itazefte, r causezD ET YEE GAZETTE PUBLIGRIAG ASSOrIiTION FRLDLY, OCTOBER '..!7 1S 5. THE NATIO:I: S A CURRESCI Those who arh interested in keeping us the idea that the currency is steadliy es panding, cite the issue of over $2,000,c0 ; week to the I,` : ;atiottal .i3ani>asps;:ref their allegation, . The limit of the capital 0f the NiCioca; Banks is r 00,000,000, and the issue of; xi rency on this cannot exceed 00 per cent. The tissue of currency to ; tAem up to-t4 O 22d otoitober, iviusr$200;000,0001 and Isla plain that the further issue of this currency will goon until the limit fired by the Na tional Banking Ls kvetteited. , lint It is I • 4 ' be reglC IttbOtelt l3 at many of these Na • 4° 410 Fu nksrexe late 4 State Banks of is sue; and Onst lirlitbeA issue of National Bank' etrisinidirt4s ilintdlly going oni . tse withdrawal of State Birk currency Is just as aferarly pushed. What-thaitiniioitaireis between the issue of the one and the withdrayal of the other we cannot say, precitet but we art eer t.tln thatiha cattc9 &lon of the State bank notes equals, if it clinks not ciee s ed, the is sue of ti 4 Sauotiil cusrency that takes their place. The steady Jamie of National currency is not, therefore, an inflatton of the circula tion. The new issues merely take the place of the ad ones; and by the Ist of rest .Idly, when the state bank notes will ;' be taxed out of orculation, the suhatizution` of ope for the M. cr will he found to result in cs•qtractios patted of expantlon. Tncze are over a hundred millions of State bank notes yet to be redeemed, ems ms..,b less than this will fill the limit 01 the NE:enal issues. HOARDING GRAIN s, great Is the amount of grain in s ire la Chicago, hoarded by specu'aturs fur higher Prices, that the warehousemen have notified the Board of Trade that the e path ton °coatis, barley and rye now in store • is bad, and liable lo become more so by the process of heating. Corn and whet' have not yet become - set iously atio?ted b•tt it is doubtful how tong they will renr , ln so as the steam and smell from hot gra.° is de- latenons. It is c ontemplated by warehousemen to advance,. the rates or storage to one cent per bushel for every five days, or part thereof, for all grain An store after the 1 - ,th of November, provided the grain in store now is not removed before that time. It is to be hoped that this, if the stria. gency In Money will not do it, will compel the over-greedy speculators in breadstuffs to diagorge, and a:low the market to re- stone Its nominal condition. This is too biz a country for the euccess of any et empt to hold all the grain out of market; and It is consoling to know that if they will not sell at a reasonable profit, the grain Is sire . to spoon their hands. GEN. sLOCUM. We learn from the Tribune that General Shocuit, who heads the Copperhead ticket in New York, was the originator of the fa- mono ten cent contribution which' i was ,proposed to kick trom each of the soldiers , of the Army of the Potomac for the benefit of General MC CLELLAN. This attempt at 1, a forced ley; was made after 31cCLEI.LaN's •removal, and was in ended as a rebuke to the Government for removing him. The Secretary of war, regardiut It as a scheme to ea Oct money from the soldiers, squelch ed it, and the army was saved from the disgrace. that SLorue and_his friends had devised. The revelation is valuable as ahowinglow the Copperheads were promp ; ted to choose him as theti leading condi. data. JULY mgh an orienal Republican, this one step pointed him out to them as a Copperhead at heart, andlitmone touch of Copperhead nature preved_him to be Wu to them. That and his big cotton steal, Bitola him to be .he fight 'man In the right place in litailiLg the Copperhead-Ticket. SAFETY In DELAY. frgo feeling 1.1 Steadily, gaining ground thonghout the North tha£ the true policy in bringing back the South if to make have :very slowly, and Wait until we art sure of being right before attempting to go ahead. The Chicago Republic4a ;lays; The onlytertain safety is in delay. Walt till N r h Carolira is reiiiierated before you admit her. Walt tilla new people and new interests have grown up on her soil. Wet till the rebel debt Is iiiigotten and all thought of repaying it has utterly died out. '1 Or if it to absolutely Indispensable that she I should be readmitted at once, let her en. slow with all the franchises of citizenship Ile 350,000 of loyal black people who re side within her borders. They will have ...i to disposlitou ,to) thcmAelva-azurtttelr children for the payment of a rebel debt --which they not only do not hold a dollar of, but regard with instinctive and whale some haired. hither establish the priori ! plea of universal democracy and justice, and admit whites and blacks to the suftrage on the same terms, or else keep the rebel States In a long probation. There is no ihi alternative, : uo:oihsr means of escap. , repudibtlottlosonie of its fa'al forms, a ith all the enormous and intolerable evils -which will come in Its train. ' 'The returna fzuni,t3lr. eActloa ,abew that the amendment to the State Constitution; itlloviiitnegroes to cote, Iles been adopted' • by the people by an overwhelming ma, . ,Icrity. - 7 I lowa is thus iiie r' gliSifitate to 46 justice to the appee — aitit y{ ,'.if aigitat thecity } and consistency - 45f liti Republican grind ' plea. She puts ICltitectictrto" dupe, and ; t 4t an, pr.ainple to her sister . BoVes which ' I vie trust they, will not be Blow to follow. ' 7 klinneecita .and - 'Who:moan, -we "have - no doubt, : vptolleiw : -suit, at their electione next month; and whest:At Is pica shown 4 that these plates nres,apablo,otovercoming the ailly - yrejudlop begilttomof:nprollavery trainiok, the example thus set by their 'Western slatera must stimulate the other liorthern ( latatca to wlpTont thetlistMetions on accoMat ifit color that have so long (Bs , grind thrtitxi: T piers .--.e . ex porta of dons es tie prodvenlions New ..Y - bric, last week, were $3,000,080. This is a decided improve. went upon the previous week's, but is still below the .11nports of. the same weekotid tlti*Afrgi6likr this eipon:wat. Lade twoffottownecniuianted atthet port,. upon AiOlieielY Wideilliere =IL no reAldlitsi i fiFYintisio'come, it Will not. . - ; 4 0 4.54 1 k - IFCl9l l lgAllk uPOP - .44 11 , *nal +sari& L , 7iVe , meat import ;no and, . 1 26414,iikt — fioioYarrbile, to , : fiatis' 1,41 ? at /rEI?" 5 /"li'VAllazi4 l We/ lA . ' • itiebtennozneeTAP'-r-.7. 'rs3l EtW s k4 l . `. R. ) ;lFVurrnNi.r.kali) 3. 'mot ?o- very tittles' hue pro.; ...and (Inundation 7..roughouttho,stei, qopa4y, ket.itteuk, jortli criallnypTlVl2ll to the molts up. luo them,' l itiiiillit' l eitivitation adjourned k • withoutionlottow,rottiorcgiti*orl idols Ajelitt oti 'ittrit:siitisul Vlsttliout. -Ittserrllity and subsereleudt ill dos aboat the re.mtioltatt the titithein 14 filhAhe Mdbeni !Garr h, 4211s1"Couten. NllOl shrt7cepitolgbe Able?, Affeet,that reottlh• ' " • c!:k hegini to *or, uider the cr:::e.tann ur.nhl3 idea that we Should do nothing "unpleasant to Ole South," arl , i rustles into pi:nt to cip!aq V. - a Le we , rr,rrec!:y IT , ! di! , •• . o ... I The utti.e.s , Iltr.ll cf vrl..A• Le .1..1 say seems to haTe Leer. F 1 ~:.•51 !),,t lq .lone the sh.,uld, if to 13:1.),C ,he so Cast.) carry the 63 Pithy of the '-outl,rn mem" This is a ' very dif!erent thing from toe idea that ex cited so much admiration in the Kew York Time., and other papers of the toady class, rnd upon which wz. commented, presuming it to be correct. We have no objection to the precept ? as laid down in Mr. 136ECIIER'S correction. W. ahonid by-all means avoid .1 giving offence to the South, Whenever it is possible to avoid tt, consistent - with a stern adherence to duty and the right; and we are glad to know that he Is not the parent of so silly a conception as that attributea to him in the origins -1 report of his sermon. - JErr. Darn' FAMILTISCanADL,—A Montreal correspondent of Le C'anadins, Imparts the follow. Ing,Freaeh:, paragraph "The children of Jcffer• eon Davis hare been for some time In Canada, as is well known. The two bora are Jrast now In Chambly. and about to enter Lennoxville Col lege. The young girl, nine yearn of age, la a pupil 14 the convent of the Sacred Henri, Utili se Recollect.. Last Sabbath several Southern refugees went 10 tee her. They brought with them the Federal General Cochrane, whom they introduced to the elrt, telling her that hr term a frond ni ar SJr:Aero muse, aithoutyt circumstan ces ~aittramed to ,light Se tha ranks of ita ent rant. The child. locking to the Geteral, ans wered : '1 shall believe that you a-e one of the filen& of cur cause •hen you shall have obta;n• ed the release of my father.' The Genera! was deeply mend wish this answer, and promised the child to ore a:, [Or influence on behalf of hlr. R✓son Th.. "0 Iccl t ee h ...•G::. , • ~.:e or, Toro, who Ir Tur Clic:num( Ehqz, trey exultingly says - The '=oi:Yr. comes back to the Union with the Fin, ire:: en which the went out, and having, en ,Iht. men and no other ideas, the f.:111C men ISLA be at the helm of the S ate, and must regulate their conduct oy the same ideas. • • " :Neither is It correct to say that they have paned with the 'chattel :e ' lor tneir rights of property are, as they understand it, unimpaired ; the dls turbance Laving been simply as to th e pos session." Is the cct:n ty ready to bring back the South "with the principles on which site went out'" Let everyllepublican member of Congress ponder that question well be fore he makes up his m nd as to how he will east his vote. (itATLltti READT.—St. Lotus is clearing streets for the cholera. The Council have enacted that every house or property holder shall cause the sidewalk and gutter in front of his premises to be thoroughly cleansed on Wednesday and Saturday of each week, under penalty for non-performance, and It Is now required of the Street Commission er!' to follow suit in looking after the sheets. STATE. NEWS Tnr. Chambersburg lloposilery says: Our readers will miss their usual weekly entertainment tram "Gossip." Mr. &qr. ock was In .he car on the Pennsylvania .railroad In which nine persons were killed near Lancaster recently, and was seriously itijured. The seat and floor were torn out under him, but he saved-his life by holdmg himself up by his hands un the car was stop,red. liu leg was caught anal booty torn. The flesh was cut to the bone below the knee and lacerated and bruised terrib!y. lief, now in Pailadelplita at his father's Lome, and was some better at last ad vices. Tun Erie L:. , te;, says. Pith.ole, ac cording to present appearances, is destinel to become one of the grand railroad June ions of the country. In the course of a few months four distinct railroads will be in operation, oeside the plank roads now building. The i , leopolis road, now nearly done, will soon be open to travel. Tats will connect Pithole with the navigable waters of the A.:legheny. The second is the Titusville road, the third is the road to Item), and the loarlh is the t'.ttsburgh and Erie branch. Toe SW:CC:et lierad says: Adam Spongy ol Somerset township, committed suicide about ten Jays ago, by hanging upon a tree. ins wood, a considerable dis t .nce from his residence. It appears Mr. Spaugy had been liable to fits of mental derangement. fot. some year!, and, was, for that reason discharged. from the army last year. Tns Harrleburgh Patriot rays: Wild du. ke are now appearing shin rue Susque hanna. Sportsmen ehrnll temeMber that they are only allowed to shoot them on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week. TUE President of the United States has appointed Dr. Palemon John, the editor of the Bloomsburg RepuLi icon, Assessor of the Thirteenth District of Pennsylvania. MAJ, GEN. TIARTILANYT, Auditor 4m eral elect, lies returned to his command In Kentucky, and is now on duty at Louis ville. TILE apple crop is almost a total failure in Franklin county. TOE corn crop in Barks county is vary large. TOE Russian Government is beginning to be ,alarmed at the extent to which its noes are counterfeited. Several bands of forgers are engaged-in this manufacture, anti a number of suspected persons have been arrested. It Is stated that at NUM Novgorod. an Immense quantity of false notes have-been found rolled np In cigars. Tar Savannah Herafd reports that the Charleston Mercer!, will presently be tablished by Mr. R. B, Rama, Jr., its for mer pro; rietor. Also, that Mr. T. Hurley and Mr. John'Bonuna Wlll soon begin the publication in Charleston of the indepaa sat African. The more newspapers the better. Full and free discussion is the life-blood of a republic. Turns. has been aremarkably large yield of grapes in France this season, and their richness In;nice Is quite as wonderful. I Large quantities of wine have beanies* for want of asks to eters It. In some parts of Burgunduer onsfumishing their own bar rels can put chase new wine M from four to nine cents per gallon. The hest of French brandy can be made at leas than one dol lar per gallon, but cheapness in Europe Is not likely .0 effect prices in this country, where speculation and adulterattma hart sway. 30135 .- RODEICIIAVOIT, an auctioneer,. o f Sent, Portage county, Ohto, wee uttirdered near that place, Wednesday night, and ha s body placed on the track of the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad. Two meitorritit whom he had beim gambling during the evening are suspected to have after Wards waylaid and murdered him, knowing that he had several hundred dollars on his per son. They boye not yet been melted. - Tire lion.;Bradford lb Wood.. our late minister at Copenhagen. has been eeferely rebuked by, the trotted States Groirernraent. for having paid .. .his meets . . totheenVoy of the AreltdohliZe, time capital, "and. haliaintai been einierseded by Mellon. ALL YPIP:4ID, AellNe4l , .Patrioi, Who. ins already /or Tiotunari. Ceozgla' tiiiiiffourtaan mll - iditaltuultattpUiantPairsreilithaaa-. tiVeiiitinditd'an4'lle/Dritgird ollll7l e urgaq months: • titer a tresty_orptict 'been tatlfiedbts twermlowntedexacersl4tialuttl*ViOpal: gthtiagMailim bi 11 0113 8 1 9 etgintl4WltWeit tilPped MR 'ripen hilifire, lob ri Ornefolldwint hia; They both -roiled to•tho bottom bat - the pan eacaped , with 'very llttkinjury, thig -1"111-TRAPIa.4dA • ro I. firoloargyeakaatil b 6 tralk - witttep .11 %1 we# o2 lo.4 l .fla etitibeitWO; ol lTtlea:- day ) foe'' Hulett - pimp:qty. zotttp, abotit to sfo dierigrPeritilattatfrk 4 ..dp A., We take th.. i,4loring Itemi mitithg Intelligence from the Slack k g .roun.a:of Oct°Ler to The Monitor Bill. in Ihikiee" 4 ' , t e v !thin the neck I; '".' "'. or. of uniting 11. , son desulphurir.: in ti. ! 00 11l We :rho!: rerliariz• - • ;ht. t,rbt L ‘lse tit ore Into one of the turnai:os last conning 'rile other main turnat_e is approaching completion, sad a large desulphurtznor will be nearly finished this week. Crashing machinery is bring act up in the old Mil waukee for temporary use. Idr. Lyon. has fenced cut the world for the present, but he thinks that a month will see his worts well enough under way to allow of public In spection. Ms outlay Is wonderful; he must gu ar d Fltzpattick last night shipped 262 ounces of gold--eleven days' run of thirty one stamps on Gunnell ore. Mr. F. says he has the best show now, that ever was known in the mine. Mr, Lyon has purchased fire cords of his ore at t. 300, 'currency, per cord, p.nd he takes it at the mine. Perhaps this is the beginning-of a new eye em—a sys tem in which the ore market will be at the mouth of the mines, and the ready cash price will be superior to the reaults hereto fore obtained by all the cumbersome pro• cess of hauling, crushing, and amalgama ting in stamp mill. Mr. al. P. Frink is getting •out two cords of ore per day from the Gardner. Trumau Whitcomb is crushing for him with about the old results. Mr. Clark, for the new company he organized, is building a new mill or engine house on the Gardner Lode. His machinery is understood to be coming. Charley Peck is snaking some very inter esting experiments at the it lcelsior Mill, on harsh OTC. Under the stamps, the yield was but six or eight dollars per ton, 500 pounds being the amount upon which he made his tests. Desulphorized In the eons mon teverbersting furnace. the yield was increased to to elve dollars. llesuiphurlzed by Keith. it is increased to forty-five. The Crosby A: Thompson prowl; remains to be tried, For ainfilits7'..tallng, he uses the Freiburg, pen, with a one mailers. Tuese discharge into a series of three copper pans, about three feet over, one emptying Into the other, the three arranged on a plank nod given nearly the same motion by ec cen , rirs, as that given ton golf pan, by the hands ol a prospector. In the t•Nperiment with the batch of ore desulpiturized by Keith Buhr, after run ning about tc. rive hours, there were as many dollar,' worth of tine, bright Mimi gold, taken tom the three copper pans, that (Auld not be made to autalgamate with yet, kt-liver by any means, and every known method was tried. The inference is that in any other amalgamot it this gold would have passed off with the water. This is an important fact, if positive y and well 35(1. rtalned, destined to vas ly iacrease the raving of gold and silver wherever pans ate used for amalgamating. i❑ Tux Chattanooga Galate says small pox is gradually spreading over that city. Theta are over 118 cases in the Pos. hospital, and a number of cases reported In various parts of the city. It has invaded the freeimen's (amp, where the mortality to likely to he large PUBLIC NOTICES !NOTICE TO NTOCOMOLD EDS.— TN, nThOll TD A NSTER !SOUKS of the t•r7ThIUROH AND CoNNE9.LSVILLE K R. Co, will be closed on SATURDNY, Nova to, 990, At 9 o,clock. P. II ,end wtll so remain matt a tsf t t. Annual Election of Manor., to be held on tte Ith day of December nett. ]NO, H P AGE, In. oc.r.rld Secretary and Tremo•er VMS EIATORALTY..--JA.311:5 DUN. A LDS. ON, Alderman of the Fourth Weir 4 at the 'alienation of friends, Das consented to al. low hie name to be ueeil la connection with the next Mayoralty, and telli be a candidate Babied to the airedt vote of the people, la accOrdatiee with the recommendation of the last 'Republica& Municipal Convention. or= de *, * R f. aloB • pRESBRYEB--.2.5 dozen assorted Pre unres fast received sad for Isle tri REY e:ls k BRO 4. ELLIEtt-200 doz. Currant Blackher t, ry. Yeanb, Pine Apple. blespberry and Limp* ./t late mow in store ano eels. by nry HER a BROS, ,kirstlLL PICK Lt.l3—CU -- bbis. and 111 13•11 We prime "Plokles, In etnester. now to store and for sate by RET.MER r 8R03., Not 124 sat 12i Woad dares:. 0) It.,E LES IN GLASS —2oa dor. half (ickao end plot, asserted sad plaba net.. In toze•u/ for sale by SLYIEII & MX.% No. 158 and 123 Woad areal CHOICE WINTISR APPLES.--We are now renewing a let otte ear 201,11 chola. Win. ter Apples tut up with great cars, comprising all t .rietleool good looms nut!, which •.• will mil to lob to lull chums, from barrel to cat load. Ott samples at the Liberty 'treat. ten L. IL lOtOy 11. !,,41'.1—EN JD REttLUENCE FOB BALE. —We offer fur lisle tee residenee or Dt. Mae, ' , teesu tip airunte on Si, coon avenue, between ederal and haudosky infee•s, Saito tdottaion, dtlr ah , hl lJli7, The lot cm a Mont on the atm. Ile 01 3 0 AS! oy 24, feet. to a 40 foot Wert. The house la built to the most saute!: Le manor, end bendeosiely entabeni mein and b.* buiidune each i home Muriel.; two large ratlere,d.tnice mom nue lutehen t n tint doer. lb. houserenstalne teems in al. S OVTHtIE/tl a .t.hrb, ocd6 01 Market aunt. N CONIM GNMENT AND FOR SALE, N- 0 1:00 nt 1.. Ames. 00 " Prorobb.ow Potatoes: lea Witte Signe; tro 11 Orions; " snag/ Street Poial oes, tr," boxes Hamburg (0 . 1 . Goa= do bll l l. Cranberries; 12 trait boli. Pickles, tot LANs; to do Mate Firth. 10 do Trout; too Nobel, Timothy Seed. Si°BAIT k PrEiTEB., ory No. 01.1bert y street. It* - Modern Houses For Sale klandsomeli located on Webster al set, (east side of West tionunons,) near Ohio street.oommanding a One view, and in a cleanly neighborhood. The bowel, are of modern build, nod Combine all the Conveniences USUALLY FOUND IN FIRST CLASS HOUSE; Apply for further Inform a tip:l to S. S. SRI AN, Broker, Fourth St., (Burke'. But'dike.) Now IS THE TIME, AND el Market Street the Place, TO SEGER! GREAT BARGAINS IN tiOGTHSITD SHOES. vrE ABE sEr-Ltrm Ladle' . Moto= Sewed Boots_pws. worth ,2 00. do db 'do satmOUL 33, wotth 33,50. do Lagting t a r d o three' soles. far' 44,25, worth 35,00. Ladles , Lasting Congres ()slum, three soles, ..... i 35,03 worth 513 0 Ladles' Sewed' ipped Bsimorals, heavy .....$462. worth $4,00, Ana all other good' la proportion nt member t 46 n841°41114 A: ROBINSON:. 4c. Coy ai nunxrx . STILZEt, Arad door to BAWLER'S DU Cloode Store • 'oelD zarors:;;I:8•11 W. pattli..D.O.Yrd III'OANDAsa :yilicsafr, cam & co., (Lars 'moos, viol • c Wboleaale dealer. to FOREIGN AND , DOnn- Ms DRY GOODS, No. 04 Wood strret.,., third . -.ova Glatiood atiao. l*Parthuyit. apt, 'LOUR 000 bbl• Vaintlywheat; ' aou .do^.. do Ind do}. I CC I -40. .; spring - dot Soo bush prime Ear Corn • ICO , ab u t" SCOOldisb Oats) • I e zoro darololfirgißrelr.. store and for sala_by_ ' :PACT ''M „.„rif =ON t• GO., italO • ' 4" Non Groot. . • P'ili E - LUARIPATINO 'OIL --'40 .--- bbla i ia• tuarlaatiig Oil. a vary lima ( L am a , _. • tbe .auvig Farr Ou, and • eupgascana= - tau, bury, Tor sate by .1:7 4(111 3 - i gttiftEU .-• - 7. Ince: vrags..t. mum T ,,f 1 -.., ar ingiadYilißlabOkbritetbrini Waal:01ml zl , ra97l 4 tOila lemma ;bat =Oat oflrat Me emui Litaseeransagma I,' 1.. , ' ,J01M.112 REZIS H .1,3;:i: , , : AW, I , ,-•• 't to.a c . ilblerlableatil*MblllOMlUS:-!! , mr : ri pti.g wir . imp.r . . . . arriiiir7ol,w•Ranto Ma . . o Dl o **** M l asOi p kW ata,b Wianrge gaagent+ *M a t all o Pieta . `Stmt. Pfialargty $ ll l Vui - kraTriarnaML.6o. hi* add; -- A. nu agostabiemu.a.rsouva whit Alt by ' ..- :. p i .i: . % WNW* * Dace. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS iiRO V ER ,t BAK ER EEVVINC MACHINER , fo I N. a • • ye, Fin! r'r,r,:,n, for ten wo.k st Fear,. State Fair . First Premium for beat Si "hike work at New York State lair. Fire Fremism for beat Family Machine et Ohio State Fair. First Premium for best Manufacturing Machine at Ohio State Fair. trot Premium for beat 111 anufacturing Machine rat blichtgan St ate Fair. First Francium for best Manufacturing Machine at Wisconain State Fair. Firm Premium for best Manufacturing Machine at I. •wre nee Co.. Fair. Pa. First Purclum for best Machine for general pus , poem at Lawrenee Co. Fait, Ps. First Premium for beat k amily Disunion at Bucks Co. Fair, Pa First Premium for best Manufacturing Machine at Bunks lb. fait g Ps. First Premium (or best Manufacturing and Fatn. Sy Machine at Sprineflielll Fair, Onto. First Premiumfor beat Manu f acturing and Fam ily Machine at Pelolyra Fair, N. Y. /hat Premium for best Maattlaatoriag and Fam ily Machine at Suffolk 17.16:Fatt, N. Y. First Fremfum for best Maaufacturtng and Fain tly Machine at Schuyler Co Fair, N. Y. First Premium for best Machine for all para.ves at Ailershmy Co. Fair, Pa. First Premium for best Manufacturing Machine at Allegheny Co. Fair, Pa First Premium for best Machine work at alle. g . coy Oa. Fair, Pa. At d whams er exhibited. A. F. CHATONEY, GENERAL AG ENT, cr.:7.4,41m5, No. 10 Flfgh st.. Pittsburgh 1 . !.N S IU1; u Lir% IN TtiE HARTER 011 E LIFE INSERANCE CO., OF II FORD, CONN. 711 E (11,LY LIP. INSITTIA.NCE COMPANY IN Ant E. ICA that Loa , makes and pays ant an. nut.' CASH taVi ilrN E., on the feat end each newp... La payment of pretriltu. Lis ()Ann CATITAL aLli •e A:mulatto. ot :01.500,000 is b.bunlf bonne stocks Awl mortgages of HEAL ESTATE. It I• note to Its lqth year of 1,1•Ittellt, sod tin.l•S t tl to the WID 11.00 DIY mean et It. mete,ra the otat of ONE hilt • 1..1 , N DOLLARS. To Vats sate not • single craze of litigation tins Sac /1,01, an e‘ ',nee that 1111. r. 'Oily and fait dealing is aal out 4114' with this C• na , a. y The oree, of th i n romp toy are not for'ettenl by trues of ton pa tnent btem . tto titer the eteoLd year No nolulten after ten 3 eats, tt.O. llCles con • MAW itved thettoo, We. ov .1 C. NC AI.RLi, President. N. S. PAL.IIIEIL, Vico Croa.deut S. 11. W HITE. Secreleay. 1341.stett Vince for I Metz Yen 1.1 I ant, ve!.ere etr,len •od Wank Popltenetion will he fLrrilea ed. 3% W 00•1 1111 reel. Nittstui:gek. rroto Wit ltlte. , tercitiFhout the •Stote. Apply to 4...c.1.1y41 F. E. UIn.,DELL,,St•te Agept 17 TRALtt(IA AND o'ONNELLSVILLE'.'...* -*" On and alter MONDAY, Oct 31:6, ISO, the t W.ll tare the Depot, corner or Hon and Wen. enters, as followe EITIVTI Patabargh. Pltloo.o. Mail to and [ram Uniontown. 1:16 a. a. OM p. P.preaa " " . p.. 10.03 a. 4. Ftrat McKeesport Aceoen ..1100 ISO a. EL Second .." .• 005 p. m. VMS p. n. " 390 11:23 Seoos 440 p. m. e 0 p.. Su.edal Cthureh tratu to and from MelLecaport ISO p.ha. lel) a. al. For flake'. apply to SHANE, Age.t. . _ odl.ll, W. H. STurl:, Superluttneg. ORE & CO., 25 Fifth Street FANCY LOTH SICQUES. '• It Welt they Mt the emotion of buyers. r r - DW EL.LII4O HOUSE IN ALL Eli USN Y • one and • half story frame Catage lipase, con tain/Ng two parlors, dialog room, Mushea and four chiumbert, antis era!er and cr.., occupying • fat atts haghly cultivated and ondamanted with shrub bery and etude trees. The aurroundllogir are pleasant, affonttng ample space for Lresta air, and the outlooX on the three rat% n commandlos an extenalve and ruled 'dew Fur Ituther Information, apple co IIItYAIT. Broker, Fourth Street. Barite. Building VY ii.t . b.eht3.slEN rb.--eat portico Intercom/ are hereby noctlichi that the under- Maned. 111.wera optrototaw to Mak* wesamtat of ths costs and •11 , 110••• 01 making a Nora. and Ita branch.. from Wuchtnoton owe* mid Ora r - ase- One to the roonalot actl• rOCllthald,4l. !ashen,. Isttl p eel at the IiECORDING RX,- L A] r okay tlrrlt/E, ist to said city, Ito 15.111111tAl", ectebes Z9th, at to Wahmx. CO hear appeals loom their amassment. sat's*. tent of which mos Oo area at mild once to the tamtatflas. WM. DILWOUTEL WLI. DisRENDIt LuCATION steel S FOE SALE, situate on, eel 1011. four wiles tram the etty, idles from Laughlin's alai= of tie tionodleellill le nerd, on whia, is. floe Oliherd of over 44 Fr. rt 'Fri es 5f tins quality; in C0.,1 ero„td t ,. ; want 'Bands sod toodt 5 ides of. Coal, with pit Mlcl•zary opened. 46 leo, sr-ether Lot adjoining the wane, coa'ati. log 16 *um pertly underlaid 'o6th coal. t or plot sod Whet liffornildloll, apply to Lets 8. Wet. AIN It . 102 Fourth it. - - la r ld. DIG BY, Agent, No. 37 13alltlitleld I St .10•4 et the nreeent, oat of the Cheeped, Beet !Cede sad Most Faeb lonabis Stook of RUDY MADE OLVIIIING IN THE. CITT. Salta from ISt to ILO. nea r:oaf. trona Ile to 410 Orders to ids Tattering Lin. executed In the best meaner. orP:iord COUkil It Y REISIUSNOr. TO LET. A BRICK COT I AGE Ilu USE. At o.2lend. within Illteln mistte.• watts Iron tbr Osklard Station. A Suet wet of Water, sad were of soft Water, Frwe Trees, ite. I squtre of ve.b.turd LSA.AO NOOK, 118 Fsurth et. el L REFINERY FOR SALE. Of capacity of about ISO barrels per Reek, .ItuMe on I ank pi river at Franklin. 11th go.; landing for boats. Coal can be Dad at la eenta.per bnabel. Apply to W. W. WARD, Prealdent onnfsail Franklas and Saody Coal and (AI Co. S 1 TY .b.t.VE.Di HEAD FAT CATTLE FOR SALE. et the BreK Tt VERN. three malee frlie the city, e the Bevireeettle Road. 0e.2e:...ta JOURINEYMEN PAINTERS. mimo TWO 000 D STEADY HAND' Apply Immediate/7 to MAJOR FOLEY. Gclet2td Centre street. Rirmtagh.m VOR SAL, A LOT OF GROUND, coa x' gaining about TEN MMES. situate to DIV". vine, Malian townanip t near th e Nett 81 - 4 1 1 1, 11 Road. Tidy pet/kg/ - 1s Web rune/tot a Country Residence, betty of Curio:nein to too ray 1/ , tho Blanchester Pm/eager .11411 war. or F. It. W. .1; O.E. R. would be sold An ono or iwe loin. BEEN2M!MIM 666 b WANT/SD To canvass for DR. ROLL&RD'S LIFD OF L 1 NCOLN. Terms Llbersl. JOiiti A. EXERT, genera/ AgEAS. lriktietdires: Morttit, Pittsburgh, Pa. A SSEI3SIIENT NO ICE, =iotice is UM ostetlttoontiot the thral l/Ig, Patrlog.and Curoi.g of Tannehill .I.4pe. Pao tune Lane and ration ss. Itrest;l bees misilioita een be 'elm et my (Mee, in the Market Bnildta)f, until th e nth day of October, MSS, on *Mai day ft ,atu be Asodtd over to the int! Tmuurer for cot-, ettaaLks BEE - UHSPrAnit. ReconlAug. Resulator. PELQ U &ST, 11,10.2:31.13 - Xi NO.. 21 WYLIE STREET, EASES TO ORDER OTA OuvriNG AND MODELS FOE MEW ILVENT/ONI3. elSarocas Ett LopT.—Lost Monday evening T ale lOW - hut; ea pith,' ,tekt tes: citr PelseagerEe t et Clelratteet, Wl* liyacg ea 0 1 4 11 b..Tirenafri• ed ea lair wit et thle b tila Depot of the Pittibtuth, All q ataxia htsbafteo4s2,4ter Pas. • S ,._,_ • ___ ART , piD , EPINEETTEk—Afot• TAW patlots , imams orllr/ STEWMITT zisetti dealer,.of,Pittetfltrier,, , Per.pnir tba , .o"Aklaor-eoe • Alleltlat9 UP' r,PM,,, , ,,. , „„ b r. gu1iz N VE V t t thit t ' A T,, t IN, kitilg..Vß:. sso --ei 84,...,*.1t0r1w r,..11.,,, , , , - , Lqiiiii. ,.. ..464- z C24qilitm u rig h v a 46 I t/hit:4 lEW or_ _ _ filt gr._ Itialaana t a. xualsai'Cillauv , A _ V , 11'=)siimttlatin,t1iRitilONISIISW45,11. j ' . i "I 7 alrelt.,:o4l LA',,1,1 .111. e,t 04 . •2 . 4 ukz4suita 7 ,,, gi:t l WTO': .. i • 1:7.: On 4 214 .1. 4 t. 7 XDP, : • : v i e r. ,... i, m — t , , tete , tielnient.. -neei est •tarto *v •••,- .. ti a 4;_: @TA I .: • p :,:. a car 4024 -L. O L'W . lllalltAlgisAtitr ti dare ail NEW ADVERTISEMENTS pn Mini:GU THEATRE. GHIONI AND SIG. MIN.'S GRAND ITALIAN OPERA 12M4 Mr. St rah otch not out. re 'with moei. rilengore, 'bet h.•l :1 ~ m pletv at .pvtn orupeuy. embracing some 01 .6e moei m.orni nue favorably kaOwa artiste, roe pit, 11111171 S AND litii.7lll>l ki A, coropite or co., el the molt teleotet notliite (thin riei. Toth. 0110 N.L0114 he will give lu burgh, POSITIVELY ONE WEEK ONLY comnENci N .110 X DAT, X ovomP.or 6 SIX DTI TER ENT GRAND OPERAS, Ina style Dory railed by any' ether management. he. followlog eminent ert t leta from tea New York ifeartemv of fiture, 00114tRute the Ohtani 111. Stahl' Grand Optera Oom Signorina A\ LIMA OTITOXI, the famone Drametto Prima Donna, from the Italia' Opera. New York Academy of attain, and the Theatre Yearn, Ravens. Rm. ?era sriteizosoii, the favorite Clea. bonito. . _ OANNISSA, Prima Mina, Oroverl Grind Theatre, Signors ranoerEttra nndHAM, First Tenors, of the. 4W York, Boehm and Ph!tads!. htn !tandem:den of VOW,. Signor IkfA.NCtSI, the erolneht Baritone, front the (}rand Opera, neater Tams, nalans. sigs 01 Al t•UATINO SLISIN/, the Grand Hanes Frahm!, , late of Max braretzek's Italian Opera, Neer York. Smoot ANTON 4.16LA1F, Om celebrated Basso Butte, late of Drover's (lemma Opera. !time. PATIO7II and tilt. ZnITZ7.I, Second Don PAS. Fig. nIMEN ••mi Ste. PEED I, Second Tenon. ft 6. I.O.IJArELLI •nd Ste. BlAdSlti, Second B•sso•, Sig. TRIM:IISJ ROSA 13261er=l StAge_Menecer. rei:lo , m • • ---- ....... Prr lonia....__ 31g. T. 01110. C..eto me, s—.---.. Mau. Zi SIF. Saatchi. The entirely new sad col ly wardrobe Du bean parallelled by th e Director la Perla. The followloe operas will be per ormed with a tut of aumpaned strength.. FRNANA, FAUST. NORMA. DUN CUOVANNL 11- TROVATOnE, Alinieslon to ramidette and Dreu Filrc;e, $1; ired sante, 50 emits extra; Family Circle, 50 em ia; Private Box., 112. 1 he sale of Sew.° rickets, tWS each,. eaitldek the l•olde• to a sreored nest for well clizatt, will con mecca W I:IINESDNY, November A 03 510101'. Muer: Store. Stle or It. Lets (or sinqlp nrchu wlu nommence et the a. In. plsed on rfil 0.11, ' , creel:neer 1, st e • 0. 1•?':etyl SALES rIF GOVEFINIIENT • • !, 3, . nag .Intt einbi, 1,, 21, 0,!...73 s• : r at bolos, N 3,11" \ •• },, ; 1 ,- Ity- II 1: - -1/.11 ow. ; I.V \ NI 1713.083 -T/1 , II"' k 1 2 .. '3. , •a, 318.11:+r , escl: lintus”,•4 PI • 1 , 0: r, , • ~ 0.1 I .1-, el 11,trri•1...,,•. r 3 TIII . R , rItI A •, a, 23. 800 1,1 •H. F> 'llt ..finno rl•urc, I's. ''ol I s•••• 2.111 hoirt , t , 1 . 4 - W1.1 , N N eri , e: 10, 11.8113:1:, 1',,tt5.1117 I:, -11111.1 \ , \'o. rn.`se I ll' •11,1.... s 1.el• rn -073.1 , N LUIS. Nd•re.mber .4, 8,3 Hi 812 , 1, L•v.l.e, P 3 -1 . 151 15,1.01. N overnbe, r , , IT 111 , 1503-, TllLor3 - 1117 P 1 T11 , 13 , 13A1, 1-nl , er I 3)) 11012 , 1> lit .3, 1/17, -7111 . 113 , 1/11 . 3 - 111121 A m 1,7: Am.! 54 too 111 I. Lo e 3 t, 1.3,1. \ l: k. 'll 1.. , L,]1 C A I, vc...4, earl, ~. sy . I.,lnetor, wt. - 31111 , 11 •••• • .•ct, y -11:1 LA NI. 1 , 1•':•nore, .13,1 - V 7 I , 113, , EN. ~ rpors., %id --WY:IO:3'2,IIA If,llllgl/, II I • fr I: , lE\ • .1.1 Tlti ,Lc'. tt n. each - -ALI, 01 Lt. , WILL TAXI. tl. I,'l At at, .oriel of tale. all the Gorernment 'till he dieposeil of. ilinyore thoul.l there:ore tii tirentireit es of ihla last opportunity In pp:. )'UT tale. nl pt.l.ltc sni not:. to int. West I .e of Western Ilewllpaper. A ['mills I.'lo be sold atngly. t•ales to t0171.1.113Ca at In a. Os each day 1 era s—LIAAII, to ratted , ettrottory. Ali 3 A. ELI N. Bret . Wig. t)e. to a narae First Die I. THEO RIN DElt NEESRB JOHN P. HUNT & CO WII.I. I'sl ISH lISMF.IOATF.L.Y ITS 1rE1111.43101 REPORT EXTRAORDINARY TRIAL, I=l JOHN P HUNT & CO. Publishers. Gi COI. Ifi ! The ehotent stook of AND SILVEII WATCHES, MOCKS &ND JEWELRY, ever broaitht to Alle- MabTni UILL Cite, o sea Doer Oa earn at the f T. 11. liI.AGES. No. 98 3`aci.corgra aft.. Where WATCHES of the best molten JEWEL. WY of the seems. style.. CLOCKS of dewy dew er.pttoo of feet American and French makers. PURE SILVER APL PLATED GOODS, snob as Yorks, Spoons and Hollow Ware. flotiemlan and French China and Glue VASES of <Motown patterns: and all articles beIOnSHIS =F._ It II of ensinees, viii be .old et a great Rh:Wirt:- TICS 1 Fine W•tch and Jeweliy work candidly mace and repaired. Higbee( pr•ee paid for 0:d fiver. Don't (onset the pls.*, al Federal .tweet, A llentuny. oe rd A LARGE LOT LINEN TWINE MYERS, BOWYER & CO., 511:44,...C1 • and =auk Book ➢loker., Olt BALE ON LONG CREDIT, A FOAM'S HOUSE, neasly new, eostaieln.: flee toms.. wanh house, pantry. two parches, good sel ler, Astern , out home, edthboeSquartar Serest ground, well Lamed and flouting 011 two streets; covered With ohildee hearing_ !TOUT:TM of differ, ent kitult; Grape VtAtt Oa avail (mato; plank walk to sottdri feerioassitthe pleqe, pod within 16 nallxites walk Of the 6 1 0 nOolta 111 1a 101 . 9 11 11 4 00 Blount Washington. Alatto4Johling the shove, • Ili use contemlog three rbom• sad port h, ertth, 1 1 1101 c, acre ground, WI :of bearing fruit nowt (grape Vines and eMial (tuns, with stable ant outbuildings. Pomewlen E6lee,, tat April. 1901. Also, molted. • fiILICKMA KM., to eonttact to mete h 0,0• C or _0 . ,,,a. , Eir.c on Mount WSelting to, Et quire cf oltdsh W. LI 918.11.11 T. cte N 0.151 Dibart) rives(. SITUATE ON -EWALT BTREET, Lawrenceville, tw• choice Brick Rai!dente* for sale. They ere largeoubstacitiallY bean, and , well Ilnished dwelling., haring a lot 911x130 loot deep, well improved. withriond water.AllAuttrully 1005.41.1. .41.1. within oneriquare of Aas be ,Filenger hallway.. This etre. t du bleed newt y p ied this past season. and presents - ono of the mr,inbeautßul seances to or AVoRt tiro Clip .parties wishful By preture p. *Ascent and cheap placato reside, wheel nq i estate .16 ad. - alleles, and must continue to advanoo, "I.WI low, hail Wiwi, to and from the city, at 6!i home, from flea to thetnoratag until twelre :!rht, which embrace! !!;.1, the timete.= il Inc buneei-CT ellikiiitA, Oninfre ben( • hied roads i n the country, could not overlook 'the advantages which-this borOugh preunte. Gery • ernment Bolide will be tweet' in pernediri dement. Apply at the Real Estate and Bieurance ORlca of 0, R. BATBS, oda ' Boller street. Giaversewevili., Foii saLz, • TWO 0051kOPITAtILE TWO ST Or BRTpic • . • wo. sod 211406 N. 6ITR REUTER IMITLITING .T.S UN 0 xatTRE f A r vjwurii TWOBUILD INO LUTE sitAxr,ost3 fr 4140.11, el , ;Wit =tall" , i44.41td -Woad NSP.TORRWIRRI 'wawa. OO 4 ' Fisbi 1140 OS ;WilTliON:',Blr,p. neousbasrotailabletbflirVertlifibefitego Rd to POr 7 01Olottlas 4111 Vicky:Mclean' ilt 14 apomnab W hass_boaa-pla•-•. Mau hands for collectioa. 43he pm,. who anoto been asseasod aro be i ,aotifted to a '. "Orlttalf,thErcrayeeleilmi _l. .4 41111.4 i„,„..4,6_,..,b0ued.,,,.. 4 1 .40.0 the.t....., .0. 4.. m .„,t. a orafOriallOo ar , 0,.. +.,F,,s;_w Jr, If MC Pine -,. ' ' .._ ' ' • ettiqfollottor. . • . • . 'd iet r.e. to n e ts, . tunt the tedtaltd fail! C hia; I lacineadii acne er, each lait:loM ea 1 1 ,611 the eualerithsidi' r 0111173 4 lallaribetteeal. r M e.. 3 .AL Wranillit• 130. awd NEW ADVERTISEMENTS MIMil TRUTIIVIJLe Le• aimed to tC so In all I gay, am) !o oft, tLc. laughing ~ ;"2.3 for extracting teeth ithuil pain, it Js, In my Moat humble convic t. n, the t•est agent for safety and a:lotto:Ley aver inrc , duced. having Oren the eLlorofcrtm and ct her ;for tea years .pre.yjoun to my vise of the gas, and 1115 agent fbr more thallten ti,e meantime administering; It to many pot c ho took ether and chloroform alma, I m to be ak2led in the use of all these agents, and wa. assure every person desiring to undergo e Tut - turn of tooth extracting, that their life awltcaah b pert ecily safe • giving It a trial. 11 , ( Lase no sieknots or ilsys of stupidity from ib.c. I a:so offer :o those wishing them, n Eel of t^sth fc. ten dollars, nod nil bets work If • A. 1,. CULLILAN, New Bright..., J It. HASLET. r. corm's. J FENNER. PnsWmt of ttc citizens' Fissure ger Railway. 0 W. PATTERSON .1 B. LYON. Da. DUNCAN. ALEXANDER SPEER 0. WILSON. Ez-Moyor JAMES DOPE NS, JA)11.13 LA EIe.A.R. 1. 0. PERSIIMO. D. D., President of /4c rat.. Lail& Female College. Roy. S. FINDLEY. Da. SPEER. A. BRADLEY. V. K. 111.11.10 - S. Mali= Oakland.! Ma. Ale SAITO it, Sirerlekley. Pa. 3. VANHIJUL, Elizabeth rm. C. SILL, Dentist, lie. He lI•ESE Snit= MEM DRY GOODS, T RIMMIN GS 4-C _ • WE DATE VIE OOPS A D TEI TIStD. e quantity and at tee pr::es na.Pd, masin, equtt alent to :ha; contained IL a Cx orddea.tY &tore.. E OFF ER .1011 PI ECES NEW SlLlCE;besides others belenglaX to former pm r eheeee. We 13.11P5 no weepetr titian In thu dsPartateat, owing to ours being the largest in ts Wart, and we sell cheap al .other goods. E OFP EB-3,000 PIECES DRYS S GROWS., egibracing all grades from IS% to s3,fo per yard. Dalin= very beat 31a. Clams. extra wide, Sic, or the but Print' at 25e, ilod good ditto et ISI:c OFFER 2,0041 SHAWLS AND 'CLOAKS, =bracing the deetrable styles, Giset natty of Cu hmera Long Shawls, Wool Plaid ditto, Broche ditto. cud Velvet, Fancy and Phis Seeques, Duque', ac. niers we are eel] WE OFFER LINEN GGODS of all kinds. Sheeting., Pillow Casing, Table Cloths, Brown and Bleached kinds and atze% White mad Colored Borden, ditto ll•pktna, ditto Dos'lie, ditto Towels. Quilts of all kinds, plain end em broldered. T►ble ►nd Nano Covers. T►ble Cores try the yard, and Toweling, Craati, ha., very cheap Amur :ilia., Castor and Esitilmaun Dent en. blac . i. and Isimy ,Inrs, and an the °Vier S.,TYL ^F CLOAKING adapted to the present .ea.on Prize. from Ir ,S" to IIQ e. CLOAKS MALLET° ORDER from 01, Own 01/CllBl, and warranteEl to :It PEI F - I.'Elt 100 PIECES FLANNELS,, Red, WGSte, Yellow, Orey, Blue WI Fancy 7lannela of all kinds, goo,' Se bite Flannel at It cents; Heal Shaker, Leary and extra Leavy, at at r;oun try Hamad Flannels at 132 cents; others cheap In pmpOrtlon E OFFER 500 PIECE/4 I=l tons, Satinets, Casinets, Jeans, as. Good ell wool Csfilmetel, 76.. good Tweeds 6.24 send; Good Sat.!nets and Jeans at 3734 e" T, tether le:th ful linen of everything to IN Co fr I 0 N IS DRY GOODS, m:nma Wholesale and Retail. J. W. BARKER & CO., 59 Market Street. r,t, r,-1 , .:1 1 ,,, ,140 z 4A - eft% .81,1 vA :. , :E. Pr- --- ;4 , 1 - -r• .a. M t o= . 1:- gla v a , l ., .gg - b ed /":2 'I oi 7! ~..!■iiie gi. 124 °oz.'. CU I ' ic 414414 • 41 l i i Ai ll . °27 4 'll iSiliN tl 1 11 14 ii 4 t .1 ' 4 .1.: 4- 9 .. $ . 4 . 4.0 CZ ii -_ W.:: ;a Ea gi 1111 r. , 7 ,2 .., ...3.::: 13. a.V . ' ,l CO :: t te; E. $ ,' el+ t ilAji a rez.n. ,6 wt. . 2 , 4*.1 A ti it' -1°: V.. 1 = 1 ..: ~u 1 4:z i 1 ~...; 11 Nia 4. 41 c? 1;14.1 0 td. 2 2;a4 d, ~ : a-1.4 1 .4 prf. 1.-...7 °.. e V:IT, Z - i •...?.... . I 1 k: II in a o Ix 1 m al 0 4i W. W. MOORHEAD'S, 81 Bla.rket Street. I. FULL LINE OF FITIMMILINO CfOODS, In Lulus, Gents, MIMI lIMABOYL SEA-SIDE SHAWLS, w ow.= HOODS, -1101112,9, SONTLCIS, 008. sEts 11001. SKIRTS. ROSLIIRY GLOVES, anisorrs, IrEl.llh RIB BONS, TRIMAIING BIBBONS, so. W..IIOOB.LLEAD'S I' . A.. Idt Lhi ienl4•M AUCTION HOUSE DRY GOODS & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT, 55 A.VD 57 TEIFTII .BTIMET, ALASOI(IC HALL BIIIUDIZTO peir etc. Salegday and evening WROLESALE AND RETAIL W FOREAS, 10110 BERT H. I.t.Eollr, BetaTtm. ol f ke owe Uziataluitri7druAgy,;o7, 1866, Iu imp,rottm, Mln Jars for 1 1 41 tali; saw:ARS !WOW( "DOUBLE dea,_ Wit Is , NYMIMPONTACIL LINIC 0 FIE-JA.B, - sad able* dblebtato - TWO ,otabr Pateita: fat usibrote. menta AwouBl4 , 74E.EriV.for , 014•TOOL3, both aged May bd. IBM .mlrr4i.Nos.NOTtcz. . spat any Dena&ur pearinta YElNtiEircr said Patesta by_ EITHER MAKINGAWiDieI° VEI7IQGBI'iII.ISB. Fat. that 'Warn... •ar 'COMM; wig bkabrectumtto the FELL Ex. TENT or. 14Fi lAw•• tk • ationsairr • azotireti , OUSE Z0021'4:I Olt c anveattait, and limit }cleated -twe storraßl { Or DWEs datieurpy..l42ta HOUSE, No. 15T SobUtenn .tree, fiositillo 8 loom% btatliddistabd sUir— walnut 14 the halm, bath rim nor la kltattc2,' . FO? farther 4 cilaiPIRK 2 PPItt o BRYAN, eas 57 rout tb 04,(Riltimel_Buninng.) LOTb ON GREENBBIIROTIKE.— A /ACIAWAY ATTLIIKOM 90A0be,altbott, a comorX,ArtirtA, 134120). limendOs, OA lA*: "tabliutg Pik•_Habon Won "rA SAA sipimatuis enema, tSP Alleglies7Ocip , AlleilwAlnislatato apjpatis Amt a ascAN Tenn or ßr•Ver7lbOngtfitit IMO WO 1 3 1 iole, cos. cob, tAlavelA"/Asg twgears. Inmost. A. IieILWAINE Anat. * a , '47kU-r it Gs, F.ll. EATO:i , :ten-, a E.41 . C9, C 0.,) NO. 17 F'IF'TH STREET. THE LATES:r NOV/ITS Mikan , EON ale now Delhi rhu. the Uhee el RM. BBOIDERI7D7, HODIVIUT LI'D DBE TinIIK MINOS, whlzh are teleNtWele4teh briar-An:Ms of this hove, who le atomism In seimrlrark, ta Owe of Goods la theelljponlehlar &On 710 Rook of • 3313e1:331;1.40&1:MGRX1CU3 U.L 31Ot • Jaconets, ramlnm' Swiss, 11.01110 h Gimp lands, Linen Sleeves, L#ignijolljal ds D p Handkerchiefs, /.400riti=g2. ran CfENTLVELENfr narIaGIONG DL. PARnaltie ignutivgazuhrtay De tau tua, =Omen ha ilat* . • . • cimitmiprim , Lterea and MEMO AND SLUM UNDERSHIRTS APO , - DRAWEEtS• sitssum:ld:ma:4i ao GLEG rrorr AND WO , b Hail' HOSE; SILK ABS I.llegaiiiiDliinD luzsrs; GLOVES—Xtne end . ..I.:minutely); diezarare'd celebrated manttfOure, CALL LION F. H EATON, 80, v.: FIFTH M BATES & 8E14.. A T TRAP.TIONS. 1 Call and our 'NEW GOODS .'OR SPREADS. M&RSAIL#3 Honey-Co CRIB BANKETS. No. 21 Fifth street. 5 BW GOODS_ 1111ACRVIll 5 CARLISLE, FO. 19 FLOTH STREET. New Trimming:4nd Ornaments, Bead Wimps and Btattons, Rich BonnetandAcarf Ribbons, Fine Gilt and Pen r 1 Belt Buckles. Rich Silk Beltinn, new lot. Bargains in Lin 4 Handkerchiefa, Real Lace Collar it and Setts Needle Work Etiga aid Inserting, Cambric and Ha 4 .1 • Bands, Magic Ruing and laths Faings,. Real Thread andYrench Veils American and Entrlishßosieri, Gloves and Gauntrets—last styles Zephyr, Wool axt4 Kuittirig.Tsrus, Ladies and Children' Underwear, Balmoral Skirts-new Mules Duplex Skirts, wench 'Corsets, Gentlemen's Shirga ;Collars Ties Merino and Silk 'Underwear Misses Kid Glat4:—ill sizes. DIEECtUiIiTt /LID DEALERS Will 'lnd It to thelf Xxataxe to call an exam tone out stook before 1144/monl• • ' 4.r humitun'Ar ailaLtara : NO. is nrrz! VOrEr, PI ttabtarth Pao - ' OCII IS6b. 1.1 1865.: - 4 CRAM , OPENINC TAx Nos 78 and 80 Market Street, • MONDAY,:ORIDER 10. „ a.ins yr oTtet o ur txrzNsivz ares ls ttie etet e rdixt ;ttatlon iiild., Tl :thel l l S Al4 4 'll7".r'ir-raanD g Trimminzs, Eu roidoriesillogisrb Gloves, Fang * Goods, Furnish inr and Wolin Goods and - Notions aver To to this o.ty. To oar W HOLIESdIii 1.7 e oin r trer SPECIAL &MUM, u are dolsuw selliur • great - 7 g Less than Ipstern Jobbers. MACB7M, LYDE & CO., Nos. 71 and tA) Sired. 0010 OSEPE nonl4,' a co., HAVE IgST OPENED NEW fiECPcsI:OS, 1:1 ress- Trimmingk Cloak Ornamealx,': Real Lace Gongs, New Style Belt Suckles, Bolt' eake Billy Belt. Inge, Bead Graameatir, New Beck Somrls; Etatibrire , Flounciop, Linen EfandnactiltiLi; Bahama • Skirts, Breakfast' Shawls, , Mats' gait ; 00. Zafaata' , Zephyr Lase* New Mipresit Skirts, Glories' Gni:A*l,7,la ter 013dertiear fai74re; LaftliellAsit Char diea: "'OS Alexandre .104 Glairee,'LdliV7Whlte :Mater Gloves Rhe 'above and „ many atlf.. Goods in Great „. ariety i at . WROLE'SAL.E3 AM) RETAIL ro6 men 4 00., '7 I #l'_ l . s ot sTigur , l ii ri oi .s.cALE-RO6-3L9 UPSTAIRS. NIS jVlyr . 9PElcltD l l J. W. BAER Coll6' No. 59 Market Street. 51.45, pas WL43. cipixf4 FIVp., ROBES - Ds CFLUTISE, iglanarnA CASIIKERES, lANSEYs, LIIMRES. wararss. • 1,-,4/111411 Fißr BRICE.— or sale trr E. ootriXtsil
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