_wwf2is. altat...6r3,l4,4skaidettgin., w.mt4‘.4.1 tiannimi; • east? .v , .....l., , , , ,Nrveauxa \ Asar6:c : 1 1WPAR, -• CA I - o Wateitr 4 T ohtzvlum;eatai lwar ,aernts,m,za _ - itixVikrzwraur - !"Z•r.i,itAll.7Fß;flo • "1111 - 1,30, s i gt?miuritna in. odder -pa nada Una in Wo a ff4269 " ri zo l l MPM*(4) ,t ,(0 4 1 .4qt" rrialieStOpl i "IrettgiCf':.:'-gol-taincettastemom ...,r!f Ajttoo lWalsi . .L. - :;,-- - ,..,..,la-: - ,„ - .• ~ m r...ict iaki i6. ; 4 44 iii4.o.oaori4 (s'l464 oo aibtif ' 3111acturtl:ziak,;: ,-m thi ars ? s. ft (NA x . 16, 1 , er t.c.,E, su.-- , , -:0 - ,? 7, , -.:**. 'ffiS SUM *free. ban 40 1 pgalraTED-= • . 11 941410.'s Lan gattgaxitC Piiii7l:l'zt • ;. - 4 .° A -4 7 , -,lo o 3*AstheXiarilissaiVii:', :' 1117.1! ;-•(...l444rOttaaNi:MO .ff /altutherkitpla"r•ccmili 'wa eekleeer t46 .tr Zietlee. tr. tett= g 404- plume en a ' slum seed a*7 wee le cot ealetudentdd gdad. Art , • •I•ng etta ann...atdllty., Tea • • euusagmaxemdeele-• etas zegiattontsedteed. • • .• - • unit [ewe' the een_,tmetteenemz •Pidnae.Mutikeir h COO - - ILlVEErnM=AnlitDE,_atts NA: , !TELP., ____ _- Ira EIZI=T SERVITHC YIELD, Tlir manakkimikSlDMlOV, ffiDAPSda • BY Exxon , ri lL/Iconar IV ,X4W.Yorkltlatola Gorrorposi Etta and =Way took lase elabrambw - Itialautton - .4 =wall Illiontinaa tor .yitesaallorr thorogra ithrb _Deo= Willa iamb -oa.of!tika. Doom skilwoutbraak at the war, with corr wallas and Ma% both Zama and. Wort, darlottro Mu two ,innmia, of the Ealballlani hi' thrileapturo/ hia ram months In Bevan =aura Mot kb asaapannd Wium.l:lll:io,4mlacul journey . kbildolLsearly 4:Oman& Li ‘llll abound In naa contain mom of the ran, Ind.. ~..sO O, . of the war than any other work z;ltMin, armpits yrcniramm, ilniespo. arrimal mad atisabled Mani atna aoldiaza, lat.araniet.proiltabla will flnd it pa. l="l=adelao4°:i We whlih W ir . s tu agli pram SO rartglawaba vp l ; • - aetod: tar dram. aars. - 41,11dresA ..,,,10 and Maw 1 ,./1110ti1.t . t .. 11% . T.4l4 . s3l4lMilaatta ablikaliblair,,, t.., 4::...:.Tbll adaLyta . items—amuz zuwm. iWZRII - 444.-.-41. Farm of about 208 acres. tcuirirtiap, Westmoreland Cooney Beak, a very valuable treat of UM and agricultural land, containing forty serer, min " "situated at the eastern - tercel= of Blairsville, sad tirttatled enthe'south by Co River. Wen Rats trut there me three 'tutu of iron ors AccordhAti=Professor Green's port the mated end peebdi straticlit cue l of good msmaatteLand:Wl yield thirty. thearmir mina of hon. • rtei Mire in respect. to quantity thrt strata 10,000 tans to the ante el warty cm, and ridiudagthrt mule mass to All Item of do ll ars and cent% roc/ming the value of ore ; , at outs mor ton, thle . strata Would than _ prodtite- IOW: - hundred theaters:l* dollars. aMttittit lollas We tfamitwearpare amyl at caal - dnto opened laid in • sniaMM. operstanr st the primal amen' OropertyiN worthy tae st• testi= capttallsta The or Would be owe sato,. ppeluneAs orti can be semi et Also, k PO.* itoarend grain farm, emitalaleg acres, Mute la (Merry Rat To fogs arra county, Pa., near the village of Greenville. The Improvements are a two-story frame hatlee, and. best'bers in the roman tondos oodraso urea elearedt the - remainder The land is good, large Vlach tuothuss due crops of UV.: ve e rs con . violent to atkarolouracaotdmraMs,innes. na,, no. This ig o kß t ..V.# 4l o; 2 . 4 4 lll l. o 4PV and on easy aItO4ZUW6Ii 'dela'lt canton toWnship, • WastillaraoaanntY.Fa. -Will sold citielP. A/05:311e2Acres Emile Lit I be dgonief townstdp, -410nety, Pa., adjoining elate= at : . • - s'bregcbrfrir home. A flu Madmen in the too:ugh of Ligonier. WWI be sold ag r r ll4 •• Also 'Wee kW, ta large fnoring mill, 31r cb4 Ilerlrs j ol e /ind, same placer Alscrithe tort ft= on t he Elver,. egamt _pap mile from fdeßeeeport, Allegheny 00., Pay IlOntainhigabout 145 awes. The improvements sue - sc.:frator house and barn, cora crib sod wagon Shed; with other Ontbulblinge. A Ism apple weak of between 410 and 600 trees; 60 cone rereilffOear tusta and 450 beech trees. • 4. e . r e'rerci.. 01 -160 coun t y near the town of the , Pri, very cheap, the Moline Farm to .Elizabeth Township Allegheny Om, Pa.:, containing - about 110 am% situated about Miles east of the borciogit of Elizabeth. The improvement' are a large Mice eratau house with nine well finished rooms; a beautiful Moab frontortniounded by ornamen ts] trees; a;1;0.1 barn, with many ;other battling,, 10 of the very but White One CeerintV Wee the best', enmity of limestone land, -and it allundellald with coal. Also, it steam (hist cad Saw' ggiq,'ltt . complete tanning ordet s situated. in Nesnanoet township, Lawrence ootusty. Po. WtII be sold pt a great Wanly. A. patidon 01 the parchese muddy will be team bewail lecaltil Western Lands or Oily Proper'. FaTt!yrthrtprtteatrik burrito of 0. H. TOWER, Real Estate Agent, No. 764 Fourth street. F°:j ttk..i.x. Fnishet_Frame Twn!Story Dwelling, Having SIX BOOM*. ikewly Papered and Painted, FLITEPORTIOO, R NT tualda and outaide Um Houma THE LOT la HartyAre feel front; bp One Hun dred feet deep. TINE GRAPE AR BOR, FRUIT TE.E.E.S r an. Potwarlon will be given on the lot .of April next. Mee. A CORNER STORE-ROONI L WITH. TWO DWELLING HOUSES- Parieulan will be given on the fat of April next. The Pl c llgintor will either sell, or e'en/Lap for Country• Property. -Inquire of FT.T^"lrq IT' HOLE OREM OIL LAND FOR gyE,_Tnhencha in hinds lying on Pit Hole - MDJOIMM3 THE ROUEN FA=, 11101/.11 as tad 9 Decr Llsk;" also in the "Purr?. RUN. PdEtnt, -contalalfg ittnitit oa-:Pine Bun, be. - lumen Pll ntrit/tETtleetis.`,"illeee Interests ittavetTdelitsttlelas.:ttut eiltilAttlps 2 .are All bi. to b:4, PKRite • • cc. TIALL Rit,TnatSosr, lie Attorney% Nir.l44.Pcnittla St 4 Piltarbsugh, Pe. nIiY..GLI:NGROB BE IN ALLEGEMNY .IEF• Ci NIL Et 49.1.. 3EI A onftiu:A . A half story frame Cottage Rowe, eon. tabling two parlors, mums =DM, /KWh. and four chambers, with water sod gas. oceupylnr, a lot 09x 0L ti highly cultivated and ornamented with shrub bery and shade trees. The surroundings are element, efrordlsof ample space for fresh air, and the outlook on the three tiny, COMMAINSIDI an extensive and varied view. For Ituther Information, apply to S. b. BRYAN - Broker, Fourthstreet, Burke's Building. FOR BALE I J: 4. Well known rfegley Bun. Improved Farm. of about ONE HUNI)abD AUSES under a _ugh atate of =Smith:dein:deb hat been, abided. into Lots eontahlbag from Two Co Twelve dotes, Ann Will be sold as a whole, or in parcels to sum - put , •ebasers. 21* IrayboSsmants.mrd Two-story Prone Dwelling, a fldfn. - and Stone prang.nottse ' an excellent ftritig a Wetter, nob. exati4.4 Allegheny mutt Tnere also a cholas TAO"- A:Voir:IA of Apples, Peaches, Pears, Quinces, Merritt, ha. partlon of the Prrrig i ts naderlakHentb B and- Coahr welt wet -ore wl Swap and t ßunz , ling m ta r i lf id urtber Intortruae o pply at the Baal E.. PATEL, sun . Butler street. Lawsetteevillo Pa. Ipo - 11;41A . L The 'ittrztor St9ond sand. pup. Perky inches In diameter, thirty-id: feet long, • i•telnetk ficiesAneaelf.i. allarbe had at a bargain. MgluiregrtllllSltdetttfal Watt& H. 11: BOLE & CO.; ESS 'air. Paint Altai an dliaquaras Way. .4 EIMPTLEVI; LOCATION FOR A PRIVATE t; = - RESIDENCE, ' iDontaining Five laid OnaMourth- icrea, iu Pitt A , lowzahip. a few ellllll Gra walk_ from the lino of the 1. ruts Pasaitager Railroad: . For particulate Arre oc — - -'_,_' ci. ii. To VIER, !I - ST 2 2 •.' , - ' Pe. tat Fourth Meet, 11 . "4- " IPSR 134.1 a • • . '; • I 6 infrifilatfCt HOME:' • toe borough Cl Selverpook Coluriblana Clo,; Ohlo, altuote on Nam oleo; tr ten frontrztana. boou Go Soe6.„Thhi....Ermerty mu ll be rol4 for r i f °, 7 l ," : ?!•:. ‘ .!'r "- -t! * .Tor. rt riVatatirO, fo.Wt( • %.,' lou4outth "pg,21,444. • 1 - 7.71t - Insttfirramia - mmaz ; 1112 fotir ro4;olpbtlbilfiblio: .n tuirbit ' stropetmarN ...Goo A d intl mom oortormsono, Pony:moon fa= fumodfahrts. • * ), "• l 4.Pirl6PosrlirPuur, Ifirodaral mom,- • rr *Unman', umrpmliVfooarih9,g4:6vorstroo% A SMALL FARM OR . 001INTR It BEAT szor:-Eatuated 5 , 4 nribio, from tho city, • on3A 6 39•01 zuniturr Tamplko r - coritubrins Monty. tbrearwe..w ertruti.,tnth:timmemmtgt. e.hgittent4M`VvirjirfAu nowt for OSAMU. AVUF-totir fOr , 'tett of .yrous:' ;•. • Apply to. B. BIOLAIN *l7O, k PO, - 1:01541311GEL TElZATAt t y n ing eti g ••••• ever - , " Pam= cm Arriaatoir—Dreo Olrelo. ao atm Tam , Bizaim 28 Mai Third Tier, si ma; Privy Box. ga• COi - D = l l 9 0, SA 7 0'0. 232 . Bai7sto 21 2 02 2 4% Saaam3 . alapk,oi thaaxiTlT2Ood r, ASEIS Litata zamezip. . Vhie bee been reedlvad nightly by the clout BOW alid fashionable audiences. Her stay le r a ll y ely Mallet to Ude sreels—fitlynartW b SAWS together with therithgelter— "uTMFrEngra. ',411 be presenthd, and Uwe in Pittsburgh. Laura Keene's Agre‘as sermatloa thelal4 rWEBA. BOUM- - Oiizgen2,,lidgpandr.EBl474 , p un . ps 10 m.-.e -Dams. man, far Orthesizt wsilloßPM_Elmux, Wa c - -; UUrt ll 4 ;.14,e'S Splendid scams of mu t t Lynne, the Opans House crowded to its at. mod capacity, t_t, _witness bliss Susan_ ilentn's Pettormatocoat Lady baba= entrrteidteof Vane. Will Do yottented thee,pata. amisalleta . live' eats, "entitled v ivett i „ ter , NN ve., • L • . ..,, T A,L TO splltibig Qi of EMSTOSZa-Itif r Bally Scram, with ...... StuaruDezda. WINTER AND FALL 1306156, Heavy Walking Stotaakirdiletes. , _ lasltßoibr Strong Boots for Roy,. PH/LLDELPIIII. SHOE STORE, Ro. 83, lam' of the Market and Dittman sem J. W. CA.RNACHIAN k 00. FRESH ARRIVAL OP AND NATIZMIR, GOODS. Every style of Scot. eara.eliscooes, AT No. os market street. 041 and see our Eck. Dere yuroluirtng else. ity se MARKET IEMZET. = Second door from Fifth. SOUTH & ROSS Hoots and Shoed REDUCED PRICES. Rua, AND REIFLBOT save Your Money. It lc nova well known fact that ItIPCLIPITOCK, No. 02 Federal Street, Megrim, Seib the but and cheapest WM, MOW, GAMES, AND f9A - LKORALS., Ctf any other tome west of the taoutitalos. CHI* Aiwa oal, anSittra will be sattgastt.' A sollookated otoolralwatil off Wad. aria BELLS THE HEST, .ElCocrrsa zi.ra7c, matcnEtal, Of say Lome in the city. fOs hie Jas* received a hutgeaftceat SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK• Ara) THY HEIL T IDLES', GENTS', MISSES' AND JL- 4 CHELDB EN'S Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, DI emu Style, Flake and Form, at arz.vs, Monter Fifth and Wylie streets. Mir Prtete to cult everybody. sale NOW BEING RECEIVED. THAT ELEGANT STOCK OF CHICKERING PIANOS, Selected personally by the subscriber, daring a recent visit to the Factory. - SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS are nom open, and ready' for examination, • VOW are invited to call and see them. Warranted for Five Years. maiduals o. ttEr-LoR, • 81 wood Street, willoieluront for the Cadakerthg O. EL TOWER, No. 161 Fourth Wee.. pIA.NOS AND ORGANS. THE CELEBRATED BRADBURY, NEW YORE, AND Bohomacker & Co., Philadelphia PIANOS. THE AMERICAW ORGAN, and ES ES * 00.13 COTTAGE ORGAN, admitted by dealer,, and all who have hexed them, to be enpatior . tree to all other inetammenta of the kind to inn lectured in the Milted States. We are prepared to furnish. at Oa abash Rattail Bras and Garman Silver Instruments, Of it w ii .z i me=rl,lo 3 rtnan t xd o liozs= .l zt .i dl ill° List, furnished P on application. Now and Second.banAPlAnoi for Rent. ALL THE. LATE SONGS AND PIECED ' • Clautnally On band. • ' WAKRUNIC & BARD. sees fia:l2 :87.:OtAlgrAritrEt FOR SALE VNABE & ill(illEST FREW -4-x. tam Grind, Parlor °task SPUD and Up tight Plano., with Overstrunatata, akraTa treble, iron improvett'frame, and all the valuable I. pr memento ' The tone' la_ rue; bliillank =Well *soden) character, of the bait orkinanchiptteualt evenness and gualltY of tow, uollonlemed by any. . Each Piano ittaratitemi for night years: CEiclitIAME - BLAME 41s STE role Eleomul donor £ a LET bov H e Wood ■stre4 Horinnar, Ramis a ao., 68 Firm kfivazr, sacs Louis roa 7/200713-ciIiPCS Maiisixe.oar. Planottin anierlor ,imcce a memaar LONG LANE a co., Eau ARTISTS & aouss No. S Graltbliold at.. Pittsburgh. LETrstEuNci RENDS esecatod Drum nRy tad with anettrpnesed odegfilnee. DRAEITIFIII 4 SHOW CARDS on -enameled Pennr of aH colors, sod arm SIGNS ON GLASS nesine to oldsr and neat to all parts of the country. Ootm manner; PIOTORLIA, DESIGNS executed In stiff:hi/ al' MUSS PAIN /NG done with $ regard to do. rability. harmony of Dolor nod neetnnee of dash. QUAD Worked. reasonsnle rates. mh13:17 WILLIAM H. BROW.N R Mit& &Hale firma! puma & Taysestrirj I:Tuft 41161 D SIGN Page oft& 7itt•toiou of Third and Market az: iuur wrrannera: co: ••1 ~a. rill • •••.• 1 :A: •:•..T • EMIL' • mn Ot nd• • DI7O2'S ' BHOIR Balmoral" for Ladle", Are selling or their stook of ROBB, No. 111 Market litreet TEtE NEATEST ETITING, And THE MOST DITEA-131.21. Pl.l.lrOS. JO VBl JPAIXTERS. • - • SPECLELL •VOTICEIL „ (rte AIritariIAWLIBMPAMILLA IA A ,awAtiofaztiter. ..,.._ of the 'twee root. leosiniseelenfeiteeeea4K-Mrt so er alteratirepower is affM0212,41320 "ta X41341411/11aterglantR If." 412030 e 1 831 . 1 9444111renjad tel mike. in - .....ze,.....7-- ; _ 1 . ~ . ._ 4 ‘ . , • remedy is sorely wanted try•thos• who m _.... ... from Atzmantor tormasints, and-13M6 trarolthiett r • . ..:..- ,CIAZETTEATERBINt-e-14,4, will matinmallstrimnitatutsorornfastbls hm. of immense service .7.0 thislargmalassaf oar 61.. , 424 m 0 ta1ag.......44.44..4:: SW pirttalaft Aided below eitbmna. How somplatuir M 0. ., •-• A.Arr.,_.!*ftgliorwEretby,cacchrts, la ireareavreek. pound will de it ha ham proven by Anew - •.: • Wag . .... -,..... ' , .2....44.6:412121, nen year. on many of lAD Hp7l.oamictobstenat to ',..lat? • 111.t,,zq:„ by praleakormheirrnek. -..1 47 . 7 . = 4: ,...27.,.......,,112.60. pfr -yea. Dlscorses, Taannekprio , _..ii ice an; skin - ''''" ""', • " i '"'* •• • a m . • P.i.: . ss„ *wger,' Fue,Reeekte..- i oeume . - t ir uPgain ..1 1 W4:6.15; OF: .AbVERT49IN4 • Salt Ithmun, 8261dHead., iiMid.i3eDie. Tinter tuvi sePh ue. tue ee ttea Tez2 7l ,, .74122,-geb ;wot .t. sueslied -''' sma r : ... ._ . ,.._ ..... .`M 2 20.2. ' - ` 111716 1.1,13 ; Aim' s will sigA"4l.ltrlit; l'WOri goo thew ero/clogr rloo . orMacelaterPaca tote thae r ;;.,, 4 . ••7 -- e - D . -ma to loft to doblpitistlyo tt66.lthi ttfp,..11M62... ~ IRS . ........ ..... .... $1 25 biooo l 2 , Alu m" 411 "4.641.*/s3ol.ofdal. In II! ThM,.11417611,, . , 3AS .... ~.. ..;..: 173 mai,. ..17! ET (Sawa wen eared oy ttasextrartet nutmeat ' • Kg ~ r. .: 1 ‘, 9 210710 t Ward tlei inoshibblelmbileta2ols;l466n filmitimelo.;:: ',',01' , 20 - .0 - Tnl .0 tn .' ' ...... 2 a . ' 7071 have been impom ur pri by sommaing-pmw TWOOMbika... '.. 6 76, •17/ .• 203 I •4 23 tabllpg:3lk333 ,litess .1211116 - lA , War Milt 11hltilwee.W. •6264233 73 2 fo -3.21 Whan-1 5 4 here ../keel 0201,-1102 312 D OrA month... ea 5.410400• 2 00 .1 i 0 Men, will you ado the virtues - iinteretatalle. Taro Months. .13 03 11 co oho ' a - tat For rolootecaatheden 04 the Mamie& wouseknre Ttuseatoothe ~ 111 W 1 ....,0. 4 'l5 •.I RS Witt .3013:16 , Ayer's' Aine.rlean Alamo( MUM , 131 2220 . , -Al 50 •. 11. 75 • 11-2,3 e 43 01 7 . 1 W 1 3M9311611 A 33334 Ilia "WIWI* smut to sik Nine - ,,_414-po ,fliti Hop , ea, ;I T 0 4 , V i t " a/ M ll4 . s 1 ' 7,, -... ~7 1 4*.X . eagC••• : 444) 4610 .01.1 co to co 40 93 la ti r77l3i*la 'for tiii.uniree ow ' wt:-,----,....----- - , 1 tt enilitee, . . . .. in u.l)3iiii. eine rvi z zii i 2 ealltli 01 511,61= 1 - ultheame, th/23, 333,32ftf1i SWUM*. ifl * rgra Oilltorbutlaro . 11 l a the Bowan :Piece. leacy,i.oss of 60 t ri6 4 , 22300310Mint, Drom. W o 32lo6i.VloAti W and tar o.Virtace Pia. ..)1141 .Orte .eo that sae inine nu& , e ti eie pleatantly. eta they are the teat e weld for all the armoire at 2 }1301,42 22 V,i ii,refEa4bo.. tciwen..tanai, and told :b A. FA/ENE:STOOL .50 - 14 , 16,2104. 4 / 1 4.144111 • I ..1.: 1. mtlitlimmdarkw. . . Copper kill and'_ Works. PARklifeCußDY'Sk a. ' otonr or satarraerG. " saeannos., l f ilmy" ISOLT 1 1 94i i i t arrrim3SED 013PPEli , 11% norro. SP IWarporterr and dealers E,atisirr ars. 11 06 . ^ 14 tly nand, 1.( .=.B* MAMMIES and Toms. 4teion.e, Fro. oroLor Azi 120 SW. OND STRZEm Plttstnarh.' ,- Speelat orders at Ctornnlidow T opper ant to any desired Patton; P/11198417/7418 WON WIDAWIN HUBBARD, BRO. & CO. 114.1m7Aariesui OP , PATE= MOUND cutctrzaney Vitnustoo,_Coirr suraz. saw% of aver s itcription. attil, Malay, Oran Cut. Gang, and da all Attu= varlatiert., An kinds WEEMS and SPRIS GS, madefroto SheMOW et Cast lNG ha. S z tg!.Sirtra Redned REAPER AND 811lir0ST Warebonae STREETS, Pltre an Wo bar r kagh. corner WATER and Partdoolar attention given Co SatoothinGtlel • reasonable rotes. Ming and Stralghterting Circular Sawa; re. pain of all eor. Ponahlng and Drilling done dyal anet tar WIZ. BAJUMII/46, * CO.. Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers, Nos. 2q M, 24 and 25 PENN STREET. Having secured large , and forniated with the 1111111 t Imp at roved at WO = ed to manolarture every deaortption BO In the best rearawr, and warranted spat to any Wade In the country. CHIMNEYS. BRTOREN, MB BEDS, STEAM PIPILL,OMMOT/VR BOILERS , ' ONDENSER SALT. PANS, TANKS. 011, BM_ ,LS • A TORS, SET; TUNG PANS, BOHM IRON, REIM MBAR PANS, and sole ni ntaatnnny.of RZLL'S PATENT BO On theatarteit notice. RepatorzAns Gym =CM Y. D. ma= 1 BE sTEEL wontr"'" REITER & bL LOW untisetirers of OAST STEEL; EiPAINOI, Auld BLISTER LBG, CLEOWBABS, &G. STRriri SPRIIieS, AL i-OfSee, NO. N WATER STREET (up stain) Pirrsinnuia. PA. . /72S' or•EL&B111011D HOW Unlit. KIM 'RESTOREDPabIiab_ ln I us& eel Envelop& Pries six menu. madrUßE 01r TELE NS.WEE,IIMEATDIERTataI Eadleal Chu* pt Spermetantobson Samna Weidman Divot- Unary Etnlindona r Sexual Debtltry and lAS: Meals .to Ects,Arenersily NervOnsness, nun . ptton, and Fits; 1111mtil and P ad =naiad 7, tesulans from Sall Abuse s +U. by EMIT. OramororaLn, tattier af the OTIVII soot, ILO. "A Boos ro Tacuntsnas ov Suvrarrears.. Sant under sail, to *plain =vet. ppe, to any address, post paid, on rarebit of Ma centa, or two pastas's stamps, by Dr. J. O .IELEVS, 127 Botrexy,igew York. Toire =ea box 4,49 e. jenarednoT larr- dEIIVOITS 111131,1111Z3L9 or itAll SEXES:A reverend gentian:lankly. tug beenrestmed to health and tem days, alter sus. ilszting the rumal routine trreerolar expensive of treatment without. annesea.ooniddere tt his Sacred duty to communics.te to ids Millard fellow. Oreataree the means of rum Hence, on the modet of an addramed an=e, he will mod. fee, &ropy of the prescription Direct to Dr. JOHN M. DADRALL, Me Patten street, N. Y. eittlintriewT ggritOBINSON, REA & CO, traareAugs to Roar:max, Elora a Iffnarsto Wattangt Works, FOUNDERS AND BACH on Prritakaaaa. faanularturera of BOAT AND TATIONARY STEAM MGM.% BLAST ENGINIB, BILL MACHIMERY, G.RINCI, SHAFTING, OAST. INGS al all descriptions, OIL TAMES& STILLS, BOILER AND SHEET IRON WOES. /Er Agent.. far GIFFARD'S 'PATENT ENIEGD OR, for feeling bolters. -.JOHN "-- • COCHRAN & Ir BRO., fu1.1.1116. tuns of IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOO IRON RAILING, WINDOW SHUT MI OW ND S,GUARDS, era., Nos. el SEG S, and 86 THIRD STREET, between Wood and HArket, have on hood a variety of new patterns, buoy andplain, suitable for all purposes. WP&MClll6? attention paid to ma:x.4 Gown Lots. Jobbing done at short notice- nun SENT FREE—A PAINPULET OP Immense Importance to the old and young, Married and single of both oozes, will be cent free Dy addressiv,s , with amp enclosed, the egenta, J. E.F.,NDBLON h CO.OIDce . , Box "N, Boston Post retnOttrds,wr THE BUIDAt. Osl AIiOEU., Al Eels t SAY OF WARNING AND INSTTRUO. ZION FOR YOUNG MEN. /Coo, new and relies Me treatment of the Cheery. and Sesoel Systems. Addrere Dr. J. slo - LLEw HOUGHTON, How ard Aleoctetlon, Philadelphia, Po. apltly ELIMIZY U. COLLINS., FORWARD ING AND 005.0.115510 N MERCHANT and wh01e...41e dealer In ONEDIE, BUTTER, FD3H., and produce generally, No. U WOOD STREET Pittsbuessb. aol aTTOII.7IrErB. 0. r. WCIt.II,II - 11. J. IL 0 AZIZJIM. BITTTBILTILG Myki A STER, GAZZ Ait & CO., • ATTORNEYS FOR CLAIMANTS, Licensed fl. a. agents, has c ' ' Col PA Y PN P A PER. SATION FOB DLAtSI23, ate sex property ton OCCieetroyed while in the suite" of tile United States. STOPFAOES OF PAY AND OFFICERS, ORDNANCE AND QUARTERMASTER'S AO. COUNTS clouted and cartintata" of inullabled" prOCIIICO. Application" by Wail attend'd to as trnoula lq paton . NO CHARLIE AMUR UFC/LESS SOO. urse FtYL. °FYI= No. 98 GraNT 8 121gro . myl •PITTSIMEt6B. WEtITE 45..; BL/LGLE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW No. 2.00 2 1.21131. Eitroot Pf rriDTllOll, PA., 1 77111 attend to ll business in thn. Of heir Profession, imaud e ing THE COLLECTIONe t 031, CLAIMS AGAINST THE GOVEHNIIENT. EILAALEI booing been mwitativl out 1 the Vnited State. Senieec ,, will heroaftas lye Atkin, {ion to the business otthe firm. iit2ttf WOUNDED SOLDIERS. IN EITHER The Find or Second Three Yearn Service Led reach% MO full boning tha woo as lf ttly bad setvsd the full term of puilstmout by alining opon - WALTEII. DAY. Bolleitor for Ekmutles,ipeuslons hod PAY. No. 103 FIFTH EtTEEEr, 4la door below the Cathedral. • 1301 THOS. AL BA:as B AYNE it SHAPER, OROLLI 19. 61,47 an ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Fla. 81 Duitoza. Swann., Plaiburgh, Pc Court littelness. Examining Titles, EnnvePoe; In& Collections, and all kinds of Legal Buell:mu promptly attended to. sel WLITARY CLAIMS, PgriBlol%lB_, JAL BOUNTIES, BACK PAY and mu.rriuty CLAIMS of every desaription, collected by the anbeerleer, at the following rates, via: Penelons, $lOl all other claims, to 80. O. 0. TAYLOR, Attorney at Law, Diamond street opposite tho Court Rouen N. B.—No :charges are made if the claim does dot z =need, and all inforiantlon given gratis. zeidy H . C. MAANCRELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, tr. S. LICENSED &DA ND IER& CLAMEAGENT Males for Wormichkt Bolalo collootod to (ran ten to twenty dep. - 1120 - 012100 No. 63 Oxeye mum, Plttatough. UsII with dtschargo and two witacsiot. £32131 ty ,-- i - iyaziotwpiottel 7.4u91.1017 CIM . 33 2- XCUER, No. 144 FOurth Street. P,ar.IIIOROFI, rutin In the 'ciofirta of Alleghang and adjoining amnia. aPegid Et VINES AND PLANTS, IJ,Amand rerrSideet stook of PETTIT and OW NA mENTAI, TEEM, EVERGREEN% GRAPE 'ONES And GREWHOTP3E, PLANTS. • 80. tatTS and OUT FLOWEES.to order. Brad to: sateloguo ttesll sod. examine our stook. Pittsburgh Nui. J4llt a l d ll. o ra t t a n Two , aoe:ty uu 6 g=perwoAM‘latt, 4ivi ....... tiuop m Mnts -a vaYelikraid trg or cen t, itz e t atininia vrtatr ~„, ‘t ' t ' taiintot olQ u n t r Ad ants contracted tosarorlsit;titut aautoolit bi 'lnserted on cut Atritio oUtto ElV=i Adventleng Main. ' li tetti lfji~dumte 1c0trtt0tt••,t.r..,..... It 411th %ttna t tnr i lf.ftotnes. 1; 3 7 OnVall” tnitnenTaig="444A of the Tratipa, irmilmlo.,lnaludirdlie Rrnaltion At - am llnah Itints: 11r4.—c umse.• week. 107 nUal to baii4Mtgaißin.i ant taffeta. - . . Three natoialla.l COM $1.911 la 00 BlZ t ta.... CO se Oa Mice 81 ao Aber.Sia,pletlres doable the Calm zatae,ll , u. carted one month ar meta, „E'er -aleatpertatat cuts • line. • • /Load nojdoae at Ruh rata as =rat Waal , cl:Pon• +tamers to be costedated.•• th•cpsior bora pied by tan Una of the =Mum ildvatMai krOk-- of the paper. , . . . . A imuors case roma, came before the Wandsworth (England) Police Magistrate. On ' tits Mb nit., Min Alice Cnoese, daughter of the rector of Ocham, In Surrey, eloped with her father's groom—a lad of 18. bathed George Smith. The young couple-24as Crosse Is SO —were traced to Wandsworth, where they had taken lodgings as almond wife. and Smith was given into custody on the charges of abduction and of stealing certain articles which the lady seems to have carried velth her in her sight. miss Crosse was put !tall the witense Ivy., on Wednesday, end 'stamina thit else left her father's house of her owe accord, because she "preferred Smith's society;" but the young man was remanded, and on bail being tea tiered and accepted, he was 6 ' led away Ina half-faint. lug condition." Tr® people of Chillicothe, Ohio, Seem eonsid• erably exercised at the prospect that a miserable rebel, Just out of one of the surrendered armies, and who Nolces In the cognomen of "landfall Jackson, ' proposes to take aP histreshiemce in that.phsce. The Stith Onto „minion 'cocoon: held its muster near Chillicothe, "and formal vote was taken on the question of pare:Wing said hiudwart MU* to reside in Ross county. en 4 resdltuditt an ettiptuttlojan; BaL4 rote wu not acereiliatetry, and Mr. Zsekson • is res pectfully warned of the consequences that may ensue upon his attempting a residence among the boys who met him at lionocitc.V. Moro nornstos, of Alabama, appears to have succeeded in organizing • colony to ens !grate to Brazil. The Selma iralsoriessays he is to have one hundred fatellea or five hundred poling members each paying a quota of money. which they forfeit in case they fall to be ready to embark at the time and place designated by their Initial. attreameat- The transportation will oast Ita) for. Matta and SID for children between two and tarsive years of age, cub fam ily being entitled to one tan of freight tree of chatiek sun rach unmarried person, tun of the famllee, to two hundred poen& The ..Ifss wager 'Ode that fifty persons hate signed and paid their dues. Modena of the tower of Babel, says Gatig 'lam, still exist, and are visible from a very great distance- Each side of the guadranguLar bale measures 200 yards in length, and the brisker of which it is composed are of the purest white clay, with a very slight brownish tint. The bricks before baking were covered with characters traced in a clear and regular style. The bitumen which served for cement was de rived from a fountain which still exists near the tower, and which flows with net, an abundance that It soon forms a stream, and would invade the neighboring river did not the natives from time to time set fire to the stream of bitumen. A NIZIIIIVIL Or THE BM/. iSDICTSD. —The grand Jury of Bt. Loeb. have Indicted Barnard T. Glover, E.-4.. for practicing as an attorney and counsellor at law without first taking the oath of loyalty prescribed by the new esnstitution of the State. The indtctment is preferred on the information of Mr. Glover himself, and at his request, and that of other leading members of the bar, for the purpose of testing the validi ty of the seetion which prohibits attorneys from practicing unless they first subscribe to the oath.--Sr. Republicna. A cow specimen of "Brummagem ware" has been Invented In England. It Is the manufac ture of precious stones and mosaics out of min• eras earths. The mineral earths are pounded Into a paste, and In that state can receive any tint. The paste then can be converted into brooches, door-knockers, atratm chimney pieces, picture-frames, crucifixes and infinite variety of articles. A rots- enr.ar. gentleman. on a recent Sunday eventag, threw a new light opon a cangregatlati at attatford, Fagland. lie had beentannt to the afternoon with a cigar, and putting It Into his coat pocket when be went low the vestry. either It 'or 601:110 fuses Le had also in his pocket set lfle coat on tire. There was quite a paolc In the chapel, but taoplly It was cleared without the Ices of life or limb. Too Leavenwarth Conerrt•Uio lays a party of surveyors, under charge of G. S. Wicks, have commenced the extenslon of the survey of the Pacific Railroad west of the Republican. His party will survey the route to Denver. via. the Smoky Hill and Butterfield route. Another party under charge of Peter Cooley, will com mence the survey of the route up the Republican In a abort time, to the 100th meridian. Tun United States have turned over to the State of Ohio the Triplet Hospital property, lo cated on lands owned by the State, on the Co lumbus and Xenia Railroad, north of and nearly opposite Camp Chase, for the purpose of being wed by the State as a Soldiers' Roma. The value of the property, which was donated to the State by the urgent request of the late Governor Lirottgh, is nearly $150,000, Cosa.—The strikers In the Scranton legion, to the cumber of several thousand, aro sail standing out, and we are Informed by a gentle man from that section that there Is no probs• Milts of any further production for some time to come. Even at Great Bend and vninlty, coal la now sellmg at $8 a ton, which is more than double the ordinary price.—Newark (N. J.) ,filvertlaer. L1131=3:1 Two very fine specimen of the curious water Plant, Victoria DARIN are on exhibition in New York. The flower of this wonderfai plant re sembles a gigantic white rose, and attains the size 0115 Inches In diameter. The leaves, which are nearly circular, are sometimes 15 .10 10 feet In diameter. South American children. soma times use them as rafts to cross small streams. A Wytei:e Court In the tenth Judicial die. trial:444*Mo, Judge. Sherd% District Attor ney, Jury and all have boon arrested by the Pm. vest Marshatel toe Freedmen for tryingya negro for larceny, upon the amend that the court bad DO jurisdiction over him under the present reg ulations In forces In that State. The lator moiement in a ddit ion luta the soma new phiees. In to the atop (ton of the eight hour ayetem the labmere now demand the exeluelon of discharged eonyiete from all employment. and Jews regulating the spprentleeship system. 110,1. Jan= L. M. Curtin', of Alahams, who Was a member of Congress up to the period of secesaion, and who afterwards eat In the Con green of the Confederate States, has become a Baptist clergyman. .A. COlTtlfpondent of the New Orleans .Pkeyure heard.,hito.preach at Talladeia and says the Reverend Curry ex pressed bemaelf "that the Bible had tang been bin principle study—a study much more conge nial to hie own pure and exalted nature than the political contest with which his fame has been usually associated." Wriaaser lloortn, Esq„ of Cincinnati, the newly appointed State Treasurer, filed Ilia bond Monday, with the Secretary of State, and en tered ttton bit duties. The oath of office vae administered by Chief Juetlee BrfiLkertioir, of tbo Supreme Court. Mn. Dcm Cannes Bona., once a military man. Is now president of a company which has leased 11. A. Alexander's extensive Iron works on Green rivet, - and eriniemplmes' making lientsic.ky [tam bonn. • • , A SPECS se WAII 121 Kerrtrcry.—A spoelpl to the etneinnall Gazete Sayer A gale' speck of war has appeared In blaresta 'emnty: A man named Williams. with about GO followers,. hen arrested the United Gtetes•Collector of hsternel Revenue, sue compelled him tellMlst from bin trusineas. - a ha! Mao arrested evert stum . ,who hen Drought a suit against any ether, and coin" pelted them to withdraw them. A company of. United Staths,forees attetnoted without success. to drive than Rang frinn thee/se:ay. More troops' have gone to the scene of action. Gen. Bilsbiu hopes to capture the party. I D:„ 4 . I.=l-11.tr:ttzt: ~03F . 4.8 00; 90 Oo igookf NEWS MEND. PERSONAL. WOOLEN DRUGGETB, ix to 04' yards. Wide. WOLL.EN CRUMB CLOTED3 wiru IMEDALVION CENTRES, LINEN DRVOGET, Three Tares Whle. aer x wt. Z•l' Z\T• ' Stair 'Oil Olotikey ; NEW STOCK "JUST; opmwec By ratARZAND carom ' nAritet,l6oo.,' GLUE. -150 bbbi., for Oath by RENfitAr mime, , The. f a1 14 4 5 4 - 11 4 1:42145pu5 . rantiSearditnilamimplhill %Wit= "; of e the i e t M ta n titPAgOnt os - was on find:d ceoet,l2- 4 _ 10z11 4:011 4#0:4104 deneentuidan In Lianas. When thaw holy :established-1i Own' 3 taincetitmal school to Japutenbylpfunis placed in charge of It. 8e mitriagealtalth Minh talent msgeemi that 'Wet CVO* 'fdtingional entesprisewas, ha os Oleltinenea Colt. Flo Inilds:when the rebellion cant ina:cc& el Jacques wee a man Okla= 10410. of eonildlJOlng Influence, and: Ogres*, pratorlasispilitar.jic. tooklha Auld in behalf ol the thibm, and sr-My raised one of the finest rtintenti that Elitiole tare to *he Uni on. It has called the Drachma' 'lmaird, on account of the number of media - ere enlisted in It. Of this ngistuntJanques unt made -Colonel, and he 'erred Witllstmaa distinction. r . During th e protege of she war Col. Jaques had numerous mute:toms with Bishop Simpson, and bah.wirre well=satistled that if a Methodist of prow pogistotrln theZlorth Odd get among the Southern Methodists much might, oe, *Met ' _4l ward - aipp 'the rebellion. This maim qa. hicaot andtrjpo . WitA gte , APProval. Sitoreon andAr.Lineolmr•Tilolasqtusluaulp met the -peril, --and. Irintel(4- among the !Southern idethodlster tfq :xttt=foi Just before Re bitthr of Chien:WA; stitd Wit si consoimmu4kartlif 11141-..Joattia., Col. Jaques was the- companion of ; t ali morels a visit to itichmond-for an=ts a , with Jeff. ilalrfe, wtdeirtelsslon ' ed. This visit was Mended to bring about, peace.'...• ?beet:done) has . reeemtly been detailed for brealrkg up thanette tamps,' siieh as camp Nelsen. =ale the team of Ws fpretneo berdunki... Stidst a nat Jaequatunmpkgred a flew eeld,Dr. /1., (Latina dwproenre • abottlen In camel% a GeneldeAretralare Zhe ; oolonef•Wila preeent ddit*ths trendy.. and waa erioWd With the fettiale t riph at , tame The milder woe pen:etre and with. Mll ler, the abortlonlat, the Or fonocenta. The whet° pasty were arrested In ftoprsate &Vero and are now In All, the corer:arts !Wriest 'hal , ' Ins amply eraghtmed allthesusldelomrthet lead. taihelsderferease , ottitt. palm. Kr/ Tamer, ttkerefteman,6lll! signs of the vatrageln grggs, and made hie 3ceparatlone for arreatblir the aunty parties, In which, as we have said, he anedecT.. We do not rejoice In lalmilty, andltre eon not but drop tears of eorrow over the fall of each a man aa nolonel „tunnea.—Loo. frtaVe Frew, &p. 250+, The SouthernChurehre. the Richmond Republic says: "From en melee view of the late Episcopal Council in this city we are satiated that It is the purpose and design of the Episcopal Church of Virginia to P reatuan Us tbrmer WI rations .with the General Convention of the P)el United There were, undoubtedly, some per sons fn that body, who would have been glad to ace resolutions adopted .1.4 favor. of the y per. mount separation of that donee; bilt.the did tot suture to oder those resolutions. It It another significant fact that Colonel Fontaine's reeolutiors of reunion did not elicit a word of oppositioteln the Connell, from which It may be fairly inferred that a majority of the Conn ell wee not hostile to his views. We maid wish that theßeernea had at once adopted the mug. goals:ma of she Blatarpr but from conversation with some of the most Intelligent and irleen tial members of that body—men venerable wealike for their wisdom, age and exPerienee-- we are aatialled that this la not to bo attributed to any .litirPo6o of separation, bat that it was believed that courtesy and respect to the South ern General Council required the reference of the subject to a body whose authority has been previously acknowledged by that diocese, and which there can be no doubt, will favor the re ;lnland tha Church. Of all the members of therionatermatoteral Connell only two have expressed theme:lves In Calor - of the cOntinn enema &separate church orptilution. It is oleo to Ito borne In mind that the bite tientucil In this city Rated a resolution expressing its 'cordial approbation of the Christian and con eillatory comae' of the Bishop of Virginia In his correspondence with the northern Bishop touching reunion." Drftsrrad tux= Posnuou.—Mesers. Camp bell, Them= and Cooper, Congressmen elect fromln answer to •lattir from Gen eral A T mami, declare themselves firm =waft ers of the President's policy, and say that two or their number, as members of the Legislature, voted fox the eorwitutlonal amendment gigaton slavery. Gen. R. In his letter, sal:awes him salk well satisHad with =Mr loyalty and devo tion= the Government during the war, SLIFV.I - 61 JCI4CEILMEB GROVER & BAKER FAMILY SEWING MACHINE IS THE ONLI aeovELN - E wruca Embroiders. THE ONLY IILSGIIINE WHICH BT.ak.eh the Elastic Stitch. THE GNLY MACHINE WHICH Uses Two Spools. THE ONLY MACHINE WEIGH Fastens the Ends of the Seam THE ONLY MACHINE WHICH Makes a Bias Seam That win not break or ravel In stretching the nuterlaL The Only Sewing Machine Company WHICH WAKES LOCK-STITCH AND Double Lock-Stitch Machines. irit- Purchasers can exchange for either, LI not tied lotto their out choice. Examine for yourselves at NO. IS FITTEI STREET A. F. CRATON - EY. GENERAL AGENT WHEELER & WILSON'S HIGHEST PBMIItI7II Lock Stitch Sewhig Machine BUTTON-HOLE MACHINE, agency, .WV. 27 Fifth Street, CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS. FOUR ru !STREET P 4 OIL ()LOMB. All veldt ~ eery dUlgui , eyary variety Of etre. IS VERY RUPER2OR Cotton Chain, list and Rag CARPETS. W. D. & H. &IcALLl7l:ff, 'A' •ete 97 FOrRTH STREET. r./A:4*acitzyto:oo our WM' • grtcgrgg rubm - A14114 . iitc,. lsl 2l l7 "=ii a atly.re% TA4'..16 g MaiT: in it B4 1141 4:Zt ."-Idalfertiltedil lands. L . , . ..- ' asenrrurr Clltawtiontitriltel 7:41 Prnissznecra,Pri..Strpfll,llBls.• -,. SALE. OF CONDEMNED 417 • 2 .IA6TZEPS ISTOICES...,-,;.. c!..... ..,- -- ... , stow2Ae atovikiy , , , 1.,-. •:^:r..”. b . :pg ~...., 784,91.4_!_iir /*ilk . : -•.,,..,.: 1,.., ~.,-.:-,..:.• C, NA mivseliottiexiito6 1 T'' . .'. Viral bc.old at Mai. auctiory stl .auarrtr went Suctebome i ail :Paroz:zinade Ihil D tt WA Y" -/ 101 wid 41.P0t , to atir7FN faa EMMLDAT Dokitur. itp, issa, at, 16 claloll4 tiouts-041. trAEG 'etiereaer • • .• 0-117EPf _Clopt.aind ii.:Q..151. 4 tr. t* 2g.• GMAT AUCTION, -B XLE-4 . Vittl ' LITGAIMGAZDEVIILowxN ISAS•rldif EETT.-.4IzOJR9D&T attenum; Setiteint4 M.l 2Bth ; t.. 1 •1•111 -°' ,Arizen deak er. taur.„."'l2l2lta ie s msgal I . lm i L oa BallwaVatill'bettlitrbe+l2 ICKStI4I)=. am .. l Ivett.. r .tittum et,444 ,-43 7pitna Eqbeeciaiktrest belm (cc:m.ol3o 28 -fetracat from 100 ctenthk , r4 iriCezen wen will UM* , FcrilaiMktag APC4 =A at I tee P 010 /VIXIY ArlgUnirto preturralair, Our Thee; uluoix. tlty.. l ittaretralted; ANl=lsn t. n . . 4018 ttuaaveinz eittiectincL. Gil El AuttritiWilett if BALD: OCIO '4l ' PIELDPOII.a. Aetna "Elfamil ' stead - Growe&OT Six Alereari'''arldltttl33** flarrtaxastrablldlefifit ZIONOAE. I Armor ft Illetaber_ddeflt^3SsoN:loe2,3:32 the , PMta o el , t , 44 ir field j l/ . /fillas The convent. beentyl t e, degrablfinda, Ofnele, li_Plol7 thriving Me 'its irtudiatently kaolvt; '' These ' lots .ars.ahave the Pennsylvania Ralfas4 - 113 thi t first tv most ime Mistrals- part, of-Breddoeitaa aow for the at se* dtrilallfit o l3 OW Se feet wide, antrild to 150 feet deep; a few containing iMaras ants each. They front On the extellent Tan, Road.leading dtreat from flrg4o4¢lt'a att 'oaf Sallyards distant. 1210 MulauHoaustead of fear sties has a news atiplanntlal, and. elegant two-story brick mantled,' fell' nished, with eigtd rooms, out buildings,el the grounds ace Under ecessitenc cattlyetion, in &balm vedette& of fruits, (repo, be., With goad Imp_ply of water. Tbe Six Ade Grove ts excellent land, beantl ftaly adapted for ornamental grounds, tiding It for one of the loveliest homes in the <rummy. Thum os Sara—Oneahird cash, balance in one and two years, with Interest, secured by m wt gage on the premises. to to be paid on each Lot when sold, as part of the rub pay neat. • A FREE EXCURSION TWAIN nail leave the Pennsylvania Depot, Pittsburgh; at 3 o'clock; for conveyance of ladles and gentlemen to end.firom the isle, returning at el o'clock. no TICKICIW ZVI st QUIIXD. Plans at Auction Rooms, ZOO Smithfield reet. se=a A. IIIoILWAIRP. Allen'. LARGE BALE OF GOVERN :HEM HIRAM ENGINES AHD CUM trzrrio atirms Aturs.s.air Ran-50A.44. 017147 Or ASSISTANT 12,11.LanumASTER $ Aprat tf, p._ Win be aoldia MANOHOESTEK, opp Ts Ebb orlte mind. Vi-rpo-TUESDA. ,Y Oatobte st. rw 44 4 , Av• 1. 2 . 5 }.4t4W Arstilau Le40410t4v4 Zat. &Rai BYO .LO• .ggign, Ave t0ca.441? ctiato eme4l•32.t espigity pt tank , t;i00 FIV*4SI Letrogtottirts, a tea 431 isms. two ttundzed.apd 4141p-4** ( 2 S s ).DalrßoxEndr4 Oars, Ave fastgaugs. gelf4 (till osilr Platform Oq !Iva toot imago:4 il0) - Frede.t ears, .s feet la. stage. 1•44 stifle etintlnua fro m _di to day 4ntri 411 mentd. Was camatrato At tll aelack. ;tau--4 4 / 5 8. la Ciovanmusat funds.. L- OBtRSON',_ natterp . Wel& OoL sad A. Q.. X. Diners tiltalrialtleArrflus Gam% Orem; Pleesnago_ r n • _Sinsg .21, MO. RALE' OP GOVERNMENT PROPER busokt at o w n t he et the Felt Oroonds, in this city, on the Idetay of °sta b.. 1935, the lellowlns GoVattuuttlt property, fis • Horses. to Sir Mule nos. El Single Sete Gae l Harness. o Lead “ Wbeel-barrowa. 22 It Saddles. • to " Bridles. • 111 Saddle Blankest. re. Hatter Malta. 200 HMO Ras. • er Chalcut. Assails, 7 Sled/Mend Handles. I Plow. se Axles. • 1 ze e Pleb axes. 60 " " Handles. 7 Ftramlioss irons. U 3 Plata:ma Sealos. 10 Orom-batx 4 Ro R ad Scoops. I O gams. es CD/. Hills. .1/0 r a . on nSa4ks 703 7 Ro i Chairs. 111 Much of the Xbova property I. In good condition. Salo to satamo tee a l a. so. Tarr.—Oath In 14411.0 States ounsooy. O. CROSS, I..deu4Uolonet and Deputy Q. Yd- Gen% te13.143 ens BALE OF 43OVEMNIINNT Cars, Engines, and Railroad Utrivsn &raves blii..rraav RATLIIMADA, 4 1 / 7 1C. 0> ANIIST•1111 . CLIJARTZII.II.I47T.6. 13. C. Aust LI, on Will be sold .t CITY P0L.176, on R'MiDAY, ()stoner 11 at II o'clock a. tn.: About four thouatad i,coo) tons Railroad Iron. At PORTSMOUTH, VA., on FRIDAY, (Solo. bet IS, at Five (A) tint-clots Locomotive Engines. About fifty (150) Freight Oars nod one (I) Pane.. ger Oar. At NORFOLK, VA,.. October 15, at sp. One new Locomotive Enpne, 6 foot gauge. At ALEXANDR/A. PA., on TUESDAY, Oa toter 17: Fifty fee) drat-clam Locomotive Engines, 4 feat ex Ines ganite. Eighteen (l 8) new Pietro= Oars, bee foot gauge, Twenty.nve (13) new !lox Oars, dee foot gauge. About three hundred and dity ,a5O) Bog Oars, 4 feet 514 inch gauge About two hundred and thirty (230) Platform de., 4 felt 84,4 la. gnu. About thirty (30) Stock on., I feet in. gauge. Twenty (2a) Passenger co., •• do One (11 Wtecklng do ' Two (2) new Trucks. Sixty (40) do , flamed. Fourteen (14) Flats, About too thousand (4 000 ) tor. 11 . 1 lleAd /too , Sals to commence at ALEX ANDREA., at 10 a. m., and to continue from day - C*4oy mall all amt, aokt. Tenua--06.SH, In Gosernamat (=d.. U. L. Romrirso'sr, Bray. UaL suiel A. Q. AL, U. S. Military RaUrpate, ALUABLE REAL ESTATE' WO BD SOLD OCTOBER 10th, 1885. Pursuant to the authority vested In as by rest tattoos adopted at a meeting_ of the Stockholders. of the Belmont Iron Works tdompany, held no the twenty•thlrd day . of Au g ust, LSD, tbe undersigned, Lee c- ••-••••- • us lilt lierPOraL/06, Will Sell at Aucitiati: Al the front door of the Court Rouse, to the till of WhouLins, on Fuceday, the 10th day of October, 1865. comment:lns the wile at ten Weloels a. m., all Not ♦eluable Real Estate and Appurtenances In the nth Ward of saki ally, known tut T :1: BEIJKONT IRON WORKS And Nail Factory, Bounded as folleWs, %eta t Wed by the Ohio Meer, North by Division street, East by Naha street, and South by the property Mews. Caldwell et , Mao, The teal intid Ward, now worked by geld ttorporation.'and tho Railway connecting said Mum end the Rolling 111114 Also The Real Estate:and Coal Property tin lontingio the laid thorporatinn hazed aclicurung SOnth Wheeling. bateau that reothtly .purettee. ed hr RS. J. C. Ciatonbell; and the chases la'aation connected tharewithf and gl Town Lots in Sent* Wheeling, lately purehased-of-thb M. h bL Bartle and others, and tem No. I th-Caldwall'a addition to the elty of Wheeling, southemateorner of Nab and Dichoon street', with dre ,Tenomentalimre. OIL it Is supposed 'that the Coal Property to be gold with the Works is aufilaisat to supply th Werke for thirtY Poen `-•• The said Real Property to be sold cm the follow. the terms. Mar the b y e three lu with Interest front the day Of sale, to equal instalments, payable In six, twelve and eighteen months from said dater thy ithrebaser Cr tits Raid Facete to take the stock on hand of roster late Iron. aaßiytools esiel'ehatter property at an ap. praiser:tem to be made by three dletateretted per. eon., of whom the purehaser le to choose one, Mo . widerelyned agenta anther, and the two so eh,. a third, the declaim of any - two of the throe to DO birlleg; and the stock ao taken to be paid for to equal Instalments at four Ms and eight months, with interest from day of sale. The de. tarred permute on both tEtt Real Estate. aid btoek to be secured ipe • satisActery to the .dettigned agents, b and lien: to, be retained on the property until payment , la full. • The our. chaser have the opUon of pares. -in heed the whole purchase money,•or any farther pyrites thereof than above *toted. JAI HUBBARD, . CR • Nhe eling,:W. pa., Atli; 4q toe&ANGL E. susodd FOR GALE. ENGINE BoILTM, • NIX Wpct-41, 1 0, rmndotes Stiltabie jor Saw, atist,. smiu Holltairanf, , o; o s e r o b r u t a 1 n r e e a atZ . l a m a &pan 1 . t o , yr a! F. ao sifiITEISLELD STREET rJ .ACRE PIVA .7111.141 M z ßlithlt thotity;orebard of lbotreebi'benputed (Oat frame barn, stable, ase.; easy of sans by rim abd railroad. For sale r__llLasy_terma, by b r OtiB, s&bb tit Market street LIBRA}! 41,1 4 TD ft/A.VVRAMTERNS, Red tind Mei - Well Papers of new French 1 / 2 M ta tt°uP;. PF;8111,07- SAND PLASTER.-00 bbl&, [or ante by KERRY U. 991.111113. .:4Nscw..4t,mawrilis,, , •=-4-43teamboati3,-NiTharpl34ol;'-' .:41argtovand Oth6f-PrOpercy.,-.7'. • - . ca,u4driiint ett witlymmt ii P ci nrasmotssoel o alfw SE A L ED . PROPOSALS arOlt k lga biPretelaeJaith• plain, and =Op MS ttnaliers. Attatair named, Us. the Pallshattt of t # l, "urge , : PT . 4 _4 2 4 3 0/0 1 %: * iwiLAlliiiesa,, iitiguis - , O 0,11-04er,TroRate. .' • • atigeLPOrie.l6lll, Lotdman t eilltti l iOttnee. rem Sts , rebdel tato. ,461P•ettall) SW 31111sheit bisect/ as :kiLT ELLIIIOO ii, 1; 1 :Ai/S. UNA; until cbeUr of sale. For th e W heff - lyet NJUNP VO Vail; 10 ilni . tin ~ 4- ' Falleteitill , be . weer at mac= EtOOllE . LCrll - 1411 itly s af.gais.:r,- , - Par !ha ifilli-iiiiit 'tteatiziC PO* aolasoan ol za =tegilikrteeZetioni -•• . • manta Milt oviiftedthidibe toil.- able-Rlteel Mont 7.14%. :11:-sawl, t . escateTett Ail, toas. , -,, , ttida=Hheel--- ••iila 53, - ' sideta:ta Slavtateisreirikta; 6 ., Prfir#: !Illi . stere4 '*o Side-wheel steamer 01111.8elleatttitereolam tots/ Stdo-*rheelateasperMap,fumjr,,reguimerda 113 tom Sble7lShee7 irteasser3sl4 tattatAes.loBasteretl.B3l StletsheelttSstaeiDtssts,'leandtfed7Bo tots. fiLlo-witeetteruneitS. , IL ,Fatralltls sflt.sltrl a„, : ,,,,, 04 , * . *; ,,,,,,,,,,,: i. ...,.. 4 . : ,,, Side-irhea distiiti pliftOriltilg;'s ,{S4II,* lii" I..tens,wlsto.istiaMitt hisAlsslBol(terlSlMAllage ...rn-W6Matstatmer losos, rectsterAl.43l lama ...r j Stertt - lsbitl Stamm' Anew's% lersterisl Ea tots: aterasslosal stsamerDtek,Pan= 40:2,'11i4181t;;,* titers-wheal st asseerColoosl - Betteol4 redden& 181 tots starn-*lleel Stsamet clolotei Ygglirtergd ' Aiwa& - ' Stworbeciateavier Oentla, remelted -.tom Stern-wheel steamer Llstls Law* :v4E:mod tone ;Eitgak-wharlsfiszof VOlonei cntipui rerigtend I —Ivo: • • Screw tug Leorlasharoihlrlstarled 1124 tons. Soraw tuiplante sWAAmeWalt top& Screw tug Ilatto. to mufti.' scronr - tatgAuptati Ludas (Atm 14111 MOS); Strew. I , Ult name in bet/moo., Screw tug George Z,Tyler readiterallatons, ' Screw tug .0.10/lalat, aughteered 413 tang. Screw tugltancoa, reprtored_Lso Screw tug grlxtard, ?wintered M Ion U:L & a. Screw ang Etledlater, term Centre-wheel Ammer Keptur. leillotered BI Wu Oentre-arheel itessterGeneral Ben took, meant Od 104 Was. ' Centreeubeet steamer Colonel Conran, regittere At tons. Alcatel barges Not. II and 11, and Abbey. Canal boat Resale. Ten (to) gunwale bareea. ge'tour (24) pontoon boats. lr(1) yaw) boats, one (I) sae boats one (I) one tralle boat, tire (s)akltto, ncut (I) sot et ways. •Atrot which can be seen At GE W . : OR.LWG. . wail the net of eak. At Mobile, Alabama, until - Thoisda7;oe. tuber 12, 12 / 11 .• - 7or the Slds-wbeet steamaraentra Hl 1 regtsbered 7W GOnL Side-wheel steamer Warrior, Otero& ito Side wheel stesoner James Ba lti c. registe te red ns. al Sitle-wbeerstrainer Ariel, regLtered4tl tons. Side-wheel ttoamer N. W.Th o mas , Registered MI Sid Side-nrbeelsteaniert, snideied Mttotts. Slde-wheel Ammer laervale, registered lit tong. Stde-Wheel steamer_ J. D. Swain; reratersd. MT , . [tonsStern-wheal Ammer Jexuale ftogervrepsteredsgt Stern-wheel Idea= E. B. itandlton (monk)teg Leered 199 tire, Screw tut Pen, ReStltered LSI tons. ' Screw tug-dipdQnttlag, registered 'Stotts:, Sailw.tstgßloaaOro. eeglotead.64 tors. . Model barge Fend, canal boat floldea Era, mad boat Ow nama.),karty OD) pouloos barges, thirty OM yawl boats, sad tAne (7)samtloaal docks All of which can be saan at 1110.111,LE, LIo&' until -I.beday Masa& , Periol3 I:llllthlrpri t rialt RI? Writ Chan me at boat or barge. the barna or umber of each boat or barge to for. with Uo?priooPrOlgued ° l;l iv ers, l 4, '" :46 tr - idag bid Ihotddiathearld• and tluumme of the boat or barge, or dateriptioa of th e ;impart ladossed thereon, and addreued to Litl gad/a L.B.Paracter, Mirka Ball and River Trampostatios„ In care of the racer to ah,rje dyer traturbthation at thapolat bated &roped:chide - The Goirealtmai manta the right to withdraw ono; the Above property, and to reject ;ampoule u Laved too low. , Payments lobe ;dads la United Stela cdrredey, man de tbe esegta h re Oraayveposal add plor to A •fedt-descnipUon o pfo f this property Idea be ole• Lathed otbspplieatlem der Colonel Arthnt Edwards, Amilstant etuarter=eter, Lode, Aflasocut By order of the Quarterelaster Oedema, LEWIS B. PARSONS Brigadier General and Chief of Ball 'and River Treamortatada. • ane,t,d W,E11117501 . 0114 D. C. September tl. lant. IVO7 ICE—AII boats, dc., at Now Or. A. , leans and Mobile, for which bids are not se eepted, will be °Mired at Publle Auction. Those at New Chicane, at that place on SA:TORDAY, the 7th day of October, and those at :Mobile, at that plum, on MONDAY, the day of October. Line notice will be given of precise hour and locally of sale. By order of the Quartermaster General. LEWIS B. PARSONS, lea Brigadier bleneral F' OR SALE, CHATTANOOCIA ROLLING 311 LL. Wan Dar LlSTrterre, , Once.o7 DIRROTOR AND Cir 'MAL 1 MATIAGYAt OF MIL !TART RAILITTARS U. S. Waromeo - ran, 13. 0. July 3/, 1515. Proposals will be received at this orbee untll 13 o'clock noon, on WEDNESDAY, September is, to purchase the United States Military Rail roadMillat Chattanooga, Tennessee, with the maineg, tools, bu , ldhass, ft:tares, and track connecting e Rolling Still with the Nash ville and Chattanooga Railroad. The mill and machinery constructed to re-roll railroad iron are entirely new, and of the most improved character.. - • .. Yoe full description and details of operation, sAPaelty,fse., apply in person or by letter to T. W. YARDLEY, Superintendent, Oliattanotna, Tenn nee. Lit b•ds iihouhl be endorsed, "Propotil to par chaee Chattanioga Rolling BBL.' D. 0. niet/ALLOB, Brevet Brigadier General, Director and General Manager Military Railroad. D. S. No satisfactory bid. having been recall-el under the recent advertisement for the sale of the Chat tanooga Rolittle Mal, the time for receiving bid. to extend.] to the FIFTH OF OCTOBER, 1643, same hour. D. 0. BIeCALLIItd, Brevet Brigadier General, Director and General Manager ael9docig Military Railroads U. S. ALLEGHENY COLLEGE, MEADVILLE, PA. OiLlosiciax tom 1888.8434 WEDNEI3DAY, BEFITZBES 20, PILL TERM OP)JrB Wednesday, December 20, Fall Term elases;Thrtra. day, Tantutry 4, Winter Term opens; Friday, Match so, Winter Term closest Monday, April 9, Spring Term opens; Thursday, June Spring. Term closes —COMAIDNOESIENT. Location beautiful, healthful, and easy Of access. Lthrarier, Cabinets, and_ apparatus an nectally en. tenslye and yell:table. A new boarding hall with , ntp!Ptely tarnished rooms for tee aenommoda• tinned one hundred students. Boardtag from 13.00 to 94.00 per wces. Classes commencing Latin and Greek. will be formed et the beginning of the Fall Tann. Seeretiu7 ef the Piet!lts,. ARMY BOOTS, REAL GENTITNE EIP LEATHER. CILSTO . III.3IADIP M.4I6,SEVyt,D, Three Dollars a Pair. at i'CLELLARD'S &UCTIOS prpE, 15112 W 11132. f3trooto gar An gociel'at'trort,lo t Like lor fay . provements. tes •• A uex ox A Tp.ol,l,BAltD. A CONSIIMPTEVE D. H. Jima; a retired physielan of crest rleute, AlsoOntred, while is the WeE untie, e tettain aarefOrCommunptlonauthlas, BronchlUs, Goughs4olds, and General Debility. Tim normaly Wei Aliseosered by ,hlm when. hit only. a daughter, was given up to die. Ills child Intl cured: and Is now alive and wall.- Main:his •or ;benefiting his fellow mortals, lie will sew to :those p hi with It, the recipe, containing foil reetiona fox making end successfully using thia, remedy, free, on receipt of their name., with two stamps to pay expenses There fa met sibigle nymptom of Goniumption that ir does not /Worms, 4alce held of and ditsipate; Night qranuthri7Peor• !scimitar:national Montreal, fallureof memory, didlcult expectoration, sharp pains lathe imp, sore throat, chilly sensations, names at tho j ito m ., 'achAnnation of the powete , waling &Way of the mucks. Thee:rite? will please state the-blame drew of the paper they tee this advertiseinent . ODADDOOIktrOcL. leld.lidlatlFT 10* Minot, Philaielphla, Pa. COMMERCIAL OIL WORSE; Puie White . Burning : Oil, ConstsApY otk 1434 put tar ale TBE tpwEar mum= maxim. E. gewritaniv. No. 47V/0011". STEC Err. Biatax3.-15 bbla., primii'newplakies ' wheats and Merritt band. ta. Mora and tar wile by Anta.s. a. sa.r..sLET, ,i4"4 201 Wert, Mogi. I , L; _FlLfico'CloW____ 1 _fide :. iza9ui. + mar 1 .;:-.;,i• sc, gesoz T !fr ~..:.: tTz.2 U. allovattimenttromory.l .. ..... ~,_-....,...., •,...,,,,, -,- 5,5 : ,-4 :400.0.M4grzr0t;' 4 :,:l -.: , - ; ., .i , 2.- r icimitfilA,4l • : - --_,---,-,-;,,.,.._,, 7' %- ~,, t a. . .,a-ritekl-Pi1ii.1hae.......i. ritekl - Pilii.lhae.......i. sh:PlThieireor itase4inge W 501,000 Ea Ravin extenalrq Oartegroutejult watt EM:11:4 Ibill BaakersAbilmaibota. the Doutdry -to otrair Imam , al fatalttis to lbour eat/ buidalui *latrl. -- , :b 7 EbaCk-MVCAT33,I3. - .. ...., endlin *Mei Goiiiitzliat vezfirhi4,''Aiiusa^ Lit Cu= to Mit ClunApers. --044,001.*1#041141 Paned 01103 t04444444graggie07 .. ~., - ; Tatis. Dun= „Anzritirisrer,•••,- t.-?-" f. / L2 r- TES; Ift. AM 4 I l :. , 3.l3ioLi%t . .7lol% Eqi urt THO,SI•B 3 /MAN: i.... 3 ',. dd. MHOS. DOMLEle,"Pre&s4 ' 1,- , ...,.,' L., - ;.da7sl3 olz - Le.l ent :7 m5;43:49:43D1C1iii::74:: fiCilayzugur.. , , , r-1 . 4r.4.X N. .aO,l.4tES_ Ez .sCINST ~ ...., _ . ~i„. „, :::-,-,—..„..,,,,,, to. rt Agiukcit Eines; ' pd . taii ti o,„ .4 ImPanT3-11=0N0111 Pall 711151119 AND , ‘9941.1 . crpgeoutattrif,artsdigia.'7_,- B TOOIE4 BONDS/I ' 4D . 0173ZE1 BOUGHT VIEF UOt cceassm. "%t Yatal rt PVC:LW Att , Mtb3it- 4 terthapatakultaw - UUTWARAIMS-MMITUNi; trortet stases sue; or Frail! ' • • 1:10. dtir 11.20‘t. t .; ttt : Do. 711111, ID4OOI Do. - lano-Totetutst - • Do. Vcrtillcotot al Loitaraellaoa. • BXlEilik3 3 41.12(1). VtITIOREB3 • .1210tra3r roliv nomaii t4Vi4(113 Poirtres Starer. ioßearrracEtr IN vs& ' - r <V= autiltom.llB4,3"cedazziasozeb: witms. day *ad Saturday writ Er= ;Mayilats tO Floc viroberile, ham Ito It °Week, boßltabbiler , Ist thrifty bt bawl trate , clordt.. ..tletvhata received of ell ram oratetleelthertable . 911 *Fandailldt map:orb atahreat mow { a Yea; in Joao sa4 pompom iti.teatot amines declared serol.aansuillY, sad ~Dralerablb bob the Bra 'nut Fiputired. tha rani ntatin _ burnt, not slab attl le140••411' of sl,6dn r aitor A s .radzia.tpal, and. brow bomber Inf4=i twin the Mt dayr ?eel gad Deeuablry, : . 0 1 1 90vadlak beim a year wUnmt AS US, • lonall, atft_to-141% lat -Wok. I ' d drill nrds litt/ *9 l . 4 114rit, Raga, =SAMOS SkinOtinater, Br - lawslfigst atlargicytdayons. bus thrimos. - - wiablii•Axdagane - 41:1XL.Palbadri : pr.B.urace. Rebid. , sottn d , =blW . llo r e , stem Be - em an , ,r James Stattlei7. — ,,, , Isaias_ .20/Inky - - Simer,` irry outaulerassew L 01 .44 13. :: 141 3Zffle Eson.L.Linask., _ Jaz CLAW:rp. Pgr Walter P. Brareludir h 101 % , h , micro , -jam= nisec k — Obar 4021320. Maraildang WILDOIIII,III4, John Orb Jobe Heavy il= si Jobe .T. - Anlianat. Haven,, . AllastariderrTradiek. Peter R. Hanker: WILL= Itardlitel‘'' Msa Et Wm. Jame ta er—ekids. berererv—JJLlED3 RAI =MS. 1113 , EXCHANGE Nil OVAL BANK: Of Pittzl urgh, ; • c : Chanc~rd by the' etiritfil !Organized thider Stateof Pa., 1866.! $1,006,00046atir1 Law 1861 1 This Bata has betas daiggnaxed s or no United States Treasury; cod 6ppclnted agent for the sale of the 7-80 J O A N; Every facility will be Offelatt-tainTartalll armr ties purchasing for requila. H. M. figrELBAY, Cashier. %eels • PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittburgh. Capital Paid in 81400.000. with Prvii legs of SZOOO,OOO. saß HozureCOEFDIS FOIST AND WOOD Thin Bank, organized Hader the Rattans' Bank ing %atm ts now prafarea to transact tailness. at Its Banking House, earner of Wood and rim. streets. • Corlettlona made on all aseetaible pants on most favorable forma. ;13peafal Aguas for. JAY 000/Elf. for th e ails of 4 • Q. 8. 7 3-10 Treasury Notes. . F. DL GORDON", thakter. J. 0. Itler3=l3o2l ALiDT eßwEit3i PRACTICAL -PLUMBERS Gag and Sham Fitters, tmetzy, 185 WO1D: Pumps, EEPlttlit 9 :Sheet Leads • LEAD PEPE, Plk d()Alt OIL RLPIiIrE'ILIES Fitted Fi in the 110# Approved Tacki inti Tulrwrorava in gr. - F. R-4,11 Wan invxtrk4 attenasd ice:7 P' ,l •4Pc , rmtn447, Na. '167 P/TTSBURVAL P/L- Maznafactories and. z, Oil: tmetier; W 4724. C*AB ottp/i, Etnigat, ()L. iCakF P6e•iittli#Patireicnaiiitibi Sinks, Olosets, aad. Ltrua. GM LI eviALAct, Sete d;ea{i tar .7 : illqx.*4'.B4lollqaoC2.stettiVlftr; r'•-- Tjossfa ID-Are f ) &11*- ociim . Thinnergater cf au ~ ett genaters...Dr'3.4l. Dr.thauct.32.42,. 1444.3.2umea -- =.*Fgr.;RWAAP & co Fie- „ sute4iennettaitin ohs., no. 481 Li mmart ersErt. Ll=n=o DEPOSITARY ILUEUEi REA; PrelndWat; (OPPOSItE FIRST MMUn!m Coatincte 4,111 up. winsim
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers