Vaiiatrgit Mall TEMPT SIT TIE CIZ2Trt, c vr.ta.l,llllNG iSSUCBiIos TIIIIII6D.S.y, Ok:TOBER 10, 18 NLYV VOHS.: PJLITICS We learn fr.,m the nrnqpapers that Ile German "L'oi..n Bead," of Now Yo:h, has Issued as address denouncing. the- re- COnstructiou puiicy a' President Jouris.J.N, 18 a betrayal ci the cause of freedom, and the action the Syracuse Oonvtoation Approving the same as the result of the moll - ligament of a few cunning leaders, op2re ling on the unprincipled eel weak in order to torn the Union party Into an initrament c penflcions policy, in opposition to the convictions of a majority of its members. They "reject, theireFOre, with Indignation, the Syracuse platform, and declare openly and positively Mot they trtll ptirtie.ipate lithe November election''—protest against 'lthe submisEion to the will of t h e President. soshamelully preached at the present tirna. Alts anti-Repubiican;" ngaimt "the deviation from Ito gic.rions spiiit of the Dutton so gloriously mar.ifcsted after th,, death of our martyr Prc .ident," against "the cunning politicians who have chilled that spirit into apathy, and against the demoralization of the politicalllfe , by the tatting of a ban net, which is that of the adrerssry.' • They think, moreover, th+t'.'•,f this 113 to succeed bj the kelp of the Ulatmp.,74, the great cease of the rege.ierat on of the Union pill, be 'Jost," and therefore it is, suppose, that they' have con,:i tided that the defeat of the tinter will hen condemnation of that policy on the part 01 the Repdhlieans at leas', while IYwill leave its endorsement to the Democrats eloue. We have given theis estuicLe thus fully, lo elfow the animr. of this trove ment. We rena the reroluti as of the New York Ckstvc•rttiort, carefully, and they did not strike us. as being open to the objection thus urr,cd. They endcrse the admintstra „Non of the President, in a ghteral Cid y, as our Penisy'rarin resolutions did ; but 'vein the eptcifi, yue,tion of rtennstrurtioa they eafirsas the conviction that th 9 rebel States should not be re-admitted into the Union, unless upon such condilona as will secure to the freedmen the full possession of all their stab,a; and the platform, therefore, o What is known as the "teittoration" -policy: - - It the resolutions lack tire and force, and are open to the objection of being wishy washy; twit we do not regard them, nor do the Radicals of New York generally, as endorsing or approving in any way the policy of lugging in the rebel lions States with constitutions full of the leaven of slavery. Bat if all that the ;9:Tulish Baud" alleges were true;we cannot see how It can justify its proposed action and we trust its members will re-consider the question and reflect whether it is not better at all events to keep their heelsupon. elie head of the serpent, sad then set about reforming the Union party itself by interior memagement. If the sense of the party has not been honestly declared by the Convention, that is the fault of those who:elected it, and it is fault a moreover that might have been Corrected by another Convention;To refase to support an improper pl stforoi or ticket in ordinary times would be a proper and fitting rebuke end adnionitton to those who made it. To infuse new life. however, into the Copperhead, when it is benumbed and help less; w, u'd be a short sighted policy. The ' • :,r •• no haraa because It is no' cerns t meo Lief p,y Y. orgE to their Con grersmem They can save the na ion if they an faithful. There ore means yet left or instructing them. Let those moans be um..l, and the country m ly yet I, by their refried to admit a rebel gate cxeept upon the amplest guaranu es. TUE EPISCOPAL, CHU ':CH There is a general recling of iadt :nation, throughout the country, at both trot gill it and 'he action of the Episcopd Osnersl Convention, in Pi it de phia, upon the loyal laudations offered by Mr. zoo'. ua two 4ccasions. On both of the.: 13,2:7.5i0na dis htnsion was cut off, and the tesalilti43ll3 Os bled, pretty much in the manner that char acterized Ceugrese in the dsa when Ilia iron Tule of the -south crush:: speech. . Our o•tesp..zdent "Cbu7c.i.a:un" lo the rcl.Lue of "that b3dy by c'.tio7, es tracts ftont the .hoznibes of , he church tigalribt the sin of rebc:lion, ani urines that lir. Blaney aed hie loye.l ir,en s were put down tyrannically beevase t y.,re is no need of any fu . rther utterances by the chinch against slavery and treason. We do not Eke the relevancy of this ar gument. The llunnilies ci ed were not framed with any reference to the late re bellion; and the fact that they condemn the sin of rebellion generally is no reason why the church should got offer up ita thanks givings, (as bin; BINNEY proposed,) that this particular rebellitin and the causes which led to it have been effectually pat down. On the contrary, the very fact that the church stands on record as !tenon con demned the sin of rebellion, was the stroo gest possible reason for adopting Bra NET'S TOSOilltiO4. A church which sincere y regards rebellion as a sin, could nut,sure y, refuse to thank God that the most gi gantic rebellion in the history of the world had been put down. It may be urged that the Convention had already resolved upon a thanksgiving for ' the return of pea(' and nothing more was necessary. But ,mething more ea, ne— cessary, Any xr xi Might be thsnkful for the return of pda i, without condemning the rebellion stool.; and therefore the ebureh slimed I , r.vr i-e , n outspoken in it declfirs fion that it Was'..thanklial, notraendy for the return of peace i lot, _ for ,the overthrow of the rebellion; tthich secured pea Ce. The delegatiOns from Pennsylvania and 'New Yerly we ; are glad to . see,. voted against the application orthe.gag rule. Bo far, therefore, as the aural In there States is concerned, its neer(' on this question is all right. The tranntcal me made of their power : by the Southern delegatei' to this Conven tion is a wanting of what we may expect If the Southern members get back upon the iflooiof Congress, as they expect to do. The best way t 6 avoid the restoration of the old slave, Ole, Is to keep the rebels :cit in the cold;uutEl they learn to behave ;themselves bettr. ..i. • Taw= 'inn TIIE imair. STILE. —The ; }'oat nod ConN . itercfai are now closed to• tetbe4,l4 regard to their political Iseult - giants, by all parties. Yesterday the . tDig . tchdiecnssirig the negro, spoke , It upon by the Commeretat and kicked I t tiu&s.ldits Rts tli . " , Pcni." , lgo stronger IXIII are needed to Indicate the affinity ween4WoliVoilitur of the Democracy Said their: ne3c.recrtilt. • It is becoming too nciairionaarpriiiitarent to be smoothed Oyer any longer; - E have reee' . lved the 'drat number- : o1 tiolteadVitle, Jatisr Republiutn, riabllghed by B. Lyle4hitc). The paper •looks van' and readaivall, and ought to sneceed, , as4t l probaUly Lancnßter, F..fitF 1 that the accident "un • , •• 1 . 3 . 111, maue ka,..grapai, I,l:ortt 7 r a Judge as to whether it was or 1 , r3 ,b'e? Reim , any int i r!ry in o the I•eti, the i5131.1611C41 of anvil a statrtnent is In i.el highest degree repre hensible. Thcre msy poss:bly be some railroad ac• ti,!entb wl,i, 1, al, en...voidable, but we con le=s 'to something Ithe incredulity on that Ticer h%ve bean few. if any, ni!. load acrs.U.n's in this country alto were net In our liee nvoidalqe, under the everci,e of proper care and, v igilance. 'iwo several causes are given for tiv.e nc c;dent—the fu,t is, a broken rail, and The surnmi, a hroken axle. Neither thesis tv IL IIIMIVO: , J.11 , 1e. The use o f s proper :II Lem scud watchfulness of the Irtat used nook: score proven ed a br,ken rhth and n sind'ir scrutiny of axles would Lave prevented the use of one :table to bur ,ik. 'rho N W Y. 7:: P: • • P ,,, ! cites the ..lory of rsllr..jug iu Grtutity to stun .c.. 1 ra n with proper care. n ,., g Ibe .r , •,1 that r.ti;rovls lin, • pv,tlca iu Geraartuy, ),..t rife by a railroad Whit in 0-rilany is . periece e of 11,i1:y L: G •rcian be unLazed :.:ei.tentB; that is (It p re prever.t. Is to mntiae our rb,r, 1o - ss t the Germans do. Therefore lel no more of unavold iti " 11i3 1 1 , 7 C Tilt Da: k: reit an has Let a inerg.Kl in the rifizie, i.. d the iwo lespers will Leicalter app. - a:M. Ono under I.lie mane of tl Aintrirea 11r. liAst.g-r, who retiree from the _American, has but n the editor of a Whig "tud Itepublican pawl - in Butler county for twi , nly-t•ne yosrs. during which he lies la- Isillifnflr and well for his p'i7iiiral fai s h. We rumr..t •. r,'+se him from t i de !vie tesiirr, and lee.,t he may find in his refire !, T.! T Lni r. schich lie is entiiird, idler s" long a fif ardent and successful hi her. THE. Philitlkipi i, /'rave comes to us en. laruecl, and phut td in a quarto form, the samie size and form as the leadii..g New Yotk dallies. it is greatly improved iiap• pearance. and it is now one of the hand somest, as it Is one of , he best edited pa• per! in the country, though we think a little more back bone wouldn't hurt it. P 1 11:10213 EDITORS GAZETTE read in your paper of Saturday, a somewhat 111-natured C,,a,e at G .n -end ,j,thua T. Owens, .provoked by a somewhat tint:rated notice la the Washington Chro nicle of hie ',ltem at the recent elecitou in this State. Sou say you don't know him, and hal never beard of him. We-1 , , I have the advantage of yea here. General Owens was a young lawyer of Philadelphia, nho was one of the first 1. , volunteer in the rause of the country, wad ear o star by his gallant behavlonr In the fie... I sal rot ,nee ar to his politics when be went ant. but lean inform you now that he was a robe nest member of the late Soldiers' Conyention, at Harrisburg, and was, if I mistake noi; - ei .er the Plesident of ,hat body, or the gentleman who rsperted the frsolinlons pledging that body to the support of the Union gepublican ticket ilthough, therefore, It may be a little extrava gant to say with the Chronlge that our success was In a gnat pert atariantable to his efforts," he Las tertainly de...reed the thanks ..f toe panty for his agent-) in that mertietilar. G-neral Ontr e. Is a Lode,t tier ilernan, and w mid b- the I man ti.: the wou=:t est up War. a clam !or A. Ftr•ri•be C'ereined Irth ltri ober toecl!ot.-7, tter from Jrierrs 31. C...oper, .• , .1 2 77 , 7 . none.o : • ebicr L'ei. .u:actur,r, in • tor :nit 1 iv, ulkoee a r.rd.i w, rt . 1r cum 21,2 d tl, I • : • ..f lit Na: ,11...11 y ; r ror i-. 1 ti • L. 6b 3•ATt t.• wee fi:ra - a; of 1-27 cw..i..1.7 .1 f OE. IT • `e , • f f." oa ant. LIC fah! rPSII, : ;. at nai t al A FITTS., 41,a. U.. 1a;:, ell LL ''• p •Aa'a E'. ten!) , 1•: . A • g•n , -.1 lea:. la, I. • •• of lirrn t 0 r.tiac'n. al, in the Tta ' rn, It Let' War 77 7 • , • a: •L d ;h- a • and the in e.e•its of wrist fl 1 ea Lsith ! ,n , :, as the w Sdeat of on: 1.1 , 7:.‘ hst!. r 612.11 no cit 7 . 7 . ,::-.lultD pro. - ( 7 '..771 7 !VDU I••'v ,, V. izrir t vr , e , ....J2. . the tra• , :•:ttv , •••7 . ^ TL,7 o p i the ioetr , ... , —t!,- teeehosdk ,ht ! tette: let Lte I el the lerelre, 1,1,1! 4,1 111. It./.1. It 1 4 rent a an , of tow mia - h any man fae.orett ertlrle !Lt, 1 , 2, hoer iadlozcb ea, etg , .,/ - d .7.P! it, 1.11312ei. of what or r ohel.Lath,. ~e nn• I , ortl on "In thah'e eerel/ f,„ I , XCti. fr. een't at dieen6•l o,! )1, t ota I r.. :11 ah ta-- I'LAt k• ! , thont‘ent w•ta nowe of the +peak. , ae1,v, , ,,1 elte.telf to tho,. • I don't rare for any Of your line epee ,rztr. muir, en po!it:eal economy, balance of trade and the like; tEry are ail Greek to me; km, I do know: lb at - ret tut rer there In a hitch pro tective tariff, the mannteetarer thrivea, and I can alwaev have At indent employment at blzh pieta. 1 ran tray et,rytbinm I want, and pro. vide better fur my 'am,tly when buttes is tiny eentt a pound and rega twenty-tire cents a Y. rue (: •;!" !I Tom Tr! I I• Cr' •, 111111111111=ZIO =SIZE IMIIIGE=5:111 f t.) I'y .rf to are , Tand.• ru,n • Ewe. 1. farm-, la • • Sort I,,eparat, o p d it • P. , hap* I am 111,1, •nand to • Proteer on to Indt,,,V. end I am aware t h at shove who are ultra on tm 4 kltdeell, fre.inentlyin)nre the cau7 they ode K.,de: We are told Nome where hl the good book In regard to piety It.wlf, that hie beet "not : be righteous over ionch. I Cannot however evict the conviction, found “ltpon n.y of thy wants and neceml lien of the goverutm and people of thin vomi t,. in the difficult rumstancca in whkh the ode war 1,/ , .I,ed us, than Ulu !subject er k - - 4 ,r , ive Tar c, to the dlgalt vof a • alg lilite all tha aavocatax of the opponlag dot:- trine of Free Trade as dhaoyal, yet. I nm person doer that ha he cffeeta neon tlia rablie welfare It betrays like treason." • • What•nre Its fruits? A ruined and impover ished people—manufactories everywhere Ru e -- hundreds of thousands throw❑ oat of eint) k, y _ ment, or forced Into other pursuits to sultaln life—the precious metals and our natio-oat s e e, titles absorbed to pay foreigners for arms eve eon rria4e better at borne, and a unletreal sys_ tern of taxation upon everythingealled propert y, Including the products of the farm, down to the last blade of grass, to pay the interest on the us. tional debt. Contrast this ple'ure with the snrctaele h'eh will result from ten to twenty years or uub7oliela Proteetinn to Americas Industry, ariennate to secure the American market to American labor, to the fell extent of Its ability to supply the de mand upon itr—linhcrunded wealth. flowing threuch a tipustrol channels Into all the ena ploymews of the people—manuttfactuftre and the arts ficnrtrbin& 7 itumigration swelling oar pop ulation and cribflng ter 'ape GIOCCUBiIIg claims upon cur productive Capacity—prices k , rpt with in moderate bounds by a generous and active cotopetitlan—labor well paid because-of the de mand for It—cur gold and national securities retained at home 'as a basis for the Can transactions of au inland and COW.- vim commerce as unbounded:ea the territories of this great Empire of the West, our national debt rapidly extinguished by the ready and will ing submission of a prosperous people with ample subjects of =talon, wtthOet touching the nee. merles of Mei In store, the lull development of the genius and the resources of our country, until we shall be prepared to challenge compe tition with the workshops of Europe in the Markets of the world. There arc no creations of .an melted Imagine. non. They are the legitimate and natural re treats of the two systems of national policy, from which are most shortly choose. Upon the arta tom of Ott Choke, / elneevely believe dezends the Rare prosperity of of this nation. Wry respectfully yours, - • awes M. Cioorrett, lu n Ic ''de - 70 Et cure tosaulmlty among eh men or the same household of falth, h limy safe It ~‘•' near :o hclor.,:. Tril: ME Efillsfy all, and recorelle a , This. being the case, tle on of scbt!l:on can be dispoetd of without much controversy in tba Convention assembled In Peiladeltsia, by simply r,ading the sla sermons on this vexed got., tore, which you nil; lied I:. ILO hoots of nom 1.11,s , Third Am, rlcan Edition. commencing pnyc I -I. A , se liomPler nave hoe, ap proved and adopted by the Can-eh i n 1 ,, . courtF3, (re , Lp. 101,6 of F , ,rnrp.", 40, ie,t. • .o :LOpy a low ao L.'aCt..9 Iho, in he,,,,„..u5e It ' may bare a 51.,/!hit L; Uton the LOI6I, sal,6jtjt Cs of , LICII as fe, I h,elle, .; • cuss I,olllllot 6 Of 'l.l l f QCnVolli Loll to eoCe. he 16 to re 0.1. Un pa,, 492 y.ll ,t 11; 111 A 1001 GU•II7. f'll , as arc ue ibeir 01.•C•Ory (i 3.1 And 0•11.11• 1 n tallanaziru.." ,ce 494 , "1:ul v. berets a tk , ll 1110 010. - 11 plc. , e,lo•:!:•UtelliOL aorta !LAC t.. , ortt gculun.rt t tai toe worst prince ik , :t lawb be.. 1., nu run ickela n,. in,: In 1:2,1 . .•.1 it: LI tow. • IL • ' r.AL •rk LI .tall lacks in II !'••".t t••• ••'11•0 cky I the ert.-Is such I ~‘v: rc Ulen I , ,ug gar SVOrft• "has /Icy t•IL r ULLIAL'it , 0 . :01011. !Lx t et. !t: I ;!.- r'T ter " air: on page NiC , .t" .:at 3:1 I. 'h. ;L:41;`,1. (10,1, o 'r the -Art , h k! tR :1 ac,.fc. , . a.. t , and - • •:. try, -•.!: Le ever ... tt. 4• I vll, V— • \ r • s. s at , ' • .• ,; r.••• ll' I c, a t d C 1,1 iz,t. a.. 1 tiD 0 CIV- , pi" I. •i ~.‘ i w!., • Iv:, J.. • et . all 10. i:ani..dton Ili ;•41 I:1 dly hi t t el..ollgli w ;.rove col c tisiVelF it.,. r has Icon, and now A t.. n, tier a , d sc. k,. bt • •C p.:: sons 4:3% rd,11:1 , 1. I. #. C. I V Ltiou sIA a :4 6 t Id I.Ct k - t.ll It 11 lit C. Ica! 11.1;• , 11 c• uil Forth uud c.,11,- 1 0 , - PULLIC NOTICES tar.STOCKHOLDERS OF TURNPIKE ROAD COMPANY, Are or quested •o pee the Fourth Instalment of TEN it LLANS pr.n. at the office cf trio Treasurer, corner of Third and Wood strtote Those In arrears for former in stalmonte, trill plenstsglve attention to this GAIL as d thus enable tits managers to yorossouto the work to completion. By order of the Hoard. eeteated JttHN B SEMPLE, Creamer. or PrrTentrnott, Oct. 18tb, to rap- TII E 21.H.\ 'UAL ELRC t iOX FOR DI RECTORS or this Bane, nun be hold at the Banning House ' on MONPAT, Noessatter to h. between the hoarser itt A. a , and t r ear TI.• A nous. Wert inn of •Anckhobl , rs mill be be k 1 on TT. Novembar 11.41, e 1 it o'sno.A., 11111=1 Ur Yu nor rex t'erncr flys 'r,rn • L Ott Ca, FITT 1111711013 Otto er 170, '643. NTO4 :elf OLD I:Evki• NEE a . --• 6—'!7 ]ter rill ee a me*ting nf the S•ochhold• tom el 11., Cl.e.r,y Run t'e, trai till (foe:party, et their onto. e 'roe, of Wood vr.:l eat", street, on TUE.SI'h. Llertoeer 04th, at 1 o'el. ca. , for tte uncle ef sauctf• t toe the prOpolloti .C1.10(1 of the Utz-actors In making a lose, tt, order to test numeer of unen'shed wells on the property of the Cerny,t y. cy order elLnltd Win. F. (LARD VEII, Secretary. Pr" tn." t ;i 1 c 1 ) t ;, 5 1!1 ".4 .. VT CIA ore to report AT ONCE, to the Secretors , at [lle Co.ute (1.0 'l en. YEA.ESON, ta, at a. we otrort. wat:m. Goami.Y. (Down uo. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 1E.A1) 7 , figs Soft Galena Lead for I rale I•T J. H. Ce N FIELD, or.lB )V AN': ED is c ro,l Ys.l or ISLlpplag Gi tk . lertnttliat.p.ent Yitteu-rgh. 41Itg,rnv or null• TO BUILDERS. —Z+exle , l proposals NYV.I be rn fee thr rTft . thp •10 loteo . Mir. la Ft,. nt . ,, u/,., ,Migt until z:AT- I r. I , . Wt. P u. Pl6l/0 la/ 1,,.ce. et ,rifle Of A). in, n Its W 3 in The Co tr ..le.. t, It,. r ;fj.7! smy or 14:1 's. error, I Y 1101,Alf,3HLIN, I T. Ctonacltttr cot , /ty N DINIZEZI ; 17,1 I=l 01=1 =SIM= /-.1 A:, E. LlC,4lFistc , TATVIVERY MYERS. SCEOYER & CO STIIEET . r . . 1 YCT C; J. G. LAUER'S trati-e-rlt :Fi 3ic 7o~nlc n-1 ~7.~.~tn17 Cl (....1 IP- po' asr WHIT& ORR 41: CO -r ‘. A NI kV-- I= uhubalnrnmroanda PE.AIII7 .LE, es, 0.11 i• i 1,00 N N Inducement Wort I. Api v ahp atb, noon iVr.ll 10 P iIEISGEMIEIRE, No 12 Clair a... Pittsburgh. . 01.11201 .11i1]it It Mll/OUT COLLINS do WRIGHT. .3EiL XTT tv-i BHA h n^ 11 nll LLT Vii,.:10:1124, BRITTANJA CASTORS E 110 7 ,: AKU 4 , It CR t, /1 , 1 , 1 111 17 t• t of 1',17 •An 1 use , l .9,t ,• :•1111 , 1•• • 7:10 :UAW. Pi, 1, ay., Ii MILS-PARA IU, iILOOD - 0 U n ) A moot remorusolo ortlete and posture sort for SrJEDITILA, EriIEIIMATIB4, N ErrliAl • 01,9, trrsPurtim, 111.11, PlbirLES, sod al lirtascal of tb . _ . As a TODIC, It restive the nrilettlta, prriset gestlou and wholly meters§ the physics istreorth sun It heeds but a trial to prove its virtu For isle by tun op JrltV7StOlt, Ilrugtlet ror.... , ;2n;thrtel.l are, Yfrr,.l#••Vl "Nljil; DAL rooLl.r.ten 1k rink, Ofty of A i•erlarial• m Oak la W lBoliti `e In: proporala DO IreCeiV.l L. U cc, ULtli 1 U ENDAY, t l h Lnl. , Inclusive, for dallyrr too ht the Al rgf ooy Who, Work, 20 OW WroltELS OF (Kroh MEIfOII ANT 6.111.1; NUT Or /AL Ike eon trsct to bo romplrtnti by the [trot dhy ]htionry, 1100 .rt. (It II( iiri• or4: dtd Ulty ‘'outrollor. • ARtENAL ULCAbS NODES, RYRIE & 00., Mih ufneturord of Man, nod Geens t jia•manris. Derttrg lota. M arv, Bot!lesr IT . D emgoltinn ul ro m 4 Sc. !Wore/ era: Ito. 1.14 ATPR Siff l' 7 MD ti i niANT E ti : faFTS t." PITTSBURGH pA. W e o L a rti t a g S O V n t ' e t W or4l: °,11b4 .A . 1 .173. L . A ¶ w 4 4 1 s t. hand, Mailman: of the above desartp .tort. ALL order. proneptly attended to. Yattlenit, at.n .r,EN o• tint, paid to — iniyat.: mo,Adr. t LL:ty Mi.OHIRE WORK A.ND FUVrirDRY. . _ n; wzoirriass, ENGINE BUILDER AND ATACHITIVIST Laccxdc eraser , between Federal and Sandiuu, ALUMNI:NT Over, P. iana feetarer of WIGHTM AN'S PATENT PORTABLE OSOILLATING STEAM EN Shafting, Pulleys, he. Repairinp of all kinds attended to fordy NI'ANTED-500 bush, ChwAnuts, two do Flaxseed, too do (Iloverseed, For which the highest market price will he odf7 1.. H. VOINT h 0 KIM for ga te by :L-130 azr cOLl‘oi:i lu LET_ in V. , K.‘!)V11..) E, tleserve Vown• I at MEM HEM= colglw W. r. LOGAN'S, No , Istr rt. tlvt!l mlsat nn excellent IIlo:c: B tree for 001 0: ILn:lread Iron. 1"; qul.e , to 11' (In to tit:e.E k Ind :et:l.l , o , ks, ur:ne .t.o.t. IT . TWO F;S ()Zr .7.E. V, -11 Jett Itc:d 1./Ige Arulon flout:. por leo wlde hal. It: re lo.a, dl rwww. hrchert. LIX I. ta I 0.. . • . a.toEng 0.0,1 water dr. 3 gtrde ell trot s. NUTME N.,iiee is .11 e., tre er•e fe.'t .e grx.l IDE EDI: curl, Mere. , tt eel. Ithsl. , ert en, I r et ivy .114 e War:, the 2.5tt, , 1• lever, ledb. et •t ‘4‘ 1,11 der II wilt be Len :eel 1.. LI . I. rE4331133.1ti (03 DWI. 33,3 . CH:IDLES tIEIC ISpo • 11 , 0 “elc!•ex IS, 1551. ocl3,lttl It ;r • 2Cr3 t7:".1 11 I '._y. }Jr . • t,.rn , I 1. toe rat . ot N. .'oa dor'd. 01: LI.. a V . r:rk Louse and three Ike Irroa , ', with floe rtchard, on Francis alter, r terms, aprly to 1,1;1: r.l -t h.lut • arum ”r (3.Eot:Nli in the 'tillage of Sprin.Tilt.lit. .111, oh • ) n,tot A two story tile U , ,I. lic 'nous, :tact out r.utOlturs. 'toe 1 tit well imptov,l i 13 •T it. number of fr- t-t. ,1 I ,r. :11:c.;Leny and rte, port It. 11. • n .ts hr - n• r AO , • I. 'turf Are, ',Ube iort• .t 1 i 60 y ‘rds of prolborty. 11. 1 ' 1 , .r r p ,tetrl ua, urri'e of • r or. ur 0. rA%• ,•,., A: NO • / 1 )1 11 /T11111 htrear, l i ~ •'' C. tan' r• r1.110C.,04/ ORA r rr lier.V torrtclarryx tna it :rt..rer tirrr . r, ' v I :•• r , of T: .de; Oh, nle , et .r r tl L. Cf ., I. Ir let crl erect.% in the r.l, I. Err Irorrr ri.. r I C., .10,0 LO I LI , 'l' 0,6'. I: S:tuo, klau :1• ti 101 otl. 1. II ‘,. tiqurt. , .•,• r. 1.1, • ; curb, !fatal ma is rr . r Atter for rm... rer)vot ti e ft:ree v• r 01,,. Linn I.lw 1410 ruvolLed Maned, PC•l•7' PAID ex err,t etAtopr. 13E( /DV CE NIF NTS W INST , , t 1 El Car load. Shelled C 440, 64 , both. 'IICLr thy Fred; 23 palls fresh p` cord butter; 15 roanelli /Mb Egg •; 2(0 box*, Factory 4 . 1 21000 e: to how. Enp. LI Dalry CA....; 2.5 Goan (rear. W H. do 60. o Ltda. choice Winter Apple, =JO do Lake Shoe. Potatota: 6.^00 bust. caw halve, Drift] fbaco-s. So bbl. Esaltro Ora.orrrrie., bbla. Haztloul a; It. bush. Mack Walout•; 16 birth. Chit 114140; 500 dor. (Crab canoed PeLelgeo, to bbla Maple s aes; Sr boar. Fear ' and ri rapes. 00 111.. 1.14 ed Soo t °ord. i 0.11 ra: soo new t. cool' /344". 11.....F. 107. For tele by 5 0 0 BOUND BOofil. culler ME t=ll 8.1000 Novo Sico 11122.4 - Ia,,OCYCO 'Nov ..:Lnis a 5.3.11. .14 f , pp , rsirk: TRY.. P• Wirle •). 7 1.1 } 1.1 ;1 T it lrcTc; t " , 1 ( :P I A . Y A O P^E eT " I ot TA!: 7.4L7 1.10 hal.. Crows Wrnpplox Paper I nrv,unt,stV!r. recolvla4 11, rtl 1 , ,1'h.11 ui /APS j icl• P 4,91: t 4 Ml==l r:• • I VA' !.. L"Yr , E Tai Mt ol ....Lk: • 1.1 ..• —at, In su.: 1 CCU 101 F CAC:: 11:XED RAGS 11=1 i) I:61“1: t • 0•re1.31, hT • YIXT , ./11:- , , 41( BATHS, WA lEh CIA I.r. El 1' Int4l7:TS y tuad made to order. !UM& Hy, 7:revel., ac .5+ rEla.liLL, tit REin,lorteny £2.4 7.1 Lill Lh TY VkTLVE.I.7. Pittabluxa avre. v ISAAC el+ dal 4%; 1.; f• A HS— t•li PI4-- 31( PLIA.W 4 I El. Wile (donned, Powdered and tiranliWed 00 "At‘ (:orlonNiu4nr; " 8 On do, 30 "U Extra Oat. , :inv., 226 ••lane and Otio.c, t:noa do, lin P an; xa lint. 1.. 11. :111,0 ..o: 'n GLL Is•wm h ron; ALti n.rlilng rot c 4.1 1 , SOHO/SAKES LAN , ,, tuVl 1 . 76 end 174 Wood street. )I:ODUCE 1 U WILECELVING. sko Ow Fresh Tante Dotter; 116) C6l,w Prime tlfeele Cheese; 6 burgle Finall Egg.; 66 4 . Sweet Potatoes I Extlft Farklly Floot Apples. Por talc by 11 . RID A.e. .rte rm. me Liberty nr.t. x)(10 V. IJ.I, t'UItI:IIA.HE A COM , th l'A SW; oWEI.I.Ifeti I.I.OI'SK Of 1 611 6011 • Ithl rt. to., With leer, lot nf g mw I, fruit and 4b•de LTV, grape eine, she tatmry, Veldt . , , attonto on Mt. Wn-blogLort. The on ,- GOA. , ticb Lowe Inure lore 1,, twession, ca the tour !.s vacant. H. SI/71ti, txl3 CI 51a.rket k_ 'o')/) IBC% ST() V No. 301 1.1111ertp ; NA rest. selrlyd A t E SU u. f CIIERSE, CHEESE. 110 bDiten (30.b.1 UV bales W. 11., to fatiVil bsses Ilecuburg. In urtvp, Pot nsle br CILA.S. U. RA LSI.E.Y, .04 Id Liberty .treol._ bagel. Na. La g `, 1 , 11 J.k 110 Du , nn' I ore \ud tot • \eIu ;ADIEN Ddit..21C141.4 at SON as sod 70 Wimer ettreL I) 1 4 I: , tk t P , 1 . ." 4 1 1 C .. 1 0.124 .E.5 . , o PICKLESt It 1.1,11 prretif urn Nadel, tuperlor 4!a ti 1.6 " 4 " t) .. DILLS LEY. '`- octi alPi Liberty street. _---- A PPLEti-feo libli alwlco Apples just rrc<tv<d acd lei salo by ELTZER AltliVi'n').+o nolEl eon., Ueda,* 2_ •' 011.-2 d wo e to :1. - rive. P* o by .1. - .EW il A SANNERY, cCoRKINci ll=l '" , 711.1.1, IV/01'11E., N 0.1153 1.02er y Stt.,c Fi'l I .1;1 11611 11 , 1.0:0 MEE JOHN P. HIUT & C').. fublishers WET BE SOLD AT ONCE! I TT "'Y ! I- If. Y • . ! Pirr.:c& - s 1:LI:=1T41'41 mmlsmai =OE • . r. "t 2 1111 P. NTItEET • /11 , 1 t, 7/1. PA. (?is and Sias u TATS & SEVILL2, 0111. LET SAW MILL AND f:A YA,t! Iran Street, .IHeZt.e:2l. PA I.ll_oll A NI) II KA TIN; I F / (1 Vi'., lt LAI k>, I'ENIPEIN. he. A , oo, nll kintle 011101.1.0 W WA h 6 (USTINC) .%1 ( ‘HLORO D'Y N Tl, ,•( eLlspr.:pets:too 1... beenf t „ o d to earn tte &hi( ABLE t...E . RATI VE EF- L'ltt 1.. the treats:tem of NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, ASTHMA, INF CRAMPS. GONSUMP TION,BRONCHII A. ERYSIPELAS, k r O. It wen el 'nit nOl:ct ' IT, fon in tir linen y• ,t .e InL•lle's: I w. S ?irrTra R:... M. FPIR).- of the R 7.• ge of fi , u,zehns, Etx.: `I 1. ace rI 0tt0,..n In et aLlne, after a •at t!lal vl 111 o d()DY I:, that 1 hate net er A zno e•. ef.le da ou ! .h a A ,e I tve 0z...1 It I . A, I ...arrtoo t, gad+en— ant] Am rnof , pe rl-7,; `. .• I' ors , I=l SiMON TOHi~iSTO'ti, I col; r al llifiv'tl Fawth .•! 1 I" ' I ~,TIZE!, BANFCT.L'b Rt. iRcItTPE T ••• 1•-• - L “. , 1.1 OUTOBI:11 21.4 n: eple.' I ; ST I-.]' I is Y. and .. v••• N : 11.6. N i I.E.F. 1 Id ‘; Ac.e r; til o•Alt•, topper! .t ny ;ha a Allre 1,..r••••. Af !!. , 1 4 ;• • , ... I, • • ;'. ', A co mane, • I TY.i' Admie A . o A 6 Lt•pli:. Nt senvetle eAn recite. ;- A Al. Sld AN! 1..k.1 . , p ron ,,, tor .. •;I •ANF lif:, , •" CHAS. N. , 64 I;ISTE, Agint. oal9.At•l N;.. , W IS THE '1 IMF, 61 Market 21rtiet the Plac: h% El I ± EMI= ... C•o ' •.. • Roo', ..12.t6. molt, do do do Ito!mors,•.(2, .vorth (2,60 do ~• o. / . 122, worth "2,00. I • •.• I 1.0 U. .vll thrtc le• I t . co, worth 04,00 Lodi , t• ,(1••••-.1 Pi Ted rCw 00l sl.. I r•t . , :d,2•1, worth 24J-0 t.ll e.l o Lei Hood• In prop rt lort A. EiOSCCit,Ols. : 1 / 4 CO I , rx: . fin MEC Elt•s li,r Good. Story. J)11-Tedic1o;ll rouzipttY. G A RIZTROW & CO. (Sueaessors to Bollman. Ustrison,n. FOUNDERS AND MAMESTai lilanufsetthert of Chiltaa Roller, of ail Area. rot Iron, Steel, Brass, Zane., thippetola Rubberß Straw Boards, Paper and India Work. also, Roiling Mill Castings of all clesoriptiona, Dark Mills, Patent Double with varie• by of Otle7 patterns, always on hand anti tinted 1. order on short notice and favorable et Loa. itlies and WL/StOtft, 111 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. featly BLACK DIAM ON 1) ST KEL vv oliEs GIMERIMECII P.M, BROTHER CO ,;uar el is all pia.. Warriv-t el equsk no mar ,tr.ortei at mat.....facimed in lal oala try. oMce and .....botare.. N. IN at2l 151 mod PA !411'.1 Scrol PIN hurrta Pius, 1)1(L NI a "I. 1k =MEM v".! u 7 OYIU 5T11.1,137 to 1.1: ,‘ hit 1.111 t•• . lOU lAMB l'c tc, B. n Potat...•—to ar G. box,. I. lb. “1 . 0 wt., • i•n •••vv.. ,J 1 : • • -• 1,•••, t • • t. Lenel. 1.e., .•; >i 1.31,ei. ..PP' . b. .1. .e-, 1.0 IJ l.ariels F.. . ; •. kerri .led In, sale I , y :;sn I F . A UNITE:H. oh, 1 l• Tr , y • i`tit••••..vo IMO= • h., P. 1•1••• ft• •r e tenter. kI. MIL E meter' at ll.r • • 04 . ter. 4."7-11t 1,0.1 r 0 e l•rrn pt a. tP•tubvi 601. 1.1:1 NUTICV IF FIR 14E111' RIVEN that X AL 21I'LTINO of th•tet,l.-Ito , dero of the PL'l't •. A 111 L 1 'lll , l PA NY will be bold at ttet Nu 521 11 ut sort L. Room. Nos. Z 1 nit 22, or Wit N E. , 1/ Y . veznhor itt t PS. at 14 WOlOO, the ate. el lomprese of redOcutt( tic llerltal `took of the 11.14 Coruna, trout l• ire II woes ed 1.00. lion to Otte Rutotrogl and $Ol en t) .111 c Tr...tos PoLars. HENRY ALEX (YARNELL, oeo,atlt 1 AL RILEY. oNsi,,N'st c _ NTri I , IIODLTE. 15 ' , ls terse, ...weer 1...c010r5. 1 , 61%, .tie ty 1t166. 2 616616.11,3 L,, k R,lO ,utot 10 n. ves Itetlduker 64•YrN we 1.41 06! .J. Hot,. . 100 a ctoi.tce'tirrru Al'; - Ir., Ira, 6 WAN. Cit./ 1 1 / 1 11A. .111. r treat', • fo .•,r• oc6 STEZL&BAILEY,I.VrOOIi tiItI)IIERS The lierker. nod Bre)", h tying .d Oct. the following we Will ,ovw? .1 1 , ,, , , Wtkockt ev:l4.“ n 16.0t3 Cy, 1.10.. 10.1 .1, ..1, :•1 ' • , t. A N :tWO'. — 'c /oLUa hrllyd Cote (MLA; Ito busarls New Timothy Seed; 60 barrel. :4.14 INt 460 bushels lit eS Apple.; 'reo Jaren Yreka Usunul reacher, In hag fell lase! Pesrees; 3 t ar. cis 61 spit. Sugar, 16 legs PeerrJ Ilutter. ler baler., ft. (11(1 , k Of). • t • rtor.o . rt . r na i ls a . ecup' ad b 6 the TIrSIItA 111 E (ATI PEO2E'IiTY FOR omelette., S 01, In the Fourth Were Pitt •luire a bertnz n trout of ll feeto fuel. ou Duquesne 01 Al. ruaulne hnelr ina feat to ton ft"t n 1,07. I' r lersuk; no.; enquire 'LC Kl'haste kirk h Metro. No 243 Liberty et sect, o: of the utecrlaer to Um I rettleen Orione Led 11"111 ItT .1.'..•(„j , r, • 37 C kV ID 14. , Nn 1 And 1101:Ir IiEFWEitUSI On, FOETY•FIIE DOO•POST DAYS I=l From the, (fent.. of JEAN PA UL FRED/110E htfl.ll7 Efi. Two vol.:Nem. rrloe t 4,33. c,ll .1. L. READ. No.lB Fourth street. JOHN Di.JLL, 600 Slazs - sirot E3troot, Importers or (kronen. French and English Taro nod leiscoy klorkis, tiblan Were, Pipes, Jeneq so. hniessie denier to Doccesla Foray attic/to. FARM TENANT FAr (S II , C ( )2IIALNY.—A nyartgoeat thn stbasholder• of this Uo.nrtly wlll be held ON Tilt , . TWENTIETH INsT., at o clock , r. u., at TEhIP/41.11.T HALL, Fourth etre, t. nine' usl attendance Is requested as bus. Ism of Importance will he lead bedore the etsek• holden. flr order of the RAPSr4 of Mrs: wore. < 15L...!..0 wuK , SVS.f. AsTE ,1,11 "tSl:slll4rri THINS DAYS '',1: 1 1\1 Sli e.isr 1 it'? it I. [ "1 :.l lr. I Fa s - 9 1 M . W . T\ 00 RHE A D'S, A , I. I.' lii r",,, SIIAWL:3, L•f r••: I X I ~ V 1 Hlll - - :.•..,,; lc I - NEILITI.ItY Di Vi!'inN • S 111.111A10 . •, 1 . , I. ftcr At ff, f ff• proptl of the I . f.r.ft t lfu flue. a), Uct,.cr 1001, 1 , /w, w ..00L,f• .• I F:1 7 17.D1 tact. AS VS, °bout,. 51e. I).‘r: I .1 SI 0 II UN. , ft F:11 11.111.: IT !!'",llNi nn Ur. nius), er la. It ig I,ez EN ler u TRO liioUsAftD TONS 01.1) h. A'.) .1/ ..astalgadl,l P , .1. .nrat .1,1 el;a• 1 r ••.10 .1) , • or - % • 11.: •He puTrhassr. rl MILE , : 0/.0 V rg. I. It 51 z.n.. fto Y. se: •sde f, rn...tdry . Ho,sr 1:11.1:T 14/011 lIA ND POYND• DAP MIAs , . &ND DOPP pNE Oa ti.. tkclobler at Snspas, ' R. R, It 4 &sleek. p. m, ONE I relabel' Jllll 1,16, and U. ONE 111:ILDING. OD Wednesday, Novecater Ist, 1 , 31, .1 Pr het N. awl tJ. R. H. TEN IDALDENG:4,...I(Lsie ID)UA - E. EC. n tins etv , yr 21, et S N and FOUR BrIi.I)INGS. On Tladrisy, nnremLer Id, 1145, .1. H .., , , N. sod U. P. R., ONE BUII.DING. lb Thumday. toeelul.erad, trlt, st N ace , H. H , 4 p. m., ON F. LID NG. rrsdsy, I 11. 1165 st 11 . ... , On Tenn and daily told c•Pll p!,tr. ONE NDIIED .IND TWENTY-1'11:E 111 I LIA NGS, )more or Yrs.: ouch Al Storebouses, Nies, hn.l Dye hog florae., Ultra, Stabre.h. A. lar.• proi•or too of tCe above racy tr..,1- ng• ar• ek.t. ..431 cud ad.q., r .3 I. ~• T-r ti togsptore, at 'Sr &sat. ore ••, cAs F,L1c1.c..1 1,, 1., 3 eau be I II 111,111.10 eat). AOt:,ese bul.lllu now et ti I t.elL,,g t, flgllt A 11.0 e them u ra uwtierd for tendaye fr . vn ,% r LAIC. E=l MIMME=Iiii Any 11.10At0n:5...: Zeslte4 lelerence the rt,o3 tm..:•tinr. to . • I, , ~• A tz. A,t , •nattl . 0 .pt n.•rsc”. -. U.- Tero. let 1.1. 6.0: ern?. fof Lint,. .• and .71 isles =SEMI I=l Uakf r ., 1•• tt •-. ue• !Ar Of . - : h:14,1r1: , . • of efit7, •vet 11.4 .1 ..en :• 41 a•, I', •1:. • , •: • 1.4. , •! ST, :3! "quo. .Ity ' : • A. - 1.0 rsc! Nr •. ., I J, /5•3. ~, • h, Al'eulut, t • li , ume. ) WtlET.nyLor .1: wt. 1-1, St I. • 1 . -,, L. 7,1 , , 105 o • • ••• 1... t• 11 Sali,tit N t,.t.a , Wale! WIV. :Atte I•.a,eat WA.:SfON•srt•N. t, The . bo sold In Oetoho to t re, offered to the lb.. The ID; 1:i th , 4, are sound boll sorrlsee , e. an S-d, ,• p , tas . 3 :4.01 be 14.a,”,f I? z ,try sh ads fel or, 0.5.1 Ow M•loeJ ,‘".l ;a, • ••• _ • Wunia 1, be n;IY •‘, rrt • s—CA,kl.,n 1 n teal JAME, r - te ee2Stt etto Ftret Ills. Q.. t tl. th 11213311311 %.; , A cf.' 6' •‘' ERN NI E.NT UOATS &ND ISA L. AVCTION. 44,11,11,1,TE11. tlta, L'a I tt,tcx. W 1,11461,4.1/, Ira It 110 alt,. ast - na Itttsta satl sold at ratttlis Auto tan as toltoo At Lltltltt% 11. LE, , s t and 1 It /41011.0"1".ta Jr.) I \Nolo, Masses, •[l.l rirt 01 , 1 And olbri !Itt,itets 1 31 , , at I. t.taa tor attd Na ti' ,(,.t Al It fa A•ttat‘ ILLE, IFU. r.: - ::1\T. !•, r 21st, at st.. •a.,o t.t Es. I,tit. St. 7.lodatl lislgt FOl.ll . (tau Wlantlloaat. IE, Ma ad, I' A` , At CA tllO, ILL - ., Ist ta ., ' at 10*. u., liar slat/am:NW 2.• anal Ah-Ll 1.1L161*.1C MP 1.111.1 . liaststs, laoas trg nl PLAOe• At SAID. SATUHr/AV, ltioatztut lot t0e , •,1, A. 9 , Oar. •teatintaolla - 1l IT a .11,0 I'. ,• lzurrn, U A .tart) Al , s* I (.:St.listAtall{A.. ' l li at. Wool./.., Alt 1,10.0, LE E a 1 , .• Ittylant-t-ranatdlsts if(', 0. •111.1 'll I .11 , ; I,y ct. 1111.1 ard for trams ', 11.1 min 94 4:1.11. urn i.e recercul a. calm at chair face val,e , to garment .tor n.l 4 ,40 4 erty acrid; otter , tc.., term. cnth. Fly Greer of Ur: Ctunaterrnarter Ilene ral. LEWIS It. PAH nfrlVe, ,cr 4, a fltigx ler rieneral an.l quarter...a, II FITZPATRICK, MICUI=M=I • •• • - old P.O•t 11,1 04.1 d and .rr Peue;lo, lea, Arid lrtdll. Pear mporml. l'ev cons tomlrd l'orm to rep*!r rah stud thr rurll, nrd :boy wt.t for promptly rdlUrni.l. Ocr7,lyd It ' BON T 17 . ( 1 ON Tr' ULII7 ItIVEIZ, 31 al 3nchet ter —A drown licatarti nee for 'Wee, large wail Ilbr•ted Donee anal lay:, Lot, faults, thistle 1. er a. rto , vary of fie:PR. A 1.,, n good two 'tory 111111: Die.bin( end large Lot frOntla; on Elver !free Uat 10.101301/tt3 po•aeaslon. Alto, (Or n lint too atilt r Henan and Lot of tir.v..l 011 S. Canal Street, two rya:tree from the Eland or 3•11 by • FOR W TLR EI , H DARK PA PEELS, s - V-11 gay Trimmlau, tor I...llTruicd arallititting lituralto TINIS AM) ItIOLD FDITIRr_s. oltl. Parch l'llmorlioga, for Drawing itotme. Far talc cy W. P. ttle.llsl.lAtA., ocl4 b 7 Vootl...ttort JAPER HANGINGS, =MO Of new end b..,notlrul dealgoo la PANNEL TIFOUF ATIONS, for HAM. /den /Scam. end Yesolhulea, et En 107 itherkot street. oat_ (is. n, EIJEFIES h BRO. I.IiA_NBERRIES—Just a lot of ch.:4.e Jester, Crealo rues for sole by the bee tel ,t el retail, nt the Venttly grocery State of YUEN A. ItErtSti&W, • cmer c f Liber:y azd tiaal str[cta. tin!r , ‘t , `•1 , al I, tl, MN= I=l Veen f,lorn 0 v'l (INA 1:roi••: a al.s. If LiINC snlr ul I.ll‘yr:lin...:l Pr.)',l;ro EIMIMI r.. ~.n =in t'! UST PRE-711U-11 GOLD PEN MANUFACTURER, I hilo ror. Third and 31arkcI 3 to., S. CI nii!EnT h e•ONS, Cl I , ltrh.t stroeL fb~: h ~?'.7: 1 • ~. LIEC: :;': li , , re,' Li e, ME riLo.•F, Pc 2ir.ff,. Rae.: do Ciia:ubre, Ali;3lC ra,:c Tdble, Covers, Piano C.Cler., Quilts, Towels. &c IMIII3MIEMEM!I=I .P, E,Z S: ii Iti i'o.. hv. L 8 Illarket !,treet, I ti•C Ler-, f Csaltaeace. U. S. A., tuner Peso street and Garrison Alley. I'vrr. mason, Pa , t4'. 14180. ~ZEALED 1 - ItOPOSALS—In duplicate, wilt be received at this Oros until twelve none, on 11.72,11/IY, the . 2.rth day of October. lost, for he St p?)yleg and oelLreneg sithis Per, sea at Draft II ext,rroas, 0.4 p Re/ nom., and at Foch Wool and n such dnantittes a. the under. signed ensy require, PRI:SIi BEEF e a good and Oren. table one/ity. ko equal t roportlena of fore and bled qua: to a—earl:a, elm sae and Ictdney tailor to be ...Odes—tor ,6) months from the date of ant tract. or such le. time Ss the Cent m.s.ry Geo. rat may direct. Each bid oust be accompanied by a guaranty for the exerentit n ot coLtrant In ease the Obis be nca.ptcd. sod rood and eutlltient accu.ty aid req•ilred for the if. per- Inlntance Intact& ••• . • . A pilau d copy - of this adear Mement:Mnet bola- I•ehea to tan pronoaal, watch. whoa mane by 111 me, must name all the patties there3f, anal If not in conformity to the anom. requiremente, Will hot Ge our.stilercd. ••• • • • It elders must be present when the beds Ire oFeneil, and the right to rej: et all of Which is re ter. eels k foram rt bid. and cuazgatees may be pro ,d on application at this oelce, personally, by letter, or telegraph, re bleb most be enclosed In tba er, elope ‘,llt.o•ec! to the undcertgned, arra .•Prop•••ais 10. Fnent tteeL" • GEONLIE W. NITIRPEIT. r•Dtalo and C 51% 1)1: Ith (3;, t,l .1) ! The choicest stock of OULD ANO SILVER WATCHES; 111.1 Ail/ EVI'E.LN 1 , eve: brought to &lie- Otto, C Iv, .an now seen at Ott STORE of T. H. KLAGES. mac.. 98 F. c)clereaLl ‘rhers WATOLIE4 of the best rashest JEWEL• ET of thinest St9lcs, ()LOOKS of every des. ; I .1 AO4, IC•21 nod rrettch Makers. YORE 01 SILV ew ER ENO 9 LATI.:II GOODS, such a. For.., Spoons slit Hollow Ware. Bottealso and E. much Chins • t "was 7A EES of choicest. 9ww nit arri ie• Seloarlo• e eoatroww, wittah torll'o• solo st a grafi WELIUO- T IN rtue R •tcr, sod Jewelry wort: carclult y tow e r tottrett Hight. pr cc ft/ad for Ul.l sou ric Ton't form I the place, 9i Fcder. ,trect., A. es9eny. oell In! FTTl.i.±tlcat ANDERSON, COCK & CO., Nlaottfoatutois or tho t•est rollnett Cost Steel, F at at ltotaalon of all•ties, ',ASV Fist., Fork .1., L•ne,:. Cast Sttei, halt Steel for flea ping and lowing Machines Cast and l'onimnn Plon;11 and Spring Sled l'O1c•—1 oreer of F•:rs: •t.d Hose streets. tyro It.ort • oho, the Mootegthelt !louse. artr:.l =EMI AT liE cENTRILL DRU 9 STORE, Y. u prue.lre TR (Mk>, for k:0u.7,11.5, Col-. AT... 1 I 1 , 11.F;....,1:4 , 1 AND RESTORER.: La, Mclll2ll,E'S. Fit rit3 i•A!N; ISEBERVLI MIMMi= N I. 11.1i1! , HE , , tee. A (c.l nod complete t•ock. 0 I.ttl 'C.A. PA To.NT OYES I'UtTS. KEW And V. , titrE LE AD. el..c•t CArld cc tato GEN ram. DtCl , O 001 It r. 110:1M7 01 1)010 sod Fe torsi drocts, Atm fht,) 'I LIE SALE AT ALtTI )N oto BE tITIFIL GiUNTRI .ur r•,•, ta tro. ate. tide troth the city bt ,r the 500 Slott...dile Cara take I , ACV 04 SATURDAY NEX r, Dr:, • • t r. K. Aat eclat train will leave I•ep at 23.1, taking triole aretDog to .hood the sale Yatte or poo. Pallier Jest,. of areulog n h •th- la the caw, tty, m the moat to Loll i og•na shoot , with ,he of go - •I Sell tail. • hatches and aorrt aelghborhool, a 'mild not fail t • .frend floe. who unit doten arc relpteatod to vtatt the property ana aoteetooa hefora lA, day or sate, tor pt ,eu:at a. •or te orelo•rea. sad tolDta. D. it tri.ktot a 1,1, ‘i k G. i 11 • • omv , t , f hf•ey, fitl4 i in; rz.! thrill in ja• s lot Oil ttrJic, smd 11PS he-teg 1101111 LE evidee, Vast is, •• IPII , E_'o' rIN EACII'LI NS OF TUE JAI • •nd Mgr Ott i:t•t.•lo Trvo dotter Peenta ter Improve. wow. In ••w.:K IT JOINTS" for CaL TOOLS, D:•tk ea,,el Ploy 13, sir& NOW TAIiiE NOTICE. . Thot nuy r3ersco or pozsons INFLIINGINOI on said Proems ay TH SR MAKlhirl, Sir:'BING or 1 - !Salt) of then, wrtmuur MY (It oNSLN - Y, will ho prosecuted to the E" LLL EX- ThPIT I , LILL LAW. ocl4Atorts ItOBT.AT 11. LEOKIr. AliUB AI/1414AL OF BOOTS AND .111 LS, at Iller 1.17311 'K'S. M redeonlst A IlAthet 3 City, oomyrieing all the Inteat styles of LABILS AND 1.1113:40o. O , N(3ItEISS, 131L .1310BALS and POLI , II BOOTSI CEFILD/ILtiS Sit I.:sts atiotONOti together with a line IT ; AIN I Thu( I,: BOOTS, foe Oen t Linen, Boys and Youths a Slob eannit. be °Kcal. nil, Ana An icy orders seers given before the Pre. rut de,:ehce. l em propnred Oth AT LESo TIIAN YRE.SENT EASTERN PEII'ES. MMIX=WOMI )ILL hEDII.:6I' DR STRICKLAND'S PILE RIAIRDY OA. cur.! tetelittledi of the worst enact of Lod awl Bleeding Pp.,. LL llre. ItorneCinte rslief nod e(• (xis e peraneerot cure. Tr; It drrectiy. It it wen - noted to curt. For sole by ZU flrurgiats of 60 eenti per bottle . . SMOKED HALIBUT AO SALMON, L —Just rceived • frcnll tupply't Eurz Sat keg} Aelmon and IWtbtt; also, raw Sided ildrying DI-a pane Codfish. lot ••40 by the pound, at ttua } eanuy Cllccery Staten( JOUR A. 11,M5 ... HAW, comer I.lbeztv and gland 1L REFINERY FOR SALE, cue erne ‘... , •n a Isrge itot of ground on "lisit'd Lalddbl.” tit Ernine. Pumvs arid all been/try s, Mo t•,• • ••,••• Is WAIT'S +a a lo• EW IiuODS ,ti <le 'M :u Se 4:5,t{0.1..“.V., New Trimmings and Ornaments, Bead Girnrs and Buttims. Rich EOLL6t and Sc Ribbons, Fine Gilt and FcarlZclt Buckles. Rich Silk Belting new lot. Bargains in Lineamikarchiefs, Baal Lace Collars aa.lll Setts, eedle ork - Edgings and Inserting, Cambric and Hamb4rg Rands, Magic Ruffling anitaslis Frilling,s, Real Thread and FriAch Veils, American and Englh Hosiery, Gloves and Ganntlet--last styles Zephyr, Wool and Iknitting Yarns, Ladies and Childrets' Underwear, Ealmoral Gkirts--np Etyles, Duplex Skirts, Ftedoh Corsets, Gentlemen's Shirts Xollars, Ties, Merino and Silk Underwear Misses Kid Gloves-ill sizes. r'O7OBER 169 will Ontl It to their advarrixre to e sit sal exam the our at<o. telsre DCLACRUM jFy caat.tsma. NO. 19 FIFTH b111.5T, Pittsburgli„ oclt 1860 Nes. '7B and 80 Market Street, Having ern:tooted our EIttENSIVE REPAIRS, we extend medial tot thition to eTeryb. dy e and the Ladles In tenrttenlnr. .n . no ennottee one of he LARGEST AND if.,)—NT nELEJII23 AND liLAPEST STOILIE of 4. Trimmings, Embrkderies, Hosiery, Gloves, Fancy Goods. Furnish ing and Woolo Goode, and. ffotions eve brought to this city!. •To our IftiLEB.4 :CID'S TOMENIS • We ean e Re: .5 PFCI Ai. itARGAIXS, as ate now eellleg a great many aood• AT EATOlvb WHITE GOODS AND E" , IBRoIDERIES, L ACE GOODS AN D.RDFFA.,,INGS; OLLAILS AND RANDItIEKOHIEFS: BONNET, NECK AND tIASH RIBBONS; ES TI'A SILK LELTINt•-•-fall Imo; PLAID VELVAT RIBIONS; VELVET RIFIEONS- elDacamv. WRITE EDGE, SOAH.I4II: AND BLADE VAL. I, ET RIBBONS; NEW ST. LE HAT V Ell s is; ITIREAD AND LACE anort.ment BEAD ORNAZIEN SKIS; SAID AND Sit& BDTP9NSs IthEsS AND CLOAK TAT ' - ^"l' Flax uss 112.111i15.U1293 GOODS Tor LAID. and GroDr; - ZEPHYR KNIT CIOODSIL. Fru. L. HOSIE.Y AISD GLOMS; FINE ASSORTMENT 411Pfra RS and TARNS; FA NVY GOODS AND '151,1'101 , p GENERAL LY, IA GEORGE A KELLY joS.El'll 11(.1tIrEk CO., D t era lrlrcrninzia ;Hoak - 3 - =masts, Real Loco Goodie,Now Style Belt Leckie% Seat fflblre bilk Belt ings, Head 011411=01:Ita. New eck Rear* Ramberg Flonnetne Linen Handiceilnalefs, BalmoralQ Skirts, Breakfast Silterl3, In lante' Keit neecle, Infants' Zepbyr LasginttZew Ilmpreta El--tits , °Jones an .Ganntlets, Win ter Underwear for bran, Ladies and Chil dren, Jonvia tuad-3411exandse Kid Gloves, Ladtea' White Castor Gloves. Thn - l'abov's and many other:lf:roods in Great Vm4ety, at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1-TE• 7 - 0-PE,14.D,T0 M'i LEL L IN VS Atirfl3N EllPoalnl, 33 AND 57'FiCill STMEET, Cu W6dnesday Ocitober 18th, o. 09 Federal Street, ALLEaHEA! errY NEW N tl w, NEW! kz A Pi'l ENT COSS-CUT SAW, • isbith nperter for slffOlteltl..ard In ertry re- Boom 'Load of imythlDl/1.1 tto lard known in xua This : rd! • Can he loan 'Lila ralaskly of , TEGMI 84311PEtt, clwr.,,4l.4:wtrzsrzz. R. E. co., WUOLCOitlat AOuss NO. 19 FIFTIP STREET MERCHANTS AirD DEALERS CRAIMD &ENING, MONDAY, OCTOBER 16. Less than Eoetn Jobbers. MACRIIN, GI.YDE & CO, 110 A. 73 and SO nrket Street i ,BATES & BE I ,3 ( EAST L.RN Aip COCINTHY BLANkETS. • EVETY 1.) xrr cos OF rzakNmiLs. 21 Fifth Street. NO, l'7. FLYTiIf STREET JUST Rief.MIVED, A COMPLETE A SS ORTMENT OF Wholesale and Retail F. rtr-rn HSI JUSiI UYENtIII 17i 1V 4(l:,*) 4k, 14 at, JOS tiOEXZ & CO.. 77 az:: STILUIST Iic.LISAI.E S7AIRS. ocIS With 44410.. e NEW AND SE ASORABLEAVFOOE. OF DOM% BROM-IDLY GOO'S, 7:PALING GNAWS, HOSIERY, ac
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