CU Pittsburgli Swift. PRIDLY, ODTOBER 27, 1862 TRAVELERS' GUIDE Itrhai and DeparWTe of Trains. , Kaissvivania Central Railroad. Departs. Arrives 'Dal Esisrm.... 258 a mid&1L,..... ... . i a& m i almwroaAcemen SO wei•rast Line .:. . . _ . _ • 20 am ~ Pius StErisMali 'Mt& m , ist wan aaaom. so aat 4. rel. Eutrami ll ._. r 3 ;ti gd Pe faliir e2W . 4. . I tA a s : 1 _er lahostownAo'n laS p m Johan% nocra..losst am .., 11 I yasibloo,„ S - 33 pm , PittatErie Matti* , Pm • 1 2, 51 ''71.?"191' IA 1: 20= 1,1; r. i 1 t:Ild a l ' a ' 11 . 311pai W E ExpreSs..lW p m " &Cep m ink Wall Amom IlitO p m betillsteOnto%l.olo pm aliment !Lmon. " mo Ecolgt Ten.lital p m Ina: Winn& Main Incas Walls' Station eeczy .5 • :v 0 . 1 Y. 1 1 in ft* LOW tatalatam, ammoniac:o at um, gi. at:. liittalkegli. Gamin= and. Cincinnati. _ • - a r t i t .-- : gt,,VixiniEtinian•-- .am 'rasa at • „.....,,, . , • _.... , , , 4 :i ap at t i l l Mr. , ... , —....12p 0 .a . Ittsoltenallislisc,_ .. - - Ediansearills SO. \ Mnaltakiatitor 'f„,111 pm Minunodatioa.i o o a m Plitatinxiiii, Fart Widina and emea g o. -.A0... . ,_ .. - kriva. Cs . pri15........... 120srat:Einprea .... OM"am Eapress,..— bail, INEalittees.... ...... yinel Haab.......... IMP M:Elpress ... . . L... 6.10 pat 10311111114414 i... ...., . TOO p m N. 4284204610 MO 4 latti.CanNik Erie: a2 O Pill t 5 SW SlightillA 414440Mak04. 14, 40ar e i 1414 : bat ,/ illpot Mitts. ea, tlial a.M.;.:41.4a - p: - .. tn., anak.9 - P. 1n..-bOehalter, lo i rd.i POW c ulle, OP P. at.traMalay, l 3 p . p. a. Plitabliegt. Cleveland tO . Wheeling. __,... -- ;XOP17&:. • • c. • Write , . !E1V1111.4.34‘...., 240 6 lajErprem......... Id!. tl. W e ' ' ' '' ... ..: :grirgtr.t5r.........::,...... Pe * f:r; Steakentatilo Saccontoodatioa ma+ . ea...0..9 at sea - pls. - . Pittsburgh and Connelisettle . Arrives. &parts. Mali t 55 a m AWL.. 640 p Express .... —. Ss° p ml Est ICISI° a IA McKeesiortaii3 o s mint AlsEsespott. SAO • se 24 egad e p m - Ist Braddoci's.. coo a milt Braddock's. Bads m , Id. u ....tuft p mi 24 e .... 6A5 Pm Allegheny Valley Railroad.. .C. . Arrives. .24•11 4.n." TOD a IllinUeill OM • a :Express . LA p m,.11•11 tee p m • Asevmmodstfort 2:2e pm :Aecommodstion Bess m eiTit AND SUBURBAN .ICIIIg. POISONING CA.SEg. Trial of Mn. Martha Grinder for the Murder of Dim Mary Caroline Caruthers. Court of Oyer and Terminer. Tetawnier, Vet. ItC.—Bzfore Jadges Bterrtri. sad Stowe. Court met et mice o'clock, at which hour the prisoner wao broagh.: Mend accommodated with an armchair. 1111STEML Ca THE SMITEI FAMILY 2.lo;jetataret Smith wax again called to the stand, not having concluded her testimony on Wedieiday evening. Medicine WIZ administered, and myself and family recovered. The next morning I came down stairs, and the children got along slowly. In going back and forward to Mrs. Carutbera home. I always san Mrs. Grinder there. She either was there or came directly. Have seen her there as early as Fcx In the morn ing. rtes. 0111,41,.:11 /110I't CARUTIIER,. 111 VINO MONET. Dortsg the last illness of Sirs. Carcr.siers Mn. Grinder made remarks touching their hav ing money. She asked me if I thought Mrs. Caruthers had money: she mentioned Mr. Cann. there' alao. These remarks were very frequent duriagthelr Bikes. 84e said she believed they bag Money and plenty of It. She asked if Mrs.. Caruthers ever spoke to me of baying a house. I told her that she (Mrs. C ) did so ones. • Mrs. Grinder said that Mrs. Caruthers had told:her that she would buy a house if she could gei one to ann. YES. DIMMER ENDEAVORS TO GOT RID OP INTER PESIENCE IN HER RUMNESS. Ilfer.Ceittideetvreelth offered to prove that lkirs. ... Grinder °Wedeln Ike witness (Mrs. Smith) attending - upon stre. Caruthers, and endeavored to prevent her from so doing. in order that she might have sole control of the deceased. That Mrs. Grinder :epresetedthat Mrs. Caruthers did not wisfildra. Smith to attend noon her, and that she had so said. ' Mr. Ma:shall —We object, Ist. The state ment may be tree, but is incapable of c.uttra diction. 2d. It was not evidente In any respect. The Court—As the propoidlon stands. we think It is not evidence. • Mr. Kirkpatrick then amended the offer to prove that Misstatement of. Mrs - . Grinder to Mrs. thriLh was untrue, and that the relations be tween Mra. Smith and Mrs. Caruthers were of the meat kindly character. Mr. Marshall withdrew his objection. Witness proceeded :—Mrs. Grinder very often told me that Mrs. Caruthers did not like me; every day, nearly. she told ma this. I said I could not believe it, 'because Mrs. Caruthers had been kind tome, wouldsell methlngs 'heist:mid not tell Mrs. Grinder, and alataYe wanted me to stay with bee. Never-.bad the least dill; Of ever, aim tinkled feeling tesrerd Mrs. Car • tigers.; was. rims rmnritz. , .. A noir OF l'EA—lnts. ottumszaDT.PpekED. - eckdiectitte enornind funeral of Mrs. Carathere; 'l.b:tnught -cttl of ten to Mr. Caruthers. Mrs. Grinder saw as I was going In the - gate, and said "Mrs. Smith what arc you goingto do with .thiar ' I replied it was some tea for Mr; Caruthers.' This was about' Svc o'ciriektithe'evening' She saldtr had no need of dekorit,...aaahc intended to furnish the break fast forkir. Caruthers. I took the .tea In, and Yrs:Grinder went one. Saw her dlreCtly after, and t fletlid not seen at ail pleased about the . mat . A 35011, =VINO • - ontr--mxs. Inman INTER, MaliMasi , coneersaGen...with Grinder . about the-Cartatinre.getting • hired girt. before the death of Mal.'t &ahem. Mre. Grinder mum intro:ay house, think it was lathe morning, sad Mid me that Mrs. Cirritheri had been speaking to her about getting ► hired girl. She (Mrs. G.) said she had a good girl, and that she ( Mrs. G;) woul4 wait upon Mrs. Cambers until Mrs. Phillips her mother. came. She said she had so told Mrs. Caruthers. Had but one con eerultion,with Mrs. Grinder upon this.subject. This 'eras airing 'Mrs. Caruther'a last illness. ture.mans' C*.llll7trATlCrs Gargpra FOILEIS DEATH. Eta a =Motion with Mrs. Grinder about • em.sultation of physicalism over Mrs. Caruthers' ease. it Iris ther,inonsiop beitan ?Ire._ G's death, and after the doqit..reaett. 1 . he waver nationYt'd in Yall• Patnthers'. yttd; at the br dnuitt-sfie called ECM to the Settee, "and said the two doctors had tap there, andtalkud of hold ing ilk consultation the'in apemen. She said Vic:v.BBgal be.. no use of U. kn. cr. rut h e ,4 , c4 „14 to dead before that Owe Mtlk Carothers did die, s a little beforttcrueßeiocitla the ousnriVergitac - noN vzfcrirtb. I watt here whinvehtftedit7tylng. 2.14. Gran. der w* my Ilde at the betiand we :wete toatang at her dying.,l 4 lrlVPri*ler called :me *eyeing "Mrs. Smith/ omno, a dy, *lug, n6w! Ehe was, as I thought, dying m , Ind I '-was there not more. than tea or Mew inutes when ohe diddle. Mrs. Caruthers was drawing her botiath eery lan.wl, said she mu. bends, , „ roiled inthe bed, and was In dreadful agony; she wOuld Vac her hand 10 her trust, breathe hard, awd say "oh! barmy, oh ! burnusg." Slut was in,lremenduoue °gong, tossing her head abonl.` , :fretir soon she duty her bast breath. was.,4Mtarrena AMI intmsenm's mentors. Atted—She death I aw • Mrs. Grinder in the posseeshol of areclei teionattg to Mrs. (la. rutherm3 One, • bonnet; (which she said Mrs. Thlllip•- gave her.) • .molasses Jar a wooden herwl, and; a chambeiL: (Molasses jar shown.) That Om Of MutarGCles. Mrsi Grinder made • wawa ofit to;toe,-".1- asked WU It was Mrs. Caruthers, and she said it . was; that Mrs. Phillips- bad zaide i •prtnest - 'of It her. Mrs. Grinder said she had frigulaPy mark it a present to .Afro. Cootteten. I, tow It In Mrs. Carnations .-.. possetalon. and saw some tudlt at the hydrant 't ben:weber last =en ime. lira. Grinder ,f said first Ant ell 44 boogbt the wooden bowl, , g and alldnelotle,Ahat. e itre.RbLUlps had givealt L. to bar: The otbed ettlele spentioadt she, S tir,. r i 111.) lambed thr,mgh the fence, and itald.Mrs. f !Smith there's a chamber -for yon." DAL not nitwit she ittetlt. stas. , malit 'cirOsikraimrtn.t . . cool toff whoa Ake cowyouptiou *bent "de Ilerellia-idelteedr4 Place, .11 via ibgiog Mo. VatittherkPa glut*, at thetiese Mrs. Orieller had A lierraii_e •ealliesb. `Mrs. ,i4nder httemita..l...mhihol, sod I &homed she acted , as' hl vie Mew would dotw i r diken tbevibAlertKoo co eackothot, oat tothostil. i xn‘teidetles dgbot retmat nay 'one to stay sits -otarberieileitheith-bed. iiihe'dld nowt my ( h o guter . r . ataywith her Oahe. day. .0140roiti;Mtl4.301 =cm= btriMlareeilred—i dio gi v e t h e ,• . lantieVoAdt 46 0 0 4 . .dUct.4 l _F (Km Can 2', Cori :t es am=d,aa =urge , .24 , allsas m etramou i ;Ought her .‘, • Mend an Wed% NOMP-proseated the rl ia • . to. Wit..T dada iii= b rid her A 1 a iti,vatto f.ei.,o-limes- of 'IV itookotofas Amy: _Nome gave ere TI 4r.' r nth" —4beiwg-vi nit :i... asughtet... l 2lclogala Irele ber ma** be. side eho-b. %.eirolettfowilepi,"Vehleh ). did not thbolt.sllWLlMetaklost,bleert9a _I her some tweet Jeui t 'alitile totteeldd. - _ Crow-tootf9lod--1 sold lie V low . tins led , 1118101064Mt1egY4.... i I ' 4 L ` 1 la them. Articies that were dirty after the death. I desired her to set washed. but did one tell be r where to get them washed ; she ea , proper to remove them. / do sot remember of giving Mrs. Grinderl servant girl any articles from the Barrett. I told Mrs. Grinder she mirht Lore sane rags, witch were of ao use to me. Cave same paper bores sari plerarrs to Mrs. Grinder's little girl. THE vra.silEitWONt ,'s lii LL. Two treat alter my daughter's death I ea-ne to the err, and staid all night with Mrs, Grin eer, at her request. I took away some of the eothing that had been washed, and she told me ;tat the remainder esattid be had when called lo'. Mr. Grinder aid the washerwoman want ed thee dollars for her work. JAN/EBY/TEL ON TIM STANT>. Jane Smith, sworn—l am the daughter of Mrs, Smith who was on the stand. Knew Mrs, Caru thers In her Ilfetlmo. Know the prisoner. Re collect of the last Illness of Mrs. Caruthers; wafted upon her, as a neighbor. Mrs. Grind.: .IMo there every time I went In, .d often saw leer administering meat, drink and medicine. Recollect the circumstance of my tf r lui,sl a g i : Caruthers some milk on the day of Dr. Herron said Mrs. Caruthers' medicine must be taken In sweet milk, a tea r.1` , ..." 1 of medi cine to a table spoonful of milk', and afterwards some-milk if desired. TILWT swr.ET WILK A LAI - S- 31 GRINDEri MrEn poSCS. lit,....n,k,,'c.loschke re on m A ar n o n'uts d to t me that it was Me best drink she had tasted for a la+ g Ow. 613ceLaltl "oh, Janie, give me some more of it.'' Mrs. Grinder was at the foot of the bed and etaiti, "Don't glee her any lam milk, if vela' kitNier." 1 gave her a drink of it.. Mrs. Grinder said to me, "Matte, ra tithe. this and put it in my Ice box in my cellar," and she did so, going away With it. I sat down by the bed and (maned hire. Caruthera. .She was not sick after taking the milk. DRS. ilintliON . AN6 31ABINC.LLLED IN. Mrs. Grinder earns back. There was a knock at the parlor door, and she let in Dr. Herron and, I think, Mr. Carr, and Dr. Mahon. I was not drimised (had on a calico wrapper) and went home. Mrs. Grinder, I believe, was talking to the doctor In the kitchen as I went down the steps and ran home.' Mrs. Catnthers' medicine was to be given every two hours. I was there vi hen it was given. I think at 1.1 o'clOck. PnEDICTICS Or DKATLI REPEATED. Mrs. Grinder came to the hydrant, after the Doctor hadgene, and said to me "Jane, the DOcto:s say they are going t' hold Mon over Mrs. Caruthers at 61x o'clock," and sled said that she tcon/ti is dead tons ter, th a t She tiled a few minutes tome. 11EINDr.r. Gn't.s TOE lIEDICME—TESIIIIILE EFEICT9 , FOLLoW. Direr. Grinder, at eleven o'clotx, came in with I a tumbler of milk, which she had taken Irvin the ice-box, and out of which I had given the milk in the mcre,ng. When the medicine was taken,9l:s.:Carutbers ea: d Oh • :WI tat Lng:yar '" Err breath was most gone mut She took it. I was sitting fanniug her. When I gave her the medicine and milk, she said, Oh, that tastes so nice At eleven o'clock, after unclog the medicine frt m Mrs. Grinder, she vomited, and complained of iter roman burning up. Can't tell now It affected ter. It was the most heart ndering thing i ever saw, to see how she roll. ed in the bed. Mrs. Grinder was there ateet all the tinie. Tin Flrcr, IT tint NVtAK--A. rinrvn Or WATtil itErt , ED Itel: vicvm. Mrs. Carothers' breath was very than; she said "Janie, will you get me a drink 1" Abs. Grinder weanil not Itt me, She said Mrs. Caruth ers had act her ash' serest. I said •'Mrs. Ca. rathers do sou know ato Mrs. Grinder was sitting. In the rocking chair in the same room. Mrs. (Umbers said she did know me: asked her my name; she said u .Taulermith." Mrs. r said she Cid Lot kt ow her. Mrs. Caruthers said .• Oh lee, I do know you; you are Mrs. Grin ds ." Afti.r this Mrs. Grinder went nut of the room, and remained out abtalt fifteen minutes. She 10, "Janie, come Into my house, I want see % on. — Mrs. Caruthers asked melt' I was going to the spring for water. Mrs. Grinder an swered her, and said-ale was. I went into Mrs. Grinder's house, along with Mr.. Gander, tear ing Mrs. Phillips; and Mrs. Kennedy in Mrs. Caruthers room. Ain. Grinder had the dinner set. I ate something: do not know what It Tyre. Some person came after me, and I went back to Mrs. Caruthers', going up stairs, and again Eat down and fanned Mrs. Caruthers. Altar me Mrs. Grinder came in, and said to me " ie here alien you are''' didn't answer her. our. GIIM: DER ,CES VEIL PREDICT lON TE1:11717.D 111130032333 Mrs. CernMere was tossing in the bed for woor. She said "Let me get out of the bed, I'll pets drink from toy pap's spring !" Dann think she was altogether right at that time. She was going on dreadfully about the blister, how It was burning her. She said "Will you pray for me "' I think they sent after the Minister then. Mrs. Grinder went out of the room. I also went out. leaning Mrs. Phillips fan ning MI, Caruthers. I went into my father's hopse. Standing at Mrs. Caruthers' back gate, Mrs. Grinder said, "Mrs. Caruthers is nearly gore '" and she (Mrs. Grinder) was laughing. ohe then came to our hydrant. sad calling Ma But. said "Mrs. Caruthers is pretty near dead"' I ran Ott and wens ❑p stairs, and found Mrs. Caruthers pretty near gone. She wan lying on her aide. roElthg het head. She said "oh oh I" Could notlook at her. she was In so mach .agony. She turned arts* on her back. Her mother was sitting an the bed, and Mr. Caruthers lying alone-side of her In the bed very sick. Mrs. Caruthers died. EISGLI-A.R slaraues - r Or sans. ORIN1)811-3811 !...LTS OCT THE tOBPSZ. Mr. Carothers got out 'of the bed and went Into the back room. Mn. Grinder sold: r.lanle, Sirs. Carathers - told me a week -ago that eke wanted you and me to lay her out when eke was dead'!" I looked at Mrs. Grinder astonished. Mrs. Caruthers hid never mentiooed dying to me, osly In title way, "if you don't give me some water PI:Idle." Agnes Benner-Outplayed at Cart's drug store) came Into the room, and asked her If aka would help Mn.s Grinder and myself to hay out the body. Mrs. Grinder sold "No," that Mrs. Caruthers had told her that she-sranted me ( witness) end her (Mrs. G - .) to ray herout when site died. Mrs. Grinder washed Mrs. Caruthers' face and hands. I dldist stay in the room. Came 'beet: sviuni Mrs. Grinder wee pitting the petticoat ou the body, and at her request A assisted her. • OD Monday, before el, died, Mrs. Caruthers ,aid to my moitier, "ean't either you or ionic stay with me today . Frequently heard her aik my mother to stay with her, always spoke kindly to her and wanted her to slay. muss SICKSECS Or DECT-V,ED APT= I.:LIVIVS- I=l Was at the supper on the Saturday afternoon that Mrs. Cainthers returned from New Castle. Mrs. Grinder prepared the suppsr, Mrs. Grl odor said to me "It is Just ready," and was pouring out coffee. She went to the stairs and called Mrs. Caruthers down. Raw Mrs. Grinder kind ling the fire in the stove, to get the supper. Mns.. Grinder, Mrs. Caruthers and myself eat down at the table, Mrs. Caruthers complained of a nasty taste in the aios, and asked me to taste it. Mrs. Grinder ha, ha'd ttla arstllsbahed. Ido not drink coffee, tasted It at riginest of lira. Camthersi It tatted lice cop ra, i•Zirew the month like a copper oeni. lira: Catothea - had.- teen drinking of it brit took no more,' and after that I tankel-hir. Caruthers called her up stairs. Cseressy whether I as. Mrs. Csrutkers drink any of the coffee or not. I went up stairs and found her Mt the back of the bed, sitting up and romiting. r Cann telt she complained of .any thing else or not. 6 ',11,11Z" TAKES SIM. I took Met and Mrs. Grinder went to Mr. Melinde to-get him to go 107 Dr. 171513. I WIS vomiting, burning at the stomsch, and very LldralLY. I had not been vomiting orevicasly. Before e rloPer Mrs, Cawthers was well; had Just come from New Castle, and looked well. She said she felt like a new woman. I SO very sick that I went home. Mrs. Grinder wits tip stain whlbr /- was atek.--.- EZIEZIEM! The tl?3 , before she died Caruihbrd ed me to stay with for. ,Idp, Grinder was pot In at the time, but rank In and bald, "Janie, are Inn zallaj:r to Mai with Mx, said, day 'I” . Told her I was. She said, "now' c u an ail jo n ll ;Il lin dllY be T t r i h n ort h yi N n6r. EL. Grinder'wm itibacist t ar=ttl_ wands all the time. She earacin niter nine o'clock . In ttio morning, _Opt wak ed, . too, to KO 'PAO her home after w il e . She went:bon:m.4nd came beckon/is:ld Pcome-In mrhonso,lhe pogrom fot ermatfor_ you! ?,„ ; went and. Look of the Ice cream, Went back to Min: Canalize, MO found ri--Menucdj fanning .AfofaScra-, ncr was down stairs. iltald:to gri' c ; w lrO l t s ."I feel so bad! ” " went- d and went .. to- A ldra., ,Mailawki • 4. -Tcan" Red there &tinnily. 1 iirasaciWasit tkieT Kid to go hoelennagOSOhedi. , ll l ePtAbOutindopttrs :when Mrs. Kennedy, came in ald &aid Mrs. Dr nithers wanted auk Ektertandaded me tergmt tip and I would feel bettor. ixtmt,toMrs. Cargth en and found Mrs. Grinder than: inutiukakiet If I felt better; -; AOC - ,b _ 1.1 dtdi3Ant or, - was so weak, The wad in - the 'afternoon. I remained -,1110 JIM Canithers until two o'crock the next morning' before abe died. Mn. Grinder'ffas all the time. Mrs. Kennedy was also In, Vein. At two o'clock I told Mrs. - ,' Canard - Om I would go home. Keforqolegllrent tt , K r Il• Grinder's and got acme milkl molt to my sis ter, think It was 'boot:Gine Ihr2:Mrs. Carothers to take ber medicine: nicsaseblirielliditi /mama. waa - al ComaeSW MU; Mr. Penile came. '101.4/thida whs Om also. Una ChwutheltlDOXlirsa Oa recognize hoc father's foosito. Fatelisal4, Valk, thorei I ran doww-Althio• without • light, Earl Amid ge r pinips, at Qs dom., Ho went 0141040 Carl:fliers watched, out h6t 11•111112C"Olt rap, la that me, ,-; d., trmlf ••••• warCl" ' tA, e ti r!cp lie replied , ••;)aldaagaLar, gnuvrl.l to WeiCenciti:i alias a walla to to home*" Recollect Monday, exar. .10• 17.4- . 211 , 11 T Remeirk. They eat of vi sop give. the 17th of July, wheu our to mother by Mrs. Carothers. All of the family were sick but myoelf. I iook hope of the soup. I threw the soup out carelessly IS the yard, a tore with it. DOO rOIEOSCP DT TIII: • - - Saw Aire. White's dog in the yard, gnawing a t the bone. Saw the dog afterwards vomiting drawifbiy, and ran after biro. White up stairs law Ow house, and continued vomiting under the b e d. yrs. Grinder teas there, and carried the &admen noire At this time I thought my M oe brother Harry was dead: the doctor said ho war pniseless for four hours. Dr. Wallsee, speaking of the sickness said. "Mrs. Smith. thin acts like poison!" hfis. Gliwice said to me, in a low tone, "n al donor Is a fool!" Court took a recess for dinner. ANTEHNOON SESSION. Court assembled at two o•clock. The room, both bride and outside the bar, was densely packed, and amend the mess were a consid erable numter of ladles, the majority of whom remained standing - daring the alteration sassloa, it being impossible to provide scam for them. Thu counsel tibia, the repo:tart, and even the Court were encroached neon by the crowd, and It was with difficulty that strict order and deco rum was preserved. In the many exclaim trials ihat have taken place in our Court within a few years, we never saw in attendance so limb crowd as on Thursday afternooar not even upon the occasion of the trial of Charlotte Jones and her confederates, Fife and Stewart. Janie Smith, on the stand at the hour of re m Be, wee oct cross-examiner:L. Her evidence-M -ellor. was given la an Intelligent, modest way, which added much to the strong impression it must have made opoe the miads of all who heard cf the guilt of tne prisoner. Dd re. Mary A. White, residing in the Diamond, ffittebrugh, was called sod corroborated the tea-. timocy ea to her aog having been poisoned by the veal thrown into ffmitit'a yard. The canine sufferer gat! court, 14,4 attracted Some atteo tiff, 711IPOIBONTS0 or SUSS lICNNITII Miss Agee& Benner, sworn—Was acquainted with Mrs, Caruthers in her life-time. Was at her house several times Swing her last sickness. Met Mrs. Grinder every time I was there. She either came, or was there when I came. She seemed to be making herself generally useful. I sew her In the act of administering medicine to Mrs. Caruthers on the day before she fired; thing I went out as she was dropping the medi cine In a spoon, Before she went to New Castle I called to - See Mrs. Caruthers, when she was tires sick. Called to sec her alter she came back, when she wee sick again. Saw her before she to oh sick after coming from Now Castle. She came into Cerr's store on a Saturday after neon. Never saw her look better;she was In very good spirits, laughing and taling." I.aext saw her, after this, on the Friday following. when she was very 111. She was vomiting and complaining of a great burning In the stomach, end of being very thirsty. Mrs. Grinder was there that day. I remained about three hours. I left Mrs. Candler* In about the same Condi tion as I found her. Heard mention of a blister. She said to me "Aggy, oh my blister!" putting her band where it was. She said ` 6 lt'a burning me tip !" 'Next new her on the 31st of July, the day before she died. I went down to spend the better part of the day. Mrs. Grinder Caine in and went to Mrs. Fhillip's room. She came In to MM. Caruther's morals about five minutes. She bade teemed moraingand asked It I wan ro lls to May all day. I told her I was gulag to stay until nearly four o'clock. She made no reply. I got Mauer that day at Mr. Caruther's, Mrs. Grinder wee up and down :stales Jo Mrs. Cs rutbel'e mom till dinner time. She was In she kitchen several times before dinner, I cooked my own dinner; the articles of which I got din ner were In the cupboard and closet; neither were iceked, any permed could have gotten to them, I fried a little beefsteak. had a cup of tea, eomebread and butter, and some stewed pinny. I brought the meat with me Iron mar ket. Mrs. Grinder was out and in while the meat was waking. I pit It on the top 'of the Move. back part, while waiting on the eick. Gave the sick folks some beef tea. I ate my dinner, and became very 11l in about half an hour. I bade nauseam sanitation, Tom- Meg, pain in my bead, felt very weak ; can't say whether I had burning or not. The Imme diate effects lasted until about four o'clock, when I felt a little better, took the car and went home to Fayette Street, in this city. I laid dowa, feeling very weak as I went up stairs. I could not coax Mrs. Caruthers to eat but a few months fed; she said she didn't feel like elides any thing. I felt better next morning and went to Mr. Carr's store, A little after twelve o'clock • little girl came up, stating that Mrs. Caruthers was dying, I went to see her immediately, and foned,ber deed. Mrs. Grinder was there. Janie Smith requested me to assist to help laying out the corpse. Mrs. Grinder came to the door, and said "Oh no, Janie, you[bnowethat Mrs. Cere ment requested you and Ito lay her nut," I told her by all means to do as Mrs. Caruthers had requested. Janie Smith turned round and looked very as Wedged. I went Into the next room and attar wards dressed Mra. Caruthers' hair, It was very long. I matt off. It was as pretty a bead of hair ask err saw. Mrs. Grinder said, nut morning, that by the request of Mrs. Caruthers, mars awed a 1 , 1: before the died, she had done up Clothes In which ebb was to he buried. A week before she died, Mrs. Caruthers was on bee feet, tout not very well. lam certain of ibis, She never said any thing to me about dying, but this: "The thought/ was dying; I was very sick." She never spoke unitedly of Mrs. Smith, but very kindly; never heard her request Mrs. Smith to stay with bee. I gave Mrs. Caruthers some Ice *Mir male morning 01 her death. She told me that the water did got taste good, and asked in if I mould bring up fresh water, I Old. rinsing out the pitcher, and gate het a drink of Ice water. She took It witnOta object/ 0 4e Balls g "that's batter, It tastes good." She did not vomit after taking that drink. I was present in the MOM where Mrs. Caruthers lay dead. Mrs. Grinder and Janie Smith VITO there. efaide and Mrs. Smith were very much affected. Every one was weeping Mac% Mre. Grinder, din did notattel a tear ! Cross-examined—La going up stairs to Mrs. Caruthers' house, It wins necessary to go Into the kitchen. When I prepared ice water for Sirs. Caruthers, I got the ice from Mrs. Grinder. ♦ LIZ CLIIICIIDD-MBD. 011IXDIER A TELIET James S. Caruthers recalled—{ pitcher 'hewn.) This is my pitcher. I bought it on Saturday afternoon. July 2."a1. My wife was with me. After my wife's death I missed a great many articles, and found a portion of them In the possession of the prisoner. Called upon the prisonerand made inquiry and demand for Omni, think on Friday, the 11th of August. She said she knew nothing about them, that she , had cot seen them. I did not do any thing further at that time. Eventually I not a search warrant nod went With the officers whets the teach was made. The result of this was the ending of a Delo table cloth and stair oil cloth in Mrs. Ode der's house. On a second search found a dust. Mg brush, piece of carpet, flannel skirt, night cap. two pillow BUDD, !towels. five chins plates, cup and saucer, bowl and glass dish with cover, also in hira. Grinder% house. Alm articles are Mine; did tot give them to him. Grinder. The fiance skirt and night cap belonged to my wife. The Wolf slips and towel I think are mine. [The articles (rare exhibited.] Other' articles were found which I recognized as my prop. 6ros s-examitiel—Wheo my mother anti tab er-1424ew most° take dip, attic iny wife's death, they stopped at Mrs. (kinder's. i disposed of ecerythlog I had, except one eloek. I did pot tell him, Grinder She could ham the artleles left in MY house. There %to a keg of pickles IA the cellar, which' said*mliths hare. ATTEYM.TQ DRIFE A4VL6 1317-ixt,LN Annie Salmi milled—ktra. Grinder gave no tome aetielea Whith she maid had belonged tO him Cs:valeta. Bite gaste me thle embrotd eft& black, ellk apron (ahowlog Ike also gave mo+awred• winter teat which she mild elle 1 / 1 14 /gild leg tali two to twee days. UR It la the basket in am. thinder'spulor, and did name It afterwards. It vs am a large, handsome mart, with broths around the selvage. hfre. Grinder maid Caruthers bad an aproh salted its guessed Ur would ham ao vac Ibr. She went In and got tt and Said,- "indeed. le ft no U. Sbe never gave me ter.bleg else. • t7rotilircumined-6he gave ma this saran 'vbU,l♦trs. Capillary, was at New Castle. ZnE Arnop IDENTIFIED Kr. Carothers ritollad—[The avows shown.] That Waged to my wife. lily Ittothsr4w4alfr as soy Nth told me, tarnis hed the silk, I for , wished the irtmailogs,wrid . m 7 wile UM" tt wife. had a hole aQl fetlao 'web or 11Oly`f, of red . elibeciere, with s litoctia border. Kaye riot slew-Aha matt lbws sty wife'. death. I aster gime It away to osy Tits pzioctromio axioms, JapleklitClelland, sworn—i sip a drOgglit urofosidda. I am frf mei:toter ottieortte A. tab vivezr,or, Wart arid IvederSdkreet3;. Allegheny. lierb_gga _Stow. W 96. i t em berth hisuy's . mom Oxon tea what. brow; br the-lbw awl was them 1 e t4r" th . hge) statieuv . add John C. ItaidibW, 4ioza7l. ad let the employ of Dr. J. B. Thrown, In e Arty; store, corder of' Loco& it edsredeca. eszeetee —Recognize Annie: .Think , I , barn Merl atria BrOWlelt- ThdiklfaniVilnr,it yrns!birinvired -an timony thart - r told her; generally tinieentswdrih.. Don't 'mow that I trove ever seen the persohar howessiehiedeiy aitalnlj that An tt/RIM* was the gel to whom I sold anti 144AofonTIPOOPROnieldeotMen rged lb Grinder. ICBSCOWPMIN..I/CB..%PAF V 1 34 - 7 ", I Wllltde, swore —Kemp' WWI • pci0n46011.11616 10141410 emtt'mes in her last sickness. Mrs. Grinder wee almost always there, and was mostly wis hes medictte and preparing lee water for Dire. Cumbers. She wu always siont, doing 1.01115- Lhthir or other. Had a conversation with Mrs. Grinder, or rather she with me, shout the Cs. ruthers , saving money. She Bald she thought they (Aught to got a girl to do their work; that ehe was tired waittzg on them; that they were able to pay a girl as they both had money. This concereatkn icas frequent, particularly on the Sunday before Mrs. Caruthers' dusts,. Cross-examined—On the Sands, before Mrs . Caruteers' death, Mrs. Grinder talked about the girl and the money. She talked often about the mosey ; but once about the girl, I thlsk. Mr. Marshall—There Is no kindly feeling towards Mrs. Grinder in your neighborlmod' W,tneu—lto! She don't deserve It. I have no kindly feeling for her. Mrs. Grinder often raid the Caruthers' had money put them; told me this In my home and at her own. Daring Mrs. Caruthers' first illness she spoke of It. Cat't remember the all conreraadoa. Rodlrect—She spoke once about the girl a t the first sickness of Mrs. Caruthers , mid once • her second sickness. She was talking about Mrs. Caruthers' furniture and other things she had in the house, and said they both had money. To Mr. Marshall—Believer did say that Mn. Grinder ought to have been paid for her tremble; abe appeared so kind. rasuct - hens or MRS. essanest'e Annear. John Gerson, sworn—l em one of the Maros . ' police. I had • warrant for the arrest of Mee. Grinder, Issued on the 24th of Augast, for lar ceny. Arrestea her for poleosing on the 25th. Went over to her house on the morning of the ?sth; alto was not there; it was between eight and nine o'clock. I remained till ehe came. The servant girl was there, and en intelligent little girl which I supposed was Mrs. Grinder's daughter. Mr. Grinder came in; told_ him , I bed • warrant for ids arrest and to take a seat till Mre. (insider came in. Officer Mentor came to the home, and I gave Mr. Grinder Into his charge; they left for the city. A short time al tar Sire. Grinder mote in. She had a little bat In her hand for her little girl; put it on the girl, and was about to go ont, when / told I. had a warrant for her. She said "I have been at the Mayor's oilier, mo and.rey attendee, and have got that matter all fixed right. Said "I couldn't ace it," Told her she would have to go to the office. She t aid, "I suppose have to go to Joel in that case, as I can't enter ball." I had nut mentloned wrest the case was. Arrest ed bcr sod took hie to the Mayor's office. 81.0 ;atilt hold of the and was going rite. , ;at of oho hence. Cross-examined—She said she had born at the office of Mr. Jones and Mr. Marshall, and was In the back office a hch the officers were It tinting her. Annie Sullivan recalled- I was in the house when officer Herron cams. Mrs. Grinder e,e me into the yard whine I was. She didn't spook to me. Mas In the house when Mrs. Grinder want out In the matting. She told me to have the child dressed at least at half past eleven, and that if the could cad on she would take the child up to her mother-In-lan's that night. Cross-, xamined—She left is the morning a' out eight o'clock. She was arrested the /that - - neon before, "DE COVVONWELLTII CL-.St At this time. n (teen minutes after four o'clork 31r. Elikostriek, the Distric: Attorney eabl "May It please the court, the cum for the com monweallb is closed. TEE DETERS!! OTTER NO EVIDENCE. Mr. Marshall laid that not havirur been able tr. Secure witnesses 'killed In the matter of pole one, and this being the only kind of evidence that would be of any service to the defense, they therefore had none to offer. They had ere:tressed a desire to submit the case to the Court, but counsel for the proeecutiou were unwilling. He (Mr. hi.) would submit s few propositions on too question of circumstantial evidence, and hatever remarks he would make would be coed: to the Cruet. A3I.IIINOLIVENTS or COC,Nr.. It was then arranged that Mr. Haler woald first address the Jary for' the prosecution, to bt. followed flrrt by Mr. Janes and next by Mr. Marshall far the defense, Mr. illrkpatrilk to credo the clestng speech. 1111. M.ll-IXII . II SLICTICH. At about haltpast tour o'clock Mr. Miller be gan hie speech. He congratulated the Jury at the near approach of the end or the case, and from what had been said In their hearing they might tat e comfort In the fact that their patience was not likely to Je tired out by long speeches. He would glee his views as he lid., 1 matur urtd them, and after a few opening observations hastily summed up the testimony, advertion In forcible language to the prominent features of the ease. He said the more secret the crime the greater the necessity for Its &teeth:mi. Murder by poison was the most detesta ble crime in the calendar. The chain Of dr. rums:andel evidence which had been presented was the most conclusive and Irrefraglble he had ever heard of, and nothing more demonstrative of Mrs. grinder's guilt could he rre,epted, ex. cept her own confession. As to motive, it we. not noCessl, for the Commonwcaltb to show one. The procurntion of poison ba , l been proven. That it had been adminis• tered to Mrs. Caruthers, the chemical analysis had established beyond doubt. Af ter the simple but eloquent description et the death-noose try Janie tioalth, In col:mention with the narrative of Mr. Caruthers, end the many oth er circumstances detailed, no one could doubt that the eecret pardoner was Mrs. Grinder. Ste had been the most per sistent, obstrusively kind WIC= be had ever heard of, and was not even suspected by her many victims until after Mrs. Ca rothers had lidded ay her young life end been consigned to the grave for soma three weeks, la Holy Writ Ills said Ole 'sot Over Rignteous," and the reason for this lejanctloa given. Might It not be ss , d "Besot eirerldnd," and tench as Itits.Grlnde, regent with ample! an. The only snylanatiott be oath] give of the pets. tuner's conduct, was that "the tender mercies of, the wicked are cruel." Mr. Miller's speech oc cupied en hour, and after he had concluded the Court adjourned till nine o'clock this morning. Stock Exhibition at Oaitlawl Park. Major Vanvoorkes, tare of the 18th viola Cavalry, has twanged for a grand estalbi- Mos of fast and thoroughbred clock, at Oakland ?stir, commencing can Tuesday next, and ;coo • tinning thftrughOut the week. Entries have been made from PhLiadelpitta, Cincinnati, Packers berg and other places, and the exhibition prom- Ws to be one of the best ever given here. There will be • trotting and pacing meta each day of the Week, and also a trial of thorough breds. The Ilst of premiums included 8100 for three minute trotting horses; 8100 for 2,55; 1100 for 2:50; 1100 for 2:40. and a inagrjaweeirttaket. For pacers 8100; three minute pacers; $lOO for 2.50 s.d 8100 for 2:40, with a concluding sweep wakes of three hundred dollars. Comfortable ranges of seats extending along 220 feet of =Owed abets and stables. watt ca . Dimity to eat 1000 persons, are erected. They tommand a toll view of the whole track, and all the stammeding country. The course is reached to twenty minutes by the horse ears. blij, Vs:t rot:4ms' hotel and:stables have ample' sccommo. dations for all vUltore. Ile has considerable One stock of his own. During the week his stallions "Ft, venue," the "American Star" and "Bob Cunningham," will be catered. Tun •'American &tar" will go:against a half-brother, lot Debt on from rbilndelphis. 8o let all dere lict. of the turf gti ready fur a pleasant and ex citing time. ETEETEITM! Tots nest and comfortable hotel. recently erectrd at the corner of Canal and Liberty stre.te, adjacent to the new Railroad depot, Is now ores for the aceommodalloo of the {Parol ing public. The building ts of brtck, handsome ly painted, 120 by 50 feet, three erodes high. and fatailtbcd In the newest and Most elaborate atyle, the black walnut furniture, carpet!, oil Cloths, golf - Pore and wall finish being equal to the but In the city. The stone work, pu•exeeuted by Mr. J. L. L. Knox, brick•and carpenter work haldarshall .t Kerr, painting by Taylor & Broth er, plastering and paper hanging by Jae. Logan, fmnitnoe by Mitre' & Bon. and upholstery by 4mandson 6: Bon. TllO ROIL Hone to man aged on the Etiropean plan, Oat fate ala cane and pays independently for each night's lodging. The eating saloon comfortably accommq - lates one 'hundred and.ilfty persons at a sitting. The bar has ecerytaltig choice that a gent gm wish to imbibe, Eyet7 luxurious edible of the 'mon Is teased a all hours night, and day, and with the -utmost promptness. Mr. Bush kan tear getic and popular landlord, and Ms house la largely patronized, es It 4csarTed W be. The County Pear Fenn The Grano Jury visited the County dome, In Scott township, yesterday, hteotnpany .tvith a few Invited 'guests. 'The Board of Directors were stunt, and, under the escort cf Mr. Mc- Elroy, theaecomplished Steward, theparty were escorted'over the farm, and through the build- Ina. The Outbuilding's. fences; stock and crops were all examined. The Inmates sat down to diner, while the 'visitors looked on. Everything was clean and treat ; • the food was well cooked, wholesothe and almndabt. The echool 'room wan alp* visited. and the little unfortunate pu. Ills r a piece before their Visitant, very crag. ititblyc` the Institution b One of which therpeciPle of the tasanty , may feel proud. Un bitten:X.6, suffering 7ththanity Istiere. taken In 'Ca cared for, physitally thorilly. , The farm, ander the mune Board, and with the • *sent officers, speC/Cul voltibust of Mins for theft adridnistrallmt: The Grand' Jury Will ,doubilthd Mane* Ihq Instiwtion 2n•thcalire- lasnating: .tuillesAt•thes Vais.—lnforms. tam wismsat of the NaresAllerojins /mom yof toma:aloha A. si l l . , a*ainsalhouwa andthi at ret seam iNte 1)90 the Now !wk: Molt= Fibs_COlN% cos dlsorderty cpudnett by .Sblaibula , an. 7 They see men* os habit fAiknisa4 is tpola rh on Wednesday. two tespeatams bawled win. Smith was ursebod and 10404 opJa3ho tombs , admit at ball. • saw, DlAirr.. 4 5 04 1."1 . * ISA bat fos Now Torlao I t t rotpoirtont • ottoto..l) • Aitortier Slrt- - ,psktirk riqueatis to OlOtti Aka tiottio Grinder 4Olsoto it cut ittir proStitrti 421)UtInkid I 01 4 _0f:rat natio, - Ito =OWN riatte:Ot !OM* roOttott4Weltati OtiattiotAC in taro of delta lll*lllFouti,Wiar Benito their: Mit AlLegtmoy County Nals--Adaitiona7 List EAMES 'lle following Is an additional lie of D.plo. mai awarded er.hibitors at the fair, this week. Best Durham cow. over 3 years James MrKelvy. diploma. Beet Durham cow. 3 years old, lobs Hodgson, diploma. Beat Durham Mal, 1 years old, Mathew Hall, diploma. Brat Durham bull, 2 years old, John McKel vey, diploma. Hest Durham cow, over 3 years old. James McKelvey, diploma. Bert Durham bull, over 16 months old, H Mc• Dowell, diploma. Two best Durham cows. 3 years old, EL Mc- Dowell, diploma. miss NO. 6—nplarrers Beat pare blood Alderney cow and heiter../ B Guthrie, diploma. cuss No 7—simoNs, ac. Best Demon bull, 3 years old, J F McCombs, diploma. But grade mw. S years old, FF J Linn. diplo- ma. Best grade Devon aisd Durham cow, 3 years old, O W Evens. diploma, Best Devon heifer, 2 years old, If B Brown, diploma. Best grade Devon and Durham cow, M. B Brows, diploma. mass xo. 3.—TLT cirrus. ac. Best let steer, H Riehardson, diploma. Best fat cow, Jas McKelvey, diploma. Best yoke of oxen, II Richardson. diploma. CLASS NO. 9—FLVE WOOLED Best yearileg Saxony buck, and best spring lamb. J ailffllaa, diploma. cuss No. 1 I--corscrotos. Best two ewe Cotswolds; boat two yearling ewes. best yearling butt, and best ewe and lamb, Robert McKean; at diploma for eta. CLASS NO. 1.2— . . C/31111191111 GOATS. Beet male goat, J H licHalL diploma. Beat two ebe goata, J H Mcßsll, dirLoma. Best three kids; J H McHall, diploma. mass NO. 15—rwira VEAL, SPICES, &c, Best Misplay of spiees4C Boitizt S Jo., diplo- ECK. Best barrel of floor, J Shaw. diploma.. °Le's NO. 16 —or.rig. Bcel eflsortipent of grain, John I=l 11(st display of vegetables, Jacob Kelbelser d:0011111. ISC•SI. Buckeye potato., Jacob Melheimer, ploms. I° —rnr IT, MTVILi, tte. Display of wines. Mrs It Johnson, diploma. Display of wines, Mrs C Drayoqdiploina. Display of wines, Mrs E Miitou . , diploma. C1.L , 5 NO. 19-11.1 ,, EILS Astr'pESIGVS. Best collection of dowers In bloom, and as tortment of rases in pots, J It .t d Murdoch diploma for each. Dcst collection of dahlias. J Knox;diploma. 1.99 20—et 1 F1..0,% - EnSk Beet collection of roeee, fumbles, Ililanthroi, amaranthine and pennies, J t A Murdoch, alplome for each. Best bloket of dowers, A Murdoch, alp!. ma. Fatal A ccident.—An accident of a fatal pious*, Best sttspend.:d race, .1 11 A. A Al ardoch, d 1 character occurred on Saturday afternoon at ' Bust pair round bani boitiete, J II A. A Mar- Alesers. Keeling A: Co's. coal works, in East den, •iploms. Birmingham. A train of empty cars were about weeding the inclined railway, when one of the But 111 band tr , ;uet, J 11 and A Mardorh, employee . , named Frank Hoffman, Jumped upon Best bridal bc.,urlE, J It and A Murdoch, di- the foremost car. Before he had succeeded In plr ma. securing a foodng, however, the train started, and he was th rown upon the track, the wheels Best coll e ction of peignews, Annie bond, . picma. „ .peesieg over his legit, crashing themis m .In a S'o ntyr CA ?CaL9. bit manner. He was carried to hie residence In ' the vicinity, and medical aid summoned. Amon- Bi et wool blankets and coverlet,. Mrs. E lie• ores.ce diploma. - tation of the laitued blobs was decided upon,. but death intervened on Sunday: The deceased Beet quilt. Mrs. E. Eyre, diploma. 1T1.21-I.OWERS, was illty peen of age, and leases a wife and 13f St orsemestal bead work, Miss tt /tundra, family. d'plow a. I Change of Time.—On and after Monday, Kest shell work and wax fruit, Mary Even., p, l obrr 11415, the mail train ou the Pitts d' plcms. Larch and Conuelleville Railroad, will leave oat worsted embroidery, lire. J. Barnett, pitt.iburnh AI 7:17 a. ii., instead of ,:7,5 plena. at present, stopping at no station between Best wen werk, Mrs, J. Burnett, diploma. l'Ati-burgb end Braddock',, except limlewood Beet display of heir work, Nancy D. (1--mid, A r t , Icvc lug Braddo ae, ,h, thin wilt stop ei epeciel notice and diploma. ,L,53 NO 0001,.. C Aft 1•27. 1 ,, •. . best display of cotton batting, F. Hyde. d plotors. Elegant display of earpetinfia, CteiM'Farlana, Collins 6: Co. diploma. Brat fixture. for window blinds. curtains. fixtures, &e, McFarland. Collins Co, di ploma. r use vo criesanczp FRI IT, /CLUE,. a . Bent bonny, S. A. %Infield, diploma. Bect apple butler, Mrs.. Draw. diploma. Best dipLey of preserved frtilm, Mrs, Drava, diplema. Best six pounds of better, Mrs. %Vet. IN:ally diploma. Dispfay of cakes, Nfrs. Drum, diploma. Display of cakes, Mnr. Jobascru, diploma. nAirress, coons sus amts. Enspiry of boots and oboes, Mahaffey L Nee ly. diploma. 8.-at pitt.•nl grate and strive for Idirnin[ 'Jou: mole, 2"..1. Dipl.3nla. 14,1 reg -; air g-Tat. , .10111.1 IP •. petrolenui vapor store, J. B. Williams Dip.oma. • - Best off hand flourishing N. Shaffer, Diploma. Best card marking, IC Shaffer, Diploma. Beat display of photographic albums, James Kennedy, Diploma. Best specimens of drawing, 11. F Gengamlire. Diploma. Read plain penmanship, A. Cowley, Diploma. Beat pen drawing, A. Cowles, Diploma. But off Laud pcuman.ship, A. Coney ma. (LAOS ax, FINZ Ilest plain photographs, W. H. Whitehead Di lone. dm ma. wi.4 and colored litlincraphs, 11. I'. bengembrc, Diploma. Best lain sad colored photographic roloia tares, B. L Dobbs, Diploma. Best artificial tceth, and tooth powder, I. W. ti.pencer, Diploma. Beet out door photopraphic ricers, Cargo, Diploma. NO. 3t, snctrt,nt r Best Implements for for boring olt wens, .ten. nietot el Co., Diploma. But store msebtoe, C. G. Dibble, ISIF.oma. cuss ?o, :41, scesso stscm,os. Dem. sevrtn& s maeldne for:g-encral brover Ot Baker, A. F. Chatoney Agcnt, Diplo- Bat eeiring meehine for manufacturtu; par. poses, litorer & Baker, .L F. (hatoory agent, I.lplotna. Lest Anltilne msehlne, button hole machine, and button fastener, Wheeler & Wilson, E. P. Carpenter agent, Diploma. - el..ssa NO. ST—MISCEI.LANTOVII. MAINEMMI Real fertilleera for soil, J Knox, diploma and special notice. Bet lightning rode, .1 Knox, diploma. Butkhorn footstool, Wen Espy, diploma. Propeller wheel. B Reed, diploma. Unit sugar evaporator, Beckham Jt Long, di toms and ,pedal notice. Best corn mill, Beckham tt. Long, diploma. ilot display of atop ladders, J Knox, diploma. Best fruit gathering ladders, J Knox, diploma. Beat the irons and stand, Logan .4 Grog& dl• ph ma. Best stomach and Stoughton bitters, C C Sooty, d:slotas. - Best store trucks, Forsyth, Taylor et Co, dl y!cron. This ends the Bat of diplotou for this week. It will he teen that the awards coodict with those made hot week. This wises from the fact, that this week's fair was considered separate and apart Irom that of last weeks the articles were entered anew, and new committees appointed. fo award, were made for articles entered last Net rk, tinkle re-entered this week. Supreme Court Tn 111111 , A T Oct. 26.--Pmsenl, Chief Justice Woodward, and Judges Thompson, Meng, Read and &UMW. The following opinions were delivered: I Woodland, C. J.—Boughton vs. Joronseay; Caviler& Indgment affirmed. Lewis vs. Dilworth; Allegheny. Affirmed. llamilton vs. Atlaitle and Great Western P.allway Company; Crawford. Affirmed. Victoiwars, I.—Blystone va. Blystone; Crawford. Judgment Maimed, and ,mire a, ecto awarded. M'Lean's Executtes - Vs. Wade and wife; Orawford. - Affirened. Bg Agrusw. J. —King et. al. vs. Marsln et. al. Erie. Judgment racer.od end a new trial awar ded. Tager Strong and Road dissent from the second - Irm& aof the opinion. Rime vs. Sharp; Erin. Affirmed. lirGl Appeal{: Allegheny. 0. C. Argued by Hamilton and Acheson for Appellant, and by Lowrie for Appellee& Hughes et. al. APPeoll AllesalenY, G. C. Argued by Purslane,' for appellants, and by • Woo& indthirsa contra. Tile: Lite . pidn, Casc.—The. "Myer ‘Queeti,o , forth° timing of width 'William C. .Chstnpligis nob !alai:was thawed forltdoggi. I D the following otnetas EMU. dis.oool - judo; and., ClUzena', (Inman was own account, or" $2,006111 the 'Oath Ineurioce Compairt. M-the crime' is ,follrcollftind.. the couttauilegr havea-villd detente WADI; coy cilium on-,the part of .lhe comer& Champlin, alleges th at rauson IC fired the !kat vru becaoh hie Part ' nen, Churchill, limbeita and Moot, rattled ft,' advance the &oda necrinagto pay of Rabinsou, Itea &CO.; 316tharal &Bro.. anal other of oar manufacturers Who taut asabstadin , . Rail AwSY• = Lat. eTenlOg,, A littte , flee , dad one Ode ham= who attend tht arrif: • a dthq 0141, RAU( holies stateilitc, to tits street, whUC he .Wen 4 b4 l l','S • 4 1 4 11 inti to la ddak_Mit was obOu% reed time **the tid y team 'She,' sada foe Ist , inti at tall rant against's' telipaft, polo in s fraigitit the' Ittati tator; sueeiteW beeskrtigthe, tAngctet of the earflap, 'maths bunt ye: VI @telt ha* at the same time. one was dalrutpd; Something Worth Seeing There is now on exhibition at the dry goods • ore of hi mersilliellaby S Bangle]Market street, a beautiful "Bee Hive." presented by the Fire men of Philadelphia to the Vigilant Firs Com. rang of this city, on the occasion of their late r len to that city. The Hive is modeled after the ofd style, but Is moot tastefully arranged. In height It Is about three feet, the bass consisting of rich blue anon looped up with silver tassels, and trimoupd w ith ailver fringe. Upon this the i•losts, which is covered with some eight tbcnsear.d silver leaves, around the batons of which is entwined a beautiful wreath of red and w hi te sowers, with silver leaves. CM the front part or entrance to the hive is a large number of natural bees. on silver tbreads. The tOP of the hive Is seirtoonnted by an elegant wreath or bevies., containing red and white dowers, grain; &c. The design is indeed exquisite, and relecta • vast , credit on the manufacturers. Aa this en clone and elegant/lee Hive will only be on exhi bition for one week, our readers should sot fall to call and examine It, and es the same time they can step tato the boxy "hive" of Messrs. Sheliaby & Beckley, and examine:Abe immeese etcek o f g oods of ovary description there dia . Played. "Amtincieraz. Purrsurson THEave.w.-31r. Adams contin ues to fill the old Pittsburgh theatre with appre ciative audiences, and will keep It filled as long as he remain.. There are lOTOTS enough of the legitimate drama In this city to fill a house twice as large. Last night he appeared as Macbeth, in n bleb part he was well sustained by the ment hols of the company. To-night the play end t led the Scrf or Love loVols All, will presented, Mr. Adams =staining the principal character. The best way to secare a seat is to get It in the day time. Snare.irs Mntsvant.S.—Theso delineators of negro character as It appears In plantation 'life still continua to fill Mountie Ball to Its ut, • most capacity. In fact, there has not oven been unending room left since they hsve opened. These Minstrels have always been popular :, ena, and deservedly so. Their mullet an d in strumental, Is excellent, and, their Jokes and farces are original and mew. Go by all means it tau wish te en!roy yourselves, and see the trod residing with his brother-ha- Mr. John Stork, Fifth ward, was found teal .oeater closet attached to the pr , mi s. s yesterday morning. The deceased has tern subject to convulsions for some two years. Wednesday night he retired to hod in his tooth: good health hut arose without awakening any of the members of the family. About three o'clock a gentleman observed the deceased lying on tb.• door, and after arousing the family found that he was dead, having broken his neck by a fall. It It suppcscd he was attacked %data con riiision, and was unable to call for assistance. Ile was about twenty years el' age. Alderman Donaldson hold an Inquest, and the Juryrender od a verdict lu 30:03,131:1CC with the facts given Per lons A celdent.— We learn that Mr. Belts It r, sr., ■ well-known realdent of East Liberty w>s run ever over by a bury, in the vicinity o. his resitience in" t ev,ntng, rewiring inch InJurlet as it was thought wentd re•nit in his death, hay ing bin and alas one of hiA limbs fractured- B a in..- I t COMMCDCV.I to tn. sliglit:AbOnt and from appclrs:,, es W e are zo g 1 ,, Lai, asli.e more sr es st oaths, If it Kill unly rainjanticlent ru-e ri,•, we 5h.,11 rsnls much. Its 11 anie.—Tbe came of the rear Hotel erected kty the Penaaflvaol• railroad elegem, Is • Colon &mice)." The name has been pett ed In hloia lettere iraesedlttell ander the spread eagle which enrmonet• the Iron' of the hot Id- ROBINSON MaCLEAN & CO Bankers and Brokers, NO. 15 rOurtb, Sfreet.Pltisbargil Dealers to all klods of Government Securities. o,ld, Stlver, Uncurrt of Hank Notes, Foreign and Domestic. Eiettmge, h.., &c. Leeneette &Medved to PAR FUNDS and C CIt RENUT. Iv terest allowed on time deposits. Colleettons made In all ports of the united State, on most favorable terms ores, • executed with dispatch for everythl Jaz the b Admen at the Rostov, New York, Pail, delphls and Pittsburgh Broker.' Boards •triotty on commladoit. Era • on A_ CLEWS k New York. JAY tttKE k 00 , Philadelphia; divests. C. L. ULM) & T IL PERKINS. Rostra. FINANCE AND TRADE SP °KERS AND RANKERS BOARD (00.120TELD ■r •oeiteos, U . CLILAIN tt 004 Twrrtsu.r, Oct. 21. I M. Opersd. fisted. 111213131 0.10 . 5, 50 lIIMMRSEM raw= E==MMI A. - • • •-- . . liritheny Cp. 72 60 Pittsburgh Pa_.— 63 03 l'annells " vtlle R. R. Bonds--.. IM=IMM EgiMniSIMMI I'llleen4 Bank. ..... ...... 84 03 Exchange Ni?.. .E4ank.—....--. 8.3 CO —.— Iron 1 It r w Peoples at tonal FA • - Nat lonnl Rank crf Conarncrce—. IXI 00 ()m° cane y ............ -....-.... 27 17 , 5 ,1 / 4 Creek .. ... ......... Palston ...... 160 — lloritingniwiii Ploutiir 25 There w a. uo %tic, eine. in our 1.51 .105 . 1. nior. Lei to- lap s Is We were unable to beat of • altlgle 1,3:1•Ffi , I11 . 11 110/0 IS the is itne In New I oil., "lr tun: 51 115 luetng Si 0000 5t 114 , k , 4 •are prrft-ct!y do-m.O , an , ' x, hat is owst lons at preso.n . not look et, crag mg fur rtny tomolintr !alp:vs ement, ?,Is is again 011 the hack track, a 1.11.0, lot otter, t r .day at Ca, without ending taker. There arc 1.1,, , y of 1 ul rt. krr this stock, but they arc hole.tog octal prrseut untlut the kuvesslou that , ,acrd. It was. riatiored oa the street today that the Tat t , tery s l'herr) lion Lin tin had made a re ry handsome st rike an t heir i'herry Run prop city, but Inc rumor. we ate sorry to say, is not well at.thenlisated. A 118.1i/itch from l'lutner this et mann states "that rio stritier hate been heard of Imre lately.'t so that the report is dant-ties. premature or may have been manulact tit ed for a ape, the (tttrl'esr." llts stated that the rittibureh rs New York Ott I 'omprit y irt,l declare a thi Wend to-day of tiro t , er .ent —which will Ie the newt lit ldcml ti et Llecla ted by n Green Co. Company. We have Intelligente of a atrike at Parker , . I.anding, on the Allegheny flyer, eleven ml:e• nionor Brady'• Bend. The well at I actounts was noviang from ten to bittern barrchi per day, and as this Is the first - Strike made In this locality, it has cceasloned conalderable excitement In that particular section of the country, It ts reported thnt the Ralston Co. of tht...ity ' hot made Iwo more Witt+, nankrur, three In all within a very short time, The following Is the eotnpsrstive statement or the export. I ey.rtusl ve cf sprrtet tr,•m the port or Nett York. to foreign putts tot the week ending Or, and 01000 1. tats 1564. tSak vet thr wrelz {4,lc. 179 11,,T2 , 4 51 , 1 $5,00,,G '2 Prev. reported.. .199,93.15.707 - 177,"27,101 127,V13,107 i•lnre Jan. I $14444046 lithtba,o7B 131,Z91,7 , 4 Price of gold.— 146 =ls 116 —The New York Think etatidient for the past week although Indi:.9ns by Ito Allures the recent stringency, Oas mole favorable than It was gen erally aupposed it Would be. The decrease of 1mr,040 is deposits is .mainly: traceable to the withdravialc orCurrency Tor Arrummlision west werd southward,, and to the drafts of the. Treasury' uPori S l k turitunal banks. The, cote- . prreetlirelifigidriebr4scliT gi;li9y,Uo,lh the Aevgt. ,tender liawtenewlog CO tain - tioelpti TrObithe'4o- TreestAttre' i( . feirithit tetnpaittrf —lt is . ttltnAlkj;lluti,'Jttiizitt, , lttlll tot ihe:yleid`of col Otsteictistlatuttlawni . o , tito.ttitinend beater. 'daily. Now p tlntittOttiltinituNair .111111 seed hoe* grog of old lAVAlkiieve itilikeihrtia;re doubled the prtal4cl ,. ., strikes nee re terldott-§yet Greek. Inthe. tnropbtn.chatti. ‘lhicki4tit-.4l4etti place Arr ' the oil i nterest, Wolf ViglittaltaicolittLiernblustistrattough, ittustml, ibtelllgence (rota that region MA... unreliable : than from even other oil suarteri. Much of t h e now yield , in the Burair,theorts district o tainfidltiwtnlgr d eeper gat there is a ' irtron. patty In fitvor of err extension' Or the , tutt9As •uh.trur erstem, and eeollserialli c l e rVip._ . imou - d . sF ruggcy read,' PM I ' 9 '; 'chewCongress,euumely, Wen lam rnn gnm The whole cltt4anto,antrelgtitinallitotrtnu, ors■ orit vat apporubott_ =4 "subscribed for Tome timiao4llo Northern 6ti4cs being aliened to sheorb almost the entire 15C1*1...11. OTIPlag t, • t he part of the Tr, ssury 0•11,1, that ths .Soutl.r.r. States would not be to a to call for their quota fors long time to come, and that the banks of the Northern States yrould not apply tor the maxtrounk of the currency te which their capital entitled them. The consequence is that the State. of Illichigan, Whwonsin sad r ows c not received more than one-third a: their quoit, nod that the South haa received almost none. The hank. of the Northern State., which were authorized on large ortplt3N4 under the mis apprehension that they would not demand all tho currency which their capital entitled them to, n.e calling for the full amount, and hence the Trea. lazy finds itself Inn quandary. Applications from the Southern States are earning in rapidly. and the Secretary of the Treasurys to satisfy those most clamorous, and meet the exigencies of the situation, ia occasionally forced to authorise one ace,r e t i r n u etxngs . t of C he n gr a e u ss th o ot yaMolletlOenrtasil bythe tattoo. Review of the New NorlGroner/ Market. [Fran the Commercial Lilt of Oct. 23.1 CoiTeelllo continues In fair request, and the mlaketaz steady at prealonaratain sales 4000 bags per St. Urania, at Oc gold; and and. 1200 do eer Untie° en term. we did /earn: and, bass Rio Dere, and UM do to Baltimore. The ether We. are IM:trail:di (IfOrbage) government Java, to arrive from Bramen,'On4rivate term s; 'and CO bids and o bag. Jamaica, '4 c gold. Sugar—Bolder, of raarare genera lyprettl but the demand la light, and with a slack' market', prices must he written onethcht of a' cent tower." Moat of the business was done yetterday, that of Saturday and Monday belni c :lnstipalllcant. We quote fair refining Cuba, 131 • rood. dn,14@14%; fair to good grocery, 1.1 . 54“1 ,• and No t 2 Das, 14%, 4 me s. Refined la dull, and prices favor buyers; bard, 20;cooft white, 1aya1934, Bc. .The stock yesterday was about 31.0 M hhds, 3806 bxs,III,ISO bags .ugar, and 61 hhde Melado, Iheiewes-nlhere it do change to nolle4 In the market, which, though not active, re"aalns stead", end entre= at preview! rates: The sales" we 64 hhdePorto Rico at .161,063 220 hods and 2 ins razed Cuba Muscovado and Centafagal, 4410di Cargo of cdr•hhdi nude? tea Cuba Illuscovadoirive tour, Ed; Zia khda do, ha lota, 05f/55.,11 mast Ile. s i: • Barbadoes, on terms not made 'labile. • , Splces—A movement In pepper nearly all the available stock nere, r• _ duty parl. and enoo do In bond, Inca" ba r . the bas. due oi the Tarquin , . cargo, 9c, Other kinds are quioti6o casot . ..„„6 . ot 7 / task. No nutmegs. 6 9.,P 1 Uptdo bagtPlmento and io Caere uutmega, on P4ante terms.' MARKETS 137 ZELEGILIPH, P•ETIOLEUM STOCKS IS XCW YORK Spcdal Diepatch to Press. ; I7Llf Irma. Oct.'!., U 355. There tvesmotasittirtYla Null? Civtic fizatei, but the balls:mot tbottit was quiet.. Bodkrann, 35; Cincinnati, 11; ito &alp* It; Buchanan t 5. 22i . Wadley, 1.25; Oh em sun, VI; Excel tier. so; vereti e, ItGf Dinollattan, 25; Batllcon, 80; llenneholt, 14,50; Bergen, 15; First National, 43; McClintock, 7; McKinley, - 2,60; 011 Creek, 1,65; l'ltbele Creak, .75. NEW YORK PETROLEUM MARN:F:T. Special Lispatch to Wmitern PrCl2. New Yong, Oct. 20, Mt. Petroleum 111 dull and eager; calm of 1,000 obis ( nude, on the pot, at,a6(atke, and for Sorember at 31c, and 60 bide Retinal at 58(Pdc, la hone, and a me email lot. at 75firne for Free. retroleuta Wan quoted at 7a 104 in tbo Liver pool market on Lae everting of October It. New York Market. Neu - Tong, Octoblit I.6.—CorrOl—Firmer with a fair business at enaige for middling, ioc n—Du,l and We lower at $8,1008,2.1 for ex. tra State, ir1,75g8 for Superwestern, 117.20ed,25 for common to extra western, and $9,160)tc,50 for trade brand.; the market closing heavy. WHINHY—DuIIi western at 11,130.1,35. 0 ICA IN—Wheat ope;el firmer and quiet at it ,71 g 1,90 for spring and Milwaukee club, gi,ii for common white wr stent. ftve quiet. Barley with. out decided change. Corn Jaze better at 650061 for unsound, sad trieS9a for amid mixed western. Oats are In moderate request at 43400 c for um. sound, and MGM for itound. Hire quiet. Otuc•entn—Cotfee quiet and firm. Sugar quint; Cuba Muscovado at 14;i4g14M, Molasses quiet but firm at Otidd,:e for Cuba Muscovado, 13013334 for Sarbadoss, and sei,o for Porto Rico. PUT...ECM—DuII at 'Aare for Crude, Edggenc for Funned In Bond, and. Wane de Free. PROVlblove—Poric !navy at 5.340331,2 for men, ebrairg at 234 cash; prime ls seminal; UB=9 for prime mess, glee 3,250 bbls men for November old December at tellers' - and buyers' °pilau al SU* 01,50. Beef quiet and steady at ttlel4 for plain meal, and $14017 for extra men. Beef hams quiet. Cut meats dull and nominal. Lard heavy at 2403 18 , 4 e. Butter to demand at 33033 a for Onto, Cieeae Sam at lien, New York Stork and bloney Market. NEW YoalL Oct. 49.-Hooey active and firm at 7 per acct. on call loana. Sterling Exchange more wady at 109W0OS, go Id. American Gold nosey m d kwer, opening at 1 6 151 i. ea-Honing total:4, and c g to lee'L. rerrment Stocks a shade outer. Frely,bda to Liverpool dull and Id. lower for Coro. Storks Miner, 6-M Oooponn, now !New York Central 9 , 4 _ lune_ Er a. hi h. EeieieTtattles...— 94.rialianaentral.. Ire U. S. 62 37 I C. . Ar.D. 0 V Tennenen Slier.- R!". ) 8 th .117 4 0. &M. neatilleazes dtdielllan ou ern 6 Canton.... Cumberland pfd- .. 43 !O. k. T......_._..... 1 ~ Ltulakatirer.—... . 48%41 & ELI 107), h odson ---- 166:4 i_ - - .. Plllladelptib Market. P 1111,1.1. 1 .111.1., Oct. del.—Psn - ncuccu dull and 10. es; Crude Uttar., Bennet* in Bead SeNtalc. Free l'corra—Very very dull and quotations 'Owen 0 scuts—t 40. dulls New Red 4;15%240; Old do, It tner-,40. Rye vanced 111. W. Cote dull; plot. 5e11g.544. L a anc-2.8),019e.— Coffee unchanged. 'upar an h al ed ...LT—Stead, at r2.1.502,-r, Chicago Market CHICAGO, October Se 1 ecru—Wheat dull; No. lammed at 81,3•1%. cad cued at Corm—No.l quiet at Wyo . ; No. Item u 11.134 e, Ua a dull at e.611.c for No. I..sad 2‘c for No. 2. astoura—Fhwu Coin, Ile; Wheat, Italia to Buffalo. • rauvlsioss—Dud. Bump:fa-4.U8 Ma/ Flour, 49,...113 DU Wheat, 13,000 bU Corn, 13,000 bu OILIS SrUpUS3T9-1,1100 'DMA flour, :32,000 bu Wheat, ukotil Cora, 16,100 bu Oats. Dutra° Market. BV7/A1.0,_004. 21.-.41.01112.-01141. G amn—Whear quiet; No. 1 laltlaato $1,53, No. MdwouXos Sp!IDS VA& Cora quiet at 030 for o. I llama. Oat. atuL Barley 0014 at t,t2 tot Canada, State *l.ll. Rye ootolaal at (Weak. Vrantxr—rtrzn at s2:l4,f' jr2,91. Yrtortarosit—Pork. dal Montreal Market. MOS THE• 4. 004. SUPOI4O4 extra, 11 , - 4 4 NO, _• extra, 0,000,54 tangy, 47@7,14 trellson Vana1,115;1066,22 Nat Canada Wtetat s6,'O 3 D; Winters 06,200.4 d. W nay r—Ca4ada 114 . 25131,30. Toronto Market. ' CE:=E:I Toaorro. Oct. 23.—inotris—Double Egli. Sap as o: extra. r,5007,60; supettor.ll6o6,n. . o . 4 m—Wilevt. 111.46e1,4; apring 11,b3/1 425. Batley 6612r15e.. sad lover. Bye 60c ecul nom lcaL Ptaa lover at Canc. Oats e3230c., MWEI Onvego alarket Overran, October :f.—Ftatra—tlachalaged, at Fe for No. t-SPrllta, Ottlta far Red Winter, 41L,50 (or White, =1;11,00 far Double Extra. GRAIN-it beat lira but dull; Bill Fraultee dab. at i,ia. Vora dull and nOzataal. Barley steady; t.,aria.qe, 41,01. Peas dull sod nominal. New Orleans Market. • N nor G11.13A35. Get. —Carron quiet; mien of 2.1 Ist balsa Middling st fia@►tc. Dross—Fine; fully Isis Taciturn—Looking up, Co,ton, to New York, 1 i , iSic%s. unnic Coccus on Sew York 2%c discount. I),,a,nr, Oct. 24 —Fruits—=Apples are ateatfy •4 s.3,topiat per barrel. Store rate for round lots 14 Dried command lelll2e per lb. Ornaber. nes, 111 per bid. Quinces, 33 per bushel. ; ropes, from store, tielttc for Isabellas, and 14gateo for cat Flour—Market without decided chenze. Sales 300 Ufa uninspected amber al $5; and '4W barrel's high h e e x a t t— ra Th ' e 3 m arket lo opened at a decided ad vance, and closed at an uniform advance of toe own Saturday's rates for No 1 white, No do, and Not amber. Sales before report, I ear re jected white at Loa; 1 car 2 amber at 101.70; 1 car amber at 111,110; 1 cat white at 31,M; I 4 care at $1,84 and I car do 5081,85. Foe 7,000 bu NO2 white 31,90 was offered, anti 1:409 was offered rot a like quantitty of No 1. After report, r.,07 was offered for all the No 1 white on the market, 31,0 for all the No 2 do, 31,90 for all the No i amber, and 01,46 N for all the o 1 amber. . • _ Porn—tee la bus, for large or truth lota. • Oats—Very aenree,'. nod tc-day tte would renCiy be hate on the street. Itsrlern,lsol., per tro lbs, beln4 the current range en the street, lirime bring resully talCen at outside flgurc. st 7.1 , •)r, rrtlit cm - 14 ,. ,ht tnc•. lIH PURLS II V RAILROAD. PTTTOllo¢effl, FOOT WAYNE 114 OulolGo R. IL. t yet. rs.—t can wheat, DWallace; 25 dozen wash Ooarda, Guelrenhelnier & Bre; 10 do do, Jos Bore ; le do do, slffl ver h,Lazear; I dodo, w Ilona. Icy; 5 dodo et EmartA col 10 bbls apples, bbl e j tzlei . Smlt b 80 do ° tiour ara aiTvee., & co` ale cartmnOrl 3 tarbollr &, no; In bags buckwheat !tour, .1 'Porterfield; - boles cheese N Braden.; 39 ;So do,ll .Iliddle; 00 bbls apples: J 11 Canfield; 177 bag, intsifileek lk strong; 100 bbls flour, Shomaker & Lang; 131 Obis bbla apples, .1 Schlbdt; 19 his checae, Potter, ken & Shepard; 140 bbla apples,' 'Walter &Gael - 59 bble noun, W Ltshart,• 3 cars oats, Wm Bingham; 2 cars wheat, CulnA Shepard, 1 car potatoes, J S Alc Pherson; 'Ni zkabarley, IS lid oats, Aaron - . pkgz butter, 1 do eggs, Graff & Reiter; 300 barrels Hour, Culp Ss Shepard; 100A° do, Pattcnon & 40t. mon; 1 car barley. John Gangivlch; 100 bbl. flour, D'Wollacel l ear wheat, liitchcoelc, - blettrerry & CO i car oats, j . & W raffl raffle', 200-D dour, irons ' & McKee; I car ostii, L H VolgtS to; =5 pigs lead. Jll,Cantield. . '•" • —• OLXTELAND mn> Pr2lBlltriefl R. B. Ock.M.l. 10 aks flaxseed, 1 bbl 471411 naliell; 158 bbl, op plea, Campbell & Mutchlutort; 1 car onto, Abra hams; 28 eke do, Jffonkle; I rolls leather. rap Tolley; 80 bbls flour. T C Jeakluai s ples mg. 15 . , feather., McCullough, Smith R co; 6 Ohl, tools. ses, Lang& Miler-000 oil barrels, J cumeta; 'lB dor brcorna, 0 hilcbOld; is hale., cottou, 11o . lmes NY. 11011; 100 bbls Poke; Shotnaltor Lehi ; la NI, .abeep aims, Eterozati t . < . B.NZT7 3 TAT , il l e g; cOi 4 do barler: 74o v • 114 lienzle tar 100 bb spotatoel, 0 oor PM pea troth iloortlhea.4 1 600 3 10 k. 14, ' Falrley; pl/6•8 me% sl. need, • IDIPORTS' BY RIVER. L o ins—pot litivaiSa..-4 bit -litt goods, 1 awing machine atattil, , Ptei Christ; 10 ..latUs dry &nit. YeIIIS B. R. V- bble , scrap iron, I tot do do. Graff, Sennett Ph cllllp bcil2o bblieo; tire cloy, CoUlos; it do do, Beck. 10 eke scrap Reel, GO itn o nun. Shiva% Pamlck it co; to do d.O, Semi :„... 1 1906 aidesipapp,Balter et co; :woolen& cell, Moses, Moberg; 461 empty oil Obis, tr.Prliti, pa; l empty tif bblo,b do bbls. Joshua Ithodeil; I cDII lime, I bbl antidttes, fl . Stitetioim; t ba CopOti rhelailitoCiillYs'4s o .:? Mt! cheep Ttk,'WILPFULCCIII*!?I I .? ' inizoreZ °tuber erzai jii lip_a ThaiCuttie t 1 de gtyT glide a ea - 171 ` - ` l ' s'• _ PlaTaandr, Mt. 00, 1944". - Me general prelucti, market elnlinults mod erately active and deal, but without 0111110taltie change in price , . s'. GRA, TN —W he at is flr,p mid In fair demand but ,D 'tl3 gee.; sale of I crs4 No 1 Chieago Sprlng at also. an more settal4tid steady; sale of t asr •t Cc; I do do at tun s dtpivered; I do do at Mar, ',,, bush In store. at 1W:41 :id small sales at Wit& Bar‘ey is selling from arajO , l.t Pei.o. 64 ' "- I. bushels Ear tern skittle. i S r e!l . 4 fro t el E mZ wi s h torre fo t r 472 l ;o i r r WW/ t 7°lrain ' t.:l brands. Rye. Hoar la Belling in acm way at svoiamo, amt. Corn Neal at al 10 par tithed. PROVISIONA--Pateej I, quiet ands ocbsuecti but little wanted and 04 stock is almost entirely' extended. Small nib ot Lard at 20W:A for prime city. and issg t s*lets Pork. FOTATOF23--Yeacb ere in derma and 2 , 11712 22 22,2, 22 " "War et. Said of Sweet* at XPPLE I4- Are in Wry freely find while the market la well a ppiled. pri are 'not quor4l bly lower, ranging fromlS,Slto c 117,10 per bbl, sLA re, quality. OitiONS--..81ay be gpacted flrel 'II 113,774)4 per barrel. .. ORLINTIERRIE3-4.,ht, et and aneke. 2 - e d, 22 1 22 at ilialM bt p l. -Th'ademanl. as yet le light- We notaaalesof Belau (ne,,x ...!..2„) at 2 , per lb. and Apples (old crep t ) a!„ lac k b303-tym - lioattealad higher, with aaleg ris• - ported at i * ...s ~ ORES . al 'if too bash at taper both ti t -considered - an . I:en ' fqcori.' - BUTTES- , gala 01 - tblagood'aoll- Butter at pVnaep limei` t4 . 1 % 111 .a 4 31, 46c. Z.f* Eicicheat . foe l3 :eunbeenusati a for Goshen. - • - .„, ...„ ~......aleal of klds Seed at V.A . OruAto. rid ""`"`',.. andlcir Clem orSimothy Seed. • • - : • .ALT-4. quoted sip oeprooks ip i ttildtrored; and asp In a retail nosy. HOMINY-14 arldild at I eta per tb. . . HAT-blay be quotgd at $lO to eta per ton-41te letter - figure onlY far Prlisto=lothr• •-• ''' - PITTSBUfIGHP OLEI3II MARKET O n( . , Tscissine, Oct. *a, tat& CRUDE-The Crudti, market wan again mrld.2' matey - active and, but prieargenerally', ruled a shade lower, ssd both buyers and: milers' are Impressed with tb4bellef, that for tho Fesant . at least, the Market ;11611 tot:ldled bodied. We tentiatieto quota at 20',025,1n bulk, and Ms ta• turned; and 4630, bblx included., Sales of 700, to bulk, at 24; 1100 .i 2.414 WO at 44; 100 at 24, W., returned; 400 at 24; lotlat g.; and e 0 et bbls In. eluded, The receipts-; are beginning to fall or *gala, and as Ltieliferi getting altallOW 60 1111. ;movement in th is respect cannot betook:4 for. REFINED-There sits not a single transaction o- In bonded oil to-day tbia we Could hear of and tho market la dull, with triit little inquirjand little Or tone offering. Quotatforla may be talrlygiven at ec€,at eenta, free on boded can here; iantti 00.4191, deb ',tree In Philadelpl;la. Free 01.1 11 quiet steady, with sales of „prime white at 74. It is thought that there setll, be an increased demand for Free Oil before 10*2 as the Western and South. western markets art, reported almost entirely bare. 1 . 1 . Detroit Market. T.IAR'gI,T a PIT NE.s..lllAi • • KAPTTIA AND IMTDZIIISTI-Ttinte tr late or no &mend for liettOuum, and the lest gale re ported war at $5,:r40,10, whtea figures seem to be helots-the view. OC ' most holders. Naptha quiet and unehaned.!:, HECElPTS—Thefollowlog Is a partial report of the arrivals of ertile by the Allegheny River during the twenty-Tatt hours ending Ulla eve ning: D. Hnafincll.. a'-' Ina. 'l7te. John 8enn....... 101323233 CENTRAL Lll7O STOCK MARKET. 1. cooled tot the Flush Gazette. " L e Lrazwee, Oct. 20, MO. CATTLE—There been no material charge in the Cattle market dA these yards since our fast report. 'The trarmactliMa,although Large for thisseason of the year, a eV - hardly up to the •etandaral of the pant two or ttora months, and stoekbuyera appear to be getting fewer In - number exalt week. Prime fat cattle motif:Me_ to meet. with a very good demand at about last Week's quotations, while stock Cattle arßdttll and neglected with a droopiog tendency. S - Mppers are operating with great caution, in conaluence of the uncertainty of the eastern market& while holder' Of good cat tle appear Indifferent about realizing, feeling sat baled that If they ecNnot get their price here, they can in Philadelphts, flew York, or perhaps Baltimore. The beet glades of fatsteers and heif ers sold this ore& at Aom 734.22 8, and small bunches of extra wou'd, command 15 7 h. Stockers sold at 4t04 jf, fortlnferior to strictly prime • stock' steer.. SHEP.--Market flrlo and, wither demand fully up to the supply, pride) advanced at lead 25 cents Der 100 lba, astomparad with last week. As will be seen by reference tMthe sale_s, quotations may be fairly given iit 1548"405-?', for falrlo medirim, and 0f31.y„ for good to steel y prime fat mutton sheep, aceraging from 90 to 193 pounds. But few stock sheep comlng in, and ft:Le same can be sold in re ford to Lambs. HOGS—The mariretr Hop been more active, end a shade firmer di o the week which has just closed, but we kr eno materiel. change to make in quotations, which ranged. froth 22 to 13a for good to cairn areflges, and 10 to 11 ceata for CO/1221106. a A . X 4 2 or ncas; Steller. ' No. doge. Prfae Caastlber y....... 90 270 9M 91 ..1301%etst 43 ZOO Oct Si Wylie— Gilell 41 215 12 5 011ebeelat 97 299 13 01 61 ns 400 if 117 10 00 I,mirteo__ ....Stoat e:e aCo 250 L 9 75 hryst..— & Imhoff ft 220 12 30 Sinae4 tc Ration". 42 9 mo 12 To LW roan.-- —l9leat3 --. 111 WO 12 10 Ward GllcirMixt--. 270 2 240 I 2 90 hS c Mullin- • .Emettic 110 2 12 72 Singer ton_.. lotholf.Eracrk 3t 1 10 0 12 71 .Stn lc lmhofL 64 200 It 23 Henderson Giletweist & Co. 67 240 it 92 Henderson Leak. ..-...—. 84 219 It 03 Swigard 47 WO 12 IS' Has iihouser .... 7 ZBI 13 113 Mccartly..— „Wattirson 93 249 12 25 Grady... ..... --.Watfirson -- 104 220 13 00 Shields.lt2l 232 n 22 Smootz— .--73Lagee & Imhor. 98 250 13 00 Blackireed....--.Glickeist.--. 53 241 12 73 Metter— 15 223 11 22 Clark . . ..... 55 234 13 03 somata, or slicer. Senn, Boyer. Na doge. Price.' Vdiet au sox Rhea! L0ge5....._._.-Rawl3. ... . . 184 91 • 5 Cepman .... 1.03 928 90 • Keller • 58 ti •' 190 - 57 490' Holmes Heasr4--.... t . 452 90 1115 4 Scott—._ 345 03 640 .. Anderson _Resat;..._..., Ha GT 0 175 07 50 .... 190 Pt • 9 25. 7 ' Shepard....— Renate —... 100 80 15.40 flatzell, 163 82 5 711 Deltrieb •Deltrfah —.-..... 17 - 95 ' 6 50' Aleoart Waterloo 677 63 3 52 . armee. 030 91 631 Leppo..-- 519 10; 6 67 C A 'TLC. Diet rich to Duffy - 421'41-ml gbod cock steers,arer. • ' aging Nu, - TM &Co. to DorlyV bead mixed cattle at GX, a verse: g intro. Voter sold for H Pdeffer ad held of fait i>b roars and ho rs, averaging SA to rut. beirarr, at Voter sold for Hnlar4s &Pander Znkead of good stork sierra avers hg 4C7, - at ny.f; sold to L . ' Kroft. • Voter sold furrosto4.llolmes go head Gnomon cows andhelfers, averliging 780, at 81,94 told to 7•Zlzer. • Voter for Joshua Waive. 21 head of fairish In dians stock steers, etliraglng, 823, at dli; sold to Johnston. Huff td Codherst siatead stock tattle, averaging Hurtaillusselmanp head good stock cattle, Ti r YtNorliagu a" Ne,o. tOf head of fait Indiana steers, a triaging iloO E nt frSLes to :Matter Xe 7 heakl pretty goal stock. cattle al I,N• Arialgnn to 11.sumt ...4.' hes 4, weighing 3),44.5 lbs t :',.%. .•e' MATE,' to Ilunebbe..ger !o hest, weighing 13, al t 6c. • iiol,,n to Rambo aifead, .weighing 3t,?30:1, at 5-71 —, Al i i t ai good st :rio n t L 4e to heid of Illinois steers, weighir.g•Te e 75, at Otte,. • Olilligan to Reed head, weightingl44:s, con... moon stocker*, at Roienthal I& Co. Frank hel;„ . weighing'. 67,1.1.41, be. ("oilman to MattesAlliead, weighing fair stocker., at..5,6e. Shieldi to Montagiq 72 head good Indians ateera, weighing gt,ieS, et T', some to same Z.-3 head, welgg:flag 10,000. bead of fat cows, weighing 41,7,5, at 01.1 e. 4 , & Co. to ilinfible & Co. ti hood, weighing , SO 000--goon enttle—i3 Garber to Elliott "ficalairva,'• weighiag., Y'S,' it • Weis:, to boater 4:: head, weighing 73,523 lag, at biler to Earinnaza,i, '.htad, weighing 2 , 3,030.1 ot Game to-same, ti,th head, Weighing 61,3,3 ihs,_ Hint( INTELLIGENCE, • .Ner • tolligton. ' h leaner._ Potter .. St. Louis. • ASS IRATII , O TO.DAY. Minnie...4llW Cincinnati. itrogukWnsounn. oto. • • The rich still coksinued to tecede yesterday, 1 1 and tact eight at Milk there was about three' feet ten in the Laanncl by the Monougaseta lner matim. The daykras very pleammt,ent cloudy andindlcated riloand last night about eight o'clock -it commonest aprinkling. paperthat the Finan- Mt noticed la yealerdaY l vier ballet for CidPisuctl. She is still here, how es.ei detained by.triter, and will and' leave until there if .rtOlt. the Myer, and lta she is • loaded she will learr4 in the n JIM water. • The America and •lNevadboth of whica fmat4 -have been iturticartg at Mutat:l;ton for some t . ,,i,kaptist, hive a trigtharrived at our binding. Their wilt found In anotheridsee. • The Cleaner left SL Louis yesterday, with geode • load, asl'ilhe,kauld pike nut; on the . The ittuicita, leave CMS Mein- • ln; for Cincinnati. ;kola of - irety lishAdzaft Lunt nt Ihrour t h whereVer it La aghtly.damtCASO• cureyoursta toMPS'eariy this moraing,cir =sine you will be ob I;edre occupy. No. lr ion the ' - The Nevado me the korktown „et. OMOW• (seek, all safe and Acund, arid on het way doWn: •• • "I ,n 4l l :e .arm i n ultn e het return tea P for krint point. Nevada, Capt. Enlist etc . :loadingform, for St. Louts, • • and-wi n; On WSW. water.: • • The Leonidas is die at the ;loading this morn.. 1 frocalineinnath ;:, ,•4 The Leal Leon isc•ltian'Auttl boat due from be. The.-piles which 'Im be seem, re Mien in the - etiarmel of 'therieektittring therftliall. or theetenbenvillowlM , : Midge have not yeOlo ,Aurvildr. • etalrigation • t!7 I'be2llaOoel R, rendered - Stile BA= rOUS• _ Medleys that the stenmee Piclator has been - 190 , tgat Kmesk,- tied q p by - .era theSheriff.-4te there two Riehmonds'in.: thefield, *elf AmUllitilttra - the - TeickatOr doing r. • gititc:ntoe th rlc.%='. w sOme ait": rttur d te a tYot Th. liii. nth.bwavt wteb r taut twelve inches:if water On NerPeth MO W& - I ' l •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers