WANTS VITAIATEtk-420178X.; , it =an, rime , " 4 . 1 . 1 „„, Cow, five or itz. sOorl*, titan ltfrbargb or Alccrierty, fp eralitof .bout rut of Bo fiteMlftr or October, tryfr, gentleman. hi. •fle and tar 9 A4411:1.4 SCOW WANTED. GAZTVriI (hrincm, 1 00 A.OENTB To =van for DIL.EOLT4RD'S LIFE F L/FOOLN. Term4.lDmaL SOHN A. EMMY, Genaral Agent, I.72l:tiastaten to Liberty st. Pittabtagb, Pm, ArAATZD.—AGERTB FOR • ."THE SZCIW_SERVIOE, !MEMEL% THE ONOTAWAIe - DTaIfaiSPAPILe- mra um. ,,, lercaanntraw, New York Tribune Garresixurg WI The meet Wets:tine and exalting book ever bifehed embracing AIL liktusdson'a on:meal, el experleora for WILT "Yen's, knighting khNugh C South IA th e agent eeryies er the ' ,, n4 the outbreak et - the - War, with our ailatee and tie both East-and Westrduring the ant two cT:If the,RethelllM Meth:Mu capture his E4ll -C 1 It° ZoOothate wren alffer.at Noel pm hiteeeiger awl ahnostmiraeolons journey ___hlithtkifmeleiT•efer trifles.. It via abound In megeirr a tahli thoutain more of th e fact, Loci. II Mit j h of the we: then Any older Work r.fiehetikkettionergette gounginen, and eel* K be My re , hitsethied Meer, mot 'Balkan want - 11113 WA 'CrittPlo7lri erkt, will BM thaw lieril itnhung eandßlen. 0 We CCU AliAY.ptsr shiesitu- whkh - we. will MI to InVICAIbt3AR 8a at. Sandsi . ...... a. atribremq. , " JONWBBOS. - 111 7 N.E. Wrier path sig Mitre ./UO -.-FOR OR Rt+Rt.' ,, • • - .. . . .1 - A.R.EfOYAIII. tette miles of Leh. 34 Stathse,. onbee.ranna. Itadltose. The im- Tom lag , IV- }Awed leg hours Anti barnthe rig egre a lo,trrettardt- fea timbered.ring good; 10 0 OCIVI altar t% 1101 111;Landadjoitdag the Bore. Cllr tafaleflirsittrok adepteo for Ilielltdils the Very , heat Of Over hot. s. andie bitfirsetrof cultivation.. lee, Alter - Han - raven leittable pant of. mkt I antregriattltart bent liontaining• forty acres, Wed 'at the eastern Seminal .of ElatarlUe, bounded on the -eotith.htelimemsegit Elver, in Vali greet - third are three strata' of iron . According to Pkofesser Greenht rspit the tad and , trMepbried 'errata' of ore I. or good . ildiflalyndightithri and will yield thitty. 0 per tentt , of loan: -Hs mkt , ■ to reirpeet to ntity this" strata' terli Veld Mono tons to the 01 native ore, amitedniang this erode man to Item Of dollars and cents, reehoning the seine Ore gfP canto per ton, this strata would preduedi. %fur -W thousand dollars. toltlibt we- helm twenty-lire bores of ,-rdta Opteetand itteetssfal'operatloo at les ent tired' Thirpropemy is worthy the at. lon of hapitinsts. The investment would be and Agfa . Spesimens of ore tan be seen at to, A No. 1 atoelt and grain farm, coast:dn g .ores, situate to Cherry - Mb - ToweshlLß - 1.11- county, Ps., *sae the sinew of Gotenellis.• `impressment' 'fro two4toillrame7ierrat; tersest. son 'best . liatn"in the county; fencing rally g00d,4'250 aeon cleared' the remainder timbentaL • :The land is igo, largelnaadowe h. prodttees tine mentor aar. • is ts eery eon. ant to ebtonhes,sehoola mink stores; *.e., as • property will bo son] very calory and on ea,6 to, W Perm of 'Mt AMS. Union torso/hip, Menton SottralPs. ' be sold chime. an the 1010uongelleia Elver C016•0311NY •ARKeegporg„ A..heny tio n 60geS; The imprOvennemze h 'end earn, tern crib and wagon , mita- other•ontbhildinga A Low apple sae trbetween,f,do and ear , greesi 60 quthee , 66 heir breast, sod 110 peach trees. -10, the 21' IIXOI fix Elizabeth TOOtog hip s io7 ekk,l%,..soatalning about' - 150 sores, • ,rte about three miles east of the borough o f clmlo2•o46oseate• ere I large Mien Irelion'smith nins: linisese monist a tanmodeornamental es Nowt :Wry Irmo essay otner buildb3gs, osufglo:setegorthave fty 7 f lr . , gnus . 01 Li nonrigid telar ' t -epithet gerttehiste.,lngsdra of 0.11. - TO Ell, Reel Elate Agent, r 114•Fonith street. `oft BMX OA RENT, i 031144474/, lAMB. ) that Pieta ofiareel OLLARTSin the Oily of IlbenZ, iterete_lore ,111.,the.oireopancy of the en, liarda;RatitOlid.tiortipany, el the mina ,)otifkiiii of grersty'ernuptiated by the State of !,a fOr the ,tirie - atill bentipialett of the Penn . diga - Ciallet, the BUM haling reverted to Null; earner' by the abandendient thereof for i kat contemplated by toe Oommenwealth to ~ • rocs:4cm of the proprietor for canal 'lava . Lri that portion cf Land ogropted as aforesaid -o, , ie,,,Wskst r, Penna. Slane; tying at -the - margin of the --' • erty dyer, thence north to-Robinson street, , •: `eclat the email basin between the two locks -le outlet thereat the width of these= to oe - "rained by the actual surrey of the Eogineers he State in laying out said canal and bairn - ..lem the locks. • , ALS O, .., 4 that 'portion of raid canal from the north sf Robinson cocci to the mouth Else of Lea street, being In length *bout de Get. t • , - length WI Atha portion of self mural from the &mitt eleecock West, northwardly to and includ e huts. 4 'that portion of cal l usual from the bade Said eastwardiy to Bank Lane where the listipected the canal. , I ALSO; abet bortion of aalilianal located between I.lsky street and Anderson Weer, ming about 4in le .gth Stith the w nu. or CO es wt tif the Engineer. between en and 70 feet • ltn, , ALSO, O ' at portion of Lean teretaloro occupied by r. - Ihtle- Canal, comprised la ont•et 10, 44,, be- Bat AM retain Wit* with tts breadth of - ithla property, ii'ladlaratabla ratio win be - „la fee atePlei with formal - warrantee to the 41a. .1. idU!"..re. , - 'WM EinithiSON, _4' re, T.,. , Swd rum Sturoecurltm Bridge. _ DWILIZING FOR foaled st' tkC creme or Ifneein and Darla ts, SeventhvrazdiTutsburgh. hatteS }front 'eacji Wawa on Dane.: street, end esteng. losig Davis street renfeet, on whi eh Is mot . , il+ w. Twattaried.; Brick Dwet. lliAg.• patog swan roma, bath room awl &wawa 1 Sashed attic , with immir, craw wader the souseLraritta Ardent .floor,, gas and water, ..a.. n .....g. Lis th e kl=rutleAsatlea rooms. fhaio hoots th was buitt 4 iMe l l e a= r mar" SokOsried La th iamin:MN** for 'a owak 'bus la Grips • sloes bur. it trees fuldwfros refection of dowers. • erroocresioroo of esaroloLos the Mien. ~... ...- WI oe the pretehow, tow occupied by VD& SNOWDO.N.and they will rewire fur • tom= SS. ocular SALE, THOSE TWO HANDSO3IE. REM STORY BRICK HOUSES, •4 and 31. on the cart aide of WEST COlt. the corner of .tallettreets built and throughout inanupepuomnner—fhtlaheci ery modern eonventenee andlmproirement, jpresent in perfect order; ogee! theolenn. Meth desirable situntlona in Allegheny. )ton oaten int of April, 1810. :Enquire of JAMES T. t AMPLE, KOtatelfrolteillo.ranOo Agent, No. 53 Fractal ot.,'Allegpony. SALE. • Finished Frame Two-Story Dwelling, I I SIX ROOMS, imperil, Papered end Painted, LatTA,V, HYDRAMT Inatde and outside the notate. LOT leYorty•tive feet Craitt,is , One Finn pt dttep • trINIVRA.PR ARSOR, FRU' r 4,4,-Tdmido Will by given on the 18 . 'ANSA 81OfIg-RQOII4 I WITH TWO CrWieLLING HOU sES. 'top it'll be arms on tee tat of Aprll next. eaceistor'lMWMthre sell, oraxehenge for H, mns, VO. 184 Fourth street. f.t .- ,..1v5vy,1_c. .7. T. SAMPLE, MOMAMMVeI and bletleateee &seat, !.e1.1.*Mi.: 1,- ‘ , :a.tedetraLatreet,Allegheny. the bei ...IE , ,FOR7:BALE.—One of, the best Axiitart&T armn in N.E. nligonst, WM* : Mr new% ail toler fame; over tOt In °WU. ; Ottinen,_ *Villeins of convenient else; well it And zwieteirn..2s miles &oar tataalorippl. rer m, lrani-ffilz. atetlon; lane part weli , 0 nise , ,tetmeeol house of brick and V oonekbentie 4 cellar rooms and large 11 ntnten:Teerotranary. meat hove. foe •enkriAeganthouae, crime. he. Three of. ingtlnato. ...ineney map retllllll. in the i d. ‘: !i;lll% o :l l ol4 ge hrogn i Teleofr °in. :,01 - 57:maii to :CAM i Real Dints Arts. 10..kiappetp•ucti,.zonnoir 00, mo. Si _.,,,m0r.,z-Aistifne n half an acre of ,) t. ;kW_ tot Sprinetale, allo• - 0. ' , -,-aolen , , oreotail , ev tit* story •,, r .and out buildings. Tbo ~ itotrolOof4barfos i l si lo i i i so o a n z zabg i g : :.'' l4all .l4;T z, eit ,2, rit. T-. 4 there • ‘.:-.' irtffia^Ofthtts O 0 *info of•ffee ,0 TWlfOri",fteii7fib ,of tletobeti=4 , Co4 - 'worliatitantarsi enquire Of_ Jef t rom see Or; 'of •V. C. , TAT. if„ o.llB,,Dls4ortliffett,Pltts :: ~,... -,, - - ,• • , oollf,ftwoEt ;.;.' ad=: . ".&'l4ol' OF _GROUND. con tfard, aßitttl2.lb•lcalailisituitir tw Pitt Tp., .i,., Waal, bbtween !lands of Capt. Brien * ~.. ig; = - I.oz y• Ufa Property Ii &Welt r-,.1 '.osettoolitn• • onion f both - 1 ,- ./ablebAbilitlir.. nto a ' beautiful I foot I Volatry - Reslderiac but will - b• Wit*? trgotc.,•-.. „ „....,_,--. .- ...... . . Irths 4 ittoontrif , Of 1.14' .- -tidilVtliGlMOl“to:s l l ---iUtZ4:O4I/1-t#1110.1.! —.- r r , :. -i , ; ,-. i1 . 1 . 1 . = . 1 ~ a • ic Rtiti. 1'..-elir:•lintiorsolii,;2lf-GTA.,4••id. ifAztx :r CITY Pm)PE—itTY 1 ,Itll pit " oiniet ; - )1"I ii iStrAgtaPil : gediTatgu Q ^ 4 , Z. 77.7 LOC MY'n for as : . lit elleA • wan itNet. . AI - e—PlOY*4? ' f 4he Steamboat SCr ,, , ~siiiztiii:43 :arr. : i, , , • . : • g - iiiii'ziii;&itai4i.cras curyths -r , i "'",... , znatibeW . y . ••1",a611 IL BOLE gr• 00 . :-, . • l:,":.:F irdattrtal NVerly, i t AlOYlalEWitrnt,"atft=l" tll-..,1.—"' AMUSEMENTS. nirt, BURG Izt TinaT ER. A• Lout end WIC HENDERSON Thlrd 1,101 of the - 4acenter.. of the celebrVe. Vot.tog tragedloO ka2 rt , 6I2IZIC. ante: Mr. EDWIN ADAMS, who will appear se the DUKE OF °FOSTER. THisl Wedioreday) EVE,NINO, will be performed RICHARD 111. Doke of Gloster EDWIN LDAIIIS In Rehearsal—MONEY, AND THE SE6LF. OPERA 1101.18 E. Managereas, MISS ANNIE EBERLE. 'Tremendous COCCUS of MARIE ZOE, who who will yype►r In three characters, Intro.:loo n% the ,treAtest broad sword {combat ever wit. neesed 6y any Wore, insisted by the celebrated e stet and pantemledet, Air. HARRY GIL ERR T. WE.LINESDAT EVENING, Oct. if, TWO OROGORIEO. After thigh, the starling drama. la two acts, of WIZARD M'LLE MARIE ZOE. Mesta.— .... , The weeteto conolune ortth 1101.71.31111/11I80LII. Satan Shingle Mr. 7. 0. Sefton. la 'ethereal, EATENNIELL(... Saturday attersoo4a. Tea Nishte to s Dar ROOO, •- -• _ SAM SHARPLEY'I3 MINiSTRELB AND SANFORD'S OPERA TROUPE AT MASONIC HALL, F ' Or7 N itattentay., Cominencing UT RDAT EVENING, OCTOZUEB 2111 The largest and most talented Troupe ever or. taniced,,t y mix ) itgl o nl i kr . TEEN STAIRS. UCR S. N. 5.1.N7013,0, and YOUNG HENGLER, Di new eats every night, supported by the entire strength of the Company. Doors open at 7. 9 o coma:Maga fa 7:44. Ada& Alena 6 cents. Reserved sesta 60 mas. t , A3I. SLIAUPLEY, t Proprietor. _ • SA. SANF3RD, M CIiAS. B. (JEISIE, Agent, oal99td FOR SALE--I`OR RENT FOR SALE, BEAUTIFUL PIECA OF °ROM; D of Four and a half Acres, wfth pf imlnutes' walk of the Railroad Station at - Wll.ktr;!.`biiry_ 00 Las arsensbung To oa t , I t :watiounny lnlproral f baring a young 6,,rottot, bearing: gin. a row of shade trees 811 round the lot; evizsreen ofillltnental trees gx years old - , one bundled grape vines, best dtrieges I shrubberj, ac., Esc. The grenade ere heneeozleip fenced end laid out for a country residence, and will be sold at n bargain. Fonqulr, of TIROS. HOWARD, ce23;atd- No. EX Illernoad st., Pittsburgh. FOR FiALE.,—Sealed bids will be received by the Committee on City Property for the sale of the 000 D INTENT FIRE ENGINE HOUSE, [Heated no Wylie etrect, 1211 Mr Log ea. in the Sloth 44rd, Plt'sbnreb, until SATVItc,A.T. November 11th, at 6 o'clock Ir. Ir. The Committee reserves the riot to reject any or all bias. Address, J. Y. 11IciALIGHLIN, Ch•ltrolin Committee on City Properti, Liberty erect- Or IT 0 R SALE UR EXCRA.NOR.—The Saw 111111 property, containing /kaput too acre., partly underlaid with coal and none open, located at the month of Cheaters Crock. on the illttteny Hem There Lon thh. property a Saw Will and two Botmee—srill be .old chear exchanged for ro pperty in Pittebureh, &Ile y or Lawreneo- Yllle. LYDA Y & ORFENING, One Door Below /Land .treat, Duquesne Virsy, erdlD:lred - R .- see -E,-- ENGINE BOILER FLT iRTLEEL. tau, maple" Suitable for a Saw, Olin, or won; Bolan MAR, or ady other banana requiring o capacity of For• ty orllfty Horn Town, apply at ata4itt Go SAtTritsaram STREET. 'FOR SASLE.—DWELLINO HOUSE. .. The Wick dwelling. No. AAO Wy le Area. WAIL IL AL PUSSY, Execntors of the estate of N. ensey,deo.d. Also, lON sA.L.E. a brink house and Limas acres of ground with line orchard, on Francis street. For terms, apply to WILLIS BOOTHE, OCISA f No. 163 Liberty Street. FOR SALE-- A TWO STORY FRA.EttE ROUSE., AND LOT. No. 914 Washington asset. Pittsburgh, Lot 29 feet &Saha front, and 92 fart deep; also, a two story FRAME HUNS E.on Mai allay. PlAtsb dish, to feet front, and 61 - feet deep. Inquire of O ICO. INIEPP LER & 00 , ocifluid he, 191 Smithfield street. FOR BALE-., ' - THE DWELLING HOUSE AND OFFICIE, At the Junction of Fourth and Ltborty streets. Apply to JAMES IR W/N, ocro-nad At No. Id Market streeL TO LET,- A tANNERT, IN WORKING ORDER Ia W OODVILLE, Beeerve Town&lp. Liqutre at t.eltdir F. LOO .NS. No. 1 St. Clair AL poll BALE—Tim Ground % splendid Lot of Gund • having a front cm Perms Avenue of 3 feet, and ertaadlog back 120 feet to a one aka', atlas shop. Apply to eat B ffieLhlN h CO. BOOTS AND SHOES P ALL AND WINTER GOODS, CIES LUA3I & CO'S Having,lust returned from the East with a full and complete aucutmeut of Boots and Shoes, W. are enabled to off= auperlot frolneesoents to pnrchaseac. Om-noel =brim' all Stool of LADIES, HISSES' AND GralLpBESS' BOOTS, BROM, warms A UALMOBAL.s, Of tbe teat quallta. 6.e0. HENS"; BOYS' AI YOUTHS' BOUTS AND SHOES. Beenember, the PHILADELPHIA MOE STORE, No. DI, Corner of the Market and Diamond. a , ert. FALL 4ND WLNTER BOOTS, BEMS AND GUMS, AT ti FEDERAL IiTREET. Our stock of BOOTSBALMORALS sad GAIT. ERR for Ladies and Misses, to unsurpassed. Otir selection of Oluldrent' Shoes cannot be mustiest Ortm line of Call. Kip and Hoary Boots and Bal. •moral, for Hen, Boys and Youths is the best la the city. (SUM SHOES, SANDALS and OTEILS for sit • do not sell gocda at half price. but Ido sell good article for less money than any other house to the two AMU. Please call and esamtne my suck and sec the price before you buy. 31.cium rocs No.1:12 Federal fitecet oel A LLB'S/ HEN Y (Tr Y BOOM It D 6110Erti. JAMES ROBB, Ei= Has Just returned from the EAST with a very t•rga end seasonable reach of Es4=ocrx.rs ..11.2.73=1 EiLIECCO3ELVII. nt the VERY lIIPSZ QUALITY. Slane', Boys' and youth. , BOUCK AND snots to all thetr varieties and style.. 1...1.1)1E8 WORK of the tin• eet and but that to manufaetured, from the line Polish to the vials (.3.tr Bonta. Cal/rens' Boats and Shoes to every etyle and vartety. Our inject te to sell such goods as will give eat- Mutton to the putcbsteer. 414^.11ealle call and examine, and you will be satisfied with the QUALIry REArIIICIZ Of goods. Remember the place. JAME:9 ROBB, • 5127 No. 7t Market street. DTILE WEER OF THE FAIR, BOOTS, WOES, GAITERS. Bkr.MORALS AND 011211 s AT RETSTOED PRIDES, at J. 0. BOREI4IVIPB, 98 Market 81. • The Worst, best selected and ebespat stock of BOOTS ANIS SHOES la the oily, at wholesale And retail Oncuttyy Merchants supplied at Sew 'York stod.Philadeipnia rertetts. Boots and Sews thrives than auction pa est. Call and euualtie my goods and only took as Abe tutees.. Mime Rip Boots only 62,60; Maas' Calf Boots solTl s . oo llfietts' Coarse Opttlial el ,130.. Women'. Rip and Calf Roots 51,00; WatetOY Morocco RM. moys,rals 344 'groom:Vs Arm Sewed Ealmorals '3,04 Bo Rip Boots or 112,60; Too, Kip Only $1,60; Clalldreme au Kip Boots path/' Bo Ks I am selling some soiled Boots sad Shoos at HAIM COST. Be sure and sill before oureheeßlll elsewhere. Remember the only_p_lece Is at BURLAND'S, OS MAR KET STREET, oet Seeorld door fro FURL SOUTH & ROBB Are selling off their stock of Soots and Shoes REDUCED PRICES. L ADIEE V GEIITEP, XitStiES' &ND li lo 4 l tesllff*lis4. 61d1 1 0%, r Uf ive4441044/4 • "Onset 111141 ait# 'R. Pilo toes sun everbbod,- d,- W • ant jOI33PHADIENLB: ,-- • ••• • • 07 , 1 1 ZG :• • earner - et DUX. tit NVA.N'TZD-600 btai-latestanti. , Lox do Slimmed, • • MO .•46 ri illarameede tob timidelimt, amble prim bops_fil. 0617 L. H. VOIGT uo. L ÜBRICATENO —5O bbla, fat 4 - I .tal• by IL °QUM% SPECIAI, NOTICE , S. AI ast•eD s Art . .APAW.Ii.L.A 1.211 A trac Of he chola. roo combl red cencentrsted with othu ex substa t nces t of still grea t. t its er alterativenwer as to 000:d an arvidote fur L:at r.soe !Sr..rup• , l: l6 I. utel cure. burl a retneay Is surely wanted by those who suffer from Strut:sou. complainta, and that one which 5,c0m,..15. their cure must prove, as this has, o motels, service to this large else, of our af flicted fa' low cltLens. How completely this com pound will do It has been proven by expertment on many of the worst cases to be Coned in the fol lowing complaints : Scrofula. Sernlnions Swelllage and Soru, Skin Diseases, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Eruption, Anthony,St. Fire,Rose or brysipellia, Tatter or Salt Rheum, Sealy Heed, Ringworm, so. Syphilis or Veneriel Disease, is expelled from the system by ths prolonged use of this Sarsapar illa, and the patient Is lett In comparative health. Female Illseases are caused by Scrofula la the blood, and are often soon cured by this extract of Saturilla Do not discard this invaluable medicine, becau la you have been imposed upon by something pre tending to be Sarsaparilla, while it was not. When you have need A.-Fees—then, and ant till For intone particulars of the discuses it cures, We refer San to a ~'er'a: tunerican Almanac, which the agent below Cleated wilt furnieh gratis to all whO call Writ. ATZTO3 OALTEAIITIG P 114.8 for the cure of Cos. tireneu, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigeotion ' Dys. eatery, Foul Stomneh, igeogLaohe, Flin t Rheuma tism, heartburn arising DOM disordered "01/"4, Path, of Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Flatu lency, you of Appalls*. laver Complaint, Drop $ 7, Worms, Gout, rteauraimia, and fora Dinner PILL They are sugar coated, so that the most nava tire caa take them pleasantly, sod they are the beet Aperientin the worla for aU the purposes of a fancily ph7sla . - Prepared I , y J. 0. AYEllt& 00., Lowell. Mu,. and cold by B. A. FAILMESTOOK, So v ado. antEby all Druggist. siciessaeodnUtw urrirresouun new WORM, HUBBARD, BROAICO. MAX4PAUTIIIIII6 0/ PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS, Warranted OAST STEEL SAWS, of every do, aarlption.lay, Ororn tint, flang, WI all other varlenten A.! kinds of KNIVES and SPRINGS, mule from Sheet Oast Steel ; Extra Reflood REAPER AND MOWING EaTIVES, VP - Werehouce and Works, corner WATER son SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. Partial;ler &Um:Mon given to Retootdlog, Gum mtng end Straightening Circuier Same; also, ro , pain, of ell kimia Punching and Drilling Son. at Mum/sable rote.. ev:lat!.7 W3l. EtAlt-N Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers Noa. VO, Zt, 24 and 26 PENN STREET. Haring assured a large yard, and tarnished With the moat Improved machinery, we welt:Mar' ed to ronaulacture every description of ROLLERS, In the beat moaner ' and warranted equal to any mandarin the aentati - 7, tiIaIDINETS. BRIGHEN FIRE ht EDS STWI PIPES usconativi BUILI2IS, UONDENSERS, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS ; AGITATOP.R.,_ SET TLING PANS, BuILLII IRON, BRIDGES, SUGAR PAN S __, and sole tatruttecturera of BARN RILL'S PATENT BOILY.RS. Repairing done on the ahortest notice. detettr LAKE ROPEILion Copper Kill and Smelting Works. E=l PARK, McCURDY & CO Manufacturer, of SHEATHING. DRAZIERS' ts DOLT OOPPER, PRESSED OOPPER SOT; TOMS RAISED STALL EtUTTOMS.SPALTER SOLD% Also l .T i. w rm orters and dealers to MET. ALS, PLATE,SHEET IRON, WlREtre, Constantly oa hand, KERS' MACHINES and TOOLS. - W No. 140FLUST and tap SEC OND STREETS,. PI tsburitt. Special ordera of O apper erst to any &dazed pattern. snyegdydaleT lariftol7.llllSol94 KEA et • - ac e ceasors to Roarosoy, Mons Wa .b . ?GM: MRS AND lac lidanofszt ra ByS il e a Nner STEAM pirart - , • — wags, :t e ak inACRIINEEY:ORA-ETNI, bEttrMa INOS of all description& OIL TANKS & &TILLS: BOILER AND RMIE — T IRON WORK. 41a- Agents for GIFFARIIR PATENT INJECiT. OR, for feeding boilers. DUN INICALIBAN Q DEO., mantas.lar i turen of IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, IRON BAILING WINDOW SHUT. TERS,. WINDOW CIEARD &a, Noe. el SEC OND and si TRIAD STRE between Wood and Market, dare on band a variety of new patterns fancy and plain,eattable for all purposes. Particular attention paid to enclosing Grave Lota. JobbirutdOnast short notice. 1027 BiIBdAVOEIS ISIUNIFEJIESS .or /RITE SEXES:A revers^d gentleman have big been restored to health to a few days, after on. = l :f tra uemt 11?i ' tl th ou e t d r.'r c at oo =M i tt: awed duty to contraunicate to hts afflicted fellow. matures the mean, of cure. Bents, on the receipt of an addressed env:lte, be will send, free, a wiry of the prescription Direct to Dr. JOHN IL DAGNALL, MEI/Iton street. N. Y. schlidydarsT SENT PREE.—A rAllpilLElt OP imactuw itepartance to the old cud young, monied and etrigle of both sexes, will be soca free by addresaing. with Kamp eneloaed, the agents: J. A. IC J. & CO., Boa 11, Boat= Post Office. mrahirdamP TICE BRIDAL CH.&11113113/4 AN ED. SAY OF 'WARNING AND INerf ROO. TION FOR YOUNG RLEN. Also, new and retie. hie treatment of the Urinary and Sexual Systems Addrees Dr. 3. SKILL= HOUGHTON, Row and Association, Philadelphia, Pa. splay AUCTION SALES. •-"Awce) LARGE LOTS IN EMIT LIBERTY, ADJOGGSUP THE SRA KESPEaIIE G 1.11. DEW. LOTS.—On Saturday afteracsra, Oat. nth, at l3g o'clock, on the prerntste, will be soli, those 62 Lote adjoining the Stakeerpeare Garden Or chard addition to Esat Liberty. and immediately opposite the Passenger Hail way Station, and Emit Liberty Demt of the Pam. Ventral Railroad. The Lots are 60 by ISO feet. imrroundel by 60 ft. tercets, end In the handembeat situation of teat Libetty. One lot contains nearly three 'area. Sale is pcialtivc, by order of mart; maktng this the mom favorable opportunity taw buying large any valuable lota. Terms, one-third cub, Wean to one and two years, farl•h interest:WS to be pall on each tot when sold as part of cash payment. A 1 BEE EXCIIIEhION TRAIN wilt leeve the Penneylvania Depot at 2 o'elock precisely, en the say 01 liale,and take ladies sad gentlemea to and from the sale free of charge Nogickna required. IdoILWAINE, Auctioneer. _ _ _ LOTS AT TORRE - NS STATION, ELST LIBERTS.—Friday Afternoon, Oct. nth, at 2 34 0 'latick. ea the Arent ea, will ha I the re. mainhat tic :arra But ding LULAL, Boating on wide streets, and situate immediately adjoining the Raitroad at Tomos Station, where every paawn get train 7h en fe a m' Yb o sTioUl rh ast a Z and sto:k yard In East Liberty. Sale positive, to close obi the entire pls.. Tetras, onset hied rash, balance In one and two tears, with Intelsat:MO to be paid on each lot oben sold, as past of cash payment. A FREE EXOLTILSION TRAIN oil leave the Penna. Depot at 2 o'clock, to take ladies and gen tleman to and from the sale. No taikeks required orit A IitoI.LWAIN. &on ..r. priANT'S arrii ItiligULAA taINIJA.L BALE.-114.00ES In every department of Lit. cratare. Science and Arta, beautiful Photograph Alberni, Floe ramify Metes, Letter and Oontmes. dal Note Paper, Envelopes, Diamond Pointed Ooldit ns,h.o, AT AUDTION E VElt if EVEN. LNG, at I o'clock, and atprivate ad* during the day et average auction prices, untll the stook is all sold, at lIICILWALNk.7.3 AIIOTION ROOMS, 196 t 4 infthne/d street, opposite the Post Oates. in the collection are such works as Appleton's New An erican Cyclopedia, 'A , vole.; BanorOft'e History United States, 8 vols.; Prescott's Histories, 16 volumes; A pplt ton'• Dictionary Mechanic., a Vol. es, seas plates: lire's Dictionary of Arts cod l,eencen, a vol. ; Webster. Dictionary, 1 063 p atto; Waverly Novels, complete works of Mil.. ton, Sort, Irving, Cooper. Hugh Miller, Shute. ;;;;..pre, Byron, ill , ore, Burn., Josephus, Cham ber's, I/10k, Nolliu; volumeslol popular Nov. cla Slat..., Talcs, tac. •"- M!!SMEMi!ia;i3II pITLILIC SALE LLY ALLEGILES Y OIT —7 he undo signed will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, In Allegheny City, on SATURDAY, Oct. nth. 1010, at 3 o'clo , k, p. m. the property when Mn. FORD no - . Ryes, on Pasture Lane, Allegheny City, adjoining the Tannery :of lobo Taggart. It his a trout of about 200 feet on Pas ture LUIZ, sod extends back about oixl foot. It is a pan of John 0 klern's plan of fdouat Relief, re. coldest in Plan Book vOl. I, page 14, and embraws re lots of mad plan, being lute numbered 8 to li. It has atoomfortable Frame House, and the grounds ale planted with goad troll trees, ise. It 00010 be divided into lever& good bolldi. g lots or, if proved a. a whole , it would make a delightful geo metric.. It la offered for male ea a whole, or to lop. ante lots to raft purchase., and the term. of payment will be made eaey Possession eau be given immediately. J. W. F. Imre, oclalt4 li 3. 100 Fifth 'tree . $20,000 RA I Litt/AD FIRST moaf GAGE SOINGS.—On Tuesday ereaing, Oot. 2/th, at Ix o , mook, will oe sold by order of James Laughlin. Trusts* of Pittsburgh Trust Co.. on amount of whom It may 1101031 , 111, on the second floor of, the Oonametelat Sates Poems. me Smithfield strict, opposite the Onstein A l WW House, Pltubtugh, Twenty Tint Igo Asa I ef the Martins Vanes Railroa d one Uumsand dollars each, with Interest' for at tached. Dole A. maim .s, AMP:. SEWING MAC :t WHEELER .t WILSON'S HIGHWIT PREEn Lock Stitch Sewing Maine, B'O'LTON-HOLE MACHINE; itgenc2;Xo, 21 rifikarcel. ses lla.svit~ IT Our',lt. IVEDNESD.tY, 00TuLtEkt '2t, GAZETTE TERMS bally mutates SO per w.luble do. do.. served by earner, 25 seals a week. Daily Evening ge.6o per year. do. do., served by carrier, 16 Cent, a week. Weakly, le slabs ft 50 per year. do, single copies pm do. RATES OF ADVERTISING 0.4 RQUAfI-6Tf•DIDB 111.41 . 4431 : I)eUy , it . .o 21 sw It a;'Wkrf Four 1.1mea... 210 ... 2to Fire time.... 2 50j ....; 2so One week .... 2 76: .2 75 61 26 75 Two weeks... 473, 270, 200.123 125 Three weeks . 6 (01 425 273 203 i 75 One month...l e 6 60' 4 00; 2 95 210 Two months !I WI B COI 600 375' 436 Three months' ia oaj 50 60 700 473 625 Six months... 23 60, 11 75, 50, 600 12 Oa Nine InOut4i, 04 00i 17 70 12 00 6CO 17 00 One Year..... 40 (x) -23 50 11 00 15 00, so 00 Adrralwemeawunierieo one year nay oe many - id 04 th;:dvertteer pleheurn at a charge of SS mote per owe, (or cite if paid at the tlene,) but matt confined to We lointedlats Ottainces of We ndrerWeer.. litiVlCrtiaiments contracted ter °thesis/co Chao .dalip will be Inserted on coca dap. a. ins Wilco may selett. Iracisiesd adyertiatillt CASK Death No/Ig* each idoOrtion 1 SO odertiage dation, ' 75 Stesiaboat "SavertioemeoU., per trip. 3 00 Exeoutors. or Ailsainisttstoro. Notices.. 3 00 IrEATIVT ASYSICTISISO “A.T.FA One equare- , eentined to the sesawdfate totinneas 9f the . I .42laget,aud aot to Include dlasoluttona, Wrmation of new firms, wants, ae..—changeable once a week. Any exam to be charged ao trio dent matter. 2 ttmu 2 times I time. Deny. ,• wed a week. , * week. Three months— $lO 60 112 OLT 3 • col $B to Stx moan. 10 00 19 00 19 . 00 10 to Iliac month.-- 43100 , 20 ou 74i00; to to One Vent 00400 31 00 2000 . IS 00 4Fir- Fist Not,. double the above rat., ln• netted on. tuostb or more. For leas portal 20 otill MMOIEZ=I B' A egiaare to be considered as she spore neon pled by ten linen of the ordinary advertleing type of the paper. The Cottle Disease—lts spread on the =ll Th, tail Val N 1133 been In IThalsad , while the , a has ','err wirstvin.; scar:, ill, I 'ont:- neat, has now mad, ita app.araurc in Franc. , and lirlgimn tact cli•••:el a hat broken out In Lii..tro.o. Therr.item nt mor•• Ltd: ). .1:•• fate mainly cols..' ro-pti,imnnla k not to ne compared to the ter r•T• an•l anaiet3 tt ith which the Eurotwan ,•••,2:ard their:pre,nt afllicti••n. The men of atlence devote their time and skill, nn .I the Pm'ss its spa, ca to elaborate larestig,lian and discu,ion as to the origin and uatnre of the ep idt•mh, and the manner in which it should be met, and a large shale of the pubiic atteuti.lu is takrn ap by tut' prat(' Lit it! 0.11 . 10111 which It su: As to whether the disease Is really • contagion or as epidemic, after three months of active in tinny and delete, very little Krems to be posi t-billy known, and to fact few things are dell nitely avcertAlued about It, beyond the fearful extent of its ravages among the herds of Eng land. In France It is called 'contagious typhtu," lied le raid to be carved fr..m place to place by doge. Io England it is declared that Meaner:el per travels in the air,—sod so certain is It con side - red that flies are made the vehicle of trans mitting it from one heard to another that It Is trantlr .tiggx.ted In one p a per that eve-y cow fheuld be put to bed olgbtld under a canopy of mosquito netting. Amid to much mine (tout» as to tea nature of the alseam. is Ia latmesting to note the means adopted for combating it. in Eatlaud. where it has razed for dee months. nothing appears to have been done with any system. Bicoe committees have been organized, several cattle insuranee arsoclatione have been formed; and the Queen has jolt appointed • livyal Commis elan on the subject: many cattle, welt and el& have been slaughtered, without reutrmeratimi to the owners, except In the Instance e,( a sub. scriptiou most absurdly starte I to Indemnify Mies Burdett Goutla, the richeat woman In the kingdom, for the death of a taw choice animal,: and onthlrg has been done in toe way of cu-e . In France an the contrary, where the disease has only mast appearta complete systems or quarantine, s'anzhter and coMpernatlll2 have been established by the government police an therities, and even the dogs in infected districts are placed under the most rigid regulations, which must be obeyed under penalty of sum mary execution. Than tar not a single case of the cattle da. temper has been discovered in Ireland, thanks to a very przuleut and thoroughly enforced inter dict against the transportation of cattle across the Isiah Chancel; and thus England has yet a market trim which to obtain good beef. This result should teach a valuable lesson to us west of the Atlantic. If as many urge, the disease was only Im ported Into Ur eat Britain from Russia, then by a careful quarantine, or aUll better 4 strict em bargo upon all Importations& cattle, we may reasonably hope to escape the terrib'a In fliction al'ogether. With a healthy Cala dltion of the finances and, a general prevalence ofow prces, the akin•; smut brile the disease In England sent the price of meat up fur befund the reach of the laboring classes. In this coun try, where :dready, from a variety of causes, tits prices of all the necessaries of life range AO hbv,ll that poverty Is but - one - remove from starvation, It Is horrifyinr, to Imagine the effect of a girstlirir calamity. Prevention it not easy; but would Ice almost Imps,tble. It is as Imperative a duty, in umbent upon all having an Influence In the cattle-raising business, to pro v.-rit any importa tions wltlo b may bring the deadlicat of animal plagues to or, shore., as It Is for lb. SZ. nerd public to gins no footliiilcl, by negligence or tot crati.,o Of um ,caniiness, for the Iwidsou, ap. prosch, of trim harily Icsr tircadfui vise uu• bolt 1.1 The Execution of Champ Ferguson -fie =ii= TO: Cincinnati comnapreist of Monday says A letter from Nashville gives us some partici. Wars of the execution of Champ F.tauson. and hie confeeslon. During the prayer of the min ister, on the sea tf.tid , whim the Clod of the widow and the fatherless was Implored to be the friend of the family of the dying man, Champ. shed tears. Hit last coherent words were: "I will repeat that I die an out-and out rebel; and ray last request in, that I may be move,' to White eounty, Tennessee, to be buried In good, pare rebel soil." His wile parted with him without mach emo tion. merely ehaking hands and bidding him good-bye. lit, daughter, a preposilng young lady, clung to him pamlonately, calling him her '•dear papa," and sobbing piteously. Ho made a fall tollreEil/00, eating be surrendered ander a promise that he would be treated as a prisoner of war. Ile did not think be bad done any wrong; had killed a good many men, of course, but never killed • man be did not know, or, if he did not know Wen, know at lees% that his victim was attempting to take hia Mg. He said, In the comae of Ills confeasion: "It is false that I never took any pnsoners—l toot a number of prisoners and paroled them, but they would not give me a chance to prove this In my trial. I with to thank Mrs. Balch born for her landsman to me during my trial. One os the witnestahl against me—Lewis Du vall—told the troth In every particular, and I thank him for It; also Mks Dawdy, except one or two words. I hove aler•ya heard that the Fed erate would not take Me pritoner ' but would shoot me down whenever found. This is what made me kill more than I should have done. They (the Federal's) never go a man that be longed to my company or one that belongedto Bleclsoe'i company that was with me, tbut what they killed himy and, of course, xbey must me poet that I would mot:mita doing: 10 to their men." . A Lamm, &atone Mobile; T•oloael Goode, le about to ALP* to gad /hearten of Alabama for • chute' fez eat _agricnltnetT4esoolitios, to• comprise theireildeat wet therretedetenrs Bums, the object otsehich.shill?betriestidW US, Mutual relations ;ad a Rood trodentter.dind betireen emiihrjelfired'isbotinii- ?he idoldte - Riga? regards 40 - 3***Avprily et * tem _ porary expedient: • 'Tenure Divir,ota petaltni In the ntt ieheet (Kellfeek oxieL Minsk the lientuekr ar Att * GMT* &Min esui Palmeri' =Nom illeow.oamgee t foe the earryfkg of gement of hit •slitene out of eiot Stets, tuvitOnhitee'Welid Iltbitan'e-todeee. -1 2 a s t q that eigi Oft wUI lead to mot MEC if petriiteirt6 ptognisa.. - ; ; A asaitittiamit 'alibi :moon ht' oa, e.sio,:best ii - itat link aciodug Mg Alia had es news qualm. , sinta , ahe bid not stol It at' 41ilf ' TfitkiD VW -takse before a Ztfand dned tbe enorstone east of $lO for e t el A COW A , A1 . "." w ".!' %, VPikSrAN His rs:,:,cy ca IlcconstructioD ('N 14F.GRO SII Fr:. AG!? Ni . BMZEIE I 113 S o 111:1C11 I.llprt'fiN• thou- ( 0,, t nation of lutt 7 - .4“ . , tha r turn.' Immediately to thy moot and wr,;.. clown such of the points ma.!,. as I con!drf•tn , tn. bcr, and having pondered them all the w home, am to-day, mole than ever, convinced ti,t if cdr,ricd t , y you And retnrnc.l to rn tot IJr rt,t3;400rr11.1112 11111=1111 oar lending 111,1. It nlll doe unite the :oln.! In far, of your plan, so far at leas: of )..at t: out w.thoto modlocation. You arc aware that I do not ne.alrint , mu.-l. with men In politleal life, but rather with tho, who, representing the advanced moral ...000 of the country, , :arneally Labor-for the good of our poopir, without hope of, or even desire for paice or other immediate reward. The latter dials desire earnestly to tutdcrstand yatl• pious, and, if possthle, support yonr administration. I think the publication of your process al re conStrUCtiOn, with the reasons for you faith in it, will commend itself to theircandid Judgment, and, as I told yon, inspire one whole Northern people with confidence in your administration. The report Is meager and unsatisfactory, but I think It conveys, for the. most part, the spirit of our conversation. therefore, although the whole tenor of your words led rue to believe It was uul lotended to be kept priest., 1 have re frained from answering the specific inquiries of acwouo fnende, whom I met. 00 my way home, lent I might, in acute war, learn a wrong, impres sion on their minds. TI - 44 roar iriemi, GEO. L. The Prmident of the United States. 11's.hitiNc.ros, D. C., Oct. 3—Ill; 1 hare ju,t rctOrued fir.," A. inters irn ",u, l'rveldLtlt .lohne , n, to a bid, be for as hour no It. pro, o,a of -It air , . n( rrb States. lie rnatincr no , oulta!, and hi. u eot. r..atiOn , U.t, o t him dully to Na,h, the ct.unit . nance by, .r , • ' thou a hen I ors know Into. I rt10,10,,1. that ~ 11: s • !I. w anxious that the proc of n+ !tp•tlun .houl.l thor,:gh, and they sv 1 •1, d Lim in the n:duoue nod:, butt th, ur ue,r, eonftn•ed 5' nit aUC 1 - •••p•ii co:E.:II/0y .1:1,1 • rp, hi.: pre,•nt poAl u.m of the Nan, eratx party. It 10. Cirt•ltiaL. - d [l.l the 11,1 h- As,, Loth , I.,ughin4 - 1y re; , lle.l. ":11.4. , r, hare sou surer known n Man who for many years had differedwa bo taunt: y 4.0 acr, in ad, an , e • C:11 D :II RA Ilk on II o :a , n he . sr, LA]. :1 you ,t a.l I replier' I have oken. ile said, i> have I, and vent on. • the liem icratic party nods Its old poeition ut,ti.nable, and Is coming to ourl, If it has come up to our position. I am glad of it. You sod I need no preparation for this conver sation, we con tall - freely on this vuti,pvct, for the thoughts are familiar to ue; we ran be per fectly frank with each other." fit then cum meoced with easlogthat the Stales are In the Union. which is whole and indivisible, Individuals tried to carry them out, lin'. did not succeed, as a man may Ori to nu his throat and be prevented by the bounden , , and you cannot say he rut hit throat Dttalrie he tried to du if. • Ikt:llldt:slit may commit treason : and be putt !Abed, and a large number of individuals msy const.tutc a relxlllon and by puulshed Astra:tors. !tome ntstes tried to get cut of the Ti aloe, and we.cpported It, boura.ly, het:Attie we believed It to be wrung, and we hare sneceacd In pultitag down the rcheillon. Tit power or Itose par. roar who trate ttii a tempt bas boon erusherl, end cow we want tc,. rePcstrnet the SLAW G4l - and have the power to do it. .le State iteutuil i a t• ore prousated, laid out on the `mend, and they moat be taken up and adapted to the p lunette of events, thin cannot bo cloud in a moment, We are making yen rapid prugross, no rapid I Lataat torniiiiixtes realize lti It appears like a dream. We mast w t pc .m too m••rit of a hurry, .t is better to Ict them reconstruct thellMelo re than to fore< then: t. t, for if they t;•i wrong, the power ato U LIMAS 111.1 PC coo chock them at OCT rtat:v, to lb , rod, and them to molten thole !•, 11; ttalt tht n. I do/ n••t rcpt. , t i••• poto a . who w•••re re:ottiiil froth the Ammo, r, o• • n loti r r ' , lnto, of Went, but I tatende.l th e y fur portion, anti SD !vela, the u •r -miry of the criuu. they Ito!. contmittoti. You could not have nroached the eui.jecl of eq. i suffrage at the Nor:h seven years ago, sod we melt remember that the osmoses at the South have berm more rapid, and they have been obliged to accept more unpalatable truth than the North has; we Irma/ give them time to dlccet a Part, fur we, cahoot tiptet such large affairs tell; ere comprehended and digested at once. We must glee them time to understand their new ;cushion. I have nothing to cone, tilt,: mutters, end have no desire or tridatigrieta to eche Ladd reel morns to obtain What we want. Our tiosernmeut i- a grand and lofty struc ture; lu searrthl-nt for Its foundation we Mid it r eta on the brood basis of popular ruthta. The elertive franchise la not a natural right, but a political right. I am opposed to gain:: the States too much pearcr. and alto to a great Ccm solhlai lou of power In the Central Government. If I interfered with the rote of the Sahel &etre, to dictate that the negro atudl vote, I might do the same thing for my owe purposes in Pennsylvania. Our only safety Iles In allow ing each State to control the right of voting by Ito own laws, and we have the power to control the Rebel States If they go wrong, If they re he. we have the army, and can control theta by it, and, it natbasarf, by legislation &Lao. If the General Government controls the tight to TOO In the States, It may establish each Wes as will restrict the vote to a email number of persona, and thus aratera central despotism, N. pcsltion here Is different tram what It would be If I was In Tennessee. Thei c I should try to Introdaec negro suffrage gradually, diet those who have served is the army; those who c mid read and write, and per baps proper qualification for others, say aloo or P 250. It would not do to let jibe negroes have ia.W. It would breed a war of MCC.. There was a time In the Southern Stales when the slaves of large own, re looked down arson non 41seeownert Demme they did not own elates: the larger number of blase, their mestere owned, the prouder they were, and this has ;traduced hostility between the mass of the whites and the neurons. The outrages are mostly from ter 11,1nel:bolding whites against the etmro, and bole the negro opus the non-sleveholdlng whites. Ter Legro will Tale wall the late master whom be dere not hale, rather than with the tilt:l -slas." oldlon white. whom he does hate. Lthl •••real retlrrge would create another war, not against es, but a war C f tooth et tiling. Thin{ Goren) teem is the frt..- ..at and best on tho oarth, and I feet sure is des tined to last; hilt to .erun• this, we must elevate :01.1 purify thr ballot. I for many years eon tended at the South that Slavery was a polltlea: weakness, but others Flll,l It was political strenkth, they tbotorht we onined throe-fifths repree.tritation by it, I contended that we lost two-fifths. If we had Ito flares, we should have hail twelve representatives more, according to the then ratio of representation. Congress appor tions represtmtallon by states, not dtstricta, and the State apportions by district,. Many years ago, I moved In the Legislature that the aportlonment of Itepre.scutatives to Congress, In Teunessee, should be by qualided voters. The apportionment Is now ❑cod until 1873: before that time we might change the basis of representation from population to qualliied vo ters, North as well as South, and In due course of time, the Stats scrlthouf regard to color, might extend the elective franchise to all who possessed certain mental, mond, or such other qualifications, sus might be delermitied by an en lightened public Judgment. Bo To], ()rt. Is, 1%1. Tb above report was returned to me by Pres Went Johnson with the following endorsement Cir.oxaz L. 817.A.P.515. I HAND READ TILE %TIMM COMMUNICATION AND FIND IT BrasTARTIALLT CORRECT. I RAVE MADE SORE VERTIAL LLTEDATIONS. f Signed A.J. A Lunn received at tile Freedmen's Bureau !from the officer in' charge of Freedmen's affairs at. Helena, Arkansas, states that not a case, of want exists among the Atectinen of that district, "rations being drawn only Far those in hospitals. The letter represents them as industrious and orderly, seldom guilty of a breach Of the taw. „AY a meeting °theatre la Frialitort. , Ger .tnany, It cone anti thee 'pout throe hatelred;all - or balled atatee bonds smut held m that city, sea Its, neighborhood, and that pearly :ffel7 bona held vn the continent of Europe was the property amnions resales. liter near that ALaitici 'soldier kilted ',ritlanight of Ids own ,dc mahutpcffelf'York, 00 day 'Wit week cb7 fallng tildes Itio oar Vora wllta ,he attempted to lamp tit eittetootut to Vett his Fife And.chlldrea. . Canourcur;wridrt trOta Greens- Tattlirkk . 'Rays ' as atoll= darnaustle platform Ist Woo Midas Om never could Us scrablittgatlsr, reserve:re totalltlummibt Iti Deamarkidurtag he , Dialeat , faubaa, the FolkOdng. a lova branch' of the Leartalalaza, aalea4led the Consthattaa DI abolleblag, at one Met the orda of nada. A ARIOUM rEm A rievt ND= ' THE Pct rii.—A .a - Poster has been rreclosited In list ' , slits.: emirate, Ii!. 'iv° years ago, Joe. F. BOVlel‘.. te:e s "sis) - ',tie, painted himself oft on the pear, of Whitctltild i.o an accredited minister of the 1,!. 1 ..11c!y It came ottl that he had another wife and three children In one of the soothers counties of that state, when the villainous rascal and Wife decamped, leaving debts unpaid to the amount of several hundred dollars. _ A 1.1)11,.., luly In 8:. Loutt. by the MIMI Of Mary Act ilapiee, died lam Wednesday from the sae of areenic, which ahe had taken to lm prove her eompirxian. Urx,. '.ist In .;“1, of 1.11.1 Were fir ..o.tiem..n; at 1...1 uud• i 1.. Cliti.ret_s, we are glad to see it stated, Is not, as has been reported, eng.ed on a cari cature of the 111 e of Washington. WAT,E .unning for fl, ,, runt South ca.... Una on IL, u.L,Lau.,' 41”. , r , h II I.IIIPHILEY )I,R,11• ractistug law STANDARD PETROLEITEE HEY.Ltd ERY CLARK & SUMNER, Work, sad OIIIee, UOLLINS TOWNSHIP °Doe to Putsbctrgh, 24 WOOD STREET These work,. have the largest capacity to the eountry. The brand stands the hignert to thta wuntry and In Europe, for quality and fire text, and the oil Is put ir, well eitatoned burets, prepat eipectally fur export. Manufacturers of ROLLERS, STILLS, TANKS, and IMPROVED BORING TOOLS for Ott Well. del* 1P TENANT YA.ltdl OIL UOItIY2LNI. Office Corner of Penn and Warne &tuna] Thh Company Wu organized On the /age under tLe Pennsylvania Mining and IdanulantaS ing Lawn The Territory of the Company L. all oaten on Dank ara Creek bet meen the lands of the Duoknrd Creek Colon oi l Company and the Dunk aol 1/reek Petroleum Company. Capital Stook. Working luod Par value of each Shan • S. A. 30LINSON, Presided:. ISAAC NOCK, Secrota, and Treaeur . JIM.% Orehern, Stephen I..aween, Flank bnycer, u2ghtf • • I )IINKA RD CR.LEE PETROLEUM WhIPANY. Office Corner of Penn and Wayne Sri This eoznpuiy wait organized on the nth raider the Pennsylvania Mining end hiLsaufseto tins Laos. The territory of the company ad Joins the land, of the Drinkard Oreek Union Oil lioinpany, of this city. Capital stock 0225,000 Working. rood 25,000 Par Value of Each Share el 00 0171 CY. President—N. A. JOHNSTON. Secretary and Treasurer—lSAAC NOCK - - . S. A. Joelwros, L. S. Mow,. FUNK Sul - au, J•ssa (lama LI., F. I). ti am% W. C. Hme, Jc.l.l,yd H W. lirrrßrs. SUPERIOR OIL ENGINES We ate constructing. nal %Ali keep on hsol • supCtlur style of ETC G.-MD.7Ni Either a Common or Tubular :Boiler We to rite parttea nearing engines for thle pur pose to nail and ace them, corner of PIKE sod U'HAILA STRIXTS, riser elty Water Works. JeU' JAMESWiLkafth, 110illiAlf1D DZSLSL IP CRUDE AND REFINED OILS titlVa pecißlock. Dneyneano Way. rlttsb'Eb AT Sal attention peen tee SALE RWIII4EI'47 01 YETS.A.LEI'M anti tta prognata. Consignmenta tratectlutty solicited. a;.-esy OFFICE BOX tet mba y - J. .13Elili Ao. I St. CL AIR Arr., Plitsbargh. FORWARDING AND CO.IO.IISSIO MER,HAYT, AND DEALER IN OILS 11.1.MVIIFIATTIPO LUCRICATINC) CRUD/ P E. - TROLL - CM MU.", to , 000stant/y oa band xad for ule •S the /oven .tartest prizes. °oozy's. tarots and ordtra aolielte , L aptto pATIRTED UCTUBER d, 1881 DITREILDO VS PATENT Oval Lamp if,7effeeneya, Manufactured of XX Flint Want These Chimneys ars intense:a for tbs fist dame, nesting an puts of the glass equalin does not ax. pose It to cracking. E D. D.R.ID.CiE, Fort Pitt 0/us Works, Washington Kraft, spit Pittsburgh. Penn's w. WAIVING WAIL' & KING, ♦ID 31.0M11 IP PETROLEUN AND ITS PRODUCTS And denim in Fatah( Dinner Lain Rs. Sti MARKET ST. Pittsburgh. BONDED WAREHOUSE OF Phenix Warehousing Company, foot of BALTIC ft 112.1.11150 N St.., Brooklyn. 1111 . 0/IAOI 07 REFINED PETROLEUM. La Tag*, sod Mania. See Clroulam Office, No. 16 BEAM:I STREET, New York. ocs4 LtiCkliT OM WORKS. DUNCAN, DUNLAP & 00., IILAIttIIIAOTISKRA 01 Pure White Refined Carbon Oils. No. 291 LIBERTY STREET nn' tioLzse JA.AIES IRWIN & CO., ItAtrrrAorrsaas Of Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia. OFFICE No. 15 DeLLEICEIT St, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Sice W E ARE DAILY RECEIVINU I=l CARPETS, CLOTlis, WINDOW sHADEA, WOOLEN, OOTTON AND LINEN DRUG GETS wad (MUM CLOTA.S, DAMASK, REPS AND LACE WINDOW CIIRTA.Ns, Comprising everything new 1.114 desirable, whltrit we off, It PGPUL4R PRICES. MT/ALAND & COLLINS, 71 and 73 Filth Street, Next 815141a9 to the United States Moose House sod Poet °Mee. od • :~i' a1•i; .1.1,311111 ■. 1.010...../0131, LAXI... JOHN DOIMUri LONG, LANS & CO., SIGN ARTISTS & HOUSE PAINTERS. No. 60 Eingthileld St.. Pittsburgh. LETTEBINO tsl ALL KINDS rsaftds• P" t M I t tl idatt_.._ t i finr . tat ps of ell ootorp, old Una DIGNS ON GILMER 1 to alto and Hat to all puts of the gauntry. PROEMIAL DES/EINS eseautddld A tilfaDl SP , Ostia mom. ~ A ROUSE PAlNTlNGhardomy dem Irtrb • hsgardtO dd. , ° of salor and totatszta at MA. SPAR Rork id • sato. adopo WrlaLliiid H. BROWN S .... . (Late artba linnet Mow. Aloasaj 13017811 AND EU= Posi nth Eliot soma tomtit iiiCtifiet*, szia, ,Firrairri6l . . FiIiUSDY.O I* B F l ftAttrPt ' rxkl tritienr *our eon a at i tbrkekt‘ oaks -of Enid and' l i ktettokP/Itsilreittinekdigteralke 4a4 'fah Pinktaktik,inact , Try Wiz waskunettocum , • '' 'X* illalp.by iklitrupgfitite DV CeSIPI R. E. trakLEll9 k . , . . . . krl3o . ifkkiallillk tuns n •• pi, rollTrarvz DOMMOST VATS. ,--•• • . 4408ir8T. , - • • Rkom 'hi lisrxtat jraktiP,Llli. mown ILWIITEIL Two volutes 'Pen SOL • - ocu j. L. BUD, rie,l3 Yoorib rowi, ISRF., .A—N RRANGY Iti k. it E: 3 7,4a . 0 al P 1..:4 •.Y1::.1.X.4 OEN Et. Ft.- -TWELVE DA.11,1 IA ?.1 Nr.:. . , . arid leave thel;rpn,, Wei.4,beton I,tu ' rr- .re.rie 'pr LAY dui) except scatty, at e.. do a. m stopping at lanai..,. a, Cone mange, Lon, Altoona and all principal eus.t.one, and maktag dtreet connection at HkrrLburg for New York, Baltimore and Waal:angina. and at Philadelphia for New York Boston &paint...emir/Late point.. ALTOONA AIIt.IWIL.IIOIJATIOII, daily incept Stmdav, at ate a. m., stopping at all regular station. between Pittsburgh and Altoona, and malting dose connection with train. cm Indians Branch, West Petuvyirani• R. R. Lliensburg • . Creona It R., and Hollidemiburg Branch. -"" PITTSBURGH es ERIE HAIL, „ Sept Sunday, at 7..50 a. mstuPPlo,i, r o anga, Galatea, Altoona and c Jy at Cove- Dona. making direct connect. , New York. Baltimore, and W 071dAIL Aotol3 °DAV. UN, daya at GAO s. m., .teir„ling at s.l regular sta. ton., between PiXten"..,igln and Harrisburg, mak. log connection. With trains on the Ebensburg and Cresson RalitOled, and Holliday.latirg Railroad. PHILADELIMIA EXPRESS, dal/h t ., tin p. m. k..t„gto, ” Latrobe. Au..., thlfdoa, Lmwistown. - Minis, Newport, Mary: ihlip lArr t tn iurg b nireet " et ' la=tttsd Down New orb Baltimore and Waehizegton. and at Philadelphia, for New York. Bossort and Were modiste dolma. Sleeping tier. run through cm this train trom Pittsburgh to Pidladalphis and Bahl., more and to New York, by the Allis ream. J eTote Atithrfel MOD JaTiIUM dna v. ex.' tams Sunday. 61 6.35 p. m., stopping at regular stra between Putaborgh and Conamagnould Cog, nectlatt at Itlairaville LotemeettOn with MOM. firt. the Indiana Branch and Weal rennarivanis H.R. FAST LINE, daily, exeept Sunday, at m.., atopping only at Lionartuatuen. 1111. liontlngdon. Lessuitowd Millent. Newport Marprville, Harrisburg. ZdAddletown. Lancaster. and Howninglowni making consectlon at Harris , tows for New York, Baltimore and Waablogton, and at Phihultlphia. for New York. Boston, and Onteemediate Point.. Bleeping 'can run to rough in thie train to Pniladiltotoa, and to New York oy the Alleatotya route. First dolly Actiona {exceptktudatlOn Train for Wa11... Station lesSes Sundas) at kin a. Second At Train for Wail'. Station leaves amly (et Sunday) 00.9.40 k Third Areom xcep nimiation Tr ain Aar Well's Station leaves. daily (except Sunday) ed g.r.5 O. M Fourti, Accommodation Train for Wall'. Statics ieuves daily elsept Sunday) at too p. m. Accommodation for Peon Statton. Stopping at all statlona between /•utsourgii and Pena, at to :a p. to. ,‘• o:l,ans The Church Train leave. Wall . . .Station Weary sondap at, 11.06 m., and arrive, In Pittsburgh M oo a. m ftetunno, leay.J PlttabUrTh at 1250 p. m sad arrive. at Wall 4 Station at 4.5 i p m. $150,000 03 21,x00 1 00 Returning Trains Arrive w Pitt..bUrgt u follows.: Hail .. i. 20 in 1 cat I ,an 2 Co i m Vast We 1 Station Accommo.int...... 1.25 a. nt. Penn Al..bmmotantluel 140 a. m Second Wall'. Steno° Acconizoolat,n 6.60 a. m. Johrmtown Accommodatioo to.CRS a. m. Pitiaborgh & Erie Mall 12.i0 p. m. Baltimore Expresa 1..30 p. m. Third Walla Station Accommodation.. 2.65 p. m. Philadelphia Expreas 230 p. m.. Fourth Wall'. Station Accommodation 6.00 p. on. Altoona Accommodation and Emigrant 10.30 p. m, An Agent of the Exoelslor Ontnibite Company will pus through each train before reaching the Depot, take up sneaks and deliver baggage to any part of the city. ()Mee No. CO Puna street, open day and night, where all order. for the movement of ',saunters and baggage will receive prompt at. tentloa. 1 , 1/4.1441. J. 'I Weir, R. W. hitetile Baltimore entire. will arrive with Ptillsdelphla Exilreal st-130 p. m. on Mondays. Is rTIOE.—In ease of loss, the Company sell I hold themselves reaponslbie for personal barge,. only, and for an amount not exceeding klOn. W. R. BECK WITH, Agent,kt the Penneylvanis Central Railroad Passenges Station. on Litiertv and Ws.hinalein et.reetk i 563 . ? IT'f 6 L HUll,4O±, CuLUMBUS ANU CINCINNATI RAILROAD The Great Short Line Route Oa Stubenlille, 131EIMEE133 I=l Trains lenv ea.! the UND.ti DEPOT iotlo v... DRTAISTA. Aciarres. . • • .--.2.10 1 22 a. En. 111•11.. Expres. 2 1.2 D. in. 8.34 t' steunenvtlle Aecommods'a 430 " 70.30 S. m. S. F. SOULL, Oen I Ticket Agent, Stennentrllle, O. 21. D. MOTIIEItSFAUOR, Ticket Agent, l'nten Depot, Plitabargb. 0.9.1}.1 •••••iimpo A. WAYNE ED C , ELICAOO I II2= RAILWAY, AND CLEVELAND k. RUBOR RAILROAD. StholME - .8 ARRANGEMENT. On and attar May 14t12,1813, trains will nub tollowa •12. Learns I Fox I For . For Pittsbumb]Chleago. fOleveLand. inwalin ..... m. Lie a. ee.Lie a. s, p. so. L 42 p. m. I L. p Ma..(Jude-00 a m. 1110 a For New Castia and Erie 6.10 e. a. Anita at Pltiatrargb—P. Ft. W. & C. Rail Sal a. ~ 1-20 p. at, &CO p. al., 7.ba p. m., Aso p. U. A F. N. i - --a.is e. m.. Icah P. cc.. .. 0 0 P.m. •0001aXuDATILIZ Taana Leave Allegheny. New Reetes New ' Staub Firlectoo ter. U.N. Economy Mlle 1.1.0 a. ea. Ali p.m. LAO p. m. PUG p. ia. 330 p. II AO a.m. . I Lae p. ex. , 1 ILO/ p. m , . 1 KIITIIITIN. Arrive at Allegheny—P. F. W. A C. Rallwa lAA a. m., its • m., to= . m, 2.74 p. m., COO al. and Pt.= p. at. C. t P. R. 7R.-41.10 a. m. GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Onion eassengor Station, Plttablala A.ca. CIASSELBEIDITTionet AM% mkt Ot MYERS. Ocesrall • pn.fSBURGH AND CONNELLSVILL RAILROAD. OEI awl alter DIONDAY, Oct IRh Itl6 , tLe tralna 'IU , eave the Depot, corner Of Rau and W ate. nrecca, as follows Pittsburgh. Plbtab 2 gh. Mall to and from 'Uniontown. ?Ad a. in. t9O p. x 6 Express " . p. at. i0:0 , 3 a. 4. Flat MsKeeaport Aecons'n —MVO a. m. VAS a. m. Second " " SMS p. m. First ktraddosk's" 190 a. m. &00 m. Second s• 410 p. m. I:41p. is Sunday Church Troia to and Qom bleKeeoport lOC p. tn. le:901. • For ticketlapply to • A. J. SHARE, Agent. oel3lll W. B. STOUT, Superiotan't. GidIGEIENY VALI, alum LEY RAILROAD.— ORANGE OF TIME-00 and ►tier MONDAY °cretin-2d, Pawnor tralai will be arranged to ru► as follow, . MAIL TRAlN.—Leaves Pittsbcuare at 1.00 • sa. anivtag at Kittanning at 10.00 a. m. Les Tim tanning at '2B p , so., salvo at ettlabttrgti at ‘‘. 1..1.141 : E^S TRAlN—Leaves Kittanning at a.w ;,ftitu arrivi tah xr,t. p. PI I . ls , bt i gh at a. as. vtng at pLeamisr, 146 p m. TRAIN.— Leave. Sods Works at 610 a. m., arriving at. Pittsburgh at 607 a. m. Leaves Plttsburelt at L.ao p. m., arriving at Wel mot:lnas at 4.18 p. to. seolo F. WRIGHT. Sumintendant. PrTTSAIIROH. PA. BOOKS. ALBUMS, &c. BOOKS BOOKS! Shatz:We Great March: (31•11 Policy in Ansa. Drapes, Thu Sabbath Pliant rs. Exiles to Babylon; Boehm's Berainiacenees; Fifteen [Malaita Battles, HLLI'. Intant Block.; Photoirrne? Pocket medial Portfolica, Stationery; Smitbl American Ink., States; • School Beakai /akiithadai Pentiekler.; J, tree t. tele No. 12 Faui• th t. THE STORY UP • SREHMAYS MOUT MARCH, • DIARY 'or A STAFF OVTIOES. BY BRETRIACM 8801111.11 WIRD NiarOLS I A..M4sOciap to General Shuman. ONE afArasom_ voLuete, WITA A MAY AND NUMEROUS MSUSERASIONS. rum— .... ..... . 15 '4l,lr.Seafiee iddrezirmis 4 DiOnB Ott vR &era=CM; r • • a WOOD. • • A LEX. AMEN . I:72%7X)XWELT.A.MEIN I 4 . 80. to FOTO Bodo io U n lit Tfr 0 umstoanrai.l r b"2=Wriilaii. ts Usr r= ax r a a k..un qs V e l . r l , rin4l4lo ' l4l/ 10 / 1 2 - 4/44 1 /0 ' 1 P :H .04401, 1 / 1 1. I *- • .;- 4 -- ..*YleattlrliglI_S i rOar________L' f - • c t im i t ram irgigr Ozouummai Amu NEw trzium, is sibUtrartoother, oar , weabl iliNlll 4 Vrtjasegitta . A/MM. Ilranii.,; *Salmi eermbiJMxty tfttrazierk- 119trk4. :DIORY3 ;NO. 'B7 Smithfield Street,' huvatuursatsent, tappet ibir camotsti BasMa4sourki4goßroltionsblikBtork Of d uf isetrrrr. outs En* its 44(k. Orders to tko' Tialonat LanireseMsa Leatui btaisatchers oceasprt. VIEIEL —25 ht. bbla, ' te 23 do: a: Mph, inn le PI Jo 9minua. RAILROADS .MV=MtINiM IZEBIZIEriI METE! DID OC -1 - t - ,7 ' sth ' 1.3" WINTEB AWLANCEILENT. IM)FM2` , #X:MG BAN KING NOUSE. N. HOLMES & $ON~a~" Rte. No. 67 1111?-` .et street, Pittablugh. al; RD.:EITEL IN PAR FUNDS AND; lEEDIM Colleetionsnoute oa MI the prtnertral points] or Matted StAtes and OanaclAs. STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SEOITRIT/11 BOUGHT IND SOLD OH COMMISSION. Pertliulex attention paid to the pesetal. LS We of UNITED STATES SECURITIES.' OfOLVDDrg Vaned notes Moo af lIPAI 1 UN ell• 6 ' .4 U 5 ; D. MIR 104.011 i - D i t I = of indebtethoif. DEDVIS AIM VOCOHERS BOUGHT OR '' EZEZEI FOURTH RATIONAL BINH. 11. S. Government Depository- SIRTEET, pirrssumms, Fa; unpltnl Petld In .sitoo,oos With Ytlrllope of luereaSe to ciee.euo Having extensive oorseepordence with Eintik3 eni Banker. tLx.ugbnnt the country, we Offer ktntlelle al facilities to those doing bitumen with 7 2-10 IVC:OI"F3eIf, And all nther Governmeut aeourttlea, Curate/tett in sums In stilt ourdhaaera. Depomta received snit interest allowed by special agreement. mr.errnro TH , S. DCNNI:LLY, 11. H. RINI% I). M. 5.1.11T11, J. 1:11,41..EI, IAS liAll.l Y. JOHN r. HERRON. THUS. :331.1111. J. at. killtsPAraiGNlC THOS. DONNELLY. President, }3 I 3TLInt WARD, Catater. • sea:lima/v.lyr DOLLAR bAVINIid BANK, Nv 59 Imra Smarr. CELARTEUIED IN ISM. Opera daily from m to 2 o'clock., alai, oa Wedner day and Saturday evening, from May net to No. comber Ist, from toe o'clock, melt tema November in to May in from I to 8 o'clock. Depoilts received of ail sums of not leo than Oce• Lollar, and a dividend of the profits declared tense • year, in June and December. Interest has beam teelszed seathartnnally, to lane and Deoembeq since the Bank was organised, at the este af its per cent. • year. Interest, if not drove, out, is plumd to the aredt• of the depositor as principal, and beam the mate interen from the eras days of Jon. and December., compounding calico 21 year without tronbling the depositor to call, or even to his psaa boot. At this rate money will double in /12e2klin tWeITIN Y' ll ' Oaks, containing Na Muter, By-Lears, Reba and Begulationa, fun:dated gratis, on applleatlme K the °ince. Pswinnrwr—GEOF.GE ALBRFIR. vrca 8.101312111. William J. Alderson, A. M. Pollock X. D., John O. Backoren. Robert Bob,b Berkt. L. Fahnestock, John H. Shoenhargot, James Herdman, James Shidle, tames McAuley, Ales...oda Spew, Isaac M. Pennock, Otaisthin 'Lemur. • TECIITIOIB. Calvin Adams Henri I. Lynch, John 1. 7 Badlip, Peet A. ntadelso,.. Georg Black, John Marshal,;• Ll HlL ougo wg. ?. ' A. _ .. an, FOCI P. l'imeau Jatilirt P •••• Utillstiell A. Dolton, •• - — a ,s,,. Nem Douglas, wont D. John --,. W illia m Henry 4, Jona 3: CM.1.i.., Wil li am Era= willian S. Haven, ttz .... .... d 1t 2" 1 " rt Ull 14 7 11'a Wm. . wegom,7, James D. *- %4 Late irwlit4lo7.. Treaserritr—Cm..lS• A. COLTON. &crew - it—JAMES FL D. NEEDS. ..,.. Mawr 1 11 EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK 0 f Pittsburgh. Chartered by the Capital 'Organized ands[ State of PL, 1336. $1,000,000. Natal UNDO 7111. 8.2. k has Devi dagr6st.l I DEPOSITA R Y OY Tag United States Treasury, and appointed .gent fox the sale of Ms 74•80 IA CA AL /AT . Every (*dirty vr Irl b. ethred to Wrenn" •r pa& ues purch.tas for 1111.0., ap:/xf H. M. kflThltAT, Cashier PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK. Of Pittsburgh. Capital Paid is 31,000.00 . 0, with Pr iii lege of 82,000,00 Q. Banking Rolm COSNER FIRST 6,N1) VOQD STREETS. - Thin Bank, organized muter the Batton.! Beak lag Syntex, is now prepared to trammel tionlneon at Us liatatog Houma, coma of Wood sod r Int streets. Golleettons made on all %seas:Ebbs potato ost most favorable terms. Speafal Aims tor /Mt COOKE, for the sale of the U. S. 7 3-10 Treasury Notes. SAIRTEL IKEA. IPrealdeal. F. X. GORDON, Cambia:. .1. 0. ELoPHEESON Todler PIANOS, MUSIC, _&c THAT ELEGANT STOCK OF CHICIiERING PIANOS, Seleetc4 pereonelly by the übaertber, durtas • rcc.nt rlSil to the rnai.ary. 3111kilaatigi an now open, and ready for examlnatroa. • public are invited to call and see Men. Warranted for Five Years.: cJILLRLES O. MELLOR. 111 WOod Strad. auli Sale Agent far the (Waken= Piaui's. lAIIOS AND (MOAT& TILE CELEBRATED BRADBURY, niv YORK, Schomacker & Co., Philadelphia PIANOS. THE AMERICAN ORGAII, and RENTS k OA'S COTTAGE ORGAN, admitted by d ealers. and all 'Mohave beard umee,th =WWI& tans to al other than :meats aft e ALIA mattm Motausd tote Vatted State& prevered to , furnish, at the ishotost noSIOlls Biala and Gen:gm UM Lustrutuditls of orery dosiff&o, for aims add Ooinist Beg; gad= tad t a lsoitistad Colsdosoos 'ey szt Secoptilif# Amy* reg I:tent. , ALL 71E, LATZ SONGS UV PIECE ,' dossfu tur mum,. WAKELIIE*II4IIIC : . tcr: Tr NAZE gt )310,111231.- PEUralkpea ea." 4 GrasloSnits P/1400. I&bW orostinuti baskgrtga) rroVarA d itetriir itttinifsa thi 'ElVikal,thaAlmtr,otthe beim° p; :flttfkgi - ssendese Valigiuftyfeiwilieftmpopm[bripr ia 4 Etch:Plan stuninseed 1 otesuarns BLUR% ' sell_ digood door "'" 1401niximaieNul 4 1),EN ssino****iii i - n f • • Mita Staitil INsocklurisies•Xxlimos. ir rainsuviataah e•••. v••
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers