Vale Vilitimiiit'auttt. THURSDAY', OCTOBER 10, 1863. Th.hitiratalatir GUIDE. arrival and Departare et Trains. Pennailyarila Central liallroad. Departs. Dif Trams—. 2dO• m Peon Asatitao'n. 730 a m Mallintinnito..:l4o}vin,Mall_. .. ... -.... I =- 1 a a Prina.Erie Mats 7,1 u a m, rest Line........ 209 a . ditormaAserns 5.60 a mirirt &Erie Ma11.12:50 p to Phila. Express.. c= p m, Baltimore Mils", 1:30 p to Johnstown Ac's CO p m, Phila. Express.. 210 p m But Lies-.-.--. e3O p as. Johnst'n Acen..10,2 a a in Wall Stauem CuSI a miles Wall S tarts,, Samdrl Id u u 11:ro am'm o u sdo sai 1,4 11 .. 2345 p mixt " •• uos p m 4th u " 6:03 p m a th .. .' sial p a leanllenteio'n.lolo p mAltoona As Ws and Elan Tr's. to .0•' p a The church train leave. Walls' Sirius. every Monday at 935 a. u 1.4 mamas, lase. Pittsburgh l i t ilKa ) il. M. •Pitteburgb, Columbus and Cincinnati. Averts. Strives. Enrcee......... 210 a m'Espresa-.....--.. ,::s ' a m Mall :am am Mall__..__..., 3 90 P . Express._„.... 2:lspm Expresa--......., um p m StelthenvllloAc. StentieseideAw telineedatiotr. 43p to commoclatios• MOO am Plitstrargli, Part Wayne and Chicago. Departs. Arnre.. Ezpresa—....... 130* nt' i llsprtas ...... ... 2:26 a m Express..-....... 2 , 0 p as Express ...... .-3 .3 U pm Eupren........... 3aop in Express ...... ... bap p to Mall 'MPS CO Mail 730 pm tr. Csalte h. Elie erte 11 m N. Cratio b. rate 820 p m dpN ew a th 4; uen i,erdoans n , lion leas. uinheny . rk , l e 7a hcrs.rl2ls ate p. m., sandee Econoaytrao p. p0.1 New Culls, en Pinsburgli, Cletela d and Wheeling. . 0 .1.4 - armor. Ilmpreial ... :5.... 210 a MI n 230 n m unes, 236 p int pecan ..... ... 301.5 0 m Mall silo ami all 9:00 p m Stenbenville Acton:mood Lion leaves Allegheny M 220 . p as Pittsburgh and , nnellsyllio. Zleyeals. Arrives. „1— Mall 7:65 aMI sai pm ,- Espinu no p mlEmmess io:oo a a list alciteeirportarno a m tat McKeesport 630 ' a m to ..I .... cab p m ZI . .. . . 2.- Ce. p 111 Ist 1/saddens's.. 7.7.0 a m tst Braddoeh's 830 aso sao p m .rd . .... 6.4.5 pm ' - Alledireny Valley ElaitTOzol. Depots. onion. Mall 750 • 02'Pxprecs P:3O a a Express .. .. to p maiden. lon p m Lecoramodliion 203 pm tAccommodailo&ollia ni orrY ANb 813BIIREA17 . r . Agricultural Fatr. Yesterday dawned most inatuspiciouslf open the opmiltact the Fair, Italy, rain, Tali, some times cotibarusly, =seals:tea in gentle *lowers, .hke the *ll4l tear falling froir the ties of a timid maiden, now pith a bltuster like a Fifth street bruleer o .ariegain lighting uP as though inclined to'n'aille at Its own variablennss. Bat to tooth it waswdreary day,—mud was hick nod .txhlbltom looked blue, and visitors were few. A. great many articles which were to ban I,een on the grounds, were kept away by the excesatve moisture, and a great nosey that will be cOlbhod in the open Olt,. leek the arrangereceni t ,sequireetto give an effect. But httkAhretim *CD done tcwzrds tire ar rargtmectr.f the different bootits than what we mentionedlii yeirerday'd - More articles are'on thugeonsid tote Sure, and a much better .arrantement exalt, than on the previous day,ter. btllimany of the Mande are yet empty, it being impossible to arrange the articles, much less take teem to the grounds dining the preeent weather. Should it clear off -we may yet expect a magnificent di,piny. ENTUTES OP STOCS-lICAYT DUX:GUT HORSES The fullorrlng gentlemen compLmo Om moon it lee en henry ( ) taught homes: Chatrumn Itrorr Ingram, Jno. Thompson and Honor. Stewart. A. McClinteek, , Perrytrvllle, Allegtery _Penrsy Cie Etnllp:m a years .14. - 01,Taylcr, WillilnsbCrgh, Pis, one colt. Truaer 4:ree year old. 8. Nixon,, Woodville. Pa-, one mare, Four years old; one inure under four years old. dohn Gler, one gOdlng over 4 years old. enruthere, 'Turtle Creek, use 5.111 i m over 9 :FEST!. nl.l. J 4 T. F. Wright, Pittsburgh, oue haarsover 4 remold: Jau. U. Melia, North &u, Allegheny coun t➢, Ph.. out gelding . aver years old. W. r, Armstrong; Plum township, on ,tai lion ovt r four sears old, Jno. Hamer; East. Iltiplts, one man Cott. be -sweet, 2 astif year. dd. Geo, .1111:er:Armsttone county, one drangbt stallion, 4 puma old. Duquesne Engine Company, ono pair of heavy drangbL hcauts. Committee On horse.; for general pur,Apes— Thomas Jackson, Henry Chailank and 8. B. Days. Wihon .I..ttett, Upper St. Clair toirothip, one 2 yern old cos._ Bed ham & Pittaburgh, oilo pair of kors, s. J, A. Cm.•u:t.en% Tunic Cmcl, 024 Efe:diTz. ricer 4 Er, nt 31r of horse der•. liei,uedy, 1111 lie 4 yes s 4 (Ad. Jno. M'Keivey,W,illinaburz.vae &years Cd. John GRot ay, L.E.svietceyille, one 5 - _,6:1,1 Dyer 4 t ear rh. Jen. 11. McNally No/ Pence4 - Irani.% one gelding over 4 ~ .nr.4 oil. A. V. I'. Day. ore gelding over 4 oid. Dr. J. M. Commir.i., one mare o, r 4 year:, old. Pt.llllp A. Wsltop, Salem X Ft kdelfi, West:sore /am/ counq, one etullios over 4 years horse colt betwccn - 9 sod S prart, Themes Cirson, Tempertir_eeriile, one over 4 ytare.edil. J. Curry; Alleghtny county, one pas of nor CelS. vuoitccou 13:1ED lIVI see. The C...rt mina' on thorough bred h,rsel - Chairman Or. lalmpeon., Wm. /31/ief and J.O.tu Alatben.e., Wet. S'arridan. Temperancevlllr, ore mare 3 years old. J. P. Cunningham, Dravostenr Allegheny county, Pa., hue gelning 4 years ~id. fiamuel.Seott. Pairnerselha, Aliesneay conc. ty. Pa— one stallion' ( Alohaw k 1 five yea, .11. C. A, Warmmstle,. Pittanumn, five pair of horses. J. T. Fawcett, one trotting mar .I.faay.) GataL i. Ewing, Nlohn tp.. Seem P. 0., one mare (Tnekuboe) for light draught. Capt.Atio.Young,llohinson ton-I, l llp, Err ing's Milts, one mare over 4 years old, one colt under I,year. . George Wells, one stralloti over 4 fears old. . 8. A. 3deClung,. Gear Texas,Allegbeny county. Pennsyttnniti, one trotting mare. D. W. Mirk:v., Allegheny City, one gelding over years old. .L A Cared:ma i Turtle Creek, one mare over 4 years -rid, • Joseph Kennuly, Turtle Create, one hi 00d..d mare over 4 year, old; oue n cole under t year. Robert Yeinn, one trotting mare, and one Talc of horses. W. IL Ewing, Allegheny City, our r..acing more. W. 1, 3fvflren; - Wilkinstrurg, ono pacing horse. irviu, Willdusburgh, one gelinng over fotir years old. - James McKelvey WllltluAbarg, one, :eking ov e r fan; Team 014 one mare colt, beta,m three and four years old. B. L. 11. llabbs. l'lttsburgh, one tmu.inu borne. • . . Charles F. Tulli-gbist, Pittstiorttit, one fret ting horse. John Glifillan, t ,iper Et. Ccalr, one mare over four years 'old. •R. C. Dears, Pit burgh, one tr,.o ing loon. Thomas fiercer,'. trtle Crack, one pair of trnt ting horses. Jail. Patterson., F w Texas, Alleabr- v even ty, 5t,1.114) OW lent J. &Metier. one Stallion over tour yea's old. Leak, Allegheny City, one mare over tour years old. i• Levi Liepicrl Lawrenceville, one blooded geld the between three and four years old. F. flg, pel4lFargb, one stallion between three and lonficare old. - • PhllUp A. -Walton, Salem X Roads, West moreland county, one trotting horse. J. McKelvey, Pittsburgh, one pacing horse. C. George, Pittsburgh, one trotting horse. Frank. Coleman, East Liberty, two geldings between three and four years old; ono mare be tweert,threo and four years old, and one mare colt between the and two years old. - John poll, Pittsburgh, one stallion (Ifesaen ger,) over roar years old, one gelding over four years old, Charles Jeremy, Pittsburgh, one trotting b one and two trotting mares. I 8. J. 31CParran, 'McKeesport, one trotting mare. T. 11. - Walker, Pittsburgh, ono eaddle horse. James Thomas, Cleveland, Ohio, one trotthug mare. N. P. Duffy, Stewartstown, olio pair of bay buggy bows. i D. 8: - Carnthers, Munroesillo, Pa., ono stal -1 lon, three I:capold. , ,:. 4, R. McClure, Elizabeth, one pacing Loire ., . JiCls, ariomris LITD .51171.Eft. . ' les The eommi n "e 'lla i n a`k G s iate n e, e l e ohn n smith[ and muu, a . t'. l4 '=l;ol. entered one jack. John Culibpv, faclilocot Valley P, o. entered tVry poke. 'ffitterr zrortr.D =mix CATTLE, • The C.omnattee on short horned Durham cat tle are; Chen= CiPegn Wm , Ikgdi ' l / 4 1Va C.. Dunn, fforierb cir .Eton find Brown. . . :Wylie, Plliebnagh, one.flail three yeirri 4801430 krllzoNlTFino hctrer,Csrpieura • old situl onelearlireqinifer. • .IntiirliOloon, fenweranceillic, threes cows; three yea - mord; . in4e better, Wu "oars old; ono beitr nice months old. and one muting , bull: Vim. Wylie, ritishargli, ono helho two years cdst and <me yearling heifer. t • ..1. 1 John Mc K, vy, Wilkle&aurc, two Dlrnvn MEMM/1 Clsr.rk, Col!, Freeport. Fa . one llarlova u ric mrr6a Mr ; oor O ur t., in tien ac(.l one 3.n.. . JOlll Kt :rr , Lure., btrbAra hi , Ic;•. on, and. I.w. .1.1 ; ] ^"3e r eh l ; eon" ,dd. and , n.t. /1,1, 14y. 1111 . 111.1,111 . 01, eya, 1.. p.l Irek, ftc Ahl."tn..y• ni: , IVm. Boy.l. NV. C. ll.uct. .T.. :,t,,114, and M. IL 13rv, n. 1111, hnm hvirer, inn ye.ri J. B Liberiy "no ;I 1.,- ri ulte IS mortbs LEN 3.1 , 13 BIKE, KIIIIKT SND TI. • thr.ittnan and centnthi tee are the eunie far ttr: Aldcrnoy. G. ANegtwny Cap, one Btrn,e. brit, two grade 7:.=m ,r • .cbsgrA tr INvi.n ton. J A.,<, Tun C; eek. Pa . 07e 1..),,a1a hclter 2 yva Jas 31,-KOvey. Wo4.:n,hurgb., oae grale Do . rti r. 10 Illar:;t3 Jet , . F. le•C occ D. ;1,11 • Fronk colemaa,lqvrftda Lin Diva OW. 1,131. rea r , dd ° • • • .1, Linn. Turtls Creek, One cue grade uu .mown, (,‘ Cr Inree years old. G. M. Evans, out grade cow, bet wen kvon end T 1 athome, and two grade cows he!wcen common and Durham. This concludes the entries for Itorsos and cat tle. The conies of sheep, sts in,. tv.: will continue In our do-morrow's edition. • lowa hefore stated, the State of the we:4MT, and the muddy condition of the trrotinds precin• ded the post:Witty of any eery perfect arrange ment of articles. There were sevend depart- Smuts, Lon - et er, which deserve noticing. 'This hall, erneituTl In Its shape, Is Icing ar ranged in an artistienanner. Lu tbu centre of the erecs a stand is built, which is being hand somely ornamented with plants and flowers of almost infinite:variety. In one arm ofthobulld ing the display of Pi3DTOGRinIS, by B. 11. L. Dabbs, and Mr. It. M. Cargo, of 611 Fifth street, Pittahurth, and bi Federal street Allegheny, is very handsome. Mr. Cargo has been _u aged for -event day,. in the arrange. mint of his particular depart mem, and when compare—whleb it would have been before now, had it not been for the rain—he will pre sent a display that cannot fail to carnet atten tion. Among 1114 pictures will be recognized many well-known faces, while the general tone of beauty and natal cannot all to bo .ohmrectl. lION CITY. CIOI.LEGE Another le atitifel feature In Floral Evil Is the agility of Pcnamaczbip and pea /irate ads. he on rk of lift. Alexander Cowley, of the Iron City College. Tiae•pleces are handsomely fram ed in tottewoi.d and gilt frames, some oval and come t gnaw', and so perfect Is the exehntion of chi se desigcs, that it Is diacrilt to reeliz, the tact that they were executed with a p en. Tae epteltnens are twenty-one in number. and rep ret tit t all the di ffcront etyles al writitic and pen dray log, card it.takide, birds and hosts, h-r tutu nil c.ocrubs, pen porn-Lit', luau 1- es, notices, aad, In feet, an the d'iferimt way, t er.t;ng and dr/viten er • alrfc 10 00 t 11:10.4 eLltdetlP, pi In, is tae CI; . 1! : t I .\-Lim and Ere Yr,. G rich o r Llpito wt.a a Gamlen. ot.-; :In. • ;d terpe/t detlolt -I, • in.r chow In 11,11 LlLOther parrLitt:lk, pm ..relil9 of t he thr-ii. it ttrio Gnu - ter, Smith and JI 1..; ‘. the f• rt it )I. of card marking te h• r tn.ta ; i-ot • I Lie (rd; ere tenet tenipti c 1..-e _yeti En. j-2, OCEpinp cvo:Unn, Ins .1 , t 1 t. Ara Vriit an: filly delligLlS which a doubt, eitrart the attention of thin ;hero aim moss other things to he even In 11.til which will Le the sunfect of another cote,. Tire diej lac of e..Tring raitebtries—:h CUM!, of dthglit to :1111.3,11r...--is truly erO,IILI - paid a vilflf. Lo the O.:nada ea.. l• ing of Mi. a. F. etiataay. oda, it e,ppettd, ,the luildteh wiferfAmd in Ilia d c at, Lae rier.n 113;:. ic. the 11,91 it tai. .0 . NA...1 oar era ir i a Tlfite cry , a: arra k. Ca of lad tint c try mac hh.e. la It we cow lad, a' sllpp lu rev if ,1" Va in , t. rot! r er'••v..! and Aiti. a, - ca r e, ,fant: ir . fet -a -'y ' , l 1 , . am! a 1,1, :t •. 1 . • m: si rs, all of wfaien • •;:.• a... -1 v.lD cult r I. nirthe,. ;Lai , • hot all.! A ft. - , • :11 :!, t;-,-r....•1 11,4,1 the , . ti t .of • . h, e :ne .1: ISETEN I t IV ri .% ^:,•.1^ ,, rr c-1 - 1, Fr „ r I! .d• nom v L. L. ONC.I r,c, - J: :I.e Upper IV,: I (CAI g Itt , hg t e - a f the tcq 4,1 5{,19 !!ne• .ve r.•• A v.... 3 , 4 C'' l• . 2. ti 7.41 4 10. /earl' e, (love! , ted el! kin:le of ornam , m - ae.l. - .lrlc at ,t a etr..lz.t.'. N.. •ar a:-;u.. Irmo t`l, psz ,,.. Mit Ch., t..:4 03, rk7 , arl stc: tit( ,ttii,4.e.t.,,gob:pu.e. , of Mr E. I'. aectf. 1, La. ',Va.,l:r wit 1: To r; • fau..lly w, tristl'St dra:. 10 . • fi I mnelln o: lewn. Tot) oil bear. ant. gethtr. tn - k. , 4-, any, , - .la o. v . :Ptak wr.t.ocr. n-Isg bs,t , i 151 d alfo wakes lte 1,, 1: L :is. Ii ai.1i..143 of li;a113 LSO 1..-rouat l 33 p.,ry ha .Is...tatr, oral a ..,t1; worth, a sis.L. In a4I.I;LJu LI. the cu.a ink ru.sehttes we wee- mown a novelty Called the DaiLo, rind Mat u• fatturam; K which n 13,11 or 11:3.11 tau 13: A lit 1.. i! ..t•i ru!, I. L., Col “5 • I hi, y rat,: ,v. MIME a , n$ tat•t t . If wiLt.illl. tes , inK t 1.13114 is U.:41;11 'a. ti orl,o ou Car, • 3 1.. .4.; fhb taatiOn JaVEtar, Among - the many .130 fai didpi tyt to he .sn at the Fair vr•, - - here Is none probably that Wilt sorileds the ric! isplay of cdrp,ts, rods a"cl othtr artlelcs, by 3'. tare. MeFdrldd,l A;lhris. th Sr{.G.IML • t 1)001 vvry t,,,rolty rneged by Capt. 81 •r:, a I tf . 1 : 11 , ' 1, •, - • of ih, •nclsom-c. co J•, stock. Wu noticed some 4upvrti WI! ion carpet. double width, English velvet, three qaartere of a yard Wide, English and American B-assets, a yard and a half and a yam and three quir,ers. wide. Beyeral pieces of oil cloth, said to be the finest ever brought to thin market, are also on exhibition. Velvet rugs of all descriptions and every variety of pattern,—there being one ban - drcd and forty-foe different blade--are colas seen, lace anddamaak curtains of the Anent quail:3 , , together with different styles Of evralcon for the same, splendid piano covers, stair rods of all patterns and sizes, three ply, ingrain and ot:aer carper% sheep skin meta of different paltercks, druggetS and crumb cloths of the cintallton tern, and ottomans of parlous sizes nod pat terns. These are a portion of the articles that IEI undue department occuphod by alenern. Ka. Far/end Collins, IIM!!!3E=IIIIIMIII We have before mentioned the pie of WS smoke consumer to an article ou the U'Liaro Glass Works. he'stovi on exhibition by Mr. J. Friable; fully illustrates Its method of work. ing. The coal Is put In from the under Ode, so that It Is under the cinder. The smoke and gai which Is generated, is sapplied with oxygen by ;he draright, and nestling through the cinder, 'ls cPeaumed. It Is claimed that the principle is asairing of 50 per cent. in the article of fuel. It tb Ilie intention of Mr. Friable to raise a sleek company for the manufacture of stoves, grates, ranges and hews furnaces Ms this prin. clple. no le stopping at the Scott lionae,where an persons Interested in the Matter. can see • • The exhibition of Agilcultnrafiniptements by Beckham it Long, ie highly creditable, embrac ing ea it does nearly every Wog needful to the farceur. We ehall refer more at length to their 6t.Otk In our next. ronarrn'a SCALC.i. ' ' • lfeeera. Forerb, Taylor ea Co., No.. 39 Mar ket etreet hare erected a building (Er the dis play ottbeir minis. They Lave put np a large pale of hay Funks, and in the building le a pair of wrirehonvc stoics upon no entirely new inin- 11=IIIIIEI ...• n.igine I 1.14z r. %1123 r inill4. and Alnrrin's nsinm r:7111t: 11 Cii • 11,11' agricultural kill ',cut* , Ho - ting "1 - rin'ur'± 1" tw Ite aqd 10101.1' eto is.. r n . nr.,,cat yLlooby 0.3 r .3.1 d 11,0 to -ea . r. /%4' IVr I ttu ai dif 1.. • • u ' ..• I,- '•• \ll •`• !To, rd sod \Vii. it. fa!,oft s Ini W Rpm and :if.e,e. d t LLambd beim; concerned in the 1:01 es of I'm- en: cdeob,‘ ills 4 ntmr Bred to the Ctarn,, 'B Coort ve-ternsy at.d 1,41 bail 'or 5, or - tearer:re of tI, aren-111 fur ',in], In lb am,utt salt.uhlt,l by the Court, alz t 010 OX) etch. IZc had toms comidsrea "Good nod cuff c end," :wattled. and the a:: et. - r;. of th. °nem from custody ordered, pr •vo!ed ;, w Go ether charge against thorn. 'I be Disfriet Al' armor ..11,2,-1. 1 fi ; was another ellar4e, an information having, I•cen made r.::• lank.; for the killim; of Daniel Mandav, who, P. was ,ported, had dlel from the effect or the wound, mills to I tflssu hlnt in the nfries. Commit meats ag ity 1:1 and Smith weft yrtelnecrt. They wort issued Or Motor Loa ty. sti.i or wai for a further hear ing on a f ha.. er Braistlinc, the Wain of t; ;'•.,-; considered Improper Inter ferene.c oc 11.. pert of Mayor Lowry ill a case al oa.d) In ii < 1,11114. the I Tho District Attorney ;mid that the Mayor had acted Ire, a plo.; c, and 1..4 I 1.,LN.1 comma mew 1;1 off the strenc,lll of ...II intornia. Mon of Justice Wan t pier. who had fasted a- :ir oner In Its, holding of the Inquest. The enort loitered the Mayor hal seta: tbrcugh ig; °ranee 01 Luc tact that the C, ;mord in the shape It did. A flea! camatitmee Lad been lodked by ledge titan and lbat of the Mayor's Inc "Nether bontiag" was of no COLE-tquente.. /1n eudoreetnent to time effect was made upon It. 'The other commitment, also for a further hearine. tine for tug killing of Monday, and It was held to let sufficient to ft,. tale In custody the accused, for whom hall te been esterad Ie tLo case of 13raistiine. Until the hese:oaf of the chard , for the murder of Monday, and a final Commitment in the e.t.a, prOptletAlutl t r bait cannot be eL ,ettea rd. Attempt to Escape trout Jail Warttin M late. of the C. only Jai:, hating been Eitvl , eit of the Jeslittn of lit, riotnere In Ain c.harze to eew,pe , was on the alert and nod tnrde artangiitirnt, to nl,ll the Ort.Jtcl. On the ere of iLe UCC:allpliCablobk. 10 company nth Mr. Wilt. he bit in wait for 910kra1Lik:kabIIL.: heard tittle Tif Ina of his vigils, and ehlaklek it leas his du ty to lett were. 01) TtletChly riklb: he renioeed .We 9ro , ettipatts of Ne. 2.4, in the court lifelat To' stage, and thee protaecied Inspect the apartment. 11. toted the iron bedatend In pleceo. and other ev. aCtCeb of preparation cur ell:, Tile axle bar or the bed wee partly sawed aad partly tnrokau otr, nett hen been need in Fe yiek in. Ir ; of the Coll WI: *ow, %blob had !meet 1./J.l°3rd. Au tore had mail.. t tr. ot h•oo :0 oblioralt4 kb, 1900, {lt S ad cull) 'l. u al W. to I:ir b were oCC 1, 0 , 1,3 / :it . 1001,1 in , bi IL e._. 1. . ; atte¢ptko .10 (AlL et.i.r, T,1.111 . ore Frank to. and Yoilhp Th..eisa. Lowe cher); lire Wirt. of li. we, a Pitt at tee p:se no pt 1. 100 )ot.l et tht 1, aan,ai.l the ter Lbt, ny ,11110 witzniiii wit, Were In LI,: I,abtt of tisttiog. Marron and 'rho nu. an, foretell lottllkbtobrik for thin 011.01''s Or 0.1.4k1 to break Jail, the prisonezi uatiiett are now etia thud le l-arat- cell. in the vagrant depart ment :Valte aad hi, aar,Lit.ittit.. Mr. hthitb, cocoa. t.doi eu i r tbrir vigt. Ismer, Al f,tl.-ve that Oct tonnty Jail woo to".CI us, more cure Court ut Quarter Strbmous WEnr afur,l J Zi,el rt.G is tLY cage (1 y awl Ana Aralorsqc, lo: ki.eiar..: Lawdy GoceJ, :Sc found ~ !I 't KIP tl!', Lt. II I t we: i.,r lY (la.. • a t!) • .11 ; L. I. Var.V.ia; lit •,;•11: f.f or ..! L'i,.t .• t . 7 ..I it. IN3l=Mil 2,• IVO E1133.;1V, •tt. M., -I to;! I t ( .rges. —lt d • tt latotr michßl~ ay lIT to I to h.. th r r .1:11. on L1..u0l- yv.:1,13y .1 of • ...• c1i.17,:t. ni.vl, an : r:.. 1., 11. tkpa - :$1 d . G:.'l!..s. Css• 1.1151...,555$ 1 .11. s Ims $1 iv ss/sr”.,d. $ dy, I,ss nssstd I r 'ts 1.4tr5.11.,•51. l 1 1 1 r Cigitt 1: , • e1ha:741,/ t 1,4.) $ .ssssl ‘.d - ) Tllt.l is .111 • • • - n1 drsss. I. at• t.t of the I.ur.,—Pa..•!ck Si. C.a. A' i:. , •tc<l up y :ay, 11 d tateu tr, outt, 'c ut.•nr a chatzt ‘,l i.quor c. , r , Lieta I , Jt u e• ao,caria,.; (rota tL. rec , ,cd, that Cu Lad f.tmllerly ollczced bats .1.14 e ~vlcir , 'tt't'plr.Le•t':' 4101 4, j.,1, ittil /0031,1 w an t,2l.J•ent L/i 11.•• t dISA In jail. I'LL, is about Um eYvcva , lac raw. f 'l4 t tig Mir, oulUlh Sttet; vin: oft', t y •: en/ not •ortpo, to,lr ptrtloo..ttoo !,1 to - , /rly •1.1, (1,./ 11111 Ch to / t:tr, nl,l rt,u:7n, art, v h 11l ::I'. ." for La. it .• J . • Al 11. 111/ Ii w t,l coubillt kin :trout, ro , • r. tic r ...y, b n . „ 1 ,p• roue:. Ti,'' eriro, or hottimi,le .a. I , ,•ar tit., .:.. J, 'to r ~y i/.'i frv.l:.•ol i 0 Allvu.neuy Ca:or: v, -. .ot ...• hov. that In (att.., :Mt i Laud 11E1. of ..11, ethal lutat 1,111. Ile re ' filo:1:o 11., ~.10 Valkner, edict Ma.l- tlun .11 .1 tturlta. ar tter,ool ant'• , moie, tt.v In, rv6euter:l rata not he t0,c1., :hal: r, t In. ..orrt 1,...1 on:,, 1,1 :.all in :Ile auru of :10.00). 1 - 111* amount 11 1,1... 1 11 11,J 111 the ra,e or rintttli and Ity•tn. to t ttll . death of Ali:why, an oth, r Inform:Mon lor murder ha., hvon nude imithrrt the I'mairtrn and the otherrt. null .1 h.:ar t:la a 11l I !a to , e.tav 'tufo, 11 it,- Lowry, y n.•vt, M:111.1 ty 1..1 at Sium, on t 1',1.311. A Idt nano • ;rat n'• Ontrc.—E.lrn Of Fain . nal,ry. l'oo.l avuno.i. Erloy g, tt luz: iirrLeadi y eatirdey, 3111.1 r.pulred to Aldermlu traiu or litlltif unuoutod 1. r rat:), and Skdatal and battery, aad Ci,org., nmogUi a cross Butt I, nraault and battery ey alobt Ltr. Butts were field fora 13,10V.Z. Willlow IL Arnold oar, pr....inn:l.d for a 1 al. !XI:, Betty emin Mart ant .6411,1 for lit ,rrtot, 1' nae.wou the trc'n Id Lae Connel!svfile Collided will/ el freight train coming down, ha %wren the city farm and Ulanwood watioa. Vic of the locomotives was thrown from the trace, the cow-catcher horn oft' and ono pusenger car badly ' , reeked. Bat one man wee lujnrod, and rtatenately not very emiocilly. The Grinder Cum.—Of:deer kluesuer.uf bleynee police. was employed yesterday In sum moning whneaKa in the ease of Mrs. Martha Grinder. the alleged poisoner, which will On taken op on Monday of next week. lie sub ymenttl DO lees than twenty eeven pe:nnue. Arrested for Parsing; Counterfeit Money. —Abel IL Babcock, charged with lumina couo • Lrfeit money in We city of Enc. leaf arrested a day or two since, and was yeiterday brought to tale city, and lodged in our coolly jolt for ---- Meeting of Judges.--tlapt. Batchelor requests the Judges on Iterate, to meet cc the of the upper gate.—pastern entrance to the fair vrotrada—thle morning ut ulna .o'clock. They Rill plume to be punctual In their uttendauce. Tearitig Down Ititta.—A boy named Chas. Weehter was arrested last evening sad lodged In the tombs, for tearlag down opuro hour posters. He was detained a few hours, and then 41aebartted with a reprimand. Fair to be Continued—ln consequence of the bad weather. and the inability of exhibitors to arrange their articles. we ate requested to annoupee that the Fair will be continued through' Sattirday,.. ellmlag on Saturday even. leg. A Lost Dup.—Thomas Marlin, a lon boy, baa been at Mr. John Brown's, lu Diamond Al ley, for two dais. fle Ia unable to tell where hhs parents rerldu. Pot Dead.—The report that Daniel Munday had died [rent the effect of the wounds received In the row near Coulterevilla on Saturday tlgla, contradlema. net u irht OU the nth tune of The Cottßenville Ellontlehle—Dmth of Mun slay—fleeting lieloreJudce Stowe—Two • • • es 11.1: 7n the utt. of 7.111.000—A hotter Arrest. We have given In the crt..e—ge pretty fan pa. tieularz 5f the tra,t..-edy tvh ., !• •dl , - F. a • un s ay In,t creek, nt the home of Mr. Earl`: Ltar , usk-aclap. The pal tits arrested, Rielinett Sebaiden, Mem - ay Dias. Wahata and S eaan &Lath. with rthcrs. .attended a "parry" at the Ito,t;', ttutl gra, 74. , f;t• te; =ME =MI 171 -nicz i!. 17:4:d ~.1 In•n. wo:u.tb Ti 10 . 11 n, 0110 01 Ilie Pa. arrest,l, WOO Ilt ire th, tt,:td and anothir no. named 114 'tot, COL" rr.c..l ~:t ucL L • t tr. N!.A.jay. A n - tr Ln c• o. f. rt, wet t, I•,r •0? 1.b.• I.p. 11 IL t: trollno that tact c....nainficuti 1.” , . I t• 111, n: a def.! 1.! n Alf I .1. Id, tltc Cut latant errol. Vo. it: lo iCv 6.1 t 1.11, a,. at ity of the odors.' charged. totti at the re (at, at 01 be Pmt rte. , . Attorney, con:laded to hold the rarth E. for a further hearing. . th., th..rhing, the time 11‘..1 roc the further hearing, Judge Stowe heard the of witnehNes Who were nt Enr!)' , a, the time of the homi ehae. The 1, ...h.. h ere pkvnviit, tILICIAIed by their cotta ,, 9 io•inas liotyl.rd.,roprosencing StthtLi tt. Ittaf tint' ant: ' Wilburn M. blunt., t•ettr,, Itt.tbief Attorney 1:4,;,- 1. •it 1, it. Catherine Ettly, swore—Wes at the part:.. a: try fnitter'a brine on Saturday nigh' lain, Al! cd the WISC.OIIS Wen) eldentltylug :)IM) They came todether. New Stietden etab Her day three times. Dlas bade Icnifx St his its d, bat did act ace him use It. Did not sat f3ettqlko cut. loss examined—The knife Dias had was lar ger than a pocket knife; cannel describe It par- I, Wady, it was one that stould shut. Tan iirst t flicalty woe be,reec I.):as an! a man namtal illt ie. A aerand difficulty onet,roi attain two boUr, afterwards, between elerea ,o:d tatzU . , 'clock. The men Lou been thinking, but ein eut any that they were drank. The clock was tie own town in the furs. The knife Sasideu stabbed Nt4nday with was double •..f..;..d apt! bad a guard to '• be needle, khetitry tea, .1011.1 5 frraal cr.c TO , VI 1 i-ot, tnrk irt 1, on. 13. 0 Li lhv it Idler., was A;f1:15./ ti r bat k to. in. " li., COM, , walked ser,• iht tianch.t. •N. in and 101 l dead at LB- eot of he stairs. Ttere nos a trend In the r.nn, and lii ne !..d be, c a ..1 - 10, with a al le a 91213r , 1 George Nel;‘, an. Stewart 5h.1:12 was in the fight, tau. e rnu. ..:d not ace him do anythlue. )44 - X• Ens. awl - Ira—Was at tie party At la'y's. P - IR,n• - ra arm there, Ilaa had not teat IL VI , 0. There Iran a fight. Sttaldert had e knife, I)ism al,o had oar. S tattle" waived I i> i.t at t“ Cu:g NAY. 11 , 1,1 Nflal c,. would eV, It, a VAL &Mild Call. vet. Ir I nr. 161 cue ray ?tett CAI en. nee law inct it re—Saw walkieg !hi 1 Jae. heft re be Intl. 'niece twelve , :-t wr sv , el tsi; the • ye the Limo : It fight. b w Sualden away leom the h,oeo s•ti r t tight, and et•iiryt him say, boasticutly, yt la /ow 0:1 tyro or tlare Ms,. and dm)n! fry Inj to tOlo Jl.llll I'a 10,, nit a : he r d , b ;at• la.. a t: alt- I. d hilothell two or tie to my. dawn. The fight Was about Ott r nal had too .d -hoc Blythm conefittea7d fed deal o' my feet, Site bfin g•eir4 to ilia crowd lead I. yt slktht of tdal or 411 Just lirtwe bo It!! T'.t doer by (it. me Mob, t. 4 In.:. It au. Ant Early, swr co--Oyer the Flonirion n Lour in his hood while stan.4tie in M., tiscrl4g , rooo; tho otersii bed it" the bark tiom. Snaldcr to put up the belre. Ur raid Le wact to pert no rit un dit In, hot If any of the rare rater out. Ile woOl sh o w he et: I 1 •c oy. 72 were In ci cr• Me by teemst mid turret ticOr way In, g each other Meutmift the door. rcest oiatc.r.ed—Thecc were too .I.oleirales •I to the .ircr lock It it st v, tem laact re, and tee crowd ria.M.l taco it. a 'Jain 0, - ; .. te. LIN eaura from ye•wy, erif tt•l do,. at He ti. ic w , or • MESE MEE :•;11441... t.. 1.- • to. • t.• ;• 1 f• 61. :.Iry M: rfure • a d, ••t t. 4 tt nil , r,.1... 6 .1• 6' Int - rr NT4 ir IL• <L. ei }l4. 11.44 1. ^".•4. • 4.1.114 ih• • ..)41 4:4114 I h 4.44.14. 4.. y r., , u ; tf • r, t4l 411:0%c...414 ortio: A .1 ..v ' 1.4 •4 ISll :y that . roor- on to hoar t t'ot .'.or !IAA"! at ; • • ! 'CO trA- f tr•••',.-r ht .11:nv at. ! r do. r • 1, lh'r'• /I. oh/mat/I a'.ll. t kVt/rlttot if rl 1.2,- : A g:66:46.6 • 4•141', 4.1 (Lon I .11 ;Hot. r rot./s."-/I) .4h thy , •• . ?In' 3 attics Incetntr . v ,, ;.:..,Loor. 0., , h 4. • .1 . 41- sufh,t ~ A alckerun arAl Ann E. tr!v, 1.••• / • :• J.!!•11 4 .1 i. 4,411.1 (ht. 41., ._rd 74 .4 ..f..4 , 4 , 41. /. 1:ow it. It &row:, A. C. 6. •• , In. ~ . .,n.. sr tr. 6 6 64,11. t!, Pis 1111,7. !: • '4'4' •. <-4,44d 0,; .i. 54 a I.:y netTO , p ;-!, wet a: the hi- 1,1-n and he e u. I re•tk, to ei them ha ',II. A. to tionth an/ n• A and 1,1.4.1 in I :II 1,. et •I+l ,te of aialn¢ and c, ,11 At, "it,: 'the 1.1, He wan eommated for a hearing oc Sttl urdny, by Juliet, Wampler, bef"ro whom the Information ban been made. Ilanilll , B Challenge Accepted by Kelley. Harry Kelley, the champion oarsman of Eng land, has accepted am challenge tendered him by the American champion, James Hamill, of then illy. Kci:y pablichee the fullx.ving card In /A Me. EDITOR LID , WCr chat. let ye, I beg to atatc illet I will row him for 500 1 4, nr..i. , n cid., 01st :he Champim Coorac from Pott.o3' ty rd thlukt, Iv tho zprlt.g year, 2.1_0 allow 50 !a . , rtlaor cf thd Ettglit , h s;.ortiag J iurnal aide that 113.111.11 insy he .n•c of r ltgenti, wan) tribture t - lau Cesires, oat expresses thu hole 1 1.1 lin rosy accept offer. Al though the balm .!unwed Ilatatll lor lain expanses Is rot as large at It should be, we blue reason to briirve that 4o will Meet Kolley on tho Insets prnposAl. The cost of traveling istoold be an at. m of Come moment In cane the recall worn doubtful, but Hamill feels so continent of being able to beat the English champion, "or any other man," that the matter of expenses dace not trouole him much. Wo are not nuthorizou to state that he will accept the offer of Kelley, Out we have every reason to believe that ha will do so. Ile will apeah for himself, however, In due time. Railroad. Accident. —On Monday morning 'be six o'clock down train on, the Cleveland and Pittsburgh railroad was thrown ()trot the ;rack at Rush Run station, by a defective flange on the forward truck of the locomotive. But one man—the fireman—was Injured. Ile Jumped off of the locomotive and fell down a bank. re ceiving a alight cut In the head. The min wan badly wreencd, and several hoc- n'- • , e con romtd In clearing away the Crum ilia [nun. .01( tlieir pres.iiace, at e! •nt th•ly and hi cc cjcc• d. They lira t. cu ale, a barrel 01 %%len bat Lett rcridi 1, a- d what followed is mainly at- Ibutell< e, TL•.c rorcel their EMIT or danv.::),; "La a 11211111EIZIE and CO, C. , ,r,lirrs Brestlfn, was hrraFt, rt.n+l,, , , his Arath In a few ==ll I=l c r.. :u y . '0 . itre. ‘t, K.) 11' U, 18.- . NsCArelee.s. Tte es" , .-t" :be Un::ed Sco.-s vs. 9mmnel t, i• r for total. Tao Ind.:Lroi•ct :,-ze4 1 ,; otY. - Intl I n hum .r incdP. ,p,rne tiv..ntws n I .tt...l.usgb Cite :01 the ". - 7 • 14. I ',LA; r !pat LAI , . 1,111. 1,! , •. I 4v./D, 4411 r ;:4 t. 4:. , '..t , : ! . nly I. rh„u4 , . t. rlw..r, 1111. i h tl Ow 1, Il u Will' Cn. kiln inio , •••.tr, I) 4 ' . • e evPnltT b. 1•• .• J, .k•d •.• d t, Id Idly not the 11 , . mw. (fha Wd bHi . i.a, -111 A ' mlll. - nicic ) _ ; Onre nhult at: hour IL Indite e, Pa , hid O. toll extol, P 111• •etl. IL At!cr 1:e cc 11•11 to the rii y. be ca i , r4, and es, Didl,l% nr,l told elm rrt , .. Eddy Cad about the !OIL Thebey geld he had teen tote bill In Ed , ls'. IW.- sel...inD three or four day,bel . ,,rn. b(ah:er then 'lWe lulnimr. ion, and had E arre,,t •I. crkSc-rlß . .irinallon thi• st.tted th tt ELI. 4 stake ni..a!tninio.). •i nit , a)1,..,....pptar at t La i , I !. , he LS ti I ~.:1 • deemrd it. A 11151/ n.m ass - 2 r•d I Idld V. 50 av• IFc 1 1,,:u Shut 1. I: t L.: • ro F.: ly to ltc tkci ell ;he money that we. cif, td to tin. and give it the TO, men who .41ur.11 bin the "men Eualtgtt. ead wutnee. dil nut esk him his name. 110 mode the suffer three ser roar tinure 111...ssrs. arid Linty', entrt.el for defend ant, rat led Al or :hut n I Let pitting }tablet ‘,11‘..d freottuntly to see Mr., rI - 3 alter her lin...and Ilan arrelted: that he enure i here and oft .red 'to set -, the ease, :tad was rtnid .1. - .450 In the p - es••nee of lie witness, nil!' the underetantling that ho w Li not to ap pear Oh the (dill. She Wtt in 1.471 by I•er-1••r. M . I'arke7. roar h fiCtl.p.3" a pail of the Pahl^ LJlmc With Mrs. Trrulges of a ifisOiand— t singular Ca.e. ; In A Gorman named G. urge Wtnneobarznr, a r: :::;;;•1 1•13..A.6,1•, by oct•npat Inn , aen arre2tc.: to-day, /..vai t t. I .45 I ;Ire Or aW. rant Inint-r. by Map, I.lw ry. mm Nor , e rterre no erne; 000. PI Hartnett by ht. Ann. toe t r , ~ o rt . , It apprats., lien . 4 ennt.calat. , , :Oat , , our omits the Lwt twit w hr won to.t: rl,,t ale Ift, yt P. ..t • 'I 1., 0n.% tr,,Artze, nOittoce rein Is In the It T. . Vb.. Ut w Ohs ow godly,;(!4— pool .lnn 1,11 ,tor• in thr. °el:ly 11,eilt3. wan Swoarden: by Win, an I a throrcd . a tat .11, of dot. tr. Thrre. /111. I/11 , .-I at' u 1 to' rine .11.1i0 • •Alli c ity n• •• r, wo ,1 [1.01144/1 , 1 AN LI. 11. e 4.11.1 aft,. '" nt••••• , •• , •tl• I . • •••••-, ••: n'.'e ^ "J' Iran, rnanninga with b!rn. Ann Berk. w1•1• , a• ' f Joh k. Being n Itit,te , ., .11 to • C.-.1.•...b0 he could but C.0.51,41:11..1. wll,ll seem ..r Itin b , r aOn ..010. onto 1 .7. 111•01 Itr. Ile i:lv t ., v. u. t. • I hl: •1••.! ••e. anti e'n etc -- intliatr• cr. Li:. .6... te 13g i L. r. 1 , 1 OW, 11 If et ,tt LI. li, voln •,i•I lIv :•.< A P At F.W.•••.nnin•r.-nr a.ll Pllin Ihottt at c..111/1 5.0 at,: /V r , , • '• a- . 4 it fir , : nt•!• ••d: W.l-• nbor.fcr &lb • .', LI 0-avo bn• Nnrirroino him n•lf". in 01 - - A t ,. to a rrrirdn ,t,t1,4,.t . 10,4 volved ado WA.% aii , e ,• dell. and t,. li, obit IV- de,:rnnd it tb.• r.,,nry to b. r •di a p• .14 II of bin !Jou, in.' .111 P. atte. I.k wife nit ••, u that t a . lr ttl. niv the rrnt In Ms rth,-oct . Alter Lc 14:.1 '.114 z0..1.1-, nts,l v Lt• 15,,, nay Mad ,Irtf •r. , It In I It - Dl,' It: r ht. nfreal, of It c6•.71T !or a benrln,r. , Ut it ,t:0 1..• I r. IMZEIE ar 1 3 .1 , a Aet =MEM nouthrrot , -, , v -1!:h nn; I !at ...."1!• 7 , - ... lt .4 4. L. NI 011• • •• • I: , .•‘ t. 1 .• •1• t .1•11,1 T'i.• vu'll.z Act , rz.pntr•r et. - 11 ••>,:.4 •J: r Ni*•:'• • .6,th a th-•.. ent . F er. J. P.:)EIDar_ON. cCLEA )1) Banters anal Broker, i•• ',tree:. PittpliArga rocwo. nt se: leer, Se . int," mllon tott,it It.rttrta. • • a • t:1..1 arttn. tI in 0.••••4 l'••1•• I .tgia at • •• 1 , 4 Kt, 11 1. tll .01 s rl I, 111101 in k ifo F!NAI comrFilf_:r MEMO A Ifrgh..l.l 1 . 0. I /1,11 , ta,i, A ii. , 01.,1) U.'. I• 11 =EMI , 1,, .1 . 1 1: ;111. 1 ,tlevsts 11. , .... a,. ...... -• •••1 .111.•gt.,115 Pitist,mh 1./11 . 0 Cheri y Hun Cruo3l ....... ....• • • - Clic try fun t P1!-hole ............ Co) 011 Onnln of 1 1 1111/t (IMO tley 11 , 1 Lure. tc ullerry 11,111..,/ ....... ..... PL,lrnix 0/' Monongfthrh arretti OF PALM ;,o d thrunl.tinti the ituutnteins made on yester ulay, will. 111 ucl, 11111190, in !Pee , t 1 duet, money tnark,l, and the et:intr.:ling pollrp tblupted by the :-retetnry or the Trensur). New I , .rk rate, Ilth iut !Woke. were WI) log IL 113 „./ 111, cud eel htug nt 1360/1411. er‘ meats lipprep,l Tw , ntleg Qtrerr,t fniti leauci Ncw /nsun une per vont yen Thlrtlt a nre In slum; grneral Mock 11.1 vati,e Lnl 41:glilly day by tll theme dull of eele. The fell In crudo mp o ,t, homewhat the Inerhet lot illolorebt„nd othot prod ueing corepenlee—rt de:llee of hAlf doll or prr there wee estebll9hed In I ' , ./lulelrle Sele reported el $.32,,, The loan tnnettot continues active. The Bilot tiun here corresponds cleanly: with our advice. from Cincinnnti, Chleago, St+ Lout., New yark nod other points, where the arringenv Is repro. .e." something remarlyble for trte season of the year, and the general starounding ciroutn tdattres. The tightness can Ilardly result f r om any real want of money, for tl, Manes of currency by the government, and lgattonal • Banks have been enormous. A mouth ninon the abundance of tanuey nag no evident, and that state Or antra WAS eo conlltlcnty relied upon for the fall tad trlt.tcr. that speculators !a coliam, gertn, an I pro. ! oc.• of descriptions were entered upon with rent rigor. A recent statement of the New h ark honks vhown no increase of loans to the mount of nearly seven mildew, being torl mi11i..., li..., were than their ocl depcati for t: .'.lt, =MEI u 1,1 , • ^ 1 I nut I 311 At,ount of r., 1101,4115,A:3(0f f h... tree, I Jct. 11 . York , uguat . ,./, ,, (Tlit , lny -Aye: . JP. n;.i/t ,rf , Ir, 1r went, n , f • epled ns . r ...a 437. no .noi.erlr)' =UM ,111.1.15. andVU . ~...... i. i..l !.pia ofpaper, is it ! IA Of 0:1 anti the commotion ou n; thir fecrt.rig, mounted alrieuct 'fa a pilule. Wiemt, iteclint.! per f 'urn 202!,, fi M,...c; !qv s:eas 1131.1 Prime Id,. Porn nal/ y I ILN I l' . .e vern I MEMO =II nt up„: I 1., rt,rt, 1211=111111 t. r • I • i•i 3,lty. OH. to-tltti rit Itn titt ritsitite.lti lit Y. hot Ittioers ntemea u.ln to purehnse. Go33l,llleliec of which thy omit, thir erittlitareti with the pre: ttlttit of wick. The tirettikot nittotillt 1,5 Lint: with reiit thous cil _n Mids. The litllttu ICS it the rac: , iirt.'os is . tilts it hi tit,Fiii i .7.s; 4 31 itltttti.7t . i at ti 7,7 th 1U At tt 4 ii tt hit; 1 tit Fihitt; qt Blob t• tit B 111111.75; 2 At ttritt 11 mt; a of /Vitt tit in re 1..73: 7 it Bit,,' it $l. , 7i, it stirt,iittii.., _ $2;...,:.:,73; It: 1 , 0", tPAran k Cant r.. R ".• I• I do .' .1..1 Julie. S 1:: 4, .0 , do 11r ~i 1; .0 ..0 SeriL.Nyi..l Voska.rup; 1! I ; I II 11 1.) (.7),e(1)1. rtu (col rule.)). A r,,.nr.. 1 onr Crratf 0• m ‘, T it akin,' '';'s l• L•tigt 4 1.01 N fe,ll:^(F, 1. Il N t.lzt co.. tr.", slatnt ht , lour, , Ituroliker & (,110 DP) <to do. 1 - 1 3l3ohni bmr.ley, 1.1 Fa...!et.; . 240 hop. 11r.nry hsrles, Joa El:t...tro, c:os wits, tln liloglittal, 'O s dozen palls, 17, bb <intnrlr)': 10rin M,Donnl.l. Arbuckle.; l tuign fr.,Pl. 1 1,), 1,0 cr, ong• - • CLCTELAND AND l'in,nrirall R. R. Oct. IA 21 ,, tem . bneict , I 'l:' butler, 'deck Arnottroag; o pl;cr tc.!: c. A tw4 11, Lcc s co; to belts Impel, A II Inglleb; ]36440 appltn.. r. H Fe co; IT melts rags, (;,diary ;, !mien wadding. Stein Rep; ite. boa cheese, i J Belden; t. bids whisky, A Torrence:3 cure Wittra, Pan Wallace; 3 do do. Hitchcock, neCrvery N. CO; :0..; bbls npplea. II VolgaA eotllo do do, lintfin h Knox; 70 , 2 bloo loom, fclutic.k. rot 10 72e2 do do, Part: roI rot & Lire Al 7.711138 NT STATION, 1 , t ,, tr • r1 ,1 . - 1 cur Wheut. ;rcpt.. 0. kap> OW 1.1.1 a fluar,❑ Nleyerr; 1 car t.Leal, r1:1 lumber, Scala N. lon t 71;u, .1 W Late, cattaa; E /1).1, ,' Ldla parer. PRO co; to dozen t Jona r is aria at ;Jler, J Koletn . Vat ; S cat ttu MERE 1' .1. 1111,11:-.1.11,1 311 3 .titor3:,l USISHM apply, the co • ,:r.tei 11=1111 for th, p:•.: 1,1 0rr,..1,,, TI., wo , lt 1 , 1 £.ll, II;= •! 11,0, =l= =ME= tl,, • • 1' 14, Li. • ret•••1; MESE= Wt. r 4 ca!e nior: to- =MBE tat toe here..roirt t 0,1 there .1 tt.-:• ...ppm, .wtt.tot r• , • •,,t .rt rtvna t ~~. ~r i[~_: r. ..... ~ i ~. ... .. nn r t tync.. I Intl nl nt,lr he 1. et•,••k 1,, , 1 t • Ell=ll tr,>-t,;,, Cooler the Tobacco Slar:et T 3.1.011 1,, 111 ttAilAtuti, t 00.1 17: lott set,. to An *bout =l= • et InF ,g 0.0 i: I rrv. 10 1' . . l1k7:100 at• t bA• 1 n. . • ••, .tc 11.., f• - tz• ronn :" 7o •• rtora t t loot treot-9 nt IS L'Att .11 - 111 0: • LA Iltz7 =DIE - I.• t. I,lllLi 111;1'7,1- ••a' la Nn 11 , !: 7'. • r -, r.r, al .rla 1•••!. 7:,. •,, • , `, 7 ,31,2", ....... •r but 1,!. ~ter 1%, S'E:II(II,I,FM •• Ntiw T01.03 , ,U1i. 19 6. l'zinot.,msl SI orge--1.4.n.e.. .111 6403 at the following : Yrtaole Cruelt. 6.50, Webeer. li. , 116.1 e Ricer. 1.61; Ivanhoe, .2,g0; Beebe.. k "no, St, Bradley, 60107, Esleinlor, 74; Grm. in. 35; Montana, 7.55; Pint Neg.ional, 41; l'Ack, 25, 1'a130.1 Ftate, 00, Otrinie,,r: .11.1- p. I A-1 • , ttx to • 10wer,E.,.50 Inc k..,0 re ,t,ltc, fnr noam•n to rood nbl; 01tr LA-InAs Eau, 0. ki U 10.1 12. tn for rrail! !Seems-•ho in trice L c 13.6 0.t,3 no AOl nnA declining far nOlinnA3 g runes dif,n4ssa Four hh 10c r -Firmer rtt 52.31. for 'A-MILE.-11; Gump- 1' oente.ll,3e lower; Out to *price.. :041.77 for Mi woulfee matt, 6l I:, _lnver fillip aokee—the latter at outside price ited abort , the inarttet—M.7lol,7l . 4 f New hi iliv ekee Mob, PIM for OM a u,Piet"]lttwau- Mee (huh end for :Yew An:ooer :Mate —'hr sties p. 3 w above the market dye quiet. Harley di 11 and iiroopinci eorneson,kisondit Went at sip , Coin ti.ary and 'Pier: 774f33, COT aneotmil, Sitre for pound Mixed Wetter°, and tßefiffie for Wriite tate dal. tiffi 3 Ole for unsoune. end ifj,op, for sounit U °Mc quiet pad firm.t .rafar firm Ara ir more attire: 51incrfailo, firm; Porto duo, ftf,ral. MCTX , II,I - Eftater, at .77f40 ftr Arndt. Prtot - I , l‘,:cr—Ptirk octive mod lower, nt 6a1,544 r...trt ft r Mrsr--cicorns at +51.50 cosh. for ard 42,4,23* for Prime M es. Btet quiet. nt le 50(110,75 for Ylstri mere, so 1 e 12, 6, 4018,60 for Lauer :V., sr. fleet H.tror uncoart.e.t. (Out 05.errta storS sr for Sho.lcders, and 2t*i23‘.4t t Ito.t, . I; co u quirt. tarn truhout r•ertrieo rho lege, ot slfferS•r j e B•rtfer In demand, at .....erire to! ate. Coeree tteruly, 14;4014,,r. 13=1 Is:1•,. You. De. IR —Motley nett w .11 flrak•ett Der rent. ! , turtinx loW;0911.9q. GoLl neh3,le firmer. Opnling ni IJN sAlvauttta to lug;':••atOd <O,I ;10140;,. • The thrtil per of Spec e In-de] wee 41:4000, i'rvazto eto iv/eel - pool us, nod &in. • tqnc. la Pr 51 NA' T • Tv/crepe . /"/. 520 eev:Tor • • . 144_ . 45:6 t;••n pout_. prefer, C..._. nn 6 V('66 122 . o. , s 1 • 1 - .l4an Ceut , ftl. 1)0 P. }t. W.F, C, IC3 (;•;uluaa 10214 do 24 (-Ws U. k A. Chicago Tistrget. CU:. ♦GO, PC. 15.-1 Louis—Dull ' atoltted AL opened !...t.ry; Na. 1 le dawn to nno Closed 1,..:11c11 at a fur No. , Oats dnen "o.•nc 11l LI . ; : a.t No. 1 and -,`_ . .. : z " No 2. 11 now, r . —T.Tictiange:l. Misting 511arlot. : Out. Ih - pi* e. Tututug w••••: I : , )Dtxr 1.4111. Fier e , ve. 14 4,1a1e 7,{ 17: , 1..R0c.1 171,• cO. Philadelphia arket. r 333 “, • 33,3 1 , --141•33.,{3. :3 . +4.. ars ..333 { 1 I . ..{33 nr.:l; eal s • ycl- iv-qutet: Ertl. el in 1 r —1 .1:1 ti,—L Itutra to Market. vr c..n:.:5 —l nur ecn „,rsin I,C r'. of ibn bble xt P Itv 3 ,17 V.s' 5 I. ft - York—Wl:lent `.:.;c; Corr., On t., I frt.& 111 151 t - -• F lot. , 55514:, bu, la. Watt, 5.019 • U; bu( P.x. I II of., C..- 0.,. L-ff ; tof MI! wauk slor7f-t. . •V 4.!% C.I • it --Wu: t S niglo no 41,11. I arfer c • at, :1 0.15 oleo a: :Cu • '• 1 In I=IIIIIIEMEE 74.. . •: r-4:ea —I Wee 14 ..kir 2iochiant. at 4 . J14: etiv. $1,92; old A .vt,rr Mlrio4ar.. 42neva, $1 SS. tiOro he.try 4• •e=4: ;,.,•••; a: e“: .11,4[4,1; 4ales I Wttelt 13: to °Owego; to to Mal•lict u.I. .1— 1,..,j` ItLtIO .• 0.; .T.Z 1 trd 1 pzkato rittAll?y • . Intenor Is very dal; •‘, I,u:figures. Siatail - 1:-.14.0.) . itt3, , :t, ts SO.! Lan z.ltt he,O.aill alts Jil.' . 't:t 11 pet • • It, :tn. otirr t former tkur,. A 461,1,. the, at. tilmr,.e • c CLIt set tur at, rt: Ihe ;•••••,er.t. pro, pi... • rz‘ or. It tli•wd diy •- ;•• .L 0 ::•.000 .0. , C•lty rt , te It: O. • r.” 4, whlch a 11. i•;‘.', ,, !•:y , 1.. r t 1,13. • Are il'ac tn. 11.• el. rl: of • to. AD, r I vietntnr, for a 1.:1:3ge 01 I.le Nvw. .• P. orN .of Are nnr, .o.•int , ers ~.ry • 1. .1 1 • • A A LAtl s a I 1 er .." " ',,1 hrthetri :. net beim, t,r the • .I..itrte, , rre ie. 'Else :reel trelottgn to tile • Ills er qu ~ rr ' The noir ' nor are the wt.' pantra ear," log eft the hull,'heither ups Intern.: In Ir t them •' In regard to this latter Ms eltinnt r, rto n dozen women, boys mild gal, trirmt ;try r.ll. tan deckwl:ll Anna-41;11,s, led ram) Ins rrll whstr, rr they us break loc.^. Thr rr: one's own ('yen glt011•O eggl3l.llly to ,ur•rin,l to n ',rant such a st.4tetnent lw yept,rl,y, ,on tall. ti,c followins morveau apt Thompson, or the Litintiorvr, I, hard. t 1.03 t Olt:011y overhauled, reitaael and Ot tor Croat yard. !she will be tinlehed up to sr out tein days, and the l'aptalif propotes to tilt. her as a rears or pukes bet wen Chia point Anil St. Loult. It Is behi-vvd that a the shippers I l our , ter wltilol , “ . rt thecyr,tiree,cap , .:Alß the thriller, a jacket between our city nrf..-St.. Louts 0i.1.1 trtade a permanent awl Paytng Institu tion. As the thing is now worked the (I,lhht Is eh re to Pittsburgh boots but tithe matter Is prriber:y .• rancid we can have trade or our rovn We think this t gieid Ides, and hope that t 'aprarn Thompson will reeetyeenanhli ensourah, wenr to a arrant hie, undertaking the enterprise. IV .1. not had o CI. Louis packet allure the Ai r rma tit v twat years-but we cane bare one now lz not N n iii 1,11.1, the proper disposition the it Ir. tr,hl, riot ~ hide It with the Pitts t orhti trade. We love recr;re.: the following memoranda rg•11. kiftt clvrk 4 the ht=truer : Dletntor left New °Honor onSuntlay.Octo. !per toh al r-I5 P. X. Boats In port-tor for Saint Louis. Henry Yen 1.1151 and Niagara: 05 tho oth, spot Lady they nI 'lain:porn Tor, lea Bend, 51. s. hleasham at Nateltet On the 10th, met the T. S. McGill at ttlUlikens' Bend. On ttt 114:. the Ruth at Egg's Point, Lima at Lakeport. On the night of the 11th, met the IL Osborn at 1 ht.mis e 7 and N. On the 17th, met the W. IL Arthur at fteutetuma Bar. On the IZth, Met the .Motlie Anh c t Devil's Elbow, the St. Pattink at thu foot of Wand and the I'. E. Iflllmah nt Ildaker'3 l' , oht. Os the 11th. met the :%lary E. Fornithe .; 11., toot of Island No. 10, and the Sohn litlaore at I sl.^.nd No. S. Inot.eht the.slst Regiment Illinois Infantry, vllicers pan '2,n men. - John Ilaiyalt, of Co. 1, t.ed nus, and bin corpse WOO (Kt tritli U. S. 7templ,l2. for inittal. • '• ^l3l , It S. t,, IL ..e :rip Anno , „Clerk Steamer Dictator. tcr . No. 2.--CAptairr 0. ta. ,•7 of D. titlesormlbr Vo.coa, at t • lti - danatt. The CUM berland tar t-., reported ristnz, with over two feet .rater on krtupeth There V. cre rel.} heal , rains in tn., tictutty ~f on sup katur.ll, last. The r - . 1 ,1,!. In Inn: r",l•,n The C.:smells lOU elc.srla.-Lciefor Sarni I.nn:s Da et tan, ,11nIn Vc.;ter raa etno the,.. , , , ,,trei,etw,.„ and the - Tennessee River. yt,.. • Captain Henry 50. iyOit,;•:, i at Middletown Ky.. on ' , tinny is ' , eh ye ir of his .Ige. iiing as thirty-n, item tmlidied In strand...lot:int on the Wd....terr. an" 1. :o.llomi ll...tent, nod was subsetpientlrilllerh of the tttreult and Coml . ) . Courts, In l'o7_ed County, Intl:sm. For or era' years he ha.rto4ted twelve mi ;es from Louts. - tile, Oil, Mare the rebellion, has not engaged In Intsinesei t apt. John P. Wnr.i, En. wes 31101 yn aficalgan, by the brother of n riri ailon estrim he had COM. mitred a rape, I. likelv Orceorm. • . STEAM3OATS. F,,L7IP7OkiE FRE:DEP ./ IC SI:r1.013, WA e.i.Tho ricic comma-hoc. Stemmer Velit'itiCl tft Va pt. J 05.1.1 Dalia. runs uvula:iv fit...veva!ahirTer potty Or., n a. erk. Icavirm /IN,ni=Pee• from her whnf, hit of South lotrees. etery RFILAY AFTER ,)N. of I o'clock, anl*.rre.lericiMbtregh. *vary TI MI ltril/vie?Xrassen;e-wa nod Freight cart 1.1 at It, te retie.Tkelough Fr.deht_prociptly ..Uri:4l,l I r Imc d: xdro amtart, New Yoth", F chi,. or chew tia4a., condi:tied 20 , COOS Of St. me a t W (MAI/. telli Cc :Mooch...fa et tee rnr - Lam ly 111104 It in 8,1.1 sore, checker. pam, ns f ibrwtardmi froe of coMMire .erns. Person, from thrtiorthern State. desiring to Mery Ito Rattle F 1114,11 Vlr2Oltr, or CO 1001 f. otter the bedlrs of Irlendrs!and rotations killad to the I,,lrler of the 1 1 . 1 11* - -_tous., inftncelForaville, Frederlast urh. or Spnetayivatila Oourt Rouse, have • splendid opportOity of dol.; se by this route. WENONALeas provided with excel. lent•Stntoroors ar.4 Beath mcommodationr, and is in every respect a tli4.class Boat, being new, fast and commodious. For information, frrlgiNor passaqe, apply to or address JON. WHITE, PAtcor, on cowed, or • JOS. JA.IIf:N TAYLOR, Agent, 33 - 21:113rn 212 West kind Sr.. R/11./121002. a STA NDARD PETROLEITIII:d REFINERY. • CLUE OFIIINEFI. Work. end Office, 004 INS TOWNSHIP. O eln Pittsburgh, Di:I4 , M3D STREET These worlta have tc4lagest. capacity In tte rn u,ortry. The brand rtatyls the highest. In We untry and In Europe, Or quality and tire ten, and the. off is put tc sett q..X.sonedlx=els, prep cz TO al ally for export.. • Manufacturers of '1301.1.4q12.5. STILLS, TANKS. sad IMPROVED 80RW141.11.4 for 011 TENANT FARM 0, L COMPANY, Office Corner of Fcaknd Wayne Streets] ..e , i 3, , Thls Company .craa o luta on the bat., under [Le Penasylvanta Mg anat. reranufactur- Mg LAW.. The term tar ' r the ,Company is ale arn, on Dunkara Cree vrem3 thalami. a th e Dunlard Creek TIM= MC °ovally and the Ihlrat ard I:reek Petroleum Co Lil'rm°7. capital Stock na.! $350,03D 00 NC orking land_._ , 25,003 00 Far val. al each Sta ,- e.. ' =" 100 S: A- kf)SNSON. Preableat. ISAAC NOIJIC, and Treasurer. natecloat. James Gcsteus,....: J. G. Weir Stephen Lawson. -`, 11. W. flit Lilt. Prank Snider, .• nutthtf _ . t: U WIIKARD citt#,li PBTROLEIJAI +.--, tummeery. ... Office Corner of _Penn and Wayne •Stli This cospany Was ottlitilted on the 21M Mat: under the Pesinsylt asalft:lilinciliC entl.M.siitittetti ring Laws. The terrlioit of tko CoMpilni at *ins the lands of the Dan:Lard Creek UoPta WI Company, of this city. i.ij capital Stock' ..., esss.e** Working rand , i 4.....— . 23,000 Par Value of Ea a& illiare. ' GI 00 .o.l4thless: Preeideot—S. A. JONENSTM Secretary and Tressuter—Thitito . 111X12.. roresleee : . ... S. A. Joffereivir Si 1.. S. MGM% FYA.AB SYTD3r..I4 ~ f Tee=.e.s., F. D. Unica, tit W. 0. Rum,. piait $.... W. •fl.yrafris. SijPEWOR ~ ',.i! OIL ENOINEs. We nee cor.stmsting, Xsil keep =hand s capetlor .irle of OSS.. ~III ' GSSJ]D wi~i Either a Common Tablas _Boiler We invite pestles neer-lag engines for this pus• pose to sell sod see t comer of PIKE sad trEfi.E4. OTH negpf Cy Wets: Works_ jra MACRINTOSW kik...Met:MA, es( JAMES -- LEUDE AND OFINED 011 S pi I 1 I's Bloc's. DOnVithiliteWay, Pittsb'igh s3-Speetal attention i t. to too SA.LE AND sit IntENT ELTYL and an product.% Coreiannlcati respectfu4aolietteiL au- PiJ§T 11= No. ISt. CLAIM. Or., Pittsbocrgh. C.O4rdISSIO.s AU/Cad-VT, • 44. ABB DE..4.14, LA OITA.' 11.1.lirdINATINU, UMIOII FETROILEVINI OILS, .$„-..iconstasntly on band and tor sale at the loweet Miritet prises. Uousisto tr.was sad orders tollelte%l .4.74= pAtfliTtli OCTOBER 8, 1881. •ti DITEEIDGO PATENT Oval LantAtehinssips. Nannfactraed 0017. Flint Wass.. name Chimneys are inn,Anden tor tho gat n.snas, r.ttug all Parts of theas equally, does not oX.• posa it to cracking. D. DITIEREDOE, Fott , Pitt Glass V:0714.. it'Sgildngton stredt, pl 7 Pittsburgh, Peon'it .... tvAßrtic. Ensiti lt...• et. 113 4jO3LTAISSIOICTRA_Zi rs, •ND 71.11(e1SZDSUll PETROLEUM Ala ITS PRODUCES, And dollen In .13.e*eg Materials. No. as IMASI , .CET Plttneuren 808 DED WAHEIEPUSE OF . Phenix {Yarehortsum Onapan}, Foot of RA.I.TIO ta 11.1.131i/SUli RE.FINED y. 31.137t1 la Teaks and klarr9l. Sze (arealars. OM., No_ e. 5 1.1£.1.EN Neu , York LIJCENT oth INOrig.E. ;•,,r; DU ICA1;, D'CRIILP ,& CO ne ntrneotants oP Pure White Ref Pd tarbou 011 i. • :31 LLIEIEMI'Y STRI:Eg. A'a. tiOLKSI IAI, ES lit %V INtpo.. Iet.3I+CPACTLEILS OP 0:1 of Vitro! auctil.Aqua Ammonia. OFFICE No. - 14iN1..A8.=2 ?trrrss3unaa. PA. LMT RULE CREW}{ OIL L A.ND FOR Greek bALE,—lntercats .11/JOINING THE lii)LIIDEN FARM, snow es the "Deer LicV also In the . PINE nu*, tor:WA:Ana [cur acres. siTt ".I late on Ptne Run, bis. :wets Pit Rol. and On etr i tits These Intsresta .e vary desirable, as tne:l 13112i011/ are all bee. leads. Enquire or iji F. J. &HAL PATTERSON, Attortierx, .0. tit FsoL St.. Patvelargh, -15(57 0 ANT ft Y tLeT ;01t SALE. —?our s-' tree arras, threr•fourflls of a mile from Roma wesest Station, all tailor Oak tun the Pennaylvatus Railroad, in a cholera...A:lg, pan of which c, Latiro f a t, and 1.1.0 reecA der in &high ante of cultivation. Thcre is a cu..° rtery DgliBLE BRICK DV/Ere LINO. eneteining tlereterootna, ice/tiding uni.h. • noose old pantry, with nig land cold water; a bath :.:e 1n the kitihen:atoue a‘x•lnghOure b w ,,, i r t a h r . tiri a n t i . e . g , : t •at h r o rt .e clamlirm,l3o.4;oharrre4,lLet alrittujr; barn. Fm further outiraira apply to • ' B. S. BUY Ali 57 Alareet street, Dot 2 ,' 65 '• (Burae's Building.) ALLEGHENY RESDENCE FOIL 'LC SALE, the two niece DRION. D WELL ING, N 0.281 Betweals *tr.*, Atlestwnv, contain nag parlor, Strum., room io...qt kluhen on nrst noon, three chambers no eecoatL neer, ipu and water. A FOUR ROO3l li r 808 z cod or roc,' ; flontlng on P.ll, greet. ::444 t* x i ~i s. 0,9 e 7 FOURTH SA), (Mute's BulfdinS.) STU; WIND° Vfiti.A.Dl,9,—A. nem end ter.utitur nritelorbrbt4lilVOlVill selleneen et n0. , 114 *en 28, 1 8 ;. 1, 74 , 14 Meet. or: IL PHILLIPS. FIRE BRlCK.—.F4tissle by lANItY H. I.IOLLIrIs. s'~ -:, ~-•t !Z=l33=l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers