- t3iitsburgt, PUBLISHED ST THE fIaZETTI3 I'DBLIAIIIPIG AISOCIATION 14 E ['NES D OCTOBER 2 1865 I pESTORATiON AND RECONSfaI C TWIN. Those who bare followed the discussion 0' these questions will be able to see, by reference to the President's views publish ' ed l ito•day, that there la a wide dtfference between the policy originally announce-I a his, and that new announced - in this au. • thorized exposition. The original plan to which, it was said, - the President was committed was Simply unconditional reatorailou, thaatates having never been out of the talon; and being therefore entitled to all theirittriginal rights in it. The:pip:Row 'entmclared is reboil _ , atruction dpOtt Stich terms ad the ration, In the exercise of its plenaryipowers, may , tee fit to dictate., For this great advance in the Presidential programme the country is' indebted to the firm stand taken by the Radical Republi cans against the policy oißtittora t tion. The President haaseeu that public opinion wii not tolerate tile Idea of the return or the Rebel States with all their original powers, and like a wise man he has advance ‘l position to correspond, in some degree with that of the prevailing sentiment of the no tion. Tihe,.Prcsident, It is true, still maintains BM the rebel. States were never out of the Union; but he adds "the State institutions are prostrated—laid out on the geottrid.' "T,he power of those persons who made the attempt Ist 'rebellion) has now been crushed, and now we (not they; want to re construct the State Governments, and Aare the power re do it." Ilere it will be seen thtit the President, while contending that the S.outherriStates were never out of the 'Upton, lays it down as an axiom that they have no political power whatever. A State without political power or rights is.- praetie ay, no State a all; and, its powerlessness conceded,l6natters little whether It is to be considered as in or out of the Union. A State without power might as well be out of the Union as in it. The President, in this statent-nt of his - views, iterates and reiterates that the power to reconstruct these States is in our bands, and not In the hands of the rebels. " want to reconstruct the. State • govintments, and have the power to do it," -he atyst " tre can check tippet any stage , . and oblige them to correct their errors," and In another place he says, "tee have the Tower to control the rebel States." This s a concession of ail that the radical Repub-. leans have claimed. The rebel States be . ng prcistrate, cannot be put upon their feet again, except by us. and it is in ..iwn* power to make the platform on which they shall stand. They can have no polit tsl potter in the future, except such as we , •chum to give them. This is the radica stand-point, and the President admits it, in all its length and breath. The possession, by the loyal States, o i theipower to dictate the terms of recon• stru . ption being thus unquestioned, it be- .ssatimes simply a question of expediency, ' 'not of right, bow far'and qptan what ques ilons their power shall be exercised. The „ President and the Radicals agree that the abolition of slavery and the repudiation of • the rebel debt should be exacted of them; but while the radicals think that manhood suffrage should a ]so het lasted, the Presi 4 dent is unwilling to press It aildals stags 0/ the work. But this, we repeat,,,the Prest. 06-k.4 dent himself being judge, is simply a ques- I . •tiort of expediency, and not orright. "It is better , " the , Prosidentins, "to let :them recorstrixt themselves, than to force them to it ;" adding " for, if theY 89 wrong the power [Bin our hands, we can check them I at any stage, to the end, and - 6,61' 9 e them to correct their et rt - re." The "we," we take to mean the Government—Von -great, and the President; and with this broad declaration of the plenary power of the go v. manna to compel the Southern States to do what Is right, in - reconstructing them selves, therepturteseapeliona'lthe' conclu *lon that tlidlelvertinterif can, It It chooses to exercise the power, compel them to con eed Manhood Suffrage and the equality of all men blore the 'Butoshile thus conceding the correctness piths Radloalgroundoand the Witness of the poweref the government to dictate the Terms of reconstruction, the President goes sn to say: "If I interfered with the vote $ll the rebel States to dictate that the negro !shall vote, I paigld dol - Vae same thing for 'my own purposes In Pennsylvania." It ibis not follow; Pennsylvania did not re- A:nor WO° ever lost her rights, as the lbel States have done. She does not lie krostrated, as he says they do. She does tiot need to be reconstructed, nor has be fir the goverment any power over her. !here is all the difference in the world be nwee the two. The government can die- I r . gate terms to the rebel States, because they 'dacrifteed all their rights in trying to get '4'77 the Union, end it coo not do that to nnsylvania, because : she has never nett (iced any of hez- rights The premises, iherefore, being unsound, the coaclualo n :la equally so. ~We do not, however, intend to argue s questiiin, now. bUr principal object is no'e clearly that the' Presidential reeon .truction scheme of to-lal leapt the rata. '.;tition scheme of a fetv;weeki ago, but is a `lancessiokand an aswartioniq th,,g k enthre Owe' over the reconstructing Mutelwtdcla '4O radicalsbave claimed. it The President's fear that the concession it manhood suffrage would breed a war of ices is a groundless one. We have no lonbt he entertains it honestly and serious. f, but It is nevertheless groundless. The Trrithholding of, luffragetrom a majority of the citizens of the South, is much more, -kely to breed a Warof,redelithan the con• fesslon of it. There is never any damage ldoing right; although many' good' naen ave allowed theauselvellO be frightened d the consequeneessf_sloing ir righteous M 4 djust thing. - ' kWe are glad howeitii; to tote, that the ' - resident is willing to:mother - a beginning to confet,the.4gitild vote upon a pew -14 of the ;Voce. ,7f ) the Southern States ho* themseiverliberalenough to concede c in this Alight icootitiald to the negro, they i. iirt 11) find ydnah . pasm. Ihsg otherndite ' - aback glititiVator4:: " • 4• rrsßvitok .fit,.corittELLaviLLEs trAtuuttfen; Attu title &name :axial .'4 lO mtigtt the ?AitsrPfritlY.. idtennelistilleillanzoad ere tesatitell - itt , sse to spronw.ofir' r at;iona• ca the litinQ• '*tch *JP leiril l iV-304tOtt: - 4 3 . 17 be Phiceft49, l 4l4 l troika IthiFltqral - c rue ed oxi•fdiinalili&tbniaefeet:'ltePet ,ble. voltkin pf the. O A t o k e 4o/1 1 14*1 11 *"Pt nt h u • citieldenity .4kekb-It!eeo' P. ` • ,'" F Y kgt 111416 .W.1t40.:4 1 :00 1 . entrtf any 113 14144 on of the pond. rex refeiGiaThisi;iivalweii, Pbltai4ids" it week, iteyltwiik* 4 . 6 l, 4 44 . kk e e . f er tko bet at 'Aittletzta. -:.~.w.~~.._ , ,L.st r 15, the trout the EteitiA; of this city. "From the days of the Colonial struggle, when our noble Commonwealth Mimed lite keystone ot the original arch. when the wisdom of her Gallatin and the private forttme of her Morris were the chief reit ance of Washington down to the present rapidly changing generation, Peansylva ma's voice has always been potent in the Cabinet. But never has she been repre sented by a more illustrious citizen or trier patriot than Edward M. Stanton." We are sorry to deprive our S ate of the benefit of this fine compliment, but while we agree entirely as to the transcendent merits and services of our brave Secretary of War In the performance of the Hercu lean task with which he has been charged, and would be glad to claim him as the con tribution of our own Commonwealth to the Cabinet of the nation, we are under the necessity of correcting the statement of our neighbor on this subject. Mr. Stanton although connected by residence and large practice as a lawyer with this city for a number of years, is no citizen of Pennsyl vania, and, if we are rightly informed, never was, his borne be'ng during all that time at Steubenville, in his native State of Ohio. We should not have thought It worth while, however, Incorrect this error, but for the tact that the singular neglect with which this great State has been treated during the late and present administration of the general gpvernment, has bean habitu. ally met and answered by a reference to this gentleman. We have even heard the Tribt, ne almanac quoted as authority on this point We do no: know that it has ever occur red to our reaoers, because no public com plaint seems to have been ever made, that the great State of Pennsylvania—the very first. we think. in the Union, with a popu lation amounting to one sixth of that of all he tree States—giving the very largest majorities for the Republican ticket, and maklng the first and largest contributions to the war, has not been honored since the time of CAMERON with either a represents in the Cabinet or at any first class court abroad, while New York, otir. SEWARD' h own Stare, which he has been enabled to hold throughou .1 and Massachusetts, fur nish nearly all the foreign ambassadors' Even Kentucky which votod against us, is distinguished by a leading mission and a seat in the Cabinet. Why this is we do not know. It is very unlikely that it could have been accidental. I: cannot be, certainly, because we have no men in Pennsylvania who are equal to the positions, or a match for men to whom they have been actually assigned. We have heard other 'reasons for it so far as the Sta•e Department is concerned. We du ' not know that they are true, but If it had been the purpose to ostracise and punish Pennsylvania for some preference which she chose to indulge before the election, it could not have been done more effectually. When an adviser Is wanted at Washington, or a special agent is to be sent abroad to elp out our Diplomats, it is the same thing. It is not Pennsylvania that is called upon but an Albany politician or a New York priest or attorney, who have not been able to keep their own State loyal, and repre sent anything bat the sen•imentof the Re pubhcan party of the North. Who ever heard of any bsdy in this State being want ed for anything important except to fight nrd rote? There is no State in the Un on, we think, that Is so entirely unrepresented and has so little to do with the Executive ' Department of this Government. All she has to rely on Is her Representatives in Congress. for which she has no occasion to be grateful to anybody. BEECHER ON RECO NS llt UC TION Mr. BezcnEn's sermon on the chief po litical Issue of the day, will not raise him lin the estimation of his many friends. Re is terribly afraid of offending the South, and he urges upon the people that they must not exact anything from the rebels that would lower their sense of self-respect. This is the sum and substance of his sec -111011. Our own self-respect is - nothing theirs is everything. "The laws and Inter eats of the government and ourselves," he says, "q,ll prove of it o avail if they are hostile and unpiecsant to the white people of the South." Oh, dear ! And so, after four years of war, the sacrifice of three hundred thousand lives, and the expendi ture of three thousand millions of money, to put down the rebellion, we mast not do anything in restoring the lintOn that would be unpleasant to the white rebels whom we have conquered. If it has come to this, dear Ma Beectren. the war was fought in vain. It were better that we had saved our money and the pro touts blood that has been spilled, than come back to the point at which we started, and surrender everything again Into the hands of the South. If we had allowed the South to do as she pleased there won] f have been no rebellion, and If we are to do nothing now but what is pleasant to the rebels there Is naught left us but to humbly beg them to come and resume their rule over It was not this that Peter preached on Pentecost. Re did not spare the feelings of his auditors. lfe told them phitaly they were murderers, and doubtless the truth was unpleasant to many of them. Ilid he stopped to coruibler what was pleament to their painter, the gospel weiniii not that day have been preached by him. The rebels hate been guilty of the great est national crime. Why should we stop to inquire what Is pleasant to them? We require nothing of them but what is tight, and we require it because it fa right. If the right is pleasant to them, so far well; but If it is unpleasant to them, it Is none the less our duty to exact in The idea that we should not only consult, but luz guided by the likes or dislikes of reb e l s and nr i m u nds, is preposterous, and unworthy of so clear a thinker as lisnur Wenn Rattenna. Tn.E Cincinnati Commercial has been en larged, and is now pnblishe4 in a.quass o form. similar to the Tribune and the Time, of New York, The Commerefall, a spirit. ed and en'erirising caper. Always the re cipient in a large degree of popular favor. its present improvement will make It still more deserviai than ever of such favor in the future. . Tag Tidlouts CAronidd, published by Ed ward Stevens, is the rime of a ism week ly•from Warren county. It displays split atld itniie. It promises to be 'a .strictly 1/ O OS/Juurnal, devoted to theYreal interests of the whole Teeple," and t, p.ilities, as /tick will be eschewed." We hops so. ra,mir ilanadruosts,—Tha 421:ter • ( 111 4 n iota lia7s Aldwia llsithaleateir. sold il ubi .abo T a, years, who wll r blithe bra' idiff bihr lasi Jim died ha that city as 4U- Mk tut. mr. B, epiaphansd of being anent l ally the day . beta ba died. 7.1•,T9_51i1F pip pea, • raving _ fool iont.irtaiiiamtla sbupaimouhtbilaritheadiesd poieaaaaM Itntio, vs Clcrwed in avicias ciaaantiaa, t o - Use wild, Oiling Ind enluied,ifit trt , Ini z ar%. :to POcklab- wbUif • hia /Pads, Wars "and, la ,-;thatloa au the tiliak* 'thin . ii . ' at - acalatthir at' Adflinat ;to bjwif wind.' Isaighalr PerOpi Wad' *t . Dt.tat h t Ufa. Elia rasibgainali traly Ails. tab* .1 Wog, an hoar tears his deafly tits' • pailidit beeatea pellbetly quiet, and Said ha was offering . Wl= hydiwybobbi, sad wild the slimily, ' ST A TT. NEIYSI Thc members of the preys renrroliy and a Pure cumber of "capitalisto" remained in Meadville over Sunday and appear to have ;teased the day In driving about in carriages prov.gcd by r:iiZer.e. The !Nay If-publienn k pleased Ith the exprosiona of carwise and satisfaction with *nigh the party regarded the aloe of tlan lowa and the numerous evidences of its sub stantial growth and prosperity. The parry. we suppege, admired greatly the handsome churches in that place—the more so because of the evi dence they afforded - of the Sunday-go -to-meeting hahita of the people. Tue Meadville Republican of yesterday says Among the arrivals at the McHenry House on Saturday mixing were Hon. Simon Cameron, G. B. P. lihartY•it. S.e.. of the Philadelphia Press, D. C. Forney, Esq., of the Washington Cluo"cle, sad George Bergner, Esq., of the Harrisburg Tricgraphr. They remained over Sendai' and left this morning on a tour through the oil regions. "Tar Northeastern School of Desk3n for Wo ru,n,,7, Wilde...harm, Pa, wm organized/3D Fri day evening last, by the election of the following officers, General E. L. Hanna, President.; Washington Lee, Jr„, Vice President ; E. P. Darling, Secretary; Lewis C. Paine, Treasurer; T. W. Braldwood, General Superintendent. FRom the Meadville Republican we learn that, a few days shim the venerable Colonel John ston and his wife, of Vernon tp., died In the same hear and nearly the same minute. They were among the oldest residents of that town_ ship, and were much esteemed by their neigh bors.' Tem r rice of fat hogs In this market ranges at from $l6 to no for 100 pounds. This is rather • stiff price when corn iv selling at 7b cents for two bmheis In the ears, ft la doubtful whether these prices can be maintained much longer.— Tort Prrettaylvanials. Tan charter for the Titusville, Peurisy gas and water company bee passed into new her di., and this enterprise which, for some time, his lion dormant, now promises to be vigorously pushed forward. 1 HE physicians of Crawford county act In M cool We on Tuesday. Novem be r 7.b. to COGERILL In regard to some ucifoim systeto of collection and other matters of importance. F.No. n W. ttlitor of 1:1 , P1ii1.141..1- 1.1113 Stinchly TrartArrii4, haA hot A1LL..,..0 rell,LL,li Agent for that city, vi,e Lb. lit,• inr•uni. Lott, Mr. Poulson. A rine broke on in Franklin, no Saturday w1,121:i a nittmtd a new restaurant. a store, a store, barb, hottl, etc—prom by valued at it.. 400, It is supposed to have been 04 work of an Incendiary. Tut hog cholera Is prevailing to a great ex tent among the portiere In the vlcluity of Holli daysburg, ?a. PUBLIC NOTICES, -TINE PIA YS)IIA 1 , 1'1%---JANIES DUN. A 1.4 , 1/14, Alderman of the Fourth ward, at the solicitation of friends., has consented to al. to. Inv tome to be used to connection With the next Na3oralty, and will be a candidate subject to the inter; rote of the people, In iteCOltnancie wit h the reentninentintiOn of the lain Reptibliona utnelp•l eacksenti qt2s;te BAN A NNUALSCROII, (let 14th, 1915. Tli E ELPC (lON Pon DI. EEC ['OHS of t hi. Hank, trill be hold at the Flanking House. on MONDAY, Novenitet 20 h. between the hours of lu e. Y , and 2r K. c Annual Met tine of •Ineltholdere silt be Field on YUI.ISL AY, Nu oember MII, et II O's/0...k, oeltkltdlttsF JOHN HARPER. CesAler. STOCII UOLDERS OF l'A RXEN 5' Ali D COIikNIC 3 TURNPIKE ROAD COMPANY, Are ri quested ro paT the Fourth Instalment of TEN Ir ,, LL ARS PER SHARE LMOMlletely. et the office et the Treasurer, corner of Third and Wood streets. Those in arrears for former in stalments, will please give ettention to this call. nod thus miabla the managers to prosecute the wort to completion. By ostler of the Board. oclo4lwd JOHN. B. SEMPLE, treasurer. NEW ADVERT/SERI:MTS. C0 -PA RTN ERSECI P. —The undersigned Oase this day associated themselves under the firm of NEIL Is RITUBAttr, for the pu,p.nie of transacting a FL.01.711, °RAIN, PROLtri.2l.7, FEEL AND U031.81255/LiZi BUSINESS, at No.. 281 and 23.1 Liberty meet. Cet. 1. IS — o. 2 f!' Ikt Tb BART 11 . 0 US E IN ALL litifLEDl Y. I ogler for male a cnor ealeat and well locate., two story 1.[1: ICH LW 110 L St:, No. kit Hohmann street, Ageism...cry. Contains B room.. beside [Walled Attie. Gas sad water In thr house bath room, range 1n kitchen. for fu•ther del eriptlon, apply to b S. BRYAN, cc:s 67 Four ct. ( Burks'• CUL WI Rl' RESIDENCE TO LET. A BRICK. COT rAGE DOUSE, Al Oakland. within fifteen minutes' walk from LT, , filtleod Steffan. A good well of Water. and stern Of 1010 Water;Yruit Trees, b.e. inquire of ote0:11rd L.A./ill NOCK, 1 1 5 Poorth -11r•til; AND LOT AT AUCTION IN I; EAST WEINIEIDAT, 1.50, at 3 r. w will I, • sold on the premise. lo twit loWerty, corner or • St•tion and rranklto atr. et, one lot 3011 . 2 d feet. on which there to erected a traine 1/welling of eight room; property o Mrs. trerttt, ectenoled by U. It. Floatarlck, Eatf Posaesatoo April Tat Terms at sale. ocxa T. A. btet:LELLAND. A tietioaetr Fon SALE. - • ONE NEW TUBULAR BOILER 6 feet 1 lectim diameter. 11 fret lons, having three flora. eight It rhea altimeter; Ft flow 1 inr tee ammeter, each 10 tetl 6 Itches di tenet, twilit:tier rartlc duo roil on the undersighe J. at the cotter of Pike oral if Kismet...de. 111 aCRINT(t.S g 111531.PH1LL & CO cefitLtied fiESILIABLE LOCATION vOR COL T IN. -e-FTFT :Atlas FUR Sea.; minuteon Squir rel )101. four Mlles iron the guy, IX mike Irani Langldin'e ring on of t 1 e Conneassille ha:lroad: S. AMA on Which in a ftl o..tiaed of tree 4.0 Fenn Trees of fine quality; In good eesealwon : Tenant Rowe, sad shoat b acres of Coal, with P1 L . :: = . 1 . 0 . 1 :wri1n,4j0i.,.„, the ear" e.'els. tog 1 3 acres, pertly andenall with not/ For plot and Other information, apply to 0,19 B. 461.41 N L CO. tog Fourth oh FOIE SALE, TWO Ci.IIFOLTABLE TWO S rus Y BRIOK DWELLINGS, Nos. to sod t 9 R OSP STREET; TEN BUILDING I.:GS UNt ENTRE A VENT'E, amiTW , , Bt'ILD MG LUIS LIN SHAEPSISURG. kloqutre •1 Wit H WILLIAMS, ry-tU:sf d WOW street, corner of Third. 5.:81'' tat parties Interested ere hereby notited that the under. shined, viewers appointee to make 11.1weeenavat of the costs alai rapteses of makings Sewer sod Its Oral:mhos from Weatttaston Mx. awl Cedar aye' nUe to the Pronsylvactla Canal, rearth marl, Al. laghetty, trill heel at the BEOUtittihrti REli C• LATOR'S DiTICF., at City Rell . to sald city, on eATUBLIMY, Orttoer r9th , et to o'clook. ato hear appes!s from tour assessment,* , vent of Which n. 47 In seen st oft w la toe meantime. DILWInI.TS. BENET IRWIN. WM. ftleiii;Thitti IF FALUN(' ' , IA", Oi totolug Oree, cinl/ at the CENTRAL DRII'; bTORE, 'tad procure • bottle Al. HAIR P6t.:4ENVGII. One ten; will G 02 1 ,11.. 700 01 all 1 moue. Also, GLYCERINE CREASE. COLD urci; for chapped hands, :Ave, sod Sue. 170 E r, DYSPEPSIA CT'RE U. SWAYNE'S C;(..aTPULND SYRI.P OF M LLD MsfiklLY. YOU wlil always ant no hood at the CENTRAL DRUU &ZULU, eor. of Uhlo and Federal streets, ALlrerheay. e2:l GEOMIE A. KELLY TnE AiLLEW:LENY COUNTY AGRICULTLRAL SOCIETI GRAND SWEEPSTAKE PREMIUM, On Wednesday, $30,00 for Trotters and Pacers. 4111 - Some of the - BEST HORSES In the eouatrY are already enteral, lattenee, tea per {eat. of the above. 044-1 W INURE YOUR uraiiiTili CHARTER OAR LIFE InueiNCE CO., , OP 1141111701111, MILL, IN 11LE ONLY Luz umiliartz , ow:a:met AXE& )W A - that-naive makes pay, al ha. intik( 04. =, rgyromp ( 1,1!,h1 1 hit s.a4 vat 3 OtO flu u tjurripprj Uti.SOll;4looni sabursty.lovessed to public stooks awl inctrtaas. of HE¢y ESTATE. It lamve halts Jet& ysaioj bloom* sad worn to *holmire lap 0 i . roams et tts sum of UNS. MLitt DOLLiBI3. 'rota& Oats not a sines cad* or uttsattoo has oacarre 4 ,,,ao,asktftoof that 41bar• &lay tair dealing Is a spostalltrylth this Oatriyout . The pq ottis of fgt. fiotoputy ata obt Airfolti4 by reason of tonlaymtat of ptinottna attar tha factual fear. Na VA-meats required' altar , ten learthont polteles coottnuagoort rhyousti ph. aahs: j, Kt. WItt.ILL Ptialdeht. 'N.IB. PAL YAM Prestdart. • "8, B. tha trasz. .flyabab OtnahlOr 'stun Paoisilyaata, orbit* Monism and Mar* AO,VbtfattoairtU tura** 04.38 Wave oceenn. rubburm A3B waited throughout the but*. ANA, to CM , 174 F. E. GOODELL, Stay 241101 NEW ADVE}'TrSEMENTS WA/STEP, AL SOY, Po [sacra 14 and 16 rear. of Age tn at.... None red c ars except, these ha; Ag Lt.° brit of refer, urea. Apply at sAMt'EL LEVIN, octtaitd No. li St. Char street. —-- - - ' LATROBE P ERT RoPY FOR SALE. —A comfortable two story Brick Dwelling House sad large lot of greued pleammtly altuate In Latrobe; ball, (rent porch. Parlor, tire rham hers, rood closets. pantry. dining room, alteneo, wa.h Cruse, real emote. two wells of water, fruit and shade tree., shrubtses7, etc. Price ISLAM terms, etc., apply at the Neal Estate othce of or o S. UIITHBEHT at SONS, No. Cl Market etreet. GREAT CHANCE FOR AGENT& 13AT T/IE PEOPLE WA.NT, he 61 PANDARD HI TORY 01 THE WAR, complete in one large volume of over 1090 page., splendidly Illustrated with over Igo line portraits of Generals, Battle Scathes, Maps and Diagrams. This work has no rival as a candid, lucid, coot rlete, 'Wheelie and reltable diatory of ea war. It contain. reaeing matter equal to thn e large rctavo volumes. Send forciraulan and um our terms. Address JONES BBOV. t CO., oc,15:1 and Philadelphia, Pa. Orrice 0? hil T nd U e ß l p,hlTaA r Wol7k T NOTICE P IS HEREBYGIVE that a sPWIAL MEETING of thestockholdere the PETRONA OIL CIOALPANY be held ac their Whet, No. 624 Walnut. etree.t, Rooms Noe, *1 end W., on WEt.NESDAY, November let, Itig4, lu o'clock, for the 'pedal PUrnote Or redo the Capttal Stock of the maid Company f rom Five )lundred Toonnand Dollar. to One Finadrect and Seventy-nve Thoneand Dollar*. HENRY L. ELDER, ALEX. OARRECT, 1. M. RILEY. VLOUR AND DRAT A. too bbl. Fatally Flour, white wheat, ant, do do red do; too do .10 spring do: 34, bush prime Ear Corn; 0 do „ sheiled do; 0004 bash Osts; o do Spring Batley, I • sr load 91111 Feed. In store and for wale by PATTERSON, AMMON & 00., D 05. aiit and 302 Penn street ';S;10.00 R&WARD.--JNO. F. BALDN, a one arnaml so!ther, mho lost his arm In the Wl battle or th e Wilderness lost h. I . :A 1.0 r H Ir Fr Eli 1)01.1. \R3 on Sat: uritrix I.erober Jim, In the telegrapn ofTh-e, o tor alr tag er on th e ran r.andie Railroad at Burger Coon. I had saved the mode] and Just Collected It, and was en my return home with the Intention of Bring tu r thool to educate myself se I could earn my living Any person informing CAW JOHN A WOJUIJ , of 1. inner:mess II le, Al. le6.eny ve i.nty, Ps ,or leaving at ruts OF. FICI, tout receive the strove reward ant ob:dre me. o id .td rigs Modern Houses For Sale Handsomele /oesled OD Watiater Cieet Oil of Meet L'eximiana,l near Ohio Street coin a Ore new, and Ina lea.o/y ice:gh!iorho,xt. houses aid of Loodemilbuild, and Csnibine all the Conveniences USUALLY FOUND IN FIRST CLASS HOUSES Apia) for further talormation to s. S. BR tN. 5 IV4 Youth St.. ‘flt,ke FOURTH STREET p DRUGGETS . 0 - 1 CRUMB CLOTHS. VVWe ere et v. recta, lag • lull Ito. fg,p of the Above good. Al•o, • full .•ortzttent Of erert Mktg to the CARPET LINE. I=l cC;I The Lowest Rates. W.D.& 8. hfc.C.ALLI7II, 116 Ert FOURTIi STREET. 2 CARPET STORE. TENN YSON CLUE LECTURES.- Al the request ((mane. the Leettree Oonseslnce ' of the TENNYSON CLI , EI tute• consented to ntshe a limited number al COURSE TICKETS for the Beuon of 1%5-S. The list of Lecturers for the coming Season comprises thanamel of RUN. OEOHOE THOM rs‘nN. AVM. LLAYS Lo GA Et HLSUN, WENDELL PHILLIPS, REV. HENRI S JAJNIk.i'• MURDOI `R. ET. REV JOHN HENRY If °OK And others. A <owns of TAN 1-.LV E IskCr uats will be given from the first 01 Novensbor neat-. OELliitlE THOMPSON, the Kreat swath Cvmesoher, stall deliver TWO LECTI.'RES be fore the Club cm NiIiNUA Y and TI'ESUST I.VENINGs, II member Mb as 1 "1 . h Mr. Thompson ow ieetur• oaly far the "teeny. •on Club. Season Tlek•la 0 M. no. - (or sale 8.1 the ono pal Book, tdusle 000.1•rus Stores Reserved seats will be held at a.: the 'sett,. for holders of season t islets se• thootektra coarse. rif.o. T. VANPORLN, heal. BATES & BELL ATTRACTIONS =ll NEW QOOD FOR SPREAD MdESAILIEB QUILTS Honey-Comb Quilts, (RIB BLINKE'TS No. ~ ! 1 Filth f trees CLOSINO SALES OF Government Hoes,' and Modes Q WARtilloToff . AAAAA 11. September th, I le, • 11.3. 1; tII b . 0.01d hiablio suct.lo I duiliit the of IN-TONER, to the hlgli• it [ltalic.: it to to. • sod pLocca named Getout •tz - NEW yintK N.. York city, Totality of caili wrea ti .e 1,4, tact day. PENNSYLVANIA Plisladelphla froottila, of cacti -teat, lOU tact day. It, adelphla. Sotto - dot of each week tel each dap 1 utidity of each week, lOU alc• nth day. Harrisburg. Thi. , %.l•y of each week, 101 if,rses each day. Reading. Tussd•, ticiober i , lbo Hoare. Orsensburg, Friday. October 11, 160 Hursom. J-abcasiet, Thursday, iscsuber 10, NO Horan. Pltisburgh, Thursday, October 4e , ibn Allentown, Tuesday, Fictobar 11 , lbc norm. DELAWAItr... Wilmington, Friday Of each week, ion Ilorser Sub day. Vila legion, Tuesday of each week, lou Mules WlOl dal , St. Louts, October, I, 4,6, A, •, u And 10, lot, 11,11311 each day. SI.. Louts, October it It. 13 and 11, 160 Hone eact, day. St, Louie, October 3c, 00, on, to, 2+4, zo, .9.1 at —l6O :duke etch sat. OILS Btt IU , L . c Tuesday and Thursday of each week, to, Hurler actattry. Ro •Ates of Main will take place at •U. The animal, to be sold in October aro super. for to any heretofore Ofheeed to the public. The majority of them are sound and aerylocabla, It to expected Heal et Ms Eerier of Sales all the tor phis Goterneresu drtlesels tell G drepoeed of. Illyrr El4oula therefore cyan throe leer of this last oppErtu Illy , to parr/lean A Diallat will be cold singly. Sale, to commence at 10 a. m each day. Tern s—OASH, to United ytateli Ourrency. NAMES A. ERIN, Bret. MU- Gan. In charge ae21140rY20,1 Fleet pi.. Q. M. G. 0. .10AL ARD LIME PROPERTY FOR SALE—On eke Steubent Ulm Railroad, oaten stiles from the city, CONTAIN/NU ORE nvirrut ED AND EIG HT Y SIX AGREE. Stem and Water Mertes and Saw 111111, sad ether fine lesproversests. For Anther Informstlus apply to WILLJAAI WARD, (Opposite Dui ltathedral4 WAD street, Ho. DA GOLD PARLOR PAPERS, of.oOlLittliZ PADELs, For WWI, Dlsilhl Bohm.. he. iticria PAPERS, lor In groat vaztati cad nemAgglea Alen.. NgiIALIN $/. 1 4 1 1-Vr. r4lo, atoaa. am; at of wocigSTlTY.tr, Seco* daor)letota,Plataond, octliZtte.T 14Onftgat.Par,016,8. A eSll-3 9 E ' 1 l - 74-9T a W tl 4s4 roi nnear g wen t agt,hopi tab lag cad gallant ft -my ntfte!i.ag ,.l9l # latch and van Womb at my ollogeltatel ttoMkdag r October, Met after width aardb ands , ' over to In. Ott) Trossurarfor collocate% oluxralf ita ztrauwzmilli • Indthir Blenlato.fi 'firth, Ootoberia, ogralt4 Pitzabtih, (111, tverexke, mt. large plot of (naafi on Mon . " Lilasel" Took., Stack, Fingtoo. Pampa lad all usassalry fixtures to do a bap Outten. to otrlind at , 10W Prin. 6 NoLAIN k 00, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. pROPOSAL6 FOR SUPPLIES. Qreererftlf C. 8 M. C„ C, o...toLer PM. ISFAI-Fr. I ateq , at,i re reaci•ed nl this olltoe until d o'clock. t!,e2.9.11:13v NoVEmßkii Is:Ex y, for foto:sting to the totted Stoles Marine Corp. dur ing the rear loch. the following supplies, to be de brered at the office of the Ann Mutt 14part,,..... ter of the Marine Corp., Phliarielphie, Panosyl v•ala. tree of expense to the Cntted States, to cur!, quehtitles as rosy frt to time to time be re slotted. 111=M1 IMMIC7I - - 13,610 yards of Sky Bios %army, all wool, free from hair, 64 trachea wide, to wetga 22 otiocce to th, }era (indigo wool-dyed 6,6n0 yard. 0. Dark Riot Hervey all wool. free from hair. 64 thaws wide, to weigh 22 ouoces to the yard (indigo wool dyed ) ~fOO yard. Dark Blue 'Swilled Cloth all wool, for uniform loots (Indigo wool-clyeo,) , ineheo wide, to weigh 02 ounces per yarC len ys, ch of Scarlet Cloth all wool, (000hhseal. dyed, 61 mates wide, to lea It ounces per yard. CLASS N 2. 0000 yard. oft 4 Dark Blue Flennel, for or,. lucks, all wool. (Indigo woolelyed,) 04 incOes wide, to weigh it ounce. per Fah]. 18.0002 yarte or Dart Blue Fl enel, for ehirts, wool, (Indigo wooLtlyesio a hushes wide, to weigh IN ounces Fee yard. ('U ti ray Illsokeu, ail wool, to weigh 4 pounds each, to be 7 feet long and 6 feet 061., sad free from grout. 1,5 , 0 pairs of Woolen Sacks, ihreis sire; properly made of good fleece wool, with disable and twleted yarn, to %eclat three pounds peedoran poles, free from grease, _ - (MASS 140. e. 7.C00 yards White Linen for pants, ladies virtue, to weigh is ounct• per yard. to; roc yg,og White I.lsion fur Shlgta, SO inches wide, to weigh 11 ounce!_per yard. 17,000 yar emton Flannel, for drawers, .1 Inches wide, to weigh 7 ounces per rant. 6.000 yards Cotton Tick', g for henna Ike. ('I. (SS NU. 4, 11,no0 Cotton:li Caps complete, (except pom pon I,:ite Pontoons, red worsted, ball-shape, and fire I,befi in ally imfrreries. 4,170 Fatigue Caps with rovers. I I hr mails of blue cloth, (Indigo wool-dyed. 1,4 0 CLASS NO. 5. 6.4 P 61011 COO But ton., (Ludt.) 'to grow Jacket Nottooa, ( e taxte.) . 76 troll Vest Buttons, I Eagle.) o watts Yellow At. List Urex • eute and S. ale btrap.. celta Epaulet Bollton ;aecgeanta an.; of porous. la• Bullion f•ar via a to sv 311,1 . 4 4•110 S 16J as • 1004. g oaa , )ar•ts boat 1 . 04 d eo WOY 101 - ~g .a • • Hrort!el 60r ~I:.cos Urf,l ; SC4O. - ; Jr, 2 7rtunt tree .:tat 8., • et Drum limb, 20 nitre 10 0 .0. Heal, 1501 rum (lords :daetta of Dr Lana Sao, a . .16 loon ood • Itt" Cc, aa• pairs Latum tatlekr I...tt.as Nil. 6 4 . 0 . AIM) Bolt .. isslatarr pa cll • el. V 4 1. S NO 7 Mt, art rldjer Bxta walla l ' ilagotaltaea : 0 , 0 Baronet Scabbards HP a i.,,0n 0 .7 900 I'. (lap I . ol.tehen. 1.00 ear 11:d Box Belts. ;no W ale Haab r .00 Wad.: Plates Sword flog. Liti=ll2 ,COO K n•I sacks au it at tt1114:46 110 1 001110. 0.0 3.1 , 1.ket :Afro \ Vra: making art! iwtomtng i .e tol..vivr eruct., St stet Coate I'nf'orm 'oat. for eerseanta, .rp wais t mu*, taw and pilrawa. I. wig de prlr•tes Coats serge•nte, eorpot•le. muel. ilJa. oohWn d'ants for ectireants, curporn s. mutt clans and privates Linen Pants for serge ants, ot porde, musician/ and pdvatee flannel Shirts. Linen Shirt.. Drawer. was. Wo . l. Led and Buse Jackets for boy. Ins abate treats.ed arth:ss mud :4/I[o. - 0, to reapvt - e to the !waled standard patterne is t etce at the Quartermaster, Marine r'orps, Ma rine Barracks, Wad:Wigton, U. U.t Aeelstaut Qu u artermaster's LlClice, Marisa C0rp..C0rp.. 220 South prth street, Phjiadelpitia; and at tn. Mart. ht./cols, Brooklyn New Tara.. Baton, and - •ach towit 5, where tbey ea t ba eintuttned. Aid whenever the art ales named shore, or any 'onion of them, atlall M conetdared no not fatty hound to tor - Wa emit or Mks to sale they Witt be Injected, and t lie contractor wit/ mp I. hn others of the equl•ed kind at on., or the Quarterm niter Itt ill fill [Le deficiency at the expense of the Con tracter. hey meats will I e made upon the accepted de livery of the whole quantity which may from time to time Le ordered, withholding tea ler oent. Croix the payment of account rendered under drat order us Ell record order Is Ailed, and ten per cert. from 110:01.1 at readered under second order until third order is tiled, and so on until contract Is temple t. 1. Eaolowin proporal tenet acaompanied by the tot g etiaraniee YOKht F GUM:ANTE& l be caderaigne•l —, of —, In the State of and ---, of ---, to the Stahe of iterebv guarantee, •trat La Co., the hwegolni Old of -- for suppilea as atrov a described be accepted, be or they will. within ten Jaye after the receipt •t 1 the ontrart at the post e Mee nanny execute the contract for the nave, with good and aunt t sureties, and In case the :mad -- abet/ roll to enter loth contract as aforesaid, we guer•ntee to uttthe good the dttference between the oft.' of the raid sod th•t tenter.may he accepted. What.. A. 8.. titararstor. E. V. C. It, quanta.... I ~e retu re : et the a 1 r•e maned -- are or property. Slid ere able to tr•ha,e Lean their gt.aralatee To be rugned by to. Unt•ttl Stet es Diet fie' 'mice I ruled States 1. to riot Attorney or Collector. NO proposals Irrra h. cocaossero unless at, an. peeled by Me abov• guarantee. Newspapers Kull:tonna to publian the Lh•th will sena tLe.paper eontaintng the lint Insertion to than once lux examination. The b,ttmte place of blaelLkeee, or manufacovr• log astallartmett must ta ape-thrall) ethtel Ia the proyoards PlOporal4 to I. •ttr10:1,1 on tha envelope ' Pro petals not Suppllea loe the !Thrice Uorpo (or 19 en.ll,loleseeo to 3 / 6 J012 WM. 14 BL.IO/C. lomr , roka•ter 51 C. W lart4.l. .• 11. 1/419 C~:C~I.I~' The choicest flock of OOLD AMID SILVER WATCH E.. Cf.“. lii AND JEWELS V, ever brought to kibo sh/13y Ott_ e. .w b. lota SI tae oTORI: of T. H. KLAGES. i, Z a eclrnil t,_. wt.er. N WISTCREJ of Die Oe co in makers JEWEL. HY Of It. ne messstyles, CLOCKS of every deo , nritt EL oe of Lou Ante/lean PLATED caskets. ISILVEiR ANL/ T OtaJDS, duet SS Yorks, tipoOne and liollOw Ware. Bohemia/3 mid grench Cid]a ana tilass Viatilis of ahoicest patterns; .net all articiee belonging to nay rt 7 a Of anal:ass 'shish Will be sold at a vC eal REDU TION' ' fine W•ieh and Jewelry wort esrefulty mate and rrpalrea. }llgbest pr c• poll for U. 4 Dott% Imagist the place, ID Federal eeeee at 'ashen y. noll.lod I' . A. 2,1( CLEL LAA AUCTION 1 LOUSE Dill GOODS & SHOE ETIBLIALIMENT, Ni A • 5: ill - 11/ STREET MASON! , HATA, ft, .1 1.1.' •. seirs•lsj WIIot , ESAI.t. AYIi II 6rA II 1. I'l PlIE:1711:07 GOLD PEN PLINUFAOTERER, Philo Noll, ror. Third nod !lariat lit., Peeond Story, esitrwhee on Third nreet Uold Pe. efiti gold awl Silver Ponatl wholeeele and retail Pros repeat-ad P., hu. ha•lete Pen. t. repair "1...4 thew by mall, and they will he returrod. oe yd TUltf AZ4II FANCY Ovollti, J G. LAUER'S, I'Vc.. 101 SVltax - Ix.et Street. NEAU nent Unn 4e fo /nil a complete •nI beautiful variety of TOTS. I'iILSENiS AND PANr'V OVADS, et very reasooeb:e prices CV' la coloftetle itazt.di Rot/all cos DwiiudNo Bib st IN ALLECIUnty L one sari a hall .to frame Cottage Holier, eon. talning two parkfm, dining roots, kirslaus and Solar chambers, With voter oerupying a lot 69x ThS, WOO aulttratei sad orulime..ted with shrub bog and shade !reit The surroUndings tif gessanti affording ample spire* for fresh sit, tad e outlook on the three Tirol* tommandins an fatenslre and varied slew For nuttier lnfOrssistion s a lv an Sn Ia.'IAN "troller, Toorth ietAlurkefs PistuZlGl OF Vir4Tbo4l fiTaranpb The anustneuts upon the ppopettaes Deport ed to pay the damages of W Rinehart I at the opening of Watson strew, have bide Vs.-- hA l ar d, t" ".11 " ° t_ty6, h ereby Al'Ara— trho utir azztryttie,,,,, %vs, dap. (t om UM dote, or the said asussutenca wilt baffled up as /leas *palm the properties, with Intermit, costa aidiron for coneetiorts.. W. E. WilirS, oetlllote 941 lotter. D IaCKETTELT.Infor. 1 4 7 AI:tattoo wanted of kit. STEWAItt marble ,deafer, Of Pittsburgh, Pa„ ou the hake of the titY Meer, who Married a NW TriNgETTs. t 7 h aia hip god ' tr brther, gime apikm, etr elre, b eak somethlag iresUr 46 tit,* giT/11 1 / 4 0 by •&ening S. .it,9,4l7Pptptt, Broadway, Neel er3ateog I zits lE g o Leman., to arrive Rod for WON! firrltaltWoodO .9 , Nom. NO too ttS street TIRE BRICR.—For sale by HENRY H. OOLLINs. NEW ADVERTISEMENT = T 1 M - E Zl. I Zta, . IRON CITY PARK, CONTINUANCE OF THE FAIR FOR THREE DAYS, MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, Oct. 23d, 2-Ith and 241 h, I S6:l The Managers, having concluded to oentlnue the FAIR FOR THREE LAYS LONGER, and the Exhibit ors kindly contenting to leave their stock and articles, on ealdbltten (or that time, have the pleasure of enhounclng that there will le on each day of the Fair, at 2 o'clock, r. A MULE RACE, For the amusement of the young. Also, Cult nay TRIALS OF SPEED FOR BLOODED LNIMA LS, Under the direction of Jodges. On Tuesday Afternoon. at 3 o'clock, A GRAND CAVALCADE LIDI A\D GE\TLEMEN EQUESTRIAIIS. There mllllOO on ewL day be s G R AND (I AV AIeIADEOF ALL, THE s rocK ON EIIIIO/. THIN, at 1 o'clock r. Y. ) Let all eepertakeuts Hal be received etatil MONDAY EVENING. Suceeasful competitorr alit re:vire handsottiol7 designed Certificates of the Society. Ray and Straw provided grail for stOck McNeill exhibitors remainins sry:, b Asouieue,d with duplicate cards or re-ent--, upon uppij out i ou at the olli•er to compete '7,itti new exhibitor. ;It!. ..'iciimt• a cordial co-operation 0, ,0 ° pubis . to. shorts to extend the useful• o •er 01 . ..oe S ' , 1. ty cludtss the present exhlolt lon, urge all Lady Equestrians to a% nil 'broach, r• ol thim proper encluragemen: to a:. 4t on r chss, ern nn I healthy 4.-Trnkna ay Me an.l Allegheny Valley R•llt , ,as art the ocr .11.4 )A Rlb CLOA N AN L) FUR LM P0R11.31 CLOAKS AND FURS THE LARGEST CLIEJIPEST STOCK Cloaks and 1.--7T'iirs ll THE CITY H. OMiEENHAUSER & CO., Otll;mktirat3 Marlcol StrNUM THE CRINDEN ( MESSRS JOBS F. HUNT & CO , v:LL I 1'1'1.1,11 lal tIFI.,A ILLY ~S 1 ITS t Q3IPLLTIvS F - FRAT.I7 R EPORT EXTRAGRDINARY TRIAL PAMPIILLI leßii JOHN P HUNT & CO.. Publishers SS 1 17'111 ST HEET. saorue HAL ors VW IS THE Tlmr, 61 Market Street the Place, To sEitRE GIIHT BARGIITS BOO'S IS AND SHOES Lad les Maroc co Sewed 800 t... V 2,75. worth Do, do do do 13almara:a.t.1, worth U r sa do Lasting do do three solve, for et,25, worth $5,00. Ladies* Laming Congree Gaiter.; throe worth 10,00. ladle.' sewed Tipped Llalnaorals, hsai y ..... worth ji,ta. And al/ other goods in proportion ne member the name and number. J, A. ROBINSON & CO GI MARKET STREET Next , It.ot 'o BARBER'S Itts flood• Store or 9 - - A • )16F , 0L UT 1()N -- lie CO. PA EIT.N111:. tall! . heretofore existing between the en there under the Itrnt or STEEL II BAILEY, is thi• dey d R•oivrd he tetanal eoneene .11tytY 11,111 EY. who continues the !mettle., H ttt y anti - 10 , 1re.1 to .epic the accounts 01•aitl THOMAS SI bEt. JJIIS It 11.1ILEI. 111 "tiling Nona ti firm of Si EEL At BAT 1.1. T. 1 eordially refincoil my Int* pattri•r to the pal runage t.f U:11 ow met friend. an, tuft itoors. , 101 IN I. BAILLY tSuccestat terLF.l, & BAILEY Steck Broker and Real Estate Agent. OT Stocks bought .nd sold on CommlsCon (Mee, 1171.1 i I N % II AI.I. Pittabu.sh oc. 19L" fIRILEAS, 1, HOBEItTII LECKY, of the City and tionnly of Allegheny, end State oll of 10. Penna., did oh• EIR aln of ,he ena c t' X-Ir.laPIV .491.9 r El OTT t' Atatta, dated :day SOth, 1065, rot osprosemrul io lams for Oil Tols, s.td J AIIS haring DOUBLE rattles, that lt, "usawss..orr LINK OF PH E A and Plai t dßll,bteln TWO EAVIL other Patents for I Im ß, prove. meta/ In "SOUK et Joist's , . for OIL TOOLS, both anted Met - 21, t BO, NOW TARE NOTICE. That any person or persons INFRINGIN6 on slid rotas by EITHER MAICINIS VENDIN() or 1 - S4W EITHER of them WITHOUT MY ouNse.trr, be prosecuted to the FULL EX. TEST L.HE LAW. roe:trans lOOBERT H. LEO EL T. I)Thi I ICPISIA AND FlTd. FJTtt— A STILE CUL E for these dist mains tom -plaints le now made known In • Treatise oe rareiga and Native Herbal prep. ra• InTallgibk'="p w o sis "ra 4 rive li o lm . l o nju c h . b . a a provta y tial sa un a:Ler that b l o t —know , sis It has camd erergbody who his FlTEl—usnl , never having felled to • shirt°. !WIT no to COW. of Fits as of y , ~_ lt ll , lspeP sit, and thelnyeillents rosy be obi —tamed from ..y Druggist. SkLeT I raEr. S—to all Ort receipt t I are rents to pomp. l , n rs : VA e irL " Ao. A l d ri t a u ranntr u iet r , a LY.' p —Liar N • J. • • or-3:34 TRA.NSPA RENT WINDOW SHADES AND FIXT DBES, of now Lod baaptUuldesixtu.at NO. 91 WOOD STREET, oc2t3tditerT XeIitI4.OSENT Nano& hereby glees mist the seseasydent tofthe Gra& leg, racing and Cuitteg of Tannehill Lane, a me nd lure I.,ane.ang Radon street, has bun nude; and can be Ors at my offiCe, In the Margo Beillnkkg, Will the toth day of October, MI on which day 11. will be banded ore: triVio Sit, Trimstiner f or co/- lection. . , (d MULLES RFJORSPPARR. -- Reddedtng Regnatat. THOMAS PALAIia. IND •RUBBER AND OILED CLOTH ING, H the bait audits sad at Mn Wm. A hose atOok owl:mod awl for sal* What wholesale or rstol, at Via HubbeiDs . a ires, ft 0..• t 4 sad Se St. Q ` " Sweet Fal)-1000Pigs Soft Giiena Lead.for U. by J. B. CLIRECILLD NEW WHAT Id A 8A.it.•.‘.1:, d Coot! Calico 4 Fins! Rate Calico At 2 cent. d Good Plaid Drs Goods. At 15;4 cent.. a Alice .VeLo Style Mohair At 25 cents. .4 Good Double Tridth Dcbags At 25 cent.. 4 Good 4lpaca ery Fitt e Cob u rg AI r-, AffD AT FIFTY CENTS For •ay vamstlty of new acme Stacie 'Math DRESS GOODS, TO B} HAD AT BARKER & CO'S, 59 Market Street. WHAT IS A BARGAIN? Good Misslin At ZS cents do Extra Fine i ard- Wide Long Cloth. 4 5-4 B heeling .tt Fine Shirting Linen IT OAR FIE HAD AT J, W. BARKER & COI' 6) M.MIKET STREET, WHAT 1S ABARGAIN? .11 sine Fianna, At 31;4 cents per yard 4 Good Country Flannel At to cents par yard. 4 Good 411 Wool Flannel At 5734 mita per yard. 4 Good Twilled Flannel At 37;4 =As per yarn a Good Heavy Shaker Flannel At 66 cant. per yard Al: caber Finnoela In proportion. THEY IN HE H&IJ AT BARKER & CO'S. :11J RATLIIET STREET. WHAT IS A BARGAIN? A'attinel At r 62te Saltitiet a Xlee Jean 4 Good Casst►nere ✓1 Fin e Cassfmere .1 Good Cloth a .'f Ice Cloth At $3 50. worth ti Bo They eem be had at 11.11.11hE1l & CO'S, 39 MARKET STREET Ant •ll other goods le proportion 'MALI(' SALE UNCLAIMED FREIGHT THE PENNSYLVANIA NAL/LOAD COX, PANT telll .ell e• Public Anetton. DECEMBER 02, !WA. at lOo!clock, at the WeicEliousE of WRITE BROS. • GO.. No.. !Seventh street, the tonots log I•nclelmed rrrlght—unlsesprevioe.. ly !entered by owner.. List of Goods in Store of White Bros.& Co H Honk, Pittsburgh, two bole varnish. No mark, two Leen oil bow. Do one oil cask. Davidson, Frazier h Co., Pittsburgh, thirteen bids cement. J. 'W. spear, Pdtsburgh, one bag wool bags. lIL. Harris, Pittsburgh , three boxes glassware. Chrmel h Totiey Pittsburgh one box glassware. F. rube's:tar, Illanchester, oz. box merchandise. E. D. Frenhelin, Pittsburgh, two boxes b. pow. , derg. J S. Lash, Pittsburgh. owe horse hag rake. N. B. Steel, Pittsburgh. one box butter. Dunalsig, Plttahurgh, em sort. Shaine it Brown, All L. egheny. Pa.., twelve wind A. Freeman, Pittsburgh, one bdl trees. If cCormlcs Co., Pittsburgh one reaper. blisrp, Walnut Bead Oil Co., Pittsburgh, two Oa. machinery, two troll wheels, Oat smoke 6:5426, ore steam boiler. H. R. Bulger, Pittsburgh. one ht; varnish. Lutz h W•ir ' ' Pittsburgh ore beer keg. C. tiberhart, Pittsburgh, two beer kegs. Tv mark, tot of glass sandstone. Pio two Iron bare. .1. D. Hamilton, Pittsburgh, one bbl. as McKay, Pittsbargh, one bbl vinegar. 51. Thickest, Pittsburgh. four bola beans, one half bbl beans Evelen h. Sanders, Pittsburgh, two hail bids vs mirk, Larkin, heelers ntusuebag,i:t wo io.e. e. V. ' 13.11.1 6. Co., Latereheerlile, P., one cell leather. Fachttsvr h Blinn, Pittsburgh, eta cane seat chairs, one rocker their. Dolton, Pittsburgh. one I.C( 557 wine. A. OLEPtiIitTER. Freight Ageat. P:1 7•51764111, October :0,1566. I) 1; BLIC BALE U N CLAIMED FREIGHT. THE PENN, Ill" &IA RAILROAD COM PANY will sell at Publ N ,c Auction, DECEMBER In. at la o'clock •.a . at the WARE/100SE of MEL. a AUEISTRON'i, First street, nes. Mar ket, the totlowlng article., onlps previously maimed . No mark, • lot of crude and refined 011 Gbh. O. & Co., one bbl sugar. No mark, one box. John McPherson, one email box. John liwetnr, Hamner. 0., ore smell box. Wenzel) a W.. La Crosse, WM., one keg paint. No mark. one bbl auger. Igo one rocking bore. Ito one wooden mat . Do one keg montage. 110 one stand. Ito one reaper, One toile. Do one 1. , e0e pipe (coppe: , Do three pieces wooden machinery. Ito one toll Iron rod. Do one •ack wool. ~ It. Taylor, Freeport, one rem. leaty,er. aW. lilies, Pittsburgh, one piece w :robe. to mark one nub boiler, iron. May a Co., one bake pan. smith, lodmue non s a, walk. one piece citation. It. two tasanboarde floe wooden enc.,: Ito one ctn.!, hoOcie leer bt Done bill empty .4". 100 two bole boar. Ito nine Mils plot boa lire. Ito one fan null D. too iron tbls C. Soda. I:ut for it Miller, two ldls engine maths. H. I,lneer. ()•mbridge, one hag Limo!. f need. held Ch., one box roofing paler. Heart Ulenager, Wares w, Ind , oar but,, it O. Kneeland. one bdl straw boards. o mark, one pi ece of casting, one grate Ito ore Ica/Wogs, , lour pieces Ito one lot Mee. (ittme broken.) Doone Lail H. O. De blocs Barney h Co , Roscoe, 0, one W. C A. CARPENTER, Freight Agent. ADDY & EIVENS, ELICIT:IL PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, No. 165 1100 D S'FREET, O , PPUSITE FIRST OFICIR011,) Pumps, Hydrants, Sheet Lead, LEAD PIPE, PIG * BAD LEAD Plumbers' Materials in General OIL RE FIXER 1E 8 Fitted Op in the Most Approved Style, Tanks lined with lead or topper. Houma) anal up vita wager or gas A. }3.—Allotdere immittoattended.to. loi SITUATE ON EWALT STREET, Lesninserille, rare eholce Erick Ree!dams for sale. Therms lergeombstantially built. sod well Rotated. dweliingai having a lot eimiso feet 6e0,, wen tattiest wi t s good water, beautifully lose -1,-.d2 wit . one square of tka Pawner w&T. am. Mite beg been newly pored We put season, and twosome ono of the bawd beautiful armlet In or about the clam parties stilling to prooure pleealot and cheap plam to rasido. where anti Wats. to Wear/clog, and meat continue teed inisee, taxes low, easy acme, to and from me ottynt an borne from Sr. In the morning marl twalad at night. which embraces. all..thistimegeowimily.. for basins.. orplolubare, 6a Otte in the DOM Yet*. base roads in . the efulatlT, net ewer/oak the advantages which tads boinaganilsOntLANM: moment Bond. will betaken in payinentildesireL Apply at the Real Estate esullsuluranee 0 /1101101 *Mar ttribet' La C:ir.sitti&slnrts. QIIINCE9-10. bbla. cbC•lce Quinces Jn ""l'ed& meKstsoNci, erg comer Marian mit /Int DRY GOODS, TRIADMINGS, 6. NISW 000D5 : 111 :1CRZ•Ti .3: CARLISL, Eil= New Trimmings and Ornaments, - Bead Gimps and Buttons, Rich Bonnet and Scarf gibbons, Fine Gilt and Pearl Belt Buckles.' Rich Silk Belting--a new lot. Bargains in Linen Handkerchiefs, Real Lace Collars and Setts, Needle Work Edgings and Insert*, Cambric and Hamburg Bands, Magic Rufflinz and Caste Friliqs, Real Thread and French Veils American and Enelish Hosiery,' Gloves and Gatntrets—last, stiles Zephyr, Wool and Knitting Yarni,, Ladies and Children' Underweari . Balmoral Skirts—new styles Duplex Skirts, French Corsets, Gentlemen's Shirts, Collars, Ties, Merino and Silk Underwear Misses Kid Gloves—all sizes, •i xis.; cetts At IN cent.. CIITIM MMI MERCHANTS AND DEALEHS WWI tfoti It to their edriintne to ettl 424 0.11 1 / 4 St Leo our stcak beLszo pat.:hum'. MACRUM a CARLISLE, OrNo Is rIITH STREET, Pittsburgh. Pa., I I AT EATC/Di'b NO, 17 FIFTH STREET, JUST RECUIVED, A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Or WHITE GOODS AND D AN EMBROIDELR lE, ;C L LLAR O OAND HDRUEFRLNGEFS: . BONNET, NECK AND SASH RIBBONS: •' =TEA SILK DELTING—faII Wm: PLAID VELVET RIBBONS; ... VELVET RIBBONS—aII octloTrt WHITE EDGE SIJAILLEF AND BLACK VET, V ET RIBBONS; NEW STYLE HAT VEILS: THREAD AND LAOE VEILS—TuII aligor,,amaa BEAD ORNA_BIENTS AND SETS; ,'' BEAD AND SILTS DEliktS ANTI-MAARBU TTO TRT R ATINGS; FatLa Lixi FVRNIS RING GOODS for LaAlatl and _ G R e _ tnts DEPUTE-./ITT GOODSt , Fula. Lars HOSIERY AND GLOVES; .: - FINE ASSORTEENT ZEPHYRS and YARNS: . FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS GENERAL, LY, at At 77:;c., worth 75: A t 61 60, wont $2 00 At 12 00, worth $2 10 Wholesale and Retail. CRAND OPENING, Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street, WOW OCTOBER 10. B•vje• eompleted OW EXTENSIVE IMPAIRS, wa extend • cordial LirlC•tloa toeriecybedy, sad the Ladle. In pacttoula,r. co call nee ewes.* ORO of the LARGEST' A NO BEST SELEGITED AND cIiZIAPEST STOOK of Triimines, Embroideries,Hosiery, Gloves, Fancy Goode, urnish- 1. in , ' and Woolen Goods and Notions ever brought , to this city, To our FVIIO.LES4f CUBTOMERB - We no 'der SPYCIAL BARGAIMI, la an 1 , no. aelltog great =say goon Less thin Eastern. Jobbers. MACRITN, GLYDE CO, Nat, 71 and 80 Hoke► Stntel JOSEPH HORNE & CO., HAVE .TEST OPENED _. - N I V Co 4.3 s, • • D rest Trimmings. Cloak Ornaments, Real Lace lloods,lihril' . Style Belt Buckles, Beat Make Bilk Beat- • lags, Head Ornaments, New Beck Scads; Manahan ,Flonneings, Linea ilaadkerchlefe, Balmoral Skirts, Breakfast Shaw* Snit Roods, ,I. •L. ers' Zh Legere; New Ragmen - Ekirts, ep Glories and tikunitlets, Win ter Underwear for Men, Ladles and Chfl dren, Jouvin and Al exanfte Kid Gloves, Ladles' White Castor Gloves. The above and many other Goods la Great Variety, at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 15 ' 1 1(oLLSALE ROO.IIS T'P STAIRS. milli J UT OPENED J. w. pAlitli ER do CO'S, tio, b 9 Market Street WET ROBES Pe (.• H A 518 RE, imuziros, MEM ENFR ES, dbe.• tiba oe3:l:tf W. W. MOORHEAD'S, 81 Market Street. A FULL, LINE OP FURNISHING GOODS, la Ladles, Gents, imainyv.• SEA-SIDE SHAWLS, vrootar itoonso to_&Narre49,_ SETS, HOOP Eurutr3__ tcy.:ll.l) If BONNET raBBONS, VELVET BM BONS, TRIMMING RIBBONS, &a. ABELINGTON DT. mulnairoz IN ALLEGHENY.- ofthr for sale the donb/o TWOSTEIST 11 WELLING, finely It eased on a.spatlons let oa Wuhlrotton Street, east of tne East °ominous. The hetcrit &large dOub/s smut on Gas We and two rooms on the °then aldsig Wide hall Bathe floor. inul four large ahem/ken 04 the second door. latches and disintroost Us basement. The lot is Wino. Apply to oc2IFOURTH SMELT, -Mu:keg-B=w istiffran, age by BEY & MRCP% yyys. 1124 WOO& 111411. SO. 19 FIFTH STREET F. H. EATON, No. 17 FIFTH sz 18651 JOB HORME 4 CO., n ima n MAICKET STErart bILA.if LR, CLOA.ICS. C ASLOILEILF.S, A LPAOCAS, W. W. 1i0081iEAD•8 IMAJIMET T S. S. BRYAN,
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