ESTABLISHED IN 1786. int Vittsburgh (kazette. CITY NOTICES •• , top That CoIMMO*" .1 -tow cue I 4o 111" -.. (lie to Keyacr'e on Wood etreet and get a bottle of li,e C , •agh Pastern!, and Jabal doe , : c ire you your care must be desperate Indeed." 7Ws lea speclincnol the colloquy one heats almott every day In cord catching perinde of 1., 1., the year. ..:d we n, from actual expariment, cheerfully concur 1 , the advisee's admonition as above, for we hove rred the "Pectoral," la a most stubborn case, ml. entire EICO,AA. Naar two weeks ego we wet. to Pittsburgh, with one of the Molt diatresidng, ontrary, mulish, Ousel:di ible coughs we ever experienced mince our advent upon thle mundane sphere. We roughed &Omni ii and laboriously for one whole week, to hop4s of Urine it mit, Lut It was he go. In Get it seem.e.l rather r to have Improvedby prattice, owl to voesquirod strength, potency and dictremlbillty h the o.s:ra tion. Zr tete stage of the siege, we oughed our way toKeyeer% ilo Wood street—p need A cm,II 'bottle of the ilPestotal," tOO% It actor lag to Mt-en tice:is, and in forty.elght hours we w e e muter of the geld, the cramp having naaradit easily stir , tendered, titter a brief but uaequal onflict with so formidable an adversary as Keyseris famous "Gough reetoral.”—Breisairiik tipper. .Dr..!eyseria Pectoral Syrup is iirep.sred cal arid by Dr.Osorge IL Keyser, lie Wood street, Pats burgh, Pa. Beautlfut Couutry Scats The Ws of there derlrablo plore, at Mansfield, (ItoredttleStatfoit,jOnitio kittaborth and Sten,' benville will take Ones on Saturday next, 2lst Arpeolel tretn will Maim Onion , depotat 24;40a. for inbleb ticket s may b. ob• Ulnae et 13.111.ete:1a,. ice - F.ollm street, or T. A. AleCielland, Auctioneer, CA nod 57 Fifth street. Dootf. Shoes and Dry Goods Our readers should not Oil to visit the team moth establishment, Illet.flakand , e Auction E moo- Own, bfori. 6S and al Filth street, at woe& Hall billbling. An entire new and froth etoele of Lwow, ewes, gaiters, beknorale, poltah toots, situp-es, nine, leo., for laillt4 gents and children, together with is etock.of - dry goods, blankets, shawls, hanP skirts, ticks, flannels; liesteill 'tic., to offered at private aalo duringlheday to evening. , .likie..EteitOW .' CUL :ClUnhatnd, At the 'great Rat; Cepiuni.Ladles Fur lipase, of William Flemming, N 0.129 Wood street. The ims Menge clock of all the nett styles o( Ladles' and PlisiniFu t re, Ladles' Fos Bonds, Ladle.' Skating Caps of Hudson 'Big Sable, Mon Sable, Siberian Squirrel, Water Mink, Black mad Brown Sable In -Cape, Euggnes, Berthas. PI MB, Crft, Gent. , For Cap.. Collate and Cloves, all oruhlett are being add at leis prices,then et any other home la the - Place - • - 40 getout sift ahawls, breakfast capes and san. tags II t Duidai., Luker. & 00. , a. They ha :epic.. .Moillyed a +my large stock and are gelling at very low prices.. 'and - , examine their gook before parchsaing for we are satisfied it will pay you. Remembyrthe piece, IE6 Federal street, Allegheny. Vlsiton to . the Lair WRI dad the hest &alerted quick of, Dry (foods la the city on the north-east earner ol Fourth and Racket street. Remember we are new on the corner. V. RANSON Losta. 800. Dry Goods, , A very full steak. and at the verylowest prices, Wit either wholesale or retell. Remember the Mace—Ge the aorth-east earner of Fourth and Market streets. O. I:Lassos Love & Rao. OEM! For ladles, gents and mirres, at McClelland's A.m. tion Emporium and Dry Good. Roust., 55 awl t 7 Flan street. Laird's Mom of "ninth; . At Super's Drug Stdre, Cotner Penn and St. Chit atreete. eetl3tdtran The Horrors 01 Dlepepala And the dls."al train of disorders to which it leads, :are averts. by. themse of HOSTETSLM'S BITTE2-9 as a preventive, or cured will, astouishbv, celerity by ;la direct and - gel:dal operation upon the si.oss nob, the WrerOutel the =mug system. 1 . 713 BYLAILMo IIdn'TTMS Of Fever - and Ague, Instead of being dosed fur months With quinine, to the ruin of tie general health, are promptly sit `uthri , A4badr lent again, Without danger of a relapse., by this prompt team- Ey for every, kind of ineerml tent. Takeo as a safeguard moans:miasma, It renders an attack of Chilli rod Fever absslutoly linpossll.le, IP YOU M. Bit IOC? There is nothing, that toucLas the Liver, the scat of the malady, en quickly, pr..l restotes it so cer tainly to a iieriect'y healthy nod revels,. condition, 1111 HASTETTEkt t dfiiTOIT,CII I=ans. It Dia "hilt. ens lhatenduncy of your system to that form 0, disease may be held In cheek for a lifetime by ilia occasional use of this hat mites vego' able antidote. erren AN AirrAc a or sortra When the animal power. ate c..b:Losted, the pulse Weak, the mind depreeret, and all t!.e powera of vitality at aloe, .bb, there is no rea:orstiva Parable 4.1[11 the Hiprzn.r. They renovate every Organ, gently sticoilare the eire,lation, improve the quality of the blood, clear the coudrd brain, and impart to the tree:tiding . nerve. stability and aramete. sol 4 by ell Druggiete. The • Plate for Bargalun. As our Wends, In rocs the public generally. are !nitre:Med in knowing where to procure the beet article far the leset . moriey, eat take pleasure he recommending all thotein need of boatman. Shoes —ulna those who nro not—to call on our Mende J. d. Eohitddabk Co., ft hLtrhet attest- Thls arm are tell*ladlea , Morocco resent boots for - wortkigniq ladlea' morocco cowed balmornie for 43 Cgrisarth 33 ED. and all other goods to proper. 'lien. They, have Just frceived a large stock' of 3nexes f ladlea , and nacres' gum ohne, of tee very best quality, that they are selling- at lower rates - than any other house In the city. We advise our friend. from the country who are visiting the fair. tO giro this thril a rrfal, and our word (or It they Will not regret It. Don't forget the another—al Market street, Dr Goods Dealcro Arr. Withata Semple,. the well known dry goods dealer, of Allezheuy, bee now on diand s large and choler nesottinent - cf plain flannels, whits, ye:low .and fed; !acid ccur.try flsoncla, cloths and • essalueree; Frenth merinos, &lainea and other desirable dress goods; prints, ginghams, ttekin;s, etc., cc. Alto, ants, ntioona, flowe , s,plura., The stock is 060 of the larqez, over c.:,ened here, and Air. ficziplOs facllitica for keeping up hls stock are such as to gunrantee to his customers that their orders =wlll be promptly nod ratisfaeto. tilyblied, at reasonable press. The attention of the tratie is specially directed to their house, as *Ming the moat atibirtentlal and reliable In the olilts,— Fall and Whiter Goadi It Ss wills great pleasure we call thoattektion of at teeners to the superb stool: of Fall and Winter Soodijnet received by Mr. John %Vele', Merchant LlVo. UM Federal street. Allegheny. His steer cm:truces/tome of the rarest and most beau. tifulfAnthe,Codwlno . .erce.aleute 71tuagtautiVtuttny ever braugliklo the wostetn inariset. ILs asaarte went of ' , petal:Wog ()nods, comprising &Arts, . Drawers, Valero, rtecketies, 11.andkerclits fa, cannot he eOrpeased cart or west. A Large stools. of ready,utido rants, Coats, Vesta and Overcoat,. telltale° Cc (Quid at lila eatehliahnaent. Persona In want of soctLras In tee clothing, line abouLL not bill Cativo water a call. Iliontas W Pim .1: co Veridical, State Boole? e, nn:l 11,0c7r. In A nlcrlenn elate, of Gluteus Galore. Wilco at Meeaaau Laughlin's, near the 'Water Woree. a etresma, ?a. ficnhlertn, No. '75 PI:le ntreet. ()niers promptlT oltert,!ce to. 1111 t'inr!/. wnrrnatne. Watcl Moot. Renalridgeloae at tar, el.urlonL not le "ro rhetrze to invalre, provide:l the root in not 101Ite0 lR.r tt. to out nn. Of the mouth, le tax preferable to aa7 that nrt Can Thereforerkeep..pc ur,t eeth °leen sod to good repair sena that toilet gem, l'regi dot So.:. Dori. &deli them daffy a - smith's dellcions veg etable Plepayaflon, had they win out be likely to .ermable ei'llegat;" Carpenter Jobbing slop Banos isturnal Mtfo . M oo.orm, of larro scar* tie,arm.7. 1 hero to.upeavlUty ahup for all norm OfjPbbir. In ttovestpoLtcr nrm, ot. Um old Jamul, 4.ogilvuley,betire= Eimatme l .trat nod Otani , CoLlent.olLeited nod promptly ottcodpl to. itmter Pnr.a.cfs7. Just Ope”ed Our now clothing lionle, et G 7 fifth St 3 On, whero Ire alter MOO worth a clothing regi.rd leas of 001, 54.9ik 1.1. " Oct. 54f. - 2 il4tit Blooming Cerus, At Sawa Drug Etere, corner Pena nod St. (Thar etreeta. .ocl:lsl43lkir C . Si/kr/4900t, 240 Penn Street, Attend; fre , it'o7 to ell beeriest of Ms prate], eon. ILVA_II, Ter.ll may i.e estrnete I with perl,ct safety t and health hider the Selina. of Nitrous Oxy.: or 1./Mlloog net*. reno. nrc not issi heeds 14, get sick under tlda ;went as UM in, lithe: and (111 lord. form, white It In more plostiont to take. It eon Lo" nothing which littl.gerollii.o those wishing to avoid 'ha p•lnful operation of extranting t nelh I also- give e cap sets of teeth, a sting only ten dollar r, ti h., elFtve all Lf the cat kinds of tooth SILL. Thntlat, THE PENASYLVANI k ELECTION. 111 , FICI t.l. liErtlit7“. Ilcrtraoft. Devi.. AllegLenv .... 2.... ...... .. 11,159 6,602.2 Armstrong. ..... ............. 2,660 2,1939 Adams 10 mad. 112alr ...... ...... ..... . 2,497 1,773 .1,529 9,984 8eaver....... 1,196 .. 3/1 ina.j. Redford 2 fill 2,141 Miller 3,2263 2,361 Clearfield. 1,307 2,091 Carbon 194 maj. Crawford -..._ 4,146 2,9241 Clarion79l ... Centre 2 93.1 . . Cumberland ...... _ .... _...... 33321 3.114 Cambria ... 1 957 1.126 Cheater . 7,0622 2 1,947 I. 4 auphln 4 070 3,251 Delaware 2 634 1,344 1,041 7 Cr) Pu ton 174 maj. Franklin 117 ina.j. Greene 7. 390 2.512 1,537 Jefferson ... .... . 01 111,1 j. Lancaster__ ..... ... ..... I 1,3 . 21 4,918 LEW*. 4443 ensj. Lawrence 2,114 923 629 my. Mercer.... 3.052 2,131 . illOntgon.ery ..... ........ .. 1 ,1120 maj. Monroe 1,509 nit). 211211 n 40 42.21,2 N. 21 hamptin 1,9-7 m. 44. Northam bet lan4 3.405 2,641 Ftnlidelplan.... .. 43,0.21 36,344 2212412 - 111 6,921 6,631 Sommaet 1,167 2224 j. U 2612.1, . 1,203 1,133 Ven.go ...... ....... ._. .. 325 maj. Weattool eland ....-.. ..... 4,092 5, , in Warren 1,734 971 Washinston.2 . 4,422 3,949 York 4.641 6 914 WARRINGTON COUNTY.-OFFICIAL.. Atid.l:k WI, Darin:mit-4,452 DfiVi......-...1,948 Surv'r Gen'l, Canipbe11......431 Linton.. ....I 9124 Pr. Judge, Ewii.g ' 4,453 Ginn ire 7,0,1 Airserably, 11,1'4 4.,452 01116 3 914 Welsh 4.461 51 anchten er .3.930 Quay 4 . 42 Vara 1936 THat. At Vy. lituturlaa _4,463 Wllsou 3 977 Treasurer PuL0ck....4,472 R cSardson 3,646 Comm'r, Nelson 3 962 WESTMOR t LA NI) COUNTI - ---ON - CIAL. And. o.'l, Rertreaft..4.o9o ...... 5,091 Surer o.'l, thempbell...4 Cell Linton 6109 Aisuably, Pit er 5.196 909 Rtltledge ...4rdl • Smith 4 066 Senses 5,:n4 • Shirier, Coulter ....4X7 Reed .065 Treasurer, Sobers— OrtUlau 6103 BEAVER COUNTY—OFF/C:IAL. And. Death H4rtranD._2,242 D tele .3,438 Sur. (*ea% thr5pbe11...9,244 Lhatou 10506 Aster:ably, Quay....... 2,143 Altumbeater .1,516 West. Rpm) Birch 4. 1,5,6 Reiter 2.200 Vera 0.578 Dist. AU.. Ratan 2,234 Treasurer, Adams ._ Bums 1,440 Dommtr. Wilson -4,215 D0uth1et.....1.513 Finance and Tradein New l'ariC The elect market has assumed a more settled tone at present, for money is less actlvo, and as a co•stenence there is more confidence in the stack market. Railroad list stranger throughout under call, but afterward reacted somewhat. The bears Co not show themselves except tu at tempts .to Inlinnece the money market. One Broad street bear been yesterday withdrew over t 4,000,000 of its deacons. At the last board, the market was heavy, and ;there was a further genteel decline. T4O GA lowing were the closing pries?: New York .Central. 2734@97,,1; Erie, 90,1,1@91W; liaison River. 10 1 3,15®1073(0 Reading, 115!",;@115Ii: Michigan Southern, 74@74,q, Cievelakl and Pittsburgh 70%(ie713%; Rhoda Island, 123;45:L -108N; Northwestern, 3034@30%. Goveruments are leas active, hollers who have found It difficult to borrow money on sat isfactory towns, are oderusz their bonds for sal., and the tendency of prices Is downws.d. Old 5 20's are 1048. new Sawa 1025;an Ica; provement of;;. 7.32'e are coming:freely up an the market, especially from western hnller.s. First series sold at 112'..; 2nd aeries OS; 3/ 7.,f. Mosey la som e what easier lean yesterday. The withdraw_ al of temporary loans for the rub. Treasury, Is beginning to attml ass° and en; many dnring till nett few - dap. ;;,,The dry goods reaTizet to moderately eerie' ar d n fair acerage trail is do;nir ft English and Grrrnsn ruff goods arc sclliaF at lower plic( rartleu!arly coma' rtrl/1.10,5, and LI, ;:reseed adeLl,g3 r.,n 0.. French dress vo!s. arch as me - inon., oo,: ;04 ate ill CealaCa at Ftl,3,:y Dorocstic c, ttol and we Aea faOrica are :Inn, Lot the market o. not C. .1' 1 , , 11 , 000 Tr AL a, Atlantic L, 37, :; Pcpperell N, 34 ; (), 3 - .7-i; ellton, New York ma' , , 55; AV/ro , utt:,, 4 4 5:2: 1 .: 9 S Ct , 5 4 67 Prlr.ts—SidagoL".., 31.tmertaeiCa, W, i GC nu a2a. - The lollonit g !aillltlned in the Dry G,d3 Eacta'ge to d-y : fnr 13 At C "at, 011 P, liricEs steady. Trace 00: :12.13 oct.l t i lan ye.i.leicLy. The Phild.;elpLic dry tr>nd3 marktt prier, unehniiged, with re3•n:c t ftoLki•;n P3itire,•,—no t cote lathe ria.kL t slug: ye.terilny. d ahnntingitand eotton firm. From ratift.--ltait t 11. Growing Wain,— Republicans near Kin Capital-4'. S. Consul Hrhiaeil Adinittaneo to • Im perial Palace--R, b,l Orietni, Refusing ro Vight uuacr the Imperial Flag. star runs, Oet. 14.--The BeraitlN Fitt• of Mexico c orre y .undent, dal e.l Oct. lot, as, that =otters appear to grow worse anti worse. Th- Ralgthlican , are im.retkon; lit aetton, and a body of them apprare , i Rhin :hilly-sin toil.•s of live Capital. In the State of Vera Croz, they defy ull afort, for their expnlhiou and make frequent forng., Lt nne of the Cow, of this Stat., the have a •ta'.11.,10,:l a n.,v pap, or,•an. is, the State of Aga.ll the Imp.•ll.e. admit that their opecationN have as,unted proportions, while In b.o.ntoetto and they are ',weeping all before them. lee Culled States lit the City of leo had heen refits -0 adeo macs to the I mp..tria; Palace, co being latesruacd the: tie w.s; uauaora thoe. IL fa Enid that ttw r‘belorti2crt from ibis c,ua• try,ectv II) •NI reru-t4 e.onoly ttob a toitortt Itlammallistg'a Secrclary of Whr that thry tlsuto.t Jolt , ma arm y, that la:Feat - cur th,s und, a, d.; uut thtt of the. Unitcd Stntes. Abe E.Lapecor. Empress and Clam are ID et❑rt en a Scar i= Yneas an as the :Gil i 1161.301. From NaAtville NA , TIVILLE, OC . L. rk—The United Suites Jertge C. F. Tri¢q pr,,sktine, 'an. nenc•d to-clay. A 1.3r4e or Irrletrocn:s II r con.q.acry ta.d zreay...n ware Clea.o,ed of. 1r Yeunte the members have ocuupied to-day dehallog whether loqrben stall be allowed to give ttitlmory In the count, of Tenneunee. No rtEult eves gttalged. The dare -wet-n w.!E pruh ye prolonged brad al rmards td dally r.rt• Mr. J. Wharoar., draw Lender of •r ; !ge, ft.n.l! neardLred test (lied and tbr,or n tLe riv, r. A tlnh'dng rin - ay 9.! tt I nip mornme. NI. Sawyer, of Gen. Sll,ralan'.. IrLo ha 3 been In One city lot four days, lance, 10-nlgtt to afstitne the position of Chief of Gnu. Eherman's Staff at Et. Loyale. Me). Elt.L. fleVen has arrived 'here, ar.d I: IF r(vortkd, v.lll boouTitaurae the duties of cool reatdar; of the ErFtrict of Nt!dile Teone,net.. FlAk, daperinteodcot of the Freed• ttliOß ktor.•au, 311nOtlt,t15 that alter the parade of bills by 11. e ditforeet S:atet, protamiut er.erts orzre., he to at,011,11 In Mk lA, Inattuf e eons: ICd 1,1111 Lae sail of rt't: 'Re Prcptrlr :a Par['card P.,1,1 Ymrs, (L'T. .-P Wea!r • . ettc , ra,.l.43 finZ.2l - 10, ekiical lab: r ti/r,..a. twenty lire punter Are fla :be lists of pi ow,.rty Lnl.lers ss r., nay, tttrre2 is tttatcs thus transfareri nre I%eat..a is u:.• tit, a at It nn a ia, Fairfax, 1. -1.1 he... W.. \l,r, and Fall's Church. and are wor.ti in; a..tgn gate chtu, iti011.00). Tae platit.iton on. the Pawtucket river, i, Mar./151J, lueuned in the a;•ot•e Ital. t..gether with the property of Mrs. Frances Smith and Mr, Itsn get geld, in the city nr Adexandria—the farmer tieing 'wurth 8100 DOO and the two latter from to 0 tO,OOO apiece. PrruViAD Afrairr Ncw Tenn, October 18.—Mr. Garcia, Peru vian Islit,ister in Washington, publishes a nom innnieation enclosing nd official circular from his Government, naming the American revolu tion authnrltlts in hi: reentry under the lead of General Cannia. Ilartienior caution Is givCn iii regard to the matter of Gnarl". Chinch al Islandsorbleh fnpply this vanr.l.l, article are now In possession of the rev ,, tutioni,te, not President Yeseets government no count. .. that any persons exporting Guano thence , under [we- Milf• from General tlantl:A otilcers, will h•, e.w sitivreit dcpretlato, and will nr present VERY LATEST NE WS. Our Special Dispatches TEE EEEETIEN IN PENNSYLVANIA Advance in Boots and Shoes ri,:;•qLUTS PF Ti!'. !N CNi (ur Government Loans in Europe C,sita, it. • set,il gay,: frtni cwalti, in Pennsylvania, a nett 1::: inn :.7:11:1 of twenty-throo thou, 111:111rt.,1 and screnty-nine over the 1 . 01, of vi .. :ly-twn. Thor are all ollIctu!. the lion sland Mx:3:-seren to thirty- I lin V, and t, 111 Q joltli 11r1::Ot for- The ti ,s rcakirs GI New York have 3 lelded to the demand of their j iurneymen for an advance of twestptlee per Cent. la tneir wa hO!, BLCI at tut came time UUDOULICI: that they t, 111 have to raise piiers of !mow and shoe two and three dollar, a pair. it is said to he certain that the Ltzislaturc of Ntit.sleeipol will ratify the ant...i.tvory aru,nct alto L to the national Cuuutttutiun. Iho Interior Department has roe news term the (len - misiiinnets to Ito I adiaus of the Plaice, 503lIthey expect,l a treaty W0i7.111 be signed on the lith of October by the Array shot a and Cheyennes, and they recommended an army detachment to escort to their homes of such Indians as bad been driven off. id aey Klowas, Camanches and Apaches were also at the Council, and the remainder of them were txpected In a few days. The prospect of peace with all the Indians of the plains without fight ing any farther, seems now very good. Tne Lodger' money article oars that the newa to m England is financially unfavorable to our (ii.vern meat loans. Tee advance in the rata of discount at the Back of England have weakened the price of 5.20'e, and as a natural consequence tad Et Blened ,tne pridmitim on gold and carre g.rendinaly advanced the rate of sterling En. cLe nge. EXCUESION TO THE OIL REGIONS Departure cf the Party from .11ea1vil e. 61GANT'U LAND ENTERPMSE r&OPOSED Specla/ lArps . ch to the PlttEbtarl Gazette. TITC'SN'iI l.c, o,c, 15, 1865 , The excursion party started from Meadville this morning by spesial train on the Atlantic and Great Western Broad-gunge Road to Corry, and thence to this point by the Oil Creek raß• road. n e dine here and proceed hence to Shaffer by ca•s, where we take horses to Pithole. The party numbers about two hundred, em bracing distinguished and leading citizens from every northern State; the press, east and west, is largely Pc-presented. The leading object of the expedition will be developed to-morrow. I may say that lion. V. Culver and associ ates, are owners of some f svelte hundred acres Of lend lying between Oil City and keno, which It is their intention to put upon the market on an entirely new plan and upon a scale of giptithe enterprise. The r.tuty wHit are a moist ride this after aoon, as it Le F • en rain lag all day. The Pittsburgh delegation ate under many obligations to their leader. Wm I . :u kale, Esq. I am Peltgraph you any Pelota of in:crest to night, and wr:te at le"yth the Hr .t opportunity. R. THE L1111'&2\ TO TIIE OIL KEtiltl\S Arrival at. Pithole City LLAItiNt; 1 - 7:AMIES 0 THE PLACE. Pet urn noutrof Excursionists I e I.Errotch to thr !rt.urgh 0 tre - nny pLA, r .--•ting rid , • Gym v:a l'ctr,crun , cutre and 112 ll.g na ;he LLIV routc. -11;e ~f henrire I ;1, /. Nur.? Yarn; iluzc:, u:it• u m !he s.,v, Th. r.hy has a -, populati,, of l!BM11131111 Pichclr (.' a : , Kluve• fi.c chousand fiv.• h:3 dr,l ela 41,1 I; ilolv fvu. =MEI throug'l I9nwcr. Oi: Cay nod Ittroo Franklin to-morrv, srr wil rucci. ,•ur cn urim. trail] hod rt to-mom raw r v min_ t , ) Franklin fironflt R.O , 1 d„ ails of oar tr;i , for tlo• 11141.13 m of I it, cr t tt, IN ow Y,,e3.. Oat. 13.-10 e .1.04 Washine:- 303 L. ItC Secretary e! Lae la ton Jr to . day ri ',ten '..43Let !Lem 11 Get, oral J. G. Saulx„u, one 01 tsv COO Lll33looerd app(ara‘d to t okt.tiate With the le.flaus 01 the Cl per Lt•kahral, Consel (1.113/aIL i 3.e, Fin: leg that LID Arrapa hoes and Cheyennes w. re lb( :v. Te o meetings vr,th the, has taken 14.1(e. and a IN:fay Of peaeo Wad erVele,l Co be cor.eltylod with thom CM the foliutving day. Tat ,11 tto maimitalortcr Lhialia will resah bane. fie uJy to all concern..... General Sanborn rays that !here are many of the 11 - ILL., tooth of toe Platte river, that Nv irh 1 , , reins to :her toMes Were it sate to travel, and r , .c .mmourl.s toot nu eacart be provleod for ther.3. Minor Rim.vas, e,,,na•t chel.e Ord Apriatatea Were also is the .oucil. Noarls all are exported to come to trans. The information from Lottistans Is that much confusion and trout.l.3 prevails in that Stair, mime of the parish,” refusing or being reluctant to recozniae Mr. Mills as tin loyal liow.,rrinr, is not impolhable that CI! or Efi cr come other DeL3.ll Will be up po:t t,d prai'eati:l3) Gle.alt, In Order that har• re , Ly :0 001!.)! may :0110W the pr.:bout pcoiLie.3l Let. it product tilt S , Ant:ltrrit to-111% env, Oct. 16 —Ai cold weather comet tunny from .N.,rth are coming With It LO WllSbir.o.ol. hoe permission to remove the bodice of their relative. % from B . hutnern bath's fit Ida and burial plain e. aunt applicants are referred to Capt. Jas W. Moore, the Q•larter. master 1.0 has snch mutt I, In charge Tihrmc; 'Abe, bare festal, lying in the Sehdlera' If emu Ccinettry, near 166 city, are generally en.htent to leave then. in that beautiful apex. The eon Ia not far enough advanccd Lh permit the r,:nosal of brldlra Irmo Andereonville and other certhetes Its In the South. lutcrnal litvesivc lieclq:utt—Property t 1 , .7, If, •4: 1 . ” • Nett Youn, , %et. la.—A special to the Trib , ine, .11,,4 :Le 17th, says : Thu C/13. of It!. rani Koren as has ducillud that lle oit Deis ol ballihoes rt 1.0.411 of the eceum ive 4r4 W.i r gr/Vt rnin , ll, hour, 1.44 eamry tux Is Lot to In deducted !riot thy r-ct.. ano s NI. Orr. s pAyor of ',cox burr.. Va., NV r eh, Editor Gr,. burg tVadfiallnoian doettllla chief, E. V. White, I eve tad Ibrlr pr•lprrtr reet tred to them. Another Vire In New York Vino:. 0 t. 15.—A Are broke out this Lunn In the un Spruce rtrcet occupied In net by the N. yr To•rk !.•dgrr. The building tvaii 0,0 a r 1.3 tiny., and piw. bap! the ;real drat az.• we; (lino by We. liln men ere still at is, rt. NcwYOnL,Urt.l help. The cus• thins demand moderate-. The lice mccemeut, acd Ivnca arc ma d e. t h i. - rho Edicterg, which sail, to-dap. take, ti 55.000 In meek and the Pcriiis iloston Lancet - is , I:l3tt to Cl'licaco licrsroN, Oct. IS —The 13.)ston Lancers, ernr on, hurdred street:, coder command of Slade. left for Chien:to lest nigiit, by a:Ay of rr ,, cen :and Schenectady. They Eo on the tc•!teticu of the Chicago Zonaver, r4l MEI= jit • i d. - ;0-1 AIL itti .:1 ; 1 13t 41111. I ITTLITGii, VIEZ COIIMI43IOj, Trial Drawing to its Clos,:. ARGUMENT FOR TUE. DEFENCE. Vt SLI:,,T,N City, Jet. la.—The GW'•rr Miii is] y Lemmie”,in atkeonled tc-day. Ad vocate (,incral Holt wx.t prektit. After the reading of tht record if Saturday, Chipmaii aatcd that to prevent soy ai,-,pale sore of prejudice, he had caused to be prepared an argues-i.'. for in- a-knee, which aiita exam ined and revised by the !cowed atd cnhyi•ted wfiL bit aopioval. Capt. C. M. &if .ns recalled wail a paper shown him. to which he r, tba ftshil wtltivg of I:oli.wit ()aid, This pep, neo Signed by Gun. Windi r cud Capt. 'Lusher. Sonltit I V. Huai ie.•titled h• found the letter Ina private desk of Gen. Winder immudi• i lriy a.ter tut, lull i.t Mr. Brk. r 4,lird kart to examine the paper tral B had wht.drxwa from the case. Mr. lisktr Fah] tbnt st,h did app •, the nerd. 11a na.l trwrely sabaitt.Led Lae case. Several all•illtlft, at the Glurt that Mr. Baker had withdrawp, while others thon•rht he had ra>tcd the de:race without withlraw- It g. Mr. Bak. r a as allowed to proceed. The letter from the rtb.s l Dull, a.l,lreased to General. %%leder, dated l•uv Point. NI trek 17, 1663, wee then read. It eallnd for the exclan.4.3 of all the millt,try an 1 poll:i•:al el totter?. es - eeptrt g nice's, and raid that .'the arrange met la work largely in ear favor. af, we eet of a act of miaerable aretchea, and get so•n or the hist material 1 eyt saw." The argument la Is:Lair or the aceused woe then rrad ny one of the reporters. Colonel Chipman naked for twenty-four hours to prepare his closing argument for the Govern ment, as it was of more than usual importance to the ease, bat thought he would be able to get through E. the court could close Its session on Monday. The court then adjourned. WAFIIINGTON, Oct. Is.—ln his pies for do. fence, Captain Wirz stated that he was before court to answer for all his oflleisl and personal acts, scot hoped to show that they wore VJi I of (Irene,. Il e hope .1 not to be held respnisibla lie 'be m:sdeeds or olbers. lie old -ot ask. for mere) but for justice. There are three distinct parts In which the proseenaou and defence are necessarily comprised. I•irsl—llad hu tsouspirud wit Jells A. Win der and others to Injure the health and destroy the Hare of the soldiers &coed—Was he the person oflloislir roopon• Bible• for the Bafferinge et Andensouvilie I Third—Had tee ctinautt.xl murderer p,:rpctra led ally of the atrocitoet charged As to the fret there was no testimony to sub. ::ontiate ale charge of conspiracy; no 94Q Of the witnesses bad heard him any anything tadleallug knowledge of the plot charged. No nape: was found In his , Ince or In the archives of the Con federacy to show- any such conspiracy exletuti. Even If the epecifleatioes of conspiracy wad true, there. Is no evidence that suffering was the result of conspiracy. Wire argued that the Government does not believe the conspiracy ex clench off the !aunt., of Inc, Soildoa and otheri .110 were first Indicted with hlin. The oily teetlinon7 .h-Wing conspiracy was about the expression attritinteel reef. he woe Core et rvica than a rig event at the front. He would rater to that expression. FL cdttll tot be held responsible for nay similar °sores- Mose attributed to Winder, Canto sod 01.20:1L. lurtiwirnaore If--ha obeyed the orders of euporior Ulcers be was not responsible for the matted that dictated those orders. Be farther enznal that he should not be held respeoaltde for the crowdid condition of the camp, unwhole some fond ite., and eddaged the following, tea-slobs, He wee not oi-s,x , nsible for tha eulee• Urn of the ramp ea it CU located while rola war in Europe, long before be assumed C31:1 , 31nc1. and witntsses tar the pros...vatida o.toneralel him frrae coruplicitr In the seleetl'in of the camp or overcrowdle‘ it, sad far tei e let the hospitel and aweesoe. A., to the cLarae of marder, to slanW that ho was not gulty, all that he bald mil al; is .its poser to ant.Vlate the talntried of prime.--s, in IGirtein murdtrs charged, no na of, date, or co . :ma:flacon! hat been mention,' I. lri all the lei.l.lrn , ry. Orly two rase w^re da• llr rain lie-e'; the, werrP ter roe, o' I:a -cane, food \Via. donut. Wpb r, 2:: t o Chickamauga, he scull tors, to- simile,: et gwinerit, 01 the Ter, 1 - ltad due, }awing with the guar], and ..rea , log a great dta! of excitement. Wirt. tv, et tneld., e ur.d rouelly aekod Caleltamau.,, what in b—l by wan itlltte. there. omega gel wact,l 1.• I. Wire t, I ial hr: :.:I, e It: si• d drew hie 14,101 to 1151,114 et: Mph E rr him hart and attar th • guard ... shoot him It to a1 , ;. - 01. - n:ed.l,l !me, 11fto went oat-Itiv of the si.,,ee te.,. t IL ti to DO le.rb Ch. :trent. 't+ fri,1363 Wtltll,l allow him In Come neer azam. oa Vie way to Ll• r :era be heart tlie r ' mutt, aml c eel.: he totln‘le 0,1 414- WA I. panted ILic 31.1 the 1.1,141 r , And II t ht.l ytohral the ;It t4l,•;tlttle h 111,1 ott I rut, :1 In A:I tht ;:et:..ttott 21 341 p tetti :a Ctl,h.cnit'aCt-a at Audersan Villa. hI ,th rte an' 1.. t... repo, cut n, alleget LC was L.,tr at .1e fn. AIOVII, {hi cane n:uii root •.tlV.t/ oa st.y of prised roe mis taw, 11. tr ,I..eth tech nomy :1:11 rano, I, oil A !Min named sy whr r Tariedt,l 1,5 man ere en.' i.ot ' , Le In li. or d lierzur In t - sr s'i rat la. cc,- shy re,.t Ae Coe, IT', !ti t . ! he h Irt,. ',he. a and that te th . ts, :met el. Woe ai :Aeon tltar 1!4 . 10 show that he Lad nothing to ao ve.t:t int mei t of does.tne r ittlegatt that itlthlh/116 were It . rAtt , t I 1 , , N. ,- 3 for shootiog orieoners as an MLitt,. d camp I lie de: lea that are t,itlionrs cver drprlVltl of their ratior.s eau h I abnattut, Tae wlticle camp wan drprirt.l or rations only 01.1 one n,cattion, and that was owing tea diffl mthy with raider', and the Q could mo dlctribute ratione. Ile denies the ravel,, I of ; ct,ol-1111601Clath.t. Lat.ittrtls the pa istmerS. ph, cllnt condi:lon Wl4 0110 ttlAt I, ca./1.1 Unt, lure, knovhea a man dor,, and he q ntes the to show that he never 'mat or shat I ; I r. Lit quote. C4lon t I Uhrl,li,r'tt tettti -111tA:y to eh .w tam. tile totsunera never to ritmo a,Aralting of Old: trea,nant. :lint., two men were wlePPed, ono for diem:,. I t ! hegr,, Littman :ad ato:p f,ll. by Wirz's ~rd rr, and a near-% Haab- s, for no leant to a white, lady. II r ditto, say{': WA, 4.444 Ott .rd Cir tit, ryt , p tLI In any regiment at the front. Toe pal t, Le mach, 1001 that h' ha I A I.l"trer nwthd tiom Oily in the ih,l I. Tue rmaark at the Lyra - , “t:.17 they were gltttitt,t lhn LAW! IL,, am+ I w,ts try lyl e , 11.1 by alO I. r ntli .er. .1 , Icierricg in dliblttllltientAt terote to the , s'-n,:. 0.. of the Convention, I' WOO n C cloths thus- The statetnent. which I n tor Moe,, will prth.4 . llt . $1,1 . 11/ • nll3 on t you slat r. It will stand us a nougat'', answer to ail then _mesa 01 misretorsentetion heaped azainet me. ht ty ad so direa and enlighten you in your deliberations, that your character for intr,otrtiality and Jastler , . may Le prrameted. my character ,14endetl, and the kar days of my natural life spared to my b, (plats Lolly. 1i ushlngton Items—l'abl net leett ea: tram J. W. Iteagen to the l'ex en.. loirn (Irt. 1. —*lll. liel , /% . .. tt, ,pr i• n 1 at. . yr. J. IF:yer. lionel John Al'.r, (Itlealn Tempte Clark end ether representle N ia the Untied 6.l . v:rre Srelety, of Yorh. ace ben, U. wntain rtx ,, trilliqo of C 131029 of the Thllltere rote, rot In rle.tetrution of the FeJeral patrou3<e in New Yurh. A inYeLlog of the corporat.,rn of tho National Soldiers' sod Bailors Aeylaru. la ralltrd for 1”- ccorrt NY at the Srulthsonla. I bst,LW-e. in this rt,r. Forty nil.: members are ,oc,.s3ary to loan a quorum al preadyll., but (ow art La UP, cit V. h.' n'tzular 111CVlIng held toll ny, wtts fully ntTr•tulf,l. uuly nnc in iii s t.gry S4•warl. Zso. nti.try Mrt'urloch , :nruc,l this n) , Jrnin.,;. Jr 1 , 1 net tu•Ttln, 4,f , lery l,overnot llntnildro. ,af T • t.. ht, V from John W. Fort Warr.m. nu ni1dre,),.....41-!1 , ,0pi,' •,f it to. !lend., tot l - Aunt. ue 1 pul.,hcai ,n. compnn log ,t,v;th:t lug R. to the .conFid..ratiou of OW pCOPIC of the btnte mr. Ilcn gnn order Of had the burial of ptg. Henze jor n liar, Now Yr , ltE., Oct. 18.-1 n answer to a chal. lenge Irma Mr. Leper, the owner of the Palmer, to Mr. Bennett, the owner of the Henrietta. who proposed a race for 'Myer plat., valued at MO, Mr. Bennett, In a card, eccepu, the challenge ou coodltlara that the raco be made a sweepstakes of :WO entrance fee, and that all owner. Of }netts of the solladron h Invited to participa..., the race to Lake place, la Nortenber or Becen. btr. Tennrcsee Leglßl.,ture NeQuva,t,e, Oct, 18.—In the Stata fienatc,lLid members have occupied the day le dehatla4 whether oegroee abell be allowed to give teiti motty In the courts of Tennea3ae- No mann wes , etfeluert. 'the elscotsiou will probably to f race el ti !het Satiety, ()CT0111 , ;1), (). 1,•41)a EPIECUAL DEN_ PM CINVENETE. CEJI3OIICII TO TEE 1:7.W C&NOF Frfft.Alm.i.r t.k Oct. 1 —The u utio., of lb• EjA'co al Chotell rovaembled mortiirg. Urn. Wr,hlro.on Ho. t zT. , riug a we!' (men' it, •,. in n f,rer c••• 13 t1:13 prat: fa ut V,v. Dr. V.r.fon• 8.f.-rem.. The protest of f . f• 01. p. s•ies and Inuarcn the res.' ntiou if tut. hense, 'man unf.naly adopted on tho 13 , reset tient. with profound eratifud, t.• 4 I u. ee of God In restoring a., I union. and 11 l~erran. Snvh turpr,sqion is nn last at.,l jortura to i hit honor. and ca:co`alcd to pro.: an fyrontOnit lalprer,i, io r.gard ; 1.- i d :i.0., tic c.f . crr. WA,ltiNi.-r.cs. 11 I scpi to . 1...., J.' ..el.d, 'I tat it e still 1.-. trot be ten re " To Brunet AM j . Gen. .11. C'. lei;.:_l erivtd, r the mihntes. his ion pose was to Vliall , al 2We Na. Ih, 1.;,,,rna5.-I. r 13 eneral's OLE?, date Mr. [Tont sold that in otTering this amend:nee: , GaNrhAt.—lo aCCOl , lal , i , wiat , l.' '. , .1 orders. House from the rrruneons impresaionA which the .I..10s: 11l 1 ,, ..:, ~,,,,.: 111, ~ I'l ireed to A, protest wee calenlated In prodne,. fin his In., dasetvo c, fon t, i. r 'be:, nipose of martian ILe , Spl I artd its profound gratltri, ..., lion, the Flown hail, with soma unaniamlmlty,;,nr; genera on va, n .oither. for 'l,n ,, irl , n tin , t - Gcd fof the rcat...ration of national peace and two, and et c'. sag the conete-y. I hare the rational Union. National Colon, by ea- h ,.. pr ,, , r , r , i. ,,,,, ~,, 1011 , , ,,,,, e. /Baty ID - plicuLDW, no we'! as the pop'-'or ac I left iti'a.tinirton nu the Sib of July last with repif Doped the term, includes the Integrity of mechanics and mater.als for :he pare se ahove the Nation sad t he Federal GQ-1-...-,,,,,t, sit mentioned. On my an i eel at d.arannah I as- Its rlghttul a Ld ton•titutiocal authority ors,' tle yet tained there was no railroad communication while had. It was in ttos tenon too, th e whatever to Andersdiville. The direct road to Union bad noel defended and preserved. Macey being broken, end that from Aurae. In fratuirg the resolutions, he had emp!oyed via Atlanta also :in the same condition, I en. the term In his croon an synottomous with the deaymed to proeare wagon transportation, but National Government, based on the Conti:tun was Informed by the General commanding the rani Union of the States, with all Its Department of Georgia that a sufficient number poster eon:inlet , : and unimportant He felt fitly of teams could not ho had in the State to haul warranted In assuring that such snow the true half of my etores, and as the roads were had meanirig of this nous•+. In omitting any refer. sod tht distance more than 1,00 miles. I 0).1- race totals proceedinc, he felt that the action dotted nit I don et making a road through n of the protest had done great Injustice to the country alMend and tedious under Church and Conventiou. For one he was au rrore propit!on, etrenrestauces. 'the prospect of Net:Whet° has, it L., forth to the country that r ,,,,,,,,„. z ~, . ,5 „ ,,,,,,,.. this 1 „, ,, ,, , ~,,,, viii the Onoveutinn had failed to exprcka Its ~,,, , ,,„s 1; ,, , ,,.„„,... ~,,,, „, ~,,:, ~,.., we-k-,a,,r0 , ,,. I seem of gratitude to Almighty God, not only frr elm e nn' arrival at F,lVan,als. I had lile,grai,lDNl peace and the bitneines wIll , •11 I. I 11',3 . .1,. DU'. i lo Augusta, Atlanta tied Moron almoNt daily, also foe the union of the State' and th , ruc..ors and received replies tint ill, road+ ne're not eon, lion of the ..'-'°../ Int'grhY and oath ' lt '' tinted At length on the morning of the Inth of ilia object in the proaent motion was to place July, I received ,i crattfying tele,.,,ant front An glia matter In Its right light before the church gusto, anti I at OD, delerMilied to procure a and the country, and to vindicate our tattoo, boat and g proced to Savannah. The dispatch twat from what 60 could not do less than character- was secured, anti in twenty four holm ofter the lee as an unfair and unwarrantable Imputation. receipt of the telegram Minded to, was ou my Hen, Hamilton Fish amended by moving In at way with men and material for Augusta. the wheildreference to the protest be strict? from the minutes. as the protest Was le•i. iS-Y - '" pi„,d to 5 ,, 00u. aud . apa. from 24.,nnn to An _ calved and theerfora should not appear im the On my arrival there I Posed tri,-,. railroad earn dersonville having never been braked , I experi. minutia. The antiondment was adopted. Cored but little diflicalty In reaching my clii- Tbsafausiltteci Cm the Acne of the char cat re ported a ridolution. when Dr. Path-reon called lteutio93 to the foal list Bishop Wider was r". p hU i rtie b ir : 4 : wti a lii h a l cp a LL atrra_ v i l p V i .. el alS or d P ti n ' is .' l cc . '33 , l l :a ati tz d o ti d f a e a t j a l i a l l a ed y d . (erred to In the report cn, Si Bishop of this cliurell, .. g . e •• - -3 A G il; i d . cl„ a i r .,„ an d which kg It not until ho signs the rttpalrad ti"-.-r.s. "s ("""Y "r l: 4° S. Cavalry t a assist ins. Bishop Wilmer's name '.0 , ... ;:,„h-in„..:, one from the an sr wino.sny was naiad on from the repori j ma .....„ rer.oluti., an, , a 1 A member of the orm . . . 4 i . o adopttd. s i naa a • the Stu of Angus: Lt a I tatted bath, .. Ontrien . onthe B "th - W"'....iii nanricaa. The stock of A ceport was adopted establishing a freed- all the roads over which I travelled if la a mit , Men'a mission. rrn T ,,,,, he t, o t r , d r e i r ,, )f ,t, t e lle m d o n l. y ;r o es e g.n h t . i i n .L i t R t A h l, v e 1 clergy ,:.., e- I n : . 7, l s ,, ile er : t i ra,Z e d j t er ,L e j j ' sv i i t: mi s gr e el a a l' o r no rn a te r eect. 4 c h t - , „1,„ , ,, , ,, ~,,.,‘,, tab ,. up. ur (. ., , , x1 wiu ; -. the dioerent ststiora along thatoElW. readmitted tae following eubstltrite foe ' the canon ' The cki ii i. ' l °I the l cmAdlki°2 '`.''' t WO/ k "ws I i slow, LyPol'''''ilbilo''rry or i the treatment of our pr:socurs at Anderson unli t e. I titr "° ch by nrc th h e wCobmth'''eir"thno Mn., r"7"" e lh co i t snarl voluntarily ! r a:i t t i ti , o o t ni, n r ar fr s eg o n o s t;id 7,.0::::10,7,e5cr474.; . „ 7 1 t.. d c:; : s i., s f and a blot' n the death LEE years wou'd not N r avali Service eaccnt as a non-gombaaatd, or I all of shorn candidly aathitth i l it seas sham ' r ' t hold any military or Naval comminiod except i whic. , p,. \i r. : daily tido d by men from the iarrou fading c itio• ; t r ry..ard had an err unity of learning their i efface,' W hbe encamped at Anders 11 , 7111, I Wis that of chaplain or instructor. A debate ensued, during I (.3emehts, of Ohio, cold he velnid vote against , eeling! towards the Government . Bud with i ; i h a rd ly an c.xception found those who hal been a s r , ,, , y o l a sig s, l , is s i a u t s i o n fo u r po t h n i th o la sn e o u o tr . ject c. . ow T sr h o e i r; as er s a n a I I dieposed than those who had n,Tc.r t ti ter 1 pt,, th wi el n r c' extt il l ' at b r e r g. o l e ad fall o to a ro a tte t i h r ' Ttu S tl Vcs ta I l4 t, when ti t he rtbel army penitent, and more kin .ly . anxious again to become citlt,a or the Ci ivern they can point to the church as a shish. We l 'theta fought so hard to destroy. might its well legislate that our members may not be troSt i masters. In regard to this subject ' On the morning of the :oth of July the work embefs should legislate for emergencies, . Of idaa-t!....."in the li a s a a 4 l Pslatiaf and /uttering the cemetry was commenced, and on the ens. We .. i .,,,,,it ~,,,, ,b„, ~,,,,b,,. r o,„ui,,, .. in nr , ' Ilse heed boards, laying Ont'svalits Seel enclosing break not. God grant that it may be far dia. (onies 0( : wanf ' .. f itir ilt.gbu'utrleell6ln wlarsenC:ll:el'ateal'eiwte"selts'7- tw th i at t ' pa 7, 43 : ,,, : ei l vi a . a y n n h lib t k ' ne l e , ha tte.e . ,, t ,i i t , h fcm,n a .. a in a bg h ed h , t ). :',„ h : 3 V, l " a i , exctions hereinafter mend nett . Toe dead p.,rii ,t ,h, I led by the rebels, about tenet hon.:red yard., "order, order. order," front al' Isom the ~ oeli Ade. The i.r-LC:IO.: settee ft 1,11 co to tnr, ( e l t...e!..,w the startle. ai • s • house.) Amid the Coe flame he er........d by hts ' rernarkt, Mr. Clements nrocia led hls blr^,ch. i-, o. in eCetai t,• Dr. Goad dr.': snort...its was adopt- I by a i aux to. u hers the real Dal W.l3llCtloyer the e....rth vote of 5..! .r,., up:&,,.. ..,,, oars, by ~, a nai az I but a l• n ID,•hes ..r , nil was 0,1,4 II On Eli , COTIOI.• ;:,:,*,,,, • I' ' ' , : r 1. ,, .. .. r , II ,, •? i , uri,l, , Ilhoill , cot. . . - -- ~ tins O, t•olioacy chAlitng to cover their onkel - 1- ' l°4 4 e ('''' ' ut a '''" -I an-the " ne "' lW 't - v ' lia,o, that hot more than twelve inches were 1°1"4.4L. , P;1 ,” "C:- ' 7 ""', - . f'l '! ' , r ! , ; 67 ," 24 '... At g a - - i. •40taPtStehgtga ~.....,., larb•ey+-mFah:a.atiatf-, at,...4, ''''''' l ''''''' '-'''' . r.-IF '' a 'y '''''" Lnr Y c " '''''',:`, • t; t. 111 , It•-.t la width, alumat tape c..teb. otti .. on' s" , '• Tir '''''''' - ' ..... ' 7- ' ''''''' l '''' '''''''" .' 1 A nit,tl &ales 6...,1tt;e:C, tY,.ibe prisoners, a. nays 30. A 4 ilet aanattle, bad beim detallattl to later Pie, Mr. Mr.liii;ter'.4 areent!ruer t In the cano e , In ... , 33 , 03 " 0,1 3 me3;43 etoko at the heal .i. - rarer.,, 1 , . I •rcign missionary it ....,... Naa , e . h g . e,y e , ta.N . a ,•n•y,b,r el,lViadi,i. , With raliel op. lit-a. Mr. MeA,llalcr refer, •.! i.):‘,., , ee-4..y.p. t . t l er I.lmnber on the AninrannYille a.....“ gmyriPZ character of tbe tecet ,rn tc—!'one:. vt 1 y,;1,! • • - ~..', . ^ enable U. , to I I no• try ~1 CA,' it eta b;a opinion teat within Liva year- e ma-I. 3 ~,,. a teat , 33 , 3 ,. 3.,3,1-, to than, 0 large tilecr.t aeorrtd be formed. " r t , •''b ''-u'l '.':' i emelt, , ' tp. ntmitc•r, .a a llll, r _•_:: ,- :. Isiate to meet Barth a eogtlngency. The . 33 , : Fee d 0 ,, .,„ , ; ,.. e „ (;, i ~,,, we.e3.e. th ~ emend:nem provide, that these 11.ablps abYl : 3, , 3 ~,,, ~, 0, . i . et . F.,1 ~.., ...,, e .„.3 3.. „. hay, tim eLI., U. t.b.• ti;•• tlr, 11, .;t: ;• tore lb. , ;,.,, e ., ; •,, ~, ••• . ,,t s; „ we , ts,,p e d e r r e ,,, funnel trAmt their tickle ,if I Om, , ' ~c.:o.era " Mt.: bumir 1 an i ItiVrily :11 , 1., [Jr. il' o ' MY . '" I '-, ',”`" ' ' • '‘" ' . ("I M 1 -, ., , , iamb, .r-.. tea-. 1 f•c• th,••“ it'11... , tt ,,, thr ''. 1 ":" ,,, "f '' ' '''''''''' "P . '" '''" ' al. re. lite ~ el.; ry l't DIM Os nfty norm, y.. Fen!,ll llrgailisalle, —l, p`,ol4 Ten,. Attalm—Losb I) the I, to Fire. hva Vora. 0:q. N , ow P,..dadrlphla ,r 4: Alan L:le ShICII a; I , reopy the Na•loaal now I I nn 100 la that ear, nan for the orzaalastlon of the of the to,:herho',l Inoo a military b Wy, • . ely t arts.'l ta,.l - cr e 0 : lltroto.c are re, 1. nL lal:rier H. B:rrere and J.h II It %zoo are nt tie• Astor Hoene. TI Iha. IC -e I.h-day by a larce a:la,, of p.. 114. Ta ise who cot rar , :d a . v.h the Et y ht pr.rm ttirni A liter I. In r•za: that !!,,; tir tire rag r I nOoz vi! has runorord P or: being nionr.n and I.aly, nr..l,,lnoing! to run on their 0:d mutt,. G 114:to't .a's ad.u.alrt. tion Is on:v. rtnlty alit roved. Th.! or. .tncit.s ho Oro r.n :to .dal. night, In the 3toraze Moto, N.m. :1,1.1 G. liritizr tired, err now offimated at !Inn it IiNDO.0.)11. There at 1i01ic.4.40a that papa - a.ln o.a I horn !nada by the Ince r adiarins at loolad.! w :hi. 0.111- the 61)ernment 9 tartnratastor .ttbott.....nnt... 1.. liAnd 19. Statestrect. la U:3l n ! h!o o9en rre The inOrt,yl2.loll ohne:mike.,atrnr.k f.yr i_otr 0a40.1 bar' t• cared an al:anon of .0: 0.; ...rt.! formar rates. A epticia! dispatch Po the Past satyr: S't sir CI.. orii pansons la Washington have signal arising for the right of ruffra,:e. D=llM=l con YORK, Oct. IS.—T en aunt obtained far St.v, nto and Sea bland c• ,. .ton said yet I ere a! ny Nr. I)rnne , Iha Collie att . e:tt, wit Torre than 11,3a3.0.13 in 31,, loft iii, amonnt realized the pool yetr on ac count or cotton Salts it $1..003,000 or (7,000,030. Nearly (0.000.000 of the sum were the pr./ale/111S of the eutt/A1 captured ,n Sivannah an I Char lestne-12,500 balpe, of which 32 hobo earns frum Savannah. Tne advance which hat taken place in the prlee of cotton has add id creatly to the sum which it coat. Too thousand hales of it were s•ild Liner July. Th,• ,timratt huh of the Comtnistionor to the cleuarl mon , weroin the elfuot that the m irk": ens trey arm, and ItiaL tlir rates w 3111 d Almost certainly be Uglier, and the Secretary or the Treasury pestpetied the miles that were Lit liner been in Aticust, to September nail Afterwarda October. The reSillt short, a gain of from IS to 20 cent, per pound. The whule of the Sava hall, Charh ston rind Mobile cotton taken by the (invernteellt hus been divestsll of, and the $3103 10 he made hereafter will be of cotton eollorbal by the ,p , cial ae-not, of th, Treasury 111 the va. lions Stat in of the South. ,In anetion sale en, braeleg 1::00 hales, will he 11.111 We Frel.iy. Serne at the Treasury Department—(t,r Pli rpolut Ordered Out AVASIIINGT , N. (yet. IS. —Am Intereting, suz- Lestive and lively episode of Treasnry life, ea. enrred on riaturiln7. avin - nor I l ii.rpolnt, of ..aanter id 4 ihrott,fli the Trolls ury him!' rg. called on En, Freeman Clark. Cumtari , liAr of the Currency. to the coursu of e.itiVeravaion aunt the currency, National debt, (i...vtruor l'lcrpoint asked Mr. Clark If he tnt.m:lll. :he pe , iile of the Soa , .h %%WII het re ouired I ttlp pv the Neil real I h reply to Chia Idiotic gong. Mr. Clark raid hi thought they waild• wanted him to un• &rater:ll the: the 9:althorn p,..arile would not suicil soon damned nonsense. As the Governor traary dectly in earnest and to generall7 Mr. Clark, who is a wIM, and extremely affable man, did nettling more than ,Mw him the door. Firrs lu New York—A. 11. Stephen% New Tong, Oct. 18.—The tire la the Ledger urinting office this noon, caught le the paper room, In the basement., end extended to the fit tloor„whcre six priutieg presses are operated. The flames were extinguished before much damage was done beyond the paper room. The less Is ladle:stied at from 8300 to $4OO. At coon to-day, the brewery of J. Johnson, on the corner of .lay and Proem streets gru des. troyed by Ore. Loss 8-10.000. morning Alexander H. Stephene, Vice Ileeldent of the late Confederacy, sitcom. puttied by Judge Reagan and others, visited Mayer Gunther. Mr. Stephens subsequently called on SOH' Kelley. ID, ipmarA to be in excellent heath and spirits. THE Eip..itY:llli). 1-, r•_...,4,1: Its Patd and Preeset Sla:, C' ED:I ICN ()F THE CENLTEILY Et poll (d .1 •:1:11 :.•loort SI I . 1 rq . c.• t . Act be IMMIZ ap; rtclalt • 1, : 11.11 - 1 , g,yrti: A •-1,,,T =!=l vt oNt ID, I E 1,1711. Ant do id.d • M.,. ..! • 11 I AM r txpc,. Cr Lt. u!: y I%tindit4: •t fV. Sl k e. (of 0 cri Ur, 1.1V1:14 a , 4.: dt tire Ito 11 ttlelr•y • rtuttlp, ”to,• - r.. to , y to t. , alol.ltc to, c.L.: 11)wer, ruf,ly • orrani, , ,,l I!, nfonnl.o..x., of fof GE, -, t t , y . It. • , ,nom ibr rralctrr Lh, clay h, jr “k.rka, the pa.;, A;l•rup:lsi! Mc, are p'aend dee , tie Bradt e, anal I lanYe entltay Jred L . , far a, cl-cum ntaLcts etdd , l permit. La trsn , r)enn [h . + w Barba, kid and no/v.llol . er! oreeneard Int, a at tiara of .-ad. At Cite the la, ink L. Nit'iJCS/ ne• tcip. ALM read. vt le, torkta." d :3:416te 10 Sly of .L ad. the in,rnin.L of th, It. h nf Aujllnt, at nuance, Ine Star, and mrioh, were hondLd In the center of the cemetery when a Dealtaial wa, tired and aelrafai ncaloual at age Par:, 1r I th, 6Cilt. nwn an, necompaeled m•, and to whem am indi:tio.c! for the early efampteti an of my b.O, aorta, d atiously n-ad fat:4l,l,ly tram ett) in the Horning Ulan Ja. Z.: night. although tit-sing Intar,ely troll It • eiree.te of n-at. Ca se limattal ea. te.e)er.. ,e soer ther was taken . pea. ta •. Ire,- and a . triof taert•al, my 1m ce of mert.autes was contitlerata!y leateae I 01' LP tat,. other, from mho tea' .1131,1 In din. rent parte of the Stet. tity nnv, hos. ~.r, recover,' wit ft tie. ea, tett tat .Nlr. Eat It Watt, what debt nn th. itr~ly.,of typhoir: fever, after :Minces, of 111 r, M. 1•1.,. I lon bad v taw!: with no. And all 1;t err. lattaiiy Olt, city. at , t . a: at of the [nit...! atm., l General Wikton, died of :be aonto fever ahorttv nli jttittint; thew a , atonan I .1( Andersourill: In !tanned OM the N wthwest ern railroad, sixty milks from Macon. Taub.; Ia but one house In the place, except trout ere. Lod by the no-called Confederate ti s , ernment no bootie for °Lila:err ktradamarau, It was for merly known to. Ander nol. but Mace the war the ••ville" btu beam addel. The cotmtre Is covered mostly with pines and hemlock., an d art foil In sentry, etert,e and until toe eel:ilea:lon, nod unlike the section of country but e few mlles north. end month of the place, where the • Ott t• watt attuned f,r rmetenttu• at ptarp 10 O. and cndlou On well us corn is exaermtvely reis.rd. It is :attid to be the tno,A. anultealthy [tart of Georgia, and sr.. probahly seleetol a., a depot for pri.nuars on account 01 this feet. At mid day the thermometer lu the ,bride reaches lin quently 110 degrees, and in the sun the beat is almost Unbearable. The inhabltants of this sparsely settled local ity, are, with few exception., of the most limo. rant class, and from their haggard and sallow facts, the etncts of chills and fever are visible. The noted prison bon Is 1140 feet long and 750 feel wide, and contains twenty-seven acres. The deed lino la seventeen feet from the stock. ode, and the sentry bnes are thirty yards apart. The flisldc sto haie is eighteen feet high, the outer ono twelve feet high, and the distance he t-een the two is 120 (tel.. Nothing has bun destroyed. As our exhaneteo and enfeebled sol— diers left It, 00 it stands to-day, ns a monument of au it.liumwaily uaparallel in the urinate of war. How mcn ca.,uld survive as well as they did in till. per • vxpottd to the rugs of an 3h1103t trop ical run by da v, and crumbing dews by stout, without toe slightest tervering, to wonderful. The ground is tliltd with the holes where they had burrowed to Cycle efforts to shield them- Ives from the weather, and many a poor fel low. In endeavoring to protect himself In OP manner. was smothered death by the earth falling In upon him. A very worthy man has been eppolited ,4 uperinter.dent of the grounds ana cemetery, with Instil:lotions to allow no buildings or structures of whitever na*in - e to be destroyed, particularly the stoctutde surre pad • lug the prison pen. The stories told of the sufferings of our men while prisoners here have been Babatan&lnted by hundreds, and the skeptic who will visit Ander sonvllle, even now, and examine the stockade with Its obey sandy soil, the crowded and wretch ed burrows, the dead line and the slaughter house, mast bo a careless observer Indeed If he le not convir.etd that the miseries depicted of this prison put are no exaggel atlons. I have the honor to ne teeseral, your obedient tervat L. [atpred] JLM `d. 31non; Capt. and AWL Qat'r, t. S. A 0 I. - air v. or-ft Air Ifl 4 . 4 , 1W1.41 i LECILTP,E WIPIDELL FITILIPS 1, !r'i rn Sc. rr,!i la; : a ,I "f4e lecturc Ituroc,,,! at:.! Lrc,s4 1:1=M11111111!11 It r. P , him from South him for protertnonn an I tin • harsh spirit of tho Nortie•rin ranged himslf with thy half , onserted retwis, not mad^. himself three-quart.c . rs of n rid , that toe sin them-stiles might h , • l':lioh. Qaa 'e r. 1 are ',rat' n IE4, hl.jur Ger..)ral racks Mr. rt;il2 4 denounced et a a, rant mountebank, laden with the cur :,of ...very loyal man In i.emitaans aid Si aid )1-1. wore going lA. fa no Congrelks. ST r. in ,r,aVng of tic en lorserneut of I'. r, n!en Joh..non uy various Itupahlican nalt. n v.-. lions, .rid aim the 11,pnnlicin early t, t. 5 i 5.. There is n spectre walking 11, c..•, ob ,hioud. but there is no Stlf L ph, y. Fi r It Gs sitce the Baltircore Con veuti.m, where it was burned in the will or Abraham Linno.n. I denv the existence of any litleal Liiled to the it publican party. V.; Phillips is to repeat the lec ture at the Cooper Inetlinni. New York, next wrek. ADVICES FROM HAVANA High Inrtrida and Great rloads THE REVOLUTION IN HAYTI Nun' Tonic, Oct. I.—by the strut More C.tie we have Havana dates to t During the first week In OM er heavy rains .d high sleds prevailed thoimi;hont the Island, foiciur the ieoli.i to shot themselves up and anspezd Nosiness. iireut lads have ec:arred, covering the telegraph poles in some places, and dasaagick the railroad tracks. Seerrsi lives Were lost bf drowoloe, and much misery caused. Into, motion from Hayti asys the only y*so Geffrard bad employed la the ti1:;, 20 , o f rt b...i ports, had been eaptn-- .. ; .071 — party 303 tato. efira l .d, at .;arckedourds, WO3 at Port as Prince. DS exicau Geueral Orteg'a 'Before the Su preme Court. Nins Youa , Oct. Is.—An interesting ease in rennet tion with Mexican !natters, and growiug out of the Mexican entlgrntt n excitement of tist spring, was yesterday before Judge Mon crier, of the Superior Conrt, in thin city, at Chambers. Gen. Ortega, who is Chief Ja•tice of the Supreme Conn of Mexico, and Vice President of the Repulthe, and who, by the er ptrarion of the term of Pre Jus- become President next month, arrives `. - ' f ' city lu Anril loot •••••—, - uns since remained. Some cloys ago he was arrested and admitted to bail In thu bum of $l.OOO, on complaint of Col. Win. Li. Allen, who tim - tred In connection With the recruiting and emigration movement., aml who allege, that be woo employed_by the Genera: is to superintend the whole at te!, on the vround that all expenses would b 5 pale hint. Allan eta:GS that after he had re m uizeb large numbers of men for Mexico in current debts amounting to nearly seven thous— and, General Ortego refused to cash the bills or to have anything to do with the rxruits. Ths action yraterday was on a motion to show cause why the order of arrest should not be vacated. The General's relgonse to alt 15 a com plete denial. From Savannah. Now Toon, Oct. 18.—The steamer Raleigh, from Savannah on the lath, bus ar:ived. The Savannah Bared reports cotton is de mand, and holders dna. For some time past the tar t yp,et has been gtadnally advantlng at ,ha 'rate o f rjom 692 :lac:: cents per pound, and SFnCc last Weds 4aday the advaner tot uplands has be's fruto 10 to ld.; cents our pauud, tltut t ffsculno. 00 edleDee or. all grades of onland,of 16 r, 1f - coats per pound within the last tolny day,. 'fire onotati ns ore nominally for from' 51 to 39,15, Fr(11 i wa.ty thousand to thirty thousand 11,_c's of ryr, the yrodu:t of the 'Labor of the Irteduatn on abandoned plantations. Yt C.P.: .to - _ tte r o, tonMc A udersouville Prin., Vat - R'a.nncro., ()ZS. Col. A. C. Haman, bl..dlaal In, C. .A,, arrived bere this morale,: from the South Stith a rePJtt on the Anders.,aville ntisoan but too late to be :he Milltary Can:miasma for the trial Wpa. The ey.t.rt ate, a complete devaptlon pf t La: acz,rl4,..= puce, and is Illustrated by map' photcgre rid, ti-us. T sld<c: to-iay graded pardons nndor 11, anmetty Nociama:lon to one bunired add two ntv peraur.s, d!strlanted among nearly all e I,,nrttnt i'r pArio.ioos for the Execution 0 1 Champ N I . lc, tict. W.—Preparations for the Ttf.111,41 of tae gatrrflla Cuamp F,r4nwo are vac,- rap . ,l:y completed. The execnuon will e cdcrttd by Gen. Shaffer, commandant Of I ae,vet ut Nathville, at tile penitentiary out c:ty. Icroson's vrlfe and ,:danzhter r, 101 Dere it dad to viSit. MAIL f or the t.en. SLcutu and the Cotton Swindle. Nl', ioxs. October IB—Colonel Star:da rn ticeet oi tho military board w bleb Inv. :Alga t. d th, cotton eflair with which Girt. Sloenuit's ram, tan been damaging connected, punltithes statement refuting eny imputation cast upon Skenui and Ilirentn, and Rode re. Geh. Slocitin's Adjutant sustains the statement by an ad: Brit. (111 A .\ Tuesday - morning. at II o'clock, Ur. WILLIAM GRAHAII, in the ^l.•t year bI age. Tie frtenda of do funny are rrepeetfully !twit. - 64 to attend trier funeral on TIIIIIISDAY Ot•E,Sit 1 o'clock, from the reanlenee of nladattill tnr la-law Mrs. Eltr.aberL Onamm,Olibo ArenrCa, or or Future Lane, 4.',lnigloen. • 31 er ii.,Arge - Iftiiii,east, Erie Co tasty, Pa. ' on Thl.reerty Anormag, the Ilth Met , JA3I.ES ALT t'; rH Cr, In the En! year of hit are. I or not toe of hie funeral, which take plane is his city, will be given. I. AT rtus.N--eit the battle of the Wilderne4.N V. fib. i mu, Co/ J WIN W. PA . ,lol.l Pronent l'a Tole. The funeral 0:11 'sae ,tier To-OAT at o'clock r, 0.. from the 31. E. Chorea, where the reaming toll: be placed at I/ o'n, oh er. Lila Isla compel/. lonedn-artne, Blegoritet brethren, end bother !Menne are reepectful4 lovlted to attend erit.hout further ivenol.,snal.—The tone,' of r Iva of Co. I), lath Pa Cavalry, Who was killed at Matltrou Court Bouts, V.., trecembee :3d, anal take place To oaT, at Vo'eloaka from the rcstdenee of hia parents, No. 203 Third C.reet. The Elena. of the family are Invited 10 attend. B, REEVE'S, rr9l3-171 88 Bzithfield Street. near Fifth Street. air COFFINS of every dsaariptinn. OLD iV.ES and FURNISH'S,/ FOR PUNER• ALS generally. Sir FINE ILEA ELSE ad 1 0,4 R LAGER flirnlshad aROCEhIES a...AIIOII beige prtme to choice Rio oofre, • 25 looket. Java (lodes, 75 blob. P. It. and Oaks gtqais • 125 Weds. Relined and Crushed Sugar., • 75 half chests Y. H. and Oolong Tea* IS do Japan Teas, 12 do strictly choice 0, P.lOO, balillprilile Rico, lau LIMA. ebnap at,d choice Syrups, 101 6 2 .1...50rghum Molasses, Ho Wile. conice P. R. ao 55 tblns. on. 3 large Be4kerel, 60 hall bola No. 3 a. 25 do No. 2 do 175 k lttb No. I, s and 3 nn 75 box. large Cream 0610 e 0 .. With a full assortment of Pittsburgh . 11Ianufac.• tures, 051513 will - he cold at the lowest maraen mice, Ly- LITTLE, eArrox, 0022 Nos. 112 nod 114 Serrlnn ereeer. !)116a a CONS GNP ENT3-- .A ace bus. low, Red sod Yellow Guiana, raised Boaz he ..eed this year; BO bed.. pilule Apples; 60 bta .I , rser Sweet Potato.: car Ipad Pesch Blow Potatoes, do boxes Goshen Cheese; 20 boxes W. IL do 60 tbs. White Beans; 15 Ws- Pinion; 60 doz. Gau Peaches; 60 doz. IJau Tomstoea sod eisotmedee. ocl2 POTTER, AIBBN k SnueLan. McCORD s. Co., Wholesale Dealers in mats, raps and Straw Goode Have now in store Um largest sad most, complet stock of GOODS FOR SUMMER AND FALL Em an and offered = In the west. Merchants snsrennests to cmine our stock, which 'be soli' et eery loq Mesa inat • in wool) surer. SAND PLASTER. -50 bbla for sale by HENRY IL COLLINS. =ME= q • l , cul•4l iu duns Granted rr.11.011 • my to. GENERAL DRAUGHTING O'ICE AND PATENT ANCTSC !co. t 4 ST. CLASS STREET, net' Buipeadon Brid g e , R. P.6ENGimI3T, MirriEl4llloar• Itgillenea No. I 4 limy dive- riOAL AND LIMA PROPARTY FOR SALE-OD the Stirubeartlle wen mute hum the city, COMA-MIN G ORE AITSDRED aqD EIGHTS , ' , SIX .80111,5,, .. Buena, -and Witter riourfarand' Si ..m AU Wet :1 other fine tzprovemeate. Far furthito W PAILG„. - -orm:dame; apply to. .. • tWE LGA.DX ....r1 (Oppetita the 0,40,..beena,) . - ...jyte '' - • Great etyeet, Halm: ' : •' ' EW''GROCERX--The' unitiisiped Ipit ENTIRELY NEW iiITZCE__ _ . ~.. -- j tress atul WrT•T SELECTED *RVIRZI their NEW STORE. In adaittorrAo other arm elite*, rreuld tell -ettentina earrrote groat - of Eastern 8 ROVED CERAM WARM •, ' r 7,: Et-, ,tSCOTT : . - te'ae__ ,.._ tvrkei tomer Marty iuid /ewer Iterate. ''.. ' [ORB STATE -APPLES.-4!' : , prime Lake Shore. Apple& note PA 259relizell : ' ioitsle 11 , _ •••• LIX VII -N • t) NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GREATEST .13-I,RGAINEI OF THE 1311AS4f, Concert Hall Sho Store. ALL GOODS, AZ4I, WINTER STOCK PEIRTiCUIARLY SELLING LESS IELIN EZ C S MESS' I.I.EAV'Y 8008 , sl,od, EVERYTHING ELSE IN EHOPOHTION 13ARCAI1 B!E3AIiCAIt4B! ALL THIS 11101 q t 1 No. 60 FIFTH STREET No Connection - With any other House in the City. G !EAT EXCITE3LEY4 • R. been creased of late at the ciaeredr lames of amusement, and people crowd thew - the No.l vie Eger 411; Cile Vie; re the BOON PIIELLSRENS' PRESENTA TION DEPOT, where eltrzens :Wok It to greet • LO be ei AT THE POLLS. For here can be (mind all lemma OLMOrks Whit& RIO cold at the publisher'. pito% Thie establish. scent I. one el the FIVE which:en the most (0* coo ltberal Institution of the kihd in the UT% • Aa thousands etperanne will Otttry who have pnrehtwed their BOOKS and LIOLS at thla place, and the MAJOP.ItY i:f whom bare received GOLIi,S/VD SILVER it TCHLS, ICE PITOILESS, aF 4 stylea of Snrer Trti 'Fact, each purchaser retelves stiaseti lag vary in value from 50 cents to t.;ao. WiScall to a =en .lima of all penman to, 3. PENNSYLVANIA And eurroundlug country to 711-1 , 11F711 AY 'Where they CIL, call or stud for a Catalogue. ocl4:iwo OAR HALL CLOTHING HOUSiS NEW GOODS. PINE CLOTH. COA# SACK COATS. ENGLISII WALKING t,IOATS OVERCOATS or ALL KT (DS !FANCY CAP PAITI[A, FIND BLACK PAN'fl `,. - PEO TOP PANTSI Lod sil otyles of t. CLOTIIING, EOA.IIDLXS9 OF C,*,, FOE THE NEST ca HOs J. H. SMITH 0.1.17. HALL. 83 ;Orin ST.. Opposite we Opera Honzeiii W 0 OD SIDE WALLAMiI ~Pholo 1Q 3::1;16tC dJD //FAT FQ white Lead, Red Lead, LitharagotPaints, Virniehnn, Dye Stuffs, Window Glut and Put ' Solon, Perfumery, Benzole,Oarbolltill, Also, Arent§ forWintees kletallt4roWn Paint Hamilton Lead, Charter - 041=e Lead • ' and, alasary Whiton'aCelebratedAtent Dm? . In one and two pound cane. Do. 87 WOOD 8= . • (OPPOSITE TIM ST. &SALO. HOTEL,' PrrrStlniGHPA •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers