ESTABLISHED IN 17186. he filtsburgh antitt, - ifmr sioncma _ Adsestiaement tor ilt,44lf*: " .r SU& /Maus esStll:2ll3llWisttet. Glic& lof Rona for alippeAk.andi• At s o" .prsi Store, eoraretpiirtlV St. Clair stret3, i 0174 0.. 4 ..11‘7 B;;;iirtsA4-iii=-TI 4i(T 0; 410 Pg .1441 004 1 .7 , t ,-- in wihnk ostrigionapatenianunsidnen &mud 04 jlaolag, No. 64 Maikst "tract, lon Laub* IrlassAitsbiAPPPONTAR., aarlatte Roalatitr OLIPA4 ,4 aIg ATM . 111 call; J. ,LA • : 17; LlOl ..„. d Bates 1011. , ' tut opened, on the notthaet eetn . ei 6i 'Fourth 4end M&*e strrets. LOT ; Eb.BRe ,BuyeraZirlfir we cheapest stock of cams and other dress goods In the city, on the nonrrensreortrur orlottrUanirklarlret Ste. 0. Hasson Love S. 800. Preach Merthoe., 'From the 'arr. Feu, Yore suottoni, very cheap. 'Remember, on the corner of Fourth awl 31.1rket . Areal& C. 1-1.0.r.;c, , LOVE E. Due. Hates !,...Stl4 - 21 Fifth area Unabated The Melte:Dent m rumbated at the great Rat, Cep and Ladlesi rut TOttskl7f "W m: Fleming, :So. las IS sod street, where you will find the most es tenidve Itoek of Ladles furs, idea's and Boy's hate and cape, A t o t dies hoods, skating caps, Gents fur asps,/ glorissrall-isl width will ho sold at len prices than at snyf other Rouse In the - Stags. Bate• tr. Bell. 21 F 111.4 street t Grover cud Baker Sewing Alechints. ID reporting the remit of the Fair, we moat cheer fully record the feet that the Grover ea Baser Sew. log KaChing, for the sate of which, Air. A. F. Cha . toitey, the entervising agent, who hal rooms at the corner of Firth rtrect end Market allay, has been awarded the highest premium above all their corm : pallor, for the following kinds of work: The I= pramitiWeclhr general Work,. the best aew leg mate for manufacturers, and the hilt 'pre. =um for the bad sewing machine work on eshi• -bition, We understand that the points contended for were simplicityof vier hantam,'range of anon. cabliity to general work, reduction of labor in keeping the aulehlria.,4l order, and the >manly strength aria elk:Melly' Of the Work. It it surpris Mg to tee tit, perfectlnryilrhich tillgnrahine has been brought., Itppeompllhe. with eXie atuA facility ordlitlitifielbehettattlirdllin ' i • lag, bindinverorllp t rltykiddirg, .gatbasing 4nal rewlng, egtitiME tittrnelg et the acme th*-attlyttlltalehtnlirthictit.:W..4 ll l l this IN theeztent or. hhe work dons pa other ma -chines, the Greavarar.Biiiai saiahlaa continues its wonderful work, and outstrips .its eompetitorirhy making beautiful-liar for ladies' head dread - rig, • embrolderleaa tigkiihois p e rfect okaratder, Loth aaud and plain,' rar okra work, And. makes a silk cord, =ld pair it-an the edge ,, f tht garment at one sewing. Theicurchineki:Mtitled to the high. ".eat premium, and in, a ranianie addition to every • household. We were happy In forming the ear quaihtame of the gentlemanly traveling agent of the compagay, gm A. none, who porsesser a mt. perirr k 'African - Lai, sewing =whiner, and who Is 1.1 emelt anraatteatanAskintul operator. See the AdvertDiemen: Of Matt tc9fst ..511ks. . . Bates k ISell, 4l Fifth duet. FlAtevn gear* Ago Bostettera Stomsel Bittern was struggling Into notice against the prejudice) which every thing new, however excellent, L dooined to encounter Today It atanda at the heed of all the tonic and Alterative priparationsin exhrteace. IL, celebri. t y has evoked many Imitations but no rivals. hyalcianepiennumas the aiimitaat that sea ever beet intolutedllntkam sink Mama. her. In the hospitals of the Army and Nary, the surgeon dad it the very beat tonic for convene centric imei "M'a' port It as invaluable for austelnitor the vigor of terra* on the march. as a nanny far scurvy and Al iiidlnadiarectlonMenClaithionly *pectin for Seasiekinei. California eryl hays emphatically !cyclorama It as the Miners Neatens par ercelince, mad In Spanish America and ell Aretybpiya. 1 allacircii, it.lsjicadderel the -only reliable antidote to epidemic fevers. Then is no mystery aborwthe came' of its sob. cum. it Ls the only atom chic hag alterative to which are nolnlinha - the Mani knisiteiofe pure, and nesitiihre ideciaireM,With the Inert selection of tonic, anti-Motu, anti-scor butic Aperient, and deparetire herby plants, roots had Narita that hive ever been iiitainnixed la a medlSlnal piePauctina• The llittereleava this distinctive quality, which fa not shaied, it is believid, by any tactic, tincture or extract Lin Abe world; they - do not excite the vibs, they Int ate a wonderful degree of vigor, intelthowsoter antes, and strengthen and testate the whoplaphyeical orienisattou. It li also' roper f.O state that the Bitten are sold exclueirely In Ilia s, aid never under any air euerstances by the:gallon or the listed:: Impos• teas and imitators are libroe4, and the only safe gnsrd the poDllo has - them' li to see that the linters they buy bear the ogre red label and mote of heed of Blears. HoStetter h Smqh, and the government clamp over the cork of the bottle. .42. died. plat Root la: Cis breath. At. Snpitem ug Store, cor n er of TeSzul and St. Clair .tree[. Milks. Batts k Bell, 21 rim itreot Fall and Winter Goods It Is with great plumes we call the &McMinn of to reader, to the superb stock of Fall and Winter OoodePat received by Mr. Sohn Welerl:lerchaut Twor, rra: Utareaffnu:st,iees, Auezhcay. His Moat embraces ease of the meet and most beau. :Ifni Olottm m esesimerea terercostingi end Vesting weerbrought to the weetewn :market. LW assort. went of Furnialdng Good, compelling ghleta, Vrewere j Apklepcffeek4Jet, Haedicereblifei samit pc,,Trztapoecl esp.or was. Ammo, stook ofready.m+da=T+?tySJeaty TersatiaCherroace will also be !sand ai lrla estahtticuarau Persons to want of azlflt:tglselcioghlosqlne.lhould not LA to ere • . *MS. Bete* k Bell, Fitch Wyse ( - .0 Biers,: oysters: omen The eadeethtded hare . cooktaattp on.harl wad are datly—reittateg heah Seseshle BaltizoOre Opa; tea; irqtrizi,ipoicetil oatt shell. Also, Gams, Flab &ad ostnetr Ft‘tai, r 1d441,,ni are prepared to tun algh as wantid Pt reephrtablejatee' Orders 'olio. Itad and proiaply fad. Breit tr. 32cl..02antra, Agents for W. L Malcom & Co., rro. 2('&t. Clot! 'street 05.11,11,w00d et. oc.2ll:lwd Bates & De 1.24 Path street Xhopou W.,ParFv,dik Co., rinctleal Slits 'looters. wadi:Malin . in American elate, et earleum dolor,. Office al Maunder Latothiln's. neu the Water Works. Mt/aal:h, Pa. Residence. No. 72 Pike street. Orders promptly attended to. All work warranted water woof. Repairing done at the &mum nit's°. No Or MAIM. Melded the roor le not ebused . e4lMP L an: ea ' See the Advertisement Of 13mke, Into her Mighty Trumpet FILM hat breathed a new word. &natant, and she betaking It eterntlff through the availed world. It L tu Greek, tot , e,egro presente r but to plata EDO& reale:rid 80zOdont. le the most effbettve dormice that ebeedetti big ever set extrectect from the orteatai vagetablekingdom. insropened. Ow new thalamg litatie, at 63 Filth Meet, whew, we eft , @thee wint; of clothing manliest of Get, at Oak Hee oca. 5-tf. C. 8111, Dentist;-246 Peithistreet, Attend) proaptly •Co eY bolus, isprotes. 1"1. lENEEE3 THE I)AILY PfTTS - 12)t,iiaii GAZETTE. LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH FROM PFTHOLE crr. RTATIRENT OF =DAf6Y PRODUCTION Special dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette Prtuota, October 35,, LW. The present daily production of F'libale Creek to as- follows! Holutden 'Farah four thousand flue bUndftd CA lardy -barrels; on band, eight tfrasaatt and sixty, Rooter Farzot,thlrbstn Invidred and fifty barels; 00 hand, flue hundred barrels. Hitler Farm, Wes hundred and iifty- Jar barrels; on hand, four hundred barrels. 11 . ferey Farm, two htmdred lotitind; pita ht: l 9TibarrPLus Ball AlWifirell and u lly'sr!oue c,t; hand, *Kinney Farm, threeknitai4 biiios; A' tide:tea kind, A‘ipalnlng:tatinttoiLne. baTu justhad a epleadid telegraph wiled stalts4 af, tlie Duncan House, ii ls.a great roe eager ce to es. D. ISTERISTrNO FROM WASHINGTON. Case of Clerrien.t. C. Clay' RELEASE ON - PAROLE URGED. Report on southern Indian Affairs SEA ISL IND PROPERTY AND FREEDMEN The Veteran Reserve Corps SENTENCE CF ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER THOMAS EU. Caleb Cushing's Idission to England . . TAB CASE OF CAPTAIN WHIZZ Defaulting F.outheril Postmasters' Drbts ltrw Tvitn, Oct. t'67—The Firre'd's lPaahog ton special says filth delegates to • the 'lite State . copVentio2l..of itialtents united.llo..M=ll - President Johnson to order a speedy trial or Clement C. Clay, and In tho meantime to release him on parole from the rigorous con finement to which ho has been subjected since his arrested. The memorialists sate that Lacy have not made this application from any motive .of sympathy with the past political course of Dir. Clay, or for the part he took in the late rebellion; but that, on the contrary, many of them have uniformly con demned his efforts to Incite rebellion and 6C cure I tiCcel h to the revolutionary movement. They' take interest In his behalf because his Im plication in the unparalleled and atrocious as sassination of 51r. Lincoln is regarded by them as utterly im-tessible and unsupported by a shad ow of credi ble evidence. The Pr,esident has the matter under advisement The probabili ties are that the prayers of the memorialist ML be granted. 9 . The report of the Secretary of the Southern Indian Superintendency was submitted to the (comtuissioner of the Indian 13u:oven of the. Inte rior Department. It says that the bitterness of feeling caused by the force of white bushwhack era in the territory of the Indians, forms a great obstacle to the negotiation of favdi - able treaties with them. The , e bushwhackers carry on a regularly organized system of wholesale cattle stealing, by which it is estimated that the tribes have lost over 200,000 head of rattle, valued at between $4,000,000 and $5,000,000. Nineteen thonsand Indians arc now being subsisted by the Government en this Superintendency. A special to the nousadated Washington, Oct. 25th. says An tr foentlal body of citizens of South Caroline and Florida, accompanied by some Northern gentlemen In high official posi tion, called upon the President today. and urged him to rescind his order with regard to the Bea Island property and freedmen. The order ft also recommended by Gofetnor -Johnson, of Georgia The President deellnallo interfere with the order, at all events until he shall receive the re port of General Howard, who in now, underthe order referred to, investigating the condition of freemen's alleles upon Sea Islands. la the course of the Interview the Presidentatated that be was opposed to the plan of colottizitlon of the freedmec, benefice that by min*. with thewhitestheir)ntellect would be defeloped and sharpened, std their condition In all things iniproved, An =animated' of the officers of therNmerau Reserves dlaclorcathe fact. that two ;lave cent. of lhati are disisbliOrom woad.", ftittltaaa par cent. from dhtease, and four per cenb-frben acct. . dentafrattnres, The board for eiam tang officers lot colored troops, reeently aittiog in Washhinted., hasheen dissased by order of the War Department, and • new.board Organized, Which will mettle Bahl enorr,;-for the examination of candidates for ap pointment is officers of the United •Stlites'Vet eran 'Volunteers, First Army Corp, mid United Stites colored troops. The sentence of the Court Martial in thoesso of Assistant Qtartermastcr A. L. Thboiss, is to dl:s4mh hat promulgated. e y w o a f s lfar; is g ld be crat !o h ; of his previous 'good character, allowed hini to resign. A special to the. World, dated Weahingteld, 25, says: Hon, Caleb Cushing leaves for Eng land in next Wednesday's steamer on a special legal mission connected with the State Depart ment. Thos far hie business is kept (Maiden • tlrtl. but It Is very clearly surmised that It has reference to an adjudication of the claims -for damages made by this Government on Great Britain for the depredations of the Alahama on American commerce, It is leved that the Government has accepted the propaaltloo of Earl Russell to appoint a Commission to settle Such claims. • The rumor that Wirz is to be floor& on Fri day, is false. It in ticlieved that the cbnrgr of conspiracy has Leon abandoned in the Mailing-, nod It Is the impression generally that the pris oner has been convicted to tile . 'ocher chore., and sintenr cd to be hung on hitch du, iti the President shall tics4rutte. A special to the Tribune- dated WashlaLan the 25th, says Three hundred and sixty-one thousand font hundred and lire dollars and ninety cents Is due to the government frail de• faulting postmasters of the Southern Stmos, which they retained when the rebellion broke out. They are now being called on for this amount. The Virginia Postmasters are most in arrears, owing ItSz. 901 47. Ac allele Securities were required to have real estate,. IL Is believed that the larger portion or this sum can be recover ed. ' In 1.801 their refusals to pay the some were often abusive and arrogant; aow titer tone is apologetic and poverty pleading. The verdict In the Wire case le "Guilty." ARRIVAL OF IR AFRICA FRO EUROPE. The Adams-Russell Correspondence. FENIAN ARRESTS CONTINUED Cholera Increasing in Madrid TR II FOREIGN MARKETS 111.1.1r1N steamship Africa, from Liverpool on the 14th, and Queenstown on the I:dh, hos nrrtved. The Adams-Amen correspondence &Urania greet attention, end much editorial comment. Hope ltexpretweeltltet. the caution will coma to an amicable soluthen. The Tim es ‘ has seinladlletal capita:Mon that ate peesuos taken by tha British Oorarnnunt, would preclude the lasses tmm [be plratiea by the rebel eraisera beteg re/erred to the proposed commission. Fagan aunts and Ciirdailcmanti for Ida' contittieli,itelatid; MADILCD. °et:la.—Then was a greet Items* theallolefialiersi 'yesterday. ' , Mrs "stem cues and 17541:441!_ 4nrius stia day. geitet4 plane pretidled: Vcerpool, October 14--;P.- Z.—Cotton clOsa' buoyant, at an advance of R,'Olidßreadstuffs era quiet and steady.. Provi-Sons- are Min and. quiet. London. October 14—P. IL-,Consols closed. at tSBKeBo for money, United States 5,105, 0714 608. Erie, ta . , ,,i ; , ,erbS}l'. Illinois Central, SSil 484. TrolitagPlatett. Ern Year, Oet 2e.—The trotting meth between the stager Gloria _Wane and o.m -modem Teallerbtll, tor PPM,. cane beget the bee three In Ave IL Unless, wee wen h 7 the former In three , straight heats. The time wee 2.103 E, erni THE AliAlb-M.:XL [OI;REVIOLE eting of Sons of Temperance, H S. FOOTE EfREFUSES THE OATH. Finalization of Ketchum Postponed. •r j PRECAUTIONS AGAINST CHOLERA NEW Yons, Oct. n.—All the morning papers comment on the Adams-Russell correspondence concerning our chime against England for the damages indicted by the Anglarebel pirates, , 'the Ti - iburte, after tinting the question, says : att I t d England be ever lusolt4l In a salons fo n war before her difficulty with the United Ed la settled, It would probably not require. much time to canes her to disown her present principles. The Rcrald says, the trouble Armes from (het existing unsettled and undetermined as glottal law, and urges a (tong - rest Of tho great points to settle certain priucipise, which will pertettiste peace between the new and old *o[lll4 3 43 Me Tinier. after declaring that Lord Russell, in jesting arbitration, rejected something w ch Mr. Adams had never tendered bin or suggested, says that so far as National honor is concerned. Earl Russell may depend upon it Lost theUnlted States have no thought of surrender any power on earth the decision of any mtettion which can effect bet own later esti In thewllght est dct:ret ; nlr will they wdlingty con sent to the surrender of p:incLph. of Intorno, Heusi law which are out 0141 to the very exist core of curb a thing, at ern:relay and which cannot be discarded as Enniani now la a mista ken view of her own interests •celss to discard UtElkt, without making every war the signal of calyersal conflagration. The World says the usage is making peace tre !es Is to surrender con ga' rd terrlt.r,es. bit whenever we have a war eti:k Fulani', we shy, Id take the Canadas and Step them. lu that way we will secure compr,...tion for tar whole of en: losses by the sham neutrality of Lugland. ea, repair. , of the 011.f.r,t -al:roal, .•• w , e,l re rrtarr. Vlrtl..s, and t harloston t Sri:h Ca o4a. bavurg ['tea , ,•_•,•;.;,•ted, ,b, ry,:_ rc route of travel .3 new ~;,,, f:.pit, ~c truer 10 ti e latter Cie. It rune t.o Wr . lie ar .1 WI:- Ma on, Norte Car..lll.a. and Flo:en, e. (arplina. The v..", 11,31 A :1,(38 .1 r. 5 1' ~,,t i MD West Point to M0L,1g0..: y, A'.1.).1.2., ale nc .also In operation. .. arty seven hundred delegates from the ‘!:. vlslas of the Boca of Temperance :a E. istern New York, assembled yesterday a: the . r Id Fel low's Hall on Centre street. A. day and even ing session were told. .r. M. S...ans, Grand Worthy Patriarch, presided, and deLvere 1 au add,ress to the brethren, coacratmartug t item on the satisfactory proAreis of Lae order. "I ne earnest zeal evidenced by the various div.s„ms in the cause of temperance. There were over $lOO CO ciperided for the last year by the or di rin this grand a:vision. and even, wit, re the tacit gratifying results were apparent. This t•oll.:OC, in the I. iste,.l States Cou:t hc. fcre Judge Niellon, D. S. Dlckiason. U. 8, Dia- Het Aitorney.:mored the Court that Henry S Fume. i z-ms safer of the defunct Confederacy's Congrray. be admitted to tic bar ea a couasello. - of the Sopreme Court of the United State.. The motion was granted, And Mr. Foote stepped op to the clerk'. desk to take the oath. The Scat rain, which wee to support the Constitu lion of the United States land the State of New Turk, he took without winctug, but the oath of allegiance wan to/ stiff for his. After listeniug attentively to its saingebt requitement! Mr. Foote declared Stela tuft nectiOn with the Leta rebel anvenmen% rendered It IMposslbie that he sholld intotsibe to such an oath, and he I:ft thee-m*oton Itnidshre. The case of eleirfeefri a.ennleef It Involeleg the proposed etaminstlutt of young tip again to-day . A psopssition being made to postpone the ciao-I.:taloa, It was otioettd tb on the gmiand of his sentence, when the * testimony would be lost- 0 s the oth er band, the prisoner's counsel stated that In case he was put on the Maud now, he would re fuse to testify, and as to the sentence. he as sured the comma! that Volute opportunity would he given I. take — fits leuithhony 'bete," he was sentenced. The Judge magi that as the rights of the plaintiff appeared to be in no danger, be would postpone the eznaolontlon t l / 1 the sth of Noettnber. The Commercle amt. Ncia taia6tty.of this ity, have finished the enzraviags for tilt Trlvli repaiilican bend. authorized to be Issuti by thy Fenian Congress. reeently la session in Phila. delphla, and specimen have been shown The present a t cry haad,olue appeamnee , and It is said arc proof against the arts of the coun terfeiter. The Public sale of the bonds is ex.- ',clad to rommeure In two weeks. Thar bear six per rent. interest, payablo at the Treasury of the Irish Republic. and redeemable sly, months after the independence of um Irish Pop: Pine la ark miss ledgal The American Bible Union held their 16th &p -aned annlvervary yesterday. The Trisattrer's report reprmented the income aaa 61penditures of the secretary for elaht months, ending Jabs 15th, to be V.7),000. A letter wins reoelved froaa Sir Morton Peso, announcing his Intent:lam in be prevent and speak there for the Union. Chief Jtuelee Chase spoke at the rdeeption of the Evglisis capitalists this evening. lie said he believe. d the present spans between Eag. land and America ounid be settled without lose of honor to either.' Ez Rebel f, Gn. ImboLica, pf n..w in town on loaolocso rorrarrted aultn tto forma tion of the new Pap,. romp:lay, t , . the National F-xpresa Company. r It i• to sop , - rate over the whole t.• ban he 3 !- quarters in Itiehnsvnd. _ It is ntated that Gen. Grt oga, n•.>, in th fe to lea,..hortly (or Neste o. 2111 , ..rn... the av minlE.tratlon of the ”epil , ,la The Commlasioners of Ilealth, together with the :Mayors of Cleveland, Jersey City, liraollyn and other health officer, mq to-day, to adopt preliminary measure: , agaln3t the Introdu• tion of the chali ra. A te-qotation wan adopted to ask Or the General Governm,nt n sit, ho s p.t A l, for the detenGon or patients nod passengers now wit! r1141,..r.i. •• . • • . epnr. of a ta, of • b •It•r t E 4 ••,,... Ras A, algidby 1,. ,atzttr. GEORGIA STATE COIVENTION Hem hel V• Johnson Chosen Pr,sldent• 11 - RN , 6I! 11'.r,EIVED FROII TIIE:GOP:DOR Condition and ProspeCa at the State .---'t:.. ifer‘s•.r., t-nut dgmll:.•, dab,: dar t -ays: The Convent.on mo. in the-State Hence tkrtlay. ,%ernor Jolmson called the meeting to order in a brief speech. Over two hundred and seventy dele gates neer present- The amnesty oath was ad ministered by Judges Averon and Harris. The Governor called for a rote by ballot, for a permanent pr.-relent, and it was expected that Mr. fharles .1. Jenkin,, of Richmond county, wonid be unaultnowly nominated, hut he de clined peremptorily, and Ilentehel V. Johnson, of Jefferson county, tru. nominated. After di, euss,ion It was decided to vote t , :ar ea,. Mr. Johnson received all the comes east with the 05- ception of a fen contplitneniary ones R,r Mr. On taking the chair, Mr. .I ,, ,htlion u speech In n hick be suggested the duty of the Conrcntion, and clearly indicated what, in con nideration of the 61111,111MilIVZ CI rcllinfilali,c, Mug i.e done. The past, he said, e..not be corfreted, but we can react, our poste: ity tram Ito eOIIB,IiIIeIICVS. message was received from Governor John eon on Important matters. He announced that all the cotton purchaaed by the Elate had been captured or burned ; that all assets of the State abroad bad been drawn to the fall; that all sources of income are unavailable, and that, therefore, It bad become necessary for him to provide for the immediatelremergencles. He in vited attention to the proposals for borrowing sac' h money to the amount of $50,000, and to the re.dietticting of the &KO for members ofCongress under the new apportionment. He else recommends a change in the mode of re 'preempts:lon is the General /trembly. After some local suggestions he stated that . the debt of the State Is $30,813,525, all of which 'only $2,167,750 was contracted before the war. The debt contracted before the war, ha said, Mal an honorable one, but the other is on • yery - Afferent beals,ihaving no moral or legal oblige lion. The Confederate currency and canoe cdrialled together In life, and must be burled the same grave. The Convention is the ablest assemblage ever chinned is the State. The prospects We that 'WWII= will be baretanions, conservative and itt an respects gratifying. '••••01wm,. licatry.,EnowVaintaine. floszolc, October D:l.—Eastern - paper's report that six Inches of snow fell In Ashland, Arras took county, Maine, on Monday, of last week, and that the mow In the woods thirty miles abeam, is fifteen Inches deep, loading and break ing down the trees. Thelnmber trade this win ter, will be quite brisk on the upper St. John and .Artaitook risers. PITTSBURGH. FRIn.kY, OCTOBER, 27. i AUITIONAL FGRENN lIETI. The Difficulty with England ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Cholera Raging in Mad,-hi. EA _t.tga.t, October 26.-1..- steamship Afri ca, Capt. Anderilint - Item Liverpool at half past Gums o'clock, cattle:sigh:moon of the lith, by wa iHim 145, arrived here st this MOrnin., Her dates arc two days iate i tfigtaWitibedY.,. ' l44Ved. • s • The Englisk,pppyr,heyoentticlek on GM cor resPokeiicCi3etvieer. Ur. Adams, dm American Sflnister, and Earl Reseal, 'lost Imbilshca, and they regard it as very Important. The/Arad= news says It is the most impor tant discuss/Quin reference to 150 rights and dn tlesiof centrals that has been carried on for ma ny year. between the representatives of two great maritime powers. The Tunes can hardly doubt that Earl AGS9OIO4 proposal fora commis. lion will ultimately be accepted as the most sat isfactory method of adjusting the claims between the two nations. No foreign soverclgo , nor state could have entered Into all the details of each specific claim and counter claim, far It must not be forgotten that we too have long blEs oTalnet the Vetted Sunni for damages Incurred by Brit ish subjects diming the war. nOll lean could we hare (tormented, as Earl Russell point. out, to en built the good faith of our Ciorernment or the legal competency of our law oilitera La the adg cern t a.t an_y,fontikkploveroment. The boat, II not the only solotten ' of the • difficulty therefore. was ttiatmiriiMill by Esti Resaell, and *a earnestly tibpla srt •theMelbe for the iminsticm,qt' eoatroverey which, bra for the ferbearsnaghoWn by both parties. would certainly hose led to ill'altpt4r• metwecti Great Britian ass the United tastes. Tye candid and filliudlYete el l the - argument so utaborately conduct t•y• Earl }Orme! nod Yltn:,ter Alear, j esti des the , e ^ s per I &clot s. Th.. 71 , ne pits art:. !e !,7 ; -, ..rlutir.„; ta tbe Fctlian movement in A meric,. thre.w.eutn4 a breech of flien.l:y .. d.tuoss, nod says that tbts helps to In. l / 4 a' -oak orvceed;nat ., from at. Aratrk•rn . nod will help our mum to :ooii at . • a .very print of I.e . w. In the meantime, er,e. and not allow a :rent it ut al♦any or resentment to ;•:tjndt.., the ;,.,11,11,!It settlement of a pot, 1.00 in a.l too tuaratlme nations art 7.P.'l .v arl,Lle, c..ocludes that :f Kurland the, bye to inconsiderate, we hare ertallr trasoll to rosTisin of America's pus!. donnanentra: ,L; the Fenian movement than ever Am, rtes hat had In regard le England's at• I. zde toward, 'be Fenian plot lormed to Al:net ts, attbondb the conspirators may have been msstly et Irhsta entrammo. TIIAL.I, h. waver ad 111,1.5 Lt. t: the American Government hos scut in regal, to the movements of the Pentane with all bonoranle openness. aotwlthstar44 ate secret fliihnsterlng plots of Its mix... Slors,is,,, Pea th:nks that I ISS , I pr..pu- seen es Lb.' American Ilos. , runtant pt..,1. Tla,. Datly ,Vrlss It .1 -1-a• the dis .,•,ll••f y . I Th, Li , Si . . a I'v 41r. ...Si.. 1, u Like, iNjraty'r .p.II•AL , t Ii --.“0.1 faith titei lootee.4 v, tttlel the ; 11.1 t% .1. a,;r , , ,r.t I. the fore.cit u. ,I•C.'. r say pa ettat. •, •• . The hady New. e,tett, I: aheoligely :leeee.eary Ilrll,ll honor I:e.t the pz• I.:e, theeltel 3eyeitt that position. It h,; , es, c:, ;hal to• us: of toe lem stAten. ,/ may :.dune 1,1.; fl:ttl so'. ttliou fur tiu aitli• mo.:ie, WI I.par 1 , , ierlous, taut an not. ; - ^ , at The Tim , . of ths 1 ith inst. contains the fol lowing ofllmal statement: lo order to ward against any muunderstendlng, we are anxious to re-state that the proposal of Dart Russel to the American Government was conveyed In the following terms: Her Misiesfj`e (inseams's; Is ready to consent to the appointment of a Commission, to whir.. shall be referred all the claims arising dorm i the late civil war, which the two powers t hull agree to refer to tile C0m m....10n The, cencluLng ::mat Use subj•xt of re ference. It ta,-d Ibr . .ncounistent with:the past flan taken by lier 'Majesty" Governmant, to de cline arbitration to the claims for lours "y the Albania and other.ynsse - of that character by reference to the Commlneloner for decision. It tonal be utdertwod, therefore. that if any such nOhneisnion Iran atr,v-sl no. that those Ca,. Would he nzende".l from its jurtsdincon. The 11,.,;cr tanantlshlde. RuiSaU upon the torn a..d sphit of hls dispatch to the Amer ican fob:tinter. At so sos,soed,na-• meeting of the eioe'snnl. dere of the Atlaoti , Telegraph Company, held in London oe the inst., the resolutions adopted at the frtecting to Anglin,. were res cinded, and It was einaalmoioily reseoved to la. crease the capitol to 1:::,000,000 by the creation of sixty thouslod hew shares at El each, such Giant having • preferential dividend at live pee cent. In etia terms or the resolutions the board of directors of the company forthwith is sued • prospectus. lotting sunscriptions for A 120.000 of the above new shares. It was stated at the meeting that the cable on board of the Great Eastern had lately bona tested arid footed to be toe perfect condition. lifoabated coon. deoce coutinues in thq undertaking. Arrests of members of the Patton troth . * hood. and their egaminallou and csmmittalgor treasov.COhtlones In Ireland. Docuceento from America, were largely mixed up In the proceed mans wereagalost the Perilous. A number of etm were awaiting trial, and the number was daily augmenting. Numerous deaths from cholera are reported at Epping. near Loudon. FRANCE—The, weekly returns of the Rank of France show a decrease In cash of over thirty three millions of franca. The King lIIId QaCCII of Portugal hove arrl Ted in rads. The bonnie seas drat. Rentes wore inoted at F7r 77e. Iratar—A. dispatch from:R.3oe slates that a movement of Use French troops had taken place. It is reported there that the Raman (joy ernment will shartly recognize the kingdom Of Italy. Britt'—The cholera it dlmialshing in stadrid. There were five deaths out of L'7o cues an the I tth Inst., and fifty death. out of 2Cl' attacks an the 13th. The number of cases on the Ilith wan I sto —A private telegram from Bambay da ted Oct. 2d , rryt,ris cotton goods and y•ras stall advancing and a ;ate telegram reports the mir k, t ad v ancing. Lox:kn.. Morey Market.—Fends are rather lla - mer. The psvoaccit of ,dividends at the B ink of ituglatd, commenced on the r. 3.11 last, and exerted a layoratile Influence on the mJner mar k, t. 2 Li, rpo.4. Sem-al:It a. ra., (M. 14. Bretvlsber martrf, —Menus, Rlchardson, Spence Jr Co., and Messrs. Wakefield. Nash & Co, report ?lour nand and steady. Wheat inactive, but firm. Cora Inactive, with a decline of Bd. rvoictshrn tiarket.-,Boult, English & Brandoq, and Reiland, Athya & Co., report Beef quiet; Pork firra. Block warm. Bacon fi rm. LOS market bare. Butter firm, with an upward ten dency. Cheese firm and advancing. Tallow es stir. Proden .Ifarkrt.--Zoilara firmer with an ad vance. Caw steady. Rice firm. Linseed oB quiet. Hemp firm and advanced. Parolaum steady at. 2a 10d. I,ONDoo Ramat:T. —Breadstu fft3 quiet and steady, Iron firm; Swear steady; Canna ilte.111:4; Tea active, with a heavy demand for America; Klee firm; Petroleum Mandy at fit 21; Tallow firm at 47a 60©484. Pouts, Oct. 14.—The Bourse Is flat; Beaten closed at 671 '="llFlnence andjTnale la New Yerk. k.Naw Yong, - Oct. 26.=Thaw eiraetre market was steady at the Oast Open board, with an grave demand for Eris, At stock exchange the market was stronger on Erie, hot other Ndw York roads, and.sbn and Cesare, Were heavy and lower, 'The Express says: A leading mordpulatcw he Erie was advising hb friends to eell short up to yesterday. and after workings yen , large short Interest In the monk, be suddenly turned bull, and left alibi e friend lathe larch. The Post OATS It Is rumored that orders have been received from Landau for the pur chase of 12,000 shares of Erie. Towards the close of the day there was • very active demand for stocks, and a large business was transacted. Thefollovlttg ALM the eloelog prima: Zeyr York Central. 112 1 1(3,82y,f; Erie, 9'45 10(44.3407i Reding, 1153(; IdlebiganVeutruir 4574; Cleveland and Plnannegb, 81%1 Noah adii2s4l Fon Wayne, unps; Ohio and ellesissispi Central, g72/1i Canton, 40 , 4 @4l; Cumberland, 434; Otdekallver, 483'0 4834. Gold dated at 14 5 ,06 1 . 45 3‘ ' The Assistant . Treasurer &oda) pala , onX $624,000 to radennnltak:ot the temporary Nitw .Yona, Oct. ilO.-4told elhibits a ' bbsrp downward tendon/Ip. The decline of 6-201 London and the coedhtded liege 48 1 )41 _ m ,_. o f el* * • ton, accompanied witb a declinrilis fora* el'• e.naLue, have landed to shake confidence SA sarif export of specie. At the same time- the Government is wing oat lama Ogicum's de 557, count of Ote ROsember_tatarest, Mid the wens sea for customs are comperinselp jfight. Tps 115untehe4 leeg , tmt, AtteeeMle rdeatli tie= . lbeetaimeBViiief To th , fr ost4eidnwin. dl• rived with Calsdates ot th e 84 end 'WM -313 le treasure trod California, • ^.. rtrbeLt .R.turning to Texas MATAEORAS BESIEGED B 1 LIBERALS Niivr tmixt3s, Oct.. 25.—Tbore Is a mote- Went to Texaa'to organize Fentana Hood and Longstreet lute left for Wunlng ton. the latter for Bt. Louis. The steamship Alabama, the first direct Lir , erpool hoe, brought a thousand tons of mee thandfze. VeaseLt of this line coal at Havana. PrlVate letters from Westexa Texas say that the Confederates that went to Maxtor; when the Trans-Dlisalsalpf army surrendered, are return ing, disgusted _with the Mexicans. They also dislike their tteatment, the Mexicans treating them badly. The 14 Lsaissippi Legislature referred a julici sty bill to suspend fora limited term the collec tion of debts, securing to creditors the interest thereon during the suspeanion. Gen. FalletU9l.llla Lonielana Commissioner, gives notice that negro orphans, of the proper ego, In order to acquire industrious habits. are to be bound out as upprentlem to gond responsi ble parties. Prominent citizens from Ntosart anit.e.l at ilott . t'ttt, 5 0 M 11.511.1 the otll.•ers of Line Trues Cel'Aral ILltroad, a. 111.11 runs north to ward, Dollar, to extend to thr Red riv..r, owl there ...uneet with tire lied river, being; built s.,th from Kansas City, whereof fifty miles Is c. mp:etzd to connect with Galveston, a dii• lance of about, Seven hundred miles, whereof a hundrcal and twenty-five miles are built at tier two extrerititi,Ssc.' The directors' of the Trate Centre] 1;alloidd reecired the delegates cordially road promided to do all In thelniower to aid In ter I roject. Ci Depuis COtto,t,r yct oppotutoil fr,r Ss& In 11l 01 lint na::unal 0 i•uhlinl,4l. The Snit, Coast . ,lntl,. f0' , 0•1. any one rlolrt . 4 'le, ;1,1, hen's penan s. The Tones' * Nlatamoras correspondent of tits Itoh soya : The whole town Is entirely alarmed, Esoulado. Cortiaas and enuales bate twenty- der huceired men and twtlye . .,5[11101:1• lm pctlalists weir attached and pursued &tropit a mile thronah the Were by Corti... Every few ID.rititel there has been a repetition of these reeve.. Confines With a (.wee estimated et from 3,(00 to 5,000 tutu, keeps Matamoros ao closely be:gained that= oar dare stir on inch beyond he fortifications. There la no communication with liagdad, except by the other aide of the etv• Cr, and none at all with Monterey and the In t. Dior. Gen. Mrjto had order:A all 031:120:11alliti lion with livoirestllle closed. The el:Appel - al woo levelled for anti). 7. (lee. Jla haaouout 1 TOto men. well armed, and ennlpped, hat locks Alamo and sanctum. The tatlefipownlation are decidedly In favor of the Liberals. It is believed that the Liberal force Is greatly Gang:prated. It Is hardly thought that Illy will aasonit the town. but probably bridge it and try t r sta-ve Into sub mi Rion, or force the Imperialists to a pitched battie. It tI uederatood a convoy is often driv er. 0. I. to Monterey. The Met Matted with an recort of a thonisolpi Fretiels troops and eigtmi hundred Imp, rialistr. and to reported as twing ing two millions. Trade is completely dead, and money ma PCILITc and command, a lame anterest. lIIE UM MILLION LOAN Naval Court Martial Trials JISf6i.I•ANEAI 8 trASHI`;111(0. ITEIiS Wi-ntsoro , . uct. is, —Tan Secretary of the Treasury today addremei the following t 11. Van Dick, itielstaut Treasurer et New York: " The subscriptions for the Cio.ctoo.coo 5-20N—rre tag full,'.Assistsmt Treesurers and National Hants will receive no further subscriptions af ter this telegram contra to their notice." The subscriptions already made for the notes which arc in Danaltu will be fccogol.ed. The Ilels of pardon. exposed at the Pres:dam'. House (be seuraldsys past relate 10 Vtreinians. More [him& handfed of them have this week received Co. Exact:thy clemency. It is proba ble lbw ekrtabewslitatenwilissow be auended. to is rotation, Virginia Wane the lead. The Marti newt martial. with Admiral Fan got as President. to convene in Washington on the first of November. will have before 1t Lt. Col. Marston. the oldest officer, with one recep tion in the manna corps, on the charge of using for Private purposes bounty money deposited:in his howls by new recruits._ The Court will also try Commodore Craven, under the tenth section of tin. third Article of a or, a blab reqtareS an officer to do Ills utmost lc curb and capture or destroy anyvessel which ais hie duty to encounter. lie Is chargsvl with neglecting this, the rebel ram Stonewall having been In the harbor of Ferrel, while be wee in proximity a. the commander of the Niagara, and the Sacramento, another ship of war, bong In pert at the outne time to obi him. It is said the Stonewall seta a chatlcoge, which he de clined to accept. The Tunis [Ambassadors arrived here this evening, emunpenled by- - Secretary Seward. The dlstingnlehed 'visitors are the guests of the Government. The President to-day gave audience to a dele gation of gentlemco representing the Interests of the Union Pacific Railroad Company. The Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of the Interior, and Colonel Simpson, of the Topo graphical Engineer Corp, were present at the Intemew in connection with the basin= which brought the delegatim to Washington. The President has taken no notice as yet In the fiudiegs and aentente of the Wire military Commission. The Board of Trade of the District of Colum bia, the tirst estanli - shed here, was fatly organ ized to-night. THE WAR INfSOUTII AMERICA. Mau of the Paraguayans Confirmed. No,‘ Oct. 26.-13 y the arrival of the bark Treeeiwcll our dates horn Rio Janeiro are to the 13th of September. The Bran - 1116ns went Into Sctacles over their recent victories and the city was illuminated several nights in succes sion. The re we of the utter root Of the Para suayan army was confirmed, and the allies, at last accounts, were following up their successes by an invasion of the Paraguayan country. Re sistance woo expected, S 3 the leading forces were marching. From Virginia Bsurrnotut, ,Gct. 28.--illchmond papers say that the City Council on Wednesday adoptod en onilnancare q, at once, all existing ordi moues sling to negro slaves. An effttt in being made to induce Governor Nerpont to convene the recently elected Legislature on the 1011 s day of November. Should this be done, It Ia snonosed that Coked States Senators will M else ed. Hoe. A. H. Stewart, one of the succesetat candidates for Crams's, says that the teat oath Is broad cnough to exclude Was from his seat, but that If he violated any law of the United States, or incurred any penalty daring the tuba lion, ho has been exonerated from all conse quences by the general amnesty of Prusident Lincoln, of which he availed himself on the 281 h of May last, taking the prescribed oath, and therefore he will decline to take the test oath. One Juryman summoned in Richmond, on Wednesday, refused to take the oath to support the Constitution of the United States and the restored Gave:meet of Virginia, and Vas fined eight dollars by the Judge, The Government of the United States is still furnishing food to a number of destltute,facel hes In Itlctunond, tbe average amount or rations distributed each day being from 8,000 to 4,000. The troops. stationed about Winchester are being repidiy withdrawn. B. J. Barbour, Representative elect, for the Third Dieulet of Virginia, Is about to canvass NeerJertey. In behalf of the ROOD Uck't. Penlanitint lln Canada—The Saunders Kidnapping Casa. New Pont, Oct.—The Herakri special from Toronto 'aye the Fenian excitement is iincreas. leg and great activity Is reaalfested in :military circles, and drilla. inspections, enrolling Yalu- Was, etc., Moping On. Many *alder* ,in the r e= nlitellanta are desettlug to the State‘aud a Felton 'of the volunteers arc believed to be Palk= Milky Beotchmou are Main' the order,. la Montreal A muaber of the Fru& have tree to Wilco. 'The crOdus tro Canada the Mate wow is very large. Three thousand•fatulltes left flown% Point lauyear for Ataerlat. Amadeu buyers spelt !I CAB/Ida 4104tri la this work let swath: In the eaunder'g Walnuts :cut Um ittlge ugly %nut a the JAT,Mho . could :ma Urea. They hue beekt=edttp,. Coca gatarkri arid the •Jadirs decionts'bicmil keep 4 2 0 Cladhle4 Pota MU glee &verdict; , fee 11PI".!•-• nri4r, 0it.,27.-gt itowlialt)low n 7 , 1,--for the, ty4IMA 110; assn. 44.;„„t I\llAll'S ACTIONIN THE WM; ( Mr. Man Financial Polley. \rw you:, Oct. N.—The Agra 'metal sap the counsel for Wire are assured of the entyle- Uan and sentence to death of their chest, but at noon the President had not decided the case. John H. Reagan leaves for hie home in Tex as soon, but le promised an Interview with the President before his departure. Gen. Palmer was in consultation with the Secretary of Wax to-day concerning:the removal of troops from Kentucky,. A special to the .l'ett from Washington 012 the With says: Secretary 3.l'Cullough has started up a formidable opposition against returning to specie payments. Re Is importuned by parties and Is plitd with arguments and objections, but he will stand by his. Fort Wayne speech. These parties will now tarn to Congress, which will be Importuned not only to deny authority to the Secretary to continue Ens policy of fnud. ing the legal louden, but to extend the present limit of national bank notes from three to Hee hundred Order 3 crtti ~Itortly b. , issued by the War Da partment directing ;be must, out of t nine additional Paymacter,. The deerea,o of the pay department to , eo in likely to lake place before the 'trot of December. The Tribum's special says Over a hundred ordnu warrant, duly signed .)), the Freeidellt. e forwanledio the State Department to-day tor the signature of the Seeretary. The in/Tun of southern pardon seekers in the 10190 Bece, to be gradually eluting. From Louisiana and Mexico 0111.EAM, Oct. 24.-1 n reply to a corn notudeation from Gov. Wells in regard to the threatened negro masurreellon in North Louisi ana, Canby rw}s that bo will order en additional white force to ebrereport. Arrangements hare already been made to filsatrtuse the negroes of .y 911013 e luti d resalons imposed upon them. ldylo s bare teen received by Juan z' official Jr canal ill m Ii; ao-t oa Olt 14th of September. cut titcalang itie,up. ca. , at ban tizing bat ',eat of Gee, rot t en: the v. :11., a lett.., from one of hit ate if to . a Mrait an bee, 5.43 iw.g that Inane b. One c Fr +Pit hove L., leave Al. taco. ice the I,n see:tie their own dUB ralAtal. The Ea:441,, the French organ in illecico ci ty, et a die cum me, iced, warmly urges emigra tion to Mexico, monadic tom Southern die t: tens. It detail, the many highly advantage , nalindneaccuta offered by the Imperial Gov ernment. Southern, rs car, bring negroes a, ao prenticey,nr.d,r the conditions preserib,l by the Empire. The't Maine:went advice' to the 19th eare the city to besieged by Cocteau and F.•ca bade ultb thitty -bre hundred men. No serf OUS steault was yet madu. All communication is cat r tT crcept with kkownartile, whence prod-- !lan, bate In en drawn. Oro. Vega is reported braeiging the la penal forces in Tampico. Treatment or hllaslyrappl Freedmen—Or der from Governor Sharkey. New Toni, Oct. 213.—The Tribiou'. Jackson, bilesoslppl, correspondent !aye : Governor Bharkey's first order to his militia L. that they shall search the houses of all freedmen for arm. and ammpnillon. The search bas commenced. and my negro who mny have IQ his possession • allot run, is obliged to rive It up. Tbc same correspondent says scarcely a day pease. that I do tot hear of some newt) being murdered by a white man, and, as southern man themselves w.llusually acknowledge. with out the shadow of provocation being given. But I have yet to learn of the drat instance of ■ negro tutu derlag a white man. Snipping' at mew Vort —Sencoser Foun dered—his Poo Lost—Later from Europe. New yoryx, oetoh., 9n.—There arrived here esierslay from f0rc.,.,-n port uincty.thret ves sels, all imltns, 3n.1 e Steen ocean steamers leered for Eurot. awl Southern ports. The schooner Charlee E. Lawrence, from thitalirthport, .'.'sew Jersey, for Ye - evidence, Rhode Island, ladened with coal, foundered off Saybrool in the night of the ilkh, and of threw: to board only Wm. KenLynd ed. Th.' eeplalty, , thr ,- men and one pee -eager NC, Inst. uru• - A:Ara, v b inter „r -1, oFsvra—on the tst7 Last , tdrh. biA-6.0 &- VET FORSYTH, hrd 14 yearn. The Inane" of the Wally are reepeetrully tort fed to attend toe (hostel ram (Fruteu arrca• hove, 71th tall„ at 2.r t K. t tram the trileleach of Samuel ut.binson, No it Tesnel street. R. R, REEVES, 1:72%77Z/EritrVALI32E2 88 Su ithteid Street, nes" Fifth Street Rar OOFFINS ovary deletiptlon. CRAPE. ULIR"E9 and FUR:ILSE-LINO FOR FUNEV. ALS gacarally. 11.19£ ILILdIZSE mad 0•11 BOWES Ilmathat COME Oti.E, COME ALL cf~~YY~iK %~~fiib'~il~l~ltpy:tl~e STORE. N 05.13 St. Clair St. The attention of the public to called to the isyr and extecsive stock of GENTLEMEN'S P Ofe MERINO GOODS, Just opened at the shove. mentioned place, which I am now oTbring at great batgains. Any one in want of the shave Goods, and It to their advantage to give me a sail, end examine my stook before pargiasing else where They can god the largest add best 'ideated stock of Fine White Milne, extra brie, ne A leres mart., woolen, Coma sad Lig* Thread Under darts and Drawers, Scarfs, Neck The, Sopke Slue .odera, Itutterilles, and everShing pertainlog to the Gentlemen's Tarnishing Goode, ix the atty. Remember the piste. L 2 sad It St. Olala street. SAMUEL LEVIN. F. R. A bags mock of Hate Caps, Grey'. 00l lers, _Lockwood's, LinlvereaL, Byron's Ertentlxv and Massasoit, will be sold lower then close trexywasits p ITTSBVEGIEI STEEL WORkS, ANDERSON, COOK & CO., Esc CcESSOILS. ro JOSE , Burn y c 0..) bfartufacturers of the bast restel Cast Steal, Square, and Cctagoo, of all a 1.., flue, k ork .4 Sheet 1.1. t Steel, Oast Steel for Reaping and Mowing Machines. Steel pip,/ Wino, Springs, Aisles. Ottoman, e n t and Common Plough and Spring Steel. (Idlor—Corner of Pint and Ron streets, two bloats above the Monongahela House. iserly THE PITTSBURGH PAPER MA.NU FACT-LIMING LXIBLPAHT odes toe sale lLdoo tidla. Crown Wrapping Paper. ioeo bdls. Iltemam 0700 Wis. Medium Z.OOO MID. D. C•end D. IL do. nay have alim on hand are constantly malt from then ICU", MANILLA PAPER of weisnta and Own, HARDWARE PAPER of all RATED weight. and ROOFING, &fa Mask PRINTS. DRY and HATO. bat All quantities aa MICA of PAPER MADE TO ORDER at the shortest notice, to lull automata. WANTED, 1,000 TONS OF GOOD MIMED RAGS. WAREHOUSE: 113 THIRD STREET. Par ISM:MOH, PA.. DRUM Iwo on hand a large onoffmeat of MO WING MACHINES. Eciomuszi russiczus. Straw Callers, Scythes aid Bay Rakes, . AT 80. 28 anti 80 OHIO sTurr. mn smaxistru Du,tc/gtgz.a. VIA 73 sokliora mod of Dian. . 10 11114 0 _,A70 .si osa rr of vu Or i e rm ilit,. ita was g m= * Vir g : l a i r i v z o i tor.t.t. PM a usta Ind cattalo woo otlllarrhala and Drallll4. 1 7. Mations only WO awa u a oak lad lariats onasaf for owlets. 1 nOt Do Wit 00.4.valuabto a MOM; ,'ClonEbottl.ent •is u r,14 ai Ortlfrit kr vac:. bo.t ,o er: oftnirY : 1 , • Adm L 3 ix lirstaaretic . &ID kW-84%EL-** OIL; for 016 by ,S • -17032121 Y CIOLLUIS. MIS IL ELLANEO US C BLIC SALE UNCLAIMED FREIGHT THE PENNSYLVANIA lIALROAD COM PANY will Bell sr Poblle Auction, DEXIEbIBER isr:18116. at IO o'clock, s. st.., at tryW AlitEuotise. of WHITE BROS. Is CO., No. e Seesrati street, the following undaterei Yreighb—upo on . ly iesuered by owners Lista! Goods in Store of White Bras. ilk Co. H. Hank, Pittabtulk, two bhls varnish. No malty two it oil bum. Dia 'one oil cask. Davidson, Miter & 00., Pittsburgh, thirteen it oetarrit. ..T, vr.amar, Patsbargh, one bag wool bare H. 1,„ pi A rria, pitteburehrtkree bow glswars. .Gemel A.. Yotley, Pittavargh, one boo gewiassiware_ - F. Aisne! , Illaneheatar, one box merettatoltsa. E. O. Frobhalm, Pigesburgb, two boxes &h..- ders. • J S. Lath, Pittsburgh. One borne hair rake: N. N. Steel, Pltuibargb, one box butter. 11. punning, Pittsburgh sue Ohark es • Brown, tWelve 'wind mills. A. Freemen, 'Pittsburgh, one bril trees. McCormack & aJo. * - Plueburgh, ono reaper.' M. ebarp, Waletaßetul Ott Ptttaborlith two boa maehroety, too aon wheels, one smoke stack, Ono steam boiler, B. IL Bulger, PltUburgh, nue bbl Vsenieb, Lurk k Wals,Pittsborgh, one beer ker. kbarbart. Pittsburgh, two beer kegs. Nu mark, lot of glass samlstone. Do two Hon Nov. .1.1). Hamilton Pittsburgh, one hill. J as. McKay, Pillebareh, nue bid rmess, 31. Thicken, Pittsburen. (our ills beans, one !mu bbl bases. Lace.. h Sanders, Pittsburgh, two half bins tarots!, T Iso I. in. Pittsburgh, one quire paper peke, too nests hectors awl tuba, one bill 1011 e, to., :roses 0 4 e .q3nuat S. Co., Lawrenceville, Pa, one roll leniner leiekiner & Irwin, Pittsburgh, Ma Bane anal chair, one rocker iOnlr. J. Bolton. Pittsburgh. ere half bbl wine. C. A. CAA PEN PEN, Ereight Alen? ri—rar,,,,e.,,ctsb, A NO c , ^1.1.111 _ - 1 , 178L1C SALE UNCIAIMED FREIGHT THE PENN` TI.VANIA. RAILROAD CO:ID PAN Y. Is di sell at Publ.: Auction, DECRMHER Di. nt in o'clock n. r . at the WAREjtOUSE of MEEK o. AllMerliON 1., First street, on.. Mar ket, the following article., unless previously claimed - No mark. a lot of crude and echoed ad bbls. G. B. a Co., noe bbl sugar. No mark one Or,. John Mal/crams. one small hot. lota bwetser, Harmer, 0., ore +of , . b., Wensell a W. La t', oase, Lc; pat,. No mark. one bbl sugar. Po oce rocking horse. Ito one wooden mad. Do one keg moss Do one atom!. Doone reaper, one knife. Ito one p era pipe leoppo.. Do three pieces woodeu mar Mier 1 o one ball Don rod. Do ones ek wool. J. B. Taylor, Freeport, one rt'. .1 la W. Risen, Pittsburgh, niece wardrobe. No k; one wash boiler, iron. May alb. one bake pan. Geo. E. Smith, IndLtion, one 511 sLat 1. o mark, one piece casting. Do two washboards. Do one wooden chest Do ona churn. 1 , 0 one piece stove Do °Betel em pty sacks. le_ Do two tell. bows Do nine MD pick handles. Do one tan mai. Do two Don Lbl. C. Sod, Hunter a !Slitter, two lolls ecytbe tenths. 11, Linear. Cambridge, one bag timothy aced (Ilea. he 14 Ito , 000 bog t °otos paper. Mont, ifieringer, WILMLII,II.I, oat box. 11 C. Kneeland, one bdl straw boards No mark, Out piece of costing, one grate Do ore tell costing", (loin pieces ) Do oue tot tiles, (tome broken.) Do one bdl H. FL G. De Koss, Barney la Co., Roscoe. 0 , one W. mill. C. a. CAReENTER, von,iirm Freight Agent. Alintl4/0, G — LASS WURELb. "1210 DES, RYRIE & CO., Nissufstturert Of else IA sod Green tilaystorere, Drags.lsis' Wore. Bottles. Domßabas. Carboys. 4te. No. 114 WA TER STABET.BETWEE:i I.3rD G/LINT STREETS, PITTSBURGH PA. We warrant out Ware* to be auperlor to say manufactured West of the Monatelna. AI way* en hand. Cllaasware of the above drentip..lon. All orders promptly attended to. Paruoular at&e. tion paid toptivate t00.1141.a. &ASA if TOUR HAIR IS FAILING OUP or tUrlllO4 Gamy, Cal/ st tCo CENTRAL DRUG STORE, and orocure a bottle of HALL'S SICILIAN HAIR PAE,ERVES. Ore trial trill aonrunee Too of it. Value. Also, GLYCERINE CREAM...COLD OEE (or chapped laanu/s, lAtai, and I. ea. COL'S DYSPEPSIA. CUES Da SWAYWE'S COSIPUIIND SYRUP OF WILD ellEth Y. Tau Tr1:1 al. sr. fin/ on band at the OEN - FELL DIM° bT.ORI, for. of Ohio and Federal 'treats. Allesbasy: te.s GEORGE A. KELLY. ADMINISTRAToit'd SALE.—in pur ananca of an artier of the Cleptduit' Court of Allegheny County. too undersigned, adalnistra. tor ee Innis sou of Elijah Smith, deceased, lan/ paw to publte axle, at the ()sun Nuns; on Thurs. day, LvLober igth Med, at ti &cloak a. a., all lb& a ri ga,=:,;l7,ll,:fl * To Wurdlitl'lt:oon t a: corner of Fulton niece and Cheerio alley, Pitts. vat, ese, ch whi la treated a TWO STORY . HOUSE, eostaining arc runlets. Sal& lot has • trent of Es feet, SA inane& on Fulton street, and a front of 15 feet I inches On Ohariet Ley, and ezgantly bank by a line parallel teat Colwell street, SO feet 4 Inches. and by a Use at rtelit angles to Colwell street, &I feet a inches. Terne—aaab. JOHN J. BRYLIcr, neteAstdolw Adralaistrator. tfECUTOR'S NOTICIS.-;-Wttereas let up testamentary upon the Witten! Joseph Allen, 'stool Vnlon township, Allegheny county, Pa. &seated, here ChM dap been irritate! to the undersigned, all persons knowing ?Itemise. to be indebted to said estate, wilt mate Issmedlate payment, and all Loose having claims, to omen them duly aulhentleated for settlement. HOBERT 'WOODS, We, Cart. BERNABD YOUNG , . Serves nes., :9, ital. Esecuton. it 30 . 8woaw NOTICE —AV herons, Letters or Admli: latratlon on the Estate or. HENRY MAE: WELL, late of the County of Allegheny, des'd, have been is to the undelegned, all persons Inoebteo to bald Estate are requested col modes We Mediate payment thereof, and all theta having claims against the same are requested to present Item to James lhater No. Of Heaver street, All.. g Lezy, JAMES BLS ITEt, and ANN MAXtY RtsL, leflevreaw A dmlnfitrators. Eitall3tOß'S NOTlCE.—Letters tes umentitry hare been this day granted to the undessigiled, on the estate of Mary White. Ode of Tarentum borough. etilmthenr county, P. de ceased. AU parsons tale tad to said estate are hereby notified to mate irantedista psymemt, end those hay' eg claims will present town without delay, duly authenticated for uttleatent. Whl. V. EVANS, Executor. Termer:Mt, September, Rib, IEN.S. letetdosw A DUI NIBT R ATOR'S au. Where" Latta Tenementary have been ranted to the undersigned. upon. the estate of Phoebe Sandemon, late of the City of Ittaburgh, deceased,. All inmate knowing them Elvin to. dented to said Mee, Will Gall and make imme Mate payment, and thoae haring claincte, to pre. gent them properly authenticated for settement, to JOHN SANDSSSON, seledeardaw lion,TournehlP. do. Us dO VXDOUTOR'B R0T1.C.F4,-Leuers tes tamentary have been granted this day to the azdersigned, on the estate otiameallurees, late or Tarenttuo borough alleerbeey county, Pa, all per gone indebted to laid estate, are hereby Dallied to make lmete4latepayment. and time having Nudes* viii Seaton them without delay, doly :ant/natl. cited tor settlement* N ARY ALES. teAAerdoast R. A. ALIAS M ES, Eieentors. GREAT CHAlsa,Elfoa.AttEriVi. WHAT TELE PEOPLE .W earn 3 Its LANDAUS/ HI TOUT or THE WAR. completola • oat large volume of over tOsn pasta, IPlendldly illttatratiasvp.b over Au fine portraits or Genetalt, Battle Sprats, slapa and Aia4ranut. Tat Work bat to 'Oral u a candid. lucid, coca. fflete, maths:Ulm and zellatae olitorr or the war. It eantalna:tsaPing matter egnal to three lame oetavO voltimea Send for areal.= and cos out terra. Address .70241:3 RRO; i 00., • c ,a,s,u n a Palladarptda. Pa. T AsssasaiE, NOTIC& Notice is N hereby elm teat the mincemeat doi to grad th i r '0,4 morons If Maine street, has bleu mods sadmss b e side allay' anti. Unlit the 98th dal of trin, after which -day U win be sanded over to the Olt? Treasurer for eolleettota- OF ay PS ESIOUSPIARR. neeonftin Itsytftator: PlttsbUrgh, October ]9.1133 ordevitil OR CINCINNATI tt -c• VILLE,-Tbs ligtedrzught inane pascrarcz picket ZAILIDATTL, ozrim. will Leave ter th e above and all Intermediate porta °anima DAY, October =b. tolevetlk•a: , m. For inditit or - arase r tpr E ta , boards to , JOIDI J. 1). COLLINGWOOD, 1/el*• prriTSBITZWIL AND ZANA:I3. , 'OZZIE PAOKET.—Tbe flu pi* ,simm , steamer EffilklA GRALHAEL il s i` stuA .s. 'IL; Itaire. , alinit, lam' Pltialkanth los iCU• every TrIZSDAX az. 4 S'.. - • • Situ res ZarenTa for, einahnizt a '• g e t. For Ittlest =ruts inly 43 bollrfee LG. •',- 44 4 ..!: ' "r.• ' I / 1 4 .P9 l 4.X 4 ZietWOQlN.Arlati '4, :MOB m'EILLE—That spiesedidlotalinnatht if, u AvAaton Proupgaransamlamoar miLitorp o rili wAr ,Apptrto L,mri• mAL A PPM34I°° Ch f i r i t-41.0t 1 .4 4 1 peesisitl tar liiiin o rniimm.s forum Man sad ars% liittl44 -270 V 0 LT: M • NEW ADVERTISIENTS GREATEST BARG.S.ENP Concert Hall Slide Store. WINTER STOCK PUTICULIRLY SELLING 1.114-IRAN nr iv posrr. • MIENS' HEAVY $l,OO, ETLILYTILIN(I ELSE L')14HCIP011111:TI, BARCAINS!BMIGAINS! 60 FIFTH 6TREET No Connectionith any other House in .he City. ad C , ITIZENF, &ItuUSE.I LOOK TO TOUR iifFERIIIO. THE aLe.suri WRY YOV SttOULU PtRCERSE ALL BOOkS - 411! ALBUE 74 FIFTH StREET. You Receive a Present with Each BOOK OR ACIVU:II, WILMS IS SOLD AT TEI4 PUBLISIIER3' OAR BALL EIWLISI WALEINCIN CIO &T 5 OVERODAIS OF /1.1.i-,61:TD3. :7 FOB THE NEXT lia:.4A.T3 J. H. SMITH - . 4a GO.. CLOTHLENS, OA BELL, 3 RI - TR ST:, nt • OPP•stte the Opera no t 4., FALL AND Boars, moms AM) Ovals, AT 92 FEDERAL FERRET. 4 out stock of BOUTS, BALMOBALS and BEAM LBs. for Ladles sad Miles, tstiestapeseet. 'Char selection of Utu'drone' Shoes elanot be isseedies. Sbu blue of Calf, Sip and aim% Boots and BM. lII= alb for Alen, Boys sad "toti4bg Is the best La the city. 25 crUht SHOD.% SANDALS sill OVESS for alt. I do not sell goods at half prf4o, but Id. sea a ped ankle for less money ths any other house In lne two °fries. Please call and evuuMo my MOca And i.e VMS price beton you buy. - We have the Sole Already for &Wal* of - tha UNITED STATES PLAPAIPPIT; Also, Adamantine and Sin Bill Hook and Eye compOy. WROLESALE DP-PA ioi'D SORBETS buygr. above s, er s eg i ty,p ,, ..A;im4... Jaw b re z Ls et ore! "'mN Nos. 78 and EC IlatOltreat, MACRITM. & CO. `*ALE OF CONDLIINgp GOVBILN L. , MUTT PROPERTY. The roUowing property will sold at Pulite Auction. at (JATLETTSBOVA Boyd countyy, acotueliy, at the mouth at tug tissidy. Leen Wlll2 Orders [tom Departmedu headquarters, 17 Wagons, £OO aerates, Ambulaneen more or lms, and a mtinallearnms lei of dh a ardialasster *tore*. 463 DAMAGED . AB _2 , BLNEETS, nod otherdaouged clothing and sentaga Sale to commermaal 10 o'closAti.A. TUESDAY October mat, 156-S and to be eentlimet from day day azau all are sold. - > is - and Crier,:.. TBUlLDERS..—Seoled.Vropmaycw i a be teoalroi bY tom anzniOek ort/Prop. oft, rot as arab= ofthli wombiteat aupe" igre made noun, on - V olt=MS autU Bi 4• - _VADAT. Noumea lite. at o'el epotoitations cute soar it *Oleo of AN denim Etat'er. No. WI Wylie me* et. Tee =nee reserves the tighttear or all KO& ottloWle .r . VIOMMELIIII 11410DMILIMAll Ok3 0117 r4ipartlNch 39?ErA DuLT A , -:. . 7. oil' ".s: • 46:- t: .1., 7 • ELPSI7.6- in;voriers ot .oimana:Frensh tit : Eireith Mon , ii&d Futy tioodg, Chlisa - Wapkiiptik Ow" 14.1 whoutralseeszetlaDamssa•Fur • Seatistdeatt JACK , • LI 'I.-L.. 4 4 k t c MIL:.=CP - te tr i Once, rA, OT TEE SBA ON, ALL 000113, 14.113 ALL THIS 314...iTtL MIMO OLOTIE/ NG So. a FUT/3 9 rtzE r KEW GOODS ' emus CLOTH 0 Ara s,CH 00A. A.Ncr 4 - i6P PA Th. FIND lILLCZ PEG TOP Pkq.lll cLo2lsxNa,,.4 REGARDIXSS or tsr W. K. MeCIIN LOCH: No. 92 reikral Street: ALLEOrENT a/TY'
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