime: "dditalon. thin for Yfall'aStskits lemma daffy (except Oundey) at OM a. es Third Acsonrmodatiesa: Train tor Will'. Statlina -• leases daily (ligoept tEllimas_y) at 3.33 a. a. • .. Fottrtuderensmod.tifon Trail: for Wail's Rattle& leaves daily lesaapt Bneday)at OM p. tn. Ammo:comma Mir Penn Stamm, am nning-sr all etations betWeenli Pittsburgh and Bens. it .., 10 au p in. t. The Church Train ,teares Wall'. !Rattan' liremp sunday at 0.06 a trt.lhad wirer In FittthittiTn at 11,06 a. ni. itrturcinifileaves . Pittsburgh at 12.10 p. ra and arrive. at W6ll'. SUP ion at 2d! p.. El. ',,..-- Returning. Trains &rite in Pittsburigh ati follows : Fast i inc I.YO ft. t 0..... ..... . .......N1 • 14:0.1a. O. Fast Wel; , . Station t+otereodat:un... CU a in. Penn A ,corn tuOdettiorl, . 1.30 a. ni. Second Wail's Stationceon.ouodati o u &no a, in. tone. own Acconauction 10.09 a- la. 1 . 1[00,m-et & Etta Matti. t 2.64/ Beltitoore ExTretta :-. P. m. 140 p. Ir. Third Wall a Station kmoommo 1 stlor a.. tea p. to. ' Philanielphia Express: T - in p. m. Fourth Wairs Statior o„nuaadatititt 1 -') P. =- Altoona hecomroodatT 1144.1 Emigrant in.ko N a. An Agent of the L. celsior liainibus Company will pas. throtgla caeri train before reacning Das Dart epot of , tak the e up snecaCand deliver4"aggage to any p city. omal No. Co Penn street, open day and night, where kil odleus for the movement of pawnsers and bantige will receive prOttiPt, at. Gentle °. :;', Baltimore express wicarrlyy with Philadelphis Expreso at 2.30 p. m. dig. ondays. rsOTICE.-In case Of loss, the Company will hob:Ulla:amen remanitlble for personal batliglige only, and for an amount- of ex for a. W. 41. BEU Agaut. At the Pennsylvania Cyntral Rallipad assangng , Station. on Liberty and Wash/eat.. •tiSetg• 1865.PITTSIlip ROLIZANNI coLrx.Brs AND Cf..., ‘. ':e IN NATI • izetrAOLD. le Great Short Ltaelionle via Stabearille, ~.:3,:. ~.^iit3, r, •Lbt.-gh i.l - N.,:51 I s LN Y.lll 1 , tirws Ca Eli EN C-1 (Jolleatlona =utile on ail the prinotal pool , / of United stale. maul Canada.. STOOKS, BONDS AND OTHER SEUVRITLA BOUGHT AND SOLD GN COMMISSION lIIOLITDINO Palled Mal e dine 111433/ I r Do. la. 5.104; Do. nrt% 104031 Da. Do. Wroo-Tbleilow 7 , -D.a at tatebtetste:s. OOLLECITE FOURTH NATIONAL BANK .1111RICET BRTEeT, PITTSBOBQH, 7 e+XCi NC:fIVZIES THOS. DONNELLY, Predden 0 f Pittstrarg,h. DEPOSITARY OP TICE 1 141.11111 XL WES.. President 7: 1 14V:4: ,Rl3,‘• TO COLFIEBTS, CiNC/LN Si 1.76 , LettILLE, And sii the pthaelp4l Clas, WEST AND RUTH-WEST. DI OD DA Y, OCTBER DUI, 1363, • ;L: Train. leave and naive ky the UNION DEPOT follows: DKPAATIL AJLLI7II3. hxyzele .216 D. tn. LIS Steubenville AlcommodY3'n.4.3o e. S. F. SCULL. Gen I Ticket ./1,13en Steubenville, O. .UL MEIISA.t./G4, Ticket Agent, 1.4 DIO P P ittabnrin. 00.9:1y4, 41n Depot, prrfBTAIR, A. WAYNE k CHICAGO tiALLWA.Y AND (17..rtr straeli RiaRoA.D. Plzte, &MIXER AR 2:4.3„,fte. May lat.e,t, amiss wlll nte Leave: . t oFor I Pittlanne:Chl re tele ecet. Wbaalla tar tosprefia..... ..... :31.111 a w 24a fe al. um I. ExP re 2 .- - ---• • • ' 2 . l xs' pFur 245 p us p. m. 1.00 04 4 Par Nov Castle sad Zzia A- 114'):4' . martrataelea. Arrive at Plttatoarea—F. W. a 0. Nall , 2.20 . az., 2.2,3 p. 22,11.2 at, 1.60 p. at, ail p, C. ik..P. E. K --Ml*. ma.l.. 4h.P..m.e00 p. a. .a.ocumucamyyj Taani. Leave Alleghear. ~.. New , Realtea. 1 NeW , 1 1 Stella Ittlahloa ter. 0a22110. 7 I 020 n 0 t 2 3 TWA. Sao a. m. LIS p. 22. allop.A. IMO p. at.' slip VA% a..2a. ,'' l LYS p. at.l " I v '4 I ate p.m , , • I , sirmentiti. Arrive at 6 . ll elteay—p...M. W. a. O. /Sanwa 7. ta a. m.,11.1.1 a. ra.. Mrs .e.ia., 2.43 D. SP, 4./4 at. sad 12.21 t p. au O. aF. R. R.--imo a. at ‘,. 7 OEUEGE PABS.U.,ileket nuns Pltio,ai.st.wasi, Pittebtigt% L. 0,. 0 . .1. , ._ Y. Ticket .. Y.l tinmits.'fien4,9l=ll2l I my! Xf.LE -6 / 1 1 - tFIT LEY S AILS O.e.D.;Z CHANCE OF TZELE.—.O2 gp,l amt 111.0EDAY Oetobtr 2d, Pumas,: tralt p i paterated MAIL TRAlR..Learse rtatabutgit at 7.417 at at, amtvlata at Elttamtlakt at 10 4) a. au Leona Mb t RR at a 22 0. at-. a attire at eLttibtltEt m. gDEPRESS 'THATY-.LasT4 Elttakaatte OM* a.gming at Pattatiarglitit L 22 a. at. Loan* 1.22 Plp. at 11.,4 P at., amartai at &Mamma at.. m. A.OOO6IMODATION Lams Soda Work. arriving atPtttabuzghat tap a. tn. Lama Pittsburgh at .214. =Matt Itt Htst =Meta/ at 4.11 p. ta. seao Y . wElGlSalittpertatatum.i. CARRETS, OIL CoMs. iv....1;i4 ova:+4o4AtLA ova YEW SVIAIKQF CA R rgTS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHAUL'S, V<XILEZT COTTON 4iNtic LIEN DRUG. GEtS sad Carat cLore...s ( DAMASK, REPS ANII'LACE WINDOW - CURTAINS, Compo.wr are- g at everl4l.4 law Agit Connate. wan,* we PelPuz.sn EP/ARLAND& of3LIAINS 71 cind 1 4 3 rim) street, Next Balldteg to thetroltal States Undo= House awl Pon Ottise, FOURTH STURM" DRUGGET!%. CAUZIM 01,1472115. • ~4 1 We ire 11ettleN lull lie lof th e &Dove goods. Afto r a:f 12 I anartmest of evett th la# tsMe M ICA ill IOWA" kci! we offer • , The Lowest Oaks. 1 ~ 1 W.D.& McCIAUW, .1 oes fn roux= si;a. DMOZa'CrrICIft. - OLtPrioll „betimes the 2ha it ote r sclaigar 'ewer .tiosCrustaiiln-1 4113 M1A1T0NAK430.4 tar lasattactrus4lll3llvir.l,, .Alma sad Ohs: Sego, has this derbeea dissompt;„ . 1 4 gt u Ptalo? l *4l: •'1 511"rAtistir -.MEW 35.4 " • OSttibalgh,-F!dit;6l24rass. - - • tainniar • *rat: WILXIIIMDT. ci!li=o7A gis Pr"' f 3 t E n 4 ddZi7:7-7771- , Tub 6ol l ll M/ONerataMPAaTßNitr..:„ A jr- 014AP hatliPtorkomtKan =a.; safia ., %suler,l4; /met 'erre ta dlogotr e g u tautazr SOEur )ft uetrea' racithonzed tollittlf Umtata eta taw,l B ., tistiela gi j lar • -remissesti, partur,o4. , latalatraine A.4ll:itultum ea ' 4 L E I D:-Billity,'"ArPLr --0 V 4 4 .04 f 374:. ;,,n . • •• OntiftenerVoylTZZrailhilgrA s • • .. , JJ,I Stack Broker an 4 Aeafnllottier4atii,-, DT. LOUIS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers