WELDITZDe—ROUB.4.—k. :tea;., Li.vueo •w „ eontstelos foot, 1190 or els rooms, either is or hail 1.1 wasted alms: the of BeBeWO/ orOosober, W e sley:Or : 7m, hi. If* and We !1'.." kllrer.t, 20tf :ocoATED, sUirr. r 3 Onrcz,_ 00 AGENTS' WANTED To warm for Dg. EIOLLANEPS /ALI'S . OF LINCOLN. Terms Mere]. JOiirir A. JEMMY, Ocneral Agent, jrsiamdits it WO =ens ist. Pittsburgh, Ps. WANTED.—AGENTS FOR " TEM SEObET SEDY/CIE, 111 E FIELD, TIM DEDYTTON AND THE ESCAPE.. 13v Aaron 9. EintialtDSON Plow York Tribeni Correspond tat, The moat lineteatlife and nitrating book ever eildlahed, embracing Mr. 11.1.thardamfa eyed respenzatal for four - years, traveling tr.rough be Petah in the garret serdcm of the Tribune 4 the outbreak of the war, with oar smite and Pala, both Cant and West, during the nut two mars of tar Eebellton; hta thellifig, capiare; hie Onenement for a, months It sena nifferent rebel alsonei hla elleaPe and almost relraeulo us journey • ry night of nearly 4.00 idler. It will abound la arglagovente, and contain more of the loot, fool. lent publlatinl mg ronial.ce Cl the war than any other work pet Tsaahera r ladles, energetic, yoaeg men, and espy daily irtninen and dlesbled oaken!eel Journal" a want, af•Prodtable employment, will find it tie. rellerly arnpled to their condition. We have Mm dealing lOW per month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Send for dray. All. !Odra; JOII.M. ' 13E03- n CO., N. E. Confer Sixth and ilinor streets, lealitaititaisasir • Philfulewhis Pe . FOR SALE-,-FOR RENT, FOB SALE-That splendid ,InDt. of Ground baying &Iron% on Penult Avenue of 25 feet, and extending back 120 feet to a 0116 story brim ahoy. apply to 04.1 B. 5.lcL AIR & 00. 'P OR B.A.LE,-8. two story Brick House of seven MOMS, Oil Rarrfe street, Lawrence. vile. all In complete older. For term.. apply at the • eal Eitel. and /naurance Mlles of BAES, oc2 Butter Erect. Lawrencevil T le, pa. FOR -13,9:LE-- THE DWELLING /10USE AND OFFICE, AA the Juintloa of Fourth and Lakerty streets apply to dr. JAMES At N 0.15 Market rtreet. F oR BMX- A TWO STORY FRANCE HOUSE, AND LOT, No. 64 Washington street, Pittsburgh, Lot 29 fort B Indus front, aad 02 feet deep; also, • two Miry FRAME HOUSE oat/lay alley, Pittsburgh, 20 feet 'twat, and $7 feet deep. !cumin, of GEO. tiIIEFELEE ft 00., rot no 101 Szaltigiold street. O R BAIA OR EXOLIANGIL—Tho Bow Brill property; containing about tan sum partly underlald with coal and mine open, Wonted at the mouth of Mutter, Oreehoca the ADoghany :?tier. Thera In ohthls. property t, haw Mill and WO Boname—will be aOld cheap, or exchanged (or property to Pittabureh, Wimberly or Lawrence :4llllm • LYDAY tr. allUßPErettfre, One Door Below Hand street , Duodena° Way. 8030:1=1 • . VOR NALE.—Sealed bids will bexecelvi4 _Committee on (sty eroperty fgr LCo 646.: irrxrxr rmr. ENGINE HOUSE, situated on Wylie street, near sAgan, In the Sixth Wahl, Pltaburith, until SATiIta•AY. November 111 h, at a o'clock r. sr: - The Committee reserves the rigt.t to rrjeet any or all bids. Actaeon, S. Y. MerateGIILIN, Chairman Committee on City Property, , Libertyst 0017 _ 'L OR SALE—A. number of Lots, well lo ..s; nixed for private residenees, shun eoniiltitierl ()entre and Mill streets, above the new Passenger DePat, and win eo disposed of on very liberal tams, , Also, a large nntober of Lots to Bloomfield, Liberty township, above the Pena. Railroad, and will be sold • (or the low price of CIO, 575 and ,5100 apiece- Thials a Um chance for person' of small otenl or laveetment. • Apply at tho kcal Bated) andlnroranee ATEIII Office o d 8, , cod Batter street, Lawnerwevtlle, Pa. FARM ''OR' SALE.—One of the best Stoelcand Chain Farina in H.S. Missouri, can. raining MO Wares, all under fence; overage in culti vation; divided into fields or eenreoleat size; well wateted and fimbersol; 25 miles from Mississippi riven 11 miles from B. R. 'stations large port well suited to temp and tobacco,' berme of brook and atone. I rooms,' betide 4 cellar rooms and large ; attic; at•hle 500.0 lee; granary, meat house, tee fouls, once , tenant house , cribs, aim Three. founlas of puraltare money may remain . la the • Pace if desired. If not as large no desired, adjoin env improved land will be sold in connection. Apply personally or by malt to is %yen et cm.B.N, Real sae. Agt., oe10.1wd" Dienrea OAT, Monroe (.10, Mo. • TOR SALE. A Bell F aisheil Frame Two-Story Dwelling, j. Hating SIX 110031 h, newly Papered and Painted, i TINE .PDHY.WO, HYDRANT Inside and otettole • the Howe. TICE LOT it Forty , flee feet front, by One Hon • ditd feet deep. RIME' GRAPE A RHOS, FR uir TREES, he. Poreettion will be given on tae bit •of April cad-" Also, ' IA CORNER STORE-ROOM, WITH TWO DWELLING HOUSES. tW4 Pmuuan To rrn r be ve t tl e et d h ' e ' r ti rell ‘t orl eqO; "Me proyr to , xehang Vountry Property. inquire of G. H. TOWER 031104100011 No. 104 FOLIM r "j'l DWELLING FOR SALE, G. R. TOWER, No. 164 Foun6 street. Situated at the e , rne r of Ennean and DayL e event!, Ward, Pittsburgh, having afloat 68 fact a loam, on Duncan attest, and eatr.zl. `Jag along Lavas street 140 feet, on which la met 4:11 a New Two-Storied Brick Dwelltig. •"' Uoattlnlag Berms room.. bath room and dremile.g labed attic, wash boos., cellar nailer the nonce watt cement floor,Raa oed water, Intromm ga In the kitchen, marble mantles 1 add line aniseed grate. In the parlor, dining robin add bed rooms. She home srna built la :hereon sharable manner,nuct detailed la •tio best sty/ea for owner's One occupancy. /amps men bear/ Ind, trait tress and at 000 selection of tower. t A:l u pe:Tie er . ollllof i CX•lniotllg the piratry the TIM:. S/U)VfIk ,P N, and they Lu arlll rece u rro far ther parrJettints..terma. ka. • octiirrd .1j FOR ._,. ALUM DANE, a very valuab!o tenet of min oral and agricultural Land. containing forty acre., ; situated .at the eastern terminus of }tithe Ile, ,psied bounded on tee south by fror.ensugh River. SCperi this tract there are the, atratss of iron •5 ore. According - to Prolessor Green's report the ' =coed arid welloyearal strata of ore is of good quality, highly imateetteomil will yltlit thirty -4 three per cent. of iron. Re says m era cent to ritiantlty this strata, will yield 10.00 e tons to the acre of native ore, and ;clueing this crude man to en item of 'deflate and cents, reckoning the Caine ' of ore at 25 cents per ton, this strata would - then produce ono hundredfthousano dollars. In addition to this we have twenr.y-flye awes of ';teal--pits opened and In successful operation at ha present time.' This property is worthy the st.- •entien of capitalists. The investment would be • Sure and safe. Spralmeas of ore can be eeen at tray . Also, .A No. 1 stock and grain farm, coetaining 600 acres, situate in Cherry Hill Townsitsp, LIS eonoty,,Pa., near the ruler° of Crocodile. The improvements are a two-story frame house, '; the largest and best barn in the county; fencing •• ger.crelly good; 330 acres cleared: the rematoder 'sell timbered. The lend Is good, large meadows Vbfch prnerices one crops of hay. It is very cot,. lenient to churches, schools, mine, cores, no.. he Tie property will be sole very cheap and oa ee a p m*. .n Also, a Farm of its Ac le Tinton township,- ? .TV astdegtan county, Pa. Will do mold cheap LAMO, the best farm on the 3ionerigabola Ricer alio= ere mite from McKeesport, -Mlll,..gecny Co., containing about Ise over., The icier ore moots are a frame house and bare, core ;rib 'ad wagon abed, with 'other outbuildings. A large apple trebard 01 between 4110 and 0-15 trtaa; 60 awinp. toe% SO pear trees, and 455 peach tress. AbiO, the hdoidle Farm le Elit.thath Township Allegheyy CO, Pa.,Loontateing about 131 acres, altnated about three miles east of the borough of .f Filtabeth The improver/eats are a large cried . i cottage Louse with nine well Maiseed rooms; a beatittful lawn in front surrounded by oreameatal trees; a No.l bent, with many other butelings, fencing; Platters. of the nett' best ;Vilna Can Luther. It is the best =rarity of limestone land, i spills all Underlaid with coal, '- Far blither pertionlars. Inquire of TOWER, Real EstatC Agent, I • se.% Nn. tti Faun h street. F9ll S,ALE . OR RENT, ON PERPETUAL LEASE, All that place or parcel cl LAND In the (lily of 1 Allegheny,acre:torero to the occupancy of the 4 Fennel Ic'n”la Railroad Company, by the natee n and boscd..f eurv..4 opts/Trim°e by the State of Peon& for the ore and rceupstion of the Peon. ntivanta Cacti, the 331.5 haying racertr..l to 000 original owner by the ahaodahment thereof for ; 2,11 re clued cot t rmplated by tLn UoromonweaitS to - ,••;,aLtt ecnce ,son of Chß proprietor ter canal purpo. SCSII.2: All that,tot Ilan C f Ravi ocduplad AS ISIOTOSSid far the Peons Cane:, flk: - ..g at the margin of the Allegheny rice:. thence n - rth to itiolnnson *trent, etablaelun the ;mail basin h-twe«. 'he two looks 'aE the out let .thereof, the width e , the saw, oe attertnicol b. the.sotual eurvey of the Eogineere teethe St...te in laying nut Blvd canal nod bleak tete:eat the /eche. . . - ALSO, .1- All Vat yOO.lOllO said elnal from the aorta tide of lt,blesort street to the 'loth Clog of Loa, .! CUL eft ctt, being in Inner h,eb rut its Let. . ALSO. .• All net ter:leo or eaPf cans, Poin the north Ede nt ken:belt sum northwan.ly [IAEA Jag the tette. GI: O. :1.11 as, portion af 1.31,1 astol tress the birds Aleasald orszwabily to. Bask - L...0e where the !same IbU seecte4 the eats'. ALSO. " All 'bet rertlan of-ilshtestini located between iliandusicy -rtieer rberlAnderwoi wee:, bellur about. c.. - SW.; feet lo tern - Oils - Sal the w elth of ssul etas! as to.t• hp It e EaElbeer. basic , u to and 13 feet wictb, . thst.p3rtion of LeaaLe-. e• or„ re P tad by it/re Yeetr. thins', comprised la ' out. of 1ia.41, hs• alaatlt . dell felt In leruth tq'tta the breadth of tsproperty, Letttreutoble tatle he sdeirt simple with tome' tv...rrantes to the f xcheser or purchasers. RrltitrtSol , l, 10., near Soar...ton Bridge, FOr . t , aa_tra. • EgGINE 201,M,REEL‘ co.pl • • Fultable•• for IL Saw, Grit; or roasil tailing Mill, rOreny n+ rrE boartese repair:no cap-city of Fro. J• 4•7 Cr FlAy r•irvx. rower. Apply of Au'iaatt GO SMIT.IIPI LILL j MEET. ""Fl 17f.kIN'Tc! H,JLSE. _ lezauY dlanaprress, MIbS ANNIE ENE¢LE. DGT'ALE A'I s TRAUTION. Last, r-Ltht halt tan of Inc gleai <:-1111C ACtte.l, . MISS MOL.LLS 'WILLIAMS, Who will appear in lin chiracters and daz-es. Law, nie,t but :leo of the i;ip,itar MR. FELIX ITINCErri, Who w,a appear as TONY , BA.VARD. MIS (7 hors, ay) EVENING, Uot. 19th, the per formance will commence with tut celebrated floniantio Drama, is two acts, entitled the WIZARD SKIFF; or, The Plaie of the tens. Ateejo Meals' Mies MO LLid WILL.W.NIS Agate Dance LITTLE LtZZI E. To cone/ode With lac gran • Diaitar; D . ania, in throe seta, entitled tn,. FR' NCH SPY; or. Tar Arab of the Prscrt. t 9,7( )4 ON sATUR I) 0 F 2 ERN (AUN. TSBURGR TLiILATER, Ltit ee and .I:ar.eger .... c 111. 11 N ?MC. OF A o lllBBlolc--Droll Cirlle, Oa ,t,, ; rna tly t;ircle, 213 eta Trtirtl Tier, 25 eta: ertv ate ea 41.5,130; ~c ate„,tl.2.s. IJOoni open at 7 o'cloell. Curtain eta,e at r. 4. Mellor a sneezes of the rent lvrin settees and gnu Lrettice. .11.11110. S CBE LLER Vim Will appear In a tow Ann beau‘if Sell.- tiollts) and temperance drama of the •`organ Grinder," replete with domestic Weeds, tart:l ing interests and startling el tuettona. ruts hursdar ) EVENIIG, for the nest time here, the great drama, In live acts, of the Organ Grinder and bit Adoptca Daugater. Nano,le, Daugl ter of B alder..:A.l A D. se a ELL La FtrIDAY, BENEFIT 01' MAD. SC HELLER. EDP iN •DAMS wvl ebortly appear. GRAND CONCERT TO BEGIVEN by The Great We• tern Light Guard Band OF el-HOA.GO. A. 3. TAAF, Leader, once: the a woo°, of the Vtgllast Steam Ftra Jcsapany. et MASONIC HALL, On Thursday Evening. Oct. 19th, 1885 Pat, Flrtor. t. c , ror titre to Mdrthl: Flotow— BAN It 9. , elections frt. tbo lioe acout, Moyer beer—BAND .I. Solo Trombone: Snot:lse—EL. BISALTS. 4. Pot POlllit [rola Faust, wronged by a Bergman—BA RD. PAIIT bUCOND GLIIIMBUt, 4 horns: Mendell. lorm—BATEll, MLR WWII, BRAUN and EMMEN. 2. Marlon Walt,: Rammer-624ND, 2. Pot room% Bomb:II/roses of Prague: Itomrat —BAND. 4. Dapple Storm Moral: Pone— BAND. - - boon open at 'I o'clock; Derlormultecommailces at A. Admlnlon CO coact, to all parrs of the Louts. 'tickets for tale at all the principal Drug and Mr alt Store,. oct7:lt AIIaTioN SALES PRATT'S 28TH ILBEILTLAR ANNUAL SALE.—EttJKS in every department of Llt• erature. Science and Arts, beautiful Pe otograpb blee Family Bible., Letter and Demme:, Mal Note Paper, Envelopes, Diamond Pointed Gad ads, An.. AT AUCTION EVERY EVEN. 1100, ath o'clock, and at private sale during the day at stem. aunt on prima, until the stock le all sold, at rdelL W NE'S A I:WT.ION ROO atti, lid Smithteld etreet, oppoatte the Pon Office. to the collection ate such works o Appleten's New An aria= Cyclopedia, 20 vols.; Batiorofthi Ulster United States, 8 V 01..; Prescott 's Histories, 16 velum.; Appleton's Dictionary Areehanlaa, 9 vol umes, ape plates; Ure's Diatioreiry of Aria and tinniness, 3 vole ; Webster% Dictionary, a 003 plates; Waverly Novels, 12 vole, complete works of Nil. ton, Brute, living Doop4, Hugh Miller, Shake. ate Byte., 31.'ore, Bur. losephea, Cham ber Dick, Ro ll in; 10,Maiyoltuiniaiol po, ular Nav els, s, Storey, Tale., ate. A.. IaeLLWAIBIE, I. K. Pnarr & Ban., Sale /men. Auct.'r. notenf pUBLIC SALE lIIALLEGELEN Y OIT he undersigned Will oder at Public Sale on tart premises. in Allegheny city, en SATURDAY, Oct. 58th, 11363, at 2 o'cb.k. p. tn., the property where Mn. FORD nom Lives, on Pasture Lsne, Allegheny City, adjoining 'the Tannery ;of John Taggart. It hell a trontmt about 3:0 feet on Pas ture Lane, and eat. nds hack about 402 feet. It Is a part of John 0 Horn's plant of Blount Relief, re coulee to Plan Reek vol. t, page It, and embraces lota of said plan, being lots numbered ato IL it has gemnfortable Frame House, and the grounds are plantea with good fruit trees, On. It maid be divided into several good buildi g lot., or, If km. proved as a whole, it would matte a delightful res. Menet. it Ls edema for sae as a whole, or in sep arate eta to suit purchasers, and the terms of paym t will no made "easy. can be giyert Whitely. J. VT. F. Well TE, ocent d .N 3. 100 Filth stree $20,000 RAILROAD FIRST MORT GAGE BOAIDS —Oa Tuesday evening, Oct. Roth, at 114 o'ctock, will . gold by order 01 James Laughlin, Trustee of Pittsburgh Trutt Co.. on account of whom It may eoneern, on the second floor of the Commercial Bales Pooms, 106 Stultbfliid street. oppo•lte the Onc,ons House. Pittsburgh, Twenty First Mortgage Brod. of the Chs.tima Vail ey hatiroao Co. /or one tn:usand dollars each, with interest c.tapon at tached. .16 A. MeLLWALPIE, et', BOOTS AND SHOES GREAT CLEARING UP SALE OP Boots and Shoes, GAITERS, BALMOEALS .1.511 GIrMS, AT BOREL IR al, 9S Market St. I nra stellng siome aofFed IP)ots and Sboes at. HAL], Cala. Arens , Boots, 0c1y..52,5 , Women' 800t5.....11,0 Bo) Brogan, I,on do .... 6 Youths' do 75 CMldreria' A noes... 3 Ilan Noon and assure itaxssos, 5 t 98 0 18 . 8 88 T STREET, &mond door 1m MI. O, 0016 BOOTS AND SHOES. JAMES ROBE, No. 49 .11nrlitet Ntroso Has Just returned frum tLe EIS r with a very t•rge and seasonable ssocx of crirssi .a..w - 3;zo ra.ma-c:am 01 the VERY nrsr QUALITY. Rene', Roy.' sad Youths' BOWS AND SHOES to .11 their varieties and styles. LADIES WORK of the Ilit• est and best that is manufactured, from the doe Polish to the ptain Call Soots. Ordldrens' Boots and Shoes to every style nod varlets. Onr abject is to sell such goody as Will glee sat- Wootton to the puiehaser. 40-Please call and examine, and you 0 , 111 be satisfied with the QUALITY and/PS[O Sof cool.. Renismber the piste. JAM tIS ROHR. eel N 0.71 Market street. FP.ELIR ARRIVAL EVERY DA.V OF FA LL AND WINTER moot® wa3 fiLtacrotso. Men and Boy's iFoote, Delmore's, Gum Os ns, Gum Users and Gum Ssadals. Women's Balmo ral Congress Gaiters and Lan, (inhere, Chu dren'e Sliou.s of all kinds. Now lithe tine to b uy your ran and aleck, Cheap, at J. H. BORLAND'S.. MAILICET STREET'. Second door from Forth N I/ . INTER AND F.ILL GOOL). I ...cylrlog Sboes for Mlare. Balmoral. for Lan. St , J.E Boots for tioya. PIIILADELPHIA Kid OE wroar, No. El, Corner of the Market and Diamond =lll Rosin Arc or 1 !!::: off their stock or 1300t54 ;Ind e4ilto ILEDU:_;I?. • PP IC 1,:!- 4 DIES% G larf DSI~,~ES' A NI) Kop caumm k:ros Boots, Shoel and GalterA Ut neery Style, T,lnee and t ore,. •t COYLE'S, Corner Fifth anti Wylie st,-te, ta , rein to out: everyl , d.Y. ante PAINTERS I Par. , N. LO0.•••J011) , LAU/L....10E1S LONA° L ONO, LANE & CO., tt SIGN SUTISTS 42 HOUSE PAINMS, No. 60 Eimittliold St. Plttsburgh. LETTERING t.O ALL KINLLS executed promptly sud with =surpassed elegartent HEILUTIPUI, SHOW CARUS on enameled paper of all colors, and GILT SIGNS ON GLASS tme.n to order and •ant to all parts of the oountry. PICTORIAL DEslGNSuseauted Ins highly ar• Usti,: manner. HOUSE PAINTING do no with s regard to ;Ito ?ability, harmony color, wad mustpass of Wor% et reasonable rist.e• 111220:4 W TLLIAM H. BHOW;q, onto of ;hr Rya, nt 4 Moaturoj HOUSE ts.rl7, SIGN PAINTED._ unt Le0...).....Def of Third tnd li 4tret.t. 21 . YiYlskill IV.] It 3PI3CIA C. TIOTIC vor - .?“182111:ebill •AW wonaek TFI URBDAY, OCTOBER 19 1007 HUBBARD, BRO. & CO I=l3!M PATENT GAOI2 ND CHIC tiLAIO,, • Warrants! EAsT ••• -veo - et. aselptlora. HUI, Mulay, Grow Cut, Gang, and ml GtLcr Carle es. All kind. of KNIVES and SPRINGS, int.l.7. met Sheet Oast Steel ; rn Retried REAPER AND MOWING KNIVES" Warehouse and Worse, corner WATEII and SHORT STREETS, Plosnorrrl.. - 'Particular atter.tion given tc Ertoothinr. alum ming and Stralghter.:l4r palls of MI klneli. Pv.nrnlr ; and done at reasonable rates. WM. HA RN HEIL,. at Boiler Makers & Sheet Workcsre, Noe. 20, 22. 24 mad 2%. PENN SThEET. Haring tee _red ;are.. putt, 000 Parzahesi solth the mist (n.e. RlA,4ll.lery, We ire preEttu el to totr- ,,, :: re er - er, - Liet.,:rtptiott of ti:JIARRS I In the tee: tnar,r, trl ego.: tr. arty le "e e'''.t.Lrf • UHI3INEYS, BRICHEN% FIRE BEDS, 511A1.1 PIPES, 1.000:11OTIVE BOILERS, CO NU ENS Ef: S, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL Atilt ATORS sly TLtraL PANS, BOILER IRON, &RIMERS, STRIA& PA NS, er, tale roan am:Wren of BARN lILLL's PATENT BOILERS, Repairing' done on the shortest notice. delftf 000. lIKITHrt I. D. R nli I S D. ROLLV llf tgrLA ItELI.F. STEEL WOIIILIS. RMrM. & CO., Llmataecturcr • et CAST STEEL; SPRIN(}, PLOW nu,l BLISTER STEEL; SPRINUS, AS LES, CROWILIRS, me. 4Fir Office, No, 94.1 WA LT. R brIiECT (up stslr(ll PITTSIll'a(111. PA j 7224 - - ROPG.NNON, REA Ar.(suaeossols to Ronusson Mtr,,s Mtt.r.eitio Washington Works, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PrrTesrunatt. Mitaufneturen of BOAT AND ISTATIONA.RY STEAM ENGINES IfLAST ENGINES, MILL MACHINERY, GE ARING,, SHAFTING, OAST. INCH: of all descriptions, OIL TANKS& STILLS, BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORK. 64 - Agents for 0 IFIAR D'S PATENT rws ROT- U it, for feeding hollers. - - JOHN COCHICAN t HRas. 1.1\1111USO• Curers of IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS IRON RAILING, WINDOW SHUT TERS, WINDOW GUARDS, e.c., No It SEU (WI) and 6e THIRD STREET, between Wood and Market, have on hands variety of new patterns, fancy and plain, suitable tor all purposes. Air Particular attention paid to enclosing Grave Lots „lobblundone at short notice.. audt agrI.A.ILE EMME6IOB Copper Mill and Smelting Works. PITTSBURGH. PARK, McCUROY & CO. Manufacturers of SHEATHING, BRAZIERS' h BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER HOT; TOMS, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS. SPALTER SOLD EE. Alan, Importers and dealers In MET. &IA TIN PLATE' SRSET IRON, WIRE, ha. (loantly on hand, TINNERS , MACHINES and TOOLS. Warehouse, No. I 40FLEST and 15) SEX,- OND STREETS, Putsburgh. Special orders of (Moper oat to any desired pattern. tar/Sdy.lawT TO NEBTOUN SUFFEIZEWS OF BOTH sratz•.-A. reverendgentleman fun e tag been restored to health ton few days, after on. =job:La:cot rou tin e and 4Tegaler sus co " lt jt e s sacred duty to communicate to his enlisted creatures the means of cure. Hence, on the rmalpt of an addressed envelope, he will send, free, s copy of the prescripUon used. Direct to Dr. JOHN DAGNALL, IN Fulton street, N. T. mhillydevrT SENT FWLE.—A PAMPHLET OF Immense importance to the old and young, married and single of both sexes, will be sent free by addressinw. , with stamp enclosed, the agents• EENDBLOE St 00.. Boil IS, Boston Post Office. nurilitledeirF THE BRIDAL DIIABBICIS. AN ES• SAY OF NVAIINSNO AND INSTIIOO - FOR YOUNG MEN. Also, new and fellr his treatment of the Urinary and Sexual Systems. AiWren Dr.. 7. SKILLEN 11.017011T0N How ON Association. Philmielohla, Pa. ;play • PIANOS, MUSIC, &c NOW BEING RECEIVED. THAT ELEGANT STOCK OF CHECKERING PIANOS, Nclected ballot:m/15 by the subscriber, during a rec_ut laic to Factory. SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS xret.ow open, •nil reaar examination. a p:blie are Iny.tast to call anil see that, Warrr pi, a for Five lears CHARLES C. ➢SELLOR, Co Wood Street, and Sete Agent for the CLlekering Ptanag I/JANOS AND ORGANS. THE CIELEHHATED BRADBURY, NEW YORK, Schomader Co.,' Philadelphia PIANOS. THE Altt r tMAN OfttlAn. aid & corrno F. ORGAN, admit ted by decers, add ad who have heard them, to be etypertvr In t be to all other loatromehte of the kid: mt no lectured to the ratted Slates. Wernre prcparrd to farnlnh, at tLe allotect aott • Brass and German Hoar Instrmnents. of every description, for Mass sad Cornet Hen at reduced prices. Illustrated Catalogues and lque Lista furnished on application. hew •od Second.totod Pluto. for Rent. ALL THE LATE SONGS AND PIECES Coastuitty on band. 'Pi' A.11.1.1111{ Cc BARR sal No. lit ST. CLAM STV.EVT. f(NABE Ca's PRENII nID Grand, !Perim than:, VP. right }lams, with or...trolls ewe, survre treble, full iron luipro.ed frame, and all .he valuable Iw. pluvements. The tone is pure, burnout, entirely tousles' character, of toe beet ..orstmeralsillp;toooti .renews anti quality of [One unsurpassed by any. loch PLsno guaranteed for elFnt years CHAIMOTTI, BLUDIE, No 43 FIFTH - ITIIEET. tele Second Anew above Wood street • E.NIS rs CU., 1=',1c.432=0r 6Y 2iaisica,rti, - car fl t 4.4 Pianos is S. mu:aa• CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c W E ARE DAILY RECEIVING =lii=lll ft A fiL P U. I'l,llls. • . 1 • • N /- CI E awl CIII'M ,• 1,• $l•As , I/ A MASE, kErS ANL) LACE WINLIO 77 Cominlalsg e% el}f hlug WhaPtl We Orel . at PCPUL.4II PRICES. I . 47AIILAND& COLLI4IB, 71 and '73 Filth Strfct, Ne‘t Sulldlng to the United States Utotnta If o use a nd.Yost °Mee. or 9 ?OUFfI'H STREET CL , YriIS I Q All iv1 , 1:1,11, ne v gnv, every ntlot;' of atylz. • brI'ENIOIL Cotton Chnia, List and Rag' g 07> lA. D. & 11. MoALLUM, •eja u1.71:111 SniliET. !g: i• CalcißET STOKt. CELRPETS DWELLING HOU BE INTILLEGanNy t'07307 AL la El A one and a hate story frame Cottage Howie, eon tainlng two partnra, dialog room, kitchen and four chambers, with water and gat, occupying a lot Oi f. t, highly cultivated and ornamented with utuvh. bery end abede The curioundloge are pleartnt, affording ample !Tare for fresh a r, and the oUtloolt on the throe [tear, rommaraltro au eiteattee and warted rt,,,r For fu. thcr I nforootut, apple to 5. h BRYAN Wolfer, Fourth at reot, Ettutehl G A.7_27. _ rims MEI= Lerty Erea p, do. do., se::cd by =era, 15 cents a wd.ek. clC't II ISO per year do. 51cgle cotnes }loo do. RATES OF ADVERTISING ONZ RQUAER-°,/1.2.150 1 II - 1 t a 1‘ 1.1,2.12 , 4 7 5 Twol 6, Fnice 1,5164 .1 176 Four ,10 [leel-e: .. - ne wentc.... 4ioi f I 1 4.5 Two week... 4 7 0 276 230 1 55, - 6e ' , re,/ 2 4:'l 426. 27, 2,0, I 1 , 20 4 6 31, 4 2 2..1 2 Iwn wont., 14 .5' uo• 101 170 4 rnrre months 16 011 10 50 7 1 .1) 173 d SiX 01011124. 23 :P. 11 33 950 6 tl, 12 NJ Nine cuarolp.. 34 ,6 I 11 70 12 . 1 ( Baa I 7 cr., One leer 0.) 2M 50 16 1 , , I/0 2, 01:1 Air crtmemects lr.. erred one year may ne Cnan en at the advertiser • pleasure, at charge of ycerus per square, (or 2J cents if paid at the time.) Out mom be confined to tb.e immediate huainese of the advartiger, Adve:tosemeots contracted for otherenas than daily, neat he Ineertel on anon flay a. the °MI: may ethht. raasient ev! remising CASH. Death Notices, each insert os Illanttsm notices Steamboat advertisements, per trip..... Executors' or Administrators , Notices YEARLY ADVERTISING RATES One nyuart—eonttnett to the Immediate Duman of the advertiser, end not to Include diesolnitous tormatlon of new firma, wants. N.e.—eitenceebt. once • week. Any excels to be charged en tree Clint batter. i times 2 t.l.Jus 1 time I hstty. 6, week. %%week. *week Tiazce lu WILLIS Six mouctx... riLle Montt.. $l5 DO $l2 00 sew., $y 00 30 00 19 00 I 9 00 10 00 43.00 20 00 22 Du 15 00 01.i.0 12 00 95..00 IS On 40r. F. et elomoes double the above rates, a ia. aertednue mouth or more. For alm penal 20 cent. a line. MiiMMEZ=I Altir A square to bn oonalderell as the veer °eau pled by ten hues of the ordinary advert4elng type of the paper. TILE PNEUMATIC RAILWAY IN LON The wants of our great cities to this country have not yet pressed so Inconveniently upon them as in the restricted area of such cities as London and pads, which count their population by miliona; but the active energy of our people, and the enormous =pat:taloa al our cities tram the rapid increase of population, suggest what may happen in time, and creates an Interest In means used In other countries to orercome the Insonvenlences. London cannot accommodate its nearly three million population with travel in lie narrow streets. It has accommodated a large portion with railroads la tunnels under the surface. It tried the transmission of Tacks gcs in metallic tubes driven by pneumatic pow er, and to admirably has the plan worked that they now It lend to seed Passengers through those tubes lit the same way. The London Actions says the tube. which will be 12 Met in internal diameter. will begin at a station In Great Scot land Yard. puss thronsh the Thames Enbnak• meat to the river, scoots which It will be curried in a channel sunk for the purpose, and tilted in with concrete; it will thence pass ander College steep and Vine street to a termless convenient to that of the southwesters It tlltray at Waterloo Bridge. The river will be prepared for the re ception of the tube by sinking three piers, by means of iron cations. When these have been `trough. milkicatly near the bud of the Over, the: upper portions of the caisson, will be re. movr,l, and rite c boom I for the tube will be dred t tr.l down to the upper aurae masonry. The tithe will be lowered In f o ur n.cce.lon,. Toe trains which will be COMIII,JIOIII .11 well P.glite I, will he dispatched at lntervsl of three minutes, beittg drawn inner direction by exhaustion, sod Impelled In the other by pressure. The works will be completc! In twelve mambo from their commencement, at a a:123,0N. The prom.:ll, rNoiretl when Oa, earl - 1ag... , are Within the tn . ),—an arrAng- nt 1,3% only propo,,t, Lat trial, forty y. ro•th ~ 1 that ahfrh a . horo...ary ait h trztl , w 1.1.11 roroln _.. I< , w r git,rt.l. It I,YI . th,t. tlon Nll, anove: sr , ll 11/r r of the I th.• 3,i... or the latter instantaileou., that of Or. form , Is •law nag o upailt/ salty iusiizmilicant. ft appears that if a I iijitral taja o r pl,areil in oto end of a sufficiently Ins; pie, 3 1 . 0 , 2 , bellows at the other end w!II not low It ou: The mat ter v. Pi_ however, very soon he (este!, and should it be necessary, r thaultion can Le usod In both direction*, but will, on ePrtain rases, entail exp. use of an addltlouil TOR CRACK OF THE WHIP The Yiekiburg !soma! 'nod Jackson Clarbon have been guilty of adro:attog Governor t3neTt- E.01 . A viewa on the 1.11! . j.et of atictatior I:W4TO:a to teati , y la snorts. The .14^1sou etylee them "free oegro worshippers." nod prediet• the; the editor of the J,,ne, will mak , ' his exit from that rezioo "ah)at the Lille boa sank colored brethreo take up their line of march for Anuoaoelog with a flou-lob the newt by telex„-raph of the pardon of Geueral Bovril - MOP. Governor alert. .he Sews ert•mdcantly sale : ••Who will th it we are on. left free to a.Y at ze• may thatt p•irirr upon al: qweeriiwit titifili• poiwy. The wt.teaera what control, the dean Iles of the Clp•ttit.i will pleasti heal down the llagstif •nezr•• the he so c , as,,cnousty at till r t te.t. head.'' P.ATIIER Frsiticqc —A correspondent. writing front Now York, says there are among the In dict of the Flll.O ev eSII.I. parties from which men are eirluded altwireiher, where the fair game -stets play cat!! dayl:4Lt larze ,tatter; and it not unfrripleuLly happens that when their parer, are depleted, they put lID their bracelets. ocieklares acd watches at wavirs. The ranch. ten and wires of the DI r. npubtnt merchants visit taxer pierce. iiaci nods ao.! fathir, in New York are a flora 11,703.11!,V i az ay( than thry arii generally, to let their wtrei. nal dough ten ,mair: outw.l wilhoaT mental; same y to thhe bin lucini . which bryt them ainroail. 1,1, a; the t,• nary r Wllj I 5:5 Ltir tu.• ,nt) SElTerabT Wbr Tr. by —>evernl ietten amre MM:l7,llaPt wink, by AZTicultitral IsrttaamL at Waahme,tan from Western far- r. on. p'ertiielJaZ that tue preszat root w..thl tic 141 A ~ .12, of of T.,0, ey,ry scVen:ll one bile 50 proved, and the la.L of I.:00.5 toting the U2i: be the year It l ls. The proplecv ws. i3 . lthed a. every Due know 4, the ELSL and West, and It iv Dili ho In f. , r/1c.1.1 'Care., of taint. t ry ,ttrenth yenr Ex 007. 1".0.1.0CK. LhrseLor ,/1 the U ilted Satre Mint ul Paila lalphla. Informs the public that email cola to now plenty, and can be had in any asblotl:LCF, T. , :t hoot delay, In exchange for gre:albacks. The denonsinallons aru one, too and three cents. The coin will lei Rent to t%e parchaeers, by express at the ex:inns:l of the United beaten. A Georgia Paper on tne'cage A• II t•trpheue..-I\' t 'coma llomr It ultra es n m wl tiller,* Meilen., to the, an. flouter the release, fr.im catn.ivitr, of LO T, Hun orat,le Alexander !Ian - Alma Stephens, Georgia's Livorno champion and so, F r near five weary month, tho frail tinily that o.ltihrillc9 so Brent a noel has languished fu prison walla; but airborne by a noulo riext, Mr. Seephens has survived his every discomfort. and to nos , free to return to the bosom of that State whose hearts besd responnive to his own. Io who! measure incareeration may have effected a health, only too feeble at hest we have, a, yet, no moans of knowing, but if the warmest sympathy and affection of ail Georgia can atone for atilt:rinks In the past, or ensure happiness for bin yet re- M.lntllg Sums, the orator of the South may rest mulcted that sympathy and affection are all his own. We hid him, and we know that in doing no we but speak the sentiments of oar people, a cordial welcome home.— etimasto C'Entstitulion al ist. Lear Monday afternoon while Mra. Barney tydllame, the actress, was absent for 5 moment Irma one ream in the next. at the Continental flute! la Philadelphia, a thief slipped In and to-g from 3 bureau drawer about 81.64 A worth of jewelry, 1 .1.!LI if males WPS a splendid watch, neat/1ac..,, ear-rings, to gether will a pocket book contaluing some an, .rely dollars in greenbacks 13 the Immediate vicinity. In one of the drawers, o; as a b s con taining all the lady's din:oasis, an:low/LI:1A la value to acid tlO,OOO. , that a It.w das, before a trrinnc aorident oc KartP station IS - ; E. R. ". tz, itavt t:t-.::=cer was it break - Le:A. An 1tib.,1113 turlc.say, .1 end r , •••••1 Vt. thus . eel res rr, 1 so ral gly uet tte enrine stool RO.ll and the Irishman jump•d gr. Then, with a bland, away It wing down the road at t►e rue of sev enty or r lzhty mile an hou r for ah mile*, when It ran Into two ears loaded a, 't: !umber, scettcring them !Ike ctatf. but at th. same time eMasbanz itself into a useless hag,. Two CONwscrrs escaped tram .11.oyamen.iinz olson, Philadelpht.:. on ;r..st Mdadny. One was a white man sentenced nee years, and the c0 . .11, col.orrd man sentenced four yea,. Td man Les neon employed sh or, tae the keepers were Predhg the plisdno,. oa Si,. day. the herss fasten,l the d., +r a. tr r i e,,01s at tie 'call. He 1e t, ta',,„2 the wh,;, a Wlth a 'Add, e 1.,;‘ the war. threw a rap: d N i other s; 'e. and tins esiapt.d. , Tim country is getting very dry, and rails is mush eerded. The different streams In Chest.•r county are tow very low—tlie ground hart and dry. and the roads and streets very dusty. A I:cuticulae rtaddieg on the Brandywitic, say-:h v. stream Is lower Loan he has been it 101 in SOY years. The I:Schuylkill river is very low, ss notch so that et the Fairmount water works an Yhiia dtlphla• some of the machluerr for tbrciat; et, the water for the use of the city has stopped work." 101: Altoona Tribune of la,t Lu.s.lay A man named CLestuut, residing at Penn eta don on the Pennsylvania Railway, was kilt, last evening, by being struck by the bumpim hem of the engine of the Johnstown ACCOIII modatirn train. he was CD(1011VOrillg La out of the way of the train at the time. ni body was so horribly mutilated that ha heel for about two bourn only. He leaves a wife and ten children. Mg Delaware County .resins nays. J. .t Ff. Moore. of Mn, pin, hnne recently mold to George Epright, of the Newtown Munro Hotel, a large hog, for two hundred dollars. We undenstand that it is a perfect monster In size, the object of the parch/nor being to fatten It this Winter to weling to maks It one of the largest, If not the pert' largest ever krib - wn In the county. Inn hollers of the rolling mill at Sharon, Pa. blew up on Thursday morning. One man and two bats Were seriously injured and lire others slightly Injured. The tons of property is 03L1- mated et n. 30,000, Tue Fluntmgdon Man:far. a democratic paper, bas passed from the heeds of Dr. J. Irvin Steal to those of S. A. McKenzie, formerly of the Juniata True Democrat. Rev. Loy J071E3, an Episcopal clergyman belonging In New York city, wt., aced by fal ling from the stops of St. Lnkels Church, Phila. delphis. last Tbnreday. 8. D. Pam:, formerly of the Cleveland Leader, will commence the pobllcatlon of '•The Reno Tines," at Reno, Venango county, some time this month: Mn. B.)T3PCIDD, the lam victim of robber• and attempted murder at Tarr Farm. IEI slowly mcoverlog from We wounds. VARIOUS ITEMS Tun Albany Journal says the rumor that Sec retary Seward Informed the English government of tne proceedings of tho Fenians Is false In Its length and breadth, that Mr. Seward had not furnished the British government such inform ation as represented; that no correspondence has passed in which a claim has been made for inch Intelligence, and that the whole story is as false no it is foolish. A BOSTO3 corrrspondent . of the It tchestef . • . • (N. Y.) Democrat writes than about th- tomb of Daniel Webster In Marshfield : the son of Fletcher Webster was buried the other day, hts grandfather's coffin wan again opened. and his remains found in a perfect state of prmerva lion. There la a secret about It; bu: tnose :ca• tures wUI never be been again." Tan Nashville Dispatch publishes a letter from Hon. Henry 8. Foote on the vexed quevuon of negro underage. in which be nays, il-tit, that It is a matter which ought to be re:mimeo and con trolled by the respective States, and aecondly, that the privilege might now be granted to all colored men who can read and write and pay tax OL any property. Torun are 51 1 00 acres on the shores and s. lands of Lake Erie der.ised to the culture of he grape. The Cntattha, lsahella . Dzinware and Concord are tho principal varictles. This year's crap on 5500 of the 5000 acres will average 5000 pounds to the acre, oaaktug IL otte o! the most profitable crt3l , s ratted- Ar ladian was recently ealight in a boar trap, and tusl.aatly klllcvl, at Sig Meadows, Alpine county, Cal. Ha had seen the trap halted with mutton, and roneinded to steal it. The fall Of the trap was made of beery tlenher, armed with large spites, which ectr-rd the Indian's bola, A DOTTZET has pist !•ten or;mred at Faris for ibe benefit of the plor of the vitt. The Emporir gives twr. handsome Intro of Setres ware, and the city of Pars given a dianarmd }struts worth 14:1,001)7. to be diapered of among the page, TIME Tun Chicago Timex v;.t., of a swant put/1W on azhlbltlon In that City, that was raised In Tinton county, 111. , w•ighltig ten pounds ani nine (1116 M, and COCElSltrittle two foot In alrrnan• ferreted. It was of the Brazdlan rarl,dy. MERCHANT TAILORS SECOND STO(I'K. OF FALL AND AVINTEft GEN TL EN'i WEAR TLe le le Novo 1,1, • or ILe settsan. The I. and best select od stock of NEE. 11 ICIAXINLIN, HEATHENS AND CIitVIOTS IN nit: et I 1. :1 ae sri;l on•ke t.) orOer IL A ir3pAr:Jk• Bly PRICES 2110nEliA1E. GRAY. POSSIEL El: ItE1:41 Success9rs to S. (IRA ' S'N Oci , KaCHAVT TAILEuv., No G. FLaki • COM.CONE, CLIME ALL GENTLEMEN'S FUB.NLSHING t 4 I'4o IE. 1' , :05.1:3 St The attention of the poblla la cWed to [ha lame and ellenall • atook of OLTIILEI Ilia falla/11Ali UUVUS, joat at the shut.. .rd Owe, chic..chic..l an, orlfrtag at poet trdea nia lua. Any one [a want of the ahove 111.11.13, viii Lod It to dud, edvaidase to rive ate tail, sod examine my d. 0.11, before purattvdos 01. e. ,eda Theo. fan Ilad the largest and .test aeleu[e..l doe. al Floe While Shins, Call, 5i,.., 'a...Oases Wooten, (Judos Idol Lisle Threat l'h.ler et.ld nod Drawers, head's, Meek Tlea, tendon, Hvttereln, and everything ivertsloll.S to the I lentleindOs Foralshlug la the ode. I:coesther Wee hlwee.l2 nod la Fl. Ulatr street, SAMUEL LEVIN. A large &tort of llsta, Caps, (tray. lint .ara, I orkaro.al'a. Universal. Byron'. F.:mneleo and he sold loa - of [Loa cod. 7.6:1 IIitNRY HALE, Merchant Tailor, MULTI' •ITEST COEN Zit OF Pr & ST, eLtlll STI Takes !teat pleasure in octinotinclog to his curlier rtial ni.:l the flaelic generic!, t nil aL. , I firrangteaviits for the FA Lt, le 1.. r bc, , scy lecied Irani the nra•-ciass cloth es in ttis Lii•tern eltfra. Only 111.10 , 1 ale..ofg o u t. hous Utt• ISt Oen really Inieconunerch.l will ho oCtrea, which oat. braces the newest and most •mirnvel materiels and idyls., the entire st.xl: eel-hr very I seam, veiled ann select. Mr. Halo Lan much confidence In Invi ting an early Inspection. bDPEEF/NE BLACK., COLORED CLOTHS, AND DOE SKINN, as warranted fact colors, sec sound texture. mELTurr CLOTHS and other new coatings, nesestyle for entire suite. A rut variety of FINE C A tiS IMERES for Pang and Vesta, far Morning and Evisoluit weer. emelt Boys' DRESS AND SCHCOL SUITS. A lat re lot or elltlce rjuodm Vox- 1C all Wear. JrlT nucta via) ry GRAY & LOGAN, «7 1 _ 47 St. Muir Street. FAIT.()] .. 3 l% ISLIINU TO RSCIEVE lelSTElitlrlurCi IN THE AST OP Culling Itlen's And Boys' Garments, 01 ACTUAL 111EASURESIENT, would 'lo wdl/ try cant-I l an 1. C. KLETT. in., Al SileG ATTYiiii Clothing Store Southwest cnnta Ohio M. and /Atwood. 4./leslang City sullettneedsiss UNDERTAKING Mani lams 7 No. tSi Fourth street , Pit.tsblut4 Pa. OOP) rss of all kinds. CRAPES, (1L(.1...5, Mil ovary C. soliptlon of Fodor Al Furolthinc Goods rumbaed ?loom, Open day end Watt. Ifearse sad'llarrlava loruhthod. liarcnimoux— Rev. Peon.' Kerr. D.U. U,rdsg. Kee Jacob U. :alder Kai. LLicalEiir Agricultural Sticile.y AIN ILT OCTOB 18, 19 AND 20, 1865, h.silV) HUM Ban,: e 4'. tt:e rib!: r,: 6 te•,u yrlll COtaaltst:lot.s 6,1 u6tunthy t ,, UtL , ,41 gru u IRON CUT PA ilk, Situated at La•s:rncerU:e. near the nits . it:. a EVII N 14'4 ARTS, ORNEI4. I nrLEmtifills„cATlCLE, FRU ITN. EEP, YLoWERN AND 'SWINE AND Ir EGET A [ILLS; PO U LTR Y. LARGE PREMIUMS And the dl.play In all dapartiacata {l:oral.. to bo EXTENSIVE AND IMPOSING. A Suitable Coarse for the Display of floras And. in addition to the test. &pecined In the Pre mium Lists, the track will be open each day for EQUESTRIAN PIIRFORDIANGES Lotter the direction& of the Committee. TEE GROUNDS ARE Bu plied With ( Pure Water Hay and Straw FURNISHED ortArzs. Clr rain at Cost. IRON CITY PARK can :ke reachei by the Cit Dena. Pmenger Railway. Also. Accommodation trains mill be run by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. sir- Premium Lists can be procured at the Rooms of the ioolety, No. GI Ptah Street, or by application to either at the uudersigued. flrif . Articles and animals must be entered ate he S.ectetart'e books before TUMMY EVEN NO, On ODER 11, and (except hones) brought within the loclosure Iv as TUESDAY NI/ON /IQ- A Bran Band will be In avendance. err Amide errarommas for meals. PRICES OF ADMISSION. Single Ada:rawn—. 12. cents. Children, cant Tero.hotre vehicles 23 centr. RICH. -Lorca ....... 20 bents. ilintila Hoire 10 cants. Urcuparila of renteles mill pay, in addlilan, tea ref Ills, prices of adeutasion. 3 _.lce.' Reports will t. re•d from the ?real. te utt cc k HIDAY, to`Tif3Lß Yu, et two Asti PREMIUM WILL LIE PIM) 1131" THE TV.EASETIMEIL For ifurther lisformatlom address Capt. J OLIN TUl'llO, Ja , Super ietendent, Men. JAMES S. II: 173 L IiTY, Corm apt:whoa Smsres. Ta""of the .^e.ety, or S. St.IIIOYEEL, Seems ey t 4 the Boart. aceloteitrble TENTH LISTuN APPLI4.IATIONS A lot selling liquor, Sled In :he Clerlesthriee, up to Oetobet loth, load: Name, gir3f. Plate. Adele. Flelehelsen, Tavern, Ist wart, ' , Mahan] Porto & Leech, do do tdo elk.; tumble, do do do Louis }lacer, do co sio Davos nd SehilThauer. ~:0 do do Derld Vv. t amp., du ill 0 . 9 Jae. MOMS. ,t. , do do Adam. 'with, d I do do Lleth• lee M l Lani ii4n, II 11 , an; do James Itst k,i las erti,' 01 ‘4 . •rJ do bent; • ruler, do do do .1 H. E l ect - mar , do do do net," • OA. goo I, do to do Thos. e mien,O do . 'J Wu, Loordoo, d o do do John golglO. Eallog House. do do Arthur BaJlo•, othercombi, do do Atwell, Lee :. Co., do do do Henry Sty& r. racing 'loose, bl ward. do Jobo Mainers. do do do Marla Effete, do do do P•lrs: lmike, other goo le. do do Robert Steel, lever, /th word, do te . F littag, do do do Ds clef Wallace, other good, do do E. 11. Werke:. Tacera. sth ward do iota. 1 istorm•Dir, do do do Albert Uhltoano, do 6111 ward, do Heigh Her 805 ., other goods, er, u Sophia Leiser, En Douce, OLP ward. do Franca :WM, ati. cio do ou J. T. Ty ler, To relol. 6.8 ward. , o foe. Ph il.ii s, do do do Stephen Caiao•ra d. littli Ward, do J. Ludwig. F.•l.lce /louse, do do J. C Elliott, on do du IL get Meath. Co do do J. 111 liobllzer, do do do If Hotheold, do do d, John Horn, T•• 'era, 01 ward. Al/0480t1y. H i 'sloths/1, do lot wikrd, do J IL Kroactr. Eattng Itoose, el word, do Win Illoclrel, do do do Botts. le F• 11, otter goods, do du He. meths, 1, 4 8 Ivor I. do A Weor.el, Ltatloo 11 ..I.e, do iln Diehard stool. il , . do d., 'IT tn. K run, m, .i. art gordc, ll , i - n' 131 • mtriebru. Sebastian /Im..g, I svero. Fast do John Karala, do do do Joht !Colt, Eating Douce, do do Scholar. % oldernu, other sii•ads. Eut do E. lialliett. Eating Hand., L•weencerii le. Ls irls Sehaum, To, vosn. McKeesport. Wm Saki., Other goods, do Ciitlitilimi Franey, Eating stouts., Temperanoev'e John sohlomer. do An John .' Din:tett, - In mu. i ' , artier. Townali Peter t renan, do N r,,7ette do John 1. Pattern., It Liberty do Tone et' Haas tut, Eat'. Hondo. do do David Lloyd, Tavern, fa t film do John MeLees, do do do lip Hoffmann, other good. do do Salo stet Tamer, T• rer 2, Penn do Oms. Street., do Pitt do s•hoe. King. do Ross do littria Fruit Iteh, do do do V islen tine Burger. EoUlt 4 lioisseiJo an , or rarl ilserttnid . , do Itece row do John D Blame, do /... St. Clair ao Th. Aldose., Tavern,s ,cott do , Doi Id Ilaval, do V....Li11e, do .lol,n 01,08F0'., do Vr I )(In. li, John U. Meyer, do do do Tne unnrt will nit nu w EllriE , DA Y. the let day of N. other Mei, at to oiclooe is oi., for tearing the above applieetirma. Applicante will tile their bonds to my olSoe be fore the de? of heart.. Desoonatranoce must be Plea on or before the day of hearing. IJartlliestea of Heenan must be taken out after Bee nod within filmen aays after baring been emoted, or they wilt be revoked eceordt , g to law. oelfliTul W. A. HER RUN. Olert. IrrSIVI/klll, rn 'OLGII NO MORE I STIII KL.INO'S MELLIFLUOUS COUCH. SAM. I}n Ur.LlVlrrorra Oorart Ott r Is I/ram...o !o ours ...Joust.. Colds, Holtrss. Ile". Asthma, Whooplus Comrh, Sore Throat, consumption, and all affections of Iho Throat and Longs. it le the only preparation known to cure chr u nio Unu , ,rhs, A.throl, and Unnsuraptlon. 1. Dever falls to oli•e Vinnoplos Uough and Oroup. Try a battle directly. 11 is prepared front honoy. It Is particularly rrsominended for tho youn and bo old. Sold by all Druggiets at 50 tont, par hot. ila. ne IS: yd DIARREOEA Over 18,f00 soldiers Were cured of Divrrefe and Dysentery last year b . 4 the use of Dr. STILDIS- Lett D'S ANTLUROLE IttAXTURF. T..i (not o been` used it extensively to tke Hospitals Id Proof of Ur efllermy of DR. STRIfilf.L 6.IIDfS aurf I .OI:IELISRA MISTu BE for tbs mite of sante and entente eases of filar/bole and Meant. 1 7. This le ttto only prep... Don fro own as • .afa and Certain tamed; fur Onolers. Do no' be With. out CO rslusble • medicine. Get • bottle of tt di teens, It to s mi by ail thll4ol/111 dt do cents per bottle. Tati.-25 ht. bb d . WILIto Fish, 25 do, Troll Fox sale by J. B. OAIMELD. TENTH 1.2'11 (*di Large and WWI Jrratlgect I L.1)1-NO-S lir re Niu erocutl fur me 01,11:.7 of Hove been Ins:le to insure ENTIRE SATISF ICI lON To Exhibitors and Spectators ARE OFFERED. lIOTISIES. The Managers Gave provided =ME R. E. SELLERS & co, WtteLm3A.Le Aorx.rs. R. E. SFLLEILS & CO., 'IC ern ,111:11TICEtt TIOT,MES & SONS 3EtAi"...EPI.JB iie 07 IJaika Strcet, Pittsburgh. El, Ii PA FI'NDS.,II:iI. I=l the rrlf clot I 51113=12111 EOLMT AND .3:33 9N COMMISSi)N. PartlouLss attcotlon r , 01•4 tt tale of UNITED STATES SECURITIIE, rodtt-O States 61szo of IS It Do. do. 5-2.90 Do. rives, 1D400; Do. no - en-Thirties Do. CertlfteaLes of lodebtedorto. EMIEESI FOURTH NATIONAL BANK. 11. S. Government Depository 55 JI.IIiKET SEITEET, PITTSBURGH, PA Capital Pell Io 8100,000 ITtat Privilepro of locroove to 500,000 Having extensive correspondence with Henke and Bankers throughout the country, we otter uttnan. al facilities to thou, doltg mutinous with to • 7 8..10 XV CZMEIIES. And all other Ci.ommoment seenrlttel, farntahral In sum, to suit purchasers. Deposits received and Interest allowed by special agreement. • DIED:RCA THOS. DUNNXI.LIC, It. H. KING, SMITH n, J.HIGLEY, JAS. M. HALLS?, JoHN werr.acm, THOS. SMITH, J. M. KIFIK THOS. DONNELLY, President, BUTLER WARD, Cashier tell:lncrlorF DOLLAR bAViNGB BANK, NU, 59 Potnirrs Sfairrr. g~l:i.R: M:lSa:hi7lcl F:.~ Open daily from oto 2 o'ckock, also On Weinew day and Saturday evening, from May Ist to No. somber Ist, from 7 to l o'cbXk, and from November lst to May Ist from !tot o'clock. Deposita received of all sums of not !outran Ono Dollar, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, in June andntlecumber. Internet has been declared semiannually, to June and Deeszetwr, since the Bank was organized, at the rate of wa per cent. a year. Interest, (Snot drawn oat, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and tears the same Interest Irons the lirst dare of June and December, compounding twin; • year without trou bling. the At to call, or even to present his s bo At this tans money will double In Ims than twelve years. hooks, containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, furnished gratis, 011 applicatler at the offi ce. Pasao....• r—dEORDE A.1.1311.EE. ulna TE.LinltTil. William J./Lndereon, A. AL Polloak, M. IJ, Juba G. Backofen. liotaert Raba, Bend. L. Falmeateck„ Je/M Slieeeberger. James Henlmeu, James Shldle, James McAuley, Alexander Speer, Isaac AL Petisktotk, Vagcr. - - . . -. Calvin dritunlk limy J. Lynch, John C. Illndley, Perm A. hiadelna George Mack, John Marshall, Hill Burgwta, Walter P. Marshall, Alma= A. Carrier, Jamas B. D. Weeds, Charles A. Colton, John B. YlsraddarYl Wm. Douglas, • John Orr, J ohn J. ohn Ev Ol ans, Henry A :„ • Jlim pte, Wll.l.lsta E. L. 11:= WIIIMM S. Haven, Alexander Timlle, Peter H. Hunker, William Val:dark, Richard Darr, Wm. P. Weyman, James D. Kelly, Lass Whittler, Treanom—CHAS. A. COLTON. Senerma—JAllitZ B. D. MMEDS. alrlzWar Tilk, EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANE 0 f Pittsburgh. bartered by the Capital Organized under tate at Pa, $1,000,000. Nate! bati , 186 i rbi, Baca Las beer, de !meta a DEPOSITA L V United States Treasury, and appointed agent for the sale of the 7.43 1 0 , MA 0.. 1 , 17 • Every facility will ba offered to LCISCAMI of pax ties ouchaaLtyt for mule. H. M. MURRAY, Cashlet. spam , Taz L PEOPLE'S' NATIONAL Big; Of Pittsburgh. Capital Paid in 41,000,000, with Prvi lege of $2,000,000. Making House WESER FIRST AND WOOD STRIZTS. This Bank, organised mder the National Bank ing System I. • now prepared to transact business at It. Banking !looms, corner of Wood and Phil streeta. tklllect.torm mule on all accessible points on most favorable terns. Special Agents for J& Y GOOSE, for the sale of the I. 8, 7 3-11} Treasury Notes. EIASIVEL REA. President. F. U. GORDON, Cashier. J. C. IIIaPHERSON Teller. SEWING MACHINES. NV HEELER C WILFON'S HIGHEST PRENERTM Loch Stitch Sewing Machine BUTTON-HOLE MACHINE agency, Xo. 27 Firth Street GROVES & BALKER FAMILY RAVINE MACHINE IS THE ONLY MACHINE. WHICH Embroiders, THE ONLY MACHINE WHICH Makes the Elastic Stitch. CNLY MACHINE WHICH Uses Two Spools THE ONLY MACHINE %mum Fastens the Ends of the Seam THE ONLY MACHINE WHICH Makes a Bias Seam That wW not break or ravel la stretching th materLaL The Only Sewing Machine Company wawa MAKES LOCK-STITCH tam - Double Lock-Ellilch Afachines. Purcheten can exchange for either, It 1101 'riled with thew first choke. menace ter youraelves at HO. IS FLIEVII ISTSZET A. F. CHATONEY. cIENFULt. aGENT. RAILROADIX; 18b5 151 • ARRA NEVE. SYMENT Erni - LVAIVIA. 41:7W,841.1,11, —TWELVE DAILY TEAMS. . a tgth. IPAS, trek . will 11,9 tr., I%l' , RaPsle, lA' • thug: on Idd .rsy strs'ets , DAY EX PE? ESS, daily eseepr r'4.3. 9 .r, 9, 7604 a., "PPL 3 Je 0,4, rt:,cti , sl anetlif4.l sail reeking s 1, , 0d A 1.. trs Af2trtrllM:ol,All.ll.7s-Itdally except r.,..1ey, sr a SO et. m., sto: , rtrf: 0 9U fdP ll9, rd'..,enr e rh .tert $, I"lshurg and msr close e la, Ltiu. with tre% On Ind!ene rI and , ‘1 91. 4 ee..t = - • ' m. steers'4o l ; t La. , JohnstoiSSL f. Con , Lat.sr. i.:ren, A l: , -rte.::;.liontitlgia; New pee erp 1.14.1., ',aDowstr. • ft Irriehure . re. rEcti .01 e ms:: It. 11.t'.im3re. Wesk it ra.r New York d - • V. odsM , .LIATit , " , eos:r..4;:ins •it d' e m stopping t ,y'rrgutar eta n,',et s ris3iPTlk 133.1 r 'lone with trains on the Plpecostu:g and lawskl, and lidfledaPbuStrbr..'h tietl rlJUl!`:7t.Wi: A13..11.31M , •/' et S ,•1 al5 p m.. atop; reeulst sta. tie3r 1., wet,. F . 00.1 I qnt-Lcv n, eon necltrg nt 8,..1r*v5..0 totereeetton trains Pa the I,•3•es Bre,eh eild West Vensds/v sass H.R. I 'lt ' I,A'at /CS a. etoppteg at 'strobe,thettenledeth 1141111i0P, Altoona, fientteadon. Lewtatotst4rilleit2e, New. port, Harrtseure, LeAsse,ket, sad Dorn. ler.own As liarrlsbarz , lircet trOmntlone ere mode h r Halamore., tvetllnpton ‘9.0 Nosy Yolk et Ph ! lad. ;ph i s, for Nev; YarY. 8ar.,41n inter. cr.o.ltnie polite . Cam 111.1I*110tUck 3We tram from Pltreberrh to rjeJtlmorliPhibaelptdi and New York, hs the .I.lteothwit ro - sta. FAST datir, except. Sly, at 9.80 p rt m., oppins only Cl Consomme, 13 hues, Alto 3 I,l3lntlngdal. Lesr,thust, nt a. Newnort, .M.nryarlite. lisrrlenurs. alwldleso*h. ens:teeth town. Joy. Larktiertill, ederteeeelz. Ad= Dots ingtOWll. At HartlaDurs cow...tont:are made for Row York, Baltimore. aod Woah , a(B.Bl.at Phila delphia. for New York, Horton, ood4zioaroledisto point.. First Accommodation Train for W — rdH:a Station leavra 2211 y (accept Sunda) - ) Second Accommodation Train for Alall4 Station leaver daily (except Sunday) at 9.oti. Third Accommodation Train for Wall'. Statitti hare. daily (except Sundry) at. 3.3.X.,X. in. Fount, Accommodation Train for:Wall Statics Icavea daily (enoopt Sunday) ett G. 034 h. Aca0mm22221211 for Pam Sea 2, leave. at boorm. The Church Train teat. Wall's atlon evecy Supday 0.01 returning leirkes Pittxbarsti at 12.6012 :a. • Y. Beturrung Trains 6171T0 In Pittstratith as folloWs.: 1.25 a. DS Fast Line— • 540 a, M First Well's Station Accosomodaragi... e. 25 aM . Penn Accommodation .:•" 7.50 a. tw Second NV nil's Station Accommodsgon 0.60 a. nit Johnstown Accommodation 10.05 a. M. Pittsburgh h LYle Mot ••• 12.50 p. to. Baltimore Express 120 p. Third Wail • Station Assommodattelt. 2.1:05 p. m. Philadelphia LYpreal 1.20 p. Fourth W Station Accommodalgion 6.00 p. fa. Alcorn, Accommodation and Eningtain 10.30 p. m. An Agent of the Es-relator Oenajbal Company will pals tbrotgh each troth befols re:mating tiles Depot, take up eneeka and Oliver baggage to any part of the city. Mee No. 410 Pen amain, open day and night, where all orders loran movement . of pauengets and bon a - gage will men, prompt itt. Mation. Baltimore express will arrive wil4Phlledelphill Express at 2.410 p. m. on MOntlaya NOTIOB—In aim of /on, the aompiwry will hold themselves respoluible Pe ihhwuli Nana only, and for an amount not traeted.AVJUS4 W. EL BEWCWIDC Asap , At the Pennsylvania Central Ilailthad Pasaeogu Station. on LThertit tied Wasbinatott streets • 1865. PITTBEURGH, COLUMBUS AND CINCINNAT9LULEOAD. 'She Great Short Line Route viti 3 OtilbenviAlo, Tb coLunnts, LO • A virEkLtarAi.oLts, 41 V. LOUIS. And nil Ihe pruicipal Clans, WEST AED SOUTEr.-Wg# 03 AND erre': MONDAY, OCTOBER 941885, Trains leave and arrive at the UNION DEPOT. as D3PLEV4. Align% rxpress. 10a 0. . m. 7Co 6 . - LOOD. m. Express 306 a.ss 6 Steubenville Aecommid Va. L.lO " 10.03 a. m. S. F. SCULL, Gen I Ticket. Agent, Steuttinaville, O. M. 1). MOTH.F.IIS_PADGEI , Ticket Agent, Unten Depot, tltteburgb. 00.9.1p1 pIT 'WTAYNE B.I4IIRGH, rr. •• - mtzgli CBLICAGOME . RAILWAY AND OLEVEIANIri ric MT= BURGH ain.Roe.D. ~• split ,31 ; : 511 SDI On and after May 14th, LEW, trainVivill Ma follow., viz Leaves ~. I For 1 For ... I For PitiebranhlClaleno. 'Cleveland:l Wlteelln Envy...—. ..... tn.lo a. m. 2.10 a. m',' 1 10 s k Exton... ... ..... 0.00 I. tn. 146 p. ro.. I Mb p f :•-:' Eslyeia....-. ... 1 r. ..00 p. at. -- ,1 lAA a. 1.10 ;a. F lino , Cartle and Eris 0-10 a. m.: .. . • AnYlf o Yrrne. j".. Arrive at Plttsburgh—P. rt.. W. 3%0. 6.20 a. m., 3.20 p. m., 6 ao p. m., 1.50 8.30 p, U. a. P. K. K —2.16 a. na.. urn p. ra.4l+:o p. m. aocomaroDoTroz Taarrit. Las sa 6.lleghaay. New Roches- t New I K I Staub Brighton ter. (lasi's- Eroaaray Poo. tn.. 2.16 p. m. • 1.40 p. m.:10. 60 p.:41. 630 p. UM a.m. 2 I 6.13 p.m_ • I ti I • 6.00 p. as , • I Arrive at Mlegliony—P. F. W. k.. 47. *Jan, 7.16 in., 8.16 sL. c 1 10.7 6. m., 7.7.6* 616., 4.50 C. ti P. R. —Ale a. m. GEORGE PARKER, Tittot Agent, Elgin Panons.r_scation, PittAmrsty Pi A. (4. CASS.k.D.M.RR,Y, Tlekr4 Alle_nenVay tglvi _E. =RES. General 74ket. ?. I kiTSBURGHD giACZPIti cONNELLSTILLE RAILROAD. W NTEI3 ARRANGEHi*T On awl &Rite MONDAY, Oct !Mt 1, X5, the train, .eore the Depot, corner of Rote, , and WAN stretis, Y follome Leares Arrives a Flttidaureks Pttblb. Mail to and from Uniontown. 7:55 a. at; tap p. Sa... Express p. an. 105/3 I. ie. First McKeesport Accom'n..-Itnti s. ak", SSD I. et." 6.15 p. mai Snap. rt. Feat Braddonk's " ... Ine a. roc B:=0 a. nt. Second " ".... 4:10 p. In CO p. La Sunday Church Tr.ln to and -: For trotlt Mc Keesrty to lag p. adjOnet. s ticket! plya A. J. SHANK, A ge il w. S. STUDT. Supattaten7l. ALLEGEENY VAL- amtgst LEY RAILROAD.— CHANGE OF TEXLE.—On and alter ',MONDAY °doe a 2d. Pewees,: [rate will be 'twanged to run ea follows . gigijb rEASPl.—Leatan Pittaburga 'IA a. au striving at Kittanning at 10.00 a. mfigainat tanning at 3.2 o.m, lumina at Atte:lolU at 64.1 P. EL Eli.P/iS TRAlN—Lerma aitta4ing at Sid s. m. arriving at Pittsburgh at *-29 A. A. Lesvos Pitts.uegt at lab p. m., arrlviag at Er4tazunnig at _ AMOISIMODATION TRAM— /Armes &XS Works st 6.210 arriving st Pittsbizeitb. lit 8.03 a. m. Leaves Pittsburgh at 2.83 9. tn., Arriving at Hiss minas. at 4.16 p. m. smin F. WRIGHT. salmi: N it' tads PLUMBERS, GAS F ITT", ADDY EWERS, PRACTICAL PLMO. Gas and Steam Fitters, No. 16.5 WOOD STREgt (OPPOSITE FTE.ST OntITICH,) Pumps, Hydrants, Sheek:Lead, LEAD PM, PIG & BAR LEAD tarD Plumbers' Materials in (i..miemL OIL BEIFZARRIEg Fitted 111 t In the IlloFtapprov4 Tahiti Mod with lead hr Opp Ilin - *esastait Op with war= or gill le. 13.—Alleedere imemptaattestdeltar-' tes INDEPENDENT ~TEB3 .I 3~aaLCly. We ere elTerirg tho public, the over.; menet Pin , of thin kind eves invaded. Its . CONSTISUCT lON Is 811.3.PLLE a.3D.FR6.• It has ao auks or ay wheal, sad tate ' aodes4 Tamp . fl.e s rr i amF oz . qu u riell y y it Is iti re a tY . S It is used far EiOT arCOLD WATEIC nod far sapplylag BUJLEII, Titlf or EP= FIIIIPOSES. For farther rertlcalare cell at BAILEY, FARRELL 8-C43„ so - LE thiacrrk No. 167 Emithfteld3txtin, actl Prrrslrcuag.l32,; DENTI.STRY. JOS4FII .11.D930: • . h=l, l " I/L. 14X T,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers