tiiiisbuigh (glee. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 85, 1865. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. brival and Departure of Tr0:45., Pennerlvanta C- -arra! Railroad l'Ii • 2MawOit Action. 927 4 . EsproMA. 220 a v. Mall,. . .. ... ..... lao .. ,:o , Altos.. Ascm'o 520 o m Fast Lino _. 200 a .11 W . t . : &Ede Mail 720 a m tot Wait Accom. 825 . to -1120 a m Peen Accomo i n. M5O a on Kik Exprosat. 425 p m 2.41 WalLAscom... 820 a m '-nr iowa ho‘o 4 - 0 i P.m Johnst i n Amen.. 1 0 27 a m Idna---.... 920 pm PM& Erie 22.11.1.tt20 pm •lstWall Astailm:Matila W,Slll7l= l . hale. 0 . ) P . '2d ' o 0 922 am al WalrAccom.. •M'. ° 0 soap miPhll.4 Exprcam• 2. M 23 p m 2, P . 4th 0 " 80.2 p mtth Wall Maim 6.20 pas 9 •lieati Lecomo i a.lo2 o pm` Altoona AemM. -, and Emir T0ti.10.2 , p m The aura train' 'care. Walls' Station evcri f Sunday as ern h'rad returning, leavca Pittsburgh at 1220 p. on. . Pittsburg!), Colambrus Lint Cincinnati. Dolicita - ' ialit am ado • in:Exp_ress..... 7 ' ..° ' Ito s co ,sisu ....?........-.--. IMiiiip m t. ,Express.-... Mailp ita.,Exprea.... L 22 pof itaubenvUle Pc• intsubehtliir.i. sommodetion. CV pm I commnasuas.loao 5 m Pittsburgh, Port Wayne. and Chicago. hcSaim. ... Rspre t 55....0..... taco a mit 5pre4,....... 220 a ca EMpress..-...-.2 0 9.p m i Espre92, ..... ... sail p to Expresa..-. 112 p m Expreca. ISM p m MU . arc .- 700 am Mall 7c50 pfa N. C ult* et . lii:he IWO •m N. Cantle 2. Erle 820 pin bisw Brtrbles. Ar.eammodanclv tares Allezhoo7 tiapot VA a. m., R•2O a. M. CM - h. m., arms2c2 --E' on. ill ' es ' it h .2 iiii P., 6,1 . bieW VasUe, a. ,e. In.lEocinocalstlaa v. m. - . • .., - Pittsburg!), Clevelandykd wbecung• Departs. .411.. elpress." - ivi::. suo a M rapier. ..... .• V 0 1 Emma. • 225 p m Ea.praaa„.... .. 2:13 p m Rail' MO a to Mel .. . ..... - 903 P . Steubenville 42:commcidatton ileares Alinglacal at 11• M p at. ' Piitahlargh-2114 Connellsvllle. Departs. Arrives. 1, "v......1Ka1l ..... 4,;•,:f . 72.5 a miblail 61:10 p in Expire= .. .. actei p m haPress 1000 ato 7 .let itic.H.;:spoivai In a m 1.1. DicKeesport sea s s ad a .. 6:13 pM 24 " -.. 205 p m . ..mu Sraddeck4.. 700 a cd tit ... .Braddock BMO a la .... -7 kl ','• 0.... 410 pm 2d . 625 p m Allegheny Valley Railroad. i Departs. . Arriva. ' .._Mall 72M a trirrsprezi 920 a to Ypres 220 p ea:nail 720 p m lhaitimuncidatlon 200 timihoeommodettlon 8.24 a m CITY AND SUBURBAN 11IE POtWOMING CXSE6 Trial of Mrs. Martha Grinder for the 31 order of Ira, Mary Caroline Caruthers. 1 SECOND DAY OF THE TRIAL Court of Oyer and Terminer. TM:BD/J. Oct.. 2:l.—Brfore Judges Sterna arid Btawe. Court Met at nine o'clock, and shortly after the evidettee Tbr the Commonwealth was corn lammed. ,The Bret witness was called to prove :101.111 011 1 DIMS. CAILVIII=3. lames Wenne, sworn-1 knew Mary Csrollne usitatutoi in her life•tlese. Abs mulzelstet to rem by marriage ; bertamband It my wire's sis ter's Bon. She died Anguit Ist, 1565, Jaime, after dinner on that day; saw her dead about twe o'clsek. She was taken to Lawrence comsty for burled. I did not attend the fu neral. No cross-examination. BURIAL LED LLBEMATICEE OF TEE B3IIT or DE CEASED. y t Jan. B. Caruthers, sword—My wife's name was Miry Caroline. She Lt dead. She died on the lye of August last; near one o'clock to the after ' titlitta. She wait -buried at New . Castle. I ac companied the body to the pm of Interment, and was present at, the !natal. , The body was subsequently exlittined, and was prment when • ilelook place. I identified the -remains naafis taltably. I think It was On ttm3Oth day of Au ', gust. There was a silver plate on the coffin with my wife's name =Mufti upou It- IL saw this pinto when the body was exteammt, bat dui not " - weed the name. Baw the dress of the bOdy and ~, s ecognined le - A Portion of the remains were ',taken out and brought... Ace this city by Dr. Me- Ceok..lr., and Coroner Clawson. I did not as the portion orqhdremains taken` hut. I recegnizel - a *east pitiein the dreier oithe body; recognized the "fprm of it. Horace &Orden, of this city, wait present at the exhumation. Dr. McCook and Coroner Clawson were also present- Mice Identifying thObody, I warted off a few rods and eat down on the grass in the graveyard. The others present remained at the coffin. Mr. Snowden came to oft, and I told him to go and look at the miniature breastpin again. Ile came back and told me the pm 'MO there. 'I had seen It previously. It contained the likeness of my wife's father, Mr. Philips. I left the graveyard, leaving the, gentlemen I have named: at the grave. We all returned tolhe city In the eve ning train. No-cross-examination. ETTIDESC.E 'at inn oostonnit. ' Wnt. Clawson, swora—l am Leoroner of the county. On'the Will or 31st of Annan last I went to New Castle, Laarrence county... to ex hume a body tin company with Di:McCook. r., and Horace Snowden. I discovered the body. and It was Identified as that of Mrs. Caruthers. It was recognized by Mr, Caruthers as the body alas wife. I saw a silver plate, with a name !non IX.= tfirioffiti; aid named thi plate. The body was Identified at once; had by 'another Per son bwide Mr. Caruthers. Dr. McCook took charge of a part of the lemons, taking them oat of the body, I took Adage ot,theportion of the remains taken ontty Dt, McCook, he hav ing given them into my, charge...l gave them to. Prof. Otto PCuth, (P.Anted him out in the court rooee.4 , The remains were in my charge nett 'lTe4l9,,rt2L - so crosion. Hence B..Bnowdea, sworn-. 4 am Deputy, and I waset New Castle, presestpolle occasion dile disinterment of the bodj of Mut. Caruthers, The body was Identified by Mr. Caruthers and two other gen tlemen. Dr. McCook, Coroner Clawson, W. Smith, a Mr. Cotton. Mt. Caruthers, myself and two other gentlemen whom .I did not know, were present. linificed a .sflver plate on the coffin. I saw on the neck of the deceased a mina breastpin with a gentleman's likeness In if. Dr. MaDOOk took out the stomach of the de ceased, placed it In a stone jar,which was sealed up and given Into the bands of Coroner Clawson. • 1.1.1= rillay, list of August. I re turned in the evening to the city with Dr. Mc 'Cook, the Coroner and Mr. Carothers. Saw the 3st, containing part of the remains of deceased, To the car, in charge of the Coroner. .5. No cross-examination, ANALTSIB 06' Tilt STO3IA.CIt. Prof. Otto Wont., sworn-1 an a pray tical analytical chemist. Idm personally acquainted with Coroner Clawson, of this county. On Saturday maralng, Sept. Ist, 157.5, I rmeivad package from him. I received it from his own liduds. It wtr, a stone crock, Oho mouth of it closed, or tied op. The packago ban been in rdy possession solely and oxemelvely Educe I veiled it. tT was rotinested to Take a clonal. dal analysis of the contr./its.. .6.115M40 AND .6,_%trstONT TOtrie D. :I made an analysis. The reanlcwas I fa•ut,tl sarnic and antimony. - freed , a erwonistakaGtv, me the result of ray analysis alai me. (JIG Ii mess Rive the result of his eialf ale ill a teth ealheanner.l I discovered matittoonY, ere ad a glass tube containing a liquid.) This sulphoret , of. soliatony, mid was taken out of ttro-tbirds of the remains placed In m y posses lots. It wax first in metallic form, and I &s -olved it In sulphttret of hydrogen necessary in the coarse of the alas/Vela. I made iiio examination for antimony in the remalnlog • third of the remains. [The is ittwes also cslabi 'Jed glass tobeS; , tiontaining metallic arsenic, token (rem the Moans.] iDe. Pemberton, a chemist of high standing, woo present dark, , • part of itty °radii:anon. • pr. Gllbion wan sow . present during part of the Aline.. Tim prevailing 1 ... idea is thatamsenle Is a poison; le the pursuit of la , my science it l'. i pti-tonsidtriotli as also Is anti. 'bionic (Counsel t f 9 or , te e fe c i r s a iegijji ii tf- s_ w vo m i lrais i c li n ey o ~' cre legally so considered.] , • ,•• • rossi-examlned;vTite i metallic arsenic was 1 • need tram du:tremens by Marsh's system . analysis. In this system no more dell - osey La required than in others. Do not know iihetherraylof Is good-authority on poisons. The 7 4 blantherll.leadti„uni, my that,ltiarelea system - J is able Kr:teeth:wedeln results. - Arsenio, ..e. a s . true rule, 4444 be „found In antlmeny. - , ti.i . " In the French, and:GerMan antlatonyo a ad. 'Ysl. =Watered. Ido not beliero.areentc Is'en dic 'l ta, and it is not usua ll y in chemical anal.ralS• te' I hot never analyied the *each hi 'German . ' . atithnouras taken hp Ciente .bat, • judging tom Shot:Mitt' to WIA' It lepreuaied;jtulgo it that Van would not generally be found It'i• in tf„ , meth="l4 ll 4ba: .. ,• • , ;7 0 The re-dlreeVe u lie . h , i - Cistiteic - d; the -• Ay Ifuneu stawlijuisiA ti, . eaParaclegte st he -- - made •intatkatiltYtltra kr= arsenic.' • It was the iudefAiti - amilza, abitglie.:..)]..-.. , ~. , uarrea.o47lll6l4lxintOileabWii..rdetrn--dfititarsPetW' a ch=" l l Yants ' / .Baltlfa*ta*Juir CeoPaci:..- Says - been a. '.... .thimdat Itii,Aryeti_ .ty-p_tim.rovtizqa plundy, . the exlenetolt" Vane- -I know .P.rofteaor . la,..llluth. Atkin reguatrA. talreik blalatawatory , ISM Lim,-S4 dtirdynk',thetiliOdiVitlibe Of • _ hddsestidifiaton4l.4l;4llll3lsleraihidgrieeilidilgarient_dotideo:4o.ll;int,, r i lc 10 ,.. 0 Frim, , e nures dcia — ..` zo. ibis bat - fia;lairelyouid herto put 4 lurid& Delialiediirrtnevatittiiif tit , the AulPhoret ferttllVX.474 .4..11Y0.4,0' an rimed 'tam , Nny , CoWn ate, tha_.t It . Was that and•t nnthlng ~.elle. ::-.--:,..r.tmkgw. is him the ear whit'.: had not tiro a - OJ. . , *miff] the weenie In a I.,re' sta! , . and alc- , tv , • the lint 6011.114u0 of the IglillllliralbSlatlet , 'l ee rerolt was the clear and unmistakable evidence of arsenic as produced by that test. The pres enee of antimony was also showo, first in a me tal:lc -tite, and th n r•!:antr. - 1 culrhn , ct a. yo., no, he, itneldre the I. curt. This its my Ire -cute. It sear duce ACC.- • I.•. t,n.t ant 11.1, , 5t and test n 0 1 [h. At a rt, tilt at tile Jto!t".l-,llz prtarna of arse.:, and auffinarly lOU "away aftruiankable. Crass-examinee—l read tht,..cese of Palmer. In y, r ;..ed, as ri ported at the time in the atetheal 11,1311.1;,. Do not remember. who were the cheat ista on that occasion. i,have read Taylor's ,tc 00 pOlein:i. It %recognized In Eagi tad as authority in medical inrispredence. lio to .he Ft itch authority. Ito-diet et—he • daemest Berzellas, a swede, In tis day. wee Snit emborlty on poisons. Prof. B. C. Jill Son, sworn—Hate bee° ° run Icing • phy lid an. 1 row occ upy the coalr of Natural Scieece to the Western Volrersfir, which includds Chemistry. IV" /nl2O. ductd. to Profesior 'Worth a few weeks eivite. I am 'a practical analftle-al chem. ' let t At your (Mulct attorney's) request, I attended at the labomtorT of Dr. Wuth and witnesseo the analysis of the remains spAzen of. I saw only a part-of ale. Dr, Wroth showed me a small cap which he saul-con tain ed a email quantity of'e substance which be said be had obtained from the "Aomori of Sirs. Caruthers, which we proceeded to analyze and found to be attartiC. Wetested in several Wars in what is considered the approved method. both in ilia wet and In the ti.t . y way, and the result was arsenic. I did not discover anything else". The substance in the capsule was ell that I saw tested. Grose-examined—Remember Tanner's case. I think Taylor standablgbeatlln Rogia . nd as a chemist. Prof. Wuth re-called—Have been in Court during the examination of Prof. Mean; and beard hie statement ea to his presence at my laboratory during a chemical analysis. His statement I. correct. The substance contained in 'the capsule was taken from the remains placed In my charge for analysis, The metal lic arsenic la not soluble in water, the sulphuret almost insoluble: Berzeliss, I think. statirsthat one million -parts of water would dissolve ono part of sulphuric arsenic. The white arsenic is soluble to the extent of from one anti a half to four parts in one hundred parts of mire cold water, according to the condition of ar6o.niC., it , coon ke different with warm or hut water. Tartarized antimony is very soluble, easily dis solved. The white arsenic exists in two forms, one more soluble thou the other. stns. cameo:ma' illithes. James S. Caruthers, recalled—On the 20tb or inela of .June last was residing on Gray's alley. Fourth Ward, Allegheny. At that Lima - the con dalom of my wife's health was excellent. Bhe took seek on the evening of the She, of June. She was affected with vomiting, purging, spas modic affection of the throat, burning at, the stomech, nausea at the mouth, path in the head. I left her at noon; her health then was very good. Next saw her about six o'clock to the evening. She was then comilaining of being very unwell. I came home from the mom In the evenbag; my wife complained of feeling of some sickness at the stomach and pain to the head. She sald she would not eat any supper, telling me that ehe had been eating peaches and cream in Mrs. Grinder's. Mr. Marshall objected to witness telling what his wife said. Wittess continued—Mrs. Grinder lived next door—just a partition between us. My wife continued feeling worse on until about nine o'ethek. About twelve she wee seized with the symptoms I have aimed mentioned, welch con dulled violently for about two hours. She then wee prostrate and very weak, and complained of being thirsty. She went to 'deep after a while. - About daylight I got up. started the are, and prepared breakfast for myself. My wife was not able to get up, her head wan ao light ate could not rise. I went, at bee request, for Dr. Irish, and then went to the store to me work. left no person with my wife. I seam how at eleven o'clock, nail found her still in bed; she wanted ice water, which I procured for lite. I got my own dinner and went to the store. I came home in the evening about sit o'clock, my wife teen not so well. I asked why she did not send for me. She told m,— (.Mr, Marshall objected) I g od cm.; tapper. Mn wife was quite sick all ' night. Nevi nerving I prepared breakfast; made coffee and cwkwl an egg; . eaten - my wire Boma of the colfeo and part of the egg. She was lying in bed. five head wax dizzy. I went to the store and came home at 11 o'clock. My wife said the was ,Irtregrr, that ate had an appetite, and requested sap to make some rice soup. Found soma kind• ling in the stove, but the fire not burning; the tee kettle was on the stove, Oiled with water. While I was kindling the fire Mrs. Grinder came In. She (Mxv.G. I saidatte had tilled the tea keige, and attempted to kindle the tire; she complained of the Move being hard to kindle. 1 started the lire and made some rice soup and some tea, using the came water that was already in the kettle. When the soup was ready, my wife came down stairs, and partook of the tea and soup with me at the table. She then went up stairs and laid down. being weak from„her Ore viocis illness. I thee went to the store, leaving her oa tae bed. As soon as I got to the store, I felt sick, began to vomit, and vomited and purged for somewhere near two hours; and bad an, Intense burning in the stomach, light head and pain. Really though: I was going to die. My joints were so relaxed that T could scarcely walk.— Mrs, -Grinder oame to the door of the store, called ma to lice and said my wife was very sick. I hurried house as fast as I could. and when I got there' found that my wife had been operated upon the same as myself. I had experienced attortness of breath and great dltlicalty in breathing; the was similarly affected. Mrs. Grinder had sent for Dr. Irish, who came. I told him how I had been, and he said that we were poisoned. My wife was quite sick ail night, myself, too, so bad, that neither of ils were able to get-up the next morning, Friday. Mrs. Grinder, on that morning, came In with come coffee,..toasted bread and crackers; my wife partook of thist I did not eat any. Shortly after this mywife was affected precisely as she had been previously. I was not so affected. Ou the same day, at noon, Mrs. Grinder brought In coffee with the same crackers, and toast. Myeelfe and myself took a Little of this, and in a few mlinutes Were both vomiting, as we hail been before. Dr. Irish teas there 114311; and raid. there was something wrong stout the house, that there woe poison somewhere and that we most kart and go to the country. We made calculations to go next evening, and told my wife not to eat anything, bet to try and starve herself, and see what effect this would have; said I would do the same. On Sat urday morning Mrs. Grinder brought in some coffee and tread and went out. My wife wan ted to take some, when I told her what had been the consequences before. I threw the coffee out. At noon I iiivicseome tea wad cooked an egg, of which my wile and myself psr.ook. We felt &mint r and better - after. My wile was in bed, • as she thought att . could rest better and hi for the trip to the country. Dim Small, a neichlor, came In and he'pei my wife to Cast. We left for New Castle at 3:40 p. m., end art:red there about tight o'clock, both of ns feeling better. We went to du father-in law's. Sabbath mortal , / e were still feeling better. A tine break faet was prepared and we did good service to it. On Sett-nth evening we felt so well as to be able to tal..e a ride. I remained at New Castle until nf r the 411, of July, and had a general good time. On the toornine of the fah, my wife and myself were almost restored to our usual health.— At tide point the Court teak a reiess until half past one o'rl°ek. AFTERNOON SESSION. The Court re-assembled at half-past one o'- clock. Justices Thompson and }tied, of the Supreme Court. appeared, wore invited to seats on 'the bench, and after a pleasant Interview with Judges Sterrett and SLOW; they retired, when the case was resumed. Mr. Caruth again took the stand, and el:rationed his testi moor, and full a complete report of which we give. • • NOE. AIWITIEMS TLESIACKS AT NEW CASTLE. I left my wife at her father's, In New Gestic and came back to Allegheny City on the Sth of July. Took my boarding as Dire. Covet, that Is I took my meals there, and slept at my cwu home. • This I ColltbEnod,to do u ntil tho 12th ofJoly 2 9l)joJiliF zood health. Dna. ottnnnui's troth health. • Or the neolog of the 12th of July, Wednes: day, ea I came tomy own Woe. I saw Mn,l Smith, next door.nekehbor, and learned-.from her that fdra.Orindeea cbUd was dead, r went Into lire. hbnee andlialr theadld in a coffin.' She desirk‘ ine 1:0. 1 64 , 'be? to Leeehhat Artostrooproun roma avid at, the burial f the tirredil TerNel , emu& no having been very kind to-mr,r (entuera cud, hie wife.) I mayor, ft, my '4OY to&. and 'ebn6lut ed. Vera In my, own house , that =ldea. Got uP WI early, u tbe doe. for r leselogi-In Ake are, (ot be Attest:way pat t er R./altos/3j seven o'clock, or probably earlier. TA= intELETAST AT Ontneten. ✓ Went Into Idfli. , .llrlnlier'itkinWe red a tobreakfut. Abeles..eartly 'object. I &dna Oki Jba:i tAlato4l44‘ AidEldl U. twit *Pemba, sour seefidne , Aiedkid little or tr. 4bron; , alterwirdit'we ourtal for,. the care. On 'hewn, " at .the . . stomach sole.; ' tug Wu& ore issa: Grinder bereell remarked:. that I did not look' well—diddi looked coliT.and *lb% : Whon w 9 got to the cart Ilelt better. NVd arrived It ter% at Loteldwmand..buelpi•thip *it a very ti 'atteugthma csaly Cud !realm me feel Y wow _Wit mate hut ihatirtgeng. mathdeard,,andnr 'Wills the nit *tow tairatie - down. • I ,walked IYontratWeara - wint -Mrs. Atitider, Jade Ikon. mai M. Gram; fo Diriatoek: , drat , , :store on ,' Pepin greet. -then amid I 'Would go down. and. eta Dr. blab, and hare a = -talk with hlm, as , be ,tialYralted CD myenlidullt„mifo.derlry, one nets: When aboutiONtrtho otirner,-at son's Afro. finuder-told...me not to stay tog long anitte_be Wier(tir , ATiegiuM7) to time for =PM; I raw Drs Irlalr aniLtalked witb b4n i 4 -110 oleo turjkt. Or Whogz.. )10 • ; . • . • 7 ISE.* atteer.ii ar °Btu ont'.. j writ. nr over to Allegheny and stopt e 4 a ' Grinder's. I eat • few momenta. then got nil 'That evening my wife told Mrs. Grinder that 1 and went into my Mrs. Grinder' sae might get milk for be- next morning. haw ay wile take the pitcher into Alm. terinder'i o eked me If I would not stay for topper. Told tier 1 would go into toy own hone° and wash home. voirg throngh her ten I, cute. Tito er..l'. myself. Directly she came to my dear and ask - mot mug tier. ...of) I wn: doe-% lag me to come la to sapper. unfit= it Wan pered the door, end the pitcher w. handed ready. I want In. c,,free 0.0 pot , red mt ,, the over tie ferry. Mc wife -9 the cops er te,.;,. in , 0 a Lt..: ,ec I eotrotttsz aeal, atd Laing i a' , a h.arty taPPer• hour alter tatiog, and was not well duriag Drunk two raps of Ste two eggs and two day. Tile Lame thing occurred shout the avis or three light cater. pitcher, my wife telling me that she was going; r set o ru.vr.c.'s 015 nEatnt. to lake it intn 31re. Gnedur's. and that t was to I tics rant into my own house. As I wait get it r rat morning. eta the next morning, anent foi9C ell:Jiro. Grinder said if / erouter (Momial.) the tAtebrr was handed to me over d e e a :he night to he cure sad cull her. I the high fence. I could only see the hand of the had Elven t o Intimations of feeling unwell. I person who reached it to me. I intended going HE DOES GET etr - n. to the more that day. hip wife not the break• White reading a book In my home, I court In- fart, and I started to the store. It woe a dad came sick -likti my head felt dizzy, and alto kit dof u matting, nothing kelp; on. Altas if 1. 1 "1•e were two pounds of hot lead at any sttbunaub. I went up stairs, and there my limbs felt cold and I was chilly. Commenced I feeling worse and got to vomiting, and hod the tremendous burning in my stomach all the while. J vomited and purged, and my breath was almost gone, Was almost suffocated with resort of spasmodic affection of the throat. My 'limbs were almost powerless. The window iit the rdotn beingip, I went to it to get air. As noon as I put my bead out of the window I Inc gun to vomit again, malting some noise. Mr. Grinder put his head tint of his window, adjeln- Ink, and asked me if I was sick. 015 (lc 117. SEIIIOI7B-11 1 11 GILUTDIEu. Told him I was near dead, arum asked him to go for Dr. Irish. Pie did go, and Mrs. Grinder came In a few moments before the Doctor. I lay In a dying condlilen, being nearly polselees for about three hours. Dr. Irish remained with me until about twelve o'clock in the night, at which time I felt some better. When he went away, he ordered Mrs. Grinder, who proposed to stay me all night, not to give me anything, unless I took another bad spoil. MR , WUNDER'S ILINDNEf The next morning. (Friday. 1 vas eopaiderabie 'wet,. Mrs. Smith anti Grinder came In together, Menbringing Alth her a cap of coffee and a pries of toasual broad, of which i partook. and in leas them half an hour I was prostrated as I had been before, rolnitina, and the aardc burning and smothering feel to t .. x.• fisting. • TELEC: ALMS FOR MRS. COOCIREER, Thought I was going to die. Got Mrs. G rin• der to go to the store where I was employed and get Mr. J 7.11103 M. Can . , the proprietor, to tele graph to New Castle for my wife. I recovered from this spell, and felt better about Dam. Mra. Smith, a neighbor. brought in a cup or tea, or which I dratk nearly all. I continued feeling acme better. About noon John brasier, a young man In Cares store, came to wait on me during the..aftt nicer. Mae. C.II.4NDER 61" ES ens WATER. While aria young man was there, Mrs. Grinder brought tome water. Took a drink of it. Took another. My thirst amused to be getting greater. Drank conriderablc of the water, and was FOOD vomiting again. Told Kumler to bring me another pitcher of water. Drank of Lisle water and did not vomit; it amused to quench my thind, and I felt pinch better. Mr. Kessler remained until towards evening. TUF.I, My wife came nt about eight o'clock that exen4ng, and was in the very best of health. She hod been away two weeks and a few days. Flte conked for herself and me on the next day i sat nrday.) and I was kett,r that .tfieru,,n was in proving very tinely. 117t$. Toward,. evening !op wife a,ke I me teltlt I would like to hays fur rapper. Tuld her ries and mill.. She mild she had no milk. Met. Grinder came In, my wife was lulling her or hat. ing no milk. Mrs. G. then furnialiA what milk the wanted. My wife cooked the rice nod brought It lip 4airs to me. I a:c of it. My wife started to market. leaving me la bed. She returned In three enviers of an hour, or ea hour, and forted me in au Insensi l_bu condition—ln tact I did not know who she was. Told her I was dylug, to call the neigh bors m.d stud for Dr. Irish, Airs Grinder, Janie Smith and I thusk Mn. Mcßride came la. l lay thorn ptdstless—my pulse was stopped and we IcV, woe eeld. My wife got a hot Iron and put it to my feel. I soon got to vomiting. After vomiting a greet deed I thit a little butter, the Doctor being with me and staying until twelve o'clock. or shoot that time. -eta!a keel rearaam surren—u C Ott Tll Mrs. Gander prepared copper to my kitchen, ard kind it ready about this time (twelve o'clock Saturday night. July lath.) She called my wife down to copper, saying, "Goma down to copper Mrs. Caruthers." She may have toed more swords, bat theno were Included. Janle Smith was there and took supper with my wife and Mrs. Grinder; could her them talk ing down stain. Dr. Dish left before. the capper woe prepared. My wife, after eating came np etwas, and in a short time complained of being sick. Her brad she said was light and diziy, and felt sick mad a burning at the stomach. Sae lay down on the bed abmgelda of me. and noon began vomiting. I then sent for Dr. Irish on her account. Janie Smith was also slek after eating, and therefore Mrs. Grinder was the prin cipal attendant. The doctor Came directly and attended upon my wife. MIS . COMplainoil that her limbs were dead and numb, arta got the doc tor to rub her hands. While doing this the totalled at times- Mrs. Grindtr hroughl. 113 Ice water. Miss Smith was afflicted With Yarulting and purging. My wife complaining of her head barbing, the ice water brought bylars. Grinder was appeed. IrrICT3 CrP 1( o'er. oN After di Inking of the Ica water„ I soon began v‘mlting violently; end my _circulation again was apparently stopped. Dr...lrish remained nntft Sunday morning at daylight, waiting upon eery wife and myself. At this time we were better. Mrs. C. was aide to gut up and go down stairs, I was not. She cooked two meals that day, but sail felt weak, and had not recov ered on Monday morning. • • - • • - - MOO. GILIN Den DIIMGE C(WFEE—.I(I7 ItS9Mitn. On this morning (Moud.q) Mrs. Grinder brought in some collet, and two or threw of tboae large round crackers. We ( witness and wife) both took eery little. Ina short time We were both vomiting', but not so bad an at previous times. Mrs. Grinder came In train and said she IN, II going to market to gel some meat, and +aid if there was anythingwo wanted, she would ern It. Neither thy wife nor myself were able to go t. market. Mr. Grind, afterwards came in And cald site had got come real. That day Mrs. Mc- Cune, my aunt, came In, and the house :mina out of onitr, she Went to aura to Ili np dithes, etc. VEAL SOL7P—Ecr.Nrwer. OS r4II.MML STuLYTOII3. About ten o'clock Mm. Grinder came up stairs, where I was lying in bed. and asked me If I wanted come soap. Told her I did. My wife complaihitk of to r head, I made bur lie darn. "Sae wanted to do the we key aunt was delrg, 1 nt I would not let ber. the went lawn etaire asd brenelr up thu scup y;episeed by hire. G Itndcr. bad a eons). 1 d.d not i.ke Its taste. t my jibe Sort of burolne taste, therefore I torlr but a few .koor wift wont down a ilia and my cunt bad dinner prepare;„ tome of the Fame soup on the tulle. [Mr. Marshall elected to witness eta! ag what be did not know of his own know!-d; Tie wan up gird-• red could not know whet was on the table for dinner. .X.C.1,1. cram what he might here heard.) I did not sec what was on the ts'ile. I \I-. liarebnll-1 think not. unless you could ere through the :1 mr i My wife came up stabs, after dinner. and in the course of half an hour both of on were yonlitinr, but not as bed as before. We had the same symp• tome, turning at the stomach, dryness of the throat, and spasmodic affec tion. I think MOs, Bujith'sfarnify wits sick at the tame time. [Mr. Marshall again objected. Tee witnese, in Isis nanratlre, held given _lm proper tesgamiy, speaking of cirmarnitaboas of which he could nor bare personal knowledge, but, up to ads ttmr, he (Hr. Slaratuil}ba4,not FBA 11 to Interpose. tits pied that the witness be Itatracted nen td sate anything but 'whktia bath penional.knowiedgc of. Th e court so Instructed witness.' Tide war on the nth of July,belng Mondiryf What transpired a,, thc,lBth I cannot reCollect,.inorc than theta war etil) In bed. Ou . the 19 and s)lth / Was goirq about the house, and on the 31st, I - think I took my tlonv wapi. o. o} . of the -footle. My vire did the cooking durliig - 'lli time. awoixuatt MacoistANOC—SiattE Motors& On the evening of the 21st tgy yrifagewn the milk pitcher. and on the out morn ing my irifetold me to get the Oteheri:it It sae handed to Pie 'peer the' (epee; either b 9 Mrs. Gander nr her servant girl. My wife toed th's milk at brialfaat„ I ' do - het fake Ptak 1 o - «fo.• Shortly after my wife had • alight vomiting. The omen der of the milk my wife boiled and One 'ed In the cupboard. For Aron my w.eo =Az red a chicken end we ate heartily. After dinner we went to Pittsburgh t 6 putehesd a Wan glade 'far a clock. _We could not get. one. , Came itt7Me in the neighborhood of dywoiclocit: _t l 7, , B u f s .I, o ld,my tO:havr, muk and lrfttd Mr =Pier. There *4 no% =hash fed' is tooth; and I went and bonaht a pint of OWL My wife mai of the fees*. Snaked MOS wanted. I was not Battened. and got i rg m nsair, which Atad , nom . its Sita itiO ' TOO • !kr r ,dld Ape like the tat,s4 tit tott,ette-11.1411 ,nnt likettle teats atitiltaidltenter noteskerit.,Told bet/ believed I NOM takalt,,ael wanted to-be lit=irenotixtftotito.' innir is the store, on . .7. 7 ri• • '7 , AP I tad . taken apply, in me coarse of dr ' toes admits telt *distort Old commenced to vomit, maw I azalea irturialvt I had " tin ' eyes and faceoccniicoltddetal7 - jargio n 7610 a of ths Swelling te In pi fled Yft , ;Z s Terl 'Volt preetrated.sad Top weak : • I ea myself AMt of strong ten. .114.7. /111* ARO enneM, IMd inieedqrent 40..tneeitet ittil:STOttit*ittl 11=1M!I I=lll Went .Genre noont ten 0 . 413 ck and f0r,,a,1 my wife prostrate on the 113 or of the kits-hen. rom- Ong, with a basin before her. She vomited a good while, felt something better, and said I need not stay with her but go 60 my work. I VOL some meat and cooked my own dinner. During the forepart of the week my wife did not aerial to be able, and I cooked my own . meats until Thursday. She was prostrate all the time and had occasional comitings np to that day. None SOCP—VOILE SICISIts9 I went to the store on Thnrsday morning leaving - tome meat in the house, and telling my wile that if she did not feel able to cook, to get Mn. Steith or Mrs. Grinder to put It on the stove. Came home about eleven o'clock and found the meat on the stove, cooked, with some swap. I got my dinner, and ate of the soup. Dr. Irish, during the forenoon. lied left a pre scription for a blister to be put on my wife's stomach, Mrs. Grinder was the principal at tendant upon my wife during her Illness. D 3 not not know of my own knowledge who made the soup on this Thursday. My wife did not, for she Was not able. I took the prescription for the blister to the drug store, and took to sick while there that I could not watt for it. Hurried home as fast as I could. and as loon as I got there I cot to vomiting. Had great beat in the stems;'. "" 3 was apparently shut. Had groat dil.ll,ulty in breathing, and when done vomiting my eyes were extoller, bloodshot, and apparently prove ' sing out of their rockets. My face was also swollen ta tight as the Sift would hold. After w arde I went to the drug store, (Mr. Brown's) and and tot the r prescription. I felt so with that I did not think I could walk hack to the bow, and then eo the star,. put the proscrip tion iu a p a per box Tool sent John Kessler with it to my louse. fie one and said lie h.id Iziven it to my wift . About this 1;111 , r aso again 662.1 W ,th vOlll . lO and vomited and pinged during tie greeter part of the afternoon. Being very weak, at Ole o'clock I started to go home, and when I got there 1:11und my wife lying In the parlor, and Mrs. Grinder wiling upon her. Stie was a great deal aerie—very bad. The blister (or platter) was:oll her stomach; she raid her Itch was burning. She vomited and dra"k a great deal of water—lce water—and had great dafticulty in hi eat" mc. She swooned once. I applied mold water to err head and face. and she revived semi etc.. I=!!ME=l Thihkug. the nas going to die, I aim M.. for Dr. Irish. lie .303 e must opus toms der with a prescription for medicine to Brow u's drug store, where I ontained the Wilder. tic turned with the medicine, which the Doctor tasted whit hie tongue, sold it was not what tie sent for, and saying it "horrible truck," threw it out of doom. Hu wrote another presertp tn n end told Grinder to go to some other drug store than Brown',. 11, returned with medh me fr••tu eraig's which the Doctor 'old was all right :,;id glare toy sole some of it. My condition at this time we Teri' work. I got tram Men. tit leder that etching 27th t same peaches and mills. The debtor remained a while that night. My wife seemed to he go , tleg worse, and the doctor objactel to her drink. log so much Ice water. She said she coati tot do without It. Her thirst did not seem to be quruchtd, bat Increased. Mrs. Grinder was waiting upon her, The doctor said the blister must be dretard with cahhago lasers, and Mrs. Grind, t said she would sand her girl for some. A sheet time after Mrs- G. said her girl could find no calihage. My site's toed t• Lion s ea such that I thought it proper to tele graph to New Crntic for her mother. I thou4lit sin was going to die that night. I aterted to the All eg heny Cloy telegraph office but fiend d A., net open. I bought a heed of cabbage et a grocery as I retuned home. Found my wife 1i lug on the parlor door, on a quilt, hi us, t.rf n.l - cr attending her. The Doctor losiatiut ai her going up Stain. but Ate thoWhi that at , e not able, and so did I. I gars. tin cabbage to Mr-, Ortudcr. I'EJA HIS £5l , WILE WATER-MOGI Mrs. Grinder tort me Into my own kitchen Lod mud there were some peaches and milk to me to cat. Boa took off toms of the cabbage leaves and went to her own house. I sat down and ate the peaches and milk, and white stAll eatity. having about belched the peaches and milk, Mot G. brought In the cabbage leaves, went into the parlor and dressed my wife's blister with them. My wife said the onening was In enamel. After this she drank of Ice water, and then the vomiting Waal:med. I won began to feel drowsy, my limbs had lost their power, my eyes felt strange, could not see clear. eyes felt Tarte; as if T had second sight. and had latense peal In or, heed. This was not more than hall an Bona after eating the poaches and milk. I bream so powerless and drowsy se to be scarcely able to move aboot. Mrs. Grinder said' was too drowsy to wait opon my wife, siid that I should lay down of the sofa. My wife wanted a &lot of walks and olOwlo wator on her heed. I made the attempt to get the pitcher, and thought I had hod of it., but was feeling away off it. I could not see. Mrs. Grinder told me again to lay down on the sofa, and raid aha would stay till twelve o'clock. I laid on the sofa, but could not sleep—was in • dreamy, drowsy condition. Could see toy wife if upon the 1 leer, with a glass and a pitcher heal& her, and Mrs. Grinder walling open her. After drink. lag she would vomit. the water seentieg to come up in a minute or two after belogidrunk. Told my wile to try and keep from vomiting. She sold ate could not. Mrs. Grinder went swag shout the middle of the night. By this time my strange forting and gone somewhat. I wait - td on my site %seal morniug, when she was able to go up stairs, with my assistance. Mrs. Grinder went up stairs with us and helped to as my wife in the bed. She was still very low, but ewe better. I get mewl( some breakfast and wee t to telegraph for trey wile's mother, Mrs. Phillips. This was on Friday, at eight or else o'clock, Tr', aNTe CRACK Eli- rneeNe vets. One ,pen, After telegraphing, I rtittrne..: Lon, sad stayed at my wif's b,daida all [lac foreno3n. At noon Ntr.. Grind, brought in 3 (-up of t,a and 0111 or two Of tilos, round rr.lt•Ler, Nty n tfc drank a Ilule of th , tea, and to Llta co,k , sa half an hour she took t o and I,l4,plaintal of a burning pain in the h :ad art.l iltr. at nod d filcu!ty of breathing. A', mt , 1;:k In tb ;‘fto , ;n ,on 1 trot t I,i .I• 1 t,catato tnmc ••:.;g; it lad Or I- I 1 I=l t ,, o e.,wenine tointior two.qlo t tool i think in er.tet, -r with it, I cut ,•.,ce of the band I Lel botuett, :1111 drank he t, tent up :Lairs and we. waiting on my waft. In half an hour I wan seized with !1! , •11 roxtatret , td my cony mock. I g - tt Strllligi• cramps abort may Jaws. face and neck. It got m) bad I had to sr to bed. ntnnac ono rant fon Dr. Irish, on ant in-aunt. At LOA time my wife man in bed. Dr. Irish cattie and pot a Poultice of Lens ahont my )4 , xn. Mrs. Philipp., Int norther-in-law, tame after dark. Wore In bed when site came. All the night m wife complained of the intens , !miming of tile Win ter. Dr. Irish came next morning (Saturday) and dragged It with o I. from which It seemed b ommbet easier. My mot bur-irk-law toJk 6011- erai charge of the house on the day after her arrival, and did the cooking. On Saturday even ing, July Nth, my wife and myself felt &me ld:tat better, and we thought of being Atte to go tit the country in the beginning of the next THE SIOTITKI-CK•LAW SICK Mrs. Philllpa COOLIE tied our attendant mall about noon on Sabbath, and we were feeling a little better, although neither of es were able to get up. About the middle of tne day lira. Phillip' herself became prostrated, and was un able to do anything for us. I thought std was going to die, and telegraphed to New Castle. for Mr. Phillip, my wife's " - Tither. Durieg Babbattt aftt rnoon Ws. Grinder became our attendant and furnished all three of tut With lapita. The next Monday mrmlf and *lle WerefetilLicry low„_madJara. rumps poPle to set aft- Mrs. Grinder. on this oil morniet, amused my wife's „blister with sweet Afterwarns b ro ught her a p i tcher of mat/T.' After drinAillg of thlk, water gel wile began tthnitintalld eolallialala Of illa burning the WlMttr WArr Wlce-llquid fire. , ' 'AMMO CALLS 10- Arita 'leader. ItaleroPnraw; arliolligalawee 'of my tette; Osads mr wilt aid 'flyleaf Were lying M one-bed. apaWne to 'Arm Bast* • my wife Odd the water did not taste gout, - /yd saying at theism* 111116. if aho had 'trial a Uri drink from her father's spring ti would! Bbe Weal Bala AVM Metals oat thd er and bring some fresh water. Agnes did' wand me wireideaakoljt; Mid remarked Vat Idetnajodds ,and.wdtitO drizikA Z O O 4 .dealat l he ima not MetedKW*, sad seame4 Whilrestsekher b44' 3 ta4s 4 P f Alt' nes Walla ed until s hoal coon: nos. annum NOW narganmeszat—rninicsus .14rs Otisderhusbdted , the ant etcher. of aftkt the ote Cameo /OAP* had been :Decd , atom duelting of Me: water,. ebSet, two o'ebxe, m 7 wile was taw seemly worsa, and, bells ;vomiting, - Bhp ooze bactetratiter throat aada4d tbere wassaasetaui st the twat of het hope likeinaltlfhaik; 8011'0116 talent!) u'`" ROBINSON , bietTLE.A.N KI O came be: up. 1 be r.m• a et.v.t f. 2. Dr. lir bartg Bankers and Brokers. Herron was called in. He pre !.cribed • medicine to Le taken !In fresh milk. No. 15 Fuurtb, Street l'lttablaggh cut cow' Lll, Iw a I It L. sal bloc. .4 Go arament . ki4 IN, Herron . it. In. ,livr, Bona Notes, Torrid .0. v (,''',nl',ValtaLrl'orat7ts7.l.tak'Yn'it FUNDS sal t telt naa.. , The ENcl. ''y my employer. Interest allowed on time denewas. tiollreoona vI o erine,ht. It. Nire. Grinder brought in truemade In all parts or the Unttel State. on most rel.t. The it cat:Gans as to giving the mad:. f,nrigh;e terms. a a Bete a lane spoonful of it lr. a ,t7,"ithndottrAh,,f°r nriptphit -; t.. k,fiti ~r 11111 w. and A 11:1113 al:1k Pittsburgh geolkss , Board. atrial,. ....I. If thirsty. The moilicine Was rommisSlOA• rt !! for myself styd a if, t,rinde, rra von A. CLE'R.S fa CO , Frew York. JAY t it ill :11. rnAl.ner WI II a :lite ~f I k r.,,,KE k , !..., Philailelphia; Messrs. 0. D.ILE&D aft reward. It did not seetn to have Any T- PKIL.I's*B"I`s" fleet, I thick !I, medicine Tea. to l,e taketl ~-1 a „ bOo Aft , r giving the first G rinder said would tali , the stub she had praeureii otro iar ...Wad and plan a in on ,ee tax. so as to hors if reedy for the ,said dose ' She brought in the milk afttrwands, when it was needed, and ! gave medicine to my wife and myself as before, with the mil.. /it fro nitrides or so / nomitedit My wife Old not, bid pot drfiriota, law strange allege and locked around a great deal. Dr. Dish came Miens that evening. Mr. Phillips alto came to that eVEIIIII.g. ' T.. 11 A 1 , 11r51a OF ("NM. WATtll. My wife thought she was at home and plc pl ed with her father let give her a drink of cad. cater from lice spring. Said she would die If ehr did not get it. ehr plead and cried for It wed '• Tau teal kV( me if you de nor pica U In tee " I Wltnets was at this point overcome and wept. There were other wet eyes In the Court. She remained flighty all night. Her father told her that he would take Isar lionv• as seam as she could be moved. She thought rho was at home. `COTII7Ii TArr. Next lamming, Tuesday, Anfrwt Ist, Janc Smith, next door ucighbor, furl:Jelled emir loilk and gave a portion of it to toy wife, who wok quite it good drink. She said it was good and ecoitng, remarking, "Joule. tha.o the heal drink hare had for a lono time t.' She seemed better and ;Tim anal lo realize her positiou. it . 11.,X .-11 . 8.1711 30,N what wa, left of the milk furneihed . was rrese,,iii. an,l propoted to nee enles morning board. See- Miss laintilt to Ler rOl re. G's.) lee 13'3 r . Sue ), , 5 took it away. Th.e, as the day Co w Olen ' •I e:f :Erg o Ps L. la wife died. Think Dr. I lerron was there to Lae morning, t do not nieoileci whether i" e egsl , he prescribed or nat. There was sone `' , ear l fl'..: •• talk of a cone ultation of physicians. Pri.ehri Iri last week- Prrnowdo.r .y n;•• I boil rent word 1,1 Mr. I'm r about it. After a L. Les ••I It pain were 1:1111:1e. for some Jays NI bile Dr. Herron :tea MI. arr stir.' to Illy The Banks, es usual, made ail ~5010 10 kelp hour, and told me llmt Dr. Iriei. would i.e titer selrr., nod in !heir greediness lost, In a day or In rite evening, .1t 111 o'clock, wh.-11 there would tww, eight million of deposits, sod four and one n enncollation rib.") my I'd"•bins. half millions of legal-tenders. The effect of the , rimier wt a pre eetd 01 1.111, c011,,51101.. Apses, fortunately It was no more then that, was A row 5101 00 ItEIFOILE 1,51115 I good. Speculation has been mearably checked, Dr. IferrOn had started away , and I told Mrs. i totals are met ing more eaieful su ly, and doubt- Grinder to go down atairs, see him to the par- nos we shall :es:es:her price.: awl less fever tor, and ask him if there was really any danger the balance ol the se,eon. of my wife going to die. Mrs. G. went down ll, stork market Is yet unsettle but :he feel stairs, soon rimmed, cams round to my bedside, and I imbed her shot the doctor had said. She repiled that e was doubtful of my wife's recur - etc. Mr. Kennedy. an acquaintances of my oi,it ten In Tien:" soil PrOllUCe Was entered upon tO wile, and Mr. Phillips were present. se e‘tero rarely before known. Coroldnitlons :own: ioding millions of money , bought up anJ Mut . or:ENDER an or, MINOS our VILE. m store. enormous quantltles of rain, and A short time alter this Mrs. Grinder brought • ml!, there hold it so lone, as the banking capital in the milk, and gave some of it to my wife well permit. As soon us bankers, through fear, alter lest giving the medicine. As soon LS my ' wife tasted the she ref . .. Jed eo fads it. Mrs, demkod an Increase of margins, and refuse to m wife eread she was fligety and aid not know crease loans, so soon will the peoulators forced what she was dolatr. My wife said she did, to disgorge. and an easier MoneTin , l'Let re sod that the milk did not taste good' Mrs. shit. The trouble Is, that in the West, bankers Grindcr.inalsted and my wife drank some of t of:to 'sin hands with the speculator.. As long the milk. Soon after she complained of burn--1 a,irglio ate :sure. they hesitate to call In thetr Inc Is the throat and the stomach, and des- hoes, sod often they are forced, or bel eve them t Glad the feettog as of liquid tire_ aelve. to be, to prevent 3 wiping out of margins te•rElt I 51110'' we.TF.I; ' ' Je reasdruotetr loans to buy other lots off the I:he got flighty again, and seemod to be In 10- n. This pro, tire is but too conks:son. 11 10, SO agony. Bbe wanted water for her head .!...rt •i me bob Is indefensible. illecr• and Water to drink. She herself poured water . . --- on tier bead, and said It was Irtirbiod op. Tney wa old not give tier as mach water as she wont Id, fearing he would drink Par, mach. She said th y would kill bee if they did noftelye her water. TLL 1.701114 11,0SL she ast..) aro. 111 did lire, II tic iv.0.,(.1.1. 0, and por:hed, awl .1... n..t for the orjfee wl.l I, ,L , ea:it we- , o , h ot Sh e nus ,011104 21,..111 1.•11 in Lhc. LIMel intense mionY, eallithZ fur water, and .ontinurlw ads agony until 0:1e o'clock. at u Lich time she 'lied. She 1ir.1% 01411lT 1111 1 ' ~:,nut half an hour bonne.- death. St, then canoe et nattile, and knew her condi:ion. MILS. ta.IIIDZIS D 1 10 TOE Lair On the Friday before Mrs. Grinder brought lo some clothing of toy wifo's which she had washed, saw her bring the packet (or bundle) partly s rapped in paper, and place it in a room opt <>site when my wife and I were laying. In that clothes Mrs. Grinder laid oat my wife. At the time of het death, Mrs. Grinder, Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs, Phillips, and Jane Bluth, I believe were present. I was oe bed alongside may wife when she died, not being able to ge o p. 'I he hour now was I:4J ;est drn and the 111• trict Attormy announced that they had got through with the witness as far as she present branch of the case was concerned. Cl/11.t adjourned till nine nicint.l. this morning_ Italian ()per. Oar violate loving citizens will be glad te learn -that we Iffe tom to be favored with a Malt from the celebrated Ghionl and Sustni Itslien Opera Company. The troupe is one of the best and most complete tow le the country, and compri ses Madame °Mon!, M'lle. Cants., and Mad erne Patti Strakorch as Frima Donta, Signori Macaffirvl and Errata as tenors, Signor Meatusl as baritone, Signor Swint as basso profiundooted Signor Greif' as basso buffo, betides a fall chorus and orcbeatra under the musical dlreetton of S.gnor Rnea. Our old Mend Max Stiakosch In the manager, and his name vouches for the figtittnlrepreaettatlon of the chef ,var rit of the great masons. The repertoire of this Com pany Includes &wank. Martha. Trovotore. Faust, Don Giovanni. Norma, Lucretia Borgia, aad other works of equal merit. The performances will be ern in the theatre, and all the resenr rm of Mr. liendersou's famous establishment will be brought into requisite to secure per feet renderings of the operas, the first of which will talc place on Monday, November 6:h. Ot toner Monthlies 1 Atlantic Moot ttiy for October, nod "our Foth..." for the same month are just our. The Atlnnt it is fu11, , , able pal.ers, and the num• t.er hafore asl , tnar than:1611101y I cltlabl , . Our Young Ft.llt, ii also attractiv, In an cut- Scot degree. It IC th• most Of all , te a. 0 ju•tly Fui sale by l' htmlln c , .. Ma...np• Hall, Fifth street. I Ire lustarsuce.— We direct atter. ton 11 the aCt qtruceht of the Charter Oak Lie In,n• taco, Como, y, to be loans In another Coil-on. ce,r f the most re!ts , ,to and wealthy In I TOW WI , VII the kind in the c marry, a. ! I Lee who t the r;A•s upon;ire should tot ;AO, I..Ak the etTut.lnges olforcd by tbo com Ploy• ib,tl;btlon 100 , -Tr.rz ai ttotoll communication from us. I' he about for the city F. It (..ot-dell. who will tare st re In civil i sl ticodr,: Int .rm.aion 1. rroce ,ha• .tlldn3 of tho ' , fll - e 1! at No. 55 Wood strew. Pum Sloarplet 11111ustrols.—L, u. I lin! rtlll continue', owl Liu stare' arc In the ascendant. Thnst , who C3ll enjoy an: fun and troli , of the "cork thnnlil oat fail to lee thk gr,nlelt of nil tron; ,, The programme changed nightly, and nt-tv . g0t.,414, ...rtn,,,..nette, at... Intro• (". ..” ! 10-urty Inngh. T r. Adams performed his int at •. st )tle character of 'Hover" net evening to .t ,tpleu did audience, and was well sustained ['lron sh.tut. The play was all that rould he desired, and ere rybody was delighted with the entertainment. To-night Mr. Adams appears in the great char peter of "Richard the 'Third." Killed In a Coal Banli.—.±k man named George Kennedy, employed In °neer Klerk Foe. ter's pits, at Ireland Station, on the Alllegheny Valley Railroad, was killed yeaterday, by the falling of n mass of slate. The deceased reeldist in Penn township, and woe a widower. Opera douse.—The "French Spy' W 1151.. duped Athol Opera inotaie last evening, 'lle Marie Zoe prrlornalag the. arlaclPal characters In a creditable I:crooner. hope of theatock COM paps, borne r, required eatirels too much prompting, and marred the performance could erebly. To -night Zae will appear lathe "Wiz. and UK." The Young Pdan , s , Frizna.—.Warranted. to cure Primo Maw" , Far sale by druggists. dvlrTar the Young - Man'e Friel& A pamphlet obis the syropurses. mud trimmest of private saseh Elm or can be hsd gMr:sito g Pram les r e ?diet !Mead, Bev*, Cinelnutat.idtbs atm contstatop easclosed4 ta m6uper.J_). FnUou. ) . or L Fer,&Go.,Alleeitstavi stleSts. j0gt4.13. L188R021 , 8 041, , , letici•go 'Matti& 'li:tix,4ilargerai AND IRON cOuNDER% omens 4ad satespossur, --- • 01•10 '• • • fra Val Ml2l:= MBE= IT , cLOT4BI OIL CLOTHS —For Merit slurs, Tibbi;Voliaters, agt.,4 sub, Window Minden and Trimmings, always' unhand tad to* saleodtbsr Windstnlt or Mall id Its la cbm N pot , No.= sad gl c i s i r . . J. VII. MULL QUCIFOLD HALIBUT. AND, EullatiOti t "1.7.4p5t secelvsilsartsb supply. ol.nsw fisuclusa tilos= lot Halibut; -plys t w,ssapp saetla s pad prima Co4llsl.Sot.lits,btAtiopott.il. the 4mi l " ' "" - 745ta Inizr a.ittaisavx, eel; c• Miler Labatt, eaGHaed ainna. FINANCE AND TRADE RROKE.RS AND BANKERS BOARD i COBI.I3CTBII IT .01111180 E. IirCLILLIN & 00.) 'ln 6sn se, Ott. 24, 1465. o#cruf.. Asted. •lis . l' ...A. 6's 1551 106 00 U. S. 5-20'6,- ...... -_- ... 101 86 U. S. 6-10'it, new ...• ... ......... 6101 00 U. S. lions, .. 03 00 Gold. ...... - • 143 60 • Allegheny Co. Flves—.....--. 11 00 Pittabargh 64 , ...... .-.-- ..• •—. 68 00 Club Ina--..-. 51 00 63 15 Eureka ..—. 51 co —. hlanehester Ilsssengei Railway_ 30 00 Exchange Nat. Bank.—._.--_. 85 is) --.. Fourth Nat. Bank--• • ••—. I`a 00 Peoples National ....... ..._ ._— 103 a° Columbia Ohio 'Valley -.- Paxton . 1 11) Western Penns ..... ........Y .-. 1 6.3 Balaton —. _... . lal 16° Phoenix 011 iicld at 11 a. m.. 146. fastma cold quctntlens have ruled steady throughout the day at itc. Our brokers wore gen. really buying at about 110 and selling at 116. We look fora further decline. Government Bonds arf a shade firmer. Five- Twenties rose about one fourth per cent., and are rooted in New York to-day at 1034,i', at which 11g- unytz, rcl) alteziwte.: t., •ny ',ter,' In Pit t•Litrll,, We'entur• to s.” there ti y In t!•• of the rot., ry hnoltn, are. .11clu , i,1 on :o p3reful And .1! FAVis 1. In ot.r o anl, On I :I , nrl,oe, • . n , ho:y of IA11,e• est,,,,ed 3 e•F ly out +conyerclNl :zpOrte-r.. .e. • gre,ol7 exceed, hotsiv llnt 1.1 n• 1010.0. the P. Its • L.: I—l )cars wet,. e leer. a rust.rted to point • ecord ..,thgerkuwe pleasure and real pride. Re 10161/11.1 01 depresslon, we have oar 1,11, iht la.ar erone 11, rket it pri.sent we ate Irlvek , but we r SIT porn: ta. Coe figures .sek rr e.) 0 ^r • sur, -1 he Tsars", of NlOuday, re:.orta the thoLkey tuart.ct Cu thnt fts In..ey market st.nws but 'Atli" itu!lt nt.ont •.1 ts—ontataeaster, so that se have the 30 t ehlar thoopla,nt of a acnrolty of both cur. rt , nee. Were s rtlapose4 to be est!. teal. Ch. ~,ery might wet) be rater.) as to what hae, 1.-soths the ae.so mil dons of batakttn e 3 -P ,t,,, 11,1 1, sae I,n, r, and tic twelve mill,. of . .el.na,ts. but W uru e pteae the Uak nets are roaktut tottal,:e has of • Ile ru , •nay , such sot 41a - esti:Kll Incoo y . as Interest notes or trotting,t to grab atteetuat or.. True lor a U . Id, pro., the Istrer class his been rather e.. alp net by Me bankers, tilt it m dirtleult to shake t Lem ott—si. leant It Is no small task to get them to sell out when prices are ten to fifteen cents per bushel lower than when the grain was put , Tn..41,0 , ...1 O. bankers nor WIWI/1101d to 4101 A Par, rnessurrs. 110 re r• our feature of thls produce trade which 'begins to storm some of our banks—especially those who are -in" for carrying it all Waiter. It p• the opinion which has been industriously circa 'Need by the produce bO3tl, flint before nest spr lag the when% In store will be genuine "stump. MO.'. It Is this, almost as much as the scarcity of moue) during the week, which has turned the hankers sirs rust produce ;raper, they are afraid to he obliged to carry rt through the winter, and they err snst erns to have it shipped through to New York as.peettily as possible. ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARKET. traLLZOBIzaT 1111 . 7, Oct.ll, 1965 r CAT wan again a very large sup ply of cattle nn title this week, ettlsnatggl in round number,. at t cro thousand head, and while the market was only moderate/3 , active, there Is but little change to snake in quotations as compared with Inst week. Prime Cattle were scarce, and, as has been the case for some time past, sold at extreme prices. while ter sloe and rommort grades may be quoted at to to It cents the 100 lbs key.r. I he demand for ottockere• is graduallyaubslding, sad it Is tints restrntcd to the best grade., as at act...crow,. do nut seen, disposed to buy••scalt se ig '• the season being ton 10r advanced to get them ie....gig:lon for rig trkelln tine fall or krln ' ter Prime to eaten hitchers' Until, sold Al from I', to t seats—two sin sll bunches of eorn-led steers, a 'raging lett, brought s}y—and t 3., to good smiles sold it from 6 to; cents. Stuck Cat t!e red nt from g to cents, according to ed At eady tt c the demand is falling OIL The gaipply, nit:tench oat eery lam, antis up to the 11711110.1, nail tn.:act •tr , l ~e tr 11 , 011 t 111 t lvt.rics quotationt — k . , t n f mutton Sheep in a bu7lt P ot the ...des however. were It :god hrae in be regtot al the •e,. g • oos. for evil...kr, Si cp. We moth! 1,1 . of vi It It ..... Itc.te.. cc., WIC . •41.1 , :14 vf iv. gold 31 , 1•1 Iteod. lit t..e—'l h.ttgrotA;tiong to 11.19 crone of nark ...tn . , Ana moggly of A retail ehttr•eter, ; to. . • trt....0. ra.t;3n.g fro. ID to !' lor fa:, to rAt, rogr..fel Fes!: of the tr•tne At I It is hot proper to rettglrk t r t tow 11g if reg cthhol. he trgkert na A fAlr rrlte / AP. hi the wholettAte tentle, ne ithipperg could not ot et ot for the Ihtel Aree,es, end from 11..3 dote. I 0 Walled 40 bead of sa ttoto bad 107 bead left o‘r. k .54 o to of Stolth and ltlackarew: botched, 00 head-to each —of eaten n-foJ ateers, o 0 yeara old as 003g1rlg 1400 Ihs, 311 Them. wore eotwedell to the Lest cattle 10 1001. Icel. floe week. ill e 4 ro: n, pond retailed 53 head of fate to good .addle. at .tf7%, 014 e. bonght 31 head of fair cattle flout Ilullson 01 an average of 1 1 101111. x retailed 10 head of mixed rtock at 7,10 _ . . . . is•examor ro Rtch arthson IS head of good steers, a , eraging 100 lbs, at 7),.; 0100, t 8 1100.1 1,, Kahn a 010,10. ‘t Mali to good Yr, t'o, 2a bead of fairish cattle, Averaging Shout 501, at 0, Rosendiii to Campbell 115 hood of eery tgucul ',catgut steers, as Mailing 05 0 , al o'. Hashhodeer reports having reLalled 129 :mad of mixed stolk at 5 to TN. ("Mod 'o. retailed 3d head at 6®t 'z. 01arks Traurman Sold 54 head, av - erntrlng 550, to Robinsdn, t,Nt 39 to Groutatranr, averaging MO, est head to'llndley uo., averaging OM, at *.yr brad to Kerr, averaging COO, at tailed' over 000 head at Ilothebirda & Dyers mid It head, averaging 000, to II unchherger, at 53g; retailed 62 beadiest 5:1116n. bans`epwald a Kahn mold 05 - head to Alnsuatto Id 11011ntati; retailed o 0 hetet McAllister & Tarr retisileit 167 head of aed cattle at foam head ieft over. Kerwin a Crum retailed 20 head for Ilastshorn at *4010, - ; 33 head for .1 liderson at 514,5 .1) hoo d 65, m o kouu nt 6;i5ji,1,,,; la head fur l/utficie al (Wes & Laffrt y 39 hed of fall to good rattle at (POO e s —ltrl head left o a ver. Rothehlisis /1 4 Eckert wholeanled 50 head of pretty good steers at 0; :0) head to Marko k Tram , man, leveraging 650, at embodied 05 at ; had /it bead left over. nag as Creole wholesaled 70 head of good cat tle„Hat as; 00 head of extmat 10 head of good stockers at pi; retailed . 100 at QI3I. CleveUtmL_Ma.rlFeL CLTItCL 2.313, 041.1412 , =FIdurtutir end Wady lathe (011.141 em figures :-40,60/1 , 10 40 for XX red eount3 , , slog 125 Jaz XX .whtte OK! for red, - 115§120:TeM,X/L'wlMterdo. Rbe tDtt Tor'hetaintlf . 441es' reiMilett. 4:0414-4. Met and Within:eft; miles axe hush No mixed fn m More M 60e free -on bna:d. Oats- Pslt r4quest; Mies 4 enr4 from free, at 4 . . II ye- A4t r temand; Balm 1 car at M l / 4 from !Aare. ley- liar - - - - List of Award. at Cbleilyt. Tt og e tollonkl awards were roads on satlnrclayt 'y _oL Geo. bl. tlantpbel S., at this post: • D. Kelley, 200 bbl. rrt o Mess Pork nt APT•I3: Sheeman, BAH A Pope, 10,000 lbs. Shoulders at ceLont. • ral's, Underwood la 11.000 lbs. Shoulders 17,10 a. T. A. Thom., 2.0,000 lbs. Sugsr at ll.a&e. £.l A. Thomas, 1.000 lbs. Coerce al ZO,Ooe, , 111 c-t: eat --nal:TT—Wheat tne'Alive I+...evre id white Ealehlgllll,nt 7 ... r, tow , 1ira13,4 5 ; OM Illon3l6%WW merloo in the ne.er/ famk .t. t o - d f q. though I ?JO. CO= firmer each better; tale, tIS pl , 7lty of ro ' ort for t-; t Th, li.ti doll. kye 0ute 2 6. 1 .. 4 . 4. • mg::1, 7 3!01v wt.,. :7 • •,• ! k's.nruftrs-- Alining Stock.. .; 04.24.—The following ts f. 1.3 price.% Main BDIa.013: FAH!, 21: Fr knlt • to 17; lefe IT 11: ...leg,. ,Sup.l l :o l ' .l • waukee'3l3rAcet -21... —FLOISR.—”73. II . I . .: " r---..L0 Dbl. riour, lonr*-0 bum 'lntent. 71:1• 36,0 De both Wneut. Or. u—wr-cet uctive se I decline of et for No. lEEE h , , e 1 • IN :o the sriirr to Oli it up Barley hrii ant co . set tled.sale .if r rare Inferior at ve; 1 car fair ao $l, and su.srl wiles from 4Parmn !IA I.ce. far :re . to y.nma Mons—"yc of icarut 45: 1 ..ar, ~ ,a at tat and ra.,l ralc• it uvrcl I.lv an Rve Salo of 1 car at et. I in is stuall tort, from tact.. at —luirt rcii tic...it. TV n ter - char sale. KO from store at s p revious q strums—f9 ,7+3lo uiet sums-49,7,3.10 tor .Upring VII heat, sod I.—• fur Winter W M heat brands. Eye /lour is.loll at TI mond roaturues light, And :he Arrivals are hurtled. PRUVISIONS—Bacon steady. with a tal e jobleng emend at pT quotations . The stock le very moan re need, and the treason is about over Laid ts lel lug at VirliALZ.. fer Xett/e rendered, and Mere Pork may 1.0 quuted at thr,.:.0,3. • acla• PO l l ATnT... , —s wee, a In fair Ilroland and firm at I.4,:tea per Obi The demand for Peach Blow. fa in excess of the aupply, now quote at pa 113,:a5 per hbl. and notwithstanding the or. rivals continue Ivry, tne dccliand is lclts up to the aupply go.al aballi a; in large aired bar rels are selling at to, n,ootta; Ter bbd—the latter figure for choice. SALT—Is firm, and shade hla.her; we now . quote at $a by the .ar load, . fIC 1 .104a,15 for small lots delivered. STAID. Ilt—Sale of H boxes llWatt-31.adison" at 6,4. 1:11.1:£1.,E.,19 and unchanged,• sales of prime liarnburg at Da, Goshen at HAY.—Is selling at city scales at 910 to $ll4 per ton—the latter figure for prime Timothy. F.U(lF.—Very ammo, and prime fresh packed would command q 14.12. and unchanged. Prima fresh at and packed may be quoted at alledie, as to quality. ONlQPitt--Are In fair demand, with sales of firm at Y.3,1 5 / 3 92,50 per bbl, Or to quality. PEART.Fi--Cale oft tons at Be. Plc: LEA fl--Sale of 200 pigs at 12e. L I alL—Sale of itar labia White at W,ei. PITTt• BURGH ZETEOLPU DI 31A R K. ET TI:r.bDAT, Oct. 24, I. craw cOlllluuc N4' • 1. r,eipts precedently huge, and, with only a moderate mond, the market rules dull and languid, and ' holders, generally, are anxious to realise- Buyers are still holding off under the tinPrea.loa that prices will otlii further decline, and We. do not es peel soy marked activity until this point Ls eft a.•.rat,ed. When It tiecomes known thst the price iota the 1. west poin•—let 'hat be what It tinny —three writ ur.doi.b•edly be I decided itt i r,. t, the derrinr.it, Ms themos! of .r neves so w...• of rt. ie. sir ! they .1i buy once they become satisfied that it will en no low er. The sales to—lay were at 1..11e0s hbls nt bicis returned, delivered, 4 , 1 , in bulk 25; 1400 in bulk, on private terse; Ind at 11, bbla turned; ank 400 in bulk, at 7.t. It is said that the seller in the Inst named sale, sena. ow•nz to pe• culler eircumastanecs, forced to sell, and crude deniers aver that the price obtained—in cent/ cannot be taken as a foil' criterion of the market. REFINED—There Is no Improvement to note in the denond for bonded, sad the market is quiet sod dull but unchanged. There is little or none offering either for present or future delivery, and holders generally, are awaiting fora more a, live market and better prices. •We hat, but one sale to report. iooo bbl. bdi December delivery, buyer's option, at a:ic, free on board ears, berm Free oil is quiet and un , hanged, s tie of two one hundred barrel lots at tie. N APTELA AND RESIDUUM—N.STC...:• quiet end neglected, but without quotable ellange Sale of 5o t arrels !leak:ulna lts tad 12i do do at 6.430, BU EIPTS—The reetipt a of n.l by tbrt Atlcs- Overly Titer cob/tune very large; the Col toutull is partial report of the arrivals luring illy twenty four hours, ending this evening L ntnti w ndergrif t D. Bushnell -.ISO gro I lOC Brewer. Ell rk e St. co. -Wag W. P. kl .t. E. Strickler.. John Bert. .... i•llagher Ir. Dant cr._l69 11 H. tat Woolridle W. ll B) ; F.ors. - - MAREETS BY TELEGRAPH ICEsi YORK PETROLEUM MARKET. Bpecial I lspatcb to Wecern Preis. Nr. YORK, Oct. 11, 1565. rettOlecon Steck. are rellet wit h ;Bales at the toll...wing rate. }';thole Creek, 6,2 n; Adamantine, 1,25 t Buchanan Farm; SI; Behnebold, 14,15; Bergen, 3; Chem) Hum gS; Bradlei, 1,10; Exceldnr, 73 1 First Rational, 71; Highgate, 10; Montana, 0,60; Ceestm, 60; 011 Creek, 1,47; Shade River, 3.10; United , tatee, tO; leatlocal, 1,07. PETROLEUM STOCKS IN NEW TORS :rnitct.i..l L to Westere New Yong. Oet. Parr rCeurn Oro •nd 10 fah - demand, sale. at Sle for Crude. Caf2c for }leaned It Hood, and 1445 , 24 for Co Ire*. New York Market N., - tons., October 74..—Corrox— Decidedly more active and Kites firm at 68069 c for micidUnty. FLotra-6: lowertfoi common arsdel et 55,2 0 01 e,49 for extra Stale, sB,9saNts for common to good shipping Wanda of eXtra round hoop Ohio, and 564500 E 0 for Medi breeds. Fuller—Decidedly Ulmer et 5a,7 , 64,32, chiefly at the better price. 01mm— forahst Tau better and very quiet at 11,1t0i,” Chicago spring, $1,7201.,T3 tor MM. wankel club, ni,T9OI,EO for amber billwaulten, 43,X0e,56 for neer Amber white wa s later price on extmme—and U. 53 for white western. Rye quiet mod nomlnal. Barley without decided elanye at 51,0SOLtb); for State, and $1,241,401,21 for Carr ads West. Barley lull quiet at 111.60. Corn dpened heavy end lower at 714 , 31D:1r unsound, and iePas for woad mixed western. Oct. heavy and reclining et 60032: for unsound and 56038: for sound. Rye quiet. CTlOrEllrf.--00free Stile Sl2ll steady. Sa ar Moldy at 161;016: for Pm to Rico, trioll34c for Cuba Muscovado and 143.4: for Havana. FETtiOl. rtl-4 . 11121(1 . St 6 1 061;4C for Refined in Bond, and wfies,;4e for Free. TILOVISIO7,—Pork heavy and lower at $32.760 Saba for mess, clering at PA cub, F.M for prim., 1031220,26 for prime mess; oleo _Shp bblu of mess for Noy, tuber et seller.' and buyers' option. Beef steady at tIIQII3 for plain mess,. m6;1.41400 for ratio mesa. Reef Hams quiet. Out meets doll at 161.01' , 46 for .boulders, and 21= 1 4C. for hams. Limon dull. Lard unchanged at ilfroc. Butter is demand at 38.0426. Piew York Stock moot Moon' Market NEw YOtti. Oet.l4.—hlone9 A shade easier at ger cent. foe cell loans. Sterling drill and hears - at liohl without decided change, open. ins at dechnlng w 4571 i, closing II 41!.;. Lino ergenet I Stocks rather 40010 steady. Stocks heave U. S. Se of 51 regis. N. Y. Central...... 07 1V• S. 6 es• Nov do. prefer - mt.._ ad's Coupons 1077.,,, udson 6.10 Coupons new Michigan Southern 71 14aSe ID. , Yx.tsburgh.... 10-ln.. net, U. N. W..... .. . ms, Yentas.. e 54 C. 0.. N. W. p1d.... 4.1 117..5..0u toledo prefcrre.L.. ludo, U. M. Cc. rln,alez I.S ul I. 73,g Nett York Cattle Market httt no, Itct. _s—The following' me Ike ctsttrrt prtcre ior tltn trees_ , Eger Parr Le.—First quallty, Der Lea k, ant pi Im:r grand, in./ ; common, $2111111,SP; tn lrete Conan 9 ^ 1 1 1':. C'on'e t'a • re—F:xt.a• per heat!. tOtht - y!•0; 0.,13.4,r15,w7. 'Wan., common. .2 3 1100 ' Itert ' ort:ll;s.s 1 -. 16 1 =0, ent.ir LAZ(lll3—Extra, per howl, pg 10; puma, IQ;_ordinarv, H, 93,30; common, a 1,26 04401 Infer i or, 03:75/4,n. Seetnn—lisary co e-fed, per pound, 1/,'Salt , :; light and medlum, still-fed, 106113 4 ie. The minket for Bea Cattle wt. online awl firm on blonds y at last weeks prices. The sa.lply teal ample and lull prleee trete with Ont any Olthrulty unt il neat ttl;nt. The heft sold 141 d and the pootest 11c. Teals were fairly ac t e. sod I..arnh , are eol4 pretty generally a 'Pt H.R.per ilkfor op • and a. high aa Inc Ihr Lorna . fatti) anct•e at anon. UM Week's qUotattnns The total retelpts of Macke at all the yards for t los wet: sad nut wee:, ws ro ms Becees, 11,errt; it. we. al; Veal 1,10: SI eel , and Le e,o ntta, na.l-e. Wow.. Gnat last week— BOerrs, entre 111-1 Veal Calves, I.lolSocep and Lamb., 41,2091 ' Brine, 11.0 tat. Philadelphia Dlarliet Val: a at_l.4:,titt.. Oct 24.—..PCTV.01..GL lime; etude SakOrc,Beflwai pond Free goelaa, besldlum CAP per bbl. }LOT upealne 1103M510,13; Extgas.ll9o 13.1 b. Glum—Wheat dull; New Red g1,23;341 1 ; Old do. q x4(14,40. Rye advanced Le 41.12. Llirrn dull; 3.l(rE.Te. Lanc.—•it9a. G anat. E.—Caeca firm. Sni tr unchanged. Meisel et unchanged. Ct'ulatt —Advanced lc; POLLOWV•OId e 1,34, Ohio F. 33. Chicago Diorite t t. AGO, October 24.—rtor a—Dull. OILAIN—Wbeat opened arm; ash". or No. 1 at ci,4101.4, , ,,fr closing dull at 81.38431,.W,i, a , , l pro. 2 at $1.1tQ1..^.0, ,, . Coto dull and ac lower; solos of No. l or ofdalilgiri.7 irt.4404. Chad dun arid to lower; Baba No. lat 2eliezle, nod No. 2 at 230. Tunic sod lii(tt• lower. Hl.ll. I ,as—Phis at atC=c. - ruocuelorts—llu.L Bleolarra-11,6 0 0 bills Flour, ewe* 00 Wheat. 142,CC° oua, 24,0(0 bu Oars Bilenrr.ree-441n floar, as,ado bu wheat. isAfeocor., MAO bu Oats. Oswego Martet. Oiwacooo/.. 21.—notr lo good dean, e, 13 f W o Ro4 Winter; 60,60 tor LlDMiligkiOistd• Extra. (;;LA,a—whemeirahlrut dull; 11/21woritro Olub, traassple aineai;eor nun of Mote/ Whit, Ilan• ado on pi !catatonia. GOratulet.. Ritmo, abaci; outer, atom. EfOriliMe.l:; Ireld at 61,25 tor Saito Market. • rioarAtexat: rt;L:rtoria—`'Qatit: - " Guauu-Weneut firm fillint 7.oau Inn. Cast. at. at, 112,213.4. Corn Lull tat - tall'ltii. - no. soma. 011i4.11020, it C 0... h 01.41 tt,Si" Byelioudaptio' • • NV uscr-Viztva pt t $1.1.111, Znoylisniir. 1* ,-; Toz•irwro. EitnOrtegti 8" 14t vs • I 0 aisr—Weets 112:4001,ffili St.iiii(if 13. Bony,4rs oi,lnaL Timmons. Ow , • , 3 • 3 , 3, 3 • etantreal Market. Max - ex ()et. 24 —nora—Donblete%tre ,ll3 ee, extra, IttAttatYS; fatally, Fra 7 ;, No• 0 L Caned% Wttest. i,e), r qt , r.§330. Boston Wool alartet The wool market has been rather Gillet during the part week, belt towards thhelose We note • better feeling and more anlinatips Thclate mbar., though by no means sufficient tn bring l i ke tooting power ep to the average standard, haii part/stir replenished the smaller mill streams, tae theure:li are beginning to wither r thsini elves ti way of stockingeriet, Should notthe seasonable precedents and Weetkar algae fail, tls robable the next low weell-Cwlll dere. op an i acti v e demand for wool, correspondlla), the consumptive exigencies of amulet:M. • The goods market La quite dedetcOt In, SOWS lines of desirable fabrics nettled , foyl Itunedlate tow.. and it is high Urns that this ,preinctiOn - of light Spring goddalovu well under posy. With nothing more than the current want* of consul' men to be provided for., there much be. a staidly and inure demand for s taple during thkbataneetf the season; and should a speculattve demand set in—which is by no means Improbable:An stew of the upward tendency and light stock of the tided grader—we shall witness considerable:est:U= ol 4 - and materially WO rates. - The receipt:sof Western wool contintegnlT.i oral, but the choice clips of Ohio antl-gennsyle nla come forward slowly and are very firmly h v eld. --In many cases cotudderablk abovejle React, Commiadoo merchants scam to reanze that t o ning haves' sure thins on these wools : WI (bat cons*. a mark. mere mina coomor or later come The stocks, probably, will not be gilt uponttall market any faster than needed: for actual consumption, and the hulk of tiara main in drat bends till an =nautili' peeled of the season. sale. of dOrcestic for the week toot nD OM* it a range of 60651 e for Lease. and 600 super and extra d pulled. Included are 003 Waste:a mixeece at aaclo, Wisconsin do ( at 6hei ed 20,U00 do at ; ga 000mediu m 70c; 10,904 arm New York do De; 35.0300 -eowsnon and nag Ohio do at 78077; 2 nVi =4llobl of chelood o and Penn sylvania at 78461ci lots of ex 2,000 Inv super at m %3 i11 300 ed at sac; and severa e4 at - 75 05e, the °Waldo figure for 2.000 a lbs gestim• Cantor... there have Lew axles In Canada. small sales of Combing, at tae For Ana forritrtt there hoe been a hetter Inquiry, with wiles (.1 t. of c and iNlegtlza at full yreilout ratee.—Bui h.; tit IMPORTS B RAILROAD. Prrraisusoa, Foal !Ragan a themarao R. H, Oct. 24.-180 bags Millleed, DorringOo a eo; . lcat wheat, A Moore; t caddy tobacco, /Attie...Baird k Patton; 1001101 s Hour, E 0 Demean; 279 bbla apples, L H Voigt taco,. IGO do do, 4 . .. otter, Aiken h Shepard; 50 bbla aand,Atterberry :84 col 60 do do, Plunkett & co; 1 ear wheat, Dan. Wallace; Tr bas cheese, F S Omen; 32 do do, N.F.BradcaL 100 bdlapaper, McElroy & co; 1 car grain, JO. Lud wig; 12 kegs butter, Selheet a Morgan; 100 barrels four, 0 B Leoch;l pkp butter,l doralga, H Lenz; Id dot brooms, L H `°let et .0i 8 blab dOur, Wm. Bingham; I car wheat, S Liggett k co; 1 do do. Hitchcock, McCreary h. co; 1 car oilibbla, Samos Wllkine; 2 plrga butter, Graff h Bettor; lobbla ap ples:, Is Hes. !r; 2 pkgs butter, Little,.Haird tr. Pat ton; 100 bbla now, shomaker ⟪ 100 b..ls dry pea , hes. L 11 Volgt I. co; 2 pkg. tobacco, `42 40. Pherson. Clav - malro Aar, Pirrantrias IL: R. O. bbla Hour, P S Weaver; 100 do do,'Shomaker & Lana; 121 aka oata, Melbas a Angell 1 co. .1 Jolworth & co; 2 bbla molasses, leaaort h co; VA, bap barley, Meek & Armstrecur; 8 bbla oil. r do, I Mcaktmmenn 10 tea lard,Shomaker h Lang; iro aka rata, 33 do barley, B. Handenont 'h*. do do Spencer a Megsy; his nMika, 6do oov da, I. Blanchard; .33 has candlekriblieet &La. veer; 20 kalrbbla tobacco, E MagraW, • 2 cars ban 1ey,%.1 Rhodes; 2 can potatoes, C Baleen HMI hale.l.lcorna, Singr, Nlaalck co; "ar , . bbls apples, r•torgeon Ileo• 150 plates copper , Hussey co; pkgs do Park . , McCurdy a arth, lieszleton; 1 car wbest,laennedy a Bro. ALLaoluerr STATION. October bap ;las:aced. Ewer a Hamilton; 1:0 bbrc apples. Sc'?. 1. el snot:gilt ; 6 bales cotton, E Hyde , 42 do do, enoffly,.Chllda k co; 4 doz b rooms,._ _Jas. O'llann Ion; 2.1 J Midd , e; 4 601. appres, Owens a Ke...dy . ; 8 cars wheat, Kennedy rair.ro; 43 bales eotter. Fang & Pennock; 13 do do; Holmes, Bell b. ,e. 8a t. ,, 157 apples, Isaac Stern. BITER IBTELLIGENCE. .... A1tr.141.1-.6 i Porter.-- -- t.ouloville t.:. 0:.a... . --Crosby —..pil Cit 3 . our A HTVILE.3 • Sflr, Cloud rarer, urzarirna, OTCs The River ...smith.. to recede gnarly at Chit pcunt, with stout four feet nutlet:kith the chan nel .by the dtionongaiels pier mark allut evening. The weather continues clear and plirasant, and all II could possibly be desired (or the transaction of out-door business. The enly arrival from below stood our last re. p. st, is the gleaner, from Louliville She tied bit lit tle freight for this point, hat4ng discharged ateut one hundred tons at. w* thinti between here And Cincinnati. She put ofr.,blo sacks of wheat at Oallipolls. The Pctrolla got to from Oil City laid evening about four o'clock, with n fair trip. She reports but twentyaix Inches on .Char l ilchyo' - vehen - Ike passed down. Fhe also reports having_ met the Pt tele. and Pekin, the former at lad Bank, and the latter at hlnhoning. the Nevada end America. from lufflingtOn. Oct arrived up to dark ins% event n the America would doubtless get in during the bight, but the lies oda will doubtleae MVO to ilgisien, ashe le reported as drawing fire feet. The Forest. City was to have left PakersbUrg for Pittsburgh an glonday, sad' If do, she is due here this morning. The Emma Graham left for Zara - Ulna last eve. inng with n fair trip. The Yorktown, Capt. Ebbert, with capt. ittUnd ish Pepper.] In the odic., will leave for St. Louis early this intention; and passengels and shippers stould bur this in mind. Commodore Pender has returned' from .1111 east. ern tour. and minnow bo found sable old quarters,. corner of Wood and Water streeta). The Comma-- dare looks se if he hail fared welllablle east, and , we have no doubt his trip : was a -leery agreeable The Ole=er, in commend of Caft. A. It. Porter, IA ann. scared fu Cincinnati .lad tit. LOWS, and. - probabirbe ready to sail this , evening. The Glean beln<,of very light draught,willrithrough with dist etch, The Leonidas left Cincinnati ft* Pittsburgh ed Monday evening. The Delaware Is ads - reds/4i to bare clncinutl for this port t.sdav, Wednesday. John Mahoney, better known c 3.1 the wharf se "Irish Jork," , the watchman, hali , just returned horn Ireland. where he was arreat.al on suspicion of being a FeriLart. He RDA detainee anti! lie 'nosed his good character, when - hi- was rts:CIL. , /, and returned to the United ststet in the steamer C. tyof Manchester. § - iM4,JM:BOATS - - - T.; o I CINCINNATI, CAIRO L A3l) sT. LOUIS.—The draw and 800 pnoenger atenn-er p e rm., will leave;,' sr above, oa W bnA Y, the hurt. For Ight or rums., Awing o o loor t t, or to JOH.Zi / . 1.60.Kt • r.cs COLLI:YOWOf)D, A Z MV: _ r Olt CAIRO AND ST. LOX Is. • learner YORKTOWN Card.: Ez•....4. snyr, alit !cave no ra.,ve.. on .1,1" e,NESP. 15th .a: 4 p. to. For LeArtt Er pnizage, sITLIr On LOAte. Ot 10 JOHtO FLACK, 0,.4 J. D. cuLLulawoon. rlyr, WHEEL! NCI SIANIET • TA, PAEHERSBLEG and telt...late ports. lhe stdc-whoel prasenser .ittamer, Ger.lre'S D. Moore; Master. Lea% es PITTSBURGH FOR PARKERSBURG every Monday and Thoraday. at.. 11 o'clock L.% e. WHIGL.I.NO FOR etaitlCHtt stiUsto , :' every Monday and Ytursday as f o'clocn r. c extvaatio. . . ... . Leaves PABBERSBUBG FOR PITTSBURGH ' every Tuesday and Today, at 2 g. m. . Leaves MARIETTA FOR ,:' PITTSBURGH - every Tuesday and Friday, at 3,4:O'clock Leal es W11EF.1.1511 FOR'S. IHITSB‘II4III ~ every IV edneaday and Saturdatat '7 a. x. For frOght , or pump apply cm board or to oc3 TAMES t.ow.ansilr. co., Asrag• pITTSBURGH AND ZAN.ES - 'VILLE PACKET.—The t r a Vame sager steamer VOL& ;.e l ef# Stull* S. H. -Hoge, elrek, .Plttsbargb Ns: Zaneolla every TUESDLY * M. lleuel ma leaves Zanesville for Pittsirangll every FED .I.lAlr al a Fer [SMOG or Donate aPPIX.Fa c "" , J. D, 004.14. P 0 0V. *teat. TWO ACRES 4.1D 02 0.! STREET', 163 .1 teat Croat, larga Dlsaalan.licava, ponies, wide halt taro parlotta olulas coinsi 'inches, idler, dalactl alit% sea iqd wain tla• tures Oa: eAbie sad am:That? , taft tazdah, (runt amislual* neck Pie!! steel ass 4 .amu, ca jjoht propethr araltta att WashCotitaha. w ,,utpasaett far ItiaatlohttcllatQaborhaed. F 07 4 .10 y • S. CUSUBlart :PEWS, * - Mattitel Meet. ISSWOOO . STICEIT, - •"•-• • 11 ertelageMS SCPWI4 Dynes Um stitssOosk of truism tot Mara is rplandlii :VMS ITstOID HOT BELTS sad POVOO FS • 9:1144,74 magi' 4 sausnaltasak of sivin kind. Ate. cook is One 7: bssl syes btsught w UtliaSsirlo4 au ITIEBEOK .. • - - Engine Bulldog and Atachinista,. Manufacturers of MineeekiCr:a . WO Balsas* Via% IR for Steam Edirams, tIL Vitrtrrhidikan. Conq BbAlttagx eteritaa - Havarti:4 imulltatifttut IT • •• • I . WES • Niti Jai? Urge sad orrouleoll, stork 44 ria • rimitsbrrAcvmaGiazias.ltin virms sad GREENBOTISJI PIoVIT . S.__ Pa. 41,13) TS andOUT YLOVIL.4IOOrOar, fat •atalogue ocean and . amino our loam. Sr. IrOlLALteaDoulli , ruubartnlysFr' ry Oulu* laroeshoph&F ••••
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers